#like uuuugggghhhhh oh my god
lesbiansanemi · 2 years
Day 847337382 of seeing a bad faith “hot take” about Fullmetal alchemist and having to physically restrain myself from starting shit
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siremasterlawrence · 8 months
The Haunted Cabin
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Part 1
Stephen walks in to the main hall of a crack inducing creeping of a strange haunted of an old cabin out in the woods that he found to take a break.
 The cabin swings cold with a freezing sheer shivering through that is at an all time high and a touch would send me up to his room for the impact 
The light switch flips up as the lighting up the room with a flood of yellow soaring in to the room and everywhere covering up  his face. 
He places on hand on the rail and the other on the wall as I trace mu stepping up on to the top of the staircase and he is in love.He enters the bedroom of the cabin with a sudden urge.
The door slams shut as without a mention of a second thought his clothes rip off of his body stripping off of him and they fall to the ground.
He stood half naked with the exception of his underpants embracing the moon light shining on him and he so sexy because I had to have him.
Staring in the mirror a spirit of point glows up in an orb shape floating in front of him as he is spinning around of his body and it is only getting brighter.
The spirit floats upward in to the sky both of eyes are flowing through the sky spinning it and he is causing him to have a migraine as things get worse.
The room grows dimmer with a shade of a deep sea of darkness blanketing on the roof of the ceiling and a carpet of power flushes in to the room.
He is stopping standing till because he is truly unable to move as all his focus is left staring upward at it and a little at a time something is off.
The orb sucks up draining him of his ghostly  essence balls of spiritual energy shooting out in to the sky and everything goes hay wire.
Stephen’s eyes close with the scene his bod collapses to the ground, head spinning and body is aching so sharply intense with utter pain.
He began to shake when all goes dark a force field overtakes his body and his body floats in to the air right under the magical ball.
The energy bounces off them like a force field zooming in the lights go off on like a ray of light and burning so bright with every inch of it.
The ball of other worldly magic zips down in of him hitting the sweet spot and like a dead puppet came to life standing tall mindlessly and obedient.
“Mmmmm! God! This stench of his body my scent is perfection. This booty is so full, so tight with massive muscles.” I say walking to lay on his bed.
“I am going to enjoy this flesh for as long as I want but for tonight let’s plan the rest of his life.” He smirks a bit inside not able to admit he likes this feeling.
“Fuck yeah!” I add.
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Part 2
Rolling off of his bed rising to his feet as he is walking away from the room and opening his bedroom door in to the hallway as I exit his space.
The door to Robbie’s space creeks loudly in to the room bouncing off of the walls side to side and hit his ears as he woke up from a heavy slumber.
He sighs turning to face me as his eyes roll up in to the air and his scent rises in to the air when he places his hand behind his arms  showcasing his armpits.
“Hey cousin! What’s going on here?”
“Not much cousins”
“How about I join you?”
“Wait! Bro we are cousins “
“So what? You are hot”
“Um….you are acting strange “
“I am feeling like myself “
“Spread those legs”
“Uuuugggghhhhh! STOP!”
“Fuck off! Why should I?”
“I love you “
“Hell no! Ugh!”
“Will you let me fuck you?”
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Part 3
“Great he got to you too “
“Yes bros”
“My body is so sweaty “
“All three of my bodies “
“Stephen is burly hot”
“Robbie is pocket build hot “
“Colton burning up “
“Everyone lick each others arm pits”
“Oh Master”
“We are your possession “
“mere items”
“puppets “
“wield us”
“let’s us be”
“your shield and buckler”
The end
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sirhocuspocusfocus · 1 year
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oh no...
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oh god NO
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Jesus Christ nooo
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Jesus tap dancing Christ, no!
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Here is the next Dragon Ball Evolution. Looks like shit, casting is horrible (except the one playing Seiya), generic music, fucking car chases and soldiers.... GOD FUCKING DAMMIT As someone who grew up watching Sailor Moon and Saint Seiya in 1998, this broke my heart. Fuck this shit
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blacksupremacy86 · 3 years
The Dawn Of Purple Haze # 3 - Gar Logan
Part 1 - 2
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Upon Nightwing’s Instructions Gar Logan is driving to a new location to check out a mid legit report.
The Gotham City Gazette is reporting odd hot spring like sensations under a abandon town.
It’s somewhere miles out in the deep forest of Gothams illustrious history of failed projects.
Garfield stops the car parking it on the grassy roots of town, and steps put in annoyance.
Slamming the door he finds himself in the middle of nowhere in particular except for a distinct smell.
Far covers his nose whatever that may be is stinking up this place smells like sewage.
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“Dick you suck, you fucking suck” he yells out in to a empty field.
“Uuuuggggghhhhhh! Get it together man, come on Gar.” He smacks his face.
Beast removes his jacket follow by the rest of his clothes and transforms in to a dog.
“Ruff, ruff, Beast boy is on the hunt” he yells.
“Maybe I’ll spy so hot ladies, what the fuck?”
Part 3 - 5
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“Is this some secret base or what ?” Beast boy throws a shit.
His body shifts again this time in a rat as he takes dive.
“The things I do for the team.” He sighs.
“Serious sewage I hate sewage. Yuck!”
He transforms back in to a human reaching for his clothes that he threw.
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A red light can be seen stretching as far as the eye can see, he backs to the wall.
Slowly he paces himself in both wonder of what I’ll gotten evil he will find.
No way anything good could possibly come of this.
He stops right with the light blaring in his eyes to see he is in underground make shift laboratory.
“Of course the government is performing what amounts to illegal experiments. Why stop now? They have don’t a thousand times before.” He angrily says.
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“Oh My God! OH My God!” A man in a white lab coat walks out.
“Damn it! Dick is going to scream my head off.” He says face palming himself.
“You are beat boy, I love you man.” The man says.
“So, your government organization goes around imprisoning, and experimenting on alien that just happens to land on earth? Yeah fits the US Government motive.” He adds.
Part 6 - 7
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Gar has no idea how someone or something snuck up on him.
“Dick is going to kill me.” He replies before a arm grabs his neck.
He tries to fight it but a needle sticks in his neck.
The lights go out in a slow steady burning manner he hits the floor.
“A worthy specimen for my project, you see guys keep the faith, and now we begin.”
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“Where am I? Where is that’s scientist dude or whatever he was?” He thinks out loud.
Beast Boy, go to the pits a loud resounding voice echos in his mind.
Trying to deafen the sound he holds his head, shaking it.
The voice only gets louder go to The Lazarus pit go.
His mind empties fogging up though every inch and crevice of his body.
Part 8 - 10
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Beast boy stands up walking aimlessly with a whopping headache.
“Must find the…..” he stops.
“Lazarus pit .”
“Why am I here?”
“What’s with the headache?”
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He feels his feet slip under him as he falls in to it.
The water he is unusually filling up with think non soluble properties.
His body tanks growing he falls to the end of the pool.
Submerging a bit more he hits rock bottom literally.
“Fuck! I am not in Gotham anymore am I?”
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“Perceptive for a kid are we?”
“Bitch back up”
He changes into a monkey jumping all over the place.
“Ooooohhh I’m Beast Boy I will”
“You will what? Relax and sleep”
Just like that the world according to Gar Logan, Beast Boy, or whoever knows it.
The end
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yungidreamer · 4 years
Sick Day
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Summary: The trio gets an unfortunate start to their weekend when she wakes up sick on Saturday morning. The boys do everything they can to make sure she gets well.
Wordcount: 2.8k
Content warnings: None really, its mostly just sappy fluff of the boys pampering and taking care of their girl when she isn’t feeling well.
A wave of nausea pulled her from her sleep, churning her stomach. She needed to get up and she needed to get up right now. Throwing off the tangle of arms and legs, she crawled off the foot of the bed as fast as she could, stumbling slightly as her feet hit the floor. She made it to the toilet before she actually threw up, but barely. It was a small miracle she remarked to herself as she knelt there heaving again. No extra clean up, at least. God, why did everything hurt, she wondered. The tiles felt so cold against her legs, making her shiver.
“Babe, you okay?” Yunho’s voice came from behind her. She just groaned in response, leaning her head against her arm that was resting on the seat of the toilet.
“I’ll go get some water,” Mingi offered from behind the other boy, also having come to investigate.
“Can I touch your forehead, love?” Yunho asked, crouching beside her. “I just want to check if you have a fever.” She nodded, turning her head to the side to allow him to reach it. Placing his palm on the center of her forehead, holding it there long enough to tell that she did indeed have a fever.
“Oh love,” he sighed, looking at her bleary eyes and sallow complexion.
“Just let me die,” she groaned with hyperbolic drama, though she felt a little bit like that is exactly what she wanted to do.
“I would really rather you didn’t,” Yunho smiled at her, gently stroking her head. “Let’s start with getting that fever down first.”
“Here,” Mingi handed her the glass of water before reaching into the cabinet to get some aspirin for her. She swished some water in her mouth, spitting it out, before taking a drink and then swallowing the pills. With a groan, she rested her head on her arm, not yet positive the pills would stay down.
“Can we get you in a bath to get your temperature down a little?” Mingi suggested, crouching beside her.
“Ugh, it’s gonna feel cold,” she whined.
“We won’t make it too cold,” Yunho promised, already testing the water for the bath. “But you’ll feel better faster if you take one.” She grumbled but leaned back and started fumbling with her pajamas. Mingi stilled her hands, giving her a sympathetic smile as he started to help her undress. She could have done it herself but really, her hands felt sort of numb and tired and it probably would have taken her longer to do. Both the boys had plenty of experience taking things off her and Mingi managed to get her undressed and in the tub quickly. She sucked in her breath at the feel of the room temperature water filling in around her legs.
“I know it doesn’t feel great but just give it a little time,” Mingi cupped her cheek as she made a face. “Can I start something for breakfast for you?”
“Uuuugggghhhhh,” she groaned at the mention of food.
“Nothing too big or too heavy,” he promised. “But you need to eat, babe.”
“Food is a good idea,” Yunho agreed, sitting on the edge of the tub beside her. She huffed and sunk down lower in the water. “When you get out we’ll have everything ready for you. Just relax for a while, we’ll take care of everything today.”
She nodded and let the water surround her. If she didn’t move it didn’t feel as cold. Eventually she let herself sink under the waterline, wetting her hair and her face. The water was starting to feel less chilly, which probably meant her fever was going down. At least when she was floating in the water her skin didn’t really hurt.
Yunho returned to find her floating with just her face and her feet, which were dangling over the other end of the tub, above water. She looked cute and peaceful, almost enough so to let her stay there like that. However, he was quite sure that she would much rather be somewhere that she could rest without the risk of getting water up her nose. He drew up beside her, leaning his chin on his arms while they rested on the curve of the side of the large porcelain tub. It took a moment for her to open her eyes and see him. A weak smile spread over her face and she sat up in the water.
“Let’s put you to bed,” Yunho suggested, pulling the drain and letting the water escape. He helped her up and dried her off with a big fluffy towel before dressing her in the practical pieces of the silky silver pajama set she had gotten over the holidays. Yunho then used the towel to wring out her hair before picking her up to carry her back to bed.
While she had been soaking, the boys had changed the sheets and filled a hot water bottle to warm up her spot. Yunho tucked her in and moved the bottle to her feet to keep the bed warm and to keep her toes from feeling cold. Mingi came back to the room with a tray holding a bowl of rice porridge, a mug of hot tea, and a little fake flower he had fished from somewhere. Carefully placing it on her lap, he cuddled up beside her to make sure she ate something, even if she didn’t end up finishing it.
“What do we want to watch?” Yunho asked, getting in on his side with the remote in hand.
“You guys don’t have to waste your Saturday with me,” she sniffled though her stuffy nose. “I’m probably just going to sleep most of the day anyway.”
“It’s okay,” Mingi assured her. “I’d rather be here with you anyway.”
“Yeah, no place I’d rather be unless we’re bothering you,” Yunho slipped an arm around her shoulder. “So what are we watching?”
“What about Stranger Things?” She suggested. “They have a new season but maybe we could start at the beginning?”
“That sounds fun,” Mingi agreed. “I’ll make some popcorn later for us, but for now, just work on eating that. Do you want the lights turned down and the curtains closed?”
“Yeah it’s sort of a dark show so maybe a dark room is good.” She decided, taking a small bite. Mingi popped up to turn down the lights and close the thick curtains over the window. He joined them back in bed and Yunho started the first episode for them as she slowly downed little bites of the porridge. 
The boys kept their eyes on her as much as the show, checking on her each time she moved or sighed just in case. She kept the food down, thanks to their work getting her temperature down first. When she set down her spoon and declared that she had had enough, Mingi happily took the tray and put it down out of the way for her. He cuddled down under the covers with her, keeping a warm hand on her stomach making small circles as he watched the show they had on. Yunho took one of her hands in his and interlaced their fingers, holding it in his lap. Before long she did fall asleep and the boys paused the show, putting something else on while she took a nap between them.
“Did you want to work on some homework while she is out?” Mingi suggested.
“Yeah, better to get it done now so we can take care of her when she is up and around,” Yunho agreed.
“What did you need?” Mingi asked as he slipped away from her sleeping body.
“Bring my laptop and my astronomy textbook for now,” Yunho replied. “I don’t think she’ll sleep that long. We should also have more aspirin ready for her to take in a few hours.”
“Okay,” Mingi nodded and headed to bring back their books and the aspirin. They spent the next couple of hours watching some reality something about cooking while trying to finish a bit of the homework they had for the weekend. Between them she still slept but shifted fitfully and Mingi put his hand to her forehead, feeling that her fever was coming back.
“Should we wake her up?” He asked Yunho.
“Better to take care of it before she gets sick again,” Yunho was worried. “Maybe we should make more food for her too.”
“I can do that, but what would be good?” Mingi closed his books and moved them further down on the bed.
“Soup maybe,” Yunho guessed. “Something light… she did keep the porridge down so we could do more of that.”
“What about mashed potatoes?” Mingi suggested after a moment’s thought. “She really likes those and it wouldn’t be heavy.”
“That’s a good idea,” Yunho nodded. “Are you hungry too? I’m getting pretty hungry now, at least.”
“Yeah,” Mingi agreed. “What do you want to have?”
“A couple of sandwiches would be fine,” Yunho shrugged. “I don’t need something fancy, just filling. I’ll wake her up and get her to take the aspirin and see if that takes care of the fever again. If not, I’ll help her get back in the bath again.”
“Do you think we should take her to the doctor?” Mingi said, biting his lip as he looked down at her.
“If she isn’t better tomorrow we can take her to the clinic on campus,” Yunho agreed. “That’s closest.”
“Okay,” Mingi ran his fingers over the back of her hand with a half smile. “I’ll start working on food.”
“Thanks, love,” Yunho told him. “You take such good care of us.”
“You both do the same for me, so I’m glad I can do the same sometimes,” Mingi smiled. “She does so much for us, it really is nice to be able to do something for her, too.”
“How does she always manage to do the most thoughtful things for us?” Yunho shook his head as he looked down at her. “Maybe we can do something that’s a surprise for her on Valentine’s Day.”
“That’s a good idea,” a tinge of excitement filled Mingi’s voice. “We’ll think of something great.”
Mingi headed to the kitchen and Yunho gently roused their girl. His heart hurt at the grimace that covered her face as she woke up, obviously hurting as she came around. He coaxed her into taking the aspirin and wet a washcloth in the bathroom to put on her feverish forehead. She flinched slightly as the cool cloth touched her.
“Love, do you think you need to take another bath?” He asked, putting one of his large hands on the side of her neck and feeling the heat there.
“Maybe but I don’t want to,” she groaned, her teeth chattering slightly.
“If it hasn’t come down in half an hour I’ll hop in a bath with you, okay,” He offered, flipping the cloth over on her forehead again. She nodded in agreement and closed her eyes. Yunho slipped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her in against his chest. He hummed gently as he rocked with her against him, hoping to get her to relax a little while they waited for Mingi to come back with food.
When Mingi got back with food, her fever was still high and Yunho decided it was time for another bath. Mingi set the food on the chest of drawers and went to start the water for them while Yunho got her undressed again and put her hair up in a messy bun with the silver comb to keep it from getting wet again. He stripped himself and carried her into the bath, settling down with her in his lap. With him there she could close her eyes and relax with no worries. The water felt cool even to him and he was sure it felt like an icy bath for her with her fever. She whined a little as they sunk down but didn’t protest more than that.
“I’m sorry love,” he apologized, rocking her slightly in his arms.
“I just wish everything didn’t hurt,” she shuttered.
“Do you think you can keep something down?” He asked when he saw Mingi poke his head in the bathroom door.
“Maybe,” she kept her eyes closed as she answered. “I know I should eat even if it doesn’t sound good right now.” Mingi grabbed the tray of food and brought it to the side of the tub. Sitting as close as he could, he picked up a spoon full of potatoes and brought it to her lips. She took it, smacking the soft food slowly before swallowing it. After a pause, she opened her mouth again to accept another bite.
“That’s my trooper,” Mingi praised as he gave her a third bite. “How about something to drink?”
“Okay,” she nodded.
“Here,” he gave her a sip from a straw in a cup. “I thought some juice would be good. A little sugar for your energy.”
“Thank you,” she sighed. “You two are so sweet.”
“Our girl needed us,” Yunho soothed. “We’ll always be here with you when you need us.”
“Thank you,” she relaxed against him and accepted another bite from Mingi.
“You still look pretty, even like this,” Mingi said, giving her a big smile.
“Pfft, I look and feel like shit,” she scoffed, flicking a little water in his face. “You’re a liar, but it's sweet so I forgive you.”
“No, no lies, love,” Yunho said from behind her. “You’re pretty no matter what.”
“As long as you think so,” She sighed, putting a damp hand on Mingi’s where it rested on the edge of the tub. “I guess that’s all that matters.”
“You’re going to be cute when you’re old and grey,” Mingi told her, envisioning her in seventy years. “Cute, tiny, and maybe a little grumpy to the neighborhood kids.”
“No, she’ll be the grandma that gives everyone cookies whenever someone comes and visits,” Yunho decided with a grin.
“And we’ll sneak them water balloons and nerf guns for battles,” Mingi added with a laugh. 
“I’m glad to know you all have such long term plans for us,” she laughed, feeling a little better again. 
“You’re not getting rid of us anytime soon, love,” Yunho promised. “Ready to get back to our show?”
“Yeah, but I should do my homework while I feel good enough,” she sighed.
“What homework do you have?” Mingi asked, pulling the towel off the rack to wrap around her.
“Reading for history and an essay for English,” she grimaced. “I need to do them by Monday.”
“The reading is for the class we have together, right?” Mingi asked, wrapping her in the towel as Yunho helped her step out.
“Yeah,” she nodded, letting him pat the moisture from her body.
“Let’s do it together then,” Mingi suggested. “And we can help with the essay too.”
“Good idea, Mingles,” Yunho told him with a quick kiss to his cheek. “You are the best.”
“Thanks, Yuyu,” Mingi grinned back. “Let’s get back in bed and eat something before we work on homework for our girl.” Mingi picked her up and got her dressed and back in bed while Yunho followed, bringing the rest of the food with him. Sitting down in the bed, Mingi drew her into his lap and took the bowl of potatoes to feed her. Yunho downed his sandwiches and went to get the history text book for the other two to study with. It didn’t take long for the two of them to make it through the reading together while Yunho worked on the last of his own homework.
The boys let her dictate the essay to them so she could lie down while getting the work done. With their help it didn’t take long at all for them to finish their work even with her not feeling well. She cuddled down under the covers and the boys curled around her as they started the show again where it had left off. They spent the rest of the day in bed, only leaving for food and other necessary trips, making sure she always had someone with her. By Sunday morning she was feeling a little better, her fever had faded and she was able to stay awake the whole day, letting them finish the old episodes by the end of the day.
“Sorry we didn’t get to the new stuff,” she sighed, tucking her head on Yunho’s shoulder as Mingi spooned her from behind. “I guess we could have just jumped into the newest season to start with.”
“Nah,” Mingi said as he pressed a kiss to the back of her shoulder. “We can watch it this week. You can hold my hand during the scary parts.”
“Always,” she laughed until it melted into a sigh and she closed her eyes. Even sick, there wasn’t anyone she would trade lives with.
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theepicwaffleman12 · 7 years
A More Proper Review of GOTG2
Oh, man. What a movie this was. First up, the music. I enjoyed the music in this film, it was very fitting, with awesome songs in fight scenes, and mellow songs in calm scenes. It just fit the mood so well. While I admit it's not as memorable as the first one, because, come on, you can't top Hooked on a Feeling, it still does have its moments like Mr. Blue Sky, Brandy, Surrender, etc. Overall, 4.8/5. Next, the characters. Spoilers follow, you've been warned. Okay, I love, love, love Baby Groot. He's adorable in every way and should be protected forever. And Teen Groot is even better. Space Dads and Mom are great too. They each get their own character development, and I love that. Rocket learns he's a bit like Yondu, Drax is teaching Mantis how to adapt to society, using things he learned from his family, Gamora lets go of her rivalry with Nebula, and Peter... Oh, Peter. You poor guy. Your mom was killed by your blood father who is evil and your surrogate father was protecting you all along. And you lost 2 dads in not even 10 minutes. Dang. That hurts. And as for Yondu, whoops, I mean Mary Poppins, what a badass. He stole his scenes in the movie, being a great dose of sorrow and laughter. I enjoyed his performance here, and it's a shame we won't see him again. Nebula's already cool, so not much to say about her. I'm glad she's not fighting with her sister and out to kill Space God with a Capital G. As for Ego, he's an irredeemable jackass who deserved everything he got to him. End of discussion. I liked the build-up to the reveal, though. Overall, for the characters, 10/5. Next, my favourite scenes. Can I not just say the whole movie? I mean, each scene is great in its own way. Action, drama, laughter, it's just so perfectly executed. I enjoyed the credits, both opening and ending, they were just so fun. But I really enjoyed the Ravager Funeral scene. It's just so beautiful, and heartbreaking, and UUUUGGGGHHHHH SO GOOOOOOOOOD. Overall, 20/5. The movie as a whole? (Ha, a-hole! :P) James Gunn, you genius. You absolute sheer fucking genius. You've done it again. There are so many comic book and movie references, callbacks, continuity nods, it's literally a perfect Marvel sequel. Stan Lee's cameo was great, the 5 end credits scenes were great, Howard the Duck deserves a second chance at a movie, and I can't wait for Volume 3. Overall, 9999999999999999/5. I cannot recommend this movie enough. It's so good the word good can't describe it anymore. Go watch it! PS: Show of hands, who cried at Mary Poppins' death? Because I know I'm not the only one who did. (And cue Surrender.)
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siremasterlawrence · 3 months
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Jake Stone is a monster in the boxing ring oh yeah because he has won every fight in his enter boxing career it was a truly easy bought as he knocks the guy out in one last through.He hops up on both his feet hitting on a new heights throwing the punch sending so fast flying to the other side of the room in one mighty blow and he hits the side of the ring going down.I stupid super excited as I pump with loving enthusiasm knowing full well how it all goes side ways he spots me for someone reason he can’t stop looking at me racing to net he takes a dive down.He is on autopilot striving down the aisle to the man standing right in front of him with these glazed expression in his eyes as he stares at him and demands that he gets his attention. He opens his mouth but makes a weird howl sound emerging from his mouth as the man exits the room confused and yet he is kind of curious making a turn he heads down a old, private and secure area. He punches the elevator up button as it is sky diving down to the basement hitting the fist floor as he enters the shaft it goes to the top floor as he exits the elevator and walks in to Jake Stone’s room.A feeling inside of him propels to him do all that is necessary to capture this titan of a warrior who is coming at this moment, the young man awakens at the sound it when he hears the alarm bell ring ever so loudly 
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past it. He can sense every foot steps till his hand hit the hand on the door knob turning it to the side and slamming the door behind him only to find the same young man awaiting him in disbelief unable to stop looking at him in awe. The young man flicks all four of the switches on the wall as the lights begin to flicker on and off blinding him in the air as lasers hit the wall bouncing back and forth stabbing him in the eyes. The man stands mindlessly obedient to the wishes, whims and desires of it all consume him he is left like a statue to made to be of use to another man who lives to own, love, lust and control him but he will never know the truth.The younger man happily test his patient on the subject by calling out his true name, lovingly demanding him to step ever more forward in to the dim ridge of light he is outstandingly gorgeous man as per usual because he moves closer toward him. Jake Stone is not the person he thought he is all ready fully prepared to disrobe his body in all of its glory he stood tall and all eyes are landing on his chest spreading throughout to see the tattoos.
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“Mr. Stone…can you hear me?”
“Can you feel my hands”
“Gliding over you “
“Slowly grinding and moving “
“Swatting your ass”
“I can make you move “
“In ways you don’t know “
“Notice how hard you get”
“At the touch”
“My voice it stirs”
“Causing yours to grow “
“Mwahahahahaha “
“Hear that moan?”
“You are giving in”
“You know you want it “
“Strip it off”
“Do you understand me?”
“You will address me as Master”
“Yes Master”
“You will open your eyes and stay in trance “
“Yes Master”
“Stand up tall”
“Face me”
“Give me a smirk”
“You are aware of my hand “
“Groping you “
“Grabbing you “
“Mwahahahahaha “
“What a loser “
“You are such a bitch “
“A pussy right ?”
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“My God! You really are a loser “
“Aren’t you ?”
“Still putting on a fight”
“Fuck off!”
“As that you address me”
“I will escape you “
“Escape me?”
“This is a not a trap “
“Yes it is…you set it up “
“What was that upstairs there ?”
“In the ring “
“The ring?”
“Boxing ring “
“Fool hardy “
“Admit it! Bitch”
“I saw you and…””
“And what? You caught my eye”
“You came after me”
“Take it and accept it”
“You have me by the balls”
“Literally! Don’t it feel good?”
“Yes! Bastard”
“That’s Master too you “
“Answer me boi”
“Yes Master”
“I love you Jake”
“I…I…I hate you “
“Refuse me”
“One more time”
“Baby !”
“Oh god!”
“Sir I Love You Master Sir”
“You got it bitch”
“You broke me you cruel bastard “
“Oh zip it with your yapping “
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The end
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siremasterlawrence · 3 years
The Man Of The House - A Role Reversal
Part 1 -
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Henry Alvin Park my stepfather likes to rule the roost with a fierce iron hand in our faces.
One day in the height of his own arrogance he sits in his rocking chair a real grump ass.
He falls asleep with the television on, drunk with a glass in hand, and screwed up face.
It is my once in a lifetime chance shoving him back in to the chair, place the vr head set and vr glasses on his face.
I smirk opening my cellphone flick my app open tuning a few switches on.
The app goes hey wire as the screen turns in to static display, the a spiral takes over and he is pulls in.
“Time to check out the goods I have most definitely acquired.” I state turning him toy face me.
“Let me see that chest, nicely down.” I say ripped his shirt open.
“So furry, so sexy, nice chest hair, mmmmm” I state.
“Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm” I can hear murmur in great pleasure.
“Let’s remove those tight pants, ugh under pants, and those god awful clothes.
“Nice and naked hhhhoooottttttt” I swear to whistling at that sexy muscle body.
Part 2 -
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My eldest brother is a white cunt and in all honesty he falls under my control easily.
He is not very smart to be honest almost as dumb fucked as his father, but I as his much younger black brother.
Apparently he is a hot topic online thanks to Onlyfans, he has the camera set up holding out two candles.
His girlfriend he held one h, one t, and his girlfriend holding a letter o lighting it for all to see.
He looks perfectly not showing off his asset for me to see without him knowing.
The camera blast a beautiful black and white spiral in his face inducing a trance.
“Enjoying this huh? Get naked”
“I want to see you move “
“Blow up showing me your body”
“Work it, work hard”
“I love you, oh yeah!”
Part 3
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“What the hell are you doing to us bro?”
“Of fuck off asswipe? You are next”
“Come at me bro, I am the head now “
“Shut the fuck up”
“What did you say?”
“I said, Fuck off!”
“What the? Why do I feel”
“Zip it you talk to much “
“You are not worthy”
“I am not worthy”
“Get on your knees bro”
Part 4
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“Hey babe, did it work?”
“What are you doing?”
“Sorry babe”
“I like having this power”
“You are on a power trip”
“You love it”
“One kiss “
“And you are mine “
“Uuuugggghhhhh! Yes Master Lawrence “
The end
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