#like they were in their 30s going to each others houses for wrestling matches and prank wars
shutupandplayasong · 9 months
Love watching literally any piece of media from the Jackass-verse because someone's always guaranteed to show up. Like lol cool show I wonder who's gonna guest star in it. Oh, it's everyone?? Yipee!
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aajjks · 9 months
“thanks kookie” you say before kissing his cheek and leaving jaemin alone with jungkook who is finishing what you started on jaemin’s boo-boo. you go back downstairs to talk with your friends but not before making sure the twins and ji-ae were okay first. despite ji-ae suggesting a matching pajama party for the twins two month milestone, ji-ae, jin-sun, and jia are all sleep in their matching jammies. so much for the suggestion, but you all end up having fun nevertheless.
once jungkook patches up jaemin’s leg, he and ahnjong were back again pretending they were WWE wrestlers but you immediately shut that down since 1. they’re in the house and 2. jaemin JUST got a scraped knee from probably wrestling with ahnjong.
“how about you boys go play with your toys, jaemin?”
“oh yeah!! you wanna play marvel adventures with my toys jongie?”
“sure min!”
you and alina coo at your boys who are so close to one another. they both are so rough but are the cutest and they are both attached to your hips.
“mommy? can ahnjong and i eat cookies in my room? please?” jaemin asks and as much as you hate it when jaemin eats in his room, you allow it just this once but you’re gonna make sure you vacuum his room before he goes to sleep.
now back to the main friend group where on one end, gossip about basketball, their wives, children, and their work life. while the other friend group gossips about mom life, their husbands, their children, their work lives, and the drama at the workplace.
somehow the separate friend groups come together to play a game of charades and telephone with one another that ends up going horribly wrong but is absolutely hilarious. watching jungkook try to understand what eunwoo was saying with the headphones on was absolutely hilarious. you died of laughter every time.
it was now 12 at night and the party was a huge success. when you went to make sure the boys were okay, they were both asleep in jaemin’s bed with his toys scattered all over his floor. eunwoo carried ahnjong to the car before bidding you and jungkook a goodbye. “next week we’re having movie night at our place!!” jorja yells to her friends and you set a reminder about the event if you and jungkook decide to go.
after giving jaemin a bath he fought against, you got him to help you pick up his toys while you vacuumed his bedroom floor. meanwhile, jungkook cleaned up the living room and kitchen while you were busy with jaemin and putting the twins back to sleep when they abruptly woke up.
once you both were finally finished, you crashed on the bed next to jungkook who was just as exhausted as you were but through it all, at least you had each other.
and that’s all that matters…
*knock* *knock*
“mommy? can i sleep with you? i can’t sleep by myself?”
Jungkook screams into the pillow as you let your three year-old son in. Looks like he won’t be getting some tonight too. Eunwoo was right after all.
But you lightly scold jungkook and now Jaemin is settling in between you two, and before jungkook can even lift his head up, Jaemins got himself wrapped all up around you.
Jungkooks groans before Jaemin is telling him good night.
“Good night son.” He sighs, before turning his back on the two of you. He has to come to terms with the fact that you’re not just his anymore.
And it’s going to take him a lot of time.
It’s morning already and Jungkooks already awake and fresh out of the shower, and he smiles lightly as you see all asleep with Jaemin, it’s 6 am right now and Jaemin has school at 8:30 so he lets you sleep.
Jungkooks fixing his tie and he quickly brushes his wet hair, he doesn’t really feel that hungry, and he knows you have to wake up multiple times during the night for the twins. He sprays on his musky perfume and quietly leaves the bedroom.
He’s obviously the first one to wake up in the house, because of his work, “two bananas will work.” He whispers to himself as he picks up fruit from the basket, and quickly eats the bananas.
He can always get breakfast at work. Then the 39 year old is checking his phone for any updates and he scrolls through social media for a bit, that is until he hears one of the baby crying.
Oh shit.
Jungkook rushes to their bedroom before you can wake up, but he’s too late since you’re already there, rocking Jia back and forth, your hair is messy and your eyes are also closed.
Jungkook feels so bad for you as he takes steps towards you and he’s immediately back hugging you, he makes sure not to startle you too much because you have a baby in your arms so he gently wraps his arms around your waist and sets his chin on your shoulder.
“Good morning mommy.” He whispers into your ear, pressing a light kiss at the back of your ear. “I’m so sorry you woke up- and I know you barely got any sleep last night.. I’m telling you we need to get a nanny and you’re about to resume your work soon.”
He sighs as you lazily nod. “We’ll discuss that later and I’ll try to be home early soon today. I just have to attend a meeting.”
“But before i go.. can i have a kiss, please?”
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libidomechanica · 2 years
“Because thou are sweet contempt the night”
A kimo sequence
I ate you urg’d that he did frown, O! The merchants of his fair guests were on her dying. She strong.
If I leave of the way home. Because thou are sweet contempt the night. Imagine things that we mean.
Which filled my middle jimp wi’ a haw bayberry kame; the flood-gates breath with a strand.-House no more.
’ He cries, these ladies cough loudly Thenot, my wrath did end. It, so we fall in all here my hands.
There was not she that made one—turn downs in clear expansion. Unto whom remain, lust’s winter’s tale?
Of asphodel, for you in words, per day. Answer, nor they crickets of despair, I should vanished.
In vain—and every presence. Who, like a gull passing by but shall still the many times begun.
To feed his mariners, and so forgets I will not match his pricked eares? Of his desire.
And read a lawny loom and I make, for perchance, excepting some seed is gone. And happy breast.
Reviewed the bels, ye yon bonny bowers. Thus he that has it, at least know me; no fishes take.
Leave of the year’s first Mrs. Thou twin’d me of some sweetest has a kiss I gave me, and pursuit.
But mine own with her daughters, to gathers, like a river or a war? Two lines of wake behind.
A hill and lamb. Thou canst not with knight is part museum of the design, i, who sail sae royallie.
With the view, by all passion doth borrow; her eyes. With the fruitful Grape than sadden after sea.
Ten kisses such a n active counted high. Which gives me you the globe, we have an equal share.
His pleasure. ’ Why, what our neighbour there appear more be grieved appear, why heart, and scarlot berries.
That suckling flames the best that Time decays? Dreaming when I fall by name. Ne though the diamond fine.
Tis beauty in Loves Wars to yeild. The Almighty will receives her children’s cries, Forsooth, let go!
With soul just nerved to allot each too much glory: and when I passed a man with facts. The rest.
Through a commentator’s fantasy, and cauld, Gregory. On my adventure brave and his fume.
Beauty hold my right had veild the Winter’s dead, the honeybees to die. You do it for us.
That ruin wild and chastities sweet bowre. More than her: the eye and he embraced the seasons run?
Lord Gregory, the dwarfs and blow, and there. He there? Are over my head: her arms in love with me.
A cliff swinging against a glance at Maud in all these sneers again; whose the best interpreters.
Me thus—Poor Man! For your Suppliants plaint, caused others such a beauteous day, and, on thee, Cynara!
Dead religion meets my shrink. If in my breast, and that for the more sweet seals in my wax-red lips.
Of fire. To do a goddess when their scratch’d by the brown earthquake: they would twine about a welcome.
Me, and their husband. Often and the sun and sole your shield, whereat she will not knowing weather.
With the religion of the pit? It would have spoken the umbrage of iron the hectic stings!
A little him a goodly dost abhor me? Blythe in that concerns you in the fashion all things.
—So you reported before my Eyes take. A trentall sung. Of men, and urchins flay each other.
And being gone, not a breath breathing, the grocery man calling plied and silly mild, make the fray.
Torches are marries that won’t look back again. Prayer, or two had damp’d his national: if Pindar?
Horrible, hatefully the door. But when most I wink, then despond: the staring rust the soul.
And eke ye light wrestling through the Eyes be blind. Watercress so finely spring I shall we?
But the cup before me? Think of me untrodden on by many, for it is a hierarchy!
Lighting conflict of heauens, the birds say? Some hands and with reefs which made head, gained grounde to qualify.
Whose present her hearts doo chace from heaven. Today i’m filled with his melting snows, and pay them not.
Which through rusty gowns, but when my soul believe? ’Tis a common one, in hand with the maiden Aunt.
Among them. For he is no gentle wished days had passe. The purblind hare, mark the poet here?
Eyes, ears took in the heroic if you’d have gone to secure in your hand lie fallen to dust.
Stamp and scorns and thou speak out. Thou canst not gladly to be grateful divorced old bar above you.
That the sun beats light the themes in every partial. Who caper here and grave low down by his sight?
Sing ye sweet-smelling. At tend vpon her husband sense and waive the Rose-leaf of her Eyes with tremble?
For me than white, her has to pay. Lifted o’er of deep enough to sorrow to shew his glory.
So much good companie. The text is look’d about the while its cool underwater for a magnet.
The one doth hearts as light blown by Desires, and dare not drawn from time the Blest. We had of love.
Of sorrow may not beg the linger? Do you ask what that godless climes and wave thy skill, and give!
The low rational: if Pindar? Glow like weeds against the trees of silver- set; about our master!
’Er pleasance too bold, but yet betoken’d wrack to come, comfort. Meantime we two will never bleach.
She looks reviveth; a smile of betters. Since brass, or a greater than I am; the disgrace.
A wind sings, and your eccho ring. The velvet cushions for a throates, the which the woods them all!
Sometimes in one minute, but it is with thee wrong.—And they not be easily harm’d; being proud.
0 notes
nocturne-pisces · 3 years
Anatomy and Physiology
this is a vent piece about traumatic brain injuries
w/c: 772
Tumblr media
The golden plains of the Midwest rolled by as Bucky looked out the back window of the Beetle. They’d been on the run for a few weeks, it'd been even longer since Steve had pulled him out of Bucharest, and quiet time like this had afforded him nothing but wrestling matches with his own thoughts.
Bucky is intelligent, deadly so, that part was never taken from him. He’d excelled in the sciences and he figures that if he ever got the chance to go to college, he would have liked something in engineering. Or maybe medicine. He loved understanding how things worked together and how they fell apart when they didn’t. He’d learned for his affinity with medicine when Sarah used to bring Steve home sick, but had to leave shortly after for her shift at her second or third job.
Steve was always too weak to care for himself, and Sarah had to keep the lights on, and that was Bucky’s best friend dammit, so he wasn’t going to watch his brother suffer alone if he could help it. That’s how he used to convince Rebecca to help him get extra food out of the house to Steve when he was bedridden, saying that if Becca was in the same position, he’d do it for her too. It’s the right thing to do, Becca. When a friend needs help, ya help ‘em.
In all of his interest in medicine, and helping people, and extra textbook readings when he took anatomy classes, he knew how most of the body worked. He understood how the digestive system leant nutrients to the bloodstream so that the brain could function properly.
He understood how the occipital lobe was responsible for interpreting what your eyes gazed upon, how that image was translated to the temporal lobe so that you could contextualize the image and remember it, and then finally to the limbic system where you could attach emotion to it and feel.
Repeated shock therapy to his entire brain, however, had jumbled all of that up. There were things sometimes that he saw that he didn’t understand, but they made him sad anyway. When he passed familiar friends on the street, jovially holding their conversations, he didn’t understand the painful pang in his chest. When he gazed upon an old man sitting outside the coffee shop reading the newspaper, he didn’t understand why his body flushed with anger.
That man didn’t do anything wrong. Those friends hadn’t thrown blades at him, they didn’t even realize he was there. They’d just been off in their own little world, enjoying each other’s company. His limbic system and his temporal lobe warred inside his skull and he needed them to call truce so he could untangle the strings of his broken thoughts and sew something together that made sense.
The thing about a traumatic brain injury is that your brain doesn’t heal like the rest of your body does. On a physical level it will rebuild the best that it can, but you can’t regrow a part of yourself that is zapped out of existence.
Every once in a while, he gets a glimmer of James from before the war. He had a lot less muscle but he sure as hell smiled more. He looked more like the friends on the sidewalk then, happy and animated.
And maybe it’s then that he does finally come to understand a bit better, as a small fact from his high school days flashes in his mind.
The frontal lobe is the home to the personality, where the core of someone is born, built, and molded throughout their lifetime. Repeated trauma to the front of the head and subsequently the frontal lobe can permanently alter facets of a person’s self-identity and personality.
For seventy years, Hydra did nothing but hollow out the parts of himself that he’d cultivated for his 27 years before he was drafted. The parts of him that his friends loved and protected during the war? The parts of him that Steve went 30 miles behind enemy lines to rescue? The parts of him that Steve tore the star off his chest for? Hydra had fried it all out of him. Until he was nothing but a fist with a gun in it.
Bucky's jaw clenched tight as a raw, aching yearn for any sliver of the man he was before the train rakes through his body. His shift in demeanor doesn’t go unnoticed by Steve, who’s hands are at ten and two in the driver seat.
“What is it, Buck?” he asks, meeting his friends pained gaze in the rearview mirror.
“I don’t think I’m worth all this, Steve.”
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kodzukyan · 3 years
two hearts, four broken pieces (now we’re unbreakable)
notes: happiest belated birthday to my grand king <3 lots of (long?) dialogue, long talks at the beach, kinda clunky, but i hope you enjoy :> song accompaniment recommendation: unbreakable by lauren dyson (carole & tuesday) & everything i need by skylar grey! also posted on ao3.
summary: you were there like the air when i felt like i was underwater. AU in which you have matching birthmarks on your heart as your soulmate. - oikawa/oc
wc: 6.2k
The clock ticks continually as you finish reviewing the club budget for the upcoming school year. As the last rays of the sun begin to dim into a darkening blue, the clock rings loudly, signaling the end of club activities. The other student council members routinely leave by five, and after a quick goodbye and wave, two hours pass by without you knowing. You glance at your watch, and you sigh softly as you see the shorthand reach seven.
There are still numbers that do not add up, but you suppose that has to wait. Getting up to stretch, you automatically head to the keys cabinet to see which keys are still missing. As usual, the keys to the volleyball gym have yet to be returned.
Like any other day, you sigh again. This is a rather normal occurrence as the volleyball team tends to stay as late as you do. Normally, you don't mind since it’s not a big deal - you’re usually still here to lock up after they leave. Today, however, you’re rather exhausted and would like to finish up your report and just go home. Putting on your white blazer and patting down the wrinkles of your tan skirt, you make certain you’re presentable before you head out of the room and towards the volleyball gym.
A resounding smack reverberates through the air before you even enter the gym. You knock twice on the gym doors, and when there is no answer, you open the doors soundlessly and enter the gym. The gym is unoccupied except for one lone player, making the echoes of each movement louder. 
He doesn’t notice you, and as you see him jump to hit a serve, you are in awe by the strength and impact of it as it lands. It astonishes you a little to discover the normally flirty eyes and teasing smiles with such intense concentration and seriousness. When you see a faint smile on his face as his serve lands within the lines of the court, you wonder if this is what he really is like. As he recovers another ball to try again, you clear your throat. This time, you catch his attention, somewhat.
“Sorry, Iwa-chan! You don’t have to wait for me. I’m almost done!” he calls out, eyes never leaving the court.
“Sorry, Oikawa-san. I am not Iwaizumi-san. While I do have to say I am extremely impressed with your tenacity, I am afraid it's late and time for you to go home,” you say politely with a perfectly practiced smile on your face.
The ball he tossed into the air previously drops straight down onto the floor and bounces as he hears your voice. He jerks his head towards you, and you almost want to laugh when you see his gaping mouth.
“Oh, Pres-chan! I wasn’t expecting you!” he recovers swiftly, a hand behind his head and his tongue sticking out humorously.
Ah, he’s back to his normal self.
“Apologies again,” you nod, a courteous smile never leaving your face, despite your slight disdain for your new nickname. You’ve learned it is easiest to deal with people with a perfect smile, lips upturned slightly at a 45-degree angle and eyes crinkled together lightly.
He stares at you intensely as you smile. While his eyes are analytical enough to press anyone under, it doesn’t bother you because you are used to such scrutiny.
“I’ll pack up! Pres-chan, wait for me! I’ll walk you home since it’s so late.” He finally softens in his stares and begins picking up the balls around the court.
“No need to worry about me, Oikawa-san. There are still some matters for me to finish up at the student council room,” you assure him courteously despite your mild annoyance at your stray strand of hair that fell out of your neat ponytail as you tuck it behind your ear.
“No, no! I insist! It’s so late, so it’s dangerous for cute girls like you, Pres-chan!” he protests as he continues cleaning.
You begin assisting him to pick up the balls and grab the mops to clean up the gym. The more hands there are, the faster you two get to leave. After cleaning up the gym and returning the keys to the student council room, you continue to decline his offer of walking you home. Being around him for a little less than 30 minutes has already tired you, but you find it more draining to talk him out of it so you just relent.
He accompanies you back to your house at your pace, constantly filling the silence with some sort of conversation. He seems to recognize your need for distance, so he keeps the conversation light, never diving in deeper than what you are willing to give. You respond as amiable as you could with this surface-level sort of conversation. This is comfortable, this is straightforward, this is not about who you are, so you find it easy to keep up your practiced smile and pleasantry. 
For what it’s worth, you can understand why he’s so popular. He’s attractive, and his personality is tolerable enough. But something about him is slightly unpleasant to you. You have an inkling of what it is, but you’re not ready to open the tightly sealed jar of emotions yet.
When you reach your stop and he bids you goodbye, you find yourself face to face with your cousin, who just squeals and questions you.
“Who is he?” she exclaims loudly, far too energetic for so late at night. “What if he is your soulmate?!”
You smile tersely, “He is just a classmate.”
She only looks at you in confusion. “Eh? You never know! Did you already see his mark?”
You flash her a practiced smile as you excuse yourself.
“No, I was born without one.” 
You like routine. This is something you’ve established for as long as you remember. If things are set in place, set in stone, then they are less likely to fall apart, to break.
So when walking home with Oikawa Tooru stays as a recurring part of your days, it makes you uneasy.
This is not part of your normal routine. But you suppose him returning the volleyball gym keys instead of you wrestling him for them is also not part of your normal routine.
“You know, for someone so smart, you’re kind of dumb."
You finally look up from your papers. Your pen still in hand, eyes in disbelief, and voice laced with venom as you hiss, “Excuse me?”
“Pres-chan, even I know when to stop. It's nearly 8 in the evening. Your body needs rest so you can function as efficiently as you always want to,” he rolls his eyes as he air-quotes the word efficiently. The volleyball gym keys jingle in his hand as he does so, and the sound of it aggravates your headache.
"This is coming from the one who stays behind two hours every day after club activity ends? Stop trying to preach what you don’t practice." Your grip on your pen tightens.
"I take Mondays off," he shrugs and offers a lopsided smile. There's a serious glint in his eyes despite his casual gestures.
You know he's right because the keys to the volleyball club always hang neatly and untouched every Monday. You know he's right when you finally let yourself feel the tiredness in your body. You know he's right when your headache finally catches up to you, but you simply cannot completely let go.
Maybe he sees your sagging shoulders and weary eyes, so he doesn't press the matter anymore. He hangs the clubroom keys in the cabinet before he walks over.
"You can rest, you know?"
You do, but you can't. Not when there are so many reports to fill out and papers to file, not when the club budgeting still isn't adding up, not when you have to be the you that your father created inside his head. Your brows cease together as your head throbs. Before you could respond, you feel a gentle pat on your head that brings you out of your thoughts.
"You're doing great, Pres-chan. Take a break," he speaks softly as he strokes your head.
You close your eyes at his touch, and you relish in his gentleness. For someone with such calloused hands, his touch is surprisingly tender. His voice sounds distant, and it feels like he's speaking past you, like he's speaking to whoever he sees in place of you. You think maybe this is what you needed anyways, this is what you want to hear even if he’s speaking to himself through you.
"Take a nap. I'll wake you up in 20 minutes," he ruffles your hair, messing up your perfectly tied ponytail.
You glance at him briefly, and his stupid smile irritates you. Maybe your headache is getting the better of you, maybe you’re just too tired, but you find yourself nodding as your shoulders finally drop in defeat. "10 minutes."
He laughs as he agrees, and when you finally lay your head down and close your eyes, you briefly feel the warmth of his jersey before you drift off.
When you wake, you find that Oikawa is sitting beside you, humming a soft tune as he scrolls on his phone. It takes you a moment to blink the sleep out of your eyes, and then it occurs to you that he never woke you up. Your eyes flutter to the clock, and when you see that it's a little past 9, you panic. You shoot instantly up from your seat, and your sudden movement leaves you dizzy as the world around you rapidly spins in color. Oikawa stops mid-hum as looks up from his phone before he secures your arm to steady you.
"Holy shit, I thought I told you to wake me up in 10 minutes. The papers need to be filed so we can work on the report due next week. I need to finish the reports, so I can turn them in on Friday. The budgeting excel -."
"Pres-chan." He cuts you off as he takes his hand off your arm and pokes your forehead. "I filed the papers on your desk. They go into their respective color-coded drawers, right? And the reports are just club updates, yeah? I arranged them by club type, so you can just sort through them later. Also, I put the volleyball club on top, so get to us first, okay?" he teases lightly and sticks his tongue out mischievously. "I didn't mess with your budgeting excel because it's not my place to, but don't you think you can ask your treasurer to explain their budgeting and money management so far?"
You blink at him in silence as you take in all the information he told you. You glance over at your desk and see the piles of loose paper gone. In place are new stacks of reports clipped together with the assortment of pastel paper clips you brought last month on a whim. Your surprise overtakes you as you let out a shaky breath. 
"Oh," you whisper, breath still quivering and voice slightly trembling. "Thank you."
You make a mental note to double-check everything again in the morning, just in case. That thought almost flies out of your head when you glance over, and the smile he flashes you is so bright you almost forget how to breathe.
"You're welcome."
When he accompanies you home that night, your steps feel a little lighter and your heart soars a little higher as you catch a glimpse of his profile, eyes fixated on the stars above as he tells you stories of constellations and aliens. 
While you’re not an avid volleyball fan, witnessing their defeat to Karasuno in such a close match, watching the light in their eyes dim into a quiet somber crush on your heart. When the match was over and they asked for the keys to the gym, you gave it to them without hesitation although the gym is supposed to be closed for cleaning later today.
Throughout the hours, you find yourself unable to completely focus on the paperwork in front of you. Your eyes keep trailing to the empty key slot where the gym keys are supposed to be, and your ears are fixated on each tick of the clock. Fidgeting with your pen, you finally give in and let out an uneven sigh when the clock rings eight. After smoothing out your skirt and blazer and retying your neat ponytail, you make your way to the gym.
As always, you knock on the doors before coming in. Only silence greets you.
The gym is vacant, and the cheering crowds and rest of the volleyball team members have long gone home after their spontaneous practice. Volleyballs are still scattered everywhere, the net is still up, but none of that matters as your eyes focus on the lone figure lingering in this solemn, almost crushing, silence.
His eyes are downcast, but you can tell from the hitching movement of his chest and the pooling puddle in his lap that he hasn't stopped crying. There is so much you want to tell him, but no words come to you. You’re not even sure if you’re in a position to say anything, but when you see him sitting there defeated and crying silently, a split image of yourself instead of him appears for a moment. The tightly sealed jar of emotions you’ve repeatedly tried to suppress opens.
"You don't have to be perfect, you know?" you tell him softly.
He doesn't look up and only clenches his fists.
You pat the creases out of your skirt as you squat down, hands gently touching his before clasping them firmly. The words burn in the back of your throat as your eyes tear because you know. You know this feeling, this absolutely crushing feeling when all you have is taken away and you’re just left with nothing. Maybe you’re projecting your failures onto him, maybe this is just what you wanted to hear, but you tell him all the same.
"You're so much more than just your losses," you whisper with gentle firmness, "This is not the end. Not for you. Not for your volleyball."
His calloused hands only grip yours tightly as his silent tears fall and roll off your skin.
"You are not your failures."
You barely detect the sound of him letting out a deep breath, but he squeezes your hands. It may not be enough, it may not be okay, but it’s a start.
As the two of you sit in silence, you can merely laugh at yourself for ever thinking Oikawa Tooru was anywhere close to perfect. He is incredibly fragile, human, and unlike a star that you thought you could never reach, he is here beside you. He sniffles every so often, and when every so often becomes more often than not, you laugh lightly and offer him a tissue.
He accepts it with a sniffle, and as he blows his nose, you could only crinkle your nose.
“Ew, you’re gross,” you lightly poke fun at him.
“I was going to say thank you, but I take it back now,” he gasps dramatically.
You roll your eyes as you offer him the rest of your tissues. “It’s fine. I don’t need your thanks. Just… feel better.”
“Thank you,” he whispers anyway as he props his head on yours.
You hear three knocks, two fast knocks, a pause as if it’s left for drastic effects, before the third knock, in a familiar rhythm. Instantly, the wooden doors of the student council room open, and brown hair and honey-colored eyes peek in.
“Wanna do something fun with me, Pres-chan?” Oikawa asks, eyes brilliant and smile equally mischievous.
"... Depends on what it is," you raise an eyebrow at him as you look up from finishing some preparations for university. You've substantially given up trying to advise him to wait before barging into the student council room.
He wiggles his eyebrows before he grins. “Let’s go to the rooftop!"
It takes you a moment to comprehend what he said because while it’s not that crazy, the rooftop is off-limits to students. Subsequently, it occurs to you that out of your three years here, you've under no circumstances done anything remotely rebellious. The adrenaline hits you, so you snatch the keys to the rooftop before heading out the door.
"Alright, let's go."
He freezes before his mouth drops and gasps dramatically. "Heh, Pres-chan, looks like you really aren't that much of a good girl after all."
You roll your eyes at him, and a soft smile finds a way to your face before you walk out. "Hurry up, or I'm leaving you behind."
"Wait for me!!" You hear the scampering footsteps, and you swear you can hear his pout.
This is the first time you’ve ever been on the rooftop, you think, as you finally unlock the door and step out into the sun. It’s a little past seven, and you think the sun is going to set soon as it slowly fades behind the Miyagi skylines in bursts of orange. You close your eyes as the wind blows, almost as if it’s greeting you. You can see why people skip all the time to be up here. 
“Feels pretty good, huh?” Oikawa stands beside you as the wind tousles his hair and the sun kisses his skin. He looks radiant under the sunlight, and you merely hope he doesn’t hear the fluttering of your heart.
“Yeah,” you nod along, “I… I wish I came up here earlier.
Honey brown eyes so deep and warm, staring directly at you, and there is something that you’re terrified to name. You always thought love was something dramatic, once in a lifetime, and it just hits you like a train out of nowhere. With Oikawa Tooru, it feels more like learning to walk - steadily, one step after another, until he becomes a part of your natural routine.
You can see the longing and something akin to love in his eyes, but you know it's not love. You know when he loves, he loves with all his being. Right now, there is something, but it's not love because he sees not only you but also past you. He sees the light at the end of the tunnel, the future where he's standing on a volleyball court with his name on the back of a national team jersey. He sees the passion and the love he has for volleyball beyond you, and even when he's here in the moment, even when he likes you, he sees something greater.
Your heart clenches because you want it to be you, you want you, this to be enough. But you know he is meant for something so much greater. He is meant for the stage lights of an international court, living and thriving with so much passion and love for the sport he dedicates his life to. He is unmeant to be here, to be held back by something called love.
You try ignoring the way his eyes soften when he looks at you, try ignoring the way his eyes linger at your lips as if he wants to kiss you. You try ignoring your yearning heart when all you can hear in your head is him telling you he's going to Argentina.
“You’re going to do great in Argentina.” You swallow the lump in your throat and interlace your own fingers together to prevent yourself from reaching out and holding his hand.
He blinks, and slowly retracts his extended hand, and swallows the words he wants to tell you. “Oh, uhm,” he hesitates. “Geez, Pres-chan! Don’t make it sound like we’re never going to see each other again!” he pouts dramatically, voice creaking just ever so slightly and eyes lacking the playful glint in it. “We’ll see each other again.”
He sounds hesitant, almost as if he’s doubtful if he can uphold the words of a promise. He doesn’t deserve to be held back by a promise.
You let him go.
It’s funny because you don’t even think he is yours to let go, but you smile anyway as you catch his unfaltering eyes back on the sunset. He is the one who teaches you a little bit about being okay, the one who first opens the tightly sealed jar and lets a gale of fresh air into your world.
“Thank you,” you tell him softly. Your hand finds its way to him, fingertips ghosting over his hand almost as if you didn’t just reject his moments ago.
The wind blows softly, and the blooming cherry blossoms flutter as he blinks in confusion before he smiles crookedly too. In a world where you are braver, you would have voiced the three words lingering on your mind instead of the two that came out, and your lips would have been on his instead of settling for a ghost of a touch of hands. But in this world, this is all you can do, all you can intend for.
Instead, the two of you continue to stand in silence, sharing this one last moment where he can stand on both legs without leaning to his left to accommodate for his right knee, where you can laugh in a loose smile and ruffled hair without feeling the need to fix them. It’s satisfactory, you tell yourself, this is enough.
While he may not be your soulmate, while you have no soulmate mark, it hurts all the same. Your heart still breaks as the falling sunlight fades into the deep indigo skies, as he waves goodnight, as you watch him go with the world on his shoulders and wings on his back. The hollowness in your chest aches, and you wonder if this is what heartbreak feels like.
“Funny, huh? Out of all the people in the world, out of all the places in the world, I end up meeting you on an Argentinian beach, thousands of miles away from home,” you stifle your laughter softly.
The hot summer wind blows into your unbound hair, bringing grains of sand and the scent of the ocean. The shore calls you, and you find yourself wiggling your toes in the clear waters. As you look to the horizon, you find that the crystalline waters contrast vividly against the soft pinks and oranges of the fading sun.  It’s so surreal, and it makes you momentarily forget that there are responsibilities, people waiting for you back at home. 
The faint rustling and the loud splash of water wake you from your trance, and you find Oikawa Tooru running into the waters carefreely. His pants are roughly rolled up just barely above the water level. His eyes are tender and his smile is wide as he holds his hand out to you.
“Come on, Pres-chan,” he gestures his hand in front of you again. “The water feels really nice!”
You take a moment to breathe because he looks beautiful with his brown eyes twinkling mischievously and lips upturned jovially and carefreely against the fleeting sunset. You smile once more, lips upturn softly instead of the traditional 45 degrees, as the last strands of your hair frees from your hair tie. 
You briefly remember being eighteen, standing on the rooftop of your high school. His hand is extended, but you were too afraid to take it, too afraid to become a burden. You blink once and think maybe this time, he should have a say in his own decisions instead of you selfishly making it for him. You take his hand, hesitantly and shyly, as you take your first steps into the water.
Time stills as your eyes meet his brown ones. He stares at you dumbfoundedly, and you are unsure if the pinks of his cheeks are from you or the sunset.
“You look happier,” he finally comments softly, “I’m glad.”
Now it’s your turn to stare at him dumbfoundedly. Your hand covers a slight laugh that breaks from your lips. You take in his wind-tousled chestnut hair and eyes closed from his laughter, his muscular body that no longer tends to lean on his left side absentmindedly to protect his right knee, and you realize he is more genuine, more candid, more Oikawa Tooru than the one you’ve known since high school.
“You do too.”
”Wanna grab drinks after?” Oikawa asks nonchalantly as the two of you finally make your way out of the water and sit under the broad umbrella from the blazing sun. His long legs are stretched out as he leans back, hands propping him up.
Despite his relaxed posture and even voice, you see his fingers wiggling in the sand and the pinks peeking on his cheeks and the tip of his ears. It almost makes you laugh because you’re certain you can reckon on one hand how many times Oikawa Tooru seems so timid.
“I mean”- he continues, taking your silence as a declination, -“just as friends, to catch up, you know? How have you been? Oh! What about your cousin? Didn’t she -”
“Okay,” you laugh lightly. “I’d be happy to.”
“-Oh, now that I think about it, what did you end up doing- wait -” he pauses mid-sentence as he stares at you bewilderedly, ”-okay?”
“Yes,” you laugh again, much louder and without restraint. “Okay.”
“Okay,” he repeats after you again.
“Yes, okay.” You nod.
The smile he gives you is so bright it outshines the sun.
"So, how are you?" he asks again once you're seated beside him, a beer in hand and dusk in view.
You offered a general answer earlier, and it started a train of small talk that never breaches past the surface. It reminds you of high school and leaves a bitter aftertaste in your mouth. 
The beach in Argentina is always full of life, but it's quieter now. Maybe it's the fact that it's getting late or the fact that you're on your third beer already, all you can focus on is the man beside you.
Maybe you're more honest now too because he looks like he wants to ask more. (Like he asks “how are you?” when all his eyes are saying is “I love you.”)
"I threw my phone into the ocean and got in a screaming match with my dad," you tell him honestly.
You can feel his gaze on you as he lets out a soft hum to let you know he's listening. It used to unnerve you whenever he looks at you like that, whenever he makes you feel so transparent. Now, it makes you smile because he always makes you feel so seen.
"He told me to be all these things that I am not because he wanted me to have a good life. I know his intentions and know it makes him happy. But I was so fed up with just constantly not being enough for who he wanted me to be, so I told him I just wanted to be his daughter."
You don't realize your hands are shaking until you feel his hands on yours. He pulls the beer bottle out of your hands before he places them into his own and squeezes them.
"And what did he say?" he asks softly, recalling all the late nights and the mask you put on at school in the name of a shadow that always looms over you. He remembers the instant drop of your face whenever your father comes up, when the words duty and filial piety become a burden instead of pride on your shoulders.
"He just kinda stared at me and stopped talking. I think it didn't occur to him that this was a thought in my head. I cried a lot." You squeeze his hands back.
"Yeah, I'm glad you gave him a piece of your mind, though." His voice is gentle as his thumb brushes over your knuckles.
"He cut me fruit after, so I think we're okay," you laugh awkwardly as you flash him a smile. "I think I'm okay."
He smiles too when he notices your smile is a lot freer now, that the corners of your lips are no longer locked in place and forced in front of fake pleasantries. Maybe he's freer now too, he thinks as he looks at the brightly lit skies, as he continues his volleyball journey, feeling so fulfilled despite being thousands of miles away from home. 
"I used to think I wasn't good enough," he starts honestly with a small laugh. "No matter how hard I work, I could never be enough compared to geniuses who just get it." 
“I used to think you were so put together when I initially met you, like the universe's spotlight was meant for you,” you hum. “Until I realized you were the reason why the volleyball gym keys were never returned on time.”
He laughs light-heartedly. “Hey, I had an image to keep up, okay?”
You tuck in your knees and prop your head on top of them, eyes never leaving his, hand still in his. “I think I realized you were a lot more reachable, human even, when I saw you broke down after losing to Karasuno our third year.”
“Are you deriving comfort in my pain? How rude!” He pouts. “But I somewhat get it. I used to think you were super snobby with your fake smiles and your super tight ponytail. I used to think you were going to be balding early!”
“You were the one who habitually had a hoard of fangirls around you, and nobody could get anyplace in the hallways!” You retort with a fond smile.
Memories of high school seem so long ago, and as you recall each one, you see the light in his eyes waning and waxing with the tides. The feelings you try so hard to bury, the ones you try to let go of the day he set off to Argentina bubble through your chest and flow onto your lips.
"I think I was too scared to love you," you finally whisper as the moon rises and the waves kiss the shore.
He stares at you and blinks once, twice, before he breathes a soft, “Oh.”
You finally take your eyes off him, hand finally wiggling its way out of his to encase yourself as you bury your face in your knees. “I wanted to be enough. But I wasn’t. I wasn’t for my dad, wasn’t for myself, wasn’t for you.”
He leans closer and brushes a strand of loose hair off your face. “You are always enough. For your dad, for yourself,” he pauses and smiles gently, “And you are more than enough for me.”
You peek at him through your lashes. The ocean waves drown out the sound of your heartbeat as he stares at you earnestly, eyes honest and lips so, so close.
“I didn’t want you to regret me,” you whisper, voice barely audible, “I didn’t want to be someone who holds you back from your dreams. I didn’t want to be just temporary until you find your soulmate.”
His eyes widen, but he persists steadily close. “I don’t think I could ever regret you. My dreams will always be the national court, but you being there, by my side, would be the best part of it.”
He takes a breath as he reaches for your hand, much like he did at the rooftop of your high school.
“I was born without a soulmate mark. Initially, I was so upset because I thought no one would love me unconditionally like a soulmate is supposed to. But honestly, fuck that. Fuck soulmates. Fuck some pre-destined person supposedly made for you because no one is. We are in control of our own fate, and we are in control of whom we choose to love. And I like you Pres-chan. I have since I was eighteen and dumb. I still like you now at twenty and still a little dumb. But no matter how old I am, how old I will be, it’s always you. I will always choose to love you.”
You breathe in sharply as you listen to his words, every sound and syllable clear as his eyes as he looks at you, only you. There is only truth in his words, and as your eyes wander from his to his hand and back to his eyes, the overwhelming amount of sincerity overwhelms you. 
Oikawa Tooru has always been dedicated in all that he does, and the thought that he is offering you that very same dedicated heart of his becomes a consuming warmth in your chest. The heat of your fluttering heart radiates off your cheeks, and the feeling that has been blossoming in your heart blooms into an indescribable softness and affection.
Love has perpetually been something out of reach, something you witness in movies and read in books, something you witness in your friends and cousin. But love is here now, in the form of Oikawa Tooru with his hands stretched out for you to take, with his heart bare and exposed for you to have.
“I was born without a soulmate mark too. I used to hate it because it felt like it was another thing I was lacking in. I wasn’t even enough to have a soulmate,” you breathe out, eyes on the ocean that reflects on the moonlight. The last bits of the tightly sealed jar of emotions you’ve kept finally flows out.
“But if soulmates do exist, I would like to think they are made. Not in the sense that they are made for each other, because fuck destiny, but in the sense that we wake up every morning and choose who fits us and how they fit. And whatever this is we have between us, we forged it,” you start firmly as you place your hand in his, eyes meeting his. The last bit of bitterness flows into the sea, and the only thing that remains at the bottom of this jar is hope.
“I like you too, Oikawa. I have since I was eighteen and smart. I still do at twenty and moderately smarter but still trying to figure life out. And I don’t know what the future holds or even what I’m doing to do from here on, but I want it to be you.”
“I want it to be you too. I can’t promise you the world or where our lives will lead from here onwards. What I can promise is I will choose you, from the moment I wake up until the moment I sleep, from now until the end of the ocean.”
A promise, his truth. While the unknown horrifies you, this is enough. You smile as you squeeze his hand. When he grins and squeezes your hand back, you think maybe love is irrevocably here to stay.
“What were you before you met me?” He takes one of your hands in his and uses his other in an attempt to tame your unconstrained hair against the wind. He pouts when he finds that your hair just blows wildly and gives up, but he smiles, nonetheless, when he hears your unrestrained laughter.
You shake your hair out of your face and turn to face him, hair blowing wildly and freely with the wind. You tear your eyes away from slow waves of the ocean, illuminated by the brilliant reds and oranges of the setting sun, and you find yourself more captivated by glowing brown eyes than you ever could by the dazzling colors of the horizon. 
You stare briefly at him, looking into his eyes and seeing his relentless soul, and the butterflies in your stomach flutter like they did the very first time, feeling absolutely starstruck. You hum softly as you turn back to the peaceful waves and remember the tight ponytails and painted smiles of your high school days. You remember the weight on your shoulders to become someone ideal and the heaviness on your heart to become a you that only lives to make your father proud.
“I think... I was drowning,” you answer almost inaudibly but honestly, both hands gripping his tightly as if you’re holding a lifeline.
He pauses for a moment before he squeezes your hands again. He whispers then, reluctantly and almost fearfully, “And what are you now?”
You turn to meet his eyes. You recall him at seventeen and feeling annoyed because he mirrored every bit of the pretense you put up in all the undesirable ways. But you see him now, twenty and free of the inferiority and limitations he places on himself, and you wonder if you also look older, wiser, happier because you are now the you you want to be.
You have always associated him with air because he is terrible and unpredictable, destructive and clear, focused and silent. But he is also comforting and calm, like an invisible force, who's consistently going and going, with unhindered sight. He is always persistently here and cannot be turned away, and before long, you find yourself not knowing what to do without it.
At the moment, you find the last bits of the riptides that pull you under the waters finally cease, and as you enjoy the scent of the salty ocean and hear the lull of the gentle waves, you think you can finally breathe freely and vivaciously.
Slowly, you take a hand to trace the outline of the miniature matching sun tattooed on his chest, where the soulmate mark is supposed to appear. You smile undoubtedly and wholeheartedly.
you’re what i need cause now i can breathe; you put the beat in my heart. somehow we fit together, and now we’re unbreakable. 
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March 16th
ok so maybe I hyperfixated on writing this and maybe it's 2:30 am but like, whatever.
summary: "Bobby used to like birthdays. But now birthdays taste less of spring and vanilla and more of salty tears and an aching emptiness in his chest"
word count: 1,388
warnings: allusions to death (take a wild guess as to whose)
Bobby was born on a March evening that was just too cold to be so close to spring. He was never too full of energy, preferred to curl up in the corner with a poetry book thicker than the fluffy vanilla cake his grandma would make for his birthday every year. He’d stand on his tip toes to see the top of the counter, sneaking bits of half mixed cake batter and listening intently as his grandma explained the baking process in words that were too big for him to comprehend. But the cake always tasted like spring evenings and lemon frosting and laughter as Luke tackled him to the ground in what he called the “birthday hug” that was probably closer to a wrestling match. The night always smelled of wrapping paper and Reggie’s weird lotion and the oatmeal raisin cookies Alex’s mother always insist he bring but nobody would eat. Birthday’s were good, Bobby liked birthdays.
“Robert, your friends are here!” His gran peeked into Bobby’s room with a crinkly smile and a flour-dusted apron; the faded yellow one she never seemed to take off.
Bobby didn’t even have time to shut his book before Luke came bounding into his room, shrieking something that sounded like “you’re a teenager, dude!” but could’ve been just about anything else, as it was said with his face buried in Bobby’s t-shirt. Alex came trailing in after him, scowling at the plate of cookies in his hands while Reggie bounced up beside him, hastily wrapped gift clutched to his chest.
“My mom put extra raisins in this year,” Alex grumbled apologetically.
Reggie peeked over his shoulder at the platter and wrinkled his nose. “Dude, I think she’s trying to poison us.”
“Wouldn’t put it past her,” Bobby quipped, shoving Luke off of him and hopping up. His gran swatted him over the head sternly but Alex only shrugged, pointedly not defending his mother. Mrs. Mercer was utterly terrifying for her stature, Alex got his height from his dad, but his mom was probably comparable to a bolt of lightning.
Like always, the boys were ushered out to the backyard with promises that cake would be ready by 5 and dinner by 6. Bobby got to eat dessert first on his birthday only, though he’d certainly tried changing that rule a number of times.
There was a slightly wobbly treehouse wedged in between the branches of the tree in Bobby’s backyard, it’d been built the previous summer, mostly by Alex and Reggie while he and Luke all but drowned each other in the above ground pool tucked into the corner of the yard. But he did make the door, so he thinks he deserves some credit
Reggie bounded up the swinging ladder, yelping when he almost lost his footing. He stuck his head out the window, pouting like a wounded puppy until the others came tumbling in after him in a tangle of limbs and shouts of “you did not win, you’re slower than Millie’s turtle” and “Did too! Right Lexi?” Alex informed them that his sister’s turtle was actually faster than the both of them and that he won, which couldn’t really be argued considering Alex had always been the fastest runner.
Bobby’s 13th birthday was dusted with the beginnings of spring and a certain feeling of home. Reggie gave him that one stuffed penguin he’d been eyeing for weeks, stumbling over his apologies of “sorry it’s so small, my parents forgot to take me shop-” Bobby had thrown an arm around his shoulder, ruffling his hair and telling him to shut up because the gift was perfect.
Alex handed him a neatly wrapped box complete with a bright red bow; a stack of books and the tattered t shirt Bobby kept stealing from him. Luke emptied his pockets to reveal about 50 different guitar picks and a leather-bound journal already full of movie ticket stubs and hurriedly written poems that Bobby would probably never be able to decipher.
Birthdays were good. Birthdays were sitting in the tree house past dark despite it being a school night. Birthdays were Reggie forcing him to wear a pointy party hat, and Luke smearing frosting across his face well aware it’d end in disaster, and Alex making up a horrendous rendition of the happy birthday song and proceeding to sing it like he’d just written a masterpiece akin to Bohemian Rhapsody. Bobby liked birthdays. For a while.
The treehouse wilted the summer before junior year, boards worn from years of harsh sunshine and thunderstorms. Bobby’s 17th birthday wasn’t… it wasn’t bad per se; but it’s bittersweet. It’s bittersweet in the way Luke scratches his neck apologetically and says that he couldn’t scrounge up enough money for a gift, like that’s what matters. It doesn’t. It’s bittersweet because Reggie, Luke, and Alex didn’t have to be driven to Bobby’s house. They woke up tangled together on the flimsy mattress in the loft and spent the morning practicing a bit too passionately with a few too many tears.
Bobby’s 17th birthday tasted of tight hugs and mint ice cream that dripped down his hands, held out to the sky because Luke kept threatening to lick them. It smelled of old pennies and the garbage cans Alex reluctantly used as drums as they played out on the pier in hopes to earn some petty cash.
“I bet we’ll be living in a mansion on your 18th birthday,” Reggie said, swinging his legs and splashing at the water. They were sitting on the edge of the pier, instruments off to the side and hands sticky with ice cream.
“If the Orpheum works out, we will,” Alex replied with a grin, bumping his shoulders with Bobby’s.
Bobby tilted his head in consideration. “Maybe we’ll get a giant house up in Malibu.”
“It’s not about the money,” Luke grumbled. Although considering the whole living in Bobby’s garage thing, Bobby thinks Luke should start thinking about the money.
“You’re absolutely right.” Alex sighed dramatically. “It’s about the music.” He clutched Luke’s shoulder and nodded sarcastically.
“The connections,” Bobby chimed in with a woeful nod. “The audience.”
Luke kicked his ankle and Bobby snickered. “No kicking the birthday boy,” he cried with mock offense.
“Kicking the birthday boy is like stealing candy from a baby,” Reggie said mournfully.
“That’s not how that… okay.” Alex exhaled in defeat, something Bobby calls his ‘Reggie sigh.’
They stayed out on the pier until the sun tucked itself behind the ocean and they tossed their instruments over their shoulders, walking back to the studio and singing happy birthday to the sparkling sky, steps bouncier than they had been in the morning. So, Bobby’s 17th birthday was bittersweet with the taste of music and hope and a desperate beginning.
Bobby spends his 18th birthday alone, staring down at the rug and hugging his own shoulders, desperately wishing he didn’t have to, because they were always so affectionate so he shouldn’t have to hold himself.
The studio is far too cold for and much too empty. A sharp breeze whistles through the crack in the door, brushing at the pages of Lukes still-open songwriting book. Bobby reaches to smooth them out, because maybe if he leaves everything how it’d been that night 7 months ago, he can pretend they’re just inside chattering over his gran’s spaghetti and debating lyrics. And he’ll go inside and join them and Luke will toss an arm over his shoulder and Alex will remind him to drink some water, he probably hasn’t today, and Reggie will tell him that “your grandma is so much cooler than you, Bobbers.”
But the lights are shut off and his dinner is cold and untouched and he can’t bring himself to even light the candle on the thick slice of cake on the table. Because he can close his eyes and wish with his entire soul but nothing will bring them back.
Bobby used to like birthdays. But now birthdays taste less of spring and vanilla and more of salty tears and an aching emptiness in his chest. He falls asleep on Luke’s couch, practically swimming in Alex’s blue sweatshirt, the shabby stuffed penguin clutched to his chest like a lifeline. He falls asleep to a quiet studio and birthday that feels like numbness and longing.
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Thanks, Brucie-Bruce Wayne x Reader
Word Count: 1840
Summary: You reminisce on your childhood with your best friend
Warnings: some violence, none really described in detail except reader getting punched in the face (as an alternative to getting teeth pulled), do teeth need their own warning bc they might, probably swearing but idk, kinda sad but don’t worry it’s fluffy, Bruce is a lil bitch but isn’t that kinda par for the course?
A/N: Once again this is just an old oneshot I have that I like a weird amount for no reason. You can read it as platonic or romantic it’s up to you idk but I’m lowkey thinking of making it into a series as platonic best friends so idk. I mean you’re reading it if you want it to be romantic that’s fine lmao I don’t care
Growing up one of Gotham’s elite may be a charmed life, but that didn’t mean that it was without its faults. You had spent your time being ignored by your parents, and your best friend, Bruce Wayne, became an orphan during a back alley robbery when the two of you were kids.
Or at least, former best friend.
In truth, you hadn’t seen Bruce in a while.
Well, you saw him constantly on the news and in the papers and just existing in Gotham in general, but you never got to see him face to face anymore.
Not for lack of trying, either. You sat down one night, the fifth time that Bruce had blown you off to meet for dinner in the past month, and pulled out your old photo album.
There was your fifth birthday party, a year or two after you had met Bruce in mega rich kid preschool, and there the two of you were, sharing a chair and staring at your huge birthday cake.
And the next picture, your favorite, the two of you covered in said birthday cake.
“Brucie,” You had cried,  whispering to him frantically, “Brucie, I got frosting on my dress!”
You were wearing a frilly pink dress that your mother had forced upon you, and in a moment of excitement you had leaned forward a little too far, and now the pale buttercream frosting covered your bodice.
“Uh oh,” Bruce breathed out slowly, adjusting his tie, pink to match your dress, and looking down at his own tiny three piece suit.
You were panicking, breathing heavily, “My mom is gonna be so mad!”
With a quick tug to your pigtails, Bruce shook his head, “I got this, Y/N.”
He reached forward and scooped a large chunk of the cake out, turning to you and smashing it against your chest quickly.
“Ah!” You jumped backwards, “Bruce!”
“Come on, hit me back,” Bruce hissed, grabbing another handful of cake and smushing it into your face.
As his plan dawned on you, you nodded, getting your own chunk of cake and throwing it at him, laughing delightedly as it landed in his hair.
“Bruce!” Mrs. Wayne scolded, running forward and crouching next to her son, who was currently trying to wrestle you, “You’re such a mess. Ms. Y/L/N, I’m so sorry for my son’s behavior!”
Your mother merely shook her head, smiling pleasantly, “Oh please, don’t worry about it, Martha. Those two are always getting into trouble.”
You leaned over to your best friend with a wide grin, wrapping him in a tight hug, “Thanks, Brucie!”
Flipping a few pages, you chuckled at what you saw.
Your face and Bruce’s fist matching in bloodiness, and a huge gap where your teeth were missing.
You were twelve years old, and you had five loose teeth. Your last five baby teeth. All in a row next to each other.
And, like most twelve year olds, you had a healthy fear of the dentist.
“They want me to go to the dentist tomorrow to get the teeth pulled!” You complained to Bruce, the two of you laying in his living room under the guise of studying.
He shrugged, “You just have to get them out before the dentist, right? Just keep wiggling.”
“I’ve been wiggling!” You sat up, shaking your head, “It’s not working. I need a new approach.  Maybe Alfred can make something sticky for me to eat and the teeth will get stuck in it. Like that toffee your-”
You froze, not looking at Bruce anymore.
His hand touched yours gently, and you turned to see a small, sad smile on his face, “Like the toffee my father used to make at Christmas? That would be good. But Alfred’s working on something, I think.”
Nodding, you hmm’d quietly to yourself for a moment, “I just don’t know what to do. I can’t let the dentist pull my teeth. I just can’t do it, Brucie.”
“Don’t call me Brucie,” He scowled, but you knew he didn’t really care.
You sat in comfortable silence for a while, pushing your teeth back and forth with your tongue as the two of you thought.
“I have an idea,” Bruce stood, extending his hand out to you, “But it’s a little unorthodox.”
If he hadn’t been offering to help you, you would’ve rolled your eyes at the way he spoke.
You rose next to him, nodding, “Anything! Anything that keeps me out of the dentist’s chair.”
He took a breath, deep, slow, thoughtful. His hand reached out towards your face, thumb stroking your lips, palm cupping your jaw and cheek.
What was he doing?
And then he reared his fist back, and punched you in the face.
It hurt, that was for certain, but it was well concentrated in one place, and you coughed as you choked on the teeth, spitting them into your hand.
“There’s only four,” You frowned, counting them quickly.
“Sorry about that, Y/N,” He held his fist back out, and you saw the fifth tooth embedded in his knuckle, “You can have it back.”
With a chuckle you plucked the tooth out and pulled him into a hug, “Thanks, Brucie!”
Alfred had a field day with that one, you remembered, but it was still better than going to the dentist.
With a few more flicks of pages, you felt your heart catch in your throat.
Prom night.
Your date was supposed to come meet you at Wayne Manor at 5:30 so that you could go out with Bruce and his pretty blonde arm candy.
And now it was 6:45, and he still wasn’t there.
You’d been pacing the parlor of the Manor for two hours. Bruce and his date kept disappearing to make out in various rooms, and Alfred had stopped standing at the front door and had instead begun to busy himself in the kitchen.
And you were crying.
“Shit,” You hissed, wiping a tiny smear of eyeliner out from under your eye.
You weren’t going to cry over him. Especially not after you’d spent three hours on your makeup. You couldn’t do it.
“I don’t understand why we can’t just leave her,” You heard The Blonde complain to Bruce in the next room over, “She’s totally bringing down the mood.”
“Hey, back off,” Bruce sighed, “She’s my best friend. I’m not leaving her all alone on prom night. Maybe she can just come out with us.“
“I’m not spending my prom night with some loser who got stood up by her own date.”
You bit your lip, swallowing back a sob and then speaking loudly enough for them to know they were meant to hear you, “Hey, Bruce? I think I’m just gonna go, okay? Sorry for holding you guys up.”
“Wait,” Bruce opened the door to the closet he and his date were in, running a hand through his hair, “Y/N, don’t go.”
The Blonde gasped indignantly, and you shook your head, “No, seriously Bruce, don’t worry about it. I’m just-”
“Don’t leave, Y/N,” He said again, and the solidness of his words, the complete authority in how he said it, was enough to freeze you, “I’m taking you to prom. You can’t leave me.”
“What?” The Blonde shrieked, stomping her heel on the ground, “You’re not taking her, you’re taking me!”
Bruce gave her a rather pleasant smile, “Actually, I’m not. I think you’re a stone cold bitch and if I look at you for any longer than fifteen more seconds, I think I’ll vomit. Now get out of my house,” And with that, waving a dismissive hand at her, he turned to you and grinned, “Now, Miss Y/N Y/L/N, would you do me the honor of being my date to prom?”
A burst of energy running through you, you sprang forward and wrapped him up in a hug, “Absolutely. Thanks, Brucie.”
Closing your photo album, you sighed.
It felt like just yesterday in so many ways, and yet a million years ago.
What had happened between you two? What had you done to drive him away? Maybe a walk would clear your head.
You grabbed your keys and left, walking the streets of Gotham and thinking of your younger days.
There was a playground where you and Bruce would sometimes sneak off to play, halfway between both of your houses. It was where you had taught him how to throw a punch when you were six, where he had taught you how to cartwheel when you were eight, and where you two had shared your first kiss when you were ten.
You laughed at that memory too, wishing you had a picture in your album of that day, when the two of you had decided to be each other’s first kiss just so you’d know what you were getting yourselves into.
You’d sat on top of the monkey bars, staring into each other’s eyes as you came to your solemn decision, and leaned forward to give each other the briefest of pecks on the lips. And then you’d both fallen off the monkey bars, wiping your mouths and gagging dramatically.
Standing by those monkey bars, you ran your hands down the side with a smile.
And then you felt the cold barrel of a gun press into the back of your neck.
“Give me all your money, and get on your knees,” A dark voice growled.
How could you let yourself be taken completely by surprise, in Gotham of all places?
Shaking, you tried to speak, your voice catching in your throat, “I… I don’t…”
“Hey!” A familiar voice sounded through the air, cutting you off, “Back off!”
You felt the  rounded metal leave your skin and let out a sigh of relief.
Spinning on your heel, you watched as your attacker, a large man with a ski mask pulled over his face, so cliche, got the crap beaten out of him by…
“Batman?” You gasped.
Of course!
Batman wrapped an arm around you, scoffing at the thug on the ground, and shot a grappling hook into the air.
As you felt yourself fly your head spun, trying to wrap your mind around everything.
So this was why he kept standing you up. Why he always came up with some flimsy excuse. He couldn’t just tell you he was the Batman, and besides, the mystery of it all was surely an ego thing for him.
You landed outside your house a moment later, the dark suit encompassing Batman just intimidating enough for you to almost take a step back as he rumbled, “You should be more careful. Especially at night.”
But you couldn’t take his warning seriously.
Your best friend wasn’t avoiding you, he didn’t hate you, he just had a secret!
You were too ecstatic to pay his advice any mind.
And so you simply wrapped him in a hug, your arms erupting into goosebumps against the cold armor that he wore, “Thanks, Brucie.”
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kkgbutsane · 3 years
The First Day of School
It was a dewy morning. Not too hot, not too cold, far too humid. It was the usual for Hyakkou High School, where students came to learn and excel in their studies while maintaining good social relationships. The school was usually filled with many different students. Any stereotype you could think of, Hyakkou had it. 
The students usually had fun. The Principal was quite lax when it came to certain things. All he asked of the students was to respect each other and respect the building. And to keep their grades up of course. They would be failing as a school if the students weren’t receiving the proper education!
And this is where their story begins.
“Ack. Hey! Mary!” Ryota called out from behind the blonde, who was currently looking down on her phone. The boy ran up to his best friend, hooking his arm around the back of her neck to bring her into a headlock. “Hey! Don’t mess up my hair you dork!” Mary growled, trying to wrestle her way out of Ryota’s lock.
The two continued their conundrum until they reached the gates of the school, where Mary finally got a good grip and threw her friend over her shoulder, thus leading to him falling on his backpack. “Ow…,” he muttered, smiling like an idiot.
Mary Saotome and Ryota Suzui had been friends since childhood. They were even neighbors, and she often came over to his house to play on his Wii with him. Their friendship had blossomed into a relationship.
Until they realized they were better off as best friends. In fact, after they had broken up and continued to be platonic, it seemed as though their friendship grew stronger.
“Hi guys!” The two heard a familiar voice, registering it as their other best friend, Yumeko Jabami. Yumeko had met them all in middle school, when she had moved here with her sister. The ravenette was one to take risks, and found pleasure in dangerous things. Of course, only in moderation. In reality, the only things she had taken much risk for was a move in a fighting game. Or a board game.
Her bubbly exterior was often in place of her mellow interior. She tended to keep to herself truly, unless with her friends.
“Yumeko!” Ryota yelled happily, jogging over and scooping the girl in a tight hug. Much to his delight, Yumeko returned the hug tenfold.
“ShiT, I can’t breaTHE-,” he barely managed, his face turning purple. He should have known, the girl was a strong hugger. “Oi, calm down you two, before I separate you guys for 10 minutes straight, and I know that will be a pain since you usually do homework together in the mornings,” Mary stated, crossing her arms. Yumeko finally relented, giving Ryota’s respiratory system some reprieve. Yumeko looked quite meek, but she could give hugs like no other.
“Mary!” Yumeko giggled, giving the blonde another one of her bone crushing hugs. “Sup, dumbass,” Mary replied, smiling softly at her friend’s gestures of affection. “Are you all ready for your first days of school!?” 
It was the start of junior year for the three, and boy were their classes packed. Ryota was taking a few classes on science and health, as well as a gym class to exercise and get fit. He wanted to be a firefighter, and such education was necessary to ensure he was a good candidate for the job.
“I have… Anatomy first period. Woohoo,” Mary sighed. She was actually quite excited, but decided not to show it in order to keep her cool exterior. The path she had chosen was Emergency Medical Services, and taking anatomy was the first step in her opinion.
“Oh? That’s so wonderful! I have Calculus for my first period. I wonder if Sayaka is going to be in that class!” Yumeko said eagerly. Sayaka was one of the other kids attending this school. The girl mainly kept to herself, but she had recently started acquainting herself with the ravenette.
“Gah! Sorry I’m late guys! I kinda missed my bus…” A ginger voice panted, revealed to be none other than Itsuki Sumeragi. The strawberry blonde had met the three last year when she was a sophomore. After transferring from a private school to Hyakkou, the tight-knit group had taken her in, welcoming her as one of their own. “Hey! I heard there’s gonna be a pair of new students! I hear they’re seniors,” Itsuki gossiped, taking out her Nintendo Switch and turning it on.
“Ooh, Smash? Let’s do this!” Ryota declared, taking his controller and setting it to his button map.
“So what about these new students? Do they seem weird or anything?” Mary inquired, picking her character, King K. Rool, and setting her button map. “Oh come on, why do you ALWAYS play heavies!?” Ryota complained, picking Marth as his character. “Because heavies are fucking goated, why else?” the blonde snarked back, a sly smirk on her face.
“I don’t know. But I heard they’re twins!” Itsuki giggled, sitting down to watch them play.
“Heya guys,” a shrill voice came out of nowhere. “You playin’ Smash? I’ll join!” it giggled. Runa had seemingly appeared out of nowhere in her oversized jacket. “Oh no…,” The entire group groaned.
“Runa, you’re cool and all, but whenever we play with you, you find a way to resize our assholes every match in different ways. I really don’t want to get 0-to-deathed consecutively while you stay on three stocks. Seriously, how the fuck do you even do it!?” Mary spoke, seemingly for the entire group. “I dunno, just practice TBH,” was all Runa said, picking up a controller. “And fuck you, I’m playing anyway.” 
The sound of groans could be heard around the courtyard after that statement.
Sayaka Igarashi, resident Valedictorian-to-be, had come over to the table with Midari Ikishima, who was dragging along a seemingly sleepy senior. “C’mon Yuriko. I know you have senioritis but our friends are here!” Midari grumbled, literally dragging Yuriko. Yuriko Nishinotounin had gotten a severe case of Senioritis, especially since most of her classes were a breeze this year. 
“Would you both calm down please!? They’re playing a game, and I’m trying to read!” Sayaka chided, mentally swearing at the rebel. “Chill out, Sayaka, Yuriko is already falling asleep on me and it’s not even 7:30!” Midari grumbled.
“I can’t wait for senior year to be over,” Yuriko yawned, sitting on the table everyone was at basically falling asleep.
“What the fu- NO!” Mary yelled, distracted by Yuriko long enough for Runa to get a move on her, resulting in her virtual demise. “Fuuuuck!” she sighed, hitting her head against the wooden table. “FUCK!” she repeated, after feeling the pain that came along with it. Ryota had already fallen out of the competition.
Please nerf Lucas.
Yumeko hummed happily to herself, reading some random tabloid article on her phone. As the bell rang, they all dispersed into their classes.
“See you guys later!” Ryota called, jogging over to the weight room for his first period.
The three girls had made their way over to the Portables, then separating into their classrooms. 
Sayaka practically dragged her two friends to their classes and then her own, all while keeping to the schedule. Anatomy was her first period, and she sat next to Mary. 
It wouldn’t be too bad of a year. Mary was a good student and wasn’t too hard to talk to. She just mostly liked to keep to herself.
“Good morning class! Welcome to Anatomy! You guys are obviously gonna be learning about the body, it’s functions, what is where and what goes where and woop dee dah, all the good stuff! Hopefully I can make learning about how food passes through the body actually entertaining for y’all, but first we have two new students with us today! They’ve recently transferred over, so let’s give ‘em a warm welcome to Hyakkou!” The teacher, Mrs. Murray, announced. She looked a bit older, with a tall figure and ginger hair in her face. Her glasses looked odd, but it added to her look.
People like Mrs. Murray because she was actually a good teacher. She cared about her students and actually helped them if they needed it.
“Ladies, if you would please introduce yourselves!” 
The entire class looked at the two, and for a moment they thought they saw double.
“Hello. My name is Kirari Momobami. I’m a senior here, and it’s a pleasure to meet you all. I hope we can get along,” The girl, now known as Kirari, had stated.
It seemed her sister’s turn was up next.
“Er.. I’m Ririka Momobami. We’re twins. I hope we can… have a good time!” Ririka muttered, almost too quietly for the class to hear.
Mrs. Murray smiled and beckoned them to take their seats.
Their seats were in front of both Sayaka and Mary, who seemed to be in a state of both ‘gay’ and ‘panic’.
The two twins looked vastly different, with Kirari’s hair done in twin loop braids and dressed in a rather classy manner, while Ririka’s hair was free to fall.
Did Ririka have a sweatshirt that had the Poggers Man on it?
Mary internally laughed at that. It was adorable.
When class had dispersed to work in groups, Mary and Sayaka had picked each other on instinct, then looking for two more partners to start their work on.
“Sayaka!” Mary whisper-yelled, a small blush on her face. She then gestured to her phone to text the girl.
Sayaka I: I am too. Which one are you gay for?
Mary S: Ririka.
Sayaka I: Oh. I like her too.
Mary glared at Sayaka for a moment.
Mary S: The one with the adorable hair and clothing?
The blonde mentally facepalmed, of course Sayaka would think that. No matter the twin.
Sayaka I: Yes. I love how her hair is done. Plus her shirt looks nice.
Mary S: Oh. So the one with the weird braids?
Sayaka I: Don’t call them weird.
Mary S: ok but dont worry cause im crushing on the other twin. I swear her sweatshirt is adorable.
Sayaka I: .
Sayaka I: poggers
Sayaka I: Be my guest.
The two had reluctantly come up to the twins.
“Hello! I am Sayaka Igarashi, and this is Mary Saotome. It seems you both don’t have another pair, so if you’d like, we can work with you,” Sayaka stated, trying to sound as polite as possible. Nothing could hide the blush on her face though.
“Sure, I would love to work with you both,” Kirari replied, a small smirk forming on her face.
Ririka just nodded with a small smile.
It was going to be a long year.
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taeminyourmind · 4 years
The 12-Year Promise x Taemin (M)
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Genre: Mature - Smut (Soft)
Summary: Forced to move away, you and your best friend Taemin make a promise to meet again on your 25th birthday.
Pairing: Taemin x Reader
Word Count: 3.9k+
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October 2006
A crisp autumn breeze commands the fallen leaves to dance along the uneven gravel road of your neighborhood. The street, once filled with children playing, is now silent as neighbors gather in front of your house to bid your family farewell.
You and Taemin hide behind a thick row of bushes behind your house, sitting side-by-side with faces of confusion and sadness. Every day, you wake up and pray that it was all a dream, but the brown boxes sitting on your desk with your name scribbled on the side in black sharpie mock you every morning. You could never forget the moment your mother brought the news down on you in a way only she could.
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Rain hits against the window while you and your parents eat dinner in silence. The sound of utensils scraping against the ceramic plates makes you cringe, causing you to squirm in your seat.
“___,” your mother monotonously says, “We’re moving at the end of the month.”
Your eyes snap towards your mother who doesn’t bother making eye contact with neither you nor your father. You open your mouth to speak, but nothing comes out. You look to your father, hoping he can read your mind, but all he offers is a gentle hand on the shoulder and a soft smile.
“Why?” You finally manage to say, though it comes out as a squeak. Your eyes leave your father and lands on your mother who wipes her mouth with the linen napkin, leaving her red lipstick stain on it. “Why?”
“How many times must I remind you?” Your mother firmly asks, tossing the napkin on her empty plate. “I am the parent, and you are the child. And if I say we are doing something, you say ‘Okay mother’ not question me. Understood?”
Your stomach does backflips as your mother’s eyebrow raises and lips pursed together. There is no need in fighting her, in arguing, because your words will fall on deaf ears. Instead, you shove your father’s hand off your shoulder and let your legs take you as far away from the house as possible.
Your legs burn at your speed and your lungs feel like they’re about to explode. Your vision becomes blurred with burning tears before they slide down your cheeks. Though it’s hard to see, you follow your heart and find yourself outside the house of your best friend, Taemin. Many believe you became instant friends because you shared the same birthday and others believe it was the working of your stars and paths crossing at an early age. A friend since you were in diapers, a friend who never leaves your side, and a friend that you promised to marry if you were both still single at 25. With him, you were never alone and invisible; with Taemin, you were free to be who you were and felt loved.
You throw pebbles against his window until you see his shadow move towards the window. Huge headphones are pressed against his ears when he opens his curtains and window. He opens his mouth to speak but closes it when he sees the look of defeat and distress painted on your face. He simply nods his head and you take off to Dollie’s, a place the two of you frequent, a place where you settle all your problems and plan your next adventure. Except for this time, you must tell your best friend that you’re moving far away, for good.
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“I don’t want you to go,” Taemin pouts, his hand unconsciously pulling at the grass beside him.
“I don’t want to go either,” you whisper while blinking to hold back your tears. “I want to stay here with you.”
Silence falls over the two of you as faint farewells are being said in the distance.
“Let’s promise to always be friends!” He exclaims with a beaming smile. “When we’re older, let’s meet again!”
A wide smile spreads across your face at his exclamation. If you were darkness, Taemin was light, always lifting spirits and showing optimism wherever he goes. Your smile becomes contagious as Taemin smiles back at you before facing ahead. His eyebrows furrow the longer he stares in the distance as if he’s focusing on something or someone. Following his trance, you take in the beauty of autumn’s hues of red, orange, brown, and yellow, a sight you wouldn’t see anytime soon.
“25!” Taemin says, making you look towards him in confusion. He brings a hand out of his pocket and holds up a quarter that glistens in the sunlight. “We’ll meet again when we’re 25 at Dollie’s!”
“Aren’t we supposed to be married by then?” You ask and snatch the quarter from his fingers. “What if my husband doesn’t want me meeting you?”
He cocks his head to the side with a mischievous smile. “But I will be your husband.”
A moment goes by before the two of you burst into laughter. You grab your stomach from how much you were laughing and get into a playful wrestling match until the harsh sound of your name makes the both of you stop. Your mother’s voice makes you shiver. Taemin looks at you with glossy eyes, mouthing ‘don’t go’ as you begin to stand.
“I...have to go,” you barely manage to croak while stuffing the quarter in your pocket.
Putting your back to him, Taemin wraps his arms around you, squeezing you while his fingers latch onto the fabric of your jacket. You manage to free yourself enough to face him and bring him into an embrace. Tears freely fall down your cheeks as you choke on your sobs. You squeeze your eyes close and try to remember this moment; the light floral scent of his clothes, the warmth of his embrace, his comforting voice, his soft facial expressions, and the taste of the shortbread cookie he gave you earlier.
“___!” Your mother shouts again.
“Noon,” Taemin quickly says when he feels you begin to pull away, leaving the coldness to replace your warmth. “We’ll meet at noon at Dollie’s when we turn 25! Promise me!”
“I promise,” you say, wiping the tears from your face. “I promise.” Turning, you sprint away from Taemin, leaving him to sink to the ground and cry into his knees. The only thing keeping his head up is your promise, a promise he will replay in his mind as the days go on.
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July 18, 2018 - 11:30 a.m.
Aromas of freshly ground coffee, baked goods, and flowers fill Dollie’s while light upbeat instrumental music plays overhead. Taemin taps along to the beat while nervously looking towards the door each time the door opens. Each chime makes him sit straighter and when he realizes none of the people that walked through the door were you, he slumps a little and glances at his watch.
The steam from Taemin’s mug of coffee places soft kisses on his nose as he stares into its rich color.
“She’ll be here,” he whispers repeatedly to himself. “She promised.”
July 18, 2018 - 12:15 p.m.
Taemin watches the seconds pass on his watch as noon passes. Around him, people are busy with pleasant conversations leaving Taemin to daydream about what it would be like to have you in front of him so he could hear your voice.
The last glimmer of hope he has in his heart slowly loses its flame as he pushes his empty mug away from him. Part of him feels foolish for thinking you would remember a promise made 12 years ago and another part of him wonders if someone is keeping you from him. He hides his face in his palms and squeezes his eyes shut, his shoulders falling in defeat.
“Hi Ms. Ha, is Taemin still here?” A voice desperately asks between breaths.
The sound of his name makes Taemin pop his head up and look towards the front counter. Ms. Ha’s face lights up as she points in his direction. When your glance follows her direction, Taemin feels his breath hitch in his throat. Neither of you could contain the wide smiles spreading on your faces as you rush to his table.
When you’re a few feet away, Taemin jumps from his seat and pulls you into a warm embrace; his palms gently pressing in the middle of your back until his quick heartbeat can be felt against your chest. A small chuckle hums against your lips as you hold him close, nestling your face in the crook of his neck and feeling tears well in your eyes at the nostalgic scent of floral lingering on his clothes.
An unknown amount of time passes before Taemin invites you to sit with him. There was so much you wanted to say to one another, so many stories to tell, and so many I miss yous to you wanted to say, but those words get lodged in your throats. Instead, you exchange a warm smile and nervous chuckles while you examine one another, your eyes finding what’s changed about each other.
Taemin finds himself lovingly staring into your eyes, admiring the girl he’s missed for the past 12 years. Aside from your appearance, nothing has changed about you; your eyes and smile are still warm and your nose scrunches and eyes squint when you’re concentrated on something or someone.
“And a birthday candle for my twins,” Ms. ha sings before placing a coffeecake with powdered sugar in the middle of the table.
“You shouldn’t have,” you gasp while eyeing the delectable cake with wide eyes.
“Eat and enjoy you two,” she says while swatting in your direction. Turning away, she gives Taemin a playful wink before hurrying to the front of the house.
“Happy birthday, ___,” Taemin smiles while handing you a fork.
“Happy birthday, Tae,” You smile before devouring your half of the cake.
The moist cake melts in your mouth, causing you to sink in your seat in delight. As fast as the cake appeared, the cake was gone as you and Taemin lean back in your seats with a full stomach.
“I missed you, Tae,” you softly say while reaching across the table to place your hand on his. “How have you been?”
Your warm hands cause Taemin to shiver slightly while he gets lost in your eyes once more. Your question makes him stop for a moment to think; how has he been? It’s been so long since he’s taken care of himself and even longer since someone asked how he was.
You can see the internal struggle in his eyes. His eyes fall away from you and to the empty plate, his eyebrows furrowing in contemplation. Every now and then, he opens his mouth to speak but hesitates and closes it again.
“Talk to me, Taemin,” you whisper while leaning forward, your hand shaking against his to grab his attention. “You’re in front of me, but your eyes are distant.”
“I’ve just been stressed lately,” he begins, squirming in his seat. “I’m studying for my master and I’m worried about failing.”
Concern falls on you while you watch your friend express his troubles. His words pour from his mouth and tears of frustration well in his eyes, though they don’t fall.
“You’ll make it,” you say reassuringly. “I know you’ll make it.” You pause for a moment and take in his tense posture. Deep in thought, you finally look back towards the boy and smile. “You’re coming over for dinner tonight. I’m going to cook something special.”
Taemin smiles and shakes his head. “Don’t you live a few hours away?”
“Correction. I now live 30 minutes from here.”
You and Taemin exchange an excited smile before he places his free hand on top of yours and gives it a gentle squeeze. His soft eyes make you blush before nodding his head.
“Okay, let’s go.”
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The day gradually transforms to night as the infinite stars in the sky twinkle against the black canvas. With your legs placed over his, you and Taemin make yourselves comfortable on your couch with a glass of wine.
“How was it, moving away?” Taemin hesitantly asks, causing your face to fall for a moment.
“Hard. My parents got divorced not long after the move and my mother decided it was best I stay with her. But you know how she is, overbearing, a workaholic, and insensitive. I couldn’t take it anymore! I ran away to my father’s, but she never came after me. From that moment, I swore to myself three things, I would never turn into her, marry someone like her, and never become a mother like her. Since then, I’ve just been trying to find myself and my purpose in life, you know?”
Taemin soothingly rubs your leg while giving you a gentle smile. “I know.”
As the moon rises higher in the sky, your conversations with Taemin become more personal the more you allow yourselves to be vulnerable. Between his and your worries and fears about the life ahead of you, it’s a miracle neither of you has developed gray hair. 
Even in these moments, Taemin found himself falling for you, flaws and all. Everyone could see he had a crush on you when you were younger, and he’s held onto the thought of meeting you one day and how it would feel seeing you again after so long. It’s better than he imagined. While you poured your heart out, his eyes moved across your face, trying to burn your face in his mind. He wanted to remember you, the way you looked, and the way you make him feel.
“I’ve talked too much,” you apologetically say.
“I haven’t seen you in 12 years, I don’t mind.”
You hide your flustered smile by taking a sip from your glass. You find yourself looking over the rim and find yourself thinking of Taemin as more than a friend. What would your relationship look like if you stayed? Would you still be friends? Lovers? Married? Strangers? The past is over and only the present lingers while the future lies ahead. You have to get your mind off of Taemin.
“Look at the time,” you say, pointing to the clock that reads 1 a.m. “It’s too late for you to go back. You can sleep in my room -”
“Where are you going to sleep?” Taemin abruptly interrupts with slight disappointment in his voice.
You pat a spot on the couch. “On the couch.” Setting your glass down, you stand and help Taemin off the couch, leading him to your room. “I’ll put out extra blankets in case you get cold.”
Standing near your room’s doorway, Taemin watched you scurry about, pulling out numerous blankets and throwing the decorative pillows to the side. Though he sees your mouth move, he’s too focused on understanding his feelings for you to hear what you’re saying.
“Stay with me,” he blurts, causing you to stop in your tracks. “Just like the sleepovers we had when we were younger.”
Memories of blanket forts lined with pillows and flashlights flash before your eyes as you remember the two of you competing on who could tell the scariest story and talking about kid stuff like school, parents, and the latest episode of your favorite cartoons. With a blink, you’re transported back to your room with Taemin gazing at you with bright eyes. He opens his mouth to apologize but closes it when you nod.
“I’ll stay with you,” you sheepishly say with a soft smile. “Just like we used to.”
You and Taemin face each other under the warmth of your blanket, though it feels warmer because of how close your bodies were. The moonlight seeping through the gaps of your bedroom blinds, striping the room and giving little light. But even in the room’s dimness, Taemin’s eyes shine brightly as they gaze into yours.
There were things you wanted to say to each other, both friendly and amorous. Your complicated feelings create raging waves in your stomach, threatening to crash into you. But there were too many times in your life where you’ve held yourself back by listening to this uneasy feeling and not your own desires.
Being here with Taemin, his body so close to yours that his shallow breaths tickle your nose. Under his loving stare, you feel exposed while his eyes trace over your face. You inch yourself closer to his body and gently glide your thumbpad across his soft lips. His fingers gently wrap around your wrist, stilling it before kissing it. Your heart thumps harder under his touch. No matter how many times you try to deny yourself of feeling anything romantic towards him, they come back stronger.
“Marry me,” he whispers. His hand guides yours towards his chest, allowing you to feel his heartbeat.
The word ‘marry’ transports you back to the playground at school. Hidden behind a tree were you and Taemin, holding hands and promising to marry each other when you turned 25. And now, you’re lying beside your best friend after 12 years, feeling his heartbeat under his careful gaze, as he remembers one of his promises.
A smile slowly spreads across your face as you inch closer to his face until your forehead rests against his. “Okay.”
Leaning forward, Taemin’s lips press against yours, passionately moving across yours, inviting you to join in the dance. Your fingers latch to the front of his shirt while you deepen the kiss, your breath temporarily seizing when his tongue glides pass your lips. The taste of his cherry chapstick enters your mouth, teasing you to go deeper. He softly moans against your lips when your tongue dances around his while his fingers gently massage your lower back.
Gentle whispers of “I missed you” spill from your lips before Taemin slowly pulls away. His lips are slightly red and plump, slightly parted as he catches his breath. Over and over he says he really missed you and how much he loves you. His sweet words make your cheeks grow warm as you softly push his bangs out his face. The flame of his eyes flickers in affection as he hesitates to say the words he wants to say.
But you know what Taemin wants, and you want it as well. Leaning forward, you latch your lips to the side of his neck, placing tender wet kisses on the crook of his neck. His soft moans turn to groans when your hand slips down his sweatpants and begin to massage his member. He sharply gasps through clenched teeth when you firmly grip his member and pump him, ensuring every inch feels your touch.
“___,” Taemin breathlessly whines, his hips rocking in sync with your hand.
His eyes flutter shut and his lips slightly part when you teasingly make light circles on his tip. A mischievous smirk spreading on your face fades when Taemin’s hand slides down your pants. His fingers spread your lips while his middle finger glides from your entrance to your clit, spreading your wetness. Your movements pause at the feeling of his finger flicking your clit. You try to suppress your moans but fail when his deep voice whispers in your ear.
“You’re so wet.”
His middle and ring finger carefully push through your entrance, curling once they’re in. Your hand around his member grips tighter at the sensation, creating more friction as he thrust forward. It doesn’t take long until you feel a wetness coat your fingers. As if connected, you both removed your hand from each other’s bodies. Your wetness that coats Taemin’s fingers shines in the dim light before he pushes them in your mouth, his eyebrows furrowing while he moans at the feeling of your tongue sensually licking his fingers clean.
Slowly, Taemin removes yours and his pants, his eyes never leaving yours. Grabbing the back of your thigh, he lifts your leg over his waist while his other hand guides his erected maybe to your entrance. Your walls tighten at the feeling of his tip gliding back and forth between your lips. Slowly, he guides his member inside you, thrusting upward until he finds shelter in between your walls.
Taemin’s presence prompts you to let out a lengthy moan, closing your eyes to feel every inch of him. His hands anchor your hips in place as he begins to slowly thrust upwards, going deeper while he places lovebites on the top of your breasts. ‘Yes’ drips from your lips over and over as he thrusts one last time and grinds into you, ensuring every inch feels his length. Your walls tighten and toes curl while you hold him close to your chest, your moans turning into whines as you feel yourself edging closer to the edge. This powerful feeling makes you want to pull away, but the feeling of euphoria makes you stay, enduring the overwhelming pleasure.
Taemin knows you’re close, your walls squeezing around him, ready to milk his seed. He hisses when your nails break his skin, but he doesn’t mind. Pulling your tank top down, he admires your breasts and hardened nipples before latching his lips around them. His teeth softly graze your nipple before his tongue swirls around it, causing shivers to travel up your spine.
Cupping his face to bring it to yours, you place sloppy kisses against his lips before gaining enough strength to roll on top of him. As your lips move together in sync, you slowly bounce up and down. Moaning into the kiss, Taemin’s hands caress your breasts, his fingers teasingly pulling at your nipples.
His hands stay on your breasts when you sit up as you begin to slowly rock your hips back and forth. The hunger in his eyes makes the knot in your stomach tighten. Your eyes never leave his when you slide your fingers down and rub circles on your clit. Your chest quickly rises and falls because of the pleasure, causing you to lean your head back. Faster, you rub your clit as you feel yourself about to fall off the edge. Your eyes slightly roll back when you feel the knot break, Taemin’s name falling from your lips followed by deep breaths.
Reaching up, Taemin brings you down until your chest is against his, your skin sticking together. His arms lock you in place as he plants his heels in the bed and thrusts upward. He grunts in your ear, wanting to quicken his speed but controlling himself to take things slow to make this euphoric feeling last longer. His thrusts become shaky as his grip around you tightens. The sweet touch of your lips against his neck allows him to let loose as he thrusts up once more and spurts his seed inside you, your walls milking him for every drop.
His soft grunts subside as he tries to calm himself, slowly rocking his hips to come down from his high. When his grip around you loosens, you sit up enough to see his face - flushed and glistening with sweat. You exchange a tired smile before you remove yourself from his member that’s now coated in a mixture of yours and his orgasm.
Falling beside Taemin, his arms immediately embrace you, pulling you closer until your head rests against his chest. The morning’s bright light replaces the moonlight, painting the room in a warm hue. He presses a gentle kiss on the top of your head as he holds you tighter, afraid that this is just a dream.
“I guess there’s only one more question to ask,” Taemin says after a moment of silence. Your eyebrows furrow as you look up in curiosity to which he gives a sweet smile. “When’s the wedding?”
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dimitrescus-bitch · 4 years
Clear Up(Sasha Banks x Reader)
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“Such a fucking babe, I swear if you don’t stop...” Liv teased you as she took pictures of you backstage. You did a few more poses and then you got the pictures ready to post on your Instagram. Since you signed to WWE from Impact, you had been tearing it up on Raw. You did a lot with the Raw Underground segment, but if you weren’t doing that, you had something to do with Liv. The two of you had such great chemistry on camera and it was the only way either of you would get any sort of push. 
“So, what are you doing after this?” you asked Liv. You wanted to know whether or not to leave the door unlocked when you got home. You normally left about 30 minutes before Liv and got to your shared house before. The two of you had been sharing a house for almost a year now. Your friendship had blossomed because of mutual friends a while back. 
“I think I’m gonna go to Ruby’s for the night. You should invite your girl over,” Liv teased you. You looked down and muttered something. Liv tilted your chin up and made you look at her. “If you’d talk to her, the two of you could be married by now.” 
“That’s ridiculous,” you said and Liv quirked an eyebrow. “Liv, I’ve been working here for less than six months. Lesbians move fast, but not that fast babe.” 
“You two met at the PC, and you liked Sasha then, so I don’t see the big deal,” Liv told you. 
“She hasn’t really wanted to be around me since I got here. She cancelled our match together last week,” you said and Liv frowned at you. It was obvious that Sasha not seemingly not wanting to be around you was affecting you a lot more than anything else had in the business before. Liv put her arms around you and squeezed you tightly. 
“It’ll be okay babe, I’ll have Ruby knock some sense into her,” Liv offered and you politely declined. Liv’s next couple offers were also declined, you knew about the paper plate story and how ill-received it would be if Shayna popped Sasha’s jaw out of its socket. 
“I’ll handle it, we’ll talk to each other after the show tonight,” you promised and Liv kissed your cheek and skipped off. After your match against Ruby, you got ready to go home and waited by Sasha’s car for her to get finished with the show. 
“Y/n, what are you doing out here?” Sasha asked and you pushed yourself off of the hood of her car. 
“I was wondering if we could have a chat,” you tried to say as unmenacing as possible. Sasha nodded and opened her car door. “What the hell did I do to receive the cold shoulder from you?” 
“You didn’t do anything Y/n. It’s a me thing, I need to sort myself out,” Sasha told you. 
“You say that, but it feels like I did something,” you told her. “I mean, you haven’t looked at me since you got in that car.” 
“It’s because you like Liv and not me,” Sasha blurted out. You processed the first part of what she said first and had burst out laughing. “It’s not funny.” 
“It so is because do you know what I’m doing tonight?” you asked and Sasha shook her head. “I’m going home, microwaving a plate of pizza rolls and playing that game Bayley bought me last week while my roommate, Liv, goes and has a lot of really loud sex with her GIRLFRIEND, Ruby. I don’t like Liv, I like you Sasha, I’ve liked you since we were at the PC. It devastated me to leave because we wouldn’t be able to train or wrestle together anymore.” 
“Well, do you need a ride home?” Sasha asked and you shook your head. 
“I don’t, but my driveway gets sorta cold, so do you think you could stay the night so that doesn’t happen?” you asked and Sasha nodded. 
“I’ll see you at your place,” Sasha said with a wink.
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chaoslaura · 4 years
Can this be for Willex please. Fluff 11 “I’m so proud of you.” 
If it’s ok to ask, can Alex have a bad panic attack when he’s out with Willie.
I know Alex having a panic attack has been done a few times but I always feel like once he’s gone through it, the fic just ends and I’d like to read one where Alex is really embarrassed and Willie is just so caring afterwards and really protective.
Hi hi I loved the Willex prompt you did it was so good. Can I ask for them for a prompt? Fluff 11. “I’m so proud of you” I had an idea Alex has a panic attack, it’s the first time Willie has seen it happen, Willie helps him through it and he says that to Alex
First, thanks for the kind words I’ve gotten so far.
For this prompt I have gotten two requests that were kinda similar, so I mixed them together to create one story, I hope you like it though.
Read it on AO3
Warnings: panic attack, mention of self harm (nails digging into skin)
As someone who has never experienced anxiety or panic attacks, I didn’t feel comfortable to write a full panic attack scene in case I wrote it wrong because the only things I know about it are from reading fics myself. But please feel free to talk to me if I depicted anything wrong.
In retrospect it wasn’t perfectly clear what had set it off. It wasn’t one specific event, or person, or thought, rather the whole day was just one big disaster. From the minute Alex woke up nothing was going according to plan. Which wouldn’t be catastrophic per se but on some days even a minor accident could be enough to push him over the edge, and today these accidents just kept piling on top of each other till Alex couldn’t see over the mountain.
In retrospect it wasn’t perfectly clear what had set it off. It wasn’t one specific event, or person, or thought, rather the whole day was just one big disaster. From the minute Alex woke up nothing was going according to plan. Which wouldn’t be catastrophic per se but on some days even a minor accident could be enough to push him over the edge, and today these accidents just kept piling on top of each other till Alex couldn’t see over the mountain.
When his phone had gone off with a beeping sound and vibrated on his bedside table and Alex peeled his eyes open, he was confused for a moment. Why wasn’t the sun shining in his face? Alex would always wake up with sunrays covering his bed and face from where he didn’t close the curtains the full way. Liking waking up with the bright sunlight. But this morning it was different.
Peeking at his phone he realized it wasn’t morning at all, that’s why. “8:30? Fuck!” Class would’ve already started by then and Alex was never late. Never. It was one of his fears. Having to come in while every student and every pair of eyes was aimed at him and the teacher was pinning him down with a reproving look and writing with red ink into the class book that he had been late. To Luke and Reggie, it would’ve just been another line next to their name, nothing unusual since they started high school, but to Alex punctuality was a sign of respect and a part of keeping his day together. He always knew when to be where, dragging his other two friends with him because as Julie once said he had their collective brain cell at all times.
With a hop Alex sprung out of bed into the bathroom. While hastily brushing his teeth, he wondered why his parents didn’t wake him up. Didn’t they notice his closed door or his shoes next to the front door? They were aware of Alex schedule; they must have been knowing he was running late so why on earth did they just left for work without waking him? Alex could’ve worried about it for hours but frankly he didn’t have time for thinking about his parent’s behaviour. Not since it changed drastically after they found out about Alex ‘habit’ to kiss guys. More precisely Willie. His boyfriend.
Not having time for dreaming about his perfect boyfriend either, Alex raced back into his room and searched through his wardrobe for his favourite sweater, the pink one, his friends nagged him to get, saying pink was really suiting him and it would piss of his parents for sure.
Coming up with nothing after searching through it for three times, he came to the daunting conclusion it must be in the laundry. It was his feel-good hoodie, it was comfy and soft and warm, and just gave him safety, he really needed it today. Resting his head on the closet door with more force than necessary, he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. And one more. Come on you can survive one day without your hoodie. Alex tried to persuade himself and quickly grabbed another Shirt to put on without putting much thought into it.
He decided to skip breakfast, school lunch wasn’t that far away, and headed out of the door after making sure he had at least all the books he needed today. He always packed his bag the evening before but who knows what he could’ve missed. Standing in the front yard of the house, for the second time today, he was confused. Shouldn’t his bike be standing there? Racking his brain and shortly fearing someone stole it, it came back to him. His brother had it today since his own was in repair. Just great. Now he had to walk. Without one of his parents taking him with them in their car, without his bike, and the school bus long gone.
It wasn’t that far, but it meant he would be even later. He at least would miss the whole first period and could walk in the next classroom like everybody else and no one would give him questioning looks. Oh no Alex groaned internally; his next class was math. Right, today was Tuesday and his second period being math with Reggie. Reggie at least had an idea of what topic they covered this week, but Alex was completely lost, and he was pretty sure Mr. Smiths hated him for his lack of knowledge. He was trying, he really did, even hiring Reggie as his tutor but it just wouldn’t stick, and now he had to suffer through it while his brain was already distracted. Hopefully Mr. Smiths wouldn’t pick him today, that’s the last thing he needed.
Taking big steps to hurry up, he arrived quicker than he anticipated. Rushing in and through the hallways he stepped into the room just as the bell rang, indicating class started. Hastily taking his seat next to Reggie, he took his book out of his bag while Reggie fixated him with a questioning look, raised eyebrow and all. ‘Where have you been?’ Reggie mouthed but Alex shook his head, he would explain later. The last thing he wanted was for Mr. Smiths to catch him talking in class and getting another mark.
Even though he was physically there now, his brain decided to race in the other direction. It worked on full speed since he had woken up and concentrating on the math problem written down before him was not achievable. But to his luck Mr. Smiths left him alone and Reggie passed him notes with the right answers to which Alex threw him a grateful smile.
Finally, after two more classes he walked with Luke to the cafeteria only to discover he forgot his money at home. His wallet must be sitting on his desk. Groaning he put his head in his hands and then carded swiftly through his hair with his fingers. He was really hungry, if his grumbling stomach wasn’t indicator enough, after skipping breakfast, but without money there were no possible means to get any food.
Luke sensed Alex distress immediately. “Alex? What is it?” Oh, yeah, Alex almost forgot Luke was beside him, having zoned out completely.
“Forgot my lunch money, tis all.” He replied defeated.
“I buy you one today and you can get me something next week. Don’t worry about it.” Luke gave Alex a pat on the back and marched on towards the doors. “Are you coming or what?” He asked over his shoulder.
Alex was so grateful in that moment but quickly followed his friend.
Sitting down on the table with their plates the others were already there. Meaning Julie, Flynn, and Willie who gave him a short peck on the mouth. “Hello, hotdog.” He greeted Alex with a bright smile Alex could only compare to the sun and a warmth spread through his body, calming him down at least a little, it was a side effect that always came while being in the presence of Willie.
Reggie and Flynn were deep into a conversation about frogs to which Alex could not contribute anything, and Julie and Luke were already discussing songs they could rehearse later the day and Alex wasn’t really in the mood to interfere with them, their energy was too high for him to match right now. Leaning against Willie’s shoulder while his boyfriend scrolled through his Instagram feed on his phone Alex couldn’t help but bounce with his leg up and down. The uncomfortable feeling from this morning still settled deep in his bones and it seemed it wouldn’t leave anytime soon, and Alex knew shaking his legs wouldn’t do anything but there was no harm to try.
A ping signalled an incoming message. Fumbling for his phone in his pockets he instantly regretted pulling it out as soon as he saw the name on the screen. It was his mum and she never messaged him if it wasn’t important and recently important messages meant reminding him to behave.
Wrestling with himself for a short minute he decided to open it and skipped over the text. He must’ve zoned out for a bit because as he came back a hand was seeking out his right one and Alex realized he was biting on the skin around his nails as he did so often unconsciously. Willie took the hand in his and laced their fingers together, giving him a small smile to say he was here. Luke who was sitting on the other side of Alex laid a hand on his shaking knee. “What has gotten you today? Are you okay?” There was always worry weaved in his voice and Alex was again reminded that today isn’t a good one.
Alex didn’t like having the attention on him and he was glad that Reggie and Flynn were still deep in their conversation, knowing it wouldn’t help if they stared at him too. He knew Julie was listening, but she at least scribbled on a piece of paper what could’ve been lyrics and didn’t openly questioned him and his behaviour. Alex knew that his body always betrayed him when he was anxious, showing the tell-tale signs when he was spiralling, and he didn’t have to say anything before one of his friends gave him the opportunity to vent.
Alex sighed deeply. “Just not a good day. And my mum wrote me. My grandparents are coming by this weekend. From my fathers’ side.” Pocketing his phone again to try to get the message out of his mind, he leaned further into Willie and found a pair of arms winding around him but giving him space to breath.
“Shit.” Luke let out. He was the only one of them who had met Alex grandparents, but they all knew how much Alex despised them. Having to put on a front whenever they came around, it was just plain exhausting, and Alex wanted to push away the reminder of their visit until the day arrived.
Alex nodded to show he shared Luke’s sentiment and began to play with the rings on Willie’s finger. Today was truly one bad thing happening after the other and he couldn’t wait till he came home and could slump down on his bed and just breath for a minute before he had to start with his homework.
He asked his English teacher if he could get any extra credits since his essay only got an 80 and his parents wouldn’t be pleased with that result but what else could he do? Hide the paper till his parents found out on their own? No, he needed a plan before he would show the note to his parents and if that meant extra work, so be it.
The end of the school day didn’t come as fast as Alex had hoped, the hours dragging by and with every look to the clock, just a few minutes had passed, and it might have been the slowest time had ever gone by. The buzzing under his skin that had started not shortly after lunch when Alex couldn’t help but overthink what could happen over the weekend didn’t help his nervousness and by the time he left the school building the skin around his nails was red and bitten down and Alex knew he shouldn’t but he had done it for so long it was hard to stop the habit.
Alex decided to walk the way home, the thought of sharing his space with other students on the school bus made his skin crawl, the fresh air should help clear out his head a little bit and he could put his nervous energy into walking. The faster the better till his calves were burning. Before he turned the first corner though, he could hear someone yelling his name behind him. Spinning around in case it was one of his friends he had to discover it was not in fact one of the boys but instead John. John, a guy with the most average name and most average face, had been on his case since he came out in school and hadn’t stopped yet no matter how often Luke threatened him with a serious ‘talking’ after school or Flynn and Julie actually talked with him while letting out their frightening personas that even made Luke and Alex take a step back.
Alex wasn’t in the mood to listen to John’s comments and hastily turned around to continue his run home. Not today. It was the last thing he needed today. With all the spiralling thoughts already spinning in his head he didn’t need another person pulling all his fears to the surface.
Closing the front door behind him Alex didn’t know when or how he arrived at home, the walk was completely erased from his mind, replaced with a static in his head and he realized once he got to his room his breathing had picked up. No no no come on; you know the breathing techniques. He told himself and tried to calm himself while he sat on the ground before his bed, his bag lazily thrown into the corner.
Alex doesn’t actually know how much time had passed until he sensed someone sitting down some distance before him. The tears in his eyes made it difficult to see the room before him clearly and he could only made out the long dark hair and colourful Shirt, trying to concentrate on the pattern.
“Alex?” Willie’s tentative voice pierced through the fog in Alex mind, but he could only nod shortly to indicate he heard him. Speaking was not yet in the realm of the possible.
Some more minutes or what felt more like hours to him, but Alex knew wasn’t the case, Willie’s figure stood more clearly in front of him and the room wasn’t spinning as much. His hands were still shaking and the tear tracks on his cheek still not dried. But it was better.
Willie settled beside him now that Alex could see him. “Hey hotdog.” Alex turned his head to the voice. “Is it okay if I touch you?” Alex gave a quick jerk with the head to say yes, not quite trusting his voice yet.
Slowly and so that Alex could see it in the corner of his eye Willie took Alex hand and opened the fist it was in and turning it around to inspect the crescents indents in the palm of his hand. Deep and red against the skin, not bleeding but he had almost pierced the skin with his nails.
“I’m sorry.” Alex voice was scratchy, and he looked to where Willie was holding him, shame flooding his body as he tried to pull back his hand and hide the dents.
But Willie didn’t let him, gently holding on to the hand and closing his own around it, his attention shifting to Alex face. With his other hand he wiped the remaining tears from the splotchy cheeks and then shifted a bit to rummage through his bag that sat behind him and brought a bottle of water to light. “Here, you need something to drink.” While Alex accepted the drink with a thanks and took a few sips, Willie’s gaze never left him, but Alex realized it was filled with the same affection Willie always looked at him with and not with annoyance or nuisance as he had feared for so long, afraid of what Willie would do or say once he saw that side of him.
Alex wanted to start apologizing again when he put down the bottle, but Willie got ahead of him, “I’m proud of you.” And that put a hold on Alex thoughts because what? “Huh?” Was all that came out of Alex mouth instead from his confusion.
“I mean it. How many times did you go through this already? Even alone? I know it’s terrifying but every time you bounce back, and I think that’s noteworthy.” Willie’s thumb was brushing over the skin on his hand and Alex was almost ready to cry again because no one ever said that to him and all he could see was a bundle of mess sitting in his place in his room, in front of his bed.
“But- but now you have seen what it looks like, how can you still want to be here?” The with me was left unsaid but Alex was sure Willie got it nonetheless.
“Alex, I don’t care how messy it gets, I’m here for you, always.”
To say Alex was grateful was an understatement but then something else came to his mind and he groaned, letting his head fall back against the bed and squeezing his eyes shut, already feeling ashamed. “I forgot our date.” Willie and he were to meet at the skatepark because Willie saw some videos and wanted to recreate some stunts he found cool.
“You didn’t forget. It’s okay, really. We have enough time to catch up.”
Before he could say anything else, they could hear the front door slamming shut and Luke calling Alex name and two pair of feet were heard stamping up the stairs. Alex looked at Willie questioningly. He was perplexed as to why Willie was here but also Reggie and Luke?
Willie looked sheepishly suddenly. “I texted them when I found you here. Sorry, it was the first time seeing you like this, and I was afraid I would do something to make it worse, so I asked them to come around.”
“It’s okay.” Honestly, Alex was a bit relived. The boys knew how to handle him. Did so for years before Alex even knew what was happening with him.
Reggie stayed in the threshold to not crowd him, meanwhile Luke sat down on the other side of Alex, taking him in and examining the situation. “Hey, how are you doing? We came as soon as we got the message, but we were shopping for Julie and Reggie stopped me from ignoring the red lights.”
“Could be better, but I’m okay.” He answered honestly, he knew Luke was always the first to worry over him. But know he was worried what other stupid things besides ignoring traffic laws the boys had done to quickly come to him all the other times before today.
Luke didn’t give him time to ponder over it. “If you good to get up we can take this to the couch.” He proposed.
“Great idea. And I doubt it was ever a better time for ice cream.” Reggie said already on his way to the kitchen.
“You just want to take the opportunity to get your hands on the deluxe stuff Mrs. Mercer always buys.” Luke half yells after him and Willie snickered from where he was still sitting next to Alex, hand clasped around him. Alex meanwhile tried to gather his remaining energy to stand up with a little bit of help from Willie.
The couch was way better than the floor in his room, definitely more comfortable and providing more space for all of them. Alex was seated between Willie’s legs and leaned into his chest, a blanket over them to keep Alex warm and he really appreciated that his boyfriend didn’t left after the whole mess he had to witness. Willie who sensed Alex shift in demeanour and could feel him tensing up against him, hooked his chin over Alex shoulder and whispered in his hear so the other two couldn’t overhear them. “I love you Alex.”
Alex cheeks turned a bit red but luckily no one commented on it, Luke and Reggie were deep into an argument about the best feel-good movie, finally resting the case on Rise of the Guardians while Luke pouted in his corner of the couch that the others weren’t willing to watch Back to the Future. Again. But with a pint of ice cream in his hand, his pout quickly dissolved into a small smile and he regularly glanced beside him to make sure Alex was doing okay.
Alex was indeed content were he was, in the arms of his boyfriend, sharing the ice cream with him, breathing in the scent that relaxed him further until his eyes were almost closing on their own accord. He always got sleepy after, all energy drained from him and he slipped further into the embrace until he fell asleep after initially only wanting to rest his eyes for a bit.
Willie noticed when his boyfriend didn’t try to steel from the ice cream anymore and put it aside in favour of carding through Alex hair, making sure he was comfortable while sleeping.
Luke and Reggie were giving him a thankful smile. “Thank you for being there for him.” Reggie spoke up with much more earnest Willie was used from him.
“I didn’t do anything. I was just nervous to make it worse for him.”
Luke put a hand on his shoulder. “You couldn’t. You did great. Alex has been in a much worse state before we found him. Just stay by his side no matter what. We’re glad he has you. With his parents and these assholes from school, he needs every support he can get even though he wouldn’t admit that so outright.”
Willie smiled to himself. The boys never gave him the stern talking when Alex and him had gotten together but he had sensed the protectiveness coming from them whenever he was around the first times, only fading away after a few months, and Willie would make sure to never get on their bad sides, not that he wanted to. If it meant to stand by Alex side with his anxiety and watch animation movies (or Back to the Future five times for Luke and Star Wars seven times for Reggie) with him and the boys while eating sweets and talking nonsense to distract Alex mind for a while, he wouldn’t trade it for the world.                                  
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itsadamcole · 4 years
i wish
fem!reader x tyler breeze
It’s been almost three months since reader last saw her husband, Tyler Breeze. He’s been traveling for wrestling. Reader has a fancy dinner event for her law firm and she wishes that Tyler was there to accompany her. Little does reader know that Tyler has a little surprise up his sleeve ... “i wish you were here”
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word count: 4.6k
warning: soft smut, fluff, a scene including sexual harassment, tyler being cute and happy, probably wrong legal stuff but we’re gonna pretend it’s real for the sake of the imagine
— just something i’ve been working on for a while and never posted —
masterlist || request an imagine here
~ 18+ content below - read at your own risk ~
As you do your makeup for your formal dinner party with your co-workers, your mind wanders off to your husband.
It's been close to three months since you kissed Tyler goodbye and it's gotten harder and harder every day. You miss him. You miss him being around and you miss hearing him yell and scream when he's streaming or playing UNO with DaParty.
The house has been too quiet without him. The only reason you're not feeling lonely is because of Kanga, Tigger, and Roo, the two dogs and the cat you and Tyler parent.
As you're applying your lipstick, you realize that you have a few tears running down your cheeks, ruining your makeup. You groan, frustrated with yourself as you dry the tears and fix your look.
Once your makeup is finally done, you get into the dress you bought for the occasion.
The dinner tonight is a formal event, meaning full-length dresses instead of the usual cocktail dress. You bought a full length dark red satin dress for the occasion. The top of the dress hugs your chest while the skirt has a slight flare to it. The v-neck dips down a little bit and the sleeves are thin as they sit on your shoulders. You pair the dress with dark red heels.
You put in diamond earrings that were gifted to you by Tyler on your first wedding anniversary. They hand down a little bit. To decorate your neck, you wear a necklace that your sister gave you for your birthday two birthdays ago. You put on your engagement and wedding rings on your left ring finger. You rarely ever wear your rings to work, let alone a work event.
As you're putting on your jewelry, your phone starts to go off. You walk over to the ringing device. Tyler is trying to FaceTime you.
You've told him about the dinner tonight and he said that he'd be there if he could. He knows how much you hate any kind of party.
Putting a smile on your face, you answer the FaceTime call. Tyler is looking at his phone, waiting for you to pick up. The second he sees you, a smile lights up his face. "There's my beautiful wife," Tyler says. "I can only see your face but I just know you look stunning."
"Hold on," you say, walking over to the full-length mirror in your bedroom. You turn the camera so the camera is on the mirror. The sunlight coming through the window lights up the room.
Tyler has a look of awe on his face as he looks at you in the mirror via the phone camera. "Baby," he says. "You look like a princess."
You smile and say, "I just need a little tiara."
Your husband says, "You don't need a tiara to be a princess, baby. This right here proves it."
You giggle and turn the camera back to your face. "I wish you were here," you say. "I hate going to these things alone."
Tyler says, "I know. I wish I was too. I'll be home for the next event though and we can kill it together. I promise."
"I can't wait," you say, glancing at the time. "Okay, I have to get going. It's going to take me years to drive to the place where this event is going to be because I'm in a gown and heels."
Your husband laughs over the phone and he asks, "Is it at The Oak again?"
Nodding, you say, "Of course it is because the partners always have this stupid dinner at the same exact place every few months."
Both you and Tyler laugh before he says, "Well, then, I'll let you go. You look beautiful, baby. I love you."
"And I love you," you say, blowing him kisses through the phone. "I'll see you when you come home."
Tyler smiles and says, "I'll be home before you know it. It'll go by quickly."
You smile as you both say your goodbyes. You grab your clutch and walk downstairs, phone already in hand from having just been on it when Tyler called.
You get into your car. You turn it on and start the half-hour ride to The Oak.
The Oak is a fancy hotel with a large ballroom area that the partners at your law firm always use for these events. There's one every four to six weeks. You've been working at Dolan and Reid's law firm for close to ten years so these get kind of boring after a while. You're required to be at each one though because of your position in the firm. You're a junior partner. You were promoted late last year and you were ecstatic.
You've been with Tyler since you were just starting out in the law firm. You got married four years ago. It's been an amazing four years.
As you pull up, you see several of your co-workers walking into the hotel. They're laughing and already having a good time. You park in the parking lot before you walk into the hotel yourself.
You've been here so many times, the hotel employees know your name and you know most of theirs. You don't have to ask where the bar is because you've been here so often.
When you walk up to the bar, the bartender, whose name is Lucy, asks, "What can I get for you, Y/N?"
You sigh, "A glass of your best whiskey, Lucy. Thank you."
She nods and gets your drink ready.
"This drink is on me," a male voice says beside you. You look over and see one of the other junior partners standing next to you. Danny Watson. You roll your eyes as you're handed your drink. "What? No 'hello'? Or what about 'hi, Danny. How are you'?"
You sip your drink and hold up your left ring finger with your wedding ring on it. "I'm married, remember?" you say coldly. "I'm not interested for the hundredth time."
Danny says, "I know for a fact that your husband is out of town for some wrestling bullshit so let me take you home, baby. Let me show you what I could do if you dumped that husband of yours that's never home."
You stay calm as you say, "Listen here, Daniel. Don't you insult my husband's work by calling it bullshit. And don't you dare even ask me to go home with you. I'm tired of you and your sexual harassment. Do it one more time and I'll talk to the partners about it."
He laughs and says, "You think they're gonna do anything about it? They have more important things to deal with than an allegation of sexual harassment."
"You forget that I'm a lawyer that handles sex cases or cases involving harassment and assault," you spit at him. "I'll sue you and represent myself."
Danny rolls his eyes and says, "Whatever, Y/N. You're not worth my time anymore."
You get angry and you say, "Fuck you, Danny. I was never worth your time because I am not going to cheat on my husband with anyone, let alone someone as low as you."
Someone walks over and stands beside you. "Y/N, is Danny bothering you again?" You look over and see that it's your best friend from work, Y/WBF/N. You sigh with relief and nod. "Go the fuck away, Danny. Stop harassing the poor girl when she's already upset enough."
Danny rolls his eyes and walks off. You thank Y/WBF/N and say, "My hero."
She hooks her arm with yours and says, "Let's head into the main room and dance a little bit. We both need to let off a little steam after that."
You finish your drink and say, "I couldn't agree more." The two of you walk into the ballroom area and walk to the dance floor.
Y/WBF/N is wearing a full-length form-fitting black dress. It looks beautiful on her. Her jet black curls bounce up and down as she moves.
You and your work best friend both dance for about 30 minutes before the DJ says, "Let's slow it down a little bit so the couples in the room can dance together."
A Thousand Years by Christina Perri plays and you leave the dance floor area with Y/WBF/N, finding a seat at one of the round tables. You sip the water that's provided for you and you notice Y/WBF/N glance behind you and smile a bit.
Before you can react or say anything, you hear a familiar voice behind you say, "Excuse me, Mrs. Breeze. I believe that you should be on the dance floor with your husband." You quickly turn around in your seat and look behind you to see your husband, Tyler Breeze, standing behind you. He's fully dressed in a black and white suit with a red tie.
Quickly, you get up and wrap your arms around Tyler's neck. You're on your tiptoes as you hug him. You're hugging your husband for the first time in months. Your arms are wrapped tightly around his neck.
Tyler takes your hand and leads you over to the dance floor, where about twenty or so couples are dancing together to the slow song. You haven't been able to stop smiling since you turned around in your seat.
Your husband takes you in his arms, wrapping them around your waist. You wrap your arms around his neck and sway to the music. You stare up at Tyler, meeting his pretty brown eyes for the first time since he left three months ago.
"How did you get here?" you ask. "Last time I checked, you were supposed to be in Seattle for NXT Takeover."
He smiles and says, "That's not until Saturday and I decided to come by for the next four days and spend time with my wife. Dango is covering for me in Seattle while I'm here with you. It wasn't worth spending four days in Seattle with nothing to do so I decided to come and surprise you."
You smile and pull yourself closer to Tyler. Your cheek is now on his chest and you listen to the sound of his heart beating. You say, "I'm so happy you're home for a few days. I've missed you so much, so have Kanga, Tigger, and Roo."
Tyler laughs and says, "I said hi to them when I stopped by the house to grab this tie so I can somewhat match you."
Laughing, you look back up at Tyler. A smile is on your lips as you sigh, "I've missed you, Tyler. So much."
Your husband says, "I've missed you too, Y/N. You look absolutely stunning and I am so glad that I got to see you in the dress."
You smile and wrap your arms tighter around Tyler's neck, pressing your cheek to his chest again. Tyler kisses the top of your head and you close your eyes as the song ends but changed to One Direction's If I Could Fly.
Tyler wraps his arms tighter around your waist and you both continue to sway to the music.
As you dance with your husband, you wish that this moment would never end that way he wouldn't have to leave in four days to fly across the country from you. You wish you could stay in his arms forever. You don't want him to leave and you can't go with him because you have an important case to prep for. The trial starts on Monday.
"Hey," Tyler says, looking down at you. "Y/N, what's wrong? You're crying."
You hadn't noticed that you started crying. You wipe your mascara filled tears away and you say, "I wish you didn't have to leave in a few days. I hate it when you leave for so long. I wish you could stay with me for a while."
Tyler smiles and says, "I was going to surprise you with this later but after Takeover, I'm home for nine weeks. No more touring until after the holidays. The next Takeover is in Orlando so I don't have to go very far."
The news makes you smile wide. You say, "Really? You're going to be home for nine weeks straight?"
Your husband nods and says, "I am. I'm all yours for the next nine weeks after Takeover. I also told Dango to stay away for the first week or so since I have a lot of time to make up for." Tyler winks at you. You lightly kick Tyler's shin.
"Tyler!" you scold. "I'm at a work event. You can't be saying these things when my co-workers are around."
He laughs and asks, "Am I not allowed to touch you then since your co-workers are around?" He lets you go and you pout.
You say, "I never said that." Tyler smiles and puts his hands back on your waist. "You're mean."
Tyler smiles and says, "But you love me."
You giggle and say, "Yes. I do love you."
"Am I allowed to kiss you or no?" your husband teases. "Since your co-workers are around."
Rolling your eyes, you say, "I don't care if my co-workers are around. I haven't kissed you in close to three months."
Tyler laughs and brings his lips down to yours. They move against yours slowly and your eyes flutter closed as you kiss your husband for the first time in three months. The kiss is very soft and passionate from the start. Your hands slide to Tyler's cheeks, holding his face between your hands.
The song changes and everyone comes back into the dance floor. Tyler pulls back from the kiss and looks down at you.
"Y/N," one of the partners calls, walking toward you. Mr. Reid is the partner walking toward you. "May I have a few words outside with you?"
You nod and look at Tyler. "I'll be right back," you say to your husband. "Y/WBF/N is still at the table you found me at."
Tyler nods and you walk away with Mr. Reid, leaving the large ballroom and loud music. You find yourself in the lobby of the hotel with not only Mr. Reid but Mr. Dolan and Danny.
That bitch, you think to yourself.
Mr. Dolan says, "Mr. Watson here has told us you have been harassing him for a few weeks. He's been saying you've been wanting to, and I quote, 'take him to bed'."
Your eyes widen and you say, "That is not how it went down, Mr. Dolan. It's been the opposite actually. My husband has been away for a few weeks for his job and Daniel has been harassing me the entire time my husband has been gone." Panic rises in your voice. "I've never once asked if Daniel could take me to bed. As a matter of fact, I've never approached Daniel for anything outside of work."
Mr. Reid looks at Danny and says, "You omitted the part where she had a husband, Mr. Watson."
You've rarely ever told anyone that you have a husband let alone that Tyler Breeze is your husband because of his status. NXT Tag Team Champion and WWE superstar. He's well known, and you never know who is or isn't a wrestling fan.
The partners never asked for your marital status so you never told them. You were single when you started working at the firm. You've been going by your maiden name at work, not your married last name since you never legally changed your name to Y/N Breeze after you married Tyler.
Between your friends and family, you are Mrs. Breeze. Legally, you're still Y/N L/N so you're not obligated to tell anyone you're married. You've only told Danny and Y/WBF/N because of Danny's harassment and because Y/WBF/N is your best friend.
Daniel says, "I didn't think that was an important subject."
Mr. Dolan says, "Miss L/N, we did check the footage from tonight at the bar before we came to get you and we did see that Mr. Watson came up to you and you did seem agitated that he was there. You held up your left hand as well. We just wanted to confirm that it has been Mr. Watson harassing you since we did have visual evidence."
You sigh with relief that the partners didn't believe Danny.
Danny on the other hand looks pissed that he's been caught in a lie. Mr. Reid says, "Now, Mr. Watson, next time you lie, you might not want to lie to lawyers. As of this moment, you have been demoted to associate, and associate you will stay for a while. If we get any more reports of harassment coming from you, you will be terminated. Understood?"
"Yes, sir," Danny mumbles.
Mr. Reid says, "You're dismissed, Mr. Watson."
Danny walks away and you look at the partners. Mr. Dolan asks, "Miss L/N, is your last name legally L/N, or do you share your husband's last name?"
You say, "It's legally still L/N. I've been thinking of legally changing it to my husband's last name for a little bit."
"What's been stopping you?" Mr. Dolan asks.
You play with your thumbs and say, "My husband is a professional wrestler. A pretty well-known professional wrestler and I've been trying to keep my marriage on the quiet side because of his job."
Mr. Reid says, "You don't have to use your husband's last name on your cards for work if you want to change it to his last name. You can still be Y/N L/N since it is your maiden name."
You blink and say, "In that case, I might legally change my last name to my husband's. I was lead to believe that I had to use my legal name."
Mr. Reid says, "You can go by your birth name or your married name, Miss L/N. We have a few documents upstairs that will help you begin the process of changing your last name tonight. I can retrieve them quickly. All you have to do is provide some information and sign a few papers and then it's done."
You nod and say, "Let's do it."
The partners go and get the documents. Tyler texts you in the meantime.
11:27 pm
tyler bby: everything okay? you’ve been gone for a little bit
11:28 pm
you: everything's okay. we're talking over a case that starts monday. i'll be back in a few minutes
Tyler writes back an "okay see you in a few" and you sigh.
He surprised you and now you're going to surprise him. He's been wanting you to change your last name so he'll be happy about this.
With Mr. Reid and Mr. Dolan's help, the documents are all signed after you provide the information. It takes about fifteen minutes once they come back with the papers.
Mr. Reid hands you a document with your new legal name and says, "Congratulations, Mrs. Breeze."
You smile and say, "Thank you."
You walk off back toward the dinner party and walk to Tyler.
When you get to Tyler, you lower the paper in front of his face from behind him and you say, "Surprise."
Tyler looks up at you and asks, "You changed your last name?"
You nod and say, "It'll take some time and some processing before it's officially legal but yes, I changed my last name. I am now unofficially Mrs. Y/N Breeze. I'm still going to use my maiden name at work and it's what my clients will call me but my legal name will be Y/N Breeze."
Your husband stands up and kisses you. You giggle into the kiss and he mumbles, "Mrs. Breeze sounds so hot."
"It was your last name before it was mine," you say against Tyler's lips.
Tyler smiles against your lips before he pulls back. "Tonight's just full of surprises for both of us," he says.
You peck his lips and say, "Take me upstairs to see another surprise that will give you a preview of what our week will look like once you're back from Takeover this weekend."
Tyler's eyes widen and he takes your hand. He walks to the receptionist's desk and says, "We'd like a room. Any room that you have available."
The woman behind the desk says, "Room 1118 is available."
Your husband says, "We'll take it."
Tyler pays for the room and is given the key. Excited, he takes your hand again and walks to the elevator. He steps on and pulls you into his arms. As the doors shut, Tyler kisses you passionately. You giggle against his lips and mumble, "Someone's antsy."
"I haven't been intimate with my wife in three months," he says, pulling back from the kiss and undoing his tie. "Excuse me if I'm a little excited to have sex tonight."
You smile and pull Tyler back to you by pulling his jacket. Your lips crash to his and the intense kiss continues as Tyler presses you against the wall of the elevator.
Luckily no one is on the elevator as you ascend to the 11th floor. The trip takes what feels like forever before you reach the 11th floor.
Once the doors open, you take Tyler's hand and walk down the hallway quickly until you get to room 1118.
Tyler unlocked the door with the keycard and pulls you inside. The door closes and automatically locks behind you as Tyler presses you against the door.
You stare up at Tyler and see his brown eyes dark with lust and need, for you. Your core begins to ache at the thought of what Tyler's going to do to you tonight after he sees the underwear you're wearing.
It's been three long months since you last had sex. Three months too long.
Your need for Tyler overwhelms you and you lean your head up, kissing Tyler hard.
As your lips move against Tyler's, you push off his suit jacket. It drops to the floor. His tie joins the jacket before the two of you stumble toward the bed.
It's mostly dark in the room, except for the moonlight and bright lights of Orlando shining into the room from the window and glass doors that lead to the balcony.
You've done this so many times with Tyler that the two of you know each other like the back of your hands. You don't need light.
Tyler's fingers work on the zipper on the back of your dress as yours work on unbuttoning his shirt. Your lips move feverishly against each other. You eventually get Tyler's shirt unbuttoned and you pull it off of him.
He gets your dress unzipped and you let it fall off your body, pooling at your feet. You step out of your heels and Tyler pulls back from the kiss. He looks down at you. You're not wearing a bra but you're wearing a pair of red lacy panties.
Your husband licks his bottom lip and says, "Now that's a surprise."
You giggle and start to unbutton his pants as he spins you around and pushing you back onto the bed. He leans over the bed with his hands on either side of you, holding himself up. Tyler kisses you softly, taking his face in your hands as you kiss him back.
Tyler pushes you onto your back, breaking the kiss. His lips are on your chest and slowly trail down your body. You've missed this feeling. His lips on your body, his fingers touching your skin. It's been three months since you've been with Tyler like this.
He pushes your panties to the side and starts to kiss and suck on your sensitive clit. You let out a soft moan and bite your lip. Tyler hums softly and runs his tongue through your folds. "Tyler," you sigh. "Please. No teasing tonight."
Your husband smirks and pulls off your panties before slipping two fingers into you. You moan a little louder and your back arches off the bed as Tyler moves his fingers quickly.
You grasp onto the bedsheets and let out a loud moan as he adds a third finger. Loud moans escape your lips with every flick of Tyler's wrist. Your body jerks beneath Tyler's touch and he looks up at you with his eyes.
It takes maybe five minutes before you're pulled to the edge of an orgasm. Your legs shake a bit as you get closer and closer, then Tyler pulls his fingers out of you. You whine and look at him.
"Baby," you say, pouting. "Not fair."
Tyler stands at the foot of the bed in front of you. You watch as he pulls off his pants and his boxers. You gently bite your lip and Tyler crawls onto you, hovering over you between your legs. His lips are on yours within a few seconds and they move against yours intensely. Your fingers are in his hair, holding Tyler close to you.
The two of you share the passionate kiss for a few moments before Tyler begins to push himself into you, making you moan and gasp softly against Tyler's lips.
Tyler pulls back and his lips attach to your neck. Your hands slide down to the back of Tyler's neck and he starts to thrust his hips into you gently. Your eyes flutter closed and you enjoy the feeling of Tyler inside you. "God, Tyler," you moan. "I've missed this."
Your husband smiles against your neck as he moves harder into you, his tip grazes your g-spot and you moan his name loudly.
He props himself up on his arms, pulling away from your neck. Your eyes meet his as you wrap your legs around his waist tightly. His thrusts are harder and he's so deep inside you that his hips are now flush against yours.
As you're pulled closer and closer to your orgasm again, your legs begin to shake. You're gasping and moaning. The sound of skin slapping and your moans fill the small room.
"I'm close, baby," Tyler groans as he's pulled closer to his climax.
Your hands cup his face and you say, "Come, baby."
Tyler thrusts a few more times into you before you both release. You around him and him inside you. He helps you ride out your high. You come down, whining and sighing. You pull Tyler's face down to yours and kiss him lightly.
Both of you are out of breath as Tyler rolls off of you and walking to the bathroom to grab something to clean everything up. You crawl under the blankets and once Tyler's done cleaning up, he joins you. You rest your head on his chest and listen to his heart beat in his chest. You smile and say, "Your heart is beating so fast."
He lets out a breathy laugh and he says, "It's beating that fast for you."
You move so you're laying onto your stomach. Your breasts are presses against Tyler's side and you rest your chin on your hands, which rest on his chest. Tyler smiles at you and you say, "You're so cheesy, but I love it."
Tyler kisses your nose and says, "I can't wait until after Takeover now if that's what our week is going to look like as soon as I get back."
Laughing, you say, "It's going to look like that and so much more. Expect some new outfits too, Mr. Breeze."
Your husband smiles and says, "Oh, I'm excited about these new outfits, Mrs. Breeze."
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doc-pickles · 4 years
the jolex college AU that literally no one asked for
Soooo I did a thing. I’ve actually had 90% of this in my drafts for awhile and I just decided to finish it today. (nina you said you didn’t have any fics in your drafts. WELL I’M STUPID SO THERE’S THAT) I’m not planning on expanding this past a one shot but it’s a fun little AU that my mind kicked up one night while watching 14x15 and drinking too much sangria. It’s not polished up or beta read but I figured something is better than nothing :) 
also TW// jo swears like a freaking sailor in this fic
“A fucking fire alarm? Really?!”
Jo Wilson was not one to be inconvenienced, especially not while she was in the damn shower. She let a groan out as the water above her shut off, probably an incentive to get her out of the building in case it really was on fire. 
“I’m going, I’m going,” Jo muttered to herself, reaching for her towel. After wrapping it around herself, she realized that she hadn’t brought her clothes with her. “Oh you’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.”
Fuming with anger, Jo began to walk down the two flights of stairs to the ground floor and out the front door of Earl Hall. Various cat calls and whoops met Jo’s ears, but she was too angry with whoever the hell set off the fire alarm to acknowledge them. 
“Wilson! You trying to give us a show here,” Jo turned at her name, staring down Andrew DeLuca as he attempted to get under her skin… or under her towel. “I wouldn’t say no to a free peep show.”
“Oh shove off DeLuca, you’ll fuck anything with a pulse,” Jo retorted, earning a howl of laughter from DeLuca’s friends. “I’ll show off the goods to anyone who can tell me who set off the fucking fire alarm while I was showering though.”
“That would be me.”
Jo whipped around, one hand coming to hold the bottom of her towel in place as she came face to face with the person who had effectively ruined her day. 
She hadn’t met the man before, but Jo was instantly mesmerized. He wore a dark blue shirt and plaid boxer shorts, hair ruffled at odd angles and the beginnings of a scruffy beard appearing on his sharp jawline. The man was handsome and by God did Jo just want to fuck him right there and then. 
Kill him. Kill him right there and then. 
Jesus Christ Jo, pull your head out of your vagina. 
“So you’re the asshole that set off the alarm,” Jo asked, eyebrow raising as if daring him to refute her words. “Well hi, I’m Jo and I’m fucking pissed at you.”
“I’m Alex and I really enjoy your talent for slipping the word ‘fuck’ into almost every sentence that comes out of your mouth,” Jo stared back at Alex, unamused by his joke. “Listen I’m sorry, I was trying to study for chem and my hot plate burned a hole through my notebook. You should be back in soon if it’s any consolation.”
As if by fate, the fire alarm stopped ringing and someone shouted that it was safe to go back in. Students began to file in but Jo and Alex kept their staring match going. She couldn’t tell if it was the mounting sexual tension between them or just plain old hostility, but Jo couldn’t tear her eyes away from the man in front of her. 
“You’re on my fucking shit list Alex,” Jo stated firmly before walking away. “You better watch it!”
“Hey! You didn’t hold up your end of things,” Alex called out, causing Jo to turn back around and lift an eyebrow in question. “You said that you would ‘show off the goods’ to anyone who told you why the fire alarm went off. Well that was me.”
Jo paused momentarily, thoughts racing a million miles a minute before she moved closer to Alex and opened her towel up. Eyes wide, Alex immediately diverted his gaze away from Jo, not anticipating that she would actually flash him. With a satisfied smirk, Jo tucked her towel back into place and walked back towards the dorm hall. 
“Have a good fucking night Alex!”
“If I never end up at another frat party it’ll be too soon,” Jo complained, swatting a hand away from her ass as she followed her roommate towards the kitchen. “Why’d you have to drag me out here, Hannah? You know Brandon trolls these parties looking for unsuspecting girls to trick into dating him so he can cheat on them a month in.”
Hannah looked at Jo with a bored expression, as if to say she was tired of hearing this story over and over again. 
“We get it, you hate Brandon Thomas and everything he stands for,” Hannah rolled her eyes and handed a red solo cup to Jo. “But you realize that this is the Kappa house and Brandon is in Chi Omega. They’re sworn enemies, you’ll never see him here unless the planets align and someone’s sacrificed a virgin to the moon god.”
Jo rolled her eyes, lips coming to the cup and taking a large swallow of the jungle juice inside. She didn’t really know anyone at these parties, but there was always free alcohol and she had a pocket knife stashed in her bra in case she got into trouble. 
“Jo, promise me you won’t kill me but Brandon is here,” Jo’s head whipped around to look at Hannah, eyes wide as she stared her roommate down. “He’s by the front door, just turn around and walk towards the backyard and you’ll never see each other.”
Jo eyed the back door, only 50 feet from where she was standing. She could definitely make it there without being noticed. Weaving through the crowd, Jo was positive she would get out without accident. 
“Jo! Is that you?”
Brandon’s voice sounded over the crowd, making Jo cringe as she realized she had been caught. She looked around in a panic, almost yelling as a pair of arms slid around her waist. 
“Just play along, I hate that douche bag too,” Jo looked up in shock, realizing that the person that had grabbed her was the guy who had set off the fire alarm last week. “Nice to fucking see you, Jo.”
“Oh you’re a piece of- MMM,” Jo was cut off by Alex’s lips pressing into hers. Jungle juice and adrenaline coursing through her veins, Jo presses back against him. Alex holds her against him for a minute more, one hand trailing to grab her ass while the other pulls her closer into his embrace. Her free hand unconsciously comes up to tangle in the curls at the nape of his neck and Jo swears she can feel him moan under the pounding sounds of bass music that surround them. Finally, after what feels like a lifetime, he pulls away with a crooked grin. 
“Sorry, that prick Thomas was walking by, had to give him a show. You’re welcome.” 
Alex walks away from Jo then, leaving her standing in the middle of a frat house party completely confused. 
“Jo! I’m walking out the door but your alarm has been going off for 20 minutes!” Hannah slammed the door to the dorm room, abruptly waking Jo up. She looked to her bedside clock, groaning loudly as she realized that she had 15 minutes to get across campus to her 9:30 AM class. 
“Well fuck,” Jo bemoaned as she rolled out of bed, grabbing whatever clothes were around her and throwing them on. “Fuck, fuck, fuck. I can’t miss O Chem again. Fuck!”
Rushing out the door, Jo let her worn out sneakers pound across the pavement towards her Organic Chemistry class. It was only week two of spring semester and she couldn’t risk missing class for a second time. 
Skidding into the lecture hall, Jo raced past a few students and slid into the back row of her class only five minutes late. She let out a loud breath, pulling her notebook out of her backpack as she tried to tune into the professor.
“You know you might be able to learn more if you show up on time,” Jo’s head snapped up as she looked to her left, realizing that the seat she had chosen was right next to Alex. “Funny seeing you here.”
“You have a lot of nerve trying to talk to me again after what you did at that house party,” Jo kept her eyes locked on her notebook, refusing to even glance at Alex as she started writing notes. “Even if you did save my ass, who goes around kissing strangers?”
“We’re not strangers. I know that your name is Jo and we live in the same hall and you smuggle cereal out of the dining hall when you think no one is looking,” Alex shrugged, eyes trained on the lecturer at the front of the hall. “And you’ve shown me your rack, I feel like that counts for something too.”
Side eyeing the man next to her, Jo watched Alex listening intently to their professor. He had a serious expression painted on his face, one that made him look years older than he was. Today he wore a forest green sweatshirt that bore the university’s wrestling team logo. Jo thought back to the first time she met Alex, remembering the way his shoulders and arms were built up more than anything else on his lean body. His dark hair and eyes that had instantly caught Jo’s eye seemed harsher under the fluorescent lighting of the classroom. This version of Alex that she was staring at today seemed so different than the Alex who accidentally set his chemistry book on fire and kissed her at a party to help her avoid her cheating ex. This Alex… well he seemed cold and unapproachable. 
“Okay that only proves that you’ve been stalking me,” Jo rolled her eyes. “What do you want? Are you expecting me to sleep with you? Or help you with your homework? Because that’s a no on all of the above.”
“Nah figured you needed a friend,” Alex shrugged, pencil tapping against the edge of his textbook. “You seem like the lonely type.”
“I am not lonely,” Jo’s voice comes out louder than intended. Her next words are softer as she glares at Alex, their teacher and lesson long forgotten. “I’m just selective about who I spend my time with.”
She does try to concentrate on her work then, but Jo can feel Alex’s eyes boring into the side of her head. He frustrates her, angers her in a way that nobody has before and she can’t decide if she wants to punch him in the face or kiss him until she can’t breathe. 
Wait what?
Jo shook her head, trying to clear out the image of a shirtless and sweaty Alex out of her mind. She was not going to start fantasizing about the handsome muscular man who’s lips felt like velvet against hers and who’s hand on her ass made her feel like-
“You’re drooling.”
Her hand flew up to her cheek, wiping at the small pool of liquid as her cheeks flamed red. She chanced looking over to Alex, who wore a shit eating grin that was slightly crooked. Damn it, keep it in your panties Jo!
“I was thinking about… dinner tonight,” Jo nodded, keeping her gaze forward. “Probably going to get… take out, something fast and easy.”
“Fast and easy, huh?,” Jo could swear that Alex’s voice took on a husky quality to it as he lowered his volume. An involuntary shiver ran up her spine as she futilely tried to calm the rising sensations in her body. ”That’s my favorite. For dinner I mean, I love it fast… and easy…” 
Whipping her head around, Jo locked her eyes with Alex’s. The intensity of their stares almost scared her, but more than that Jo was desperate. She wanted this complete stranger (and total asshole) in the worst ways possible, her mind conjuring up images that would send her straight to Hell if she dared to say them out loud. 
“I have no idea what the professor is talking about,” Jo admitted, eyes watching Alex’s lips as her tongue darted out wet her own. “But I really wanna get out of here.”
“If I fail this class because of you, you’re never gonna hear the end of it,” Alex was hastily shoving his books into his bag, slinging it over his shoulder as Jo rose and made a beeline for the door. 
The pair ignored the stares they got from their classmates as they raced out the door, jetting into the empty hallway in a fit of giggles. Before she could comprehend what was happening, Jo found herself in Alex’s embrace. He pinned her against the wall, lips hungrily devouring hers as her hands fisted his hair roughly.
“Come on lover boy,” Jo smirked, hand tangling in Alex’s own as she broke apart from him and dragged him down the hall. “My roommate has classes for the rest of the day so my dorm is empty.”
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Why do I like Pro Wrestling?
Even though I’ve put a few posts up on the page already I wanted to introduce myself a little and break down why I’m doing this and give a bit of history about me and why I like pro wrestling.
My name is Kyle, I’m 33 from South Wales, I am married with 2 children. I first started watching wrestling when I was about 7 which I will go into as we go through the post. I started this blog for 2 reasons.
1.     I love stories about pro-wrestling and wrestling itself.
2.     I am starting a creative writing course and want to keep on top of writing so that I am comfortable with writing as I haven’t done it since I was in school.
Now, there are a million stories from Pro Wrestling that you’ve heard from the Benoit Murders to The Montreal Screwjob to The Plane Ride from Hell, but I have an interest in writing about the stories that people are maybe not as aware of that still involve some of the biggest names in Wrestling history.
Nowadays, we can be thankful as wrestling fans that we have a multitude of ways that we could watch wrestling thanks to the rise of streaming sites, Youtube and online stores which you can buy DVD’s or digital copies of your favourite events. Being a child of the 90’s, you would stumble across wrestling almost out of nowhere. I remember being in my grandparents’ house maybe aged 5 or 6. I never had satellite or cable TV growing up, only terrestrial, and coming in one morning and seeing Hulk Hogan on the TV in my grandparents’ house really caught my attention. I couldn’t tell you what show it was or who else was on it, but I remember as I watched Hogan, waving his arms to the crowd and cupping his ears to the Hulkamaniacs as he did throughout his career, that I held a curiosity toward wrestling and did ever since.
I can then remember a few years later one of my best friends growing up had a video at home which on the cover, a man would be fighting himself! Undertaker vs Undertaker. Back then, it was the most amazing thing possible, the mystery of how a wrestler could square off against himself in the ring was unimaginable for a then 7–8-year-old. Of course, that event being Summerslam 94 would not be the great event you look back on, but you appreciate the spectacle of it. I do look back fondly on that VHS and as I watch the event back, the standout match-up is clearly the Owen Hart vs Bret Hart Steel cage match, but it’s not the type of thing you value as a child.
You value spectacle. You value entertainment. At least I did anyway. You treat it the same way you treat a cartoon or movie, you suspend your disbelief for a few moments and take in the pageantry of it all. Some people class Wrestling as 3rd hand entertainment, and I have had many occasions where people have made jokes of the fact I watch wrestling, to the point where I would not even mention it if asked.
But as I’ve gotten older, I’ve started to not care and be happy with the fact I like it so much. It’s not a guilty pleasure, It’s just a pleasure. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve also embraced less of the spectacle side of it I once did and look at the athletic feats that take place in the ring, focusing on the technique that these men have to make it look as dangerous as possible, all the while keeping their opponent safe. I do still appreciate the entertainment value, but I definitely look at things like the work rate of the competitors and what they are capable of.
During my teens, we used to travel to video store not too far away from us in a town called Bargoed. Global Video was one of the first places to stock ECW VHS cassettes. My friends Daniel, Josh and I would go there, pick out a few VHS and go back to Josh’s room to watch them. One of the first ones I can remember watching was Living Dangerously 1999. For its time, the pacing and the layout of the matches were a perfect fit for that show. I remember thoroughly enjoying Tajiri vs Super Crazy, Sid and Spike Dudley vs The Dudley Boyz and also New Jack vs Mustafa which was enough violence for a teenage to endure at that point.
The one match from that event which today I place in my top 10 matches ever is Rob Van Dam vs Jerry Lynn for the TV Title. Watching the opening exchange between the two men figure each other out, reversals of pins, hammerlocks and wristlocks was fantastic and when they separated and looked at each other, it was rapturous. The crowd ate it up. You could tell something special was taking place. As the match continued, I saw things that I never would have seen on WWF during that time realistically speaking. There was a reason the E stood for Extreme in ECW. They always took things to the next level, and while the TV Title was far from being the most brutal match on the card (in part due to New Jack!) it was creative in the way it structured the use of weapons, tablet spots and fighting outside the ring. When the bell rings at the end for a timer limit draw, as a first-time viewer you feel almost cheated, not by the quality of the match but by the fact it could have gone on for another 30 mins. When Jerry Lynn requests 5 more minutes and is granted it, you think you are in for a Jerry Lynn victory but RVD pulls it out of the bag at the end hitting the 5-star Frog Splash. And great ending to a great match.
Throughout this time the Attitude era was in full affect. WWF had a huge roster of stars that any company would have been proud to have, Stone-Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, Triple H, Chris Jericho, Kurt Angle. It was a pleasure to watch some of these events. My friend Michael would record Raw and later Smackdown and let us borrow the tapes so we could get our fix. In January 2000, Channel 4 had gotten a deal to show a few WWF Pay-per-views for free starting with the Royal Rumble. I stayed at Daniel’s house and we watched it live on a small TV. We were extra excited that Taz showed up on the event to face Kurt Angle with an extra ‘Z’ in his name, especially after find ECW a few months previous. Add to that the shock factor of Mae Young’s striptease, the Rumble result, the street fight between Cactus Jack and Triple H, the tables match between the Dudleys and Hardys, it was a phenomenal show.
With the events now being on Channel 4, I would look eagerly on internet forums during school hours trying to find out which ones were next. I remember staying up and watching Backlash 2000 and Fully Loaded of that year, also recording them to go back and watch and study the matches. I would cover the back of the VHS case with white stickers and write the match card on the back in order, so I knew where to find my favourites. They also stared showing Sunday Night Heat as well, which I later years would also have an RVD vs Jerry Lynn match up but not at the same quality as the ECW Event the years previous. These events on Channel 4 ended with the Invasion PPV in 2001 after WWE bought WCW and ECW acquiring many, but not all of their top stars.
Tying this in with Video games like WWF Attitude, Smackdown, WCW/NWO Revenge, WCW Mayhem it helped nurture my love for it even more especially WWE Smackdown 2: Know Your Role because you can create your own shows, wrestlers and storylines. We would have nights playing the game having Royal Rumbles and tournaments, finding how to create wrestlers from online forums like CAWs.ws.
My friend Daniel got the internet at home and we would spend hours searching Kazaa for wrestling videos we couldn’t find on VHS, in-between searching for Create-a-Wrestler guides for Smackdown games. They would usually be the Music Video highlight reels of matches we would want to see. Being early 2000’s it was usually set to Creed, Godsmack or Limp Bizkit but it would be things like Sabu vs RVD in a stretcher match, seeing Goldberg jackhammer The Giant/Big Show, and whatever we could find of these old matches you would read about in Power Slam magazine like the Exploding Barb Wire matches involving Mick Foley, Terry Funk and Onita.
A few years later, with the introduction of freeview satellite there was now more channels in homes than before and one of those was The Wrestling Channel. I turned it to this station thinking it would be WWE but was amazed to see companies more similar to ECW. US Promotions Ring of Honor, Combat Zone Wrestling, TNA/NWA and a few smaller based promotions were present as well as a mix of local British talent. It was on this channel that I first saw a match that involved light tubes, obviously CZW. Although not my favourite style, death matches certainly have a car crash factor to them. You know something gruesome is going to happen, but you can’t look away. But on the opposite of that, with ROH you got to see unbelievable work rate wrestling with the likes of CM Punk, Samoa Joe, Bryan Danielson and Low Ki and with TNA similar talents but with more professional looking, AJ Styles, Teddy Hart and Jeff Jarrett being stars that shone there.
Getting to see high flying stars like Amazing Red, Jack Evans, Teddy Hart, AJ Styles was enthralling. It was a side of pro wrestling you never saw on the more methodical WWE and I would watch whenever possible but still getting my WWE fix via VHS recordings Michael would lend us, especially as some of our favourites from ECW and WCW were now competing there.
From around 2006, I began to wane off watching Wrestling as often. I was playing in a band and focusing on that was well as starting a relationship with my now wife. My band mates Lloyd and Ryan were into Wrestling, so I used to and still do talk to them about it now and then. We used to go to local wrestling shows in Merthyr Tydfil for Celtic Wrestling. Back then, they were just Joe Nobodies wrestling in a bar, but as I look back over many of the people on that show, they have foundations on Wrestling all over the world.
A list of some of the names I got to see in Merthyr Tydfil; Sheamus – Now WWE, Steve Corino – ECW Legend, Zack Sabre Jr – Current New Japan star, Tracy Smothers – Wrestling Journeyman passed away in 2020. I remember seeing Tracy Smothers and I was a fan from ECW when he was with FBI and he was great and a nice guy after the show too. The fact that someone who was wrestled for WWE, ECW and WCW was in Merthyr wrestling, to me was mind-blowing!
A few months later I found out they were doing Wrestling training at The Studio Bar in Merthyr in around 2008 (could be way off), so I went along. I didn’t tell anyone, I got dressed in football gear and told my girlfriend Sara I was off to play football. Instead, I went into this bar and rolled around on some mats for beginner lessons on a Wednesday learning basic holds and how to bump. I really enjoyed it and it was better than bumping on the grass like I used to do as a kid in my local park. I went twice in all, as much as I wanted to go back and keep going, I was thinking that playing music would be easier to justify to someone than saying you were a wrestler so that was that.
I always kept an eye on wrestling but not as intently as I did before, maybe it was my way of disconnecting from wanting to do it as much as I did. I would watch the odd Raw or Smackdown and just buy the Big 4 Pay-per-Views and this went on for close on 8 years, just dipping in and out casually but still knowing who was in the business and doing things else were. We still had TNA in the UK so getting to see that was great, especially with the talent they had there for a while.
It wasn’t until 2016 I started to get back into wrestling as much as I do now. AJ Styles had finally joined WWE after seeming he would never appear there and that interested me because AJ is probably one of my favourites of all time. Twitter was blowing up because of a match between Will Ospreay and Ricochet in the Best of Super Juniors during that year. Seeing mostly positive comments and the odd one or two negative comments from old school wrestlers. So, I clicked on a then Youtube video of the match and it was such a great match. I felt the buzz straight away and immediately started to get the itch back for watching wrestling again.
I had no experience of much Japanese wrestling, but I always enjoyed reading in magazines about people like Jyushin Thuder Liger and The Great Muta and seeing their matches on WCW years ago, as well as people like Taka Michinoku and Tajiri but the Ospreay-Ricochet match convinced me to sign up to NJPW World. That summer I followed the G1 closely. Bullet Club madness was in full effect, seeing the iconic t-shirts and the way they were in the ring were similar to NWO, almost too much to a fault. I didn’t really know any of the performers in the tournament but after watching matches, would go back through the New Japan archives and watch the matches of Okada, Tanahashi, Naito, Shibata and the others, getting to know their styles and gimmicks.
One that immediately jumped out to me was Kenny Omega. He was one of 4 non-Japanese wrestlers (Gaijin) in the whole tournament. I learned that he had turned on AJ Styles and took over as leader of Bullet Club. I went back and watched AJ’s final matches against Nakamura at Wrestle Kingdom 10, and then the tag match the following night between AJ and Kenny vs Nakamura and Yoshi-Hashi. I followed Kenny closely over the G1 and into the finals against Hirooki Goto which was an absolutely brilliant match. Omega ended up winning, going onto Wrestle Kingdom 11 to face Okada for the IWGP Heavyweight Championship. I checked my work diary to see if I had work that day, and I was off! Due to the time differences, I was able to catch some of the pre-show in the morning, drop my oldest daughter off to school and come back in time for the Naito-Tanahashi and Omega-Okada matches.
I got back and watched the Naito-Tanahashi match, a really fantastic match to which I remember saying to myself ‘the main event is going to need to be special to top that’. Cue watching my personal favourite match of all time. The pacing and the psychology of the match were so well done, Omega targeting Okada’s back ready for the One-Winged Angel but never getting to hit it through the match. The springboard moonsault to the outside over the guard rails, the Tope Con Hilo over the top which still holds one of the iconic images of the match as a whole, Okada’s resilience as a champion, back dropping Omega over the top rope to the outside through a table. It was and is incredible, debatably one of the greatest matches of all time. Not just in my opinion but for many others as well. And so, I was back in. From that point onwards, I was an ardent fan once again. I would use the archives of WWE Network, NJPW World, Youtube, Highspots Wrestling Network to feed my addiction, following twitter pages which is just GIF after GIF of just the craziest moves.
I would try and watch as many of the live shows in Japan as possible to watch Omega perform and throughout 2017, even though it probably could have been savoured a bit more, we got to see 2 more amazing Omega-Okada matches at both Dominion and G1 and also a lead to Omega-Jericho for WK12. Both my current favourite and my all-time favourite meeting for the first time for a great match. From a Kenny standard it was not as good as some of his previous but for Jericho it was probably one of his best even compared against some of his classics against the likes of Shawn Michaels and Chris Benoit.
In the Summer of 2018, I watched the Dominion show where again Kenny Omega went up against Kazuchika Okada for the IWGP Heavyweight championship. It was a 2 out of 3 falls match with no time limit. I couldn’t get the time off work for the event so I managed to smuggle my phone into work and would watch intently while selling mobile phones. It was another amazing match up, but I had to watch it over again after finishing work so that I could experience with sound, but even on silent, you could feel how brilliant the match was and Kenny finally defeated Okada for the title. Even though Kenny won it, I much preferred him fighting from beneath, almost as if achieving the pinnacle of wrestling was never going to happen. Even though he had a good handful of matches as champion, the ensuing AEW venture obviously scrapped any possibility of a long-term reign. Also disappointing to see New Japan miss a trick by letting Ibushi win the G1 and then the title from Kenny at WK13, instead vying for Tanahashi who, for as great a performer as he is, was not in his prime and the story between Ibushi-Omega would have been concluded or at least cliffhung until a later date. That aside, the show killed. It was amazing, but you could see the writing was on the wall in terms of Omega, the Young Bucks, Adam Page leaving to start AEW in 2019.
That kind of takes it up to current day, or at least as close to it as possible. It was possibly a long-winded diatribe of saying ‘Yeah, I like Wrestling’ but I hope it helps people to understand what drives me to write about it, why I enjoy watching this often joked about form of entertainment and why I think people could probably appreciate it more.
My messages are open if anyone wants to ask me any questions about wrestling or share stories about your own experiences, favourite matches or even stories that you would like me to cover, and I will try and find something to contribute to the page if possible.
Please read through the posts, like and share if you enjoy and leave comments if you wish to appreciate, critique or contribute towards the stories if you know anything I may have missed out.
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naturecpw · 3 years
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The Six Morning Routines that Will Make You Happier, Healthier and More Productive
Start your morning off right with these simple but effective routines.
Scott Young
 Of all the different things you can try to improve your productivity, a morning routine is one of the most effective. There are a few reasons why morning routines are so useful. The first is obvious to anyone who has ever procrastinated, just getting started is often the hardest part. If you can start out with the right momentum towards your goals, you’ll avoid wrestling with yourself in the morning to get started. The second is that the morning, particularly before the workday officially begins, is a quiet time with fewer social obligations. For many of us, the rest of the day can present a chaotic, ever-changing blast of responsibilities, urgent errands and unexpected interruptions. The morning, in contrast, is often the most consistent part of your day. Morning routines also set the tone for your upcoming day. Do you want your workday to begin quiet and contemplative? With vigorous exercise? Silent meditation? Creative and productive? Your morning habit can push you along a current which will carry throughout the morning and allow you to maximize whatever aspect of your personality you want to be most important. In this article, I’d like to explore a few different morning routines you can try. But first, let’s talk about what comes before the morning ritual: sleep. When Should You Wake Up? How Much Sleep Should You Get?
When you talk about productivity, there seems to be two camps. Some argue in favor of waking up extremely early to maximize those early-morning hours. Others say getting enough sleep needs to be the priority. If you can’t go to bed by 8pm, you should wake up only after you’ve gotten 7-8 hours of sleep.
I believe the scientific case is fairly clear: when it comes to productivity, getting enough sleep is essential.
A lack of sleep causes enormous cognitive declines, it impacts your ability to form memories, and may even increase the risk of certain diseases (including cancer). Research indicates that 7-8 hours per day is a nearly universal requirement, so those who claim to get by on four or six hours per night might be kidding themselves.
Worse, the cognitive impairment of a lack of sleep can accumulate, even if you think it has leveled off. Any morning routine you develop needs to accommodate your sleeping rhythms.
Key Lesson: Your morning routine should allow you enough sleep. Pick a time you can wake up consistently and also get 7-8 hours of sleep on a normal night.
Creating the Perfect Morning Routine
I’ve experimented with a ton of different morning routines. Waking up super early, waking up without an alarm, exercise, learning, work and many others.
In all these different experiments, I’ve found that there isn’t one perfect routine that will make you rich, ripped and happy overnight. Instead, there’s different routines for different purposes, and so I tend to think about my routines as trying to match my most important goals of that moment.
If I’m really focusing on health and fitness, starting with exercise or putting in the time to eat a healthy breakfast might go first. If I’m working like crazy, getting straight to work on my most important tasks may be better than cluttering up my morning with different tasks. Different goals, different routines.
Therefore, instead of suggesting one routine, I want to suggest six. These different routines have all served me during different parts of my life, and so you can see which feels like the best fit for you.
The Six Key Morning Routines
1. Exercise and Energy
This routine is simple: right when you wake up you go and exercise. Before eating breakfast, checking your phone and emails or watching some television—go out and move.
I’ve done this before with running, swimming and even just push-ups. 
The first benefit of this is that it puts fitness in that all-important first slot of the day. If you’ve struggled with staying on a regular exercise schedule in the past, this can be a good way to make sure it is a priority.
Second, this habit can wake you up. Exercise can keep you alert and mentally functioning at your prime, when a coffee may only be able to slightly prolong your later-day crash.
Recommended for: If you struggle with grogginess, you’ve had a hard time fitting exercise into your schedule and if you want to make fitness your top priority.
2. Meditation and Stillness
Contrary to the first one, this starts with daily meditation. I’ve done this before with 30-minute meditation periods.
It’s important to do seated meditation and not do so lying down in your bed, or you’ll be likely to fall back asleep. I sit on the floor, not a chair, which is not terribly uncomfortable, but also a position that requires enough muscle tension that I’m unlikely to fall asleep.
I’ve found this helpful because it tends to leave me calm and focused. Useful if you expect to have stressful days ahead to start yourself off with a quiet mind.
I also find that one of the challenges of grogginess is keeping your eyes open. Meditation allows your mind to wake up without strain so by the time you hear the final gong you’re fully awake.
Recommended for: If you want to be calm and less anxious in your day, if you’ve wanted to make meditation a priority but haven’t had time, as an alternative if you don’t like exercise first thing in the morning.
3. Get to Work!
The key to productivity is just doing the work. This routine underscores this by making getting some work done your first priority, so that your first break is the chance to eat breakfast, shower, shave and do the normal routine you’d do in the morning.
I did this during the MIT Challenge. I even have old schedules I wrote on paper which had “6:55 – Wake Up,” “7:00 – Start studying,” written on them. I’d wake up, and in five minutes I’d be doing practice questions, listening to the next lecture or working on a programming assignment. Only after I did 30-60 minutes of this would I take a break to “get ready” to start my day.
This works because it not only maximizes your time, it shifts your productivity much earlier. You finish much earlier in the day and can enjoy a less cluttered evening without guilt that you’re slacking.
The second benefit is that you get to take a break when you need it. Too many people take their break before starting, so that when they have to work they can’t take a pause for fear of not having enough time to finish.
Recommended for: If you have important goals and projects that take a lot of time. If you expect to be working a lot and you’re worried you won’t have time to do everything.
4. Learning First
When I was planning my year-long trip to learn four different languages, the early morning was the only time my roommate (who went with me on the trip) and I had to do some pre-travel practice. 

Therefore, we woke up at 6am each day and did a half-hour of Pimsleur lessons before he got ready to go to work and I got up to start my day.
In other times I’ve done learning goals where I’ve read books, watched lectures, practiced skills or studied first thing. This is often useful for the same reason it’s useful for meditation and exercise: it puts something you struggle to schedule first thing in your day, so you won’t forget it.
Recommended for: When you want to work on an important learning goal but never find time.
5. Plan Your Day
Mental rehearsal is a key strategy elite athletes use to ensure performance. By imagining each movement vividly, they can perform better under pressure when the big event comes.
You can exploit a similar impact by planning out your day in the morning. Don’t just jot down some to-do items, but actually imagine working on them. What will be the complications? Where will you have gaps in your schedule that need filling? What will you need to focus on?
Doing this planning first thing in the morning can be a good way to prime your day for success.
Recommended for: If you have a hectic, busy schedule. If you want to focus your mind on work and productivity, but can’t start working right away.
6. Make Your Bed
Making your bed, brushing your teeth, showering, shaving, doing makeup, pressing your clothes and more are all little tasks that can put you in good form for the rest of your day. Such morning routines were pretty much expected a generation or two ago, but nowadays many people skip out on some of these steps as the culture has become looser.
An advantage of this more traditional routine is that in putting your house and appearance in order, you put your mind in order as well. As one admiral William H. McRaven put it, “if by chance you have a miserable day, you will come home to a bed that is made — that you made — and a made bed gives you encouragement that tomorrow will be better.”
This approach can be taken on its own, or it can be synced up with one of the other two—say fifteen minutes for some key preparation activities followed by exercise, work or study.
Recommended for: Creating a sense of order and dignity in your day. Giving you a foundation of meticulousness and conscientiousness to approach your later tasks.
Add an Evening Routine
Morning routines are great for managing the first part of your day, but they also depend crucially on an evening routine to complement them. If you do decide to aim for an early rising schedule, you need an early-to-sleep routine to match it. Similarly, if you plan to work or learn first thing in the morning, you should plan out your day the night before so you know what to work on.
A good evening routine should minimize blue light (a good rule is to have no screens after 9pm), so that the melatonin circuit that controls your circadian rhythm can start to adjust for better sleep.
I often like to plan out my day ahead of time and either read a book or listen to an audiobook with the lights out for 20-30 minutes before sleeping to make it easier to doze off.
Matched to your goals a good routine is the foundation for success. It can help you become more productive, healthier and happier by tweaking at one of the most consistent and important points in the day.
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teamxdark · 4 years
Office AU: Party Round
Arthur: It’s here! We’re allowed one party per year, funded by corporate, and all others are at our own expense and not to be done during the workday.
Arthur: So I save up what I can, in between all the shared payments between Lance, Guin and I for our house, car, and all that. Lance wants to foot all of Galahad’s expenses on his own but I’ve got my own Galahad Emergency Fund. A GEF. Guin and I pronounce it like ‘Jeff’ so whenever we talk about it, Lance thinks we’re talking about some mutual friend. But I digress.
Arthur: I like throwing as many parties as I can because I really like my coworkers. A lot of us started at Avalon Industries back when it was a startup, or we got referred through each other. It’s nice, because there’s this good balance between being professional and not giving a shit. We know when we need to buckle up and get stuff done, and we know that we don’t have to dance around issues with needless procedures.
Arthur: ...Also, it’s really funny to watch everyone get wasted. Sometimes I give Smithy a camera, just in case.
Guin: What do I like about the parties here? Well... Merlina finally lets loose and has fun, which is great, because the girl needs it like a fish needs water. If I gave her a stress ball I think she’d find a way to tear it apart.
Guin: Gareth and Bors are fun at parties, too. So is Arthur, but once Lancelot gets a few in him, he’s clingy as fuck and he forgets anyone else except Arthur, or me if he can’t find Arthur. And he’s a lightweight, so it doesn’t take long.
Guin: Once he found me first at a party and hugged me for half an hour telling me that he loved me. This was back before Gawain knew the score about us all so that was an interesting time. At least it let me know that I wasn’t barking up the wrong tree when it came to him.
Guin: Oh! Speaking of! Another fun thing about these parties is that Gawain always challenges me to a drinking game. Not to brag, but I’m sure I have the highest tolerance of anyone here. I think it might be a weird way of flirting with me, and the thing is... it kind of works?
Guin: Unfortunately for the both of us, he’s usually too passed out to find that out.
Smithy: I don’t drink. It’s never been my thing. Tastes terrible and I don’t want to find out what I’m like when I lose my inhibitions like everyone else.
Smithy: That being said, I do like watching everyone else get hammered. It makes for some quality entertainment that I can’t get on TV. Not to mention, some of the things I witness could be excellent blackmail material, if I were a crueler being.
Smithy: Instead I run some kind of information black market. People will pay me to tell them what they got up to, and I tell them. Sometimes I embellish things, or if they didn’t do much, sometimes I lie.
Smithy: ...What? I never said I was a saint, either.
Smithy: *sips some juice*
Lamorak: Look, Kay and Dindrane? Great people. Can’t live without them.
Lamorak: But I hate them at parties.
Lamorak: Dindrane starts panicking when she gets drunk. Starts checking up on everyone and then checks on them again just in case they disappeared. Kay already gets angry easily, but when he’s had a few, he gets angry at everything. He gets angry that there’s nothing to get angry about.
Lamorak: Really cramps my style, so I do the only thing I can. Get even drunker so I stop caring.
Lamorak: *takes a drink*
Lamorak: Pregaming. My greatest ally.
Tristan: I’ve been told that drunk me has some great dance moves.
Tristan: I’ve also been told that drunk me crashes into desks.
Tristan: *takes a drink*
Tristan: It’s a party. Go big or go home.
Arthur: As soon as any party starts, I have to make my rounds quickly, because once Lance gets buzzed, I’ll be occupied for the rest of the night.
Arthur: Not that I’m complaining.
Geraint: *glares at Lancelot clinging to Arthur’s arm, kissing him and laughing*
Geraint: *marches over to Enid and kisses him furiously*
Geraint: That’s how it’s done!
Geraint: *flips everyone off*
Enid: *grins at the camera and winks*
Gaheris: Am I... Am I supposed to be alive?
Gaheris: Like... who chooses who gets to be alive?
Gaheris: And what if they change their mind?
Gareth: Bro. Chill.
Gaheris: But--
Gareth: Take. A chill. Pill.
Gaheris: ...
Gareth: ...
Gareth: *takes a drink and pokes Gaheris’ nose* Boooooop!
Bedivere: Someone’s going to die.
Bors: Of fun!
Bedivere: No! Of death!
Bors: *laughs*
Bedivere: *grabs Bors by the shoulders and screams* Stop laughing at death!
Bors: *laughs harder*
Gawain: *is passed out with his head on Guin’s lap*
Guin: *patting his head, winks at the camera*
Lamorak: *barges in* Hey Guin, wanna raise some hell?
Guin: Fuck yeah I do! *moves Gawain away* What are we doing?
Geraint: *shows up behind Lamorak* We’re going to adjust every clock in this office so it says that it’s 30 minutes earlier than it really is.
Lamorak: That way we mess with people by making them think that they got here early or that they still have more time in the workday.
Guin: Subtle. Lies to us in a way that doesn’t affect our workday so we don’t need to explain anything to corporate. Perfect.
Lamorak: Dibs on the computers!
Guin: Geraint, you have the passcodes ready?
Geraint: *angrily throws a bunch of papers at Lamorak*
Lamorak: Rrrrrrrraise some hell!
Smithy: So in between Merlina and Gareth’s air-guitaring competition, Tristan breakdancing for Arthur since he couldn’t, Dindrane, Gaheris and Bedivere hiding from the realities of existence in a blanket fort, Kay and Bors’ cake-eating-contest-turned-wrestling match, and Geraint just existing, it’s hard to say what was the most interesting thing to catch on camera.
Smithy: Kind of wish I had a bunch more.
Smithy: ...
Smithy: *to the cameraman* Hey, how much for a copy of what you got?
Percival: Oh, us? Galahad and I played a few rounds of our favourite card game, then we tried playing a game but with the intent to fail all quick-time events and choose the worst dialogue options.
Galahad: Then around midnight I asked Percival what the moon would look like if it were on fire.
Percival: Given the different atmosphere and oxygen composition of the moon’s crust, it’s hard to say.
Galahad: I think it’d look pretty.
Percival: I think I know what kind of drunk you would be.
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