#like my closest friend is mad at me because I snapped at him
insanechayne · 1 year
~ ~ ~
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surftrips · 7 months
pairing: young coriolanus snow x reader
word count: 600+
summary: based on "follow you" by bring me the horizon. young/slightly ooc coriolanus snow finds comfort in y/n's arms.
a/n: yeah, i can't believe i'm returing from my hiatus with a coriolanus snow x reader fic, but here we are. please feel free to send in prompts/requests with him though ;)
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"Because I don't want to fucking hurt you.” Coriolanus snapped. "God, half the time, I'm scared I could break you, even though I'm doing everything I can to hold back."
Your boyfriend was having a hard time lately. The anniversary of his father's death was creeping up and you knew he was having those thoughts again.
He had confided in you early on in your relationship his two biggest fears: losing you, and turning into his father. Now, he was spiraling with thoughts of both happening.
"Talk to me," you said, trying to reassure him. The two of you were by the lake, entangled in each other's arms on a blanket.
"I- I just..." he was trying to catch his breath. "I'm so angry all the time and you, you're an angel. You've never done anything wrong in your life. I don't deserve you, I don't know how to not fuck this up."
You couldn't help but smile at his name for you, reaching out to caress his cheek. He leaned into your familiar touch, one of the few things that could calm him down when he was like this.
It was true, he did get mad at the smallest things. Just last week, he got jealous of Sejanus for holding up your skirt as you went down the stairs, even though the two of you were clearly just friends.
And yesterday, he was frustrated with something that happened during training and came back to the cabin furious. You had asked him how his day was, like usual, and he had snapped at you.
"It was bad. Do you have to ask me that everyday?" he retorted, knocking over the items on the shelf closest to him.
But even though he got jealous or angry sometimes, you knew that he was working on it. He always felt awful afterward, and always made sure that you knew how sorry he was. That night, he had drawn a bath for you and even added some wild lavender he found near the water.
"Hey, you know I love you, right?" you said.
He sat up slightly to make better eye contact with you, "I do. But what if that's not enough?"
You frowned, "My love isn't?"
"No, no. I meant what if love, in general, is not enough? What if that's not enough to change my fate? Y/N, you know about my father, he was awful."
"I know, Coryo," you sighed. "But I also know you, and you're a good person. You love me, you love the Covey. You care about me, and your family. You want to be good, and I think that is enough."
Still, he didn't seem convinced. "I hate that I can barely remember him anymore, but he's still haunting me. The rebels that killed him haunt me. What if that happens to me?"
"Stop. No one here is going to do that, they know you're on our side. Don't you see? You're trying so hard to not be like your father, but you don't have to try to be good. You just are, deep-down in here," you pointed to where his heart is. "You are."
He leaned down now to pull you into a kiss. "Angel, can you promise me something?"
"What is it?"
"Promise me you'll never leave my side."
"Coryo, you could drag me through hell if it meant I could hold your hand. I will follow you to the ends of the earth. We're in this together."
That seemed to please him, finally. He wrapped his arms tighter around you and pulled you to lay back down with him. The two of you stared up at the stars, each silently wishing for this to work out.
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blackbirdi · 1 month
One-Sided pt. II
If you haven't read the first part already, the link to part 1 is here
I'm so sorry this took so long, guys, I was struggling with ideas. Anyways, enjoy :)
Brief Description: Sirius begins to notice how suddenly you're around him a lot less than usual. What could he have done to make you want to avoid him at all costs? And why does your avoidance hurt him this much?
Point of View: 3rd Person
Word Count: 2181
Character: Sirius Black x Reader
House: Gryffindor
Year: Sixth Year
Two weeks. It had been two weeks since Sirius has talked to Y/n last, and it's driving him up the wall. The only other time where he doesn't talk to her for that long is during the summer, but at least they owl back and forth non-stop, and now suddenly he hasn't heard her sweet voice in two damn weeks.
And it's not as though he hasn't tried to talk to her. Hell, he's been going out of his way to run into her just to ask what was up with her, but every time she sees him, she runs away. And now she's changed the time of her daily activities (going to the library to read/study, walk in the courtyard, visit Hagrid, etc.) – not that he knew the times she was going by heart before she changed them – so now he can't even run into her then.
Two weeks. Two damn weeks. And he's not going any longer without her.
It was Saturday and the Marauders were all hanging out in their dormitory, and Sirius was itching to find Y/n and beg ask her to forgive him for whatever he must have done to have her ignore him like this.
"Remus," Sirius calls, breaking the silence.
"Hm?" Remus hums, not even bothering to look up from the book he was reading, which only caused Sirius to grow more frustrated.
He closes his eyes before he snaps at Remus, taking a deep breath to calm himself. The only thing that does is cause his eyes to well up with tears. 
Godric, what was up with him? Was Y/n really causing him to get this upset?
When he speaks next, his voice breaks, which causes all the other Marauders to lift their heads and look at Sirius with concern.
"Why won't Y/n talk to me?"
The other three Marauders share a few glances at one another before looking back at Sirius. The pity in their eyes as they look at him causes Sirius to grow frustrated once again.
His eyes, which were previously filled with tears, harden as he wipes them away. His lips pull back into a thin line as he glares down at his own hands.
"She keeps avoiding me! I haven't said anything to her in weeks!" he cries angrily. "And even when I do say something to her, she just ignores me and runs off! Did I do something to make her mad at me?"
"I'm sure you didn't do anything, Padfoot," James tries to comfort him. "Maybe Y/n just needs space for a while."
"Space from what?" Sirius snaps. "What did I do that would've wanted her to space herself from me? And only me! I haven't seen her ignoring you three, or anyone else for that matter! What did I do!?"
“Pads –” Remus starts, but is quickly interrupted.
“Why do you care so much anyway?” James asks. “It’s just Y/n.”
Sirius, Remus, and Peter all shoot James a glare, all three of them knowing that was not the right thing to ask.
“Yeah, Y/n, my friend,” Sirius sneers. “I care because Y/n is one of my closest friends and now suddenly she’s ignoring me! Do you have any idea how much that hurts? Because it does, a lot.”
“We know, Padfoot,” Peter replies, trying to make his voice sound comforting, although to Sirius it sounded more like pity. “I think James was trying to ask why you’re so … no quiet over dramatic about it … but more upset than you normally would be about something like this.”
“Yeah,” James agrees. “That’s exactly what I was trying to ask, thank you, Pete.”
Sirius glares at the both of them, his teeth gritting together as he tries to hold back from snapping at the two of them.
Why was he upset? Really? One of his best friends just straight up ditched him! Of course he was fucking upset!
“How do you twats not understand that I am upset my friend has fucking abandoned me!” Sirius snarls, his voice wavering as he tries to control his anger.
The others share another, worried glance, which drives Sirius even more insane.
Of course, Remus, James, and Peter quickly caught on that Y/n was avoiding Sirius, and were even quicker to catch on why. It wasn’t that hard to see that Y/n had finally had enough of her silly little crush on Sirius and was trying to stomp it out by avoiding him. And of course, Moony, Prongs, and Wormtail knew that avoiding Sirius at all costs wasn’t going to get rid of Y/n’s feelings for Sirius. And of course, Lupin, Potter, and Pettigrew knew that Sirius’s own feelings towards Y/n were developing beyond friendship.
“I can talk to her if you want me to,” Remus offers.
The usual stormy grey of Sirius’s eyes had darkened considerably in anger, his eyes narrowing at Remus in a glare.
“You’ve done quite a lot of talking to her,” he hisses. “A lot more than I have in Merlin knows how long. Do you know how frustrating that is, Remus? To see that Y/n, who suddenly hates me, is still all buddy-buddy with the three of you? Do you know how shitty it makes me feel when I see her talking to you and then she immediately runs away whenever she sees me? Do you?”
“No,” Remus replies, his voice squeaky at the anger in Sirius’s tone.
"That's what I thought," Sirius snarls, standing up from his bed abruptly.
With quick strides Sirius finds himself at the dormitory door, the door opened an inch before Peter asks curiously, "Where are you going?"
"To fucking find her!" Sirius snaps, turning around and facing his friends. "I can't keep going like this, without her. I - I need her, okay? I need her because ... because I love her. I love her. Holy shit, I love Y/n. I'll be back guys, but I need to find Y/n, even if that means searching every nook and cranny of this godforsaken castle."
He's out the door in another split second, the door slamming closed behind him.
Silence settles over the other three as they share glances, confused evident on each of their faces.
"Well," Remus finally mutters, breaking the silence. "He handled that a lot better than Y/n did when she realized she was in love with Sirius."
To Sirius's surprise it didn't take him that long to find her. She was sitting in the courtyard, leaning against the truck of a tree with a book on her lap.
Sirius was careful to approach her quietly, not wanting her to spot him and jump up and run away (like she had been doing for two weeks straight).
When Y/n finally looked up from her book, the first thing she saw was Sirius looming in front of her. Her eyes widened as they made eye contact, scrambling to pick up her book and getting to her feet.
"Y/n, wait," Sirius snaps, grabbing onto her wrist with a vice-like grip before she could run away. "Please, don't run again, please."
Y/n sighs, trying to tug her wrist out of Sirius’s grip before she turns and faces him for the first time since the Quidditch game. Her struggling ceases as she sees the pain behind Sirius’s eyes, the pain that she would’ve caused every single time she ignored him or ran away.
“Please, Y/n/n,” he begs in a whisper, pulling her closer to him. “Please, don’t leave me again. I miss you so much. And I am so, so sorry if I did something to hurt you, or did something that made you want to avoid me. I never meant to, I don’t think I have done anything, but if I did just say the word and I will hold myself responsible for it and I will do anything I can to get back in your good graces because I miss you. So, so much. I hate that I haven’t seen you in two weeks, I hate that I haven’t talked to you in two weeks, I hate that I haven’t heard your voice in two weeks, and I hate that you’ve been avoiding me. I’m not blaming you because obviously it must have been something I did, but please Y/n, please, please, please stop avoiding me. I miss you.”
A wave of guilt washes over Y/n as she listens to Sirius, watching tears well in his eyes as it gets increasingly harder for him to talk without choking on his words. However, she can't help the little flutter her heart gives at his words.
Sirius takes a breath, trying to collect himself as he finally says everything he was feeling.
"And-and I hate how much it hurts that you've been doing this. I shouldn't care, I really shouldn't, but I do. I care so goddamn much, Y/n. It's been two weeks, two fucking weeks! I shouldn't be this effected, but I am. I've missed you more in two weeks more than I've missed anything else in my life, more than I miss the Marauders during the holidays, more than I miss Hogwarts during the summer, more than I miss the heat of the summer during the winter, more than I miss the sun in a rainstorm. I missed you, Y/n, and it's only been two weeks. So please, please, please, please, tell me what I did wrong so I can right it and we can go back to how we were before whatever I did."
A pause, a heartbeat before Sirius adds in a trembling voice, "Please."
Y/n takes a shaky breath, trying to stop the heat from rising in her cheeks and giving her away.
"Sirius," she says slowly.
"Please," he interrupts her, his voice breaking. "Please, Y/n. I don't know what I did, but whatever it must have been, I am so sorry. Please, please, please forgive me."
"Sirius," Y/n repeats, "you didn't do anything. I just... I realized something and I shut myself away from you. If anything, I should be saying sorry to you. I never meant to hurt you like this."
Sirius stares at her, confusion bubbling up within him as he listens to her explain.
"I-I don't understand," he admits in a quiet voice. Her stares up at her helplessly. "Why would you avoid me like you have if I didn't do anything? You haven't avoided the others, just me."
Y/n sighs, her heart thudding in her chest as she looks away from Sirius and finally admits in a small voice, "I'm in love with you."
The world stops, for the both of them.
Y/n can't breathe, why would she admit that!? Everything, everything, has been ruined. She ruined their friendship! Why would she do that!?
Sirius can't breathe, did she mean it!? Everything, everything, is going to change, for the better. She felt the same! But why did she avoid him if she loved him?
After what felt like hours of silence, Sirius responds, "I love you, too."
Sirius's heart pounds against his ribcage. Even though she said it first, it's still so hard to admit it.
Y/n's heart pounds against her ribcage. There is no way in hell that he actually feels the same.
"I – w-what?” she stutters, mouth dry.
“I love you too,” Sirius repeats, dropping her wrist. His hands come up to cup her jaw, holding her face in his hands as he smiles down at her. “I-I was thinking about how much I missed you, everything about you – not just your presence – and I guess that led me to realize that I would never feel this way about someone I thought of as my friend. Y/n/n, I realized that I’m in love with you.”
Y/n mirrors Sirius’s smile, relief flooding through her body as her cheeks flush with pink.
“I-I’m glad,” she whispers. “I was scared that you didn’t feel the same; that’s why I started avoiding you. I thought that if I was around you less my feelings would go away, which obviously didn’t work. But I was scared to say something in case I made things awkward between us.”
Sirius chuckles, pressing his forehead against hers, asking in a soft voice, “How could I not be in love with you? You, Y/n L/n, are the most kind, thoughtful, caring, smart, funny, beautiful woman in the whole world; I don’t know how I didn’t realize my feelings for you sooner. I love you.”
“I love you too, Sirius,” Y/n murmurs back. She closes her eyes, relishing in the feeling of Sirius being this close to her.
A comfortable silence fell over the two as they soak in each other’s presence, two hearts beating as one.
Two minutes. It has been two minutes since Sirius has admitted his feelings for Y/n, and it’s making him feel like he’s on top of the world.
Taglist: @littleshadow17 (who asked for a part 2 a month ago. I hope it was up to your standards lol). And @rosieandthethorns (who didn't asked to be tagged but I figured I should let you know so you can stop foaming at the mouth and writhing on the floor lmao)
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klttn · 14 days
hi !! could i request an alastor x bunny!reader where the reader is like an idol overlord ? also the reader is a major bimbo :3c could be nsfw as well !! ty !!!! ur writing is amazing !!! <3
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⁺˳✧༚ ˚ 𝒷𝒾𝓂𝒷𝑜 𝒷𝓊𝓃𝓃𝓎 。୨୧˚
— 𝜗𝜚 alastor x f!reader
ᶻ 𝘇 𐰁 summary : you may be a very established overlord but alastor will always protect his bunny, especially after her shows, especially when she’s in heat. nsfw. violence. murder. its alastor here. soft dom alastor. finger sucking. tentacles… shh. praise.
“lay a finger on her pretty little head and i’ll rip yours off before you can take your next breath.” alastors static spat at an overly touchy low status overlord who thought it a good idea to try and grope his bunny backstage in front of all her closest, most powerful friends, just as she came into heat. his very underdressed bunny who was extremely vulnerable right now. what an idiot.
your show had just finished and your suppressants were wearing off, skin sticky and sweet with the glazing of sweat. you were so dizzy and losing coherent thought, the only thing on your mind was alastor and his comfort, his scent. “al,” you whined, ignoring the other man in front of you and his attempts to touch you. alastor twitched in frustration at the need in your voice.
“come on baby, you don’t go dressing like that unless you want somebody to touch you!” the overlord slurred, disregarding alastor and being unrelenting. his sleazy form lingering around you. it’s surprising he’s still breathing with the look on your partners face but he has far more important things to consider. you.
a soft, ‘fuck you,’ came from your lips in the direction of the scum, glaring at him, you could tell that annoyed the overlord.
the man gritted his teeth, fear of alastor apparently still not sinking in, “little bimbo, you better watch your mouth,” he sneered.
you looked down at your appearance and huffed, “you’re just mad that someone half your size in a tiny skirt is more powerful than you.” you snap triggering a proud smile coming across alastor’s face and rosie too from what you could see over his shoulder.
“coming from a little bunny getting bested by her heat,” the man got closer to you, your hand squeezing alastor’s thigh tight to let him know you didn’t need him yet, “one pump of my fingers and i’d have you leaving this asshole in seconds.”
the rest of the overlords watched in anticipation, not intervening, not because they didn't want to but because they knew alastor had this under control.
“i suggest, dearie, that you get out of here whilst you still can before i make you experience something so grotesque you’ll be begging for death.”
alastor looked toward rosie and the others, she seemed to be hinting at something, her desolate eyes switching to look at you and then to the low life, licking her lips . “what an idea, rosie dearest!” alastor exclaimed, “i could just,” alastor paused, voice deepening, “do this,”he rasped, slowly detaching you from his side to let rosie’s arms hook around you, her soft figure a comfort to you in alastors absence.
“it’s okay sweetie, just stay with me,” rosie’s soft demeanour soothing you in an attempt to distract you.
alastors size grew gargantuan, slowly stretching out his limbs, enough to swallow the perverted man whole. neon crosses forming over his sadistic smile and face, antlers bigger than before.
rosie’s loving arms squeezed you tightly, burying your face into her as to not see the carnage in your current condition, knowing how fragile you were whether it was showing or not. “rosie’s got you, honey.”
“if you ever breathe the same air as my darling girl again, i will make what im about to do to you look like child’s play.” alastors voice echoed, completely devouring him in his entirety before returning to his regular state as if nothing just happened. “well he tasted bitter.”
as rosie’s grip softened and your guard subsided, you felt that feeling start to surface, “al please,” your voice broke him out of whatever trance he appeared to be in, long tongue darting and licking his lips, predatory gaze falling to you.
“get thy rabbit out of harms way,” zestial spoke abruptly and tenderly, worry evident in his actions, rosie’s too.
alastors soft ears flushed back before scooping you up in his embrace, head tucked into his chest, “til next time, dears.” then before you knew it, you were out of the place.
the familiar ease of the hotel now filling you with a partial sense of relief. “shhh bunny, we’re home, nothing to hurt you now but me,” the gentle comfort of alastor’s voice rung in your ears. emotions finally rushing in, heart racing and head pounding after such an intense scene from your boyfriend. “darling?” your fluffy ear twitched, slowly raising your head to look at alastor as he guided you to sit atop the top of your bed. “tell me what you need.”
“need you,” a soft whimper fell from your lips, pulling alastor toward you. “please, need you close.” your voice was small and timid yet desperate. a stark contrast compared to your usual hyper excited and confident self.
“come here, my bunny,” alastor disregarded his jacket and backed up to the top of the bed, arms spread as you crawled gingerly into his lap, back flush against his chest, your hands now clutching his arms that moved to wrap around you. the side of your head resting on his bicep and your chin on his forearm. “good girl.”
“empty-“ you mumbled, nuzzling into him, “wanna be filled.”
alastor used his height advantage and arm to force you to look at him, “how, darling?” his eyes softened as he looked at you, “tell me how.”
a pretty colour of red, the same as alastors slacks, crept up your cheeks, confirming your embarrassment, “fingers,” you whispered, hushed and weak.
“where, bunny?” alastors free hand now cupping your face.
you wordlessly nuzzled into his hand, opening your mouth, needy and wanting. alastor got the hint, shifting his thumb to rest atop your tongue, sharp claw gently scratching the back of your throat as you closed your lips. you let out an involuntary hum as you begun softly sucking and lapping at the digit.
“what a sight,” alastor whispered to himself. “is that all you need, my love?” your wide eyes batted up at him, flustered expression covering your face as you slowly bucked your hips in his lap. “oh, how precious?”
a whip of darkness protruded out of alastor, sliding down your waist, all the way to your thigh. “i’ll make sure you’re full, pretty girl.” you voluntarily spread your legs, slutty outfit making for easy access, oh how alastor loved his bimbo bunny’s little skirts.
the blackness finally made its way to your cunt, nose twitching and a soft cry erupting from your lips, muffled from his fingers. this is all you wanted. all you needed. a cute moan of relief resonated as your pussy was stretched, tentacle fitting so perfectly to your walls.
“this is all you needed isn’t, bunny?” alastors hand moving to stroke your soft floppy ears. “you and i both know that forgettable cretin could never come close to how i make you feel.” you nodded, subtly deepthroating his thumb as you did so.
alastor breathed softly, “good girl.”
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A/N : bunny reader is my absolute favourite, i'm in LOVE with writing it <3 thank u so much lovie for this request !!
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sturn1olo-ffics · 8 months
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- Chris Sturniolo x Fem Reader
- Warnings: making out, angst, pining? (if you squint), swearing, use of y/n, Chris and y/n high key hate each other; NOT PROOFREAD
- About: Y/n had always been close friends with Matt and Nick, but she always had a hatred towards Chris. That is, until everything changes one night while sleeping over at the triplets’ house.
(Y/N’s POV):
“Hey y/n! Me, Nick, and Chris were gonna go to Top Golf later today, wanna come with?” Matt called me.
“Uh- yeah sure. What time?” I was hesitant with my answer because I know how competitive Chris gets when it comes to golf and it pisses me off.
“Probably about 5:00, I’ll text you when we’re on the way to your house… don’t worry, if Chris starts getting competitive I’ll make him leave.” He could sense the uncomfortableness in my voice.
“Alright, sounds good. Bye Matt.” I replied before ending the call after he said goodbye.
I was closest to Matt out of all three boys. We just clicked more than I did with anyone else.
I cleaned up the house and got caught up on some homework before finally deciding to get dressed.
“Hey, we’re on the way” Matt texted.
I grabbed my stuff and turned out all the lights before heading out the door when they finally arrived.
“Y/n! What’s up??” Nick asked enthusiastically.
“Hey Nick!” I said, climbing into the backseat.
I never acknowledged Chris. It was a rare occasion that one of us actually cared to say hey to each other. I don’t even have a reason why I hate Chris so much, he just pissed me off and I never knew why. Apparently that was the same for Chris, though. Because he hated me just as much, if not more.
We got to Top Golf and started our game.
To my surprise, Chris wasn’t even being competitive tonight, which was unlike him. He was still being loud as ever, though.
“Chris would you shut the fuck up for 2 seconds so I can think-” I snapped, trying to come up with a response to my mom, who was asking when I would be flying back home next.
“Oh please y/n, like you could think anyway with your smooth brain” he rolled his eyes.
“Chris you’re the dumbest fucking person I know-” I started before I was cut off.
“Hey! Would you two stop? Chris shut the fuck up and y/n just worry about texting your mom.” Matt silenced both of us.
The rest of the night went pretty normal, Matt and I laughing over stupid things, Nick telling stories from the mall trip he and Madi had earlier, and Chris and I bickering ever so often.
Matt and I usually just hung out alone. Mainly because we were best friends, but also to prevent me and Chris from butting heads. But sometimes we wanted to do group things, so we had to deal with it.
On the way back to the boys’ house, Matt had asked if I wanted to spend the night.
Of course I said yes, we always had sleepovers and they were so much fun.
We got to their house and I changed into shorts and a t-shirt that I had left there a while back.
“I’m tired as fuck and I’m going to bed, no one disturb me please.” Nick said, walking up the stairs and into his room.
Me, Matt, and Chris sat on the couch on our phones.
“I’ll be back in a little bit, I’m gonna go shower.” Matt said, getting up and walking towards his bathroom.
I hated being alone with Chris. Even though I knew I hated him, there was always some unbreakable tension between us when we were alone.
A couple minutes passed by of us being on our phones in dead silence when Chris spoke up.
“I’m going to bed.” He groaned, getting up and walking towards the set of stairs that went down to his bedroom.
“Okay?” I replied with a sassy tone.
“Fuck are you always mad at me for anyway?” He turned around, walking back toward me.
“You just piss me off.” It was all I could think of. Like I said, I don’t really know why I even hate him.
Sometimes I look and him and think that maybe it’s my way of suppressing my real feelings because I’m scared of what could happen. But I hated admitting that, so I just went along with the fact that he pissed me off.
“Oh I piss you off?” He said, almost teasingly while continuing walking toward me. I was taken aback.
“Yeah, the fuck?” It was so obvious I was annoyed and wanted to be left alone.
“Is it because you have to look at me every day?” He teased, sitting down next to me.
“Look at what? Your ugly ass face?” I replied, desperately trying to turn the conversation into a normal one we’d have.
“Oh come on y/n. You know you love me.” He said in a low voice, placing his hand on my thigh.
“What the hell are you on about Chris-” I began before he cut me off.
“Wouldn’t it be a shame if I kissed you right now…” he smirked, tracing my jaw with his fingers.
My heart fluttered. Why? Why the fuck was this dumbass making me nervous?
“Christopher I swear to Go-” he continued interrupting me.
“Say my full name again.” He leaned in and whispered in my ear.
Where the hell was this confidence he had coming from?
“What? Christopher?” I questioned.
His eyes flickered between my eyes and my lips, which were parted already due to pure shock.
Next thing I know, he leaned in, moving his hand that rested on my thigh to my waist and the other cupping my cheek.
He placed his lips on mine, and before I could speak, our lips started moving in sync.
I practically melted into the kiss, which made Chris giggled when he pulled back before deepening the kiss.
His grip on my waist grew tighter as he guided me to straddle him on the couch.
He pulled away from my lips and began trailing sloppy kisses down my jaw and onto my neck, which definitely left marks.
I let out a small whine as he bit the skin on my neck.
“I wanna hate you so bad.” I stated, breathlessly.
“I know you do.” He pulled away from my neck, smirking.
We heard a door open, signaling Matt could walk in here at any moment, so I hopped off of Chris and he got up, walking toward his room.
“Surprised y’all didn’t kill each other in here.” Matt joked as he walked in the room.
“Yeah I’m leaving for a reason. I cannot be in her presence for too long.” Chris continued walking before turning around and winking at me without Matt noticing.
“Should’ve known nothing changed.” Matt looked down at the ground and laughed before asking if I was ready to go to bed.
I, of course, always shared a room with Matt at sleepovers because he was my best friend.
I got up and me and Matt made our way to bed.
All I can say is thank GOD I was wearing a hoodie which covered the hickies on my neck.
A/N: I know I said this was gonna be multiple parts on the poll, but I changed my idea a little bit and it ended up just being one. If y’all want a second part, you can always send in a request with an idea for it and I’ll totally write one, but otherwise this is it. Sorry to all the Matt girls. I know, me writing so many Chris fics is killing me too, but y’all wanted them first on the poll 💔
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kakuryuminn · 1 year
Hi! I love reading all of your Mammon angst stories! Each one of them is beautiful and so sad and I love it! I was wondering if you could do a story with Lucifer accidentally hurting/killing Mammon in a fit of uncontrolled rage then realizing what he did. If you’re busy with other things and/or don’t want to write this, then it’s perfectly fine. Everything you make is glorious regardless! Thank you for listening!
Hello! Sorry it took quite a while. I just opened my tumblr hehe. And of course! I'll do it. I have been pretty bored lately and experiencing writers block so, this would be a nice warmup! Thank you for loving my fics<333
Ps: short as fuck and not many details in it. Hope you guys enjoy!
Tw: Violence, Blood, life and death situation, comatose, trauma
Lucifer, the avatar of pride, the eldest of the seven, glared at the lower rank demons that are on his way.
His red eyes glowing fiercely, as he balled his hands in a fist. He walked at the hallway, every step he took made a cracking sound at the wooden floor.
He don't want to see anyone right now. Whether it may be one of his brothers, one of his closest friends, he wants to be completely alone in this moment.
Because lucifer doesn't know, when or where he will lose his temper and lash out at some random stranger. Or worse, kill them with his rage.
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"But this will be a complete fail!" A noble shouted as they slammed their hands onto the table, making some of the teacups shake.
"Please do not worry about the outcome, for lucifer, my right hand demon will be incharge of this business." Diavolo smiled reassuringly at the demon. Lucifer could tell that the demon prince is getting impatient by the constant questions about this project they are proposing.
"Hah!" The demon scoffed, jamming a finger at lucifer and turning to the others with a mocking smile. "Have you gone mad, prince?! This is the same person who ruined our first project!"
Lucifer's brows knitted in annoyance. He decided to speak and put this annoying fucker on his place. "Excuse me? Weren't you the one who begged me to give you the first project? And what did you do to the fund we raised? Spent it on useless things saying it could help our project." He took a sip of his tea and glanced at diavolo, checking if he is going to stop lucifer.
Seeing as he didn't, lucifer continued. "It didn't help and just ruined our project completely. We didn't even sue you. So who do you think you are accusing?"
The noble shut his mouth and sat down, grumbling things under his breath.
Half an hour had passed, and they were all dismissed from the meeting.
Lucifer walked through the palace corridors. He turned, but stopped when he heard familiar voices.
"I mean, how can prince diavolo make that fallen angel his right hand?!"
Lucifer halts.
"Yes! I mean, a fallen angel as his right hand? Ugh, it feels like he's belittling us."
Lucifer glared.
"I mean, can't you see his brothers also?" The demons snickered. One that made lucifer feel anger.
"No wonder they couldn't save their pathetic sister from her tragic love story!!" They all laughed out loud, and Lucifer's eyes darkened.
This was the last straw.
He flung the door open, the demons inside flinching and turning to him in a snap. All fearful of the demon in front of them.
Lucifer stood at the middle, wings flapped open as he looked at them one by one. If a glare can kill, lucifer will have to deal with a bloody aftermath.
Lucifer dashed so fast and lifted his fists, but before his punch can hit the demons face, someone had pulled the noble demon to the side, causing for lucifer to punch the wall and made a huge hole that would take days to renovate.
"You-!" Lucifer was about to attack again, but he was held back by diavolo, who ordered him to back out and follow him.
It took them a hard time to get lucifer to go outside of the castle because he was lashing and cursing like crazy. He curses everyone who laughed at his brothers. He curses everyone who laughed at his sister.
He want them dead.
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Diavolo opened the door to his car, lucifer came out, fists clenched hard that it wouldn't surprise diavolo if there's blood that's dripping. He glared at the doorframe to his home.
Driven by anger, lucifer walked towards their house without bidding goodbye to the butler and the demon prince. He slammed the door open, walls that surrounds the door cracked. He walked inside, and shut the door so loudly diavolo swear he heard the handle broke.
Lucifer could hear a few steps. He looked up the stairs, and glared at the demon(s).
Asmodeus, beelzebub, satan, belphegor, and levi were all huddled, staring at him. Some were nervous, one is amused, and some were worried.
Lucifer walked at the opposite stair, not breaking eye contact with his brothers. He stopped when he reached the top, and scanned all of them. Levi flinched when he saw a chuck of the railing fall.
"Mammon. Where is he?" Lucifer asked, anger obvious in his voice. He waited for them to answer, but he was out of patience. Lucifer gripped the rails, and threw a big chunk at their direction. Don't worry, he purposely let it miss.
"Woah!" Satan exclaimed, because it almost hit him. "What the actual fuck?" He said, turning to his demon form. "What the hell is up your ass this time?!"
"Mammon. Where is he?" Lucifer repeated again. This time, with his demon form out too. "I won't repeat again. Where's that bastard?" He asked, again.
Now, the others thought that mammon was the reason of lucifers anger. Satan let out an annoyed 'tch' before turning to his original form. He crossed his arms, it seems like noone is willing to speak so he'll do it instead.
"That scumbag is working right now—"
Satan stopped talking when the door creaked open, and mammon walked in, sweaty and obviously tired.
"—Speaking of the demon, tadah." Satan scoffed and motioned his hands as if presenting a very treasured gift.
Mammon looked at them, eyes half lidded. He smiled tiredly. "Somethin' wrong?" He asked, voice hoarse.
Beelzebub looked at him in worry before giving him a mouthed 'goodluck'. The glutton demon dragged belphegor to their room despite his protests. Well, belphegor just wanted to insult his second eldest brother. Asmodeus followed suit, mumbling under his breath about his beauty sleep being interrupted. Levi dashed to his room in a hurry, after smirking at mammon. A mocking one.
Satan leaned in on the rails, looking at lucifer. The eldest is glaring daggers at mammon. Satan looked at mammon, and frowned when he looked so confused.
"Just a reminder, I'll be reading my favourite book so don't scream too loud." Satan warned, showing the book in his hands. "Or I'll shut you up enternally."
With that, satan walked out of the scene and mammon could hear the door opening and being slammed closed. Mammon sighed. What could he possibly did this time?
Mammon, despite not knowing what he did wrong, lifted both of his arms and closed his eyes. "Look, Im' one minute late to the curfew, and i aint' doin' anythin' this past few days. I don't know what ya want from me, but i sincerely just wanna' rest so can you please postpone the punishment til' tomorrow?" When all he received was silence, mammon opened his left eye to peak and oh boy how he almost pissed his pants.
There was lucifer, marching down with both his fist clenched and wings spread widely, mammon could hear a low growl.
The avatar of greed gulped.
"Y-yer scarin' me right now, luci..." He stepped backwards, his hands searching for the knob hurriedly, while glancing at his walking brother. He was marching and mammon felt like it was death coming to him.
"Fuck, where the hell—" He turned around, horror in his eyes when he found out the knob was broken and the door was locked because of magic.
Just as mammon turned his head to face lucifer, a harsh punch landed on his face and he screamed.
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Satan gripped his book, his breath hitching when he heard another scream of pain. He sighed, flipping another page as he tried to ignore the countless screams of mammon for lucifer to stop.
He could hear crashing of things, and harsh coughing of mammon. He couldn't hear lucifer speak, though. He just heard kicking and he felt the eldest's power on and off.
"...just what did mammon do this time..." He said, worry lacing his voice. He sighed, flipping yet another page.
The screaming went on for hours and satan could swear he couldn't understand what he was he even reading. He slammed his book close and placed it on top of his desk.
He brought his hands to his face, a sigh of exhaustion and worry evident.
The screaming stopped.
Satan peaked from his fingers, staring at the ceiling. Is it over?
Satan stood up and opened his door with courage, but he halts when he heard an agonizing scream. A scream that didn't belong to the second oldest.
Satan ran.
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Lucifer continued kicking the noble demons body, stepping on it's stomach and grinning when he heard it scream and wail.
You son of a bitch. Do you think you could talk to my family like that?
And finally, with one final kick to the stomach, the demon stopped screaming. The cries and begging for him to stop all vanished on thin air.
Lucifer breathed a heavy breath, backing away. He looked at his masterpiece, grinning like a maniac.
The black [white] hair of the demon was now messy. His green [blue] eyes now painted in a dull color, and his once graceful skin covered with his very own blood.
Lucifer's vision starts to blur, the anger inside him subsiding as his vision become clearer and clearer by the second that pass.
His breathing became stable, and he felt like it was his first time knowing who he was, why was he here.
Lucifer looked down at the blood in his hands and clothes, and to the demon he had just beat up.
His vision became cleared.
The black hair was replaced by white.
That made lucifer widen his eyes in fear and horror. With trembling legs, he stepped forward, and forward...
There, in a pool of blood, lay mammon. Almost lifeless. His eyes opened wide, eyes becoming dull and tears flowed through them uncontrollably. Mammon's left hand at his stomach, his right hand bent in directions that made lucifer want to rip out his head and scream his lungs out.
Mammon coughed, weakly. Blood came out of his mouth, as his pupils barely moved. His gaze landed on lucifer.
"...L...c....fer-" He coughed again. Lucifer couldn't move. "W....y...?" Coughed blood. Again. "W...hy...ou...d...yo....do...is...?"
Lucifer fell to his knees, he dragged himself to mammon's side. "I-" I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do this, I'm sorry mammon.
With a final cough, mammon's vision turned black.
Lucifer shook him. Again, and again. He did not respond. Did not flinch. Did not breath.
And so,
Lucifer screamed.
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The house of lamentation became quiet after that very same night. If one was to walk past the house, they would think that the seven avatars that lived there vanished to thin air.
Inside the house, through the quiet corridors, through the doors to the demons rooms, there lay mammon. Not moving, not waking up, not doing anything.
His body covered in stitches and bandages. An oxygen tank on his side that was probably the only reason he was alive.
Syringes on the table, wet towels, wet tissues in the trash can.
Outside of that room, six demons lay on their own beds, doing nothing but coping.
Doing everything they could ever do to forget this ever happened in their family.
To forget that mammon may die at any second and they wouldn't get to apologize. HE wouldn't get to apologize.
This went on for days. Days eventually turning into weeks, and weeks turning into months.
When mammon woke up, they all rushed to him. The five of them rushed to his side, asking if he was okay. But the avatar did not answer any of their questions. He only stared blankly at the wall infront of him, mouth slightly agape as he stared at it in horror. He didn't speak for a few months. And when he did speak, the only thing that came out of his mouth was a terrified scream as a familiar black hair and red eyed demon entered the room.
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lionheartedmusings · 9 months
i've been rotating this in my head since last night and i think it's worth talking about regarding q!bad's current arc, but something that truly struck me was the music choice for the "switch up" yesterday specifically and i couldn't understand why... until now.
cc!bad doesn't do things halfway and so we have to assume every detail, music included, is intentional and used to convey something, the man is as unhinged about his lore as we are.
the music that played when he prepared to go down to meet the fed worker yesterday wasn't necessarily evil or creepy, not at all. it was triumphant — intense, yes, and it starts with what one could say is a suspenseful undertone, but not "here comes the creepy torture song" and more like "pump yourself up, because you have work to do, and it's glorious".
i feel like that explains q!bad and what he needs to do very very well, because it's a very sharp contrast with the song that played during his "acceptance" stream when he unleashed his anger and revealed what he'd done. two days ago, he reached a breaking point he hadn't in a very long time — lost himself to a level of inhumanity he hadn't in a very long time, without any semblance of a moral compass around and work to do. yesterday? well. yesterday, we saw a man on a mission — a positive one at that.
there's no madness to q!bad when he goes to presumably torture this federation worker, there's no "he's lost it and now he's doing horrible things" and i think that's a very important thing to keep in mind in this upcoming arc — he is very, very lucid and very, very sane, and he's not one bit sorry. in fact, he's pleased that he's being proactive. he's happy to go to work, i imagine not only because of his self-appointed mission but.. well, because it's fun.
there's a lot of angst to q!bad, but i feel like in this arc it's also relevant to keep in mind just how unremorseful he is about... just about anything related to his past. oh atlantis? oof... oh. yeah that happened woops. venice? we wouldn't want a repeat of that, hehe. the salem witch trials? oh those were fun! he talks about torturing people... all the time. i mean, we saw the man torture q!foolish, one of if not his closest friend, and he doesn't particularly care (one can argue that it's because q!foolish also doesn't care but there's something there for both of them).
my point being, i think the release of q!bad's anger and cruelty is a tough subject for him — he clearly is incredibly restrained. but the aftermath? the actual acts of cruelty that no one would condone?
he doesn't care. in fact, if he does care, he's proud of them and of what they can accomplish. it's fucking fun for him, it clearly puts him in a good mood, and it's not in a "he snapped" way at all. man just enjoys some good old fashioned torture.
i don't believe we'll see any remorse or guilt from q!bad about this, ever, perhaps even to his detriment. i truly think right now he's just happy he's doing something and if he gets to be sadistic and cruel and twisted while doing it? it's a win for badboyhalos everywhere!
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peaky-shelby · 1 year
Bulldog | Mbappe x Reader
Requested by @mrs-bellingham : "I’m not saying it was a good idea, I'm saying I snapped"
Writer's note: originally requested for Virgil Van Dijk, thank you for letting my change it into kylian again and sorry. For future requests if anyone is wondering for now I'm writing for Kylian, neymar, hakimi, Bellingham and Mason. You can always request with other players but it just isn't certain I'll do it. Love you all xx
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Maybe it’s not that bad, I thought to myself. Pacing back and forth on the changing rooms, if it were any other time I would hate being there. The strong perfumes always made my stomach twist and turn I hated it but right now something else was making my stomach twist and turn which I hated even more. I rubbed my face with my hands, like it was a lamp and I could wish for time to get back and I could stop him from doing what he did but time seemed to be remaining painfully slow and moving forward. I was panicking, exaggerating, making a bid deal out of nothing-
“We have a problem-“ Kylian walked in behind you, opening and closing the door quickly, pretty much ruining all my hopes that it was all in my head. I turned around to face him, holding my hands in fists. I had been dealing with the drama that came with being friends with Kylian pretty well, I had accepted it, along with the constant following of the paparazzi. When you started dating you both tried to kept it a secret for as long as he could and it seemed to be working out until-
“You punched the fucking guy in the face-“
“I know!” he said, raising his hands, like he was being called by a referee for a foul.
“Oh you know?” I asked, mocking him “that sucks because I would prefer for you to tell me you were hypnotized or something.”
“How would that be better?”
You reached down at one of the benches, snatching the closest thing you could find which was a psg shirt and threw at him “how Is just punching a guy out of the blue a better idea?”
“Hey!” he held the shirt in his hands “I never said it was a good idea. I’m saying I snapped!”
“couldn’t you have snapped at a wall or something?”
“They guy was taking pictures of us! Why are you mad at me?” he yelled back. I took a deep breath in and sat on the nearest bench, holding my head in my hands, fearing that it might even explode. I heard him sighing and cursing until he sat next to me. I couldn’t even look at him, I was feeling all sorts of emotions, fearing for tomorrow’s headlines and articles, the impact it would have on his public figure. “I’m sorry” he mumbled; I knew how hard it must have been for him to do. I titled my head to look at him, he was staring at the floor. “I thought I could get the camera and the pictures would never be leaked- I was trying to save it as much as I could-“
“Famous last words.” I joked and looked away again.
“I know what these pictures of us making out seeing the light is gonna do to you, I wanted to stop him.”
“You broke his jaw.”
“That’s-“ he searched for the right words “I didn’t break his jaw. He is overreacting. I’ve had tougher hits on the field”
“I’m pretty sure he was bleeding-“
“The floors are red you wouldn’t know if he was bleeding-“
You looked a him shocked about to laugh “That’s what you’re going with?”
“Listen he’ll be fine, ok? Will this be a story? Maybe-“
“Definitely” you corrected.
“Probably. Will I need to pay for his doctor appointments in the near future?”
“Do I regret it?”
“I hope so!”
“No.” he answered bluntly. I was taken aback by how serious he looked, like he was making a confession that if it came down to it, he would do it again. “Hey look at me.” He placed his hand on my cheek, his touch was doing things to me without even trying. He pushed my hair behind my ear, smiling because he knew that always made me weak. “That guy said things about you, he took inappropriate pictures of you without your permission, I’d knock him out again if I had to.” I couldn’t help but feel love him in that moment, the way his eyes fell on me sent shivers down my spine. Like I was his and only his and no one else was allowed to even look at me without his permission. I leaned in and kissed him, a sloppy kiss, that would give him the reward he deserved for protecting me.
“My loyal bulldog, biting anyone that gets close enough.” You whispered in his lips.
“Damn right!” he replied, pushing me back on the bench so he’d be laying on top of me, kissing my cheek and then my neck, leaving a small bite on my skin, that made me laugh. “Sometimes biting you too” he said, making me laugh even more. He slipped his hands under my shirt, his hands on my skin finding their place on my waist. Getting caught on the hallways obviously taught us nothing because we were about to finish what we started and we would have if the door didn’t crack open, making us both jump on our feet.
“OH!” said Neymar disgusted closing his eyes “You guys wanna get a room or something- for fuck’s shake.” He opened his eyes slowly, making sure no one was naked “Coach wants to see you. Now.”
“Merde…” He looked at me, a sympathetic expression on his eyes and gave me one last kiss “I love you.”
“Love you too Kyky.”
“Yeah, have fun in there-“ he patted Kylian In the back, while I stood back watching him leave. I looked up at Ney, worried.
“Is he gonna be ok?”
“He’s gonna get a good yelling but he will survive don’t worry.” He looked at me smiling “are you gonna be, ok?”
I went home without him and waited for him to return. Turns out he had been benched for next game, coach wasn’t happy for his reaction at all but Kylian seemed pretty chilled, despite the consequences. We cuddled on the couch, my head on his chest, his hand messing with my hair while I slowly fell asleep in his arms. “Thank you” I whispered, getting his attention. He looked down at me confused and I raised my head as much as I could to look at him “I didn’t say thank you or sorry.”
“For what?” he asked, almost laughing at my sudden gratitude or apology.
“For what you did for me.”
He smiled, his hand slipping on my cheek, his entire palm covering it “No need to thank me. You said it yourself I’m your bulldog. I was born to protect you.”
My face fell back on his chest, while I blushed and I hugged him as tight as I could, making sure he wasn’t just a dream.
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ladylooch · 5 months
Just Married [Nico Hischier]
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A/N: Thank you @mads-28 for your lovely ask requesting to see more about Nico and Lexi's wedding! I hope you love this as much as I love you!!
Part of the What My World Spins Around series
Word Count: 1.0
Nico and I have done this hike numerous times before. It’s a small, local one- free of tourists or children or influencers. It’s a hidden hike the locals keep for themselves just outside of Bern. The views include the towering Swiss alps, a glacial lake, and clouds that bop along the tops of the mountains as they pass. 
Nothing about this hike is traditional today.
The two people who tag along with us are not friends or family members. They are an officiant and a photographer. Nico and I are dressed in hiking stuff, but inside our hiking packs are a white, lace dress for me and a blue, dress shirt for him. There is a bouquet of fake flowers tied together with blue ribbon and two white, leather notepads with a gold H engraved into the front. Inside those covers are written vows Nico and I have curated for each other.
It has been one month since Nico proposed to me on the dock. Since then, a new family member has joined our family. After meeting Lio Meier, Nico and I looked at each other and thought, why wait any longer to seal our deal? We kinda want one of these sooner rather than later.
But Timo and Emma had just gotten engaged and are rushing to the altar before the season starts. So to avoid stepping on their toes, and selfishly because we wanted this all along, we are getting married in secret. No parents, no friends, just us and two strangers.
Then, we will go to the city register’s office and do it all officially there again. After it is official, we will clue everyone else in with a surprise, we got married! announcement.
We don’t want a party. We don’t want gifts.
All we want is to be married.
The last part of the hike is precarious. Rocks litter the trail, some snow remains in parts of the trail that don’t get sun. But we all prevail. I put my arms victoriously  in the air because that was hard and I got through it easily with the Swiss natives.
“One of us!!!” Nico yells excitedly, lifting me into the air. “Minus the fact that you hate raclette.”
“My one flaw.” I agree, bowing my head to him.
“You’re perfect.” He murmurs sweetly. His fingers lace with mine, squeezing, before he looks at our guests. “Please marry us as soon as possible.” I swoon. Our guests laugh and nod. 
“Shall we.” The officiant points to the rock closest to the ledge that provides us the most incredible view to look at while we wed.
Nico and I pull on our wedding outfits. He helps me zip my dress up over my hiking stuff. The photographer snaps pictures of us. The warm breeze blows the smells of the wild flowers up from the valley to us. In our hiking boots, with our books steady in our hands, we receipt our vows.
While I speak, Nico’s eyes fill with tears. I wish I had better words than what is on this paper to describe him. Every time I sat down and wrote and rewrote my vows, it never felt like I could get the right combination of letters to describe my love for him. I finally accepted that words would never describe what he is to me, or what he will be in the future. All I can say is I love you and prove it for the rest of my life.
After I finish, I reach forward, holding his cheeks in both of my hands. My thumbs collect the droplets of water he shed for me, for us. Nico pulls me closer, resting our foreheads together, resisting the urge to kiss me even though his hands shake with his desire to. 
Then, he begins to weave us through our story. 
“We started off as nothing, barely even neighborly because I couldn’t get the courage to speak to you.” A grin stretches my lips. “Then we were friends, but I watched you leave that apartment every day talking about the different dates you had been on until I finally got the courage to ask you out.”
“Thought you never would.” I tease. 
“You stepped into this complex life without looking back. I know it’s been a lot. You’ve been asked to sacrifice, sleep alone, and navigate big parts of life without me. But you still choose me, like it’s the easiest decision you make every day.” I nod because it is. Nico sniffs, then sucks in a big breath. “I love you. I kept thinking of all the ways I could tell you that today. Or how I could show it to you. But I realized, I need a whole lifetime to do so. Even then, it’s only scratching the surface .” He tucks a chunk of blowing hair back behind my ear. “I promise to take care of you. To love you even on our worst days. To show up for you and support you in all your hopes, dreams, and wants. To be your best friend and your best lover.” He winks. “To try even when I’m tired or it feels too hard or I don’t think you deserve it.” 
“Mmm.” I murmur, nodding. The last part is a call back to my parents and their divorce- how my mom didn’t think my dad deserved for her to fight for them. Tears fill my eyes as he pauses, really letting that sink in.
“Because our love is worth it. Now and forever.” He finishes.
“That was perfect, Neeks.” I whisper. We join hands, our books pressing into each other's opposite palms. 
The last few rights are done. We exchange rings and finally, urgently, kiss. It’s explosive and short. Our smiles get in the way of binding us for life, but like Nico said, we have a whole life time of this to do. 
We open beers and salute to one another, then chug the light liquid, surly not needing it to feel buzzed after the high of being married. We hike back down the mountain with 'Just Married' signs on each of our backs. We pass no one, but the declaration is there.
Lexi and Nico Hischier are married.
And it will be for forever.
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fallenclan · 30 days
Everything will we all right, as long as we have each other.
By Dragon Anon
Marshjump sighed, weaving his way through the set of tunnels he and Bearspring had found so many moons ago. He assumed countless apprentices had found the crevasse near their den, squeezing through the sharp opening to explore the ancient trails. 
Marshjump was nearly too large to fit now, but he knew that's where he'd find his sister. The scent of blood was growing stronger, too. "Bearspring?"
"Marshjump?" In the shadows, Marshjump could just make out Bearspring's form. "What are you doing here?"
"Making sure you're all right. You need to see Sagespeckle. Your shoulder-"
"My shoulder is fine," Bearspring snapped. A few moments went by, and she murmured, "Sorry. I'm not mad at you, I just..."
"It's okay." Marshjump pressed his pelt against his littermate's, an unspoken gesture of warmth. "What happened out there?"
"I hesitated."
"That isn't what I meant. Your claws were nearly in Wolfbite's throat. If you hadn't 'hesitated,' you might have killed her."
"I wouldn't have killed her," Bearspring scoffed, ears pinning against her head.
"Wolfbite looked... afraid. She only attacked you so viciously because she thought you were going to... well."
"So you're siding with her now?" Bearspring hissed suddenly, pulling away from Marshjump. The tom blinked in surprise.
"I'm not siding with anyone. Wolfbite is our clanmate. StarClan wouldn't want this. We shouldn't be fighting each other."
"StarClan," Bearspring sneered, shaking her head. "StarClan isn't real, Marshjump."
"What?" The tom recoiled, a mixture of shock and horror surging through him. "How can you say that?"
"What proof do we have of their existence, Marshjump? What good have their rules ever done us?"
"Our mother was given nine lives by StarClan, and blessed to lead this clan. This... nonsense you're speaking needs to stop, Bearspring. I get that you're upset, but-"
"Our mother abandoned us!" Bearspring snapped. "If she actually had nine lives, she wouldn't have lost every one to some mysterious illness. It doesn't add up, Marshjump. Cherrystar never had nine lives, and neither does Ravenstar. It's a necessary lie to keep the clan in line." 
" . . . I didn't know you felt this way."
"There's a lot you don't know."
Marshjump frowned, stung. There had been a time when Bearspring was his closest friend and confidant. Recently, she had grown distant. Harsher. Cruel. "Even if I don't agree, I'm glad you felt comfortable sharing your feelings."
"You sound like Quailcall."
"She's a wise cat."
"She's a pointless cat. She provides nothing for the clan."
Marshjump opened and shut his mouth a few times. Exhaled. "I think we're done talking, Bearspring."
"Fine. Leave."
And so Marshjump left, silent as leafbare's first frost.
Marshpaw stared, awed. Sootpaw had caught a ptarmigan nearly mid-flight, sending it crashing back to the ground and snapping its neck. "Incredible work, Sootpaw," Littleleaf purred, trotting forward to praise his apprentice.
Bearpaw frowned. "Where did she learn to do that?"
"She's incredible, isn't she?" Marshpaw was still watching the grey she-cat with open admiration.
"I guess." Bearpaw flexed her claws. "I bet I could do that, too."
Marshpaw glanced at his sister. "Why don't we go practice hunting, and next time you can be the one to catch a ptarmigan mid-flight?"
"Yeah." Bearpaw's gaze brightened. "Okay. Let's go train!"
"Where's your sister?" 
"What?" Marshjump started, looking up from the squirrel he'd been gnawing on a moment ago.
"She promised to go hunting with me later," Sootstep drawled. "And yet she's nowhere to be seen. Typical."
"Bearspring is still recovering from her injury. She shouldn't be hunting or--or doing anything, anyway."
Sootstep flicked her tail dismissively. "Bearspring doesn't need you to make her decisions for her. Just let me know if you see her, okay? And tell her I won't wait around for her forever. I'll just end up going with Flamefall instead."
". . . okay."
"Eep! It moved!" Bearkit sprang backwards, tail puffed up like a bottlebrush.
"Don't worry, I'll get it," Marshkit mrrped, scrambling forward. With a swift swipe, Marshkit dispatched the spider that had been terrorizing his sister. 
"Thank you." Bearkit bonked her head against her littermate's, purring softly. 
"Of course. Just remember, everything will be all right, as long as we have each other." Marshkit grinned. "Now, why don't we play warriors? I wanna be Cherrystar this time. . ."
Marshjump froze. Ripplefade, oblivious to his son's tension, continued idly chatting about clan news. 
Marshjump's gaze was locked on Bearspring, who was perched near Ravenstar and Levi. The three seemed to be having a pleasant discussion. It filled Marshjump with dread.
"...and then Frozenkit bit my tail! Tch. Pebblefreeze lets them get away with anything. I don't blame her, though. Her kits sure are cute. Not as cute as you and your sister when you two were kits, though, but... ah, Marshjump? Are you listening?"
"What? Sorry." Marshjump's gaze flicked to Ripplefade, who was watching him expectantly. "I'm listening."
"All right. So, while I was scolding Frozenkit, Tempestkit started sneaking off! I didn't even notice at first..." Ripplefade's voice became a jumble of meaningly words to Marshjump within moments. 
He sighed. Really, he should enjoy these happy moments. And yet, he couldn't help but feel a sense of foreboding. Melancholy. Disquiet. 
Shaking his head, Marshjump settled down beside his father, forcing the disturbed thoughts from his mind. Everything would turn out all right.
He was sure of it.
(little exploration of marsh and bear's relationship. would be a shame if anything bad were to happen to them /silly)
(beetle note: a shame indeed :3 i love love love this fic, your characterization of bear and marsh is so good!!!! and i always adore all the little details you add in,,, Pebblefreeze letting her kits get away with anything really stuck out to me. its so true)
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AITA for holding onto a grudge after being called a loser in front of my friends?
Me(27 NB) and a couple friends(25-35 varying, all men) were playing games on discord. We started playing a game all together recently and most of us, including me, don't know all the mechanics in the game yet. One of the guys in the group(26 M) who I was probably the closest with asked a question about a mechanic he got confused on, and it was also time sensitive, so I just said he's lagging behind(in a neutral way, not to bully him or something) and that he might want to hurry up.
He took this in a very wrong way and said okay loser, I said what the hell I was just trying to help, and he replied with don't bite if you don't want me to bite back. Now offended, I said okay fine next time I'll shut up, then he said yes shut up. I left the game and the call at that point, stepped away from the computer for the rest of the night.
We had a talk afterwards where he apologised and was just trying to be sarcastic, but he snapped too hard because he doesn't like to be backseated. I also apologised for making him feel that way but added that I didn't deserve that and we stopped the conversation there.
I've hanged out with the rest of the group but him so far and no one mentioned the fight whatsoever, making me think they thought it was a minor thing. And even after the apologies I am still mad at a close friend and am reluctant to hang out with the others when he's involved. AITA for holding onto a grudge when everyone thinks it's probably fine?
What are these acronyms?
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boltupbitches · 1 year
If you'd like to see any shorts written for your favorite NFL player that I have listed on my masterlist, please send me a request! // hi! can i please get a blurb on joe burrow taking care of his girl after a surgery (like an appendectomy idk) or his girl taking care of him after his appendectomy or knee surgery and he’s all clingy and baby. thank uuuu
Joe Burrow - Clingy
"Joe, hun, I had my gallbladder taken out - it's not the end of the world." His wife grumbled from her place on the couch.
Ever since she was discharged yesterday from needing an emergency gallbladder removal surgery, Joe had been glued to her side, calling in to notify Zac and his closest friends on the team that he wouldn't be in due to the previous events.
It was endearing at first, his commitment to her care.. Until it wasn't.
Every half hour he was back in the room checking on her. The pillow behind her looked too flat. The bottle of water he brought her was almost empty. She looked cold. She looked warm. She looked hungry. Did she need to use the bathroom?
After a while of this, she finally had enough and snapped at him for wanting to cover her up with the blanket.
"Babe.. I just want to make sure you're recovering ok." Joe pouted slightly from above her. The blanket was now loosely gripped in his hands.
She felt bad because he was giving her the sad puppy eyes. "I know, and I really appreciate it.. but please just sit down for an hour and relax please. Let's just do that. Resting will help me in healing and I know you've barely slept the last 48 hours."
"I slept last night next to you just fine." Joe interejcted.
"No, you faked sleep when you thought I was waking up.. but then I caught you three times last night just watching me in my sleep! I'm not going to die, Joe."
He looked away in defiance for a moment before looking back at her again with narrowed eyes. "I'm allowed to worry."
"You are. You're right.. what you're not allowed to do is stay up almost 48 hours straight and then stick yourself to my ass. I'm tired and I want to sleep. I know you are too. So, let's nap for a bit." She mad a grabby gesture for the blanket with one hand and patted the couch cushion next to her. "You can be the big spoon and I'll be the little."
"I thought you said I was being clingy." He gave her an unimpressed look.
"I never said that - just that you are over worrying yourself again. Now, are you going to spoon me or not?"
Joe stood for a moment as if pondering before sighing, "Fine." He settled in behind her and gently pulled her against him.
She adjusted the blanket and sighed in relief.
It was quiet for a moment before Joe spoke again. "You sure you don't need to use the bathroom?"
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thedragonqueensblog · 2 months
James Potter///Echoes of Love and Loss
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Anonymous Request: James Potter and Y/n Evans first meeting and she doesn’t like him since he keeps bugging her and keeps calling her his future Mrs potter and months go on she and James end up dating leaving her best friend Snape heartbroken who has loved her since childhood and her sister Lily, is not happy about it about her sister relationship with James and tells her about Snapes feelings but she tells her that she only loves James and only sees snape as a brother But months later at graduation, James asks Y/n marry him leaving Snape sad and Lily mad as the wedding approached Lily nor Snape show up but Lily regret it when she finds out about the death of her sister and James
Warnings: unrequited love, characters deaths and lots of angst
The sunlight streaming through the large, dusty windows of the Hogwarts Great Hall was sending ever-changing patterns of light and shadow across the tables as you joined your sister Lily at the Gryffindor table for lunch.
"Anyone I should be aware of, Lily?" You asked, eyeing the bustling crowd.
"Hmm," Lily chewed her lip, thinking. "Well, there's Potter and his group of troublemakers," she said, pointing towards a group of four boys. Amongst them, one boy was louder, with untidy hair and circular glasses, his hazel eyes twinkling under the sunlight.
"He seems fun," you commented, your eyes twinkling at the boyish charm reflected in James Potter's eyes.
"He's a menace, more like," Lily shot back, with an irate frown creasing her forehead. "All he does is flaunt his Quidditch skills and annoy Snape."
"Ah, Severus," you said, rolling your eyes softening at the mention of him. Lily rolled her eyes at you, for not being a big fan of Snape's blatant favoritism for darker magic.
Just as you finished your conversation, James himself bounced over to your table with a cheeky grin. "Ah, Evans! And other Evans!" He laughed at his own joke.
You frowned at his extremely familiar tone but still asked politely, "You need something, Potter?"
"I need a lot of things, but right now, I just wanted to confirm our Astronomy study session. At eight," he said, looking at Lily but addressing you.
"We don't have any Astronomy study session, Potter," Lily irritated says
"But future Mrs Potter and I do," he winked towards you as you felt a hot flush climbing up your neck from this comment made you explode, "Keep dreaming, Potter, because that's the closest you'll ever get."
"Oi, Evans! Have you seen my Invisibility Cloak? I swear it was here just a minute ago," James said, his messy hair sticking out in all directions.
You sighed, a trace of annoyance in your voice. "For the hundredth time, Potter, I haven't seen it. Maybe you should learn to keep track of your things."
From the very beginning, James seemed determined to capture your attention. However, his relentless pursuit of hulk only served to irritate you even more James would cheekily call you his future Mrs. Potter, much to your annoyance. Months went by, with James persistently trying to win your affections, but you remained uninterested.
"Hey there, Mrs. Potter-to-be," James said, flashing a mischievous grin. "I've got a feeling we're meant to be together."
"Potter, I've told you a thousand times. I am not your future Mrs. Potter. And stop following me around!" You replied, frustration evident in your voice.
“Ah, love!!”James called out, his voice carrying over the chatter of their housemates. "Fancy to go at Gobstones?"
You looked up from your Transfiguration textbook, an unimpressed frown on your face . "No, thank you, Potter. I'd rather not waste my time."
James sauntered over, a playful glint in his hazel eyes. "Come on, it'll be fun! Or are you afraid of a little challenge?”
You sighed, closing your book with a snap. "It's not about the challenge. It's about the company."
Sirius Black, who had been lounging nearby, let out a low whistle. "Burn," he chuckled, earning himself a glare from James.
Months went by and the same scenario played out over and over again. You found yourself warming up to James, despite your initial irritation. He was bold, courageous, and above all, he genuinely cared for you. He did more than just annoy you – he also protected you,teased you, made you laugh and was always there when you needed someone.
Meanwhile, your best friend, Severus Snape, carried a deep and unrequited love for you . Snape had harbored these feelings since childhood, but he stayed silent, never daring to reveal his true emotions. As time passed, your heart began to open up to James, and the two of you gradually started dating.
You saw James nervously approaching you and you could sense that something important was on his mind. With a mixture of curiosity and anticipation, you awaited his next words.
James took a deep breath, his usual confidence momentarily faltering. "Y/n, there's something I've been meaning to ask you," he began earnestly.
Intrigued, you prompted him to continue, "What is it, James? You can tell me."
With a determined glint in his eyes, James mustered up the courage to ask, "Will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?"
You felt a rush of emotions overwhelm you as you processed his heartfelt request. Your heart swelled with joy and uncertainty, but ultimately, you knew that your feelings for James were undeniable. With a soft smile and a voice filled with warmth, you replied, "Yes, James. I would love to be your girlfriend."
A radiant smile broke out on James's face, his eyes reflecting pure happiness. He wrapped you in a tight embrace, whispering words of gratitude and affection. In that moment, you knew that you had made the right choice, and you felt a deep sense of contentment knowing that you had found love in James.
Your heart sank as Snape finally mustered the courage to open up to you about his true feelings. You could see the raw vulnerability in his eyes, a mix of longing and pain that had gone unnoticed for far too long.
"Y/n," Snape began, his voice tinged with a rare vulnerability, "I have loved you for as long as I can remember. How could you not see it all this time?"
Again your heart heart ached at his confession, realizing the depth of Snape's feelings for you. You took a moment to gather your thoughts, knowing that you needed to be honest with him, even if it meant causing him further heartache.
"I'm sorry, Snape," you started softly, your voice filled with regret. "I never meant to hurt you or lead you on. You've always been there for me, and I value our friendship more than words can express. But my heart belongs to James. I love him, and I can't deny my feelings for him."
Snape's expression fell, his eyes filled with a mixture of anguish and resignation. He nodded silently, understanding the weight of Yours words even as they pierced his heart.
You reached out to gently touch Snape's shoulder, your voice trembling with emotion. "I'm sorry that I hurt you, Snape. I care about you deeply, but in a different way. You're like a brother to me, and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me."
As Snape processed your words, a bittersweet acceptance settled over him. Despite the pain of unrequited love, he knew that the bond would endure, albeit in a different form. And as You offered him a sad smile of understanding and compassion, you hoped that the shared history and friendship would serve as a source of comfort and strength for the both of you, even as the two of you navigated the complexities of his and your intertwined lives.
Lily was devastated to hear that you were dating James. She had always known that Snape had feelings for you , but she never thought you would choose James over him. She confronted you about it, trying to make you see the reason.
"Y/n, you know how much Snape cares for you. He's loved you since we were kids. How can you just throw away his feelings like that?" Lily pleaded with you.
You sighed, feeling guilty for hurting Snape, but you couldn't deny your feelings for James. "Lily, I care about Snape, I really do. But I don't love him in that way. I only see him as a brother. James is the one I love."
She shook her head in disbelief. "But Y/n, Snape would do anything for you. He would never hurt you. Can't you see that he's the better choice?"
Your heart ached at the thought of hurting Snape, but you knew that you had to follow your heart. "I know you're worried, Lily. But James has changed. He's not the same person he used to be. He truly loves me, and I love him. I hope you can understand that."
She reluctantly accepted your decision, though she couldn't shake the feeling that Snape was the one who truly cared for you . As your relationship with James blossomed, Snape tried to move on, but his heart remained broken, longing for the love he could never have. And Lily could only watch from the sidelines, hoping that you had made the right choice.
She sat down with you, her heart heavy with concern. "I know you love James. But how can you be with someone who has hurt our best friend so much?"
You looked down, feeling guilty for not standing up for their friend. "I know, Lily. I've seen the way James treated Severus, and I hated it. But he's changed, Lily. He's not the same person he used to be. He's apologized to Severus and he's trying to make things right."
She sighed, still not convinced. "I know people can change, But what if this is all just a show? What if he's still the same arrogant bully deep down?"
You shook your head, tears welling up in your eyes. "I believe in James, Lily. I believe in the person he's become. And I can't ignore the love I feel for him."
She wrapped her arms around you, knowing that she couldn't change your feelings. "I just want you to be happy, But please, be careful. I don't want to see you get hurt."
You hugged your sister back, grateful for her concern. "I'll be careful, Lily. I promise. And I hope you can understand why I love James, despite everything."
As James and you swam together in the tranquil waters of the Black Lake, you found yourself unable to keep the weight of Severus Snape's confession to yourself, any longer. The shimmering light of the lake danced around the two of you as you took a deep breath and mustered the courage to speak.
"James, there's something I need to tell you," you began, your voice barely a whisper above the gentle lapping of the water.
James turned to you, his eyes searching with your curiosity. “ what’s wrong love?”
Taking a moment to compose yourself , you gathered your thoughts before speaking. “Snape confessed his feelings for me,"
James's expression faltered for a moment, a hint of concern shadowing his features. "Are you... thinking of being with him instead?" he asked, his voice tinged with worry.
Feeling the weight of his words, you grasped his hand tightly and looked into his eyes, your own filled with sincerity. "James, Snape's feelings mean nothing to me. You are the one I love. You are the one I choose,"
A wave of relief washed over James as he processed your words, a small smile breaking across his face. Wrapping his arms around you, James and you held each other close, the gentle ebb and flow of the water mirroring the calm that settled over the two of you
“I love you so much Y/n.” James pressed his lips into yours
James and you were sitting in the Great Hall by side, your fingers intertwined with his. You couldn't believe that you were dating the boy who had once annoyed you to no end. But as you glanced across the hall, you saw your best friend Snape sitting with your sister and he had a look of heartbreak on his face.
Months later, as their graduation from Hogwarts approached, James made a life-altering decision. He gathered the courage to ask you to marry him
"Y/n, will you do me the incredible honor of becoming my wife?" James said, his eyes filled with pure adoration.
Your heart swelled with emotion, tears of joy streaming down your face. "Yes, James! Yes, a thousand times yes!"
It had been a beautiful day, filled with love and laughter as James Potter and you exchanged vows in front of their friends and family. The sun shone brightly as the two of you said 'I do', promising to love and cherish each other for all eternity.
But there was an empty space at the wedding, a hole that could not be filled. Lily and Severus, two people who had once been important in your lives, were absent. You couldn't help but feel the sting of their absence, wondering why they had chosen not to share in this special moment.
Despite the absence of Lily and Snape, you felt surrounded by love. Your new husband, James, held you close and whispered sweet words of comfort in your ear. Sirius Black and Remus Lupin, stood by the side of the two of you, offering support and friendship in the face of sadness.
As time went on, Lily began to regret her decision to miss the wedding. She had let her pride and hurt feelings get in the way of supporting you on your special day. She reached out to you and James, hoping to make amends and rebuild their relationship.
But it was too late.
The memory of the last goodbye haunted James as you and him prepared for both sacrifices of his and yours. The weight of both of you impending fate pressed down on the two of you, but you and him found solace in each other's presence.
As the two of you stood side by side, memories of the past flooded the thoughts. The laughter, the tears, the love shared between James and you. And remembering the day that you and him had promised to always stand by each other, no matter what.
"James, my love," you said, tears in your eyes. "If this is the end, I want you to know that you have been the greatest love of my life."
James pulled you into a passionate embrace, your lips and his lips met with a desperate, final kiss. "And you, my darling Y/n, have been mine," he whispered. "I will love you forever."
Tragically, just a few moments later, Y/n and James were killed by Lord Voldemort.
It was a scene of heartbreaking despair as Severus Snape held your lifeless body in his arms, tears streaming down his face. The woman he loved, the one person who had brought light and joy into his otherwise dark and lonely life, was gone.
He whispered your name over and over again, a desperate plea for you to come back to him. But you remained still and silent, your eyes closed and your chest unmoving. The reality of your death hit him like a tidal wave, crushing his heart and leaving him gasping for air.
Suddenly, a small voice broke through his grief. "Mama," Harry said softly, his own eyes brimming with tears as he looked up at Snape and the lifeless form of your in his arms. Snape's heart twisted at the word, a painful reminder of the family he had lost in one tragic moment.
He held you closer, his sobs echoing in the quiet room as he tried to come to terms with the devastating loss. Harry reached out a hand, touching your cold cheek with a trembling finger, his lower lip quivering with unshed tears.
"Mama," he whispered again, his voice filled with longing and sorrow. Snape closed his eyes, feeling the weight of his grief pressing down on him like a heavy burden. He knew that nothing would ever be the same again, that a part of him had died along with you. .
Lily was devastated when she received the news. The sister she had pushed away, the sister she had neglected to support, was gone. She mourned the loss of you and James, regretting the choices she had made that had led to this moment.
In the end, Lily realized the true value of family and friendship. She vowed to honor the memory of her sister and brother-in-law, to be a better friend and sister to those she loved.
And as she looked at Harry, the boy who had lost his parents so tragically, she knew that she would do everything in her power to protect him, to love him, and to make sure he never felt
But as he looked down at Harry too, his heart clenched with a fierce determination. He would do whatever it took to protect the boy, to keep him safe and ensure that he never had to endure the pain of losing another loved one.
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lavenderbexlatte · 8 months
day 10: virginity
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nct/wayv 1.4k words female reader insert Reader x Liu Yangyang NSFW
🖤 warnings: outing your bro as a total virg, secret crushes, situation-typical coercion, overuse of brospeak/yangspeak🖤
kinktober masterlist
connect with me! / masterlist
"I'm not a fucking virgin. Get out of my room."
Yangyang's voice holds more vitriol than you've probably ever heard from him, and that's how you know that you and Renjun - mostly Renjun - have officially crossed a line.
"It was just a joke," says Renjun.
You smile, but it feels more like a grimace on your face. "Obviously it was a little-"
"I mean, sorry if you're sensitive about it," he continues, absolutely unapologetic. "Like, okay, Xiao Dejun, way to be mad about nothing."
Yangyang fixes him with a look that would send a lesser zodiac sign running. "I told you to get out of my room."
Renjun, Aries sun, just shrugs. "If it wasn't true, you wouldn't be so mad."
But Renjun does leave, and you follow him out, giving Yangyang another pleading smile that he misses entirely as he turns around to clamp his headphones over his ears and glare at his computer screen.
What was supposed to be a chill night in Yangyang's apartment is ruined. His roommate is out of town and everything (Ten is cool but he's overbearing, and he wins every single board game that the lot of you try to drunkenly play, so you don't miss him this time).
But Renjun had been bragging about his latest hookup-turned-Something, with an insufferable guy from the music department, when the cursed line had been uttered.
Yangyang had showed about three seconds of disinterest, and Renjun had snapped, "At least I'm getting some. Not like some adult virgins we know."
It was vague but pointed, undeniably mean. Renjun can be mean, everyone knows that, but it's not usually used against any of the friend group. That's why, at this sudden slight from one of his closest friends, Yangyang immediately blushed an angry pink and lost his shit.
The two of you were banished from Yangyang's bedroom, where the PS5 is, but not from the apartment yet, so Renjun makes himself at home on the couch while you head to the kitchen for a beverage of some kind. And to clear your head.
You'd never even thought about Yangyang's virginity status before. Why would you? He's your friend, a dorm neighbor from freshman year who turned into a friend after one too many floor parties spent together.
Renjun really called him out, and from the over-the-top anger he'd received in return, you can't help but think that Renjun was one hundred percent right. You go on the occasional date that the boys know about, and Renjun is mostly out of his thot phase now but there was a while back there when he was getting around impressively. Ten, Kun, Chenle...even Dejun has incredible cringefail dick game.
But Yangyang...
"Did you really have to say that?" you ask, joining Renjun on the couch with a bottled coffee thing that you're pretty sure is Ten's.
He glances at the drink. "Ten-ge is gonna be pissed."
"Because you were kind of out of pocket."
"I didn't think he'd be so..." Renjun sighs. "I'll apologize when he chills out."
That's a good plan, in theory.
Only in theory, though, because Yangyang doesn't chill out. Not for the rest of the evening.
After another hour or so on the couch with you, Renjun knocks on his bedroom door, to no answer. He calls it a night and heads home soon after that.
You stick around.
The dude very obviously had his feelings hurt, and eventually he's going to need to talk about it. Ten is usually the one who gets Yangyang to open up, but he's not here, so you think you're probably the next best thing. A very far second.
It's a dumb thing for anyone to be upset about. Especially someone as interesting and funny as Yangyang, someone so cute, so attracti-
Well. No reason to go overboard.
You knock on Yangyang's door, this time. It's late now, creeping closer to midnight, but you know that Yangyang doesn't sleep until the sun comes up again.
He doesn't answer. You knock harder.
The door flies open, Yangyang's snarling face on the other side. "Jesus fuck, Renjun, go shove a-"
"He went home," you interrupt.
"Then you should-"
"Can we talk?" you ask. "Pretty please?"
"About what? All the ass I'm not getting?"
You shrug. "If that's how you wanna phrase it, I guess."
It wouldn't surprise you if Yangyang stuck to his guns on this, but he sighs. He lets the door fall open more, as he turns on his heel to head back to his gaming chair.
"Can't wait until Hyuck and the whole hip-hop team know that I'm perpetually bitchless," Yangyang says.
There's a second of pause while you try desperately to figure out who Hyuck is - Renjun's fuckbuddy, that's it. The mop-headed one that Ten hates. And then you move to sit on Yangyang's bed.
"Renjun wouldn't do that," you say. "He felt really bad."
"He never feels bad."
That's kind of true, but still. "You guys are friends. He wouldn't wanna, like, fuck up your life on that scale."
"People are gonna know that I'm bitchless, and then no one will ever talk to me again."
"Stop saying bitchless, it's weird," you say. "And I really don't think anyone cares."
Yangyang spins his chair around to face you, your knees nearly touching as he looks at you with imploring puppy eyes. "It's not like I'm not trying, dude."
"Third-wheeling Ten to Johnny Suh's frat parties does not count as trying."
He ignores you. "I wanna get laid. It's just a lot of work, and people are so fake, and-"
"Just fuck someone you know," you interrupt. "It's either a total stranger, or someone you know well. Those are the best choices.
"In my experience, yes."
There's a beat of silence, and then, slowly, Yangyang's face breaks into a devious, awful grin.
It takes you another few seconds to figure it out.
"Oh, come on!" he whines.
"Not if we were the last two people on earth!"
"You're already here!"
You scoff. "Oh, yeah, because that helps your case so much. Just what everyone wants to hear. 'You're convenient!'"
"It's not like that," Yangyang says. "You know I think you're amazing."
You're unreasonably touched, for an instant, by his choice of flattery. Not hot, not cool. Amazing.
"I know you're desperate, but it's a bad idea," you say.
But even as you protest, you know how you feel.
Yangyang is a good friend, a buddy. He's also irresistibly charming and quick, increasingly handsome as he's grown into his features over the few years you've known him. You've kind of got a soft spot for him, more than for any of your other friends, and you're suspecting that he kind of knows it.
"Fine," he says. "I'm just going to deal with my virg sadness by rubbing one out."
As if daring you, Yangyang slips his stupid cutoff tee over his head, standing there in just his low-slung shorts. He dramatically walks the semicircle around you and flops down on his back on the other side of the bed. You eye the pale jut of his ribs against his skinny torso, the wispiest excuse for a happy trail-
"You can leave. Or you can stick around," he says. "Y'know. If you want."
"You wouldn't dare-"
But he dares, hands going to the buckle of his thick cloth belt.
Ten's not home, and won't be home all week. Renjun is gone.
You stand up from the bed, as Yangyang is still undoing his belt with agonizing slowness, and slam and lock his bedroom door. Can't be too careful. Lots of people know the passcode to get in here. And the last thing you want is Guanheng or Chenle or someone coming in here and seeing this.
Seeing you, as you throw the last of your caution right out the slightly-popped window and climb right onto the bed again.
Right onto Yangyang.
He yelps, like he thinks you're attacking him, as you move to sit on top of his thighs, effectively pinning him to the mattress. The open belt and button of his shorts is tempting, though the thick band of his boxers has been visible the whole time anyway.
Yangyang's face, however, is just intrigued. Flustered, a bit, but not scared. His hands twitch against his covers like he wants to touch you, but isn't sure if he can.
"Do you actually wanna be un-virginized?" you ask, annoyed despite all of your interest (how did you get here?!).
He nods as well as he can, hair fanning against his pillow. "So badly."
Your heart is fluttering. You hate to admit it.
"Then it's your lucky day."
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doroinoue · 2 months
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AITA for tailing my best friend and not trusting him because he possibly got me killed?
I (M24) was recently resurrected by En's pet, and I'm currently looking for my killer, who I'm pretty sure is a cross-eye member. I have an old best friend (M28) from the south Zagan school of sorcery who always helps me when I'm in need, especially when it comes to the cross-eyes (I should mention now I'm a cross-eye member too (or used to be lmao)), so I was looking for him as well. The problem is that he has never shared anything about his life with me. I don't know where he lives, how he earns money, what his magic even is. Nothing! Which fucking sucks considering I share everything about my life to him. I've wanted to ask him several times about this, but he always conveniently leaves the convo saying he's "having a headache". Anyway, fast forward to a few weeks ago, I confronted the cross-eye elites(the ones closest to the boss) and even attempted fighting one of them, but it resulted in a fail and i ended up tied up in a room for several days. However they did hint that I was killed "because of my magic". That same magic helped me escape from there eventually by completely possessing over my body, and after some fucking around I ended up back in my old apartment, where my old best friend somehow found me. He took care of me for like a week because I was completely bedridden from the possession, and I pretended like everything was okay so I can keep his guard low. Here's the real kicker though. If I was killed because of my magic, that means HE sold me to the cross-eyes about it. Because guess what! I told no one about my magic, EXCEPT for him. He was the only person who knew about it. So he HAS to be the one that told em. And giving how I know nothing about him already, the suspicion falls on him even more. So anyway, he left for school and I decided to tail him. I suspected maybe he's changed as a person too since I died, but nope. Same old as ever. Goofing around and not caring about anything. He found me out eventually, and we got into a huge argument. I snapped at him and told him I don't know a single fucking thing about him and his life, and that there's no one who could've ratted me out except for him. He tried to deny it but it was too late. My magic seemingly activated again and I stormed off to deal with my killer myself, since I obviously can't trust him helping me anymore.
I feel a little guilty about it, but was I REALLY in the wrong?? Is it not rational to get fuckin mad?? Then again people always tell me I'm "neurotic" and "explosive" so I dunno. Let me know what you guys think. EDIT: No I won't fucking tell you what my magic is stop asking
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When people say that Dick “has a temper” what do they mean?  Is he the type to blow up over an inconvenience, be impatient, or rage-quit?
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Ahhhh, I had a lot of fun with this. Thanks for the ask, anon. <3
My main feeling about Dick's temper is it's an important part of his characterization, and it's a fun part of his characterization, but I also try not to overemphasize it? A lot of my thoughts are here; also @theflyingwonder has some good panel collections here and here and here if you want to see what Dick generally looks like when he's grumpy about something.
General thoughts / caveats:
Anger is obviously not the only emotion Dick ever feels!! He feels many other emotions too!! The fact that he is capable of getting really angry sometimes does not mean that he is angry all the time!!
He's a person who feels emotions very deeply - anger, love, loyalty, etc. - but also has a very conflicted relationship with his emotions. He aspires to be perfectly controlled, like he imagines Bruce is, and he's ashamed of moments when he loses control. Because he's wound pretty tight and represses a lot, his emotions can be a bit explosive when he loses his grip on them.
I would never describe him as "an angry person." He doesn't walk around fuming at the world and looking for things to be mad about, y'know? He's a person who wants to be optimistic and tries to be optimistic. This very much includes when he's Robin.
He wouldn't blow up over an inconvenience unless he was already really upset about something more serious. But yeah, if he's upset about something important, sometimes he'll lash out at whatever's closest.
He's methodical and focused; he'll sometimes get impatient when he's, say, bored by his friends' TV preferences, and in general he gets restless and likes to be moving, but if he's got a challenging task to complete he's completely capable of hyper-focusing on it.
In his civilian life, he generally has a pretty good grip on the anger - so e.g. I don't remember him ever shouting at Clancy or civilian friends in general. When a reporter tries to get dirt on him by interviewing his neighbors at his apartment complex, they universally gush about how nice he is.
Meanwhile, in his vigilante life, he's got a rigid moral code and a rigid sense of duty. He cares a lot about helping people and protecting civilians, and he's emotionally-fulfilled by it, and he can be very kind. But he's also a super-intense person who takes his responsibilities seriously, and he'll get sharp with people that he feels aren't being serious enough. He only screws around when he's with people who are very serious themselves, like Bruce.
In an argument, Dick's generally direct and confrontational: he'll snap at you to your face, not sulk behind your back. Even when he's being a bit more passive-aggressive, he's not subtle about it. If Dick's annoyed with you, you'll know. If he doesn't like you, he makes it obvious.
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Jean-Paul: I've seen you with Robin - you like Robin. Dick: You got a problem with Robin? Jean-Paul: No! I like Robin, too. He's an exceptional young man. I just mean... it's obvious when you like someone. And equally obvious that you don't like me. (GK 14)
Dick's just a very dynamic character in general, rather than a static one. When he's relaxed, he can be very easygoing and friendly; if you get off on the wrong foot with him, he's prickly and often harsh. He's got a very serious core, a strong sense of principle, and a passionate sense of loyalty to the people he cares about. Here's a light-hearted moment with Dick and Tim fooling around playing tag:
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Dick (grabbing Tim from above): Gotcha! Tim: Augh! (B: Transference)
This is from the exact same arc as the panel at the top - but before Hugo Strange almost kills Bruce. And just in general I think this panel is a good reminder that Dick does all kinds of things that are not about being angry, that he's also the person who keeps Tim fed and repeatedly saves him from falling, that sometimes he'll pour his heart out to Bruce, that he really really really loves his friends, and so on.
Now, all that said, if you would like an extensive deep dive into Dick yelling at people (and really, who wouldn't? yelling is fun!), I've collected a super-long list of quotes which I've attempted to corral into organization. Below the cut:
Dick vs. criminals
Dick vs. Bruce
Dick + list of reasons he gets upset
Dick + annoyance at friends/teammates
Dick + lashing out at loved ones (rare! but, uh, very memorable)
Dick + first meetings with future siblings (+Steph)
In conclusion
Anger at Criminals
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Dick's temper is an important part of how he thinks of himself: he's intensely self-aware about his temper and also conflicted about it. It comes up most often when he's fighting criminals, especially when they're threatening people he loves:
Dick (internally): At first, I couldn't believe what they were saying… but as the truth sank in, I felt a rage growing so great inside me - that it felt like I was just a part of the anger, instead of it being a part of me. Kid!Dick: Those animals! They murdered my mother and father! I'm going to the police! Bruce: No... not yet. (Secret Origins 13) Deathwing: You've been so angry for so long, Dick. Learn to accept it because you have no choice. You will become me, Dick, and I know because I am your worst nightmare! I am you! Dick: Never! I'm not you and I'll never be you! Yeah, I get angry. Sometimes I get so pissed I want to break everything in sight. But everyone gets mad. Everyone gets frustrated. But I don't fight out of anger! I fight when there's something wrong that needs to be stopped! And that's why I'll never be you! I don't fight to kill - I fight to protect! And what you said about Batman - well, pal, screw you. He's the best mentor anyone ever had! (NT 100) Dick (internally): I hit him harder than I should. Not sure why. It worries me that it feels so right. (N 2) Dick: I thought I was more in control than that. But I lost it. Tim: It was made right, Dick. The Joker is alive and not well in a maximum security cell. Dick: It’s not right with me. I never thought I could be a killer. I’m wrong. There’s a part of me I never saw before. The rage. I never felt anger like that. I feel like it clawed me up inside. (N 64) Dick (internally): Nothing Jason says can be taken for truth. He says Tim is dead. I'll need more proof than his word and an empty cowl. Because right now, I need to keep that hope alive. If for nothing else, then to keep me from losing control… and I won't let that happen. Can't let that happen. Can't. Dick (punching Jason): WHERE IS HE, JASON? Jason: Depends on what kind of life he led. Dick (breaking Jason's nose, then internally): There goes his nose. Control your anger. (BftC 3) Jason (internally): Dick is different from Bruce. In the way he fights. In the way he thinks. And the way he feels. And he gets angry. Really angry. That anger, it'd make him a great Batman, if he'd let it. He's trying too much to be like him.  The good son. Man, I hate him.  (B&R 25)
So something you'll notice about all of these moments is that Dick isn't proud of his anger. He doesn't experience it as cathartic, and he isn't proud of the things he does when he's angry. His anger is an enemy; it's the person he doesn't want to be, to the extent that after the fact being angry almost feels like an out-of-body experience, because in the burn of anger he'll do things that his conscious mind rejects.
I tend to think of anger for Dick as akin to a temptation. He's strong and talented and smart. He's capable of really hurting people. He also believes - viscerally, fiercely - that it's wrong to do so.
Worth remembering: Dick's big confrontation with Zucco, in most of his origin stories, involves taking the photo that gets him arrested:
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Dick (remembering): Twenty-four hours later, we were on the trail of Boss Zucco... and when he murdered his own henchman, I took the photo that sent Zucco to prison! (Secret Origins 13)
And in Batman: Year Three, he's furious when he thinks that Bruce might have arranged for Zucco to get killed - when Dick's calm and thinking clearly, he believes it's wrong to kill even people who are clearly evil. It's only when he's swept up in emotion that he'll get violent.
Anger at Bruce
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... Look, I had to give Bruce his own category.
Dick and Bruce have a lot of fights. Like, a lot of fights.
Now, this isn't at all particular to Dick! Dick's just one of many, many, many people in Bruce's life who periodically get fed up with him. So I wouldn't gloss this as Dick being unusually short-tempered - post-Crisis Bruce would provoke a saint (and does! at one point Clark briefly votes him out of the JLA!). And Dick doesn't always get angry when Bruce is being a jerk to him - sometimes he's just discouraged, or depressed.
But at the same time, Dick's not a pushover, and when he's sufficiently provoked, he'll often track Bruce down to confront him / demand an explanation / demand better behavior / etc. Paradoxically, I actually tend to see these confrontations as an expression of Dick's faith in Bruce. He gets angry because he expects better.
Here's a small sampling of Dick-angry-at-Bruce moments (some confrontations, some where Dick's just fuming on his own):
Bruce: Listen to me. Dick: Listen to you? You hand Gotham over to that nutcase altar boy. You leave this kid out to dry without a snowball's chance. Then you throw everything you’ve lived for aside like it was nothing! Killing this creep doesn’t make you as bad as the scum we hunt. It makes you worse. Because they never stood for anything. (R 8) Dick: If you say anything about 'finding myself,' I think I'll puke. Bruce: I thought you'd be glad to see me back. Dick: That depends on why you came back. Bruce: To take up the mantle again. To take back my place. Dick: For how long this time? Bruce: Not now, Dick. We can talk about this when - Dick: Right now. We're settling this right now, Bruce. (R 12 - Bruce has abruptly reappeared in the Batcave after leaving Dick and Tim in charge during Prodigal)
Dick: It was you who told us to stay out of Gotham. I’ve got a life here. I can’t just walk away from that. You’ll have to - (Bruce hangs up on him) Damn you! (N 34 - Bruce has been AWOL for months and now abruptly summons Dick to join him in No Man's Land) Dick (internally): Bruce is playing martyr. Keeping us at a distance. […] Why does it have to be this way with us? WHY? (He punches his car, and his hand comes away bloody.) Uncontrollable rage. The same rage I felt when I killed the Joker. Thought I had it under control. (N 65 - Bruce is accused of murder and freezing out the Bats) Bruce: What are you doing out of bed? Dick: You did it again, didn't you? You pushed everyone away! (N 99) Bruce: I assume this isn't a social call? Dick: What the hell is the matter with you? I mean, aside from the obvious! Ignoring the many layers of denial, and the fifty feet of psychological body armor that you throw up to avoid feeling anything! Aside from that! And the pathological need to control everything on Earth and beyond! Ignoring all that! What exactly is your compulsion, your burning desire to deceive, lie, and manipulate the only people who give a good god damn about you?! Bruce: You getting to a point? (O 21 - Dick just found out that Bruce was secretly funding the Outsiders)
Dick's relationship with Bruce is Complicated (TM), because he's also incredibly loyal, and - despite everything - he loves Bruce a lot. A lot of Dick's anger comes out of this frustrated loyalty - Dick feels betrayed and hurt because he loves Bruce so much. Here's a panel from later in Outsiders 21:
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Bruce: You shouldn't place that much faith in me. Dick: I have more faith in you than anyone.
Reasons why Dick gets angry: an incomplete list
So if Dick isn't really the type to, say, rage-quit a game, then what does he get angry about (other than criminals and Bruce in general)?
I've tried to loosely categorize what seem to me to be the main things that can make him lose his temper:
as above, somebody Dick loves has been hurt and he's furious at the person who did it (so e.g. trying to kill the Wildebeests when they threaten the Titans, trying to kill Hugo Strange for trying to kill Bruce, lashing out at Tumult when he hurts Tim),
he's feeling attacked or betrayed and he's lashing out in self-defense (so e.g. a lot of the fights with Bruce, punching Roy after Roy fires him in New Titans, or calling Roy a junkie when Roy tells him he's just like Bruce in Outsiders, or yelling at Tim when Tim's insisting he should be Robin again),
he's angry about a lack of loyalty (so e.g. he's furious and feels betrayed when he learns that Bruce has replaced him with Jason; he's angry at Bruce for picking Azrael as Batman instead of Dick; he's angry at Tim when Tim suggests Bruce might be a murderer)
he's jealous (so e.g. he's hurt and angry when Kory marries someone else; his resentment of Azrael is much more about Bruce than it is about Azrael)
he's angry at another vigilante for behaving too violently/irresponsibly (so e.g. he has multiple fights with Kory insisting that she can't kill anyone; he's similarly furious with Bruce when he thinks Bruce has tried to kill someone; he snaps at the Titans in general after a failed mission; he's harsh about Tim and his team during Graduation Day)
he's unhappy and taking it out on someone else, often to drive them away (so e.g. he snaps at Donna and Alfred when he's depressed about Kory's marriage - arguably there's some supernatural influence here, but IMO he'd do it anyway; he gets snappish with Tim when he's depressed about his own lack of progress with Chulo/in Blüdhaven and also when he's actually mad at Bruce about Jean-Paul; he's very harsh to Babs and Wally when they try to comfort him post-J:LL; arguably most of his behavior in Outsiders after Donna's death falls under this category too),
he's unhappy and he's taking it out on an inanimate object (so e.g. smashing things after hearing about Kory's potential marriage; punching his car until his hand is bloody after Bruce has been a jerk to him, smashing a sign when Babs is jabbing at him by comparing him to Bruce),
his privacy is being violated by paparazzi (Dick hates photographers and will not hesitate to punch them or destroy their equipment)
I think something important about all these reasons is... they're understandable? It's not surprising that Dick is upset about the woman he loves marrying someone else; it would be stranger if he wasn't upset. It's not surprising that he lashes out defensively when he's feeing attacked - this is an extremely common thing to do! Dick's anger isn't a weird cloud of rage that just descends on him for no reason; he gets angry when he has something to get angry about.
That said, he does have particular things he's especially touchy about - loyalty, privacy, control, etc. And his anger can be physical - he does break things.
Dick + annoyance with friends/teammates
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Dick calls a team meeting to rebuke the Titans in Titans 13
This is lower-key, so I wouldn't always describe this as anger per se, but it feels relevant: Dick can get snappish if he's in a bad mood, though he'll usually back off if it's pointed out to him:
Dick: Half this world goes to hell in a handcart and you do nothing? Donna: Hey, don't shout at me because your personal life has gone crazy. We had a crisis… Dick: You had a crisis? Who hasn't? And my personal life, for what it's worth, is a: just fine, and b: none of your business. Do me a favor and go. I want to be alone. (NTT 18 - Dick's upset because Kory is marrying someone else)
Dick: Roy! What the hell is this? Why is Lian in the way? She should be in a crib or something, not where people can step on her. Roy: Dick, my daughter is in nobody's way, and I'm watching her every move. Dick: Oh, yeah? Well, I've had it - Roy: Dick, your friends are here to help you and you're not making it any easier. C'mon, pal - calm down. Dick: You're right. I'm sorry. This is all getting to me. Roy: Really? The immediate world and I never noticed. (NT 100)
Dick (surprising Tim): You should've known you wouldn't hear anything. Not in this wind - but if you'd been downwind on the other side, you might have scented me. Tim (startled): Nightwing! Dick: You did want to meet - or do you just like playing computer games? Now let’s make it snappy - I’m in New York on my own business. Tim: And a big fat hi to you, too. (Showcase '93 11 - Dick's upset because he's blaming himself for someone Chulo murdered)
Dick: He didn't send you to check up on me? Tim: Huh? Dick (scowling): Don't play dumb. Tim: Batman? I came down on my own, Dick. What's with the attitude? Dick: Sorry, Tim. I haven't been making a lot of progress since I got here. (N 6 - Dick's self-aware here - he's on edge because he thinks he's doing a bad job)
Babs: Okay, calm down, take a deep breath, and explain again why you’re so angry… Dick: Why am I angry? I’m not angry, I’m–I’m–I’m dismayed, okay? I’m dismayed that there can be a Robin who believes Batman could be guilty of murder! How could that happen, Babs? How could that happen?! (GK 26) Kory: You could say goodbye to your teammates. Dick: They're not my teammates anymore. Kory: They noticed. (TT/O Secret Files 2005)
You'll notice that several of these include Dick backtracking and apologizing. He doesn't hold grudges or fume forever! And Dick's generally self-aware enough to realize why he's snappish once he takes a step back:
Dick: I…I’m sorry…I know this isn’t your fault. Here I’m attacking you - and you’re probably just as scared as I am. I just feel so frustrated. Batman could always remain calm in a crisis. I guess that’s just another difference between us. Maybe I’d be better off if I just cut myself off from all feeling like he does. (NT 77)
Something Dick generally isn't apologetic about: Dick is intensely self-critical about badly-done vigilante work, and in a team setting, he's not that patient with other people's mistakes.
Here's Dick calling a team meeting so he can scold the team in Titans 13:
Dick: Lock the doors, sit down, and pay attention. And that's an order. ... Our performance against Tartarus and the HIVE was unacceptable. Each and every one of you should thank God you weren't killed.
Here's an argument between Dick and Donna in Graduation Day 2 - the context is that Young Justice just screwed up an earlier fight, and Tim's berating himself and Conner while Dick and Donna eavesdrop (you'll notice that like Dick, Tim tends to be pretty self-critical + impatient with teammates):
Conner: The Titans got their lumps. Tim: No, the Titans got our lumps. They were looking out for us. There we were, shoulder to shoulder with the inspiration for Young Justice. And we lose half our team and half of theirs. Conner: Tim, I bet they were a lot like us when they started. Tim: No, I don't think so. (Donna and Dick are eavesdropping.) Donna: He's being awfully hard on himself. Kind of reminds me of someone. Dick: I don't know what you're talking about. Donna: You could tell him he's wrong. Dick: Is he? Donna: We stepped in it plenty of times, Dick. Plenty. We got beat by Dr. Light. Completely pantsed by Trident. We had the ill-conceived idea that the Mad Mod was a threat. There was that time in South America when we left Garth in the sun for three hours. Lots of stuff… We even got kidnapped by Count Vertigo. How embarrassing was that? Dick: I didn't get kidnapped. I got nabbed when I was coming to save Roy. Donna: Nevertheless, they could use a kind word. Dick: I'm not sure a kind word is what they need.
The upshot is that Donna goes to comfort Cassie while Dick goes off alone.
Again, the point is not that Dick goes around fuming about his teammates 24/7! He cares about the Titans and trusts them to watch his back; he feels the same way about Tim.
But in the heat of the moment, he'll sometimes get snappish or impatient, especially with people he's close to. The friends that Dick has who stick around are the ones who are tough enough to stand up to him, and who understand him enough not to take his occasional moods personally.
Dick + lashing out at loved ones
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This one's a bit meaner. Dick's really good at picking out other people's insecurities, which he almost never uses against them ... but when he's retaliating, he's got an instinct for what will hurt the most:
Dick: No, I won't stop it. How dare you tell me what to do when you screwed up so badly Raven could be dead by now? Who knows what Mento did to Gar and Vic? Maybe your failure killed Kole. No, I won't stop. I won't! Donna (punching him): Shut up, Dick! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! I don't want to hear anymore! Dick: But you're going to, Donna. You made me listen to what you had to say. But you don't like hearing the truth about yourself, do you? The perfect Donna Troy maybe isn't so perfect after all. (NTT 19 - Dick's under an ambiguous amount of Brother Blood influence during this period, but he's also just really upset about Kory, and I tend to interpret BB as "reducing his self-control" not "he's a totally different person")
Bruce: I didn't expect to see you again. Dick: I heard about Jason. I'm really sorry, Bruce. Bruce: You weren't at the funeral. People asked about you. Dick: C'mon, Bruce - talk. Don't turn your back on me. I'm here… now. Bruce: You were lucky. When you didn't listen to me, your injuries weren't fatal. Of course, by the time I properly trained you - Dick: Bruce, c'mon…lay off. I'm not here to fight. Bruce: Then don't! Dick: Are you blaming me? I left, so Jason replaced me, and because I left he died? No way, pal. Jason wasn't me. I was a trained acrobat. I could think quickly in perilous situations. But why did you let him become Robin before he was ready?!? Bruce (punching him): Don't you dare blame me for Jason's death! Don't you dare! (NT 55 - this fight is ofc 110% Bruce's fault even before the punch, but Dick absolutely is blaming Bruce for Jason's death here) Dick (trying to punch Roy): GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME, YOU TRAITOR!  Roy: Dick, I'm your friend… Blast it, man - why are you doing this?  Dick: Friends don't turn on friends, Harper. I've been there every time you called me. I sat up with you all night while you were detoxing. That was not a pretty sight.  (NT 101 - Dick's upset about getting fired as team leader)
Dick: I disgraced myself and my uniform. Both uniforms. I have to learn to live with that or quit. No more surprise visits, Babs. Don't make me sorry I put an elevator in this building. (BoP 37)
Roy: Look at you! Your greatest fear in life, the thing that eats at you - is that you're terrified of becoming Batman!! A cold, detached, emotionless loner. I've got news for you, that's exactly what you are. You've become the man who raised you. Dick: Yeah…and you're just like the man who raised you. A shallow, self-loathing, womanizing thrill-seeker. Except he was never a junkie. (O 16) Gar: I guess it doesn't bother you that your new teammate killed your old one? 'Cause it sure bothers the hell outta me. Dick: Enough. I'm here to find Kory and Tim. I don't need Terra's best friend lecturing me about loyalty. (TT/O Secret Files 2005)
Dick + 1st meetings with future siblings (+Steph)
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I hesitated including this on the list because it's lower-key and not always anger per se, but I think a lot of times when people say Dick "has a temper," they're not necessarily talking about his angriest moments so much as pushing back against the idea that he's happy or welcoming all the time.
If you're reading post-Crisis canon, Dick's a prickly introvert who can be slow to warm up to newcomers in Gotham. He's not exclusively cranky by any means! But he's not all smiles, either. Here are some snappish moments from first meetings with Jason, Tim, Cass, Damian, and Steph:
Dick: They'll probably switch to another lab, now that you've spooked them. Jason: Then it's no big deal! We'll just locate their new digs and bust them when they take possession. Dick: Wrong! I'll locate the new lab all by myself! You're going home to tell Batman how you screwed up tonight! Jason: Come on... (from Dick's first meeting with Jason in B 416 - Jason attacked a group of criminals too hastily)
Dick: Now, who the hell are you? Tim: That doesn't matter now. Dick, look at this please. Dick: Kid, I don't like games. (from Dick's first-technically-second meeting with Tim in LPoD - Tim's been chasing him all around the circus, and although Dick doesn't yet know this, also broke into his apartment)
Bruce: You can trust her. Dick: Six months ago, that would've gotten you further than it will now. Now, I'm not sure it's enough. Bruce: What more would it take? Dick: An explanation of who she is for a start. (from Dick's first meeting with Cass in B: LotDK 120 - Bruce went AWOL for months and has now resurfaced with a protégé) Jason: It's a new world. It's not all backflips and balance bars. You were good. Were. But Gotham needs a tougher Robin now. Dick (internally): A sneaky, mean little punk. Maybe you hired him before the Joker could. (from the retold version of Dick's first meeting with Jason in N 104 - Bruce gave stupid instructions leading Jason to misunderstand and pick a fight with Dick)
Dick (internally, when he notices Damian's makeshift Robin costume): Damian's costume. Note to self: smack a clue into this kid. Damian: You're embarrassing me! Dick: You do that just fine on your own. (from Dick's first meeting with Damian in N 138 - Damian's probably scared, which means he's snarky; he's making rude remarks and resisting Dick and Tim's attempts to protect him)
Dick: What in the hell were - are - you thinking, throwing someone so reckless into the field like that? Babs: Gosh, Dick - I'm sorry I haven't spent more time trying to train a murderous little twit. (from right after Dick's first meeting with Steph in BG 5 - Steph accidentally froze Damian)
How much you weight these moments depends a lot on your personal aesthetic preferences! I love conflict, and Dick's initially kinda thorny relationships with his siblings are part of why I enjoy him as a character. I don't feel the need to "fix" this kind of grumpiness and honestly I don't even really see it as a flaw? Dick's not morally obliged to like his future siblings on first meeting them, and if he never got snappish with any siblings ever, no matter how annoying they were being, he'd be a lot less interesting to me personally.
For me, Dick's prickly side adds an important nuance to his characterization, and makes it more compelling. He's a human being, not a conduct book! His strength is that he's willing to reconsider his first impressions, not that he never has negative first impressions.
That said, obviously genre and context matter! I have enjoyed plenty of softer takes on the Batfamily in fanworks, and in a softer, gentler world like e.g. WFA, it would be weird to keep Dick's grumpier moments. Also, Dick obviously isn't 24/7 harsh to his siblings - he can also be really empathetic and protective, and although he never gets especially close to e.g. Steph, he does change his mind about her, and he's ultimately a huge source of emotional support to Tim and Damian (they grow on him! ... eventually).
In Conclusion
One of my favorite Dick stories of all time is Nightwing 139, and I think it nicely encapsulates how I see Dick's anger - it's an important contrast to his softer side. He's a person with an instinctive temper, and compassion and understanding aren't always immediate or easy or effortless for him. But he's also a loving person with a big heart, and it's the love that always matters to him in the end.
Here's Dick discovering that Tim is thinking about using the Lazarus Pit, getting angry, and leaping down to try to physically stop him ("He may not stop you, but I sure as hell will!")
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Dick (sarcastically): So, Robin... you think maybe we can hug this out?
It's important to me that Dick's first instinct is to have a physical fight, not to try to talk! He does all the wrong things before he does the right thing! He doesn't magically know the right thing to say to Tim right away!
But doing the right thing matters to him, and Tim matters to him, which is why he gets there eventually. When Tim tears up Dick softens at once:
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And in the end Dick backs off and lets Tim make the choice, which isn't easy or instinctive for him either! But it's the right thing to do, and it's what Tim needs to pull himself out of the power struggle and realize he's making a mistake, and then Tim stammers apologies and Dick reassures him and they do hug it out, and it's very tender:
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Without Dick's anger, you don't have a lot of his stories. But his anger doesn't define him - he doesn't let it. As Dick puts it,
"Yeah, I get angry. Sometimes I get so pissed I want to break everything in sight. But everyone gets mad. Everyone gets frustrated. But I don't fight out of anger! I fight when there's something wrong that needs to be stopped! And that's why I'll never be you! I don't fight to kill - I fight to protect!
And that's a big part of why I think he's great.
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