#like she's got a ysa outside
lizhly-writes · 1 year
Hello— ORV whump prompt because I’m Thinking So Many Things and want to see what cool authors like you think about it!
Scenario fic: one member is brought back to the event that led to the first meeting between the party. Of course it’s our Rat that disappears in a poof of sparkles, and of course KimCom think the first people to meet were KDJ and YSA so they rush to head to Minosoft… BUT!
a) on the way they pass a certain all boys school at Just The Right Time
b) LSK is there and knows the Truth and Freaks Out
c) they don’t find him in time and track him down when he’s on the verge of d**th
Dealer’s choice hehe!
hello! i finally sat down and started writing through this ask! i appreciate that you came into my askbox and immediately slammed the button on 'misery', always a fun time lol
anyway. i have ideas. unfortunately if i attempted to fully finished these ideas, you would probably see this ask either in a year with a full fic or in uh, never, so you get this.
There is a teenager.
She looks much like any other teenager bored out of their mind in class.  Chin propped up on one hand, other hand wielding a pan tapping out a distracted staccato on her notebook, perfectly in time with the tap-tap-tap of her foot, watching the blackboard up front but mostly watching the clock above it, waiting for everything to be done. 
She’s so sick of class.  Sitting in one place, trying and failing to listen to a teacher saying shit she doesn’t care about – ahhh, but she’s got to care about it, doesn’t she?  Gotta make sure she knows enough to score good on the CSAT, except that’s never going to happen because she’s got shit-for-brains, shit-for-grades.  At this point, wouldn’t it be easier just to drop out?  Who wants to live this kind of life?  Not her.  Not anyone else.  Who likes school?
…Yeah.  Jung Heewon was like that, as a kid.
“Hey, you,” Jung Heewon says.
That image of her younger self ignores her.  So does everyone else in her old middle school classroom.  The teacher drones on, uninterrupted – and it really is a droning, the kind of indistinct murmur you hear as background noise, only occasionally cut with actual lecture material.
Everything here is indistinct.  There’s a vague sense of blurriness about everything.  The faces of her teacher and the few classmates she remember are clear, or at least, almost clear.  Everyone else?  Faceless.  Unmemorable.
… Maybe that’s the point.
Yoo Sangah likes to think her memory is good, but truthfully, it’s hard to remember the faces of her middle school classmates when she hasn’t talked to them in years.  A few that she kept in contact with, sure, but everyone else, she’s likely to get wrong.
They’re in some kind of scenario space right now, and if the scenario is drawing things from her memory, that might be why everything is so… unclear.  Unreal, almost, the edges of reality soft instead of well-defined, only sharpening around her younger self as she files out of the classroom, chatting with – is that Ahn Minji?  Yoo Sangah hadn’t thought about her in years.
Things only get worse as they head outside. The younger Yoo Sangah is a beacon of clarity, but everything else is just fog, white and dense and casting a featureless pall over everything.
…No.  Wait.  Not quite.
Lee Hyunsung had taken some time to tear his eyes away from that boy he’d once been, talking to one of his seniors – “I guess I’m not really sure what to do.  I don’t have to think about it if I go directly into the military after high school, right?”  In the end, though, there wasn’t any use to paying attention to that sort of thing, not when he was alone.  He hadn’t entered the scenario alone, so where were the others?
Not in his school, he’d looked.  The only other thing he could do is go straight into that strange white fog, even if it meant he was walking blindly towards nowhere.
Except it hadn’t turned out like that.  In the backdrop of nothingness, he could make out a building, getting clearer and clearer as he ran towards it.  So well-defined – that had to mean something, didn’t it?  
Shin Yoosung pressed her nose against the glass of the window.  That building, the only one she’d seen in what felt like forever, was getting closer.  Maybe that was where the train would finally stop.
Maybe the train wouldn’t stop at all.
But no, that’d be weird, wouldn’t it?  There had to be an end to the scenario somewhere, and it couldn’t end if she was just stuck on a train that never stopped.  Or, well, maybe it could, but – the point.  The point was that the scenario had to have some way of ending it.  It couldn’t go on forever, that wasn’t any kind of proper entertainment at all.  That was just throwing an incarnation into an infinite commercial break, wasn’t it?  No dokkaebi would let that kind of scenario pass.
Yeah.  There had to be a way out, right?
[Ahjussi, are you there?] she sent up tentatively.  
Still nothing.  There had been nothing for a while.  But she had to keep trying, didn’t she?
Lee Gilyoung had been trying.
But there weren’t any bugs on this train.  Sometimes, he’d get the faintest impression that there was something there, and then – nothing.  If he could get a bug, any bug, he could – he didn’t know.  Scout.  Get some information.  Call a plague against anyone moving against him.  Something.
That was Plan A.  Plan A wasn’t working out, so he was stuck with plan B, which was this: if he kept running through this fucking train, he’d run out of carriages eventually.  He’d run into something eventually.  Maybe the conductor’s carriage, and then he could press some buttons and force it to stop, or maybe drive it into a building or whatever.
Yoo Joonghyuk pressed his hands into his eyes.
He’d really thought that he had died.  Ended regression three, back to the start at regression 4, back in that same train carriage all over again, and this time with a death he hadn’t even seen coming.
He’d died three times now, but the shock of it, even though it wasn’t real – hard to snap out of without a scenario in his ears telling to kill someone to live.
What had happened?  
There had been a scenario.  
He had been with his companions.  There had been a scenario, and Kim Dokja had vanished.  Then that subscenario had kicked in… what was it?
[Sub Scenario  – Will to Survive]
Category: Sub (Personal)
Difficulty: ????
Clear Conditions: Help Incarnation, Kim Dokja, realize the will to survive.
Time Limit: ????
Compensation: ????
Failure: ????
Kim Dokja blinks.
He had the strangest feeling that he had forgotten something.  Something important.
…It can’t have been that important if he’s forgotten about it.  He’d already run through his list of things to do, anyway, not that the list was very long.  He supposed the right thing to do was to talk with somebody, but really, he had no one to talk to, so there wasn’t any point.
There was maybe Mother, but… no, she didn’t count.  He didn’t talk to her, he talked at her, and she never cared enough to give a response back.  If she, by some miracle, cared enough to be upset about what he was doing, then – well.  She could get over it.  There was nothing wrong with him enjoying the sunset.  There was nothing wrong with anything he did after that, either.
With that thought firmly in mind, he took one last breath of the air – cool, refreshing – and headed towards the edge of the roof.
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soygarlicsauce · 2 years
An oldie from my notes app. Kdj has a one night stand with a drahn (a man with draconic features) and lays three adorable eggs.
🏷: mentions of mpreg 👍
Kim Dokja woke with an aching head and equally aching body. All he could recall was going to town to meet up with Han Sooyoung, friend and fellow mage, but she didn’t show due to an emergency at the her research facility. Since he was already at the pub, he thought it would be a waste not to have a sip of their special spiced ale and a warm meal. He might of had one too many cups but why did he feel like his limbs were gonna fall off.
He looked over and realized why. What laid next to him was an Adonis who looked as if he was sculpted by the twelve deities themselves. Along his built body were black scales, he had curved horns and a long thick tail. It then dawned on him that he had slept with a stranger… Not wanting to confront the handsome drahn, Kim Dokja tried to get up before falling off the inn room bed. Were they wrestling in the bed? He didn’t think intimate activities would render someone immobile. Unable to move, he mustered as much mana his tired body had to teleport home.
A day since “the incident”, as Dokja called it, had passed and he felt like shiet. He was craving all sorts of delicacies his limited cooking abilities could not make. His stomach was also growing. Kdj panicked but settled for rolling himself in a giant blanket, smelling the shirt he stole from the handsome stranger to comfort himself. Kim Dokja wasn’t a creep, he swore on the twelve, it’s just the smell was too good. But it got to the point he needed to call for help. Kdj was going to call for Han Sooyoung but felt like Yoo Sangah and Jung Heewon might be better at handling the situation.
Kdj: hey guys ^^
Ysa: Dokja, what happened now? ^^
Kdj: I think I’m pregnant…
Kdj: surprise :D
The two were immediately on site. Male pregnancy wasn’t common in this world, but there was a case right in front of them. Sangah looked through tomes to figure out why Kim Dokja was having children. As for Heewon, she put a firm hand on making sure he wouldn’t do anything stupid or life threatening. Strangely Han Sooyoung wasn’t answering her communicator.
Jhw: I’m surprised the first one out of the group to have kids is you.
Kdj: Me too.
Jhw: Did you even sleep with anyone? This seems more like a magic incident than anything else.
Kdj: I did…
Ysa and Jhw: YOU WHAT?!
They scrambled to find the mystery man even though he said it wasn’t necessary. But there wasn’t a single clue on who or where the mystery man was. And so a week passed and Kim Dokja gave birth to 3 healthy…eggs?
Then it dawned on everyone… The reason why they couldn’t find the baby daddy. Kdj had slept with a dragon…. Well that didn’t matter, cause kdj vowed to raise these eggs well.
Jhw: Do you think he’s gonna be ok… We all just found out that he slept with an ancient dragon that are supposedly extinct.
Ysa: It’s alright, we’ll figure it out. Let’s just enjoy the moment for now ^^
Things were going great. Dokja was raising his eggs well. He sang them lullabies, read to them every day and held them close. Sangah, Heewon and Hyunsung came to visit often, but Sooyoung was still out of reach. Kim Dokja felt content until one evening after tucking his eggs in bed, he heard a rumble.
Outside his cottage was a giant black dragon with a golden eye. Kim Dokja clutched his eggs close and peeked outside. The dragon stared straight at him.
Yjh: I’ve finally found you… Let us go to my nest.
Kdj: I don’t know who you are but my home is right here.
They were locked in a staring contest before the dragon broke the silence.
Yjh: Dokja… You blatantly propose to me and now you ask who am I?
At this point the memories were flooding in and Kim Dokja really did propose. Drunk. But it was never to a dragon. It was to the drahn man. With black scales. And a glowing golden eye.
Kdj: You’re the stranger?!
- end
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catboysooyoung · 2 years
Trying to pick apart ORV as a very noob writer hence why I'm reading it very very slowly (it's actually because I've been so busy with work that I can barely breathe these days).
Tumblr media
But anyways it's interesting just how much Yoo Sangah's introductory passage reveals her entire character setting. I didn't think much of this beyond the surface reading, as in "oh she's a heroine type who got a lot of unwanted attention because she's pretty and capable, but she's actually more than that, she's determined and independent."
I guess I've unfortunately been looking at her character through hankim's lens lol. But this is good. It means I'm one step closer to understanding her as a "person".
I feel like now that I've understood a fraction of what she's experienced (commuting daily to my full time job and minor workplace issues), I realized just how fucking insane and amazing Yoo Sangah is. It's also... Interesting how quickly she opens up to Dokja about this? I didn't really understand dok/sang before because I thought kdj didn't deserve someone like her (again. Hankim pov lol), but now I do. Despite being supposedly "popular" and "well liked" the workplace harassment she faced must've given her a sense of kinship with the office outcast...
Unfortunately this sentiment is not shared with Dokja, who due to his nature and self disregard, thinks of her as someone so above and beyond him, someone so far away due to her perceived "perfection". As Dokja is a reader by heart, he unconsciously sees her as a character and not a person in his life, and in doing so, rids her of her humanity a bit.
Hence why, though it doesn't necessarily mean that he thought those rumors are true, he must've thought there was some truth to it/the truth must not be too far from it, thus why he felt the need to add that as context. It establishes his limited outsider's perspective on YSA.
I feel like (and I could def be wrong), KDJ isn't necessarily judging her for it, he's just going with the commonly held assumption, and he reads it as something like "oh she's the type of heroine that would be waited on her hands and feet" and such, or something
So when YSA answers him, it's really funny because it really breaks that common assumption. Like, oh. YSA isn't just your good ol' cool heroine.
She's fucking insane.
Because with the way KDJ's narration leads us, or perhaps leads me. I'd think that the less sinister alternative (compared to the implications embedded in the rumors) would be that she's from a well to do family who has someone driving her, or, is able to drive herself.
But no, she fucking commutes to and from work every day on bike. On a fucking bicycle.
I know Seoul probably has bike paths and everything being a major city in a global north country and all that, and maybe her house or apartment isn't that far, but knowing Yoo Sangah, that probably wouldn't even be a problem.
And honestly given the fact that she said she's doing this to make up for the lack of exercise (which means it is something she does regularly too), probably means she'd have traveled either a long way or taken longer routes on purpose, knowing how she is.
Which is insane, to someone like me, who commutes every day by bus/train and has so little time to do much else and am thus probably much closer to kdj than i ever will to YSA.
To bike, to ((exercise)) daily as your commute to work is insane. It takes insane amounts of willpower and dedication. I know she mainly does desk jobs being HR and such but the workload is still a lot
So it just gives me this picture of like, how probably, neatly curated and insanely full YSA's life is, how committed she is.
The only reason she's commuting by subway here, isn't because she got tired or something, it's because her bike got stolen. Which prob means she's so used to doing it everyday that the only thing that would stop her is if something happened to her bike... That's amazing.
YSA is no perfect heroine or gentle woman. She's an insanely dedicated office lady who should also be drawn with the most powerful thighs in the universe. Okay that last one, I got sidetracked because I'm gay sorry. Point is.
Yoo Sangah.
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voice hc list
devi made the cutest doc ages ago for these but i wanted somewhere to look outside of the pdf i keep fucking losing like an idiot. these are just my own thoughts about the characters. i reserve the privilege of seeing devi’s thoughts, you all just have to settle for mine :P Kim Dokja "Kind of sounds like an overly smug audio recording of like, council meeting minutes. Bland yet mildly infuriating, just like him" is still the best description for KDJ I've got. A slightly drawling, even toned voice. Almost like he's bored, but in a smug amused sort of way. Actually can't hide his emotions in his voice as well as he thinks. He stands very still when he talks, and maintains…. Not eye contact? But picks a spot to look at and Stays There. It's kinda creepy. KDJ is King of the Commercial Jingle. He has a mysterious database of commercial jingles he can sing with unerring accuracy There was a period of time that KDJ was almost completely nonverbal, out of trauma, yes, but also because he didn't care to speak to anyone, really. Learned KSL just for the sake of it, ends up being useful when he wants to communicate silently with his party (the ones that don't have a direct channel to his brain that is) Yoo Joonghyuk He visibly takes time to compose his sentences when he talks, like you can actually see his jaw working as he sounds out what he's going to say before he says it. When he's shocked into sudden speech, his comprehensibility takes a nosedive, lots of broken sentences. Projects like a Stage Actor. YJH has a nice voice but no sense of melody or tone (and god themselves reached down and told me i’m absolutely correct hell yeah). Because I am indulgent as fuck, I say he naturally has a mild, sing-song rhythm to his voice that he has deliberately trained out. It comes back when he's drunk (and I mean, fucking Smashed) Mega Ultra Indulgent Time: I HC YJH as selectively mute during the events of WoS/ORV. He knows KSL (he got LHS to teach him in one of the regressions as a "practical decision") Midday Tryst helps… somewhat. I also think KDJ knows KSL (for similar reasons as both YJH and LHS) but YJH doesn't know that until way way later 😔 Yoo Sangah So YSA.... Always sounds a little strained, always sounds a little tired, I feel. She has a soft but surprisingly low toned voice, and has an excellent snapping tone when she gets mad, like, military sergeant level crack to her voice. A good librarian voice, haha! YSA is tremendously shy about singing, never really goes above a hum (SS apparently said she used to be part of a children's choir??? Absolutely Kills The Me) Back when she worked at MinoSoft she spoke from her "head" a lot more (women in business 😔); not drastically so, but there was a definite drop in her pitch during the events of ORV, because the Apocalypse says Women's Rights! Han Sooyoung Okay, HSY has the highest pitched voice of the girls, it's actually kinda.... Cute?!? Too bad she's rude as hell lmao. Some creep in her uni asked her to record an idol greeting for him and she nearly clawed his eyes out. Draws her words out when she's mad. Incidentally, she actually has better English pronunciation than YSA does, a fact she is inordinately proud of. Han Sooyoung True Idol Voice, can sing the cutest songs and patently will not do that for you, god, or the devil. Her laughter is the Embodiment of "kukukuku" God, this is so long. More under the cut.  
Shin Yoosung Uhhh ok sys.... Sys is Babby and has Babby voice. Kids are kinda... They're still growing! Older SYS has Danger Contralto. Language wise, she takes great pains to use Grown Up Speech except when lgy makes her mad then it's just "stooOOOOooop you annoying little creep why don't you go kiss some ants you bug loving weirdo!!!!!!" LGY and SYS know some Truly Annoying Songs by heart, and they make up their own verses. They're so cute but sometimes the party kinda wants to punt them into space. As for Biyoo, she! is! A! Goat! The cutest goat you ever heard. Baby goat. She sounds shockingly similar to the voice and register Kim Dokja had as a child, but full of a subtle but strange vibrato. Even when she’s speaking proper Korean, she still tends to stretch out her `ah` sounds akjsfaklsdjfaklsjkj Jung Heewon JHW, I'm just laying this down now, has a smoker's rasp. It's not that severe, really, just a bit of hoarseness even though it's been years since she last smoked. Has a barking laugh. Mostly relaxed pace and pitch but when she's hyped you can literally hear the exclamation marks pinging off her voice. Also completely unfounded thought, has absolutely Fantastic diction when drunk. Everyone is just "she doesn't sound drunk" and then she falls off a bridge and it's just "oh no". JHW has a pretty nice singing voice, nice and low. Untrained and all, but she's pleasant to listen to. Lee Hyunsung LHS....... has a Surprisingly urbane voice. It's smooth and slow when he's calm which...... Isn't often, haha! He tends to stutter and dwindle off into nothing when he's stressed. But when he's calm he really has a mellow and pleasant voice. Tends to chuckle in between words often. Makes a lot of aborted hand movements when he speaks; he's naturally very mobile but his trainers in the army made him stop (excessive movement is frowned upon, especially when communicating in the field) so he makes these awkward little jerks of his arms. True freedom is getting to gesticulate as he pleases. LHS can sing classic popular Korean songs, like 60s-80s very very well. He's probably one of the best singers in the company. You would want to sit down and listen to LHS sing. Lee Seolhwa LSH has Doctor's Tempo. Very sharp, kinda average Female Voice Pitch, not actually a pleasant voice! But very penetrating and hard to ignore. She Cannot Sing. Absolutely tone-deaf. Bane of her ER team's karaoke nights. She knows Chinese. I have no basis for this, she just Does, and it affects the speed at which she speaks. Lee Gilyoung Hmmm.....LGY....... I know he is also Babby but! I do think he has a high pitched laugh he is embarrassed to death of. Makes it up by deliberately pitching his voice low which is hilarious until he finally experiences puberty, poor bug boy. Wants To Swear So Bad. Manages to say "damn" in front of Kim Dokja once and feels like a king. Lee Jihye Uh ok so she's...... The most stereotypical teen girl out there really. Fast pace, lots of up and down to her tone. Kinda had a whine to her voice which has gone away as she grew older. Her deep secret.......... Sometimes she mimics her grandma's speech patterns who was A Real Country Hick. She loved her grandma very much and spent a lot of time with her as a child but the downside..... Sometimes she talks like Old Lady. LJH loved singing along to musicals with her friend. She doesn’t like singing anymore. Jang Hayoung JHY........ Is a strange kind of shy. Eats her own words a lot, but if she's excited she will not shut the fuck up. A little breathy. When she gets more confident in herself, she speaks quickly and precisely, almost like a radio newscaster. Can practically hear the smirk in her voice when she's laughing at you. Apparently, Sing Shong said JHY gets Way Too Into It when she’s singing along to her favorite indie bands. She’s perfection. Kim Namwoon KNW is a Cultivated Thug. Lots of drawn out "ahh?"s and low growls being thrown around, but when he's talking about something he likes (gundams, LJH) he speeds up incredibly, and jumps from one sentence to another. KNW knows every single gundam anime opening made. He's the weeb of the household and he knows it. This is what brings ABFD and him together. They bond over this. His laughter almost sounds like he’s actually saying “ahahaha” Lee Sookyung LSK is dryness incarnate. Has a serious, quiet voice, but also always sounds like she's laughing at you somehow. Very typically feminine speech pattern. Much nicer to listen to than KDJ. Lee Sookyung has a quiet, gentle singing voice. Nothing impressive, just what most parents do for their kids. She's never really enjoyed singing beyond what she sang to KDJ when he was very little. KDJ doesn't remember how she sounded, of course, but he does remember the slight sing-song rhythm of her voice when she read aloud to him, and figures it's close enough. Bihyung Confirmed Old Man Syndrome. Grunts and sighs a lot, but like, his sighs sound like a goat bleating. Always in a hurry to finish his sentences, but takes long gaps in between. Post biggering bihyung is the same but two octaves down in pitch. Uriel Uriel has Ojou-sama voice. Very posh and high, which is double funny when she's cursing left and right. Great diction, shit vocabulary. The despair of Metatron. Mass Production Maker MPM Always Talks Like A 1980s High Powered Business Man. He's A Man's Man. Gruff jovial tone, kinda goofy laugh. Not actually that deep in tone, surprisingly enough. Sun Wukong Sun Wukong's is [monkey screech] the end. I dunno, he has a weird chittering laugh. Actually has a very cool wuxia hero voice, but he is also a monkey. Yodels like a champion. SWK is Jiang Wen, but with a freaky laugh, basically. SWK: [delivers an epic, profound line of dialogue because he is the cool and reliable big brother for all of us] Also SWK: [hooting and hollering at the top of his lungs at his fleeing enemies because he is a monkey] (post JJTW arc) I can’t fucking believe sing shong demonkeyed my Sun Wukong, absolutely heinous. Anyway, Biwamen is an absolute fucking hick in terms of accent, but very sophisticated in his posture. Meihouwang is the Monkey-est Sun Wukong, has the absolute most terrifying laugh, and JCDS has the Wuxia Hero Voice. Also has fucked up monkey laugh, but not as screeching as Meihouwang’s. Who knows about Douzhanshengfu, man. He’s the most human one of them all. Abyssal Black Flame Dragon ABFD is every thirteen year old you've wanted to fistfight. Laughs like "nyahahaha". Lovely boy soprano singing voice but he keeps singing screamo covers of intergalactic Gundam anime ops. Slight lisp thanks to his dumb sticky out canines. Secretive Plotter SP is like YJH with this constant awful brittleness to his voice, like he screamed for too long and couldn't get his voice back. Weird mild flanging to his tone too, like you're hearing from down a long corridor. Namgung Minyoung NGMY is Big and Tall and has a voice that fills a large room. Old fashioned vocabulary (like, Old Old fashioned). Laughs from her belly, but has a rather shrill scream. She doesn't scream often. Slurs her words a lot. Unlike her shithead disciple, she has a great singing voice. She tried teaching her the songs she learned as a child on a whim once and almost puked laughing over how bad he was at following her melody, or like. Anything. God, YJH sucks at singing. Kyrgios Kyrgios is [mosquito buzzing]. Kyrgios..... Is usually extremely solemn. Grave, measured speech. Very wise old mentor. When he's mad he is a screeching little bastard. Will pierce your eardrums. I like to think he has this little snorting laugh that almost whistles through his nose. Yoo Mia Cutesy, but also Blunt As Fuck. No prisoners when baby's in town. Kinda has a really mean laugh! But it's ok she's so cute about it you'll forgive her even when she's calling you a dumb piece of rotten shit. She has the sing-song rhythm to her voice that YJH trained himself not to have. Anna Croft Obligatory villain(ish?) thoughts: She sounds like a Disney tween star. She is Cultivated. Early Story Anna talked like she knew cameras were watching her at all times (which they kinda were, so). She had a bright, engaging voice and was very proper and precise with her words. She could give smiles on command, she was that damn peppy. Her real voice, what she has now after Everything, is a lot more. Uh. Has more vocal fry? A Whole Lot Less energetic. Swears a lot more too. She is real fucking tired, constantly sounds like something in her voice is hollowed out. Long, long pauses between sentences.
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sunmaylight · 4 years
ORV - Either after Episode 64 or Somewhere in a time between Episode 481 & 482
Kingdom Hearts - Some weird time before the end of KHIII
Heartless has invaded the Star Stream and have decided to target South Korea first. No one in South Korea knows about Heartless, so they have called ‘Gwisin’ because of reports of Incarnations who have been attacked by these creatures behaving similarly to the reanimated people from the first Sub-Scenario in the novel or like Ghost.
As the ‘Gwisin’ rise, the Star Steam has detected the Probability of being able to defeat them is very small. It was about to call forth the Final Scenario prematurely when Sora’s group arrived.
Sora, Riku, Kairi, Goofy, and Donald were taking a break traveling in a Gummi Ship before the big battle against Xehanort when a portal appeared in front of the ship and sucked the group in. The portal then spit them out in front of Earth facing the Korean Peninsula.
The group sends down Sora, Donald, and Goofy to check things out. Only Sora arrives in Seoul, Korea.
Then this message pops up in front of Sora.
[Inca-Cons- Keyblade Wielder, ‘Sora’, has incarnated into the Scenario!]
Utterly confused at the development, he gets a call from his GummiPhone and it turns out this World is rejecting the presence of Donald and Goofy for some odd reason. So Riku and Kairi end up coming down.
As Kairi and Riku arrive, Bihyung, or a random Dokkaebi, poofs into existence and greets himself when he sees the message that appears with Kairi and Riku. 
[Inca-Cons- Keyblade Wielder, ‘Kairi’ has incarnated into the Scenario!]
[Inca-Cons- Keyblade Wielder, ‘Riku’, has incarnated into the Scenario!]
The Dokkaebi, Riku, and Kairi are confused as Sora when Heartless shows up chasing after two kids. The trio of Keyblade wielders leap into action and defeat the Heartless. After battle the kids are looking at the trio like there is hope and drags the trio with them to their home.
The Dokkaebi poofs out of existence to report back to the Bureau as the group of people leave.
On the way to the place, the two kids introduce themselves as Shin Yuseong and Lee Gilyeong. The two kids ask how the Keyblade Wielders can defeat the ‘Gwisin’. This brings in a round of explanations and clarifications as the Keyblade Trio vaguely learns about the situation of this World.
It was then a message pops up in front of the Destiny Island Trio.
[The hidden scenario has arrived!]
[Hidden Scenario – Save The World]
Category: Hidden
Difficulty: ???
Clear Conditions: Find the World Heart & seal it to prevent invasion of outsiders who interfere with the Star Stream, ???
Time Limit: –
Compensation: ???
Failure: The entire ‘Star Stream’ plunges into darkness, you will no longer be able to visit this world, ???
Hidden pieces will reveal themselves as you progress.
*Talk with Incarnations and Constellations to learn more about the situation 
One of them asks what is a hidden scenario and this makes the kids stop dead in their tracks. They look at the Keyblade Wielders, then each other, then hurries back to their home with renew vigor with Destiny Island Trio chasing after them.
The small group arrives at the Kim Dokja Company Industrial Complex and is greeted by a couple of worried adults. LGY and SYS tell the two adults about what happened to them and introduce the Destiny Island Trio.
This leads to the two adults introducing themselves as Yu Sangah and Kim Dokja. After introductions, YSA chats with the Destiny Island Trio. KDJ uses this chance to activate his Character List skill onto Sora, but runs into a problem.
[Exclusive skill, ‘Character List’, is activating!]
[This person isn’t registered in ‘Character List.’]
Which means that these three should be similar to LGY & YSA, but then he gets the following messages
[Currently collecting information about the corresponding figure.]
[Unable to collect significant information about the corresponding figure.]
This is starting to freak KDJ out a bit from how fast the message appeared. He opens window to see what information is gathered.
[Character Information]
Name: Sora
Age: ?? Years Old
Private Attribute: Keyblade Wielder (Myth), ???
Exclusive Skills: ???
Overall Evaluation: A person who the Star Stream called. His purpose here is something only those with the same Attribute knows. His real powers work outside of the Star Stream, making him a great ally or dangerous individual against those that go against those that try to invade the Star Stream. 
Unable to gather more information. 
*Observe ‘Sora’ to gather more information
After reading the Overall Evaluation, he wonders what is happening because none of this happened in WOS. 
(Um, this is where the linear thought process ends. From here on it just random stuff)
- The Destiny Island Trio end up in a partnership with KimCom to clear the Destiny Island Trio’s Hidden Scenario.
- Keyblade Wielders and KimCom have this long debate whether the Heartless are called ‘Heartless’ or ‘Gwisin’ that the Star Stream got tired of it and added Heartless as a hidden enemy that must be avoided at all cost named ‘Heartless’.
- Keyblade Wielders are broken in the Star Stream against Heartless, but is slightly above average against Incarnations/Constellations. 
- The unique magic of Keyblade Wielders does not rack up any Probability because it is mechanics from outside of the Star Stream. (Body on the verge of dying? Use Curaga ((I’m looking at you Kim Dokja)), Need to set a monster on fire, but out of flammable items? Fira). 
- Donald and Goofy are stuck in the Gummi Ship as support and the ‘Constellations’ for the Keyblade Wielders if anyone asks.
- Dokkaebi’s want to try and add the Destiny Island Trio to their streams, but none of them realize that they can’t enter streams normally for the longest time.
- With the odd status of ‘Keyblade Wielders’, the GummiPhones are connected to the Star Stream that they can chat with Constellations and access the Moggle shop from them.
- While fighting together, KimCom learns that anything fused with Divine, Light, or just high enough ability can kill the Heartless. They also learn that JHW’s Hour of Judgement is an efficient Heartless Killer as well.
- Anyone with the Darkness attribute or abilities has a high chance of going berserk and getting consumed by the Heartless. But they also have the ability to temporarily stun the Heartless if the Heartless is weak enough.
- Kairi’s additional status as ‘Princess of Light’ gives her some meta abilities that she would have taken longer to realize they were there if it wasn’t for the Star Stream’s game mechanics.
- The Keyhole appears after a big boss fight that ends up with KDJ being fussed over by everyone in KimCom with YJH and HSY in the center. The three shine a bright light and makes the Keyhole appear at the center of KDJ’s phone. 
- Sealing the Keyhole actually requires all three of them working together because of what the Keyhole represents to this World.
Some character interactions I want to see.
- Sora and Yu Junghyeok (Yoo Junghyeok): Talk about sacrifice and friends. Their important companions. Cooking.
- Riku and Han Suyeong (Han Sooyung): What they will be willing to do for their friends. What they will/have sacrificed. Sins of the past and resolve for the future.
- Kairi and Kim Dokja: What it means to love and care for your companions. Having the love of adopted parents. Learn from one another. KDJ- Self-Love. Kairi- How to stay calm in any situation.
- Kairi and YJH: Training. YJH takes Kairi to get training from Breaking the Sky Sword Saint. YJH and Kairi just having a good time where they can relax and train.
That’s about it. I will reblog and add more later if I come up with something
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purplesurveys · 4 years
survey by lets-make-surveys
1 - Do you have a favourite day of the week? What is it about that day that you like so much? I feel like I just answered this recently, but let’s go with Friday again. Always nice to fade out after work and to finally close all my work tabs and chats, and not feel obligated to reply to anyone for a couple of days.
2 - Would you describe yourself as a sociable person or not? I’m not the most sociable person, like I don’t always have the energy to be at the maximum level of perky, but I am to an extent. I no longer find it difficult to approach people and strike up a conversation.
3 - Who was the last person you spoke to out-loud? What did you speak to them about? My mom. My former director, Ysa, sent me a scented candle earlier tonight - as a parting gift since she got promoted and got reassigned to my employer’s sister company - and I just asked my mom to light the candle up because I’m scared of matches and fire.
4 - Do you prefer tea or coffee? Coffee; I never drink tea.
5 - What's your ideal weather? When was the last time you had that kind of weather where you live? Any kind of weather where the temperature is anywhere below 25ºC (which is already considered quite chilly here) is fine with me.
6 - Who was the last person (apart from family) that you spent time with? What did you get up to? Does virtual count? I had a Jeopardy night on Zoom with my orgmates a couple of weeks ago. I might miss out on a couple of people, but I was with Peter, Elis, Andi, Carmel, Robin, Laurice, and Mik. Apart from that, my uncle treated me, my kuya, and my cousin Luke to lunch the morning after said Zoom call.
7 - If you have pets, when was the last time one of them got on your nerves? Oh my god, just this afternoon. I was in a Zoom call with a client and besides our PR agency, there was another marketing agency in the call who was also pitching their presentation deck. The entire call was pure bliss on my end, no one was making noise at home – the second it came to my speaking parts, Cooper started howling and barking like crazy because idk, maybe he saw an animal outside or something?? In any case it suddenly got very loud and I got caught off-guard, and I ended up stuttering several times as I was trying to focus.
8 - Do you have to wear a uniform at work or school? If not, what do you tend to wear? The only time I had to wear a legit uniform was in private school, which I attended from preschool to high school. We do have business casual dress code at work, but that in itself is pretty flexible so I don’t really count it as a ‘uniform.’
9 - Would you rather live in a house with a swimming pool or an indoor cinema? Indoor cinema. I watch a lot of things that I’d love to be able to view with a much bigger screen - plus it’s a lot easier to maintain than a pool, lol.
10 - When was the last time you were at the beach? August 2019 :(
11 - Do you own a credit card? If so, do you currently owe any money on it? Could you afford to pay it off tomorrow if necessary? No. My parents also advise against getting my own credit card since I could pick up some bad spending habits from it, according to them. That sounds scary enough so I’m ok with my debit card.
12 - What do you tend to wear to sleep in? Does this vary depending on the time of year? Usually something light, short, and airy since I live in a tropical country that never gets to enjoy temperatures lower than like 23ºC.
13 - What do you tend to have for breakfast, if you eat it? Fried rice, hotdogs, and bacon strips are filling enough for me.
14 - If someone offered to cook you a three-course-meal of your choosing, no budget - what would you have? Oysters, filet mignon, and macarons.
15 - How many hours of sleep do you typically get each night? Is that enough to function or would you rather have more? Anywhere between 7–9 during weekdays, and like 3–4 during weekends because revenge bedtime procrastination is real. Yeah, I’d say it’s enough on both ends.
16 - Does your house have a loft/basement? Are they functional or do you just use them for storage? We have neither.
17 - When was the last time you did a load of laundry? Do you need to do some in the near future? I don’t do the laundry at home.
18 - Are you addicted to anything legal? What about illegal? I guess vaping? I’m a lot more reliant on it now versus the past few months, and I get a little restless whenever I have to charge it for an hour or so. 
19 - Do you suffer from road rage? What kind of thing tends to set you off or wind you up while driving? A little bit, but I obviously haven’t had to express it in a while because of my much-lessened time on the road due to Covid. Standstill traffic is the biggest factor, but standstill traffic + stupid drivers who are impatient and end up not following the road lanes is the quickest way to irritate me and set me off.
20 - What kind of animal did you last see in the wild? Is that a common sight where you live? I have no idea, and that’s precisely because I live in the suburbs in a city which would not make them a common sight.
21 - How is your hair styled at the moment? Low side ponytail.
22 - Do you post a lot on social media? If so, what kind of thing do you tend to post on there? Not as much as I used to. I’ll probably post 5–7 tweets (versus the 50+ I’d post when I was younger) and share like 1–3 Facebook posts a day. I could talk about pretty much everything on Twitter since that’s my main dump - be it rants, my feelings, what I ate, the latest dumb thing Cooper did, etc. On Facebook I mostly share memes, at least family-friendly ones that wouldn’t alert my relatives lol.
23 - What are you watching/listening to at the moment? Nothing for either. I can hear some birds chirping outside since it’s finally getting brighter again, but that’s it.
24 - If you have multiple pets, do they all get along with each other or are there sometimes fights/scuffles? Cooper has actually finally settled down a bit so I’m starting to feel more comfortable letting him out with Kimi in the same room/floor. He understands that Kimi doesn’t like being disturbed so even though he’s in the mood to run around and be energetic and play catch or whatever, he always takes the time to tip-toe around Kimi. They’re not best buds by any means, but it’s enough to leave them be and not worry about a fight breaking out anymore. Sweet boys.
25 - What are some habits you have in common with your parents? My dad excessively blinks when he’s feeling tense or in an argument; I ended up picking that up from him. With my mom, it’s mostly phrases or expressions that she likes to use.
26 - Where's your favourite place to swim - the ocean, a pool, river, lake etc? Beaches.
27 - When you're saving your place in a book, do you use a bookmark or fold your pages down? Or something else? I either remember the page number or do a tiny dog-ear. Bookmarks aren’t the right match for me lol, I’ll most likely end up losing them.
28 - What's your favourite kind of cereal? Sweeter ones.
29 - Is any part of your body hurting at the moment? Is there a specific incident that caused the pain? Yeah, my neck had actually been seriously stiff during my last shift and I couldn’t move my head unless I moved my entire body along with it. It’s died down now but I can definitely still feel the strain. My left shoulder in particular feels very strained at the moment and I’m feeling a considerable level of discomfort from it as I take this.
30 - What was the last thing to make you laugh out loud? 2 Days 1 Night, the usual. The Korean style of video editing is phenomenal and can literally make anything funny.
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stripesysheaven · 4 years
Apparently, Ysa is playing Jade, the girl comic!jr dated. And in the comics, jr became a villain after his father died (I think what happened was he was being mind controlled by the miracle worm). Anyways! My theory is: jr comes back in the second season, but evil due to mind control, so everyone has to free him. And then he ends up with Jade. The End.
I’ve been thinking about that! Like idk the exact details of went on in the comics, but since she’s going to be on the show next season.....does that mean he might be alive? Like I get she has her own plot outside of him but like. I want him back pls hxhdhdhxh I’ll take whatever. And ngl I’d love to see him go evil, even if it’s just for a while, just like his father. The few scenes we got of him where it seemed like they were setting him up as a villain were really cool and exciting, I’d love to see a continuation of THAT
that being said let him still turn good again eventually pls gdhhdhdhs I want my super cousins back
also with Ito around him being alive and evil would really fit the plot. yes Ito is dead but like. is he tho. we don’t know anything at all who knows nfhdhcuhxhhxn
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taglist: @bebemoon​ @interluxetumbra​ @vampirkaninchen​ @blubbingbeautifully​
shoutout to semp for amare’s lines! <333
Yinmei was the first to wake.
Fire, she thought, as she jolted out of bed. And then the other scent hit her, overpowering the acrid smell of smoke.
Wolves. But how?
No matter; there was no time. Yinmei scrambled out from between the sheets, pausing only to dig out a satchel filled with spare clothing and glass eyes from the dresser, before racing down the hall in the direction of the stairs, wrenching the others’ doors open as she ran.
“Get up! The house is on fire!” she shouted over her shoulder, not stopping until she reached the banister.
Yinmei’s un-beating heart sank as she took in the sight. Downstairs, flames licked at the newly-refurbished floors and furniture, and it wouldn’t take long for the fire to finish burning through the entire ground floor. After that, it would only be a matter of time before the flames reached the staircase. Smoke was already floating up through the air, drifting in front of the windows (which showed, alarmingly, that the sky was starting to lighten) in a haze of stinging gray.
Yinmei whirled around and headed back in the direction of her room. She could smell the Wolves, waiting outside the front door - restless and hungering for a fight. 
Angelika’s room was closest to the stairs. “What’s happening?” she asked blearily as she joined Yinmei near the bannister, her white-blonde hair loose over her shoulders.
“Wolves set fire to the house,” Yinmei answered tersely. She quickly flicked her gaze down the corridor, mentally tallying up the doors she’d already passed. 
She drew in a breath, ignoring the smell of flames and Wolves alike. “Maddelena, Cyborée, Ysabelle, and Amaelia. They’re on the other side of the house. Make sure they’re awake,” she ordered.
Angelika’s eyes widened, and she was gone in an instant, flying down the hall to rouse the others. 
Yinmei continued back towards her own room. Shoes would be nice - and she needed the rifle.
Yinmei began banging on the doors that were still closed on her way back, and one by one, the other vampires realized what was going on, gathering outside their rooms. “Get to the roof,” Yinmei instructed. “The ground floor’s on fire. Get to the roof!”
The only door on her side of the house that was still closed belonged to Amare. Yinmei frowned, and knocked loudly. “Amare, get up!” she snapped through the wood, impatiently jiggling at the doorknob. “Get up, unless you want to end up burning to death!”
When the door finally opened, it was not Amare herself who stood in the doorway, but her human servant. Yinmei didn’t know her name, and she’d never cared to learn. She pushed past the mortal and into the room itself. “Amare!”
Amare stretched vexingly slowly and got up out of her bed in a languid motion, while her human began to panic as she realized what was going on. Yinmei resisted the urge to rub her temples; she had neither the time nor the patience for either of their unnecessary dramatics.
“Granny please, there is no need for yelling,” said Amare. “Some of us are trying to sleep.”
"The house is on fire, and the Wolves are here,” Yinmei snapped impatiently. “Do you want to be turned into dog food, hmm?”
Amare ignored her. “Where’s Mother?” she asked instead, looking over Yinmei’s shoulder and ignoring the human girl as she hurried about the room - presumably to gather some of Amare’s belongings.
“I sent Angelika to wake her.”
“Perhaps Mother will do us all a favour and leave her little ginger parasite to the flames,” Amare mused dreamily. “It’s the perfect time to let go of that which holds us back.”
Yinmei arched an eyebrow, despite herself. “Yes, well, there’s a thought,” she answered. “Now get on the roof. It won’t be long before the stairs are on fire, too.” 
With her work done, Yinmei moved to slip back out to the hallway and find the others. The hand that Amare put on her arm made her pause, however.
“Granny, take my darling Sabine to the roof with you - you’re far too old and frail to make it through this inferno. I will rouse the others. Mother would never forgive me if I simply let you turn to dust because of a little fire.”
It was Yinmei’s turn to ignore Amare’s comments, but her suggestion...it was true. They needed someone on the roof, to find a way out. They couldn’t travel by shadow, what with dawn being so close, so it would come down to the garage. Yinmei didn’t know if it was on fire or not; she could only hope and pray that the Wolves hadn’t gotten to it yet.
“Alright,” Yinmei said, calmly. “I’ll meet you on the roof. And, Amare-” Yinmei cut off and reached out to gently grasp her shoulder, and she pressed her lips together. “There’s a rifle in my room; it’s in the rosewood chest. You should find the bullets in there too. Bring that with you.”
“Wonderful,” Amare replied, nodding. She leaned over to kiss the human girl - Sabine - tenderly on the forehead before changing shape and flying out into the hallway as a bat.
There was nothing left to do, except to get the hell out of there. “Come here,” Yinmei snapped at the mortal, yanking the curtains back and pushing open the window panes. She flung the girl over her shoulder in one fluid motion and half-climbed, half-levitated out onto the roof, hissing with disgust as the Stench of Wolves assaulted her nostrils. 
Yinmei was on the south roof; from her vantage point, she could see the Wolves crowding near the front door. She grimaced and directed her attention back towards the rooftop, waving the others over as they made their way out of the windows. Yinmei duly ignored Sabine, who was fretting very annoyingly about Amare, clutching Amare’s bag as if her life depended upon it.
With the Wolves below and the fire behind her, Yinmei began to map out their escape. The garage looked like it hadn’t been touched by the fire - so far - and the house would hold up long enough for them to get there. Or so Yinmei hoped, anyway.
The Wolves had noticed her standing among the conical spires that jutted out of the roof and were now circling around the area directly below her, where the ashes from the raging inferno were turning pristine white snow into a grimy gray in the pale blue light of the approaching morning. They jeered up at her, and Yinmei had no choice but to grit her teeth and focus on something else (such as Nessa disappearing around the corner two stories below, presumably toward the garage), her hands itching for the rifle as she briefly fantasized about blowing out some dog-brains.
She was thrown back to reality when small section of the roof gave out, accompanied by alarmed shouts. They didn’t have much time left.
“Get over here!” Yinmei screamed, her voice betraying more of her apprehension than she’d intended. Who were they missing? Where was Angelika - and Ysa?
As if on cue, a gunshot sounded out from the opposite side of the roof. Yinmei breathed out a sigh of relief; that must have been Ysabelle. And a few moments later, Angelika and Amaelia came into view, Amaelia’s bright hair the same shade as the flames licking up the sides of their former home.
“Mother says to - Mother says to get to the garage,” Angelika gasped out. Amaelia was clinging to her arm, frightened out of her mind. “She’ll meet us later.”
Wooden beams groaned and crackled and collapsed, not ten feet away from them. “We have to go,” Yinmei said tightly. “Where the hell is Amare?”
“I don’t know,” replied Angelika, her eyes wild. “I thought she was with you!”
Yinmei pressed her lips together. Thankfully, only a minute or two passed before Amare appeared a short distance away.
“Garage!” Yinmei barked out, and they were on the move.
It didn’t take long to 1) get to the garage, and 2) for the south roof to completely cave in on itself as the flames devoured the house’s wooden frame. Angelika, Amaelia, Amare, and Sabine crowded into one of the cars with Yinmei, who tore open the door to the driver’s seat and pulled the key out of her satchel. With no time to lose, she turned on the ignition and sped towards the garage opening-
-just as the Wolves began setting fire to the garage, too.
“Get as many as you can,” Yinmei told Amare (who had done as Yinmei had instructed for once in her undeath and brought the rifle. Antique as it was, silver bullets were still silver bullets), her voice tight with tension and her foot poised over the gas pedal. “I’m going to run them down.”
Amare cranked down the window of the passenger side (after Sabine hurriedly showed her how to do it), and Yinmei tightened her grip around the steering wheel as the engine roared to life.
The vampires in the backseat yelped in alarm as they were thrown forward. Yinmei braced herself in between the headrest and the steering wheel and let the car shoot past the flames, swerving over the slippery asphalt. Wolves leapt towards the black car, their claws slicing deep gouges into the sides, and blood splattered across the windshield as a silver bullet hit home. Still - the Wolves who were in human form were advancing frighteningly quickly; too quickly for Amare to take out one-by-one with the rifle.  
“Gather in the Depths!” Ysa’s voice rang out, and Yinmei would have slumped forward with relief if she hadn’t been, you know, careening wildly towards the treeline with the Wolves hot on her heels (literally, as they were setting fire to anything that would burn at this point - including the trees that they were about to crash into).
“Ysabelle!” Yinmei called wildly, sharply jerking the steering wheel to the right so that she could circle back for the Bloodmother, ramming into a Wolf with a satisfying crunch as she did so. The tires screeched and skidded, but Yinmei managed to keep them upright (thank the stars), and moments later, there was a thud on the roof, accompanied by more gunshots.
“Amare, take them out from the backseat,” Yinmei ordered, snapping her wrist and flicking open the door to the passenger side. Ysabelle slipped in, her black dress bloodied and slashed to trailing shreds, and slammed the door shut while firing off another round out the open window. 
Yinmei gritted her teeth, narrowed her eyes, and hit the gas. 
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dokkaebiyoo · 5 years
This is a snippet of a silly and fluffy touch-starved Kdj fic I wrote while on a car ride then forgot about and then found again. Idk if I’ll continue it but the premise is basically “the party piles heaps of affection onto a increasingly flustered Kim Dokja because they love him”
Some notes:
-this takes place in an au, either non-scenario au or post-scenario au where everyone lives regular lives again (sys and lgy attend school, ysa and Kdj still work together)
-Lee Gilyoung names everything Titano
It starts with Shin Yoosung.
At 9:00 she posts to the “Oppress Kim Dokja” chat (made without his knowledge, of course):
[Shin Yoosung]: I think I made Ahjussi cry
[Shin Yoosung]: It was an accident
[Lee Gilyoung]: WHAT!!!
[Lee Gilyoung]: SHIN YOOSUNG!!!
[Lee Gilyoung]: HOW DARE YOU!!!!!
[Yoo Sangah]: Gilyoung-ah, Yoosung-ah, aren’t you both in class right now? Stop texting.
[Han Sooyoung]: Wait no let them talk I wanna know how to make Kim Dokja cry
[Yoo Sangah]: ....
[Jung Heewon]: ....I’m muting the chat. It’s too early for this, don’t you guys think?
[Shin Yoosung]: Gilyoung’s so stupid. Why are you yelling at me? I said it was on accident, didn’t I?
[Lee Gilyoung]: Anyone who makes Hyung cry is the enemy >:(
[Lee Hyunsung]: Dokja-ssi really cried?
[Jung Heewon]: Not you too, Hyunsung-ssi
[Han Sooyoung]: weren’t you muting the chat? Let Shin Yoosung finish
[Shin Yoosung]: I don’t know if I want to now...aren’t you too eager?
[Han Sooyoung]: Ehhh, Kim Dokja is usually so blasé, isn’t it natural to be curious about what you could have possibly done to make that guy cry?
[Yoo Sangah]: I must admit I am also a little curious. Dokja-ssi didn’t even cry when Yoo Jonghyuk ignored him for a month cause he was jealous of Jang Hayoung.
[Jang Hayoung]: Hey!! It’s not my fault if I confess first. Besides, I didn’t even know Kim Dokja and Demon King of Salvation were the same person, does that really count?
[Han Sooyoung]: You guys are getting off topic. Shin Yoosung just tell us how you made that guy cry
[Shin Yoosung]: okay so Ahjussi normally drops me off at school, right?
[Lee Gilyoung]: Big deal he drops us both off at school!! >:U
[Shin Yoosung]: Yeah well today you had to go in early so it was just me and him, so take that!
[Shin Yoosung]: Anyway lately I’ve been complaining about the school cafeteria, so today Ahjussi gave me!! A lunch box!! He made it!!!
[Lee Gilyoung]: HOW COME I DIDN'T GET ONE??
[Shin Yoosung]: you did :)))))) but you left before he could give it to you so now both of them are mine :)))))
[Lee Gilyoung]: I’m coming to your classroom during lunch and if you and my lunch box aren’t there I’m going to murder you with Titano XVII.
[Yoo Sangah]: If Kim Dokja has to leave work early again because you two are fighting I will be very, Very Disappointed.
[Jang Hayoung]: Oh shit I can hear the Mom tone
[Lee Gilyoung]: ....
[Shin Yoosung]: ....
[Shin Yoosung]: uh anyways, when I got the lunchbox I was so happy that I swung my arms around his neck for a hug and we both fell to the ground. Ahjussi didn’t even try to cushion the impact. He didn’t try hugging me back either
[Shin Yoosung]: a couple of minutes passed and I thought it was really weird he wasn’t saying anything so I looked at him and his head was turned to the side. He was trying to hide it but his eyes were really red and watery!! Like he was trying not to cry!!!
[Yoo Sangah]: oh, is it possible Dokja-ssi doesn’t like to be touched? He always seems kind of awkward at work and tends to avoid touching others.
[Lee Gilyoung]: Hyung always pats us on the head though?
[Jang Hayoung]: we’ve sparred a couple times with Master and Yoo Jonghyuk and he’s never looked uncomfortable even when Master sits on him until he yields
[Han Sooyoung]: Kim Dokja’s too much of a smug rat to be touch-adverse. One time I caught him tucking Yoo Jonghyuk into bed and he could keep his hands off him, stroking his head and acting disgusting.
[Lee Hyunsung]: so Dokja-ssi has tucked Jonghyuk-ssi into bed...
[Jang Hayoung]: why is that the thing you focus on?????
[Yoo Sangah]: but if Dokja-ssi isn’t touch-adverse, how come he was so close to crying with just a small gesture from Yoosung-ah?
[Han Sooyoung]: How should I know? We should test it, maybe if you or I cling to him like that he’ll cry again. Then we’ll really know if he hates touch even when it’s with two beautiful women
[Han Sooyoung sent and image]: knifecat.jpg
[Yoo Sangah]: ....
[Lee Hyunsung]: I’ll do it too!!!
[Jung Heewon]: this is getting out of hand...
[Jung Heewon]: Shin Yoosung, you said you hugged Dokja-ssi? For a long time?
[Shin Yoosung]: yes?
[Jung Heewon]: Have you guys considered that Dokja-ssi is just unused to positive physical affection and is very moved by it?
[Shin Yoosung]: .....
[Lee Gilyoung]: Hyung....
[Yoo Sangah]: oh my... now that you mention it, it probably wasn’t easy growing up when Sookyung-ssi was still incarcerated
[Lee Hyunsung]: So Dokja-ssi isn’t used to getting hugged?
[Jang Hayoung]: ? I don’t get it what do you guys mean?
[Han Sooyoung]: That guy??? Touch-starved?????
[Han Sooyoung]: That’s Hilarious
[Yoo Sangah]: Han Sooyoung
[Han Sooyoung]: ugh Kim Dokja has a line of admirers out the door. Just about everyone in this group chat would die for him, literally half of you guys would commit murder if he asked, and yet he still hasn’t gotten that he could have a human cuddle pile if he wanted, no questions asked?
[Han Sooyoung changed the title of the conversation to Kim Dokja is a loser]
[Jung Heewon]: ... Han Sooyoung has a point, Dokja-ssi never relies on us. Its pitiful that he’s not used to even Yoosung hugging him
[Lee Gilyoung]: We should help him!!
[Shin Yoosung]: I’m going to hug Ahjussi when I get home too!!
[Yoo Sangah]: I can initiate more contact when we’re together as well.
[Lee Hyungsung]: Will this really help Dokja-ssi?
[Han Sooyoung]: Who cares, I’m just looking forward to seeing him *squirm.*
[Han Sooyoung]: @Yoojonghyuk @Yoojonghyuk @Yoojonghyuk @Yoojonghyuk
[Han Sooyoung]: read that?
[Han Sooyoung]: you better make a move before one of us sweeps Kim Dokja off his stupid ass feet
Thus began, as Han Sooyoung affectionately named it, operation “Suffocate Kim Dokja (with Affection)”
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lizhly-writes · 2 years
cnovel shenanigans: our original fmc of the gl novel, who has lived life before the official beginning of her novel fairly friendless.  doylistically speaking,  a friendless background serves well as 1) part of a sad backstory 2) gives those ‘not like the other girls’ vibes 3) serves to make relationships in the plot more ‘significant’ 4) provides a possible explanation for her to ignore glaring red flags, and thus, allows for more drama. 
in-universe, fate enforces this. as a result, chen lihua is... well.  she’s used to it, by now.
Chen Lihua liked to think that her roommates were friends.  This was true, in the sense that she and her roommates were on friendly terms with each other and if they were badmouthing her, they had the courtesy of doing it behind her back.  This was unhelpful for knowing if they were going to backstab her at any moment, as was custom, but certainly did lend a pleasant atmosphere between them.  She appreciated that.
It was perhaps a very low standard for friendship, but Chen Lihua had a lot of people that treated her worse that she still called friends, even if she trusted them about as much as she could throw them.  Actual friends were something she was in rather short supply, which is to say she had none.  What she did have were people who were obsessed with her, people who would dramatically betray her, or both.  
Chen Lihua would like a friend, at some point.  It would be a novel experience.   That’s not to say she never had a friend.  It was just, well.  Generally, when she made a genuine friend, they tended to move away or die or have some miscellaneous horrible thing happen to them.  Once Chen Lihua had noticed this rather disturbing trend, she had elected to simply not put any emotional investment in anyone at all if she could help it.  It was easier that way.  Her reputation was contentious enough already, she didn’t need to have some sort of doombringer attribute added on top of it.
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fireintheforest · 5 years
Behind the Blue: chapter 2
It was around three in the morning when Toivon left the tavern, which was starting to be emptied by the owner and employees. Out the tavern, Chorrol had its own sights. A couple of drunkards sat at the corner singing lewd songs in a warbly, slurred voice. Beyond, a shady man waited under a tree holding a lamp. Guards walked now and then, making their rounds. The buildings around leaned one way or another, some windows lit and most in darkness. The few trees around swayed gently with vague gusts of wind. The cobblestone roads gave out a soft tap, tap, tap sound as Toivon walked. Now and then a person or two would walk on the opposite direction, glancing at the Dunmer, who paid them no attention as he continued his way to the inn he was staying at. And how could he? As he walked (or rather let his feet guide him back to the inn he and Marcello were staying at), his mind guided him elsewhere: he had to be in Evermor in one month, he and two others, the key was in Hawkcroft’s possession, La Zadine was in a chest in the bedroom, so if it’s going to be during a party, the best way of action could be…
By the time opened the door of Marcello’s room, he felt confident in the rough sketches of the plan. Marcello was lying face up on his bed, his legs resting against the wall and examining a pearl collar he held on one hand. Marcello glanced at the door, almost as if he’d been expecting Toivon to cross the threshold soon and extended the collar to him as he asked, “How’s it look?”
Toivon took the necklace and sat on the ground by Marcello’s head, inspecting it. “Nice enough. Where did you get it?”
“Some house, the big one by the bridge? Next to some violets? Yeah. You think I could sell it?”
“There’s a couple places you can, yeah.” He plopped the collar straight on Marcello’s face as Marcello let him by closing his eyes to feel the cool pearls, “Are you busy the next month?”
“I don’t think so. Why, you got any plans? Are you taking me somewhere fancy for our anniversary?”
“The fanciest you’ve ever gotten is street food that fell off the cart. But no. We got a job.” Marcello opened one eye, listening, “There’s a sapphire, La Zadine, all the way in Evermor, that’s owned by Emmanuel Hawkcroft, and someone is paying good money for it.”
“That’s this whole business in a nutshell. Sounds easy enough.”
“Mhm. Hawkcroft is going to have some party in a month time, and during this party we’ll get it. There’s strong suspicion that she’s kept in a chest in his room that can only be opened by a key he keeps with him at all times.”
“Ohhh, there’s the catch.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“So what’s the plan?”
“The plan so far is you, me and someone else.” Marcello perked up at that, which was…odd. Marcello usually preferred jobs like these to be with fewer people. It was probably nothing, Toivon thought, and pushed that observation aside to focus on the plan, “Third person creates a distraction, you pinch the key from Hawkcroft, let me in, we get La Zadine and then the out of there.”
“That…sounds too simple.”
“I know, it’s a rough sketch. Obviously we’ll finesse the details when we get there and scout the place.”
Marcello pursed his lips for a second, the pearl necklace contrasting strikingly with the dark grey of his skin and the black of his hair, “You think there’ll be a good window of time for me to grab that key? Because, and I gotta be honest with you, I’m not the swiftest taking things that are tied up on people, and those keys might be in a keyring on his belt or something. Doubt he just carries it lose on his pocket. Oh man, what if he has it under his skin?”
Toivon slowly turned to Marcello, “…what?”
“What? A man back home had his like- he cut a bit of skin on his stomach,” Marcello traced a finger horizontally on his gut, “and stuck the key to his house in there. He stitched it up, it created a pocket.” Toivon shuddered, “He said it was so hagravens couldn’t get his corpse when-”
“Okay. Childhood memories aside,- by the daedra, what the fuck was your childhood, even- I doubt Hawkcroft has it under his skin. He probably has it in his belt or around his neck or something.”
“So, even if you’ve gotten good you need more time. That’s why we can bring one more person along, for distraction, but we have to be careful picking who.” Toivon said as he stretched. Marcello seemed to ponder this, and an idea crossed his mind. But if he wanted this to work, he had to make Toivon think he’d come to the conclusion by himself. And knowing Toivon, who had gotten up and was now pacing, the time was now. He put his legs down and sat upright, letting the pearls fall on his lap, “So of the people we know, I don’t think Eliza is the best for this job. She won’t like going undercover or being at a fancy party, especially a Breton one where she has to wear a skirt. Nahin could make a good distraction but also he stands out too much and not in the good way, plus yanno kinda stubborn. And I love Ysa but she has the social skills of a lizard. We need someone that catches the Breton’s attention without setting them too apart from the crowd. Someone that can both blend in to be discreet and catch the eye enough to command the attention away from you taking the key.” Marcello grinned, “Wow, I’m smart.” He said to himself.
“This is an interesting idea.” Toivon agreed, pacing, “Someone that’ll catch the Breton’s eye. Someone they’ll flock towards.”
“Someone that can be as boring and posh as they are.” Marcello took out three balls in his pocket and started to juggle them. Toivon stopped to observe the juggling. Now he just needed to figure out who to persuade to join the work. It had to be someone discreet and competent, but if the usual people might not be up to task, then…
Marcello’s whistling was what drew Toivon out of his thoughts. Toivon asked, “What are you doing?”
“What? I’m juggling.”
“Marcello, we need to figure out this by now. The sooner we have this mystery person, the sooner we can go to Evermor.”
“What? I’m thinking too! Can’t a mer multitask? If we need someone to catch their eye, and we’re talking about Bretons, it’s got to be someone that’s attractive.”
“Quick-witted for the distraction”
“I guess? They’re Bretons, just slap in an Altmer and profit from their daddy issues. Doesn’t even have to do much. Shit, they’d even fit in and think the Breton party is too casual for them.” Boom.
Toivon stopped in his tracks.
“An Altmer?” he asked. Marcello dropped a ball and reached to pick it by the pillow, sighing dramatically, “You’re right, dumb idea. Anyone will do. We don’t even know any Altmer who could do it.” Lies.
“No.” Toivon said, absentmindedly lifting a hand, “No, no no no. An Altmer is good. An Altmer could work. They’d fit in that party. Fundamentally, we need someone that won’t ruin this for us.”
“Where will we find an Altmer that’s going to work with us in this job, though?” Marcello asked, straightening up and studying Toivon’s face closely. He already knew the answer, he just hoped whoever was in Toivon’s mind was the same as he was thinking of. Toivon’s eyes were shining with realization.
“I think we know the one.”
The Khajiit scrambled out of the house as fast as he could and took off down the road and away from the escalating argument in Altmeris. Which was, however, just getting started. Mere five minutes after the beastfolk had run out of their living room, Saufinril threw his hands up in the air.
“I’m done!” he yelled, walking out.
“Hey come back here, I’m not done with you!”
“Well I am!” Saufinril yelled, going upstairs with Eramon behind.
“Of course you are, you only think about yourself!” Eramon yelled back
“SOMEONE has to,” Saufinril snapped, turning around at his glaring follower, “given that my partner doesn’t give a SHIT about me!”
“Oh look at the cauldron calling the teapot black!”
“I DON’T GIVE A SHIT HOW THE SAYING GOES!” Saufinril turned around and kept going upstairs, turning right to the bedroom, “Are you really ignoring me now? How mature, Saufinril! That’s the ONLY thing you do! And then you wonder why people hurt you!” Saufinril turned and slammed the door when he was inside, then locked it. He could hear Eramon pacing outside of the door but at this point, he didn’t care anymore. He really didn’t care. He took his bag and tossed it open on the bed before proceeding to pack. Eramon began to bang on the door.
“Saufinril, open this door!”
“Leave me alone! That’s the least you could do!”
“The least- I do EVERYTHING here! I am the one that is trying to save this relationship!” Saufinril didn’t reply, focused on pressing down his clothes on the bag before moving on to other objects.
“You don’t give a fuck about us!” Eramon yelled from the other side of the door, giving it a final bang with (presumably) his fist, then his voice broke, “It’s like I’m doing all the work here. You shut me down and I can’t talk and I, I don’t know what to do, what do you want me to do, Saufinril? What do you want from me?”
He paused, his hands resting on the bag. He hated how honest Eramon was, he just had a way to say the exact thing for Saufinril to feel…bad. Saufinril took a hand to his face. This was getting old. This…arguing and shouting and then reconciliation sex that resolved nothing because then there’s more arguments and shouting until he finally ended up packing and leaving. This wasn’t the first time he left Eramon, and Eramon wasn’t the first relationship this had happened to. He took a deep breath to loosen the knot on his throat and ease the overwhelming feeling that washed over him.  Instead, all that sprouted was anger.
“I told you I was not okay with it!” Saufinril yelled, and the hot tears of anger fell, “I told you! Time and time again, and I come home and you and that-that-cat gets all over me and you’re okay with this but I am not!”
“Can you just open the door??”
“NO!” he felt the knot at his throat tighten, fumbling angrily as he finished packing. So much for giving himself space and picking them better next time, he thought as he wiped his eyes. He finally heard some steps away from the door, so he unlocked it and walked out. Eramon, who was at the end of the hallway, turned with a glint of hope in his eyes…only for his gaze to land on the bag Saufinril had, then it turned to a glare.
“Where’re you going?”
“I’m leaving. I can’t do this anymore.” Saufinril began to go downstairs. Eramon followed.
“What the fuck, you’re leaving me over this-this miscommunication?”
“It’s NOT a miscommunication!” Saufinril turned and jabbed Eramon in the chest, hard, “And you know this! You damn well know this!”
“So you’re just going to leave me over this??” Saufinril didn’t even respond, he just turned around and kept walking, “I should’ve known you’d do this! You did it once before, of course you’d do it again! You didn’t ever give a shit about me.” Eramon followed him, “I can’t believe I believed you when you said you loved me.”
There it was, Eramon jabbing it again on the wound. Saufinril turned to face Eramon again, “I do.” He wasn’t yelling anymore, he didn’t have energy for it, he was barely using his all to not cry and stay resolute on leaving, “Eramon, I love you. I really do. But I can’t keep returning somewhere my opinion doesn’t matter.”
“That’s not true, listen-”
“I can’t.” Saufinril closed his eyes and shook his head, “I don’t want to keep doing this.”
“Saufinril, please just listen.” Eramon had softened his tone too, and had approached Saufinril enough to grab his hand. Since Saufinril didn’t pull away, he went on, ”Please, just-please don’t leave me. Please, not again, this is not fair. This can change, I know you’re not into this, we can just-”
“No, Eramon, you told me the same last time and that’s why I returned, you told me it’d be different this time.”
“I know,” he quickly said, now putting both hands on Saufinril’s shoulders, “and you’re right. I did. I just, I thought this could help. I thought we would enjoy it, it would bring us closer, I-I thought it’d be a surprise you’d like.” Saufinril exhaled, looking away. Eramon pulled him closer, wrapping his arms around him, “See? This was just a disagreement. This, we can put this behind. This won’t happen again, Saufinril. I promise.” He pressed a kiss on Saufinril’s temple. Feeling his partner relax and hug him back, Eramon breathed out in relief, closing his eyes as Saufinril rested his jaw on Eramon’s shoulder. That was close. That was so close.
Saufinril was the one to break the hug and look at Eramon’s green eyes with his own. He placed a hand on Eramon’s face, studying him with his gaze, then said,
“Goodbye, Eramon.”
And he turned around and walked out of the door, heading to his horse. Eramon followed in silence, as Saufinril could tell while getting the horse ready. He wanted to believe him, he wholeheartedly wanted to believe him, he just couldn’t. From past experience both with other partners and with Eramon himself, he didn’t want to hear that things would change, he wanted to see them changed. And he was tired of waiting for a promise Eramon himself had made him last year and that he was still waiting to see fulfilled.
“If you leave,” Eramon said slowly to control the knot in his throat and the snap that wanted to come out, “don’t come back. Try to find someone else that’ll love you like I do, you won’t find it.”
Saufinril wanted to reply with an ‘I know’, but instead he got on the horse and rode out, with Eramon watching him as he did so.
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yjkyungwan-blog · 5 years
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𝐒𝐔𝐏 , 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐎𝐒 𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐆𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐎𝐒  !   i’m  very  excited  to  finally  be  here  !  the  name’s  ysa  (  she / her  ,  pst  )  and  i’m  coming  to  you  live  ,  acai  bowl  in  hand  ,  to  introduce  you  to  the  biggest  pain  in  my  ass  ,  CHOI  KYUNGWAN  .  okay  ...  maybe  not  the  biggest  ,  but  he’s  up  there  .  he’s  been  at  the  yujaen  sharehouse  for  about  a  month  now  and  currently  works  as  an  employee  at  the  LAVISH  DRAGON  SPA  as  well  as  a  part  time  DELIVERY  BOY  for  kentucky  fried  chicken  .  his  detailed  profile  and  connections  page  will  be  linked  below  and  if  you’d  like  to  plot  with  him  ,  please  GIVE  THIS  POST  A  LIKE  and  i’ll  be  sure  to  make  your  hotline  bling  via  the  tumblr  ims  .  or  if  you’d  much  rather  prefer  to  figure  things  out  on  d*scord  ,  feel  free  to  add  me  @  stream  me  by  clc#5398  .  * mark  lee  vc *  let’s  get  it  !!
               profile  .  connections  .  //  trigger  warning  for  death  mention  .
NAME:  choi  kyungwan  .
FACE  CLAIM:  jung  jaewon  .
AGE:  twenty  two  .
DATE  OF  BIRTH:  october  30  ,  1996  .
ZODIAC:  scorpio  sun  ,  gemini  moon  ,  cancer  rising  .
ROOM:  yugji  building  ,  room  1b  .
+  witty  ,  perceptive  ,  flexible  ,  leisurely  ,  charming  .  /  -  blunt  ,  dishonest  ,  reserved  ,  unorganized  ,  noncommital  .
AESTHETICS:  #being  paid  on  time  ,  #vegetarian-friendly  food  options  at  restaurants  ,  #tyrian  purple  ,  #winning  bets  ,  #smoking  cigarettes  ,  #getting  the  last  laugh  ,  #cats  ,  #pineapple  on  pizza  is  good  you  just  have  terrible  taste  ,  #denim  jackets  ,  #staying  up  late  ,  #cold  beers  ,  #spraying  febreze  ,  #buying  lottery  tickets  ,  #sarcasm  ,  #bragging  rights  ,  #sour  gummy  worms  ,  #the  rush  of  adrenaline  from  catching  your  bus  or  train  at  the  last  second  , #wellness  shots  ,  #the  nightmare  before  christmas  ,  #happy  delirium  ,  #when  the  ocean  refuses  to  stop  kissing  the  shoreline  ,  #finding  money  in  your  pocket  that  you  forgot  you  had  .
born  in  yongsa  ,  south  korea  .  only  child  .  grew  up  under  the  care  of  both  his  parents  and  lived  quite  comfortably  .  his  family  owns  lavish  dragon  spa  ,  which  is  considered  to  be  the  biggest  and  most  popular  bathhouse  in  town  .  his  father  is  the  primary  owner  and  keeps  an  eye  on  all  the  day-to-day  activities  ,  while  his  mother  runs  the  books  and  takes  care  of  everything  from  a  public  relations  standpoint  .  as  his  parents  worked  full  time  ,  a  lot  of  his  childhood  was  spent  in  daycare  facilities  or  with  his  late  paternal  grandfather  .
out  of  all  his  immediate  family  members  ,  kyungwan  considered  himself  to  be  the  closest  with  his  grandfather  .  his  most  favorite  memory  of  them  spending  time  together  was  when  he  was  three  years  old  ;  in  the  middle  of  summer  ,  he  distinctly  remembers  ,  walking  along  the  seashore  of  yongsa  beach  ,  holding  hands  and  laughing  as  he  eats  an  ice  cream  cone  and  accidentally  drops  it  into  the  sand  .
when  he  passed  away  ,  kyungwan  took  a  long  time  to  process  and  accept  it  .  the  concept  of  death  was  a  hard  pill  to  swallow  for  a  kid  his  age  ;  he  was  a  little  confused  and  a  lot  sad  ,  and  didn’t  exactly  know  how  to  deal  with  it  .  he  also  wasn’t  one  to  be  outwardly  emotionally  expressive  ,  still  isn’t  to  this  day  ,  so  instead  of  spilling  tears  or  talking  about  it  ,  he  withdrew  into  this  shell  for  a  good  chunk  of  his  first  year  of  middle  school  .
things  took  an  upturn  when  he  got  involved  with  tennis  .  his  mother  ,  worried  sick  about  his  well-being  ,  forced  him  into  the  idea  in  the  midst  of  his  “  i  don’t  want  to  do  this  ,  you  can’t  make  me  ”  tantrums  because  she  believed  he  needed  to  do  something  ,  anything  to  get  him  out  of  the  rut  he  was  in  ,  and  she  was  not  going  to  stand  by  and  watch  her  son  sit  tight-lipped  and  grieving  .  turns  out  ,  he  had  a  knack  for  the  sport  ;  he  didn’t  want  to  admit  it  at  first  but  he  liked  it  ,  and  he  liked  that  he  could  channel  all  of  his  negative  energy  out  on  the  court  .  it  was  a  way  for  him  to  express  himself  without  actually  having  to  express  himself  ...  verbally  .
unfortunately  his  interest  in  tennis  lessened  over  time  ,  just  as  his  interests  in  other  things  grew  over  time  ,  and  he  doesn’t  play  much  anymore  .  he  still  considers  it  a  hobby  ,  though  .
as  briefly  mentioned  above  ,  kyungwan  works  as  an  attendant  at  lavish  dragon  spa  .  it’s  a  job  some  may  consider  a  “  hand  out,  ”  due  to  the  fact  that  his  parents  are  the  ones  in  charge  ,  but  don’t  let  him  catch  you  saying  that  .  he  doesn’t  mind  it  ,  working  there  ;  it’s  basically  a  second  home  to  him  .  his  father  keeps  on  insisting  to  groom  him  for  management  but  he’s  not  entirely  sure  he  wants  to  commit  to  that  yet  .  it’s  nice  to  think  about  ,  a  good  backup  plan  ,  but  he’s  not  100  %  sold  .  he  doesn’t  want  to  be  tied  down  .  wants  to  explore  all  his  options  .
aside  from  his  job  at  the  bathhouse  ,  he  also  makes  money  through  a  part  time  job  doing  deliveries  for  kentucky  fried  chicken  .  which  is  so  ironic  ,  given  that  he  doesn’t  even  eat  meat  ,  but  who  is  choi  kyungwan  if  not  a  walking  paradox  ?  he  responded  to  a  wanted  ad  one  day  ,  went  in  ,  got  the  job  ,  and  it  sticks  .  he’s  not  complaining  .  most  nights  he’ll  come  home  smelling  like  grease  and  fried  chicken  .  and  depending  on  who  you  ask  ,  that  could  not  be  a  bad  thing  .
to  be  specific:  kyungwan  is  pescetarian-vegetarian  ,  which  means  he  follows  a  strict  plant-based  diet  with  an  incorporation  of  seafood  .  he  doesn’t  eat  meat  for  any  extreme  reason  ,  he  just  doesn’t  like  it  .  feels  nauseous  and  sluggish  after  eating  it  .  he’s  not  going  to  go  out  of  his  way  to  hound  people  who  do  eat  meat  ,  and  he  doesn’t  get  bothered  if  you  eat  some  infront  of  him  .  he  merely  won’t  have  a  bite  .  period  .
kind  of  charming  ,  kind  of  an  asshole  .  knows  how  to  use  words  to  get  by  and  truly  believes  karma  doesn’t  apply  to  him  .  sugarcoating  isn’t  in  his  vocabulary  ;  he’ll  tell  you  how  it  is  ,  plain  and  simple  .  sometimes  he  can  come  off  insensitive  in  this  regard  ,  but  he  doesn’t  mean  to  hurt  people  intentionally  .  nine  times  out  of  ten  ,  the  things  he  says  or  does  are  for  his  own  benefit  and  the  people  around  him  are  an  afterthought  .  but  that  doesn’t  mean  he  doesn’t  care  about  his  friends  and  loved  ones  .  he  does  .  he  just  understands  that  at  the  end  of  the  day  ,  the  only  person  that’s  going  to  take  care  of  him  is  himself  ,  and  he  wants  to  protect  his  heart  above  all  else  .  he’s  been  careless  before  ,  too  trusting  ,  and  has  had  ex  friends  and  ex  relationships  walk  all  over  him  .
has  an  affinity  for  smoking  .  it’s  a  habit  he  picked  up  from  those  he’s  been  hanging  around  with  these  days  .  he  won’t  smoke  in  the  sharehouse  ,  he  knows  better  not  to  ,  but  he’ll  light  a  cigarette  outside  .  there  are  times  where  he  has  tried  to  quit  but  it  hasn’t  broken  ground  yet  .  the  longest  he’s  gone  without  smoking  was  two  months  ...  let’s  see  if  he  can  beat  that  .
tends  to  get  into  fights  .  mighty  prideful  .  his  parents  ,  or  more  so  his  father  ,  hates  the  kind  of  person  kyungwan  is  becoming  and  they  never  see  eye  to  eye  on  his  choices  .  his  mother  ,  on  the  other  hand  ,  always  gives  him  the  benefit  of  the  doubt  and  stays  perpetually  worried  about  him  .  she’s  been  like  that  ever  since  he  was  young  and  he  knows  she’ll  never  change  .
he  moved  out  of  his  parents’  house  because  he  couldn’t  stand  the  suffocation  he  felt  from  living  under  their  roof  .  they  constantly  argued  and  went  back  and  forth  ,  and  at  the  time  things  seemed  definite  and  final  .  he  then  moved  in  with  his  now  ex  girlfriend  and  lived  with  her  for  a  few  months  before  their  imminent  break  up  ,  prompting  him  to  find  a  new  place  to  stay  .  he  contemplated  going  back  to  his  parents  ;  was  actually  about  a  block  or  two  away  from  the  front  door  before  he  talked  himself  out  of  it  and  went  to  look  into  hostels  and  every  other  possible  affordable  accommodations  .
and  that’s  how  he  wound  up  at  the  yujaen  .  this  living  situation  is  more  tentative  than  anything  ,  though  it’s  already  been  a  month  and  he’s  still  there  .  he’s  not  the  worst  roommate  or  housemate  in  the  world  but  there  are  definitely  some  things  he  needs  to  work  on  .
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inyri · 6 years
48. …out of habit. for Nine and Theron please
(Something sweet for a Friday evening. Nine/Theron, with bonus appearances by a special guest or two… SWTOR. About 2 years from current time.)
Odessen. Winter.
“Mama.” Ysa calls out from her room, a plaintive whine. “Mama, help.”
She opens her eyes with a soft groan. It’s so cold outside and the bed is warm and Theron’s warmer; she curls into his arms as he stirs awake, too.
“I’ll get up,” he murmurs. “It’s my turn.”
That is, she thinks, an excellent point. It is his turn and it’s early yet, only the smallest hints of dim grey light slanting through the far window and snow still falling in the courtyard beyond; she can see the flakes in the near-dark, if only barely, but more than that she can feel it in a nagging soft ache in her shoulder, in her spine, all the old injuries her body can’t quite manage to forget. Beneath the blankets it’s easier. But-
Ysa keeps crying, pitch creeping upward little by little- mama, mama- and then a fierce doggie, no! with all the toddler sternness possible in a vocabulary limited to half a hundred words. When Theron starts to sit up, starts to fold the blankets back over her body, she nudges them back toward him.
“She wants me,” she says, wriggling out of the pile of quilts. “And you heard that. She’s trying to climb out. Again.”
Theron reaches out for her hand, catching her fingertips with his and pulling her back down. “Natural-born escape artist. Can’t imagine where she gets that from.”
Her grin punctuated by a wide yawn, she lets herself fall over beside him; head on the pillow beside his once more, she turns toward him to catch him in a lazy kiss. It’s a habit they have: going to bed, getting up, leaving or coming home, ever since he came back to her after Nathema and he’d wake up clinging to her like he couldn’t quite believe she was real, like she might crumble into dust if he let go, even for a moment-
(She always knew, somehow, that he’d come home.
But there were times, he told her more than once- on so many nights when his nightmares wouldn’t let him sleep they just lay together instead, speaking the worst of their secrets into the silent dark and letting it carry them away to wither out of consequence in the light of the morning that came after- that he didn’t think he’d live that long.)
Kiss me, she’d say and he’d lean in with a teasing grin, or she’d steal up behind him just loud enough to give the game away and when he turned to catch her she’d laugh and claim her prize, or he’d bend down to meet her as she sat in the courtyard with her face turned up to the warm sun.  It’s a habit they have, and this morning his kiss doesn’t mean don’t go or see you soon or be safe. It simply means I love you, sleepy and sweet and gentle, and she smiles against his mouth.
“You, I expect.” She kisses his nose, too, just because. “I’m sure I was perfectly well-behaved as a child.”
“I never climbed out of any cribs.”
Hard to believe, frankly, given his tendency to climb, perch, or hang upside down from anything in easy reach, although- “Did you ever have a crib to climb out of?”
Ysa calls out again, then, and Theron leans off the side of the bed, grasping blindly at something; after a moment he drops something fabric- her shirt or his, she can’t quite tell in the dark- on her head and she blinks and reaches up to take it.
“I’ll find something else to put on,” he says, “while you get her.”
She climbs across him, off the bed and toward the bedroom door, and slips her hands into the shirt (his- last night’s T-shirt still smelling faintly of his cologne; she inhales out of reflex, breathing him in) as she moves. “She needs to learn to stay in bed. This is the third-”
One last howl. She winces.
“Never mind.” The floor’s a comfort under her bare feet, at least, the heat beneath it an expense that had paid for itself in the first few weeks of winter. “We’ll be back in a moment.”
Already halfway sitting up, Theron mutters something that’s probably agreement as she steps out into the corridor. When she gets near enough to Ysa’s room, just around the corner from theirs, she can hear her still fussing, babbling animatedly over the noise of muted claws on padded floor. Peering into the room, she folds her arms across her chest.
“Ysa? What are you-”
She can’t quite see her daughter, only two small hands pressed firmly against the snout of a very aggrieved-looking akk dog, and at the sound of her voice Pinky (they’d tried to argue that the dog was red, really, but Ysa’d insisted, and she supposes one could call that color pink if one squinted) turns back toward the door with an expression that could only be intepreted as I Am Trying To Keep Small Squishy Thing From Falling, Larger Squishy Thing, But You See What I Have To Deal With and a short, soft whine.
(Since it appeared in the courtyard a month ago the dog had hardly left Ysa’s side. All her Holonet searches had done was confirm that yes, akk dogs are Force-sensitive and yes, they do bond with people and there was likely going to be very little any of them could do about it beyond figure out what to feed it and where it was going to sleep.
She’d even called the Corellian Zoological Society- anonymously, of course. The akk dog keeper, Void take the man, only laughed and wished her luck.)
Nine sighs and scratches behind its ears. “I’ve got her, pup. Go lie down.”
With a whuff, Pinky does, backing away from the crib to curl up on the huge cushion in the corner of the room and revealing Ysa, standing up with both hands on the bars and her sleeping-sack in a heap beside her and already trying to lift one chubby leg over the top rail.
“Ysa. No. You’re going to hurt yourself.”
Her eyes wide, blinking upward- Theron always swears she takes after her but there’s no mistaking it; she got that expression from her father- Ysa pauses mid-climb. “Want up.”
“It’s not time to get up yet, dearest.” Even as she says it she moves to intercept her, looping her hands under Ysa’s arms and depositing her back on the mattress. She isn’t going to win this but she can at least pretend she’s not going to give in immediately. “Let’s go back to sleep, hm?”
“Mama, no-” that was at least six syllables. She got that one from her father, too. “Up.”
She can pretend to be stern, too. “How do we ask?”
“Up please?”
She lifts her back up into her arms and Ysa wraps her arms around her neck, nestling her face into her shoulder with a happy hum that winds her own heart all the tighter around her daughter’s tiny fingers. “That’s better.” Pressing a light kiss to her forehead, she settles her onto her hip. “Shall we go and find your papa?”
“Mm-hm.” Already half-asleep again, she thinks.
It’s back down the hall and around the corner together, then, step by step until she crosses the threshold of their room and Theron looks up and smiles; he’s fixed the blankets in her absence, a little nest in the middle of the bed for all of them to curl up in together, and opened up the curtains to a better view of the falling snow. Sitting up in the blanket-nest, he holds out his arms and she passes Ysa to him before she sits down too.
“Another escape mission, I see.” He settles back again, Ysa draped over his chest with a barely audible hi, papa before she’s snoring softly. “Successful?”
“Foiled by the dog,” she yawns and squirms in beside him, pulling the last blanket over all of them. “But then I was sabotaged by a very convincing please.”
“She gets that,” Theron grins, “from you.” His arm around her, he turns his head toward hers for one more kiss before they all fall back to sleep.
An old habit, now. One worth keeping.
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Week 43 Update!
Hey everyone! 
Another great week has come and gone. The temperatures seemed to drop for a bit earlier this week to tempt us with an early fall, but that was quickly over with and now we're back to 90 degree days with way too much humidity. But hey, it's all worth it in the service of the Lord! Tuesday: We did exchanges on Tuesday with the Tuscola elders! I went with Elder Kay, who is a new missionary! We had a great time together. We started off with some service at the soup kitchen, which was a ton of fun. Nothing as crazy as last week though. Then afterwards, we had lunch, studied together on some stuff he wants to work on, then we went tracting! A lot of missionaries really look down on tracting, and I understand why, but it really is the best way to come out of your shell and learn a lot of people skills that are necessary for a mission. The day went well, and although we didn't find anyone new to teach, we had a good time and learned things about our selves. Wednesday: Wednesday was pretty fun. In district council, Elder Thomas, one of the Tuscola elders, talked about family history and challenged us all to use it more in our daily efforts. After district meeting, we went to an appointment that the other elders had set up the day before on exchanges, but it fell through. The two people we were going to teach, Harvey & Theresa, were sick, so we didn't get to teach them that day. They said that they'd be more than willing to do it another day though! After that, we had some members give us some dinner to go which was really good. After dinner, we did a lot of walking around and talking. Thursday: Thursday we did exchanges with our zone leaders! I went with Elder Johnson, who is a really cool guy. He's been through a lot of experiences, so it was neat to spend the day with him and learn from him. We mostly just ran around to a bunch of appointments around the college campus. Since they work the YSA branch, their days are mostly just talking with students on the college campus. We had a few appointments that didn't go through like we had planned, but overall it was a good day. Friday: Did some good weekly planning on Friday! We made some plans to help Brandon start his family history work so he can take some names to the temple, and so far those are going well! We're only waiting on a few things to get him started. We had an appointment at 1:30 with Paula that fell through for the second time, so now we're going to see if just stopping by works better for her. We also got to go give a less-active member a blessing since she hasn't been feeling good lately. Saturday: Saturday was crazy. We got called immediately after planning for our day to go help someone move. I'm not sure if they were a member of the Church or not, but apparently they needed to be out of their house 2 days ago or something. We were about to start rushing in to help them pack and such, but the owner freaked out and said no one was allowed inside to help. So about 20 or so people just kinda stood outside, made their backyard look decent, then left while they still had a ton of work to do. After that, we met with Brandon for a bit, who is excited to be able to go to the temple soon! We're excited for him too. Sunday: Sunday was a good day. We discovered yesterday that we had gone over our car's mile allotment by a bit, so we're stuck on foot for the rest of the week. We got a ride to church, thankfully, which helped a ton. We live about 3 miles from the church, so it wouldn't be horrible to walk, but it wouldn't feel great either. Church was really good too. We had a talk given by a member of the stake presidency about how he's grateful to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and why. A lot of good stuff. Then after church, we went out with a young man in the ward to visit a few of his friends and go to other appointments. That's been my week! I hope you all have a wonderful time and a great week this week. Remember to be awesome, and have fun! I'll write you all again next week!
Love, Elder Brown
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purplesurveys · 4 years
survey by danceamydance
Have you ever witnessed a birth? Never have. I wasn’t present when my mom gave birth to my younger siblings and other than that there’s been no reason for me to be around for the birth of my other younger relatives.
What pattern does the closest tissue box have? I don’t have one in my room, but the one in our bathroom is brown. I think. I never actually checked even though I use it everyday lol.
Where did you lose your virginity, if you have? I truthfully didn’t really keep note of what counts as the first time because we had already been fooling around quite a bit. I’d guess either a hotel room or my room, or maybe hers. The one thing I can remember was that I was 18, so there’s that.
What color car(s) do your parents drive? We have two white cars and one teal. I still don’t know why my dad got a teal car when none of us in the family are into colored cars, but according to him getting the Vitara in white would’ve looked like an FX (a form of public transport here), so I’ve learned to make my peace with the teal car lol.
What are your views on getting rid of the penny? I can’t relate, because we don’t use pennies.
Which Asian country would you most like to visit? Aside from the ones I’ve already gone to, I’d love to take a trip to Thailand, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, and India.
Have you ever had a nosebleed? Nope. I fear the day I get one; I’m scared of blood haha.
How far away do you live from your birthplace? Maybe around 30 minutes without any traffic. A realistic drive to Manila would take me anywhere between 1 to 1.5 hours.
Do you have bangs? Yep, and they’re starting to get pretty long as well so thanks for reminding me that I’ll have to trim them soon. I want to get rid of them already as I’ve had my fun with them, but NO ONE HAS SEEN ME WITH BANGS loooool so they are still staying. 
Are you a good driver? I wanna say I’ve been better through the years? Hahaha the consensus is that I drive a little crazy, but my friends still always pick me to drive them whenever we go somewhere because everyone apparently still finds me the safest driver to ride with despite my temper on the road. Having a tiny car, being bullied by bigger pickup trucks and SUV through the years has helped toughen me up.
Have you ever kissed someone underneath the mistletoe? No. My ex and I always celebrated Christmas separately, with our own families, so we never got the chance to do this.
Do you watch the Olympics on the television? No. It’s not really something that interests me.
What was the scariest experience of your life? The time I nearly crashed into a car that I didn’t realize was stopped in the middle of the road while I was going 80 kph, and having like 3 seconds to hit the brakes.
Do you have a Tumblr account? I mean...
Are your nails painted right now? What color? Nope.
Have you ever played truth or dare? Several times, though I always pick truth because I’ve never had a problem saying it. I also hate picking dares because my friends would usually make us do dumb things, like dance, or worse, make out with someone in the circle.
How long is your driveway? Not very.
Are there any tv shows you keep up with religiously? Mmm it used to be The Crown, but I probably won’t be watching it for a while despite the new season because 1) I used to watch it when my past relationship had still been smooth-sailing, so watching it would just remind me of that; and 2) Gabie loves the shit out of Gillian Anderson and she was brought in for season 4 lol. 
Right now my focus is on a new Korean drama called Start-Up, which is currently ongoing and is so fucking good. Nam Joo Hyuk is also there, so it’s a sweet bonus for me <3
What is your favorite iPhone app? I’m using YouTube the most these days, so it may as well be my favorite.
Where is your mother right now? She’s at work.
Do you know anybody named Carl? I don’t think so. The only person that came to mind is an uncle named Carlo who I haven’t seen in more than a decade. My dad’s college group used to be super tight-knit and I used to be friends with his friends’ kids, so it’s sad to see them kinda grow apart and notice the others be more reclusive over the years.
Are you more of a night owl or a morning person? Morning person. Ugh, work is changing me as a person haha.
What is your favorite song at the moment? Saw You In A Dream by The Japanese House has taken the top spot again. It’s just too goddamn good of a song.
Do you have a weak stomach? Very. I’m awful with car rides, bungee jumping, fair rides, you name it.
Have you ever been to a party where people were drinking underage? Hmm, yes. Kaira’s 18th birthday – it was held in May but most of the people at her party weren’t going to turn 18 until the end of the year, so it was a lot of 16 and 17 year olds drinking. I had just turned 18 then, so I allowed myself to take my first sip of a margarita.
How many stores are in the mall closest to you? Malls here are generally packed compared to what people may have in the US or other countries, so even though our local mall isn’t anything notable, it still holds 200+ stores.
Do you know anybody who has been diagnosed with cancer? Yes, but they’re all outside of family. My mom’s side is very weird about cancer and never share information about family members who may have it and only ever refer to it as ‘the c word,’ so I may have more relatives who have cancer than what is made known to us.
How far away is the closest McDonald’s to you? We have one literally right beside the main entrance of our village but because our house is at the very end of the village, what should be just a couple of steps away is instead a 10-minute drive for me.
Would you ever meet someone in person that you met online? Yeah I’ve done that with a few people in the wrestling circle. Jila I met unexpectedly while we were both in line for the WWE house show in Manila in 2016; Javi I met when I lent him my Chris Jericho memoir; and Rafie was the one who gave me a free ticket to said WWE show. Rafie’s a local celebrity now and he has such a huge following, so as weird as it is I’m also glad I have that little memory with him before he blew up.
What was the last film you watched? That Thing Called Tadhana, but I was unable to finish it. I’m into TV shows these days and I’ve been all over Start-Up.
Does it snow where you live? Never has.
Have you ever been to an art gallery? Of course, I’m a sucker for those. I always go to one whenever I can; there are a lot of malls here that’ll randomly have pop-up art exhibits, so art galleries here actually aren’t limited to just museums.
What are your neighbours like? A lot of them have kids, that much I know because a lot of them play outside in the afternoon and make some noise. We all keep to each other, though, so I don’t know any more about them; the only time we get together is when the neighborhood organizes its own Christmas party for the community.
Do you visit your town’s library often? I would if we have one, but public libraries are not a thing here. If you needed to go to a library to find a book, you would have to go to a university.
Have you ever had to take care of an intoxicated person? This just gave me college flashbacks haha. Of course I have, and the most notable people for me are JM, Andrew, and Angela.
What flavor was the last ice cream you ate? It’s a red bean ice cream sandwich that also has a bit of vanilla ice cream in it.
Can you do a cartwheel? No but I definitely tried a thousand times as a kid.
Who is the last person you spoke to on the phone? Can I do video calls instead? I haven’t done phone calls in a while. The last people I was on a call with were Ysa and Bea.
^ What did you talk about? Secret work stuff.
Which website do you spend the most time on? YouTube, Tumblr, Reddit, Twitter.
Have you ever kissed someone of a different race? I haven’t.
What can you smell right now? My coffee chocolate chip cookie.
Do you read fanfiction? If so, what fandoms? I haven’t checked on my favorite authors since college, mostly because they went MIA at some point and moved on to different fandoms as well. But when I did, I mostly read ones for AJ/Punk and HHH/Steph.
What accent is your favorite? Man this question is asked a lot...
How did/will you celebrate your birthday this year? Gab gave me a cute digital present, I think I may have spent the whole day playing the Switch, and Hans and Angela sent over a box of sushi for me.
Are you more introverted or extroverted? I’m both depending on the people I’m with. If I’m with a crowd I don’t know all that much, I turn my volume down.
Do you tend to repeat yourself all the time? Yeah. I got it from my mom, who unconsciously repeats stories all the time.
How was the last chicken you ate cooked? Fried.
Is there anybody you always find yourself thinking about? Yes, but it has gotten easier to manage/ignore altogether these days.
What was your last argument about? Haven’t argued with anyone in a hot minute. It was probably my mom as always, but I no longer remember what it could have been about.
Are/were you part of any extracurricular activities in school? I had clubs in high school since it was mandatory. In college, I was in yearbook and a journalism org.
Do you want to get married someday? I don’t know about that anymore.
What colors are on your country’s national flag? Blue, red, yellow, and white.
Would you go back to your ex if he/she asked you? I’m pretty stupid when it comes to this, so yes.
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angio-seraphim-blog · 5 years
Can You Love Me?
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    One night, Celine Ysabelle Lopez Mendez, a happy-go-lucky daughter who came from a very wealthy family, was in a hurry to go home because she already had twenty missed calls from her mother. She knew that she will be scolded again for she went to her friend’s birthday celebration without the consent of her parents. While she was driving, her phone rang again and this time, it was her father. She panicked for it was already a serious thing when her father already calls. She quickly grabbed her phone and it slipped away from her hand. She tries to find it while she was driving but she cannot until she heard a big bang from the outside of her car. She stopped her car and went out to look what happened. It was an unconscious man full of blood. Celine was very frightened of what she saw and she did not know what to do. She has committed a crime and she wanted to escape. But, she wanted to help the man so she parked her car near a tree where no one will see her and then she grabbed her phone to call for help.
    It was already midnight when the ambulance of Care and Cure Hospital received a phone call from an anonymous person stating that a man (who is around forty years of age) was being hit by a car. The caller told the exact place and quickly dismissed the call. After a while, the ambulance reached the exact location and immediately carried the unconscious man. Then, Celine went back to her car and followed the ambulance.  
    Back to the hospital, Celine witnessed how the doctor tried to revive the dying man in the emergency room. She hid at the back of a wall for she does not want someone to see her. “Please, save him,” she whispered while she was shaking out of fear. Unfortunately, the doctor was not able to bring back the life of the man. After that, the wife of the man appeared and asked the doctor what happened. “We received a call from an unknown person saying that a man was hit by a car. Then we went to the exact location and brought your husband here. We tried our best. We are very sorry,” the doctor said. Celine does not know where to go so she ran out and went home.
    When Celine arrived, her parents were shocked for her clothes were filled with bloodstains. Celine cried very loud in front of her parents. Then, her father asked, “What happened?” but Celine could not answer. Her mother gave her a glass of water and asked her to change her clothes. After a while, Celine explained everything. Her parents were both lawyers and they were speechless for their daughter committed something that was against the law. Obviously, they loved their daughter so much that’s why they thought of a way on how to conceal everything. Her mother, Mrs. Irene Mendrez, asked someone to pay for all the hospital bills of the man and her father, Mr. Roberto Mendrez, on the other hand, ensured that no one saw the crime scene so he hired someone to check all of the CCTV cameras and paid someone also to erase all of the footage. They even disposed the car and phone that Celine used, so basically, they removed all of the evidences.
    After a week, Celine was still having nightmares and she does not want to eat anymore. Her friends were also worried because she does not attend their volleyball training too. But, her parents told their relatives and Celine’s friends that their daughter was just sick and that there was nothing to worry about. Celine was very sick and tired because of the lies of their family but she cannot do anything for she does not want to go to jail too.
    After a month, Celine was not improving. She lost her interest about everything, she skipped her meals that made her lose her weight and she was not talking to anyone except to her mother. “Mom, please help me, I want to free myself from these worries,” she pleaded. “Celine, let’s now seek for help,” her mother replied. Celine agreed and the next morning, they went to a psychiatrist.
    Celine had several sessions and she was also prescribed to take a lot of medicines. Her mom felt happy, because somehow, there was an improvement. Maybe because Celine tried everything to recover, she helped herself, and she thought of living her normal life once more.
    First day of school was fast approaching and Celine was looking forward for it since she missed school. She even bought herself an expensive bag. Next day, she woke up very early and entered the school early. But before going to her room, she bought hot coffee first. Then, when she was about to enter the elevator, Joseph Dan Serrano Cruz, a transferee student pressed the close button and Celine’s shoulder was hit by the elevator’s door. As a result, the coffee that she was holding got poured straight to her expensive bag. Celine got very irritated. “Are you blind? Or are you dumb?” she shouted. Joseph said sorry and offered his handkerchief but Celine threw it away.
    When Celine’s first class started, she was surprised because the one who ruined her bag was one of her classmates and accidentally, all seats were occupied except the chair beside Joseph so Celine had no chance but to sit beside him.
    During their break time, Celine’s friends asked her why she was so annoyed. She told her friends about the incident. Then, one of her friends told her that Joseph was a transferee student, intelligent, and cute as well. That moment, Celine agreed to her friends for she found him attractive too.
    One morning, Celine was having a hard time doing her Math assignment. Because of that, Joseph grabbed the opportunity to help her for he was fond of solving math problems. He helped her and Celine was very thankful for what he did. Because of that, they became friends already.
    As days go by, their friendship became really strong until one day Joseph asked Celine if she wants to eat first before going home. She said yes so they decided to go to the canteen. Joseph was a very straightforward man so he confessed his admiration to Celine already. “I do not want to ruin our friendship but I cannot help it anymore. I like you so much Celine,” he said. “I feel the same way too, Joseph,” she replied without any hesitation. Joseph cannot handle his happiness that’s why he immediately embraced the woman of his dreams. They were both overjoyed.
    The couple both excelled in school for they saw each other as an inspiration. Celine started training for her volleyball team again and Joseph always got high scores during exams. Also, they even had a nickname for each other. Celine called Joseph as “JD” (it was Joseph’s initials) and Joseph called Celine as “Ysa” (it was Celine’s second name and for him she was his one and only). He even gave her a promise ring which signifies his true love for the lady.
    Months later, Celine decided to introduce Joseph to her parents. But her parents were against Joseph, for he was not from a wealthy family. Her parents even told her to not waste her time with someone like Joseph. She got unhappy for he loves Joseph so much. As Joseph comforted her, he said, “It is okay. I will prove to them that I deserve their trust.” She felt relieved after hearing those words.
    The next day, Joseph introduced Celine to her mother. She got surprised for the mother of Joseph looked exactly like the wife of the man who died because of her. As she looked around the house, she saw the pictures of Joseph with that man. She was very nervous that’s why she told a lie. She told Joseph and his mother that she needed to go home already. Joseph offered to accompany her but she hesitated.
    When she arrived home, she locked her bedroom’s door and started crying (all that she did was to cry out loud while she was staring at her promise ring). But the next day, she decided to tell her parents about what she knew about Joseph’s father. “I killed his father,” she confessed to her parents. Her parents told her to end everything already. But, she did not like to.
    Celine did not went to school for three consecutive days. JD got worried for she was not answering his calls so he decided to go to Celine’s house but when he was about to go, he saw her sitting on a bench. Joseph approached her and said, “Ysa, what happened to you? I’m searching for you all the time. I missed you”.  Despite Joseph’s eagerness, Celine stood up and said, “Please, do not ever look for me again. Take this ring now. I am giving it back to you”. Joseph was very clueless about what was happening. He started asking if he ever did something wrong but when he was about to grab his girlfriend’s hands, she cried so hard and said that she does not deserve his love. “But why?” he asked. “It’s because I was the one who killed your father,” she answered. Then Celine told the whole story. After that, Joseph felt so devastated for the woman that she truly loves was the reason why he lost his father. Out of anger, Joseph said that he cannot accept her and that he does not want to see her anymore. The lady understood his boyfriend’s reaction that’s why she just wanted to disappear from Joseph’s sight.
    On her way home, Celine felt really upset while crossing the road. The driver of a fast approaching car did not notice her and when she saw the car, it was too late. The people witnessed what happened so they immediately called the ambulance. Many people gathered to see her while the ambulance was still not arriving until Joseph saw the commotion. He approached the crowd until he saw Celine’s pitiful condition. He held her hand, telling her to hold on. But she cannot handle the pain anymore so she uttered these last words while she was looking at Joseph’s grieving eyes-“I am so sorry, JD. I have no idea that he was your father. But now, I know that this is my punishment for killing him. Please do remember that I have loved you the best way I know how. Thank you for everything, my Joseph Dan.”
    It was already seven years after that accident but Joseph was still wearing the promise ring that he gave to Celine. It was still hard for him, for he lost two important persons in his life but he was in the process of healing now. He even became a successful author, but he was still visiting the canteen where they both confessed their love for each other because from that exact location, he was able to write his best-selling book entitled “Can You Love Me?” which was based on his real life experiences. The title of the book was also inspired by the initials of the love of his life, and that is Celine Ysabelle Lopez Mendez.
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