#like music or art or making weapons like bismuth!!!
villowstar · 4 months
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suf-lives-rent-free · 4 years
Everything below is just my opinion; I am in no way trying to say that how I feel about this is the one correct take or whatever.
I know a lot of people like this episode and what happens in it, but I don’t.  I totally understand that some people just don’t want to see any negativity, period, but negativity is not inherently bad or wrong.
Negative opinions, even about something you enjoy, can be valid too - regardless of whether you happen to agree with them or not.
Also I get very salty near the end of this, and that might be entertaining to people who stan this episode?
I am aware that a lot of people – the majority, I’m pretty sure – think that the episode is a masterpiece. And on some level, I see where they’re coming from with that assessment.
The episode is boarded beautifully, the backgrounds – especially during the training montage – are stunning as always.  The music is fantastic, and the performances are great too.  In these respects, Fragments is a stand-out episode; I agree.
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(Like look at this.  Gorgeous.)
However, something that’s bothered me since I saw the episode is the writers’ decision to write it into the story that Steven shatters Jasper.
Now, I know what you’re thinking: I just don’t get it.  I’m purposefully misinterpreting the story to say it’s bad.  Steven brings her back to life; and it’s not like he meant to do it in the first place.  I just don’t have the capacity to understand the sublime nature of the show’s storytelling.  I’m an SU crit and all I want to do is make the real fans feel about themselves for liking it.
Uhhhh... no.  Nah.  That ain’t it chief.
It’s true; I am not a writer.  I’m just a passive consumer of media.  However, I do not agree with the viewpoint that in order to properly understand or critique a thing you need to have the expertise and/or experience in order to make something similar.
For example, if I were to put something I drew when I was 10 years old next to something I drew yesterday, it shouldn’t take a person who has had an education in fine art to tell you that the latter drawing is better-looking than the former.
That’s how I approach media consumption and criticism; when I criticise a writing decision, I am doing so as a consumer.  I’m not saying I could write it better, or even that my opinion is objectively correct and the writer is wrong or bad.  I’m just saying that I didn’t like a thing.  Which, I would hope, is allowed?
Okay, defensive hedging over, back to the point; I don’t like that they had Steven shatter Jasper.
[I get markedly saltier from this point on, fyi]
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Full admission of bias here: one of the things I really cherish about the original show is how they wrote Steven’s character; he’s a boy with interests that don’t rigidly conform to gender stereotypes.  He likes ‘boyish’ things and ‘girly’ things, and that’s okay; thats just him.  In cartoons when I was growing up, characters like Steven would be the butt of jokes about being ‘girly’ or thinly-veiled homophobia.  I find him very relatable, and I want to acknowledge that yes, that is probably a significant part of why I have such an issue with this episode’s twist.
I am not trying to say that he’s a perfect baby angel or whatever; Steven regularly gets frustrated and angry. He does some pretty manipulative and dickish things to people around him (stop trying to make Larsadie happen, Steven. It’s not going to happen).  He is a flawed character who fucks up sometimes. And he’s not 100% peaceful either; he acts violently when he defends himself against corrupted Gems and Homeworld Gems (and Crystal Gems on occasion *cough*Bismuth*cough*).  
However, he has a pacifistic temperament; whenever it’s possible, he prefers that problems be solved without needless violence or hurt.  And I like that; in most media, it’s rare to have a male protagonist who wants to solve their problems without jumping straight to punching things.
When he accidentally frees Centipeedle, he convinces the Gems to step off and allow him to try and rehabilitate her peacefully; he even notices that the Gems’ weapons are a trigger for her, and make them put them away.  He frees Lapis against the Gems’ wishes because he recognizes that keeping her prisoner is wrong, and when she steals the ocean, he talks it out and heals her so she can leave Earth peacefully.
He tries to aid Jasper when she starts corrupting, fixes Eyeball’s gemstone when she’s cracked and tries talking Bismuth down when she attacks him with the breaking point.  In all of these situations, his words and help are ignored or rejected; he’s forced to resort to violence.  And it traumatises him.  
We get an entire episode dedicated to the fact that he’s been struggling with processing these awful things that happened.
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Even in Future, Steven shows hesitation about engaging in unncecessary violence; he gives into Jasper’s goading for a fight after what’s implied to be dozens of failed tries at making her come to Little Homeschool, and he spends an entire episode trying to keep Lapis from squashing the two rogue Lapis Lazulis. 
The only time he hops into a fight willingly is after Eyeball and Aquamarine hold Greg hostage, and even then they pose a clear threat to his and Greg’s safety and have made it clear that they want to hurt him emotionally and physically.  Even at that, he stops and switches tactics to talking them down as soon as they lose their focus and start bickering with each other.
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(I mean, he fails.  But it’s the thought that counts.)
I personally find it really jarring that the writers found it appropriate to write it into the series that this same character – over the course of three (3) days – goes from disliking mindless violence for mindless violence’s sake to happily engaging in the destruction of plants and animals* and has done a total 180 on his willingness to spar with Jasper, to the point that he instigates their rematch.
*(You best believe plenty of small mammals and birds – y’know, like the nest Steven saved in the first episode – died as he and Jasper felled tree after tree, not to mention all of those displaced by the destruction of their habitats, and the potential loss of food sources from some of those trees.)
You’re telling me that it’s a reasonable character beat for this boy to gleefully laugh like an anime supervillain at his sudden new-found joy in fighting, then pin Jasper in place, taunt her for helping him get so strong, and hit her so hard that she breaks into pieces and dies?
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You’re telling me that that’s an in-character thing for Steven Quartz Diamond Cutie-Pie DeMayo Universe do to another character?
(And yes I am purposefully dancing around talking about the mental health stuff because if I did that I’d have to go on a whole other tangent about Growing Pains and fuck I just don’t feel like it right now lmao)
Going back to Mindful Education, another big thing we see Steven struggle with is the idea that his mother shattered Pink Diamond.  This knowledge sits heavily with him; it makes him sympathetic to the Diamonds, even under the circumstances in which he sees them (escaping from the Human Zoo, and being on trial for said murder). 
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He sees their grief, and he feels awful.  He questions who Rose Quartz even was.  He knows, based on what Garnet said, that Rose had to do it; there was no other way to free Earth.  But he still feels awful seeing the pain that Pink’s loss has caused Blue and Yellow Diamond.
In Steven Universe, shattering is clearly equated with execution/death multiple times.  When Pearl and Garnet fret over the crack in Amethyst’s gemstone worsening.  When Blue Diamond threatens to break Ruby.  When Bismuth introduces the breaking point, and Steven recoils at the sight of what it does.  If you want to take the fact that Gem shards are sentient and desperate to become whole again into account, you could even argue that it’s a fate worse than death. This particular act of violence is treated very, very seriously.
When we find out that Rose shattered Pink Diamond, there is a season and a half long arc unpacking the implications and consequences of this one action, and how this knowledge forever alters Steven’s mental image of his mother.  And she didn’t even kill anyone.  It was a lie!
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In Steven Universe Future, Steven shatters Jasper 4 episodes before the end of the series.  And it’s only brought up twice; once for a big *gasp* moment during his breakdown in Everything’s Fine, and in I Am My Monster by Pearl, when she has to fill-in Bismuth, Lapis and Peridot.  Notably, it is never discussed around or by Jasper.  Y’know.  The person who actually died.
No indication of how (or even if) what Steven did is affecting his own self-image after his initial breakdown, how Jasper feels about what she went through beyond falling back into the Era 1 and 2 mindset.  No inkling of how the knowledge that Steven killed somebody has affected how anyone in his life thinks or feels about him; when Pearl brings it up in I Am My Monster, she seems to not even really believe it’s true.
If there are any consequences or talks about this incident, they’re skipped over between I Am My Monster and The Future, and we’re expected to assume that Steven and his therapist are dealing with it, I guess?
And yes.  It was an accident.  He did bring her back to life.  But it still happened.  If you hit someone over the head and they stop breathing, just because the paramedics are able to resusitate and stabilize them afterwards doesn’t mean you never hit them.
But here, it’s shoved aside because dwelling on it would take far too much time, and risks framing Steven in an unsympathetic way when he’s meant to be on the cusp of a breakdown.
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It just feels like careless writing to me.  They really, really wanted their big action scene with Steven and Jasper, but didn’t think (or maybe weren’t interested in thinking) about the seriousness or consequences of what Steven shattering someone would entail.
In my opinion, Steven shattering Jasper is one of the cheapest, laziest things they could have ever done with his character (and hers, for that matter).  To me, the entire thing feels entirely out of character.  It’s pure shock value; nothing more.
So yeah.  That particular writing decision just does not work for me.  And if you disagree... well that’s fine?  It’s fine.  We can agree to disagree?  I’ve read a lot of defense/praise for this episode, and honestly even after processing all of those opinions and all the time my thoughts about this plotline have been stewing in my brain, I still feel the same way.
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solavillain · 5 years
Pas de Deux Ch. 1: A New Visitor
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+pairing: Spinel x fem!Reader +genre: Drama, romance, angst +warnings: None (for now) +word count: 3.1K +Chapter 1 / ? next chapter
Read on AO3!
Summary: You love spending your summers in Beach City. You’ve come here since you were young, and have since befriended Steven and the Crystal Gems. You thought all Gem conflict had ended, and could finally spend a summer relaxing with your friends. However, your world flips upside down when a new Gem enters into the mix.
“Shit, I’m so fired!“
This is the only thought racing through your head as you bold down the boardwalk on the way to your café job. It’s not glamorous, or particularly well-paying, but you’d been coming to Beach City every summer since you were a child, and you weren’t about to stop that tradition now that you were in you final year of college. You figured out a way to stay in town and earn some pocket money, so you were good to go.
“Not if I get fired for being late again...” you groan internally and pick up the pace. Finally, you round a corner and bolt through the door, and behind the counter of the café, glancing at the time on the register.  
“20 minutes late, y/n...” your manager warns, giving you a side look as you head to the back of the store to get yourself collected. “How do you manage to be late when you live, like, 5 minutes away?” “It’s a talent?” You say, chuckling nervously before ducking to the back. At least it doesn’t seem like firing is on the table for today.
Once you’re up front and working, the day passes by like any other. You’d had an early shift, so when you break for lunch it’s right around 1 o’clock, a perfect time to sit outside and admire the beachfront view while sipping on your drink of choice. You glance down the boardwalk, past The Big Donut, to where Steven and the Crystal Gems live. You hadn’t really interacted with them much when you’d visited with your family as a child, but once you started coming over the summers by yourself, you’d slowly gotten to know them all.  
Steven had started off like a typical kid, but very quickly came to be a mature and thoughtful young adult, someone whom you looked up to. You didn’t know the full details of what had been happening out in space the past few years, but from what the Gems told you, he was doing amazing work. He was always so candid with his thoughts and feelings, and you found yourself wanting to spend time with him every summer you were working in Beach City.  
Garnet had intimidated you quite a bit at first; since you had mostly seen her around when the Gems were fighting something in town. But she seemed to come out of her shell as Steven got more involved in Gem goings-on, and every so often she stopped in the café with Steven and you found yourself at ease around her, content to talk about everything or nothing. She was a true leader.
Amethyst was your go-to for nights out, especially since Little Homeworld had popped up and more and more gems had begun moving in- Amethyst seemed to get along with all of them. You were a bit shy the first time she’d brought you over, especially since she already seemed pretty close with some of them. You had met Lapis, Bismuth and Peridot a couple times, but they hadn’t really left the countryside until Little Homeworld, and they’d been so busy building the past two summers you’d been in Beach City that you hadn’t gotten the chance to know them as well as you’d liked.  But Amethyst had promised to change that soon, since construction was almost done and she’d have time for hanging out again. You were really looking forward to that.
Pearl was, arguably, the gem you were closest to. You had a lot in common- a love of music and the arts, a very strong need to be clean and organized, and you were both rather emotionally open with each other, which was nice and refreshing. Even if there was a bit of a disconnect, with her being less familiar with human affairs, she was still your favorite person to see whenever you went over to the Temple. She had even agreed to start training you in self-defense this summer, just for fun- she knew you probably wouldn’t need it against any gem threats, but you thought it might be useful for human matters, at least.  
You smiled warmly down the boardwalk, as a peculiar sight pulled you from your reminiscing- Steven emerging from a newly pink Lars’ head. You sat up straight and leaned forward, trying to get a better look. You hadn’t seen Steven in a very long time, as he’d been traveling the universe with the diamonds, as Pearl had told you when you arrived this summer and found him gone.   Garnet had arrived at the shop a few minutes earlier, and she pulled out a chair for Steven at the table of gems. You smiled warmly at the group, wishing you could go over and join them. But just as you thought that, the 2-minute warning you’d set on your phone went off, signaling that it was almost the end of your break time.
You sighed and stood up slowly, taking one last glance at the group by the Big Donut, where Steven was heading to the newly installed warp that connected Beach City to Little Homeworld. You hoped you could meet up with him later and catch up on all that had been going on the past couple years.  
The rest of your shift passed by without much happening. You saw a couple new gems walk by outside the shop, but they didn’t come in, reminding you that not all gems ate everything in sight like Amethyst. You smiled to yourself at the thought, and glanced at the clock, eager to get off work and go visit everyone.  
Finally, it was time to go, clocking out once your replacement mid-day shift arrived. You said a quick goodbye to your coworkers and gathered your things, walking out the door into the hot sun. You took a deep breath of the salty sea air, and smiled to yourself. Finally it was time to go catch up with everyone. You had seen them all rush down the boardwalk towards the temple a little while ago, from your position in the café, so you turned left and began to head over.
As you approached the beach, you glanced up towards the lighthouse, and a smile broke out on your face. Laying on the hill were your four favorite people- Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl, and Steven, and they all looked totally contented and relaxed. You started the trek up the rather large hill, but suddenly the sky darkened.  
All four of the Gems suddenly sat up, and from what little you could see of their facial expressions from this far away, they did not look relaxed any longer. In fact, they were all looking towards the sky...
Glancing up, your stomach dropped and you scrambled back towards the base of Lighthouse Park, trying to put some distance between you and the very, very large object that was currently descending from the clouds. You knew that, at the very least, it couldn’t be any of the Diamonds Pearl had told you about- Steven had been helping them, teaching them to be good...there was no way they would attack the Earth now, especially after all he’s done. So who...?
As the giant object neared the ground, a drill head emerged from the bottom of it, and with a thunderous boom, it inserted into the hill, right in front of your eyes. You stood in shock for a moment, until you realized you couldn’t see where Steven and the Gems were anymore.
“Oh my god. What if...?”
You shook your head, willing away the burning sensation beginning in your eyes. “No,” you thought, “they’re fine. I’ll just...”
You glanced anxiously back towards Beach City, torn between wanting to get somewhere safe, and wanting to make sure your friends were okay. You turned back towards the hill and the giant injector, and started making your way up the hill, mentally preparing yourself to help in any way possible.
“This damn hill is a lot steeper than I remember it being,” you think, as you push even faster, racing to try to get to them in time. Not that you even know what’s going on- you can’t hear or see anything, which worries you more than if you had heard fighting sounds.
Finally, you reach the injector, and you make your way around it. Just in time to see a menacing, stretchy pink Gem poof Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl.
You gasp quietly, still unsure if you should get involved. You know Steven is just as strong, if not stronger, than a lot of the Gems you’ve met. And you’re full human, you can’t poof and come back...you decide to wait until you’re sure Steven needs your help.
“That’s enough!” You hear him cry as he pulls his shield from his gem.  
“Aw, miss your friends already, Steven?” A sickly sweet voice asks, prompting you to come out from behind cover to glance once again at the pink Gem.
“Well, don’t worry- you're right behind ‘em!”
She leaps forward, spinning towards Steven in an acrobatic display, the scythe-like weapon in her hand glowing menacingly. The weapon breaks through Steven’s shield and passes through him- he shudders and trembles, but you can see that he’s ultimately fine.  
“Hah! That was nothing!” He says triumphantly. You relax a little- he's half human, gem weapons don’t really effect him. He could handle this on his own.
The other Gem chuckles menacingly, “Then I guess you won’t mind if I do it again!” She slices through him, laughing a high pitched maniacal laugh all the while. Though you know Steven is usually safe from...what was it they had called them? Gem destabilizers? You knew he was safe from those, but still...it couldn’t feel pleasant.   “Cut it out!” Steven cried out, finally seeing a break in the attacks, and grabbed the scythe.  
The pink Gem narrowed her eyes, “You don’t poof, do you? Hmm. Figured as much. Just wait! Your human half won’t stand a chance against my injector...not after what I just did to your gem!”
With that, your eyes widened. Was she going to do something to him right now? What happened to Steven’s gem? You couldn’t just stand by and watch her hurt Steven.
“Hey!” You called out, trying to mask the wariness in your voice. “Get away from him!”  
You stepped out from behind the injector, tried to remember every bit of training Pearl had given you thus far, and began to make your way over to them.
“Y/n, don’t!” Steven cried out, still struggling with his hold on the other gems’ weapon. “Well now, who is this, Steven? You didn’t introduce me to your little...ah, a human friend!” She grinned at you, her eyes going wide and bright pink. “Sadly, you’ll have to wait a little while to reap the benefits of my lovely new toys. This ol’ thing here won’t do much to ya...but that will.”   She gazed up at the giant pink injector that you had just walked out from. You had no idea what it did, but you really didn’t like what she was insinuating.  
With her focus momentarily elsewhere, Steven saw an opening and wrenched the scythe away from the invading gem.   “Just...stop!” He yelled, and passed the weapon through her. She cackled manically, one half her body sliding down the other almost grotesquely- even though you knew she was only projected light, the sight still made your stomach turn. Finally, she poofed, and with a soft thud, fell to the ground.
“Ugh...” Steven groaned, falling to his knees. “Guess I should bubble her...” He tried to form his pink bubble, and failed. You furrowed your brows- you had never seen his powers do that in recent years, he’d had very good control over them for a while now. He tried once more and couldn’t even get anything to form this time.   “What...?” he whispered softly, staring at his hands, and then looked over to the scythe. “Y/n, whatever that is...I think it did something to my gem. That’s not a gem destabilizer, it’s...something else.”  
You put a comforting hand on his back, and held out the other to help him stand.   “No use worrying about it now... let’s just get everyone back to a safe area, and we can figure everything out when they all...come back. Maybe we could call Greg?” “Yeah, that sounds like a good plan. Let’s go back to my house,” he said softly, standing up and heading back down the hill.  
You threw a passing glance at the injector, tilting your head back to see the very top of it. It was full with bright pink...stuff. Whatever that was, it wasn’t gonna be good.
Back at Steven’s house, you stood in the kitchen, watching Steven silently fret over his friends poofed gems. You could tell he was extremely worried, and wanted to give him some space. He was looking more and more anxious by the minute. Maybe you should say something... “Steven, I-” “Steven!”   Just then, Greg burst through the door, and both you and Steven visibly relaxed. You may be older than Steven, but this Gem stuff is still fairly new to you, and Greg has been dealing with it for years. He would at least be able to comfort Steven more than you could.  
“I came as fast as I could. Are you guys ok?” He asked, glancing between you and Steven. If he was surprised to see you there, his expression didn’t show it.
Greg notices the Gems lying on the table, and his eyes widen. “Holy sh...she really got everybody! Is that her?”   His gaze landed on the pink heart-shaped gem. You walked over to get a better look, now that the atmosphere was a bit less tense. The gem itself really was quite striking- multi faceted, very shiny, and very pink.  
“Yeah,” Steven answered his father.
“No idea.”
“No idea!” Steven sighed and sunk into the couch. You moved to sit next to him silently, wanting to offer your support, but not wanting to interject too much. “How?” Greg asked, seemingly too restricted by shock to ask more than one-worded questions.
“She hit all of us with this,” Steven answered, pulling the retracted scythe from his pocket.  
“Hey, I mean...at least it only poofed them, right?” You chimed in, giving them both a halfhearted smile.
Steven shook his head. “I don’t know. I don’t know if that’s all it did to them... It did something extra weird to me, my powers aren’t working right. Look at this!” He tries to summon his shield, and it blinks in and out a few times, before vanishing completely.
You furrow your brow, the pit of your stomach dropping. That’s definitely different. If it did that to Steven, what could it have done to the Gems...? Steven puts the weapon away, and puts his head in his hands. “I just have no idea what’s going on!”  
“Well son...now you know how I feel almost all the time.” You stifle a giggle- you can totally relate, and while it was an amusing comment...it makes you wonder if you might be truly in over your head here.
“Hey, guys...” You start to say, and clasp your hands in your lap, avoiding their gaze. “I’m sorry if I’m making things harder or weirder by being here. I know there’s not a whole lot I can do with what limited training I have, especially not if she reforms and tries to attack us again...” You trail off, chancing a look at Steven and Greg.  
“No, I want you here!” Steven exclaims, startling both you and Greg. “Honestly, without you I don’t know if I would have been able to get the scythe away from her. Even if it was on accident, you arrived at just the right time and distracted her for me. And you’re better at fighting than you give yourself credit for!”
“Hah...thanks, Steven,” you say, letting out a sigh. As long as he wanted you here and you weren’t getting in the way, you would stay to support your friends.  
The relaxed atmosphere didn’t last long. Surprisingly, Pearl- who, you had been told in the past, was often the last one to reform after being poofed- was the first Gem to begin glowing and floating in the air.
“Ah, good ol’ Pearl! She’ll know what to do!” Greg exclaimed, looking relieved. You were relieved as well; Pearl was your rock when things got tough in your personal life, and she always kept a level head during a crisis, for the most part. Once the other Crystal Gems reformed, they would be able to fight off the invading Gem easily. You smiled up at Pearl’s glowing Gem, waiting for her to reemerge.  
Instead, the sight that greeted you was rather...different. Instead of a glowing outline of Pearl, taking form to her normal self, a holographic oyster shone around the gem and began to speak.
“Please, identify yourself.”
“Um...Greg Universe?”
You glanced warily between Pearl and the Universes. As far as you knew, this had never happened before.   “What’s going on?” You whispered to Steven, gazing back up at Pearl’s gem.
“I’m not sure,” he murmurs, “this...isn’t normal at all.”   You gave him a sympathetic look, as Pearl continued speaking. “Greetings, Um-Greg Universe! Please state preferred customization options.”
Greg blanches, and looks to you and Steven for help. “Uh, what am I supposed to say here?”
“I don’t know,” Steven exclaims.   “This is so weird,” you mutter, still staring at the floating holo-oyster.
“Default settings selected,” the gem says, “please stand by.”  
All three of you go wide-eyed as the gem flies to the middle of the room, and finally, Pearl emerges. Except...she looks different. Well, you knew they often changed their forms after being poofed, so maybe she just wanted to try something new. Though, you had never really known her to be the puffy sleeves and skirt type...
“Pearl!” Steven exclaims, ecstatic to have his friend back. “Pearl, thank goodness you’re back!”
But Pearl says nothing to Steven, seemingly not even noticing him, or you for that matter. She only has eyes for...
“How do you do? My Um-Greg Universe? Thank you for bringing me into the world.” Pearl takes Greg’s hand, and gazes up at him with what could only be described as devotion. She kneels in front of him and continues, “I am at your eternal service! Welcome to your new Pearl.”
You look over at Steven, who is staring at Pearl and his father in shock.  
“Well,” you think, “this is certainly going to be interesting.”  
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blueswapuniverse · 7 years
Here is the frequently asked questions master post! It’s long over due and we’ll direct you to this post whenever there’s an already answered question. We will be adding more questions and answer if necessary.
Q: How is this an Au?
A: Greg did not stay in Beach City like in canon. He was popular, but not famous. Mainly Asian countries enjoyed his music, leading to a tour of Asia. He just happened to be in Korea when Blue had come on a trip to mourn.
 Q: Why do the comics not make sense on their own?
A: They and the fic are meant to be companion pieces.
 Q: Will X canon gem Appear? (Ex. Jasper, Peridot, Bismuth, and etc)
A: Yes, most likely
 Q: Can I draw fan art?
 Q: May I write things related to this AU?
A: Yes, you just have to tell us beforehand.
 Q: Is Faded Blue related to your AU? Is it “official?”
A: Faded Blue is a great fic. The only thing they share is the name of the AU.
 Q: Where is Fic posted?
A: Currently AO3 and Fanfiction
 Q: Where the comics posted?
A: Tumblr, Deviantart, or (compiled version) webtoon (coming soon)?
 Q: is pink diamond still dead?
A: yes. That's why Blue came to mourn on Earth.
 Q: what's up with the diamonds? Do they know Blue is dead?
A: no, and her court continues as normal without her. The diamonds think she's just moping secretly.
 Q: when is chapter ? coming out?
A: We update every week but if there are any delays we’ll be announcing it.
 Q: what happened to blue diamonds giant arm ship?
A: Buried.
 Q: was Blue Pearl in love with Blue Diamond like crystal gem Pearl was with Rose?
A: Pearl didn’t love Blue Diamond the way Pearl love Rose. Blue Pearl had undying respect and loyalty towards Blue. She was treated fairly unlike most Pearl.
 Q: So in this au is does Steven see the other diamonds?
A: Eventually.
 Q: Original edit?
A: https://blueswapuniverse.tumblr.com/post/159960334663/cnv99-cnv99-momswap-au-blue-diamond
 Q: Where is Comic 1?
A: https://blueswapuniverse.tumblr.com/post/160101586213/first-page-of-the-blue-steven-au-comic-weve
 Q: Where is Comic 2?
A: https://blueswapuniverse.tumblr.com/post/161465902738/steven-and-pearl-meet-garnet-in-the-second?is_highlighted_post=1
 Q: Is Blue Diamond still big?
A: Yes, she used this mysterious power that gems have called shapeshifting.
A: Shapeshifting.
 Q: Steven’s weapon?
A: https://blueswapuniverse.tumblr.com/post/160496306988/weapon-design-for-steven-diamond-universe
 Q: Pearl’s weapon?
A: https://blueswapuniverse.tumblr.com/post/160351128418/weapon-design-of-the-blueswap-pearl-to-give-you-a
 Q: Fanfiction?
A: https://m.fanfiction.net/s/12508411/1/
 Hope this helps! :)
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plushyontheweb · 7 years
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rp's now open~! http://rembourrage.deviantart.com/art/gemsona-catseye-rp-s-open-695193780 )) Name:
cat. however his adoptive daughter always calls him catseye or dad
he does have a human name to fit in more with the population since there is no reason to embrace his gem abilities. cylander
lost count after the rebellion ended
gem? latino coded
homeworld, generation 1 gem.
twin claws. made for ripping and cutting the physical form of other gems and beings as quickly as possible. a weapon fit for an assassin.
Gender Pronoun:
Sexual Orientation:
Romantic Orientation:
panromanic?? im guessing thats how it works
green with light green highlights, uncut, long and messy
dark green, round, has only one eye since the other is a gem
green, does have a facet/cut number tattooed on his shoulder
a rock
thin/bulky build. arms are tougher and frame is kinda bulky to take hits.
Gem type:
Gem Placement:
eye, likes to keep it covered with an eyepatch or with hair.
Gemstone Colour:
Gemstone Cut:
Gemstone Clarity:
solid and dense
Gem Carat:
as big as an eye.
Gem Detail:
is always shiny to give that catseye look.
stoic, intimidating, threatening, one of those peeps who just look like they could kick your ass
like his appearance, he is cold, threatening and rough, but thats only the skin. inside he is soft tender and cares ALOT for his partner and adoptive daughter and his friends. however even to friends he still might act like an ass but in a friendly sort of way. however in his core..he is afraid, he wants to prove he isnt just another catseye..that he isnt the blood thirsty manic he was made to be.. that he is more than a gem to the eyes of other gems and humans.
can shapeshift but barely uses it, tremendous strength and density, cant break or crack easily, improved perception and intuition, increased stealth, and can generate static to improve his own overall speed and strength.
fire agate: turns into Scapolite. but despite being great best friends, their fusion isnt very stable since both have different views and different ways to do things. but to protect rach..they will fuse and become the mighty scapolite~!
very fluent in multiple human languages, has adapted very well to human social environments since he enjoys their company mroe than other gems, knows alot of hand to hand combat skills, very stealthy, knows alot of useless trivia ((he may or may not use said trivia as a badass oneliner when he defeats a corrupted gem or a member of black diamonds court.))
Unique Abilities:
unlike other catseyes, he strives to get stronger and loves to fight stronger opponents to prove his worth. is very prideful in himself and very caring due to human intervention. unlike other cateyes who are very emotionless and stoic.
Additional Tools:
is very prepared as an assassin, that paranoia never left him. however he did adopted one human weapon :U a gun provided by the government.
Affiliation(s):   on and off crystal gem, works for the government
he and fire agate work for the government, not for pay..at first, but after he adopted racheal he startd to ask for pay.
likes to cook, it gives him superiority over something pfff.
warrior gem
his own team of fire gate (and soon sunstone), the government, the crystal gems.
chaotic neutral
fire agate, racheal, ((this list will expand with each rp))
homeworld, some of the crystal gems such as bismuth, the remainder of black diamonds court
the remaining crystal gems, the government
fire agate: companion ship, best friendship, someone he can count on to have his back. him and fire agate go way back, ever since they both were homeworld gems. they first met when both were assigned to a mission to assassinate high ranking crystal gems by their diamonds.
racheal: adopted her when she was 14; after she sneaked out and followed them to one of their adventures. after said adventure catseye adopted her and soon formed a father daughter bond with her.
sunstone: gems made on the same hour..sibilings..once friends but always find each other on opposite sides. sunstone was in the crystal gems while catseye was a homeworld gem. both switching places.
"SCREW OFF!", "every word you just said made me viOLENTLY ANGRY (to fire agate)", "i am racheals parental guardian! her safety is above the safety of YOU CRYSTAL GEMS! LEAVE US OUT OF YOUR WAR"
friends, family, some aspects of human cultures, cooking, fire agates antics, eating, earth dogs
list very very long
Music Theme:
Voice Actor:
idk yet
Fighting Style:
dirty, as an assassin he will exploit every opening in a fight.
Fusion Dance Style/Form:
Fusion Theme:
idk yet pff
originally an assassin for homeworld along with fire agate, cats and agate defected after befriending a human. make no mistake however; it wasnt until rose quarts defeated him in battle that he truly stopped helping homeworld by attacking, cracking and corrupting black diamond (but to be fair black diamond was declaired a traitor by the rest of the diamonds cause he was trying to make another diamond.)). instead, fighting and breaking multiple homeworld gem to train himself since they had more superior weapons and solders. ultimately he and fire agate were left on the moon during to some unforeseen events. as a result they survived the diamonds super weapon. but unforunately for catseye, he will never get his rematch against rose quarts again. unlike other gems he made a note on humanity and how they worked, and is fully convinced that steven is not rose quarts, despite never meeting the boy. he and fire agate live a few states away from beach city, since the duo wanted to be as far away from the place as possible. found work for the government once they arrived in the capital of the country ((they have a keen interest in gems)).
can cook
hates homeworld gems
will beat u up if u threaten his fam.
can and will kill a human. he believes, like gems; there are bad humans.
Character and Design Concept:
he's a healing gem, which is laughable cause he hurts mroe than heal
Steven universe belongs to Cartoon Network and Rebecca sugar
Catseye belongs to me
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scribblerreviews · 7 years
Review - Steven Universe: Bismuth
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In the few instances of Steven and Co. watching Lonely Blade, I think that I’d like to watch the show too, shoddy dubbing and all. In the episodes that the Crew have inserted moments of Lonely Blade, there is usually either an important moment of the episode foreshadowed or a theme alluded to, as with many intertextual references. Lonely Blade gains a demon blade infused with a (presumable) evil soul and receives infinite power, with glowing sword and eyes to boot. Steven says he shouldn’t take the demon blade, and another character says if it gives him power, he should take it. She ignores or does not understand the consequences to Lonely Blade’s actions by choosing to only focus on power only; with that might, he may destroy others, but also himself in the process. Will he be pushed too far? Episode spoilers for the sake of analysis.
For the 100-episode special, the crew have paired two boarding teams to create a special 22-minute episode. Steven Universe’s usual 11-minute time works well for its individual episodic stories, where episodes will usually focus on one event without excess flab, which also lets the writers create larger sub-plots and arcs with specific focus points in those episodes. Some episodes are doubled up, but even those episodes, like the Season 1 finale, remain separated by a main idea or event. This episode is longer, not separated, and explores one core moral/philosophical quandary with the appearance of Bismuth, the Gem hidden away in Lion’s mane.
Bismuth’s gem has been a source of speculation since its first appearance in “Lion 3: Straight to Video”, in the first season. Obviously, Sugar’s plans run deep, with Peridot as she appears now as part of the Crystal Gems sketched out sometime in 2014, if I am remembering correctly. It was easy to see that is was a bismuth gem, but the question of why she was in Lion’s mane remained unanswered until this episode.
When Steven accidentally pops her bubble in Lion’s mane, he brings her out, which surprises Garnet and Pearl, who know Bismuth as a Crystal Gem of the Rebellion. Bismuth, voiced by Uzo Aduba of Orange is the New Black fame, comes out of the mane with energy, gusto, and battle-born humour—“We’re building bases out of wood?” she asks while ripping a floorboard off. The crew establish her history with Garnet and Pearl, as well as many other Crystal Gems gone since the Rebellion’s end, and together they reminisce about their war stories as Crystal Gems against the Homeworld “Elite” and “Upper Crusts”. After Garnet and Pearl show her the state of their battlefields, she takes them all to her forge, to show her skills in making weapons. Homeworld built her to make their structures, but Rose made her follow her own path, leading to her outfitting the Crystal Gems with material weapons and armour. After spending some time exercising as the Crystal Gems used to, and as Steven does now, the episode moves to focus on Bismuth talking with Steven about Rose, his differences to her, the Rebellion, and her new work, all leading up to the breaking point.
This episode reminded me of Avatar: The Last Airbender’s skill at tackling difficult subjects, where the show would slow its plot for the sake of exploring viewpoints, ideas, and moral codes. In this area, “Bismuth” succeeds, taking a serious tone to explore the Gem Rebellion and different ideas of how the Rebellion should fight against Homeworld. The real big spoilers start here. Bismuth and Steven interact solo from about the 13-minute mark. She shows him to the underbelly of the forge, where the episode shifts into a battle of wills, of individuals whose ideas clash because of their moral principles. Bismuth hates the caste system of the Gems and the Diamonds lording over, fighting in the Rebellion to bring that system down. She respects Rose as a Quartz solider who stepped out of that but resents her because she did not want to shatter her enemies. The show does a good job of having those values embodied in her shield and her sword, which was designed by Bismuth to cut through the projected bodies, not break Gems. Bismuth’s new weapon, the Breaking Point, is designed to shatter a Gem entirely, while Rose would poof and bubble with her sword. Bismuth placed Rose on a pedestal, as someone who liberated Gems from Homeworld’s oppressive caste-based system, but she felt betrayed when Rose would treat her enemies with kindness. She wanted to use the Breaking Point, to win one for the Crystal Gems, justifying the killing for “their cause”. And Rose said no; what happened after is unknown.
This second half of the episode is effective because it takes a character type we haven’t see much of—the battle hardened solider who hates Homeworld—against Steven who has inherited Rose’s position and carries much of her kindness. He wants to protect his friends and save everyone, and his pacifistic nature is something he strives to keep in fighting but not killing, similar again to Aang from Avatar: The Last Airbender. Both will fight and protect, but they value life too much to kill senselessly. His kindness and good-nature has carried the show, and he’ll fight for his friends, but his goal is to help and the show continues to develop his values, not exactly naïve but still optimistic.
Bismuth is not like Garnet, who fights for her freedom to stay as herself, or Pearl, who fights because of her adoration for Rose. Bismuth is not wrong to hate Homeworld but she and Steven clash on how the Crystal Gems should operate and fight against Homeworld. In a different series, we might have seen someone like Bismuth rise and destroy that system, only to have to deal with what comes next. The dialogue of the scene works well by not painting either as right or wrong. They both have valid points for their own ways, so this episode is not showing Steven vs an evil Gem, but Steven clashing with someone who believes that the Crystal Gems need to change their non-lethal ways. This serious, smart dialogue, paired with a tense fight, works well in terms of the writing, but also the art direction. The fight is effective as well not because it is full of fast-action, but because the stakes are high as both have something to prove. The steaming floor, Bismuth’s expressions, and the close framing create a fight that’s not like the monstrous clash of the Season’s opening, but something personal and for Steven, scary.
Having two pairs of boarding artist, Liu, Howard, Abrams, and Mitroff, means that there’s a slightly wider variety of styles, but they blend together well. However, there’s a far more focused direction in the conversation of the Breaking Point and the fight afterwards, with detailed close-ups, great angles and expressions, and good colour use of the whole scene. It feels tightly boarded and is clearly the focus point of the episode, and serves to make the conversation not just interesting on the writing level, but also visually catching. aivi & surasshu also put a lot of work into this episode, with Bismuth’s theme, as well as the music for the second half of the episode. The music is darker, moody, and fits with the tone of the battle.
Definitely a contender for one of the best episodes of Season 3, “Bismuth” boasts strong writing throughout for the episode’s story and for the characters, fitting music, and is visually great as well. It paces itself well by introducing Bismuth, taking its time to set up her relationships and show interactions with the Gems, before moving onto the confrontation between Steven and Bismuth. She presents Steven with a challenging situation, someone who is essentially on his side but has a radically different methodology that he must confront. What we get with “Bismuth” is the show working through the difficulties of the battles of the Crystal Gems, as well Steven’s relationship with Rose and her legacy. What else did she hide from the others, why did she, and who really was Rose? Will Steven have to pay for her actions?
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A Compendium of Metals
Credit to Goldenblood, Dulgrun, and Yatanokogami
In all my years of Adventuring, smithing, and wandering the worlds, the magnificence of metals in Azeroth, Outland and Draenor never cease to amaze me, and I hope the information I have gathered here in this small compendium will help those who are in need of the knowledge. -Ashton Ironblood
Azerothian, Outlandish and Draenor Metals.
Azerothian Metals Pre-Cataclysm, or “Second Sundering”
Copper: An extremely common metal used on all continents for its high conductivity of electricity and heat, it is not an extremely strong metal, and is a poor material for weaponry and armor, but this only saves to make it cheaper and more widespread for Engineers, it is considered one of the first metals to be discovered.
Tin: Often used for creating the alloy Bronze in combination with Copper, Tin nonetheless plays a heavy hand in the training of beginner smiths, black or silver, and is required for the creation of Pewter. Due to how often they were used together, and the creation of Bronze, Tin and Copper are often considered the “Brother and Sister” of metals.
Pewter: An extremely malleable alloy that is comprised almost entirely of tin, with copper, antimony or bismuth added to increase its hardness. Pewter is commonly used for eating utensils and plates, and has deep historical significance to the dwarves of the Wetlands, as the Wetlands produce nearly all of the pewter used by the Ironforge Crafting Guilds, and is used in the Ironblood Thane’s Crown and Signet Ring.
Brass: an alloy of copper and zinc, Brass is well-known for its acoustic properties and its ability to cause loud reverberations across long distances, which is why it is commonly used for musical instruments. However, with the recent uncovering of Pandaria and the Mantid’s use of vibrational and harmonic technology, the usefulness of Brass as an engineering and weaponry component is coming back into question.
Bronze: An alloy composed of Copper and other metals (Almost always tin), Bronze is a staple in the history of Azeroth’s younger, Titanic races. While its strength is less than properly forged Iron, it is more pliable, and its use was extremely widespread hundreds of years ago by the human tribes before their coalition together under the Stromic Banner. Its usefulness has been phased out to the weaponry and armor of “lesser races”, such as gnolls and murlocs, but it will forever hold a place of cultural significance to those who remember days before the Troll Wars.
Silver: Considered by many to be a mostly-ornamental metal, used to display wealth and symbolizing longevity. Silver can nonetheless be mixed with certain key metals to enhance its innate magically-sensitive nature, as well as being used as currency accepted nearly everywhere (Even goblins accept silver, begrudgingly).
Iron: The staple metal of Azeroth, it comes in many extreme forms and qualities and quantities. Mined and consumed in massive quantities every day, this metal found its first major usage by the Titans, who created Iron and Steel constructs, temples and Golems at the apex of their work upon Azeroth. This metal, when properly forged, is strong and stable, and has been the point of interest in many epic sagas, poems, and dwarven liturgies. Not all Iron is created equal, and comes in forms ranging from borderline useless, such as in the Badlands, to the stuff of legends, such as in Dun Morogh.
Steel: An alloy of Iron and Carbon, Steel has found its most major usage in its usefulness in weaponry and armor, being the “Tried and True” metal of warfare, it is just as varied in terms of its strength and quality as Iron is, but the quality is more dependent upon the correct smelting of the alloy rather than where it comes from (But Ancestor’s help you if you have to fight someone who has a Warhammer made of Iron from Dun Morogh and Smelted in the Great Forge).
Gold: “The King’s Metal”, famed everywhere for its commercial value in making things pretty and half-handedly known for its usefulness in transmutation. As for its usefulness, if someone compares an item to “A sword of gold”, that means it’s completely and totally useless. Don’t use Gold for weapons and armor, just don’t.
Mithril: “The magician’s metal”, Mithril is revered by craftsman of all trades for its extremely magical properties and light weight. While it is not as easy to work with, and is slightly less brittle than steel or steel-substitutes, those who have the time and patience to work with this beautiful metal are rewarded with works of art that can double as efficient and magical tools.
Truesilver: “The Archmage’s Metal” Rarer than Mithril or Silver, Truesilver combines the best perks of both metals, creating a metalloid that seems to have otherworldly, almost divine properties. These properties have been so over exaggerated, in fact, that it is believed that Truesilver is the bane of all worgen, and searing a worgen bite with a heated truesilver dagger can prevent the Curse from taking hold, as is expected, nobody has tried to prove this theory true or false.
Thorium: One of the strongest naturally-forming metals on Azeroth, Thorium is renowned worldwide for its weight and it’s resistance to heat. While this makes it extremely difficult to forge and rather unwieldy for those who are not accustomed to its weight, when properly mastered, Thorium weapons can have the grace of a glaive, with the crushing power of a Warhammer, and fire mages hate shields made of the stuff.
Dark Iron: “The Lifeblood of Blackrock Mountain”, Dark Iron, named after the Dark Iron Clan (Or the other way around, the records really aren’t clear) is the –most- fire-retardant, fire-resistant metal that forms naturally on Azeroth. It’s so resistant to heat, in fact, that only the Black Forge near the heart of the Molten Core, where Ragnaros once laid his fiery head, can properly smelt the metal into a useable form, and it is customary that weapons and armor made of Dark Iron only be forged upon the Black Anvil, and a great deal of ore is lost as slag, making the process long-winded and very expensive, but for those who have the time and patience, legends tell that one Mountain King in Dark Iron Armor can defeat a dozen fire mages at once and not even singe his beard.
Arcanite: “The Alchemist’s First Metal”, Arcanite is a strange creature, as it is the creation of arcane crystals and Thorium combined to create something completely alien to their reagents. Arcanite is a strong, heavy metal that is rumored to hold the sharpest edge in all of Azeroth, and is also magically attuned, allowing for enchantments and inscribing with Truesilver. There was controversy over the safety of using Arcanite for a period of time after demons in the Blasted Lands were found to use the metal, bringing up conversations of Arcane and Fel corruption. These questions and concerns were quickly silenced by the mining operations in Silithis, where “Natural” deposits of Arcanite were found underneath dead silithid hives, covered in a strange resin that acted as a catalyst for the reaction. Even to this day, one is more likely to find arcane crystals and Thorium together in hive clusters such as these.
Elementium: A Pseudo-Azerothian Metal that resides within the elemental plane, no metal reacts as readily or as violently to the natural forces of Azeroth more. This metal is unnaturally strong, unnaturally resistant, and STUPIDLY hard to work with without causing a forge-wide explosion from the magical catalytic reaction. Only the most experienced of smiths should even consider working with Elementium, and though weapons made of Elementium are powerful beyond recompense, they are also dangerous beyond recompense, and one must always keep wary that the elements do not take kindly to being warped for mortal’s uses.
Lightforge Iron: A strange and divine material that is both rare and –extremely- difficult to work with, due to its tendency to fracture and crack under certain conditions, Lightforge nonetheless is considered Divine by those who wield it and revere both weaponry and armor created of this strange, touched material. Lightforge is well-known for its tendency to always absorb and reflect light, giving armor a shiny appearance at all times, and making blades and other weaponry of Lightforge glow with a holy energy. Despite the rumors, some demons use Lightforged weapons simply out of spite, and not some hidden higher purpose.
Bloodstone: Bloodstone ore, occasionally used by the Burning Legion in their weaponry of lesser demons, has earned a bad reputation over the years, and is almost completely ignored. While it is nowhere as strong as Steel, it is more magically sensitive, unfortunately, this sensitivity to the arcana often points towards Fel, hence why the Legion uses the metal so readily for the more disposable of their great empire. On one “Positive” note for Bloodstone, when taken to a proper alchemist and treated, it can be distilled into Essence of Agony, which was used for the most powerful debilitating or pain-inducing poisons pre-Cataclysm.
Indurium: Another footnote in Azeroth’s past, before the massive shift to titanium for use in mechanical parts for goblin racers and choppers, Indurium was originally used for parts such as the muffler, and was only found in Uldaman, making it a point of conversation for the Exploration League, Indurium was no longer used after it was found it was extremely toxic to the racers over long periods of time, such as the Badlands 5000 Grand Prix.
Incendicite: A powerful and rare metal, the Wetlands is proud to be the only source of this extremely dangerous and explosive material. Though Seaforium can get most jobs done by itself, if something –REALLY- needs to blow up, an ounce of Incendicite will do what ten ounces of Seaforium do! It’s extremely difficult to process and manufacture safely, as one could expect, so those brave enough to do the job are handsomely rewarded (They don’t have good insurance though).
Ahn’Qiraj Obsidian: While not chemically different than regular obsidian, the druids of the Cenarion Circle have found ways of augmenting this glasslike material into heavy suits of armor, light harnesses comparable to chainmail, and even a shield rumored to be the rival of The Immovable Object, a legendary shield that is given to defenders of both the Alliance and Horde for bravery in the battle of Alterac Valley.
Cobalt: A metal found most commonly in the frozen expanses of Northrend, this metal is often praised as “The rock that saved a campaign”, as the Alliance and Horde were heavily dependent upon mining and forging the metal into weaponry and armor for the Northrend Campaign, and were fortunate to learn that the metal was just as strong as Steel and was easily smithed. Its usefulness in Engineering, combined with its natural strength and ease-of-use has brought up the question of replacing steel’s usage in the military with Cobalt, this will not happen for some time, however, as major Cobalt in mining in Northrend is difficult, due to the large number of Undead still roaming those lands.
Saronite: “The Damned Metal”, those who were unfortunate enough to use Saronite before it’s almost universal ban have been lost to madness, and many who do not know the History of Saronite may be confused by the horror stories told about the Northrend Campaign. Saronite is the coagulated blood of Yogg-Saron, the Old God of Death, and its strength, resistant to elements, and even the Light, are legendary, however, those who are in contact with it, even for but a moment, are damned to insanity, be it partial, temporary, or permanent. There are tales of whole battalions of men lost within the blizzards of Icecrown for simply treading on veins of the metal, their minds deteriorating to dribbling messes within minutes, if not seconds. Only the Death Knights of Acherus and Undead can use the metal without ill effect.
Titanium: An extremely strong metal with a low density and resistance to corrosion, both magical and natural, Titanium was “Rediscovered” in Northrend during the Campaign against the Lich King, and has been used ever since for the aforementioned properties, and while it is a bit impractical to use this in forging weaponry and armor (As it is surprisingly sparse), it has a more powerful, more hidden and more sacred use.
Titansteel: The Magnum Opus of Alchemy and Smelting, Titansteel is considered by many to be one of the strongest, if not the strongest, metal on Azeroth. Its creation is difficult, and is held in secret by circles of Alchemists and Master Blacksmiths. The one trait that makes it so sought after, however, is it’s resistance against corruption in all forms, Fel or otherwise. There is little shared about this metal to the public for the safety of the Alchemists that forge this creation of the Gods. The one thing they share to the public is that Titanium is the base metal used for the reaction.
-Post Cataclysm Azerothian Metals-
Pyrite: Commonly known as “Fool’s gold” by many for its similar luster and texture to the valuable commodity, Pyrite, in its normal form, is nothing of utmost importance, however, it is essential in the creation of Truegold, a new and still somewhat unknown material that was discovered by Alchemists during the Cataclysm.
Truegold: A strange and wondrous new metal that does not form naturally on any known plane of existence, but is transmutable through raw unbound elemental power and Pyrite. The abilities of Truegold are still under controversy, and it has been speculated the Royal Stormwind Treasury will be considering creating a Truegold coin to count as a hundred gold coins, though this seems impractical, as the materials required to create even one coin worth of Truegold are far more than one-hundred golden coins. Though it cannot be the base of weaponry and armor, it is extremely sensitive to magic, and has been considered for use in enchanting items, aswell as already being used by engineers in their attempts to create longer-lasting and power-efficient parts.
Ghost Iron: One of the oddities of Pandaria, all Ghost Iron originated as standard iron, before being transmuted by the wondrous nature of Pandaria, as the land is overflowing with spiritual energy, some of that power “Leaked” into veins of iron, transmuting it into the strong, wondrous material we see today. Ghost Iron strong, dependable, extremely easy to forge, and, due to the recent events in Pandaria, is in un-surmounted supply, countered only by its un-surmounted demand, as Seers, historians, architects, engineers, smiths, alchemists, and every profession from A-to-Z has found a use for this strange metal.
Lightning Steel: The creation of Lei Shen and his Mogu Empire, this metal can only be forged under the most difficult and dangerous of conditions, using large amounts of Ghost Iron and super-condensing them with magnetic forces directly from the Isle. Of Thunder, this metal is costly to work with, as much of the metal turns to slag in the forging creation. Despite this, Lightning Steel remains one of the strongest and most resistant materials ever recorded to-date, while not sacrificing its weight.
Living Steel: A transmutation of Ghost Iron, Living Steel is purely condensed spiritual energy that is reactive to any form of enchantment, enhancement, and tinkering, and is considered by many Alchemists to be the Magnum-Opus-Opus. It should be noted with the name, however, that there is speculation to if the steel retains some form of sentience from the highly condensed spiritual energy, and though we have not been able to learn a definitive answer, legends in Pandaria tell of self-aware, speaking blades and weapons of differing personalities, though it is often the case that those weapons that bathe in blood frequently are more prone to violent “Mindset.”
Trillium: A strange metal that comes in two forms: Black Trillium, which is naturally smoother and rounded, and White Trillium, which is more gritty and jagged. These two metals can be combined by expert blacksmiths and smelters into singular bars containing both Black and White, which increases its strength several-fold, though it is slightly imbalanced. Rumors speak of Blacksmiths who have learned to balance the opposing forces of the metals to create a metal that always feels perfectly balanced in the hands of whoever holds it.
-Outland Specific Metals-
Fel Iron: An accursed metal created from the residual fel energies that tore Draenor apart, this malevolent metal is nonetheless stronger than steel, though it is costly to work with, and is also extremely dangerous to wield, as the fel corruption can bleed into the wielder of anyone who holds weapons or armor made of the material, even when they are not wielding it.
Fel Steel: This is Fel Iron times-ten, Stronger than even Thorium, it nonetheless bleeds fel energy wherever it goes, and does not lose this corruption over time, nor do the weapons or armor of this metal corrode. The creation of this metal is kept secret from general public for safety reasons, for those who hold Fel Steel are dangerous in more than one regard.
Adamantine: A strong and wondrous material, at one time, all the Adamantine in Azeroth could be fit into a small room, and was worth more than an entire keep’s value. Nearly indestructible, magically attuned, and revered by the Knights of the Silver Hand for creating magnificent warhammers, this metal is not from Azeroth, and is actually an odd rarity that occurs in the chaotic forces of Outland. Though the price of Adamantine has slightly lowered over recent years, it is still by no means a common commodity.
Hardened Adamantine: Good luck breaking this, while it’s even rarer and more valuable than regular Adamantine, the creation of Hardened Adamantine relies upon its ability to super-condense, and due to this is super-heavy, and borderline unbreakable, to the point where it is theorized it could break even Saronite, which has drawn Knights of the Silver Hand to the metal to create even more powerful warhammers, should they ever cross blades with the Rogue Death Knight.
Khorium: While Khorium itself is not very strong, and is comparable to being the Outland version of Bronze, it is required for the proper reforging and smelting of fel Steel, Eternium, and Adamantium into stronger metals.
Eternium: Not originally used for creating weaponry and armor, Eternium is a very flaky, if beautiful, metal with a luster that does not decay or diminish, hence its name holding eternal in it. During the height of the war against Illidan, however, the Blood Knights under the command of Lady Liadrin, in combination with the work of the Scryers and Aldor, managed to create weaponry that used Eternium in such a way that the weapons could constantly be reforged and re-empowered, making Eternium a staple metal in the final assaults against the Legion at the Sunwell.
-Draenor Specific Metals-
True Iron: A strange and wondrous metal that has quickly been accepted by the inhabitants of Azeroth, this plentiful metal is much stronger than natural Iron, and, when properly smelted with Blackrock, is capable of becoming Truesteel, an extremely dexterous and light material that is rumored to hold an edge just as sharp as Arcanite, and is as lustrous as silver, making it the envy of common-soldier and Noble alike. There is little to fear for them, however, as True Iron is as plentiful on Draenor as iron is on Azeroth. There is speculation to what caused all of the True Iron to disappear from our Draenor, Outland, though the general consensus is that the powerful nether forces that warped the planet transmuted the metal either to Fel Iron or Adamantine.
Blackrock: A borderline flame retardant material that comes in two common forms, Blackrock metal is a strange commodity, while being very common all across Draenor, there are not many uses for it that we are aware of, and only the Blackrock Clan truly know how to properly forge the black metal by itself. When forged correctly, the Blackrock metal can repel flame or create flames, depending on the wishes of the smith that forges is, assuming they are capable of understand the intricate complexities of forging that strange, strange metal.
Jovite: A strange bluish metal found commonly in strip mines in Talador, Jovite is commonly used as artillery shells for its ability to retain its temperature at a stable point for long periods of time, though it is most-likely useless for creating weapons and armor, as it is naturally very brittle, however, it could make leaps and bounds in the world of Engineering in new cooling technology.
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What are your muse’s aesthetics?
BOLD any which apply to your muse! Remember to REPOST! Feel free to add to the list!
[ COLORS ]  ~  burgundy. red. crimson. scarlet. maroon. mahogany. copper. amber. chocolate. brown. tawny. tan. bronze. brass. orange. gold. saffron. yellow. chartreuse. spring green. lime. mint. green. olive. forest. turquoise. teal. cerulean. blue. navy. cobalt. periwinkle.indigo. pewter. plum. purple. magenta. fuchsia. lilac. lavender. pink. coral. peach.ivory. cream. white. silver. grey. smoke. charcoal. ebony. black. pastels. vibrant. matte.metallic. muted. dark. light.
[ BODY ]  ~  mutations. claws. fangs. wings. tails. feathers. webs. spikes. scales. fur. stripes. spots. freckles. acne. bruises. scars. scratches. gashes. lashes. wounds. amputations. burns. brands. teeth. gums. tongues. lips. beards. mustaches. cheeks. noses. ears. eyes. eyelashes. eyebrows. hair. heads. neck. shoulders. collar bones. arms. elbows. wrists.hands. fingers. breast. back. ribs. abs. belly. hips. curves. butts. legs. thighs. knees. shins. ankles. feet. toes. nails. sweat. spit. tears. blood. heart. stomach. lungs. liver. veins. guts.bones. spine. muscle. skin. feline. canine. masculine. feminine.
[ WEAPONS ]  ~  bites. fists. sword. dagger. spear. arrow. bow. crossbow. hammer. shield.poison. guns. axes. throwing axes. whips. knives. throwing knives. pepper sprays. tasers. machine guns. slingshots. katanas. maces. staffs. wands. powers. magical items. magic. rocks. mud balls. bombs. missiles. boomerangs. lethal pets.
[ MATERIALS ]  ~  metal. gold. silver. platinum. pewter. titanium. iron. steel. copper. bronze.brass. tin. bismuth. diamonds. pearls. rubies. garnets. sapphires. emeralds. jade. peridots. alexandrite. opal. topaz. jasper. quartz. rose quartz. smoky quartz. amethyst. citrine. fluorite. amber. malachite. turquoise. lapis lazuli. sodalite. pyrite. labradorite. moonstone. petrified wood. wood. paper. parchment. hemp. canvas. burlap. oils skin. muslin. rayon. faux. wool. fur. lace. leather. skins. suede. corduroy. silk. satin. chiffon. velvet. denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. rocks. flint. asphalt. brick. granite. marble. dust. rust. glitter. sand. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. carbonate. rubber. synthetics. nylon. polyester. plastic. glass. porcelain.bone. shells. coral.
[ NATURE ]  ~  grass. leaves. trees. bark. flowers. roses. daisies. forget me nots. tulips. lavender. petals. thorns. seeds. hay. roots. ocean. pond. river. stream. waterfall. creek. meadow. forest. desert. tundra. savanna. rain forest. tropical. jungle. marsh. moors. swamp. plains. hills. highlands. caves. underwater. coral reef. beach. waves. space. clouds. mountains. fire. lava. ice. frost.  water. air. earth. rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. sun. heat. cold. steam. lightning. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk. twilight. midnight. sunrise. sunset.dewdrops. shadow. tornado. hurricane. water spout. thunder. hail. twisters. humidity. dryness.
[ ANIMALS ]  ~  birds. penguins. eagles. owls. falcons. vultures. hawks. swans. parrots. parakeets. doves. pigeons. ducks. robins. cardinals. blue jays. bluebirds. blackbirds. crows.ravens. magpies. mockingbirds. flamingos. ostriches. seagulls. albatross. peacocks. condors. finches. pelicans. chickens. geese. quail. bats. sheep. cows. buffalo. deer. hedgehogs. elephants. horses. giraffes. cats. lions. tigers. pumas. cheetahs. jaguars. foxes. dogs. wolves. coyotes. bunnies. mice. rats. monkeys. apes. bears. pandas. polar bears. snakes. iguanas. chameleons. alligators. crocodiles. turtles. lizards. frogs. toads. whales. dolphins. fish. sharks. stingrays. octopus. lobsters. crabs. bugs. spiders. moths. butterflies. flies. maggots. roaches. ladybugs. beetles. cicadas. dragonflies. fleas. termites. leeches.worms. snails. mosquitoes. werewolves. unicorns. pegasus. dragons. dinosaurs.
[ FOODS/DRINKS ]  ~  pepper. salt. sugar. honey. syrup. caramel. candy. bubblegum. mints. candy canes. gumdrops. lollipops. chocolate. vanilla. cinnamon. ice cream. cake. cookies. brownies. biscuits. pie. tarts. lemonade. soda. champagne. wine. brandy. rum. whiskey. vodka. tequila. sake. beer. soju. gin. crema de cacao. cocoa. latte. coffee. tea. spices. herbs. fruit. apples. oranges. lemons. cherries. strawberries. blueberries. raspberries. cranberries. watermelons. cantaloupes. bananas. coconuts. grapes. kiwi. pomegranates. tomatoes. vegetables. potatoes. cucumbers. carrots. turnips. onions. leeks. celery. broccoli. cabbages. lettuces. roots. nuts. white meat. red meat. raw meat. veal. pork. chicken. beef. venison. fish. lobster. oysters. pizza. ambrosia. pasta. sandwiches. soup.
[ HOBBIES ]  ~  music. piano. flute. woodwinds. whistles. drums. guitar. cello. violin. lute. harp. fiddle. harmonica. trumpet. brass. singing. composing. folk. classical. bluegrass. blues. jazz. big band. pop. country. rock. punk. metal. hip hop. reggae. ska. rap. vinyl records. cassettes. cds. soundcloud. itunes. spotify. art. sculpting. pottery. painting. watercolor. drawing. pastels. charcoal. sketching. graffiti. printing. inking. collecting. fighting. martial arts. self-defense. boxing. fencing. sumo. wrestling. jousting. paintball. lazer tag. dueling. hunting. fishing. climbing. weight lifting. training. sports. football. football (usa). rugby. baseball. cricket. lacrosse. volleyball. basketball. tennis. badminton. skating. cycling. sailing. rowing. hiking. running. gymnastics. dancing. ice skating. hockey. reading. writing. cooking. sewing. acting. photography. video games. horseback riding. gardening. smithing. shopping. traveling. movies. theater. libraries. books. magazines. playing cards. poker chips. chess. dice. inventing. robotics.
[ STYLE ]  ~  nudism. perfume. cologne. piercings. tattoos. henna. body paint. war paint. make up. lipstick. mascara. eyeliner. eye shadow. powder. beauty marks. blush. nail polish. lingerie. fishnet. pantie-hoes. socks. stockings. leggings. long johns. under armor. corsets. sports bras. bustles. camisoles. blouses. button ups. tunics. vests. waistcoats. leather jackets. ponchos. sweaters/jumpers. hoodies. skirts. jeans. kilts. breeches. scarfs. cravats.ascots. belts. sashes. gloves. heels. sandals. platforms. tennis shoes. penny loafers. jordans. slippers. boots. cowboy boots. rain boots. army boots. armor. justaucorps. trench coats. capes. cloaks. burqa. suits. tuxedos. kimonos. saris. sun dresses. gowns. jewelry. earrings. noes rings. lip rings. tongue piercings. belly rings. gauges. eyebrow rings. necklaces. pearl strings. leis. bracelets. bangles. cuffs. watches. friendship bracelets. rings. pendants. lockets. broaches. boutonnieres. pocket watches. cuff links. hats. crowns. circlets. flower crowns. helmets. hijabs. turbans. baseball caps. cowboy hats. brocade. doublet. gorget. bracers. masks. cowls. braces. glasses. sun glasses. eye contacts. pajamas.
[ MISC ]  ~  balloons. bubbles. candles. battle. war. diplomacy. peace. money. power.clocks. photos. mirrors. pets. diary. fairy lights. madness. sanity. sadness. happiness. optimism. pessimism. loneliness. family. friends. assistants. co-workers. enemies. loyalty.smoking. drugs. kindness. love. sex. hugs. duality. sin. lust. greed. wrath. envy. sloth.gluttony. pride. virtue. chivalry. honor. piety. charity. chastity. gentleness. aggression. romance. hatred. grief. pity. success. sorrow. joy. fear. anger. good. evil. relativity.vampirism. sapphism. life. birth. time. death. illusion. silence.
Tagged by: @vfdlibrarian
Tagging: everyone i talk to has already been tagged?? if you see this and like it then do it
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cyrokinetic-iceman · 8 years
☩ Aesthetic. ☩
What are your muse’s aesthetics?
BOLD any which apply to your muse! Remember to REPOST! Feel free to add to the list!
[ COLORS ]  ~  burgundy. red. crimson. scarlet. maroon. mahogany. copper. amber. chocolate. brown. tawny. tan. bronze. brass. orange. gold. saffron. yellow. chartreuse. spring green. lime. mint. green. olive. forest. turquoise. teal. cerulean. blue. navy. cobalt. periwinkle. indigo. pewter. plum. purple. magenta. fuchsia. lilac. lavender. pink. coral. peach. ivory. cream. white. silver. grey. smoke. charcoal. ebony. black. pastels. vibrant. matte. metallic. muted. dark. light.
[ BODY ]  ~  mutations. claws. fangs. wings. tails. feathers. webs. spikes. scales. fur. stripes. spots. freckles. acne. bruises. scars. scratches. gashes. lashes. wounds. amputations. burns. brands. teeth. gums. tongues. lips. beards. mustaches. cheeks. noses. ears. eyes. eyelashes. eyebrows. hair. heads. neck. shoulders. collar bones. arms. elbows. wrists. hands. fingers. breast. back. ribs. abs. belly. hips. curves. butts. legs. thighs. knees. shins. ankles. feet. toes. nails. sweat. spit. tears. blood. heart. stomach. lungs. liver. veins. guts. bones. spine. muscle. skin. feline. canine. masculine. feminine.
[ WEAPONS ]  ~  bites. fists. sword. dagger. spear. arrow. bow. crossbow. hammer. shield. poison. guns. axes. throwing axes. whips. knives. throwing knives. pepper sprays. tasers. machine guns. slingshots. katanas. maces. staffs. wands. powers. magical items. magic. rocks. mud balls. bombs. missiles. boomerangs.
[ MATERIALS ]  ~  metal. gold. silver. platinum. pewter. titanium. iron. steel. copper. bronze. brass. tin. bismuth. diamonds. pearls. rubies. garnets. sapphires. emeralds. jade. peridots. opal. topaz. jasper. quartz. rose quartz. smoky quartz. amethyst. citrine. fluorite. amber. turquoise. lapis lazuli. sodalite. pyrite. labradorite. moonstone. petrified wood. wood. paper. parchment. hemp. canvas. burlap. oils skin. muslin. rayon. faux. wool. fur. lace. leather. skins. suede. corduroy. silk. satin. chiffon. velvet. denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. rocks. flint. asphalt. brick. granite. marble. dust. rust.glitter. sand. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. carbonate. rubber. synthetics. nylon. polyester. plastic. glass. porcelain. bone. shells. coral.
[ NATURE ]  ~  grass. leaves. trees. bark. flowers. roses. daisies. forget me nots. tulips. lavender. petals. thorns. seeds. hay. roots. ocean. river. stream. waterfall. creek. meadow. forest. desert. tundra. savanna. rain forest. marsh. moors. swamp. plains. hills. highlands. caves. underwater. coral reef. beach. waves. space. clouds. mountains. fire. lava. ice. frost.  water. air. earth. rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. sun. heat. cold. steam. frost. lightning. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk. twilight. midnight. sunrise. sunset. dewdrops. shadow. tornado. hurricane. water spout. thunder. hail. twisters. humidity. dryness.
[ ANIMALS ]  ~  birds. penguins. eagles. owls. falcons. vultures. hawks. swans. parrots. parakeets. doves. pigeons. ducks. robins. cardinals. blue jays. bluebirds. blackbirds. crows. ravens. magpies. mockingbirds. flamingos. ostriches. seagulls. albatross. peacocks. condors. finches. pelicans. chickens. geese. quail. bats. sheep. cows. buffalo. deer. hedgehogs. elephants. horses. giraffes. cats. lions. tigers. pumas. cheetahs. jaguars. foxes. dogs. wolves. coyotes. bunnies. mice. rats. monkeys. apes. bears. pandas. polar bears. snakes. iguanas. chameleons. alligators. crocodiles. turtles. lizards. frogs. toads. whales. dolphins. fish. sharks. stingrays. octopus. lobsters. crabs. bugs. spiders. moths. butterflies. flies. maggots. roaches. ladybugs. beetles. cicadas. dragonflies. fleas. termites. leeches. worms. snails. mosquitoes. werewolves. unicorns. pegasus. dragons. dinosaurs.
[ FOODS/DRINKS ]  ~  pepper. salt. sugar. honey. syrup. caramel. candy. bubblegum. mints. candy canes. gumdrops. lollipops.chocolate. vanilla. cinnamon. ice cream. cake. cookies. brownies. biscuits. pie. tarts. lemonade. soda. champagne. wine. brandy. rum. whiskey. vodka. tequila. sake. beer. soju. gin. crema de cacao. cocoa. latte. coffee. tea. spices. herbs. fruit. apples. oranges. lemons. cherries. strawberries. blueberries. raspberries. cranberries. watermelons. cantaloupes. bananas. coconuts. grapes. kiwi. pomegranates. tomatoes. vegetables. potatoes. cucumbers. carrots. turnips. onions. leeks. celery. broccoli. cabbages. lettuces. roots. nuts. white meat. red meat. raw meat. veal. pork. chicken. beef. venison. fish. lobster. oysters. pizza. ambrosia. pasta. sandwiches. soup.
[ HOBBIES ]  ~  music. piano. flute. woodwinds. whistles. drums. guitar. cello. violin. lute. harp. fiddle. harmonica. trumpet. brass. singing. composing. folk. classical. bluegrass. blues. jazz. big band. pop. country. rock. punk. metal. hip hop. reggae. ska. rap. vinyl records. cassettes. cds. soundcloud. itunes. spotify. art. sculpting. pottery. painting. watercolor. drawing. pastels. charcoal. sketching. graffiti. printing. inking. fighting. martial arts. self-defense. boxing. fencing. sumo. wrestling. jousting. paintball. lazer tag. dueling. hunting. fishing. climbing. weight lifting. training. sports. football. football (usa). rugby. baseball. cricket. lacrosse. volleyball. tennis. badminton. skating. cycling. sailing. rowing. hiking. running. gymnastics. dancing. ice skating. hockey. reading. writing. cooking. sewing. acting. photography. video games. horseback riding. gardening. smithing. shopping. traveling. movies. theater. libraries. books. magazines. playing cards. poker chips. chess. dice.
[ STYLE ]  ~  nudism. perfume. cologne. piercings. tattoos. henna. body paint. war paint. make up. lipstick. mascara. eyeliner. eye shadow. powder. beauty marks. blush. nail polish. lingerie. fishnet. pantie-hoes. socks. stockings. leggings. long johns. under armor. corsets. bras. bustles. camisoles. blouses. button ups. tunics. vests. waistcoats. leather jackets. ponchos. sweaters/jumpers. hoodies. skirts. jeans. kilts. breeches. scarfs. cravats. ascots. belts. sashes. gloves. heels. sandals. platforms. tennis shoes. penny loafers. jordans. slippers. boots. cowboy boots. rain boots. army boots. armor. justaucorps. trench coats. capes. cloaks. burqa. suits. tuxedos. kimonos. saris. sun dresses. gowns. jewelry. earrings. noes rings. lip rings. tongue piercings. belly rings. gauges. eyebrow rings. necklaces. pearl strings. leis. bracelets. bangles. cuffs. watches. friendship bracelets. rings. pendants. lockets. broaches. boutonnieres. pocket watches. cuff links. hats. crowns. circlets. flower crowns. helmets. hijabs. turbans. baseball caps. cowboy hats. brocade. doublet. gorget. bracers. masks. cowls. braces. glasses. sun glasses. eye contacts. pajamas.
[ MISC ]  ~  balloons. bubbles. candles. battle. war. peace. money.power. percussion. clocks. photos. mirrors. pets. diary. fairy lights. madness. sanity. sadness. happiness. optimism. pessimism. loneliness. family. friends. assistants. co-workers. enemies. loyalty. smoking. drugs. kindness. love. hugs. duality. sin. lust. greed. wrath. envy. sloth. gluttony. pride. virtue. chivalry. honor. piety. charity. chastity. gentleness. aggression. romance. hatred. grief. pity. success. sorrow. joy. fear. anger. good. evil. relativity. vampirism. sapphism. life. birth. time. death.
Tagged by: @mutantleaderinthemaking like  a month ago lmao
Tagging:  @quiet-loudmouth @kid-lazarus @survival-cfthe-fittest @godsperfectidiiot
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☩ Aesthetic. ☩ What are your muse’s aesthetics? BOLD any which apply to your muse! Remember to REPOST! Feel free to add to the list!
[ COLORS ]  ~ burgundy. red. crimson. scarlet. maroon. mahogany. copper. amber. chocolate. brown. tawny. tan. bronze. brass. orange. gold. saffron. yellow. chartreuse. spring green. lime. mint. green. olive. forest. turquoise. teal. cerulean. blue. navy. cobalt. periwinkle. indigo. pewter. plum. purple. magenta. fuchsia. lilac. lavender. pink. coral. peach. ivory. cream. white. silver. grey. smoke. charcoal. ebony. black. pastels. vibrant. matte. metallic. muted. dark. light.
[ BODY ] ~ mutations. claws. fangs. wings. tails. feathers. webs. spikes. scales. fur. stripes. spots. freckles. acne. bruises. scars. scratches. gashes. lashes. wounds. amputations. burns. brands. teeth. gums. tongues. lips. beards. mustaches. cheeks. noses. ears. eyes. eyelashes. eyebrows. hair. heads. neck. shoulders. collar bones. arms. elbows. wrists. hands. fingers. breast. back. ribs. abs. belly. hips. curves. butts. legs. thighs. knees. shins. ankles. feet. toes. nails. sweat. spit. tears. blood. heart. stomach. lungs. liver. veins. guts. bones. spine. muscle. skin. feline. canine. masculine. feminine.
[ WEAPONS ] ~  bites. fists. sword. dagger. spear. arrow. bow. crossbow. hammer. shield. poison. guns. axes. throwing axes. whips. knives. throwing knives. pepper sprays. tasers. machine guns. slingshots. katanas. maces. staffs. wands. powers. magical items. magic. rocks. mud balls. bombs. missiles. boomerangs. lethal pets.
[ MATERIALS ]  ~ metal. gold. silver. platinum. pewter. titanium. iron. steel. copper. bronze. brass. tin. bismuth. diamonds. pearls. rubies. garnets. sapphires. emeralds. jade. peridots. alexandrite. opal. topaz. jasper. quartz. rose quartz. smoky quartz. amethyst. citrine. fluorite. amber. malachite. turquoise. lapis lazuli. sodalite. pyrite. labradorite. moonstone. petrified wood. wood. paper. parchment. hemp. canvas. burlap. oils skin. muslin. rayon. faux. wool. fur. lace. leather. skins. suede. corduroy. silk. satin. chiffon. velvet. denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. rocks. flint. asphalt. brick. granite. marble. dust. rust. glitter. sand. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. carbonate. rubber. synthetics. nylon. polyester. plastic. glass. porcelain. bone. shells. coral.
[ NATURE ]  ~  grass. leaves. trees. bark. flowers. roses. daisies. forget me nots. tulips. lavender. petals. thorns. seeds. hay. roots. ocean. river. stream. waterfall. creek. meadow. forest. desert. tundra. savanna. rain forest. tropical. jungle. marsh. moors. swamp. plains. hills. highlands. caves. underwater. coral reef. beach. waves. space. clouds. mountains. fire. lava. ice. frost.  water. air. earth. rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. sun. heat. cold. steam. lightning. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk. twilight. midnight. sunrise. sunset. dewdrops. shadow. tornado. hurricane. water spout. thunder. hail.twisters. humidity. dryness.
[ ANIMALS ]  ~  birds. penguins. eagles. owls. falcons. vultures. hawks. swans. parrots. parakeets. doves. pigeons. ducks. robins. cardinals. blue jays. bluebirds. blackbirds. crows. ravens. magpies. mockingbirds. flamingos. ostriches. seagulls. albatross. peacocks. condors. finches. pelicans. chickens. geese. quail. bats. sheep. cows. buffalo. deer. hedgehogs. elephants. horses. giraffes. cats. lions. tigers. pumas. cheetahs. jaguars. foxes. dogs. wolves. coyotes. bunnies. mice. rats. monkeys. apes. bears. pandas. polar bears. snakes. iguanas. chameleons. alligators. crocodiles. turtles. lizards. frogs. toads. whales. dolphins. fish. sharks. stingrays. octopus. lobsters. crabs. bugs. spiders. moths. butterflies. flies. maggots. roaches. ladybugs. beetles. cicadas. dragonflies. fleas. termites. leeches. worms. snails. mosquitoes. werewolves. unicorns. pegasus. dragons. dinosaurs.
[ FOODS/DRINKS ]  ~  pepper. salt. sugar. honey. syrup. caramel. candy. bubblegum. mints. candy canes. gumdrops. lollipops. chocolate. vanilla. cinnamon. ice cream. cake. cookies. brownies. biscuits. pie. tarts. lemonade. soda. champagne. wine. brandy. rum. whiskey. vodka. tequila. sake. beer. soju. gin. crema de cacao. cocoa. latte. coffee. tea. spices. herbs. fruit. apples. oranges. lemons. cherries. strawberries. blueberries. raspberries. cranberries. watermelons. cantaloupes. bananas. coconuts. grapes. kiwi. pomegranates. tomatoes. vegetables. potatoes. cucumbers. carrots. turnips. onions. leeks. celery. broccoli. cabbages. lettuces. roots. nuts. white meat. red meat. raw meat. veal. pork. chicken. beef. venison. fish. lobster. oysters. pizza. ambrosia. pasta. sandwiches. soup.
[ HOBBIES ]  ~  music. piano. flute. woodwinds. whistles. drums. guitar. cello. violin. lute. harp. fiddle. harmonica. trumpet. brass. singing. composing. folk. classical. bluegrass. blues. jazz. big band. pop. country. rock. punk. metal. hip hop. reggae. ska. rap. vinyl records. cassettes. cds. soundcloud. itunes. spotify. art. sculpting. pottery. painting. watercolor. drawing. pastels. charcoal. sketching. graffiti. printing. inking. collecting. fighting. martial arts. self-defense. boxing. fencing. sumo. wrestling. jousting. paintball. lazer tag. dueling. hunting. fishing. climbing. weight lifting. training. sports. football. football (usa). rugby. baseball. cricket. lacrosse. volleyball. basketball. tennis. badminton. skating. cycling. sailing. rowing. hiking. running. gymnastics. dancing. ice skating. hockey. reading. writing. cooking. sewing. acting. photography. video games. horseback riding. gardening. smithing. shopping. traveling. movies. theater. libraries. books. magazines. playing cards. poker chips. chess. dice.
[ STYLE ] ~  nudism. perfume. cologne. piercings. tattoos. henna. body paint. war paint. make up. lipstick. mascara. eyeliner. eye shadow. powder. beauty marks. blush. nail polish. lingerie. fishnet. pantie-hoes. socks. stockings. leggings.long johns. under armor. corsets. sports bras. bustles. camisoles. blouses. button ups. tunics. vests. waistcoats. leather jackets. ponchos. sweaters/jumpers. hoodies. skirts. jeans. kilts. breeches. scarfs. cravats. ascots. belts. sashes. gloves. heels. sandals. platforms. tennis shoes. penny loafers. jordans. slippers. boots. cowboy boots. rain boots. army boots. armor. justaucorps. trench coats. capes. cloaks. burqa. suits. tuxedos. kimonos. saris. sun dresses. gowns. jewelry. earrings. nose rings. lip rings. tongue piercings. belly rings. gauges. eyebrow rings. necklaces. pearl strings.leis. bracelets. bangles. cuffs. watches. friendship bracelets. rings. pendants. lockets. broaches. boutonnieres. pocket watches. cuff links. hats. crowns. circlets. flower crowns. helmets. hijabs. turbans. baseball caps. cowboy hats. brocade. doublet. gorget. bracers. masks. cowls. braces. glasses. sunglasses. eye contacts. pajamas.
[ MISC ]  ~  balloons. bubbles. candles. battle. war. diplomacy. peace. money. power. clocks. photos. mirrors. pets. diary. fairy lights. madness. sanity. sadness. happiness. optimism. pessimism. loneliness. family. friends. assistants. co-workers. enemies. loyalty. smoking. drugs. kindness. love. sex. hugs. duality. sin. lust. greed. wrath. envy. sloth. gluttony. pride. virtue. chivalry. honor. piety. charity. chastity. gentleness. aggression. romance. hatred. grief. pity. success. sorrow. joy. fear. anger. good. evil. relativity. vampirism. sapphism. life. birth. time. death. Tagged by: @bleachedxblack​
Tagging: I don’t really know how to tag so if you would like to do this, go ahead!!
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eurodrone · 5 years
The Mega Steven Universe Ask Meme
1. Besides Garnet, who is your favorite fusion?
Smokie and/or Stevonnie
2. Pearl or Amethyst?
Amy all the way
3. Do you like Lapis Lazuli?
I think she could be great, but is the worst written character in the show :/
4. Who do you ship Pearl with, if anyone?
Don’t really ship it but P + a big gem is good (Jasper, Bismuth)
5. Who do you ship Peridot with, if anyone?
I’m still stuck on Amedot
6. Who do you ship Lapis with, if anyone?
Again don’t shipt it, but Pear/Bismuth
7. Giant Woman or Coach Steven?
Giant Woman
8. Ruby or Sapphire?
9. Which episode during In Too Deep is your favorite?
Hit the Diamond
10. Least favorite In Too Deep episode?
Same old World
11. Which of the following do you ship: Pearlmethyst, Lapidot, Amedot, Pearlapis, Lapithyst, and/or Pearlidot?
12. Do you feel that Steven is a Mary Sue character? (Not that that makes me dislike him)
13. Alexandrite or Malachite?
14. Which episode of the Peridot Redemption arc is your favorite?
I honestly can’t choose, the whole arc is great
15. Which episode of the Sardonyx arc is your favorite?
Cry for help
16. Which version of each Crystal Gem is your favorite? (Like first version of Pearl versus Pearl now, etc.)
17. What are your top 5 episodes, if you can pick?
18. Which magic Gem place is your favorite?
19. Which corrupted Gem is your favorite?
20. What is your favorite Steven x Connie moment? (If you ship them)
21. Who is your favorite human character?
22. Desert Glass’s pillow or Lapis’s mirror?
Come on
23. Tiger Millionaire, On The Run, or Too Far?
24. Sworn to the Sword or Rose’s Scabbard?
Rose’s Scabbard
25. Do It For Him or Stronger Than You?
Stronger than you
26. What is your favorite Gem ability?
27. What is your favorite Gem weapon?
28. What is your favorite fusion weapon?
Big sword baby
29. Do you want Jasper redeemed?
Yes please!
30. Do you like Jasper?
31. What is your favorite thing about the show?
The art, the music and many great characters
32. What is a random reason you can think of for Ruby and Sapphire to temporarily unfuse?
33. Do you think that Rose is Pink Diamond?
No lol
34. Opal, Sugilite, or Sardonyx?
35. Favorite realistic character flaw in any character?
36. Who do you think Peridot fuse with first?
With those new designs both referencing Kamina it’ll probably be Lapis?
37. Who do you the Pearl belonged to?
38. Who is your favorite Ruby on in the Ruby Squad from Homeworld?
39. Story for Steven or We Need to Talk?
40. Too Many Birthdays or Steven’s Birthday?
41. Raise your hand if you aren’t here.
Thanks to anyone who does it or looks at it!
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