#like westerners call satanic even our christian faith
alatismeni-theitsa · 10 months
I've seen so many posts of Neo-pagans and witches claim they are "working" with deities like Hades and Persephone and they claim they are using tarrot cards and pendulums and crystals and other things to "communicate" with them and I'm just wondering, isn't this a big mess? How they are mixing and matching practices and religions?
Yes, it's a huge mess! I am not going to say "Apollo will NEVER talk to you if you have a crystal ball", nor am I going to say "you must sacrifice a bull each month". But there is a wider trend of pop "paganism" (Greeks don't even use(d) the term "pagan" to refer to Polytheists/Dodekatheists, and we also didn't burn witches!) that makes it clear many individuals treat foreign practices and deities as if they're made just for their consumption and comfort. With a dash of USAmerican Evangelism on the side, usually.
These people do this mix and match, and use the term "work with X deity" because they haven't studied enough and take things lightly. Even though they think they are deep and have tons of knowledge, they are just there for the aesthetic, some Percy Jackson imperialistic influence, and to fill the spiritual void some type of (usually western brand of) Christianity left on them. And they don't step on a local or the Greek tradition to do so. They just bring out some random crystals and tarot cards and they decide they are priestesses of X god (who appointed them??) and they see X deity on the clouds and a piece of tost etc etc
It's not bad to bring your own culture to your faith, however, because of the internet, you have zero excuses for not knowing about and not following the practice in the proper context. It's a deliberate choice to stay ignorant about Greece's oppression and manipulation by the western powers which also have been fetishizing its practices for a long time.
Not to mention, this type of practice is not exactly a product of cultural exchange, like many such cases in the past (where the foreign culture blends organically with the og one). It's a product of cultural hegemony, the hegemony of western empires (usually the countries these people live in) upon Greece for the last centuries. That's why such practices and approaches don't feel natural and organic.
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fortleegospel · 1 month
Dear friends and members of Fort Lee Gospel Church,
Thank you for your prayers for our recent vacation to western Canada. It was a time of refreshment, rest, plenty of visiting, and a break from responsibilities. My wife and I have returned renewed in body, mind, and spirit. In addition to returning to regular life in Fort Lee, my wife and I welcomed a new granddaughter into the world. Thank you to those praying for a healthy pregnancy and delivery. God is good.
In collaboration with other leaders in the congregation we have planned to make prayer our focus for the Fall of 2024. With the tension in our nation politically, culturally, and economically, we have determined that the best response of the church is to pray. A primary Scripture passage for this season is I Timothy 2:1-4:
I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— 2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 3 This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 4 who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth.
Here are three lessons from this passage:
1. The Importance of Prayer
We are called to lift up all people with ‘petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving.’ The church must stay with its primary calling – to pray.
There are times we see clear evidence of our prayers. God often answers with healings, deliverance, guidance, or comfort. Other times our prayers impact is harder to measure.
A recent study looked at the safest communities in America with populations of over 5000 and withing 45-minute commutes to one of America’s major cities. I was happy to hear Edgewater, NJ ranked 10th and Fort Lee, NJ ranked 17th in the whole nation. While it is hard to prove, could it be that the presence and prayers of God’s people contributed to this positive report for our community.
Whether we see the results or not, God has called His people to pray – to pray for all people.
2. The Importance of Praying for Leaders
The I Timothy 2 passage includes a focus on “kings and all those in authority.’ Paul is not instructing us to only pray for leaders we like, leaders who seem like Christians, or leaders we voted for. We are to pray for all leaders.
These are hard days to be a political leader. Leaders are ridiculed, hated, and sometimes targeted with violence. In America and around the world, most leaders are unpopular. The church is called to pray for God to protect our leaders, grant wisdom to our leaders, and keep our leaders from hindering God’s kingdom’s advance.
It is a healthy exercise for followers of Christ to pray for political leaders that we dislike. Could it be that we would act more Christ-like by praying blessings upon those who our newsfeed defines as terrible people. Paul prayed for a government who would later execute him.
3. The Importance of Being Faithful to Our Calling
The church exists to “make disciples of all nations” (Matt. 28:18-20). We are privileged to live in a nation which does not hinder Christian worship or witness. Some nations do not guarantee these freedoms.
It is not the mission of the church to promote a political ideology or preach free market economics. Every citizen has a right to believe what is best for the nation and even persuade others of their beliefs. But we should never confuse the mission of the church with political engagement. 25 years ago, I did not need to make that point. People had different opinions and then came together to worship together.
Our current political climate tends to define those we disagree with as morally bankrupt. The other side (politically) is an existential threat to our way of life. Satan loves this framing of the issues. The mission of the church is lost when are more passionate about political issues that loving our neighbor.
Only God knows what is in store for America in the coming months. I invite you to join with our congregation in praying for our nation.
Fall 2024 Plans:
First, the preaching series in the Fall (starting on September 8th) will look at “Famous Prayers of the New Testament.”
Second, we will be promoting a weekly Prayer Guide to encourage personal prayer within the congregation.
Third, we will include testimonies of answered prayer during Sunday services. We plan to only include the sermon online this Fall as this will free us up for open sharing and creative worship.
I look forward to this journey of greater prayer and pursuing God!
-Pastor Rick
Weekly Announcements
Sunday worship services at 11:00 AM continue to be livestreamed on our Fort Lee Gospel Facebook page, YouTube channel, and our website, www.fortleegospel.org. We meet in the building where we include a time of worship after the online portion of the service.
The Tuesday Men’s Lunch and study meets at the church at 12:30 PM.
The Tuesday Bible Study meets at 7:00 PM weekly. We are studying the book of Romans.
The 6:00 AM Prayer Meeting on Wednesdays and Saturdays is at the church with an option to connect on Google Meet.
The Women’s Bible Study will resume on September 7th.
Connect info for Tuesday Bible Studies and Morning Prayer is:
Meeting URL :
For dial in: Phone: +1 567-351-1104 PIN: 469 349 929#
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donveinot · 4 months
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pooma-islam · 9 months
American writer Joanna Francis says: Muslim women resemble pearls and Americans are mere prostitutes. தமிழில்
The American writer and journalist Joanna Francis expressed admiration for Muslim women, reminding them of their strength, beauty, decency and happiness.
The author noted in an article entitled: “If you are curious about having sex before marriage,”
Muslim women lead a normal life, as women have always lived since the beginning of life.
Joanna Francis criticized American women and life in the West. “Everything comes from Hollywood but a collection of lies, a distortion of truth, smoke and mirrors.
They view sex as natural as an indestructible entertainment because they aim to destroy the moral fabric of societies by directing them to their audiovisual programs.
She called on Muslim writers not to follow foreigners in their way of thinking and to stay away from anything related to the West.
“They will try to entice you with the tapes and music that tickle your bodies, with us falsely portraying us as happy and satisfied and proud of our dress that is like a prostitute and convinced that we have no families. In fact most women are not happy, believe me. Millions of us take antidepressant drugs, we hate our actions and weep at night.
They want to destroy your families and try to persuade you to have a few children. They do this by portraying marriage as a form of slavery, that motherhood is a curse, and that decency and purity are obsolete. They want rejection and loss of faith. They are like a snake who seduced Eve with an apple, so don't bite off. ”
In the same vein, the American writer believes that the dress of Muslim women modest is more attractive than any Western costume, because, according to them, surrounded by ambiguity, respect and confidence, saying that the sex appeal of women should be protected from trivial eyes, and this attraction should be the gift of women to the man who He loves and respects her for the purpose of marriage, likening Muslim women to precious gems. In my eyes you are as precious gems, pure gold or “high value pearl”.
Joanna Francis warned Muslim women not to imitate the West, saying: “I noticed that some Muslim women go beyond the borders and try to imitate the West as much as possible and even wear the hijab (showing some of their feelings).
Why should we imitate women who regret their lost virtue or will soon lose it?
There is no compensation for that loss. You are flawless diamonds. Do not allow them to cheat on you and turn you into worthless stones, because all you see in Western fashion magazines and Western television are lies.
It is the trap of Satan or Satan.
It is a false gold. ”
She added: “But we American women have tricked us into making us believe that we will be happier with jobs, owning our own homes and living alone, and the freedom to give love to anyone we choose… this is not freedom, nor is it love. A woman's body and heart feel safe by giving love only within the marital safe haven. Do not settle for anything less, and the matter is not worth it otherwise, and you will not like it, but will not be satisfied with yourself later.
The American writer concluded by saying: “My sisters don't be deceived, don't let them deceive you, and keep women chaste and clean. We Christians need to see life as it should be for women. We need you to set an example for us because we got lost. If you stick to your purity, remember that toothpaste cannot be returned inside the tube. Therefore, women should take care of this paste with care. ”
அமெரிக்க எழுத்தாளர் ஜோனா பிரான்சிஸ் கூறுகிறார்: முஸ்லீம் பெண்கள் முத்துக்களை ஒத்திருக்கிறார்கள், அமெரிக்கர்கள் வெறும் விபச்சாரிகள்.
அமெரிக்க எழுத்தாளரும் பத்திரிக்கையாளருமான ஜோனா பிரான்சிஸ் முஸ்லீம் பெண்களை போற்றுவதாகவும், அவர்களின் வலிமை, அழகு, கண்ணியம் மற்றும் மகிழ்ச்சியை அவர்களுக்கு நினைவூட்டுவதாகவும் தெரிவித்தார்.
திருமணத்திற்கு முன் உடலுறவு கொள்ள நீங்கள் ஆர்வமாக இருந்தால், என்ற தலைப்பில் ஒரு கட்டுரையில் ஆசிரியர் குறிப்பிட்டார். முஸ்லீம் பெண்கள் ஒரு சாதாரண வாழ்க்கையை நடத்துகிறார்கள், வாழ்க்கையின் தொடக்கத்தில் இருந்து பெண்கள் எப்போதும் வாழ்ந்தார்கள்.
ஜோனா பிரான்சிஸ் அமெரிக்கப் பெண்களையும் மேற்குலகின் வாழ்க்கையையும் விமர்சித்தார். "எல்லாமே ஹாலிவுட்டில் இருந்து வருகிறது, ஆனால் பொய்களின் தொகுப்பு, உண்மையை சிதைப்பது, புகை மற்றும் கண்ணாடிகள்.
அவர்கள் பாலுறவை ஒரு அழியாத பொழுதுபோக்காகப் பார்க்கிறார்கள், ஏனெனில் அவர்கள் தங்கள் ஆடியோவிஷுவல் நிகழ்ச்சிகளுக்கு அவர்களை வழிநடத்துவதன் மூலம் சமூகங்களின் தார்மீக கட்டமைப்பை அழிப்பதை நோக்கமாகக் கொண்டுள்ளனர்.
முஸ்லீம் எழுத்தாளர்கள் தங்கள் சிந்தனை வழியில் வெளிநாட்டினரைப் பின்பற்ற வேண்டாம் என்றும் மேற்கத்திய நாடுகளுடன் தொடர்புடைய எதையும் விட்டு விலகி இருக்கவும் அவர் அழைப்பு விடுத்தார்.
"உங்கள் உடலைக் கூச வைக்கும் நாடாக்கள் மற்றும் இசை மூலம் அவர்கள் உங்களை கவர்ந்திழுக்க முயற்சிப்பார்கள், எங்களை மகிழ்ச்சியாகவும் திருப்தியாகவும், ஒரு விபச்சாரியைப் போலவும், எங்களுக்கு குடும்பம் இல்லை என்று நம்பும் எங்கள் ஆடையைப் பற்றி பெருமையாகவும் தவறாக சித்தரிக்கவும். உண்மையில் பெரும்பாலான பெண்கள் மகிழ்ச்சியாக இல்லை, என்னை நம்புங்கள். நம்மில் மில்லியன் கணக்கானவர்கள் மனச்சோர்வு மருந்துகளை எடுத்துக்கொள்கிறோம், நாங்கள் எங்கள் செயல்��ளை வெறுக்கிறோம் மற்றும் இரவில் அழுகிறோம்.
அவர்கள் உங்கள் குடும்பங்களை அழிக்க விரும்புகிறார்கள் மற்றும் சில குழந்தைகளைப் பெற உங்களை வற்புறுத்த முயற்சிக்கிறார்கள். திருமணத்தை அடிமைத்தனம் என்றும், தாய்மை சாபம் என்றும், கண்ணியமும் தூய்மையும் வழக்கொழிந்துவிட்டன என்றும் சித்தரித்து இதைச் செய்கிறார்கள். அவர்கள் நிராகரிப்பு மற்றும் நம்பிக்கை இழப்பை விரும்புகிறார்கள். அவர்கள் ஏவாளை ஆப்பிளைக் கொண்டு மயக்கிய பாம்பைப் போன்றவர்கள், எனவே கடிக்க வேண்டாம். ”
அதே பாணியில், அமெரிக்க எழுத்தாளர் முஸ்லீம் பெண்களின் அடக்கமான ஆடை எந்த மேற்கத்திய உடையையும் விட கவர்ச்சிகரமானது என்று நம்புகிறார், ஏனென்றால், அவர்களின் கூற்றுப்படி, தெளிவின்மை, மரியாதை மற்றும் நம்பிக்கையால் சூழப்பட்டுள்ளது, பெண்களின் பாலியல் கவர்ச்சியானது அற்பமானவற்றிலிருந்து பாதுகாக்கப்பட வேண்டும் என்று கூறுகிறார். கண்கள், மற்றும் இந்த ஈர்ப்பு முஸ்லீம் பெண்களை விலைமதிப்பற்ற ரத்தினங்களுடன் ஒப்பிடும், திருமண நோக்கத்திற்காக அவளை நேசிக்கும் மற்றும் மதிக்கும் ஆண்களுக்கு பெண்களின் பரிசாக இருக்க வேண்டும். என் பார்வையில் நீங்கள் விலைமதிப்பற்ற கற்கள், தூய தங்கம் அல்லது "உயர் மதிப்பு முத்து".
ஜோனா பிரான்சிஸ் முஸ்லிம் பெண்களை மேற்கத்திய நாடுகளைப் பின்பற்ற வேண்டாம் என்று எச்சரித்தார்: “சில முஸ்லீம் பெண்கள் எல்லைகளைத் தாண்டி மேற்கத்திய நாடுகளைப் பின்பற்ற முயற்சிப்பதை நான் கவனித்தேன், மேலும் ஹிஜாப் (அவர்களின் சில உணர்வுகளைக் காட்டுகிறது) அணிந்துகொள்வதை நான் கவனித்தேன்.
இழந்த நல்லொழுக்கத்திற்காக வருந்துகிற அல்லது விரைவில் அதை இழக்கும் பெண்களை நாம் ஏன் பின்பற்ற வேண்டும்?
அந்த இழப்புக்கு இழப்பீடு இல்லை. நீங்கள் குறைபாடற்ற வைரங்கள். அவர்கள் உங்களை ஏமாற்றி உங்களை மதிப்பற்ற கற்களாக மாற்ற அனுமதிக்காதீர்கள், ஏனென்றால் மேற்கத்திய பேஷன் பத்திரிகைகளிலும் மேற்கத்திய தொலைக்காட்சிகளிலும் நீங்கள் காண்பதெல்லாம் பொய்கள்.
இது சாத்தானின் அல்லது சாத்தானின் பொறி. இது ஒரு பொய்யான தங்கம்.
அவர் மேலும் கூறினார்: "ஆனால் அமெரிக்கப் பெண்களான நாங்கள் எங்களை ஏமாற்றி, வேலைகள், சொந்த வீடுகள் மற்றும் தனிமையில் வாழ்வது மற்றும் நாம் விரும்பும் எவருக்கும் அன்பைக் கொடுக்கும் சுதந்திரம் ஆகியவற்றில் நாங்கள் மகிழ்ச்சியாக இருப்போம் என்று நம்ப வைக்கிறோம். இது சுதந்திரம் அல்ல, அதுவும் இல்லை. அன்பு. ஒரு பெண்ணின் உடலும் இதயமும் தாம்பத்திய பாதுகாப்பான புகலிடத்திற்குள் மட்டுமே அன்பைக் கொடுப்பதன் மூலம் பாதுகாப்பாக உணர்கின்றன. குறைவான எதையும் தீர்த்து வைக்காதீர்கள், இல்லையெனில் விஷயம் மதிப்புக்குரியது அல்ல, நீங்கள் அதை விரும்ப மாட்டீர்கள், ஆனால் பின்னர் உங்களைப் பற்றி திருப்தி அடைய மாட்டீர்கள்.
அமெரிக்க எழுத்தாளர் இவ்வாறு கூறி முடித்தார்: “என் சகோதரிகள் ஏமாற வேண்டாம், அவர்கள் உங்களை ஏமாற்ற விடாதீர்கள், பெண்களை தூய்மையாகவும் தூய்மையாகவும் வைத்திருங்கள். கிறிஸ்தவர்களாகிய நாம் பெண்களுக்கான வாழ்க்கையைப் பார்க்க வேண்டும். நாங்கள் தொலைந்து போனதால் நீங்கள் எங்களுக்கு முன்மாதிரியாக இருக்க வேண்டும். உங்கள் தூய்மையை நீங்கள் கடைபிடித்தால், பற்பசையை குழாயின் உள்ளே திருப்பி விட முடியாது என்பதை நினைவில் கொள்ளுங்கள். எனவே, பெண்கள் இந்த பசையை கவனமாக பார்த்துக்கொள்ள வேண்டும். ”
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mariacallous · 1 year
Meduza: A new Kremlin propaganda guide
Dear readers: On Friday, Russia will mark the anniversary of the “Baptism of Rus” (the official adoption of Christianity by Kyivan Rus ruler Volodymyr the Great back in 988), and the Putin administration has sent out instructions for how its propaganda media should cover the occasion. Meduza’s Andrey Pertsev got his hands on a copy.
The Kremlin wants journalists to hit many of the same tired notes as usual: “brother nations,” the “satanist Kyiv regime,” and the like. At the same time, the expansionism dial seems to be turned up even higher than usual. Journalists are told to mention how “adversaries of Russia” sought to “destroy Orthodox Christianity” in Ukraine, Belarus, and Poland. Meanwhile, a reference to Polish kings “propagating Catholicism” on “occupied native Russian territories” echoes a speech Putin gave last week that called western Poland a “gift from Stalin to the Poles.”
The guide also devotes a notable amount of attention to Putin himself. The authors tell journalists to spread the message that the president is responsible for “restoring the church in Russia” — and that he’s the only one who can do the same in Ukraine. While the Kremlin’s propaganda guides always paint Putin in a positive light, they don’t always name him repeatedly like this. According to a source close to the Kremlin, however, we’ll see more of this as Russia’s 2024 presidential election approaches: “The president will be linked to every event.” Read more details here.
Meduza has obtained a copy of the Putin administration’s latest instructions for state-owned and pro-government news outlets. The document outlines exactly what the Kremlin wants its propaganda media to tell Russians about the upcoming anniversary of the “Baptism of Rus,” referring to the conversion of Kyivan Rus ruler Volodymyr the Great to Christianity in 988, which the country celebrates on July 28.
The guide tells journalists to refer to the event as a “key turning point in Russian history” and the “point of formation of Russia’s statehood.” It also instructs them to emphasize that having a “common faith” is what allowed the “East Slavic tribes” to become a “unified people.”
The document devotes particular attention to the “adversaries of Russia” that purportedly fought against Orthodox Christianity in Ukraine, Belarus, and Poland. In particular, it says that the “Polish kings planted Catholicism and Uniatism on the occupied native Russian territories in order to fracture and subjugate the people.”
Less than a week ago, Putin made similar territorial claims about Poland at a meeting of the Russian Security Council:
It was thanks to the Soviet Union, thanks to Stalin’s position, that Poland received significant tracts of land in the West, land that belonged to Germany. It’s true: the western territories of modern Poland were a gift from Stalin to the Poles. (Editor’s note: Putin chose not to mention that the USSR invaded Poland along with Germany in 1939.) Did our friends in Warsaw forget about this? We’ll remind them.
The propaganda guide is even more aggressive on the subject of Ukraine. Its authors refer to the Ukrainian government as an “apostate regime” that’s waging a war against the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in order to “destroy the spiritual ties of brother nations.” The document does not mention that a Russian shelling attack in Odesa last week destroyed Ukraine’s historic Transfiguration Cathedral.
According to the guide, the only person who can rectify the situation facing Orthodox Christianity in Ukraine is, of course, Vladimir Putin. The propaganda media are tasked with explaining to Russians that their president can be credited with “restoring Russia’s role as the protector of the Orthodox faith”:
Today our country is battling a new satanic regime. The Kyiv regime is deliberately destroying Orthodox Christianity on the territory of Ukraine, applying direct pressure against priests and seizing churches.
The Nazi satanists have entrenched themselves in the holy Russian city of Kyiv, where Rus was baptized. Russia has come to the defense of the Orthodox faith and is crushing neo-Nazis who worship the occult ideas of Hitler and Bandera on the front.
The document also credits Putin with “supporting the rebirth of Orthodoxy” and “restoring the church” in Russia. A source close to the Kremlin told Meduza that the guide’s emphasis on Putin himself is no coincidence, and that the Russian media will increasingly mention him by name in the coming months: “This is important for the electoral campaign. The president will be linked to every development, so that his name is constantly being heard.”
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dog-day-morning · 3 years
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WRONG MESSIAH WRONG PEOPLE Acts 1:1-14 Israel is run by gentiles who are not Israelite by blood. They call themselves Jews by declaration not by lineage. Jews are in the midst of casting out God's chosen people from Israel for fear of the prophetic word that states these Edomite gentiles, along with an admixture of the people of Alkebulan’s (Israel), whose DNA the Father anointed has blessed them will bow down, and worship at our feet. They fear the truth knowing we’ve determined the lies they’ve told us were intended to hide our identity from us, and the world out of hatred. The Jewish holocaust lasted for 4yrs whereas the curses of Deuteronomy have lasted 400yrs, and counting. No other tribe of people has suffered like the Israelites according to the curses, and accounts in Deuteronomy 28 save a peculiar people. And it shall come to pass, that as the Lord rejoiced over you to do you good, and to multiply you; so the Lord will rejoice over you to destroy you, and to bring you to nought; and ye shall be plucked from off the land whither thou goest to possess it. And the Lord shall scatter thee among all people, from the one end of the earth even unto the other; and there thou shalt serve other gods, which neither thou nor thy fathers have known, even wood and stone. This is why I don't worship other religious faiths or religions. I'm cautious when it comes to Christianity knowing the deviltry of man, and the depths he will go, and has in order to maintain his stranglehold on us as a people. What allows a person to never be held accountable for their sins on Earth, but makes a race or tribe of people the burden bearer for all of Earth's iniquity? The devil is an accuser whose minions are fearful of the word manifesting in this generation. What we see on display isn't just a show of rebellion, but a fear of an arrogant people losing their position in the Earth which was only meant to be temporary, but in truth it wasn't meant to be at all. If 5 Black males congregate on a street corner it puts fear, spite, and hatred in the hearts of the so-called fragile psyche of those who want to control us. They call the Police in the hope of getting innocent people arrested or murdered. But 200 members of the proud boys can march through Urban Philadelphia in a show of defiance with Police protection, and nobody confronts them except a different breed of Black, Brown, and white people who are not like their fathers of old who relish in the thought of sending Jethro back to the woods with the rest of the hood boogers. The Jewish cabal worships Satan in the literal sense. They are the Devils cronies who know their time is up. Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. They understand that the God of our fathers isn't playing games. If you ascribe this to my person as I’ve done in theory, how can God's 2 faithful witnesses see the Son of God and His Father if their hearts hadn't been tried like some of you? Revelation 11:3-13 3 And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth. 4 These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth. 5 And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies: and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed. 6 These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: and have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to smite the earth with all plagues, as often as they will. 7 And when they shall have finished their testimony, the beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them. 8 And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified. 9 And they of the
people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and an half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves. 10 And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth. 11 And after three days and an half the spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon them which saw them. 12 And they heard a great voice from heaven saying unto them, Come up hither. And they ascended up to heaven in a cloud; and their enemies beheld them. 13 And the same hour was there a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell, and in the earthquake were slain of men seven thousand: and the remnant were affrighted, and gave glory to the God of heaven. The God of Israel has decreed this. The Jews in Israel will suffer a harsh penalty for their crimes against the Nigerian, Igbo Israelites, the Ethiopian Beta Israelites, the Ugandan Abayudaya, and other sects of Israelite people including the American tribal people of Ghana Africa (Judah), Gad (Native American), Reuben (Aboriginal Australian), and Issachar (Mexican South American descendants.) They are deporting the Yisraelites in Alkebulan out of Yisrael as though this can inundate God's plan. You’re bringing God to a higher and greater glory, fulfilling the promises He made to His people in this day for this generation. Joshua 24:13 13 And I have given you a land for which ye did not labour, and cities which ye built not, and ye dwell in them; of the vineyards and olive yards which ye planted not do ye eat. It’s a shame to construct a global economy only to be denied the American dream; it's a nightmare. For those that cater to the State of Israel like some Congressmen, and women who are Edomite Jews that are not willing to put in place a reparations plan for the ADOS, FBA, and all indigenous people of North America based on the Western Nations financing of the temporary inhabitants of Israel is an injustice to humanity. Our oppressor isn’t going to give up his throne or authority willingly, he’s drunk with it. Look to God to deliver us not man, especially those who historically have shown their extreme distaste and revulsion for us. God tells us: If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. God foreknew, He's all knowing, and all seeing. If one of them were to cosign a reparations bill for Black people they would’ve been found dead inside their congressional office within days or maybe hours. When your own people who look as you do, but think according to their massa’s will, in order to live a season of sin with the wicked advocating for the gentiles who live off our promised inheritance, and this nonphysical, hidden, unseen, but shrewd, devious bit of craft called white privilege, that Black people who believe in Yeshua spiritually call favor with God. What this microwave generation has asserted, and addressed as privilege in actuality is sinister, and diabolical. It's a Janus-like, double minded, spirit of torment that has caused a lot of agony to a people they refuse to relinquish that will bring a harsh judgment to them and the Earth, and yes, I’m paying my price. The people of Canaan were destroyed after having knowledge of the true living God. The Father isn't one who relishes in the spilling of innocent blood. He will always send you a warning before calamity comes to your doorstep. He's been doing it for the last 2,000 years. Like the Egyptians they refused to believe in the God the Israelites praised, and worshipped thinking He finds favor in them who shed innocent blood. This is the situation we find the Earth in once more with the Israelites who this time are being forced out of their homeland waiting for a deliverer. The people that lived in Canaan were not ignorant of
the God of Israel. Many times the impression is given that God ordered the Israelites to swoop in and destroy innocent people. But these people were neither innocent nor ignorant. They had heard about the God of Israel; it was they who rejected Him. When the 2 spies were sent to spy out the Land of Promise they were told by Rahab the prostitute: Joshua 2:9-11 9 And she said unto the men, I know that the Lord hath given you the land, and that your terror is fallen upon us, and that all the inhabitants of the land faint because of you. 10 For we have heard how the Lord dried up the water of the Red sea for you, when ye came out of Egypt; and what ye did unto the two kings of the Amorites, that were on the other side Jordan, Sihon and Og, whom ye utterly destroyed. 11 And as soon as we had heard these things, our hearts did melt, neither did there remain any more courage in any man, because of you: for the Lord your God, he is God in heaven above, and in earth beneath. They had heard of the true God but had rejected Him. Consequently, their entire society acted in a sinful way. The Apostle Paul spoke of these people: Though they knew God they refused to believe let alone acknowledge Him as the true living God. The Father let their minds become reprobate following their flesh. What comes good of the flesh people? Nothing. They were shapen in iniquity, and in sin did their mothers conceive them. Israel is the biggest Nation on Earth that supports the Trans community being led by a morbidly, corrupted government overrun with rampant homosexuality, and like Amerikkka they endorse pedophilia. Of all the Nations on the Earth, Israel ranks number one in unnatural sex, and relations more so than the United States of Amerikkka, and Amerikkka’s European counterparts. When Jews here in the states get arrested for unlawful sexual acts committed against children those who have convenient connections are able to seek refuge, and fly to Israel fleeing prosecution. Oftentimes this is warranted, by US gov’t protection agencies who assist them in their transition back to Israel. Larry Nassar whose last name is Jewish, but they claim him not. The faith he was raised in makes him a Catholic which reeks of corruption, and entitlement that exceeds the realm of sexually deviant malfeasance executed by this religious sect that historically has gotten away with the most egregious sins committed against God's innocent ones. The FBIs handling of his high profile case was a case study in buffoonery, and an insane margin of flexibility that cannot be explained to a person of a simple mind. Hopefully this gov’t will learn which is doubtful. Pray that the payoff of a high monetary lawsuit will make the US government look at this flawed system, and send Goober Pyle back to law school or a police precinct to learn how to do his job. This is not privilege, it’s sin. Romans 1:21-25 21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, 23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and four footed beasts, and creeping things. 24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: 25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. The inhabitants of Canaan were neither ignorant nor innocent victims of an angry God. They were committing these terrible sins being fully aware of the true and living God. Because they rejected Him, God judged them harshly. How do you explain the people of Israel, Amerikkka, Europe, and the rest of the West in this day and time? You can't without condemning them, and the rest of humanity which the Father had all authority to do. Instead, He sent His Son to die for Yisrael whom we rejected giving the
gentiles a pathway to His Kindome. Why do you refuse to accept His truth? Forgiving a jackass is like storing wine in old wineskins or plastic garbage bags. The messenger has made your hearts cold, and bitter towards the Father, and His Son Yeshua? Learn from us, and prepare for a New World in its natural order of things because this right here ain't it. Good evening people, Elohim 9/25/2021
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lawrenceop · 4 years
HOMILY for 2nd Friday in Advent
Isa 48:17-19; Ps 1; Mt 11:16-19
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“Anyone who follows you, O Lord, will have the light of life.” (cf Jn 8:12)
This year has been a dark year, and some of this darkness has come through a virus which has brought death and deep sadness for many families around the world. For many of our nurses and doctors and health care professionals – which includes a good number of our parishioners – this year has been dark, not only because of the increase in their stressful work, but also because of the sad restrictions that have been necessary and which have kept the dying from their loved ones. The darkness of this year has increased due to the economic impact and the financial uncertainties of this time; many of our securities are being shaken and our comfortable assumptions are being uprooted.
But, historically speaking, many of our forebears, and many of the Saints of the past have known upheavals and pandemics even worse than ours – we’re just the first generation in the last century to be living through one, and we’re the first ever to have access to global information about it. But, as Pope Francis said: “the flood of information at our fingertips does not make for greater wisdom.”
Wisdom, however, is essential if we’re to survive the things that life throws at us. Wisdom is knowing how to find your way forward in a dark room. Wisdom is following the One who alone can lead us to the light and to truly living, to being fully alive. Hence we said: “Anyone who follows you, O Lord, will have the light of life.” For God is life himself, he is the one who is most fully alive, and his Son, Jesus Christ, the Living One, has conquered sickness and death, and so he has gone from the darkness of the tomb to the light of heaven. So he comes because he loves us, and he comes to give us a share in God’s life. He comes to lead us in the ways of genuine wisdom, and to give a peace and a joy that the world cannot give.
So, if anyone desires to be truly happy, let them wise up and find themselves here in church with Jesus Christ. For a start, it’s better for your mental health! According to an annual Gallup poll that was released today, in 2020 people’s mental health declined, which we can expect – it has been a dark year. And yet, while every demographic group showed a decline in mental wellbeing, those who went to church every week – and only this group – showed an improvement in mental health compared to 2019. Why? Because anyone who follows the Lord will have the light of life!
As the psalm today goes on to say: “Happy indeed is the man who follows not the counsel of the wicked; nor lingers in the way of sinners”. Rather, “He is like a tree that is planted beside the flowing waters, that yields its fruit in due season and whose leaves shall never fade.” In other words, if we are rooted in our Faith in Jesus Christ, rooted in a deep relationship with God, who is like the living water, then we can withstand the droughts and dark times and difficulties of this life. Because you can be sure that life is hard, and there will be many more dark times to come. This is a certainty. But, for those of us who follow the Lord Jesus, we also have this certainty: that anyone who follows him will have the light of life. In other words, we know by faith that if we remain close to Jesus, if we come to him in church and receive the Sacraments week after week, even day after day, then we have the strength to endure, to survive, and even to flourish and find life. The Saints all point to the wisdom of this, and the beauty of our civilisation, all the good things that we often take for granted in Western thought and practice, all point to the wisdom of following the Lord Jesus, who gives us light, and life, and peace. So Jesus says in the Gospel: “wisdom has been proved right by her actions” (Mt 11:19). In other words, the consequences of our decisions will prove the rightness of what we do, and all who follow Christ, all who choose to obey God and serve him, have thus been shown to have chosen wisely. For they receive from God the “light of life”.
Our world today is fumbling in the dark – its leaders and influencers behave “like children shouting to each other as they sit in the market place”, to use Jesus’s image. We are all surely in need of the One who can give us direction and lead us to the light of life. So today, in this dark night, our good and faithful God acts in a particular way to give the light of his grace and his Presence to two young men.
Through the sacrament of Confirmation, which means, strengthening, the Holy Spirit is being given to you so that you can take the right steps forward, out of the darkness of sin, out of the darkness of sorrow, out of the false solutions offered by Satan and all who serve him. The Lord God comes to strengthen you for life, not only at this time, but in all the difficult times you will have to confront, especially when you are tempted by sin.
Remember: we Christians have been called to be sons of light. And so, today, through the Sacrament of Confirmation you will be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit, who is Light himself, and who came down from heaven like tongues of shining fire. God gives himself to you and comes to drive away all darkness in you, because he is all light, but above all because he has a burning love for you, and so he  desires your salvation. So, turn from sin and live a new life with Christ. You will be sealed, stamped, marked out in this way because God claims you now as his own – he loves you, and he says to you today: “You are my beloved son.” So, be wise, and embrace God as your Father, and stay close to him, listening to his teaching in the Bible, and obeying the commandments of Christ.
For as we heard from the prophet Isaiah: “I, the Lord, your God, teach you what is good for you, I lead you in the way that you must go.” Therefore, let all of us who have been baptised and confirmed, especially those who are being confirmed today, heed these words of Scripture. Let us be wise, and so repent of our foolish ways, and follow the Lord, for anyone who follows him will have the light of life. Today, I pray, marks the start of a new path, a new following, a new living for you both.
May Mary, our Immaculate Mother, pray for us!
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pamphletstoinspire · 4 years
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Archbishop Vigano’s  Warns Trump About ‘Great Reset’ Plot
Open Letter To The President Of The United States
Sunday, October 25, 2020
Solemnity of Christ the King
Mr. President,
Allow me to address you at this hour in which the fate of the whole world is being threatened by a global conspiracy against God and humanity. I write to you as an Archbishop, as a Successor of the Apostles, as the former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America. I am writing to you in the midst of the silence of both civil and religious authorities. May you accept these words of mine as the “voice of one crying out in the desert” (Jn 1:23).
As I said when I wrote my letter to you in June, this historical moment sees the forces of Evil aligned in a battle without quarter against the forces of Good; forces of Evil that appear powerful and organized as they oppose the children of Light, who are disoriented and disorganized, abandoned by their temporal and spiritual leaders.
Daily we sense the attacks multiplying of those who want to destroy the very basis of society: the natural family, respect for human life, love of country, freedom of education and business. We see heads of nations and religious leaders pandering to this suicide of Western culture and its Christian soul, while the fundamental rights of citizens and believers are denied in the name of a health emergency that is revealing itself more and more fully as instrumental to the establishment of an inhuman faceless tyranny.
A global plan called the Great Reset is underway. Its architect is a global élite that wants to subdue all of humanity, imposing coercive measures with which to drastically limit individual freedoms and those of entire populations. In several nations this plan has already been approved and financed; in others it is still in an early stage. Behind the world leaders who are the accomplices and executors of this infernal project, there are unscrupulous characters who finance the World Economic Forum and Event 201, promoting their agenda.
The purpose of the Great Reset is the imposition of a health dictatorship aiming at the imposition of liberticidal measures, hidden behind tempting promises of ensuring a universal income and cancelling individual debt. The price of these concessions from the International Monetary Fund will be the renunciation of private property and adherence to a program of vaccination against Covid-19 and Covid-21 promoted by Bill Gates with the collaboration of the main pharmaceutical groups. Beyond the enormous economic interests that motivate the promoters of the Great Reset, the imposition of the vaccination will be accompanied by the requirement of a health passport and a digital ID, with the consequent contact tracing of the population of the entire world. Those who do not accept these measures will be confined in detention camps or placed under house arrest, and all their assets will be confiscated.
Mr. President, I imagine that you are already aware that in some countries the Great Reset will be activated between the end of this year and the first trimester of 2021. For this purpose, further lockdowns are planned, which will be officially justified by a supposed second and third wave of the pandemic. You are well aware of the means that have been deployed to sow panic and legitimize draconian limitations on individual liberties, artfully provoking a world-wide economic crisis. In the intentions of its architects, this crisis will serve to make the recourse of nations to the Great Reset irreversible, thereby giving the final blow to a world whose existence and very memory they want to completely cancel. But this world, Mr. President, includes people, affections, institutions, faith, culture, traditions, and ideals: people and values that do not act like automatons, who do not obey like machines, because they are endowed with a soul and a heart, because they are tied together by a spiritual bond that draws its strength from above, from that God that our adversaries want to challenge, just as Lucifer did at the beginning of time with his “non serviam.”
Many people – as we well know – are annoyed by this reference to the clash between Good and Evil and the use of “apocalyptic” overtones, which according to them exasperates spirits and sharpens divisions. It is not surprising that the enemy is angered at being discovered just when he believes he has reached the citadel he seeks to conquer undisturbed. What is surprising, however, is that there is no one to sound the alarm. The reaction of the deep state to those who denounce its plan is broken and incoherent, but understandable. Just when the complicity of the mainstream media had succeeded in making the transition to the New World Order almost painless and unnoticed, all sorts of deceptions, scandals and crimes are coming to light.
Until a few months ago, it was easy to smear as “conspiracy theorists” those who denounced these terrible plans, which we now see being carried out down to the smallest detail. No one, up until last February, would ever have thought that, in all of our cities, citizens would be arrested simply for wanting to walk down the street, to breathe, to want to keep their business open, to want to go to church on Sunday. Yet now it is happening all over the world, even in picture-postcard Italy that many Americans consider to be a small enchanted country, with its ancient monuments, its churches, its charming cities, its characteristic villages. And while the politicians are barricaded inside their palaces promulgating decrees like Persian satraps, businesses are failing, shops are closing, and people are prevented from living, traveling, working, and praying. The disastrous psychological consequences of this operation are already being seen, beginning with the suicides of desperate entrepreneurs and of our children, segregated from friends and classmates, told to follow their classes while sitting at home alone in front of a computer.
In Sacred Scripture, Saint Paul speaks to us of “the one who opposes” the manifestation of the mystery of iniquity, the kathèkon (2 Thess 2:6-7). In the religious sphere, this obstacle to evil is the Church, and in particular the papacy; in the political sphere, it is those who impede the establishment of the New World Order.
As is now clear, the one who occupies the Chair of Peter has betrayed his role from the very beginning in order to defend and promote the globalist ideology, supporting the agenda of the deep church, who chose him from its ranks.
Mr. President, you have clearly stated that you want to defend the nation – One Nation under God, fundamental liberties, and non-negotiable values that are denied and fought against today. It is you, dear President, who are “the one who opposes” the deep state, the final assault of the children of darkness.
For this reason, it is necessary that all people of good will be persuaded of the epochal importance of the imminent election: not so much for the sake of this or that political program, but because of the general inspiration of your action that best embodies – in this particular historical context – that world, our world, which they want to cancel by means of the lockdown. Your adversary is also our adversary: it is the Enemy of the human race, He who is “a murderer from the beginning” (Jn 8:44).
Around you are gathered with faith and courage those who consider you the final garrison against the world dictatorship. The alternative is to vote for a person who is manipulated by the deep state, gravely compromised by scandals and corruption, who will do to the United States what Jorge Mario Bergoglio is doing to the Church, Prime Minister Conte to Italy, President Macron to France, Prime Minster Sanchez to Spain, and so on. The blackmailable nature of Joe Biden – just like that of the prelates of the Vatican’s “magic circle” – will expose him to be used unscrupulously, allowing illegitimate powers to interfere in both domestic politics as well as international balances. It is obvious that those who manipulate him already have someone worse than him ready, with whom they will replace him as soon as the opportunity arises.
And yet, in the midst of this bleak picture, this apparently unstoppable advance of the “Invisible Enemy,” an element of hope emerges. The adversary does not know how to love, and it does not understand that it is not enough to assure a universal income or to cancel mortgages in order to subjugate the masses and convince them to be branded like cattle. This people, which for too long has endured the abuses of a hateful and tyrannical power, is rediscovering that it has a soul; it is understanding that it is not willing to exchange its freedom for the homogenization and cancellation of its identity; it is beginning to understand the value of familial and social ties, of the bonds of faith and culture that unite honest people. This Great Reset is destined to fail because those who planned it do not understand that there are still people ready to take to the streets to defend their rights, to protect their loved ones, to give a future to their children and grandchildren. The leveling inhumanity of the globalist project will shatter miserably in the face of the firm and courageous opposition of the children of Light. The enemy has Satan on its side, He who only knows how to hate. But on our side, we have the Lord Almighty, the God of armies arrayed for battle, and the Most Holy Virgin, who will crush the head of the ancient Serpent. “If God is for us, who can be against us?” (Rom 8:31).
Mr. President, you are well aware that, in this crucial hour, the United States of America is considered the defending wall against which the war declared by the advocates of globalism has been unleashed. Place your trust in the Lord, strengthened by the words of the Apostle Paul: “I can do all things in Him who strengthens me” (Phil 4:13). To be an instrument of Divine Providence is a great responsibility, for which you will certainly receive all the graces of state that you need, since they are being fervently implored for you by the many people who support you with their prayers.
With this heavenly hope and the assurance of my prayer for you, for the First Lady, and for your collaborators, with all my heart I send you my blessing.
God bless the United States of America!
+ Carlo Maria Viganò
Tit. Archbishop of Ulpiana
Former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America
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noctusfury · 4 years
Helping Others in Need
It makes me so upset when I see/hear people who CLAIM to be Christians who don’t help others who are hungry and need to be sheltered and clothed and provided for when Jesus CLEARLY commanded us to. It’s because of the cushy living that we’ve been living in. We’re so used to having jobs, having homes, having money, having food, having clothes, having everything provided for us since birth, and instead of being grateful and trying to use our blessings to bless others, as God commanded us, we decide to hoard it for ourselves and lazily think that God will take care of those in need because He’s God, when WE are the vessels He’s wanted to work through. We have been brainwashed into thinking that talking and thinking is the same as action. We have been brainwashed to ignoring our fellow man under the assumption that other people will do it so we’re not needed.
James 2:14-17 says: “14 What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can such a faith save him? 15 If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, 16 and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? 17 So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead.”
Also, just because somebody calls themselves a Christian, doesn’t make them a Christian. Even the demons believe in God and Jesus... and SHUDDER in fear! A Christian is someone who proves his faith by his actions, by helping other people and providing for them as Jesus had done as He gave food to the multitude as he chatted with His disciples.
Also, remember the Pharisees? They were the wealthiest people in Israel and were considering, in that time, to have the favor of God because of their wealth (though they got their wealth through corrupt means). One of Jesus’s chief accusations against the Pharisees was in not doing good on the Sabbath, and in placing their own laws and traditions of men above serving and providing for their own people with the wealth that they had been blessed with. What was Jesus’s entire ministry? Healing the sick, bringing sight to the blind, and hearing to the deaf, raising the dead, feeding the hungry, giving water to the thirsty.... HELPING PEOPLE.
So if Jesus was like that with the Pharisees, what would He think of US, who sit around eating and drinking and going on vacations like Kings and Queens, but ignore our fellow human beings who are waiting on God to provide for them, but can’t, because He’s waiting for US to notice? If all that Jesus was doing in His ministry was helping people and providing for their needs, then why aren’t WE doing the same thing? Just seems contradictory to me.
Also, one more thing: It GALLS me to see my fellow Christians say “Go in peace; keep warm and well-fed,” to those who are in need of help but ignore the Spirit’s urging for them to help, only for them (the Christians) to whine and blame God when they’re the ones in need and nothing happens. And God’s like, “Why should I help you when you failed to do the same for your brethren?”
Proverbs 21:13 says: “Whoever shuts their ears to the cry of the poor will also cry out and not be answered.”
Matthew 25:40 tells us that whatever we do to even the least of our brethren, we do to the Father and His Son — for good or for ill. Also, what we don’t do will be taken into account as well. So beware!
If you wish God to show mercy and come to your aid when you’re in serious need, then do the same for your brethren who suffer around you every day and are waiting for you to be God’s instrument and vessel through which provision and even healing can be given. God works through His people; if his people can’t be bothered to become the conductor through which light and healing can be administered, then God cannot move. For He has elected to work only through His people in order to bring light into this dark and cold and miserable world. If Jesus had not moved to help those in need, there would’ve been no miracles, and there definitely would NOT have been the cross. If the disciples had not done the things they did to help those in need, there would’ve been no miracles, and Christianity would not have been spread, and there would’ve been no Book of Acts.
Hint: It’s called ACTS for a reason. It wasn’t called the Book of Plans, or the Book of Blessing or Encouragement, or the Book of Talking. It was called the Book of ACTS, because the Disciples took action and saw the needs of those around them and saw to those needs. THEN they told the Gospel. Same with what Jesus did.
I don’t mean to preach, but this has been ruffling my feathers for years. But we NEED to step forward and be like Christ. You want to know why the world HATES us Christians in the Western world? It’s because we’re hypocrites; we say one thing and do another. We say we believe, but we don’t. We say that we love God and follow Him, yet we don’t follow what He commanded us to do. Jesus said, “I do the will of my Father, the One who sent Me.” and his entire ministry was helping people and providing for their needs. So why aren’t we doing it? The world hates us because they know that the Bible says this, but we don’t do it. We say we believe and is what we should do, but at the same time, we assume God will do it or tell someone else to do it, when we are in a position and have the resources to do it. And the recipient remains hungry, cold, and still in poverty. 
Edmund Burke once said, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” 
Brothers, if we are doing nothing, we are allowing EVIL to TRIUMPH! How can this be? Satan wants us to do nothing. Us sitting on our haunches gives him the legal right and authority to move. The Spirit can only move and good can only triumph when we step up and DO something for the good of others — even if it’s at our own expense and we are required to sacrifice something. Was not the Assembly in the Apostles’ time praised because of their sacrifice and their willingness to help others, even at the cost of their own lives? Those during the Middle Ages were willing to help heal those who had the Plague and often died themselves as a result. Tell me... are YOU willing to make such a sacrifice? Even if it’s not your life, what about your finances, your reputation, your pride, your job, your relationships with your family and/or friends, etc? Even if the government outlawed such attempts, would you not do it?
Christianity, our Faith, is all about SACRIFICE — a concept that is strange and foreign to today’s generation of believers. Many of them haven’t even read James or much of the Bible to begin with. They just sit back and listen to the preacher preach. Their faith isn’t reality for them.
And let us not forget Paul’s Epistles and those written by John, as well as the Old Testament — ALL of them talk about how to HELP people and SACRIFICE and PROVIDE for the poor, the widows, and the orphans. (Paul commends the Philippians for their going above and beyond the call of duty in their offerings and SACRIFICING so that other churches can be blessed and so the Gospel can grow.) They even go as far as to say that the summing up of the faith, according to James, is to look after the poor, widows, and the orphans. God clearly says multiple times in Scripture that He will bless those who hear the cries of the poor, the widows, and the orphans, and will punish severely those who close their ears and eyes towards them. I mean, that’s heavy stuff. Even going so far as to say that He will make the offender’s wife and children become widows and orphans if we ignore the cries of those in need and continue indulging ourselves. The Father HATES those who do nothing for those in need, because God intentionally placed them there to test our faith and so that we can be a light for the world.
“The poor you will always have with you” (Matthew 26:11). 
Always... meaning that there’ll never come a time until Jesus returns when there’ll cease to be any poor, needy, widows and/or orphans. Why? Because every generation of FOLLOWERS need to have the opportunity to become Lights of God. Without them, it would be impossible for us to be able to prove that our faith is the real deal and there’d be no anvil to hammer us into refined gold.
Okay, I need to stop before I get ahead of myself. lol XD
Think about it. Pray about it. But more than anything, be a DOER of the Word, and NOT a HEARER only. Go Home and Read Your Bible! Thanks!
Shalom and Agape, Brothers and Sisters, and to those who aren’t a part of the Assembly who have read this artlcle. I hope that this has been a blessing to you all and has been of some encouragement or conviction. Love you guys. ^_^
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Ghost's Tobias Forge Talks Band's First American Arena Tour and Misconceptions About Satanism
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"You’re going to get the same show in Seattle as if you came to see us in Fargo."
Within nine years of releasing its debut album, Opus Eponymous, hard-rock act Ghost has become prominent among metal fans for its theatrical style. Propelled by its architect Tobias Forge -- the singer, songwriter and creative force behind the band known for its catchy guitar riffs and lush harmonies -- the Swedish outfit can trace a direct lineage to ’70s shock rock.
“Kiss and Alice Cooper have had an enormous impact on me, ever since I was a tiny tad bigger than an infant. I like Blue Oyster Cult, but they were never as big of an influence as people think they were because they never had the significance for me as Kiss or Alice Cooper had,” says Forge. “It’s more a matter of [Ghost] being melodic rock but with a lot of multi-harmonized vocals that makes it sound like BOC.”
Ghost’s fourth and latest album, 2018’s Prequelle -- of which Forge says, “I’m very pleased with the result... It was, thus far, our best, most accomplished record” -- is loosely based on the Black Plague of 14th-century Europe. The singles “Rats” and “Dance Macabre” held the No. 1 spot on the Billboard Mainstream Rock Songs chart for seven and two weeks, respectively, while latest single “Faith” has reached No. 8. Prequelle has moved 191,000 album equivalent units (according to Nielsen Music), reached No. 3 on the Billboard 200 and earned Grammy Award nominations for best rock album and best rock song (for “Rats”) this year. (Ghost previously won best metal performance in 2016, for “Cirice.”)
Part of the band’s appeal is its appearance. Ghost’s other members wear masks concealing their identities and are referred to as Nameless Ghouls. Forge originally assumed the stage persona of Papa Emiritus, a demonic anti-pope, and currently performs as Cardinal Copia. Its “Satanic” leanings, both lyrically (with song titles like “Satan Prayer” and “Depth of Satan’s Eyes”) and visually (Forge wears vestments that feature upside down crosses), also have attracted attention. Forge explains, “For me, it is very personal and important, but I struggle to define the differences between the pop-cultural Satan and the actual one, if you want to say it that way, because that’s even harder to define.”
He notes that since the 1960s, Satanism “has become a fun little thing for 20-somethings to play with. It has very much been embraced as a symbol of liberation, rather than a symbol of actual tyranny and evil.” Noting that it’s “a very complex issue” that can’t be thoroughly covered in a brief interview, he says with a laugh, “The pop-cultural Satan has an amazing importance for me, and that’s because I’m a born rebel and a natural ‘opposer,’ in that I oppose shit.”
When asked if there can be Satan without God, the singer goes deeper, saying, “The Satan that we are most commonly referring to in the Western world is obviously a product of Christianity. Within the confines and context of Christianity, no. They cannot exist without the other. That’s the problem with the entire concept of Satanism because, depending on who you’re talking to -- if you’re talking to a Bible thumper, Satan exists within the bras of women, and Satan exists within the confines of rock’n’roll music and drugs and everything that would be considered quote ‘bad’ and ‘dangerous’ and ‘harmful.’ And I think that in rock ’n’ roll and in pop culture, that is the thing that most people cling to.
“Satan as a symbol or symbolic role model represents liberation and free thought and fun,” he continues, laughing. “Intellectualism as opposed to regression and stupidity. But if you’re talking about Satan as the main peddler and the prime motor for evil -- if I look at the world and I see evil, I think of ISIS and I think that’s pure evil, and that has nothing to do with a pop-cultural horned-goat half-man called Satan. So you really, really, really have to understand that the ‘Satan’ that has been embraced by artists in film, music, poetry and art going back centuries was made to scare people.”
Further testament to Ghost’s success is its current supporting slot on Metallica’s European tour that runs until Aug. 25. That will be followed by its own arena tour that will start in Bakersfield, Calif., on Sept. 13.
“It’s our first consecutive American arena headlining tour, which is an affirmation of a job well done, I guess,” the singer says humbly. “There’s absolutely nothing wrong with playing theaters -- I love playing theaters as well, which we’ve done a lot -- but the one thing about theaters is that they are often seated, and I really, really don’t like seats because it disrupts the flow and the energy of the crowd.”
Arenas are his favorite performing, forum because “the people who are standing in the front on the floor are the ones who cause the energy.” Plus, there are fewer production restrictions, so the band “can bring the bombs everywhere, and you can do fire, you can do confetti, you can do this and that and the other, and it just looks huge and sounds good.
Forge observes that the upcoming tour will be the first time Ghost has taken identical production to every venue that it will play. “In the past, even the last American tour we did last fall, where we played all over the place, including The Forum in L.A., we played a lot of theaters, and some nights we didn’t use pyro at all,” he explains. “Some nights we couldn’t use this gag at all, or couldn’t do this, that and the other, just because there were restrictions … If you come and see us — and we’re not playing a lot of the bigger cities on this tour because we’ve already played them — you’re going to get the same show in Seattle as if you came to see us in Fargo [N.D.]. And I’m very proud of that.”
While Forge is excited about the fall tour, he’s already looking forward to entering the studio in January to start making the fifth record. “There are a lot of things making Prequelle and all the other records I’m thinking about: Some things I’m looking to perfect, and some things I’m looking not to repeat. Some things I think we just missed the mark on. And those are the ambitions I go into with every record and this time as well.”
He adds, “I don’t want to rush. I want to go forward and achieve as many things as possible. I’m always thinking ahead. One day this will all be over, and I’ll have plenty of time to sit and wonder what happened,” he says, laughing.
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After Jesus was crucified, everyone had a different understanding of what Jesus had wanted them to do...even those who had never met or heard Jesus’ teachings, like Paul. Christianity is the result of those who thought Jesus wanted them create a religion...to collect money, and side with murderous/immoral political rulers...so they could gain status and political power (to cover up their immorality and avoid legal punishments)...legally steal pagan temples and property...and replicate pagan ceremonies...
“When it comes to religious history, the list of Catholic Church transgressions makes for pretty uncomfortable reading. Despite exalting virtue and kindness in its teaching, Church leadership has spearheaded a long history of outright unforgivable Catholic actions...
Though Vatican violence goes way back, there are a number of disturbing episodes from recent history. Some of this repugnant behavior comes from Popes, some was Church-endorsed, and some, most unsettlingly, was just straight-up regular Church practice.
Dark Church history contains scandal after scandal rife with every vice and taboo you can imagine. When the Church was at the height of its power (at which point it was the most powerful organization in the Western world), it's safe to say everything went to its head. Combine that with the fact that Church leaders seem to stubbornly resist adapting to changing(improving) morality...and you've got a whole lot of unforgivable moments on our hands.
** Systemically Covering Up Tens Of Thousands Of Cases Involving Sexual Misconduct:  Remember the time there was a systematic cover up of abuse, molestation, and rape at the hands of priests that went all the way to the top of the Church? A conservative estimate says there were 17,200 victims in the US alone, and this type of mistreatment happened world-wide. When complaints came in, priests and other offenders were transferred, rather than punished. The extent of their actions will probably never be fully understood, because of the decades of cover up. But the Church isn't denying it anymore. The archdiocese of Milwaukee acknowledged the severity of the issue and agreed to pay a $21 million settlement to 300 victims. But these types of settlements are few and far between.
The molestation of children is still happening at the hands of priests, 15 years after the Boston Globe broke the story. In fact, in August 2018, a grand jury reported that internal documents from six Pennsylvanian dioceses noted that over 300 "predator priests" were "credibly accused"...of harming more than 1,000 child victims; the alleged violations go as far back as 1947.
Due to statute of limitations, only two priests were charged with abusing minors. In February 2019, however, Pope Francis publicly acknowledged the systemic maltreatment and vowed to combat the problem. He said, "I think that it’s continuing because it’s not like once you realize it that it stops. It continues. And for some time we’ve been working on it."
** The Crusades...Or, Incapacitating Jews And Muslims For 300 Years:  In 1095, when Pope Urban II made a plea for war with Muslims, armies of Christians in Western Europe took up the charge. The pope promised serfs freedom if they went, galvanizing the masses. In the First Crusade, an army of peasants led by Peter the Hermit was massacred by the Turks. When an army of knights went after them and captured Jerusalem, it was said they massacred Muslims until the streets ran with blood.This was only the beginning. Waves of the Crusades continued until 1396, marking three centuries of warfare, and incalculable human suffering. "Taking the heads of slain enemies and impaling them upon pikes appears to have been a favorite pastime among crusaders. Chronicles record a story of a crusader-bishop who referred to the impaled heads of slain Muslims as a joyful spectacle for the people of God. When Muslim cities were captured by Christian crusaders, it was standard operating procedure for all inhabitants, no matter what their age, to be summarily killed. It is not an exaggeration to say that the streets ran red with blood as Christians reveled in church-sanctioned horrors. Jews who took refuge in their synagogues would be burned alive, not unlike the treatment they received in Europe."
** Pretty Much Everything Done By Pope Boniface VIII:  Boniface VIII (1230 -1303) was guilty of many horrible crimes that, sum total, make him seem like a sadistic Roman emperor. Among other things, he oversaw the complete destruction of Palestrina, a city that peacefully surrendered. Palestrina was completely razed, and Boniface ordered a plow driven over it to prove it had been reduced to nothing but earth and rubble.  You know priests take a vow of celibacy, right? Apparently, Boniface VIII didn't take his too seriously. He once had a three-way with a married woman and her daughter, but was even more well known for saying that having sex with young boys was as natural as rubbing one hand against the other. So, obviously, he was raping (or at least fornicating with), children. To celebrate his many great accomplishments, Boniface VIII just loved erecting statutes of himself. So add hubris to his list of sins.
** Burning Joan Of Arc For Dressing Like A Man:  You may know Joan of Arc as a saint, but the Church didn't always hold her in such high esteem. In fact, at one time, she was pretty much the Catholic Church's public enemy number one. In 1429, 17-year-old Joan of Arc, believing God had spoken to her, instigated an uprising to get the English out of France, but some high-powered Catholics who sympathized with the English weren't pleased. French king Charles VII wisely accepted Joan's help in his fight against the English, and together, they won some major battles.
When Joan was captured, Charles VII, unsure of whether he trusted her as an emissary of God, handed her over to the Church, which did what Catholics do best, put her on trial for heresy with no evidence. To make things one step more ridiculous, Joan was denied counsel, which was against Church rules. Despite this, she is famed for remaining cool, calm, and dripping with integrity throughout the trial. Because there was no evidence of heresy, Joan was found guilty of one of the 70+ other charges brought against her, wearing men's clothes (shirt and pants, like every country girl today!) , for which she was burned at the stake in 1431 in front of a crowd of thousands. In 1456, Charles VII ordered an investigation into Joan's trial. The result? She was declared innocent and made a martyr. The Church followed suit and, in 1920, canonized her. Talk about a change of heart. Maybe since all male Church officials wear dresses they pretend are robes, they decided it was okay for Joan to dress a little (country!). 
** Burning William Tyndale For Making A Vernacular Bible For The Masses You'd think the Church would make the mass distribution of its core text a main priority. As it turns out, in the 16th century, this was the last thing powerful Catholics wanted.  Scholar William Tyndale, on the other hand, wanted this so badly he went into hiding to translate the Bible into English, so lay people could read it for themselves. The Church was not happy about this, and when copies were smuggled around Europe, Catholic authorities demanded they be burned. And what of Tyndale? He was captured, tried for heresy for daring translate the bible, and burned at the stake. When Church authorities decided printing Bibles in English was okay, they borrowed a whole lot from Tyndale's translation. And never apologized.
** Slaying Countless Women As Witches Because Pope Innocent VII Was Paranoid: The Catholic Church wasn't the only group involved in witch hunts, but it kicked things off with Malleus Maleficarum (Hammer of Witches), a doozy of a book written in 1487, after Pope Innocent VIII declared, by papal bull, witches were real and a threat (due to their involvement with Satan). He wanted that sh*t investigated stat, so clergymen Johann Sprenger and Heinrich Krämer (using his Latin name, Henricus Institoris) took up the call and literally wrote the book on witches, Satanists (which were invented for this book), and hunts thereof. And boy, was it a success. It was so popular that, for 200 years, it was second only to the Bible on the sales charts. The problem? Well, for one, the book was hugely sexist and focused almost only on women, promoting burning them at the stake,  a common punishment for heretics. So who knows how many deaths it inspired; its influence was too huge to quantify. The book is also filled with somewhat dubious information, such as the following facts about witches and Satanists: they stop cows from giving milk; they rode through the air on broomsticks on their way to forest orgies; they ate infants.
** Absolving Sins For Cash Payments, Including Sins Not Yet Committed:  If one bit of Catholic Church history got drilled into your mind in high school, there's a good chance it was the selling of indulgences and Martin Luther's reformation. Now synonymous with money-grubbing, the idea of an indulgence isn't so bad in theory. According to Church doctrine, "[an] indulgence is a remission before God of the temporal punishment due to sins whose guilt has already been forgiven, which the faithful Christian who is duly disposed gains under certain defined conditions through the Church’s help when, as a minister of redemption, she dispenses and applies with authority the treasury of the satisfactions won by Christ and the saints." A little wordy, but potentially inoffensive.
In the 16th century, however, indulgences got out of hand. Pope Leo X had expensive taste and wasn't above using shady means to satisfy it. Indulgences were peddled as "pay X to absolve you of Y." Basically, money gets you into heaven. To give some indication of how crazy things got, Dominican friar John Teztel was named Grand Commissioner of indulgences in Germany (so, overseeing indulgence was his only job), where he sold absolution for future sins. So: "Hey, give us some gold, it's all good if you kill that dude next week."
If you were poor and ignorant, as most poor people in the period probably were, you basically just believed you were hopelessly f*cked and did your best to prepare for an eternity spent frolicking in the torments of hell. So what happened? Martin Luther, none too pleased, wrote his 95 Theses, effectively kick starting the Reformation.
** Orchestrating The Fall Of The Knights Templar To Appease A Broke King:  ...the Knights Templar, a stateless military fraternity assembled to protect Christian pilgrims to the Holy Land, were the subject of gossip a long time ago. They were endorsed by the Roman Catholic Church in 1129, and were famous valorous service in the Crusades. They were also really good with money, which shouldn't have been a problem, but King Philip IV of France owed them (and others) a whole lot of it. Philip took advantage of growing fear of the Knight Templar's power and pressured the Church into dropping the mighty anvil of god down on them. What the Church did next wasn't great. In 1307, Pope Clement V had members arrested and tortured, gaining false confessions of heresy. In fact, he got enough such confessions to justify disbanding the order in 1312. Various Knights confessed to spitting on the cross, fraud, and secrecy (which was apparently a crime?), and nobody cared the confessions arose from torture and were recanted afterward. Archbishop of Sens Philippe de Marigny, who ran an investigation into the Knights, had dozens burned at the stake. A fine repayment for all of that fighting in the crusades. In 2007, a secret document showing Pope Clement V absolved the Knights before later deciding to disband them was published. Historians believe this document provides essential proof that the Church caved under King Phillip's pressure. Good news for the Knight's integrity, bad news for the Church's.
** Burning Someone 43 Years After He Passed Because He Upset Some Important Catholics:  As if having your enemies killed wasn't enough, Catholics gotta burn the corpses, too. What gives? Trying to outdo what the Romans did to JC and John Wycliffe (1320 – 1384), famous English theologian and vocal critic of the Church, was a forerunner of the Reformation. Among his many criticisms was a belief the Church should give up its worldly possessions. As you can imagine, not an idea the church was happy to have spread around. Wycliffe also promoted and worked on the first English translation of the Bible, hoping to give people direct access to the word of god. Again, not a fun idea for the Church, which liked its monopoly on power.
William Courtenay, Archbishop of Canterbury, made moves against Wycliffe after retiring (gotta stay busy). Wycliffe's writings were banned in certain areas, but it didn't end there. It didn't even end when Wycliffe died of a stroke in 1384. Instead, in 1415 (31 years after he died), the Council of Constance declared Wycliffe a heretic. Not only did they order his books burned, they ordered his body exhumed and burned. And it took them 12 years to do that. So, 43 years after Wycliffe died, his corpse was torched and his ashes thrown in the River Swift. So much for resting in peace.
** Executing Jan Hus For Working Out Some Tricky Theological Philosophy: The Church tends to be pretty brutal with its critics, of which the treatment of Jan Hus, born 1372, is one of the best (or worst) examples. A Czech priest, Hus felt the Church, run by humans, who are by nature flawed, must necessarily also therefore be flawed, while the Bible, the direct word of God, had no flaws. He was, therefore, openly critical of Church practices, especially the papal schism and indulgence sales. So, not very happy with Hus, the Church convened the Council of Constance and invited him to join them. Nothing to worry about, just a wee chat. Or so they said. Instead of having that wee chat, the Council arrested Hus and put him on trial (and then in jail) for, you guessed it, heresy. He was kept in a dungeon and, when he refused to recant his teachings, was sentenced to death. The Church even refused him his last rights before burning him at the stake. And to think they said they just wanted to talk.
** The Joust Of Whores Organized By Pope Alexander VI: The Joust of Whores is just one example of the corrupt and ridiculous popes of yore. In 1501, Pope Alexander VI (a Borgia, if that rings any bells), who was known to have some pretty refined hobbies, like watching horses fornicate, took things way over the top. According to historian Tony Perrottet, he invited 50 women to strip at the pope's table. Then things got weird.As Perrotet writes: "Alexander and his family gleefully threw chestnuts on the floor, forcing the women to grovel around their feet like swine; they then offered prizes of fine clothes and jewelry for the man who could fornicate with the most women."It's rumored Alexander VI was killed by his son, Cesar. Just to show how truly f*cked up Alexander was, his body was expelled from the basilica of Saint Peter. Why? He was considered too evil for sacred soil.
** The Roman Inquisition, During Which Judaism And Love Magic Were Serious Crimes: The level of the Church's involvement in various inquisitions can be argued. It's important to remember Pope Innocent IV (ironic name, that) explicitly condoned torture as an Inquisition interrogation technique in his papal bull Ad extirpanda in 1252 (which bull probably deserves its own place on this list). The Spanish Inquisition, most famous of these murder orgies, was carried by Spanish royalty and friars, who were Catholic, but not working directly for, or under direction of, the Vatican.
But wait, kids! Don't forget the Roman Inquisition, or the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Roman and Universal Inquisition, which was 100% the church's doing. In 1542, as part of a Counter-Reformation against Protestantism (seriously, didn't these people have anything better to do than overreact to other Christians who pissed them off?), the Spanish Inquisition's gentle cousin, the Roman Inquisition, was born. Galileo and Copernicus were among those questioned. While Church staple heresy was a popular dish during the Inquisition, the menu had a number of options, including blasphemy, Judaism (which is a crime how?), immorality, witchcraft, love magic (yes please), and anything else wrathful Papists could shoe-horn in. John Bargrave, a  contemporary English writer, described how he was questioned in Latin (rather than Italian) to prevent uneducated guards from understanding what was being said. He was also prevented from carrying books "printed at any heretical city, as Geneva, Amsterdam, Leyden, London, or the like." Not as bad as the Spanish Inquisition, sure, but very much related and equally dogmatic, close minded, and power-mongering. A Church specialty
** Imprisoning Galileo In His Home For Years Because He Suggested Science Was Greater Than God:  The Church and science have a complicated relationship, to put it nicely. In 1633, Galileo Galilei, the father of, like, all science, was put on trial by the Church for saying the sun is the center of the universe and the earth moves around it, rather than the other way around. Which is, you know, true for the most part (sure, okay, the sun isn't the center of the universe, but still, he was onto something). But that didn't matter. Pope Urban VIII was having none of it, seeing Galileo's statement as horrific heresy. So, 10 cardinals sat in judgment of Galileo, who was threatened with torture, imprisonment, and even being burned at the stake. Galileo, 69 at the time and in a "pitiable state of bodily indisposition," eventually renounced his beliefs. Because of this, the church went easy on him and, rather than torture, he was subjected to house arrest until he died. What a way to treat the father of modern of science. And what does the church have to say on the subject now? "We today know that Galileo was right in adopting the Copernican astronomical theory," Paul Cardinal Poupard, the head of an investigation into the matter said in 1992. So, only 350 years too late.
** Cutting Funding For Immigrants Because Of Their Connection To The LGBTQ+ Community:  Not all Catholic faux pas come from the past; there's been some dodgy stuff in modern times, as well (see priest rape bonanza), and the church's relationship with the LGBTQ+ community continues to be a source of frustration. But here's a humdinger: For years, the Church gave thousands of dollars to Compañeros, a nonprofit helping Hispanic immigrants access healthcare, understand laws, and meet other basic needs. That is, until the Church found out Compañeros teamed up with a gay and lesbian rights group, at which point Nicole Mosher, executive director of  Compañeros, was informed their funding was in danger. Compañeros is but one example of organizations the Church threatens for not falling in line with the most strident dictates of Catholicism. The New York Times explained in 2002, "Since 2010, nine groups from across the country have lost financing from the campaign because of conflicts with Catholic principles."On the one hand, of course it's okay for the Church to withhold money from causes in contradiction with its beliefs. Like, say, an abortion clinic. But cutting off funding to aid the needy simply because of an association with the LGBTQ+ community seems extreme and unfair, especially given Church doctrine on helping the needy and feeding the poor. What's more, members of the LGBTQ+ community can identify as Catholic and go to church, but can't be helped by that Church? This is all the more more difficult to swallow when considering the Church's $1.6 billion stock portfolio...”
From https://m.ranker.com/list/most-unforgivable-things-the-catholic-church-has-done/lea-rose-emery
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laveritevientdedieu · 5 years
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There is a practice which is performed by all men all over the world since the beginning of Humanity. Its forms may differ throughout the different ages and cultures, and therefore, this practice is called by many names: prayer, Salat, meditation, communion, retreat, connection, …
Whether for religious purposes or not, this practice consists in a private moment for ourselves, more precisely inside ourselves, in order to find back ourselves and to be isolated from the rest of the world. This practice can be performed either at the beginning of the day in order to start out on the right foot, or during the day in order to catch its breath, or at the end of the day in order to ask ourselves what we did during the day.
In the infernal world in which we are living today, this practice is now occupying an important place in the life of the people, and there is a revival of so called “spirituality” with the formation of new disciplines such as mental coaching, technics of relaxation, yoga, meditation… etc etc. Our present world is extremely materialistic and lacks of spirituality, even those who are part of a “religion” are void of spirituality. As a matter of fact, what we call “religions” today have lost their true meaning and have become, just like in the time of Abraham, only ways of socialization, which allow the people to feel that they belong to a community … Whereas, True Religion is supposed to be a tool which allow us to bond with God and to elevate our consciousness, from darkness to light.
And Abraham said: “In Truth, you have adopted these idols instead of Allah to cement the bonds between yourselves in the life of this world, but on the Day of Resurrection, you shall disown each other, and curse each other, and your abode will be the Fire, and you shall have no helper.” S29:V25 
The Devil is well aware that man is made out of flesh and spirit. So, the Devil perfectly knows that depriving man from true spirituality and offering him instead his false ways of spirituality, would lead man to go astray and to become like an empty shell. The Devil has managed very well his plan by creating all kind of false ways of spirituality such as Yoga, meditation and other false methods of self control and relaxation. These false ways may indeed produce some beneficial effects, but do not fulfill what true spirituality brings to men: a connection with God and concrete positive effects on their present life. Today, even the 3 monotheistic “religions” have completely lost their spirituality, and their path have become completely non sense, mechanical, and detrimental to men … a true burden with no benefits.
Most of the religious practices have become polluted with paganism, idolatry and association, and some of them are reduced to the open worship of demons among the jinns pretending  to be gods, angels, ascended masters, spirits of the ancestors…
The truth is that they used to worship jinns, most of men had faith in them (the jinns). S34:V41
There are those who follow the eastern religions which consist in the open worship of the jinns, that they call by the name of “gods“. Their religions are mere ways which open them to the possession by the jinns. These people assimilate their possession by the jinns as a direct contact with the divine realm… but in truth, it is the exact opposite. Their bells, mantras, unholy dances, undecent body positions, and use of peculiar drugs allow them to enter into a trance like state, which allow their permanent or temporary possession by the jinns. These people receive visions produced by their jinns, and the more they see magnificent visions, the more they think that their soul is progressing towards divinity… which of course is a lie. These eastern religions have nothing to do with God, they do not acknowledge neither the One True God,  nor His revelations, nor His messengers, nor the Retribution of the actions, nor the Resurrection, nor the Judgement Day. These religions are undoubtly ways of Satan, and for sure, are highways to hell.
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Today, these satanic eastern cults florish in the western world, and most of the western people are deceived by these so called technics of relaxation, and completely ignore that Yoga & co are only a façade for these false religions of Satan, which in fact consist in the pure worship of jinns and in the promotion of all kind of perditions. They always start with apparently innocent practices such as adopting unappropriated body positions, or such as entering in alternate states of consciousness by adopting specific methods of breathing or by listening to certain frequencies of sounds… methods which in fact disable the natural protection that God has implemented in us, and make us completely vulnerable to possession. The people who take part to these rituals describe what they feel as an energy flowing in their body, like electricity, they do not realize that what they describe is no more than the physical sensation of the jinns flowing inside their bodies and brains.
Most of these western people who take part to these practices think that they are learning how to control their body and mind, how to connect to the elements of nature…. while in truth, what they feel is only the result of the action of the jinns who project false emotions and visions in their mind … a mere illusion. Today, many people, all religions included, are polluted by this new age philosophy, and embrace satanic principles such as universal love, oneness, and reincarnation. These people think to be muslims, jews, or christians, but in fact, their way of thinking is no more than the one of the new age false doctrine of Satan, which is today being promoted all over the world. The Devil wants us to be guided by our emotions and passions, and not by our reason, as commanded by God. The devils wants us to be driven by emotion and not by reason, because the devils among jinns and men are experts in generating false emotions. Concerning Oneness, the devil wants men to become one against God, and without God, while God has commanded us to make an alliance with Him and not with any other creatures, whether men or jinns. Reincarnation is a way to deny that we have one single terrestrial life, one single test, if we fail it, we are doomed forever. Thanks to the lie of Reincarnation, the people have an excuse for their misbehaviours that they blame on their alleged past lifes. They are led to think that real life is only on earth through an infinite cycle of reincarnations, and that there is no hereafter, no judgement day, no hell, no paradise, … The Devil wants us to think that we originate from earth while our origins are celestial.
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The mystic religions such as Sufism, Shiism,… are in fact false ways of Satan. They mix the monotheistic religions with the old pagan religions which consist in the worship of jinns and in the so called direct physical experience of God, by entering in alternate states of consciousness through methods such as spinning until the loss of consciousness, or through self-flagellation… all these practices are absolutely not from God and are pure satanic practices.
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I don’t even mention the old tribal cults like in Africa or in South America, which openly consist in summoning the devils among the jinns that they consider as gods or as the spirits of their fathers. They take these jinns as their guides and protectors, being possessed by them is the highest honor that they can receive from their “gods“. These cults are dedicated to Satan and not to God.
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Today, Christianity consists in the worship of Jesus, Mary, and the so called saints … instead of the sole and pure worship of God. The whole christian folklore originates from paganism with the use of crosses, candles and sun symbolism… etc etc. The fundamentals of Christianity are based on pure association and idolatry. The Christian doctrine says that you cannot reach God except through Jesus, Mary, the saints, their priests, their bishops, their popes … while God prescribes us the exact opposite: a direct link between us and Him as the SOLE AND ONLY WAY OF SALVATION. The christians also share the false belief which pretends that the Holy Spirit can use any of them in order to make them prophesy. Many many of these christians all over the world have regular vivid dreams and visions of Jesus or Mary … visions which are in fact mere deceptions produced by the devils. Many of them are regularly possessed by these demons that they assimilate to the Holy Ppirit, to Jesus, or to Mary. Jesus and Mary are mere humans, they cannot produce the least vision and cannot even interract with the living, as they are part of the realm of the deads. Concerning the Holy Spirit, this Spirit of God does not produce any vision, but is used by God in order to inspire whoever He wants among His creatures.
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Judaïsm is even more corrupted than christinity, since its corruption by Satan was already effective at the time of Jesus. Jesus was sent to them in order to restore the true religion of God, but the Children of Israel have denied any messenger from God which does not confirm their own deviated way. Today, Judaïsm is a folklore of false practices and pagan symbolism, such as the black cube that they place on their forehead, which actually refers to the Saturnian cult of Satan. The jews have deviated from the path of God since they have adopted their Babylonian Talmud instead of the Torah, and since they have denied all the messengers and revelations of God which are not from their people. God has cursed them until the end days, and since that time, their perdition is becoming greater and greater, and their crimes have no limits. Today, the descendants of the Children of Israel control the whole world through the state of Israel: money through their private banks, entertainement through Hollywood and the music industry, the world economy through their big corporations, Science through their elite universities, the secret societies through their Kaballah. God has turned them into the foremost servants of Satan, and today, they openly serve Satan rather than God. Their prayers only consist in dancing and in non sense mantras. They are so lost that they have become completely disconnected from reality, they still believe that they are the chosen ones, while they are the worst criminals on earth, and the best enemies of God and of the Truth.
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The muslims are the modern jews, they have become exactly like the Children of Israel were at the time of Jesus. The muslims deny any messenger or truth which do not confirm their own deviated way, the way of their satanic hadiths, their way of shirk/association through the glorification of the prophets, the companions, and their so called  religious experts/ulemas. Today, the muslims receive the result of their actions: Allah is waging a war against them all over the world, there is no place in the world where the muslims are not persecuted. Even in their own muslim countries, God has imposed on them huge criminals as leaders in order to torment them non stop. Wherever they are, God has marked them with the seal of humiliation and mediocrity. They say: “We are victims, we are martyrs“, God replies to their lies: “If you claim to be the chosen ones, then why God is punishing you for your sins?“.
Today, Islam has become as pagan as Christianity and Judaïsm. The crescent moon, the five pointed star, the wearing of veils and beards, the use of candles and perfumes, the repetition of non sense mantras which glory the prophet and his companions. All their islamic practice has become pagan, and has nothing to do with what God really prescribes in the Quran.
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Satan has divided the true religion of God into different false cults. Their practices may vary from a cult to another, but they remain all rooted to the same pagan false cult of Satan: mantras, technics in order to enter into trance like states, vivid visions, candles, incenses, robes, beards, cubes, crosses, rituals in form of a choreography, glorification of the saints, of the prophets, of the apostles… etc etc. You find the exact same satanic recipe in the 3 so called “monotheistic” religions, only false practices which have never been prescribed in the revelations of God, but which are common to all the pagan cults of Satan.
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These false religions actually represent a burden for those who apply them, without producing the least benefits. These false cults are fully adapted to the false believers who follow them, and perfectly reflect the injustice of their hearts and their lack of reason. God has imposed on them these false cults because they have denied His Truth and Justice, and have prefered to follow their own deviated desires.
The Salat
The Salat is a practice which has been existing since the creation of man, it refers to the connection between the individual and his Creator and Guide. Contrary to the false Salats of the sects, this act does not involve any mantra, choreography, dress code, specific object, specific gestures, body positions, or words. It is a simple and natural communication between the individual and his God. Salat literaly means “Connection” with God, it’s a kind of communion with God, it’s what reflects our whole personal relationship with God. As a main prescription of God, the practice of the Salat is fully detailed in the Quran, and of course, you don’t need any external source in order to know how to perform the Salat and how to build your proper relationship with God.
I- Number of Salats
According to the Quran, there are neither 5 nor 3 Salat, but 2 daily Salats with specific timings. These timings do not follow the cycle of the sun like it is the case in the islamic Salat, but follow the cycle of our own specific life.
The first Salat is called Salat Al Fajr and literaly means Wake-up Salat, it’s the Salat which introduces our day.
Etymologically, “fajr“, in arabic “فجر“, shares the root than the arabic word “إنفجار“, which means “explosion“.
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So the word “fajr” describes the process of an explosion: nothing … and then a deflagration. When this concept is applied to the day, it corresponds to the deflagration of light which comes at dawn after the calm and uniform darkness of the night. When applied to our own persons, it corresponds to the deflagration of life once awake, after the absence of activity proper to our sleep. Allah defines the state of “sleep” as a state of “death“. So “fajr” corresponds to the daily transition from death to life, ie our “waking up“.
The second Salat is Salat Al Icha and literaly means Bedtime Salat, it’s the Salat which terminates our day.
The word “icha“, in arabic “عشاء” shares the same root than the word “عاش“, which means “to live/subsist“.
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The declination of the word “عشاء“, with the particle”اء” at the end of this word, is to mark the extreme limit of what is meant by this word, ie “the end of life“, which corresponds to the end of our daily activties when applied on our daily cycle of life: life/activities & death/sleep. So the word “icha” applied on our lifes, corresponds to the end our our daily activities, knowing that our daily activities are what makes us feel alive.
Allah’s Creation is organized in pairs
The whole creation of God is always declined in pairs, the Salat also follows this rule, which is one more proof that the number of daily Salat is actually 2.
And of everything we have created pairs… Maybe would you remember? S51:V49
The Salat is patterned around the 2 elements of couple which characterize our daily life:  the wake-up time and the bedtime. No matter your way of life, personal life’s organization, or location on earth, each single individual necessarly wakes up and sleeps everyday. So these 2 key moments are universal and exist in the life of each individual. While, the islamic Salat which is based on the cycle of the sun, is not universal, because its timings does not exist in the life of all individuals. For instance, those who live in the polar circle have no sunset and no sunrise over months, those who work by night cannot implement the islamic Salat either, because these islamic Salats occur at timings which do not allow them to be available.
The islamic Salat is a practice forged by the Devil, and as any practice of the Devil, it cannot be applied to everyone and in any situation, it’s simply not practical and rigid, whereas the Law of God is universal and adapts to ALL CASES.
The Salat requires intimacy
The Salat is a moment of intimacy between us and our Creator, therefore, it requires to be performed in a private place and not in public. Conveniently, the times of the 2 daily Salats perfectly adapt to this requirement, as wake-up time and bedtime are the 2 only moments of the day during which anyone is in the intimacy of his house, and therefore, enjoy the appropriate conditions of intimacy and availability requested by the individual Salat. The Salat is a direct communication between us and God, so like any private discussion, we need to stop what we are doing, and to seek for an isolated place in order to be fully dedicated to our communion with God. The moments which come just after our waking up and before to sleep are precisely 2 moments which gather all these characteristics.
Wake-up Salat
The Wake-Up Salat, as indicated by its name, shall be performed on waking, WHATEVER IS THE HOUR. God is aware that each human being has his own specific way of life and that our personal organization may change according to our agenda. Therefore, God has not imposed on us fixed hours to wake up or to go to bed, otherwise, God would have clearly mentioned it in the Quran. The Law of God is practical whereas the law of the Devil is only meant to make our life harder. God has not commanded us to wake up at sunrise in order to perform the first Salat of the day and to wait for the full night for the last Salat. We are free to wake up and to sleep at the hour of our choice, and the Salat simply follows our own specific rythm.
God says in the Quran that the Salat is a prescription which shall be performed at specific timings, and these timings correspond to our own waking-up and sleep and not to the Sun’s “waking-up and sleep“.
The Salat shall be performed by the believers at defined times. S4:V103
God has prescribed for us the Salat in order to meet our needs, therefore, it is normal that the Salat is adapted to our own personal rhythm, and not to the rhythm of the sun. The purpose of the Salat is to allow us to be connected with God during the whole day, so it makes sense that the 2 Salats enclose our day.
The islamic Salat is absolutely not adapted to our rhythm, but to the rhythm of the sun, which is very different from our own specific rhythm based on our working schedules. We all have our own specific rhythm and we all know how it is difficult to change it. You just have to see how it is hard for most of us to pass from the summer hour to the winter hour and vice versa. The islamic Salat is the pure invention of the Devil, as it imposes on us to permanently conform to the cycle of the sun, which varies a lot all over the year, and consequently, imposes on us to permanently change the hours of our own wake-up and sleep … Only the Devil can invent such a torture!
Adapting the hours of our wake-up and sleep all over the year is extremely hard, if not impossible. But, even if we manage to do so, this will not help us to fullfil the true purpose of the Salat: to remain connected to God during the whole day … because the schedules of the islamic Salat are absolutely not adapted for this purpose.
The islamic way of Salat imposes on us to permanently interrupt our sleep when it comes to the 2 islamic Salats which mark the extermities of the day: the Fajr and Icha, and to permanently interrupt our daily activities, when it comes to the 3 Salats which occur during the day: Dhur, Asr and Maghrib. The True Salat is not supposed to be a burden on us, but, like all the other rules of God, it is supposed to make our life easier. What’s the point to wake up in the midst of the night in order to perform the islamic Salat? What’s the point to force ourselves to stay awake until the dark night in order to perform the last islamic Salat? None! except to impose a burden on us which produces no benefits at all.
Waking up in the midst of the night in order to perform the islamic Fajr Salat is insane and detrimental to men.
You have 2 options: Either you choose to be completely awake in order to be focused on what you say during your prayers, and in such a case, you cannot go back to bed, which is problematic when this Salat occurs for instance at 4AM…. Or, you can choose to perform your Salat almost asleep in order to easily go back to bed. In such a case, your Salat is even more valueless as it is completely non sense to pray almost asleep. In all cases, the islamic Salat is absolutely detrimental to the individual in a general way.
I don’t even mention that waking up in the midst of the night everyday is a true torture over time, and we cannot even get used to it, as the hour of sunrise permanently changes all over the year. Moreover, waking up in the midst of the night may disturb our sleep in a general way, as we all know that the most efficient hours of our sleep correspond to the midst of the night. And even when the islamic Salat al Fajr occurs at 6AM, it remains problematic as it is impossible to go back to bed after it, knowing that we have to wake up few time after in order to go to work. There is no worse torture than this islamic Salat, you cannot find a better way to disrupt your biological clock and to create a permanent state of tiredness than by observing the islamic way of Salat. The more, we are vulnerable, the more the Devil is pleased, because it allows him to deceive us more easily. So this islamic Salat actually represents the beast weapon of the Devil against the muslim community.
In fact, even if you’re able to observe the islamic Salat without any difficulty, which is just impossible, as this way of Salat cannot be observed properly by any human being, otherwise, God would have prescribed it under this form, even if you manage to be focused during the islamic Salat Al Fajr, even if you manage to go back to bed without the least difficulty once your Salat completed … This way of Salat still remains absolutely non sense as it does not produce the benefits promised by the True Salat: to allow us to keep God in mind during the whole day in order to be protected against temptations and sins.
Purpose of the Salat = To keep God in mind
Verily I! I am God! no God there is but I; so Worship Me, and observe the Salat in order to keep Me in mind. S20:V14
Purpose of the Salat = to protect ourselves against perversions and sins
Recite what is sent of the Book by inspiration to thee, and implement the Salat: for Salat restrains from perversion and reprehensible acts… however, as a certainty, keeping God in mind is even greater (than the Salat itself). S29:V45
What’s the point to wake up in the midst of the night in order to observe the islamic Salat Al Fajr when this Salat is rather requested just before starting our working day? Indeed, the muslims come back to bed once their Salat Al Fajr is completed, and when they wake up, they have lost all its benefits…
Bedtime Salat
It is as well insane and detrimental to stay awake late in the night just to observe the last islamic Salat, Salat al Icha, which may occur at a late hour during summer. Salat Al Icha, which literally means the Salat which concludes the activities of the day, is supposed to mark the end of our day, and not the end of the daylight. It is completely non sense to impose on ourselves to remain awake just to observe Salat al Ichaa, because we cannot be focused when we are dozing, and therefore our Salat would be completely valueless. On a more general way, God has commanded to observe the Salat only when we are in a state which allows us to be focused on what we are saying during our prayers, which excludes situations when we are dozing or high on drugs or alcohol. In addition, Salat Al Icha is impossible to observe for those who have to sleep soon because of their working schedules. The true purpose of the Bedtime Salat is to debrief our day with God, and the debrief can be done as soon as we’re at home and that we’ve completed our daily activities, and that we finally have a moment for ourselves, without being disturbed by any distraction.
Once again, the Devil is very efficient in turning the islamic Salat into a formidable instrument of torture. It’s the double punishment, according to the islamic rule, you have to stay awake late in order to observe, half asleep, Salat Al Icha, and then you have to wake up very soon in order to observe Salat Al Fajr. This is completely insane and this form of Salat is the worst torture ever created by Satan.
Not only the Islamic way of Salat is not adapted to keep God in mind, and therfore does not provide the least protection against perversion and sins, and therefore does not produce its desired effects. But the worse of such form of extreme salat is the fact that its schedules are impossible to observe over time, to such an extent that the great majority of the muslims are forced to cheat with the hours of their Salat, observing it most of the time outside its limits of time. Most of the muslims have no problem to stay awake for Salat Al Ichaa, but most of them, perform Salat Al Fajr only when they wake up at the morning. I don’t even mention the 3 other islamic Salats, Dhur, Asr and Maghrib, which impose on the muslims to disrupt their daily activities in order to perform their Salat. Most of the people have not the possibility to interrupt their work like they want, and therefore, have no other choice than performing the 3 Salats one after the other after their work, which, of course, is completely non sense. I’ve told you, this islamic Salat is a true disaster!
It is very easy to detect the false laws of the Devil: they are non sense and arbitrary, and represent a burden for the people without producing the least benefits for them. Over time, these false laws forged by Satan are simply impossible to observe, and those who intend to observe them have permanently a guilty conscience, and are forced to cheat on God and on the people, by pretending that they observe them properly, while they are not. God judges each individual according to his knowledge and to his own beliefs. According to the islamic beliefs, the Salat shall be performed during specific times which correspond to key positions of the sun. So, according to their own beliefs, most of the muslims are not observing correctly their own islamic rules.
The Salat shall be performed by the believers at defined times. S4:V103
God has assigned a cult to each community which corresponds to their own inner state. Those who are unfair follow rules which are as unfair as they are.
For every community, we have assigned a cult that they observe… So let them not uproot you from the Commandment! And call to your Lord, you are indeed on a right path. Quran S22:V67
The fact that God has assigned a cult on these communtities does not mean that the cult that they are observing corresponds to the real practice of God, as prescribed in His Revelations. For instance, it is God who has assigned the cult of the Mayas, or the western religions such as Bouddhism, Hinduism, Shintoism…, or the cult consisting in the worship of the spirits, or the vodoo cult…etc etc. All these cults are indeed satanic, but it is God who has assigned them on these communities because of their own inner injustice. If these people were truly fair people, they would realize without the least difficulty the non sense and injustice of their own cults and would reject them in order to embrace the fair and perfect cult of God. instead of that, the prefer to keep following their blind and non sense beliefs inspite of the proofs manifested to them by God.
For instance, Islam perfectly fits to the inner state of the muslims, a sect ruled by barbaric, rigid, hypocrite and perverse laws…. just like the average traditionalist muslim. In public, the muslims fiercely defend their non sense and unfair beliefs, and do their best to promote them, while in private, they hate their unfair and dumb rules as they know the true burden that they represent. The false believers among the muslims think that they can deceive God, but in fact, it is rather God who has deceived them by imposing on them their unfair and dumb islamic rules, which will not help them neither in this life nor in the hereafter.
Say: “Shall we tell you of those who lose most in respect of their deeds?” Those whose efforts have been wasted in this life while they thought that they were acquiring good by their works?” S18:V103-104 
The hypocrites and the disbelievers are actually the exact same kind of people, except that the hypocrites that are most of the people of religions, not only have no faith in God like the disbelievers, but in addition, think that they can deceive God by pretending to be true believers. Therefore, it is legit that they have to pay a higher price for such an injustice, by losing both in this terrestrial life and in the hereader. While the disbelievers can at least enjoy their terrestrial life like they wish, as they have never pretended to believe in God.
God will collect the hypocrites and the disbelievers all together in Hell. S4:V140
The hypocrites think that they can deceive God, but in fact, God has defeated them in their own game. When they stand up to prayer, they stand without earnestness, to be seen of men, and they barely invoke God. S4:V142
The hypocrites are indeed in the  lowest depths of the Fire, and you’ll find no helper for them. S4:V145
The only way to realize the perdition of these false religions and to be able to perceive them for what they truly are: satanic sects intended to control the people and to guide them to hell, is to use your own reason and discernment instead of following blind beliefs, and to take God as your sole and only Guide, instead of relying on anyone else. Those who focus on the good deeds and ignore the false rites of their religion, but have a direct and sincere relationship with God, are precisely those that God will guide on his true path. While the others will remain in their false beliefs until their death, and will end in hell… and they can only blame themselves for that, and not God.
The Salat synchronized with the cycle of the sun is a pure invention of the Devil in order to establish a cult to his own glory. Indeed, all the sun and moon cults are different versions of the same satanic perdition. Satan is also known as the “Morning Star“, ie the sun, and many false religions, including judaïsm, christianity, and islam, are full of  sun and moon symbolism.
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The cross is also a pagan symbol and directly refers to the figure of Satan and does not refer at all to Jesus as it is ususally believed. Indeed, Jesus has never been crucified, the cross actually represents Satan barring us the straight path of God.
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The Cross of David has nothing to do with the prophet David, the prophets of God have no symbols. God has no symbol, as the proofs and signs of God are disseminated in each single element composing this universe. You just have to watch carefully the elements of nature, or your own body, or to observe the sky in order to see the proofs of God everywhere. The symbols, in a general way, are a pure creation of Satan in order to convey his perdition. The Cross of David actually means 666 and refers to the figure Satan, you can find this symbol also on the dollar bill or on the satanic Talisman of Saturn.
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The Crescent Moon and the 5 pointed star, ie the pentagram, are also satanic symbols. The star symbolizes Satan who pretends to be a fallen angel, ie the falling star, and the crescent moon represents the false light of Satan, ie perdition.
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All these symbols are absolutely not from God and all orginate from Satan. The true path of God is a spiritual temple and not a physical one, therefore, everything in the true religion is expressed through actions and thoughts, while the false religions of Satan are only made of symbols, non sense folklores, and false practices. There is no religious institutions or clergymen in the true path of God, but simply a direct link between the individul and His Creator. God is enough as a Witness and Guide for the genuine believers, while the false believers choose to be governed by men like them.
Ultimate proof n°1 that the Salat does not follow the position of the sun
The ultimate proof that the islamic version of the Salat, synchronized with the position of the sun, is a pure invention of the devil, is the the fact that this Salat cannot be implemented by all the people who live in the polar circle or close to it … and there are hundreds of millions on earth in this case!
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For all these people, it is simply impossible to observe the Salat as prescribed by islam, ie following the sun, because there is a number of days in the year, up to 6 months, when the sun simply does not rise or does not set at all. See for instance the following video, which shows the course of the sun over 24 hours in the Arctic:
Under these latitudes, there are also periods during which the sun rises and sets, but the duration of the day does not exceed few hours. Therefore, Those who observe the islamic Salat have no other choice than observing their salats one after the other … which, of course, is completely non sense.
Only this argument should be enough as an undeniable proof that the islamic version of Salat is not from God, because the Law of God can be applied by all individuals, in all times, in all places, which it is not the case of the islamic false rule. While the true Salat according to the Quran can be applied by all individuals, in all times and places, because its timings are related to our own personal organization, and not to the positions of the sun.
Proof that there are only 2 daily Salats
When islam mentions 5 Salats, the Quran only mentions 2 Salats. Has God forgotten to mention the 3 other islamic Salats, or are there simply 2 Salats?
We have omitted nothing in the Book. S6:V38 
Of course, this is not an omission from God, God does not forget or neglict anything in his Book, and certainly not the details of one of his most important practice, the Salat. The belief in the 5 daily islamic Salats is only based on the hadiths and absolutely not on the Quran. The muslims believe in the following story as an explanation for the origins of their 5 islamic Salats:
Ibn Hazm and Anas bin Malik reported about the so called trip of the prophet Muhammad in the heavens :
The Prophet said: “Then Allah enjoined fifty prayers on my followers when I returned with this order of Allah, I passed by Moses who asked me, ‘What has Allah enjoined on your followers?’ I replied, ‘He has enjoined fifty prayers on them.’ Moses said, ‘Go back to your Lord (and appeal for reduction) for your followers will not be able to bear it.’ (So I went back to Allah and requested for reduction) and He reduced it to half. When I passed by Moses again and informed him about it, he said, ‘Go back to your Lord as your followers will not be able to bear it.’ So I returned to Allah and requested for further reduction and half of it was reduced. I again passed by Moses and he said to me: ‘Return to your Lord, for your followers will not be able to bear it. So I returned to Allah and He said, ‘These are five prayers and they are all (equal to) fifty (in reward) for My Word does not change.’ I returned to Moses and he told me to go back once again. I replied, ‘Now I feel shy of asking my Lord again.’ Then Gabriel took me till we ” reached Sidrat-il-Muntaha (Lote tree of; the utmost boundary) which was shrouded in colors, indescribable. Then I was admitted into Paradise where I found small (tents or) walls (made) of pearls and its earth was of musk.”
The prophet Muhammad had to visit heavens in order to directly receive from God the number of Salats? Why God has not simply provided this key information directly in the Quran?
God would have originally prescribed 50 daily Salat??! How God can prescribe us something which is humanly impossible? 50 Salats a day equals 1 Salat every half and hour, if we suppose that we don’t sleep at all…
Then comes the so called encounter with Moses who was apparently wandering in the area by chance… another forged story, because God tells us in the Quran, that the deaths, even the prophets, cannot communicate with the living world, neither physically nor by spirit, so this encounter is just impossible.
Then, Muhammad would have started a negociation with God in order to reduce the number of Salats on the advice of Moses, he would have managed to pass from 50 Salats to 5… nice negociation!!! We find in this forged hadith the print of the mercantile nature of the Arabs at the time of the prophet, which prooves that this story has been forged from scratch by someone who lived at that time. Of course, there is no possible negociation with God, because God never commits mistakes and God’s decisions are always deeply balanced and measured. The commands of God cannot be discussed, except by the rebels, and the prophet Muhammad would never ever engage in any negociations when it comes to God’s Perfect Commands.
This ridiculous story is an insult to our intelligence, an insult against God and his prophets, such a story is without any doubt, the pure invention of Satan. We can identify in this hadith the same kind of heavy style made of repetitions, which is proper to most of the hadiths… As soon as you see this kind of dumb repetitions in any text, you can be sure that is the forgey of Satan.
This whole story has been forged by Satan in order to make the muslims perceive their 5 Salats as light compared to the 50 Salats at the origin. The muslims consider themselves happy to observe “only” 5 daily Salats instead of 50. But in fact, even 5 Salats is already too much, and the devil is perfectly aware of that, as he knows that God has prescribed only 2 daily Salats.
It is not by chance that islam counts 5 pillars, 5 Salats, and is represented by a 5 pointed star, the number 5 has a special signification for Satan. The repetition of the number 5 across islam is a sign that this religion has been forged by the Devil.
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The human body is made of 5 extremities: 2 arms, 2 legs, 1 head. The pentagram, ie the 5 pointed star, actually represents man constrained by Satan in such a way that he cannot get out from the circle delimiting by these 5 corners. This circle delimits Satan’s illusion and zone of control on those who are inside this circle. In satanism, these symbols are perfectly known under their true meanings. The pentagram symbolizes for the satanists their submission to Satan, and by delimiting a circle and by entering inside it, they give full authority to Satan on them, that’s why all the satanic rituals request to be performed inside this circle. The Devil totaly controls the muslims through the 5 false pillars of Islam, which create an illusion around them, a veil preventing them from seeing the truth as long as they observe these 5 satanic pillars.
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Those who are inside the circle are under the complete control of Satan and are like puppets in his hands.
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Chris Ramsey (Christ, Ramses), un démon sous forme humaine, montre comment ceux qui sont pris dans piège du Diable, symbolisé par le pentagramme, deviennent de simples marionnettes entre ses mains
We can see the same kind of satanic symbology in the Burning Man festival, a 100% satanic event which is concluded by burning a man represented throught a pentagram inside a circle. All the staging of this festival represents the illusion of Satan in this life, and even its conclusion which shows a man burning, confirms that those who follow Satan’s illusion, ends in hell.
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In short, the 5 Salats are a pure invention of the Devil which ensure him to keep under his control all those who give credit to his numerous lies. The Devil perfectly knows that no man can endure 5 Salats a day, and it is even more impossible seeing its schedules. No muslim can observe properly the 5 islamic daily Salats, and all end up dropping it or botching it, which is equivalent. That’s why the muslims who still have a minimum of lucidity have a permanent feeling of guilt, because, they know that they are not observing their Salat properly. Guilt and doubt are Satan’s best allies, because these feelings make us completely vulnerable to his deception.
God has only mentioned 2 Salats in the Quran, which means that there are simply 2 daily Salats and not 5. God has deliberately gathered all that concerns the prescription of these 2 Salats, their names and timings, in ONE SINGLE VERSE, and not through several verses, in order to let us not doubt about His Command.
O ye who believe! let those who are under your responsability, and the (children) among you who have not come of age ask your permission (before they come to your presence), on three occasions: before SALAT AL-FAJR; the while ye doff your clothes for the noonday heat; and after SALAT AL-ISHA, these are your three times of undress: outside those times it is not wrong for you or for them to move about attending to each other: thus does Allah make clear the Signs to you: for Allah is full of knowledge and wisdom.  S24:V58 
Ultimate proof n°2 that the Salat does not follow the position of the sun
This verse states that the moments preceding Salat Al-Fajr and following Salat Al-Icha are occasions of undress, which is precisely the case when we consider that Salat Al-Fajr comes just after our wake up and Salat Al-Isha just before our sleep.
As the verses of the Quran remain true in all circumstances, it means that no matter the season or the location, this verse should remain true no matter the context. It is indeed the case if we consider Salat Al-Fajr as the wake-up prayer and Salat Al-Isha as the bedtime prayer, given that anyone on earth is susceptible to be undressed following his waking up and preceding his sleep.
While if we consider the islamic version of the Salat, which is based on the cycle of the sun, Salat Al-Icha may occur very soon, and therefore far before our sleep, and therefore, there should be no reason for us to be naked at that time. For instance, in the city of Storuman in Sweden, the islamic version of Salat Al-Icha may occur at 2PM in some seasons… we have no reason to be naked at 2 PM! Therefore, Salat Al-Icha cannot be related to the sun’s fall as stated by the muslims, but is rather related to the hour of our own sleep.
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In the same vein, the islamic version of Salat Al-Fajr may occur very soon according to the season and to the location. For instance, in case Salat Al-Fajr occurs at 4AM, it is obvious that the muslims generally go back to bed once they’ve completed their Salat, which is not consistent with the verse S24:V58, which states that we are suscpetible to be naked BEFORE Salat Al-Fajr and not AFTER it. Therefore, Salat Al-Fajr cannot be related to the sunrise, but is related to the hour of our own wake-up, otherwise the S24:V58 would not be true in all circumstances.
In conclusion, the Salat is clearly not related to the cycle of the sun but is rather related to our own cycle of wake-up and sleep. The verse S24:V58 not only provides the number of daily Salats, but also reveals their times in a way that cannot be misinterprated, and which remains valid in all times and places. God could not use a more universal and clever way to define the 2 daily Salats, because if God had used another way, His definition would be flawed, and would not have different meanings according to the circumstances.
In all the rest of the Quran, there are only 2 other verses which relate the Salat to a timing of the day, however, these 2 verses does not contradict our previous analysis.
And observe the Salat at the two ends of the day and at the approaches of the night: for those things that are good remove those that are evil: be that the word of remembrance to those who seek to remember. S11:V114
Perform the Salat at the sun’s decline till the darkness of the night… S17:V78
Notice that this time, God has not mentioned any name associated to these Salats.
The first reason for that is to confirm us that there is no mandatory Salats during these timings. Indeed, these 2 verses cannot refer to fixed specific Salats, simply because these verses would not apply for those who live in the polar circle and close to it, as there is no sunrise and sunset in these places over months.
The second reason is because according to the season and to the location, the 2 mandatory Salats, Al-Fajr and Al-Icha, indeed correspond to the limits of the day and of the night. For instance, in winter, when we wake up it is still the night, and when we go to bed it is indeed the dark night. While in summer, when we wake up, it is the day and when we go to sleep, it’s the approaches of the night.
Therefore, these 2 verses confirm that Salat Al-Fajr and Salat Al-Icha indeed correspond to our wake-up and sleep, and summarize all the possible times for these Salats according to the seasons and locations.
These 2 verses also suggest us the moments of the day which are approriate for facultative Salats in addition to the 2 mandatory Salats which correspond to our wake-up and sleep. Sunrise and Sunset are part of the great miracles of God and reminds us that the alternance of day and night ony belongs to God, so these 2 key moments of the day may be inspiring for our prayers.
Facultative Salats
Contrary to the dumb recommandations of islam, the goal is not to perform as many Salats as possible, but only what is necessary to us. The Salat shall be a spontaneous and natural act which responds to a specific need to connect with God. Therefore, those, like the muslims, who multiply the Salats without valid reasons, actually do not serve themselves. God prefers quality over quantity.
The concept of Salat
The role of the Wake-up Salat is to initialize our connection to God and to maintain it during the whole day. It permits us to organize our day, exactly like a child organizes his day with his parents before going to school, or like a student who receives instructions from his teacher before starting his work.
When God speaks about wake-up Salat, it does not mean that the first thing that we shall do once awake is to do our Salat. God lets us free to organize ourselves according to our own specific conditions. What truly matters is to perform the Wake-up Salat before we truly need its benefits, ie before starting our daily activities.
The bedtime Salat permits us to debrief our day with God, and to assess what we’ve done right and what we’ve done wrong, and to thank Allah for his gifts and to ask Him for forgiveness concerning our misbehaviours of the day.
What is the True Religion?
You have to get used to the tolerant and clever approach of the True Religion of God, which has nothing to do with the rigid and non sense approach of the mainstream sects that call themselves “religions“. God’s prescriptions always serve a specific purpose, and always produce concrete benefits on us, AND on those around us.
It is normal that God’s True Religion is far better than the false religions of today, who is more entitled to define the true rules than the One who knows everything in the heavens and on earth?
Say: “What! Will ye instruct Allah about your Religion?” But Allah knows all that is in the heavens and on earth: He has full knowledge of all things. S49:V16
God has not created Religion as an additional burden for us, but at the contrary, to relieve us from our own burdens.
We have not sent down the Quran in order to place you in difficulty.  S20:V2
God wants to make your life easier and not to make it more difficult for you. S2:V185
We will make it easy for you the easy way. S87:V8
If the Quranic definition of the Salat seems to be less detailed than the islamic version, this is not because Allah has forgotten the details, but in order to inspire to each individual his own way.
Observe the Salat in the manner He has taught you, which you knew not before. S2:V239
It is God himself who will instruct each one of his servants how to build his own relationship with him, and this includes how to observe Salat, and how to implement the whole religion. God has created each one of us different, and God does not want an army of clones. Therefore, it makes sense that God wants each one of us to proceed according to our own way.
God has clearly exposed the outline of the Salat, providing us its number, timings, purpose, and bounds. Everything that we need to know about Salat is contained in the Quran … AND ONLY IN THE QURAN.
God has not sent us His Religion in kits but in ONE SINGLE THREAD: the Quran. Therefore, there is no need for any additional external source to complete the Quran. there is no such thing as the “Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad” or the so called “Hadiths” in the true Religion of Allah.
All what we need to know is present in the Quran, the commands of Allah are crystal clear, and what is not mentioned in the Quran is not mentioned ON PURPOSE. Therefore, it is not for us to restrict the perfect law of God by forging additional laws, like the sects/religions are used to do.
I am also not saying that the Religion of God is “à la carte“, because it is not, either you accept all the Book or you reject it all. I am only saying that the commands of God are explicit and complete enough to let no doubt about the true path of God.
In short, God’s path is the simpliest path in the world: to take Allah as our sole and only Guide and Handler, and to directly follow God’s instructions through his Revelations: Torah, Gospels … AND the Quran prevails on them, and is self-sufficient.
Do not transgress the clear limits of God
Whoever value the prescriptions of God, for him it is good in the sight of his Lord. S22:V30
And Whosoever seeketh beyond that, then it is these who are the transgressors. S23:V7 
God clearly details us his limits
These are the limits of Allah, which He makes plain for the people who know. S2:V230
Allah does wish to provide you with clear explanations, and to guide you into the ways of those before you, and to accept your repentance. Indeed, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise. S4:V26
These are the limits of Allah, wherefore approach them not.  S2:V187
Thus, Allah makes clear to you His Laws in order that you may reflect. S2:V219
And he makes His Signs clear to mankind, maybe will they remember? S2:V221
Thus, Allah makes clear His Signs to you, maybe will you come to reason?  S2:V242
Thus, Allah makes clear to you His Signs, maybe will you be grateful? S5:V89
Thus, Allah makes His signs, maybe will you follow the Guidance? S3:V103
The Law of the Quran is perfectly explicit, therefore, there is no need to seek for details which are not already mentioned in the Quran. What is written in the Quran has been meticulously thought and pondered, AND what is not present ALSO has been meticulously thought and pondered… AND IT IS ABSOLUTELY NOT AN OMISSION. Recall the episode of the cow that Allah asked the Children of Israel to sacrifice, without providing them further details… And this was done on purpose. Instead of obeying God without discussing, by sacrificing the first cow which fits the bill… ie a healthy good-tempered cow, the Children of Israel asked question after question in order to know precisely which cow they shall sacrifice. In fact, God did not ask them to sacrifice a specific cow, but the one of their choice, that they deem appropriate to be sacrificed for God. The result of such an unfair behaviour is that they have made the simple order of God complicated, and because of that, they almost failed to obey God’s command … which provoked on them the Wrath of God, and their curse until the Judgement Day.
Do you want to ask your Messenger as Moses was asked before? And he who changes Faith for disbelief, verily, he has gone astray from the Right Way. S2:V108
O you who have faith! Ask not about things which, if made plain to you, may cause you trouble. But if you ask about them while the Quran is being revealed, they will be made plain to you. Allah has forgiven that, and Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Forbearing.  S5 :V101
Before you, a people asked such questions, but then refused to believe in the answers to these questions. S5 :V102
The episode of the cow invites us to learn the lessons of the past, because such an unfair behaviour is like doubting the commands of God, as if God’s commands were not clear enough. By asking these unneeded questions, the Children of Israel have turned the simple path of God into a complicated way. Such an unfair behaviour actually hides a much deeper perdition and a huge injustice, and because of that, God has cursed them, and so does the whole creation. Today, we can realize the dire consequences of such a misbehaviour when we see how complicated are the laws of the jews, while the Law that God has given to them at the origin, the Torah, was so simple and intuitive. The muslims have perfectly reproduced this very same misbehaviour from the Children of Israel, and guess what? They now share exactly the same fate than the Children of Israel before them. Same injustice, same consequence, same perdition, same curse. Yet, God has warned us through the Quran to not seek for complications when God has made his Law straight, but man does not change, and so does his injustice towards himself.
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God’s limits are defined explicitly in the Quran and present no doubt, so there is no need to restrict them by forging additional restrictions outside God’s Revelations. The limits of God has been made broad by design. God’s Law is by design adaptable to all and accessible to all, in order to prefectly adapt to each single individual’s specificities. God provides us the concept and the bounds, and it’s up to each individual to implement God’s Law according to his own method, to be creative and resourceful enought in order to please God and to receive the most benefits from their actions. That way, each individual can draw his own way to God and is the sole actor of his own salvation, while the sects that call themselves religions produce only mere followers, who have not their destiny in their hands. That’s why more and more muslims, christians, and jews, stop practising, and are muslims, christians and jews only by name. This is because they are not involved in their own process of salvation, also because of the lack of sense of their arbitrary laws… AND ABOVE ALL because they receive no benefits from their practice. While, the more we are implicated in our own salvation, the more we’ll seek to act better in order reach the highest levels in the scale of Allah, and to receive concrete results from our actions in this present life.
And We have sent down to you the Book in truth, confirming the Scripture that came before it and prevailing over it . So JUDGE AMONG THEM BY WHAT ALLAH HAS REVEALED, and follow not their vain desires, diverging away from the truth that has come to you. TO EACH AMONG YOU, WE HAVE PRESCRIBED A LAW AND CLEAR WAY.  If Allah had willed, He would have made you one community, but that HE may test you in what He has given you; SO COMPETE IN GOOD DEEDS. The return of you all is to Allah; then He will inform you about that in which you used to differ. S5:V48
This life is no more than a competition to reveal which one of us will act better.
And He it is Who has created the heavens and the earth in six phases while His Throne was on the water, that He might try you, which of you is the best in deeds. S11:V7
The sects have created their own competition based on their own forged rules. A competition which is not based on the pursuit of good deeds, but based on the practice of non sense arbitrary rites, with no connection to the concept of good and evil as defined God’s Books. The judge of such a competition is not Allah like in the True Religion, but their own clergymen and scholars who decreet who is to be considered as a good muslim, a good christian, a good jew. But being a good muslim, or a good jew, or a good christian does not make you a good believer in the eye of God, but the exact opposite. Only the accomplishment of good deeds, the observance of God’s true Laws directly issued from His Revelations, and the exclusive dedication of our worship to God, can allow us to reach such a status.
Being part of a sect, what you call organized religions, is like being a mere employee of this sect, while following the True Path of God is like ruling your own company. The true path of God gives us motivation to produce more efforts because all the benefits of our good actions go to us, while the sectarians receive no benefits from their false practices. Their dedication to their sect only benefits to its rulers, who gain in power, prestige and wealth, the more their followers show implication. Therefore, anyone who seek real power and elevation, shall seek it with God Alone, because all the other masters have no real power and are mere puppets who act only for their own interest.
In truth, man only receives the result of his efforts. S53:V39
God is the One who evelates to the highest degrees. S40:V15
Whosoever desires true elevation and real power shall seek it with God, as true elevation and real power belong only to God. S35:V10
The true practices of God are designed to help us in our daily life, while the false practices of the so called religions act like a burden on us, and produce no benefits at all. The Salat as designed by God is perfectly adapted to each single individual and grants us Protection and Guidance. The sects impose their unfair practices on the people, and those who do not want to observe them are banished or considered as bad elements. Whereas the true religion of God does not impose on us anything, but is based on voluntary action. Therefore, when I speak about the 2 “mandatory” daily Salats, it is more a recommandation from God than a strict order. I am not saying that the daily Salat is facultative, I am just saying that God presents us the rules, and it’s up to each individual to play with the rules of God, and to receive the result of his action on himself. The one who is not much dedicated to God and who neglicts his Salat get the result of his lack of dedication to God: he will be far more vulnerable to perdition and sins, and will be enclined to astray.
In fact, the Salat according to the Quran is no more than the reflect of our own relationship with God, while the islamic Salat is not more than a non sense arbitray rite which is not related to our own relationship to God, it is a mere tradition of the called “Sunnah of the prophet“. In the Quran, there is no such thing as the “Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad“, the sole true sunnah is the “Sunnah of Allah“, ie “Allah’s System of Rules“. The True Rule of Allah has always been the same from Adam to Muhammad, while the islamic “Sunnah of the Prophet“, ie the Rule of the muslims, is specific to the muslims and is different from the “Sunnah of Allah“. When Allah repeats in the Quran the same verse, WORD BY WORD, it means that we shall pay close attention to it. Therefore, the believers shall be aware that the Rule of Allah has always remained the same, the exact same Rule defined in all God’s Revelations.
The SAME Rule of Allah for those who lived aforetime, and you will not find any change in the Rule of Allah. S33:V62
The SAME Rule of Allah for those who lived aforetime, and you will not find any change in the Rule of Allah. S48:V23
I’ve told you that the Salat is the mirror of our own relationship with God, the more we are close to God, the more it is natural and easy to invoke God through the Salat, but the more we are far from God and from his true path, the more the Salat is difficult, if not impossible for those whose faith is polluted or weak.
And seek respite in patience and Salat… And indeed Salat is hard to observe correctly except for those who are humble before God. S2:V45
The Salat is extremely hard to observe correctly for those whose faith is weak, while it is easy and represent a true spiritual sanctuary for the humbles who give priority to Allah on their own person and desires. Most of the people do not want to take the true path of God, because they are not enclined to dedicate time and efforts to Allah, as they prefer to enjoy their terrestrial life only for themselves. Therefore, these people involve in these false religions rather than in the true path of Gods, so that they can persuade themselves to be genuine believers, while they are not. All they want is to fully enjoy their terrestrial life like those who openly declare themselves as disbelievers, while persuading themselves that they will enter paradise in the hereafter … which will never happen.
These people of weak and impure faith do not realize that God does not need us, and that the Salat and all God’s Commands are not meant to God, but are only meant to us. If, truly, they had observed the Salat correctly, they would realize that the Salat only benefits to them and is in fact a true relief for the genuine believer. The unfair ones who neglict God, actually neglicts their own persons. God has put a laziness in their heart which prevents them from invoking Him, because God does not want people dragging their feets towards him, but people who let completely loose to Him and who strive to please Him.
And whomsoever Allah wills to guide, He makes him fully enclined to let loose to Him. S6:V25
Is one that Allah has made inclined to let loose to Him, so that he has received enlightenment from Allah, no better than one who is not? Woe to those whose hearts are hardened against celebrating the praises of Allah! These ones are in a manifest perdition! S39:V22
God’s True Religion is reserved to high quality people: people who use their own intelligence and reason, people who strive to become savants in order to better know Allah, people who value knowledge in all its form in order to better understand God’s Commands, people who draw their own path to God and who have faith in God’s CERTAIN Ability to guide them directly, without the help of anyone on earth, not even the prophets and the messengers (who are not Guides but mere channels and warners). God does not want people who follow blind beliefs and obey his Commands only through coercion, but God wants people smart and fair enough to understand that His Commands actually profit to them and to the others. Allah can dispense with the entire creation, Allah is Self-Sufficient, Rich and Noble.
The people of the sects do not use their own intelligence and reason, they merely follow the false rules of  their sect without questioning them. They do not even understand the concepts of Allah through their own reflection, but need to be taken by the hand, otherwise they would not act at all. Islam, Christianity, Judaïsm (I do not mention the other religions as they are not even based on Revelations from God, therefore are completely null) are factories producing zombies who do not use the intelligence that God has given them, and their ability to reason which distinguish us from animals, but mere sheeples that only act through mimetism.
Allah sets forth the Parable of two men: one a slave under the dominion of another; he has no power of any sort; and the other a man on whom We have bestowed goodly favours from ourselves, and he spends thereof, freely, privately and publicly: are the two equal? By no means; praise be to Allah. But most of them understand not. S16:V75
Allah sets forth another Parable of two men: one of them dumb, with no power of any sort; a wearisome burden is he to his master; whichever way he directs him, he brings no good: is such a man equal with one who commands justice, and is on a straight way? S16:V76
The people of the religions are part of the first category which is mentioned in these verses, they are like slaves unable to be their own guides, depending on other men. While the true believers are free men, depending only on Allah and on no one else.
II- How to implement the Salat?
The True Salat according to the Quran reflects our own private relationship with God. Therefore, each individual shall adapt it to his own way to reach God. There is not one single way to implement the Salat, but as many ways as individuals. The Quran provides us the bounds and the concept of Salat, and invites us to implement it according to our own sensibilities.
These are the bounds of Allah in matter of Salat:
1- The Salat shall be performed at key moments of the day: its beginning and its end. These moments do not necessarly correspond to the morning and to the night, or to sunrise and sunset. It depends when you decide to start your day and to end it, and this is specific to each individual. Each day is different, thus, the same individual may start and end his day at different times from a day to another.
The Salat has been prescribed unto the believers at definite times.  S4:V103
2- The Salat requests privacy and is a continuous moment fully dedicated to God. The Salat is different from “dhikr/God’s invocation” as we can invoke God at any place, at any time, and we can interrupt our invocations at any moment if needed. Moreover, contrary to the Salat, invoking God does not request to be pure through “Purification/cleansing“.
3- The Salat is a matter only between the individual and His God, therefore, there is absolutely no obligation to offer a prayer to Muhammad and his Family, to Abraham and his family, like the islamic Salat states it.
This is the general concept of Salat. However, the Quran brings us some details concerning the implementation of the Salat that we can combine in order to build our own personal Salat.
Possible Positions for the Salat
You shall perceive the Salat as a kind of meditation session. But contrary to the buddhistic new age meditation, the Salat’s object is only God. We all know that certain body positions and sound environments may help us to reach high degrees of concentration. When it comes to Salat, the Quran suggests us the body positions which are appropriate for the invocation of God, and the words of the Quran serve as a sound environment. The Quran suggests many body positions that we can adopt during our Salat such as prostrating, kneeing, bowing down, standing up  … very different from the indecent and unholy body positions adopted in Yoga, which are rather meant to open doorways inside us which allow the demons to subtly possess the one who adopts these positions.
And they fall down on their faces weeping and it increases their humility.  S17:V109
And perform Salat, and implement Zakat, and bow down along with those who bow down. S2:V43
They are those who turn to Allah in repentance, who worship (Him), who praise (Him), who perform acts of contrition, who bow down, who prostrate themselves… S9:V112
Remain assiduous in observing the Salats and above all the Middle Salat (explanation provided further), and stand up to Allah with devotion. S2:V238
Who invokes Allah standing and sitting and lying on their sides, and reflect on the creation of the heavens and the earth: our Lord Thou createdest not all this in vain. Hallowed be Thou! Save us, Thou, from the torment of the Fire!  S3:V191
Is he who is devout, in the watches of the night prostrating himself and standing, bewaring of the Hereafter and hoping for the mercy of his Lord. S39:V9
You see them bowing and falling down prostrate, seeking Bounty from Allah and (His) Good Pleasure. S48:V29
All these body positions reflect our submission to God. Therefore, these positions shall be adopted naturally in order to express our devotion along with the prayers that we’re uttering … and shall not be adopted arbitrary as part of a fixed choregraphy, like the mechanical way of islam. You have to use your good sense and consider the Salat like a private audience with The King of the kings, God Himself… therefore, these positions become natural and make sense.
Moreover, the alternance of such positions is known to be opportune to allow us to reach high degrees of concentration and even to produce positive effects on our bodies. When it comes to the Salat, the alternation of body positions allow us to be more focused on our prayers to God, and to be more receptive to God’s inspiration. While the mechanical way of the islamic Salat produces the opposed effets: it prevents the muslims from reflecting on what they are uttering.
Allah does not impose on us a specific choregraphy like the muslims do, but lets us free to adopt these positions accordingly to our degree of fervor and to the prayers that we are uttering. Therefore, you can adopt these positions during your Salat in the order that you wish, and you may choose different combinations from a Salat to another. For my own case, in term of body positions, most of the time I use to pray stand up, then I bow, then I prostrate, I may repeat this cycle several times, and I end my Salat by praying seated. From a Salat to another, I may change this cycle or introduce other body positions such as kneening … etc etc.
However, there are no non sense gestures like in the islamic version of the Salat, such as turning your head left and right in order to greet the angels, or raising the arms before changing positions, or moving the finger while kneeling.
The following images are illustrations of acceptable body positions, do not pay attention to the religious context of these images, I am not promoting these false religions and their false way of observing the Salat.
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The volume of the voice, neither too loud nor too low
Concerning the tone that we shall adopt during our prayers, God prescribes that we pray neither too loud, nor too low, but that we adopt an intermediary tone, this does not prevent us from alternating with silent prayers in our mind.
And in your Salat, do neither pray aloud nor in a low voice, but follow a way between. S17:V110 
Concerning the way of reciting the Quran, you shall not sing the verses of the Quran like the muslims do, or like the jews do to recite the Torah. The Quran is not a song, but is a very deep and meaningful speech, therefore, shall be uttered with the respect due to its high value. Singing the Quran like the muslims do with their so called “tajweed” (islamic way of reciting the Quran) just proves that they do not value the Quran as it should be valued. The muslims think that they honor the Quran by singing it, which is as dumb as singing the content of a book a science, and the Quran is indeed a Book of Science. The islamic “tajweed” is the most horrible way to recite the Quran, it reminds the braying of the ass.
And be moderate (or show no insolence) in your walking, and lower your voice. Verily, the harshest of all voices is the braying of the ass. S31:V19
Only the muslims pretend to like the sound produced by their tajweed, while all the rest of the world, the non muslims, hate it. The islamic tajweed is not appropriate to recite the Quran, but the real believers shall rather adopt a tone which is much closer to the tone adopted by the christians to recite their Bible: a correct and even tone.
This an illustration of a more appropriate way to recite the Quran:
Today, the muslims are so lost that they have even created “tajweed contests” on their islamic TV shows, in order to elect the best tajweed of the Quran. This exposes that the muslims do not even understand the true concept of the Quran, they do not really pay attention to its content, they consider it as a mere background music. How many muslims like to listen to their tawjeed while cooking or driving, as a vulgar ambiance music, without paying the least attention to its content.
So, when the Quran is recited, listen to it, and PAY CLOSE ATTENTION, that you may receive mercy.  S7:V204
Indeed, the muslims still have the package of the Quran, but they have completely lost its content. This is because their lifes are not really driven by the Quran, but rather by their own false beliefs issued from their satanic Hadiths. The prophet Muhammad himself will be a witness against them during the Judgement Day.
And the Messager will say: « Lord, my people have truly abandoned this Quran !». S25:V31
Today the most prominent Quran’s reciters, such as Sudais, Shuraims, Abdus-Samad, Mishary… are considered as stars among the muslims and earn millions thanks to their recitations of the Quran … This is a shame! Such a noble and deep book as the Quran is relegated to the role of mere relaxation music, and you have these huge criminals making millions by wasting the Word of Allah! When you hear their recitations, you cannot even understand the text of the Quran anymore, as their recitations are meant to produce a musical effect and not to emphisize the real meaning of the verses.
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Prayers used during the Salat
In matter of prayers that we may use during the Salat, God does not prescribe any specific prayer. As the Salat is supposed to be a natural exchange between the believer and God, it makes sense to adapt our prayers to our needs and to the circumstances of the day. In contrast, the islamic Salat is completely mechanical from its choregraphy to its words, the muslims repeat the same impersonal prayers during all their Salats, to such a point that most of them do not even think to what they are uttering, they do their Salat in autopilot mode like zombies. The result of such a non sense Salat is that the muslims often commit mistakes in their Salat, forget an invocation or a body position, because when they start praying, their brains simply stop working. Their minds are momentarily transported to another realm. Instead of focusing on God, their minds remain still absorbed by their terrestrial concerns of the day. The islamic Salat does benefit to the muslims as it does not allow them to evacuate their terrestrial thoughts in order to focus on God and on what truly matters for their salvation. The result of such a mechanical Salat is not of any help for the muslims in their daily life. While the Salat according to the Quran is supposed to provide us a valuable help in order to take the right decisions in our daily life and in order to remain focused on the performance of good actions.
As the islamic Salat is mechanical and produces no positive effects, except to give the muslims the illusion that they have completed their duty for Allah, the muslims perform their Salat as quickly as possible in order to return as soon as possible to their daily terrestrial activities. When you pray with a muslim, you can barely finish your sentence that they have already changed positions in their Salat.
The proof that the islamic Salat is not really a connection to God, is the fact that the muslims remain exactly in the same state of mind before and after their Salat. For instance, if you start your Salat angry or upset concerning a terrestrial matter, a true believer is supposed to be in a different state of mind once his Salat completed, which is normal, as the contact of God is source of appeasement and serenity for the genuine believers.
The Salat shall be a true connection to God AND a real disconnection from all terrestrial concerns during the time of the Salat. Only a focused and conscious Salat allows this connection to God, which is absolutely not the case with the islamic version of the Salat.
Like in all matters, God provides us with the bounds and the concept of His Law. In term of prayers which are appropopriate for the Salat, Allah suggests us through the Quran a rich sample of the most intelligent and useful prayers … very different from the dumb prayers invented by the muslims, and which are not mentioned in the Quran. Allah lets us free to combine these prayers according to our own needs and inclinations, and to complete them with our own words in order to adapt them to our own specific situation.
The Quran provides a great number of prayers that God has inspired to his messengers in the past, or which have been uttered by all the believers of all times. These are few examples of such excellent prayers:
Our Lord! Give us in this world that which is good and in the Hereafter that which is good, and save us from the torment of the Fire!“S2:V201
Our Lord! Punish us not if we forget or fall into error, Our Lord! Lay not on us a burden like that which You did lay on those before us (Jews and Christians and muslims); our Lord! Put not on us a burden greater than we have strength to bear. Pardon us and grant us Forgiveness. Have mercy on us. You are our Handler, and give us victory over the disbelieving people. S2:V286
Our Lord! We believe; so write us down among the witnesses. S5:V83 
Our Lord! Forgive us our sins and expiate from us our evil deeds, and make us die among the pious. S3:V193
Our Lord! Let not our hearts deviate after You have guided us, and grant us mercy from You. Truly, You are the Bestower! S3:V8
Our Lord! Verily, it is You Who will gather mankind together on the Day about which there is no doubt. Verily, Allâh never breaks His Promise S3:V9
Our Lord! Perfect our Light for us and grant us forgiveness. Verily, You are Able to do all things.S66:V8
There are hundreds of such perfects prayers in the Quran. These prayers which are intelligent and beneficial to us… very far from the dumb and non sense prayers issued from the Hadiths. You can easily list these prayers in the Quran and use them in your prayers. These prayers are most of the time introduced by expressions like this: “Say: …“, or “Those who have faith say: ...“, or “the prophet say: …” etc etc.
The following prayer, issued from the Hadiths, is one of the most popular prayer which is uttered by the muslims.
According to Jabir Ibn Abdallah, the Prophet said: « The One who say when he hear the Adhan (call for the Salat): “Ô Allah, Lord of this perfect call and established prayer. Grant Muhammad the intercession and favor, and raise him to the honored station You have promised him, verily You do not neglect promises.“, will benefit from my intercession during the Judgement Day ».
Bukhari 1/152, and the addition between brackets is from Al-Bayhaqi 1/410 with a good (Hasan) chain of narration. See ‘Abdul-Azlz bin Baz’s Tuhfatul-‘Akhyar, pg. 38.
This hadith is a blatant lie in several respects.
1st point
Would the prophet of God truly command the muslims to pray for him before each Salat? This kind of command would be assimilated to an abuse of position! Of course, the prophet would never command the believers such a thing. Each individual is entitled to his own actions, and therefore, the prayers of the others are not of any help. In the Quran, You find no prophet, no messenger, no genuine believer, asking the other believers to pray in their favor. The genuine believers have a direct access to God, and therefore, directly pray Allah for themselves. They are fully aware that their fate is entitled to their actions and to Allah’s mercy ONLY.
2nd point
There is no need to persistently remind Allah that He shall keep his promise, such a behaviour is like doubting Allah’s Promise, while Allah’s Promise is a promise of truth.
3rd and most important point
The prophet Muhammad, along with all the prophets and messengers of God, have not the least intercession during the Judgement Day. The whole intercession belongs to God ONLY. Believing in the intercession of the prophet Muhammad is believing in lie, and exposes the one who shares this belief as an associator. Because such a belief would imply that the prophet Muhammad enjoys an intermediary position between the people and God. You can find the exact same kind of “mushrikin/associators” among the christians, who believe in this fairy tale, which pretends that the one who acknowledge Jesus or Mary, would benefit from their intercession during the Judgement Day.
Say: “To Allah belongs all intercession. His is the Sovereignty of the heavens and the earth, Then to Him you shall be brought back.” S39:V44
This prayer is considered by the muslims as part of the most important prayers, and they utter it like asses before each Salat. Yet, this prayer is a blatant lie, and represents a proof against them that they are absolutely not genuine believers, but mere sectarians and associators. Most of the prayers uttered by the muslims are issued from their satanic Hadiths AND NOT FROM THE QURAN, … and are far dumber than the one that I’ve mentioned as an illustration.
Al Fatiha, Introduction Prayer
There is still a prayer which is particularly emphisized in the Quran: the Introduction Prayer, Al Fatiha in arabic. As its name indicates it, Allah invites us to utter this prayer as an introdution to our prayers during the Salat. This prayer summurizes all what the genuine believer needs, and reiterates our exclusive devotion to God, and therefore shall be pronounced before all prayers in our Salat. This prayer also works as a formula of introduction before to express our requests before God, like the introductory wording used when one has an audience with a monarch. This prayer works like the testimony of faith of the real believer.
All the praises and thanks be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, The Only Owner of the Day of Retribution. You (Alone) we worship, and You (Alone) we ask for help (for each and everything). Guide us to the Straight Way. The Way of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace, not (the way) of those who earned Your Anger (such as the Jews), nor of those who went astray (such as the Christians). S1
The islamic translators have added in red these 2 parenthensis in their official translation of the Quran, they should have included themselves in both parenthesis. The muslims utter this prayer several times during each one of their Salats, yet, they do not implement it at all. The muslims do not seek for help from Allah Alone, they do not follow the way of Allah, but they rather ask the help of their savants of Islam and of other mortals like them, and they follow the guidance of their false guides and not the direct Guidance of Allah. This is one more proof that the muslims are completely lost and blind, as they utter this prayer everyday, and they do the exact opposite to what is told in this prayer.
Sall we recite  the Quran by heart during our Salat?
The muslims state that we shall recite the Quran by heart during the Salat, but that’s not true, it’s another of their satanic inventions. God does not command us such a thing, and lets us free to recite the Quran either by heart if we have the ability to do so, or to simply recite the Quran by reading it. Allah’s commands are universal and can be implemented by all, therefore, Allah is aware that some people do not know the Quran by heart and therefore does not impose on them what is beyond their capacities. No matter if you recite the Quran by heart or that you read it, the most important is to understand what you’re uttering, and to apply its prescriptions on your own lifes.
The language used during the Salat: Not necessarly in Arabic, but in your own native language
Has Allah sent the Quran only those who speak arabic? Of course not!
Allah has sent the Quran for all men no matter their origins. Therefore, the dumb obligation of the muslims which states that even the non arabic speaking people shall still utter their prayers in Arabic during their Salat is competely non sense. Allah wants us to fully understand what we’re expressing in our prayers, and not to utter the verses of the Quran without understing them, like a kind of magic formula. So you MUST perform your salat in your own native language in order to be able to understand what you are uttering in your prayers.
Things which shall not be present in your Salat
The Salat is the SOLE practice which is exclusively reserved to God. Therefore, your Salat shall not include any part which is dedicated to other than Allah. I think about the prayer for Muhammad and Abraham which has been made mandatory by the muslims. In fact, it is the exact opposite: the one who believes that his prayer in favor of Muhammad will ensure him the access to paradise, rather ensures to end up in hell, as the keys of paradise are EXCLUSIVELY in The Hands of Allah. Therefore, you shall only direct your prayers to Allah, and you have no obligation to mention any prophet of Allah in your prayers.
Duration of the Salat
Concerning the duration of the Salat, the Quran does not mention any specific duration, which makes perfectly sense. The most important is that your Salat allows you to have a true connection with God no matter its duration. God is aware that our agenda, fervour, and disposals are different from a day to another, and therefore, each believer shall offer what he is able to offer. The golden rule is that we receive accordingly to what we give, so it is up to each individual to decide what he is willing to give. Your Salat may last 2 minutes and still allow you to have a true connection with God and a true disconnection from this terresrial world, while your Salat may last 20 minutes, and yet, may be considered as null. It all depends on your relationship with God on the long term, because as you know, it is a long term task to build a genuine and sane relationship with God. What matters is the quality of our connection to God, and not its duration.
Degraded mode Salat when you’re away from home
And when you’re away from home, there is no sin on you if you shorten the Salat  S4:V101
God allows us in case we’re away from home to shorten our Salat, which makes perfectly sense, as we cannot always enjoy optimal conditions to observe our Salat when we’re away from home. God is fully aware that when we’re far from home, it’s for good reasons. Most of the time, we have plenty of tasks and visits to achieve, and therefore, God allows us to adapt our Salat to these special circumstances. That does not mean that as soon as we’re far from home, we can shorten our Salat, it’s only an option that God offers us in case we need it. The muslims love to be in trip, because finally they can get rid off the burden that repesents their false Salat, and they systematically shorten and gather their Salats, even if the circumstances allow them to perform their Salat normally… This exposes their hypocrisy and their laziness.
And if you feel not safe, then perform Salat on foot or riding (car, bike, motorbike, train, plane…), and when you are in safety, offer the Salat in the manner He has taught you, which you knew not before. S2:V239
In some circumstances, it’s not safe for us to perform our Salat as we are used to, with our usual body positions and with a loud voice, because it could put us in trouble. In such a case, Allah allows us to observe our Salat in our mind in order to not alarm the people around us, who may harm us if they see us performing the Salat. Allah offers us all the necessary options in order to face any type of situation. We may shorten our Salat or perform it in our mind if the conditions do not allow us to do it normally.
Dress code during the Salat
O Children of Adam! Dress decently at all places of worship, and eat and drink, and do not commit excesses, for sure He likes not the excessive ones. S7:V31
When it comes to dress code, the command of Allah is quite clear and simple. Allah only asks us to be dressed decently, which means with clean and decent clothes … that makes perfectly sense.
There is no prescription in the Quran to wear a veil, or a headgear, or a jellabah, or a khamis … neither during the Salat nor in any other circumstances. If you want to wear such clothes, it is your right, but this has nothing to do with the prescription of Allah. When you perform Salat, the only condition is to be dressed in such a way that allow you to appear in public, neither almost naked nor in pajamas, out of respect for God.
Indeed, when Adam and Eve realized that they were naked, they felt ashamed and felt the need to cover their nudity. With respect to cleanliness, being dressed with dirty clothes is neither respectuous to our own person, nor to the other people, nor to God. Many muslims wear their religious garments like an uniform over their standard clothes, and often their religious garments lack of cleanliness.
In short, there is no religious dress code in the Law of God, the only prescription in relation to this matter is decency. If you want to see the complete proof concerning Allah’s dress code, whether for men or women, I invite you to read this fully detailed article.
Notice that only the cults of Satan request a specific dress code: christianity, islam, judaïsm, satanism, masonry, buddhism, hindhuism, … etc etc. All the sects of Satan impose a specific dress code, which is different from the local conventional dress codes which is mostly based on culture and tradition, and not on religion. Satan has invented these dress codes in order to divide the humans and in order to generate all kind of problems.
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All these dress codes are the pure invention of the devil and are meant to alienate us, to turn us into slaves or like prisoners in prison … and I do not even mention the lack of beauty of this dress code.
The Qibla/direction of the Salat
God has not prescribed any specific direction to adopt when we perform our Salat. There is no mention of Qibla/direction to adopt for our worship in the Quran, and of course this is not an omission.
And to Allah belong the east and the west, so wherever you turn, there is the Face of Allah. Surely! Allah is All-Sufficient for His creatures’ needs, All-Knowing.  S2:V115
Piety is not related to the fact that you turn your faces towards east and (or) west (in prayers); but Piety is reserved to the one who believes in Allah, the Last Day, the Angels, the Book, the Prophets and gives his wealth, in spite of love for it, to the kinsfolk, to the orphans, and to the poor, and to the wayfarer, and to those who ask, and to set slaves free, performs the Salat, and implement the Zakat, and who fulfill their covenant when they make it, and who are patient in extreme poverty and disease and at the time of struggle. Such are the people of the truth and they are true pious. S2:V177
Of course, Allah is everywhere, and Allah directly reads in our minds. Therefore, it is non sense to adopt a specific direction in order to reach Allah … it would mean that Allah cannot be reached if we turn in the other directions?
Look at the ridicule of the muslims who never agree between themselves about the direction of the Kaaba, that they pretend to be the sole direction to reach God in prayers. This would imply that each individual shall have permanently a compass with him in order to find Allah? Thats stupid and dumb, the proper of the muslims and of the sectarian people.
Another proof of the non sense of the islamic Qibla is the fact that the other religions have not such a concept as the Qibla. Yet, Allah says that His Rules never changes over time. Therefore, it is obvious that the concept of Qibla is a pure islamic invention.
That was the Rule of Allah in the case of those who passed away of old, and you will not find any change in the Rule of Allah. S33:V62 
General recommandations concerning the Salat
In a general way, God like constancy and loyalty, which are the qualities that are appreciated by all the masters when it comes to their servants. This also applies to the Salat, God appreciates those who are regular in their Salat whether in term of assiduity or quality.
And those who are assiduous in their Salat. Coran S23:V9
And those who are assiduous in their Salat. S70:V34
This recommandation is repeated again and again in the Quran, and this does not exclusively apply on the Salat, but on our whole relationship with Allah. Allah likes loyalty and assiduity, because these 2 qualitites our genuine devotion to God and our involvement on His Path.
God has created us by design unstable, so God value the efforts that an individual produce in order to fight against his own flaws.
Verily, man was created unstable by design. S70:V19
That’s why one of the most repeated recommandation of God concerns endurance and patience. We all have phases in which we lack of fervour, we all commit sins which pull us away from God’s invocation. Therefore, those who produce efforts in order to remain stable inspite of their evil tendancy, are those that Allah appreciates he most. So being assiduous in our Salat is the best indicator of our unconditional faithfullness and devotion to God.
And enjoin the Salat on your family, and take on yourself every effort to perform it. S20:V132
Even if we have hard times and that we lack of faith, we shall still persist to reach God and to seek to please Him in the limits of our abilities. God likes the one who gives in a general way, even few, rather than nothing.
How to attain the good End? It is by freeing from a yoke, or by giving food in a day of famine to an orphan near of kin, or to a poor cleaving to dust, and then he became one of those who have faith, and prescribed to himself and to the others perseverance and patience, and also pity and compassion. These are the Trusted People. S90:V12-18
The Salat, along with the Zakat, is part of the 2 main prescriptions of Allah in matter of Religion. The Salat concerns our direct relationship with God, while the Zakat concerns all the concrete actions that we’ve done in order to achieve God’s commands. Therefore, the Salat shall have a primordial place in the life of the believer. Thus, it is essential to know how to implement it correctly in order to get the best results from it. Indeed, the Salat is the most helpful prescription for all the aspects of our life. The one who is truly dedicated to God in his Salat, Allah will make his path easy concerning all the aspects of his life. Because that one, brings the proof that he prefers God on his own person. Many persons say that, but few really mean it and prooves it through concrete acts over time. In fact, the Salat reflects the culmination of all our efforts for the sake of God.
Those who surrender to God during their Salat. S23:V2
III- Prerequests of the Salat
God requests from us 2 things in order to fully benefit from our Salat:
To be in state of mind which allow us to be focused (spiritual purity)
To be in a state of purity (physical purity)
Do not perform the Salat in a drunken state
Ô you who have faith! Approach not the Salat when you are in a drunken state until you are fully conscious of what you utter. S4:V43
When God speaks about “drunken state“, it does not only concern alcohol, but all kind of drugs which alter our state of consciousness. Alcohol and drugs does not nullify our Salat, EXCEPT if we’re so high that we cannot even be focused on what we are uttering. You can test your state by intending to read a book, if you can focus on what you read, it means that your state allows you to perform the Salat, but if you’re not, then you should wait until you recover all your abilities.
This verse is another proof that Allah does not strictly ban alcohol and drugs. However, God advocates us to avoid these products as far as possible, but Allah is aware that these substances can also offer a valuable assistance to us in some specific circumstances. In such a case, these products can be perceived as a lesser evil. Of course, our faith in God should be enought to allow us to face any situation, the problem is when our faith is too weak to provide us the least assistance.
Purification requested before to perform the Salat
Ô you who have faith! Approach not the Salat … when you are in a state of impurity, except when travelling on the road, till you wash your whole body. S4:V43
Contrary to “dhikr/God’s invocation“, the practice of the Salat requests to be in a state of purity. As the Salat is supposed to be a connection with God, it makes sense that we shall be pure in order to connect to God.
Washing following a sexual intercourse
The state of impurity is consecutive to a sexual intercourse or to an act of perversion. In such a case, God prescribes us to wash. God has not specified if we shall wash completely our body or only the polluted parts, and this has been made ON PURPOSE. Indeed, in the past times and even today in the countries affected by poverty, many people have not a direct access to water, and therefore, have not the ability to take a shower after a sexual intercourse. However, if you’re not concerned by that, it is all up to you to decide whether to take a shower or simply to clean your polluted parts, it also depends on the cirumstances. But no need to convince you that a shower or a bath is better than a local cleansing, as even the non religious people prefer to take a shower after a sexual intercourse. God does not impose on us a specific way, therefore, no one shall add additional restrictions to the broad and perfect law of God.
Ablutions/Wudhu/Cleansning in the other cases
O ye who have faith! when ye stand up for the Salat, wash your faces and your hands unto the elbows, and pass your wet hands on your heads, and on your feet unto the ankles... S5:V6
This verse commands us to cleanse our body, as described in this verse, SYSTEMATICALLY BEFORE EACH SALAT, except if we’ve just taken a bath or a shower before. Notice that this cleansing shall be done just before the Salat, so there is no concept of maintaining our purity over time like in islam. The muslims believe that once they have achieved their ablutions/wudhu, as long as they have not farted or gone to the toilet, their wudhu/ablutions remain valid, even during hours. This is not what the Quran prescribes. The cleansing is in fact included in the Salat itself and shall be achieved just before observing it. As the Salat according to the Quran occurs after the wake-up and before to sleep, these are 2 moments when everybody is generally at home, so it should not be a problem to have access to water. While the 5 islamic Salats occur at times when most of the people are away from home, with most of the time no access to water, that’s why the muslims have invented this concept of maintaining their ablutions valid over time.
Contrary to the false islamic rule, farting does not nullify our purity, so even if you fart during your Salat, your Salat still remains valid.
Also notice that the Quran does not command to wash completely your heads and feet, but to simply pass your wet hands over them.
The Rule of the Quran in matter of purification is fully detailed in one single verse. While the false islamic concept of “wudhu/ablutions” requests a complete book in order to be fully explained. The very same word of “wudhu” is not even mentioned in the Quran, God merely speaks about a “cleansing/washing/purification“, which confirms that the islamic “wuhdu” have nothing to do with God’s prescription.
Finally, contrary to the islamic way, there is no concept of repeating 3 times each step of the cleansing/purification. As soon as you see a rule which commands to repeat 3 times the same action, you can be sure and certain that this rule is not from God, but from Satan. In the Rule of Allah, there is not the least prescrition which commands us to repeat 3 times the same action. Actually, the number 3 is associated to the false path of Satan, like for insatnce the false concept of Trinity. The number 3 is another representation of 666, which stands for Satan’s plan of perdition. In the Rule of God, the Quran, the number 3 appears nowhere.
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In case, there is no access to water
… And if ye be polluted, then purify yourselves And if ye be ailing or on a journey or one of you cometh from the privy or ye have touched women, and ye find not water, then betake yourselves to clean earth and wipe your faces and hands therewith. Allah intendeth not to lay upon you a hardship, but intendeth to purify you and to complete His favour upon you, that haply ye may return thanks… S5:V6
if we have no access to water, God simply prescribes us to pass our hands in a clean soil and then to rub our heads with our hands.
… Allah intendeth not to lay upon you a hardship, but intendeth to purify you and to complete His favour upon you, that haply ye may return thanks. S5:V6
Indeed, This prescription is not a mere fantaisy of Allah, but serves a specific goal, which is to purify us in such a way that the demons/shaytans cannot interfere with us. The proof that this prescription is very important is the fact that God provides us a with a alternative way of purification in case we have no access to water. If truly, this cleansing was not really necessary, God would not proposes us this alternative way, but would allow us to perform our Salat without any purification in case we have no access to water.
The purpose of the purification is very important!
The reason why God commands us to proceed to this purification before to start our Salat, is because God knows that the demons are particularly keen on all kind of dirt. The demons like the fine layer of soiled water, ie sweat, which covers our skins, because they can better interfere with us thanks to this thin layer of filth. This filth works as a catalyzer for the negative influence of the demons on us. Their evil interraction has for effects to undermine us, and allow them to make their dark enery flow within us. Concretley,  the evil influence of the demons produces on us headaches and generates bad thoughts and undermine our morale. The demons like all kind of filth, therefore, the same principle apply when it comes to the filth contained in our seminal fluids, feces and piss. That’s why, God commands us to use clean water or pure soil to remove this filth from our body before starting our Salat. That way, we are fully protected against the evil interractions of the demons, at least during our connection with God, the Salat.
IV- The Collective Salat
As I’ve mentioned it in the beginning of this article, God’s creation and rules are always declined by pairs. In matter of Salat, this principle remains valid. Indeed there are 2 daily Salats with introduce and conclude our daily activities. But, even the very concept of Salat is in fact divided in pairs: one individual Salat which is private and which is to be done in the intimacy of our homes, and one collective Salat which is done in public along with the other believers.
These 2 forms of Salat complete each others and allow us to fully benefit from God’s mercy. The 2 daily individual Salats allow us to enjoy God’s direct guidance on us, while the weekly Collective allows us to enjoy God’s guidance through his other servants, as a community. Indeed, God reveals to each one of his servants a specific knowledge and invites his servants to share with each others the knowledge that he has revealed to each one of them individually. The Collective Salat serves this purpose.
However, the 2 daily individual Salats are much more important than the weekly collective Salat as it reflects our own private relationship with God. The proof of that is the fact that the weekly Salat is not mandatory but is highly recommanded, while the individual Salat is part of the duty of the servants of God.
La Collective Salat during the day of gathering
O ye who have faith! when the call to Salat is made on the day of gathering then repair Unto the remembrance of Allah and leave off bargaining. That is better for you if ye know. S62:V9
The muslims assimilate the day of gathering to Friday, because this day correspond to their day off, and it is indeed the day when they can gather. But in the other communities, the day of gathering does not correspond to Friday but to their weekly day off. So, according to your country, this day of gathering simply corresponds to the day of the week which is not usually worked. It makes sense that the day of gathering occurs during a day off, otherwise the people would not have the opportunity to gather. In short, the day of gathering as designed by this verse does not correspond to a fixed day of the week, but corresponds to a different day according to your country.
Time of the Collective Salat
Remain assiduous in observing the Salats and above all the Middle Salat, and stand up to Allah with devotion. S2:V238
The 2 daily individual Salat corresponds to 2 moments of the day when any individual on earth is in the intimacy of his house. Their times is perfectly adapted to the need for intimacy that requires the individual Salat.
In contrast, the weekly Collective Salat requires to be in public. Therefore, it makes sense that the timing of this Salat occurs at the middle of the day, when most of the people are likely to make themselves available. If this Salat was scheduled at the extremities of the day, many people would not be able to attend it, as we all need our day off to have some rest, therefore to wake up later than during the weekdays, and to plan visits which often occur at the evening. Therefore, the best time for this collective Salat is at the middle of the Day.
That’s why Allah calls if the Middle Salat: because it occurs in the middle of the day, and because it’s practiced not in the intimancy of our houses, but in the middle of the people.
If God emphisizes more on this Collective Midle Salat than on the individual Salats through this recommandation: “Remain assiduous in observing the Salats and above all the Middle Salat“, it is not because the collective Salat is more important than the individual Salat. As I’ve told you previously, it is rather the contrary. Everybody agree to say that the individual Salat reflects much more our dedication to God than the Collective Salat. This insistance is actually due to the fact that we have to produce much more efforts to attend the Collective Salat than to observe the daily individual Salats. Indeed, the daily Salat is performed at home and requires few time, while the Collective Salat requires that we go out and consume much more time. Another reason for God’s insistance is the fact that we are less motived to attend the collective Salat as we already enjoy God’s direct guidance throught our daily individual Salat, ans as so the collective Salat is more about contributing to the community of believers than for our own personal interest. In truth, we receive what we are willing to give, so it is a mistake to think that the collective Salat is less productive for us than the individual Salat.
However, the collective Salat is not mandatory, because the verse says:
O ye who have faith! when the call to Salat is made on the day of gathering then repair Unto the remembrance of Allah … S62:V9
This verse only applies if we are available during the Collective Salat. It may happen for us to be unavailable because we are on trip of for other imperative reasons.
Concerning the exact time of this Salat, if God does not provide a specific time, it is because it’s non sense to impose an arbitray time for this Salat. It’s up to each community to agree on a specific time according to their own habits. We all know that from a country to another, the weather and the duration of the day may be very different. Thus, each community shall define the time which is the most convenient according to their own specific conditions.
In what consists the Collective Salat?
God does not specify in the Quran the exact organization of this Collective Salat, and this is not an omission but this is done on purpose. As long as you’ve understood what is the concept of Salat in a general way, you are supposed to be able to decline it in its individual and collective forms. The Salat is about connecting to God and is about reflecting on the Books of God, which allows us to better know God and to better serve Him and please Him. Therefore, the Collective Salat is no more than a weekly convention about God’s Law and about celebrating God collectively as a community of brothers in God. So all you have to do is to implement the very same methods that are commonly used in any convention, but this time applied to God and to His Law.
These methods are quite natural and simply consist in implementing all the ways which allow us to debate and to share the Truth of God. As in any convention, it consists in speakers and attendees who ask questions to the speakers, or in little brainstorming groups, or in Questions/Answers.
Contrary to the islamic Friday Salat, it makes no sense to have one single speaker, ie the imam, while the others always remain silent. This method is never used in any kind of convention, because it would be simply non sense that a same person is allowed to speak while the others do not participate actively in this process of collective thinking.
A natural and logical way would be to plan different speakers for each week. Each different speaker offers a speech on a specific topic related to the Books of God, topics that they have studied in deep. The goal is to allow each speaker to share his own findings and to confront them to the arguments of the other believers, in order to validate their findings or to invalidate them.
Another way is to organize “Questions/Answers” sessions. Those who have questions may present them to the community in order to receive responses from those who know the answers.
Finally, it is relevant to organize little brainstorming groups in order to involve the whole community and to encourage the individual reflection.
And this “convention“, the Collective Salat, may be concluded with a collective prayer which may take as many forms as possible. No need to always repeat the same prayers like the muslims do during their Friday prayer, but this collective prayer may change from a week to another.
The collective prayer may consist simply in a set of prayers prepared in advance by different believers among the community. The communtiy of believers just have to synchronize in order to achieve this prayer all together. It is simple to write on a document shared with everyone the words of this collective prayers and the body positions that shall be adopted. They may pray all together standing up, or seated, or following a specific sequence agreed in advance.
In the Quran, there is no function called “imam” or “rabbi” or “priest“, these titles have been invented by man and have not the least authority in the eye of Allah. These conventions are not made to put forward believers above others. The real believers would never agree to be put in the limelight, or to serve as guides to the others, as they are fully aware that God is the Sole and Only Guide and Master. The collective Salat is meant to celebrate Allah in exclusivity and not put forward believers above others.
If not Him ye’ve given your obedience to nothing but people adorned with false titles invented by ye and your fathers, and for which Allah hath sent down no authority: the Command is for none but Allah: He hath commanded that ye give your obedience to none but Him: that is the right religion, but Most men do not know. S12:V40
In brief, the collective Salat is no more than a collective way to receive Allah’s Guidance on us. Allah’s Rule is perfect as it always serve the individual in first place, and the collectivity in second place. Allah multiplies his gifts on us, as Allah offers us his gifts directly AND through the rest of the believers.  When Allah offer a gifts to one of his believers, in fact, Allah offers it to all his believers.
The True Salat according to the Quran is a much more intuitive and meaningful practice than the mechanical and void Salat of the muslims. The true Salat is about involving us in our own process of salvation and offers us a direct relationship with Allah. The true Salat is not only convenient and fully accessible to all individuals on earth, but it also produces concrete benefits on our daily life, and is our shield against anything which may be detrimental to us. The real Salat is the perfect reflection of our own relationship with God, that’s why God insists so much on it all over the Quran. We have a confirmation of this principle as we can see that the islamic Salat perfectly reflects the state of perdition of most of the muslims. It’s as mechanical, as non natural, as senseless as the path which is followed by the traditionalist muslims today.
  The True Salat (long version) There is a practice which is performed by all men all over the world since the beginning of Humanity.
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arcticdementor · 5 years
Western Civilization has a great big God shaped hole at its center.
Nietzsche and Bronze Age Pervert had a go at filling that hole with something more manly than Christianity, but Nietzsche failed and Bronze Age Pervert is no Nietzsche. Bronze Age Pervert correctly tells us that the job now is destruction, but the left will destroy itself soon enough if we don’t. We need to prepare for construction once the left self destructs.
The Christianity of Constantine and Charles the Hammer was manly enough for anyone. We could do with the Christianity of King John the Third. Christianity tends to holiness spiral the sermon on the mount and the Good Samaritan, but provided you don’t holiness spiral, the Sermon on the Mount and Good Samaritan is entirely compatible with being a man. After you are out of cheeks you can beat the stuffing out of the bad guy.
The death of God led to the death of western philosophy, summarized by Alf in his book “The Resurrection of God”.
And eventually to the death of science, for if there is no truth, what is science? You need to take the ground beneath your feet on faith. Build on the void, your buildings fall down. An individual atheist scientist can do fine science, but science as a collective endeavor, as a social endeavor, requires a shared belief in the pursuit of truth, and we just have not been successful at maintaining a shared belief in truth without God. Hence the reproducibility crisis and peer review, which replaces evidence with social consensus. Robert Boyle told us that if a scientist talks about consensus, he is likely dishonest, and, honest or not, is facilitating dishonesty. He who believes in consensus, has no regard for truth. Robert Boyle tells us that if a prominent expert tells you experts agree, or gives you third hand evidence, what they supposedly agree upon is unlikely to be true. The supposed expert consensus is being manipulated, and you are being manipulated. If the supposed consensus was not being manipulated, they would invoke evidence from primary sources, not consensus nor third hand evidence.
The faith of Gnon requires confidence that God intends use to be happy, provided that we follow his laws, intends us to conquer the world and the stars, requires the white pill. If someone accepts the red pill but concludes the black pill from the red pill, concludes from the red pill that a wife and children that belong to him, in a home that belongs to him, will not make him happy, not of our faith. The black pill is gnosticism. The white pill requires us to accept the world of the fall, the world of Darwinian natural selection, and still be cheerful and optimistic about it. Every morning the dawn wakes me up, I squeeze my wife’s backside, and she makes me coffee while I watch the sun rise over the islands and the sea. Most evenings I check my fruit trees, then I sit down on my log in my garden, and watch the sun set over the mountains. Every few weeks, I get drunk with my friends. Is this a world that belongs to Satan? Is this a world ruled by Satan? Every dinner and most lunches I thank the Lord for my food, for the pleasant company with whom I eat it, and for the beautiful creation in which I eat it.
We should be peaceful to all men of goodwill. A few centuries ago Europe achieved a highly successful social technology for peace on earth, for avoiding terrifying and immensely destructive wars, which social technology which was lost during the twentieth century. That social technology was: Cuius regio, eius religio, the Peace of Westphalia. Interpreting “religio” broadly, that means that every country is entitled to its own ways, and that the current ruler should be respected even if he is not following our ways. The Peace of Westphalia aims for a world of sovereign and independent nations who protect their citizens, respect their neighbors, and honor the differences that make each country special and unique. When the Harvard and mainstream media priesthood call someone a “dictator” that means they are plotting to overthrow him and probably kill him, which is not very peaceful. Installing “liberal democracy” on the bloodstained sands of the Middle East on people unfamiliar with “liberal democracy” and demonstrably bad at it is far from peaceful. We should pay the rulers of alien countries appropriate respect and refer to them by the titles that they have managed to get away with, rather than calling them something that implies that overthrowing them and murdering them is good. We should accept each country conducting themselves in the ways that are particular to the uniqueness of each country. When the holier than thou priesthood of Harvard and the mainstream media support a violent, destructive, dangerous, and revolutionary faction in Hong Kong in order to install “liberal democracy” in Hong Kong, a system that the people of Hong Kong have never experienced, do not genuinely comprehend, and are clearly even less competent than ourselves to operate, that is an act of war by a nuclear power against another nuclear power. The state religion should be universal within the state, but should not impose itself outside the state, while maintaining collegiality and communion with the state religion of other states with a similar state religion. The state religion should never pursue or encourage the overthrow of a sovereign, unless its own sovereign has first declared war. Especially against a nuclear power.
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itsgodsamazinggrace · 5 years
They say that going to a place where you call home, Is like a halo-halo with ice-cream and ice complete package. You can’t appreciate it as a whole with a missing piece. And Israel is that place. It’s a Middle Eastern country on the Mediterranean Sea, is regarded by Jews, Christians and Muslims as the biblical Holy Land. Its most sacred sites are in Jerusalem. Within its Old City, the Temple Mount complex includes the Dome of the Rock shrine, the historic Western Wall, Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Israel's financial hub, Tel Aviv, is known for its Bauhaus architecture and beaches Israel is a small, narrow, semi-arid country on the southeastern coastline of the Mediterranean Sea. It entered history some 35 centuries ago when the Jewish people forsook its nomadic way of life, settled in the Land and became a nation The name "Israel" first appears in the Hebrew Bible as the name given by God to the patriarch Jacob (Genesis 32:28). Deriving from the name "Israel", other designations that came to be associated with the Jewish people have included the "Children of Israel" or "Israelite". also for me Israel is a place where you can call home. It’s like a dreamland, it’s a place every god’s follower would ever dreamed off to go. I lived with a not perfect family (because there no such thing as one), trials and tribulations may come into my Christianity but god has been so consistent as always. God wants me to be always on the right track. His presence is everywhere you can talk to him anytime. But I know that filling up the loneliness if this world can break you down, this life of mine is a representation of his unfailing love in my life. Many people may leave. All of them may leave but our god almighty had been consistent all the days of my life, all of them may judge me but the only god almighty’s opinion counts on my behalf. Change is constant but our faith have to stay the same. I must say that I’m into this point of my life that my faith will never be shaken, and I will stand firm in all my decisions. And I will never let anyone or even Satan destroy my identity again. I know my worth and it’s because of him. And if it means that showing my love for him is going into that place, then why not? And one of the representation of that faith is going to a place where god called home.
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One of the first articles that mentioned Moon’s pikareum sex rituals
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A.D. magazine   May 1974   by Jane Day Mook   (pages 30-36)
New Growth on Burnt-Over Ground
Third in an A.D. series offering a critical look at new religions in America.
Hope and fear are almost always entwined in the impulses that cause a man or woman to seek a faith. Therefore it is not strange that religions contain promises both of divine intervention or mercy, and of judgment. Thus, Judaism speaks of a messiah and an apocalypse, the faithful of Islam expect a delivering mahdi and a terrible, bright-sworded angel, and some Christian Scriptures indicate that Christ will summon saints to glory and the wicked to perdition on a future Day of the Lord. Even among the new religions now sprouting on the burnt-over earth of American religious life, the notes of hopeful expectation and dread of doom are sounded. Religious leaders arise, and are examined by their followers: Are you he (or she) who will deliver us? And almost always a direct answer is avoided in replies that sound strangely like, “Who do men say that I am?”  Today, in many areas of America, people are asking a middle-aged Korean named Sun Myung Moon who he is. Writer Jane Day Mook, in six months of extensive research, has come up with some of the answers.
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The Unification Church
There has been a rash of headlines:
Korean Preacher Urges U.S. Not to “Destroy President” Minneapolis Star, December 1, 1973
Watergate Day of Prayer Asked by Unification Church Washington Post, December 18, 1973
Unification Church Program Under Way in Houston Religious News Service, December 27, 1973
There have been other media reports:
█ On December 26, 1973, Congressman Guy Vander Jagt of Michigan read into the Congressional Record a statement by the Reverend Sun Myung Moon of Korea, founder of the Unification Church International, urging Americans to forgive, love, unite.
█ Governor Wendell Anderson of Minnesota and Mayors Charles Stenvig and Larry Cohen of Minneapolis and St. Paul, respectively, issued proclamations saluting Moon when he visited the Twin Cities in December last year.
█ Twelve hundred supporters of Moon turned out—with specially issued tickets (100 of them for the best seats up front) — to cheer President Nixon at the national Christmas tree lighting ceremony at the White House on December 13, 1973. They carried signs saying, “God loves Nixon,” “Support the President,” and quite simply, “God.” Afterward, when the President came to greet them in Lafayette Park, one writer reports, they knelt down as he drew near.
█ Six weeks later Moon was invited to the 22nd annual National Prayer Breakfast in the Washington Hilton Hotel. While it was going on, more than 1,000 of Moon’s followers gathered to sing patriotic songs and demonstrate their support of the President. Tricia Nixon Cox and her husband walked among the disciples and spoke with Neil Salonen, national head of the Unification Church.
█ The next day, Moon had an unscheduled meeting with President Nixon. He embraced the President and then, it is reported, “prayed fervently in his native tongue while the President listened in silence.” Before leaving, Moon exhorted the President not to knuckle under to pressure but to stand up for his convictions.
What is this all about? Who is this Korean religious leader, Sun Myung Moon, who reaches the eye of those in high office, including the President himself?
What is this Unification Church that has suddenly surfaced in the United States with so much noise and splash? Is it really a Christian church? Is its aim political or religious, or both?
The Unification Church (whose full name is The Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity) found its way into the consciousness of a few Americans about 15 months ago. In Tarrytown, New York, a gracious estate of 22 acres overlooking the Hudson River quietly changed hands for $850,000. [Price confirmed by Michael Mickler in History of the UC in the US.] “Belvedere” became a center for the Unification Church.
Korean messiah? Christ of the second advent? Young Americans find new faith and new life in following him.
Joyous, disciplined, loving, Moon’s young followers express the confidence of the deeply committed.
Suddenly the residents of Tarrytown discovered that, because this is a “church” and therefore tax exempt, they had lost $8,000 in city taxes. They discovered, too, that by the summer of 1973 the estate was teeming with young people—Japanese, Korean, German, Austrian, and especially British.
The British—115 of them—came in response to ads posted on their college bulletin boards: New York and back for $25 and a summer of “leadership training” to boot. But the Belvedere mansion was not adequate. Crowding was dismal, regulations and restrictions irksome, morale bad, the program unfocused, the unabashed conversion tactics unpalatable. A good many of the students apparently went home to England disappointed and angry.
Meanwhile, the Unification Church had purchased a home for their leader, Sun Myung Moon, who has acquired permanent residency visas in the United States for himself and his family. Reported purchase price of the second estate was $620,000 with an additional $50,000 said to have been spent for furnishings.
By summer’s end attention shifted to New York City and the start of Moon’s 21-city Day of Hope Tour. Full-page ads appeared in the local papers:
Rev. Sun Myung Moon
The ads carried, center-page, a picture of a pleasant-faced Korean man, sometimes in Korean dress, sometimes in Western, sometimes posed with the capitol dome in the background. They told of coming meetings in Carnegie Hall. The same pictures and message were in subways, drug stores, shop windows. They were on leaflets handed out by dozens of earnest young men and women, some American, some from abroad.
Invitations went out to city leaders, especially clergy: “Rev. and Mrs. Sun Myung Moon request the honor of your presence” at a dinner at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. ...
Mayor John Lindsay and Senator Jacob Javits sent messages of regret, but approximately 250 others came. Catholic and Protestant clergy, armed services chaplains, foundation executives, university professors. Solid names all.
The pattern was to be repeated across the country as the much publicized Day of Hope Tour moved south and west through the last three months of last year, and again in the second tour of 33 cities that began in mid-February.
I went with my husband to the first presentation by Mr. Moon at Carnegie Hall on October 1. Outside, a few protesters milled about (Jehovah’s Witnesses mostly). Inside, the lobby was full of young people, most of them Oriental. “Welcome Mother. Welcome Father,” said a charming Korean girl taking our tickets as guards looked through our briefcases. “Welcome to our program. Thank you for coming, Mother. Enjoy it please.”
Mr. Moon was already sitting on stage. He was wearing Western dress, as was his translator, Lieutenant Colonel Pak Bo Hi, formerly a military attache stationed in Washington.
Moon spoke in Korean, flailing the air and pounding the lectern. It was not easy to follow his message, which was about Adam, Eve, Satan, and the Holy Spirit, linked in a mysterious theology we could not piece together.
Who is this man Moon, and what was the message he wanted us to hear?
Sun Myung Moon was born in what is now North Korea in the village of Kwangju Sangsa Ri [in North P'yŏngan province] on January 6, 1920. His parents were Christians, members of the Presbyterian Church, which is the largest Protestant denomination in Korea. After attending village primary school Moon was sent to high school in the southern city of Seoul.
On Easter Sunday 1936, when he was 16, Moon had a vision. As he prayed on a mountainside, he relates, Jesus himself appeared and told him “to carry out my unfinished task.” Then a voice from heaven said, “You will be the completer of man’s salvation by being the second coming of Christ.”
The local ground was ready for such ideas. Already there were among some Pentecostal Christians in the underground church in Pyongyang predictions of a new messiah who would be a Korean. As Moon went about his engineering studies at [a Technical High School affiliated with] Waseda University in Tokyo, he pondered, remembering his vision. In 1944 he returned to North Korea and set about to develop among these Pentecostals a following of his own. In 1946 he founded the “Broad Sea Church.” His followers, it is said, were fanatical people.
Meanwhile, in South Korea a man named Kim Paik-Moon [or Kim Baek-moon], knowing the prophecy of a Korean messiah, had already taken the obvious next step. Kim considered himself a savior and said so. In Paju, north of Seoul, he had established a community called “Israel Soodo Won” (Israel Monastery), and Moon spent six months there learning what was to become the basis of his own theology, the “Divine Principle,” before returning to Pyongyang.
It was about this time that he changed his original name of Yong Myung Moon to Sun Myung Moon. To many people “Yong” means dragon. “Myung” means shining, and Moon and Sun are understood as in English. Therefore, since 1946 his name has meant Shining Sun and Moon. It savors of divinity and of the whole universe. A name is essential to an Oriental, as revealing one’s character.
Now the facts become uncertain. Between 1946 and 1950 Sun Myung Moon spent time in prison in North Korea. The reason? His anti-Communist activities, Moon testifies, reminding us of the rabid Communism of North Korea. Bigamy and adultery, others claim, noting that his real anti-Communist campaign did not take shape until 1962.
In any case, late in 1950 Moon was released and he trekked to South Korea as a refugee with two or three [it was two] disciples. Settling in Busan, he began to propagate his principles. In 1954 he founded his new church [in Seoul], calling it “The Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity.”
Moon had gleaned his theological ideas from Kim [Baek-moon], and a follower, Yoo Hyo-won [Eu Hyo-won], wrote them down. By 1957 Divine Principle, which proclaims the theology of the Unification Church, was in print. It was first published in English in this country in 1966 and for a second time in 1973.
Divine Principle is concerned with the physical as well as the spiritual salvation of humankind, and the doctrine goes like this:
God intended that Adam and Eve should be perfect and that therefore their children also would be perfect. But Satan entered the Garden of Eden and seduced Eve. By this act she became impure, her blood forever tainted. This taint she passed on to Adam, through their union, and so he too—and their children and all humankind—became forever impure.
God wanted to redeem humanity from this impurity. Therefore, he sent to earth Jesus, the second Adam, and Jesus began the work of redemption. Spiritual salvation he achieved. But God’s will was once again thwarted by Satan. Jesus died on the cross before he could marry and father children. Thus, physical redemption was not accomplished. Our blood is still impure. Now it is time for the third Adam or “the Christ of the second advent.” It is time for the physical redemption of humanity and the reign of the New Israel, Korea.
How will all this come about? Quite simply: the third Adam sent by God to earth—to Korea—will marry a perfect woman, and their children will be the first of a new and perfect world. Eden will return to earth. Heaven will be here, not in some shadowy afterlife.
Does Moon consider himself the new messiah? In the early days of the movement, he admitted that he did. He no longer does so, and his followers are apt to smile when asked what they believe and say, “It is a personal matter.” In the national headquarters of the Unification Church in Washington, however, a votive candle burns beneath a portrait of Moon. Furthermore, in some materials of the Unification Church in Korea there are mythical tales relating that Moon was worshiped by Jesus. Jesus asked Moon to help him complete the saving of humankind and supposedly said, “I have done half, but you can do the other half.”
The half assigned to Moon, of course, involves his fourth and present wife. In the early 1940s Moon was married, but in 1954 this first wife left him because, he said, “she did not understand my mission.” He also is said to have had two other wives before marrying in 1960 an 18-year-old [she was 17] high school graduate named Hak Ja Han. At the time of their union (which is called “the Marriage of the Lamb”), he told his followers that she had not yet achieved his own spiritual perfection, but he was confident that she would in time. Together they are the new Adam and the new Eve, the parents of the universe, and their children herald the coming perfection of humanity.
Here reference must be made to “pikareum,” or “blood separation,” which is referred to in Japanese and Korean sources. In this secret initiation rite, it is said that the inner-core members must have intercourse. In the early days of the Unification Church, this was with Moon who, through the act, made pure the initiate.
In 1955 in Seoul Moon was imprisoned briefly and several students and professors were expelled from their universities because of engaging in what were called “the scandalous rites of the Unification Church.” However, in the 14 years since Moon’s marriage to Hak Ja Han, it is not known whether in the secrecy of the initiation ceremony, the rite has become purely a symbolic one.
When asked about this matter of purification, a leader of the Unification Church in the United States replied that purification takes place at the marriage ceremony and that, with special prayers, God’s spiritual blessing and purification are conferred through Moon.
To Moon, Communism is equivalent to Satan. Anti-Communism is the political backbone of his movement.
Both the theology and what were understood as the practices of the Unification Church have been anathema to main-line Christians in Korea. Moon himself was excommunicated by the Presbyterian Church in Korea as long ago as 1948.
His church has not been accepted as a member of either the National Council of Churches or the National Association of Evangelicals in Korea, both of whom state unequivocally that the Unification Church is not Christian.
But Korea is used to offbeat religious movements. There are dozens of splinter sects and “new religions” there. The Unification Church, or Tong-il Kyo, is one of the largest of these with its claimed membership of 300,000 Koreans.
The Unification Church claims a world membership of about a half million. In the United States the number of followers is estimated at about 10,000 so far with between 2,000 and 3,000 core members. 
[A more accurate assessment would be up to 20,000 in Korea and up to 200,000 as a worldwide total.]
The Unification Church may not be accepted by Korean Christians, but it is openly favored by the present government in Korea, and this sets it apart.
In November 1972 President Park Chung-hee promulgated a new constitution giving himself sweeping power. Christian leaders, among others, mounted effective opposition to it and called for a “democratic” constitution. On January 8, 1974, the president responded by decreeing anyone criticizing the constitution would be tried and, if guilty, imprisoned for up to 15 years.
On February 1, six ministers and evangelists (five Presbyterian and one Methodist) were sentenced to up to 15 years’ imprisonment for their criticism of the constitution. They were judged not by a jury of peers in a civil court, but by a special court-martial at the South Korean Defense Ministry. 
Compare Moon, in this context of South Korean politics. Moon started and directs near Seoul a school to which the Korean government annually sends thousands of civilian officials and military personnel for training in techniques of anti-Communism.
In Moon’s view Communism is ideologically equivalent to Satan. Anti-Communism is therefore the political backbone of his movement. Thus he wins the support (which may be in part financial) of the government. At the same time Moon, as a “religious” leader, lends the administration the aura of respectability that all autocracies find useful when, for both home and overseas consumption, it is most needed.
Moon exports to 40 countries the main components of his religious-political movement: the Divine Principle theology with its Korean messiah coupled with vigorous anti-Communism. Chameleonic, the group changes its coloration depending on locale and circumstances.
Sponsors of the International Federation for Victory over Communism, they take on in the United States a quiet title: the Freedom Leadership Foundation. In Japan, however, where they have the support of right-wing groups, they are openly part of the World Anti-Communist League. Here in the United States they sponsor prayer and fasting “for the Watergate Crisis.” In Japan, at the time of Red China’s seating in the United Nations, it was prayer and fasting “for Victory over Communism.”
Everywhere, political involvement is a high priority. The Freedom Leadership Foundation, a Unification Church subsidiary, openly avows its goal of “ideological victory over Communism in the United States.” Gary Jarmin, the 24-year-old secretary-general of the FLF says that they are already spending $50,000 to $60,000 per year trying to influence senators and congressmen on national security issues.
As a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization, FLF is forbidden to lobby for specific legislation, but Jarmin and his seven colleagues in the work don’t hesitate to carry on “educational” programs for legislative aides. Furthermore, Jarmin says, there will soon be a totally separate, new organization that will engage in direct lobbying and openly support political candidates.*
* See John Marks, “From Korea with Love,” The Washington Monthly, February 1974, page 57
The World Freedom Institute is another branch of the FLF’s work, training young people in anti-Communist techniques from an ideological and “religious” point of view. Its International Leadership Seminars are rigorous.
Applicants must pass a preliminary interview. Alcohol and drugs are not permitted, smoking is allowed only at certain times and places, clothing must be clean and neat. All scheduled activities must be attended from 7 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. daily, especially the lectures on Divine Principle, Communism, and Unification thought as a harmony of the Judeo-Christian image of God and the Eastern principle of yin-yang.
For all this, it must be said that political action within the Unification Church is probably limited to a few at center. Moon’s young converts may not be aware of the political side of their movement at all except in the most general terms.
If they wave banners and rally for Nixon, they feel it is because he is ordained by God and given power to be President at this time. Essentially they want to change the moral and spiritual order. They are committed to that, and for them it is enough.
Wherever they go, the Unification Church works to enlist the young. According to those who know the movement in Korea, Japan, and the United States, they are largely the disenchanted young—those whose activism in the ’60s and early ’70s has seemed to bring scant results, those who are turned off by the institutionalized establishment, who are looking for commitment and community, who want not just something but someone to believe in, who want unequivocal answers within a framework of discipline.
There are thousands of young Americans who, in our current retreat from involvement into privatism, fit this description. Moon’s followers are among them. Here in the Unification Church they find instantly a place among their own kind. The hierarchy itself is composed of young people.
The members live in communes that have been set up in most major cities of the country. “It’s like a family,” said one girl who helped establish a new church in Texas. “The whole purpose of the center is based upon God. There’s no premarital sex or drugs or smoking or drinking.” Indeed, Moon thunders against “sexual immorality” as the deadliest of sins.
These are young people who are earnest, sincere, committed, and of high moral character. They are also neat, pleasant, and polite. They are convinced. And they are innocent.
They probably know nothing whatever of Moon’s questionable background or of his strong right-wing political stance. And probably they do not know Christianity well enough (though they study the Bible fervently) to question the theology of Divine Principle. But they have a staunch belief in basic moral values and the possibility and power of spiritual redemption.
If you have not already seen the members of the Unification Church in your town, you will. They have centers in all 50 states and they are busy soliciting both converts and money.
In New York they have reportedly purchased a large old house a few blocks from the Columbia University campus and are offering rooms there for a low rent. They have established an office on the campus under the name of “Collegiate Association for Research of Principles” or CARP (appropriating the traditional Christian symbol of the fish) and at the time of this writing are busy recruiting students for a one-week International Leadership Seminar scheduled for the March recess at the former seminary of the Christian Brothers in Barrytown, New York, which the Unification Church recently purchased.
Some of the Columbia CARP group seem to have had experience in the movement elsewhere. For instance, one young man, a Japanese graduate student, asked a professor at nearby Union Theological Seminary to give him a private crash course in Christianity—something he had not needed for the work in Japan.
To raise money Moon’s followers have so far been selling flowers, home-made candles, bottled arrangements of dried flowers and grasses, and ginseng tea, a herbal tea with medicinal properties.
Everything they earn—everything—goes back to the Unification Church. They claim that when it was necessary to raise $280,000 for a down payment on the Belvedere estate in Tarrytown, the core members across the country dropped everything for eight weeks and did nothing but sell their wares.
Flowers and candles? Yes—and they raised the down payment and more.
In our town on a recent Saturday morning, a young Japanese girl came into a drugstore carrying a small bucket with “Drug Abuse” painted on it in white letters. In her other hand she held bouquets of pink and white carnations wrapped in green wax paper.
“I am Takako,” said the girl. “I am selling these flowers for the One World Crusade. Would you buy some, please?” The high school girl behind the counter looked doubtful but asked, “What is the One World Crusade?”
“Have you heard of the Unification Church?” asked Takako. “We are working against drug abuse.” She held out a paper encased in plastic. At the top in large letters it read: “Immorality/Drug/Abuse/Delinquency/Family Conduct.” Then it introduced Takako and again mentioned the program against drug abuse.
A bystander, a man, asked, “What is this program against drug abuse? I am interested in that myself.”
Takako struggled with English. “You know the Bible?” she asked. “We have meeting and religious education, and we study the secrets of the Bible.”
“But your program against drugs?” the man persisted.
“We work against drugs from the heart,” said Takako. “It is a heart thing, a heart change.”
The man smiled and shook his head. The drugstore owner and a woman customer each bought a bouquet.
This young Japanese girl has left her natural family back in Japan and has come halfway around the world to be part of another family, the Unification Family. This supplants her mother and father, her brothers and sisters. According to Unification doctrine they are impure and imperfect.
She herself, as she is initiated into the Unification Church, will be made pure, and her real family from now on is the group of purified and to-be-purified members like herself. The sadness she has caused (and this sadness is widespread in the homes these young people have left) is of no consequence.
Flowers, candles, tea—where does the real money come from that supports the projects of Moon’s church?
The idea of family is central to Moon’s teaching. The family gives blessing. At the top is the vast human family, then the national family, finally the marital family. One must be in a family to be saved, for the family provides the basic structure for the new Eden.
Most of the young people who join the Unification Church are single. After a period of membership—usually at least three years—they may be married if they have achieved an acceptable spiritual level. Marriages are arranged—a vast improvement, Moon’s followers say, over the chaotic system of personal choice that has destroyed the American family.
The arrangements used to be made by Moon himself, who knew most individual members in the early days and had, it is said, an uncanny gift for sizing up those he did not know. Now, with the growth of the movement, the arrangement of marriages will surely have to be delegated to senior members of the Family.
In 1970 Moon gathered a great group together in Seoul and performed a mass marriage of 777 couples. For those whom he joins, his blessing is a cherished benediction. It carries the notion that Moon himself is the giver of offspring to those he blesses and it makes pure the tainted blood of those who are wed.
Where does the money come from that supports the Unification Church? No one seems able to find out.
The Unification Church owns estates, a conference center, and many town houses (such as the handsome one on East 71st Street in New York).
It supports its core members in their work of evangelism, teaching, and preaching at a cost for food, clothing, and shelter conservatively estimated at $5 million per year. It brings hundreds of young Germans, Austrians, Japanese, and Koreans to this country at its expense, not theirs.
It pays for full-page ads in big newspapers. It publishes a tabloid newspaper, books, leaflets. It rents large meeting halls and lecture facilities for its leader to speak in. It invites the country’s leaders to banquets at the best hotels.
Where does the money come from? Not primarily from selling flowers, candles, and ginseng tea, though this effort should not be downgraded or underestimated. The member-businesses (in San Francisco, a printing press; in Denver, a cleaning establishment; in Washington, a new tea house) may swell the coffers but not substantially.
Moon himself is reputed to be a millionaire, the head of a sizeable conglomerate in Korea that product marble vases, machine parts, ginseng tea, pharmaceuticals, titanium, air rifles and other items. The value of the empire is estimated at $10 to $15 million. Some followers claim that Moon plows the profits back into the Unification Church, but others insist the industries belong to Moon, who has become a very wealthy man.
What outside backing does Moon have? Substantial sums may come from right wing Japanese industrialists and groups that are eager to reestablish the economic power Japan once held over Korea and who consider Moon “their man.” Former Japanese Prime Minister Kishi, leader of the violently anti-Peking faction of the Liberal Democratic Party, is actively associated with Moon’s International Federation for Victory over Communism.
The big question is: Does the Korean government back Moon? In the article in The Washington Monthly referred to above, John Marks, a student of the CIA in the U.S. and other countries, tackles this question. The Korean CIA, Marks points out, has on occasion secretly subsidized “private” organizations like the Unification Church if they will improve Korea’s image. It would certainly be interested, he says, in a “burgeoning religious-political movement run by a Korean who supports virtually all of the goals and who is in a position to work and lobby for its government’s position on the American political scene.”
Whatever the sources of its money, the Unification Church is in excellent shape financially, and that is very important to it. In Moon’s thinking, money is power and power indicates the blessing of God. God is on the side of power and wealth.
Moon and his followers have come a long way down the road from the mountainside where an earlier messiah, who had nowhere to lay his head, taught his disciples: “Blessed are the poor. Blessed are the meek. They shall inherit the earth.”                  A.D.
Jane Mook is a freelance writer and an occasional contributor to A.D. In addition to mission articles, she has compiled our portfolios of religious art at Christmas and Easter. Her home is in Tenafly, New Jersey.
A few of Sun Myung Moon’s Front Groups
The Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity
The Unification Church
Project Unity
One World Crusade
International Cultural Foundation (ICF)
International Federation for Victory over Communism (IFVOC)
Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles (CARP)
Freedom Leadership Foundation (FLF)
World Freedom Institute
American Youth for a Just Peace
The Little Angels of Korea
Professors’ World Peace Academy (PWPA)
Committee for Responsible Dialogue
Tong-Il Industry Company
Il-Hwa Pharmaceutical Company
Il-Shin Stoneworks Company
Tong Wha Titanium Company
Tae Han Rutile Company [rutile = titanium dioxide]
Where Moon got his theology from
Moon’s theology for his pikareum sex rituals with all the 36 wives
The FFWPU is unequivocally not Christian
Sun Myung Moon: The Emperor of the Universe
United States Congressional investigation of Moon’s organization
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clairebeauchampfan · 6 years
Meeeow! Why are we obsessed with cats?
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Claws out! Why pop culture clings to the crazy cat lady
Lucy Jones, The Guardian newspaper
Mon 16 Apr 2018 16.48 BST
For years, women with cats have been portrayed as lonely, sexless and eccentric – but why does this stereotype endure? And can millennial ailurophiles reclaim the purr-jorative?
Did you hear the story about the old woman from Ohio who was arrested for training her 65 cats to steal her neighbour’s stuff? The Columbus police department found thousands of dollars’ worth of jewellery in the 83-year-old lady’s house and discovered she taught the cats to bring back “anything that shined”.
The news story went viral at the end of last year. How do you picture her? Unkempt hair, dressing gown and slippers, living alone, rarely leaving the house? The “crazy cat lady”, in other words. In fact, the story was fiction on a satirical website, but people bought it and shared the story thinking it was real.
The crazy cat lady is a common, recognisable trope in contemporary culture: think of Eleanor Abernathy in The Simpsons. After a promising career in medicine and law, she experiences burnout, starts drinking and gets a cat. Next minute, she’s talking gibberish, looking dishevelled and throwing her army of felines around. Then there’s Robert De Niro’s predictably bonkers elderly Christmas cat lady in a 2004 Saturday Night Live skit: she “had dreams and then she was kicked by a horse and now she has cats. The end!”
The younger version of the stereotype is usually associated with being single, kooky and weird; after her relationship with Carol Burnett comes to a head, 30 Rock’s Liz Lemon acquires a cat. “I can fit Emily Dickinson’s whole head in my mouth,” she tells a concerned Jack Donaghy. You can even buy a Crazy Cat Lady action figure online, complete with deranged, staring eyes.
To understand why this trope exists – and why it may be on its last legs – let’s scoot back to the middle ages and the earliest perceptions of women and their cats. Even before witch-hunts, cats had a bad rep in the western world – with associations with heretical sects and the devil. Medieval types conflated feline sex lives with lustful, sinful, female sexuality: cats were seen as “lecherous animals that actively wheedled the males on to sexual congress”, according to the historian James Serpell. Although, in recent pop culture, cat lady has evolved into shorthand for a lonely, sad, sexless woman. Too sexy, not sexy enough: can’t please ’em.
The earliest cat ladies in the west were, of course, witches. In Malleus Maleficarum, the landmark medieval treatise on witchcraft, a 13th-century folk story is recounted, whereby three witches turned themselves into cats, attacked a man on the street and accused him of assault in court, showing the marks on their bodies. From then on, witches were believed to have cats as familiars, or to change into felines at night.
Why would cats get such a satanic rep? We can only guess. Cats are mysterious. They come and go. Unlike dogs, they refuse to obey and be domesticated. They’re nocturnal. The Ancient Egyptians worshipped Bastet, a woman with a head of a cat. Although the Bible does not specifically mention cats, early Christian pilgrims were highly suspicious of other religions, and they deemed the black cat to be so demonic that being seen with one could be punishable by death.
Although the 18th century saw people beginning to question superstitions – such as the belief that a woman’s wart was a teat suckled by Satan – negative connotations of the relationship between cats and women remained. The Victorians switched witches for old-maid stereotypes – for single women without children: “Old maids and cats have long been proverbially associated together, and, rightly or wrongly, these creatures have been looked upon with a certain degree of suspicion and aversion by a large proportion of the human race,” wrote a journalist in the Dundee Courier in 1880. The Old Maid card game was often illustrated with a dour woman and her cat, the “friend of the friendless”, as it was described at the time. In the 1900s, anti-suffragette propaganda used images of cats to portray women as silly, useless, catty and ridiculous in their attempt to enter political life.
The inception of the “crazy” moniker is harder to pin down, but its connotations of hysteria are an old gender stereotype. Added to this, the extreme end of the modern “crazy cat lady” stereotype has more than a few cats, which is unusual. Eleanor Abernathy, for example, has cats dripping off her: she is, essentially, portrayed as a mentally ill, alcoholic, compulsive hoarder.
There may be some truth in the idea that animal hoarding is more common in women. A study in Brazil found that, while generalised hoarding disorder affects men and women equally, nearly three-quarters of animal hoarders were women. Since 2013, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders classifies compulsive hoarding as a psychiatric disorder, with animal hoarding as a subtype.
Another recent theory is to do with a parasite called toxoplasma gondii. This tiny critter infects rats and mice and changes their behaviour by, scientists believe, creating an attraction to cat urine, so it can wind up in the stomach of a cat, where it reproduces. It also infects between 30% and 60% cent of people. Scientists are exploring evidence that toxoplasmosis could create behavioural changes in people, leading to lots of excited articles wondering if the parasite is a clue to explaining the phenomenon of “crazy cat lady”. The parasite contains an enzyme that creates dopamine, which is associated with risky and impulsive behaviour, among other things, but so far the data is inconclusive.
But, really, the concept of the crazy cat lady tells us more about societal perceptions of women than anything else. It has long been a pejorative term and a device for transferring shame and judgment on women who challenged traditional roles, or were hard to domesticate and keep in line. Here is the co-creator of Batman, Bob Kane, explaining his creation of Cat Woman: “I felt that women were feline creatures and men were more like dogs. While dogs are faithful and friendly, cats are cool, detached and unreliable … cats are as hard to understand as women are,” he said. “You always need to keep women at arm’s length. We don’t want anyone taking over our souls, and women have a habit of doing that.”
But millennial ailurophiles have had enough. Over the last few years, there have been multivalent efforts to debunk the crazy cat lady stereotype and project a positive view of women and their cats. Pussy is striking back.
From glossy fashion magazines celebrating the feline-human relationship – Cat People, Puss Puss – to Taylor Swift and Katy Perry’s unashamed adoration of their feline pets, the stereotype is being recalibrated. CatCon Worldwide, a new conference celebrating cat culture, has, as its core value, the desire to “change the negative perception of the crazy cat lady and prove that it is possible to be hip, stylish, and have a cat”.
The book Cat Lady Chic (2012) offered elegant images of cat-owners Audrey Hepburn, Georgia O’Keeffe, Diana Ross and Zelda Fitzgerald as an antidote to the Eleanor Abernathy archetype. And Girls & Their Cats, a sophisticated series of photographs of women and their feline companions, was created by Brooklyn-based fashion photographer BriAnne Wills to help dismantle the stereotype.“It just wasn’t representative of any of the cat ladies I personally knew, who are all independent, cool, career-driven women who really love their cats,” she said. “Also, there are more than a million cats euthanised each year so if women (and men) are afraid to adopt because of negative stereotypes it definitely hurts cats in the long run.”
In the memorable short story Cat Person (2017), Kristen Roupenian inverts the cat lady trope by giving her male protagonist, Robert, a couple of pet cats. She employs the presence of Robert’s felines as a symbol that Margot uses to construct her image of him. “We decide that it means something that a person likes cats instead of dogs,” said Roupenian in an interview. But there is something sinister going on. Margot never sees the cats, and wonders if Robert has lied about them. So what is it about pretending to have cats that might endear Margot to him in a sexual setting? Is he using his cats to lure her in?
But perhaps the moment the crazy cat lady motif truly jumped the shark was with the song Buttload of Cats on an episode of the television series Crazy Ex-Girlfriend earlier this year. Rebecca Bunch walks herself down to the Lonely Lady Cat Store. “The smell is overwhelming inside / This is the future smell of my house / It’s the smell of my dreams that have died,” she sings. “When you’re a permanent bachelorette / It’s mandatory that you go out and get / A buttload of cats / Oh, yeah!”
The song made a mockery of the hysteria projected on women who own cats. So is the notion of the crazy cat lady over? Wills believes there is still work to be done to change perceptions, but she hopes that her photography project will help. “It is 2018,” she says, “and women are tired of defending themselves.” And their love for their cats.
AND I LOVE CATS TOO. ESPECIALLY SIAMESE (but my dog hates them) 
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