#like make him become a fallen angel or sumn
mayhasopinions · 11 months
notice how it has always been Crowley making all the advances, grand gestures and sacrifices for Aziraphale. I'm fully expecting Aziraphale in season 3 to make the biggest fattest grand gesture of all grand gestures, the sacrifice of all sacrifices for Crowley. Make me cry, i don't care, the THEMATIC COHESION would just be AGHHHH
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un-beel-lievable · 4 years
Obey Me characters as Billie Eilish songs
Why did I do this. Idk some of them are great and some of them are okay (in terms of how well they fit the characters. Don’t come for me I was bored and this seemed like a good idea ten minutes ago. Also SPOILER WARNING.
Lucifer - “All The Good Girls Go To Hell”
I believe I am required by law to choose this song for him bc she legitimately sings his name in the lyrics lmao 
It’s kinda self explanatory in my book. She sings about the pearly gates being more like a picket fence, meaning they’re more like a prison.
Also the MV for the song is literally an angel falling out of the sky and becoming a demon so
Mammon- “Hostage”
This is a song about someone who wants to keep someone’s attention all for themselves. Sound familiar? They seem desperate to keep the person
I mean this is a more extreme case of that but you can see the yandere potential lmao
Plus she makes a lot of references to gold in the second verse and ya boy loves gold
Leviathan- “When I Was Older”
So this isn’t SUPER relevant to him as a character and I’ll be the first to admit that
BUT there are several lines speaking about water and the sea, something Leviathan (the actual creature and our boy) are connected to
Idk she says best of friends in the lyrics and I couldn’t help but think of all the times Levi’s referenced MC being his Henry a.k.a his best friend
Satan- “Come Out And Play” AND “Bury A Friend”
Okay so he has two bc I was having trouble deciding between soft and scary?
The way that I interpret the song Come Out And Play is someone who is coaxing someone else to come out of their shell and show their emotions which I feel is a big part of Satan’s character
But on the other hand you have Bury A Friend which I could see as Satan’s wrath and him questioning why MC isn’t afraid of him when he is literally SATAN
Asmodeus- “Bitches Broken Hearts”
So this was a bit more challenging (terms of finding a good song) bc Billie isn’t really known for having songs about being a hoe lmao
But this song has this sensual lo-fi sound that I really vibe with
And I kinda see the song from the perspective of Asmodeus who fell in love with someone (MC?) and had his heart broken? I mean you could probably make it vice versa but who knows I’m a moron moving on
Beelzebub- “Ilomilo”
I can’t express how much I love this song and especially how much I love this song for Beel specifically.
Now at face value this song may seem ill-fitting for him but she sings about not wanting to be lonely, and hoping someone she loves will come home and wanting to protect them
Idk it seems nice for him. Plus I think it’s kind of a funny juxtaposition how light and pretty the song sounds when Beel is such a LORGE
Belphegor- “Lovely” AND “Six Feet Under”
Okay so to me the main song of the two that works best is Lovely
Lovely has lines that say “I hope some day I’ll make it out of here” (and I’m connecting that to him being locked up duh) But it also talks about someone who is lonely and who’s heart has become cold
Six feet under isn’t THAT great for him but it’s like SUPER emo and I feel like it would be a good song for Belphie x MC or sumn idk
Lillith- “Listen Before I Go”
Look if you have ever even heard this song one time you should know why I picked it
It’s sung from the perspective of someone who is dying in someone else’s arms like,,, and saying she wants to be taken to the rooftop so she can see the world one last time
Super sad, super good 10/10 this was one of the easiest ones for me to do
Diavolo-”You Should See Me In A Crown”
Okay so i feel like I should preface that the undateables is where the crack jumped out. That is to say, I didn’t have as strong of an argument for why these songs should go with these characters
Anyway this song is a bit more on the obvious side. Diavolo is the prince and will one day become the king of the Devildom sooo check him in that crown u know what I’m sayin
Barbatos- “Goodbye”
Is it a cop out to give him a song that’s this short?? Idk I was having trouble with him, mostly because we don’t know much about him, unfortunately
But I gave this to him bc Goodbye is the last song on the album “When We All Fall Asleep Where Do We Go” and basically (in reverse order) goes back through and references all the songs on the album and idk that made me think time travel??? Who the hell knows at this point 
Solomon- “My Boy”
So I had the same issue with Solomon as Barbatos? But at least I was able to make a couple of connections lyrics-wise? 
She sings about how her boy is being shady and sus lmao that’s pretty much it. Give it a listen and see what you think 
Simeon- “Ocean Eyes”
So AGAIN, not much info on him. But what I DO know about him is that he is an angel with beautiful blue eyes lmao
So obviously she sings about ocean colored eyes but she also sings the line ‘I’ve never fallen from quite this high.’ and idk high up? Fall? Heaven? Just kill me
Luke- “Xanny”
This is one of her few songs that isn’t about relationships and it’s about condemning drug and alcohol abuse and how people at parties always smoke and drink and that is also 10000% something Luke is against so here ya go leave me alone
MC- “I Love You” AND “No Time To Die” AND “Everything I Wanted”
Okay so I was listening to Billie’s songs and SO many of them were good for MC (and it’s especially hard bc MC is a different character for everyone)
In the case of “I Love You”, the song is about someone who confessed their feelings to the singer and the singer seems to not feel the same way (or at least they wish they weren’t being confessed to in that moment) and I kept getting this vision of one of the brothers (that MC is NOT in love with) confessing. Or it’s because they love more than one brother and they don’t know what to do. That or it’s when they confess and she knows she has to leave the next day. She says “I love you, and I don’t want to” BIG sad
For “No Time To Die” I kept seeing it as MC when she saw herself killed by Belphie. I mean tbh the lyrics are perfect for that specific scenario (’was I stupid to love you? Was I reckless to help?’...’fool me once, fool me twice, are you death or paradise?’) but not really any other which is why I didn’t really want it to be the ONLY song MC had
“Everything I Wanted” has to be the least related of the three but this is my list damn it so here we go. She sings things like “Everybody wants something from me now and I don’t wanna let ‘em down.’ Eh, give it a listen and see if you can hear a connection
(So anyway this was a trainwreck of a post but it is an UNGODLY hour in the A.M. so just roll with me)
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hotseok · 5 years
tell us the theory! i like reading your theories they're always more interesting than whatever starhsip is doing
okay like its obviously a sin thing,,, apple = symbolism of like the very first sin whatever… so we’re going to adam & eve, the garden of eden (new teasers)
so i’m thinking, what if we are here is actually a prequel to shoot out? so they bite out of the apple and become sinners, each representing the deadly sins.
one - they’re in heaven or w/e.. they’re pure. represented by the all white, they’re like looking down on us mere mortals lmaoo– kind of like,, they think they’re above us? with them already thinking this, it makes temptation very easy.
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two - oh look at that, maybe temptation is easy after all. they get tempted into eating the apple, they each start to represent the seven sins. also note how wonho, kihyun and minhyuk are placed to the side of the dead, rotten flowers (probably mean they’re the worst of them all, or the first to be tempted) meanwhile shownu, jooheon and ck are placed by the alive, healthy and radiant flowers.. while hyungwon is kind of tethering between both sides. he’s by the rotten flowers but the light from the pure side is hitting him?
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three - they’ve bitten the damn apple, officially corrupted and are now fallen (angels???) the props around them represent this, the skull especially. like they’re big bad now they don’t give a fUCK anymore. BUT at the same time. the clocks behind them symbolise theyre running out of time. which leads us back to shoot out.
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shoot out depicts their sins, and at the end of shoot out. they’re walking the steps towards something but we don’t know what. what if shoot out is their time running out and they’re finally either going tf to hell or sumn. 
but anyway we still got one teaser left so the fuck do i know lmao
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