#like she was being well-intentioned and friendly right? so i thought me being uneasy wasn't justified... at least until the characters-
oliviablancmom · 2 months
"Enemies - Pablo Gavi (Part III)"
Pairing: Pablo Gavi x OC! character
A/N: These two decided to talk to me tonight. As I said before, it is challenging to write them, but fun. I loved writing this chapter because they begin to have realizations about each other's presence while the enemy side is screaming lol. Anyway, for obvious reasons, some game events will have to be changed for the sake of the plot. I hope you enjoy it!!"
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Florence was attentively reading the papers her grandfather had given her, marking them as he had taught her, completely focused on the task, so she didn’t hear her father entering her room. The man watched her closely and then approached, gently touching her shoulder to avoid startling her.
“What’s all this?” he asked curiously, trying to get a glimpse of the documents. Florence looked at him, finally noticing the older man’s presence, who smiled and placed a kiss on her head. Florence smiled at the gesture.
“Hi, Dad. These are just some club reports that Grandpa wanted me to review before starting college...” Florence replied with a smile, trying to ease the concern she saw in her father’s eyes. She knew that he was still uneasy about her involvement in the business, but there was nothing he could say to change her mind.
"Don't you think this is too much? By the way, I don't think we've ever talked about this directly, but are you sure this is what you want? Your grandfather can't force you to follow this path." The man said in a firmer tone, and Florence suppressed the urge to roll her eyes. The relationship between them wasn't great, and she often felt like a pawn caught between the two, a means for one to get back at the other, even if it wasn't intentional—that's how she felt.
"Of course, this is what I want. And it's not like I'm taking on anything tomorrow. I have a long way to go before I'm considered capable, and not just someone receiving an inheritance," Florence said firmly. "I'm just learning; it's no big deal." Her father let out a nasal chuckle, looking at her with pride.
"I know, but your grandfather can be quite harsh when he wants to. I...I just don't want you to push yourself too hard." He crossed his arms with concern, and Florence felt a tightness in her chest. She understood her father's worries; she never quite understood what had happened between the two of them, but they both carried wounds that were completely visible to her. Florence smiled once more, hoping to soothe her father's heart, got up from the bed, and walked over to hug him.
"You guys are being so dramatic about this. It's no big deal, and I'm fine, I promise." Florence assured him, and the man breathed a sigh of relief.
"You're right, and you can count on me. But don't tell your grandfather I said that," he added, laughing, and Florence joined in. The older man gave her one last kiss on the head and soon left the room, leaving her alone.
She understood her father's insecurities. Many of his were her own, but she also didn't want to disappoint her grandfather, who had already invested so much time and effort in her. She just wanted to make the older man proud for having seen something in her.
Gavi bitterly regretted accepting the invitation to that party. Not that he didn't like it, but he just wasn't in the mood to enjoy himself that day. So, he limited himself to sitting on the couch outside the house, fiddling with his phone.
"Wow, Gavira, you're so welcoming and friendly," said Cris, his friend, laughing as he approached the couch where the player was lying. Gavi looked up at him, shrugging, himself didn't understand his lack of enthusiasm for being there.
"You should be celebrating your call-up to the national team," Cris continued, trying to cheer him up.
"I am, internally... Who are all these people by the way?" Gavi asked, referring to the others present in the house. "I thought I was your only friend."
"Ha! Well, friends and friends who bring other friends. At this point, I have no idea who they are either," Cris said, looking around making Gavi laugh. "I'm going back inside. Please go enjoy the party, there are plenty of girls around wanting your attention.
Gavi just nodded, rolling his eyes at the last comment.
After his friend disappeared again inside the house, Gavi took a few more minutes to mentally prepare himself to muster the courage to interact with other people. He got up, heading inside the house, greeting some familiar faces, and others he had no idea who were. But despite his efforts, he was bored.
The girl incessantly talking in front of him only heightened his desire to leave, and he was seriously considering running away, especially as every two seconds he saw a phone camera pointed at him. He sighed internally, frustrated. He didn’t want to look like an idiot; his friend would kill him if he mistreated any guest.
His attention on the girl in front of him completely vanish when he noticed someone in the distance.
"This has to be a joke..." he murmured to himself, his eyes focused on the woman quickly running to the stairs. It couldn’t be; his mind was probably playing tricks on him. He blinked a few times, but the person didn’t disappear. He looked at the girl in front of him, who was watching him with confusion, trying to figure out what had caught his attention.
"Excuse me, I need to check something..." Gavi apologized and headed up the stairs.
The upstairs was silent compared to the downstairs. He walked cautiously down the hallway as if a monster could appear at any moment to attack him. And well, technically, it was a monster he was following. The door at the end of the hallway was open, and he could hear the voice coming from inside. He was sure it wasn’t a hallucination; he would recognize that damn voice anywhere—it was imprinted in his mind.
He approached slowly and leaned against the doorframe, seeing the girl on the phone, her voice tearful as she paced back and forth, completely unaware of his presence.
"But I finished everything and left it all ready..." she cried. The sight caught him off guard. Gavi swallowed, embarrassed and regretting following her. He commanded his legs to turn around, but they ignored him, preventing him from moving.
'Great,' he thought.
The girl ended the call, after many tearful agreements, hung up the phone, and threw it on the bed.
"Tough day?" Gavi said before he could even think, mentally chiding himself for drawing the girl’s attention. She turned around startled as she look at him, and Gavi wished she hadn’t, as her red, tear-streaked face caused him some discomfort, an effect he couldn’t understand and decided to ignore. Whatever the reason for her crying, she deserved it. God, if his mom or sister heard him, he’d be in trouble.
"What... Are you following me?" she asked, confusion crossing her face. As if realizing whose presence she was in, she quickly crossed her arms in front of her body and raised her chin in pride. Gavi chuckled; but at the moment no matter how much she tried to appear indifferent, he was seeing right through her.
"In your dreams, querida. You’d be the last person in the world I’d stalk. You’re not that interesting," Gavi retorted, using the same words she had used against him. God, why did every word she said stick in his mind?
"Then leave me alone," she said, irritated. Gavi laughed. What was this? Didn’t she have any words of offense for him? It was somehow disappointing.
She grunted and walked over to the bed, picking up her phone. Her firm steps headed toward the door to leave the room, but he, impulsively, blocked her way. Fury gleamed in the girl's eyes, and she hit the player’s chest, shoving him. The action caught Gavi off guard, and he immediately grabbed her arms, feeling that little shock again from the contact with her skin.
"You can curse and insult me, but you can’t handle it when it’s the other way around?" Gavi grumbled, his face inches from hers. He could see every detail of her face with precision—the bright, swollen eyes, the discreet freckles hidden under a layer of makeup he was sure she didn’t need.
"Oh, did I really hurt you, didn’t I?" And there it was, the challenge in her eyes, the arrogance, and something he couldn’t quite explain, but it shine intensely in the girl's gaze. Unconsciously, Gavi decided he would push her to her limits to see that reaction again. The tension between them was so intense it could be cut with a knife. "Let me go. I could end your career," she snarled, and Gavi couldn’t help but laugh.
"What, are you going to ask your fan friends to ramp up the insults? Nothing I can’t handle. And don’t play innocent; you started this," she narrowed her eyes.
"You have no idea..." she whispered, a victorious little smile appearing at the corner of her lips. Gavi furrowed his brows, confused. But before he could say anything, they were interrupted.
"Florence," someone called from the hallway. Gavi turned, seeing another girl watching the situation in shock. He turned back to the girl in front of him, still holding her arms.
"Florence," he whispered, realizing as if he had just put together a puzzle. He had the voice, the image, and now the name. As if she understood what he was thinking, she rolled her eyes and, with a sudden motion, pulled her arm away and shoved him out of her way. She tossed her hair over her shoulders and confidently walked towards the girl who had called her.
"Are you out of your mind?" He heard the friend whisper, looking over her shoulder at the player observing the sly interaction between the two.
"It’s nothing," the girl said in a nonchalant tone as she pulled her friend down the hallway, disappearing from his view. Gavi stood stunned, still trying to process the encounter and suddenly he couldn't wait for the next el classico.
March 20, 2022
Florence took a deep breath, soaking in the energy of the field, the stadium filling up with fans—God, she missed this so much. Since she started college and studying with her grandfather, her trips to the stadium had been drastically reduced. Now, almost all her time was devoted to her grandfather's office and the administrative sector of Ciudad Real Madrid.
She had almost forgotten the feeling of being inside a stadium. Okay, maybe she was being a bit dramatic, but it felt like years had passed since her last visit. Now, as she could no longer watch the games from the stands with the fans, being on the field with some staff was the closest she could get to the excitement she loved. Even though she had to act professionally now and couldn't shout or curse at the players, especially the rivals, so she would have to do it mentally.
And she had used that trick a lot, since the end of the last year, especially during the games of the club that shall not be named. She cursed and sent all possible negative energy, hoping to satisfy her need to do it personally, particularly regarding a certain player. She even hoped he could hear that she was still rooting against him. Even during the national team games at the end of the year, she had to resort to mental curses, as the moment she cursed the blaugrana player, she received several angry looks from the fans of the national team who had adopted him.
So as soon as she saw him entering the tunnel leading to the field, all her excitement about being back faded, replaced by irritability. And as if he knew exactly that, the moment his eyes fell on her, a mocking smile spread across his face, his eyebrows coming together in surprise and recognition.
"You know, I was sure we’d win today’s game, but now that I see you’re finally here, I’m absolutely certain," he said in a lower tone, so only she could hear.
Florence took a deep breath, trying to contain the ironic response that came to her mind, and fixed her eyes on the tablet in her hand, her fingers gripping the edge tightly.
"Nothing for me?" He insisted, and she finally looked at him, feeling her face heat up and an uncomfortable feeling near her temples, he was definitely a pain in the ass. The player’s eyes scanned her face as if he had noticed her reaction, and the smirk grew.
Florence wanted to shout and curse him, but she had to settle for an eye roll that seemed to amuse the player, who ran onto the field for warm-up. He was lucky she had to behave, or she would have used up all the curses she had been saving.
The match was a disaster for Real Madrid. Florence had to leave her position next to the club reporter on the sidelines as her fan side started to take over during the game, and now she was watching the rest in the tunnel entrance that led from the locker rooms to the field.
And she couldn’t believe it, simply couldn’t. Anger burned inside her, not just from witnessing the defeat and the embarrassing game her team was playing, but because the midfielder’s words burned in her brain. The implication that she was a good luck charm for him gave her a cold shiver and a rage that heated her face. Her mind even searched for the results of the matches she had attended and which were good for him.
The dissatisfaction in the stands grew with each passing minute of the match. Furious, some people were even leaving before the game ended—it was a disaster.
Florence huffed again as she heard the fans near the tunnel cursing each staff member who passed by, as if the blame for the defeat was on them rather than the players on the field. She understood the frustration because she shared many of the same feelings.
However, the comments began to get heavier. Looking up, she saw a group of men cursing her grandfather. She frowned, not understanding why, and they noticed her attention, laughing and commenting among themselves.
The young woman gritted her teeth. She knew the reason well enough without needing to look; she had developed a sixth sense for sensing the player before seeing him. She wondered what sin she had committed in another life to deserve such karma.
"You can’t stay here," she said without looking at him. "This could result in penalties for your club, and well, I’ll make sure that happens," she said with false confidence. Gavi laughed, a deep and genuine laugh that made Florence turn to him, their eyes meeting. She furrowed her eyebrows, her eyes scanning the player’s face, and Florence felt something strange besides irritation at him mocking her.
"I was just getting my shorts from the locker room, and I’m heading back to the bench. There’s no prohibition on that. But fine, i know that you can’t win on the field, so your team need to interfere with the referees and all other means..." he replied, looking around. Florence narrowed her eyes at him.
"That’s a serious accusation..." Florence tried to stay indifferent, turning her attention back to the field. And great, another goal. The stadium roared with boos, not at the blaugrana team but at their own. Florence watched everything, perplexed and a bit nauseous.
"See? I told you that you’d bring us luck today..." Gavi commented right next to her. Florence turned, pushing him away. He laughed. Before she could say anything, she was surprised by a cup being thrown in her direction. Florence looked up at the stands, the group of men from before had an angry look for her.
"You’re fraternizing with the enemy. That’s why we’re losing." Florence decided to ignore it, but the curses only increased.
"You’re losing because you’re awful." Florence widened her eyes at the player who was laughing at the group, and it was done. It was as if he had poked a swarm of bees. Boos, curses, drinks being thrown at them, security started approaching, noticing the escalating anger. She really was determined to ignore the situation, not even fighting with the hand pulling her into the tunnel. But when her grandfather was mentioned, it was the breaking point for her.
"Your grandfather is ruining our club," the fan yelled.
"Florentino made this club what it is,"
Florence shouted back, her blood boiling as she exchanged insults with the Madrid fan who cursed her with every possible name. Security approach to try to calm things down, especially when the fan threatened to jump from the stands. Florence heard the referee’s whistle from afar, and by the time she realized it, chaos had erupted in every corner of the stadium. When a cup hit her head, she felt arms around her waist pulling her away.
She was so immersed in her anger that she felt as if the world around her was spinning out of control. The drink thrown on her clung to her clothes, and the sensation of being completely soaked only added to her frustration. When the sound of the boos became deafening, she finally snapped out of her angry trance.
'shit...' The player’s low murmur brought her back to reality. She wriggled free from his grip and pushed him away with a force that surprised her. A member of Barcelona’s staff approached, pulling the player away. Florence then looked at the TV screen, seeing the final minutes of that disastrous match. Her phone vibrated incessantly, but she had no energy to care. The realization of her actions and their consequences began to weigh on her, and the sense of shame and regret was almost overwhelming.
"What were you thinking?" Her grandfather’s harsh voice sent shivers down her spine. It wasn’t fear—Florence had never feared her grandfather in any way—but the tone he used was that of a businessman, not her grandfather, and honestly, she didn’t feel prepared to face that version of him. "Has everyone lost their minds today?" he shouted, and Florence finally looked at him. "What were you thinking?" he repeated. "You should be setting an example. How can I trust you if when you should be working you’re talking to opposing players and fighting with our own fans?"
"I was defending myself..." Florence questioned.
"You were immature, it’s disappointing..." The older man said, and silence cut through the air. Florence could feel tears in her eyes, and she knew they were there by the quickness with which the older man averted his gaze from her face. "Your father was right. Go home, Florence, you’re done for today."
The younger woman looked at him confused. She didn’t know that the two men talked; they did their best to ignore each other whenever possible. Florence opened her mouth to question him, but the man gave no space, just walking past her with a look of disappointment. Florence watched him head to the locker rooms, but before he left, he stopped and took a good look at Gavi. If he was intimidated by the older man, he didn’t show it; his face remained impassive as he stared back at the man, while the staff member from his team was dying beside him.
Florence’s heart was beating so hard she could hear it in her ears. The look of pity from the communications head was enough to break her. She turned and walked away from the situation before anyone saw her break down.
Florence had a mix of feelings—still angry about her confrontation with the fans but anxious about the disappointed look she received from her grandfather. She understood his side, and she was genuinely dedicated and took her duties seriously, so her own reaction had been a surprise to her as well.
But then realization hit her. The reason she lost her composure in the first place was because of him... She was fine until he showed up and provoked her with his taunts. Just his presence was enough to irritate her, and if he hadn’t provoked her minutes before, she wouldn’t have exploded at the fans... And with perfect timing, Florence felt a tight grip on her arm.
"What the fuck... What’s with you constantly holding me?" Florence asked angrily, turning to face him. The action took him by surprise, but he quickly masked it with a smirking.
"In the end, it was really your club..." He said, referring to their conversation when they met at the event last year.
"As the part of ruining your career, so leave me alone," Florence felt her voice breaking, and this made tears come back to her eyes. She mentally cursed herself for breaking down right in front of the player. "This is your fault," Florence accused, shoving him.
"Mine? You asked for it, remember? Every time you insulted me..." Florence rolled her eyes but couldn’t help a small smile on her lips.
"You’re so affected by this; is it that easy to get into your head?" Florence asked with humor. "If it is, then what they say about you isn’t true..." The player furrowed his brows, and Florence caught a glimpse of confusion on his face.
"Pablo!" The Barcelona staff member called the player, looking furious. "What’s so hard about staying where you’re supposed to be?" The man asked seriously. "Come on, before you get a warning." The player didn’t even question it and just followed the older man, but not before glancing once more at Florence, his expression twisted in confusion.
A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I revised it several times, but there's always something that slips through. Ah, I needed to introduce Flo's life as an heiress because it was necessary lol. I'm excited for the next chapter. Idk if you guys understand, but when there are asterisks dividing the chapter, it automatically signifies a passage of time, days, and a change in point of view.
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kalmeria · 2 years
reading shimanami tasogare again and tasuku describing his home life at the beginning of chapter 12 came for my fucking throat
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beomeli · 3 years
That Invisible || C.BG
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Warning: none
Genre: angst, wingwoman, unrequited love, heartbreak
Non-idol!Beomgyu x fem!Reader
A quiet sigh escaped your lips. Your delicate finger slightly tapping on the wooden table impatiently. Listening intently to the loud chatting inside the warm and cozy café. The once warm coffee was now cold, the cup half empty.
Suddenly, the bell rang indicating that someone opened the door. You turned your head towards it, seeing a panting Beomgyu. His eyes scanning the entire café before seeing you, a small smile forming on his lips along with concerning eyes. quickly he made his way towards the table, taking a seat across from you.
"I am so, so sorry!" He said as he continued panting, it was obvious he was stressed. Even his red cheeks indicated it.
"Seriously, again?" You said, visibly upset by his action. You had waited for almost an hour, contemplated on leaving multiple times, but you knew you couldn't.
"I woke up late and the bus driver was so slow due to the weather-" he kept going on a long rant about his misfortunate morning.
"Next time just, give me a call.. okay?" You said, trying to calm him down. You knew he was sincerely sorry, Beomgyu has always been a very sensitive and sincere person. But the annoyance was still there, knowing that he could commit the worst crime possible, and you'll still love him.
He let out a loud sigh,
"It won't happen again, I promise" his soft, warm hand was now on top of yours, giving you a reassuring and familiar touch. His long fingers stroking yours.
You looked up at him and gave him a nod, along with a sweet smile.
"Okay.." was all that needed to be said.
Exiting the café, the two of you made your way towards your school. First period was around 30 minutes away and the walk at hand was about 20 minutes. Which gave you time to talk even more.
"Oh no, I forgot about Mr. Lim's assignment!" Beomgyu suddenly blurted out, you scoffed at his forgetful manner.
"Why are you acting like this has never happened before? You always forget assignments!" You said teasingly as you lightly pushed his shoulder.
"Ah shut up." he shot back, along with a chuckle. His smile was sweet, showing of those cute faint dimples of his. You couldn't help but stare at him, Giving him a big smile back. He was always making your heart flutter, especially when you were all alone. But it was just a mere crush, nothing that would be noticed, or answered. You knew him from the back of your hand, and you knew he never saw anything more than a friend in you. All his past relationships, crushes and girl talk proved it. And all you could do was pretend, neglecting the fact that you had strong feelings for him, and supporting him even though it tore you open. It made you mad and hurt on the inside. But you couldn't be mad at him, he was all too sweet and loving for you to be mad. You were only mad at yourself for being so stupid and idiotic. Falling for someone you had zero chance with is the definition of stupidity, and still you fell into that pit.
"Sure sure..." was all you could say as you looked into the pavement, crossing your arms.
It was quiet for a bit, comfortable silence. Since it was still considered late morning, cars and people were walking around, either to their jobs, maybe they had lunch time. But still it felt like there was only you two alone. All you could hear was your own soft heartbeat, along with his quiet hums. It was this aura that you always felt around Beomgyu. His warm and soft smiles along with his sweet demeanor. You wished to stay like this forever.
But the feeling got cut short when he started a sentence you most definitely didn't want to hear.
"By the way, you know this girl I've been talking about right?" With those words, the whole world became a loud mess, and the comfortable aura that you had created quickly turned to uneasiness. you knew that this conversation was bound to happen.
He had mentioned her before, saying how beautiful and nice she was. And when you realized who it actually was, your world fell even more. The girl he was talking about was your friend. well, kind of. And to his credit he was right. She wasn't the stereotypical mean girl, but the total opposite. Being very friendly and sincere. And as much as you hated to admit it, she perfectly reflected Beomgyu’s type. You wished you had the priveledge of hating her, wished that she was mean and unworthy. But she wasn't. She was your friend, and she was perfect for him, everything you weren't. Of course this didn't mean you exactly supported her in this situation. but you knew that you had to support Beomgyu. That's what true best friends are for.
“Yeah, what about her..?”
You pretended to sound interested, but you knew what was coming, you’d had this conversation too often.
“Aah.. this is a bit embarrassing..”
He scratched the back of his head a bit, looking down at the pavement, he was evidently embarrassed.
“Come one, what is it?”
“I know I ask you this all the time, so don’t get angry at me!”
Here it comes,
“Could you maybe help me out? You know, to get together with her?”
There you had it, at this point you weren’t even surprised. You were used to that phrase. Expecting it almost every time a conversation erupted.
“I mean I really like her so..” he trailed off, slightly swaying back and forward, anticipating your response.
You sighed, you did this towards yourself. And now you knew that there wasn’t anything to help you out if this situation.
“Sure! I’ll help you two get together..” your tone fell as each words passed, your eyes averting towards the ground, trying to avoid anymore eye contact. Beomgyu on the other hand, didn’t notice the sudden shift in behavior. His happiness occupying his mind too much.
“Thank you so much Y/N! You’re the best!” He jumped in excitement before giving you a tight hug of appreciation. His arms softly curling around your waist and his strength lifting you up lightly above the ground. If this was any other hug, you would gladly embrace yourself in his touch and gladly lean onto him. But this wasn’t like any other hug, not after you just had the worst conversation there is.
You knew that being a people-pleaser would lead to situations like these. And sadly, these situations came all too often. It seemed like Beomgyu loved finding new girls that he seemed to be “so in love with..” and then date them for a couple of months before moving on. Almost asking for help every single time. You were tired of the same pattern repeating itself everytime, and even though you were used to his begging for help, it never got easier to handle it. You've tried moving in multiple times, first boyfriends, then small dating and even hook-ups. Everything trying to fill your desires, but it never worked,
All you had in your mind was Beomgyu.
"Miss Y/L/N, I want to talk to you please." Mr Lim said as he leaned over his table slightly, signaling for you to come up to him. You watched as all the students left the classroom, before you took your books and walked towards his table.
"Yes Mr Lim.." you said, slightly shaking in your voice. You knew this was bad news, the look in his eyes said it all.
"Recently, things hasn't gone so well for you, you flunked your two past tests." He started, before placing your two latest tests onto the table. Both being marked with a big red F. It was almost cringeworthy seeing the heartbreaking results.
"You've always been our top student, what is the reasoning behind this?" He asked, his tone a bit harsh.
You thought for a moment, trying to find your words. In reality, work had been a real pain. And it didn't help that your mentality was at breaking point thanks to Beomgyu. He has been wandering your mind endlessly due to all the help you’d given him.
"I've just had a lot going on recently." You answered, knowing that the answer at hand was far from what he wanted to hear. He let out a dissatisfied sigh before leaning back against his chair.
"Well this isn't acceptable.." he looked at the papers once more before crossing his arms, it was obvious he was thinking about what to say next. And your heart quickened, fearing the worst.
"You’ll have to do better in the next test! Or else your grade will drop dramatically which I assume you would be very displeased with.”
“Study well for the next test, You may leave." Quickly you nodded before exiting the classroom in a panicked state. You were a bit relieved that he let you off the hook, but still disappointed about the fact that your grades had been dropping dramatically. You cursed yourself once more.
You tried easing of your mind as you made your way towards your locker. Students were chatting, laughing and walking around. Suddenly you felt a soft touch on you back, you turned around and there he was. The reason for your downfall.
"Hey!" As soon as you heard his voice and saw that beautiful smile you couldn't help but smile back.
"What did Mr Lim say?" He asked, leaning against the lockers next to yours. Quickly you opened your locker, taking out your books for the next class.
"To be honest, I don't know how to tell you this.." you were obviously embarrassed about your dropping grades, you've always, as Mr Lim said, been in top of your class. And these news would be the start of endless and endless teasing from not only Beomgyu, but everyone.
"Come on... tell me, tell me!" He begged as he leaned closer to you. Playfully you pushed him back giving off an sarcastic eye roll. He let out a small chuckle before continuing to bother you.
“It’s nothing.” You turned to your locker, digging out the book for your next class. As a thought came to your mind. You glanced back at Beomgyu who was still leaning onto the locker, a small pout on his lips as he was visibly dissatisfied with your answer. You hesitated a bit, but decided to go with the decision.
“Actually.. could you maybe help me study a bit?” He turned his head quickly towards you, a bit surprised by the sudden question for help.
“To the physics tests you mean?”
“Yep..” you shrugged a bit, trying to sound confident.
He hesitated a bit, not really knowing that to say. You figured he was surprised that the supposed A-student suddenly needed his help. Sure, he wasn’t doing bad at school, you just did better.
He lightly and slowly nodded his head.
“Well.. I guess I could, Friday?”
“That would be great!” You gave him a appreciated smile, which he gladly reciprocated.
“Alright, that’s settled then.”
You were happy, you’d actually get to spend more time with Beomgyu, all the while you got your homework and studying done. It was perfect. You’d look forward to Fridays more than usual.
"Alright then, well I got to go, I'll text you later!" Was all he said before he jokingly pushed your shoulder and walked off towards his classroom. A small sigh escaped your lips, and you found yourself watching Beomgyu walking away. Like many times before.
However, your smile faltered when you noticed that you weren’t the only one eyeing him. A couple of lockers away, stood the girl that Beomgyu had fallen for. Watching him walk away intently and having the same loving gaze as you. Not even hiding the smile plastered on her face as she saw his figure disappear. Clenching her books harder around her chest as if she was holding her breath, like the tiniest sound would alert him and make him turn to look at her. You’d found yourself in that situation many times before, The only difference was that, he chose to appreciate her love. Not yours.
Before you knew it, questions and approval was all you heard from Beomgyu. Him constantly asking what to say and how to charm his lover. It was weird, you’d helped him so many times before, so why couldn’t he remember the former suggestions you’d given him. It was like his mind went on a total reset each time. He wasn’t dumb... for the most part. So why did you always have to be his wingwoman? it was exhausting. It felt like your entire friendship was built up due to his love concerns, even though that wasn’t entirely true. You knew he viewed you as a good friend. But your anxiety and sadness didn’t come to an end. It felt like an endless loop. And even though you wanted to get out, even though you knew this was unhealthy and absolutely tearing you apart. You couldn’t pull yourself to leave Beomgyu. He was your precious best friend, and you loved him so much. How could you just leave him? That would hurt you more. You just couldn’t.
You were at least excited over the studying sessions he’d promised. You appreciated his help. And you were mostly excited over spending more time with him.
You sat in the library, waiting for Beomgyu to arrive anytime soon. For the 10th time that minute, you checked your phone. The time was at '08:54' so you were a bit earlier than the planned time. This was of course nothing you held against since you needed more time to prepare for his arrival.
The clocked kept ticking, eventually hitting 9:15. You figured that maybe he was just running late again, you’ve been so used to that situation. Although something in the back of your head said that it might’ve been a different case this time. But you couldn’t leave, like many times before in the cafe. You never could pull yourself to leave. You always had hope for him to arrive. ‘just 10 more minutes.’ You always thought.
After about 30 minutes more you decided to take a leave. Class was about to start and you couldn’t just sit there to wait for him. He obviously wasn’t coming. You were disappointed to say the least. But what could you really do? Quickly you whipped up your phone one last time, when suddenly a text message from Beomgyu was finally received. You smiled as a small droplet of hope was evident. He was just running late, right? Well as soon as you read his message, disappointment overcame once again.
'Hey Y/N, ik it's pretty late but I'm going to have to cancel. I forgot to tell you that I planned to have breakfast with Suejin today! I'm sorry hope you haven't waited for too long, I promise I'll make it up to you!'
Your expectations were shattered, his promise was broken. And you were sad and angry at him for being so ignorant towards you. Why make a promise if you can’t keep it? You always helped him out when he needed it, but he couldn’t do the same. You felt so pathetic standing there alone and waiting for someone that never even intended to come. It was humiliating.
A part of you knew something like this would happen. You knew he didn’t prioritize you like you did to him. You were just a friend. Sure he cared about you to a certain extent, but never like he did to those girls. He knew that no matter what he did, you’d never leave him. Always fall into the same pattern of being used. You were angry to say the least, both at him, but mostly yourself. Because it was true, you would always go back to him no matter what he did. You knew that there was no end to it. You’d gotten so many signs to just leave him, to search for new friends. Every time you think ‘this is the day’.., the same thing always happen. You see those beautiful eyes and smile and you just fall right back.
This is pathetic.
Flopping onto your bed with a tired sigh, you turned towards the clock.
"It's almost midnight, dammit.." you said to yourself as you turned your head back towards the ceiling. 
Your boss had decided that today was a good day for you to overwork, and overwork you did. Supposedly, some rich costumers at the fancy bar you were working at was dining and being chatty, which led to you staying there 2 hours longer than usual, having to serve them and handling the bar. This eventually led to you missing the train, having to walk home a 1 hour walk. Finally arriving home at around 11:30 PM, which in hindsight wasn't that bad, but still you wanted to catch up on homework due to Mr. Lim's threatening talk earlier. Figuring that doing your homework no longer were and option, you tiredly moped towards your shower and thus you're now laying on your bed absolutely exhausted.
Fortunately for today though, it was a Saturday. Meaning that tomorrow you didn't have to worry about not getting enough sleep. You smiled at yourself as you laid comfortably in your warm and soft bed.
"I wonder if Beomgyu is already asleep.." you whispered to yourself, your mind wandering off. Imagining Beomgyu sleeping peacefully in his big, fancy bed. Him being all calm and cute. Probably wearing a pajamas and snuggling with a pillow like he always does.
You chuckled a bit to yourself as that image came to your head. After all this time, he still came to your mind, and you couldn’t help but have a sweet imagery of him even though he hurt you repeatedly. you’re still so awestruck by him, what did it have to take to just forget about him for once.
Your mind was brought back to reality when your phone suddenly started ringing, you checked the name on the screen.
“I guess he’s still awake..” you shrugged before answering,
“Hi” his voice sounded a bit tired, a hint of grogginess, like he’s being trying to sleep but couldn’t.
“Were you sleeping?” He hesitated on his words, like he knew you were angry at him, but you didn’t dismiss him too quickly.
“Nope, I just got home from work.”
“Okay good, so I actually called to apologize.” You lifted an eyebrow at that, which you knew he wasn’t able to see.
“Oh, why?”
He paused for a bit, trying to find the right words.
“Well.. I felt really bad for leading you on with the studying and bailing on you like that. I knew you needed my help and I promised..” he sounded so genuine and precious. Your heart melted.
“So, I’m sorry for what I did.. I understand if you’re mad at me, but I get it. I just wanted to at least apologize.”
“It’s fine, I’m not mad at you or anything.. I was disappointed sure, but it’s whatever.” You couldn’t be mad at him, it was pathetic to say the least. You felt stupid, but you just loved him too much. It was actually ridiculous, that much you knew.
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure.. it’s okay. Don’t worry.” You softened your tone, trying to sound genuine, which made him sigh in relief.
“Thank you.. You’re so sweet, you know that..” that was surprisingly flattering, Beomgyu has given you compliments before but, you still became surprised at his sudden sweet words. You couldn’t hold yourself from smiling at his words.
It was quiet for a bit, and slight shuffling could be heard from his end, but soon enough he spoke up again.
“So.. I have to tell you something.” He started, sounding very excited over what to say next.
“Sure, what is it?” You answered, smiling over the phone.
“Okay so.. Suejin actually broke up with me.” Your eyes widened at that, they broke up already? That was the shortest relationship Beomgyu has ever had, maybe he had finally realized... that..
“What? Oh- I’m so sorry.” Obviously you really weren’t sorry, instead you were happy that the conversation was through the phone because you knew you couldn’t hide the smile plastered on your face. But he didn’t need to know that.
“Well, it’s okay because the same day I got a message from Soo-ah and she asked me if I wanted to go to the movies with her!” Your smile faltered as soon as he said those words. What did you expect? That he’d confess? You felt embarrassed for even thinking that.
“Oh...” you couldn’t even hide your disappointment anymore, and you were sure that Beomgyu noticed. But he didn’t care.
Instead he continued,
“So, I told her yes! I was actually a bit sad over Suejin but Soo-ah is so much more pretty and funnier!” You could hear him chuckle a bit over the phone, you on the other hand held in your tears.
“Yeah, you’re totally right.” You tried sounding enthusiastic and happy for him, but as each words passed it ended in a flat tone and a quiet sigh.
“Since we’re going to the movies, do you have any tips on what i should wear and how to make a move?” As said, you never felt surprised anymore when he asked for your help. You had just accepted that that’s all you’re good for. You were nothing but his wingwoman.
As you looked down onto your phone, a droplet lightly hit the screen. Giving off a small sound of impact. Before you knew it, one more hit the phone again. And then one more. You felt your cheeks heat up as tears continuously fell down. Forming a streak that wouldn’t end anytime soon. Tiny sobbing escaped your lips as you tried holding yourself back, you didn’t want him to hear.
You were so disappointed at yourself for falling into the same cycle again. But you knew that leaving Beomgyu was not an option, you loved him too much. Whether you liked it or not. In the end, you just had to accept that your feelings for him would never get reciprocated, that his oblivious matter would stay the same. You were just a friend to him, nothing more, nothing less.
You were just that invisible.
Hellooo! Em here, hope you liked this ff haha. God I write sooo much angst and unrequited love this is embarrassing :,)
I actually rewrote this like 3 times, since it’s my first request I figured that I would try to make it reach the person in questions expectations. I hope I did haha.
Also I were suppose to post Yeonjun first but I finished this one quicker.
Sorry for taking so long, senior year is harder than I thought.
I’ll see you later, bye🥰
This work belongs to @Beomeli on tumblr. Please do not trace or copy my work ©
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ofloveandaether · 4 years
The Unseen Threats
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It was always a bit jarring stepping foot into Castrum Oriens from the serene greenery of the Twelveswood. The rigid and unyielding metal constructs seemed so out of place;about as out of place as many thought of the female midlander and her carbuncle out in the fringes of civilization. Clutching her satchel strap, Alysia was rather oblivious of any of the skeptical looks from the denizens of the outpost. In her mind, she had all the appropriate travel papers to move freely over the border. The fact that she was alone and could be easily perceived as delicate by her appearance alone was nothing she even considered. 
In truth, her thoughts still lingered on her bristled pride after her encounter earlier in the day with Mattisaux. Though she no longer muttered unlady-like curses under her breath, Alysia was still distracted by the turbulent direction that their conversation had turned. His unpredictability always made her equal parts intrigued and uneasy. If he had not aided, and in turn saved her, in Ala Ghanna, the Hyur may have just dismissed the Elezen as a disgruntled prat. Instead, she now had unwittingly let him get under her skin. Regardless, she had succeeded in her endeavor in Gridania of finding accurate and recent mapping of the more rugged outreaches of the Peaks during the occupation. The cartographer had been most helpful and with this new information, the likelihood that she would find the hidden Garlean testing facility where that chimera must have come from had increased exponentially. All that mattered now was finding someone willing to act as a guide; a local perhaps. Pity that Mattisaux had not been more accommodating or interested in helping her. As annoying as he could be, he was a capable fighter. With such thoughts, Alysia went to the canteen hoping to find a quiet place to rest. Her feet were sore and a good cup of tea would help gather her constitution. Soldiers in the colors of the City States mingled with other adventurers. She did her best to keep from underfoot, side stepping out of the paths of the more grizzled and intimidating of the lot. It was only by chance that she noticed a familiar face amongst the crowd. 
It wasn’t that the man was well known to her. They had only really passed a handful of sentences between each other during her time in Ala Ghanna. What made him so memorable was how heavily scarred the highlander’s face was. A survivor of Garlean atrocities. His story had pulled on Alysia’s heartstrings. All the pain he’d endured and the loss of his family. It was hard not to pity the young man. He stood aloof in the main thoroughfare, cowl pulled up to dissuade any gawking from others. The way he kept looking about, it seemed as if he was searching for someone amongst the crowd. It was strange, considering that he had a reputation for being withdrawn but Alysia always took gossip with a grain of salt. “Gregoire?” She called out as she approached.
The highlander seemed startled at the sound of his name spoken, jumping somewhat as he tried to lay eyes on its origins. With a beaming grin, Alysia came to stand in front of the man. “You are a long way from home! What are you doing here?” She asked curiously in the hopes of striking up a conversation. Gregoire nervously tugged at the front of his hood for a moment, turning his head ever so slightly so his scarring wasn’t so visible. “Ahh...yes. Um...Miss Fairwind wasn’t it? The elders sent me to look for you. They said you’d be coming back soon after you went to Gridania.” he stammered anxiously. Alysia cocked her head to the side in curiosity, having not anticipated such concern from the citizens. Yes, she’d been one of the few to help them with their prior plight but had told few of her brief absence. Though the fact that he was clearly self conscious made the young woman realize that questioning the man might only cause him more discomfort. “That is quite kind of them. Did they want you to escort me? I intended to go through Rhalgr’s on one of the caravans.” She replied, taking great effort to be as warm and friendly as possible. Gregoire cleared his throat and took a quick glance around. His eyes momentarily fell upon the carbuncle who lumbered around behind the redhead before returning his gaze to her. “Yeah, something like that. They wanted me to bring you back as soon as possible.” This stoked Alysia’s interest, eyes going wide with concern. “As soon as possible? Was there another attack on the village? More sightings of creatures?” Her worst fears seemed to be coming true. When she had seen the transmitter implanted into the neck of the chimera, it had left the impression that the ordeal was far from over. The look of alarm was blatant on her features. “Aye. Another one of the beasts.” His words seemed rather flat, lacking the urgency that she felt in the tight knot of her stomach. “They said that you were the only one they trusted after you helped with the last one. I know shortcuts up through the mountains that will get us there faster. If we hurry, we can make considerable time and bypass the Reach entirely.” Though that cup of tea still would have been much preferred, Alysia knew the right thing would be to make all due haste back to the village. The sooner they found their way back, the sooner she might be able to find a way to stop this nightmare. With a heavy sigh, the hyur nodded in agreement. “It’s not ideal but I agree. If you say you know your way, I believe you…”
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It had been hours since they had left the Castrum when Gregoire finally diverted off the main road. The sun was starting to fall behind the jagged horizon, casting the arid surroundings in vivid pinks and oranges. It might have been considered beautiful had the ominous tension not nagged at the back of Aly’s thoughts. Her escort had not been particularly chatty, despite her best efforts to engage him. The highlander seemed intent to keep a rigorous pace, most likely to cover as much ground before evening settled in. “How much farther do you think?” She inquired with an exhausted sigh. The terrain had become much more rugged now that they were navigating along game trails and smuggler paths. Stopping for a brief moment, the redhead brushed off the travel dust from her skirt hem. 
Gregoire cast a glance over his shoulder, his lip curled up slightly in exasperation. “If you need to rest, just say so.” He said rather curtley. The sudden sharpness of his response made Alysia purse her lips in concern. “I’m sorry. That’s not what I…” She tried to explain as the man rounded abruptly to face her. “Sorry for what? Meddling in matters that aren’t your concern?” He spat down at her. “If you had just kept your nose out of it all, it wouldn’t have had to come to this…” Alysia opened her mouth to respond but said nothing as she saw two imposing shadows rise from behind nearby crags. Towering monstrosities of muscle and sinew, it was impossible not to notice the Allagan hand in it’s creation. Glowing eyes of malice glared down the length of canine snouts and jutting horns like that of an aldgoat framed its face. In it’s elongated hands gripped savage looking axes that were as frightening as it’s wielders. The realization hit Alysia hard. “The Chimera...it was you?!” She blurted loudly despite the tumultuous position she found herself in. Gregoire reached back and pulled off his cowl, exposing the intricate circuitry that had been implanted behind his ear and around his neck. “Aye, me. You had to get in the way of my revenge. You and that bastard Elezen you were with. You clueless do-gooders have no idea what you even are doing. You came and inadvertently protected all those Carnia Lupi bastards that thought that they could just pretend that they didn’t do horrible things to us for the Garleans!” He shouted at her as she slowly tried to back away from the trio. Carbuncle’s hackles bristled as it growled but seemed a trifle threat compared to the Shabti flanking Gregoire.  “Those bastards killed innocent people and shouldn’t get to live with their sins. I intend to see vengeance done!” “Wait…” Alysia said, hands up in the hopes of trying to calm the man before he did anything rash. “It doesn’t have to be this way. Please,I promise if you just stop we can talk…” “TALK!?” He interrupted loudly. “The time for talk is over. You know too much now. I hate to have to kill you. Under other circumstances, I might have liked you.” A wicked smile said more than any of his words. He would gladly kill her and enjoy it, as well. “People will come for me!” She declared, keeping a keen eye upon the monsters at his command. “This won’t accomplish anything.” Gregoire only snickered at her assertion as his hand reached up to toggle a switch on his magitek implant. The two shabti simultaneously turned their attention upon the lone Midlander, slowly beginning their advancement.
“That might be so. Hopefully your Elezen companion will come and I can kill two birds with one stone! Take her. She might be of some use, afterall..” He barked loudly, causing Alysia’s heart to plummet into her stomach. There was no reasoning with the man. All she could do was do her best to try and escape. Turning on hard on her heel, Alysia bolted into a dead sprint along the rugged path they had ascended. She could hear the guttural growls of the lupine constructs confronted by her summons. Only the briefest glances over her shoulder saw the glint of waning sunlight on their weapons as they came down on the ephemeral carbuncle. The sharp pain in her chest as the dual attack snuffed out it’s life made Alysia cry out even though she knew that as long as the emerald was safely intact within her pocket, it wasn't’ truly dead. Narrowly dodging rocks and exposed roots, it was all too evident that she would never outrun the creatures at Gregoire’s command. She reached into her pocket with frantic panic and pulled out the small pearl. Pressing it’s activation trigger for general broadcast, she practically shouted into the device. “Anyone in the general vicinity northeast of the Velodyna River, I require immediate assistance! I repeat! My name is Alysia Fairwi….” Her message was cut short as her divided attention caused her to trip and fall hard to the ground. The linkshell dropped, lost amongst the dirt and scraggly weeds. She tried to scramble to her feet, struggling to get them beneath her as her heart hammered in her chest. The lumbering forms lingered in her peripherals and she could sense their malicious intent. One grabbed at her leg, halting her retreat as it dragged her back several feet. Her fingernails dug into the ground, leaving long trails in their wake. The sound of her screams echoed off the rock edifices but it was unlikely anyone would ever hear them. Her bag fell off her shoulder, leaving her belongings strewn about as she was lifted up like some ragdoll. Hot, rancid breath washed over her as she was brought up to be sniffed and examined by the Shabti. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she tried to concentrate hard enough to cast anything that might save her but all her attempts fizzled as her grimoire lay discarded beneath her. So many doubts and regrets flooded her thoughts, considering she imagined this was the precipice of her death. Even the thought that she would soon be reunited with her parents brought her little comfort. The Shabti swung it’s arm and her in tow and with a simple flick, it slammed her frail form hard against the earth. The pain of the impact was too much for her to bear, as darkness enveloped her senses and her body went limp. Gregoire watched on from his vantage point, his scars no longer the ugliest part of his feature. The joy in his eyes as he watched his Allagan servants incapacitate the Midlander was all too apparent. “Bring her back to the lab. She will be our guest and leverage if it comes to it. If not, I’ll let her be your ‘plaything’ as a reward.” He chuckled, as if those that served him were some sick semblance of pets. @the-baschet​ for mentions
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onceuponmmy · 5 years
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Everyone assumed that I was a mute.
It wasn't necessarily their fault, because no one had actually heard me speak.
It wasn't a choice on my behalf, but a decree my father had made as far back as I can remember.
Never speak to anyone that I do not approve of.
Which was everyone that I had ever laid eyes on.
So I chose never to speak to anyone for as long as my father lived.
But then it wasn't really up to me
The Angkor Festival had arrived, and the small town of Battambang were flooded with tourists from every country you could think of.
My father was right there to welcome them all with warm smiles and friendly greetings.
Not only was he hoping to bring in more money for the economy, but the Democratic Party that he was apart of had other plans brewing for bigger and more ambitious things.
Usually he didn't like to include me in anything political, but today was different.
Instead of being escorted straight home by my own personal guardian assigned to me, one of his bodyguards arrived to take me directly to his place of work.
Not only was it out of character, but I had a very strong sense that something was wrong.
As we came closer to my father's office, I could see a limo parked elegantly in the section reserved for VIP's only.
Only the very wealthy people could afford to ride in a limo here in Cambodia.
"We have arrived, Miss Kanya." It took me a moment to realise the car had stopped and the driver had already opened my door for me.
I nodded my gratitude before sliding gracefully out of the backseat, gazing wearily at the building standing before me.
I had never once shown an interest in my father's occupation, even as a child I had seen what poilticians were capable of.
My father was no different, but our culture just made it look like it was the Englishman's idea.
As I walked in and waited at the front desk, I caught sight of a foreigner sitting arrogantly in my father's office.
He was a very brooding man with dark short hair, his eyes a piercing ice blue as he looked intently at someone out of my view.
The suit he wore was nothing like the suits the businessman around here wore, it wasn't generic and definitely made him stand out from a crowd.
The man screamed money.
"Your father is expecting you." My fathers' secretary ushered me to his box of an office, her pencil skirt restricting her strides to small steps.
As I walked through the door, I could feel eyes on me immediately burning a hole in the side of my face. I kept my gaze averted low, looking quickly to my father.
"Kanya, I would like you to meet a work associate of mine." My father indicated the man that was now towering over me, having taken the chance to stand upon my entrance.
"Say hello to Mr James Strickland."
Never given this opportunity before, I pressed my palms together and slightly bowed my head.
"Welcome to Battambang, Cambodia Mr. Strickland." I recited politely, looking at him expectantly. My mother had only wanted me to know my native tongue, but my father made sure that I knew as many languages as I could learn. Especially English.
Using the language still felt quite foreign to me, but what my father said was final.
"James is fine." The foreign man's voice was deep but soft, polite yet commanding.
"Mr. Strickland has come to Battambang to propose a business venture that we can install here as a part of a tourist attraction."
Like we didn't have enough tourist attractions already.
I thought to myself, not quite meeting my father's enthusiasm.
But then I saw another kind of glitter in his eye. One that made the uneasy feeling from before come back in full force.
Something was very wrong.
"What kind of tourist attraction, father?" I dared ask, still aware that we had company. But then, my father wouldn't have brought me here if he didn't want my input. What kind? I wasn't too sure.
"We are hoping to open A Cambodian Experience Massage Parlour. And we were thinking of making you the face of it." My father grinned excitedly, rubbing his hands together in glee.
My face went white, and I couldn't help but look to him pleadingly.
"You cannot be serious father." I spoke to him in our native tongue, almost desperate.
He nodded his head curtly, no argument, no wiggle room.
"I think you've scared the poor girl." Our foreign visitor murmured, a very thoughtful look on his face. That was one thing we were both in agreement on.
"Nonsense." My father huffed. "She is my daughter." As if that answered everything.
"That may be the case, but I still need to work out a few things."
"Well my daughter will be working a lot closer with you from now on."
It was then that I realized what I was really doing there. Why my father had now allowed me to speak to this particular person.
The blood drained from my face again.
With a smile, he reached for my hand, and placed it in to that of Mr. Stricklands.
"Now I will let you two get well acquainted while I tend to some other business."
And with that, he was gone, leaving me alone with my soon to be business partner.
"Well I think you know what your father was implying in our partnership."
His manner only made the situation worse.
"I believe my father is whoring me out to you." I stated softly, shock settling over me.
"Not whoring, Kanya. Your father has offered you up as my bride to be...."
Words escaped me.
#story #writer #writing
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