#dont remember if weve talked about it on here?
oh shit. completely forgot about namehunting....
#HGGGGGGHHHGFHFFFFHHHHGHH.............................(<-sigh)#- ryan#dont remember if weve talked about it on here?#doing it anyways#we changed our body name at school just over a year ago (end of last school year)#we had been using it online elsewhere (japanese) for about half a year at that point and we liked it#both in text and out loud (in voice chats etc)#but it ended up not fitting at all in english#plus everyone consistently mispronounced it#esp combined with the midwestern accent it sounded like a different name which was dysphoric#and oh boy story time. there was this one guy who just acted very...weird about names in general#it was apparent he had no ill intent#but he was very over-the-top and itrritatingly apologetic about remembering names. for everyone really#and for us specifically on multiple accounts he would ask if his pronunciation was correct#and tell us to like. teach him the “proper pronunciation” and stuff#even though we repeatedly told him that we don't give a shit#like we don't owe a fucking language lesson to you????#if you're an english monoglot you just can't hear the tones or phonemes that aren't in english#you're not special for not being able to pronounce it “correctly”#and if a native speaker just tells you to drop the topic YOU FUCKING DROP IT.#but he didn't. the first time it took us actually yelling at him and a teacher intervening for him to give up#later times it was easier to get him to stop#anyways... glad we're out of school so we don't have to deal with him#but dear god we're NOT choosing an english name#but at the same time namehunting for japanese is such a hassle.....#because there's 1) the reading. 2) the kanji meanings. 3) the kanji stroke number for fortune reasons#all separately from each other#in addition to something that will work well enough in english#it's not as easy as alter names because we can change those much more easily#and we can just go by alter vibes and any kanji that looks cool etc
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g1ngerbeer · 6 months
can u share ur tenmartha playlist/song recs for them !!! (i have demons manifesting in my mind so heavily )
here u go :) only 10 songs long and 4 of them are will wood...if u cant tell i dont listen to that much music lol. to compensate for this i am severely brain fungus abnormal all 10 of them
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ethicstownpod · 2 years
This has a point - bear with me! I turned twenty-two a non-specified number of days ago. I was at work. My colleagues, upon learning this, got me a card and a cake and threw me a party before our DnD game. They put all this together in the span of my right hour shift; I've only worked there six months. My colleagues are some of my favourite people in the whole world.
My flatmate loves tiktok, an app I despise. But every day she saves rat videos, and then shows them to me when I get home from work/class. My other flatmate once hand-drew me wrapping paper of a hideous little cartoon man because he knew it would make me laugh.
My cousin, who’s eight, always asks everyone else if they want to play with his X-box before he does. There’s a girl in my class who always stops people on the way out to tell them she really liked the points they were making in discussions that day. Every discord server I’ve ever been in has a channel for sharing pictures of your pet. I’ve never met a person who doesn’t want to brag about their friends. I love when you make a baby laugh on the bus, so they try to make you laugh in return.
And now the point! The point is that I think people are so good. So unbelievably, fundamentally good. And I want to write people like that. Even when they’re not being actively good, there’s So Much Good inside of them. There are so many wonderful people in my life, I feel I would be doing them a disservice by not portraying just how amazing people can be.
#writing#positivity#ethics town#writeblr#podcast#and for ppl who like reading tags here's a nice story about rhys (january rhys)#the first time we met he asked me what i wanted to do#like as a job#and usually i dont tell ppl or lie bc its embarrassing but i thought 'this is such a nice boy and and ill never see him again#(lolllll) may as well tell him' so i did#and he was like 'wow thats so neat i bet youd be good at that ppl could do with that my friend does that you should talk!'#yknow bc hes adorable#anyway its like 2 1/2 months later were at a mutual friends b-day. weve spoken about like 1 work thing in the interim bc#rhys aint big on discord and i really have no need to be talking to cast most of the time and like we dont really know each well tbh#but he asks me how my thing i want to do for a job is going and for just a second i genuinely think im going to cry#ive never told ANYONE i wanna do this before. so ive never been asked about this before. and more than that this was a maybe three minute#conversation we had amidst a 50 hour w/ 3 hours of sleep weekend during which time many more interesting topics were covered#why and how tf he remembered that will always be lost on me. but i said 'yeah slow but its happening' and he said 'good i hope you do it'#and then i segued wildly before i did cry at someone elses party#anyway ppl are so great#just so so unbelievably great#there isnt really an end to that story the thing i wanna do takes a reeeeally really long time#buuuuut rhys and i are actual friends now (in case you cant tell by the Everything i say about him lol). which is nice
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hearts4golbach · 9 months
could u do johnnie guilbert smut? maybe with him being sub? like whimpering and shit 💀 idk how else to explain lmao 😭
Disco Stick. (Johnnie Guilbert x Fem!Reader.)
warning: consensual sex under the influence of alcohol.
im not sure if all of this is true so if its not pretend it is!
The club was definitely not my first choice of entertainment, but it'd do. Me and F/n pulled up to the most popular club near us, hoping we'd meet new guys to spice up our boring lives.
we got in surprisingly quick and went to find somewhere to sit and get drinks. we settled on the bar, sitting in the very far corner so we wouldnt bother anyone. I ordered my usual while f/n decided not to drink at all so she could drive us home. sadly, next time id be designated driver.
"its boring over here, once you get your drink lets go walk around or something." she offered, sipping her sprite.
i nodded in agreement. shorty after, i finally got my drink and we got up to walk around. i sipped on my drink as we began to walk into a crowd. i was worried id spill it. i pushed through a couple people carefully, making not to disturb anyone. 2 guys with black hair stood in front of me, i began to swerve around them before one turned around, bumping into me. luckily, my drink didnt get spilt.
"shit, i am so sorry." i heard an old, oddly familiar voice apologize.
"its all good," i looked up to see his face. "no fucking way, johnnie? do you remember me from chemistry?"
excitement twinkled in his eyes as he smiled. "yeah, you were the best lab partner i ever had. how could i forget?"
"i remember you too!" jake said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.
"sorry, jake! how could i forget you, you always made chemistry genuinely funny!"
"junior year chem was the shit with the 3 of us!" johnnie added as he giggled.
"we should catch up! ill buy you 2 a drink!" i yell over the blaring music.
"im down." he grinned. i grabbed his hand and we walked back to the bar, f/n and jake behind us.
as we sat back down, i introduced them to f/n. "this is f/n, she didnt go to the same highschool as us but we went to middle school together and weve been friends ever since."
jake shook her hand and johnnie waved. "im jake, and this is johnnie." he said, tilting his head towards johnnie.
"hey! its nice to meet you guys." she smiled sweetly.
we spent a couple more hoirs drinking and reminiscing over all of the awkward but funny moments we had together. the three of us were the chemistry group as people would say. although we fucked off a lot, all of us ended with a 95% or higher because we made that class bearable. id rather not talk about my other grades, though.
by the time we were leaving, me and johnnie were drunk as fucking sailors. we held onto eachother, stuck like glue as we giggled over everything. we frequently tripped, unsure of our footing causing f/n or jake to help us regain our shared balance. i had my arm wrapped around his shoulders and the other holding onto the arm that was wrapped around my waist. me and johmnie clicked, just like old times.
f/n and jake threw us in the backseat. johnnie laid his head on my shoulder and i rested my head on top of his. i was nearly asleep before i was awoken by johnnie gagging loudly. "ew, what the fuck was that about?" i slurred.
"i felt like it." he laughed. i rolled my eyes and got out of the car as we parked. i dragged johnnie out behind me and gripped onto him the same way i had before.
while i was drifiting off, f/n and jake had decided theyd just stay the night at our apartment. me and johnnie were estatic about our sleepover. "why dont we just share your bed?" he smiled and laughed, making his eyes squint.
i sighed contently. "that sounds amazing. you can be my pillow." i smiled sweetly.
"of course." johnnie slurred, following me into my room.
"goodnight, lovebugs, sleep tight." f/n teased while jake ooo'd from the living room.
i laughed at her comment and laid in bed next to johnnie. he looked deeply into my eyes, looking like he had something to say but holding back. but i knew what he wanted to say, and i wanted to say it too. "i was in love with you all throughout highschool." i confessed.
"really?" his face brightened, "i was, too. theres not a day where you dont cross my mind, still." he admitted.
"me too, i was so scared to reach out. i wish you said something before we graduated." i frowned.
"me too." he whispered, his eyes flickering down to my lips then back up into my eyes. his blue eyes pierced through mine, making my insides turn to mush.
we gazed into eachothers eyes for a solid minute before i leaned in and kissed him. he immediately kissed me back, grabbing my waist and pulling me in. it was passionate and needy, making chills run down my spine. i pressed into him, wanting more. his tongue swiped my bottom lip. i ran my fingers through his hair before flipping us over and sitting on top of him. his hands carefully slid down to my ass, giving it a gentl squeeze before moving down to grip my thighs.
johnnie pulled back. "is this okay?" he asked, breathing heavily.
i nodded fast, pulling him back in. i grinded down onto his hard member, making him whimper quietly into my mouth. he began to take off my shirt, breaking the kiss long enough that i could get his off, too. i lazily unbuttoned his pants, not bothering to break the kiss. i felt his hot breath heavy on my face. i pulled his jeans down just enough so i could see his boxers.
"fuck, y/n," johnnie whispered, pulling my shorts and underwear off from under my skirt. he didnt bother removing it.
i desperately oulled his boxers down, revealing his hardened cock. i bit my lip as i looked up at him. "youre okay with this, right?"
"yes, please, i need you so bad." johnnie moaned quietly, gripping my hips as i
lined up my entrance with his tip.
i slowly began to sit, just as eager to feel him inside of me as he was. "you dont know how long ive wanted to do this, pretty boy. fuck, you feel so good." i moaned, leaning down to kiss his neck, i sucked and bit, leaving dark hickeys all over his neck and chest.
his fingertips left prints in my hips, which were most likely going to bruise in the morning but the pressure was perfect. he melted under my touch, whimpereing curses under his breath.
i sped up the pace, whispering sweet nothings in his ear. "youre so amazing," i moaned, placing my hands on his chest and tracing his tattoos.
"fuck, if you keep doing that im going to cum even quicker." he admitted, throwing his head back and biting down onto his lip.
i swiftly bounced on his cock, moaning and praises filled the room. "you fuck me so good." i tell johnnie, making his cock twitch inside of me.
"im going to cum," he whimpered and moaned, squeezing his eyes shut.
"cum with me, johnnie." i cursed under my breath.
my body tensed as i felt my stomach swirl and knot. i hit my climax, slowly riding his dick to help him ride out his high as well. he pulled out and came all over my stomach. "fuck." he said one last time, his body going limp.
i dropped down next to him, pulling the covers over our naked bodies. "i needed that so bad." i admitted before placing a soft kiss on his lips.
wrapped in eachothers arms, we slept like rocks.
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its-no-biggie · 9 months
thinking about. yoohankim body swap......
mild novel spoilers ahead but no big story moments or anything just. brief mentions of skills they get later and such
okay so weve got 2 options here, right (well technically theres 6 ways to arrange 3 objects but. if we assume each of them swaps into someone else. theres 2). first one. kdj -> yjh, yjh -> hsy, hsy -> kdj. right off the bat - extremely funny. kdj in yjhs body having the time of his life (i am the protagonist!!), but also adjusts fairly quickly bc like. hes done this before. hsy in kdjs body is a menace. immediately rummaging through his pockets. everyone is unsettled by unreadable normalguy kdj making hsys evil little gremlin expressions. and yjh in hsys body is like. immediately getting bullied because his menacing aura does not work at all in hsys 5 foot frame. kdj-as-yjh is picking him up by the scruff of the neck and all he can do is glare murderously
second arrangement. kdj -> hsy, hsy -> yjh, yjh -> kdj. i think i like this one less but lets see. yjh as kdj is pretty good, i think yjh would be disgruntled no matter who he swaps bodies with but since the 2 of them are on such even footing in the narrative, i think actually spending time in kdjs weak pathetic body would make him lose some respect for him lmfao. like "what have you been doing all this time that your body is in such poor shape. pathetic." hsy as yjh is extremely salty about how op he is. muttering about cliches under her breath. definitely uses her new power to relentlessly bully kdj (omg wait that means hsys body is getting harassed by yjhs body in both scenarios..... what can i say. shes the perfect size to be bothered. the only reason she isnt bothered more in canon is because of her sharp teeth - i stand by this). kdj as hsy is. unremarkable i think. loudly complains about how much shorter he is now just to piss her off. finds an unholy amount of candy in her pockets and publicly shames her about it until she points yjhs sword at him and he shuts up real quick.
honestly i think both of these scenarios have great potential for physical comedy though. they all have such different mannerisms and such different appearances that reshuffling them is always gonna be striking. i need to draw it.....
okay lets talk logistics. do they keep all their skills or do the skills stay with the body? they probably keep them, although it might be more interesting to have like. physical skills like swordfighting and whatnot stay with the body. so if they get stuck like that for a while and end up fighting in each others bodies they kinda have to adapt to the bodies skills and fighting style. could be fun! hmmm that kinda leaves whoevers in kdjs body in the lurch though, since all his skills are mental..... and then kdj has a massive advantage, because surely the bookmark skill gets a boost if hes literally in the body of the person hes copying. so perhaps they keep all their skills - hsys avatar skill in yjhs protagonist body would be pretty op. and yjh has so many skills that he could make anything work - he might end up ripping kdjs body to shreds though lmfao. also im not sure if we get much of kdj using hsy as a bookmark in the novel? i actually dont remember an instance of it, although i can see him wanting to steal predictive plagiarism so it may have happened and i just forgot. but anyway kdj as hsy using bookmark + avatar, and then hsy as yjh also using avatar is an INSANE combo. two man army. and then theres kdjs body there like *struggling to hold up a sword* "i am yoo joonghyuk......" *passes out* LMAO sorry kdj i know youre not that pathetic its just so funny to imagine the protagonists sheer power literally destroying your fragile salaryman body from the inside out.
omg also. if the swap lasts more than a few minutes theyre DEFINITELY getting their weapons and coats back from their bodies. black coat hsy...... wait omg. okay i know kdjs coat is like a high grade magic item that changes size with him. not sure if yjhs is the same but allow me for a moment - yjh-as-hsy trying to look menacing (already failing) but his coat is way too big. its dragging on the floor. the sleeves cover his hands. 😭😭😭😭 its so ridiculous...... other notable combos - white coat hsy (head in hands). hsy-as-yjh gets yjhs coat stolen from her which means the protagonist physique is on full display - she makes a comment about how WoS should have made more use of this kind of fanservice and now she and kdj are arguing. black coat kdj..... i am yoo joonghyuk......
okay i think thats all i got for now. i hope its in character because i really havent read orv in a while..... anyway i think this has a lot of potential so i wanna try drawing it - maybe ill have more thoughts on specific character interactions once i can like,, put personalities to faces lmao
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florawrites-blog · 2 months
Okay roses let me rant to you guys about the dream i had its a lucid dream where me and my bestfriend nudie shared a school with jay and jake and she had a crush on jake which is her actual bias but she was to shy to talk to him so she made me act as if i had a crush on him and made me confess and give him letters but it was written by her and jake was so goddamn mean like so mean he'd reject me each time and they were both like very popular in school anyway he would reject me and like make me look like fool and all and i didnt wanna tell nudie cause i felt bad about it so i'd still confess to him but then there was a party and he humiliated me infront of the whole school and nudie was there and so she got so mad at jake and as i wanted to escape from the humiliation then my heel broke and then GUYS GUESS WHO HELPED ME ITS FCKIN JAY GUYSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HES BEEN LOWKEY BIAS WRECKING MY BIAS SO HARD AND NOW HE OH GOD anyway then i woke up AS HE LOWKEY WAS ABOUT TO HELP ME I WOKE UP RUDE ASF
anyway here is a scenario of this dream because why the hell not:
The Confession and Redemption
You and your best friend, Nudie, were navigating the turbulent waters of high school together. Nudie harbored a secret crush on Jake Sim, one of the most popular guys in school. Shy and unable to confess her feelings, she asked you to deliver her love letters to him. Reluctantly, you agreed, not wanting to let your friend down.
Every time you approached Jake with a letter, he cruelly rejected you in front of his friends, including Jay. Despite the humiliation, you kept trying, determined to help Nudie. The situation escalated at a class leader's party. You decided to confess again, unaware that Nudie was present. This time, Jake humiliated you in front of half the school. Nudie, seeing her best friend being ridiculed, angrily confronted Jake.
Devastated, you left the party, trying to find a taxi to take you home. As you stumbled, your heel broke, leaving you sitting on the rough ground, tears streaming down your face. Suddenly, you felt a coat being draped over your shoulders. Looking up, you saw Jay, Jake's friend, standing above you, scanning the area for onlookers.
"Get up," he said, his voice cold but tinged with concern.
"Go away, Jay, please," you replied, trying to dismiss him. He walked away, and you thought he had left. But then you saw him leaning against a wall nearby.
"I'll wait until you get tired of sitting on the ground," he stated.
Embarrassed, you got up, and Jay noticed your injured leg. "I fell, I didn't sit here to cry," you explained.
"Take them off" he instructed, " take what off" you said confused "the heels" you looked down remembering they broke "yeah thanks but im not walking bare footed" he hesitated at first but then, he lowered himself to sitting on one knee taking your feet to his knee as he unbuckle your broken heels.
"You didn't have to do that," you muttered, avoiding eye contact feeling both hot and speechless.
"Of course I didn't, but you weren't being helpful either. Now, please be more helpful and get on my back," he said, signaling for you to climb on.
Reluctantly, you did as he asked, and he carried you to his car. "Where are we going?" you asked.
"I'm taking you home," he replied curtly.
"Did Jake tell you to do this?" you inquired.
"Then why?"
"Because," he said, cutting off further questions. The drive home was silent until it was not " so are you gonna tell me the reason why you helped me" you broken the unbearable silence "do i really need a reason to help you" "well of course I mean I dont know you tell me dont you think its weird weve been in the same class for years you saw me clinging on jake for all that time and you event witnessed me getting humiliated but didnt even mutter a word to me but then now you magically saw me and help me what does that even mean" he sighs as he lays a hand on his nose bridge " fine y/n i know why you did all of that its for your friend isnt it i overheard both of you talk in class and honestly i felt bad for you" you look at him in disbelief "wow okay i see so now i am you charity case or oh please dont tell me after overhearing me and nudie talk you told jake and made a bet to humiliate me right" "aye right like i would do that" "we-" you get cut off by jay mid scentence "just let me drive you home and after that lets both forget this ever happened" "fine lets do that" as you reached to your house. He handed you a pair of slippers from his car.
As you entered your apartment gate, Jay leaned his head on the steering wheel. "You sure do drive me crazy, Y/N. So crazy. Did it have to be you?" he whispered to himself, feeling a mix of frustration and unspoken affection.
hehe hope you enjoyed
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quarktrinity · 6 months
quark watches star trek season 2 episode 21 (cw: mentions of gunshots)
spock has opinions about history education
Bomb Rocket
earth history teacher + nuclear warhead. interesting. i wonder if were gonna be talking about the cold war
kirk once again in a button up shirt for undercover purposes. thank u
one day well go to a planet that isnt like earth and isnt populated by humans
i knew it
history teacher guy is the bad guy
lets go undercover as nazis
"you should make a very convincing nazi"
so kirk and spock have been found out. and now theyre shirtless and imprisoned and bound. and theyre whipping them. you cant make this shit up
i love that spock has a ton of chest hair and kirk is completely smooth
god bless kirks tumtum
chekhovs communicator implant
spock is on top of kirk now. normal
spock is teasing him, i love this
here at star trek tos we love putting captain james kirk in situations
lets take cover in this mysterious cave
"just as bad" rhetoric. shut up
oh no they found our mysterious cave
oh it was a test. ok
the first star wars movie watched this episode
i was about to say "this is just like 1984" and then i remembered what 1984 was about
weve got mccoy in nazi garb now. yay?
"what in blazes is this?!" youre such an old man
they made a hitler chatbot
spocks neck-grab-knockout thing is so silly
history guy so surprised that recreating nazi germany was a bad idea
kirk commits medical malpractice
ww2 except hitler changes his mind
dude gets shot and goes OoO
"i was wrong" uh, yeah, you were
what was this episode even trying to say
"dont recreate nazi germany its bad"
um. ok bye
i guess we werent talking about the cold war after all. nice job star trek, keepin me on my toes
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aristotels · 6 months
kinda long thought train on slavic aesthetic of money and drip
w the current ongoing discussion on healeds blog about neoamericana aesthetics i got thinking
ive seen someone commenting that all these neoamericana aesthetics are "reclamations of white trash identity"; and all this started making me wonder where did "slavic aesthetic" of adidas, vodka, cigarettes, skii masks etc come from
there is obv one aesthetic relating to poverty; especially in yugoslav countries. we have two things at hand - 1) poverty of damaged socialism, 2) "slav drip" with rappers and trap becoming more and more popular.
interestingly, two croatian songs as of late portray this very well; first case rim tim tagi dim, which talks about leaving your country and mass immigration, and tokyo drift about the money, cars, etc (ofc you get a guy with a skii mask).
...but while i was writing this and watching the videos, i noticed that in the first case, song about immigration and poverty - also has a guy in the fucking skii mask
and we get this "street mafia drip" in both songs; dont be fooled by cool cars in the second one, it still takes place in front of an old building with 1950 grafitti (football thing).
and this isnt the first time weve seen this in yugoslav pop culture; vratiće se rode was about gangs, "god drives mercedes" by zabranjeno pušenje was also a comment on gang richness. but involving the new autotune music and starting to celebrate that drip in a cool way, unlike rode or mercedes which criticize it, did not come naturally; on the contrary, i think its a product of the slav aesthetic we see around. i was gonna say nobody in croatia drives these cool ass cars but my dealer did, so like
theres this mix of poverty and becoming rich via gang lifestyle, and i just wonder where it all started, or if we are playing chicken and egg here. i remember when "slavs in tracksuits" was meme de jour, but did we ever analyze where and why it came from? because it absolutely was rooted in "slavs = violence, unintelligence, barbarianism"; and thick accent was absolutely hilarious to western audience, that eventually we all started playing into it as well; and i dont think people were laughing with us, but at us. i think they still do
idk where i was going with this but whatever if i leave it in drafts it will just die, if anyone has anything interesting to add feel free to
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yourdaddyfigure · 8 months
I feel kinda silly doing this but I dont really have a lot of people to talk to
Ive been kinda talking to this guy i met on here. Weve talked about bdsm stuff and also romantic stuff. I really like him. But hes been mia for a few days. Which I know why and I completely understand his reasons. His friend *just* died and he kinda copes through isolation. I know hes alive bc ive seen him online and hes been posting on here occasionally. And i keep texting him everyday bc he said seeing my face and seeing me be happy helps make him a little happier. But idk. It kinda sucks texting into a void. And i really miss him. And im not mad about it. I completely understand. I even understand that throwing a couple posts a day is easier than having a conversation with someone. Like i super understand and everything.
I guess im just- is it wrong?? To be this sad?? About him not texting? I honestly just really want him to be ok. And id be ecstatic with even just a reaction to the texts i send or some sort of acknowledgment. Im scared that this is going to go on for a long time. I dont know what to do.
Hey, I totally get where you're coming from. It's completely understandable to feel sad and miss someone you care about, especially when they're going through a tough time. It sounds like you have a lot of empathy and understanding for his situation, which is really admirable.
While it's important to give him space to cope with his loss, it's also valid for you to feel a bit frustrated or lonely when you're not getting the same level of communication in return. It's natural to want some sort of acknowledgment or reaction to the texts you send.
Have you considered expressing your feelings to him in a gentle and understanding way? Let him know that you care about him and that you understand he needs time to process his emotions, but also express that you miss him and would appreciate even a brief response or acknowledgment. Communication is key in any relationship, and expressing your needs and concerns can help foster understanding and connection.
Remember, it's important to take care of yourself too. If this situation continues for a long time and you find yourself feeling consistently unhappy or neglected, it might be worth reassessing whether this relationship is meeting your needs. It's important to be with someone who can provide the level of communication and support that you desire.
I hope things get better for both of you, and that he finds the strength to cope with his loss. Take care of yourself, friend, and know that you deserve happiness and support in your relationships.
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httpiastri · 2 months
OKKKKKK SORRY BUT can someone whos on paul’s broadcast confirm he actually said this??? cz i genuinely do not think he would ever say that and if he did omg where is his manager- i dont pay for his broadcast cz like weve talked ab its hella expensive all for a MAN’S once in a blue moon selfies but i also know some of the girlies on here have said they follow it so PLEASE SOMEONE TELL ME THE TRUTH FOR SOME PEACE OF MIND??? idk it js looks edited and if it is will rage hellfire bc why are they spreading misinformation and hate thats FAKE but anyways somebody help frfr
thanks for listening to my ted talk☺️
‼️‼️ this is many months old ‼️‼️
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idk if everyone knows that this is old but ive seen it circulating again these days and i just wanna make sure everyone knows that its not from last weekend. i dont remember exactly what race, maybe melbourne? but i heard about this pretty much the exact same day so im assuming its real but it would be great if someone could confirm it! 👍
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is-that-plural · 1 month
urgh not to feed into the whole demonization stuff but postal dude from the POSTAL game franchise is plural coded (and i am allowed to say this having DID.. bc i get so mad when singlets say he has "split/multiple personality disorder" (also bc its the outdated name) but when i see someone who is a system say he is im likd. YES (also most of the time those people who claim MPD on him are doing it to demonize the disorder and add nothing else.. like no nuance or whatever at all or deep discussion) GOING TO RAMBLE SORRY (should also probably content warn. postal is a pretty violent/graphic/dark humor franchise so theres gonna be bringing up of violence and guns, and also some semi disturbing imagery?? mostly it just being eerie, demon visuals, and scopophobia).. oh also religion trauma talk ALSO SPOILERS FOR POSTAL 1997 (?) AND POSTAL BRAIN DAMAGED!!! -------------------------------------------------------------
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so, in POSTAL 1 (1997), theres this whole thing where, if you look at postal dude's voicelines from Rick Hunter, iirc (my memory is a bit rusty) theyre labeled with "demon", and his death/pain sounds are voiced by Vince Desi and arent labelled as such. its also heavily implied that postal dude is TERRIFIED and scared, but then his voicelines are him making snide and mocking remarks. it has been implied that he may be "possessed by a demon" but also that he has multiple mental conditions.
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now, in POSTAL: Brain Damaged, this becomes extremely obvious. we are now more into the future, and Dude has to fight against other dude inside his own head. Other dude is the "demon" from postal 1997.
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(other dude on the left, postal dude on the right.) other dude's speech at the final cutscene, he specifically talks about how they are basically one in the same, while he also cannot be killed or defeated. (and um. after this he gets shot in the head by postal dude, and "dies" but ill get to that.) (i know alter death isnt real, but us, along with other systems weve seen, have said that in headspace , an alter for example may look like they are dead or something happened to them, but that didnt actually kill them and they arent dead. it has been said this is usually a stress thing, or a coping mechanism. we have done stuff like this before.) so i dont believe other dude is dead. ALSO! when postal dude shot him, he brought up not being able to remember things he learned in childhood after that, and his brain was going all dumb,, https://www.kapwing.com/videos/66bab3c776014924d543c4c6 (tumblr wont let me put a video so i hope this link will work!! if it doesnt you can just look up the final cutscene of the game, but like the warnings i put up above they are fighting and he does get shot.) -------------------------------------------------------------- FINAL THOUGHTS my take/headcanon whatever u wanna call it, as a DID system, is that he may have DID or OSDD-1a. but instead of just claiming that and not digging into anything else or finding nuances, here's some other stuff. as a persecutor in our sys myself who also recently fused with postal 1997 being the source, and also our other few postal introjects (a few who are also persecutors), Postal dude and Other dude are system coded. I think Other dude is a mislead persecutor who is fully convinced he is a demon, on top of Postal dude thinking the same about other dude. A big thing that happens with many systems because of trauma, especially religious trauma, is thinking they are possessed (and sometimes even those around the system also calling them possessed,) and because postal dude never got the help they needed, they have some, what i like to call, internalized demonization. the first case we ever see the postal dude is in 1997 (which is also the year the game takes place in and not just the games date), and to my math, postal dude is canonically 53-54 this current year. of course he wouldnt have gotten help, especially how under researched CDDs are still to this day! and i do think they have religious trauma, i mean, the entire thing for postal 1997 is dude thinking he is cleansing the earth for god or something. POSTAL 1997 has "diary entries" (which turn into "war journal" after a bit) and they all have very obvious religious ramblings. so, my conclusion, postal dude has DID or OSDD-1A, heavy internalized demonization, religious trauma, and is system coded. i rest my case. also... just look at this image bro tell me he isnt plural,,
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SORRY FOR THIS BEING SO LONG I JUST LOVE TALKING ABOUT THIS and despite this might being seen as demonizing DID, personally i and a few others ive met who like postal and are systems dont see it that way and postal actually makes us feel seen lol
a rant is actually Really needed, because i can only do so much research myself on media we're unfamiliar with, so for you all to give your reasoning and explanations is absolutely PERFECT !!
Rating: CASE CLOSED: That Dude is Plural !
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viscerate · 15 days
life updates cus i dont talk much here lately
i have an internship with an environmental agency now ^_^ its unpaid but im hoping to get a part time position when they open up/when the internship ends in december. im taking a guided research class at community college (i got my AA back in spring btw so im going as a non-degree seeking student). im busy at least 3 days a week now, 4 if i have an event on the weekend for the internship. its crazy because i am a VERY lazy person and prefer to sit and play games and rot all day every day. but im 27 and it sucks realizing i have to be an adult even if my issues make that hard. im acclimating to it but every so often my neuroticism makes me act like a prey animal and think im going to die. im looking for a car. probably a sedan or a hatchback. i like subarus and a few others. this friday im going on a Lovers Retreat tm with my boyfriend to a bungalow on the beach for two nights and i think he is going to propose (if not then, soon. he asked about my ring size recently and weve been talking for over a year about what ring i want) and im very excited but theres a part inside me that feels a little like freaking out (pagan poetry - bjork.mp4) i went to the ER two nights ago cus i had a diabetes scare. im following a skincare routine again sort of that mostly is just remembering to wash my face and wear this nice korean face spf. i have a redness serum for my rosacea but i dont think its working. i need to meditate and journal again. im thinking about taking iron supplements my dr recommended 4 years ago. ermmmm. yea. hi
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heliographe · 2 years
hey, dream fans. dream fan here.
i dont use twt, i dont rlly follow any people who cover drama and so i found out ab the grooming allegations from the people i do follow vague posting ab it. which-- alr, im writing this just to vent and ill probably delete it later so here we go
im a bit annoyed at many peoples-- fans of dream-- response to this. a lot of its emotional, people being devastated by the news that a cc theyre so attached to is potentially a pedo. like yeah, fuck, that is pretty upsetting on its own. but where is the logic . the critical thinking. come on, people. you are capable of it. ive seen how capable you are.
now. to be fair a lot of the ppl i follow are young and very emotionally invested in this man and use twitter, and if i know anything about the damn internet its that twitter is some kind of fuckin virus. its emotionally draining, it is practically made for going after your sensitivities and insecurities and hopes and fears and all that shit.
the second i figured out the entire situation , i knew it wasnt true. dream is not a damn pedo, or a groomer, or whatever stupid big trigger word theyre throwing at him. and its simple why i know, why its so goddamn obvious.
its DREAM. and i say this with full confidence bc ive heard him talk. about his aspirations , his mistakes, his feelings, ive seen him act it out. weve seen it.
he lives with two extremely close and clearly stable, smart friends. he has many other friends who vouch for him, who have shown integrity and intelligence in their own right.
groomers are idiots. pedos are sick. there are reasons they are like that. dream is neither. he has so many good supports in his life, hes had rough patches as any young and learning and growing person would and he has SHOWN that hes learning and figuring shit out and hes progressing so well, listening and caring and again, its literally visible . the way he speaks ab things, the actions he takes.
i get how important that whole "listen to the victim" shit is, but god. that doesnt mean entirely fucking discard the evidence of innocence on one side of the accusations. take a step back from twitters poisonous moral fear mongering, take a step back from any emotional investment or parasocial feelings you have for dream. look at his behaviour objectively. hes not a villain, hes not a bad guy, hes not a stupid one, hes not the type of person who would do anything like that.
dont doubt what youve seen from this stupid fucking idiot minecraft youtuber. theres a reason you get so attached to him in the first place . hes genuine, hes easy to love because of it.
on the other side of this. the people accusing him very obviously have a malicious agenda. doing this at the height of his popularity, right after he face revealed and is getting ready to do entirely new content ? the wording they use ? god, its so cancel culture it hurts. fuck off with that shit. its disgusting how many times people try and spin popular ccs into pedos and how many fans fall for it bc theyre so scared its true. shut up your fear and think. i say this with a polite tone, bc i am too annoyed to be gentle.
take care of yourselves. please remember to think outside of twitter culture. form your own opinion, and when you do please try and consider things objectively and as critically as possible. twitter culture is a fucking curse.
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heiluceen · 3 months
You have some things a little twisted, I left you as a friend because you lied to me. I came back because I missed you and, you told me the truth saying you wouldn't lie anymore. You've walked out of my life three times now because of what you've had going on and, assumed everything about me instead of what I was telling you. I've been up front with you, and have told you my boundaries. I asked you the questions I needed to ask, and you wouldn't give me any actual answers other than I don't know or maybes. Anytime I asked yes or no questions and you gave me a no absolutely not I never brought it up again, you just try and hint at what you want instead of being straight up with what you want. What you needed to think more about for character development, remember? But it's good, I'm glad this helped you make sure of your decision. I'm glad this made you tell me what you actually want too because thats all I wanted, if you would of said all of this before I would of been good with it but instead you couldn't give me straight answers and danced around the truth. I was hurt because you unfriended me because we have slept together and talked about throuples, that you apparently have no interest in which you never actually clarified to me until now even though weve known eachother for 4 years, I have feelings for you but I plan to be with someone I'm already committed to and love still. You could of said no, that's all but were too shy, or nervous, or anxious to just say no but if you said no I dont want want that dont bring that up, I would have respected that. You said I could still make you smile so it was okay to flirt.. except now its not?You're still friends with another who you've slept with and talked throuples with who also ended it with you. You're still following another who you kissed recently and has feelings for you. I was upset. I have reason to be. I've never stopped being friends with you because of someone's view of you or warped understandings of you. I left because you lied to me about what you knew about someone unfriending me. I missed you, you apologized, I forgave you, and told you next time I'd talk to you before stepping away if that was needed.
I've watched you pick others over me and yourself time and time again, people you think you deserve instead. There I was though, still wanting to be picked and never judging your choices or letting my want of being picked get in the way of you and what you actually want for your happiness. Thats the thing, I would never control you because its you who I love, even if its not me.. you deserve someone who wants to work with you not control you. If you wanted others in your life then so be it, because that's what you want and I love you. I give unlimited options because I want you to get what you want, I was trying to work with you but you never tried to work with me. You rather kick me to the curb for someone you want to love you instead, they never will though. These people you yearn for, never yearn for you but to control you for their own selfish wants. I was here, asking and standing up for what you want.. trying to help you figure out what you love and want, not push what I want for you onto you. If you wanted me how I wanted you, then I would give you an option to explore the west coast like youve told me youve wanted in the past... If you didn't, then you could of forgot about the option because I was just offering so you could have the options, as I love you for you and whatever you end up choosing. I would of fought anyone who tried to take you from my life, because even if we are just friends I love you and want you in my life but it seems you rather be controlled by others fears than to fight for me in yours. So I am respecting your wishes, I won't get in your way again.
I asked if I could put you on speaker and you said no, so I didn't. I asked you questions so I wouldn't push things on you and, once you said no I respected that. I mentioned a throuple and you told me the reasons you don't like men, I told you we wouldn't do or move foward with anything you weren't comfortable with, you said you couldn't see it working because of past complications but never said you just didn't want to until now. So thank you for finally telling me; And showing me, I'll never actually matter even as a friend if there is someone you rather hook up with that treats you like shit but I make them uncomfortable. I shouldn't even make them uncomfortable because if you didn't want this then why is there a reason to jealous, there isn't. I just want you happy and I see that's not with me in any form so that's okay, I really wish you nothing but the best in the future.
Here you are leaving because you see an ex, or because you don't want me to have space even though you just had space, or because someone who is mentally abusive to you is uncomfortable with me. I see my worth to you. Seems we both got the closure we needed. I love you, good luck.
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yuukei-yikes · 2 years
What are your mekatrio + Ayano hcs esp post-str? I’m still bitter that we didn’t get to see their reunion in mca
FOR FUCKING REAL UGH mca giving us the Good ending but at the same time starving us horribly. like it only delivered on ayano and hiyori being alive 😭 but we dont even SEE hiyori we just pathetically point at her silhouette and then we see shinaya scene that seems to have gotten the whole budget in animation. there is something that irks me abt the shinaya scene in str being so damn pretty and then ayanos theory of happiness is. THAT. like when i remember ayanos theory of happiness in mca i lose my mind bc sometimes i cant believe that rly happened. kagepro is such a joke
WAIT THIS ISNT MCA BASHING ITS MEKATRIO TIME omg post str tateyama siblings♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️ i think ayano feels insanely guilty for leaving them alone for so long and feels like a damn failure and well ayano's mental stability post str is something to be studied by scientists let's just say she's BARELY hanging in there. she's desperate to make up for lost time and so is the trio but the trio is more like hey WE are also there for u if u need it especially kido and seto to BOTH kano and ayano, like we dont want you guys to ever hide something like that from us again bc we are supposed to be a family and we're in this together ok??? especially now that their parents are gone gone. like kenjirou had been long gone since before properly dying but... it still hits different that he's REALLY gone for good.
but if anything this drives ayano to try to suck it up even more. she's not even relying on kano anymore because she sees how it's affected him that she did rely on him so much back then, and she's even MORE incredibly guilty over it. ayano would be helicoptering over all 3 and ESPECIALLY kano.
kido has been carrying the pressure of trying to be The Big Sister replacement after losing 2 big sisters of their own, seto is sort of projecting all his insecurities and pain onto helping mary and obsessing over how much worse she had it as if that somehow takes away his right to also be upset and kano is. (gestures at his whole thing) i think post str kano is the most messed up of them all and i mean ALL the dan, even more than ayano or shintaro LMAO
because while ayano and shintaro are sort of clumsily tripping and stuff in the way of healing they're still in that path while kano is actively spiraling down bc he's so used to being miserable and now he's gotten everything he's ever wanted and he feels so undeserving and guilty and lost and alone. and ayano is here BEGGING to be relied on and needed but kano KNOWS BETTER than to do that because he knows ayano is hurting too and in the same way she is sucking it up for his and their siblings' sake he is doing the same for her. its such a mess. i love emotional constipation.
kano is on his way to a very very VERY ugly meltdown like im talking about a sort of um maybe 💀 attempt. YKNOW WHAT I MEAN. erm... ayano too actually but i think she is most likely to seek help before it gets to that point especially since teehee she's. done that before. also ayano is sort of distracting herself with her relationship mess with shintaro bc that's ridiculous and its EASIER to be hurt about that than everything else. like somehow this silliness sort of saves her LOL not to sidetrack to shinaya but i think a big reason theyre so fucking messy is not only the obvious reasons but also they find comfort in that because that way they can be primarily worried about stupid shit like bwaaa u cuddle with ur asuna body pillow and not me instead of THE TIMELINES...WEVE DIED 1000 TIMES.... IT IS ONLY A MATTER OF TIME BEFORE IT HAPPENS AGAIN.... yknow what im saying!
i think she ends up breaking down to mekatrio and they all hold her while she cries the same way she held them while they cried when they reunited :(( i think when they reunite ayano is crying but Not sobbing while the mekatrio is like a fucking mess clinging to her and stuff. kind of like when shintaro goes get ayano like u dont have to fight alone anymore. ayano is like that to her siblings when they reunite she wants to be strong and let them cry like little kids again because they've been getting by alone for so long
i think breakdowns happen like. seto first, then kido second, then ayano, then kano (and kano's is UGLY like something very bad happens for this to take place)
also there is something so interesting to be explored in post str mary and ayano. ayaki is still the same person as ayano yknow, kinda... like everything ayaki does is something ayano in this route is capable of as well. and maybe in the worst part of her ayano resents mary even if she knows she shouldn't, and she's also troubled over seto obsessing over her so much instead of taking care of his own baggage. teehee.
surprisingly kido is the most put together of the 4 but theyre rather like a pressure bomb abt to go off LOL i think their breakdown begins through them getting REALLY REALLY MAD and exploding at everyone. it could start with something like kano putting the empty milk back in the fridge instead of throwing it away LMAO also kido's self steem is basically nonexistent and relies completely on trying to be this Cool Leader so a breakdown is absolutely forbidden. but it happens♥️ everyone needs therapy 👍👍👍
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fensyl · 8 months
Im currently experiencing emotions and dont have anyone to talk to them about, so im putting them here to get them off my chest a bit
In my twenties i gathered really important, lifelong friends and qps, and through time and emotions and all of us growing into adults, we fell apart. I used to have such a expansive support structure that i felt i could go to anyone with anything, but now we are just… regular friends. We update each other on important things if we remember to message
And going from such a qpp group to just one close friend who i dont want to overload, its SO HARD. I miss them so much and they arent GONE but they arent in my life like that anymore. Ive even reached out asking for them to be in my life but because of weve learned so much, its not really possible anymore. I had them for ten years and dont know how to restart from that
Ive always had a tight knit group and dont know how to be alone, even though they all did
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