#like mmmmmmmmf
Sweet boy. - Harry Hook x reader - ficlet
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She/her* reader, no use of *you
Touch was one of Harry’s main love languages.
A graze of his fingers on the back of Uma’s hand. The clap on Gil’s back when he did something particularly smart or good. Holding CJ’s shoulders and shaking her about as he cackled, his little sister screaming obscenities at him with a matching grin. The push of his cheek on Harriet’s shoulder.
Touch was how Harry said ‘I love you’. On the isle-it was one of the only safe ways to say it. Uma did the same, mostly aimed towards Harry-her fingers through his hair, pinkies interlocking when they were close enough(or wrapped around his hook).
When they moved to Auradon-Harry became more open with his affection. His arms around Uma’s shoulders, holding her close as he laughed. Holding Gil’s hand when they walked. Carrying CJ on his back (usually from her demand but he never minded). Putting his full weight onto Harriet, his arms wrapped around her torso as she ignored him with a fond smile.
Harry never realized how badly he wanted to be touched like he did others, for someone to take that step before he did.
He found that in a friend he met in Auradon.
Harry smiled as he watched (y/n) move through the crowds of students, huffing as she attempted to push through a small pack of friends-all so closely knit together she had to stop and step aside to let them pass. “yall ain't the only ones in the hall ya know!” (y/n) yelled over the noise, barely audible with how loud everyone was. Harry laughed quietly, watching as (y/n) finally broke through the chaos and ran up to him, her arms spread wide as she yelled out his name-the two finally reunited after morning classes separated them.
“HARRY!” (y/n) slammed into his chest-her arms going around his torso and squeezing tightly, his arms doing the same-nuzzling his face into her hair. He loved her hugs, she liked to practically body slam him and squeeze him as tight as she could without hurting him-he didn’t mind, it gave him a sense of peace he never knew he could feel.
“(y/n)” Harry purred, feeling (y/n)’s hands pat his back a bunch of times before pulling back, his hands moving to her waist as she twisted around to look for Uma and Gil-but they were already in the cafeteria-getting a table for the group. “they’re already at lunch, c’mon-before all the good shits gone.” (y/n) cheered and took his hand, trailing behind him as he easily walked through the crowds.
When they finally sat down-(y/n) was already glued to his side, cheek on his shoulder and hand around his arm. She was always touching him somehow-just like he did. Be it Uma, Gil, his sisters, Ben, or Evie, hell even Jay-he always was touching them one way or the other, a hand on their shoulder, his shoulder against their back, his foot touching theirs, he always had to be touching them in one way or the other-unless they didn’t like being touched, like Mal.
Mal didn’t like to be touched unless she initiated it, and even then she was very….cat like. Harry loved it, he liked being touched, his hands held, his hair ruffled, being hugged, hell his new favorite thing was laying down and having Uma or (y/n) just-putting their full weight on them. Just absolutely crushing him.
He loved that.
He tilted his head into (y/n)’s as she curled her arms around his arm and turned, her cheek pressed against his shoulder as someone called her name-her laugh ringing through his ears as she squeezed his arm. Harry couldn’t help but smile, a feeling floating in his chest as he took a bite of his sandwich. A feeling he could only describe as; peace. He was content.
Idk-just kinda smoothing back into writing Harry. Again, the only multipart I’ll be writing will be cstf so-have a lil ficlet?
@queer-cosette @sephiralorange @lunanight2012
@daughter-of-the-stars11 @musicarose @rintheemolion
@random-thoughts-004 @anythingbutmar @dai-tsukki-desu
@imtryingthisout @remembered-license @thecaptainsgingersnap
@thetrueghostqueen @littlewierdalien
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psychotrenny · 7 months
Omg your post about making femboys into trans woman mmmmmmmmf🥵. I could of used this a couple months ago. I’m Pre HRT Transfemme now but it would’ve been so hot to be pumped full of E
Don't worry, girls can still get pumped full of estrogen. And that's still true even if they're already on HRT. Like if you're already such a good girl, what's wrong with a little further feminisation?
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i love how so many words just sound like the word or give off that word’s vibes. 
like ‘grumpy’ sounds like a grumpy word. secret sounds hidden. love feels whole and full. soft sounds gentle and tough sounds harsh and melody is its own song and its all so pretty, isnt it all so pretty? how can we have such wonder in the world? why must we shed tears of anything but joy, anything but awe? why have we tarnished this magnificent existence by scattering time and work and betrayal across it? why is it never enough?
why is it not enough to simply just be? 
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djarrex · 3 years
Bestie after that post of bulky thick armor.. You need to write about a clone f**cking reader with the armor on 😏
mmmmmmmmf yesssss :') A while back I'd posted a oneshot with Fives where all he did was take off his codpiece (Funny Seeing You Here) but like. you're right darling we need more of that so lemme get on that right away :"))))))) now who to pick...
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whenimaunicorn · 4 years
Thot I had while waiting to fall asleep for a nap: Rollo behind me, engulfing me with his body, very cozy snuggling. Takes an arm off me, I hear rustles, dick is suddenly out. Panties to the side and lazy sleepy sex ensues. Or, y'know, fall asleep with p in v. Though I feel like that would be more Ubbe than Rollo.
Mmmmmmmmf so dreamy 🤤
You got that cockwarming fetish (and so does Ubbe)
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