#like we don't owe a fucking language lesson to you????
oh shit. completely forgot about namehunting....
#HGGGGGGHHHGFHFFFFHHHHGHH.............................(<-sigh)#- ryan#dont remember if weve talked about it on here?#doing it anyways#we changed our body name at school just over a year ago (end of last school year)#we had been using it online elsewhere (japanese) for about half a year at that point and we liked it#both in text and out loud (in voice chats etc)#but it ended up not fitting at all in english#plus everyone consistently mispronounced it#esp combined with the midwestern accent it sounded like a different name which was dysphoric#and oh boy story time. there was this one guy who just acted very...weird about names in general#it was apparent he had no ill intent#but he was very over-the-top and itrritatingly apologetic about remembering names. for everyone really#and for us specifically on multiple accounts he would ask if his pronunciation was correct#and tell us to like. teach him the “proper pronunciation” and stuff#even though we repeatedly told him that we don't give a shit#like we don't owe a fucking language lesson to you????#if you're an english monoglot you just can't hear the tones or phonemes that aren't in english#you're not special for not being able to pronounce it “correctly”#and if a native speaker just tells you to drop the topic YOU FUCKING DROP IT.#but he didn't. the first time it took us actually yelling at him and a teacher intervening for him to give up#later times it was easier to get him to stop#anyways... glad we're out of school so we don't have to deal with him#but dear god we're NOT choosing an english name#but at the same time namehunting for japanese is such a hassle.....#because there's 1) the reading. 2) the kanji meanings. 3) the kanji stroke number for fortune reasons#all separately from each other#in addition to something that will work well enough in english#it's not as easy as alter names because we can change those much more easily#and we can just go by alter vibes and any kanji that looks cool etc
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daxwritesstories · 5 months
College AU Part 10: i fucked her friend
Content warning: sexist language
Scene 1: Headfirst Slide Into Cooperstown on a Bad Bet
(Scene title by Fall Out Boy)
INT. Study room - Afternoon
Devin and Connor are sitting at a table together. Connor is reading a textbook and Devin is reading over his notes.
Connor glances at Devin and then dramatically closes his textbook.
CONNOR: I'm bored.
Devin looks up from his notes and sighs.
DEVIN: Yeah, me too.
Connor glances past Devin and nods at another table.
CONNOR: Bet you twenty bucks you can't get any of those girls over there to give you their number.
Devin turns around to look in the direction Connor was nodding.
We cut to a shot of the other table. Vir, Arabella, Laura, Sky, and Halo are all sitting there together, working on different homework.
Devin turns back around.
DEVIN: Hell no. Twenty ain't enough.
CONNOR: Fifty?
Devin looks at the other table again, and then back to Connor. He sighs in annoyance.
DEVIN: I'm gonna regret this.
Devin stands up and walks over to the girls' table. Connor just smirks as he watches him.
Since Vir is sitting the closest, Devin approaches her.
DEVIN: Hey, gorgeous–
Vir puts her hand up, cutting him off. She doesn't even look up from her book when she responds.
VIR: I'm a lesbian.
DEVIN: O...kay.
Devin looks at Laura instead, taking in a breath to speak. Laura doesn't let him though.
LAURA: I'm also a lesbian. And this girl's mine.
Laura wraps her arms around Sky and pulls her close. Sky blushes hard, staring down at the table.
DEVIN: Oh. Um... are any of you not lesbians?
ARABELLA: I'm not but I'll stab you if you try anything.
Devin looks taken aback but he manages to shake it off. He then points at Halo.
DEVIN: What about–
ARABELLA: She's got a boyfriend.
Halo giggles and shakes her head.
HALO: You guys are mean.
Just then, Connor walks up to the table.
CONNOR: Is this guy bothering you?
DEVIN: Oh, fuck off. Whatever. Have your fifty bucks.
VIR: Was this a bet?
CONNOR: Yeah. Fifty bucks says he can't get any of your phone numbers. Looks like I win.
Vir and Halo immediately look at each other. They smile when they make eye contact. Then Vir talks to the boys again.
VIR: What about if we give you our friend's number? Does that count?
Connor smiles and hits Devin's arm.
CONNOR: Look at that! The girls are backing you up! Alright. If you ladies do that, then he only owes me twenty-five.
DEVIN: Won't your friend be mad if some random guy starts texting her?
ARABELLA: No. She loves making friends.
Laura and Halo both snicker. Vir rips a piece of paper from Laura's notebook and grabs one of the stray pens on the table. She quickly writes down a phone number and slides it over to Devin.
VIR: Here you go. Have fun.
Devin looks a bit suspicious of the way the girls are acting, but he takes the paper anyway.
CONNOR: Thanks, ladies!
DEVIN: Have a good afternoon.
Connor and Devin turn around to walk back to their table.
CONNOR: So? You gonna call her?
DEVIN: No. She's probably crazy. Or it's a prank number.
Connor snatches the paper from Devin's hand.
CONNOR: If you don't then I will.
Scene 2: Roses
(Scene title by SAINt JHN)
INT. Boy's dorm hallway - Afternoon
Ace opens the door to his dorm, about to walk into the hall. He stops right away though, almost stepping on a large bouquet of flowers in a ceramic vase.
Curious, Ace bends down and examines them. He finds a note in the flowers and picks it up to read it.
The note says "Thanks for the lesson, but I might need to be taught it again... Have a great day, gorgeous. Love, Cyra".
Ace frowns and then crumples the note in his hand. His gaze wanders aimlessly, thinking about something.
Scene 3: Toxicity
(Scene title by System of a Down)
INT. Band practice room - Evening
Cyra, Erik, and Rhett are practicing a Ghost song. During one of the verses, Cyra stops singing the lyrics, humming instead. Erik stops playing guitar and makes a frustrated noise. Rhett stops too.
ERIK: Really, Cyra?
CYRA: What?
ERIK: That's, like, the third time you skipped that part! Did you even try to memorize the lyrics?
CYRA: Honestly, no, I didn't.
ERIK: Yeah, I can fucking tell.
CYRA: The song sucks! I didn't wanna keep listening to it over and over again.
ERIK: Oh, fuck you!
CYRA: Why are we even doing Ghost? I thought you wanted us to be a "metal" band.
Cyra says the word "metal" in a mocking tone.
ERIK: Ghost is metal.
CYRA: Ghost is metal for people who don't like metal.
ERIK: Well then we should stop doing Volbeat, if that's how you feel.
CYRA: No, that's how you feel! You're the one who's so obsessed with being genre-correct.
Rhett watches the two argue, looking unamused.
ERIK: This is my fucking band, Cyra! I get to make the decisions, you don't.
CYRA: Oh really? Who was the one who got us our gig for this weekend? Our first real gig, I might add.
ERIK: That doesn't mean shit! Just because you have your stupid rich-girl connections doesn't make you better than me.
CYRA: Don't fucking call me that!
ERIK: Why not? It's what you are. A dumb rich girl.
Cyra curls her hands into fists and stomps at Erik.
CYRA: You're gonna regret saying that.
RHETT: Okay, one of you needs to leave so you both can cool down.
CYRA: I'm not leaving.
ERIK: I'll leave. I need to go smoke.
Erik puts his guitar on the stand and walks over to his bag.
CYRA: You better stay out there for a while.
Erik holds up his middle finger as he throws his bag over his shoulder with his other hand.
CYRA: I'll fuck you up!
ERIK: I'd like to see you try.
Erik walks out of the room, slamming the door behind him. Cyra huffs and turns to talk to Rhett.
CYRA: How do you deal with him? He's such a fuckin' princess.
Rhett shrugs.
RHETT: He's just passionate. Sometimes a little too passionate.
CYRA: That's putting it nicely...
Cyra stares at the door for a moment, calming down a bit. Then she looks at Rhett again, who's fiddling with his drumsticks.
Getting an idea, Cyra confidently walks over to the drum set. Rhett pulls his arms back in surprise when Cyra steps in front of him and sits on his lap. Cyra turns her head to talk to him.
CYRA: Can you still play like this?
RHETT: Probably.
CYRA: Show me.
Rhett reaches around Cyra and starts playing a drum beat. Despite having to hold his arms at an awkward angle, he manages to play just fine. Cyra smiles at him.
CYRA: Cool! We could do this as a stage trick.
Cyra leans back against Rhett as he plays, pressing her body against him. She wraps a hand around the back of his head, grabbing his hair.
CYRA: I would have no problem singing like this, so I'm sure we could pull it off.
Rhett stops playing and holds both of the drumsticks in one hand.
RHETT: You're hot.
CYRA: You're hot.
Rhett wraps his free arm around Cyra's waist.
RHETT: I already know Erik will hate this idea.
CYRA: He's not the boss of me. And if he was smart he'd listen to me. I can take this band places.
CYRA: No? Not impressed?
Rhett slides his hand under Cyra's shirt.
RHETT: Not quite yet. We haven't even done our first show with you yet.
CYRA: What do I have to do to impress you?
Cyra's tone has changed to a more flirtatious voice. Rhett snickers.
RHETT: I should be asking you what you'll do to impress me.
Cyra smiles, caught off guard in a good way.
Scene 4: Don't You Know Who I Think I Am?
(Scene title by Fall Out Boy)
EXT. Courtyard - Noon
Cyra and Connor are sitting on one of the benches, sharing a large bowl of fries.
Erik steps out into the courtyard and looks around. As soon as he spots Cyra, he stomps over to where she's sitting. He sounds pissed when he talks.
ERIK: You fucked my drummer?!
CYRA: No. I fucked our drummer.
Connor starts laughing and Erik glares at him.
CYRA: You can join us next time if you want in.
ERIK: You're a fucking skank!
CONNOR: Whoa...
CYRA: Call me whatever you want. I don't care anymore.
ERIK: This is why I didn't want a girl in the band. You're just causing unnecessary drama.
CYRA: You're the one taking it personally. Why do you care who Rhett sleeps with?
ERIK: You should never fuck your band members. That's, like, rule number one.
CYRA: I'm sorry, I didn't know there was a fucking rule book for being in a band.
ERIK: They're called "social nuances", which you obviously know nothing about.
CYRA: Yeah, well there was nothing "nuanced" about the way he was pounding my brains out.
Connor bursts into laughter. Erik glares daggers at Cyra.
ERIK: You know what? Fuck this! We can't even have one conversation without you acting like a disgusting whore!
Cyra holds her middle finger up at Erik, who responds by flipping her off with both hands. He starts backing away, keeping his hands in the air.
ERIK: Fuck you, dirty fucking slut!
Cyra just sticks her tongue out before Erik turns around and leaves.
CONNOR: Wow! That escalated fast.
Cyra sighs.
CYRA: He's so fucking stuck-up. He has to have everything his way.
CONNOR: I kind of want him to rail me.
CYRA: Same.
Cyra and Connor both laugh and high-five each other.
CONNOR: Oh, speaking of people who I want to rail me, your friends gave my roommate your number as a joke yesterday.
Cyra gives Connor a confused look.
CYRA: Who's your roommate?
CONNOR: His name's Devin. He's, like, a gym rat with lots of tattoos. Looks like he could be on Jersey Shore.
CYRA: No fucking way.
CONNOR: Yeah, that was my reaction when I met him.
CYRA: Why did my friends give him my number? I hate guys like that.
CONNOR: No idea. Maybe they wanted you to scare him off since he was hitting on all of them. I didn't even know it was your number until I tried putting it in my phone and it was already there.
Cyra laughs.
CYRA: Which of my friends was he hitting on?
CONNOR: Ah, fuck. I didn't catch any of their names. Two of them were lesbians, one of them threatened to kill him–
CYRA: That was definitely Arabella. She tries to fight every man she meets.
Connor laughs.
CYRA: Did one of the lesbians have green eyes and short, curly hair?
CYRA: That's Vir. What did the other one look like?
CONNOR: Uh... Cute black girl with red hair. She was with a cute white girl who she said was her girlfriend.
CYRA: Oh! Laura! Yeah, she and Sky aren't officially dating but there's definitely something going on between them.
CONNOR: Cute. There was one more girl too. She also had red hair but it was a more natural red than Laura's.
CYRA: Halo. She probably said she had a boyfriend.
CONNOR: Yeah, she did. So anyway, I'm trying to convince Devin to call you but he won't do it.
CYRA: Did you tell him I'm hot?
CONNOR: I don't want him to know that I know you. It'll be funnier that way.
Cyra laughs.
CYRA: Well, if you can't convince him just steal his phone and text me from it. Make sure it's extra gross so I can pretend to be mad.
CONNOR: You understand me so well.
Cyra laughs again.
Scene 5: i fucked her friend
(Scene title by kets4eki)
INT. Cyra & Celia's dorm - Night
Celia is sitting on her bed, reading manga. She is alone in the dorm.
There is a knock at the door. Celia puts down the manga and gets up to answer it.
When she opens the door we see Ace standing there, examining his nails.
CELIA: Hi...?
Ace seems surprised that someone else answered the door.
ACE: Hey. Is Cyra here?
CELIA: No. She's... actually I don't know where she is. Are you her friend?
ACE: Uh... yeah. My name's Ace. What's yours, sweetheart?
CELIA: Celia.
Celia nervously brushes her hair behind her ear, blushing a bit. Ace notices but doesn't say anything.
CELIA: Cyra hasn't mentioned anyone named Ace.
ACE: Interesting. Well, I really need to talk to her. Would you mind if I came in and waited for her?
CELIA: Mm... I don't really know you...
ACE: Would you like to?
Celia blushes again and looks down at the floor, trying to hide it. Ace smiles and gently places his thumb and index finger under Celia's chin, forcing her to look up again.
ACE: Are you blushing?
Ace leans closer, just inches away from Celia's face, looking her directly in the eyes.
ACE: You are blushing! Wow, I didn't know Cyra had such adorable friends.
CELIA: Uh– um...
Ace giggles.
ACE: Do I have you speechless already?
Ace lets his hand fall to Celia's neck, lightly dragging his nails on her skin on the way. He then hooks a finger under her leather collar. Celia gasps when he tugs on it.
ACE: Do you have a boyfriend?
CELIA: No...
ACE: A girlfriend?
Celia shakes her head.
ACE: Do you just wear this for show then? Or... are you hoping someone might come along and tug on it?
Ace pulls on the collar again, this time a lot harder. Celia whines as she's forced to take a step closer to Ace. He keeps his finger under her collar, towering over her.
ACE: I'm guessing the latter, right?
Celia nods, staring up at Ace with wide eyes.
ACE: Mm... What a good girl.
That makes Celia melt under Ace's grasp, her posture slouching a bit. Ace quickly closes the gap between them, kissing Celia. She kisses back, shutting her eyes and sighing.
When Ace breaks the kiss, he leans in to whisper in Celia's ear.
ACE (whispering): Let me in.
Celia whimpers and nods.
We cut to some time later. Celia is sitting on her bed, leaning against the wall with the blanket wrapped around her. Ace is there too. He's sitting on the edge of the bed putting his boots back on.
ACE: Well, I guess Cyra isn't coming back anytime soon.
Celia shrugs.
CELIA: Sometimes she's out all night.
Ace giggles.
ACE: Well, it's okay. That was fun~
Celia blushes and hides her face behind the blanket.
Once Ace finishes lacing up his shoes, he stands up and walks over to the door. Just as he's about to open it though, Cyra opens the door. They almost walk into each other.
ACE: Oh, perfect timing! I was just leaving.
Ace walks past Cyra and out into the hallway.
CYRA: What–
Cyra looks at Celia and realizes what happened. Her eyes widen and her jaw drops, looking at Ace in anger and disbelief. She quickly closes the door again.
INT. Girl's dorm hallway - Night
CYRA: What the fuck?!
ACE: What?
CYRA: Did you just–
ACE: Yeah.
Ace folds his arms.
CYRA: What the hell? I buy you flowers and a bunch of designer clothes and this is how you thank me? By fucking my ex?
Ace laughs.
ACE: That was your ex? Oh, this is better than I thought!
Cyra just stares at him in shock. Ace rolls his eyes.
ACE: Cyra, I already told you that you're not my type and I'm not interested. Your friends are pretty nice though.
Ace punctuates his sentence with a giggle. He then flips his hair over his shoulder and struts past Cyra, who is left speechless.
ACE: Bye~
Cyra watches Ace leave, jaw practically on the floor. After a long moment, she frowns and quickly turns to the side. She punches the wall with the side of her fist.
CYRA: Fuck!
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pigerludio · 1 year
Monologue. Fanfic. Undertale (AU)
The author has a poor command of English, but he really tried.
Warning ⚠️: 16+ maybe? Obscene language
Character: Sans (Trite, isn't it? ХD)
Category: Gen. (I like it)
* Every time I come back, you're still standing there. You're still watching. * I don't remember when we started talking. You're a great listener. * Thank you for trying to help me stop my madness. * I hope you'll see the surface * Cause I'm gonna turn the hope of my world to dust.
* Hey, pal.
* I see you're not looking official today. Long-awaited lull, heh?
. . .
* Glad to hear it. I'm having a good time, too.
* You know me too well, don't you?
* Okay. I'm feeling as fucked up as possible.
* You really don't mind listening, do u? I'm gonna ruin your mood.
. . .
*Sh-- Okay, whatever you say! I'm-- I'm losing hope. You know how I feel about trust.
* The worst dreams come true.
* I disappear and there's nothing left, it's like I never existed.
. . .
* We're really alike.
* Too much.
* You wake up and you want to turn off the alarm clock, but you hear a familiar voice at the door and you don't know if it's a hallucination or another nightmare?
. . .
* I'm sorry, I'm really sorry.
It's my fault.
* I'm sorry I can't keep those who are connected to me safe.
* So many times I wish I'd quit so I wouldn't cause more trouble.
* To not make mistakes and not see those stupid, hateful faces.
* So THEY wouldn't blame me for it.
* Maybe I'm not trying hard enough?
. . .
* I'm tired.
* The more I try, the faster I lose my sanity.
* I don't know what THEY see in me, and it makes me feel bad.
* Over and over again, the same scenario
* I don't want to lose and lose myself again.
. . .
Learn my lesson and move on?
* Heh... that lesson keeps fucking coming back to me.
* Every. Fucking. Day.
. . .
* More research, huh?
* I think you're right.
* I shouldn't act like a bunch of dull dust
* I'm older, I'm stronger.
* Damn it, I hate this.
* I feel like a dirty liar.
. . .
* "No one deserves to suffer," huh?
* "Kill or be killed," remember?
* Oh, yeah, it's different for you.
. . .
* We've all been there.
* Sometimes I think that burning in hell forever is the same as a cyclical existence.
. . .
* You're right again.
* But we're stuck.
* We don't believe in luck, but we're going with the flow.
* We're in the middle of nowhere.
. . .
* Stop? Well, you can, but my machine is de-energised.
* Only THEY can stop here, and when THEY do, who the fuck knows?
* There's an abyss of hate and misunderstanding ahead and death is the final stop.
* You know, I've given up. A long time ago, I think.
* THEY'RE awful.
* And for some reason no-one ever notices.
* I've checked, they just don't remember anything after a reset.
* I can't blame them.
* But I'm dying inside
. . .
* "Everyone can be a better person if they try."
* That's what I've been telling THEM all along
* Then comes the grey. And dust. Too much dust to act normal.
* My brother is worried - a clear sign that I'm not coping.
* I need rest, which I don't dream of.
. . .
* Can you imagine how many monsters there are like you and me?
* From what you tell me, there's over a hundred of them.
* And everyone doesn't know how to get out.
* We're all dead tired, but every morning we get up and repeat the same familiar scenario for the second, fifth, eleventh time
* It's like we're not alive, we're not real.
* Masochism, don't you think? Why do we put up with this?
. . .
* You've said enough, the other me
* At least I'm relieved.
* Even the boneliness is gone.
* I owe you one.
. . .
* Heh, okay, I won't take it in the head, I'll take it on a pencil... or a knife blade.
* We can still have a bad time.
* Do you think revenge is a good motivation?
. . .
* Sad really.
* It's not like I'm crazy.
* Well, maybe a little bit. We all are.
. . .
* It's sad to realise you don't exist.
* So long, buddy. I'll see you again, I guess.
* Thanks for listening.
. . .
And yeah, I uploaded this drabble to Ao3.
And attached the link. (It'll attach, right?ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ)
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webdollzz · 7 months
hiiiii i love your blog so much😭😭😭💕💕💕 I absolutely love this mechanic of sending requests🤭🤭
🌶 ex!hobie like an enemies to lover to enemies to lovers again omg does that make sense?😭
anyways have a gorgeous day/night <33 love u!💋
a/n finally starting this. I hope I do it justice for you, doll! I tried my best. I luv this idea sm! I fr and lowk did the plot of 10 things I hate ab you...
warnings: praise, small degrading? mocking, p n v, slightly cunty hobie ngl, fem!reader, manhandling, slight dumbification? tad bit angsty, language obvi, angry/make-up sex
Tumblr media Tumblr media
you and hobie had a very difficult relationship. you hated each other all through secondary school, despised each other when you chose the same college, but by second year, you guys were dating. And in love. Or, so you thought. You had been dating each other for a little over eight months, and it was great. until you overheard his mates talking amongst themselves in the halls a few weeks ago.
"ya' owe Spike £50! he made 'er fall in love."
"But i' lasted more than a month! Tha' means I get £70." and other chatter, but by then your ears were ringing so loud you couldn't hear them.
you've never felt your heart drop deeper than that. since then, you had been avoiding Hobie like the damn plague. Every text, call, ignoring him in the halls, lessons. He didn't exist to you no more. you should've known, really. it was hobie. he didn't care about others' feelings. you thought he was in love with you...even though he never said those words, you thought the way he looked at you..spoke to you..touched you, held all his feelings. Guess you were fucking wrong.
you were walking home from college, your heart still heavy weeks later. you felt betrayed. but who were you to think Hobie could be a genuine, nice, committed person?
he's the same guy who threw a dictionary at your head in year 10.
you got dragged out your thoughts by someone following behind you, and you immediately recognised the thumping boots on the pavement.
"Oi! Wai' up." Hobie barked, his lanky stature making him next to you in no time. "The fuck is going on wit' you? Ya've been ignoring me fo' weeks!" He said, his hands shoved into his pockets.
"You noticed? Colour me surprised." You scoffed, not even looking at him, despite feeling his eyes bore into you. his face scrunched, eyes narrowing.
"A'ight, the fuck 'as gotten you into such a foul mood?" He asked curtly. You ignored him, letting out an incredulous huff. He really doesn't know what he did? What a dick.
You walked up the steps of your house, hearing him quickly follow you as you unlocked the door. Nobody was home, that'd be good if you get into a screaming match with hobie. You left the door open for him, knowing he'd just let himself in either way.
"Ya gonna fuckin' speak to me, or what?" He scoffed, slamming the door shut with his foot before approaching you. You couldn't help yourself.
"How much money did you get?" you spun round, throwing your bag to the armchair, along with your keys as you stared at him. You saw his face twitch, anger leaving, confusion and...worry replacing it.
"Wha'? What're you talkin' 'bout?" He asked, brows pinching together. "How much money did you get when you bet that you could get me to date you?" You reiterated, extending it so his simple brain could click. You watch his face fall, and it almost made you laugh at his dumbfounded face.
"W-wait — baby, it's not wha' you think." He panicked, reaching out for you and winced when you slapped his hands away.
"Oh, fuck off with that. I don't wanna hear it. I was just a bet to you, all this time? Everything we ever did, every kiss, every touch, every fuck, every date — a lie." You rambled, your emotions getting the better of you, eyes filling with tears as you stared at him, gesturing wildly.
"Shh shh, ay — calm down -"
"Don't tell me to calm down!"
"Calm down then." You glared at him. "You're a fucking joke. I wish we never dated. It was all a fucking bet to you! I was just some extra cash!" You yelled.
"Not anymore." His voice raised above yours, startling you. He never shouts at you — not really. "The fuck is that supposed to mean? Not anymore?" You hissed, your brows furrowing together as your nose scrunched. "Just stop fuckin' talking! You're making no sense, Hobart, you're literally so fuckin' st—" you got rudely cut off by his lips smashing against yours, his hands on your cheeks.
You tried your hardest not to melt into him, the two sides of your head wrestling. You haven't felt his kisses in weeks, you missed them. but on the other hand, it's probably fake. that gave you enough courage to put your hands flat against his chest and shove him away, shaking your head as you wiped your lips, as if you were getting rid of his kiss.
"No, no! You don't get to kiss me and —..and think everything's okay! It's not! You're a selfish, self centered, rude, arrogant cunt. These last eight months were a waste of my time. I could've been fucking alot hotter in this time." Your words flew out your mouth before you even had time to truly consider them, but honestly? he deserved that. you watched him stare at you, his eyes darkening but his breathing surprisingly calm.
He moved towards you, you stepped back, he stepped forward, until your back hit the wall. his hand gripped your jaw, forcing your head up to him as you let out a quiet grunt.
"Tha' so? Jus' a big ol' waste of time for ya?" He asked lowly, tilting his head at you as his stature blocked out anything else.
"Was just a bet to you," you shrugged. "so, why you throwin' a fit?" you watch him run his tongue along the inside of his cheek, glancing off briefly before his eyes dragged back to you.
"Lemme tell you sum, doll. You're real fuckin' stupid." his lips crashed back against yours in an aggressive, but needy kiss. His hand on your jaw drifted through your hair to the back of your head, forcing you close to him. you kiss back absentmindedly, your hands finding purchase on his shoulders, balling his shirt in your hand and yanking him flush against you, making him groan.
His free hand trailed down, fumbling with your jean button and pulling them down to your mid thigh before he pulled away from the kiss. He gripped your hair, not tightly, but enough to maneuver you to the sofa, bending you over the arm rest. you gasp, your hands bracing yourself and attempting to push yourself off the armrest, only to be pushed back down by Hobie's large, calloused hand between your shoulder blades.
"Stay down. Lemme do my shit." He huffed, sounding fed up as he practically ripped off your panties. you shivered at the cool air, feeling his hands pull down the rest of your jeans, spreading your legs.
"Ya' could've fucked hotter, y'say? Can hotter make you cum fifteen times in one night?" He scoffed, grabbing a handful of your ass, making you huff.
"Oh, fuck off with that already. It happened one time!" you tilted your head back at him, watching him fumble with his belt, dipping his hand into his briefs.
"Don' look at me like tha'. Might jus' hit tha' score again." his breath hitched as he swiped his tip through your folds, making your eyes flutter shut. Three weeks and no sex, and definitely not in the mood to touch yourself, it's safe to say you're pretty pent up.
"Please," you whisper, feeling his tip repeatedly hit your clit, making you jolt or twitch each time.
"Please, wha'? Please forgive me for bein' a miscommunicating bitch? Please forgive me for not talking to you? Please fuck me?" He mocked, watching as you glare at him and grind your teeth.
"The last one." You hissed. You had no reason to apologise! who the fuck did he think he is?
"Ah, righ'. The impor'an' one." He lined himself up with your entrance, tucking his pierced bottom lip in his teeth, sinking into you with a throaty groan from himself and a whimper from you.
"Fuck. I fuckin' missed you. You n this pussy s'bad." He drawled, already pussy drunk. You clawed at the sofa, feeling his hand force your back to arch as he set a steady pace, watching him disappear inside you, the view hypnotising.
"Oh, fuck. Hobie — Hobie!" you squealed, hands fumbling to grip onto something - settling on a nearby cushion. The armrest of the sofa was right at your lower abdomen, pushing on the bulge of him, heightening the pleasure. He speeds up, a bruising grip on your hips, huffy growls spilling his mouth as he watched how your ass jiggled everytime his hips snapped against yours.
"Yeahh, tha's wha' I thought. Ya' jus' needed to get dumb on my dick again, didncha?" He mockingly cooed, slapping your ass.
"Sh-shut the fuck up n jus' fuck me." You scoffed, leaning back to hold his arm, purposefully digging your nails into his forearm alot harder than needed. He grabbed your arm, pinning it to your back.
"Oh? Still talkin' tha' talk, eh?" he smirked, making his strokes slower but harder and deeper, watching how your eyes flutter before rolling to the back of your head. he grinned.
"oh shiit. feels s'good - fuck." you whined, burying your face into the sofa. he hummed, running his hands over your waist.
"Yeah, I know. I fuck ya' dumb, don' I?" He rhetorically asked, not expecting much of an answer as his thrusts finally sped back up, hitting that sweet spot inside of you, making your legs shake. "Hobie - shit. can I come? please?" You whined, pushing your hips to meet his with a loud gasp. Fuck, your head was spinning. You swear you could see white spots in your closed eyes.
"C'mon. Be a good girl, y'got it. Tha'sss it. Fuck, yeah, cum all over this dick, sweetheart." He coaxed you through your well pent up orgasm, your loud moans bouncing off the walls.
"Fuck, look at her. Always coverin' me in her mess." He hummed, pulling out of you and watching your release drip down. He softly grabbed you, sliding you up the sofa so you were now sat on his lap, too dazed to even feel his still hard cock resting just below your wet, throbbing cunt. You were panting, unfocused until you felt his finger tap your cheek.
"Cmon. I gotta talk t'ya'." He murmured, his other hand rubbing your back. "M'listening." He sucked in a harsh breath.
"Yes, you started as a bet," He began, feeling your body tense. "But, but. You're not anymore. It was selfish, yes, i know. And I regre' i' everyday, n' 'specially not tellin' you 'bout it. I fell in love with you. I am in love with you. Which is why 'it went on for so long'. It got real. m' infatuated wit' ya, my luv." He explained, his perfect face scrunched up as he thought carefully. you could cry. he just fucked your brains out, now he's giving you a love confession.
"I love you, sweetheart." He added in a soft whisper, glancing down at you. You guys hadn't said i love you yet. But he just did. After fucking your brains out. Romantic. You leant up, sniffling softly as you placed a quick kiss to his lips."You promise?"
"I pinky fuckin' swear it. cross my heart, hope to die." He kissed you lovingly, his hand on your cheek as he did so, the other hand trailing up your thigh, his thumb just brushing over your sensitive clit. you broke the kiss, gasping softly.
"what're you doin'?" you asked, feeling him rub small circles onto your clit, making your hands grip his shoulders.
"we got fourteen more ta go, baby."
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pesterloglog · 10 months
Dirk Strider, Jane Crocker
Act 6, page 4256-4259
timaeusTestified [TT] began bothering gutsyGumshoe [GG] at 12:01
TT: Why have you activated dear, sweet Huggy Bear.
TT: Are you in danger?
GG: Oh, no.
GG: I'm just trying to leave my house!
GG: Is this the real you, btw?
TT: Yeah, it's me.
TT: I disabled the AR for now.
GG: Ok. Just making sure!
GG: Jake was having some issues with it earlier, and I don't think he received its obfuscating tendencies in the humorous spirit intended.
TT: Yes, I'm catching up with the situation now.
GG: Oh, so you're talking to Jake then?
TT: Nah. Just reading their chat logs.
TT: Man, what the fuck?
TT: I can't leave these two alone for a minute. Can a guy get his ablutions on in fucking peace?
GG: :B
GG: Was it that bad?
TT: Not really.
TT: The responder doesn't much distort my position on things usually.
TT: Its demeanor leaves something desired though. I'd prefer it didn't make such aggressive and repeated claims of fidelity to my persona.
TT: Be misrepresentin' hells of key subtleties, yo.
GG: Why not just turn it off then?
TT: Keeps them both on their toes.
GG: Who?
TT: Jake and the responder.
TT: Jake needs to be more skeptical. Rather than take a Pollyanna jackknife ass-first off whatever turnip truck is blowing through town that day, he's got to apply more critical reasoning to shit.
TT: I keep telling him.
TT: I keep telling him, dude, you got to be more like Jane.
GG: These lectures I presume are roughly similar in complexion to those I'm familiar with?
GG: Those wherein I have, and I quote, "got to be more like Jake?"
TT: Yes, exactly.
TT: You're finally fucking getting it.
GG: I sincerely doubt that I am!
TT: Said the stubborn skeptic, skeptically.
GG: Let's not talk about my "issues" again, shalln't we?
TT: Shalln't?
TT: That ain't a thing to say, even for you.
GG: Shush!
GG: The word shalln't escape my vocabulary any longer, just as you SHALLN'T nitpick my language! That's my turf you're on, buster.
TT: Alright. Kinda don't care.
GG: What were you saying?
TT: About what? Jake?
GG: About leaving the responder on!
TT: Yeah.
TT: Anyway, I kind of owe it to him to let the program run as often as possible.
GG: Jake?
TT: No.
TT: The responder.
TT: It is a fully cognitive, self-aware entity I am responsible for, not even to mention an approximate cerebral duplicate of myself.
TT: You don't just make a clone of yourself to live in a dead end existence where it has no chance to thrive as an individual or surpass its limitations.
TT: That'd be sick.
GG: True.
TT: Also.
TT: The more the software runs, the broader and more detailed its experiential canopy becomes. Makes for a better dialogic partner.
GG: Dialogic?
GG: Are you saying you have conversations with your own auto-responder?
TT: Of course.
TT: Why do you think I made the thing?
GG: Hrm, that's interesting.
GG: I guess I always thought it was just a really elaborate gag!
TT: It's that too.
GG: Sometimes your sense of humor seems more impenetrably advanced than your robotics. I'll never understand this tapestry of irony you weave.
GG: Maybe I'm just stuck in the dark ages of pranksterism with my funny mustaches corny old joke book.
TT: Yes, you are. But that's fine.
TT: We come from different traditions. Someone needs to keep that racist southern asshole's legacy alive.
TT: There's dignity in taking up the work of our familial predecessors, even if what they did was insanely fucking stupid.
GG: Is that a note of bitterness directed at your superstar brother I am detecting?
TT: No way. He's awesome.
TT: I've told you, I don't begrudge any of his success.
TT: I've also told you he isn't my real bro even though I call him that. We're related through an esoteric process of genetic reamalgamation.
GG: Oh lordy. Yes, yes, I know. I don't need another ironic lesson in science fiction!
TT: Alright. My lessons are rad as fuck, but suit yourself.
TT: The point is, obviously his satirical methods have flaws, and whatever tempered brand of hero worship I might be practicing isn't keeping me from seeing that.
GG: Flaws?? Talk about understatement. Those movies are unwatchable.
GG: Unless your name is Jake English.
TT: Yes, spectacularly so. But they will have profound historical significance. Mark my words.
TT: And flaws aside, it's a legacy I'm proud to inherit. My duty isn't to appropriate his methods with absolute loyalty, but to apply reason and improve upon them. To leave my own mark.
TT: To perfect the art of irony.
TT: It's just like what you're doing with the work of your ancestor. You are striving to perfect his hokey vaudeville bullshit, or something.
TT: You seek the Zen of a pie to the face. The Tao of falling the fuck down.
GG: Ermm...
GG: If you say so!
GG: I dunno. Call me a simpleton, but I just like funny jokes.
TT: Can't fool me. You take your shit as serious as I do.
TT: And if I wasn't serious about it, I wouldn't have made you that rabbit. Then where the hell would you be?
GG: Well, aside from thousands of dollars in corpse-repair richer, I can't say.
TT: Has he been sleeping in the old man hollow again? Shit, that's adorable.
GG: I can think of cuter places for him to sleep, frankly!
TT: Yeah, bullshit.
TT: He's just being instinctive. In the wild, he would gut a carcass and sleep inside for warmth, as well as to secure tactical advantage for ambushing would-be scavengers.
GG: Oh, please.
GG: Anyway, property damage and desecration to cherished elders aside, Mr. Bear has been a lovely addition to the family.
TT: You haven't renamed him yet?
GG: Oh... no.
GG: I keep forgetting I'm supposed to!
TT: You've got to fucking rename him. Or change him to a girl if you want. That was important.
TT: When pets change owners they get new names. Fact.
GG: Sorry.
GG: I will name him right now!
GG: How about Lil' Sebastian?
TT: Fuck if that isn't the best name a thing could get.
GG: Yeah!!!
GG: So then, are you saying Mr. Sebastian here was an ironic present?
GG: Relayed strictly for guffaws?? >:B
TT: Yes, but it's not that simple. There were many layers involved.
TT: Some of them are literal layers, of metal and plush.
GG: Huh?
TT: There's a real stuffed rabbit beneath its exoskeleton.
GG: What! Really? :O
TT: Yeah.
TT: It belonged to my bro.
GG: I thought you said you didn't have such an heirloom to complete the plushie trifecta?
TT: I didn't. He didn't give it to me, and never intended to bequeath it.
TT: I stole it.
GG: Ooh. Risky!
TT: Nah. I got a little help from RL and ganked it out of his museum.
TT: It's this whole "priceless" collection of stupid shit from movies, defended like Fort Knox. Ironically of course.
GG: So it's from a movie?
TT: Ever hear of Con Air?
GG: Nope.
GG: Wait...
GG: Wasn't that some bit of action schlock from the 90's?
TT: Yes.
GG: Some of the silly nonsense referenced in his work was well before my time. I don't have the wherewithal to investigate all this minutia.
TT: Yeah, it doesn't matter really. But it was from that. Dude weirdly obsessed over that shit movie for years, among others.
TT: Know those signature shades you see him wearing on magazine covers and stuff? Another prop. A gift from Stiller himself, I believe.
GG: That does sound a tad obsessive. Wasn't he furious about your burglary?
TT: Pretty sure he didn't even notice. In years since, I never saw a news story about a "daring heist" or anything. I feel like he would have made some hay outta that.
TT: And if he did know, he'd probably just want to give me a stoic fist bump or something.
GG: Why didn't you mention this when you gave the gift? More irony?
TT: Essentially. It's not that easy to explain.
TT: Broadcasting the gesture would have made it seem tawdry, and would somewhat defray its humor value.
GG: I see. So it was like a private joke, and if anyone besides you was in on it, the joke would be ruined!
TT: Like I said, there are layers.
TT: On one level, I gave you a filthy tattered piece of shit, albeit of tremendous cultural significance, manhandled by some old B movie actors, now candy coated to function as a highly practical defender droid for your personal protection.
TT: On another level, I needed to incorporate something passable as a real heirloom.
TT: For sentimental reasons.
GG: D'awwwww.
GG: Wait, real sentiment, or ironic sentiment?
GG: Or is there no difference?? Am I missing the point here?
TT: No, it was genuine.
TT: The upper echelons of irony should always include measures of sincerity. And if the satirical practice is executed faithfully it will achieve something bona fide in its own right regardless.
TT: Through an intense commitment bordering on religious devotion to the absolutely inane, absurd, or plain fucking stupid, a very different kind of sincerity begins to materialize. One of reverence to the ridiculous. You begin to "mean it," but what exactly it is you mean is never quite what appears on the surface, and is utterly inaccessible to obtuse and literal minds. That you "mean it" then becomes inseparable from the joke, and additional rich strata of humor may be stripped aggressively from this irreconcilable truth.
GG: This is fascinating, if a wee bit more dissertation than I bargained for this morning.
GG: I have so much to learn. And I am not even saying that "ironically!"
GG: Will you teach me your ways one day, sir? Perhaps an apprenticeship will open?
TT: Oh god, I'd love that.
TT: Consider the position yours for the taking any time. Feel free to approach and kneel before Cal. With my sword and his floppy mitten, you will receive my flashstep anointment shoulder to shoulder, and to shoulder again.
GG: Tempting, but that rain check will have to stay unendorsed for now.
GG: Lil' Seb is beginning to act out, and I must put his fidgetiness to constructive use!
TT: Cool.
TT: Jane, one more thing.
TT: I'm sure you must be aware by now that you'll be the leader of our group, as you will be the first to enter the session.
GG: Um, no?
GG: This is news to me. I never gathered that "team leader" was a thing for this game.
TT: Trust me. It's a thing.
GG: Are you sure? I have my doubts.
GG: I believe as a group we will have the temerity to succeed, without my having to order people around like an insufferable bossypants.
TT: That's why you're our leader, Jane.
GG: Hm?
TT: Optimism through stalwart skepticism is an affect not everyone is plucky enough to be graced with.
GG: That's stupid!
TT: Yeah yeah. I know.
TT: You're not our leader, you're our FRIEND, right?
GG: Precisely!
GG: There is a BIG difference!
TT: And statements like that are also why you're our leader.
TT: But only in name and in spirit. Less so, functionally.
TT: If it puts your mind at ease, I'll be the one pulling the strings here.
GG: Oh yes?
GG: Then this whole affair will be one of D. Strider's grand productions in puppetry?
TT: I will be the unseen hand whose nimble digits are behind every subtle twitch in our session's bulbous foam ass.
TT: At least those gyrations not happening by the volition of its own quivering absorbant proboscis.
TT: If you ever need help, Jane. If you're ever in any trouble at all, let me know. Just say the word.
TT: I'll whip the toggle stick of this ludicrous marionette, cavorting its humongous bottom to intercept your freefall through the abyss.
TT: Snowcone you up in the fluffy crook of its cleft. Don't be alarmed if you're in no hurry to unpry yourself.
TT: For the great jut of this impudent rump has more yield to your touch than you ever dreamt. Remember to catch your breath as it cherishes the imprint of your hand like a memento from a lover gone to war.
TT: There's a lot of give to that ass, you may say.
TT: Might like to settle in. Make myself comfortable. Start a family.
TT: Bounce a coin off that ass, you'll demand of visitors. It's not going anywhere.
TT: Bet that coin'll take a good nap there.
TT: It's a gamble you win every goddamn time.
TT: Yeah.
GG: These lessons we talked about...
GG: They've already begun, haven't they? :o
TT: Jane, soon you'll believe what I've told you.
TT: You'll believe it all.
TT: It's just a shame that believing will take something so coarse as seeing, for a girl as sharp as you.
TT: Critical thought can lead one to accept the unlikely, just as much as dismiss the impossible.
TT: I can help with this too. Would you like me to program a Jane Crocker responder for you?
TT: I only require a simple captcha of your brain.
GG: Holy moly!
GG: Um, thank you, but no.
GG: I'm not ready to get dialogic with my cyberself just yet. My friends keep me busy enough as it is.
GG: Speaking of which, I really need to go. I know you love to talk my ear off, and it's always a treat, but let's catch up later after the game starts, ok?
GG: And if I do need your help, I promise I'll take you up on your offer!
TT: I made several. Which one?
GG: The one where you, hopefully not literally, offered to catch me in the crevice of a great big squishy butt! Hoo hoo hoo!
GG: Gtg!!! <3
gutsyGumshoe [GG] ceased bothering timaeusTestified [TT]
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sunnyie-eve · 1 year
Series: Life Lesson || Sorority Boys
Paring: (Adam/ Adina x OFC!)
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: language
Last | Next
"Leah, Leah, Leah." Mia chases after her sister.
"I'm never dating anyone! Guys! Girls! They're all the same!"
"Can you tell me what happened? Talk to me. That's what we do." Mia reaches for Leah's arm stopping her in some random hall.
"Daisy acts like a different person in public but we all all night in private at home. Plus she says she's moving back to Minnesota."
"That's such a stupid cop-out..." Mia says to herself but Leah hears.
"Thank you!" She throws her arms up walking away making Mia chase after again. "Maybe if I can find her and we can just talk it out." She hears Daisy in the distance.
When she opens the door Mia sees Dave and Adam hugging, "Minnesotan, huh?" She leaves and Mia looks at the two.
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"I'll take care of it. Just find your damn tape so you can explain everything to her." Mia shuts the door chasing her sister. "Leah!" She calls out her name looking for through everyone.
"Excuse me. How would you like to go to bed with a very rich man?" Kloss does the same with Mia as he just did to Leah touching her butt.
"Fucking perv!" She slaps him across the face where Leah hit him not too long ago. "Ugh!" She sees her sister going over to sit next to her.
"I want to go home." Leah sighs.
"You know Daisy and Adina aren't a thing, right? They're best friends celebrating because Daisy got a new job. They don't have a secret thing for each other. Adina actually has a thing for me. She kissed me before you bump me." Mia tells her sister half the truth.
"I feel like shit now... I think someone has a thing for someone else then I get assaulted." Leah huffs.
"That rich perv touched your ass too. He just did it to me when I was looking for you."
"Thank you for chasing me." Leah looks at her sister.
"You're my older sister by eight minutes... I'm always right behind you when you need someone." Mia leans into her as they sit alone.
"Dogcatcher!" A whistle is blower and Leah and Mia are getting pulled up and apart but men.
"Ow, let go of me!" Leah shouts at them.
"Let her go! Let me go!" Mia gets held between the two waiting her turn.
As Dave and Adam were walking around they here what was going on and run to the deck.
"Put her down. Leave them alone." The rest of the girls try to help but get held back.
"Let me go!" Mia fights to get her arms free from Kloss and Dave's dad.
"You'll get your turn next dear." Dave's dad tells her and they start the countdown to throw Leah overboard.
"Stop! Put her down." Dave says in his girl voice.
"Hold on, Darling. You'll get your chance after the beauty." Kloss touches Mia's face so she tries to bite his free hand before they start counting again.
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"Dad!" Dave yells normally causing everyone to look at him letting Leah loose. Dave takes his wig off showing himself. "Oh, Leah, I can explain." He tells and she rushes off. "Let go of, Mia."
His dad and Kloss let go of Mia finally so she moves away from them as Jimmy runs up to Adam. "Give us another chance. I can live with the fact that you don't love me. But maybe with time, you could learn to-," Adam cuts him off.
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"Hey! It ain't gonna happen." He pulls his wig off shocking more people. "I'm a dude." He says making Mia slightly chuckle because it was obvious and he didn't need to say it.
He sends her a glare, "Sorry." She apologizes to him as Spence shows up with Doofer.
"There's mutiny a door. Convene the high council..." He tells all the guys.
"Girls, let's go home." Mia tells them so they all go get on the boat they got here on. Mia looks at the guys crossing her fingers hoping everything goes well for them.
When all the girls were off the boat the meeting was held. "We must punish these thieves to the full extent of the original charter. Any last words, gentlemen?" Spence asks the three.
"Yeah. Hey, you see those girls out there? Well, you guys treat them like garbage. Why? What, so you can feel like a real man? You all should be ashamed of yourselves. You know, I learned more in one week Y D.O.G. than I learned in four years at K.O.K." Dave says and Adam nods his head agreeing. "And after seeing myself through their eyes, I don't want to be a KOK anymore."
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"That's sweet. Is that all?" Spence asks so Doofer pulls out a tape saying what it is. But wasn't 100% sure it was. Dave plays it anyways and it starts to play Adam having sex but then changes to Spence stealing the money out of the safe. Spence tries to say he can explain them but is thrown overboard too.
Back at D.O.G. Mia follows Leah to her room. "Did you know and for how long?" She snaps at her sister.
"Since we all agreed to play in the Powered Puff game. I found out after realizing some things. I said I wouldn't say anything so they could finish their plan. Leah, they needed proof they didn't steal the money out of the safe. A tape on that boat proves they didn't. They just wanted to be un-shunned... When they first started living here they didn't care about us but along the way they did. They learned a lot living here and I know they aren't the same anymore. Dave wasn't playing a game. He really fell for you while being Daisy. Now, y'all showering... I don't like him for that, but I know he really likes you. He didn't what to hurt your feelings." Mia tries to explain to her sister.
"I just want to be alone. So please get out of my room." Leah points at the door so Mia does going to her room to go to bed.
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undertsums · 2 years
Friendship for Everyone
Kana: Strolling, in the jungle, my simple home A lot of birds flying overhead Monster is what they call me, but even I see, that all of this beauty can fill me with such glee Look at this tall tree, it's nature's majesty Would it be so bad if someone BROKE THE FUCK OUT OF IT?!?!? This sweet rabbit here, alone walking around, it has the perfect face for GETTING RIPPED FROM THE INSIDE FUCKING OUT!
Roman and Techno: Hey Kana Tokisho!
Kana: WHAT?!?!?
Roman and Techno: There's no need for that kind of language
Roman and Techno: The only F word is fun! Life's even sweeter with friendship! Friendship is for everyone! Hurray! Let's all be nice today, everyone is at play And there's no need to throw them away!
Humans: Oh, hi!
Roman and Techno: Let's go help those people see the good in you and…
Roman and Techno: Nope, nope, see, this is exactly what we're talking about If you've gotta curse, just say the word fudge, that way no one will judge…
Roman and Techno: Stop! No more fighting or cursing, no one else has to die! Okay?
Kana: Fuck it, I'll try
Roman and Techno: Okay, we're off to a bad start, but that's fine
Kana: I'm on a nice kick, I'll make some friends quick! I don't have many because everyone's a huge di-OW! I have to admit, I just might lose it, having to give up my favorite things is all bullshrimp! Oh man, it's hard not to be mean
Kino: Hey guys, do you need any help with this?
Kana: No, you don't know anything about hardships!
Kino: But- but I'm God!
Kana: More like Mary Sue OP! Oh shhhugar-snap peas I went there!
Roman and Techno: Tee Hee! We're so happy and free! Let's clear away the corpses from all the ruined lives of your killing spree! It's fun! To be nice to some one, they'll really love you a ton!
Kana: You know what? Why don't you kneel down and kiss my sweet-
Roman and Techno: BUNS! There's so much love and magic in rapture, hearts will be captured!
Kana: Monkey Fighting Glass Bowl Mother Scratcher!
Roman and Techno: We just learned a lesson, Kana can make amends! Guess what? You're our new frie-
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taeyungie · 2 years
Forgive me, English is not my first language.
I have to let it out of my chest. Celebrities are humans. Got pictures/videos of them without their consent and worse their personal private lives get violated. Their personal private lives is entertainment to people who don't see them as a human beings, just objects (seriously have the nerve to tell them this and that to grown up ass adults 💀🤦🏻‍♀️). They (celebrities) don't own everything to everyone. Let them live their lives. I still mad to the people who violated their personal lives and tell them what they don't like. They are humans, not build-a-bear 💀
when a celebrity tells you not to post it but the nerve to post it (asshole move) and wish them happiness but also tell them don't get married 💀
Sorry for rant here 🙏🏻 I just...just excuse me. i want to cry at the corner (for them) 😭
i absolutely agree with you and i'm honestly tired of talking about it at this point LOL every time we get a sneak peak of their private lives and doing really anything "out of proportion" , which shouldn't really be even called it because that's just life, there's a whoooole same discourse all over again. just like you said - some people see their life as entartainment and them as puppets, that they can record and "control" their lives as much as they please. all because these people think they owe us explanation about every single thing they do, because they think we know everything about them lol, the truth is that we don't know them like that and we never will, and we shouldn't expect that, and even if they would share anything it's okay to disagree but literally dragging someone just because they do something you don't approve of? of course, curiosity of what life our favorite celebrity is having is explainable and acceptable to a certain amount, and it can stop just at curiosity. not only they missed a point of someone taking pictures of them without their knowledge and sharing it but they are trying to give them morality lessons? please, who do these people think they are? to tell anyone what they should and shouldn't do? even if it's a fucking unhealthy habit, everyone has one, for the love of god look at yourself first and reflect before you look at anyone else and decide to comment, and that's not even only about commenting on celebrities life but just in general. what do they think their comment on twitter will do lmao? i do not even want to think what would it be like once they get caught, by getting their privacy violated by saesangs like it happened just now, or reveal it themselves, that they're in relationships, which i'm sure all of them do in certain amounts, because they're fucking adults and their life isn't only revolving around career. and what, there will be people who will say they shouldn't do that too? lmao how is that such a tough pillow to swallow for some... my advice for them would be to get a life 💀 it really makes me mad and sad that we have to explain basic respect, but i think we should just focus on not spreading info if there's any and it's not official. i apologize for letting this all out and for cursing as well but i just understand what you mean and i feel bad about it too.
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angrypixie-sarisa · 4 years
Of Death and a Baby
Piedras Rodantes Pt. 23
Sam xMexican!Witch!fem!readerx Dean (polyamorous)
Author’s note: There’s the use of indigenous language, Nahuatl, casually but magically as well. Nahuatl is the language used by the Aztecs. It doesn’t mean they were magical, but Día de muertos was celebrated long before the Spanish conquista. Because of the focus of death in this chapter I personally think that the connection between the tradition and language is quite beautiful and I wanted to use it in a way with respect. I personally am learning Nahuatl and felt the enthusiasm of incoporating it to the story. If someone finds it offensive or has notes about it I will gladly take them and even erase the chapter if necessary.
Warnings: kinda long, swearing.
(no gifs bc my wifi sucks)
“Okay, so, are you sure he had no aura? Like, not even a spark of red? Yellow? Heck, not even blue?” Diego was sitting criss cross in front of you. You shook your head as you finished drawing on your floor.
“Nothing, and when I say nothing, believe me, it was nothing. You remember that spooky book at school? The one with the weird gray lump?”
“Wha-the weird one?”
“It reminded me so much of that.”
“Word. Hence this.” You signaled towards the things drawn on your floor, all surrounded by the respected color, tarot cards, crystals and herbs. Diego sighed as he helped you light up all the candles. 
“You know, if they find out about this, they’ll get mad.” He said as he placed his hands on his knees, palms hugging them lazily. 
“¿Quién?” You asked as you did the same thing. He gave you a look as if you were supposed to know who he was talking about. 
“Sam and Dean?”
“Oh, pft, who cares if they get mad? Esto es justo y necesario. Además sus sentimientos no tienen nada que ver en si hago magia o no. Screw them.” he dedicated you a proud look, before clearing his throat. “Ready?” 
“On three?”
He nodded. “One.”
“Three. Nihuinti, nichoca, nicnotlamati, nicmati, nic-itoa, nic-elnamiqui: ¡Maca aic nimiqui, maca aic nipolihui! Incan ahmicohua, incan ontepetihua, in ma oncan niauh: ¡maca aic nimiqui, maca aic nipolihui! Estoy ebrio, lloro, me duelo, digo, me acuerdo: ¡ojalá no muera yo, ojalá nunca perezca! Donde no se muere, donde se encumbra, allá vaya yo- Ojalá.” You both chanted in unison. The circle started to illuminate with variety of colors, though the ones that repeated the most were red, purple, orange, green and blue. You kept chanting the same words over and over until in the center of it all, you got an answer. 
Slowly, you both opened your eyes and moved your hands from your knees as you looked at the center on the circle. 
You sighed. In temporal burnt letters it was written “Tetlapopolhuiliztli. Atlenkauitl.” Which meant sorry, no time or bussy.
“Well, there’s another way.” 
“I know, but it’s the longest way of invoking death.” 
“But it’ll be worth it. You’ll have your answers.” 
You sighed while passing a hand through your hair. 
“Es la muerte. Tiene sentido que esté ocupada.”
“Ni modo.” Your phone vibrated in your backpocket. You took it out and checked it only to find a text from Lisa. She managed to convince Dean to get on board with the gun lesson and the knife throwing. Verga. You forgot about it or rather you were utterly convinced that he wouldn’t give in that you decided to focus all your energy and thoughts to summoning Death. But well, she was busy and now you were stuck multitasking. 
“It’s not fair. I wanted to learn how to throw it.”
“I know champ. But for now your mom gets this privilege.” You caressed his hair slightly. Though Lisa didn’t feel it like a privilege. She would rather not have to know how to fire a gun and throw a knife, but her situation demanded it so here she was. 
“Okay, once you master the movement of your throwing hand and you don’t fear to hit your foot instead of the wood your standing on-” 
She looked at you with a mock on her eyes at your teasing. 
“Then you’ll move from throwing at the floor to throwing at a wall. For now, stick to the other method, the precautions and keep practising. Salt in the windows and doors, the whole shebang.” 
She nodded as she and Ben helped you get the set up you brought for her practicing. Next thing you were at the door, already saying your goodbyes and as you walked a block away your phone vibrated again. Since you wanted to summon her, you kept thinking everything could be a signal that death actually made some time to pay you a quick visit. But sending a text wasn’t her style and when you saw your screen it was Dean’s name that appear. It was a text, however, you didn’t get the chance to read as a call came to replace it. 
“Hey. I was just with Lisa and Ben, made sure the house’s properly safe and all. What’s-”
“Y/N, we need your help.” He sounded desperate, his voice was rushed and it sounded as if it came from different places, kind of like up and down, for some reason. 
“Wha-Why? With what?” Just after you asked your ears were filled with the sound of whales, very noisy and demanding whales with a tiny sob here and there. 
“Is that a baby?!” 
“Yeah! I told you we need you! Quick, I don’t know for how much longer we can handle this!” 
“Okay, but-”
“Perfect. See you here.” And then he hung up.
There was a knock on the other side of the door, a very loud knock. "No, no please don't…" Dean muttered as he heard the baby starting to cry again. Sam passed a frustrated hand over his face as he saw his brother open the door only to be met by another catastrophe. Your eyes were flames and he could swear you could kill anybody with that glare. 
"What. The. Hell? At least if you ask me to come over give me the fucking place where you're at! I had to open five different doors to come here! There's a Swedish family you owe an apology to!" You practically helped yourself in. Taking deep breaths to calm yourself as you walk through all the room. Your eyes landed on the whaling baby. "Hi. I'm sorry, did I scare you, darling?" You went to pick him up and to the brothers surprise the baby lifted his arms at you. "Yeah, come here buddy. Hi! Are these evil men not attending to your needs? They're pretty awful aren't they?" 
"Excuse me?" Dean glared at you and the baby as he settled his head on your chest, on top of your heart. You passed a soothing hand through his back and rocked him gently. 
"Sorry I woke you up. They were awful to me as well." You whispered to him.
"Oh, come on!" Dean, once again, complained.
"That's a lie." You heard Sam say at the table.
"Don't believe them. They would say anything to save their necks. A bet they don't even hold you. Tsk. Muy mal." With every word you felt him relax and you looked down to confirm that his eyes were droopy. 
"Hey, about your spanish." Started the older Winchester and measured his words as he was met up by a murderous gaze. 
"What about my Spanish?"
"I'm tired of wondering whatever you're saying all the time. Could you just cast that spell that Diego did for Tyler?" 
"Me too." 
You turned to look at Sam and you couldn't see anything other than mere curiosity. You rolled your eyes as you whispered the spell and a light orange smoke appeared at your feet before dispersing quickly, as though something scared it. 
"Did it-did it work?"
"Pues claro que funcionó. ¿Verdad que sí mi niño?" And as you spoke words started appearing as if they were watching a movie with subtitles. 
"Wow! That's awesome! Say something more." 
You thought for a while as if suddenly you didn't know any Spanish. Funny enough, the next words you spoke weren't Spanish. 
"Ma cochi, pitentzin. Maconexteca pitelontzin. Ma cochi cochi noxocoyotl. Maconexteca noxocoyotzin. Maconexteca pitelontzin. Ma cochi cochi pitelontzin. Maconexteca noxocoyotzin. Maconexteca pitelontzin. Ma cochi cochi pitentzin." But it worked, the spell translated the Nahuatl words, the song to them. But of course, the sound of it wasn't familiar to the brothers. 
The baby in your arms cooed lazily at the sound of the song. Instead of bothering to answer the brother's questions you kept singing to the babe until he fell asleep. Only then did you stop singing and placed him in the crib. 
"What was that?" Sam asked. He had stood up from his place on the table to lean nearby on a wall. 
"Nahuatl." You said nonchalantly. But of course that wasn't a satisfying answer. 
"I studied Nahuatl so it makes sense that I know how to speak the language." You looked at their dumbfounded faces and sighed. 
"Do you need a quick class of Mexico's history?" Seeming that there was no response you continued. "As in the United States, México was also populated by indigenous cultures. The dominant, and I'm not proud about this, culture was the Aztec/Mexica. They dominated great part of the country so it's the most spoken indigenous language, although there's still a small number of people that speak it. I personally fell in love with it and so wanted to learn it and did." You shrugged when no response came from them. "What can I say? I'm a woman of many surprises." 
“I see that.” Sam said, patting your head gently as he went to head outside. 
“Where are you going? I hope you didn’t just drag me around here to babysit.”
“I just have to cover something I missed. Brb.” He winked at you before disappearing behind the shut door. 
You sighed and passed a hand through your hair, then turned to look at Dean, who was resting in one of the beds. “Well at least you’re here to keep me company.” 
You sat beside him, looking at the wooden bars of the crib whilst biting your lip, deep in thought. He never used to pat your head, he only did it once before you told him to stop because you felt like a dog. 
You felt heavy fingers tapping at your back lazily. You turned around to face the tired look on his face. “What ‘cha thinking?” 
You released your lip and turned your attention back to the crib.
“Nothing.” It would’ve convinced him if it wasn’t for the fact  that your voice sounded low and dark, causing him to sat up. 
“That’s the worst lie you’ve ever told.” When you didn’t answer, he pressed. “Is it Sam?” 
At that he caught your attention, seeing as your head quickly spun around to face him with a puzzled look painted in it. 
“You feel it too?”
“Feel what?” He thought the distance between you and his brother was bothering you and he didn’t know why it was there in the first place. You two should be like newly weds or something, after all, you were reunited again. 
“Nothing, nothing.” You panicked and closed your mouth before you could say something else. 
“Y/N.” He warned. Well now he needed answers. He wanted to know what was happening. 
“Dean, you don’t wanna know, okay?”
“Except I do, you’ve just called me Dean.” 
Finally, you met him in the eye again. “What?”
“You only call me Dean when you’re serious.”
“That’s not true.”
“Mhm, sure.”
You laid back on your forearms, still looking forward. “Don’t know what you talkin’ ‘bout win- I mean, De-”
“See, I told you!” He slapped your thigh playfully as he chuckled, earning a few silent laughs from you. 
“Okay, alright, you’re right. I do call you Winchester frequently.” His hand wrapped above your knee and squeezed gently. He gave you some time in silence before he planned to press again. He didn’t want to give the impression that he wouldn’t ask again but also he didn’t want to annoy you with his insistence. 
“What is it? What about Sam?”
You groaned. “You never give up, do you?”
He shrugged as his thumb made tiny circles on your jean wrapped knee. 
You sighed. “Fine. Si te vas a poner en ese plan, pues ya que.” You huffed as you sat up again. 
He smiled softly. “ I love this spell.”
“Yeah, except now I can’t talk shit with you in the room anymore.” 
He bumped his shoulder with yours. “Don’t change the subject.”
“Wha- you were the one who did.”
“Ay, sí, ya sé.” You rolled your eyes, took a deep breath and let go. “Do you think Sam is… You know, our Sammy?” There was a pause as his hand stopped moving abruptly. You started playing with one of your beaded bracelets nervously as you waited for his answer. “What do you mean?”
You sighed before answer. “He’s not Sammy, Dean. He’s… Different and not in a good way.”
“What- How is he different?”
“Well he doesn't fight with you.”
“Oh, so you prefer it that we fight?”
“No, i don’t mean it like that. I mean it’s not natural. You guys fight and now he rises from the depths of hell and suddenly your brotherhood is just paradise?”
“How do you even know that we fight normally?”
“He told me before going back to hunting, before going to hell. Dean he’s not Sam. There’s something wrong with him, he-he has no aura. He’s way to poised and calm all the time. He patted my head.” You started listing all the things, carefully toning down your voice so you wouldn’t wake up the baby again. 
“Wow, what? Your basing all this on him patting your head?”
“It’s not just that, didn’t you hear what I said? He had literally no AURA. And him patting my head? I asked him not to once and he never did it again through the time we were together.”
“So he’s awkward, he’s remembering how it was having you around it doesn’t mean anything.”
“Well, how do you explain the aura then?” You crossed your arms. 
At that, he remained silent, clenching his jaw as he thought. “Maybe you’re still tired, from the djinn thing.”
You took a deep breath and clenched your fists. You knew he wouldn’t understand.
“Just forget I told you this.”
“No, Y/N, I-” But whatever he was about to say got muffled by the sound of something splattering, followed by baby cries. You both looked up to see skin and blood on the wall. 
You both hurried to aid him, you beating Dean to it as he answered a call from Sam. 
“Dean.” You called as you picked the baby covered in green goo. He hanged up the phone and took the baby from you. But neither of you knew what to do except for panicking and do a funny dance where you stood. 
“I know.”
“The baby, he’s…”
“I know.” 
“What do we do, Y/N?!” 
“Um, okay, well…” You stammered. “No need panicking.” But what could you do? Was there anything to do, really? All you could do was take care of him until you could figure out something better. “Um, we- we can’t have a dirty baby. Let’s clean him and for once stop him from crying.” 
The Winchester nodded rapidly. “Yeah, yeah that sounds like a plan.” He took the baby to the bathroom, living you staring at the mess left behind. 
“I guess I’ll deal with this.”
You finally got everything clean except that the baby kept crying. You tried cooing at him and playing with him but nothing worked. It would’ve been easier if you had a baby toy but, the brothers didn’t buy any. 
“Y/N, come on. You were supposed to be the baby whisperer.”
“Oye! Just because I’m a woman it doesn’t mean I’m the baby whisperer.” 
Then, there were knocks on the door before a voice came through. “Manager. Everything okay in there?” You frowned as you both shared a look before glaring at the door. 
“Yeah, no, we’re fine. Thank you. Good night.”
“There’s been complaints. Mind opening the door, sir?”
“Ay, pinche wey, pues que le valga a la verga.” You whispered. The older Winchester pressed a hand on your mouth despite your complaints. “You cannot curse in front of a baby.” He scolded. 
You shrugged his hand away. “Oh, grow up, everybody does.”
“Uh, it’s not a good time. J-Just got out of the shower.” 
The doorknob started moving impatiently. You shared a look with the hunter. In your eyes he found an ice cold blue that wasn’t supposed to be there. He saw you move to hide on one side of the door, leaving the baby to him as he placed the him in the crib, before mimicking your actions. 
The door opened up to reveal a police man with a knife. Manager, mis huevos. Dean heard your voice in his head, not affording to look at the translation.  The intruder just needed to advance a couple of steps before he grabbed his arm and you got the knife out his hand. 
Struggling, the man pushed you two away from him, making the stupidest thing and pushing you two in between the baby and him.
“Get the hell out of the way.”
“No that’s not gonna happen.”
“A child should be with his father.” 
“Prove he’s your son, then we’ll consider it.” You said. 
“I’m not just talking about me, I’m talking about our father.” 
You masked your confusion well enough but the hunter looked as if he took the bait. You mentally facepalmed.  And as the guy went to make his move you quickly dodged his kick before you kneeled and kicked his other leg. 
“Y/N, look out!” 
He grabbed you by your hair and pulled. But just as sudden as it was it stopped. Dean had jumped into action and wrestled with the man. 
“The knife!” 
You felt it beneath you and you grabbed it as you went and pressed it on the shapeshifter’s throat. He groaned, placing his hands around the hunter’s throat. 
“Try me, I’ll choke him before you could slice my throat.”
“You talk to much.” As you went to move your hand he slammed his head with yours, freeing himself from your threat. 
You placed a hand on your forehead and saw him towering over you. But before he could do anything else a gunshot was heard and his body met the floor with a thump. 
“Well, there goes our deposit.” You heard Dean say towards the door. You needn’t see it to know that it was Sam.
You were driving to meet up with Samuel and the cousins. The boys had discussed about the events and Sam had suggested to go to Samuel. You weren't happy about it, your gut kept telling you that something was wrong. Still, there you were, sitting at the back of the car, keeping an eye on the sleeping baby. 
You looked out your window, not really knowing where to look at, but you certainly didn’t want to face forw, when something caught your eye. As if the world had slowed down, you perfectly saw a lost soul watching dumbfounded at the cars as if they didn't know how they got into the road. 
Your fingertips started tingling and you glanced down at them to find them colored a coal black tone. 
Verga. You glanced around shoving everything trying to find anything that could help you; there had to be something you could use to hide them. 
"Hey, what's up?" Dean asked watching you through the rear mirror. 
"Uh. Sammy…" you cleared your throat. "Sam, do you happen to have the other day's gloves?" 
"Uh, I think so. I think there somewhere back there." 
You sighed and mumbled a thank you. You were sure to move carefully, trying not to flash them your fingertips. 
Just as you thought you had no exit to your problem you saw crushed leather fingers beneath the baby's car chair.
"Ay Dios mío, gracias!" You quickly retrieved them, shoving your hands swiftly into the soft fabric from the inside. 
"So, what's with you and the gloves?" The older brother asked. 
"I- I well, you know, I tend to wear them when I get too overwhelmed."
"Overwhelmed, 'bout what?"
"Er, um, pues, 'bout the energy of people or a place, sometimes certain hours of the day. It depends but the feeling's rare."
While it was a true statement, it had more to do with the fact that death started surrounding you and it would only intensify once the summoning was complete. But, the fingers usually happened if the spell for summoning death worked a little too well.
It was night time when you arrived and the chills down your spine intensified. There was no way you were leaving the baby’s side now. 
You felt your phone vibrate in your pocket. Soon all of this mess would be over. 
You held the baby close to you, careful not to crush him, and the cousins gave you weird looks about it that you decided to take care of by giving them the finger. Every time you did, Dean shook his head. 
“Oh, relax he’s asleep. He can’t see me.” 
Gwen approached you with her eyes fixed on the baby. She went to caress his head softly as she said. “Well, aren’t you the best disguise a monster ever wore?”
You looked away from her, sure that if you stared at her for too long her head would explode. Instead you locked eyes with Dean and you both rolled eyes in unison at his cousin’s words.
However, she noticed. “I’m kidding, guys. Relax.” She said before going away. 
You lifted the baby softly so he could hear your words. “Cura, cura, cura. Sana todo lo que llevas. Que tus abuelos están contigo y sus espíritus te protegen.” It was an incantation to wash away the energy of the brother’s cousin, you didn’t want it sticking around where it didn’t belong. No one heard, but they did see you and questioned you. When asked what the hell you were doing, you shrugged. 
“Que te valga madre, ¿no?” 
When you fully lifted your gaze, the Sams were already heading towards you and the older brother had already stood besides you. 
“Hey, let me see the little guy.”
“That’s alright I got it.” You said firmly. 
Samuel smiled. “What do you think I’m gonna do?”
There it was, your ice cold eyes again. “I don’t know. What do you think you’re gonna do?”
“You don’t want an answer to that question.” Dean backed you up. 
“Well, I’m curious. Who exactly do you think we are?” Christian asked from his chair. 
“Hunters.” You both answered. But that didn’t matter because his response was only directed to the one on your right side. 
“Funny. Here i thought we were family.”
“Hey, let’s not get worked up.” Sam started. 
“Yeah, let’s not.” His cousin finished before directing his attention to something else. 
“Here, Y/N, it’s fine.” He neared you and looked at you. “Let me take him. It’s okay.”
“Heh, well you’ll have to rip him off of my arms.” You didn’t move. You stood your ground because stepping back would’ve ment intimidation and you weren’t intimidated you were furious. 
“Y/N.” Sam said quietly.
“No, don’t talk that bullshit to me. What do you want him for? Hm? Tell me, give me a good reason why you want me to hand him and I will.”
The room fell silent, more than it already was. You scoffed. “What you can’t think of a good one? He’s fine, he’s healthy, he isn’t injured. You want to take a look at him? Hear your words. Look. You can do that shit with your eyes, I don’t need to hand him over for that.”
Samuel, sighed, raising a hand to scratch the back of his neck. 
He’s nervous. The older brother heard your words in his head. His back shuddered, but when he turned to look at you he saw that your attention wasn’t directed at him. He didn’t even think you actually intended to talk to him. What did you said once? You tended to think loudly. 
“What are you gonna do with him?” The attention of the good ol’ Campbell shifted from you to his grandson. 
“Raise him.”
You scoffed. “Simón, wey. Esa ni tu te la crees.” 
“Raise him?”
“You got another suggestion?” 
“It’s dangerous out there for him.”
“What about in here? What are we gonna study him? Poke at ‘im?”
“Your mind goes right to torture, Dean. Don’t assume that for everyone.” 
“What exactly you’re tryna say?” Great, now you got two angry people. Good luck fighting us.
“Sorry, I heard what you majored in. Down in the pit.” Christian retorted.
“Ay, pinche puñetas! Que te valga madre, pinche cabron de mierda!”
“Sorry, I don’t speak mexican.” 
You gritted your teeth. “And I don’t speak bozo, yet here we are.” 
“The hell is your problem, man?”
His cousin stood up and walked directly towards you. “You’re starting to become a pain in my ass.” 
“Take it easy. They’re my family.” Sam stepped in. 
Christian took a look at you. “I’m not scared of fighting a girl.”
“Funny, I was going to say the same thing about you.” 
Dean gulped and looked at your eyes, they were no longer icy blue, they were pure red, as fire and blood. As if you could burst something into flames by just looking at it. 
“We’re done bristling up here or what? Nobody’s doing anything to him, guys. When he’s old enough we throw it to him.” Samuel spoke. “He wants to volunteer to help out, that’s fine.” 
“Could be great.” Mark added. 
“How?” You asked lowly. 
“Think of the kind of hunter he’ll grow up to be.” 
“Hm. See I didn’t see it before but now I do. Thank you for that, you’ve opened my eyes.” You said sarcastically. 
“You have to be joking! I mean, come on. You can’t Angelina Jolie a shapeshifter.”
“Why can’t you give me an inch of trust, Dean?”
“Y/N, give him the baby.” Mark commanded. 
“Uy, sí, mamón. Lo que usted ordene. Se me olvidaba que le tengo que hacer caso a cualquier pendejo que abra la boca.” 
“Maybe because you two are back from the dead and I seem to be the only one who wants to know how.”
“You’re not the only who wants to know.” Sam said softly. That took you off guard, it sounded so genuine yet only in that moment he felt honest. 
“Well, there’s too much of mystery in this family for me to get comfy.”
“Then don’t. But don’t put it on us. All we’re trying to do is invite you in. You too, young lady. You think we are some merciless hunters but we’ve been nothing but open to you. Christian, you’ve always wanted a baby, haven’t you?”
“I mean, yeah.” 
“Try to take him away from me and see what happens.”
Samuel scoffed. “What you think you can do better?”
“At raising him? Yeah, I do.”
“But didn’t you tell Sam that you didn’t want kids?” Gwen stepped in. 
“Well I changed my mind, sue me. One thing is for certain, I have a better chance. You guys are always on the run, always hopping from one town to another. You don’t have a steady income. I do. And I have a savings account with money enough to start a college fund. If you can’t say the same thing, leave the baby the fuck alone.” Your phone kept buzzing like crazy. Just a little bit more, he’s almost here. 
Everyone fell silent again. This was new to Dean. He had never seen you liked this but he always knew that you had a good way of shutting people the hell up with solid facts. 
Just when Samuel opened his mouth to respond, distant barks were heard and panic overflowed the room. 
You looked at Sam, only to find nothing but confusion. Then you turned to Dean, but he only dedicated you a panic look as well. You felt paralyzed, your body tensed and for the first time in years, you didn’t know what to do. Well, you did, but it was easier for you to think tit than to move your body. You had to blame it on the spell, it was making you slow and frightful, like an old person that had their foot more on the afterlife than on the material world
“Safe room.” Samuel said. He placed a hand on your shoulder and guided you towards a door. “It’s downstairs. The baby’s gonna be safe there, go! We got it, go!”
Loud clanks and footsteps echoed in the safe room where the four of you where at. 
“Come on, Bobby John, you’ve got to be quiet.” Dean cooed at him above of you. You still didn’t feel like handing him to someone else. 
“I’m gonna go check, you guys stay here.” Sam said, but as he looked through the window his image was mirrored and the shapeshifter yanked the door of it’s hinges. He took Sam by the collar, blocking his attack and threw him out of the room, knocking him out. He spotted you and began to walk towards your direction, getting rid of Dean in the process, making him blackout as well. . He then saw you and took your form. 
“Give me the baby.” 
“Took you long enough.” You whispered before handing them the babe. The shapeshifter gave you a thankful look as they carried the baby in his arms. They took a deep breath as they relaxed knowing that his keen was finally with them.  
“Thank you for calling us. And trusting us, Y/N. Thank you for taking care of him, we are in debt with you. It did making the tracking easier”
“There’s no need for that.” You sighed. “I’m only glad he’s safe. I was the only one who thought he was better with his kind.”
Your mirrored self gave you one last nod before walking away. Just as they were about to round the corner, they turned to you. 
“But you didn’t trust one of us before. What changed?” 
“Like I told him. All I needed was proof that he was the father. Now it doesn’t matter anymore. He has no one close to him left. I’m sorry for all the trouble, it wasn’t supposed to go like this.” 
They shrugged and as they walked away they said: “Make sure to make your injuries believable.” 
Yeah. You thought and sighed. That was going to hurt.
The rest of it went like you expected, lots of clean up and confusion. Dean asked about the shapeshifter alpha (which was the one tracking the baby) and his grandparent and Sam answered patiently. 
Now you where at the walk to the car, tending to your black eye, that you funnily gave yourself, while the brothers talked. 
“You know what’s funny.”
“Back there, the fight in the motel. That guy said that they had to be with their father. So maybe, he was talking about the alpha.”
“Uh, I guess so.” Sam said nonchalantly. 
“So you heard that?” 
“I don’t know, it was kind of a hot moment? Why?” He looked at his brother and then at you, but whatever he was searching for he didn’t find it.
“Because if you did know the alpha was out there and you knew they were looking for the baby, then that means you took the baby as bait.”
Sam fell silent but looked at his brother as he waited for the question. “So did you?”
“Did I what?”
“Took the baby as bait?”
“Of course not, Dean. I honestly thought Samuel was the best shot we got.”
The older Winchester looked at you for backup and his brother mimicked his action. 
“Ah no, a mí ni me miren, yo tengo mis propios problemas ahorita.” You pointed at your black eye and thankfully that made them take their eyes off of you. And the rest of the ride was silent as a tomb.
When you got back to your house, a tiny shadow was waiting for you, meowing. 
You sighed, relieved. “Schrödinger, hola gato guapo.”
“You have a message. It’s on the altar.” He walked you towards your coffee table, where you had mantled death’s altar. In the center, on top of the tarot death card, there was an envelope with a black wax seal, death’s seal. 
You sighed. “Always so fancy and proper, huesuda.” You opened the enveloped and unfolded the letter that was inside. It was a personal letter to basically tell you to be patient, she had a lot of work but as soon as she felt a space between her schedule she would gladly have a cup of coffee with you. 
“Great. I’ll have to make café de olla de aquí hasta que aparezca.” You clicked your tongue.
“At least she communicated with you.” Schrödinger said as he rubbed his body against your leg. You smiled and picked him up. “I missed you.”
“I missed you, too.”
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keybladeciel · 3 years
KHUX Week Day 5- Post Traumatic
Synopsis: Strelitzia copes with her near death experience. Ciel dives into to his girlfriend's heart and learns he isn't alone
Themes: Nightmares, PTSD
Warnings: Blood, Some Strong Language (Strelitzia's mouth may surprise you), PTSD, Violence, Fake Character Death. (It's a nightmare)
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Ciel found himself in a dark corridor. "Damn it, what the hell does this all mean?" He then notice that this was the same room Strelitzia was nearly killed in. "This must be her nightmare." The Nightmare Chirithy was absent. Ciel kept his guard up anyways owing to his astute nature. "Is that Ven? He's a bit off... aw, crap! He's a witness! Ven, fight the darkness!" Ciel attempted to warn Ven, but to no avail. He was in his girlfriend's nightmare. "Anyone there?" Strelitzia asked. She had no idea that she would be attacked. Ciel was now a witness to who truly attacked her and there wasn't a damn thing he could do about it. "STRELITZIA, RUN! GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE!" The nightmare wouldn't let him. He knew what was gonna happen.
Darkness attacked Strelitzia. They slashed her at the stomach and then impaled her with a Keyblade of darkness. Ven immediately tried to help, but was pushed out of the room along with the book. Ciel couldn't move in for a bit, but he resisted with all of his anger and hate. This was the first time he truly wanted to kill somebody. Strelitzia started to cry purely out of fear. "Lauriam... Celeste... CIEL!" This cry led Ciel to finally intervene. Without any words Ciel assumed an aggressive battle stance to let Darkness know that he is pissed. "WHAT YOU'VE DONE IS UNFORGIVABLE, YOU BASTARD!" Ciel screamed at the top of his lungs. He then charged at Darkness, entered Rage Form, and attacked not with his usual zen-like fury Lumieres usually have, but with tangible human rage. He was determined to kill Darkness. "I'll end this right here! Right now! I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" Before Ciel could finish the fight with a Zantetsuken, he was whisked away back to the real world.
Ven was afraid that Ciel might attack him due to his role. Ciel, while angry, did not attack Ven. "You didn't hurt her. Even in that hellish nightmare, you did your best to save her." He hugged Ven, well aware that Darkness was the one. Strelitzia checked her stomach for any wounds. She wasn't bleeding. Ciel checked himself in a mirror to ensure he wasn't bleeding. He had a minor nosebleed from re-entry, but he's fine. "It's the same nightmare. Ven, would you please leave the room?" Ven left the room, leaving only Ciel, Strelitzia, and Lauriam in the room.
"I'm going after the person responsible for the shit we suffered," Ciel said. Strong language was not his means of swearing, but his anger was still fresh. Strelitzia was crying. "Everytime I have that dream, I see blood on my dress, my hands, and I'm always laying down in a puddle of my own blood." Those images were shown. Strelitzia was bleeding to death in every nightmare she had... and there was always a Keyblade jammed into her ribcage or heart. Her dress, once a pristine white, was now a blood soaked red. Her hair was a mess and her pigtails were undone. Ciel's anger was rising along with Lauriam's. "It's always the same dream. It always ends in the same damn way! Strely walks in to the room and SHE ALWAYS DIES! AND THIS BASTARD IS OUT GLOATING THAT THEY NEARLY KILLED SOMEONE! SHE! DID NOT! ASK! FOR ANY! OF THIS SHIT! We need to do something now!" Ciel was fueled by his own anger. "Don't worry, we'll teach them a lesson they won't forget," Lauriam had assured Ciel. "It's always the same fucking nightmare, guys. Ven can't help me and Ciel intervenes when it's too late. Whenever I'm with you two, I feel calm. Ciel... don't die," Strelitzia said before she began crying. Ciel and Lauriam were shocked by the sudden use of the F-bomb from Strelitzia, let alone the fact that she is truly scared. "Did she just use-" "She used the F-bomb. If your sister EVER uses that level of cursing, she's got some serious shit she needs off of her chest. We need to do the right thing before history repeats itself and we all get a fracking Keyblade jammed into our chests." Ciel had made a point. Just then, Strelitzia began panicking. "No... I won't let somebody put another Keyblade into my ribs." "Strelitzia, it's okay. Ciel and I won't let anyone harm you as long as we're still alive." Darkness ran up to Ciel. Ciel was not having it. "Kill her and take her-" Ciel had other plans. "Hurt her or anyone I care about again and you will not live to ruin another day." Ciel casts a light spell strong enough to force Darkness out of the area. "Leave her the hell alone, Darkness." Ciel had his family's cold anger back in him and Lauriam is impressed by how deadly Ciel can be when pissed off. "That is the angriest I have ever seen you." "I was a screaming ball of rage like Celeste ends up being every time she's pissed off." The two boys took Strelitzia home. "We're both crutches for each other." "She wanted us to move in with you." "I could use a brother right now." Ciel and Lauriam ended their day with the move and some old fashioned root beer under Ciel's request. "Are you sure Celeste can handle her? The two broke up." "Ah, she's a sister to her now. You know how we big brothers operate when the little ones who come after us are in danger... and some of the bigger ones who came before."
(This is probably my bloodier entries for KHUX week and is among one of the darkest entries I made so far. The use of blood serves as how I'll treat the violence of the story when applied to humans. Rest assured, Arcadia Lost will have a well needed curse at least once per part. As for Strelitzia's F-bomb, she really needed it due to the fact that she nearly lost her life.)
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daxwritesstories · 5 months
College AU Part 9: Get Along With You
Content warning: violence, homophobic language, sexist language
Scene 1: Push
(Scene title by Marianas Trench)
INT. Hallway - Noon
Cyra is walking to one of her classes. She is about to go into the classroom when her phone rings. She stops and checks it. It's an unknown number. Curious, Cyra answers it.
CYRA: Hello?
INT. Roman's office - Noon
We cut to Roman sitting at his desk, holding his cell phone up to his ear.
ROMAN: Hey Cyra!
INT. Hallway - Noon
We cut back to Cyra. She smiles when she hears Roman's voice.
CYRA: Hi Roman! How did you get my number?
INT. Roman's office - Noon
Cut to Roman's office.
ROMAN: Uh...
Roman glances around the room, trying to come up with a lie.
ROMAN: Drew gave it to me. Hey, listen, I need you to come to my office.
INT. Hallway - Noon
Cut back to Cyra.
ROMAN (through the phone): Do you have a class right now?
Cyra looks at the door to her classroom. She contemplates her answer for a moment.
CYRA: No...
Cyra smiles and bites her lip as she listens to Roman.
ROMAN (through the phone): Perfect! I'll see you soon then?
INT. Roman's office - Noon
We cut back to Roman.
CYRA (through the phone): Okay! See you soon~
Roman smiles and hangs up. He looks over at someone off camera.
ROMAN: See? Easy.
We cut to a shot of Ace leaning against the office wall with his arms folded. He just rolls his eyes in response.
Scene 2: The First Punch
(Scene title by Pierce The Veil)
INT. Outside Roman's office - Noon
Cyra arrives at the door to Roman's office. She quickly fixes her hair before opening the door and walking in.
INT. Roman's office - Noon
CYRA: Knock knock~
Cyra freezes and her confident demeanor deflates when she sees Ace standing there.
CYRA: Ace.
Ace calmly looks Cyra up and down, but doesn't say anything.
ROMAN: Hey Cyra. Why don't you close the door?
Cyra gulps nervously, fighting to maintain her composure. She cautiously steps into the room and shuts the door behind her, not taking her eyes off either men.
CYRA: What's, uh, what's going on?
Roman stands up and gestures at Ace.
ROMAN: Ace wanted to talk to you.
Roman walks past Cyra towards the door. Cyra watches him as he stands in front of the door, blocking it. She nervously looks at Ace.
CYRA: What–
ACE: Who the fuck do you think you are?!
Cyra opens her mouth to speak but Ace doesn't give her a chance.
ACE: What made you think you could talk to Zayn like that?!
CYRA: I didn't mean–
ACE: You threatened him!
CYRA: I just lost my temper, okay? And he came up to me.
ACE: I don't give a fuck what your excuse is!
Cyra glances at Roman for help but he just watches as Ace yells at her.
ACE: You can't just go around threatening the guys I like because you feel like I owe you something. I don't owe you shit! You don't deserve my time or attention. I don't give a fuck that you're rich and I don't give a fuck who your daddy is!
Ace takes a few menacing steps toward Cyra as he speaks. Cyra looks at Roman again, a terrified expression on her face.
ACE: You're pissing me the fuck off and you need to be taught a lesson! And stop looking at Roman! He's not gonna fucking help you!
Cyra takes a step back in fear as Ace invades her personal space.
CYRA: Look, I didn't mean to–
ACE: Shut the fuck up!
Ace suddenly swings at Cyra and punches her in the arm. Cyra immediately grabs the spot where he hit her and takes another few steps backward. Ace follows her though. He swings at her again, this time hitting her in the stomach.
Cyra reflexively bends forward in pain, covering her stomach with her arms.
CYRA: Fuck, you're strong!
Ace grabs Cyra's arms and pulls them apart to expose her stomach again. He rams his knee into her stomach, eliciting a pained noise from her.
Before Cyra has any chance to recover, Ace throws her to the floor. She hits her head on a chair on the way down. She squeezes her eyes shut and holds the back of her head as she groans in pain.
ACE: What? Didn't think a fag could beat the shit out of you?
Roman laughs at Ace's comment. He's still standing in front of the door, just watching everything happen.
Ace sits on top of Cyra so she can't move. He starts throwing punches at her head, grabbing her arms when she tries to block him. He yells at her more, practically screaming at this point.
ACE: Don't ever fucking talk to Zayn again, you stupid bitch! Get that through your thick fucking skull! You stupid fucking cunt!
After punching her a few more times, Ace stands back up.
Thinking that it's over, Roman starts walking over. Before he can get to Cyra though, Ace holds his hand out. Roman stops immediately.
Cyra rolls over to curl up. Ace kicks Cyra a couple of times with a lot of force. Cyra whines but doesn't try to stop him.
ACE: I hope you actually learned your lesson this time.
Scowling, Ace turns around and heads for the door. He slams it behind him as he leaves the room.
ROMAN: I haven't seen him go off like that in years.
Roman leans down and holds his hand out to Cyra.
ROMAN: Come on. Get up.
Cyra rolls back over and we see her face, revealing that she has a black eye. She groans and puts her hand in Roman's.
Scene 3: Bruises & Bitemarks
(Scene title by Good With Grenades)
INT. Cyra & Celia's dorm - Afternoon
Cyra is alone in the dorm, standing in the bathroom with the door open. She is examining her black eye in the mirror, leaning over the sink to get a good look at it.
Delicately, she brushes her fingers over it. Her expression is unreadable, almost blank.
She breathes heavily as she runs her fingers back and forth over the bruise. She then bites her lip and her eyes roll up before fluttering shut.
We cut to a quick flashback of Ace lunging at Cyra in Roman's office.
When we cut back to Cyra in her bathroom, she lets out a shaky sigh. She opens her eyes and admires her black eye in the mirror.
The door opens and we hear Celia's voice.
CELIA: Cyra?
Cyra glances at the bathroom door.
CELIA: There you are!
Celia walks over to the bathroom.
CELIA: Why didn't you come to the–
Celia stops in her tracks when she sees Cyra's face in the mirror. Cyra just keeps staring at herself, fascinated by the injury.
CELIA: Oh my god, are you okay? What happened?
Cyra smiles and turns around to face Celia. She responds in a proud tone.
CYRA: I got into a fight!
CELIA: Cyra! That's dangerous!
Celia grabs both of Cyra's hands.
CELIA: Who did you even get in a fight with?
CYRA: Just some rando who was pissing me off.
CELIA: Cyra! You're not supposed to do this anymore. Look what happened to you!
Celia lets go of Cyra's hands and gently strokes her thumb across Cyra's cheekbone.
CYRA: I know. But I can't help it sometimes. And besides...
Cyra turns away from Celia and looks in the mirror again.
CYRA: Don't you think it's kind of pretty?
Celia giggles and shakes her head.
CELIA: People are gonna think someone's beating you.
Cyra reaches into her makeup bag and hands Celia a blending sponge.
CYRA: Help me cover it up then.
Still smiling, Celia sighs and takes the sponge.
Scene 4: Get Along With You
(Scene title by Kelis)
INT. Ace & Zayn's dorm - Morning
Zayn is alone in the dorm. He's standing in front of the mirror, trying on different snap-backs.
There is a knock on the door and Zayn looks over at it, confused. He puts the hat he's holding back on the shelf, next to all his other hats, then goes to answer the door.
When Zayn opens the door, Cyra is standing there. She looks nervous, holding her hands close to her chest.
ZAYN: Cyra?
CYRA: Hey... Can we talk?
Zayn hesitates before replying.
ZAYN: Are you gonna throw things at me again?
CYRA: No...
Zayn sighs.
ZAYN: Alright. Come in.
We cut to Zayn sitting on the edge of his bed while Cyra paces.
CYRA: Um, I... I came to apologize. I shouldn't have yelled at you the other day. That was mean.
Cyra seems unsure of what she's saying, clearly struggling to apologize.
CYRA: A-and I'm sorry for throwing a drink at you. I don't know why I did that.
Zayn raises an eyebrow at Cyra but doesn't say anything.
CYRA: I mean I do have some anger issues but I've really been trying my best to get better over the last couple of years. Like, I have bipolar so I have trouble managing my emotions.
Cyra is getting progressively more anxious as she talks. She fidgets with her hands and her pacing gets faster.
CYRA: Not– not that that's an excuse! I'm just, um, trying to explain why I did that, I guess... T-the point is that I'm sorry.
Cyra stops rambling and pacing for a moment and waits for a response, but Zayn is still quiet.
CYRA: Please say something.
Zayn snickers.
CYRA: What?
ZAYN: You're really bad at apologies.
Cyra's hands fall to her sides and she frowns.
CYRA: Hey! I'm trying my best here.
Zayn laughs.
ZAYN: Okay, okay. I forgive you.
Cyra is caught off guard by that.
CYRA: Really?
ZAYN: Well, I wasn't even expecting an apology in the first place, so I appreciate it. And I wasn't mad that you yelled at me, mostly just upset that you ruined my shirt.
CYRA: How were you not mad? I screamed at you for no reason.
ZAYN: I don't know, I think you had a reason. You're crazy about Ace, right?
CYRA: Well... yeah. Aren't you?
ZAYN: I am. I'm, like, losing my mind over him. It's scary. I'm not used to feeling this way. Especially not about... someone like him.
Cyra looks down at the floor, conflicted and ashamed. She backs up to the wall and slides down it, sitting with her knees up and her hands on her forehead.
CYRA: Damn...
ZAYN: What's wrong?
CYRA: I didn't even, like, think about how you felt. I guess I just assumed you weren't that serious about him.
Cyra makes a frustrated noise.
CYRA: I hate this.
Zayn gives Cyra a confused look.
ZAYN: You hate that... you understand how I feel?
CYRA: Yes! Look, I don't usually fight this hard for people. Normally I would just give up and move on to someone else. It's never been worth the effort. But I've never felt this way about someone before. I don't know what it is. I don't even know him that well.
ZAYN: It sounds like we're in the same boat.
CYRA: You know him better than I do.
ZAYN: No, I mean it doesn't sound like he's your usual, um, type either.
Cyra snorts out a laugh.
CYRA: Well, I've never met a guy like him before.
ZAYN: Me neither.
The pair fall silent. Cyra breathes a heavy sigh.
CYRA: I'm not gonna give up.
Zayn snickers.
ZAYN: Look, man, I can't control what you do. Just please don't throw stuff at me anymore.
Cyra glances at Zayn thoughtfully.
0 notes
I don't think louis looks genuinely at peace or happy during any of his promo. Obviously not with anything Eleanor-related, because no matter what words he says or if they manage to smile in a couple of pap shots, it's always going to be joyless. Maybe because he's so focused on hitting his talking points, maybe it's all the lies or the way he is controlling his body language even more, but even at his most relaxed there is just a tense unhappy undertone to the way he carries himself
My first point in response to this is - why would he look genuinely at peace during promo? Do you look genuinely at peace during most of your work day? Promo is one of the most intense ‘on’ parts of being a musician.  Genuinely at peace, even genuinely happy, is the wrong thing to be looking for when it comes to any artist and promo.
But more than that what bothers me about this ask is the fact that Louis looks unhappy or tense is treated as something strange.  That Eleanor is thrown out as an explanation.  His mother died - 2016 would have been impossibly hard for him and 2017 can’t be any easier.  I’m sure he still has moments of joy and satisfaction, but asks like this amount to a complaint that he’s not performing ‘happy’ enough for fans, even though we now know how hard his life has been.
I see a lot of asks that suggest that Louis is unhappy and Louis must be unhappy because of what bothers the asker the most (usually Eleanor, always some aspect of being closeted, or his label).  I also see responses that talk about various signs that he’s OK - that he’s making music that he wants - that hanging out with Eleanor once every few months is not going to ruin his life.  I understand why people respond like that, but I don’t think those are the options.
Louis is not OK.  People aren’t OK in the year after their mother dies.  No member of One Direction is OK.  Even the more cursory study of the history of boyband members shows that being in a boyband fucks with you.  Boyband members since the Beatles have had eating disorders, drug addiction and mental health problems.  One Direction aren’t magically going to have magically escaped that.  If you look at Louis and think “he’s tense and unhappy” there must be something specific causing that - you are in denial about the reality of the work he has done for the last seven years and the known effect of it on his body. 
I think the appropriate reactions of fans in the face of this knowledge is to step back.  To accept that things aren’t necessarily amazing for all members of One Direction, but also that we’re not owed the details.  
For me, the lesson of the last year of being a One Direction fan has been ‘we have no idea what’s going on.  We don’t have any idea about many of the things that are most important to them as people.’  I think it’s both important and possible to acknowledge that they have messy complicated lives with sources of joy and pain and also that those parts of their lives are theirs to share or not share as they choose.  
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Ali & Marlene
Ali: Hey babe, sorry I missed rehearsal, know you rocked it regardless  💋 Marlene: Kind of need our lead singer to do that. Instrumental wasn't the vision for the track, babygirl Marlene: Where did you have to be? We could've rescheduled Ali: I know, I know, my bad! Make it up to you Ali: Ugh, got detention, didn't I Ali: don't even get me started on that Marlene: Make it up to me alone or me and the band? Marlene: Little rebel Marlene: Can't have you getting in more trouble by ditching, can we? Marlene: I'll add in another rehearsal, the girls won't mind Ali: Why not both? Ali: Come over and I'll record the vocals for you Ali: You know it boo 👩🏼‍🎤 Ali: Exactly, even though I'm fully staging a protest tomorrow Marlene: That's my girl Marlene: I'll be there front and centre, lending my voice to the movement Ali: Aww, so supportive Ali: cute 😉 Ali: I've rallied all the usual suspects so it shouldn't be a flop Ali: we have the allotted hours, like, if they fail to control us in 'em, why add more, yeah? pointless, where's the logic Marlene: Making me so proud to have you on my arm Ali: As you should be Ali: Though that arms not bad 💪 Marlene: I wouldn't be the best bassist in this shithole if it was Ali: One track mind 😏 SUCH a bassist Ali: don't you ever break that focus? Marlene: It has been known Marlene: For the right girl Ali: Introduce me to her some time, yeah? Ali: Get some tips Marlene: You know her pretty well Marlene: The name's Alison, like the song Ali: So soft Ali: Still say we do a Elvis Costello and Dolly mashup Ali: idc what you say, Jolene is a bop and you need to own it Marlene: If I can hear you do an original Elvis cover, I'll think about it Ali: Fine, I'll happily sing about myself all day Ali: can even get the accent down, thanks Ma Marlene: I'll be waiting for that Marlene: The girls are asking if you need posters or anything else for the protest? Anything to stick around and drink more Ali: Patience, babe Ali: Gotta save these pipes for the protest Ali: Feel free to go for their lives, like Ali: Bear in mind if they use too many expletives, the School ain't gonna listen tho Ali: creative language, not colourful, ladies Marlene: No promises on getting them to dial back the reclaimed slurs Marlene: But we'll leave off calling the teachers the cunts they are Marlene: For you, our glorious leader Ali: 🙇 down Ali: I'll take it, they're not going to go anywhere near hate speech vibes, too risky Marlene: Tempting offer Marlene: I'll take you up on it when we're alone Ali: Yeah? Gonna skip rehearsal more often then Marlene: For revolution and no less, babe Marlene: But I have missed you Ali: The revolution's always rolling, babe Ali: I can't stop the wheels of change, you know Marlene: I know you want me to make a rock and roll pun Marlene: But I refuse Ali: Boooooo 👎 Ali: too punk for me now? Marlene: Not gonna quote a dead white man either, not even Lennon Marlene: You're still my little punk princess, you know Ali: Throw some Yoko craziness at me Ali: 👑 Marlene: Keeping it back so the protest won't flop. Can't let it Ali: Sure, you just don't wanna get on the rooftop with your mates Ali: someone'd fall, or get pushed 😂 Marlene: Not me or you Marlene: With these arms we're safe Ali: 🔫 pew pew Ali: they wanna try me, bitch Marlene: We should fill up supersoakers for those who are anti our message Marlene: Piss on their negativity in a literal sense Ali: not with actual piss, right? Marlene: You have to start thinking punk rock, babe Ali: I am not pissing into a supersoaker Ali: not dying to prove my aim is as good as a man's like Ali: you do you, babe but I'll leave it at good old fashioned water Marlene: Now who's deserving the boos and jeers Marlene: So regal of you Ali: what can i say? my idea of a good time isn't pissing on my own hands Ali: crazy, i know 😉 Marlene: How true my love is Marlene: Any time's a good time with my baby Ali: 💙 Ali: forreal tho, what are we doing this weekend Marlene: There are a few parties Ali: where Ali: i wanna go as far away as poss Marlene: They're local, usual suspects Marlene: We can do something else Ali: Think of something better, yeah Ali: I'm sick of the locals at the mo Marlene: I'll come back to you with a plan Ali: 💋 Ali: that's my girl Marlene: What am I good for if I can't take you away from this shithole? Marlene: Not like it's that hard Ali: You got your license, 'til I got mine I'm at your beck and call, like Ali: Your Ma will be cool, yeah? Doesn't need to be long, just long enough to breathe Marlene: I'll make a deal with her Marlene: Name drop you since she's a fan Ali: Such a parent pleaser 😇 Marlene: If you sang it she'd do anything you say Marlene: Thinks you've got the voice of an angel for sure Ali: Aww, what a babe Ali: like mother like daughter 😏 Marlene: She had her moments of hell raising Marlene: Would to this day if it was possible Ali: Imma ask her all about it when I see her Ali: fo'sho Marlene: That'd make her happy Ali: Who doesn't love being scandalous? Marlene: Whoever gave you detention Ali: Give you three guesses 😑 Marlene: I don't need them Marlene: Most are in your fan club too Ali: Exactly Ali: Don't teach R.S. if you can't handle healthy debate Marlene: Yeah. We live in Dublin not a dictatorship Ali: Honestly Ali: Some people really wanna take it back to the troubles Ali: Shouldn't have said as much but chill, dude Marlene: Freedom of speech, babe Marlene: I've lost count of how many teachers I've called homophobes Marlene: Gotta speak up Ali: True Ali: you are a bit quick on the draw sometimes, like Marlene: I'm not letting them get away with it Ali: Just sayin', plenty of reasons to give you dirty looks, babe, not all of 'em that you're gay 😜 Marlene: I'm a perfect gentleman and you know it Ali: True Ali: You don't look it tho Marlene: You don't look like a rebel queen Marlene: And yet Ali: I know looks are deceiving, tell it to the homophobes, babe 😏 Ali: also you gotta stop with the compliments 😾 Marlene: But everyone's clearing out. It's the perfect time to shower you with them Marlene: Where do you wanna be? Here or there Ali: When bae only sweet talks you when their mates aren't about Ali: SUCH a fuckboy, darling 💋 Marlene: You know what I was getting at, darling Marlene: We can be alone finally Marlene: But only if you're in the mood Ali: I'll come over Ali: as much as my Ma is also a fan, just yours like, not so much mine Marlene: Let me pick you up Marlene: It's too dark for that shit Ali: Nah, I wanna walk Ali: gotta burn off the energy I didn't get to rock out Marlene: Hold your keys since you won't take my knife off me Ali: Don't worry Ali: My Da beat you to the self-defense lesson, like Ali: I'm sweet Marlene: If I'm not there to protect you, I'm bound to worry Ali: You worry too much, baby Ali: Good thing I'm coming to take all your cares away Ali: and I've got bud, naturally 🚬 Marlene: And I hid some drinks from the vultures Ali: Party of two 😘 Marlene: When you get here. Until you do I'm sitting on the floor alone writing shitty songs about you Ali: Try and write a good one, will ya? Not having it bandied about that I'm a shit muse 😉 Ali: you could never Ali: gonna play for me when I get there? Marlene: Been trying since I met you, babygirl Marlene: It's not you, it's me Ali: Nah Ali: there's a hit in there, I just gotta try harder Ali: as you're so anti-establishment, your brain is noping on writing a bop that everyone will love Marlene: I want you to love it Marlene: You're the one it's for Ali: I'm excited to hear Ali: assuming I don't get shanked on the way by the big bad wolf Marlene: Your tragic early death isn't the inspiration I want or need Ali: Tell it to the TV writers, hun Ali: angry protest song #765 Marlene: I'll sing you my shitty song and you can die laughing Ali: Never Ali: cross my heart Marlene: And fingers that I can patch together a chorus that doesn't make me wanna die before you get here Ali: 🤞 Ali: I have faith enough for two Marlene: As an angel, you kind of have to bring it Ali: No pressure 😓 Marlene: I'm more than okay with you lacking it, stick it to your detention giver over again Marlene: And I love you, so forgiven most sins Ali: A benevolent Goddess you are Marlene: Modeled on the original lesbian in the sky Ali: Debated theology enough today to live and let live on that one babe Marlene: Promise I'll save the angry lesbian god essay recital for another night Ali: You're a doll 💋 Ali: Oh, hold up, I see my ex Ali: ready for this awkward convo in 3 2 Ali: brb Marlene: Bet you want me to pick you up now, don't you? Ali: [15 mins later] Ali: That was wild Marlene: What the fuck, Ali Marlene: I was about to start searching for you Ali: Soz, more chatty than I remember Ali: only gone at got someone pregnant hasn't he Marlene: Dodged a bullet Ali: Tell me about it Ali: Still out on the town tryna get some though Ali: is that the new come on? I'm fertile! Marlene: In this town, likely Marlene: Which ex is it? Ali: #4 good drugs, bad teeth Ali: the one who lowkey stalked me after and my brother had to smack him one Ali: good times, unexpected detour down memory lane there but got us some freebies so Marlene: It took 15 mins to get what you're owed, how long does he take over customers who aren't his stalked exes Marlene: bad business is what you should've called him Marlene: Or manners Ali: names are definitely open to workshopping Ali: he had to show me the scan pics, duh Marlene: Had to do the whole come on Marlene: fucking pig Ali: Bless Ali: have your fun whilst you still can, kid Marlene: not with my girlfriend Ali: don't worry babe, got the drugs for free free Ali: not suck my dick free Marlene: Are you gonna be here soon Marlene: I can still bring the car Ali: Yeah, I'll get a wriggle on Ali: 5 minutes if I run Marlene: If you don't run into any more exes first Ali: cities littered with 'em Marlene: If you didn't date men you could stay friends with them Ali: why would I wanna do that? Ali: I've seen your dyke drama, a no thank you Marlene: I don't have dyke drama Marlene: You're the one trying to avoid the awkward Ali: 😏 Ali: I don't care, its funny Ali: he wasn't that bad, really Ali: don't need to add every ex to my inner circle though, that's a madness Marlene: He stalked you Marlene: He's an asshole Ali: Not properly Ali: Just had issue letting go as fast as I did, who can blame him 😘 Marlene: It's not funny, Ali, it's fucked Ali: So serious 😾 Ali: It ain't like he locked me in his basement, I get to decide how fucked it was or wasn't Marlene: You get to brush it under the carpet too, doesn't make it right Ali: 🙄 you're as bad as my mother Marlene: maybe she's got a point Ali: Ugh, don't need to point score, she already likes ya, babe Ali: he's just a stupid kid, not fucking Bundy, yeah, let's chill Marlene: He doesn't have to be Bundy to be held accountable, babe Marlene: He's gonna be someone's dad Marlene: What the fuck Ali: for what? being a bit of a prick at 16 Ali: s'not a crime, last time I checked Marlene: it doesn't have to be Marlene: Lads think they can do whatever they want Marlene: They can't and shouldn't Ali: Nah, this isn't a soap box moment, babe Ali: we all do things we know are wrong, and ain't proud of Ali: 'cos of how we're feeling Ali: Honestly, not a big deal Ali: and not an exclusively male thing, that's a crock of shit Marlene: If I was heavy handed with one of my exes I'd get so much shit Marlene: He gets boys will be boys Marlene: It's not a big deal because you're making excuses for him Ali: From who? The lesbian mafia? Ali: Straight girls are INSANE Ali: way worse than #4 was ever Ali: I'm not gonna burn him at the stake for something I don't believe in Marlene: Straight girls are a whole other subject Marlene: Last I checked you didn't have any of them as exes so no really the point Ali: That you know of Marlene: I know about every one of your exes Ali: Okay, Liam Neeson Ali: can't be calling out stalkers when you're breathing down the phone like that 😂 Marlene: You're not funny Ali: I am though Ali: but I ain't coming over if you're gonna be such a downer Marlene: Are you serious? Marlene: Your jokes are so bad I can't tell Ali: Duh Ali: Killing my vibe, babe Marlene: You're basically here Ali: So? Ali: I can keep walking into this dark night Marlene: So come in Marlene: I'm sorry, baby Ali: You promise you're gonna stop being lame? Marlene: Cross my heart Ali: Okay, lemme in then
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