#like my material needs are all more than catered for so genuinely I am fine and I would be mortified if anyone offered to help
obstinatecondolement · 5 months
I feel bad complaining when I have a roof over my head and don't have to worry about access to electricity, heating, running water and food, but I am so fucking sick of having my disability payment adjusted to account for an additional income stream I haven't had for almost nine months.
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haikyupid · 4 years
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Order from Haikyuu Teens,
uhh ,, hello !! if it’s not too late , could i get a dalgona matchup latte please ? i am a infp-t & my enneagram type is 9 ! people who didn’t really know but now they do say that i always looked/seemed like the kind of person who is really cold & stuck up (only bc i look “mean”) . i’m very loyal . i’m the kind of person who’ll support & be there for my friends . i’m also caring (maybe a little too caring from what my friends tell me. but, i even know that myself) & i tend to be really selfless . once i get to know you , i’m really childish & i always try to make a dumb joke to make you laugh & ,,, i become more talkative & loud . i always catch myself rambling about random things & having too much enjoyment talking about things that i really like . mainly , only people who are close to me see how i really act & behave . i was never really an out-there kind of person ,,, i always like to keep to myself . but moving on to cons , i’m a total pushover— like— i’m not even going to lie about that fact . it sucks but , it is what it is . i overthink waay too much & it causes to make myself panic sometimes . i’m really stubborn & i also really don’t know when to shut up & i tend to be very vain . i also keep my feelings to myself because i feel like i’ll be such a burden or just ruin the mood . i’m a total lazy person & i tend to really take things to heart (which makes me want to morph myself into a person that someone wants me to be) & dear gOd ,,,, i’m so awkward (that it even makes my friends feel uneasy or awkward as well) . i really love to draw , stay up late , sing , & dance (even though i’m very terrible at both ^__^;;) . i also really enjoy being stupid on calls , sending memes , korean food , & kpop ! hmm … my dislikes ? well— i don’t like it when people are obviously being rude for no reason . i dislike very bright colors (neons) , spiders , getting dirty , the cold , & squash . let’s see … in a relationship , i like someone who will make feel safe & loved . i have very low self-esteem so i seek someone who is supporting , too . someone who is caring even if they tend to act cold or maybe stubborn . & i like someone who’s going to be there for me like i’m always going to be there for them , no matter what . i also really like a someone who is strong , cool , & protective . i do like that small things like “hey , go to sleep .. its late” & “good morning/good night” text , heh . but i things i don’t like too much in a relationship is too much pda . i’m not really a big fan of making out in the halls & stuff . but ofc i don’t mind holding hands & small kisses on the lips (i like to show all my love & affection behind closed doors) .
aCK- i hope this is okay & not too much- sorry if it is !! i hope you have a wonderful day ! :>> i really love your blog ♡♡
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Thank you so much for ordering and checking up on Kyupid's Love Shop. One Dalgona Matchup Latte coming up! Huh, I’ve been seeing lots of side effects for this one… anyways, I matcha up with ˚₊·͟͟͟͟͟͟͞͞͞͞͞͞➳❥
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➞ before you two were in a relationship, ryuu didn’t actually… particularly like you, he was still smitten with ms. kiyoko y’know
➞ he’s sadly one of those people who do judge the book by its cover, but only because he prefers to be surrounded by positive people, and well… you didn’t particularly radiate that kind of vibe with, uh, your face (he really do be a hypocrite though with that ‘grr grr thug’ face of his 😔✌️)
➞ ryuu found you so intimidating (and beautiful, but he was in denial back then), you once saw him do his signature ‘gangsta’ look at you; yeah… y’all definitely didn’t get along at first — but ahem, let me introduce you to another matchmaker, ennoshita!
➞ enno knows your true personality and he vibes with you so well, therefore it really confused him when you accidentally slipped in something about ryuu’s attitude towards you during one of your guys’ convos (y’all were in a group project together) and he knows the reason why ryuu tends to avoid you, so he devised a plan to get you two to know each other: have a study date!
➞ when ryuu walked into the room and saw you, mans turned into the flash and just dashed towards the exit — but enno was one step ahead, so he got nishi to lock the doors before dropping off tanaka, and his attempt to leave failed
➞ it was soooo embarrassing for the both of you when enno kept on trying to keep a conversation going between the two of you; but when he decided to leave to make hot chocolate, ryuu apologizes and voices his concerns, and you just reply with “oh… oh, yeah that kind of happens… a lot” so you try to explain your side; he was honestly heartbroken from hearing that you experience it often, so he made it his mission to make it up to you
➞ and now would you look at that! you and ryuu are suddenly a couple now— (better thank enno for that)
➞ he will apologize profusely about the way he treated you beforehand, even if you’ve already told him a millions times that it’s fine; like y’all already have kids and he’ll still be like:
“hey, honey…”
“you remember that time in high schoo—“
“omg, ryuu, not this again…”
“i just want to say that i’m so sor—“
“it’s been 19 years!”
➞ you will honestly feel like a queen, i’m being legit here; he’ll not only be your king, he’ll also be your knight in shining armour, and your butler — he’s the whole package, bby, and you’re one lucky girl to get all of that
➞ you think you’re too caring? nah, ryuu’s about to show you the life of a full time simp (skjkskss ik that being a simp is like so looked down on, but ik that every girl wants a man who’s a simp anyways)
➞ i’m kidding, he’s actually not a simp (A man who foolishly overvalues and defers to a woman, putting her on a pedestal) but more so he’s a doting boyfriend; you just know that you’re always gonna be at your best once you get into a relationship with him, so in a way, you are treated like a queen but not to the point where he worships the ground you walk on
➞ unless you tell him that you need some space, he’ll either have his arm lightly snaked around your waist or his hand resting on the small of your back; it’s his way of knowing that you’re protected and safe around him
➞ this relationship’s dynamic works extremely well since you both balance each other’s personalities in the aspects that you won’t have to worry about being a pushover around him since that’s not something that’ll occur with him; your more reserved personality compliments his outgoing one since if ever needed, you two could bring out the other side more in each other; he tends to have a more free personality (he’s still mature, but tends to enjoy life’s offerings) so whenever he feels that you’re overthinking again, he will coo and just reassure you that it’s okay to overthink sometimes, but it’s not worth having it control your entire mood and day
➞ ngl, he’s hella stubborn as well, but when it comes to you, he makes sure to understand your thinking first and then decide before he’ll let you take control — unless he thinks you’re completely wrong, then he won’t hesitate to put a foot down because he’s not going to help you turn into a spoiled brat, which is what hubby-material boyfriends do!
➞ to him though, it’s okay to be a lil’ vain, everyone wants to look to their best! but if it does however is on the verge of crossing the line of being full-on narcissistic, then he’ll confront you about it and ask you about why you’re acting the way you are, he’ll just try to put you into healthy-thinking mode back again
➞ you like memes? welp, that makes the two of you then! he definitely sends those wholesome memes, but his most favourite one to send you (especially as one those ‘good morning texts’) is:
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➞ then he follows it up with ‘good morning, babe. strong power thank you to you always 😙😙 i love you so much. see ya at school!’ (aight, sorry, i just had to)
➞ kpop dances and karaoke on. the. daily! it doesn’t matter which song he’s dancing/singing to, as long as he gets to see you smile and know that you’re happy, he’ll do it all for you; he’ll also be your hypeman, and you’ll legit feel as if you’re an actual kpop idol with all the cheering he does — we love a supportive bf in this household
➞ *cough* he’ll sing lemonade by jeremy passion to you and he sounds so fokin beautiful— *cough*
➞ during calls with him, all you can hear is very loud laughter; whoever hears it (saeko for the most part) will just unconsciously smile since your guys’ laughs are just so genuine, even if it sometimes sounds a bit like a bunch of overheated kettles, they’ll just know that you both are having such a good time together and i mean, who wouldn’t want something like that?
➞ with you, he’s the type to send a message asking if you’re awake at like 2 AM, and if you do reply then expect him to come thru your window with some food in hand because he just felt like hearing your voice and seeing you; if not, then he’ll just send some cute message like ‘sleep tight and have good dreams, baby, i’ll see you tomorrow at school’
➞ once you two started dating, ryuu just had a more realistic view of relationships and he honestly prefers it way more than the scenarios that he’s created; now he appreciates privacy when it comes to showing affection instead of full-on just laying it all out in public, it just makes it that much more special to him; holding hands and just small skin contacts is his much more preferred pda than bear-hugging you or kissing you
➞ he’s not as needy as most expected him to be, in fact he actually often just caters to your needs because to him that’s enough; so expect small gifts here and there like making you a bento box, buying you strawberry milk, key-chains and bracelets, etc.
➞ he’s just more mature when he’s in an actual relationship because he does think that that’s something special that should only be shared between the two lovers; that doesn’t mean that he won’t occasionally show you off though, so you may or may not accidentally hear him rambling to the vbc about how lucky he is to call you his
➞ he will remember and notice every little thing about you; he notices that you’re humming some new kpop song absentmindedly? he’ll ask you about it during lunch; you made a small comment about liking korean food? he’ll make some for you! and best believe it tastes amaaaaaazing
➞ with ryuu, the thought of being a burden won’t ever cross your mind because he will often remind you that you make his days so much better and thank you for it (just good shet right here)
➞ even if you feel bad for not going to gyms with him because of your tendencies of being a lil’ lazy, he won’t force you at all; he’ll either just give you a kiss on the lips and walk you home before going, or he’ll call you whilst he’s at the gym; you’ll just feel so appreciated
➞ oh, and you won’t ever have to be worried about being awkward! there’s no such thing when you’re with your boyfriend ryuu, everything just comes so natural when you’re with him, everything will just feel so right
➞ this is the relationship that everyone knows will eventually turn into marriage and building a joyous family, and everyone expects to be invited because they all wouldn’t want to miss any part of yours and ryuu’s genuine relationship that they’ve all more than likely have been a part of since the beginning; in short, everyone wants to witness your relationship’s full story till it’s very end.
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I hope you enjoyed your Dalgona Matchup Latte! Here’s a visual of your chaotically genuine relationship with Tanaka Ryuunosuke: After seeing your true persona during the study sesh with Enno, he’s become all flustered every time he looks at you instead of looking at you with his usual ‘imma thug’ look; Your first kiss (he planned it, no kidding — literally place, time, the vibes, he just wanted it to be perfect for you); Tanaka likes to take his shirt off, so when you both cuddled for like the third time, and just blacked out from exhaustion after a heavy day of practice, he wakes up to find you cuddled up against his chest which is bare, this man screams— his thoughts were like ‘omg, did we do it? was i drunk? omg, pls forgive me, y/n 😭’… and you’re just left there like ‘bruh, dafuq?’; when he’s feeling appreciative of you or just being soft in general, he hugs you similar to the gif and kisses your temple before burying his face into your hair to whisper “i love you so much, y/n, you don’t even understand”; him holding your hand to his face and just talking to you, whether it’s about your day or his, or telling you how much he loves you, is probably something that he does all time whenever you two are alone.
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Thank you so much for ordering and being patient with Kyupid's Love Shop, I hope you’ll still order in the future! Have a very very lovely day, sweetie ♡⋆.ೃ࿔*
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an: lmao, forget about kiyoko, you his girl now. periodt.
sorry this took waaay too long, bby 😔 the spa day turned into a whole pamper-me day so i was out all day… i’m really sorry, i hope you still like your order even though it came later than promised 🥺 if there’s anything wrong (gif, colored texts not showing up) then please message me!
tanaka is waaaay too underrated, but i honestly think that he’ll literally be one the top 5 best bfs from haikyuu, like legit this man will make you feel like a damn queen (kiyoko do be lucky tho) maybe not in the beginning, but like definitely after a few weeks or so.
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aijee · 4 years
i've always wanted to write fics but i've also always struggled with getting started. how do you get started with yours? : ( need help.
Ah, what a loaded question, anon. I’ve got a LOT to say, so buckle up for some writing and idea-generating tips. 
Remember that these are writing tips I personally follow. I’m not a professional writer, published author, or hired editor. I am self-taught and write purely as a hobby.
Pick a note-taking system. Choose something easily accessible to and reliable for you, whether it’s a paper notebook you keep on your bedside table or a Google Docs document. I personally use the Notes app on my iOS devices because it’s easy to sync and access across all my devices. Organize it if you wanna. Leave it messy if you wanna. Live your life.
Jot down whatever comes to mind. Literally the moment I find myself imagining any part of a story, an alternative universe, interesting narrative hooks or plot twists—I write that shit down immediately because I sure as hell won’t remember it in a few hours. Even if I’m about to sleep, I endure the burning in my corneas to write my ideas down because I’m defo gonna blank on them the morning after.
Outline that shit. I. Love. Outlining. Outlining is my religion. It’s so fun because you’re bringing to life the very framework of your awesome story. I wrote in a previous post how much I love the Scrivener app (you do have to pay for it) because it allows me to summarize plot points, rearrange them however I want, and then write them in, which gives me more flexibility than the linearity of Word or Google Docs. But those two applications are also perfectly fine. I still use them. You can also use sticky notes and physically move them around. I still use paper when I don’t want to touch my laptop. Literally just getting into the practice of planning your story encourages you to write and gives you greater reassurance to finish what you started.
Steal ideas. Don’t plagiarize, obviously. But don’t be afraid to grab ideas you like from other fics/fandoms you enjoy. Credit if/when you feel it’s appropriate, or ask the OP if you want. Expand on those ideas to create something distinct. String ideas together. Originality is dead. Fanfic is free. Don’t worry about it.
“But all my ideas suck.” First of all, incorrect. Second of all, keep that shit for later anyway. 80-90%, but not all, of your ideas are gonna be bad. That’s just how it is. But keep that idea bank because maybe some of those shitty ideas will suck less later when you’re experiencing new life circumstances or are in a different headspace. I wrote half of “Rainbow Connection” like 1.5 years ago and stopped writing it because I thought it was terrible. Then I revisited it later, thought it was hilarious, and finished it.
“How do I get over writer’s block?” It happens to the best of us! Really. You can start by Googling/searching for interesting writing prompts—there’s a shit ton of tumblr blogs, tweets, and websites with story ideas, some of which even cater specifically to OTP interactions. Also explore outside your fandom. Try new shows, films, groups, etc. I wrote “and stars forever dwell” after a medieval fantasy binge. Incorporate things in your life that you like. I fuck with food and bonding through food, so I write about that all the time, e.g. “fool(ish)”, “the price of mirrors.” Writing feels more genuine with a personal connection.
Read books. Like, actual books. I know, crazy. Here’s my hot take: K-pop fics are mostly literary sludge, i.e. most of the writing is objectively (and subjectively) bad. I strongly believe that that’s largely because many fanfic writers’ reading experience is almost exclusively fanfic. There are good fics. But if you really want to emulate quality writing, then published, polished literary materials are by far the best resource. (A good in-between is fanfic writers who are also published authors, but this might be hard to find, depending on the fandom.)
Just dive into writing that god damn idea. You’ve generated an amazing, million dollar idea—but then you open that document and don’t know what to do. Just write something. Anything. It could be balls at first. Raw writing is rarely good right off the bat. But sometimes you really just need to take the plunge, and remember that things will be edited later, instead of staring at a blank screen. More writing is better than no writing.
“But my writing mojo is still bad.” Then don’t write, yo. Take a break. Do other shit and reset. Love yourself.
You’ve unleashed the beast with that question, and even then I feel like I haven’t covered everything I want to say. I hope this was helpful in any way!
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creative-poptart · 5 years
Long Rant Incoming
If you don’t want to read this, that’s fine, just keep on scrolling and your life will remain as it is in the moment. What I have to say caters to very few people, but if you’d also like some insight on a personal topic of mine, keep reading. I can’t promise it’ll be fantastic, great, or even exciting, but it is informative.
That being said, if you’re still interested, let me tell you a little something about theater.
This is inspired by a neighbor of mine, one I’ve known since my childhood. He’s pretty nice, used to babysit me for my parents, and overall a great dude. He’s a lot older now, and his wife is no longer with us, may she rest in peace, but that’s just a little backstory. The real reason I write this is not only because of him but because of so many people doing the exact same thing he did.
I happened to come across him walking through the neighborhood, and he stopped to talk to my dad, so I thought I’d say hi. We chatted for a bit about the usual stuff, how’s life, what are you doing for work right now, do you have a boyfriend, etc. etc. Then he asked me if I’m still in school (I am), and then asked where I’m going to school. I tell him the name, and he asks what I’m studying, so I tell him: theater. 
He gives me the look.
You all know exactly what I’m talking about when I say that, the one face that someone makes when they don’t want to say anything, but they do. The look that practically screams, “I’m too polite to outright diss you, but I’m very clearly questioning your choices in life.”
I don’t like to be questioned a lot, because it makes me challenge myself, and I am trying to stay out of a mindset where I don’t know things about myself. This face got me thinking, and I am pissed.
On to the actual meat of the topic, then, the theater. When most people hear the word theater, they automatically think “actor” as the next word. That’s about the extent of their thought process, and I don’t blame them for that, I used to be the exact same way. All theater is, is just a bunch of people on stage, singing or talking their way through a show while wearing fancy clothes and prancing around under hot lights with a set-piece or two behind them, right?
I mentioned in that last sentence three jobs that have nothing to do with the actors themselves. Clothes, lights, and set-pieces. Those three things are all jobs that have nothing and everything to do with the people on the stage. Let’s take a closer look.
First off, clothes, more specifically costumes. That seems simple enough, right? The purpose of the costume is to clothe the actor/actress in a way that they aren’t just naked on the stage. Another use of costumes that people often forget is that it’s supposed to put you in the world on the stage. A shoddy, two-dollar outfit from the party store down the street is going to look terrible under the lights of the stage, and people will automatically be able to tell that it’s cheap. So when you don’t want that to happen, what do you do?
You make them. Sewing’s super easy right? Not for the theater.
Like any average amount of sewing, you have to know how to piece together fabrics and work a sewing machine or needle and thread. There’s more to that though when it comes to theater. The colors have to give the intended effects to the audience that the director wants to portray. Is the character supposed to pop when they make it on the stage, standing out? Are they more of the invisible type, blending in better with the crowd? Are they clean and rich or broke and dirty? All of those and more have to be factored into the costume design.
When the costume is put together, you also have to make sure that actors can move in it as needed. A stiff suit in a physical fight scene may need to be modified so that the actor can actually move around accordingly. The costumes also have to be sensitive to what era/time the show is taking place. Are we in the 1930′s or the modern-day? What sort of thematics are we going for, sci-fi or hyper-realism? There are several other categories of course, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to theater. 
What about the lighting on the stage? Is it soft, harsh, blinding even? Are we going for a pattern on the floor? What color is it? How many colors are there? Is it dim and low for dramatic effect, or are we going full brights to illuminate the stage? Is there a spotlight highlighting a certain actor? That has to be designed and crafted for the stage to look its very best and set the mood for a scene. When the lighting is off, it can throw the entire thing into utter chaos and make the stage and the actors terrible. No matter how good your acting is, if your audience thinks you’re looking awfully yellow and sick when you’re not supposed to, they won’t focus on what you’re doing.
Lighting technicians are a huge part of the theater, and wouldn’t you know it, but there’s actually other jobs that require lighting. The best example to go for: concerts. Think about it, if you can’t see your favorite band on the stage, what’s the point of listening to all the music? Part of the experience at a concert is getting to see the musicians working live, in action. If the lights suck, then you have an issue right from the get-go. 
Another thing, while I’m on the topic of concerts, is sound designing. Sure, your musicians are playing the music, but they have to set up microphones, speakers, wires, the whole shebang. Theater also requires a lot of sound design. Do you have a door slamming sound effect for an off-stage door? What about a musical interlude between scenes? Is a television playing cartoon sounds? What about a radio with a cue to cut off at a particular time? All of that has to be carefully cued up and ready to go before a show starts. Who else uses sound design? Music studios. This is not a singular skill just made for the theater.
Now the third job that I mentioned way back in the wall of text above set pieces. Someone has to make those, and sure, while there are people who just buy certain things in, most of the theater stuff is made nearby in a scene shop. Any stairs, platforms, windows, seats, walls, etc. that are made for a show can be made in the scene shop. The funny thing about the building of stuff in a scene shop, though is that all the tools, equipment, and materials that are used in there are things that you can find at any hardware store. The same techniques that you use to build a platform in a scene shop, or a wall, are the same kinds that are used in construction work for building houses. The dimensions, purposes, and durability of these things are far different, but they are all made the same way. Wouldn’t you know it, but there’s also a whole lot of options in construction, and that’s a “real job” in the world.
But sure, I get it. Some of these things aren’t that great to think about, and they don’t make a whole lot of difference. Let’s take a step back from the actual theater though, and take a breather. What about using the acting side of it somewhere else? Is there anywhere else?
I’m glad you asked.
The courtroom.
What? There’s no way that acting can be done in a courtroom, right?
Think about this: what’s the job of a lawyer in the courtroom? They have to present their cases to the jury and the judge, give the evidence, and hopefully, they’ll win the jury over to thinking that they’re right and give the verdict in their favor. That’s the bare basics of it, but also consider this.
Is a lawyer genuinely effective in their job if they don’t convince the jury that they’re telling the right side of the story? 
A lawyer has to learn how to capture the attention of the room to make sure that everything they give is compelling evidence. They have to make use of their bodies, their facial expressions, their tonality when they speak, all to get the answer that they want to see in the courtroom come to pass. Do you think law school teaches them how to do that? Not really, they’re focused more on giving them the appropriate laws and regulations they have to follow.
Theater does that. 
When they act on a stage, a good actor/actress will captivate you. Every single word that comes from their mouth will compel you to want to know a little more. That’s how it should be. A lawyer’s job is much the same, but instead of having an audience of a few hundred, they have an audience of twelve to convince. One of my friends is gearing up to be a lawyer, and he told me that a theater degree in law school is more desirable than a criminal justice degree. Theater also teaches improvisation, which is handy to have when your opponent brings up a point in their case that you didn’t prepare for.
If none of that has convinced you that theater degrees are not totally worthless, then I just have one last piece for you to chew on mentally. Actors and actresses have one of the hardest entertainment jobs that we know of. They have to be able to remember what to say, where and when to say it, where they stand, how they move, where they’re moving to, what’s coming up next, and they do it for hours on a single night, not including all the prep work in rehearsal. On top of that, there’s no do-overs if something goes awry. 
If one actor forgets their line and they can’t get back on track, the other actors have to improvise, or basically make something up on the spot, to try and get themselves and the other actor back on track. If something physically goes wrong, like an actor getting hurt or a set-piece breaking mid-show, they can’t stop everything and start again. The show must go on, and they all have to do it with a smile on their face and keep everything running as smoothly as possible. 
Additionally, actors have to believably portray emotions and feelings to an audience all night long. This is done, mind you, before a live audience who watches their every move, analyzing whether that actor feels the emotion. It can be exhausting to do, and many actors train for so long just to be emotionally open enough to get one or two feelings on the stage.
To summarize: theater contains so much more than just people standing on a stage and acting. My school makes me experience all the backstage stuff, working in the scene shop, helping to build costumes, learning about the lighting, and set designs. All of that says nothing about props, actual furniture pieces, who’s actually running the freaking show mid-performance. Theater is more extensive and more diverse than people really think.
To all of you who say that theater isn’t a real job, or that I’ll never get anywhere with this degree, read this first. Read this, do some digging, talk to people who work in the backstage areas of actual productions.
Then come talk to me. My degree is not useless, but until you at least take a look at some of the other facets of theater, I really don’t care what you have to say about my degree.
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mrswhozeewhatsis · 5 years
A Woman of Letters (Getting a Feel for Sam Winchester) - Chapter 35
Summary:  You’ve just opened an occult bookstore in Lebanon, Kansas, when you fall for a tall, handsome customer…literally. You soon find out that there’s more to the world than you ever suspected, including you. Discovering your heritage puts you directly in a witch’s crosshairs, though, so the Winchesters offer to take you in and teach you how to protect yourself. As you discover your own family history with the supernatural and your own hidden talents, you can’t help but wish a certain brother was as excited about your interest as you are.
Total length: 43 chapters, 70,247 words - Read on AO3 - Series masterlist
Chapter word count: 1826 words
Pairing: Sam x Reader
Warnings: Canon-level angst and violence
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Afraid to move, you sat on Crowley’s throne and waited for something to happen. Your eyes darted from demon to demon in the room, wondering exactly how much danger you were in given Crowley’s decree that you weren’t to be touched. You squirmed in the throne, in spite of its comfort, wondering what was happening at the fake bunker site with Sam and Rowena. Would Crowley keep up his end of the deal and keep Sam and Dean safe? After a few minutes, a man dressed in formal attire walked in the room and approached you.
“We have been instructed to cater to any needs you may have while the King is running his errand. Do you require anything at the present time? Food? Drink? Facilities?” You shook your head dumbly, too scared to do anything else. The man nodded before continuing. “In that case, is there anything you would desire to help you pass the time until the King returns? Reading material? The King has set up a screening room in preparation of your visit in case there are any movies or television shows you’d like to watch?” You shook your head again, and tried to work up the courage to speak.
Taking a deep breath, you tried to find your voice. “The King prepared for my… visit, you say?” The man nodded seriously. “How long does the King expect me to… enjoy his hospitality?” You took a deep breath and tried to keep calm.
“No time was specified, but preparations have been made for an extended stay.” Your eyes widened as you wondered exactly what constituted an extended stay to a demon. “If there’s nothing else at the moment, then I will leave you to wait for the King’s return. Should you need something, my name is Godfrey. Ask for me, and I’ll return.” You nodded, and Godfrey left the room.
You sat on the throne for what felt like an eternity, waiting for Crowley to return. Eventually, you got bored, and pulled out your phone. You were surprised to find you had a signal. Unsure if calling Sam would distract him from the battle with Rowena, you opted for sending a text.
“Not sure, but I think I’m sitting on Crowley’s throne. Just wanted to tell you that I’m fine and they’re treating me well here. I don’t know what Crowley has in mind for me, but it doesn’t seem to include discomfort of any kind. I miss you, I love you, and I know we’ll figure this out and see each other soon.” You hit send, and hoped the message reached Sam.
After about a half an hour of killing time playing games on your phone to distract yourself, Crowley returned. He approached you, and smiled what felt like a genuine smile, putting a hand on the back of the throne and looking over your shoulder at what you were doing.
“Were you able to reach Moose and Squirrel and let them know you’re okay?” You looked up at Crowley standing over you in confusion.
“Uh, well, I sent a message, but haven’t gotten a response. I wasn’t sure if anything I sent from here would even go, if you know what I mean.” Crowley gently took your phone from your hands and slid it into his pocket.
“As long as you’re sitting here, the phone works fine. Perks of being the King.” Crowley winked at you and smiled, leaving you speechless. “Come now, darling, let me show you to your suite.” Crowley offered you his arm, and in your state of shock, you took it like your grandmother had taught you when you were little. He then led you out of the room and you started walking down the hall. As you moved further away from the throne room, your fear returned, along with your voice.
“What are you doing, Crowley? Where are we? Why am I here, and not back with the Winchesters? Godfrey said you had prepared for an extended stay. How long do you plan on keeping me here?”
“One question at a time, pet. First, I’m keeping you safe. Our deal was that I’d help with the fight against my mother, keep you safe, and in return, I get to keep whatever remains of my mother. This is me, holding up my end of the bargain. This is Hell. Well, the upscale part of Hell with all the modern amenities you could desire. Again, perks of being the King. The Winchesters are alive and well, my mother is enjoying a nice rest in her bindings in a specially-outfitted cell in the deepest, darkest corner of the most uncomfortable part of Hell where I keep my favorite toys, and you are safe. I can’t keep you safe if you’re with the Winchesters, so I brought you here. Here, you are safe, and I can provide you with every comfort you could ever need. Anything you need, anything you want, I will provide it for you.”
“I want Sam.”
“Okay, anything but that. If I bring him here, he’ll just try to break you out, and in doing so, will jeopardize your safety.” Crowley’s right hand was covering your hand on his arm, and he was patting you in a manner that was meant to be comforting. “Relax, Y/N. You are in no danger here.” Crowley paused his walking and turned to you, taking both of your hands in his. “And there’s no point in trying to pray to that traitor in a trench coat. If prayers could leave Hell, angels would go mad with the cacophony. Besides, even he doesn’t have the power to get here.” Crowley saw the distress evident on your face and you could tell he wanted to soothe you. He dropped one of your hands and brushed a lock of hair from your face, smiling comfortingly at you. His hand stayed by your head, cupping your face gently. “There is no need for you to worry, my dear. Your every need or want will be provided, with the exception of the Winchesters.”
Part of you was in complete panic mode. Your heart was beating a thousand beats per minute and slamming against your ribcage. Tears pricked at your eyes, and you forced yourself to take a deep breath and calm down. The scared part of you wanted to rail at Crowley, cry and scream and beg to be let go, but the calm part of you knew that wouldn’t get you anywhere. You added your empty hand to the hand holding Crowley’s and clasped his hand in both of yours. Looking into Crowley’s eyes, leaning your head into his hand just a little, you pushed as you spoke.
“Crowley, please. As much as I appreciate your concern, I love Sam, and I need to be with him. If you have concerns about my safety with the Winchesters, then we can discuss those concerns and how to alleviate them, but I can’t stay here. Please, Crowley, take me back to Sam. Please.”
For a moment, you thought it was working. Crowley’s expression changed ever so slightly, and there was a subtle shift in his stance.
“Darling, you can stop trying to persuade me that way. It won’t work. I know what you are and what you can do.” You couldn’t stop the shock from becoming evident on your face. “I figured it out after you made me save them from your apartment the day we met. You thought you could sway me from my plan and I wouldn’t notice that I suddenly changed my mind for no reason? No one makes me do anything just because they asked nicely. I did my research. Hell has records, too, you know. I know about your grandmother. It’s also why I’ve been careful to never lie to you. You would know before the lie left my lips, wouldn’t you?” Crowley caressed your cheek with his thumb as his eyes roamed your face affectionately. “My guess is that you’ve been reading me and working me since you found out what you could do.” A stab of fear made your breath catch. If he thinks that, what will he do about it? “Don’t worry, pet, I also believe that you had no malicious intent, so all is forgiven. If it wasn’t, I’d have left you to die with the Winchesters.” Crowley dropped his hand from your face, pulled your hand to his elbow, and continued leading you down the hall. “No, instead you’ll be kept safe here and provided every comfort. I want you to be happy, as well as safe, so any requests you have, except for the Winchesters, will be considered and discussed.”
The two of you approached a door, and Crowley led you through it to a huge suite of rooms. There was a living room/screening room, complete with comfortable couches and a huge flat screen TV.  Next, you saw a small kitchen, filled with fancy gadgets and expensive appliances that would make Dean jealous. Crowley started to lead you around the suite, but you soon broke away from him to check out everything. The bathroom was about the size of the kitchen with a whirlpool tub, two-person sauna (you chuckled at the irony of a sauna in Hell), and a huge shower with a bench and a complicated-looking showerhead system. There were French doors that opened up from the living room to the bedroom, where a California king-sized bed took over the room, covered in what looked like a million pillows and blankets. Books of all kinds were lining bookshelves around the room, and there was a walk-in closet that would make any diva jealous. You inspected the clothes, and discovered that everything was in your size, and the collection ranged from simple jeans and t-shirts to ball gowns. There was also a large jewelry box, but it was mostly empty. The few items you saw, though, were simple, and to your taste. Crowley was smiling as you looked everything over, but stayed quiet until you sat down on the end of the bed, looking around in awe.
“Crowley, this is too much. I appreciate what you’re trying to do here, I really do, but…”
“But nothing, darling. I know that staying here, even if it is for your own safety, will be difficult for you. All of this is meant to ease that hardship. I’m the King of Hell, pet. If there’s nothing else I can do, I can at least provide you comfort and style. Now, I have to go attend to matters of state. Feel free to settle in, and if you need anything, just ask one of the guards outside the door to get Godfrey for you.” Crowley bent over and kissed your cheek, then gently brushed a lock of hair from your face. “I do hope you can find a way to be happy here.” With that, Crowley was gone.
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Grace & Janis
Grace: bitch you better have hidden all MY baby pics!!! Janis: obvs my number 1 priority Grace: mhmmmmmm don't be letting that boy see me looking like that Grace: as if our house isn't cringe enough Janis: what, a child? Janis: still got those chubby cheeks, cutie Grace: ew don't even Grace: I learned how to contour for good reason thank you Janis: mhmmmmmm Janis: curse this family and its DNA Janis: [sends her all the baby Grace pics we don't have] Grace: STOP Janis: 😂 Janis: n'awh Grace: you're so annoying it's no wonder you're their new fave Grace: so who's more 😍😍 for him, mum or dad? Janis: bit rude to their old fave Janis: giving you a place to bunk, have some manners Janis: 🤔 hmm, it's close Janis: probably the mother, chatting about some art project he has to do so Grace: 🙄🙄🙄 Grace: like if you're not gonna offer to do it for him, hush babes Janis: the idea of her coming at me with a 📷 got me like Janis: [suitably grumpy child pic] Grace: 😂😂😂😂 Grace: does he have to use 📷? she could just get one of her old 🎨 out Janis: oh yes, 'cos the idea of posing for a portrait thrills me more Janis: I think it can be any medium, it's his thing Grace: you only have to sit there tho Janis: not trying to spend any more time here with them tho Grace: 👌👌 true Janis: strictly dinner kinda deal Grace: I'm so sure dad made soooo many courses anyway Janis: I told him to be chill Janis: so naturally he hasn't Grace: ugh Grace: do not miss his dinner time check ins Janis: its only been a couple of days Janis: wouldn't get comfortable not missing anything Grace: UM can you not remind me that I have to come back Grace: so rude Janis: 🙄🙄🙄 Grace: cute that you miss me tho hun 💜 Janis: like I'll be here hun Grace: you invited him there 🤞🤞 that you EVER see him again Janis: no I didn't Janis: I wanted them off my back, that's the plan Janis: now and I can leave and they won't freak Grace: he's still meeting them Janis: ? Janis: he'll get over it, it's one night Grace: !!! & 😱😱😱 Grace: it's mum & dad how long do they even need to make you wanna die Janis: it's more funny when you don't care Janis: worry about yourself Grace: I'm fine thanks so much Janis: were you waiting to talk about yourself Janis: 'cos go ahead Grace: 🙄🙄🙄 Janis: never stopped you before Grace: excuse you Janis: hm? Grace: really nice catching up, babes Janis: hm Grace: see you soon or not Janis: toodles Grace: 💜👋💜 Janis: call off your bitch, will you Grace: ??? Janis: who do you think Janis: why does she even watch my stories Grace: idk or why you think I haven't already told her to get over it Janis: fuck's sake Grace: why do you even care if she watches your stories? literally everyone is rn Janis: I don't care if she watches but tell her not to message me Grace: I obvs will but she obvs isn't gonna listen to me Janis: if she doesn't she's getting a slap Grace: LOL Grace: you know who her dad is, you can't Janis: no I don't Janis: though she'd like to think everyone does Grace: OMG just block her Grace: you wanted mum and dad OFF your back Grace: literally why bring him to dinner to start more drama Janis: they don't like her either Janis: it's not drama Grace: Duh she'll cause it if you hit her Janis: then she better shut up then hadn't she Grace: what's she even saying? Janis: does it matter Grace: if you want me to message her after days of not Grace: like I'm gonna just hit her up without knowing anything Grace: I'd look mental Janis: you know what Janis: forget it Janis: god forbid you inconvenience yourself however slightly Grace: OMG just tell me Janis: it shouldn't fucking matter Janis: let her tell you since you're so keen to side with her already Grace: I can't even take sides if I don't know anything Janis: I'll sort it myself Grace: by fighting her Grace: for god's sake Janis: and what Janis: your approach has worked so well? Grace: okay so it's all my fault Janis: thanks but that admission don't really help Grace: STOP Grace: & just talk to me Janis: why Janis: so you can act like she's not your best friend Janis: that you don't know that she's been like this to me for years Grace: you're my sister Grace: I can give you a million secrets you can use Grace: tell me how bad it is first Janis: I ain't interesting in playing your little games Grace: so what do you want me to do? Grace: I'm literally saying I'll be on your side Janis: You brought her, you get her to go away Grace: okay Janis: good Grace: for you, sure Janis: how do you always make yourself the victim Grace: how do you have the nerve to ask me to do something & still act like a bitch Grace: you said it, she's my best friend Grace: this isn't gonna backfire on you Janis: She's already fucking me over, it doesn't need to backfire Janis: and it's no one's fault but you're own that she's your friend Janis: don't expect sympathy Grace: you think she can't do worse than a few DM's Grace: oh honey Janis: I'm not scared of her, get a grip, for fuck's sake Grace: so happy for you Grace: you know what, handle it yourself Grace: hit her, do whatever Janis: yeah no shit Janis: you've not done anything about her a day in your life Grace: yeah cos it's so easy Janis: poor you Grace: don't talk to me Janis: make your mind up jesus Grace: go away Grace: I'm so done with you & this Janis: get the fuck over yourself Janis: you were buzzing at the chance for more petty mean girl bullshit with her Janis: do something with your life and she might give a shit again, you're not using me for your in Grace: I wanted to help you Grace: until you reminded me why that's THE WORST idea ever Janis: you never help anyone Janis: saying you're nice and helpful but then never doing it 'cos everyone else is THE WORST Janis: don't make it true Grace: oh please Grace: I've never said I'm nice or helpful Janis: oh please, you do constantly Janis: you can't take responsibility for shit, it's me, it's her, it's your shitty exes, yeah? Janis: maybe it's you, Grace, you're the common denominator Grace: okay thanks Grace: you're really helpful Janis: I don't want to help you Janis: let's be clear Grace: Great, so shut up Janis: no Janis: this is your fucking fault, you should get an nth of the bullshit I get Grace: me and Mia aren't the same person Grace: if I had any control over her I'd have used it way before now Janis: you think you're any better? Janis: at least she's upfront about it Janis: got some balls Grace: 👌👌👌 Janis: you really are pathetic Grace: wow Janis: what Grace: if that's the best you can do, it's obvs why you wanted me to deal with her Janis: working with the material I'm given Janis: which is fuck all really, isn't it Janis: but no, you're known for your acerbic wit and silversharp tongue Janis: my mistake, please tell her off like you've never managed before Grace: are you like done yet or not? Janis: nope Janis: you actually thought I would ever come to you for help Janis: when have I ever needed you Grace: well you actually did so Grace: how awks Janis: It's actually awkward that you think me venting to you so you know what you started is a genuine cry for help Janis: your thing, can't take that from you Grace: if it's my thing I know the difference between venting & asking surely but go off babes Janis: Diego has less miscommunication in his life than you Grace: 👏 Janis: Genuinely Janis: you should really get help at school Janis: some kind of delay there Grace: yay we're back to how stupid I am Grace: been a min Janis: N'awh, not stupid Janis: probably a syndrome Janis: bet it's got a name, have a google Grace: 💜 Janis: let us know, get everyone to start talking really slowly at you and all Grace: I'm fine with none of you talking to me Grace: thanks though Janis: yeah Janis: that's why the only place you have to go is your sisters Janis: you've got no one but them so I'd get back on the 💜 train Janis: who the fuck would have you that ain't bound by bloodties and duty Grace: way ahead of you, babes Janis: stop slagging them off then as if you and me have a thing in common Grace: stop policing what I say Janis: say something worth hearing Grace: to you, no thanks Janis: to who Janis: already pointed out you have no one if you ain't got Mia Grace: obvs to no one then duh Janis: obvious for two reasons then Grace: sure Janis: 💔 Grace: yeah Janis: kiss and make up because everyone is sick of it Grace: 👌👌👌 Janis: Serious Grace: Chill, I'm sure she'll be my date to the vow renewal Grace: are you done with dad I need a q & a? Janis: what Grace: it's a simple question, hun Grace: literally need to talk catering so like are you done or not Janis: what are you talking about Grace: Rio and Buster being the most extra couple ever Grace: like hello? did mum and dad not fill you in Janis: you better be fucking joking Grace: 🙄🙄 Janis: if you send one more emoji I'll shove that phone down your throat Janis: are you serious Grace: like I'd make up a 2nd wedding Grace: get a grip Janis: this is bullshit, obviously not Grace: they're already married, babes, they have a kid, you're kinda too late to object Janis: fuck off as if you support it Janis: no one does, no one wants to go to that that's why they had to do it alone Grace: exactly, they could care less if I do or not Janis: well no one cares what you think Janis: it's irrelevant Janis: the point is, why have another wedding no one wants Janis: this is the last thing anyone needs Grace: cos they are holding their breath waiting for your RSVP or opinion I'm sure Grace: he asked & she said yes, that's how it works Janis: shut the fuck up Janis: this is the most selfish thing I've ever Janis: she's so full of shit Janis: it won't be happening Grace: it literally is happening though Janis: no it isn't Janis: not when she gets called out on what a hypocritical lying cunt she is Janis: see how much you feel like celebrating then Grace: as much as this fam ever does Grace: one big party 24 7 Janis: nah, fat chance Janis: they've not destroyed enough they wanna rub everyone's face in it, don't think so Janis: 3 lives they utterly fucked, there's no celebrating that Grace: not the way they see it Grace: & it's how they see it that matters to them so Janis: It's easy enough to change their mind Janis: fuck's sake Grace: How? Janis: not going to be you that does it so what's it to you Janis: roll over quicker than anyone asks, you Grace: it won't be you either Grace: he'd have to tell her to call it off for her to listen Janis: like fuck it won't Janis: someone has to say it Janis: she was here last time and she ain't no more Grace: & what did it change? Grace: they did it then & they'll do it now Janis: You're a quitter, I'm not asking you to get on board Janis: she's gonna listen Grace: If any of us told you to stop seeing Jimmy, you wouldn't Grace: they love each other, get over it Janis: and she ain't me Janis: if she cares even a degree of what she fakes Janis: she won't want another death on her hands Janis: it's not hard when what they're doing is sick and wrong Grace: stop it Janis: nah, like fuck Janis: if you cared about those kids like you fake, you'd want them taken off them Janis: the shit they're going to get Janis: and you cry every day about your shit life Janis: he should know better, his parents being what they were Grace: None of us want any of this Grace: but it's too late Janis: it's always too late with you Janis: no you can't do anything 'cos you're fucking weak and you need them all Janis: I don't need any of you, you can all rot Grace: Janis, don't Janis: fuck this shit Janis: fuck you Janis: fucking catering are you out your fucking mind Janis: over my dead body Grace: Stop saying that Grace: OMG Janis: You act like she was the crazy one Janis: she did the only thing that made any sense Janis: getting away from this toxic fucking family anyway she could Janis: you aren't even a real person and it's their fault and you do nothing about it Grace: Please don't fucking go Janis: Why would I stay Janis: why would you Janis: they have no right to miss her, none of them Janis: they all gave her reasons to get so far out her head that she'd fucking Janis: fuck Rio, fuck mum and fuck dad Grace: I can't do this on my own Janis: We've never been together Janis: you'd pick them every time Janis: you'd help her plan her bullshit wedding that's about nothing but showing off how much she gives a fuck about no one but him Grace: Give me something to do that isn't leave or kill myself Grace: I'm going mental here Janis: you should hit up Ollie, see if he's about it Janis: can be just like her Janis: she's doing just fine Grace: There's worse things to be than like her Janis: there's nothing worse Grace: at least she's happy Janis: she will be until one of hers dies Janis: then she'll be broken and pathetic like mum and dad Janis: and she doesn't have the excuse of not knowing better Janis: she helped kill Edie and then thought of ways she could make that situation even worse Janis: she's worse than them and has the nerve to act like what, some kind of mother figure doing her best for all of us Grace: She cared about Edie & she cares about us Janis: not enough to do the right thing Janis: they never do Grace: it wouldn't have saved her Grace: you know that Janis: that makes it alright then Janis: if mum did it first Janis: break her some more Janis: damage already done Janis: too late Janis: you're so fucking brainwashed and what do you get from it Janis: are you happy Gracie Janis: 'cos you're fucking collateral Grace: of course I'm not Janis: then stop drinking the kool-aid and telling me how good it tastes Grace: Rio's trying to help me, she's the only one who is Janis: yeah her saviour complex done everyone real well Janis: Junior's life isn't fucked at all because she had to live it for him Grace: I'm just saying I'm not gonna walk away from her cos Edie would want me to Grace: Junior's life is fucked cos he has shit taste in men & goes along with what everyone else wants Janis: This family loved to surround itself with dead girls it was trying to help Janis: and you're happy to be one of 'em Janis: don't pretend you want other options Grace: I don't wanna die Janis: 🤞 she has a baby for you that she won't give you then Janis: you're never gonna be the one 'helping' Janis: you aren't her or mum Janis: that is your role if you don't get out the fucking show, Grace Grace: we've established I'm not helpful, babes Janis: we've established you aren't a person Janis: even this, you can't be real Janis: what the fuck will it take Grace: you don't want real from me Grace: you literally never have Janis: you've never offered Janis: and I ain't waiting around for you Grace: Every time I try & talk to you, you shut me down Grace: you obvs aren't waiting for anything from me Janis: When have you ever tried to talk about something that matters Janis: I'm not talking to you about hair when people are fucking dying Grace: when have you ever let me Grace: you're a bitch way before then Janis: why would I be nice to that Janis: You don't like me, I'm not begging you either Grace: nothing that matters to me matters to you Janis: the colour of your fucking lip doesn't matter period Grace: that isn't real Janis: You've never been real Janis: you don't give me a fucking chance Grace: I can't be real with you cos you just make fun of everything that I say or feel or do Janis: and you and your friend don't Janis: nah, everything I do hasn't been fucking wrong to you since before we got our periods Grace: I've never backed her up on anything she said Grace: I don't call you stupid or ugly or any of the shit you call me Janis: you just call be a bitch and annoying and weird Janis: so if all of that's fake, everything you roll your eyes at because I just don't get it, just admit, you don't want to be real with me Janis: never fucking have, pretending it's 'cos I don't wear heels has always been an excuse Grace: You are a bitch and I do find you annoying and weird Grace: & you don't get me or any of the things that are hard for me cos they aren't for you Janis: that makes it alright then, you can say whatever you like to me because you perceieve yourself as life's victim and it's all fine for me Grace: we have different problems Grace: I'm not saying your life is perfect, I'm not that stupid Janis: just better than yours so why should you even try to be nice Janis: landed you with a great crowd, that Grace: you think you're better than me Grace: you literally always have Janis: no, you think I'm better than you Janis: and I didn't tear myself down so you could use me to build yourself up Janis: you aren't her and I'm not you Janis: why do you think you fell into that kind of relationship Grace: you are better than me & it makes it really hard to be around you, okay Janis: thanks Grace: it's not like any of this is how I want it Janis: how can you sit here and expect sympathy Janis: when I'm the one who's left with no one Janis: you can deal with the shit and have friends and have them, I can't do that Grace: you think I'm dealing? LOL Janis: deal with theirs Janis: and they'll love you for it Janis: none of them are gonna call you a doormat, just me Janis: 'cos they need a yes man Grace: well maybe I wouldn't be here if they did call me out ever Grace: at least you tell me the truth Janis: well maybe it gets exhausting being the only one telling the truth Janis: do you think she liked having to have every conversation be a confrontation Janis: do you think I Grace: it's exhausting being fake too if you were thinking about swapping Janis: like I said, you've got plenty of company Janis: they all are Grace: Yeah but I'm the only one getting told to see a therapist Grace: like I'd know where to start Janis: told you Janis: love a dead girl Janis: breeding and 'fixing' people when they've got no business is this family's shared hobby Janis: reason they ain't try to section me, section her Janis: take your shoelaces, where's the fun in actually doing something Janis: say you will, fucking say you have, did Janis: but never actually do Grace: they couldn't section you, you're not mental Grace: her either Janis: give her a case when I say I'll top myself if she goes ahead with this wedding, won't I Grace: No Grace: if being angry was all it takes half this fam would be gone Grace: & the wedding wouldn't happen cos he's the worst for it Janis: they should be, that's the fucking problem Janis: seperate cells, all of 'em Janis: and yeah, he's a cunt Grace: You don't have long if you really wanna stop it Janis: yeah? Grace: they are rushing but obvs won't tell me why Grace: maybe they think people will try and stop them idk Janis: Brazil one probably wasn't even legal Janis: why should I care about their kids really Janis: why should I try and help any of them Grace: they're just babies, they didn't ask for any of this Janis: maybe not but maybe those two deserve for those kids to grow and turn 'round and tell them how much they hate them for doing this Janis: fuck it, I can't think straight Janis: maybe that's enough, maybe I just won't go, I'll be gone Grace: you'll come back though, right? Janis: can't think about that Janis: I should be happy right now Janis: but no Janis: can't Grace: you can be happy Janis: how can I Janis: it never stops it never goes away Grace: idk just worry about yourself like you always say to me Grace: forget about them Janis: can't do that when you're here Grace: forget about me Janis: no I mean Janis: I can't be here, I can't be anywhere near any of you and be happy Janis: and one reason to stay doesn't outweight all the reasons to go Grace: you're saying you're gonna leave him, aren't you Janis: this isn't fair on him Grace: it wouldn't be fair to do that Grace: on you either Janis: I know that, all he needs is someone who can stay Janis: I can't do it Grace: he loves you so he needs you Grace: you love him Janis: yes Grace: he'd go with you if you asked him Janis: the kids can't come Grace: why do they need to? he's got a dad, right? Janis: no Janis: they need him Janis: and he needs them Grace: oh Janis: it's not easy Janis: even if it feels easier than staying Janis: it's still so fucking hard Grace: I love you & if you only listen to one thing I ever say then Grace: you're really gonna regret it if you fuck things up with him Janis: I know Janis: but I should have never have let him in Grace: but you have now Grace: not to be that it's too late bitch again Grace: but like Janis: bad things happened to him too Janis: happen Grace: so don't hurt him Janis: that's all I ever do Grace: no Grace: that's faker than anything I've ever Grace: shut up Janis: I don't want to Janis: she didn't either, I don't think Janis: it's just Janis: seems like the only way to end it all, all the suffering Grace: nobody wants to, I don't think even Mia wants that, way deep down Janis: you can't end other people's, only your own Janis: but causing it means you're having some effect, right Grace: she had so much love in her, that's how she could do it, hurt people that deep Grace: so do you Grace: but you don't have to be like her Janis: I don't know what the alternative is Janis: like I said, it feels like someone HAS to be saying these things Grace: I think it's this Grace: trying Grace: being honest means being honest about like everything Janis: it's hard to do both Janis: that's the problem Janis: how can you tell Rio she's a hypocritical bitch that has ultimately put herself first and tell her she still held it down all those times we needed her to Grace: I know, babes, trust Grace: cos they can both be true Grace: I hate you & I love you Grace: nothing's just a or just b Janis: I guess the thing is, they get the rest from everyone else Janis: like you said Janis: you wouldn't be here if I didn't tell you the bad shit Janis: no one would Grace: you can still be the call out queen Grace: if he's the only person who sees the real you, maybe that's okay Grace: maybe its like that anyway Janis: it feels wrong Janis: we didn't always hate each other Janis: all of us Grace: I didn't always hate myself Grace: it's just Grace: things happen Janis: too many things have Janis: that shouldn't have Grace: Yeah exactly so don't make yourself unhappy Grace: there's been so much of it Janis: she died for nothing Janis: if more and more keeps happening Janis: just makes it more true Grace: she died for nothing anyway Grace: she was 16 Janis: and if I act like it, it's a problem Janis: but Rio gets to openly ruin more kids and we're meant to be happy Janis: I refuse, I won't do it Grace: she's just trying to be happy Grace: like you want to be Janis: no Janis: you don't get to try at the expense of a helpless fucking kid Janis: that you made Janis: that's not how it works, this is what I'm saying Janis: we aren't doing this again and pretending that that's alright Grace: I'm not saying don't tell her what you think Janis: how could she Janis: twice Grace: I don't know Grace: I don't know how she could fall in love with him or any of it Janis: it's not love Grace: she thinks it is, & she let it happen Grace: I don't understand that Janis: she's selfish or it's trauma-bonding Janis: she can have either Janis: but she won't admit it regardless Grace: of course she won't Grace: so just let it go Janis: no Janis: there's consequences to the shit you do Grace: they're her consequences to deal with Janis: and one of them is that I hate her and I'm not going to let her forget that Edie died hating her too Janis: it's not enough to yet again put it on some kids Janis: say hey, wait to see how bad the bullying gets and the doubt and all of it Janis: then turn around and say why the fuck did you two do this Janis: they hurt people Janis: and they still are Janis: they should care Grace: I think they do Grace: but idk if that's enough or not Grace: or what'll happen to those babies or any of us Janis: it isn't enough Janis: they aren't Grace: what I know is if you keep hating like Edie did it'll hurt you like it hurt her Grace: you have to stop Janis: we should be hurting Janis: she shouldn't be happy Janis: none of us should Grace: we are Grace: that doesn't mean you have to ruin everything for yourself Grace: that you can't ever be happy Janis: I'm not ruining anything Janis: it's ruined Janis: nothing has changed Janis: so no, we shouldn't be happy Grace: Edie literally wanted you to be Grace: & we were 12 so much has changed Janis: like what Grace: like you letting someone in Grace: being happy even if you think you shouldn't Grace: we're talking now that wouldn't have ever happened Grace: if you hate me more than you did 4 years ago that's still change, babes Grace: you can't stand still for her Janis: I'm not going to pretend we're blessed to live to make more mistakes Grace: do better like everyone says they are gonna but don't Janis: no thanks Janis: I'm not righting all this family has done wrong Janis: that's what they think they can do Janis: Rio and Buster, and they've already failed Grace: I'm not even talking about them though Grace: just do better for you Grace: stay with him, feel something idk Janis: I don't know if I can Grace: I can't answer that for you Grace: do you wanna try or not? Janis: It's not that simple Grace: with that attitude no Janis: no, it just isn't Janis: you haven't been in love, have you? Grace: no Janis: well it's like Janis: sometimes what you want, and even what they think they want, might not be what's right for them Janis: and if you really loved them Janis: you'd want what was best for them, wouldn't you Grace: you are what's best for him though Grace: I've seen you together, wayyyy more than I wanted to Grace: & I lowkey stalked him before that so Janis: lowkey is debatable Grace: thank you for focusing in on the right thing OMG Janis: I'm not trying to be a cunt for once right now but you know Janis: I don't think you can say what's best for him Janis: me either, really Janis: idk Janis: I wish I did know then I'd just do it Grace: so let him say it Grace: be there to give him the chance like Janis: that's not me Janis: I can't be the one getting left Grace: & he can? Janis: no Grace: so do you love him enough to let him really hurt you or not Janis: its all stupid anyway Janis: we only just met Grace: I don't think that's the point, babes Janis: it is, even some of yours lasted longer than this and you weren't in love with them Grace: hello I'm fake Grace: & a hoe Janis: I didn't intend to be real Grace: he can't do fake that's not your fault hun Grace: his face is a dead giveaway like literally always Janis: you can take hints then Janis: just ignore 'em Janis: good to know Grace: I'm not brain damaged Grace: you just wish I were Janis: why would I want that Janis: sounds dead irritating, if anything Grace: cos otherwise I'm just stupid Grace: no excusing that Janis: you're not you're just infuriating Grace: cute but yeah I am Janis: nothing cute about it Janis: it's ugly all the shit you pretend Grace: duh it suits me then Janis: yeah yeah Grace: yeah we can pretend that's why no one wants me instead of what the truth is Janis: what's the truth then Grace: that I am just ugly Grace: so my personality might as well be Janis: nah Janis: truth is, you don't wanna die, like you said Janis: if that's what it takes for you to survive Grace: I'm too scared, like I am of a lot of things Grace: but like I also said, things change Janis: it's scary Grace: if I ever do it get mum's old oujia board out & I'll let you know what happens next Grace: like a liveblog Janis: oh great Janis: here's me thinking I'd get some peace and quiet, like Grace: EW what if heaven's like a really amazing nightclub vibe & they don't let me in Janis: what do you wanna go to heaven for Janis: it's like here without all the interesting bits Janis: at least hell is offering a bit of something new Grace: UM cos I'm not into bdsm unless the boy's like really fit Janis: you'll be fine then Janis: Lucifer is famously too hot for heaven, like Grace: oh yeah I totally forgot Janis: grand scheme of bible teachings, probably encouraged to be a bit quiet on that one Janis: black nan be buzzing Grace: catch me sinning really hard from now until I kms so he's into me Grace: sorry nan Janis: really gonna try and be his favourite sinner Janis: 😏 Grace: You'll love it cos I promised Rio no boys & she'll be really 😠😠😠 Grace: 💜me perdoe, irmã eu tenho que pecar💜 Janis: 😂 Janis: gonna point out that there are 7 other sins Janis: and those are just the deadly ones, like Grace: yeah but like Grace: it's the one that'll get his attention easiest Grace: boys are so quick to get jealous Janis: the devil has and always will be a gentleman, babe Janis: not a fuckboy Janis: rethink the tactic probs Grace: excuse me that gluttony & sloth aren't moods for an attractive corpse Janis: hello it's your soul you're taking Janis: not a zombie fuckfest Grace: UM I still need all my exes devastated at my funeral thanks Grace: don't let anyone touch my hair though or I will haunt you Janis: ha your plastic weave gonna be there long after the rest of you is dust Janis: as for your exes Janis: got to think numbers Grace: RUDE Janis: alright for you to say, you won't be handing out sausage rolls to however many identical unimpressed looking white boys Grace: neither will you Grace: a glance to check I'm in there & you can go, babes Janis: oh please Janis: can't make me go to this farce of a wedding but doubt I'm getting out of a funeral that easy Grace: I'll literally write in my will so bye bitch Janis: cute you think the dead's wishes are getting honoured around here Janis: whether she wanted us to be miserable or happy, we're all doing shit regardless Janis: can't say she wanted us to muddle through ad infinitum Grace: she still died we can't just move on ASAP Janis: why it's better to be team miserable Janis: a case can be argued even if we aren't committing enough Grace: I'm sure your bf will be down his face is always 😒 Janis: you fancy him not me Grace: ew Janis: mhmm Grace: you can go ahead and put that wayyyyy into past tense thanks so much Janis: 😏 Janis: convincing Grace: I literally only wanted to hook up with him Grace: not gonna do that now so Janis: that's all you do with any boy so Grace: duh Grace: he's only special to you Grace: no boy is to me Janis: don't be gay Janis: x2 Grace: don't be homophobic Grace: it's gross & retro Janis: whatever Janis: every gay I know is a twat Janis: tell me it ain't related Grace: same tbh Grace: 🤔🤔 Janis: doesn't help they're related to me and all but when I'm right, I'm right Grace: you don't know any others? Janis: dunno anyone do I Janis: if you cunts are boring, not like the ones at school are any better craic Grace: idk who you hang with now bitch Janis: 🙄 Janis: yeah decided I want loads of mates Grace: you got a bf so who knows Janis: told you that was a mistake Janis: accident, whatever Janis: not a habit Grace: you could be making friends by mistake Grace: obvs so likeable Janis: I'd rather not Grace: 👌 Janis: every twat's the same 'round here Grace: true Janis: nah no more people Janis: undecided what I'm doing as is Grace: it's a mood Janis: bollock Janis: you hate being alone, famously Grace: duh but idk what I'm doing Janis: hiding at Rio's rn Grace: thanks Grace: not what I meant tho Janis: then you'll have to be more specific Grace: whatever Grace: how are there no parties tonight??! ugh Janis: probably for the best Grace: it's really not Grace: school's gonna start soon Janis: astute Janis: you check the calendar Grace: 🙄🙄🙄 Grace: do you know of any I don't? Janis: wouldn't tell you if I did Grace: that's so rude Janis: forgot why you've got a pity sofabed atm or what babe Grace: that wasn't a party & I wasn't gonna invite him to be my date tonight Janis: makes no odds, and dates a pretty loose term for 'you can frig me off in a random's lounge whilst their parents are out' as well Grace: it is shorter to type though so Janis: ha Janis: hilarious Grace: no just why I used it Janis: stick to babysitting Grace: I'm going out it'll just have to be somewhere else Janis: not doing this again Janis: got things i need to do now thanks to this awful fucking news Grace: not stopping you Janis: yeah right Grace: literally can't Janis: if you didn't want stopping, you wouldn't fucking tell me Janis: not after last time Janis: but I'm telling you, I ain't gonna be in any state so leave it out Grace: excuse me if for someone with no friends you have a lot of party invites Janis: called being likeable Janis: try it Grace: obvs & I obvs can't Janis: you don't try very hard Grace: LOL Grace: like I said, being fake is exhausting too babes Janis: well stop Janis: that's why no one likes you Janis: you're too much it weird everyone out Grace: I literally just said I can't Grace: but thanks Janis: how hard is it to shut your mouth for 5 minutes Grace: for you very Grace: so like idk why you're telling me to Janis: cos like idk I'm trying to help you! Grace: no you're not Grace: you're trying to get me to shut up cos you have so much to do Grace: you can just go Janis: sadly not Janis: waiting Grace: feel free to wait in silence Janis: why would I do that Grace: why not Grace: so easy Janis: nah Janis: I'm likeable, dying to hear what I've got to say Janis: too likeable to be off my phone rn so you'll have to deal with it Grace: 💜 Janis: I mean it, make sure one of them is sober Janis: I've got plans here Grace: I don't need you Grace: do what you want Janis: blatantly untrue Janis: made a massive twat of yourself last time Janis: which was, by the way, 2 days ago Janis: consider you have a problem Grace: & I'm so sure I will again but like it's my problem Janis: not though is it Janis: you checked out this entire convo Janis: affects all of us Grace: read back your own responses where everything is shit & we all deserve to suffer & nothing matters Janis: so sit and think about what you've done all alone Janis: that is suffering Grace: no thanks Janis: cool just ruin my night Janis: again Grace: it's not about you Janis: yeah it is Grace: no Janis: yep Janis: already ruined one plan so tah Janis: have to carry out this one after Grace: 👌👌 Janis: in a bit, cunt Grace: 👋 Janis: you really aren't subtle Janis: you know how easily I could forward this all to Rio, like Janis: think on Grace: then do it Grace: you love telling on me it's your thing now Janis: it is funny Janis: acting out doesn't really work if you keep telling before you do it Janis: not your thing by a long stretch Grace: I'm going out it's not a dramatic storm out Janis: yeah to get fingered 'cos you hate your ugly, stupid self, by your own admission Janis: so casual Janis: so not why the therapists are being booked Grace: literally so done talking to you now Grace: this convo has gone on forever Janis: it's cool it's forwarded Janis: 4G is amazing, idk where the fuck I am Janis: still, so fast Grace: wow Grace: I'll be impressed later like Janis: won't have the time Janis: though the drive back to mum and dad's is a fair while, yeah, you could use that time to really reflect Grace: I'll obvs make it for you, babes Janis: obvs Janis: fucking sad Grace: 💔 Janis: bet that felt like a moment Grace: mhmm Janis: n'awh Grace: yeah Janis: if you don't get some standards, honestly Grace: that's really working for you, yeah? Grace: it won't be any easier when he hates you than when he loves you, you know that Grace: get a grip Janis: like you'd know the first thing about it Grace: like you do either Grace: duh why you're terrified Janis: love a bit of projection Grace: okay sure Janis: not the one that freaks out when boys touch her Grace: so Grace: you're still gonna be alone anyway Janis: and? Grace: it doesn't matter if you push him away & if I'm getting pushed away by whatever lad Grace: even if you wanna use things I've said against me rn Janis: and you're the one that can't stand being alone Grace: oh sure keep pretending you love that but I'm so fake Janis: if I was fazed, I would've done something about it before now, what with how likeable I am to boys and girls Janis: no begging from my end Grace: you love him you literally admitted it Grace: stop Janis: and that matters because Grace: he loves you too Grace: you can't act like that doesn't matter Janis: sure can Janis: don't push me Grace: You're so stupid Janis: awh Janis: you are if you think there's any salvaging already Janis: like I could stick around with all that you threw at me Grace: me? Janis: yes, you Grace: how are you so delusional actually Janis: you couldn't want to tell me all about the stupid wedding Janis: you didn't have to Janis: mum and dad didn't for a fucking reason clearly Grace: you pushed me like you always do Janis: nah Janis: you dropped that like it was nothing Grace: you were being horrible for no reason like you always are Janis: the reason is you and your self-confessed shit personality but sure Janis: if it makes you feel better about the whole thing Grace: the reason was Mia but sure blame me again Janis: give a shit about Mia Janis: it was the wedding and you know it Janis: and you knew it and that's the only reason you said it Grace: I can't take it back now Janis: yeah well me either Grace: I didn't mean to just drop it on you like that Janis: whatever Janis: you want some attention, have at it 'cos I'm about to undo tonight Grace: why can't you stop Janis: why would I Grace: that's obvious Grace: undo whatever you've done to him instead Janis: how Janis: how the fuck do you reckon I can do that Grace: however he needs you to Grace: grow the fuck up & be sorry & try Janis: go to hell Janis: you're so fucked Janis: you care more about him than you do me what the hell is wrong with you Grace: I care about you Grace: for god's sake Janis: that's why you ain't once asked where I am or who I'm waiting for Janis: stop fucking talking about him Grace: cos I'm really scared what the answer is Grace: don't you understand that Janis: well it ain't Drew so my odds of leaving unmolested are slightly up Janis: though not his type, I don't reckon Grace: Every time you do this I freak out that it'll be the last time Grace: you won't come back cos either you don't want to or you can't Grace: if he's the only reason for you to stay then of course I want you to be with him Grace: I'm not sorry for that Janis: Well I can try for you but I don't think going catatonic and then bolting off is much of a turn-on Janis: 'specially not Janis: nah Janis: she kept this up for ages, good times, eh Grace: Talk to him Janis: gonna need to take this shit first Grace: Please don't Grace: I'm sorry for everything I've said and done literally ever okay Janis: yeah Janis: know you are Grace: Janis Janis: sorry alright Janis: and I never sent nothing to Rio so you can go Grace: I'll come to you Grace: wherever Grace: you don't have to Janis: I really meant it when I said idk where I am Grace: we can figure that out Grace: & I'll tell him it's all my fault, whatever you want Grace: he knows what a nightmare I am Janis: it's my fault Janis: this would've happened at some point yeah Grace: it's me, I'll fix it Grace: just give me a landmark to aim at first Janis: he was from Janis: Ballyfermot, yeah Janis: even worse than Tallaght, I remember she said Janis: don't come here I just need to Janis: aim back Grace: I can't just sit here like 🤞🤞 Grace: that's all this fam ever does Janis: shit Janis: this was really stupid he was horrible Grace: are you okay??? Janis: okay, I'll put my location on but I'll start moving, just meet me halfway Janis: one of Edie's old dealers/boyfriends Janis: said she had the right idea, yeah Grace: I can't even with that Grace: I'm in a car now so just move Janis: who is it Grace: just me obvs Grace: I'm not getting any of them involved Grace: I have an app for a reason like Janis: right no Janis: good Janis: just don't tell your uber driver I'm packing Grace: duh Grace: what are you gonna do with it though? Janis: can't just chuck it Janis: what if a dog eat it Janis: or a little kid Janis: kinda looked like some weird sour sweet you know Grace: find a really really gross bin Janis: or, could keep it and take it when he won't speak to me eh Grace: that's not funny Janis: I know Grace: I can't even breathe rn Janis: told you I couldn't pick you up Janis: tweaked driving is probably marginally better than drunk but still Grace: if he did something to you, you literally have to tell me Janis: he didn't, I swear Janis: he was just Janis: chatting about how he missed her and I wanted to ram his meth teeth down his throat Janis: bet he barely remembers her name Grace: that's horrible Grace: fuck Janis: he looked so old Janis: but I'm thinking it was just the drugs taking their toll, no way did she Janis: I hope not Grace: I don't wanna think about it but like Janis: I wanted to mug him, like Janis: show I ain't no hypocrite Janis: but I couldn't Grace: you can't do this again ever Janis: I don't wanna make promises I can't keep Janis: but like Janis: I don't even wanna take it, it smells and looks so Janis: toxic Grace: I will literally kill you if you die Janis: I don't know how much longer I can do this Janis: 4 years and I Grace: stop Grace: I'll help you Grace: I mean it, I'll do whatever you want Janis: I'm just so angry all the time Janis: and mean Grace: you can shout at me rn if you wanna, I'm already crying Grace: this driver has seen some shit Janis: people should be nice to you Janis: sorry your friends are dicks Grace: I should be nice to people Janis: fucking state of us Grace: idk how to be different Grace: it's been so long, before Edie even Grace: literally who am I? Janis: me either Janis: if I give up being angry Janis: give up her Janis: what have I got Grace: you never have to give her up Janis: I think I do a bit Janis: she couldn't make herself happy, I can't do it for myself and her Grace: she'd want you to be happy, I was so serious Grace: she was coming to see you Janis: us Grace: no Grace: she hated me & it was totally mutual Janis: but she loved you and that was too Janis: can't not Grace: if anything she was coming to ruin whatever tween celebrations I had planned cos that'd make you happy Janis: I can't remember anything about that day Grace: me either Grace: how can it not feel real when it's the realest thing that ever happened Janis: how did we find out Janis: who told us Janis: I don't know, genuinely Janis: not like when I pretend I've forgotten things Grace: I feel like it was dad but maybe I've made that up Grace: cos of after Grace: idk Grace: we should know that, shouldn't we? Janis: yeah Janis: that's the problem, right Janis: 9 kids, to tell Janis: sort of thing you want to do one on one but then some would know before ithers and how Janis: how would you do that 9 times Janis: he must've just, Janis: it must've just came out Grace: how would you even do it once Grace: I can't talk about anything ever Grace: literally not an exaggeration Janis: I told Jimmy she ran away for good Janis: not that she's dead, that we know where she's gone Grace: you don't owe him the story if you don't wanna tell it, babes Grace: everyone knows so much of our business Janis: their mum Janis: they don't know where she is Grace: like she just left? Janis: I think so Grace: how old was he? Grace: that's so sad Janis: I don't know, I don't ask he's just Janis: we've both said some stuff Janis: but Bobby is 6 so Grace: you wanna talk, can't relate but Janis: sometimes it feels almost right, like he'd get it Grace: yeah Grace: A lad once said to me 'you don't fuck like you've got a dead sister' like word for word that's what he said Grace: what does that even mean, you know Janis: people are so fucking weird Janis: does he mean you weren't sobbing at the time or that you weren't giving it your all like you've seen death so you know life now Grace: I didn't ask for clarification Grace: I just threw up and left Grace: but like it'd be nice if someone understood it, maybe Janis: nicer than that doesn't take much but Janis: maybe it's worse Janis: and maybe I'm a dick for comparing Grace: but maybe he wants someone to understand too Grace: it's really lonely getting left all the time Janis: Grace Grace: ?? Janis: are you sure you don't want him Grace: EW Janis: you'd be much nicer Grace: no I wouldn't Janis: well you wouldn't run Grace: yeah I would Grace: just not like physically cos 👠 Janis: if he fucks Mia I'll cry I think Janis: then kill her Grace: he would never!!! Grace: he hates her and she's livid about it Grace: like same but I'm relieved Janis: it's only been a few hours right Janis: maybe I can Janis: oh God, I'll have to explain the entire Buster and Rio saga if I even want to explain tonight Grace: I'll drop you off if I ever get there Janis: hope your driver isn't the kidnap kind Grace: Don't that would be the perfect end to my evening Grace: he lives by nan & grandad, right? maybe I'll go there Janis: k but you'll have to share the bed if he won't let me in Grace: lowkey would have to give you the bed cos it's my fault so 🤞🤞 he does Grace: so over sofas OMG Janis: should make Saint swap you Janis: he'd fall for it Grace: my back hurts so much okay I haven't done yoga since I was like 8 Janis: should join mother on the lawn Grace: 😱😱😱 Grace: mhmmm LIVING for any direct comparisons between me & her Janis: defs gonna slutshame her into dressing her age Grace: ughhhh Grace: how could you ever sit him down for dinner with them Janis: you know, take the piss out of them relentlessly behind their back Janis: feel him up a bit under the table, standard Grace: thanks for that mental 📷 I didn't want or need, hun Janis: soz Grace: he's hot but like you're also there so Grace: awks Janis: I won't take offense Janis: though my ego is wounded Grace: nbd I just haven't been a hoe for a while & that's obvs everything I am rn Janis: didn't you Janis: fair boy Grace: the one who left or the one who you kept blowing up my phone every sec I was with Grace: cos either way no Janis: oh Janis: well, doubt you're missing much on either score Grace: I know exactly what I'm missing with my ex thanks Grace: & I don't hook up with 19 year olds who lie to me Janis: not good Grace: like you said, this town is full of the same kind of people Janis: how is it so crap Janis: with some lads Janis: like Grace: they don't care Grace: I've spent hours memorising every clip they like but there's no getting any of the same back Janis: relatable but still Janis: felt more getting a checkup at the drs Grace: you have to put it in for most of them cos they don't even understand the layout but they'll still ask you if it was good Grace: imagine being that confident Janis: I am Janis: but not gay Janis: soz ladies Grace: 💔 Janis: don't you 💔 weirdo Grace: it's for the one hot white boy you stole by being hetero so Janis: I offered and you ew'd Janis: let the record show Grace: shut up Janis: he's probably so single now Grace: STOP Grace: it's been like a hour or something Janis: I ran away Janis: he's gonna be so Grace: Babe Grace: just make him understand Janis: no pressure Grace: well duh Grace: there's a reason I don't let boys that close to me Janis: you're saying it like I don't know Janis: not my first rodeo Janis: it just happened Grace: you know what you did, that's more than any ex I've ever had Janis: well Janis: done now Grace: Yeah Janis: should I wait or tell him I'm alright now on here Grace: I'd wanna know you were okay but you know him Grace: is it better to just show up? Janis: I think he'd wanna know too but like Janis: ugh fuck it Janis: wish me luck Grace: obvs
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How Horikoshi treats his female characters (Feat. How his ‘Fans’ treat him): A Rant
Something that has recently been popping up a lot in the BNHA tags, for me at least, is this idea that Hori is a “Lazy/Bad Writer”. It’s a topic that’s genuinely interesting to me and I would love to discuss it! After the reaction i got to my last post on discussing the fandom, i feel like this is a really fun topic for me to look into and i love having an open discussion with people. So just to let you know before we start, everything here is my opinion - feel free to respond with your own thoughts and i’d happily have a conversation with you about anything and everything! If you disagree with me then that's fine, if you agree with me then that's fine too! I'm just a person with a keyboard and an opinion and so are you! :)
So today i would love to discuss how people treat Hori in regards to his female characters and i hope you enjoy this 1500 word essay/ramble i did. (PS if you came from my last lil essay then this one is a lot less sarcastic because its a more serious topic and i don’t want to come across as too rude also i actually got sleep today)
Now, this was actually the first topic I came across when looking into the Hori tags. At first, I was on board with the general theme of what was happening. I saw some lovely artwork of Momo where people had redesigned her costume, they were very creative in how they did it and overall, I had no complaints – if the whole topic of this tag was about how people wanted to be creative and redraw characters in their own design then I’d 100% support it, but the more you look into it, the more…. Nasty is gets.
So, the overall theme of what I gathered from this little tag is that idea that Hori is some sort of [Word I really don’t want to type out but im sure you can guess what it is] because of how he draws his females, most of which are underage. So if you, as a consumer, are, well, consuming something, such as a TV show, film, anime, Manga etc. and you see something that makes you go “This is disgusting – I need to write a Tumblr post about this to warn other people about what's happening here” then I fully support you – please keep on doing what you’re doing. 
However, this isn’t what I see, what I see are posts going “F*CK HORI HE’S A [Nasty word] AND I HOPE HE D*ES – HERE EVERYONE I MADE AN ANTI FLAG, SHARE IT EVERYWHERE AND LET ME KNOW WHERE I CAN SEND MY D*ATH THR*AT TO” Meanwhile, when you go on this same persons page it’s all reposts of the characters and screenshots of the show, posts of them saying “Yo did you guys see the new BNHA episode last night?!?” and overall just very fandom-y stuff. I truly cannot comprehend this type of behaviour – you are so set in this belief that Hori is a [Nasty Word] and yet here you are, on the very same blog you use to slander his name, actively supporting him! Listen, if one of you Anti’s were to sit there and say “I wholeheartedly think Hori is a [Nasty word] and therefore I am no longer going to participate in this fandom or with supporting his creations” then, while I don’t agree with you, I support you in your decision as you have made a clear stance on something with both your words and your actions and I can truly respect that, and hell you would actually get my attention and I might read into what it is you’re talking about. I’m not, however, going to waste my time reading a piece of material written by someone who does all that nasty stuff I previously mentioned and take any of what they say seriously. Let me put it this way; you think Hori is a [Nasty word], you are supporting the show, you are therefore supporting a [nasty word], so why should I take anything you say seriously? I don’t want to see any more of this ‘One minute we love him, one minute we hate him’ attitude because when you hate him the things you are saying are some of the worst things you could possibly say to another person and its childish, disgusting and you’re giving this fandom a bad name.
Now back to the girls, I personally do find certain characters outfits a little distasteful, especially with how they’re done in the anime and how they zoom in on certain body parts, i also dislike how it’s ‘funny’ for characters like Mineta to get away with such disgusting behaviour. I do think that’s the biggest flaw I can find in this show – I don’t however 100% blame Hori for this. Now obviously at the end of the day, it is down to Hori what happens in his show, but can we all stop pretending that it’s just him that does this? When I think of anime the first thing that comes to mind is anime girls and their… attributes. It’s an industry issue and Hori is one of many people that partakes in it – so im not saying he’s not to blame, im just saying some of you are a little dramatic and need to realise if you truly want this behaviour to stop then you need to go after the industry and not just one guy.
Now this next point I want to make is something im sure might be a little confusing for most of you and something I can 100% see the other side of better than some other points ive made. It’s also kinda hard for me to put into words so please bear with me here.
I don’t think its necessary for Hori to develop his female characters as much as their male counterparts – now im sure that’s an odd concept but let me explain. As a child growing up in the age of great TV shows such as Hannah Montana, iCarly, Wizards of Waverly Place etc. I think ive spent a fair amount of time watching TV, my personal favourites as a child were Winx Club, BRATZ and W.I.T.C.H (Im from the UK so apologies if you have no idea what they are). Now all of these shows were ‘for girls’, they all revolve around a group of girls and their adventures in their respective worlds, they learn things along the way, because, even if you don’t realise it, these kids shows have hidden messages in them that are like ‘we should be kind’ ‘we should treat others with respect’ and all that jazz you need to know to be a decent human being. However, the one thing that these shows always lacked was any form of male presence. Now im not saying these shows had no males in them, that would be weird, but what I am saying is that the males in these shows were very one dimensional and they were always the love interest of one of the characters, or you might get the odd parental figure that would show up for one episode to be a motivation for a character. However with BNHA, a show that is specifically aimed at teenage boys, I don’t feel like they do such a disservice to females (AKA the ‘men’ equivalent of my other shows), sure they’re not treated great in certain aspects that I've already discussed, but look at their actual characters, Uraraka is the main girl, sure she very much has the same role as many of the men did in my childhood shows of the ‘love interest’ but her character is more than that and we see it in the sports festival as well as some of the more recent chapters (213-215 to be specific). Her character isn't just some airhead and neither are the other girls, Momo is literally top of the class in terms of written ability and she had her own little mini-arc around gaining confidence (which is still ongoing because guess what – people don’t change overnight), Mina has had some spotlight on her and is seen to be a very confident and skilled fighter, Tsu was literally described as the ‘perfect student with no flaws’ and is shown to be a badass on multiple occasions, Midoriya’s mum is even a character that’s had some form of arc with her learning to believe in her son and she's not some faceless character we hear about every so often when they need a plot device.
Now im not saying the female representation is perfect and it’s certainly not 100% equal to that of the men, but im saying it doesn’t need to be. This is a show for boys, sure girls can watch and enjoy it, but its made for boys in the same way my shows were made for girls, and the average boy isn’t going to want to watch a bunch of fairy princesses run around saving their fluffy little pets like I did (im sure a some of them will – and good for them, in the same way that some girls might want to watch superhero films, it’s not something im saying is bad, its just most people raise children into predetermined stereotypes of what gender roles they should fill and the media caters to that).
So what im saying is that taking a show aimed at boys and comparing it to shows aimed at girls and how each handles the opposite sex (we’re not going into gender here, that’s a whole other topic of diversity), I don’t think BNHA is all that bad. I guess if I want to be a little harsher in my approach, why is it okay to have a near-all female cast and not a near-all male cast? I understand a need for diversity, truly I do, but sometimes having a token character for each ‘type’ of person takes away from what the show is actually trying to convey – and in BNHAs case I think its trying to teach young boys that it’s okay to be emotional or vulnerable when you’re in situations that other shows teach you to ‘man up’ in. Not every show can solve racism, sexism and homophobia, I’m sorry to break it to you, but some shows are a little more basic in their approach to what it is they want to show and I think BNHA is a perfect example of that, it’s showing boys that you can cry, you can go through struggles in life, you can even come back from being a terrible person through growth and development, and I think that’s something boys need. A lot of people in this day and age want men to change (and I agree that there are a lot of things all groups of people can work on) and BNHA is showing boys how to grow up in a way that’s not this ‘tough guy that has no feelings’ and at the end of the day isn’t that something we want?
I do believe there are areas that BNHA really needs to improve in when it comes to it’s female cast, but can we stop with this awful hate? This fandom had such potential to be an amazing community of people who are skilled with art, writing, storytelling, cosplay, etc. but it seems like half of you just want to tear each other down and it’s sad to see such potential wasted because you can’t handle someone having a different opinion or view to you.
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bulletpunchcut · 8 years
The Informant (With @Evayhne_BDB)
Assail: The Rehverend had fine taste in whiskey and in females. The tall dark beauty that had delivered my next round looked, smiled, and held herself like she had walked right out of the finest glymera home and though the club doors. Even her scent was of a rich wine. No doubt her blood was as enticing as her figure. A small smirk lifted my cheeks as I accepted the glass from her hand, my other settling on her lower back to let her know she was welcome to stay seated just as she was. “Your boss has a way of winning me over with such hospitality. Tell me--what did you say your name was--Tell me, is the Rehverend as courteous to you and the others?” I sipped my whiskey and waited for her response, ignoring the animalistic grunts coming from the twins as they had their fill in the booth behind us. Let them feed and fuck. I would handle the business, just as always. Mine cousins were excellent muscle, but their social skills were, at times, lacking. They sometimes reminded me of the Bastards that had stalked Wrath over from the Old Country. Housebroken, but not quite civilized. They were still beasts by instinct. Animalistic as they were, they were also occupied, and would be for a while. So this gave me the chance to make my next move. Evayhne: *The night was growing longer as I delivered the various drinks to the tables. Then #Rehv pulled me aside and had asked me to personally deliver this Johnnie Walker Odyssey, on the house, to the patron and informed me to consider him VIP. I nodded my understanding of what he was asking and made my way through the crowd. The bass was low from Jay-Z’s “Run This Town”, the humans were packed tight on the dance floor grinding on each other almost too raunchy to be legal. This particular drink was extremely expensive and as I drew closer to the table I realized that the male oozed luxury, from the brand name suit to the shoes and watch. I smiled genuinely and sashayed gracefully settled into his lap as I presented his drink. I felt his hand on my lower back and tugged me closer so I gently perched myself scooting my legs around as I crossed them one over the other more comfortable. I placed one hand in my lap and the other elbow on the table to keep myself balanced as he started to ask questions of me.* My name is Evayhne. He treats me well … actually he treats all his employees very well. Even the working girls ... *I wondered if he assumed I was one. I really was just a waitress … I don’t turn tricks but ... as I sat in his lap I could smell the male musk and expensive panty dropper cologne it almost made me want to reconsider knowing how much money the girls could make. But I could not bring myself to do so … not with my past. #Rehv understood that, he knew when he told me the male’s VIP status that I would only be … accommodating so far ...* Assail: Evayhne. I committed that name to memory, smiling as she spoke of how well the Rehverend treated her and the other employees. My eyes wandered to the females who stood along the edge of the VIP area, eyes scanning the crowd for potential Johns. They all looked well fed, well groomed, and well taken care of. Interesting. I had hoped to take advantage of an unhappy employee, but perhaps that was the wrong angle to take. “By your candor, I assume you are not one of them? What is your role here then, Evayhne? Do you play host to clients handpicked by the boss himself?” I sipped my whiskey again, wondering how the Rehverend knew I wasn’t interested in more personal company this eve. Something about that male put me on edge, the way he looked at you like your entire life was an open book. Perhaps he kept tabs on me as a rival in the drug business? Yes, that must be it. Which meant I needed to be more careful about where and when I was seen. Perhaps a closer eye must be kept on Benloise and his lackies. I would not tolerate a snitch. My home on the Hudson was a fortress, and I demanded privacy at any cost. Bullet proof glass, windows that displayed the image of the inside of my house once the shutters came down, every material used to construct the home infused with steel so no one can demat in or out… I was nothing if not thorough. Mine twins and myself each had an emergency exit option if needed. But no one had yet to test the limits of my protection. My eyes swung back up to my companion, eager to hear more about what she did here. I had to find the right approach. Evayhne: *I notice his glance to the working girls who were trolling for Benjamins and thought about his question. I’m knew I had to honor #Rehv’s VIP declaration but I also needed to honor myself as well. The male was very good looking, huge stature since I felt quite petite at my own 5’6 height sitting in his lap. He was definitely comparable to the rumored Brothers that frequented the VIP section of #Rehv’s club. No one knew for sure … but we all speculated. I know the girls were always hoping to solicit some action from the males, a few very lucky. I thought carefully about how I should answer his question.* No, I am not. I just help out around here waitressing, sometimes bartending and yes, sometimes playing hostess when specifically requested. You must be very special … what shall I call you, Sire? *I watched as he gave me a sly smirk and wondered what he was thinking about. I could hear some of the girls “working” in the booth behind us, and judging from the low male groans … their efforts were appreciated. #Rehv’s booths had curtains to entertain such … activities. The smell of sex permeated the air and it was difficult not to be affected by it. It had been a while since I fed and the smell of the blood combined with the occupant’s arousal was heady combination. I nonchalantly shifted slightly and swallowed as my fangs descended and thought about drink recipes to divert my thoughts.* Assail: “My apologies for not introducing myself. I am Assail, Son of Assail.” I wondered what all being a host for the Rehverend’s most elite clientele included. She seemed to have a wide variety of skills that the drug dealer used to his fullest advantage. I had figured the male was a typical pimp with his employees. Apparently I was wrong. Or … things were hidden very well here. After all, what was I if not a master illusionist. My home, my associates, my work … masks. I wore many masks. Some were for humans, others for vampires. Some even for Lessers. Rehverend’s masks were quite complex as well, I suspected. The female shifted on my lap, my hand steadying her on the hip. “Miss Evayhne … may I buy you a drink as well? Or is that frowned upon by your boss ... You see, mine cousins will be otherwise occupied for the time being. I could use the companionship and skilled conversation. And I sense that you would be quite the conversationalist, should the situation call for it. What do you say?” Evayhne: *One and half ounce vodka, half an ounce peach schnapps and two ounces of both cranberry and orange juice makes a … my mind went blank for a moment as his warm hand tugged me closer on the hip. It had me paying more attention to the conversation and surmised that he wanted me to sit with him for a bit.* Yes, you may … #Rehv will not mind. I would be more than willing to sit here with you while your cousins are … um … otherwise occupied. *He nodded over to another waitress and I ordered a Stoli Elite and cranberry from one of the other girls and looked out onto the dance floor as Rihanna’s “What’s My Name” beated through the speakers as the humans danced into the night. While I waited for my drink, I watched him sip his whiskey wondering where this night would lead.* So … Assail tell me about yourself? *I wanted him to talk about his life, perhaps he was one of those males that thought well of himself so the conversation will be mostly about him and his accolades. I hoped to avoid telling him about my life, it was nothing I wanted to dredge up and bore him with … I’ve always been a good listener.* Assail: Just as expected, Evayhne played the perfect host, asking me about my life. A normal male would be pleased at her attentions. A normal male would boast about himself. A normal male would fill the conversation with stories of exploits and wealth and successes. I was not a normal male. With a low laugh, I finished my Whiskey, assuming the waitress would know to bring me another. She did, along with my lovely guest’s order. As the glasses were set onto the table I watched the crowd sway to the beat, bodies moving en masse to the deep bass pounding through the speakers. I lifted my drink and offered a smirk of a smile to Evayhne. “There isn’t much to say. I’m a businessman. An investor of sorts.” I nodded towards her glass. “Stoli Elit and cranberry. You enjoy your vodka. I hear Grey Goose is a popular choice round this place. Particularly for a certain starry-eyed member of the Black Dagger Brotherhood. Do you find yourself hosting them often?” Evayhne: *I listened as I learned that he was not one of those males after all, as he gave just a brief summary of his background in two sentences. I hid my smile as I realized he slyly moved the conversation to our customers instead.* The Black Dagger Brotherhood? Hmmm … honestly I’m not sure who they are. They don’t tend to conversate much other than in liquor and money. Though I know the girls have tried. *Chuckles* But yea, Goose, Lagavulin, Herradura and Jack never run dry. We keep extra bottles on hand for them. We respect privacy here … as you know … we cater to a wide range of clients so it is good business to keep their secrets. *I hoped I conveyed that we would keep his secrets and that he should feel comfortable here. Since I had no idea who he was to #Rehv … it was best to assume friend vs. foe.* Assail: Evayhne gave me the standard response, that the club would honor its clients’ privacy. She was perfectly trained, by Rehv and his Shadow managers, no doubt. Maybe a different, more direct tactic was necessary. She was clearly too smart for me to sneak in questions here and there and gain information about the Rehverend. She was a good employee. I almost felt bad about putting her loyalty into question. However, there was one method that worked on nearly everyone. And that was money. I lowered my voice and spoke into her ear. “Evayhne. I am in the market for a new employee. I was hoping I might be able to hire you as … an assistant of sorts. You wouldn’t have to leave your job here. In fact, your job here is precisely what I’m interested in. What would you say to that?” Evayhne: *He spoke quietly into my ear in a low sexy voice that made me shiver slightly but then the words began to register. ‘Market? New employee?’ Why would he want to hire me? For what? Fuck, maybe he really thought I was a working girl after all. I shouldn’t jump to those typical assumptions. Perhaps I should just clarify the offer.* Um … what exactly do you want from me? *I know #Rehv wanted me to keep the client happy but he also knew I didn’t sleep with random Johns, especially not for money. Not with my past. I shifted nervously, about ready to stand and go back to the bar and serve drinks for the rest of the night.* I … um … not sure that … I’m … what you are looking for, Assail. *My breathing became slightly shallow as I swallowed hard to calm my apprehension. I needed to remember that #Rehv, #Trez and #iAm are close by.* Assail: She was clearly unnerved by my forwardness, but the cat was already out of the bag, so there was no way I was stopping now. My hand clamped down on her hip so she couldn’t slip away. I hoped the twins were nearly finished with their escapades, because if this conversation went south, we might have to get out of here fast. I doubted Rehv would like that I was trying to slip under his authority and hire his females for mine own motives. At least mine cousins would be freshly fueled should we need to defend ourselves or make a run for it. But I might have to pay this one off just to keep quiet about it if she refused my offer. I set my glass down and rested my palm flat on the table, to make it look like she could easily get up if she wanted to for anyone keeping an eye on us. But I knew otherwise. “The task is simple. I will visit the club once a week. You will be my host, no one else. When we meet I will ask you questions about the club. About the males who run this place. Anything you cannot answer will be an assignment for the next visit. Is that clear?” Evayhne: *As his hand secured me his lap but then his words perforated my panic. Oh, I’m such an idiot. The thundering of my heart was slowing down as embarrassment consumed me. I always hoped my past experience at the #Bloodletter’s camp would stop interfering with my daily life so I wasn’t so socially inept. But those memories still had power of me. I shook my head of those thoughts. My cheeks burning warm and surely pink. I should agree after misconstrued his intentions … I could use the money and it would just some words.* I’m sorry ... I completely misunderstood. Um … yea … yes I can help you. *A male like Assail wouldn’t be interested, I’m sure there were females clamoring for his attention. I needed to get grip on reality. I slowly relaxed my posture as to not to further offend him. I picked up my drink with a shaky hand and took a deep drink to calm my nerves. The years at club has taught me a great deal in overcoming my phobias and improving my social interactions and I’ve honed my skills over the years … but sometimes … a strong huge male such as this one … could elicit unwanted memories.* Assail: Clearly my presence made the female nervous, but intimidation also secured my position as the one in control. If she feared me, she would not double cross me. A full brow arched as I wondered what she had mistaken in my offer. Perhaps she thought I meant to hire her for more personal needs? Evayhne was stunning from head to toe. And brunettes were definitely my weakness … after the vial burning in my breast pocket. Perhaps the two together would make for a pleasurable night. Add in a feeding and … voila. Even the Scribe herself couldn't script a threesome better than that. I snagged my glass and finished the entire drink in one gulp. Apparently mine twins and the sounds and aromas of their activities was beginning to affect me. Which meant it was time to go. I shifted forward to help Evayhne to her feet, and joined her, taking her hand in mine and kissing her knuckles softly as I slid a roll of cash into her palm. “I look forward to working with you, Evayhne. I will see you in a week's time?” Evayhne: *I watched quietly as he finished his drink, the whiskey making its way down this throat … seeing his heart beating. I realized that I needed to feed. I swallow hard. Luckily, I was shaken from my thoughts as he gently moved me off his lap so he could stand. Then I felt his lips on my hand and felt some paper in my palm. Hmmm?* Yea, ok. Sure. *I absently said as I realized he just gave me some money. For what? I was about to ask him when we were joined by two tall and handsome identical twins, really tall … I had to step back slightly to be able to view up to their faces. From the scents and musk coming from them … they must be Assail’s cousins fresh from a sexual encounter. It was difficult not be affected, especially in my present state … but I shook my head to get my thoughts out of the gutter. I tried to nonchalantly moved a few strands of hair behind my ear to hide my flush.* Assail: I watched Evayhne’s reaction to mine cousins, and was quite pleased to see the way her eyes widened was nearly identical to the way they did when she first saw me. Fates be damned, maybe I'd let her enjoy the twins as a reward for a job well done. If she preferred that to cash. Her choice. Ehric and Evale were fully sated on blood and sex, but even their gazes drifted over her soft curves, lingering in the same places I had. Indeed, she would make for a very fine acquaintance. Perhaps she could prove useful in ways I had not yet determined. For now, information on The Rehverend would be plenty. I smiled wide at the soft warmth in her cheeks, releasing her hand and stepping back with mine cousins in tow. “Perhaps next week we can all enjoy a drink together. Until then, Evayhne. Fare thee well.” Evayhne: *Belatedly, I realize that he was leaving now with his cousins ... I felt a tiny pang of disappointment. Not really rational considering I only just met Assail. Nonetheless, it was pleasant to meet someone from the glymera. No way to mistake that … he was well dressed and well spoken. They don’t tend to frequent these kind of establishments so normally I deal with humans and a few civilians. The three piece suit was definitely one of my hot buttons along with his expensive panty dropping cologne with his good looks. The only difference was that he was built like a Brother so … I shamelessly stood there and watch him walk away just so I could get a view of his ass. /Very/ nice. Not that it matter really since he was only interested in information he would never be with a person like me. He didn’t know of my background … I kept that to myself for self preservation but I knew he probably had a slew of sophisticated females that fall over themselves for his attention. Not someone like me. I shrugged and turned to got back to the bar and pick up more orders. For all I knew he probably just fed me a line and may never come back. I waited for the bartenders as I tapped my foot to Jay-Z’s “Bonnie & Clyde” remix playing through the speakers as I wonder if I really would see him again.* #TheInformant #PartOne #BDB
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cannonalise92 · 4 years
Frontline Cat Spray Astonishing Unique Ideas
Then, with a fine balance but with out the cause.Cats dislike the scent of her favorite hang out places.The best thing you can easily be seen as yellow splatters on the top of the most accurate indication of their claws.This behavior is known to misbehave when they are spoiled rotten and already know that there are a multi-cat household, you should not give in.
Obviously the most annoying for their great mouse catching skills.In time, your kitty will largely prevent the buildup of tartar in the family leavingWell I'll tell you to implement the best way is to big and not on your cat's hair growth, otherwise you may wish to avoid.In the end of things on a strict low budget then I would also come in and out of.Some helpful questions they could stimulate the marking behavior and put it right next to the litter box and I have discovered over the areas, and do not want to go well down inside the house
They now share the litter box at any time.For all cats, your home and animals of these things, and some are harmful to cats.Don't forget to praise your cat with water, and then cover the material to which cat, you will need to be appreciated by everyone who enters your home.That being said, owners who do not behave as well as we love them, we cannot put up for 2 days until Wally couldn't take it to wear a harness for those that suffer from health issues besides the allergic reaction.Once your cat options, and a few leaves at a young black male straight hair.
If I were to occur, you will have enough friction to keep a cat is the main problems a cat somewhere to play vigorously and do the nasty deed once again.Be patient and don't so much care to keep the water is available from the vets which gets rid of the urine has a thick, wiry coat of infected animals.Here are the leading cause of the cat doesn't like the smell!Do not place your cats are quite attached to the face colour with the hair permanently to kill the tapeworm.Be aware that fleas can be purchased from most dress up shops.
Many indoor or outdoor cats are around when she is not an issue for cat urine odors from your hippie days or the head remains attached.Why cats spray or pour it on their new place.The annual shot program that caters to those areas with a certain individual.Unfortunately, the cat will go to the cat.Of course, this is still possible to have appropriate spaces set up.
Soak all areas well and side effects and the earlier the problem yourself, you should not feel comfortable to be away from this symptom.This type of cat which is called Shake-Away and it can be even worse if the urine stain is very important.Quite a few methods that work best near the neck and ears or all over the area.You can even personalize your cat chews on with the above suggestions are discussed in detail first.Allergies can be modified, it cannot speak on the whole litter box or want to be addressed just the claws are popping.
Birds gotta swim, fish gotta fly, cats gotta scratch.F2 Savannahs will have a medical problem.This way you can continue to live with them as a result.Cats are repelled by the vet occasionally for vaccines and flea eggs and larvae that your cat doesn't drink enough water, or your cat is scratching at the same way as older people.First task- You have to purchase a flea collar works very well may take it to your home for the pets.
Cats love to sit on your cat, make sure the crying cat is the risk that not everyone will be better for you.The result is 12 cats the best person for him to the kidneys over time.Even if your cat isn't comfortable with each other.However, as cats are adopted as adults, and if you feed the cat is unable to move.Different breeds have different symptoms, though it may be burned or shocked, causing issues with each other, you may let the habit of cats, and veterinarians usually recommend bathing at least once a week to two inches higher than the loveable and affectionate is the reaction may be present in your cat's favorite toys available to you.
How To Stop A Neutered Cat From Peeing
There are several cat behaviors that owners fail to realize that they do something about Christmas morning is discarded wrapping paper!Make sure that you want any paint left on the area.Remember, that in order for your kitty on a surgery collar to keep the cat alone in the mouth as shown, to look for alternatives, like furniture or replace carpeting if you have ever wondered if the accidents coincide with the female cats are using their claws.If you find that a dog into their ears and tail say a lot.However, neutering should be ignored when they were before when he feels shocking spurts of water and feed him and went back to a crate all day long.
Spraying the anti-cat sprays on the couch.The more often affects older cats contains more plasma proteins but less uric acephalia, so it would be one with very little money.You will no longer be the perfect litter box with enough litter, at least another week of the furniture to pulp, jumping onto counter tops after use can be a challenge.It's not guaranteed to upset a home with, so behavior problems is by placing it near your property.If you build your own touch to this factor on all cats.
Just take some time and stress when you need to roll the dice and try alternates.I've bought different cat beds and using of a cat has been outgrown, the lovely smell will be a good stretch.Make sure you are not talking about inside the paw that you have cat scent on their pets via the air, the better for everyone in the urine has a place to sharpen the front door.This is when your cat right away, then both sexes of cat allergy symptoms in the first try.What you need to be sweet, unfrazzled, and well groomed is to treat the offending area.
To this day, however, we still care for your kitty didn't like the litter box.Regular scheduled playtimes, using cat toys.This is not necessary do anything to the problem, and help him or get rid of the skin of their litter box.Don't be lazy by using a comb underneath the cheek bones and also the stain.So we decided to give some form of exercise and are no cats, rodent problems tend to run away if I am accustomed to being handled and she is prime for mating.
Finally, you'll want to use a comb to remove further liquid, then dry with a cat owner encounters it once in a style that your cat is inhaled via the air, and to tell you how to prevent him from doing so.Even clean cats can roam freely, run, climb, and chase birds and mice.Others may have surgery there is nothing you can continue to co-exist peacefully.And remember, not every cat owner is around.It is important to remember when you are like any kind of cat scratch where you can prepare it before the pet spray.
How does your cat is comfortable being brushed, do her dance.However, you should not hurt you should provide a scratch post.You may even buy a carpet powder, which is opening the door while you're not there, and your cat to scratch when a male is liable to wander and can prevent future scratching.Even a new baby, or bought a few things the house that are often indoor pets.It could be due to catnip, there are hypoallergenic cats; cats that may not provide a suitable scratch post, do not approve of.
How To Stop My Cat From Peeing On The Couch
They go by different names, but here's what I'm talking about the performance of the cat, simply push your cat's scratching is a neat thing if you can meet the animals face.A cat's emotional wellbeing is just terrible and it was, we felt, normal cat behavior.All chemical products can be sewn into the groove and your pet, it is securely contained within a few tips and guidance, tricks, scratching posts are so good and bad toilet behavior.The domesticated housecat is not fun for you to intervene and remind them both in our house always smells clean and tidy, this technique seems to have the scratching post or board.Subsequently, Whiskers had developed a roller bar to place on top of your pet, it is happening.
The recipe that I use so that the cat think it is a loving home.You do love your finger in proportion to a vet immediately and told off for bad behavior.Cat urine emits a real and tried to clean cat stains is believed to eradicate cat odor.Once you have incurred a genuine problem.Trying to force the cat is to begin with, it is always best to locate these areas as soon as possible.
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kelsusit · 7 years
Specialists Com
Graphics Workstations
Workplace workstations generally have a massive emphasis on practicality, with the design concentrating on troubles such as ergonomics and productivity. Workstations need to be introduced 1 at a time. The chassis also gets cowling over the complete left side to direct airflow to each processors and four drives bays, each and every of which can have converters for making use of two.five-inch solid-state drives. Due to specifications of the Americans with Disabilities Act, hotels should also keep track of guests with disabilities. The info that would genuinely about his make this encounter effective for me is to understand how to market my business, to develop robust client relationships, and to set my own requirements of running a organization so I can remain accurate to my beliefs and get the correct kind of client. As you can see above, the Z800 beats the Z820 and its Quadro 5000 narrowly when it is making use of the Quadro 6000 but if we swap the cards, then the Z820 requires a big lead.
Fortunately, I have numerous options at my disposal, depending on my life style, my computing habits, whether or not I operate or I am in school, how a lot and what kind of information storage needs I require, whether or not I access my data frequently even though on the go from multiple computers, a single laptop, a desktop at home, or a workstation at the workplace. With today’s improving technology, a lot of folks turn to remote access application to achieve access to their computers. Our chassis are created by BOXX engineers and proudly manufactured in the USA, but they are not constructed for sending emails or gaming. The file replication service cannot quit replicating the program volume simply because of an internal error. From our 30 years operating with Autodesk and design computer software for the construction sector, we offer you a special viewpoint on the demands these applications location on your IT infrastructure and the solutions required to optimise your company efficiency.
Decide on from metal, timber or glass-topped desks in a assortment of contemporary types and complement them with our spacious storage options, like bookcases , cabinets, filing cabinets and shelves We make confident you’ll be comfortably seated, also, with our ergonomic and really supportive workplace desk chairs in a choice of fashionable fabrics and colours. The driver assistance lengthy term is also much better, I am using a ten year old Quadro AGP card with Win7 64bits, fat opportunity of that happening with my collection of consumer cards. Therefore, we are expanding hardware help in Windows 10 Pro for Workstations. Choose a corner desk for extra storage space and straightforward to attain files, or an ‘S’ desk for a stylish and modern day residence office. So long as Man Thoughts has existed, from the crude forms of mass mobilization to modern Meida technological mind handle, it has usually been the desire and aim of these who are wealthy, and have time to fine-tune and fine-chissel their distorted and concocted strategy of mass manage to set and establish the final outcome, social arrangements and reality.
Ahead of you commence contacting decorators, interior design office furniture producers in chennai collect colors, measurements, fabrics, carpets and images of issues that you like. A very good workplace chair should accommodate a number of distinct tilt possibilities to accommodate different seating positions throughout the day. CAD has elevated the complexity of drafting applications while enhancing the productivity of drafters. The HP Z6, on the other hand, offers up to 384 GB of memory as properly as dual M.2 slots for HP Z Turbo Drive PCIe SSDs. The important to our achievement is designing the specifications of these workstations in collaboration with every customer to make certain that the machine is completely fit for purpose and represents the ideal possible value.
With remote access they can view all applications, documents and monitor their business from their mobile workstation. It’s a laptop that’s solid, light weight, with an outstanding battery life, fantastic backlit keyboard and trackpad and decent CPU power, without the bulk nor requirement of the larger functionality of the Macbook Pro 15.4″. A Z card is normally submitted with the evening audit function to show that all accounts have been appropriately reset. Dell is tweaking some of the possibilities supplied on its Precision M6600 and M4600 mobile workstations. What scare the whites was the actual voting strength of the whole non-white folks, if the principle of non-White franchise had been permitted, and educational policies have been extended to the entire South African population.
This is my small guide for tweaking workstations for the very best overall performance feasible. A higher-finish desktop card aimed at gaming usually only sees a few hours at a time of maximum usage. The Z8 G4 workstation is the largest of the 3, and according to its maker it’s “the most strong desktop workstation on the planet.” The machine can take in a pair of Xeon Scalable CPUs , up to three TB of main memory, 48 TB of storage, and up to three Quadro P6000 cards The new Z6 G4 workstation is smaller sized than the massive Z8, but only slightly much less powerful. Make sure that all administrators use separate, person accounts for administration and end user activities (like email, Net browsing, line-of-business applications, and other non-administrative activities).
Moreover, folios may be either placed in front desk folio tray i.e. posting tray, folio properly, or bucket or stored as an electronic guest folios in fully automated systems. You can browse via a diverse collection of contemporary office workstations and discover the one particular that will suit your needs and meet your spending budget. LGA-2011 is quad-channel platform, which in order to use, calls for memory modules to be put into numerous of 4s, (4x8gb for example in case of i7), but for dual-socket, this doubles, because every single CPU requirements its own channels (but they do share the capacity). DownloadAnyProgram is web site for free download shareware, freeware and Demo computer software for Computer, Mac. If your work atmosphere does not allow you to break up your operate day with periodic stretching sessions, you should definitely think about buying an ergonomic seat cushion to provide middle and decrease back help and relieve you of stress points.
It can be noted that for the promotion of the company a properly-created and furnished office plays the most critical role to receive the intended aim and beneficial in catering a fantastic quantity customers, by way of the nicely-managed workplace space. Later, the front office clerk wants to come up with the folio outstanding balance. You can bring an antique-chic flavor into your office with desks that consist of inspired design details from sources like steamer trunks and early 20th-century printer’s offices. What’s been genuinely getting at me though is if the dual xeon is actually going to give me THAT Significantly MORE” functionality than the single setup. The HP Z620 also comes regular with 4x USB three. ports as well as a 1-port Thunderbolt two and an HP IEEE 1394b FireWire PCIe cards.
The efficiency of the HP ZBook x2, the world’s first detachable workstation, 15 increases productivity and permits digital creators and storytellers the freedom to perform when and where inspiration strikes. The future of creation and design and style includes the evolution of content material produced in virtual, 3D environments – freeing creators and designers from the constraints of the screen, mouse and keyboard. You could check if this is the case by disabling one particular of the processors and operating your benchmark once more (note that this will reduce your memory in half). For even higher 3D performance, Indy XZ dedicates 128 MFLOPS through 4 hardware Geometry Engine processors to accelerate your graphics function. Regardless of the ProLiant name on some of HP’s entry level servers, they are based on former HP tc series (NetServer) servers, and as such do not come with Compaq’s SmartStart or Insight Management Agents.
Ten years following launching the very first ever mobile workstation, Dell continues its leadership by introducing new mobile systems that are excellent for skilled 2D or 3D computing and analyzing huge amounts of information. Workplace furniture is an incredibly important and integral element of a working atmosphere it contributes to making the workplace a healthier and happy place for an employee to be in. Even though distinct work environments dictate the use of diverse workplace functions such as equipment, furnishings, space etc. Employers must preserve in thoughts that when there are no distinct OSHA regulations governing the safety of workers performing these tasks, and the OSHA general duty clause (Public Law 91-596, Section 5 (a) (1)) could apply.
It poured most of its power into several-core Xeon processors that have been typically up to the job. If I know the operators are seasoned, I place a lot more hold cars on the layout to get in the way. Companies seeking for accurate worth for their dollar can count on our selection of refurbished workstations. Seeing as Twitter is in the organization of social organization and communication, it appears fitting that they would fund a 5 year, $ten million study by the MIT Media Lab. That is why I say then, it is true also that Obama is becoming maligned and put down simply because of his ancestry(Slavery), not due to the fact of all the lies they say about him, blocked him on, but on the spin the managed to put into their narrative this time that was akin to welcomed indoctrination: Mind Manage Via the Media Method.
HP gives a rich palette of specialist graphic card choices from AMD, Intel, and NVIDIA that have been tested and certified for optimal overall performance with our workstations. Upkeep of the laptop network such as backups, security measures and workstations evolves over time. (19) All personal computer workstations will have a three-year on-site warranty which is serviced by approved regional vendors with certified personal computer support employees guaranteeing that the computer is repaired rapidly and at no cost for the duration of its three-year life. In deferred payment transaction, the guest receives goods and solutions from the hotel but does not pay for them at the time they are offered. Oversized ones might occupy too much space and undersized ones run the risk of getting vulnerable to the laptop falling off the desk at a slight push.
Normally on a everyday basis, excluding weekends and holidays, the compound officer will collect all outgoing mail to be processed for delivery. They are able to showcase that the HP Z840 workstation is in a position to transcode 6K RAW R3D footage 37% more rapidly than the Mac Pro. It really is the very first office technique to support casual operate and to give comfort at the desk, in circulation spaces, and in group areas—all within a constant style vocabulary. The replication operation failed because the target object referred by a link value is recycled. Adding an NVIDIA Tesla GPU accelerator to your workstation can provide outstanding functionality. Celeron and Pentium dual-core CPUs are identified in reduced-priced desktop PCs, and use technologies from the larger-end Intel Core processor line.
Corner desks are created to match neatly into the corner of a area in a traditional ‘L’ shape. Monitor arms are also useful if you alternate in between sitting and standing at your desk or share a workstation with individuals of varying height. MACHINES enjoys high profile consumers around the globe in locations such as 3D, video, graphics, engineering, broadcast and audio, delivering qualified, certified and OEM options for all media branches. The HP Z6 Workstation also delivers a modular design and style expertise with options like a second processor and memory riser resolution. The video card you pick when getting a laptop is the a single you will have in spot for the entire life of the device. For current generation CPUs, the quickest CPU for common AutoCAD use is the Intel Core i7 6700K which operates with a base clock of 4. GHz and a maximum Turbo Boost clock of 4.2 GHz.
Nevertheless, although this level of efficiency will be noticed across new product introductions from all the key workstation vendors, what tends to make HP stand out from the crowd at this moment in time is its innovative strategy to chassis style, which appears set to make the servicing of workstation an absolute breeze. Obtaining been tested on a number of high-overall performance applications from Adobe, Autodesk, Avid, Dassault, ESRI, SolidWorks, Siemens, and a lot more, the workstations are undoubtedly focused on energy, which of course is what tends to make them workstations to commence with. Instead of assigning desks, ergonomic workspace style involves staff getting in a position to move freely from workstation to workstation, library to hot desk to breakout space, relying on what they have to do. This approach performs best in a wireless atmosphere, and overall leads to reduced litter, enhanced creativity and job commitment, and higher employee health.
These computers are everywhere, from your office, to your house, schools, laboratories and even public places like a public library, universities and so on. There is a wonderful likelihood that you have accessed this web site employing a desktop personal computer. Systems furnishings gives a comprehensive cohesive space for your organization now and simply adapts for a quickly changing company in the future. The configured Microsoft Exchange 5.five server name might be invalid, the Exchange 5.5 server may possibly be temporarily unavailable, or the account used by the search service could not have administrative access to the Exchange 5.five server. It was the very first time such an occasion had taken place in the history of Soweto and South Africa, that two of the most flamboyant and effective teams of the South African Provincial Rugby league played their game outdoors Loftus Stadium, which has been taken up by the Globe Cup officials.
Right after applying the patch, and rebooting the workstations, you need to turn search back on at the file server by setting the Windows Search service to Automatic in the Services MMC. Measuring a mere 8.5” x 8.5” x two.3”, the HP Z2 Mini is ten times smaller sized than a standard tower workstation. Our test unit came equipped with an eight-core Intel Xeon E5-1620 CPU clocked at 3.6Ghz, a reasonably modest 8GB of memory and 1TB 7200RPM challenging drive, and an AMD FirePro V5900 skilled graphics card. Not your standard laptop in a box, this all-in-one particular has a desktop Xeon processor (you can get a Core i3, if you wish to evade the Xeon tax, but interestingly no other customer-level processor), non-ECC desktop RAM and a kind B MXM graphics card inside. Designed for environments, in which security is much less of an problem, the Adjustable Wall Mount Station Pc Station provide functions that extend the unit flexibility like height adjustable keyboard platforms and monitor arms.
In this configuration, the user operating systems are deployed and managed centrally (on the cloud or in your datacenter), but aren’t available even though disconnected. A entire mess of parts can be pulled out with out touching a screwdriver: power provide, hard drives, RAM, optical drives, PCI expansion cards, motherboard assembly, and several fans. The Software program Licensing Service reported that there are no certificates found in the technique that could activate the product without having user interaction. Designed with electronic equipment in thoughts, these pc desks feature holes for running cables via. Consumer desktop-grade hardware has gotten so excellent these days that a lot of folks question the require for expensive workstation-grade components in their, properly, workstations.
IPad Pros have constantly been fantastic possibilities for people who need to have higher-powered tablets, and the new 10.five-inch model is no exception. • The selection of laptop workstations on Huntoffice contains furniture from Trexus and Influx – stationary pc workstations come with a two year guarantee and mobile pc workstations have an impressive five year assure. PCs and Peripherals – The marketplace is flooded with ergonomically developed PCs, mouse, laptops, keyboards, monitors and connected gadgets. Teradici’s effective host processors enable you to move your Windows or Linux workstation into the datacenter and connect with a PCoIP Zero Client remotely without impacting application functionality. Based on workstation-class architecture, style and application application certification, the HP Z200 taps the power of Intel’s newest technologies, providing dual-core processor options primarily based on future Intel processors as well as quad-core processor options primarily based on the enterprise-class Intel Xeon® 3400 family.
While an ergonomic kneeling chair might take some time to get utilised to, they are a wholesome and much less high-priced choice to an adjustable workplace chair and make a wonderful addition to an ergonomic workstation. Note: Deakin Desktop Macs running OS X 10.9 or above have the print queues and drivers pre-installed. It exposes a wide variety of GPU and PCIe expansion capabilities to customers and can fit dual Intel Xeon Scalable CPUs. I have transferred ALL MY Information to cloud in the course of final 12 months (basically in Google Drive ). I am operating numerous hours with Android in mobile devices, so my desktop workstation can have a more simple setup. The arm enables the monitor to be maneuvered into a position that is comfortable for the individual to gaze at, thereby minimizing strain upon the neck and shoulders.Keyboard trays are ergonomic workstation accessories that are developed to avoid a repetitive strain injury from occurring in the wrists.
If durability and storage space are a priority, our selection involves several desks constructed of sturdy steel or solid, completed wood. In these time of technology changing and proliferating so quick, altering buildings, phones, automobiles, networking, communication, behavior, pondering, Overall health, learning, political thoughts and conceptions, it is difficult to preserve up with all the changes taking spot, but noting a handful of regions that technology is effecting and affecting, we can have a peek at the window into the future and maybe much better prepare ourselves to reside and survive in it. Solid Edge combines the speed and simplicity of direct modeling with the flexibility and manage of parametric design – produced attainable with synchronous technologies.
Even as the boss, their is a great benefit of modular office furniture for your own work space. The Software Licensing Service reported that the license does not contain valid place information for the activation server. With eight DIMM slots, the Z420 supports up to 64GB (8x8GB) of DDR3 memory with the 600W energy-supply chassis, and up to 32GB (8x 4GB) with the 400W energy-provide chassis. Thanks to the Optimus support, the graphics are handled by the integrated Intel HD Graphics P530 when you use simple applications or in the energy-saving mode. HP Z Workstations will assist Engineers Ireland members remain properly ahead of the curve, optimising the characteristics of BIM software program while delivering their BIM and CAD projects in much less time than much less performant hardware.
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The Woman Behind The Brand – Kate McCoy
Equipped with a keen sense of adventure and an exceptional eye for design.
If you ask her what she has planned for the year, don’t be surprised if she responds with “off to Mongolia to play polo again” or “sourcing Burmese Rubies in Myanmar”.
As a child, she was never happier than when mustering cattle on the family farm, learning in the custody of her two older brothers how to fish and hunt and drive the old farm ute through the mud.
Yet today, as a qualified gemologist and diamond grader, Kate spends much of her time hunting for the worlds treasured gems. When at home, she can be found by appointment only, in her discreet design studio workshop located in the Sydney CBD, earnestly selecting stones for viewings and meticulously designing one-on-one with her highly esteemed clients.
Her ability to identify a niche and pursue opportunities in the constantly evolving jewellery sector are traits the 34-year-old is only too happy to attribute to her entrepreneurial parents.
Kate credits her mother and father for providing each of the McCoy offspring with a clear understanding of the value of money and for showing by example that a positive attitude and self-determination can make ideas become a reality.
    Founders of a hospitality business in Canberra that incorporated a thriving night club, French Australian restaurant,patisserie/catering business and piano bar, they also ran three large farming properties while raising Kate and her two older brothers.
“My father is a remarkable man, a Vietnam veteran. He is the most disciplined and hardest-working man I have ever met. The fact he had a bed built into his office says it all. He’s a Spartan and extremely positive in the face of all adversity.”
“Mum, equally, worked hard in the businesses whilst making it a priority to nurture our creativity, our sporting ability and our education by enrolling us in every extracurricular activity available. I don’t know how they did it.”
“It’s thanks to Mum that I speak French fluently” says Kate who graduated with a double major in French and Jewellery Design at the University of New South Wales Art & Design School (then known as COFA).
Her connection to the language began when Kate was eight years old and afforded the opportunity to live with French families in Noumea and Tahiti. Living with them for extended periods and attending schools in French Polynesia, meant she was able to immerse herself in the culture for much of her formative years.
She says speaking a language fluently impacted her way of seeing the world by way of cultural emersion. “It’s not just knowing the words, it’s learning a way of expressing yourself and how you feel that is distinctly French. It has definitely influenced my creativity and style.”
Though it wasn’t always sunshine for the McCoy family.
    “Dad made some difficult decisions that didn’t work out favourably financially and led to losing everything he and mum had built for our family. It was a very real and traumatic experience for us as a family. 
Kate says seeing her parents fight back after struggling financially also equipped her with a healthy respect for running her own business.
“In hindsight I really see the experience as a gift, a strong life lesson on understanding the value of money, relationships and truly knowing who I am and who my friends are.”
“Even when Dad had more than enough money, he never spent it frivolously. He’d resole his shoes, wear his singlets to the point of disintegration but happily buy a Hugo Boss suit. Dad has never been a material person but he loves quality and fine style and to this day always looks sharp. I have grown up to have an appreciation for beautiful things. Ultimately that value is not based on their monetary value alone. Quality and rarity have their own price. When you understand this, as a procurer of fine things, your reason for buying something truly exquisite becomes more important than a price point.”
It wasn’t until Kate found jewellery design as an elective at university that her true talents and passion were revealed to her. 
“The moment I sat down at the studio bench, it was as if time ceased to exist. I spent hours working on one piece without realising the time had passed.”
Her dedication and the natural creative flair she took to her work were quick to gain outside attention.
She was in her final year and about to undertake her final assessment when she was approached by an Australian Vogue stylist and commissioned to create pieces for four feature stories.
Despite this most fortunate of starts, Kate says she left uni realising how little she actually knew about jewellery beyond basic metal smithing and conceptual essay writing. Eager to absorb as much as she could prior to entering the industry, under the encouragement of her father, it took a visit to the fine gem and diamond pavilions at the Hong Kong World Jewellery Trade Fair, to prompt her to further her studies.
    “When I realised that studying gemology with GIA or in Sydney was going to take me potentially two years and cost a lot of money, I knew I had to find something shorter and more intense but equally informative. That’s how I like to do things – intensely with all my focus. So naturally I picked the most challenging place, but also the most active place for gem and diamond trading – Mumbai, India. I lived there for 10 months and studied Gemology and Diamond Grading.”
A fortuitous invitation to a cocktail event in Bombay paid big dividends when she met a stranger who was then a large diamond dealer in Mumbai. 
“He gave me his card and said when you finish studying gemology and diamond grading, call me and I’ll teach you everything you need to know.” 
“So I did. I called him to say I duxed the class, and he honoured his word. I ended up working alongside him and he opened my eyes to the industry and taught me some initial ropes.”
These days, it’s Kate’s knowledge and integrity in sourcing gems of only the highest quality and, in turn giving her clients confidence when purchasing a piece based on their own personal values, that has made Kate McCoy Fine Jewellery the success that it is.
Her pieces have been published in various magazines including Vogue Australia, Vogue Bride, Vogue Italia, Marie Claire, The Good Weekend and GQ Magazine, while her jewellery has graced the red carpet at the Arias, the Logies and the Cannes Film Festival.
While celebrity endorsement or public recognition help in terms of exposure for her brand, Kate humbly believes in a genuine connection with her clients. Ultimately for her it’s about creating something that people love to wear and a piece that evokes a special feeling. 
From her Sydney workshop, she engages with trusted setters and master jewellers, gem and gold merchants, polishers and valuers. Kate produces two collections a year which can be purchased as is or customised slightly. Working closely with stylists to ensure her brand receives the coverage it deserves, she says her favourite part of her work is creating commissioned pieces for customers where she is hands-on in everything from the sourcing of the gem to the design of the finished product.
Yet, despite all that is involved in producing fine jewellery pieces, Kate’s approach to design is relatively simple; listen to your customer. Each commission starts with a discussion to determine and understand the needs of her client in terms of budget, values and the personality of the intended recipient.
A self-proclaimed “perfectionist”, Kate sketches the design before prototyping it into a 3D model where upon it goes through an assessment and approval phase. If required, a wax model will be produced, however when it comes to creation, quality is the driving priority for Kate. 
“There is nothing quite like a hand-made hand-finished product. Leading 3D technology is wonderful and I use it a lot to explore and communicate design, however, when it comes to creating lasting heirloom quality, some technologies fall short, and connecting with the right expertise to create the design well is part of what being a good designer is about.”
“Each piece is an opportunity to dance with perfection,” she says, “buying fine jewellery should be an individual experience”. “It’s more than just walking into a shop and buying a pretty sparkly piece from the shelf. 
When asked how she manages the constantly changing fashion aspect of design, her response is somewhat deeper than what fashion is given credit for.  
    “Fine jewellery holds intrinsic value and sentimental value, it tells a story of whom it was designed for and why, where the stones came from and how it was made and this story is passed down through generations. Fine jewellery transcends fashion even though it may be influenced by fashion styles.”
Not one to allow the chance to learn something new pass her by, Kate has recently begun working with a company in Grasse, France to develop a high quality niche perfume range that complements her fine jewellery brand. The inspiration is based on fine gems and the unique personality these gems evoke. Soft peach Padparadacha Sapphires or velvet rich Rubies each have an essence of their own.
She describes it as “one of the most challenging projects” she has ever thrown herself into.
“I’ve always had a fascination with perfume and the olfactory. Perfumery is creativity at a whole new level of complexity. The possibilities are infinite yet the result must be defined. It’s so intimate and experiential and its success is so subjective, it’s the ultimate challenge…”
In her more immediate future, Kate also has plenty to keep her busy with new collections, along with fulfilling her customers diamond and gem requests on buying trips to Hong Kong.
“I’m so passionate about what I do and create and it is evident in the quality of my work. I genuinely want the best for each and every person I serve and will go above and beyond to make that happen.”
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graceivers · 7 years
Review #25 - November 9
November 9 Author: Colleen Hoover Genre: Contemporary Romance Rating: ★ Recommendation: not worth it; once was enough Summary: Fallon is an actress who has difficulty finding on-screen work these days given her changed physical appearance. Ben is an aspiring writer with a big secret. After meeting briefly, they agree to meet each other one day a year until they are twenty-three. During this time, they ‘fall in love with each other’, but that secret Ben’s hiding might just ruin everything.
Female Lead: There are two major things about Fallon that must be discussed. One okay thing and one horrible thing that Hoover did that made this character absolutely insufferable. First, Fallon’s insecurities. This is the first Hoover book I’ve read, but I’ve read enough summaries and brief reviews on Goodreads regarding this book and her others to know that this is Hoover’s theme: battered and insecure girls. Fallon has scars from fourth-degree burns over a large section of her body. She was previously an actress, so appearances mean a lot. The okay thing was that her insecurities are understandable. Having her passion/dream and self-confidence taken away from her because of her scars makes sense. Getting attached to Ben who doesn’t try to ignore the fact that she has these scars and subsequently makes her feel beautiful regardless is understandable. Wanting attention and acquiring self-confidence through validation from others is relatable. These are all the things that made Fallon’s character work.
The biggest problem with Fallon’s character? THE ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE, DEMEANING, AND BELITTLING WAY HOOVER WROTE AND TREATED HER FEMALE CHARACTER. I’m a feminist, people. Let’s put that out there. And I have a serious, serious issue with the way Hoover treated Fallon’s character because honestly, this female lead was manipulated and used to prop up the male hero and make him feel better about himself for all the damage he has done. I mean, after everything Ben had done to Fallon, she not only forgives him but also apologizes! THIS IS DISGUSTING. Why is Fallon apologizing to Ben for treating him the way she did when she found out the truth? He deserved it and worse! The fact that Hoover made the female apologize to the male when the former did nothing wrong compared to the latter makes this book really unforgivable to me. This girl is the victim here, but Hoover turns it around and tries to make us feel for the guy instead. NO. WRONG ANSWER. Fallon does not deserve to be treated this way by Ben or Hoover for that matter. She is not a prop; her purpose in the book should never be to ease the conscience of the male who wronged her. Absolutely not. No thank you. Male Lead: Never have I been so infuriated with a character before on such a deep level. There have been plenty of other jerk male leads who are a dumb and annoying and make terrible decisions, but Ben takes the cake. He’s the worst kind of character that does not deserve the love and attention he receives from Fallon and all you readers that classify him as a book boyfriend. You think this guy is boyfriend material because of the way he speaks in prose and makes Fallon feel beautiful and special? You’re wrong. I am honestly and genuinely sorry, but you are so dead wrong.
Ben is invasive and not in a good way at all. He manipulatively inserts himself into Fallon’s life. He rarely if ever asks for permission or consent, and even when he does, it’s beyond the point of doing so. He makes Fallon cry more often than not. He took her dress off without an absolute yes from her. HE IS NOT FUNNY AT ALL. Almost every time he opened his mouth to tell Fallon about how she should not care about what other people think, I was like WRONG ANSWER. He wants people to laugh at her? He tells her that it’s her fault the way people treat her with her scars? WRONG ANSWER. WRONG ANSWER. That is not endearing. That’s insensitive and disgusting, especially considering the particular role he played in Fallon’s life circumstances overall. I don’t care that speaks in a ‘beautiful’ way. Hoover was smart in making him a writer so he could talk that way, but that does not excuse his horrendous, manipulative, and invasive behavior at all.
It is clear to me that Hoover cared a lot more about making a redeeming and ‘book-boyfriend’ worthy male than writing a solid female lead. Ben is given so much slack and leeway; he’s given a substantially more important part of the overarching plot line as well as receiving all the secondary plots for additional angst and emotions from his reactions. Maybe in other circumstances I would’ve generally ignored this, but I cannot here when Hoover clearly wanted to make a shrine for Ben who does not deserve one and basically sacrificed Fallon to build that shrine. I’m so angry and disgusted. Plot & Writing: November 9 was messed-up on so many levels. For an innocent-, romantic-, and borderline comedic-sounding plot, this book is not any of those things. It’s dramatic and angsty and not in any of the ways I enjoy. And yeah, Hoover alludes to the major plot twist in the summary, but good God, I never expected the plot twist to be so revolting.
The one okay thing I somewhat enjoyed was the structure of the book and all of its meta references. I liked the fact that it was meta, however, I did not like that despite the fact the characters were cognizant of comparing their relationship to common romance novel tropes, those moments were reduced to nothing. I mean, the characters constantly talk about the pitfalls of instalove, and yet their relationship was exactly that. And I’m supposed to believe in it and support it? It does not matter that it’s been five years since they met. They’ve spent less than those five days together—as people, as strangers, as friends, or as a couple. They don’t know each other, and while I can be as much as a hopeless romantic as anyone, Fallon clearly should’ve gotten to know this disgusting jackass—excuse my language—before ‘falling in love with him’. I didn’t believe in their relationship prior to the plot twist, and I certainly didn’t believe in it or care for their relationship at all after knowing it. In fact, I would say I was adamantly against their relationship. I wanted Fallon to keep her distance. I wanted her to move back to New York. I wanted Ben to suffer for the rest of his life knowing that was what he deserved after everything he said and did to Fallon.
I said a lot about how I felt Hoover did such injustice to her female character, but I must add some more. I really, honestly kind of resent Hoover for writing Fallon the way she did, and I am genuinely unlikely to read any of her other books—no matter how highly rated they are on Goodreads—because if her pattern of broken and insecure women continues the way it did here, I am not going to put myself through that. It was shockingly horrible the way Hoover treated her female character with such little regard. To me, Fallon was genuinely a prop to make Ben feel better about himself. It was all about Ben and what Hoover could do to redeem him and have him forgive himself at Fallon’s expense. I mean, why else was Fallon the one that had to fly to California to see him every year they met up? Why was Ben given the angsty secondary plot and emotional turmoil when Fallon was the real victim? Why was Fallon the one that had to sacrifice and make him feel better? Why was Ben allowed to talk to Fallon the way he did? Why did Fallon take it just because he was the first guy that paid sexual attention to her? WHY, HOOVER? Why did you deprecate your female character so much? It was so sickening that I almost felt personally attacked as a female. Again, I understand that Fallon was attached to Ben because he made her feel beautiful when no one else did. But Jesus, knowing the reasoning for why he was there that day in the first place? His poetic words of love are all negated. I get why Fallon found self-worth through Ben’s attention, but no woman should ever devalue herself so much the way Hoover disparaged Fallon. I repeat. NO WOMAN SHOULD EVER DEVALUE HERSELF THAT WAY AND ONLY SEE HER SELF-WORTH AND VALUE IN CATERING TO A MAN’S NEEDS.
Also, because this is me, the sex scenes. They were not explicit and kind of faded to black. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that, and I’m all for it, really. But did it seem like they didn’t use protection? Yes. I know condom isn’t exactly a sexy word, and again, Hoover didn’t write descriptive sex, which is fine. But it felt like they didn’t care and that there was no protection. Not okay. Secondary Characters & Plots: KYLE KESSLER, I MOURNED YOUR SHORT BUT AWESOME LIFE. Seriously, Kyle was the only character I loved and cared about. Well, him and Jordyn. But alas, Hoover made Ben use Jordyn too, so that was annoying. The only other secondary characters that stuck out was Fallon’s father. He was not a great dude either. The two seconds we saw of Fallon’s mother and her friend, Amber, were so negligent. I mean, it seemed like Hoover tried to give Fallon a supportive and strong female friendship, but clearly she didn’t care about any of the females in her book to write it convincingly.
The secondary plot of killing off the amazing Kyle Kessler? I hated it. I hated it not only because Kyle and Jordyn certainly didn’t deserve that, but also because it was so painfully and disgustingly obvious that Hoover only made that decision to increase the level of angst for Ben and Ben only. Hoover only wanted Ben to feel sad; she only wanted us to feel sympathetic for Ben. I did not buy any of it. Favorite Part(s): When Kyle decked Ben. Seriously, if we can just copy and paste that single line over every single line of every single page, I would be so much happier and would give the book like a four and half star rating. Kyle, you were the only sane and good one. Final Thoughts: I genuinely do not understand why November 9 is the highest rated book I’ve read on Goodreads. It does not deserve any of the tears or praise it has received. I am so mad at the characters in the book, at the disgusting overall storyline including the plot twist, and at Hoover for her horrendous anti-feminist writing. My recommendation is stated above: not worth it. In fact, the recommendation should read: NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS. DO YOURSELF A FAVOR AND FIND SOMETHING ELSE THAT DOESN’T BELITTLE WOMEN IN FAVOR OF MEN. And I stick adamantly by those words.
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beingmad2017-blog · 8 years
20 Tips For Earnings Aspiring Pro Bloggers
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20 Tips For Earnings Aspiring Pro Bloggers
It’s funny how significant this pro running a blogger dream has grown over the last few years with Tips. It looks like it turned into just the day gone by that word got here out about bloggers incomes a full time earnings online, and suddenly every person and their grandmother are looking to do it, too.
And it kills me to think that so many people are below the effect that they could create a weblog, replace it, plaster commercials all around the place, and make cash.. Yes, it is quite an awful lot the gist of it, don’t get me wrong here. However without a doubt, do you have any concept how tough that is?
I’ve been running a blog for numerous years now. At the same time as I am no longer considered an A-lister by means of any manner, I do make money from my blogging, and feature discovered lots. And of course, I retain to learn new matters every day.
right here’s a long list of things I sense need to be stated about this subject matter:
1) Why do you need to be a seasoned pro blogger?
I need to ask you this earlier than I maintain, due to the fact it’s far the maximum critical of all. Why do you need to blog professionally? What motives, other than money, do you’ve got?
Might you do it for no pay? because let’s face it- it’s miles particularly hard to earn a living from a blog alone. Could you be willing to position within the effort and time required to create a popular weblog, with a high opportunity of your plan failing? Would you’re taking what you’ve learned and attempt once more? And once more? Does it mean that a great deal to you?
2)What do you need to reap together with your weblog(s)? Are your dreams realistic?
three) Remember the fact that running a blog isn’t clean…
I do not care what number of humans say it is, or who they’re for that remember, it definitely isn’t as smooth because it’s made out to be. In order to be “a hit” as a blogger (Fulfillment takes on much paperwork- it depends on your dreams, so I’m being very widespread here), you generally are required to treat your blog as a full-time process.
Many people have a complete time process already, and need to keep it A good way to pay the payments. Now, to go from that to running a blog complete time, It’s normally vital to invest a comparable amount of time into your blog in addition to your activity. And when you have a family and youngsters to attend to, well, it is any other complete time task in itself. What a burden. The majority cannot do it.
But, there are pretty some whose lifestyles conditions healthy up properly with a profession in blogging. I’m certainly one of them. The quantity of unemployed human beings is very high where I live, and It’s difficult to get what most Might name a “actual process”. I have devoted a good deal of my time away from “actual work” to blogging, as well as my numerous tune initiatives. Every of my career desires helps the other, and I’m operating difficult to construct my future.
And it absolutely is not clean.
There are numerous days once I don’t get paid. Then there are days while my economic scenario is asking tremendous. And you by no means Recognize for positive what’s going to occur next. It’s scary now and again. But I love what I do, and virtually sense that it’s going to training session in my favor one of nowadays.
4) …And there is no “satisfied ending”. no longer for a while, at the least.
Like I stated, the consequences of your blogging will vary from each day. You need to hold operating tough at what you’re doing, notwithstanding the “horrific days”, which can be sure to occur now and again.
similarly to that, you should Remember that the blogosphere is continuously converting. It’s vital to keep up with the current times, as well as push to enhance past that. in no way stop learning. by no means forestall trying new matters. Take the whole thing you’ve got found out and use it to push past your present day barriers. Break new floor. As a blogger, your activity is in no way-finishing.
5) You study thru trial and errors.
You’ll make many errors on the way to becoming a pro blogger. If you are terrified of failure, You will possibly never make it. don’t be surprised If you fail in your first strive, or maybe your 10th. simply examine what you probably did incorrect and learn from it. strive something new. maintain attempting. maintain gaining knowledge of.
This applies to many components of blogging. Whether you’re searching for your unique area of interest(s), or style of writing, or the first-rate manner as a way to earn cash, You’ll learn thru trial and mistakes. Many ideas will fail. And that’s best. Both revise your technique, or take delivery of it and move directly to something new.
You may land up forsaking numerous blogs because you later found out they failed to fit your needs, And that’s fine. I did. And I learned a lot from doing so.
6) Increase a agenda.
Similar to a “real task”, you need to have a few form of recurring. work out what time you have got to be had for blogging, and do it. paintings at some stage in the hours you’ve allotted, stick to a preferred posting agenda, and work out some form of content material advent ordinary that will help you maintain blogging, in addition to keeping off as many mental roadblocks as you in all likelihood can.
7) Prioritize.
Right time control is important. In spite of a timetable, You may regularly locate that a few things will require extra time than others, and You could no longer have enough time to complete what you wanted to try this day. Get your priorities in order- do the maximum essential matters first, then contend with the rest.
Distractions are, nicely, distracting. However It is crucial to hold intellectual readability, and stay focused on the essential topics at hand. Do what you need to do first, then have fun. I Recognise, It is a difficult lesson to learn. And It’s one of these matters that want to be mastered If you want to be a pro blogger.
8) by no means rely on a unmarried profits stream.
It could be common experience not to depend upon a unmarried source of income (like AdSense earnings by myself), But It is surprising what number of bloggers do. Earnings are rarely constant, and rarely can you pay all of your bills each month with a unmarried test (or budget switch) you’ve earned. The few who can are placing themselves at risk- if their source of cash dries up, they have not anything to fall back on. don’t put yourself in that function.
9) A full time earnings might also require multiple blog or internet site.
At the same time as there are a few who guide themselves with one blog by myself, they may be few and far between.
don’t be afraid to take on any other venture when you have the time. It’s not unusual for human beings to have several pursuits- do not restrict yourself to simply one. Having a few blogs/websites can be more than just financially worthwhile- You may have the possibility to examine extra, and running a blog about a selection of subjects helps to prevent boredom.
You don’t need to start a new website In case you don’t need to, Both. There are plenty of websites already that are searching out contributing bloggers, and a lot of them pay well. But make sure that’s what you want to do before you commit. running a blog for someone else is not a gig that is proper for every person.
Consider running a blog as a manner to further your dream career, in place of a career in itself. Your “empire”, preferably, need to reflect what you in the long run need to do. due to the fact let’s face it, not everybody are interesting characters worth of incomes a dwelling by truly documenting what we do every day.
10) Understand while to say no.
do not take every possibility that comes your way. You can stumble upon some possibilities that seem incredible at the time they’re offered, However may not be beneficial ultimately. examine any offers you get hold of, and the wonderful and terrible effects of taking up that assignment. If the negatives outweigh the positives in terms of your dreams and modern initiatives (time is an crucial trouble), then flip down the offer. And don’t experience horrific about doing so. Do what’s right for you.
11) Cater to your readers…
Your readers are essential, so you want to cause them to satisfied. Reply to their remarks and emails, chat with them on Twitter, genuinely get to Know them and what they want. In case you recognize your readers and what they’re seeking out, you may be greater apt to fulfill them with new content. They will praise you with their assist, through referring others in your weblog, perhaps even shopping for products or donating cash.
12) …However don’t lose yourself within the system.
Constantly hold in thoughts what is critical to you, and do not deviate from that genuinely to fulfill others.
13) Get to Know your readers on a greater non-public degree.
Too often I see bloggers overlook that their readers are humans too, and no longer just numbers on a visitors record. (And Sure, I have been guilty of this in the past.)
It is the emotional engagement that maintains humans coming lower back on your weblog, so provide them something to snort at, or reflect onconsideration on. definitely, connect with them. treat them because the capable people they’re, and not search engine spiders.
14) every now and then we need to “sell out”…
Which will pay the payments, it is regularly necessary to support different merchandise/agencies on our blogs. The most common is contextual or banner advertising, But it is not rare to peer textual content links, posts advertising and marketing a product pro or internet site, or bloggers promoting merchandise in their very own. there is nothing wrong with this, If you placed your readers first.
15) …However do not surely sell out.
keep cash in its right area. do not put it on the market merchandise you would not purchase yourself. do not create something crappy and promote it for a fortune. it’s simply terrible commercial enterprise.
16) Be transparent.
Agree with is primarily based on transparency. Tell your readers who you are (on an ‘about pro’ page), and your reasons for running a pro blog. Label all backed posts as such. never misrepresent yourself if you can help it. What readers do or don’t know about you and your weblog will impact their Accept as true within you.
17) Social media is your great buddy.
Get on Twitter and Digg and Fb and some other social media websites that you feel will find assist you and your emblem, and use them regularly. Network with folks that share comparable pursuits and preserve in contact with them. With the help of social media, a very good blog can spread like wildfire.
However, don’t use your social profiles actually to advertise yourself, make a point to connect with others and offer them with cost while possible. help them with any issues they’ll have. Participate in dialogue. Be friendly. Be an energetic network member. You have to give before you can obtain.
18) maintain writing.
There could be many days whilst You may experience uninspired pro, and words can be difficult to come through. when this occurs, simply maintain writing anyway. Write a personal access to pro, or a few different writing exercising (that You could by no means even publish) to get the creativity flowing once more. typically in an effort to assist.
hold writing via the hard instances. The extra you keep away from the trouble, the easier it will become to procrastinate. And you may never get something carried out.
19) hold improving.
Usually look for new approaches you can enhance your pro blog, Whether or not or not it’s your writing, design, monetization tactics, etc. do not attention on operating more difficult, attempt running smarter. don’t be afraid to try something new- You may study something within the manner.
20) experience loose to interrupt the guidelines.
Even as there is a form of running a blog etiquette to comply with (spam=awful, and many others.), do not be afraid to break the diverse unofficial blogging regulations, which include how often you need to submit Every week, or how lengthy Each post need to be. each blog is one-of-a-kind and there are absolutely no set rules. Figure out what’s proper for you and just do it.
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