#vol3 is really good actually
soupsandwich64 · 1 year
Forgive me for any mistakes of lore, names or character traits etc.. I am bad at remembering things.
Not proof read.
And theres things like least favorite, too.
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(What is most effective towards him)
(Particularly prosthetic limbs)
Think like co-playing. Both in the same room doing different things. Sometimes talking
This one is probably pretty intense for him, so he only lets it actually sink in if it's a short sentiment from someone he truly cares about. Like, a friend being like "wow you're so cool!" Would definitely make him feel good, and probably inflate his ego/self esteem, but wouldn't really set in. But if like, Peter or Mantis etc. said something like "I appreciate everything you do for this team, we love you" that might actually hit hard. That's what I mean when I put words of affirmation here
(What he would give you or others)
These two are his most standard forms of affection. He also gives them like he receives them. So, if someone he's friends with is a silent type, comfortable silence in the same room. If they're talkative, some light chatting is ok, and so on. Words of affirmation from him would most likely just be surface level stuff like "Good job" "You're not as dumb as I thought" "that's a neat trick" etc. sort of a friendly bullying. How people respond to that bullying tells him a lot about someone, usually. Just like with himself, if he's particularly close to someone, he may let out the occasional genuine praise without a layer of sarcasm.
Physical touch.
Yeah, ouch, I know.
Not only is he smaller than everyone, which might make physical touch overwhelming, but he also has the situation on his back. But deep down, I think he's a bit touch starved (Everyone in the dang MCU is at this point) and secretly enjoys it. You just can't be heavy handed, and he really has to trust you. And too much too frequently may make him feel like a pet. So be careful.
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(theres no way he would admit though, If asked about it he would simply say "Cause I don't want you gross sweaty skin bags all over me", referring to most peoples lack of fur)
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(Theres like only 4 gifs of him. Why does my boy not deserve tasty gifs)
With Peter it heavily depends on where you are in his timeline. The "golden age" Peter, where Gamora is alive and in love, and its good times for everyone, is probably not focused on relationships outside of the team (which might be part of his issues that were addressed in Vol 3.) The "everyone I love is dead" peter is in an extreme depressive state and obviously isn't going to be making new friends or even be responsive to his current friends (for the most part). The post Vol3 "Reconciled with my dad and stopped hopping on lily pads" Peter is new man! But also the same, being like a rebuilt version of himself. He would now, in my opinion, value every relationship he has. Every opportunity he has to be with other people becomes valuable, and everything he does is to honor the people who loved him when no one else did (Mama Quill, Yondu, Gamora etc.) and serve the people who love him now and kept loving him even through hard times. (Rocket, Mantis, Drax, Groot etc.).
With that said,
I see Peter feeling loved more through actions and physical items because of what he's been through, making him crave things that are solid and real. Also Yondu was a lil trinket collector so that may turn up in Peter too. But, I also think Peter may feel a little guilty when receiving gifts. Very grateful, though.
I will also add
Because even despite what I just said, I think a solid "You're so strong, I look up to you" every now then would make him giggle and kick his feet a little internally.
And listening to music together or sharing music is also particularly special
At the end of the day, he's just happy to be around loved ones.
Just as you may be doing right now, he would probably try and figure out what the specific person likes. So his giving just depends on the person.
He doesn't really have one. He just wants to be loved.
(The destroyer (and protector))
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Drax is probably receptive to most forms of affection, but it has to be obvious and clearcut.
Like, doing subtle things in the background might not get his attention, but hugging him directly and saying something like "I appreciate you as a person and for everything you do for the team" would be a lot better, and mean a lot more to him, even though its a very bold/blunt move. Theres probably a balance between blunt and subtle, but it would be pretty easy to strike. You also don't want to leave room for interpretation if you're afraid of him misinterpreting the difference between platonic and romantic affection. Its a slippery slope, but as long as you avoid using the word 'love' without platonic clarification too many times, you'll be good.
Also Drax does does not make friends in the traditional sense, he simply decides who is and who is not his friend. Whether they know about it or not. Not even in a way thats like cold and calculated or something, he just thinks it in his own head and decides it, expecting the others to simply Know.
With that said,
I say this is probably both receiving and giving, but he's probably less likely to give and more open to receive. I feel like he would just kinda stand there the first few times someone hugged him, but if it became a routine thing, he would become more reciprocal. That might sound like he doesn't like physical touch, but I think its rather the fact that along with his other social skills, physical affection just turns out.. different.. for him. Like when he pet Rocket. I think he's a physical person, it just comes out weird. I want to hug him. If you touch his muscles too much he may get weirded out, or think you like him.
If you give him something he likes, like zarg-nuts, oh boy. He will DEFINITELY like you. Thats all to be said.
Things like "You're ugly, but thats good because then you know who really loves you", y'know.
Will offer you zarg-nuts. Thats a big deal.
Probably Quality Time, but only if its boring. I think he actually sees things like fighting alongside the team as quality time, so it might just be different than how we would interpret quality time.
Again, he probably is just generally receptive to each language so you can't really go wrong, as long as you come across right.
GAMORA (pre and post)
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(There's also not a lot of gifs of her at all)
So, much like quill, she has three versions. During Thanos, Golden Age, and Multiverse. I'll do Golden Age and Multiverse because I don't think During Thanos is interesting, at least not for this specific post.
Also golden age and multiverse are technically two different people.
Golden age Gamora is, in my opinion, a very deeply feeling woman. She can be stone cold when she needs to, but I feel like she is very emotionally intelligent especially as she gets closer with the team. She is also very loving, and is often 'the rock' of a friendship. Or just generally the level headed, down to earth one.
Definitely finds spending time together and talking valuable. Even listening to music together is special.
As long as the words are honest and not trying to just flatter her or try and get in good with her, she appreciates it. Honest praise goes a long way. Too much too often may make her embarrassed.
Since she *is* rather emotionally intelligent, I imagine she would figure out what that person is most receptive to, and display that. But if it's someone she likes, like Peter, she may get bashful and have a hard time acting natural with it and would probably revert to her own preferred language.
I imagine her upbringing caused her to not be a materialistic person. That said, gifts can be extremely special to her, but its just rare. So giving her flowers doesn't do anything but like if Peter gave her a mixtape, thats different.
A more hot headed, less sensitive version of golden age. Meaning she's probably more standoffish and less emotionally intelligent, but not by a lot, just sort of by the trimmings and details of her personality. Being with the ravagers probably does that to most anyone. Golden age has more motherly vibes, while multiverse has more protective older sister vibes.
In the form of rough housing and play fighting with her ravager friends. Not exactly in a tender way, although I do see sort of the "let me patch you up" angst. One of the differences between the two is that multiverse is more afraid to be vulnerable.
Surprisingly. I think the ravager life style may make her a little more appreciative of having her own things. I imagine theres a lot of competitiveness for special food and special items, even if its playful. Even though something unnecessary like flowers may not excite her, things like a newer, stronger weapon could mean a lot. Golden Age may not feel the exact same only because it's probably more accessible. But lets say if its something Rocket made her, then it would be inherently valuable because its from her friend. With multiverse, things gain inherent value when they're useful.
She doesn't need you to tell her she's doing a good job, she already knows. Compliments are only effective from people she respects above peer-level, which is rare. Joking around with her friends (loving insults, etc) is different though.
GROOT (multiple ages)
(I couldn't find gifs of young adult groot, only many of baby groot and a few of groot senior. Sad)
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Baby Groot, Teen Groot, Young Adult Groot, Adult Groot, Groot Senior. So many choices. I'll do them ALL. (Except adult groot cause we just saw him for a few minutes so like- yknow)
Since Groot sr. was treated "more as animal" than a person, I imagine he doesn't have a concept of love language at all. Therefor, I will say that anything he perceives as loving, caring and protective action is his love language both giving and receiving. R.I.P. legend you will not be forgotten 🪽🕊️🕊️ 🙏 💯
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The original baby boy. I'm still sad.
He's a baby, so in theme for babies, attention, physical affection, and quality time are pretty much his main priorities. He ain't got much going on. Older baby groot, like toddler groot, is more active and perceptive, so I'd say his main receiving language is words of affirmation, and his main giving language is acts of service.
Teen groot is broody and angsty, and he's definitely not thinking about other's feelings. So I'm gonna say while it's rare, when he does show affection, it's act of service. Receiving is pretty much anything, he doesn't really care right now.
At least not about the specifics.
Now, groot is much more loving and affectionate. He is receptive to all love languages, and gives them all too. Except, theres not much use in words of affirmation for him unless he really loves the person.
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Anything. As long as she can clearly tell it's love/affection, it's effective. Like Peter, she just wants to be loved.
Being able to verbally explain how she feels to someone, and how she may appreciate that person, is the most confident option for her. She thinks that it's pretty effective, and is the safest option. She probably also never got a lot of affection at all before the Guardians, but I think she appreciates mental and social affection more than physical.
Doesn't have one.
(Last one I'm doing this post then I'll do a few more in a second post)
Like board games and stuff, or at least thats what I think she wants, deep down. I feel like maybe she doesn't realize this is one of her love languages. Like it's subconscious.
With her upbringing, she only had things taken away. Giving her something of importance may mean a lot to her. Like her new arm in Vol3. Again since shes still a little emotionally constipated, she may not really realize this.
She doesn't really understand how to sort of actively pursue a friendship or how to read someones love language, so her giving language is probably just existing in the same space as someone without criticizing them. Because she doesn't quite know how to do more than that, or at least isn't comfortable right now. But she wants to and deep down she's trying.
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I'll do like Adam Warlock and stuff next.
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magicalyaku · 1 year
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Hey there! I'm back from writing paradise. I admit I might have gotten a little obsessed but that was just because writing is so easy and fun while everything else is always hard. u3u But I basically finished my novel so I have no excuses anymore not to get back into real life. Here's what I read in May! Pretty good month! uAu
Keeper of the Lost Cities 3: Everblaze (Shannon Messenger): The first one in the series I read instead of listening. Was a good choice because I think I missed quite a bit of the first volumes. 8D Also, it's so long. I don't think, me being me, that I would have made it though the audiobook. Don't get me wrong, I like the story. I have a tremendous respect at how it is written, keeping all the plotpoints together, presenting the puzzle pieces little by little, managing the huge cast of people. When I complain next time about a Middle Grade book being too simple and too shallow than this is the kind of book I'm comparing it to. My one problem in this volume was, how the tension never lets down. It's so wound tight all the time, everything is always on the edge of collapsing, including Sophie. It was a little exhausting for me. So I was very glad, there were at least some answers near the end.
The Scottish Boy (Alex de Campi): I went to Scotland at the beginning of May to visit my friend, so what better book to read than this. And what a book. It's the kind of story, where so much happens in the relationship of the protagonists that right after it ends you want to go back to the beginning and read all their first interactions all over again. Hng. It's great. Also Alys, my queen. When she first appeared I was so afraid she'd turn out evil. Because court intrigues and stuff. The ending of this book is all my heart desires. I don't actually like war stories, you know. But after In Memoriam and now this, they sure make good love stories. The drama of for once not knowing where it all goes? Who lives and who doesn't? Damn. I really enjoyed reading this book. The illustrations by Trungles are also verrry nice. uAub
Captive Prince (C.S. Pacat): This was a reread and I read the other two volumes in June, so my thoughts on the series will go there. :)
Wraith, Entity & Presence (Oracle of Senders 3,4 + 3.5) (Mere Joyce): It's so hard to tell my feelings for this series. There's a lot of death and murder, there's choking and burning and failed exorcism and so much danger of death and still it was just so pleasant to read, so charming and nice and laid-back. It's so weird. 8D I liked the cast of characters and the adventure and Cal's and Meander's relationship (the complete lack of gay panic and homophobic surroundings), the classical music references (even though I never looked up a single one). I wish there was a sequel with Cal and Meander as adults. I mean, I realise, it would be difficult to do in a classic novel format because the ghost cases just aren't big enough to last a whole book, but imagine it like a half-hour show oder manga series with a ghost of the week for half the chapter and their happy slice of life for the rest. Hah. Good series.
The Hanged Man & The Hourglass Throne (The Tarot Sequence 2+3) (K.D. Edwards): I didn't think about it while reading but in retrospective this series fits into what I categorise as "wild". There's so much shit happening here. Big and bold. At the end of volume 1 I was still undecided of I like it enough to buy it on paper. These doubts were washed away with the sequels. It's an investment in the beginning, getting into the world and all, but I found it totally worth it. That one big drama at the end of vol3? Yes, totally got me. Like right from the textbook. Make me care, rip me apart. Damn.
The Buried and the Bound (Rochelle Hassan): If someone asked me in a survey about what I want to read and then actually went and made it into a book, this might be the result. This contains only things I like: two suffering (gay) boys, one tough girl (not involved in any romance), which is the best constellation of characters, really. Some magic, some adventure, some drama, different storythreads that weave nicely together in the end. I enjoyed reading it a whole lot and am looking forward to the sequels!
Ander & Santi were here (Jonny Garza Villa): Now this one was difficult. I think it's a good book, I wanted to like it, but. Hear me out. For me, this is split in three parts. The first one is about the illegal immigrants. See, for as long as I remember my dad worked in a … what's it called in English … an housing complex for refugees? Not a camp, but like a dorm. And while illegals and refugees are still a step apart, they're at least somehow adjacent. I lived basically next to them half my life and never cared. When in 2015 there was a huge wave of refugees coming to my country and everyone was freaking out, I just thought "Great, that means my dad will keep his job" (because the dorm was always on the verge of closing down and it would probably been tough for my dad as one of very few black people in a kind of racist small town to find a new job.) So anyway, I thought it was a good thing to finally read an actual story about people in these situations, to learn how to care. So that part was good and insightful. The second part was about the art. I draw manga only, but I do consider myself an artist and I was around when manga became big in my country and the art schools hated it and made us suffer. I have thoughts on art. And I really enjoyed reading about Ander's art and process and thoughts. My favourite part of the book! And then there's part 3, the love story. And I think, because I connected more strongly to the other parts than usual I felt the disconnect here much more than usual! The romance in here is very intense and very physical and my aroace brain didn't compute at all. Complete detachment. Which was kind of a problem, because the romance is a huge part of the book. I really wanted to like it but it didn't work. I did like Ander as a character, though, and their family and friends. And the cover is still so damn pretty!
That's it!
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kai-selfships · 1 year
Random thing abt me and Rocket <3 (with some background me x Drax) this takes place a year or so after Vol3
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This is self indulgent as helllll I’m actually so embarrassed
Kai knew every inch of his home. He had lived there only a few years, but the place was small (considering it housed three people), and he was the one who planned all the renovations and decor.
He knew every item in the place, too. Or at least the ones he bought, anyway. Sometimes Drax would accidentally break something and try to hide it, but Kai knew exactly how many glasses they owned, how many plates, how many bowls— probably too many for just the three of them, but Kai just loved the ones with pretty designs, or the colored glass. He loved his home in general
Anyway, the point is, Kai always noticed immediately when things were out of place— though he wouldn’t consider this particular item out of place, just new.
A framed photo. It hung magnetized to one of the empty walls in the kitchen.
It was small and worn and one of the corners had torn off. Kai didn’t even think they had a photo printing place on Knowhere— it must have been old.
The other indication of its age was the picture itself— it was of him and Rocket. Obviously a selfie from Rocket’s phone, with him smiling in the background.
Kai deduced from his own appearance (longer hair, pointed canine teeth, dark circles under his eyes) that the photo must have been taken shortly after the Guardians had gotten together. He recognized that it was taken on Peter’s Milano, but didn’t recall the exact occasion. That must have been almost fifteen years ago…
Realizing that he had been lost in thought, Kai took the photo off the wall so he could take it out of its frame. He flipped it over. The back didn’t have a date, it just read ME AND KAI, scrawled in messy, shaky handwriting. Kai smiled fondly.
He replaced the photo on the wall and continued his original task of making lunch for himself.
Rocket got home late that night; he had spent all day working on an invention in his workshop.
Kai was on the couch, relaxing while watching a movie. He paused it when he heard the door open, smiling. “Hey, how was your day?”
“Alright. Anything leftover from dinner?”
Kai stood and joined Rocket in the entryway, where he was locking the door after himself.
“Some. I’ll come eat with you.” Kai said, smiling.
Rocket told Kai about what he was building while he took of his boots and jacket, which always took him a while, especially after a long day and when he was distracted like this. Kai waited patiently, not really understanding the technology stuff he talked about, but content nonetheless.
“So anyway, how’ve you been?” Rocket asked as he stood up a few minutes later.
“Good. Drax and I holochatted with Mantis earlier; she invited us all to come visit her sometime.” Kai replied.
“Oh really? Sounds like fun.”
Kai nodded, hesitating a moment. “I also found something nice in the kitchen,”
Rocket didn’t meet Kai’s eyes. “What was it?” He feigned ignorance as he hopped up into his seat.
“Look,” Kai took the picture off the wall to show Rocket, briefly wondering how he had hung it up so high. “Its a picture of us. Did you hang it up?” He smiled wider before turning around to get himself and Rocket a bowl of leftover soup.
“Maybe.” Rocket answered curtly. “You can take it down if you want.”
Kai put a bowl in the microwave and started it. “No, I really like it. I just wanted to ask you about it.”
A few minutes later, the pair sat across from each other at the table, waiting for their food to cool.
“How long have you had it?” Kai asked, still smiling.
“I don’t know, a couple years…” Rocket said a little shyly. “I used to carry it with me, but I spend most of my time here now, so…” he trailed off, self consciously tugging on his cheek fur.
Kai had never pegged Rocket for the sentimental type. “Why me?”
“I mean, we weren’t even dating back then—“
Rocket covered his face, embarrassed. “Well, you were my best friend… whatever, it doesn’t matter.”
Kai grinned. “That’s so sweet!”
Rocket grumbled. “Shut up. Its not sweet.“
“Aw, but you carried around a picture of me!”
Rocket began eating his soup. “Not all the time.” He muttered.
Kai laughed. He took a bite from his own bowl, enjoying the rich taste. Drax is an amazing cook.
He studied the picture again, feeling his heart swell with love.
He could tell from his angry-looking eyebrows that Rocket was embarrassed to be even taking the photo in the first place.
Looking at himself had Kai feeling a little bittersweet. He looked tired… he recalled having a few months of nightmares after the fight on Xandar. The smile was genuine, however.
Man, those were the days… living on a cramped ship with his best friends— only friends, at the time— stealing shit and helping people, exploring the Galaxy… Peter’s music and dancing, caring for a young Groot, Drax’s laughter— sometimes Kai missed how things were.
Kai pulled out his phone and took a picture of the picture.
“What’re you doing?” Rocket asked.
Kai shrugged. “I want to be able to see it whenever. Think I can send it to Peter?”
Rocket scoffed. “Hell no. Don’t want to give him any more material for makin’ fun of me.”
Kai smiled. “Alright.”
Some things are still the same, he thought as he finished up his midnight snack.
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elrondhalfelven · 1 year
3 7 16 20
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
go into any gotg character tag 🤭
7. what character did you begin to hate not because of canon but because how how the fandom acts about them?
in gotg i don’t think this has ever really happened for me?
in other stuff though, oh boy. solas dragon age in the no. 1 contender. his fans are insane. a lot of dragon age is ruined by annoying fans actually lmfao
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
i guess this is the violence game, so I’ll be a bitch about it. mcu gamora took away all her teeth and made her the mum friend. vol3 making her a bit cunty was a breath of fresh air. that’s the gamora i know and love <3
otherwise just general stuff i’ve talked about before. whitewashing the guardians to make them all good and wholesome and whatever when they’re kind of a fucked up frankenstein group who are trying their best but aren’t exactly the healthiest. peter being a clown. that kind of thing.
20. part of canon you found tedious or boring
like i said before, some parts of the annihilation saga…. Yaaaaaaaawn. any time earth heroes show up to hang out. boring. with a handful of exceptions, earth stuff in general. I’m falling asleep.
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cubedmango · 1 year
After re-reading the manga I think that things really started to pick up/improve after volume 4 and when they really start making headways in their relationship although there was that one moment and I can’t remember if it was volume 4 or 5 but where kurosawa randomly pushed adachi against the sink and I was like );£:£:? cause adachi said it made him uncomfortable😭 but overall I’m in Love with volumes 6-10 and I do think it’s 1100% worth continuing
oh god that scene i hate it so MUCH dont get me started?????? it was actually vol3 so before they even got together which makes it so much worse imo, and theres this one line which is like "plus im nice" (as a reason for why adachi should be focusing on him and not rokkaku) in the manga which. kurosawa ily but shut the fuck up genuinely.??? only letting it slide (barely. like its on the thinnest goddamn ice) bc he was drunk and didnt rlly say any of that shit out loud but good lord its still so weird why did that moment have to be like that eugh.....
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kalmeria · 2 years
reading shimanami tasogare again and tasuku describing his home life at the beginning of chapter 12 came for my fucking throat
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ladyhavilliard · 2 years
When you get to that one point in book 3 but you've already been spoiled by simply knowing which characters the ship beefleaf stands for...
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spacecapart · 3 years
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@ironqrowweek: Role Swap (technically day 6, but I’m a little late)
I was hoping that I’d be able to draw a proper thing for the role swap prompt, but unfortunately I haven’t had the time this week. I did, however, do these design sketches a while ago in preparation, so for once I’m sharing something from my scribbles sketchbook. So, behold, independent Huntsman James and military general Qrow!
The roleswap idea I’m working with here is basically ‘what if Beacon was the militarised kingdom and Atlas was just the technologically advanced one?’ Don’t ask me how the overall plot of the show works when it’s that way around, but I figure maybe the kids end up travelling to Atlas for the Vytal Festival in the early volumes and after the kingdom is attacked by Salem James ends up being the one who goes on the roadtrip mission with them while Qrow returns to Beacon. He’s probably not quite The General the same way James is, sharing the role with Glynda and with Ozpin above both of them, but Qrow does rather get the short end of the straw in the swap. He gets all of the stress James had to deal with after Ozpin disappeared on top of his other issues, poor chap. James, meanwhile, gets to hang out with the kids more, which I really enjoy because he could have had such a good dynamic with them if he’d gotten to spend more time with them. And, since this is an Ironqrow AU, Ruby and Yang are still technically travelling with their uncle. There’s a lot of fun potential character stuff there, with Ruby and James butting heads over who’s actually in charge, and Yang having someone around to talk to about losing a limb, and then there’s also the fact that Weiss would already know James (since he’d still be a mentor to Winter).
As for the designs, I tried to stick to their usual vibes while moving in a more practical/rugged sort of direction for James and a more military formal one for Qrow. James is probably always going to be the neater of the two, he’s just like that, and I just can’t redesign him without keeping the tie. I also like to think that, without the pressure of being a public figure, he would be a little more comfortable letting people see his prosthetic arm, which is my excuse for the rolled up sleeves. The emblem patch on his shoulder is based on my headcanon for the emblem he used before he was a soldier, which is an anatomical heart shape formed out of the same swirling patterns from his guns. And he keeps the beard because I enjoy it, although here it’s a bit shorter and neater even while his hair is a little more windswept.
I based Qrow’s outfit vaguely on the Beacon school uniforms, reasoning that if Beacon had a military the uniform designs wouldn’t be dissimilar. He gets to keep his usual colour scheme (which, you might notice, matches James - I really liked the fact that their outfits in vol3 were so complimentary to each other so I’ve kept that vibe), and his cape, although this time it’s a half cape to try and lean into the fancy military vibe. I figure the loose tie is his small act of rebellion against wearing a uniform, and went with him being clean-shaven and keeping his hair more slicked back, although I reckon both of those things would slide as he got more overwhelmed with responsibility. I figure the kids would eventually make it back home to Beacon by around vol7 the same way they travelled to Atlas to find military aid, and I can’t imagine poor Qrow would be doing too well by the time they got there...
I do enjoy redesigning these two, and one of these days I will actually get around to drawing some proper stuff with this concept, it’s an especially fun one.
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theblondebondd · 2 years
Where should new fans of Sharon, well I say new but I've loved her since she first appeared in the MCU. What I should be asking is, what comic books would you recommend for us to read to get to know Sharon better? What are some of the best ones?
I've never read a Marcel comic book and don't half a clue about them.
well then luckily for you, yoyve come to the right place because i JUST put this list together on my tiktok and have it prepared.
most of early comics sharon's story isn't " canon " anymore ( her being peggy's sister, shields first female agent, etc ) but there's some gems in those old stories so i'm gonna start the list there :
- tales of suspense ( 1959 ) / issues 75 - 99 | don't worry about reading any of the EARLY cap vol1 unless you want to. this is really all you need to understand how her character was written in the 60s. it was a lot of cheesy romance, kinda soap opera - esque drama between the characters, etc. cap stories are known for their dramatics ( tbh you don't even really have to read her " death " bc it wasn't really a death anyways and you learn more abt it later than you do when it actually happened ).
- captain america ( 1968 ) / issues 445 - 454 | the start of mark waid's era, bringing her back from the dead. you'll hear from a lot of sharon fans that marm waid wrote their favourite sharon era from the writing, to the arc, to the artwork. tbph, if you started hear and skipped the early stuff, you'd probably be fine. you might be a bit irritated by her at first ( she's a very angry, polarizing character here ), but she'll grow on you.
- fury and agent 13 | 2 issue run that you won't find on marvel unlimited. technically doesn't happen until like issue 4 of vol3, but it doesn't really hurt to read it ahead of reading vol3 either.
- captain america ( 1998 ) | one of, if not the best, cap run to date. the run that ended mark waid's era and is ultimately a fantastic story through and through for every character in it.
- captain america ( 2004 ), civil war, captain america : reborn & who will wield the shield | the beginning of ed brubaker's era. another one of those writer eras that people agree is sharon's ( and steve's for that matter ) best. it's a bit more gritty than most cap comics, so if you do read it, prepare for the shift, but that was in preparation for civil war. quite frankly, as much as i love civil war, it's a long story and...it can be hard to get through the registration garbage. most characters are OOC and insufferable and honestly reading the 2004 run - tie ins & and an overview of the event itself, is probably just easiest. reborn and wwwts come after.
- the secret avengers ( 2010 ) / issues 1 - 18 | not much character development per say, but it's good run for stevesharon mush.
- captain america ( 2011 ) & captain america ( 2013 ) | both runs debatable in character development for sharon. they have a bit, but are obviously more focused on steve. 2013 run is important for her story going forward but that necessarily mean it's GOOD for her character & is regarded as a pretty weak cap run. an overview of both might suffice honestly.
- read an overview of secret empire. don't torture yourself.
- captain america ( 2018 ) | fantastic run that's HEAVY on sharon's side of the story. really tackles how she handles the aftermath of secret empire, her depleting youth, etc. ( also has peggy moments if you're into that but...quite frankly if you like her from the mcu, then honestly reading her in comics might frustrate you because she is...insufferable, to put it gently. )
and there you go! after that is coming the newest cap run, coming out this year, but i can't say anything on how that will handle her yet.
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hhbluedynamite · 4 years
MHA Ramble: Ch.306 - From U.A. to the U.S.A.?
Spoilers for chapter 306
So…um…epic arc. Right? At least, I hope it’s the end of the War arc. I would think so.
And the pain and misery continue in the next arc! I’m guessing. Horikoshi, why?! Why must you make our babies suffer?! This isn’t Pandora Hearts!!!
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Sooo, is Izuku in New York City?
The thing he’s standing on looks like those eagle gargoyle things on the Chrysler Building in NYC.
Now, I have one question: When did Izuku went there?
I’m not sure when the War was going on, though Chapter 257 implies it was late March, few weeks or less before April, which is when Izuku is in NYC. I did a quick research on how long it takes to fly from Musutafu (aka Shizuoka Prefecture) to NYC and it takes a little over a day.
This would actually be cool. Why? This is what All Might did to get as far away from All for One as possible. This will also give us a look at USA heroes because – I think it’s revealed in Vigilantes – it is the home of heroes. And maybe, just maybe, we’ll see Melissa and Dave. The movies are canon.
Honestly, I really hope that All Might went with him. This boy – this kid – has been going through a lot mentally and physically. In addition, I hope that Todoroki and Bakugo are along for the ride as well. We didn’t see them in this chapter, not even when we see the rest of Class 1A. Of course, we wouldn’t need to see Bakugo as he was already aware of One for All, but what about Todoroki? Also, Bakugo would not be a fan of being left out of Izuku’s self-isolation and exile and Todoroki would also need to keep his distance as well from Dabi. Either that or they are still healing…though its been a few days…
No kidding though. I really hope Izuku isn’t alone in this. The worst that could happen to a person going through mental anguish is to be alone and I hope it is All Might to give him emotional support…or we get to see Hisashi Midoriya! Finally! Or both! The possibilities are endless. Though, I do hope All Might has accompanied him.
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As well as Bakugo and Todoroki because…come on!
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Confession time! This is like my shameful attempt to hope and pray for more Dadmight in the mix. And I don’t want this poor child to be alone. #DekuProtectionSquad!
Chapter 306 really gave me RWBY Vol3 Finale vibes in that the main character leaves school after his first year and goes to a different country. As I mentioned earlier, if he is in America, I hope it gives us an insight on American heroes and their rules and regulations. We might be able to see Captain Celebrity!
What do you guys think? Is Izuku in NYC? Is he in the United States? Is he alone?
Good God, I hope not.
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We need to protect our precious broccoli bean bunny boy!
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razorblade180 · 5 years
RWBY Vol7 ep12 review
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Team LGB is going through some things right now. I wonder what will happen.
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This man was caught all of five seconds. Why would they fight on a plan!?
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Penny is dropping truth bombs again. She’s come so far and I’m so proud of her. I never expected these two to compliment each other so well bu it works. Please don’t let them die.
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When was the last time all of RWBY fought an actual team together? Vol3? Man it feels almost like a dream.
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Looks like the Clover betraying Ironwood theory is wrong. I can respect that. He’s a soldier first and it stands to reason he trusts Ironwood as much as ironwood trusts the Ace Ops. He had a whole thing about loyalty last episode.
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I never knew I wanted something so bad until I got it. It’s very crazy to think Qrow wouldn’t fight Tyrian with Clover, but him and Tyrian would fight Clover. I guess that’s one way to counter good luck. Make the odds in your favor.
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Okay so I was too enveloped in the fight and there was a lot going on that I didn’t take many screenshots, but I’m sort of happy about that considering how it ended. Don’t get me wrong, this fight was super cool and RWBY was getting owned good for a second. I just feel like this might be the first time I would truly say plot armor was the crutch to victory.
People will disagree with me and that’s fine but besides marrow, the Ace Ops weren’t pulling punches and anyone called Ironwood’s attack dogs must be beyond elite right? Yes teamwork played a factor but like..... not even one of them lost their match. Hopefully Blake’s aura breaking comes back around next episode or else team RWBY really just flexed hard on the military.
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Neo vs JNPR is a go! I want to see her be Pyrrha! A song for the team needs to play! I really don’t want her to lose but I also really want my kids to be safe! Also wow, Oz really didn’t help Oscar when this girl was chasing him.
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A song of ice and fire. There’s no way everyone in this room is walking out. Still believe the villains are going to win this volume. No one even knows she’s there. Hopefully Cinder mentions that she stabbed Weiss. Maybe that’s what gets Winter to lose her composure?
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I’m not surprised. A lot of us aren’t I bet. First episode I saw this dude I was like “dead man walking.” Yet people chose to get attached and create ships anyways. If this was the barf moment then I gotta say I’m underwhelmed. Someone got stabbed with a giant sword. That’s anime for ya. The sound was gross but I had a more disturbed reaction from Maria getting her eyes slashed out (can’t watch that see again) also the dude who broke his arm on the train. I feel heartless now 😭 especially since I never really liked Clover in the first. He will be missed though and so will all of his cool fishing tricks.
Maybe the real death flag is characters with bright green eyes...
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magicalyaku · 2 years
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I forgot what I wanted to write as introduction (again), but who cares. To everyone’s surprise, I did read books in December!
Reverie (Ryan La Sala): To prepare for the end of the year I took a look at the TBR I posted in January and realised there's still quite a few books on it I did not touch this year, ahem. Reverie was one of them! It was an interesting read. Like not my favourite but damn, I am so starved for everything speculative fiction. So I ate it up. When I read in the author's bio at the end that Ryan La Sala watches anime and started out with Sailor Moon, suddenly a lot of the book made sense. The friends group with magical powers, the over-the-top battles, the flashy villain(ess). Very anime. But I like anime, so all is well.
Too Like the Lightning (Travis Beaudois): For Christmas I wanted to give my friend a cheap little gay ebook as a bonus to the other gift. On her wishlist though was only some strange book, apparently written by a 12-year-old and unedited and maybe it's still good, but I felt I'd rather give my money to a person who actually has taken the time and effort to edit their book. A while ago I read a recommendation for Too Like the Lightning here, so I picked it up to check if it might be something my friend might like. It's a cute book. Nice characters, nice development, really feel-good atmosphere. I liked it! But I also know my friend reads for the porn und I honestly couldn't remember the smutty scenes afterwards. 8D I mean, there were some. And they weren't bad. My ace-brain just does not remember. Cute book, though.
In the Middle of Somewhere (Roan Parrish): I decided against Lightning for my friend and thought about what other book I could pick instead. A review of Lightning compared it to Roan Parrish which was one incentive for me to buy Lightning in the first place because I really liked the one Roan Parrish book I read before. But that was vol3. Gifting vol3 would be weird. I should go with vol1. So I borrowed it from the library to test-read. xD And damn, it was good. Definitely a lot more spicy and intense that Lightning, but also funny and real nice to read. Daniel was more interesting than he appeared to be in vol3. And aw, when Leo had his first appearance! And then Will, too! That was fun. While reading Lightning and Middle of Somewhere back to back I noticed how weird it is to have stories with just two characters interacting and no one else around. Consequently my favourite scene of the book was when Daniel, Rex, Leo and Will spent Halloween together.
Where we left off (Roan Parrish): Afterwards I told my other friend how I'm done with the dirty books for the year and of course I lied, because the next day I started rereading the 2nd sequel to Middle of Somewhere. What choice did I have? I just like Leo and Will! (as in together but also as separate characters) D: This is an interesting one though, because there's so much character work going on. Leo is thinking and reflecting and learning about all these things like physics and yoga to the point he's able to apply something he learned there to something else in his life. Good boy. Also he has an actual group of friends to balance out his obsession with Will.
The Wisteria Society of Lady Scoundrels (India Holton): Well. I read this because of a recommendation. It was interesting and entertaining. For a while. I like how it just rolls with the absurd ideas and behaviours. But it also uses a lot of words and at some point I was like "There's still 150 pages left?!" I was getting very impatient. The romance didn't help. For the first 6 chapters I was so confused. There's a bunch of badass ladies around, why would she fall for a man? And then I remembered, that this isn't a queer book at all. uAu" Wasted opportunity. And I hated the smut scene! Why was it even necessary?! Changing the perspective three times? Ugh. So yeah, entertaining for a while, but ultimately not my cup of tea.
I’ll be home for Christmas (Mason Deaver): A bonus story to I Wish You all the Best, hardly qualifies as a real book. But. I bought this in summer after finishing the main story and put it off to read it in-season. And then I almost forgot. uAub It’s cute and short and a nice follow-up.
Mirrored in Evergreen (B. Pigeon): This one was a little odd. In the beginning I was slightly confused to the order of events and wtf is going on but it's a short book so with just a little patience things are set in order. I did like the characters. The way Rowan is so no-nonsense about everything was very unexpected and welcome. Rosemary was also nice. And I definitely liked the overall atmosphere. That sort of despair, melancholy, nostalgia. That's what it felt like for me anyways. I don't think I understood everything. I'm surely still blind to half of the characters’ motives, but overall I did enjoy reading the book. And because of that remaining sense of mystery I can totally see myself rereading it in the not-so-far future.
Howl (Shaun David Hutchinson): Earlier this month I started reading You've Reached Sam because I had a hot melancholic second where I felt like I could use a little bit of pain so we can suffer in sympathy. The next day I was already over it und shelved the book because I didn't want to deal with the suffering. And then I picked Howl for my last book of 2022 and guess what I got! It's SD Hutchinson so it's not as straightforward and also not about the romance so it's easier to read for me, but goddamn the SUFFERING! Why can people be so shitty? Ugh! I do like his stories though and the way he tells them.
And that’s it! Stay tuned for my Best-of that I still have to compose (effort) and TBR (too easy)!
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boy-above · 4 years
I didn't know you've seen rwby! your opinions are very interesting (in a good way!) and if you felt comfortable doing this, I would love to hear you talk more in depth about them. I would love to hear you elaborate on some of your more "controversial" opinions
i don't mind at all! i rly would like to talk abt rwby with people more, but i don't want to put myself out there in the fandom because that's a nightmare warzone AHDHDHD
so, i think jaune's highish place on the list would be controversial, and i think an important thing to note with him is that it's based on his Current standing in the series. it's very important to make it clear that i fucking hated jaune for the majority of the series, he was annoying and whiney and full of manpain and took away screentime from the actual main characters. i didn't like him from vols 1-6 lmao. but since the atlas arc started i do like him now. his arc is over and he's actually likable which is something i didn't think they would be able to do.
yang and blake's places on the list would get me death threats had i tagged that list, i'm sure lmao. i just cannot stand yang. everything that made her fun and likable in the first three volumes was taken away, and i understand she went through a traumatic event but she didn't come out of her arc of healing or whatever for the better. vol5 to present yang is insufferable to me. she's mean, judgemental, and a giant hypocrite. (yelling at ozpin for hiding the truth while actively hiding the fact that her mom is the spring maiden anyone???) she's just a ball of negativity now, she does not have a single likable quality to me.
blake got a similar treatment, vol4 and beyond blake became really unlikable as well. the entire menajerie arc was just awful and hard to sit through. it's part of the reason i hated volume 4 so much (and vol5 but that's not an unpopular opinion) she came off as whiney to me in vol4 rather than an eager activist like she was in the previous volumes, the show has never been good at actually putting faunus discrimination Actuallt on display besides no faunus signs and hamfisted remarks from strangers (that they always have weiss respond to rather than blake???) so blake's anger with the whole situation almost doesn't feel justified. this is a problem of the writing of course but it does not do her character any favors. she's higher on the list than yang though because blake has gotten a lot better in the atlas arc, especially her conversation with nora and her recent conversation with ruby about how she's always looked up to her. she might get higher on the list as the atlas arc goes on, who knows. i'm definitely more open to liking her than yang: at this point i think there's no saving yang for me.
nora and ren have been dropping on the list for me ever since their relationship problems started this arc, although even before that they still weren't like top tier for me or anything. ren's angst just isn't hitting it right for me, although maybe i do regret not putting nora a tier higher, her plight about not knowing who she is without ren is very good, so yeah i might have some regrets about that.
this isn't as much as an unpopular opinion as the others, but i think cinder is such a bad villain. she's always been pretty one dimensional, Yes, even after we got her backstory, which by the way was trying Way too hard for me to be tragic, it was honestly kind of hard to take seriously because of how it lacked Any kind of subtlety, it really was trying so hard to make her sympathetic to the point that it was essentially trying to force those feelings into you. but anyway, vol3 cinder was the best cinder's ever been, she was actually intimidating, killed ozpin and pyrrha, and Succeeded At Her Task. she has been nothing but a series of failures since then and her power has been scaled back to significantly, they've made her pathetic now. she Might be looking towards a brighter future soonish though, i hope her character is going towards something more interesting now instead of failing again lol.
while i don't like ironwood as a person, i do Love how he was written. i think he's a very well written antagonist, i don't frequent the tags very much so idk if that's a popular opinion or not. jacques does his job as an antag, i don't think he's as well written as ironwood but he does his job. hazel and adam however are both bad as people And horribly written villains imo. i could never put myself in blake and yang's shoes of how traumatized and scared they were of adam because he was never once truly intimidating to me. he was just a loser. and while yes, abusers are pathetic and he was eventually outed as pathetic and that's the point, they were still so scared of him even after he ran away like a coward and i just could not relate because he just wasn't a scary villain, he was a boring loser who never actually lived up to the fear the other characters had of him.
and hazel is just such a baffling character. his whole motivation is that he hates seeing children being trained to be sent off to war, especially a war that is impossible to win, but then he relentlessly beats the shit out of a child with no regret. calling ozpin a coward because he's "letting the boy suffer" instead of taking over the body, even though he's the one beating a child in the first place, it's not ozpin's fault oscar is getting beaten buddy, it's your fists!! and it's not like even if ozpin Was in control of the body the whole time that oscar wouldn't be affected anyway, it's his body, he can still feel all the pain. what a fucking idiot.
ANYWAY UH this got really long sorry. those are some of my roobles opinions lol
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quartings · 3 years
Looking back on RNBW: What I got right and what I got wrong
· Not sure how well-known this fact is, but the whole reason I made Team RNBW in the first place was because of how disappointing a lot of the Vytal festival teams in RWBY Vol 3 were- just a lot of dull colors, simplistic boring weapons, characters of identical body types, etc. It’s why Team RNBW all have bright colors and different body types! Honestly, I never thought they’d last this long as OCs- I’m kind of proud of them!
· One of the biggest screw-ups I made throughout the lifespan of RNBW was assuming I could get away with making Brandeis the winter maiden and kill her off before the actual reveal happened. I guess anyone who likes Brandeis would be happy to see that because of the reveal of Fria being locked in a box, I rewrote Brandeis to just be someone with a particularly strong semblance who survives all three volumes!
· As such, another retcon I had to put in was that Brandeis was being hunted by numerous villains not because of her maiden powers, but just for her Aura manipulation semblance, like what happens in After the Fall
· I was proud to see I predicted Ironwood having a specialist team of more than 4 hunters! It gave me a name to give Will’s group in Vol 3b!
· As much flak as we all like to give RoosterTeeth, the “floating city” reveal of Atlas was very well hidden, and another thing I didn’t account for! Thankfully, it didn’t screw up anything in RNBW too badly.
· Also happy I predicted Penny coming back the first time! Seems a bit Last Jedi-style tedious that they killed her again but hey.
· Adam being killed in Vol 6 really restricted the timeframe that RNBW Vol3 could take place in, but I don’t think it was too stressful.
· On that note, I did want to do more with the Zodiac admins but I settled for just having their participation in the fight scenes in a very Mob-Psycho kind of way.
· The final battle with ChengLong was very tough to write, because there was so much cool stuff I wanted to include (The giant mech, the lightning scene, the ending in outer space, RAINBOW Assemble, and more) that it became really hard to pace. I think I did a good job though!
· ChengLong getting launched into space as her defeat was based off Kars’ defeat in JoJo, as well as the final battle in Pokemon Movie 16! It was also meant as a slight dig on how easy it is in a fantasy setting to subdue an immortal enemy, after all the hubbub with Salem so far.
· One of my favorite moments of producing the series was doing the rewrite of Vol 2- it felt nice finally giving Nappa more stuff to do beyond being the tech-elitist comic relief (though her arc in Vol 3 was already planned out by then)
· Said arc was also going to be a lot darker too- with her family getting framed and jailed along with her! I decided against it because it was a bit too harsh and illogical.
· Another arc that was super-tough to write was the whole thing with the Yuki-Sandra deception. All I knew was that I really wanted an Odile character to Brandeis’ Odette, and figuring out what to do with the real Sandra was really tough.
· The toughest characters to write around were Aurelia and Ptolemy- making sure the characters with instant mind reading and healing couldn’t fix everyone’s problems was quite a challenge!
· Again, I’m so so sorry that I ended RNBW right as Team RWBY got to Atlas, but in my defence, if Team RNBW caught even the slightest wind of what was going on in Vol 8, Nappa would have burst through Ironwood’s wall and blown him up without a second thought the moment he tried anything.
· RNBW Vol4 was considered at one point but was never a “full” volume with an actual story planned- just a rough outline with Team CLNS as the villains. I think where Vol3 ended was a better place to leave all the characters anyways!
· I hope the ending was at least somewhat satisfactory! If it wasn’t let me know. I’m sorry I won’t be continuing this series anymore because college is getting pretty hectic and I wanna focus on OC stuff a lot more as I learn more and more about animation.
Once again, if you took even a second out of your day to follow any of these characters and stories, thank you so much! It means the world to me!
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myeclecticjourney · 4 years
Magic Plants
Hi guys! I wanted to share with you a few flowers and plants that I found in my parent’s backyard. I collected a few samples, couldn’t resist. Long post with pictures
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So my mom has this stone kid, lol. She calls him “Hugo” like the 1969 movie “The book of stone” maybe he’s the reason her garden is so pretty and full of magical properties haha. Have you seen the movie? It’s actually pretty creepy.
Nevertheless, I made some research about all of the plants and found some amazing properties in each. I want to share this post with you, because maybe you also have this plants in your backyard or near your home, and you don’t really know you can use them in your craft.
Originally called “Ki” was a sacred plant to the Hawaiian God, Lono, and the Goddess of the Hula, Laka. It meant “divine power”, and later on was recalled “Ti Plant”. Legend has it, it’s also the incarnation of Apollo. This plant releases positive energy, brings luck, happiness and resists evil souls and spirits. That’s why many people decide to have them in their homes.
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One of the most chosen variety flowers for folk medicine. Is a well known medicinal plant in various religions in India. It has amazing healing properties. You can use it for fever, headaches, physical wounds, and overall pain. Use it in your craft to attract health. Also you can use it in potions.
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Don’t let this beautiful and attractive to the eye flower fools you, it’s highly toxic and dangerous. It comes in a variety of colors. Its milky juice contains a toxin called “Phorbol Easter” which can irritate skin and cause severe stomach pain if it has contact with the skin. It might cause vision loss or even blindness if it reaches your eyes. Many believe that its thorns were used to make the crown made by the Romans to Jesus. You can use this plant in shadow work or in directed spells and rituals. Just remember being careful. Keep your pets away from it.
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Many believed this grass weed was useless, until it bloomed. Its name was given thanks to the beautiful grapes and flowers that blooms from it. Under the sunlight they have a glittery and translucent color like dewdrops. As it belongs to the family of Vervain, the Golden Dewdrops symbolizes evil and witchcraft. Both, flowers and leaves can be used in talismans and amulets to bring protection and peace. Also it’s perfect for rituals.
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As most of their family, the Croton is a toxic plant for humans and animals when ingested, tho is not the most poisonous. Got its name thanks to the variety of foliage it has in nature. It’s used in gardens, bedrooms, hotels, and many places to bring color and life to a space. It was once used as a purgative plant, tho nowadays it’s mostly used aesthetically. It represents change, and new beginnings. You can use it in spells, talismans or amulets. Don’t eat it.
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Its tubular, most commonly red, flowers give it its name. Making it showy and appealing to humans. It grows and expands as rapidly as Bamboo, so keep in mind your garden space. It attracts bees, butterflies, hummingbirds and other pollinators. It was used by Native Americans to treat spider and snake bites, stomach pain, backache, and burns. As it represents life and growth, you can use it to attract not only those properties, but also healing.
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At least 12 species of palms were used in African medicinal and spiritual rituals over the years. The seeds are used as oracles, the leaves and flowers as offerings. In other cases the extracted oil was used as a healing mixture. As many believe, when a person got sick, it wasn’t only a physical sickness, but more spiritually. It was related to witches, sorcerers, broken taboos, or displeased ancestors spirits or deities, so the palms where used to cleanse the spirit and alleviate the patient from the suffering. You can use seeds, flowers and leaves as oracles, offerings in your altars, or use them in rituals and spells to attract protection and spiritual healing.
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The original seed was discovered in 1892 by German Baron Paul, in an African colony. He then sent it to Germany where first appeared in a flower show and recalled as one of the most interesting plants. Part of the succulent family it helps purify indoor air quality, improving one’s mood and relieving stress. It was used in traditional herbal incense. You can use it in talismans and amulets to bring protection and promote spirituality. Or in spells and rituals. Won’t recommend ingesting it tho.
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Many humans are attracted to this plant because of the odd shape of its leaves, but be careful it’s another toxic plant, tho much more less. It’s commonly known as “Little Angel” and believe it’s a fairy. Its vivid and lively leaves, bring happiness and joy to a home and its fairy spirit causes a romantic and poetic soul. Use it in your craft for romantic spells or amulets. Remember not to eat it.
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Also called “Ruby Leaf”, “Bloodleaf” or “Metal Weed”. Another amazing medicinal plant used during centuries. This Joyweed is known in Brazil as Penicillin, go figure. It grows easily in dry and deforested soil. It’s commonly used against inflammation, cough, and diarrhea. You can use it in your spells, and potions to attract health.
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Also know as “Mexican heather” or “Elfin Herb”, this type of Heather does not relate to the Scotch common one you probably know. Its name comes precisely from that, imitating the Heather. By itself, the False Heather has amazing antioxidant healing properties, it has been used to treat high cholesterol, or colds and chills by tea infusions. Many believe it has antitumor and anti cancerous spread properties. It also brings good luck, admiration and solitude. You can use it in potions, talismans or amulets to attract not only those properties but also health.
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Those where some of the most interesting and beautiful plants my parents have in their garden. Do you have one of these as well? Have you used them before in your craft?
I really hope you liked this blog
Image source: my camera 📸
Blessed be,
-May xo.
- Gruca, M., van Andel, T. R., & Balslev, H. (2014, July 23). Ritual uses of palms in traditional medicine in sub-Saharan Africa: a review. Retrieved April 13, 2020, from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4222890/
- John, L. S., & Tilley, D. (2002, September). Firecracker Penstemon . Retrieved April 13, 2020, from https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_PLANTMATERIALS/publications/idpmcpg10756.pdf
- Croton Plant Care: An Ultimate Guide: Ambius US. (n.d.). Retrieved April 13, 2020, from https://www.ambius.com/indoor-plants/ultimate-guide-croton-plant-care/#what-are-the-benefits-of-croton-plants
- 7 Powerful Vervain Magical Properties [For Love and Protection]. (n.d.). Retrieved April 13, 2020, from https://www.google.com.mx/amp/s/magickalspot.com/vervain-magical-properties/amp/
- Spiritual significance of flowers = Golden Dewdrops. (n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.aurobindo.ru/images/flowers/316_e.htm
- Flower: African Violet. (n.d.). Retrieved April 13, 2020, from https://www.google.com.mx/amp/s/threehundredandsixtysix.wordpress.com/2013/02/14/flower-african-violet/amp/
- Antinociceptive Activity Of Methanolic Extract Of Leaves Of Alternanthera Brasiliana Kuntz. (2009). Retrieved from https://pharmacologyonline.silae.it/files/archives/2009/vol3/005.
- Anticancer Research. (n.d.). Retrieved April 13, 2020, from http://www.stuartxchange.org/Kupea
- App: PictureThis
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owletarc · 5 years
I hate how Blake and Adams relationship was handle. It went from teacher-student, to unhealthy romance. It's like crwby didn't know what to do and thought making them ex's was a good idea. I actually have more to say, but I'm too afraid of accidentally starting a flame war.
i wanna lay it out that mentor adam and abusive ex adam are two equally valid ways to go with his story. i think that the way they did go with the abusive ex was gross and reductive in a lot of ways and only ended up harming his and by de facto blake’s storylines and characters. there are a lot of unfortunate implications with the shoddily done timeline and over all, the abusive psycho ex boyfriend trope has been a. done to death and b. done with better characters than adam.
the stones were layed out for mentor adam, from the very beginning in the black trailer; then confirmed by monty and in blake’s description of adam. it is an arc i would’ve they rather took than the abusive ex mostly because it wouldn’t have the gross, pedophilic undertones that canon has but also because it would’ve been something that kept to the canon already established. there was no romantic undertones in any of the moments or exposition before his appearance in vol3. when i first watched that it threw me for six because i wasn’t expecting adam to be a romantic ex, i was expecting him to be a mentor angry that his protege had “chosen the wrong side”, kind of like an inverted anakin and obi wan.
i’ll also be honest and say the best parts of adam’s story are when they have nothing to do with blake. i don’t know whether it’s because we get more insight to his character than uwu i’m evil and horny and mad at my catgirl ex gf or because blake just honestly seems to drag down a lot of the characters around her with her complicated as fuck character development and storyline (this also includes ilia, sun, yANG.) it’s also not a coincidence that some of garrett’s best voice acting (which is not saying much) comes in volume 5. when adam is being a conniving little bastard and playing some game of thrones politics. he’s not concerned with blake just yet, he’s concerned with what we were introduced to him with; the plight of the faunus. of him getting what he thinks he deserves, i.e; power and revenge for himself and faunus kind against humans. he’s also still incredibly flawed, he’s a racist son of a bitch and he’s stubborn and narrow minded and thinks he knows best, but he’s also smart and knows what he’s doing. it was only in vol6 he got hit with some serious stupid bitch disease (but really everyone did so i can’t blame him for that.)
adam is a character i love in concept for many reasons. he’s absolute garbage and i had no notions that he was going to be redeemed uwu. i just thought we were going to get a better written character that we got; who was flawed and a bastard and absolutely was going to die at the end of his story but not because he was blinded by impotent rage for his ex gf. because in the end of the story, his anger consumed him and he lost sight of his goal. the two shouldn’t be mutually exclusive but rt’s shoddy writing with him makes it that the two are polar opposites in the show. adam can only be focused on blake, or the faunus; and that’s not how it should be.
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