#like time travel or reincarnation
jockbots · 2 years
more aus pls where the so/bff /older sibling have to go out to fetch their feral lover/ bestie/ bby sib that's gone and done something stupid and gotten themselves in trouble and only then can shake them out of whatever rampage theyre on
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hexxter · 1 month
What if Luxu and Player encounter each other with each of the player’s reincarnation
Luxu who is stealing bodies vs the kid that keeps coming back to life
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callmegaith · 7 months
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Honestly its so motivating to me to see how much I improved in 5 years 😭😭😭😭I hope if u see this U KEEP GOING! U GOT THIS, ARTIST! U GOT THIS!
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onlytibki · 8 months
based on an actual conversation I once had at an archaeology dig
Robin internally, looking at normal-human!Brook: he has the most incredible bone structure
Robin, externally, looking Brook in the eye: I'd love the chance to deflesh your jaw
*terrified Brook noises*
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meekmedea · 19 days
the troublesome trio
These 3 spend time over at each other’s places - ok well maybe not at Iphigenia’s that often if ever, but like definitely at Clemmie’s or Felix’s homes
There’s the occasional times where they get to go the presidential mansion - it’s massive and there’s enough space to run around without them getting into too much trouble (hopefully)
Because to this day, the adults still wonder how on earth these 3 had gotten on the wrong train to end up at D11 instead of D1
President Magnus Ravinstill is also very doting of Felix (Felix resembles his deceased grandfather much in personality and the guy misses his younger brother)
When at the Presidential Mansion:
The trio are truly something else - one time, they played outside and when it was time to go home, nobody knew where they were. AGAIN.
The city was 2 minutes away from a full-lockdown when a gardener found them asleep in one of the rhododendron bushes - it was like their secret fort/hideout
Because of this, there’s now an unspoken rule that some adult needs to check in on them like every 10ish minutes just to make sure they are still here
You decide if that rhododendron bush still exists on the estate
There’s the odd encounter with the president when they’re over. Usually very brief and just a hello/goodbye
Pres. Ravinstill thinks Clemmie is an oddly serious little girl that’s only ever childish when with Iphigenia and Felix 
This man has lost much to the districts both pre/during/post war: his own siblings and good friends, perhaps even a lover? 
Sometimes sees traces of his old friend in Clemmie (I like to imagine the old families/elites probably knew each other across generations)
Comes across Clemmie alone once while he’s heading to meet Gaul
It’s barely a conversation and more so an offhand remark she makes where Clemmie unknowingly echoes her grandfather’s words, or at least it sounds like something the man would have said
It just echoes in Pres. Ravinstill's mind and makes him a little bit distracted when meeting with Dr. Gaul 
Does Dr. Gaul notice? Yeah.
There’s a window in his office that can see into the gardens, and she’s seen him glance a few times at the raven haired little girl 
Gaul makes the connection pretty quickly and calls him overly sentimental for thinking of Hector (Clemmie’s grandfather). Again. 
Dr. Gaul: *rolls her eyes* What is it this time? 
Pres. Ravinstill: Hector’s granddaughter reminds me much of him.
Dr. Gaul: *side-eyeing him*
Pres. Ravinstill: What? 
Dr. Gaul: Had Hector been a woman, you’d have married him the moment we graduated and have had a dozen Ravinstill children by now.
Pres. Ravinstill: 
His old friend - Hector Dovecote
Had been much like the doves on his family crest, all for peace, unity etc. Really into improving welfare for the districts. 
A dreamer. Pres. Ravinstill humoured him and sort of believed in his ideals until the man died 
Ironically, Hector had died after visiting the districts where he had been there to improve conditions
Tuberculosis? Or from something that was a problem in the Districts and not-so much in the Capitol
Hector died young, like way before Clemmie was born
And when the lights hit the secretary of energy at certain angles, Pres. Ravinstill cannot look at the man, for Endymion Dovecote looks far too much like his deceased friend 
His brother - Caesar, the one that Felix reminds him of 
Greek myths have ravens represent bad luck, so going off this tangent :
His younger brother died from his allies betraying him (pre-war but like also related to the districts) and Pres. Ravinstill took over raising his brother’s many, many children 
But also prior to his death Caesar brought much bad luck to his opponents
Let this old man reminisce on things! 
Reminiscing is at an all time high when he watches our trio play in his gardens, reminds him of more innocent times 
In a way, he thinks that the games should continue as it puts the Districts in their place and allow the children (Capitol ones) to have the same sort of idle childhood that he and their parents’ generation had
Because by this point, it’s been tentatively brought up to him by a few people, or like he hears whispers that the games are too much 
“Felix was young, he’d understand when he was older…”
Felix has had some anti-games sentiments lately and liked to tell him about his time in D11 - “Uncle, they’d whip a child just for…”
Really, it was the peacekeepers’ fault for not recognizing a Ravinstill.
"And who could blame the boy for his stance? He’d been unlucky to have seen the 1st games. They really should have set up some more warnings, because the games were a punishment not an entertainment..."
And secretly, maybe a part of Pres. Ravinstill sees it as a revenge of sorts for all that he’d lost because of the Districts 
Masterlist of more hcs and rambles
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un-pearable · 8 months
i am fine admitting i have a shameful love of shitty crossover fic in which characters get to show up in media i like slightly less and then one-up all the characters there by being competent badasses in ways you don’t usually get to see bc in their normal universe you’re usually watching from said characters pov. but i absolutely loathe reincarnation fic with the same premise. no i do not want to read about midoriya izuku with sonic the hedgehog’s memories just give me sonic the hedgehog
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teddy-bear-d · 1 year
80s ethubs? stares at you like a sopping wet cat
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Where are they? Who knows, somewhere with that weird arcade/theatre carpet.
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waywardsunlight · 8 months
Fan theories like. What if the author of a fictional book that the main character owns is actually secretly the main antagonist reincarnated and time travelled back to write books to help the protagonist defeat them. What if the main antagonist comes back as the pet of a side character. What if-
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vaugarde · 3 months
i was initially gonna like, undo the whole “hero travels between worlds” thing with the gti hero in my verse, not because i didnt like it but for starfall plot reasons, but ive since deleted that plot point bc it was wayyyy too restrictive and i couldn’t figure out a decent workaround for that. so world crossing hero is back baby and now im thinking about eris taking the pokemon over to the human world. btw its totally an equestria girls scenario where the funny animals get turned human and they gotta learn how to act like one
#i mean they have pokemon in eris’s world hes just from the main series timeline#buuuuut. this is more fun to me#and i already have a pokesona idea that keeps the pokemon as pokemon so i wanna have fun here#kiran is an obvious one to take over but imagine. he brings hydreigon home#also in the psmd future he might take some pokemon over there as refuge but. idk i gotta figure out his limits#i imagine bc it puts a lot of strain on the timeline that eris cant abuse this power#or take more than like. one pokemon at a time?#echoed voice#pmd posting#btw the original idea was that when kiran went to the worldcore to wish for eris to travel between worlds#they really did break the universe a bit. but they provided an opportunity for eris to return#and in the process the human world was shut off to them- forever#a lock was basically placed on their world- no one can come in and no one can get out#(psmd hero/partner were exempt bc theyre reincarnations/native to that world)#which is why castors arrival was a massive deal in starfall#hes the first to arrive since the gti hero. and hes not even a hero hes just some guy. not even a human#buuuuuut. i love the idea but it really limits what i can do…#so instead im saying that the pmd world is extremely fragile. legends are working overtime to fix the spacetime continuum#and no more heroes have been summoned from the other world because of it. and dimension travel is discouraged#so castor showing up is still concerning bc they dont know whats going on#(ignoring eris. he didnt travel back and forth constantly but necrozma definitely wasnt a fan of him djfjfjfj)#necrozma: hydreigon i hope you know im only excusing your shitty little gf because the other ones gonna break the world if i dont let him
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elvencantation · 1 year
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more pretty art 😍
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bludendrobium · 1 year
Tcf/lcf Prompt | time cryptid Thames’
{Ps. I haven’t read part 2 yet and I skimmed some parts that I deemed boring and/or was spoiled cause reading 700+ worth of chapters is too tiring and mentally straining}
You know on how people/characters with time related abilities/experience are cryptic or quirky af?
Like I guess if you know the future or keep on regressing it would probably put a mental strain on u or smth. Maybe that’s why I don’t think anyone with a time related ability is sane and would be a little bit unhinge in some way. They would probably be morally dubious/grey at best especially if they experienced death too [regression via death].
So if the Thames Household studies time and the Annual Tree has been passed around[?] in the bloodline, would the Thames’ experience the effects of some type of distortion??
If I remember correctly [I kinda skimmed that part cuz I got lazy and impatient] transmigration is one they haven’t studied deeply. They know more about reincarnation, regression[?] and one lifers [I think they called tribulators? Idk] so it probably means they found a way to study them.
I think that either they found a person that experienced a time anomaly to help with their studies[which is unlikely], or the Thames’ managed to keep on experiencing those time anomalies and documented it themselves for their descendant's to study those said records/journals. I personally think it’s that latter tbh.
If their bloodline does keep on experiencing this sort of thing would they have some eventual adaptation to it? Considering the mind would fracture under pressure due to the maybe frequent time distortion what would it be like? Maybe like Dokja’s [ F O U T H W A L L ]??
Anyways back to the Thames’ being cryptids.
I really like this idea that the Thames are cryptid af. I mean look at the current family;
Cale’s uncle is who knows where. We just know he exist somewhat.
Jour Thames’ consciousness that was on the ap resembles of ‘that quirky girl in high school’ (tho she probly is).
krsCale (who’s technically a Thames via transmigration) is just obsessed with his ‘Slacker Life’ <which will never happen> and money.
ogCale literally pretended to be trash just so that his brother can inherit instead of just asking.
{I know it’s bc of the extended Henitsue’s but he’s a child cut him some slack. Why does the child have to adjust instead of the adults?!?}
Speaking of the cryptids topic. What if the Thames’ got mistaken for a fae or something? Those in the Thames bloodline are ethereally beautiful/pretty that there is a chance that they might get mistaken for a mythical creature. [or maybe there are jk ]
{lmao it reminded at the amount of times cale got mistaken for a dragon}
Personality wise
I kinda want the Thames’ to wear elegantly tailored clothes but with the occasional steampunk clockwork design or accessories here and there like a watermark. Like if Cale would wear a simple yet elegantly pleated tunic and simple pants he would obliged to wear either an hour glass earring or necklace. Or integrating it in the design of the outfit somewhat.
Anyways this is just my ADHD brain rot running wild and need an outlet thank u for listening for my Ted talk :)
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bisexualbuckleyy · 2 years
the real question is why are the paul shapera musicals not more popular. this man has literally written like 30 musicals and they’re all interconnected and happen in the same universe and there’s storylines that are developed over generations and like 6 different musicals and it’s incredible. also the music fucking SLAPS. plus they’re basically podcast musicals cause they were never written to be performed on stage. so you can just listen to them and you’re not missing anything!! anyways please stop sleeping on paul shapera this man is iconic and writes so much amazing stuff
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widowshill · 7 months
reminder to myself to find and upload the article about the gendered enlightenment/scientific reason vs superstitious persecution in Carmilla and it’s resulting ambiguously supernatural narrative because. it’s so formative to the way I think and write about ds lmao it needs to be on some kind of blog syllabus.
#carmilla ... but written by dr hoffman instead of dr hesselius. when she eventually writes that book she was supposed to be doing.#more than anything anything else carolyn's death scene in hods is a PERFECT echo of carmilla's slaughter.#framed in that perfect condemnatory v of the male head of household figure surrounded by militant police – where carolyn's overall sin is#not lesbian transgressive female desire but incestuous (even though she's still a lesbian in my heart)#like ! i don't know. vampires real true they are both metaphorical AND literally going to suck ur blood. same with phoenixes.#but there's a lot there to .. consider. many fractured reflections of cut crystal rather than a pane of glass? you hear me?#➤ ooc. ┊ she’s nauseous,she’s hysterical,and she’s exhausted.#i think... this is true particularly at the end of arcs where the threat is vanquished. things are always rather abrupt in a way#that leaves me reeling a tiny bit and not always in a conclusion that's ... certain beyond all doubt? there's often some little qualifier.#or you hear it relayed back to the family. collinses noted always for their truth telling to their own clan! esp when making their own myth#and i always ALWAYS think the obfuscating that goes on between 1795 and the 60's. joshua concealing the nature of his son and#of his wife's death. barnabas choosing to retell the josette myth in a way that favors him and his desire.#the way institutions like the hospital or windcliff or laura's sanitarium in phoenix are resting on an uneasy boundary between#straight medicine and superstitious practice –– often as a tool to suppress supernatural wrongdoing or a bandaid to fix it.#and what makes the link to carmilla so compelling to me is that the Studied Experts are the ones with the supernatural knowledge that#makes them so certain in their course. characters like julia ; stokes ; even dr. guthrie –– all accredited ! all very bright !#and in a similar vein the endless quest for the Logical Explanation is seen as (somewhat rightfully) silly – i.e. roger's stubbornness#in refusing to buy into the time travel – witches – laura as reincarnated phoenix – etc etc#when We Know the monstrous truth and he's clinging to a silly fancy of logic – of reason.#anyways am i making sense. i fear not.#compels me though
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captainadwen · 9 months
Made a joke in a fic and now I feel urge to follow through and write the og story
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rivercule · 2 years
Wait did today’s young avengers infinity comic imply that Billy and Tommy WEREN’T retro-reincarnated, just mystically lost in time; so the two that exist now were physically the children Wanda gave birth to and may have vague memories even now of their time with Wanda and Vision?
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Watching The Director Who Buys Me Dinner and I know that it will never happen and it would probably be very messy and shit but I'm now obsessed with the idea of the disaster of Yudam x Dongbaek x Dennis. Like most unnecessarily complicated polycule I'm obsessed.
Like it's idol/fan, ceo/idol, boss/secretary, man cursed to live 300 years/his reincarnated lover, guy who died 300 years ago and reincarnated/guy who killed him in his past life, guy who was cursed after his lover died/guy who killed his lover in a past life. All at once. It's insane I wish Korea would have the balls to give me messy throuple content like this.
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