#like people def think her dad killed them both
burritowitch · 1 year
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i feel like theyd have a buzzfeed unsolved episode. her death in a supposed 'accident' followed by her father killing her brother not too long after would be very 🤨
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riyangiis · 2 months
your best friend has a big game, you nearly die, something you've been waiting for centuries happens in one of the most unexpected moments.. pretty crazy week, right?
pairing , non-idol!yujin x gn!reader
genre , fluff, you deserve it 😓 also crack 😋
word count , 3.6k
warnings , lowercase intended, not proofread, smau included, highschool!au, near death experience, car accident (that's def not an accident), bullying, swearing, ocs, .. reader is implied to be filo? (BANANA KETCHUP ILY), both of them are down bad, yujin plays basketball cs I don't know how to write football games ✌✌, kissing.. well on the cheek, that's all I think..
[ note: this fic is based on another fic, it is recommended to read that one first! ]
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you hear endless notifications coming from your phone inside your pocket, that's probably yujin. normally you would check it but the red light is so close to disappearing. why is it even here? there were no cars anyways.
you start making your way to the other side of the road as you stare at the white horizontal lines you're walking on.
you start to lose focus until.. did your headphones just die on you? great.
you start to walk slowly as you remove your headphones and keep them in your bag. you hear multiple people honking at one car that is going faster than what the speed limit is supposed to be.
wait a minute.
is that car going..
you turn your head to see the speeding car that those people got mad at.
you drop your headphones that literally cost a whopping 500 plus a shipping fee out of shock and run like you're sonic the hedgehog and you're running away from sirenhead. i'm not exaggerating.
you hear your headphones get crushed by the car as you stop near a street lamp. did you just survive a car accident? but clearly your headphones didn't and took the fall for you. well shit.
you try to take a look at the driver who literally almost killed you.. he looks familiar doesn't he? you just can't seem to remember who it is. the driver owns a car that looks really expensive though..
wait. is your mind playing tricks on you or is that..
"shit, gotta tell him about this.." you whisper to yourself and grab your phone out of your pocket. it seems like yujin's worried about you not answering right away.. too clingy for a best friend, but you like it though.
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the loud voice can be heard around the entire first floor. although, nobody really cares. eunkyung always throws tantrums that what seems like a loud scream, loud enough for others to think that she's getting murdered, is just nothing to the people living with her.
her father sighs and tries to reason with his bratty daughter. "listen I was speeding, even I wouldn't have survived that. that [name] is a fast thinker and just ran away like they're the usain bolt."
"ugh.. they always mess up my plans.. CURSE YOU HAN YUJIN AND [NAME]!!!" eunkyung exits the room to go in her own. her father watches as she goes up the stairs looking infuriated. what did he do to raise the definition of brat? the devil herself? he even got dragged in her shenanigans as well..
"there's no way that happened.."
kyungsoo, jiwon's girlfriend, also known as the better kyung, joined the drama session inside yujin's room. she took another piece of popcorn and tossed it inside her mouth. her other hand was playing with jiwon's hair whose head was laying on kyungsoo's lap. "ew.. lovebirds.." yujin muttered.
"yeah also have you guys heard about jiyeon cheating on hiro with-" the entire group of friends was waiting for kyungsoo to finish her sentence but was met with silence. kyungsoo tried to check the box to get more popcorn, she looked inside the box and saw nothing but crumbs.
"um.. there's no popcorn." yujin raised his eyebrow in confusion. "..can't you at least finish your sentence? we're like waiting for a new episode because the last one left us on a big cliffhanger.." kyungsoo gets off yujin's bed and gets the popcorn box with her.
"yeah.. I'm getting more popcorn, you'll have to guess who the mysterious person is!"
"what the? kyungsoo you can't just-" you get cut off as kyungsoo shut the door on you.. sigh, you look at the bed if there's any other food except for popcorn. guess you'll have to follow her and get more snacks. you get off the bed and walk to the door, "[name], where are you going?"
well.. who else would have a deep voice except for your best friend, yujin? you turn to face him and see a worried look.. "uh.. to the convenience store? to buy some snacks?" he sighs, "[name].. you just survived a car accident. and you're going out again? on your own?" he gets up and grabs your hand to drag you back to his bed.
"what the? yujin-" your sentence gets cut off, again.. when yujin yanks you a little aggresively. you held his waist for support, the both of you end up to be in a.. pretty questionable position for friends? yujin ended up being under you, your faces a little too close to each other.
you didn't move a single inch and just stayed in your position, speechless. you can feel your cheeks burning. the room was filled with nothing but silence, and the air conditioner. he looks into your eyes deeply, then your lips for a little bit.. did he just do the triangle method? lord, this boy makes you go crazy..
yujin hand reaches for your face, is he actually going to.. no way.. it's finally happening, well.. maybe you're just delusional. he just removed the stray hair that's blocking your face, but surely that means something? he looks at you and smiles softly. how could you not fall for him?
you decided to break the silence and say something. "uh.. I should um.. go.." you're still blushing after everything that happened, did he do that on purpose? does he know?
"woah.. that was pretty good for a loser like you, yujin."
"what the heck?" yujin turns to see jiwon awake. "I thought you were asleep?" jiwon chuckles at yujin's reaction when he found out that she was awake and saw the entire thing.
"gosh.. you do all that yet you can't confess to them yet. really man? and for the your question I was never asleep, I just got too comfortable in your bed.." yujin can't seem to say something against her knowing that she's right.. "I'll help you."
your day is so not going great.. first you nearly died in a car accident, and yujin.. is just yujin.. that boy.. you recently just got out of yujin's house and currently going to the nearest convenience store to get more snacks. the sun's almost down, meaning that you'll go back home after a few hours. fortunately, you don't have to go to the other side of the road to get to the convenience store.
you get closer to the store, but you start to hear footsteps behind you. it's probably nothing.. but why is it speeding up? you turn around to see who's the mysterious person behind you.. "WHAT THE FU-"
the person jumps at you for a hug. the both of you fall due to the fact that the hug was unexpected, you fall hard on your butt while the person lets go of you. "ouch... who the heck are you..?" you look up to see.. kyungsoo? what's she doing out here?
"..kyungsoo? why are you here?" she looked at you worriedly, that hug was one of the deadliest ones known to man, surviving death counter: 2.. kyungsoo lends you a hand and helps you get up, "I'm so sorry I didn't think it would end up badly.." she apologizes with a very worried look all over her face and holds both of your hands.
you groan at the pain in your butt, the sidewalk isn't the smoothest or flattest one that you've ever seen. it's very far from that actually.. "ow.. still doesn't answer my question though, why are you here?" you ask again incase she forgets.
"uh.. I noticed that we ran out of cheese powder for the popcorn and sour cream powder for the fries, so I went here to get more! also I noticed that the snacks in my house are running out so I decided to buy them too.."
"I see.. let's go now. the next thing you know the store will close.." kyungsoo holds your hand and walks with you to the convenience store.
.. great. you jinxed it. the both of you stare at the store and watch as the owner closes it. no snacks.. no flavor.. what will you do?
"I.. think I can handle popcorn with no flavor..? don't know about fries though.." kyungsoo breaks the silence, she's still staring and the broken sign with blinking letters. ".. just add salt and mix ketchup and mayo for the sauce?" you answer her, she finally turns to look at you in curiosity.
"you can do that? well, that is a.. rather interesting combination.. but I'll try!"
"WAIT!! it's recommended to use banana ketchup.. yujin already has it, I gave one bottle to him because he was curious.."
"hurry up then!!" kyungsoo starts running away from you, suddenly this turns into a race to see who gets to yujin's house the fastest.
for a pretty short time. the both of you are exhausted and sweating.. this sidewalk is also not the best place to run, what's wrong with this sidewalk? are there no good traits about it?
"wait.. [name].. I.. forgot to ask you something.." kyungsoo pauses a lot to catch her breath and also due to the fact that she's.. really exhausted... "huh? .. what is it?" you on the other half.. it's not that bad compared to kyungsoo. she's not the athletic person, she's very far from that.. you're even convinced that she's the opposite of athletic!
"[name] you.. you.. like yujin.. don't you?"
the sudden question caughts you off guard, you feel your heart beating faster. was it that obvious? or did jiwon give up on keeping her mouth shut and told her about it.. either way, avoiding the question makes it even more obvious, so you just admit it. "uh.. yeah.. was it really that obvious?"
"oh.. not really. jiwon just told me." knew it, that girl can't keep herself from telling her girlfriend everything. one of the reasons why almost no one share their secrets to her. "as expected.. she can't control herself when it comes to secrets.."
kyungsoo turns to look at you and smirks, "you and yujin huh.. I got a feeling that he likes you too.." you look away from her to hide your blushing face and your smile. "hey don't get my hopes up.." she giggles at your embarrassment. "okay okay.. but I'm not wrong though?"
today's the game.. you kept your promise to yujin when you said that you'll make a whole banner to support him, and also be annoyingly loud. unfortunately, your seatmates are from the other school..
currently the game is going well for yujin's team, you decided to take that opportunity to rub it in your seatmates' faces. behind you are jiwon and kyungsoo, you can hear them giggling by you having a fight with strangers from the other school.
you felt the need to fix yourself and go to the bathroom. you stood up and gave the banner to jiwon and kyungsoo, you walked to the bathroom expecting that no one would be there due to the fact that the entire hallway is empty and not a single noise is heard except the game.
you open the door of the bathroom and was met with the most awful person to ever live in this century, eunkyung. what does she want.. she smirks at your annoyed face, "it seems that you got lucky and survived.." you scoff, you get your phone out to ignore her and attempt to make her irritated.
"so you admit that you did it? try to look menacing all you want but you're just revealing your crimes." nice, now she's the one that's annoyed. ".. w-well, that would've been obvious. don't be stupid.." she stutters at her words, almost speechless about her unintended mistake. that's good.. you need to be more annoying and make her expose herself. she's definitely not the brightest person you've seen in the school.
"get your ass out of my way, I didn't go here to see your disgusting face." eunkyung gets offended and gasps dramatically, "should've made father go faster.. you know what, I should've been there with him so that you'd see this disgusting face during the last moments of your life!" she screams at you without thinking about the consequences, you smirk at the girl's stupidity.
you decided to stop having your fun before eunkyung thinks of another way of killing you. "good luck with that.. also, thank you." she stares at you with the word confused all over her face. you make your way towards the door outside. "..for what?" she asked you genuinely, but you never answer.
".. for everything you said." you whispered to yourself. you exit the bathroom and take your phone out, you smiled to yourself and paused the audio recorder.
you finally returned to your chair, you're lucky that you used that audio recorder after learning from your past attempts of trying to screw up eunkyung's evil plans. "[name]! why did you take so long? did you have gallons of pee or something.." jiwon asks you and gives you your huge banner back. "oh it's.. something happened again, I'll tell you later." you look around the place and catch eunkyung at your left staring at you. you sit on your chair and watch the game, well.. specifically yujin.
"your boyfriend is winning by the way.." kyungsoo whispers in your ear to tease you. "hey, he's not my boyfriend.." although you wish he was.. jiwon giggles and follows her girlfriend with teasing you. "yet!" you roll your eyes at them and continue to watch the game.
yujin gets called for a break and returns to his team. you finally get a close up of what he looks like right now, you can clearly see that he's very.. sweaty. to be honest he looks really handsome like that, but you've seen him like this a few times before and you were trying to keep yourself from giggling like a loser who's madly in love with their crush. okay you take that back you are a loser who's madly in love.. you're real lucky that jiwon and kyungsoo are behind you because you're blushing real bad..
he wipes his face and neck with a towel and looks at you. you notice and look away swiftly in shyness, you can feel your heartbeat speeding up and your face turning pink. you attempt to sneak a glance at him but find that yujin is still staring at you, he starts smiling and waves at you. you smile back awkwardly and give him a thumbs up with both of your hands, he chuckles and finally sits down. lord, this boy really makes you crazy.
you see a girl his age hand him a towel for him to wipe his sweat, he smiles at her the.. same way he did at you. what the heck? maybe you were getting your hopes up too much.. you unconsciously furrow your eyebrows and frown slightly as you watch their interaction. wait, why are you even jealous? it's not like it's your business or that you have the right to.. nevermind.
you stop staring at them to prevent yourself from getting even more jealous. you didn't notice yujin staring at you looking all angry, 'maybe I should do this more.. they look cute like that' he thought to himself. you also didn't notice jiwon and kyungsoo giggling at the both of you.
"you were right.. they look so cute together!" kyungsoo whispers to jiwon, "well.. we were like that before, right?"
"yeah.. I'm glad we could experience it again." kyungsoo lays her head on her girlfriend's shoulder.
yujin gets called again to go back to the court. ricky, that famous senior known for being "young and rich, tall and handsome", comes up to yujin and pats his back, yujin runs to the court and starts playing. whatever they're doing, not like you know much about basketball anyways.
some time passes as the game continues normally, with your school still in the lead and the other school catching up. you stopped screaming and cheering and also have the banner folded, you're spent.. so are your seatmates from the other school, all of you are just watching peacefully. you can hear a couple of people screaming as the game almost draws to an end..
the ball is currently at one of the guys from the other school, 'park, 8' on the back of his jersey. you have to admit, he's kinda cute.. got a few girls screaming for him.. he passes the ball to one of his teammates but one of yujin's teammates, gyuvin, ends up getting the ball. he runs and then passes the ball to yujin quickly.
the time almost runs out as yujin runs to the hoop, the screaming gets even louder.. you watch yujin closely and see how determined he is to score.. 'come on yujin... you can do it.....' you thought to yourself, you held the banner laying on your lap tightly.
yujin decides to shoot the ball at a pretty risky place, the crowd goes silent and watches if the ball gets in the hoop. the players can't do anything but watch it.
'so close...'
'you're running out of time, yujin....'
the people from your school shout and cheer loudly as the others can't do anything but sigh in defeat.. you stood up from your seat and quickly ran to yujin, both jiwon and kyungsoo watch, still in their seats, as you ran to your best friend. you saw him and jumped into his arms immediately without warning him.
"hey.. that's what I did to them!" kyungsoo told jiwon, she laughed as yujin fell from your sudden attack. "ouch.. what was that for?!" yujin says as he gets up and sits on the floor, you get off of him and help him get up. "you.. you won!! oh my gosh you actually, you actually did it!!" you hug him again, your arms around his waist and your head on top of his shoulder. he reciprocates the hug and smiles widely.
"oh my gosh I actually.. I love you so much.." he says unconsciously while hugging you tighter but you let go of him in shock, both of your hands cover your mouth that's wide open after what he said. yujin realizes and does the same thing.
"I-I'm sorry that was so sudden uh.. you.. don't have to say anything.." both of your faces turn extremely red, yujin slowly backs up from you in embarrassment and fear that you won't like him back. he turns his head away from you while you still stare at him, you run up to him and hug him again.
"I.. I love you too!! you don't know how long I've been waiting for this!!" you smile widely while yujin is still frozen due to your words. he turns his head to look at you all joyful and wraps his arms around your waist. he smiles back at you and stares at you lovingly, you let go of his torso and use both of your hands to hold his cheeks. you can feel them burning and getting hotter as you hold them softly.
you smile and laugh at each other for not knowing what to do, you ended up kissing the both of his cheeks, a lot. yujin giggles and then lays his head on your shoulder after.
"hey yujin!" a familiar voice interrupts the both of you, he turns around to see ricky. "not bad, kid.. seems like you got yourself a partner too." ricky teases his younger teammate and giggles at how yujin's face turns pink and how you still haven't let go of him. "let's celebrate later, ricky's treat!" gyuvin, beside ricky, pops up in the conversation. ricky looks at his friend confused. "hey I never said anything!"
"well too bad, it's on you now!" gyuvin says. the both of them continue bickering until ricky decides to leave the both of you together. and.. you hear another voice behind you again.
"so.. finally confessed to each other?" the both of you turn around to see jiwon and kyungsoo behind you. "you.. you were here all along? at this point you could be a spy.." yujin says to jiwon surprised about how this happened for the second time.. jiwon chuckles, "no. we just got down, kyungsoo was the one who told me about you two." kyungsoo smiles and realizes something. "hey! about what happened inside the bathroom.. I thought you were going to tell us?"
"I don't think I should tell you here.. maybe when we get out?" kyungsoo sighs about how she's going to stay curious.. you feel something on your hands, you look at it and see a new pair of headphones. the headphones that you sacrificed. you then look at yujin, the one who gave them to you.
"what? I promised that I'd give you new ones?" you smiled and kept the box of headphones inside your bag, you held yujin's hand and follow jiwon and kyungsoo as they go outside the court. "so.. what was kyungsoo talking about earlier?" yujin asks you, you get closer to him and whisper to his ear, "eunkyung admitted that she tried to kill me.. I recorded it inside my phone.."
yujin widened his eyes in shock. ".. what do I do with it though?" you ask him quietly. "let's not do something yet.. we need things to go smoothly. this is eunkyung we're talking about.." you nod in understanding.
and now.. your week comes to an end. should take the award for 'the most unexpected and maybe the luckiest week in your life'.. expect the unexpected I guess..?
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[ note: THEY'RE HAPPY NOW!! :33 AND KYUNGSOO IS BACK AS WELL!!!! honestly I was rushing to write this and it was harder cs I was planning to make yujin a football player 😓😓 YOU GUYS HAPPY NOW??? 😒😒😒 ]
taglist: @zahraism , @taesansidechick / @jelllijeans , @goldoie / @n-americano
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kiryoutann · 1 month
thinking of between kisses childe as a dad 😫 i remember this scene from queen charlotte where she gives birth and i def think childe would do this… reader calling out for him but they wont let him in but he just threatens them 😭😭 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=MaRgAsP-xTQ
THAT'S ONE OF MY FAVORITE SCENE FROM QUEEN CHARLOTTE (i need to rewatch it again)!!! and i see it, anon. i see it!! AHH, and now that u mention it, im so torn between writing ajax like king george or ajax in my other hc.
like, the king george-kinda ajax gonna be threatening people trying to stop him from entering bcs there's "womanly work afoot" and telling him to wait outside, when his wife is audibly screaming in pain????? bad idea. they must've gone mad. and it didn't take much for his threats to leave his mouth; some snezhnaya way of saying "listen here you little shite-" and they ended up letting him enter before gorey stuff starts to happen.
king george-kinda ajax enters the room like he was about to kill someone, but when his eyes landed on MC's pained expression.. fuck, his eyes went SOFT as he rush to her side. gonna brush her hair back while giving reassurance, praises saying she can do this.
if you're into comedic one, one of my headcanon for dad! ajax is that he thinks he KNOWS IT ALL. around month 7 or 8 of the pregnancy, he's gonna act like he got everything under control whenever MC shows SLIGHT fear of childbirth just bcs of "i've seen this with tonia and teucer" blablabla. but when it DID happen?? oh, he's a mess.
he's a mess and dmitri knows it too (both guys panicking inside. but ajax's gonna be denial about his and MUCH WORSE that dmitri gotta calm himself down to CALM HIS EMPEROR). dmitri saying "Your Majesty, please breathe" and ajax, visibly sweating and brain short-circuited, saying "i got this under control dmitri. i'm calm I'M CALM." and when MC calls out for him, DESPITE HIS FEAR (pls give him a little bit credit here) he rushes into the room.
this ajax does the same as the king george-kinda ajax - reassuring her, praising her. but the difference, THIS ajax kinda went.. overboard with it that he runs his mouth EVERY TIME and saying every words every praises that somehow it shift your brain from the pain to the annoyance and irritation you're starting to feel. "i know you can do this, my love. you're in pain, i know, but i'm sure *insert full speech in snezhnayan*".
AT FIRST, it's sweet, and you smiled grimaced at him. but after the pain become intense, the last thing u wanna hear is his voice telling how you're gonna be fine, you're gonna do well. his "breathe, my love, breathe. you're doing so well, darling. you look radiant! like a goddess bringing new life to the world." like, man. BE QUIET.
mc gonna snap at him "shut up. SHUT UP!! I HATE YOU! THIS... IS ALL YOUR FAULT!! for once in your life, ajax, close your damned mouth or i'll see you flayed and quartered!"
it was PURE HORROR EXPERIENCE FOR HIM. and after your baby is born, ajax. doesn't. move. an inch from his place from fear that... he's gonna meet his death by his wife's hands.
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taitavva · 9 months
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yaldabaoth couldn't help but make his whole team overpowered huh ... how are the phantom thieves supposed to survive ?? "oh noo akechi ur so hot haha .. please don't kill me" brilliant strategy pego (entire ask under cut)
[ACTUALLY UR PUTFITS WERE SO ON POINT. I HAVE 2 OUTFIT IDEAS 4 HIFUMI & SHIHO (MINUS MASKS) & 1 mask idea for yuuki but idk what else. i was thinking for the leaders it would def be chaotic but goro has most metaverse experience so hes the leader. ken kinda acts like mona in giving useful tips abt personas etc and hifumi takes on the role of makoto where she gives out different strategies (her, ken, & goro debate over these tips & strategies but usually end up doing them anyway). I have an urge to show u these outfits omg. i can ramble abt these outfits & their personas for forever .. i chose jormungandr for yuuki, skadi for shiho hela for hifumi, and persephone for eiko. ik its not very in the literacy scene for them to all have deities as personas but... goro breaks it with loki anyway, so ..
explainations:: hela & jormungandr are 2/6 of loki's kids in norse mythology, aiding him in the ragnarok/end of the world, and hela is sentenced down to the underworld to be the goddess of that realm since she was born half alive half dead, and she's sentenced to it by odin (basically. kinda the zeus of norse mythology, like the "king" of all of them) because she's the daughter of loki & all this other stuff .. chose her for hifumi because hifumi's mom basically forces her to be a shoji star after hifumi's dad and yeah. jormungandr i chose because hes kinda just a sleepy little guy: in norse mythology he's known as "the World Serpent" and he wraps around the entire ocean with his tail in his mouth kind of in a constant sleep until the ragnarok (all of loki's kids --aside from 2, one being dead & the other being a gift to odin-- including loki himself, are kinda trapped somewhere before the ragnarok happens) and he's not talked about a lot but he aids in so much and he's important (like how yuuki is kind of ignored by the pts, the dialogue options being horrid, despite him aiding in them. also yuuki is the bm's navi in the au & he runs a "revenge site" like how Strega/takaya sakaki, jin shirato, & chidori yoshino do in p3-- strega also does death calling cards , mainly shown in the novels which is p cool.. first ppl to use mental shutdowns despite not beinf called that then either. i love strega sorry. they all agreed to it because shiho wanted to deal with more people like kamoshida, goro wanted to deal with more people like shido, hifumi wanted to deal w more people like her mom, etc).. i chose persephone for eiko because in greek mythology, persephone is (most commonly accepted form of the myth) kidnapped by hades and forced into marriage with him by eating a pomegranate out of the underworld .. point blank, persephone reminds me of eiko being trapped and persephone's shown to overcome it , ( honestly eventually making the underworld & hades her Bitch. she kills the goddess/nymph of mints and creates the mint plant because she got too handsy with hades).. also hifumi and eiko are a little gay for eachother so why not have their personas be, too? anyway. SHIHO!! i chose skadi for her because skadi , in norse mythology , is both jotunn (giant) and a god like how loki is, but she's an accepted form of it because she was given over to the gods as a peace treaty, and thats pretty important to norse mythology i'd say (like how rooftop scene is important to kamoshida arc), and skadi claws up the aesir (council of gods) thru both her marriage (ann? ann. hehe.) and her own sheer will (shiho's recovery and goro's ..... questionable aid.) and skadi just fits. the goddess of mountains and winter? sign me the FUCK UP.
Anyway . this was long I apologise]
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the-copycat-hero · 12 days
In my mind, Monoma knows how to pickpocket, do sleight of hand, roll a coin across his knuckles, all that good stuff :D I also hc him to have voluntary nystagmus. No particular reason, I just 100% think Monoma would use that skill to freak people out
Also I hc him to be friends with Hatsume Mei. Each time he visits he brings a whole packet of papers, diagrams, analytics of quirks and how they relate to their costumes, and Mei def eats it up EVERY TIME. She also has him try quirks she needs for the equipment whenever possible. They’re smart kids :>
What do you like seeing most in monoma fics/fan work and what do you want to see more of? Any relationships (romance or gen) you like? Also I’m very curious about the Monoma family 👀 Clearly they don’t seem to keep in touch. What does Monoma say when he’s asked about them? Is it something he keeps under wraps or are most of his friends aware
!!!!!!! Big Brain Takes! Massive!
sleight of hand (and other assorted part trick) Monoma is near and dear to my heart, and i could definitely see him being able to do Some Sorta Nonsense with his body like voluntarily vibrate his eyes. i could see him being double jointed, too. (he is a Bendy Boy.)
ALSO the fact that Monoma and Hatsume never interacted in any meaningful way will haunt me until i die. they are so smart, and they are such freaks (/pos). their aura would have been so powerful. maybe too powerful? i guess Hori had to nerf them somehow.
as far as fanworks go, i am a massive fan of any fic that has Monoma showcasing his quirk. (for example, Learning Curve has a fantastic scene with a training exercise/mock battle that i frequently go back to because it is So Peak to me.)
as far as things i'd like to see more of, i'd kill for more introspective pieces of Monoma learning how to adjust after the war. (let me see him talk to Bakugo, who he watched die! let me see him talk to Aizawa, who tried to protect him!!!) i'm hoping some more of that will come with time as the anime draws closer to the end, but i suppose we shall see.
romance-wise, i'm big on Monoshin and have been since season 2. the fact that it used to be a rarepair floors me. (really played the long game on that one). that being said, i could honestly read about Monoma with almost any other student, his personality is just that much fun to me. apart from Monoshin, i've been seeing quite a bit of Timebomb and Monoma/Pony on my timeline, and i find both so incredibly charming.
platonically: Kendo. Shinsou. Tokage. Mei. Honenuki. Bakugo (especially after the war). ERI. Vlad and/or Aizawa. slap Monoma in an interaction with any of them and i am Locked In.
FINALLY, the Monoma family. (man, the Monoma family.) @smallvictorianchildwhofoundwifi and i have constructed pages upon pages of lore for these human disasters, but i'll try to keep it brief:
Monoma's dad (still need a name) - only ever agreed to have a child in the first place because his side of the family was pressing for it. resents Neito for reasons that i'll probably dig into later - but as long as Neito isn't actively making a mockery of the family name, his dad really can't be bothered to think about him.
Monoma's mom (Hiromi) [PRE WAR] - had Neito when she was young (around 21 years old) because, again, her husband's side of the family was insistent. she adored him at first sight; however, she has had to make a lot of changes to appease her husband's side of the family over the years, and it has turned her into a harsher, colder person overall. every once and a while, she'll be struck with fondness for her son, but it never lasts for long before she goes back to being made of ice. maybe also unconsciously resents Neito some for marking the end of her old life.
Hiromi (cont) [Post-War] - determined to reconnect with her son after almost losing him in the final battle. has made so many mistakes that it seems impossible, but Neito got his tenacity from someone, and it certainly wasn't his father.
Monoma's class knows next to nothing about his family. even Kendo, who has known Monoma for a long while, has precious little information to go off of.
some of the girls in Monoma's class stumble across a picture of Monoma's mother from one of her last modeling shoots, but when they ask him about her, Monoma just tells them that he has his mother to thank for his dashing good looks and leaves it at that. Ittaka - Monoma's old caretaker (and pseudo-older sister) - comes to visit him once, and his classmates briefly think that his real mother must have died until Kendo corrects them (because she may not know much about the Monomas, but she knows that they are all still kicking). but that's about all they've got.
tldr; trying to wrangle a straight answer out of Monoma regarding his family is impossible.
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callsign-rogueone · 2 months
hey cutie! i hope you're doing well! i saw your liam post a while back and bc i seemed to love him and so does literally everybody else, i was wondering (bc im writing a book) what makes him so likeable to people? like why did we all fall in love with him immediately and then die of devastation when he was killed?
hihi!! Liam deserves multiple essays on how amazing he is, but here's some thoughts that I can def expand on later if you'd like, not edited at all (also if I missed anything, feel free to add in comments / reblogs!!)
he has a tragic backstory and he's from a group that you're "not supposed to like". Xaden drags Vi into the marked group, but Liam's the one who truly brings her around on the issue and builds sympathy? empathy? whichever one. for Vi and the reader -- we find out his parents were killed, he was separated from his little sister, both of them are forced to be riders and serve a country that has done terrible things to them and their family...
he has a sweet old man hobby. he WHITTLES. that is senior citizen behavior. I know the hobbies a person can have in this world are a bit limited since their tech isn't like ours but still. he's 20 years old and he whittles for fun. what a dweeb. (I say this affectionately. you all know I will defend this man with my life. and he's very good at it and it makes him happy 🥺)
his whole relationship with Xaden. Liam is this perfect (literally) little puppy soldier that does absolutely everything Xaden asks of him because he quite literally owes Xaden his life (and Sloane's.) that level of dedication is rare. and that he clearly looks up to Xaden (and I HC that he wants to make him proud...)
adding on to that... him protecting Violet without (visible) pushback. he's agreeable to protecting the daughter of the woman who killed his parents and aunts/uncles/family friends etc., most obviously because Xaden asked him to, but I also think he was able to separate the mother and daughter like Garrick did too. he knows Vi isn't at fault for his problems.
he's smiley / laughing / a good time. he's the foil to Xaden in many ways (brothers who look nothing alike, most obviously) but he shows us that not all the marked ones are angry and gloomy all the time. he gets in on second squad's banter, makes jokes of his own...
he's very observant and emotionally intelligent. he knows what's going on b/n Vi and Xaden, and I highly doubt that's because him and Xaden are having slumber parties with Bodhi and Garrick to talk about their crushes (I have to write that now, don't I... the girlfriends having a "girls night" and the boys not knowing what to do with themselves. so they have their own girls night...) he just picks up on all the little things and he knows when Vi is and isn't okay, despite having known her for like... a max of 6 months?
literally mister perfect. he's the quadrant's golden boy. he was forced to be here, but he's top of the class, jogged across the parapet, best time on the gauntlet, dusted everyone. never lost a challenge. I know Deigh is so dang proud of his boy. probably brags to the other dragons about his perfect son <3
Sloane. he's worried about her for next year, he's writing her letters weekly even though he can't send them, and by the time he CAN send them, she'll be in the quadrant herself... yeah, good thing he wrote them in advance... [crickets] anyway, he's a cutie big brother like Brennan, wanting to protect lil sis, and it's clear he loves her so so much <3 (another headcanon of mine that she absolutely adored him and he was forced into all the tea parties and dolls stuff but he did it with a smile. need girl dad Liam so bad.)
and then the circumstances of his death. he died following Xaden's orders (prime directive: keep Violet safe) and while it's been eight months since I last read that scene and I refuse to read it again any time soon, I think he definitely knew that he was putting himself in immediate danger to save her, and he still did it anyway.
that's all I got for now but I am absolutely positive that there's more. good luck with the book!! I did some work on my own today on the flight, inspiration struck after leaving it to sit there for months lol
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gingerjolover · 1 year
prompt/blurb: different types of dates the boys would plan
first off, i LOVE this ask and i love the idea of the boys going on dates like we see their outings on insta i think they would be so into dates even if youre in a long term relationship
these are also what i imagine but as always we can discuss 😏
painting - you know the interview she is SO. CUTE. i think she would be so into taking a painting class or one of those wine+painting things, even like color me mine where you paint plates for your kitchen. she would definitely smile everytime one of you eats off the plate, wiggling her eyebrows.
if you paint on canvas, she gives me the vibes of after your paintings dry hanging them on the wall of her studio, grabbing your by your belt loops and pulling you into her chest so your back is flush with her front and being like "look at us, couple'a picassos baby," and then giggling, smacking a kiss to your cheek.
cooking class - miss pesto pasta over here, i have this very specific scenario where you guys take a cooking class once a month or like whenever she's on break from tour. she despises the baking ones because its not as freeform as the cooking ones, but she loves watching you measure stuff and how excited you get whenever the baked goods are coming out of the oven. she definitely says some cheesy joke after trying it being like "almost as sweet as you sugar," especially in her little twang AHHHH
but she loves the cooking classes, i think specifically pasta making or a pizza class. she loves wiping the flour off of your face and standing close to you, your arms brushing against each other as you both fiddle with the pasta attachment on a stand mixer. she loves the domesticity of it and leaves with recipes that she can make for you when she's home
fall things - okay don't kill me for this but homegirl loves a spooky moment, she DEFROSTS in the fall and i think she secretly loves a christian girl autumn moment. i imagine phoebe taking you (and maxine ofc) to a corn maze-fall farm-apple cider-hayride-esque date. you guys walk around (bundled up depending on if ur in la or somewhere that's colder in the fall) hand in hand, maxine trots along in front of you. you'll be standing in line for caramel apples or some fall treat, wrapped around phoebe as she looks up at the menu options, maxine at your feet, jumping up and stretching at your knees. Phoebe would turn her head, asking what you want and then kissing your nose softly before ordering. i just think she'd live for walking around and looking at all the farm to table goods in the little store near the exit. you'd definitely leave with some pumpkins and some random Halloween costume for maxine.
thrifting - i don't know why but i think she would be so fun to thrift with, like not so much you buy a ton of clothes but she would love to look around and get some stuff for y'alls house, like random dad joke mugs or vintage plate sets. i think she would be SO DOWN for the vintage painting trend where people buy old paintings and paint ghosts on them. she would be so stoked when you found the perfect painting, both of you getting home and painting the lil ghosts, hanging it in the kitchen. you both stare at it, heads cocked to the side when she's like, "good job baby.... but this is like... too on brand...right?" before laughing.
museum - cultured queenie! i think she'd take advantage, especially when on tour to bring you to museums with the rest of the boys, you'd walk around with all of them before the two of you wander off and spend some time leisurely walking through different exhibits. she would definitely buy you some overpriced cheap souvenirs at the gift shop, kissing the corner of your mouth before rolling her eyes, a loving smile on her face when she sees you bouncing on your heels excitedly.
if you're living with her in philly, y'all def take advantage of the art museum in the city and visit the ones in the suburbs or even take weekend trips up and down the east coast/mid-atlantic to go to different ones. I also think she'd be down to road trip, stopping at museums and galleries along the way, holding your thigh as she drives on the interstate, nodding along as you describe some new exhibit you're excited about.
bookstore - you know the vibes, luce looooves a good bookstore. i feel like the vibes would be sooooo goood, she would definitely seek out used bookstores and the aisles are more narrow so she walks right up on you, rubbing your hips or lower abdomen as she stands behind you, your back flush with her chest. she would love letting you rest against her in a hug, rubbing your ass through your jeans . You'll be reading the back of a book, her lips subtly kissing the skin of your shoulder and neck before squeezing past you.
okay so it's not all kissing and ass grabs, you def have intellectual discussions about theory and the books you're both grabbing. there's also talks about if more books will actually fit in your home because the spare bedroom is already a library and you love to indulge lucy's bibliophile habits but you genuinely don't know if they will fit.
all da boys:
hiking, conservatories, nature reserves, aquariums, etc.
we know based on insta that they live for this shit, i can imagine any of them taking you to one of these places and just enjoying the shit out of it, maybe even a group date with all of their partners 👀i think they'd all be thrilled by a conservatory or botanical garden, idk so much about aquariums but i love aquariums so let me have this. but again i just think anything leisurely they love, all of them walking hand in hand with you at any of these places, being able to cuddle up to you when standing.... i meannnnn cmonnnnn
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theautotrophic · 4 months
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my girl Violette!!!!
Dumping all the lore I have about my stupid little girlfailure bisexual radiostatic fankid <<<3333
So basically, she's a loser, a fossil, and I don't mean to sound hostile - but the demon is a coward >>:D
She's an absolute LOSER GIRLFAILURE just like her dad <3
Idk know how to explain it honestly, like, just think of the biggest, most dumbest of ass, girl loser you can think of and that's her
Just an absolutely deranged loser idiot
She runs a company with her brother Veer (maybe streaming or smth 🤔🤔 I haven't figured it out yet). She's the "creative mind" (kills people) and he's the brains behind the operation
A company name I thought of might be Viedio Enterprises?
For her powers they're a bit of a mixture between Vox and Alastor
She can travel via shadows the same as Alastor
She can use other people's shadows to puppeteer them
She's got a connection to the Internet and television the same as Vox because of her head and antenna
Can play things through her radio and on her screen and manipulate devices around her
Connection to radiowaves
She can probably traverse the Internet
Can corrupt technology
Basically, she would be an extremely powerful overlord if she wasn't such an idiot
I think I'm gonna have like two different timelines for this AU since I couldn't decide if I wanted them to be adults or kids when the hotel opens and Alastor returns after 7 years
Cause I think it would be really funny if Vox accidentally created her (and her brother Veer who I'll probably post for later once I actually make a good drawing of him) while Alastor was away for seven years and Alastor comes back and learns he has kids and is like "how the fuck-"
But also their adult personalties are so fun and I'd love to think about how they would react to Alastor going missing for 7 years (cause if they were adults he def would have raised them with Vox) and I just think the potential in that AU is more fun, while them being kids I can just think of a lot of art and funny moments to draw
So, in the case where they're younger Vox would accidentally create them a few months after Alastor has left when he's super desperate to find him. He would be like doing some type of demonic magic summoning circle type shit to try and summon Alastor or find out where he is but he has actually no idea what he's doing. So he's got like this whole setup sort of thing with like his blood and Alastor's hair in this wholeass satanic circle. And so he does the spell. And instead of summoning Alastor it like combines their DNA and BOOM, congrats ur a single father now. And now Vox just has two kids to raise. (Yes I thought of all this just because mpr3g makes me uncomfy (but also this scenario is both very funny and kind of sad to me and I will be drawing it at some point. probably)).
if they were older, like in their twenties by the time Alastor comes back idk Vox would probably still accidentally create them somehow I'd have to think about it
So yeah ill probably just do both versions and do what I want
Anyways! Send me asks about her if you'd like I'd love to talk about her :]
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ilovelosersandshortmen · 10 months
Could I ask for the Brotherhood with a Platonic Reader who's just some random kid? Not even a mutant or anything, they just walked into the house one day and just decided 'yeah I'll live here with you guys🤷'
The Brotherhood of Mutants reacting to a random person deciding to move in with them (PLATONIC!!)
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I love this idea oml 😭😭 This has very big Addams Family vibes honestly. I'm going to write this with a more sibling-like relationship because I love found family.
• Okay, honestly, I've always thought Todd would be like.. a redneck cigarette dad. I mean that with love.
• Constantly getting into wrestling matches and teaching people bad behaviors, you know what I mean. Trailer park behavior. (I used to live in one so I can make fun of it)
• He's the kind of guy that would put you on his shoulders so that you can spray paint a building or something. Also teaches you the most efficient way to hop a fence when running from the cops!
• He's like Roderick from Diary of a Wimpy kid, taking you out for gas station snack runs late at night.
• Sometimes, he feels like you're the only person he can open up to.
• He has cried on your shoulder more than a few times.
• Then you guys make cookies together.
• I know I keep bringing this up, but I believe Fred is an amazing cook. (this is based on the rose radishes he made for Pietro or whatever)
• So he constantly makes sure you get fed first, because he knows eating well in the Brotherhood is really hard.
• Always lifting things to impress you.
• (Yeah he's a sad only child soo.. you're his new sibling. He's decided. Already calls you his brother/sister)
• Would literally both die and kill for you.
• He doesn't want to hurt you with his hugs, so sometimes he just lets you cling to him like a koala.
• He likes to help you pick out your outfits (I don't know, this just feels right to me)
• He's also super supportive if you're alt/goth/emo
• You guys have fashion shows to show off your outfits.
• Honestly, he's your biggest fan.
• Genuinely in disbelief
• "Wait, so we're just.. letting this happen!?"
• He's really the only one who cares, which I guess is understandable. I wouldn't want even more people in a house that's already falling apart.
• So, at first, he's always complaining about you being there. You took his spot on the couch. You stepped on his shoe that one time. Once he complained that you breathed too loudly near him.
• After a while, he reduces his whining to muttering and then eventually just gets used to your presence.
• He doesn't like to admit it, but he kind of does want to impress you. He'll use his powers and then just.. stand in front of you, waiting for praise.
• Always behind you when you go for walks, like a scary guard dog.
• She's chill.
• She's not really vocal about everything, but she does really care for you!
• Wanda would def help you dye your hair or paint your nails.
• And she would use her powers to grab things off of high places, just so you don't get injured.
• Pietro might be a little jealous of you, but who cares what he thinks anyway.
• She would also probably help you pierce yourself
• Then would help you when it got infected.
• He always tries to pretend that he doesn't care, but he definitely does.
• Always making sure you don't get hurt around the house, and is the first person to worry if you do ever get hurt.
• Also, this goes for all of them, but he would absolutely love playing video games with you. Even if he loses. A lot.
• More than a few earthquakes were caused over Mario Kart.
• Also the first to raise hell if you went missing.
• Sometimes takes you out with Kitty to get food (like that one "Mama y Papa" trend on Tiktok)
• She takes you under her wing immediately.
• After a day with her, you have a new taste in music and a bunch of outfits that were not shoplifted at all.
• You basically become her right hand person when causing trouble, she'd constantly wake you up for late night joy rides.
• Asks you to help her with her hair (there's no way she doesn't use 5 bottles of hairspray for that thing)
• You two definitely shoplift together, or she shop lifts random things for you.
• Always getting you little snack or trinkets.
I don't know if this was exactly what you were thinking, but I love the idea of a platonic sibling-like relationship!! Also, I'm sorry if this is really short, I'm more used to writing romance. But, as always, I appreciate you and I hope you have an amazing night!!
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solar-halos · 3 days
i watched speak no evil w my brother and now i need to talk about it. not to make this about race but something that jumped out to me was that this movie would only work with the whitest fucking family you’ve ever seen. let’s start at the beginning
1) we did get there late so idk what purpose dunking on danish ppl served so let’s just skip to the part where they let their twelve year old daughter ride a scooter with a man they JUST met. if some white middle age man offered to let let me ride saddleback on his motorcycle my parents (or at least my dad) would be like hell to the mf no and then we wouldn’t be allowed near him or his wife or his son ever again
2) speaking of his son that’s another reason why the movie would be over before it started. that’s prob more of an immigrant thing though (or like a machismo thing) bc i don’t think i’ve ever been allowed to play with boys no matter how old we were
3) okay actually my mom would have been a little fooled by that british accent
4) oh my god if we went over to this family’s house and the hosts were like “you’re sleeping in the same room as our son! :)” my parents (probably both of them) would be like hell to the MF NO. and then we’d drive back home and go no contact
5) the lack of backbone killed meee. if for some reason we weren’t gone by then you know what would have done the trick? some unfamiliar man being our fucking babysitter. my dad would be PISSED. my mom would be like “a brown man? girl…”
6) the husband telling everyone to swim in their underwear? girl…
7) i’m kinda forgetting the other details so im officially done dunking on white ppl. no offense to agnes bc she was distressed but feigning her period while she was bleeding in the front was like ..?
8) OH WAIT. back to dunking on white people bc if my parents (even my mom!) found me in some family’s BED holy shit. they would not careee about that lady’s sob story they’d escalate shit so much that the hosts would just kill them right then and there
9) also that stuffed animal agnes had was sweet and i love the lengths her parents went for her but my dad would be like get the fuck OVER it girl. and then if i tried kicking the backseat well. haha. let’s just say thqt wouldn’t end well
10) okay but also if i showed my mom those pics i dont think she’d believe me no matter how weird these people were LOL. like she’d still try to leave but i dont think she’ll be like “omg you’re right!”
11) the cheating beat was what rlly did it for me. like if that were my family the movie would be over before it even started. like i was confused why the wife kept saying her man was angry bc he never even yelled at her and the closest he ever came to lashing out at agnes was trying to get her to stop kicking his seat
12) he rlly was so in love with patrick though i thought there’d be at least one kiss between them
13) why did ppl (read: men) in the theatre start BELLY LAUGHING when patrick kept kissing the wife? gross
14) dude. if we didn’t manage to escape once (even tho we def would have… no way would either my parents drive back for a stuffed toy) my parents defintely would have kept driving even if patrick did push their son (who wasn’t rlly his son… but im gonna keep calling him that bc i don’t remember his name) into the lake. like for me my mindset for scenarios like that is “oh well u don’t rlly know how you’d react until it happens to u” but i know EXACTLY how my mom would have reacted. she would have kept driving
15) i do love the wife though. i feel like they were trying to make her annoying but we all need people like her. the food throwing scene was so upsetting (im a sensitive baby) and the husband not having a backbone drove me crazy. actually the husband was pretty much useless even before he broke his leg
16) i hate that uppity “im not gonna stoop down to their level” mentality. patrick literally said he was gonna take ur 12 yr old child as a child bride and u didn’t end it??
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fireemblems24 · 9 months
Golden Wildfire Ch 14
Almost done guys. I can stick with it.
Oh no, The Empire is in danger. Anyways . . .
They're all shocked Edelgard is asking for help because she's putting her in debt to them.
Haha, they're considering just leaving her there and letting the Empire die. Lorenz came up with it. Based.
I know Claude will go bail her out, which is really stupid for a guy who claims he wants to end the war.
So . . . how does killing Rhea and sparing Edelgard cause the least amount of bloodshed? I knew that's what was going to happen, but it makes no sense. Claude even admitted he knows that Edelgard doesn't give a shit, she wants to conquer Rhea or no Rhea.
I really fail to see how on earth this is ending in 2 chapters. Unless Edelgard is so grateful to Claude she just gives up her ambitions? And Dimitri is equally OOC also suddenly gives a shit about what Claude thinks??
I've actually LOVED how they're written Edelgard and Dimitri in Hopes so far, and if GW ruins that with its shit writing I'm gonna be pissed.
Edelgard better not turn into some soft sissy who is all "oh, you saved me, Claude, now I'm going to play nice and make big eyes at you! Now that Rhea's dead and you did something nice, I'm going to give up the most core part of my character." Double gross if it's implied that she's flustered by his good looks.
And Dimitri better not not be pissed off that Claude invaded him for no reason and be like "You were so right, I wanted Rhea gone this whole time, thank you for saving me from her, please ignore Sylvain stewing in the corner, he'll just get over that you murdered his dad, just like I suddenly don't care how you murdered my citizens!"
If that happens, I'm calling this Claude's bizarre fanfic where he thinks his masterminded Edelgard and Dimitri so hard that now they're both hard for him no matter how OOC that makes them or how stupid Claude's been this whole time.
Haha, Shamir doesn't want to help the Empire. She wants revenge against them for the war with Dagda lol.
I don't think Holst has had an interesting thing to say in this entire game.
Oh yeah, I forgot. In GW and SB we're saving Bernie's father and helping him maintain religious power. Only in AG is he the enemy we're replacing. I swear, did nobody look at this and wonder if they made the Blue Lions unambiguously the only good guys?
Haha, right after I wrote this, some NPC was like wtf are we doing putting an Imperial noble in charge of the Monastery and religion?
Meanwhile, Lorenz is like, if we just let Edelgard die, the war ends right. But they must go save her because they're former classmates! For, like, a month! And Claude's like, Dimitri is too. And then crickets. I swear to God GW is borderline self-aware of how reaching and desperate the writing is to have Claude want to join the "I want to suck Edelgard's toes" gang for no logical reason.
Ouch, someone just compared Claude to Hubert. Like, I love Hubert, but he is NOT someone I want to be compared to.
I forget how boring GW is to play. Lorenz takes no damage from anything, so I just mash buttons. He isn't particularly strong either, so he's not nearly as fun to play as Dimitri and Hubert are with their ridiculous strength and magic stats, respectively.
So if I ever replay GW (lol, sure /s), I would def not pick Lorenz again. Lysithea seems like a way more fun character more suited for my play style but she's too far behind with class unlocks and etc . . .
Haha, Shez is like "if I ended up on another side, they would've been suspicious of my powers and thought I was an enemy" - side-eyeing Edelgard and SB.
Lamo, where did Claude get the idea that the church doesn't like people from other places or that aren't religious? Last time I checked, they didn't care?
Lamo, Shez is saying she might just leave Claude when the war ends. Same, Shez, same.
I had to fight Gustave :( And after that Sylvain :(
Guys, I'm feeding Claude recipes he dislikes. I've run out of supports to grind this round so . . .
I did the same to Holst too, because fuck you too, Holst
I'm giving my merc whistle to Lorenz. He basically did everything this route. And ohhhhh, he's right in front of Claude and Hilda too, haha. That means they're going to watch me give Lorenz a present and none for them.
And now to dump every stat boost on Lorenz too. I literally use no one else unless I absolutely have too. Hubert and Dimitri will get the same treatment. Probably also the 2 getting my merc whistle too. Which is hilarious since Hubert is pretty openly hostile to Shez.
It's funny. In SB, no one trusts Shez. In GW, Shez doesn't trust Claude. In AG, Shez . . . yep.
Wait, whut? Shez is like "we need to end the church to end the war." And Claude is like "right, because they they can try something again." My brother in Sothis, what the fuck? Did he just forget that Edelgard started the war? Rhea didn't do shit.
Also, didn't Claude say earlier he knows the church is just an excuse for Edelgard to make a land grab? Did he magically forget that?
Don't remember if I saw this yet.
Balthus wants to make a bet on battle. Shez doesn't want to.
Balthus likes to live on the edge and adding a bet makes battle more fun. Shez disagrees.
Still don't remember if I saw this or not. But it's another support about Shez's mysterious origins that go absolutely no where.
And I have a strong suspicion that we won't actually learn anything about who Shez really is unless her mom is like Arundel or something.
I think I may have seen this before. But Shez has more than one support like this so . . .
Weird. They only have 1 support and its A.
Marianne gets a letter that implies that he wants Marianne to rule House Edmund and she's intimidated by it.
Claude shares that he worries too.
Claude says Marianne needs more resolve.
Sorry, that was boring as fuck.
Lysithea has a message from her father, who's taken maybe the worst beating in this game.
Her father doesn't want to complain, but to thank him for ending TWSITD chaos.
Poor House Ordelia really does get the shit end of the stick.
Claude is worry that Lysithea works too hard.
Lysithea doesn't really listen.
Their only support.
The crops of the territories that are at war are suffering because armies are trampling fields.
Common people are mad at Claude because of the battle making them starve.
Glad this game is acknowledging, even a little, how it's poor people who get screwed over the most when nobles bicker.
Leonie admits she could care less about this war. Which just make her not being in AG (so far) weirder. Since she's probably one of the one who cares the least.
This is more interesting than I thought it was going to be, because it's about how the commoners suffer in war, and how Claude needs a common born perspective. So that makes Edelgard the only one who never asks common born people what they want - and the one thinking she has the right to decide everything for them.
Claude is interested in Constance's experiments
Constance invented a spell that can change hair color and style, which Claude wants to use to escape but not to be her first test subject
She gives him a hard and sharp style, like literally - he complains, she's not happy
I don't know if she turned it back or not, if she didn't I'm tempted to not view their B so Claude is stuck with silly, awful hair for his final chapters because then his looks will match his clown behavior
Hilda doesn't recognize Ignatz without his glasses on. So . . . she's an idiot?
Ignatz is basically blind without glasses, yet forgot where he put them. So . . . he's an idiot too?
Hilda thinks he's hot without his glasses. I . . . question her taste.
Hapi finds his sketch book and there's a picture of her with cats in there, and she's disturbed that someone drew her without telling her
She figured out that it's him
She's mad he lied, but liked the picture
And . . . the Chicago Carolina game is more entertaining than that was (who may be the 2 worst teams in the NFL, for those who don't know)
Aw, that's sweet of Ignatz. He's like, we talk too much about me, talk about you!
And Shez teases him about a crush, lamo.
Shez only has 2 dream options: I don't know or easy going mercenary life
Ignatz asks Shez to be a bodyguard ones he's done being a knight and going after his dreams
Shez says she'll charge a lot lamo
Claude & Constance B
Oh, right, the hair magic stuff.
Constance doesn't appreciate his lack of enthusiasm
She turned his hair frizzy and uneven, lamo - like a bird's nest, and honestly, deserved Claude, you've sucked this route
He has a beard too
Their only support, weird.
Lorenz didn't make much of Ignatz when they meant, but now is impressed.
The improvement it because Ignatz is painting in his free time, helping his mental health
Lorenz feels bad because he realizes Ignatz wants to be an artist, not a knight, like he assumed
Ingatz is still grateful towards Lorenz for giving him a purpose after the school closed and he felt directionless
Bummed they only have 1 support. I like their chain in Houses.
Marianne can't get a horse to the stable bc it's sick (the horse told her, Raphael doesn't seem to care that a horse talked to Marianne)
Raphael offers to get the horse to the stable by putting it in a cart
He lifted it, Marianne is impressed, but now her horse can get the medicine and rest needed
Dumb horse ate bad fruit, honestly, accurate, they're all secretly pigs in horse-shaped bodies
Raphael . . . also eats rotten food. So, I guess Dimitri has competition for who has the most iron stomach
See, this was cute too. Marianne just feels naturally open with him
They're out of arrows and surrounded by wolves
I think Raphael beat them back with her bow
He credits her for making such a strong bow (it didn't break)
So now Leonie will keep making bows until there's one Raphael can't break, and Raphael will keep working on muscles so he can keep breaking them
Oh, God, Yuri's always so mean to people in the beginning of support chains. I wonder how on earth this is going to go . . .
Yuri takes her off guard and asks questions, which just makes her more guarded and feel judged.
Marianne assumes he hates animals and herself. Because she saw Yuri glaring at her once. Girl, you have issues, but I love you.
Understandably, Yuri's a bit confused.
Marianne keeps assuming things are her fault and apologizing, and Yuri keeps getting more and more annoyed until she runs off.
A lot of this support felt pretty random, but let's see where A goes.
This battle is titled . . . salvation. You know, that may be the most clever bit of writing in GW so far (as in the ONLY clever writing)
Haha, Edelgard is surrounded by the Kingdom and Rhea.
Even Holst is like, are you sure about this Claude?
I really don't understand the logic of rescuing Edelgard if Claud doesn't want war. Like, Claude acknowledged that Edelgard only used Rhea as an excuse for expansionism. He knows she's just going to find another excuse for war, so all he's doing is making her enemies weaker.
Ok, that's enough. I forget that applying any sort of logic to this plot line is pointless.
Cut scene is cool though. Lamo, is this like the 5th time Edelgard needed someone to rescue her in this game? She looked really pathetic in cut scenes in this game. Like, I don't even like her, and I'm annoyed because one of the things I did like was her being a bit of a badass, not always needing saving from Shez, Byleth, from assassins all the time, etc . . .
Guys, there's a save Monica side quest. Should I just . . . not? You know what? I'm going to have fun with this. I want to see what happens.
Fuck, Ingrid appeared :(
And now they want me to save Bernie's dad. This chapter is really "rescue the most fucking annoying characters" and "kill the best ones."
Thank FUCK, she retreated this time. I wouldn't been livid if they made me kill her twice for no reason.
OMG, again, lamo, Edelgard is useless this chapter. She keeps getting caught. That's the 3rd time in 1 chapter she's needed to get her ass saved by Claude and co.
Now I have to fight Dedue :( He's better not fucking die. This route isn't worth it. Edelgard called him Dimitri's most loyal retainer though.
Oh, thank God, he retreated.
Now I'm going to have to fight Dimitri, I'm sure :( I'm really fucking glad Lorenz can't take damage. I'd be shitting myself otherwise. He better retreat too.
Why can't we let Edelgard die, Claude? Wouldn't that fix all the problems?
Oh, Rhea! Fighting Rhea will actually be a little cool, since you never get to see her or use her.
Dimitri retreated at least.
WTF Claude? "I'm just determined to see what the world would look like without you." Idk, maybe Almyra??? The writers really gave Claude nothing with that line lamo.
Took Rhea out. She retreated too.
Now Byleth is here and I think she's dying for good this time. Feel a bit bad about not recruiting her. Claude doesn't deserve Byleth's support on this route, but she doesn't deserve to die either.
Cut scene time. I wonder what's considered more cannon, recruiting Byleth or not?
Also, isn't it thematic that you kill Sothis on routes where you oppose Rhea and side with Edelgard?
Arval's way too happy about this, lamo. Shez is bummed. Honestly, I think I ship Shez with Byleth the most.
Edelgard was so lame this chapter.
Claude tries rubbing it in Edelgard's face that she owes him, and she threatens not to honor the debt. Like, Claude, my boy, if this person is willing to turn on you because you teased her . . . that isn't an ally you want, but whatever.
Claude is like, can we not destroy Faergus. Edelgard's like, no.
"We never spared a thought for Dimitri's motivation." Uh, how about "stop killing my people you bloodthirsty idiots." Also, not surprised. These two really are idiots. They can't fathom why Dimitri's . . . defending himself.
Claude sounds so pathetic in this chapter. He's like, sooooo desperate to be like, remember I did you a favor, Edelgard, remember! Like she gives a single shit, lamo.
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thequeenintheeast · 6 months
The Halloween (the 31st? lol) confrontation is very telling of both Dorothy and Gator. Firstly Dorothy knew after she kicked the first set of kidnappers butts they were gonna come way harder this time. Hence the haunted house set up. She was all prepped to straight up kill them this time until Gator reveled himself. Then she tried to pull her punches and flee. Which was what Roy was hoping for. Gator though was also pulling his punches from stepping in as he said if we need to deal with the husband leave the kid. Which hilarious that he faithfully calls Wayne Dotys husband not Roy ever. Even when Roy’s calls him out he just says sure.
Him being effectively tough with his own group just proved he wasn’t dumb. His father just needed to keep him small and feeling like a little boy to control him effectively. There is a big contrast with how he acts with his group of thugs vs how he acts with Bowman. Who seemingly has been Roy’s good friend for many years as Roy calls him “brother” and seems to listen to him. Something he def does not do with Oden. I’m thinking Bowman’s dad was ranch manager before Bowman and him and Roy grew up together.
It was hilarious and sad watching Gator and Doty try to have an aggressive confrontation through smoke and mirrors to avoid touching each other violently at all costs.
Unrelated nice foreshadowing when Gator pulled the cookie sheet out of oven and said God Nadine your gonna burn down the house.
This season was so well written. Apparently Noah’s mother was a therapist for domestic violence survivors and it really shows that he had a strong knowledge base to draw off of. People say the conservative nonsense will date the season. But I don’t think so it’s such an afterthought because both Lorraine and Roy just use the “conservative” agenda to further their own agendas. It’s clear neither truely believes that it’s just means to an end for them. Which is what’s it’s like for so many moderate conservatives in America right now. It’s a convenient narrative until it’s not. The character writing and acting was just so good this season. It’s so re watchable.
It’s amazing that everyone was well rounded even the “villains” of the story. Because humans aren’t born bad their experiences teach them how to survive and then they do what they think will keep them safest and “happiest”. Brain chemistry is a piece but just a small piece. Unless they are severely impaired. Which none of these characters are.
Anyway prob more to come. I’m just really into Gator/Nadine. Them being each other’s only real “friends” during the darkest times of their lives really hits me.
Lorraine def thought Scotty wasn’t Wayne’s. I’m thinking she thought Gator was Scotty’s birth father and Gator came to blackmail Doty about it. Which what all the need to be POA stuff came from. But that’s another story.
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br1ghtestlight · 8 months
my angsty bob's burgers au that's like a character study for bob and louise (specifically how they enable each other's worst traits as linda pointed out) <3
when louise is three years old, gene is five and tina is seven linda goes to pick up gene and tina from school and gets into a car accident where all three of them are killed. bob was working at the restaurant and louise was w/ him
obviously they both take it pretty hard, since bob lost two of his kids and louise lost her mom and her siblings :( bob tries to keep it together for louise & continues running the restaurant and taking care of her while struggling with grief. he doesn't want to be like his dad and emotionally shut out louise or avoid all discussion of her dead family so he really TRIES to be there for her and vunerable and talk about her siblings and mom but it's hard and louise was already not a very social kid. they end up being pretty isolated from their community and mostly keep to themselves without having any friends or family to rely on. outcast type vibes </3 very similar to norman bates and his mom in bates motel (but less incest and murder-y). but louise is DEFINITELY a daddy's girl and has a very strong connection to him (and fear of losing him)
linda's family (and especially gayle) are obviously devastated without her and don't really talk to louise or bob anymore bcuz they're just a living reminder of what they lost. gayle didn't get along super well with louise to begin with
big bob tries to be there to support bob and louise bcuz he's been where they are, but it's hard on him too, losing two of his grandkids after he already lost his wife. and without linda there to repair their relationship and keep things friendly they eventually fall out of touch w/ each other
bob doesn't really talk to people or socialize outside of the bare minimum with his customers, and louise doesn't have her older siblings to push her outside her comfort zone or anybody to look up to and emulate other than bob so she becomes a social outcast herself & the kids at her school are scared of her and think she's weird and creepy (she def leans into the personality of s1 and s2 louise a little more with the voodoo/horror type stuff. she's got serial killer vibes tbh)
louise is creepy and generally keeps to herself but she's also just mean and pushy and rude to other people. she becomes a bit of a bully esp to the weirder kids like andy and ollie without her siblings around to morally guide her and remind her to be kind. bob definitely tries his hardest but parenting and grief is Hard especially with being a single parent and there's only so much he can do..... there's a little bit of disconnect between them. so when teachers from school call bob and tell him that louise is being kinda pushy and rude to kids on the playground he's just like "well she's louise. thats how she is" and doesn't challenge her as much as he probably should esp w/ the grief and trauma in her life, he feels like he has to go easy on her and let her get away with things she otherwise wouldn't have
teddy still eats regularly at bob's burgers of course but he doesn't exactly. make conversation with bob and without linda around he doesn't feel welcomed as a friend, he's more of just a regular customer who comes around a few times a week for a burger. definitely not bob's best friend
louise was so young when linda, gene and tina died that she doesn't remember them at all by the time she's her canon age in the show. she knows she HAD siblings and she's seen pictures of them but she can't remember what they sounded like or their personalities, sometimes it freaks her out and she imagines what they would say to her if they were still around. it's just hard for her :( and especially without her relationship with linda to show her the complexity of womanhood i think she has some more internalized misogyny. a lot of mental health issues and trips to mr frond's office (which she HATES)
because linda died after louise was already in preschool she did sew louise's ears for her before she died and they're her last keepsake from her mom, so of course she wears them all the time and has an even stronger emotional attachment to them. bob's pretty good at sewing and knitting so he fixes them up for her whenever they're torn
louise got tina's bedroom (previously their shared bedroom) all to herself after they died while bob stayed in his and linda's old bedroom. gene's bedroom becomes like a weird office/storage space that they dont really use for anything they just keep some of tina and gene's old things in there like his keyboard etc. louise's closet bedroom remains a closet lmao but louise does end up with a pretty cool bedroom when she's older
louise would eventually become friends with rudy in this au because he's like the first person to show her the kindness and empathy that her siblings would have if they'd been alive, and he's not scared of her. this au would mostly be about their developing relationship and louise trying to become a more social and less.... aggresive person??
bob could probably learn something from her too. it's so hard to lose your family and losing children is the hardest thing ever but you can't stay in that grief for the rest of your life. especially when you DO have a surviving child to take care of and love as hard as that might be sometimes (he's not neglecting her or anything but neither of them really..... moved on emotionally after the accident. bob probably doesn't drive bcuz he's scared of hurting her, and he's definitely overprotective of louise because he doesnt want to lose the only person in the world he's still alive for)
probably not gonna do anything serious with this au but it's something I do think about from time to time. also on a lighter note these messages w/ @goldendoodlerlockerlove
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kurisus · 10 months
Noragami reread: Volume 11 & 12 thoughts
The next installment of pain.
Actually, volume 11 is probably the least painful one out of the whole series. It consists mainly of one-off shenanigans while setting up the following arc, and god I could read 50 more just like it (this is me psychically communicating to Adachitoka I want them to write a slice of life).
So yeah, there's a chapter about Yato's new path in life, the iconic trio + Kofuku & Daikoku go to Capyper Land, Kofuku & Daikoku's backstory, and Mayu's past. Interspersed with all that is a heavy feeling of domesticity. Some angst, but Father even says in this volume that he wants to give Yato a little break before he gets back to ruining his life. So we can pretend, for a little while, that everything is fine. This is def a comfort volume, and one I can go back to when I feel like microdosing on Noragami.
Though, of course, it is not without its foreshadowing. Of particular note is Yato and Daikoku talking about Daigo, where Daikoku tells Yato that you can't watch your kids forever--and pfft, Yukine, his kid? He knows his place. Meanwhile, Yato looks concerned. I think he's reflecting on the father-son relationship he has with Yukine, and trying to fit Daikoku's advice into that.
While treating their relationship as parental was a way of healing for both of them, there's a lot of caution about it in earlier chapters too, so of course it makes me think of the Nora arc and get sad again. Adachitoka was telling us they'd make it blow up in our faces, and we ignored it until it happened. Which I think is just the modus operandi with Noragami, tbh.
Volume 11 really is a break because as SOON as volume 12 starts, Yukine is nagging Yato for all of 1 page before trash dad decides to ruin everything again.
I think a lot about Yato's thoughts on Sakura: "Sakura likes flowers. And little frogs and stuff. She likes sunsets, too. But I can't give her one of those. When I told her that, she smiled again." He was just a little guy and he cared so much about making her smile. Even though everything about her was new and scary to him, he loved her with his whole heart. THAT BOY LOVED PEOPLE RAGHGHHGHGHHHHH
From Hiiro's line right before Sakura goes haywire, it sounds like Father knew he had another shinki all along and only punished Hiiro because she was the one within reach. He then told Hiiro to ask the other shinki about her past, resulting in the mess we got. It's his way of reminding Yato who's in control. If Sakura had liked killing people, he might have let her stay on board.
Discord reactions ft. more explosions
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jokeson-u · 1 year
obviously i want nat to be friends with the entire team (at least varsity) but realistically..... the only people i genuinely see her canonly vibing with pre crash, are van, lottie, mari, and maybe shauna sometimes. id love her and jackie to be friends but obviously that was.. not the case lol, and as much as i wish she and tai were also close, tai was like. a bitch to her thru the entire pilot so i doubt it. but anyways, i think van and lottie have the most grounds. for mari, i think shes kinda a party girl at heart and sometimes shit talks nat w the girls but she treats nat as a friend outside of that. nat thinks its fake asf but she also just figures thats the type of person mari is. shes a gossip. so nat doesnt rly care and mostly thinks mari is cool like at parties and stuff. shauna, nat thinks shes kinda pathetic but in like.. a puppy way. shes so fucking fucked over jackie and follows her around, and she never sticks up to nat with jackie, but she does when its other people. its better than what she usually gets, and shauna is ok to talk to one on one, so shes.. alright in nats book.
but with van and lottie?? lottie backing up nat, running to catch up to her after nat gets pissed, pulling tai away from nat when she was insulting her and telling her to stop, teaming up first w nat at the party (ok thats a bit of a stretch but still). basically i think theyre opposites in obvious ways but theyre both introspective and observant enough to recognize that theres relatabily between them too. i think they basically has a sort of passive friendship. they dont go out of their way to hang out one on one often, maybe naturally do sometimes, but when theyre together, team setting or not, theyre very comfortable. teasing each other and whatnot (like the bathtub scene which is canonically supposed to mirror their pre crash relationship <3). but its really just the moments in between, not a necessarily... consistent friendship? i guess? idk if this makes sense tbh. anyways now nat is sad and mad bc she thought she did kinda know lottie but didnt wanna admit it but after all the shit thats happened she feels like she doesnt know her at all and maybe never did and.. yea.
anyways w van, i got that vibe from their interactions. even after the crash. specifically tho, the gun scene. idk i was def reading into it but. something about the way that nat was habded the gun for the coin test, and everyone was hyping her up, but van looked more.. idk. not concerned, but idk. and she stood up to stand by nat, like she was making sure she was ok. and then she immediately yelled at travis when he was shaming nat. basically i get the vibe that they maybe had a sort of vague trauma sharing bond. theyre not dumb, and w the lives theyve both had they can recognize similarities in other people. prob bonded first over movies and music, hungout every now and the to trade mixtapes and vcr tapes, and then van..... van has a pretty good idea of what happened when nats dad died. prob better than most ppl. all the papers said was that he died from a self inflected wound to the head, but nats told her enough for her to know that arrogant bastard would never kill himself. she briefly thought nat killed him and they just covered it up to protect her but then she remembered who nats mom was and was like.... lol nvm. figures smthn else happened, unlike the rest of the school who jokes about how theyd kill themselves too if they had a druggie slut daughter, etc. van tells them to shut the fuck up. nyways, nat rlllly fucking pushes everyone away and shuts down for a while afterwards but van actually really understands and supports her from a distance. maybe the get a little closer again as the year goes by
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sco07ut · 2 years
bbc ghosts,,,, i love u,,,,,
ok ok so my mum n i finally finished watching ghosts and i’m completely insane so erm. rvb ghosts au
carolina is alison (funny) and wash is mike (i don’t ship carwash, in this au im imagining they’re sibs just living together bc the economy’s fucked yk how it is) they inherited the house from their estranged dad, dr leonard church and after a near death experience carolina gains the ability to see ghosts
delano house (ok . if i was going by Actual logic with the character assignments it would Technically be called gene house but i don’t think he deserves that much credit, and i’ll explain this when i get onto simmons little introductory section) is inhabited by eight main ghosts (and a plague pit of zealots in the basement but dw about those guys) from a bunch of different time periods and they all sort of hatelove each other bc none of them can leave (unless they, by some miracle, ascend) so they kind of jst endure each others’ presence
anyway, without further ado: caboose is kitty (georgian noble), simmons is thomas thorne (victorian poet), tucker is julian fawcett (modern day mp), donut is stephanie button (edwardian noble), doc is patrick butcher (1980’s scout leader), sarge as the captain (ww2 captain), grif as mary (stuart era witch trial victim), lopez as humphrey bone (tudor noble) and locus as robin (caveman)
(more in-depth character stuff under the cut !!)
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caboose as kitty! i jst think their characters align really nicely, they’re both loveable idiots who follow their best friends around. i def think carolina reminds him of church (who is annie in this au who basically ascends a few hundred years before carolina is even born) so he follows her around like a miserable little duckling. the ‘sister’ that bullied him is fuckign miller from rat’s nest
this pathetic worm is thomas !! he isn’t in love with carolina the way thomas is in love with allison, instead he sees carolina kinda like a big sister figure and always asks her for dating advice. his backstory is where things r interesting tho i think. in the show, thomas is in love with a woman called isabel, however her father is against the two of them being together, so when he attends an event where isabel is also present he wants to converse with her to make sure the two of them are still secretly an item but can’t find the opportunity to do so. his cousin, francis button, offers to deliver a letter to isabel with his feelings but backstabs him by faking the letters (saying they basically don’t love each other anymore) then tricks thomas into engaging in a duel that gets him killed (he then also denies thomas’ last request to see isabel by telling her he’s already dead). yikes. anyway. in this au, gene is francis button, and instead of simmons being in love with some woman he hears some guys slandering his own dad’s name (hargrove) and engages in a duel with them over it. the reality behind the situation, however, is that gene essentially orchestrated his death. the people he ‘heard’ talking shit abt his dad weren’t actually, gene jsut told him they were. when he then begins the duel, gene tells him it’s 20 paces when in actuality it’s only 10. once simmons is shot and requests to see his father one last time gene pretends to go do that but actually tells hargrove that simmons was dead when he got to him
okay !! so i mentioned that delano house should technically be called gene house if we were to go by the show’s lore. once francis tells isabel that thomas is dead, he then essentially woos her and marries her, moving into her home and which then becomes button house. so in the au ig it would technically be called gene house however i don’t rock w that because it would then later mean donut is called franklin delano gene which is wrong on so many levels. so instead, gene just takes the existing name of the house, delano. yk i’ve just typed all this up and realised that i’m probably the sole person in the world who actually cares about it. darn
finally moving on, tucker!
self explanatory, julian dies in the middle of shagging someone and is now doomed to spend the rest of eternity wandering round with no pants on. it’s so ridiculously in character. plus ig the whole ‘being able to interact wit the real world’ thing ties into tucker’s whole main character schtick
the lady of the house ! in life his mother, chrovos, was very insistent about marrying him off to a richer family to try make up for all their debt but all he wanted to do was become a famous fashion designer. maybe if his mother had let him follow that passion he might’ve made a brand famous enough to claw them out of debt but instead he got an early death from an adulterous husband (genkins)
pat my absolute beloved. he had taken out a group of kids (the ai) to the house’s grounds for a day of archery, however while going through the safety protocols o’malley accidentally let an arrow loose that got him straight through the neck. he then managed to traumatise the entire group by dying slowly in front of them ❤️
again another character that’s just a perfect match, sarge doesn’t have a name, the captain doesn’t have a name, they’re both obsessed with a war that’s long gone, they’re both fruity asf. not even joking, the lieutenant that the captain has a crush on is one butch flowers in this au, sarge misses him but has started to find a new object of affection in wash (despite the fact that wash cannot see, hear or interact with him at all)
burned at the stake for being a witch ! in reality he was just a man passing through the town and everyone Thought was some sort of woman who was harbouring satan in her throat or something. his long hair and curvy form Tricked them all n he paid the price. his death kinda did a number on him though, and it took a while for him to come back out of his shell (essentially after church dragged him out kicking and screaming)
the noble that managed to survive a coup only to immediately accidentally behead himself with a pair of decorative wall swords. unlike the show, lopez is the one that doesn’t speak english while his arranged wife shiela Does and planned the murder of the monarchy under his nose. he still loved her tho.
and last but not least, locus:
i definitely hc that his name was actually locust/lotus but the first few ghosts that met him kept getting it wrong until he eventually just settled on locus (in the same way robin is actually called ‘rogh’). he’s been there the longest, definitely took a Long time to warm up to other humans after being betrayed before his death (felix and sharkface, or lick and face, pushed him into what they Thought was a bear den so that they could escape but ultimately it lead to their deaths while locus managed to get away, only to be struck by lightning immediately afterwards)
i think that covers everyone who has a canon death thus far ! sorry for going a little insane over simmons
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