#like what if u rly loved a tv show or a movie and loved the characters and you started reading fanfic for it
caruliaa · 1 year
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chironshorseass · 9 months
what bugs me most about the pjo show is that i know they could’ve done better. i knowwwww they could’ve been as faithful as they wanted to the books. for anyone saying “oh, but it’s an adaptation! it isn’t meant to be the same so stop whining that they took stuff out or that they’re adding things in different order!” well yes, i agree that adaptations aren’t meant to be a carbon copy of the source material for the simple fact that it’s adapting the source material into a different medium (television), yet it’s just that! a form of adapting the things that are unable to be channeled from, say, a book—or on the contrary, adding things that make sense for television but couldn’t be channeled into the books otherwise…all of this in a faithful manner. a good adaptation is one that stays true to the source material by properly adapting its themes, characters, symbolism, context, pacing, and the overall story/plot so as to not only be seen as a sort of love letter to the fans, but also to reach a wider audience.
just look at the hunger games! the movies are so faithful to the books to the point that most of the scenes are taken straight out of the books, dialogue and all. and they’re movies, aka less runtime than a freaking tv show and they still did it better. did the hg movies have to take a few scenes out? yes; they have only so much time to tell the story as it is told in the books. did they resume things, like the games themselves? also yes. but did most of the important scenes and character moments stay in the movies? also also yes. again, THESE ARE MOVIES!!!!! a medium much more limited than a freaking tv series with multiple episodes that have enough run time to add even more scenes from the books than what could be possible in a 2 hour (max) movie!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and yet they STILL changed so much that rly had no business being changed other than that the writers decided they felt like it because…..a lot of it im not even sure. and the worst thing of it all is that freaking rick riordan took part in script writing yet so much of the source material has been watered down???? they make a whole ass episode about a monster fight with the majority of the scenes from said episode not even present in the books instead of sticking to the perfectly good source material???? and by doing so they delete the small details that are very much integral to character development and plot???? huh???? the math isn’t mathing. don’t get me wrong, i do like some changes, but then i think: at what cost do they add these things when there was a perfectly good narrative without it? like, at what cost do we get the whole turning to gold sacrifice scene if they’re gonna take out all the fun details that make the lightning thief the lightning thief? for example the silly water park merch and then annabeth displaying her spider phobia and her mortification at going to the thrill ride of love with percy and then being broadcasted to olympus. this is just one episode, but they’ve been doing it in all of them. and u know, it’s not that i don’t hate-hate most these changes. again, what bugs me is that this was supposed to be a faithful adaptation. again, it’s a tv series, with so much more time to develop everything from the books. rick is behind it, who apparently hated the movies for how unfaithful they were. the cast is great. and yet…the script is so mediocre. the spark is lost. character traits are looked over in place for weird pacing and even weirder changes. if the hunger games could do it, then surely a pjo tv series could as well? apparently not? i really really Don’t Get It.
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sturniololoco · 9 months
Period Problems
Chris Sturniolo x fem reader 
Warnings: periods?
Summary: You weren’t feeling your best due to your period, and Chris makes you feel better.
You don’t know how I got to this position, but I was now upside down on the couch watching a hallmark movie. Being on your period always hurts, and some crazy sitting positions always ease your pain.
It was late, and Matt, Nick, and Chris were out filming a car visit video and getting dinner from McDonald’s. I texted my boyfriend from my position on the couch,
“Are u still at McDonald’s?”
“Yah, need anything??” He replied after about a minute.
“Can I getta chocolate milkshake plzzzzz” I texted back.
“Ofc mama u need anything else?”
“Nope! 😘”
I’m still upside down on the couch when the boys walk upstairs,hold bags of food.
Matt just gives me a look, but Nick says,
“Y/N, should I even ask what the fuck you’re doing?”
“No, probably not.” I respond, to which he just shakes his head and goes to get his food.
Chris comes up the stairs a moment later, holding, what I assume is his Pepsi, and my milkshake.
I immediately turn right side up and roll up my sleeves, clapping my hands like a child.
“Well isn’t someone excited!” He laughs and walks over to me, handing me my milkshake and kissing me on the head. Chris goes to get his food and comes to sit next to me, the other two boys filling in on the couch where there’s room. 
“Y/N, you know we all love you, but can we please change this shit?” Mat says, referencing the hallmark movie playing on the tv.
“ugh I guess so.” I said, tossing him the remote. He changed it to a new show that he wants us all to watch, and we all eat our chicken nuggets.
I end up with my head in Chris’s lap while he’s still sitting up in the couch.  Normally I would be super comfy in Chris’s Fresh Love track suit I’m in right now, but my cramps just won’t go away. I try to reposition myself, but I end up sucking in a sharp breath at the pain.
Chris’s POV
About halfway through the movie, I hear Y/N gasp and hold her stomach.
Then i finally realize that she must be on her period. That explains the weird positions, the chocolate milkshake, and the craps.
I slowly take my hand and move her arms from around her. I replace them with my hand, sliding it up her sweatshirt and lightly massaging her stomach.
She lets out a little sigh of relief and snuggles closer to me.
I feel Chris’s hand make their way under my sweatshirt and my cramps almost immediately feel better. His big hands cover my whole stomach, and their warmth soothes my aching tummy. I snuggle into him, so thankful to have a boyfriend like Chris, who always knows exactly what to do.
This was kinda rushed, but I low key rly needed this rn 😭 hope yall like it. I should be able to post one more before the end of the night but I’m still not sure
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popponn · 9 months
popon my loveliest "grandma", here is my submission for ur event—which is as cute as u 😽:
one. my chosen fandom is blue lock, and my favourite is ofc, mikage reo <33
two. yes to au, and i choose high school au !
three. my chosen tropes are childhood friends to lovers and mutual pining
four. my name is saki, and i am a cancer and infj ! i'd like to add emphasis to my mbti bc i am super introverted irl, and i come off as a rly shy individual at first. but once i've gotten comfortable w u, i am rly talkative, and quite loud too ! i'm also super honest, but at the same time, i can filter the things i say in order to "people please". i'm also pretty sensitive when it comes to the things others say—for example, if someone accidentally insults me, i do think ab it for the rest of the day and do feel pretty hurt. i'm also an overthinker, and i tend to overanalyse certain situations. i think i am pretty caring, since i act like the "therapist" and "mother" of my friendship group, and i'm a realist.
i like and love hanging out w my friends, and i also love shopping (for my own things lol). i also like dressing up for special events (like a fancy dinner party or smth), and i like reading/writing. drawing and painting is also a fun activity for me, but i don't do it as much anymore bc i don't have the time to do so 😞 other things i like are letters written to me by my friends, cute stationery (motivates me to study hehe), pretty hair accessories, rice (i am a true asian), dark chocolate and iced lattes <3
things i don't like include onions (MAJOR EW), some fish, narcissists, selfish people, pick-me people🧍🏻‍♀️, wet humid weather, school-assigned texts (legit hating the one i have to read rn), insects, cramped spaces, people who like to show off (like bro actually stfu 💀)
i don't rly have favourite movies so i'll list my favourite k-dramas and anime hehe: 18 again, twenty-five twenty-one, twinkling watermelon, shooting stars, fruits basket, kimi ni todoke, attack on titan (☹️) and your lie in april <33
my love languages are words of affirmation and physical touch !! i tend to be v affectionate w those i'm close to, and i would wanna receive love in the same ways plus acts of service hehe
five. yes yes !! any language is fine, as long as if u can also incorporate some english songs too 🤍
six. GIRL THIS IS LWKY A HARD CHOICE but i choose fluff <3 unless u can do a combo of both but if not i choose full fluff (thanks !!)
optional question. i love reo's looks. literally i love his hair and ik u don't like it 😭 BUT I LOVE IT and i also love how reo is so charismatic and affectionate hehe <3 he's also so ambitious and hard-working and that is smth that i admire,, AND HE'S SMART ?!?!! smart men are so hot omfg !!!! his wealth is a good bonus but idrc ab these things <3 😸
i hope that's everything u need popon <33 lmk if i need to add more details !! I LOVE U SO SO MUCH and good luck w the event 🫂 MWAH MWAH thank u saur saur much 😽😽
a tune, an image, and a story of... ⋆。˚
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“so?” seeing his friend raising an eyebrow in challenge, or in question, reo uncharacteristically rubs the back of his neck. this topic has always been an odd one for him—it’s one that brings everything into a halt and makes it feel heavy to breathe, yet perhaps because it has to do with you, reo could never think of it as unpleasant. “you know i can’t just…” reo glances towards your direction, talking happily with your friends on the other side of the classroom, “…you know. it’s kind of complicated.” chigiri makes a face that would get him the role of a disappointed mother in a tv drama. “it’s not. you do realize the two of you got more matching things than my sister and her boyfriend, right? and those two are shameless. what the hell are you afraid of?” reo honestly could give chigiri a list there and then. but, with a part of his brain focusing solely on your smile, he merely leans against the window frame and sighs, “…yeah. i wonder.” it’s so simple that it has become the furthest thing from one—reo, unreasonably and consciously, tries to reason.
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you peer toward reo discreetly. sitting across him just like this for the nth time, even after so so many years, you still find your heart skipping a beat and three each time you see him. it’s not hard to like reo. he has good looks, smart, talented, friendly, bright, and is still very much a hard worker despite his family upbringing. it truly makes so much sense why he is so well-liked and popular. you could give your own testament to that, after all.  from the very first day when he offered his hand and name to you, you have known that reo has a brilliance that only few could rival–and even then you would confidently say that no one could ever truly outshine reo in your eyes. you have shared many years with him, growing up with him almost like a confidant to a prince. you have seen many parts of reo and–at moments where he laughs victoriously and at moments where frustration gnaws at him–to every single piece of those, your eyes could only gaze at them fondly. and you are more than aware that being so close to reo, being able to see all of those, is not a privilege given to anyone. it’s because you stand behind the line called ‘a childhood friend’, never stepping on them even out of your selfish feelings, that you could have that privilege. and if, by any means, you could stay beside reo for a long, long time, by keeping those feelings silenced then– “hey,” a pen taps your book lightly, reo’s voice following along with a question, “did you find a question you’re stuck on?”
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“i know you don't want to see me,” reo says to the phone—to you, still panting heavily as he leans against your door, “but at least—please listen to me.” you sit quietly on the other side of the door. your eyes still sting and you know you still don’t really want to see his face. you know you should just hang up. “okay, so,” reo begins, pausing for a moment, taking a deep breath. loudly and confidently he says, “i like you too.” you blink at that. not knowing how to react as your eyes widened. “what—” “i know you probably think i am a pathetic piece of turd right now but at least, i want to say this before everything else,” he continues on, fully relying on his heart and his teammates’ advice—going against every principle of calm businessman hammered into his brain. “i like it whenever we do something together, since long ago. i like it when we talk, i like listening to you, i like being listened to by you, i like it when we walk to school together—actually, can we keep all those even after this? i might actually go bald if we don’t. you still like my hair right—” “reo—” “i…” as if just realizing that he can no longer turn back, reo takes in a deep and sharp breath. after a loud embarrassed gulp, he repeats “…i like you. really like you. as a lover. please go out with me.” for someone who has been on the receiving end of many confessions, reo feels like a newborn baby fish. after all these years, it surely takes a lot of guts and courage—also a fucking stupid fight with you that he should immediately apologize for after this—just for him to spit all those words.
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notes: @yoisami sakiii!! i hope u like this. i tried to potray it in a familiar, soft way that is kind of shoujo esque, i hope i succeeded. also purple and yellow because it's the color of the dawn, and hey reo's hair is purple which contrasts nicely with yellow haha .if it's just a bit entertaining for you it will be more than enough! :> i hope the angst is enough darling even tho it's only implied lolol thank you so much for joining my lil event babe, also happy new year! i wish u many many happiness ahead ₊˚⊹♡
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bigbumder96 · 5 months
account introduction thing!!!??
ngl i feel a bit goofy doing this🙁forgive me if this is weird, im used to getting attacked on tiktok for literally nothing (i rarely use tumblr)
name: darcie
age: im a minor😭
gender: girl (she/her :3 )
sexuality: lesbian
from/live in: england unfortunately😣 east london specifically, or essex depending on if u focus on the postcode or the london borough😭 officially its east london tho
tv shows:
- the inbetweeners
- white gold
- station 19 (still have to catch up on the latest episode lmao
- 9-1-1 (also still have to catch up one episode😭)
- fresh meat
- ted lasso
- heartbreak high (both the old version and the reboot !!! i dont prefer one over the other, although i do tend to post about the 90s one more lmaooo)
- friday night dinner
- this country
- call the midwife
- ackley bridge
- baby reindeer (i wouldnt exactly call it an interest, this show fucking traumatised me, but i watched it like last week😭)
- phoenix rise
- moment of eighteen (a k-drama btw!!)
- move to heaven (also a k-drama!!)
- there she goes
- benidorm
- skins (only gen 2 tho im afraid😞)
- the inBESTigators (dont judge lmfao😭😭😭)
- little lunch (i cant theyre js both such good shows)
- dodo (a cartoon)
- taskmaster (only season eight tho for the icon joe thomas‼️)
- mr bigstuff
- supacell
im currently watching derry girls and jamie johnson atm !!
- the shawshank redemption
- the green mile
- goodbye charlie bright (my absolute fav omg)
- the business
- the football factory (theyre making the sequel to this at my school im so happy i love nick love films😍i didnt see nick love himself tho💔)
- good will hunting
- bohemian rhapsody
- dead mans shoes
- ferris buellers day off
- harry brown
- little miss sunshine
- the inbetweeners movie
- the inbetweeners 2
- white chicks
- the basketball diaries
- mid90s
- spiderman: into the spider-verse
- spiderman: across the spider-verse
- alex g (fav song: too many to put here, but if i had to pick then prolly the whole race, trick, and rules album😭)
- tv girl (fav song: better in the dark, louise, and daughter of a cop)
- the fratellis (fav song: i honestly dk, i havent gotten that much into them yet😣i js listened to one of their albums and played fifa)
- the killers (fav song: read my mind and andy youre a star)
- the smiths (fav song: girl afraid, bigmouth strikes again, and this night has opened my eyes. guys i swr i liked them songs before they got popular im acc rly annoyed at the tiktofication of bigmouth strikes again and this night has opened my eyes😣)
- queen (fav song: spread your wings and long away)
- the stone roses (fav song: i wanna be adored and made of stone. basic i know😣😣)
- the jam (fav song: down in the tube station at midnight, david watts, and man in the corner shop)
- oasis (live forever. icba to type ‘fav song’ anymore😭)
- mac the knife (here to stay)
- mitski (why didnt you stop me, goodbye my danish sweetheart, me and my husband, your best american girl, once more to see you, etcetera…)
- im into football and i am a big arsenal fan !!!! my fav player is def martin ødegaard, and i may or may not be one of those deluded emile smith-rowe fans who think that hes gonna have a huge comeback and be like he was two seasons ago🤫🤫🤫
(edit: im gonna kms he left arsenal🙁)
i also support england as a country (obviously) plus a tad bit of dagenham amd redbridge, because they are my local ! (before you call me a glory hunter, ive supported arsenal since i was 3 because thats what my mum and grandparents support!!! also its a bit hard to support your local when not all the games are televised and you cant afford a season ticket, not to mention i had no clue who dagenham and redbridge were when i was choosing a football team, because i had no clue how leagues worked and i didnt gaf about football tbh💀)
- i like webtoons! my fav is jacksons diary, our walk home, and crystal city killers😱 (please does anyone have any cute wlw webtoon recs im so desperate)
- in year seven my drama teacher made us watch a play (on the screen, not irl) called slowtime but we didnt get to finish it💔my teacher spoiled the ending but i didnt care and tracked down the rest of that video bcs slowtime is such a good play i love everything abt it😍
- last year i was obsessed with this book series called football academy (written by tom palmer) and it was genuinely so good but there was nobody myp age cuz it was for kids💔i dont rly read them anymore, but the interest is still there if someone by chance has read them please contact me and have a conversation with me about it🙏🙏🙏
- i also have a very obscure interest about london boroughs??? like i dont even know a lot about them, i just love talking about/watching videos about london boroughs... i blame the lb guy on tiktok
i apologise as this was very long, and i probably wont even post that much😭 sorry for the yapping tho🙏🙏🙏
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mickeym4ndy · 5 months
Weekly Tag Wednesday Thursday☘️
(It’s technically almost Friday here lol. Sorry I’m late this week has been absolutely insane)
thanks for the tags lovelies!! @sgtmickeyslaughter @iansw0rld @mickittotheman @sleepyheadgallavich
Name: Tee
Age: 25
Location: Ireland
And now...
Latest music discovery: not rly a discovery but I’ve only just started listening to Chapell Roan
Latest movie: i haven’t had time to sit down to watch a movie in so long, probably anyone but you which was a major let down
Last TV show you finished: Big Mood!! So so good, it’s on channel 4 if ur Ireland/uk
Most recently started book: haven’t had time to read anything besides academic articles and fics in so long. Once I’m finished grad school in summer though I wanna get back into it bc me & my friend are gonna do a book club so send any recs pls x
Most recent trip out of town: Went home for Easter❤️
Most recent trip out of the country: Spain last summer!
Most recent gift you made to yourself: I did treat myself to a takeaway tonight
Most recent gift you made to someone else: the shoes I got for my brother
Most recent text message you received: jokes in the siblings group chat
Most recent text message you sent: "I don’t get it" (^I didn’t get the joke bc I haven’t seen dune yet lol)
Last fic you read: ‘both sides now’ by @sgtmickeyslaughter and ‘motherhood and what comes of it’ by @em-harlsnow (both so good!!)
Last drink you had: water. wild
Last thing you ate: a spice bag lol. Idk if anyone outside of Ireland will know what that is
Latest piece of clothing you bought: vintage denim jacket!! I love it sm
Latest piece of advice you received: idk about advice but my professor told me I was a good presenter today
Latest piece of advice you gave: telling my friend he didn’t need to decide his career right now and that he could just live his life and see what happens
Latest thing you promised yourself: that I was never gonna pull an all nighter to get something done again because I stayed up for 38 hours straight this week and felt like I wasn’t in my body during a class lol (we’ll see how well I do on this one)
super late so I’m skipping the tags bc I think most people already have been but here is me giving u all a big hug🤗
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lingy910y · 11 months
Weekly Tag Wednesday
thanks @deedala for the fun game! (even tho i do not trust those two bitches 🤨)
name: ling
zodiac sign: virgo ♍️
personality type in enneagram, myers-briggs, or both: 5w6 (edit: i'm actually a 5w4 i forgor), INTP
before we hit the road, what snack are you gonna bring for our trip? classic croissant 🥐
navigator gets to pick the music so what song are you turning on? move like u stole it by zz ward paul oakenfold remix obviously (it’s my most played song on spotify of all time)
what is a universe from a fantasy tv show you would like to visit? pokémon, low stakes and you have fun
and what about a fantasy movie? spirited away
okay, what about a scifi tv show? voltron: legendary defender?
and a scifi movie universe? idk much sci-fi movies, let alone safe ones 😭 i’m good with whatever you guys want
any other tv show or movie you’d like to swing by before we move on? no, i feel like i’ll drop dead the second i land in any of my fav medias 😭
okay hold on to your butts we’re switching gears to fanfic universes. tell me which fanfic universe we’re visiting first? naur i don’t read much AUs either 😭 the one AU i rly like is based off a historical event that killed hundreds of ppl
cool, do you have one more you’d like to stop at before we head home? okay genshin’s universe!!! the scenery and cultures are gorgeous, even if once in a while we will experience a catastrophe…?
alright, on our way out of fanfic land you get to snag some tropes to bring home and apply to your own life, think fast!
soulmates or enemies to lovers // coffee shop or flower shop // fake relationship or slow burn // amnesia or time loop // body swap or miscommunication // love triangle or arranged marriage // sharing a bed or drunken confession
wow okay, hope those tropes work out for you!! our adventure has finally come to an end, where in the world am i dropping you off? japan thanks :D
tagging fellow passengers! @michellemisfit, @juliakayyy, @lupeloto, @jademickian, @energievie, @krystallouwho, @sleepyfacetoughguy, @mmmichyyy, @vintagelacerosette, @iansw0rld, @depressedstressedlemonzest, @ardent-fox, @softmick, @heymrspatel & @tanktopgallavich 🚑💨
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mariska · 4 months
super random specific thing for me to ramble abt on tumblr lmao but. just woke up a lil bit ago, chillin in the living room, waiting for my "morning" medications dose (i woke up at noon today but. yknow. First Meds Of The Day Regardless, lol) to kick in so i can go brush my teeth and change into clean clothes and i usually keep something on tv as like 'background noise/visuals' whenever i'm waiting for meds to kick in, or just kind of in general when im in the living room by myself and not doing any kind of specific task, and usually i put it on like disney channel/disney xd/nick/cartoon network etc etc U Guys Know Me U Get The Idea, I Enjoy Cartoons And Such.
one of my moms must have been watching tv before i woke up today though cus it was on the Science Channel (not Syfy but the one thats abbreviated like 'SCI' in the corner) and when i first turned the tv on it was playing a show about unanswered theories/questions as to how things in the universe work, which is a topic that is one of my absolute fav special interests, so i was like. ooooh ok no cartoons for me today i will be listening to this tv show relay information that i have mostly already heard before bcus I Like That Kinda Stuff (previous episode was abt black holes as a topic which i personally think is almost always fun to hear abt since so many ppl have so many different theories regarding what a hypothetical 'journey' through/into a black hole might include and also all the people talking abt it were specifically including the fact that they were theories and we do not as a whole have a definite scientific answer yet to a lot of specific information abt what happens to an astronomical object of any kind deep into a black hole which i respect, i hate when ppl on these kinda shows voice theories and then are like 'and you just simply cant deny it! thats the only logical conclusion!' NO!!! THATS NOT SCIENCE. anyways. LMFAO)
REGARDLESS THAT IS NOT THE POINT, the point. is that its been a while since i've watched a 'space science' show like this one and i forgot. that while they do share rly cool info that i love hearing about. they are. SO. ANNOYING. ABOUT. THE MUSIC USED IN THE BACKGROUND SCORE OF LITERALLY EVERY SCENE SHOWING DEMONSTRATIONS OF WHAT THEY'RE TALKING ABT.
its ALWAYS gotta have some ridiculous intense wannabe Armageddon 1998 type of action/thriller/suspense film score shit and it is SO distracting to me. i just want to hear the nice Scientist people talk about their ideas of what an abstract view of the inside of a black hole might look like. and the music in the back EVERY TIME is like.
LIKE SHUT UPPPPP LMFAOOOOO its so annoying!!!! if i wanted to watch a space themed action movie i would watch a fuckin space themed action movie i just want to hear people talk about space!!!!!!
also this last thing is just a personal preference of mine that i'm sure would probably unintentionally bother people different from me in the same way that the action movie score thing bothers me, but i personally think that so much of the stuff that is covered and talked about on shows like these is so much more deserving of a musical score that evokes feelings of like. discovery, imagination, curiosity, astonishment, acceptance. instead of what usually seems to be trying to evoke like. fear, suspense, existential dread, confusion, anxiety. why do we make shows highlighting scientists talking about what we yearn to know regarding the universe we're all contained in if not to inspire the hypothetical audience watching that show? why would we want to score visual demonstrations of those topics in a way that creates fear and anxiety instead of more positive emotions that could be way more affirming to the individual curiosities of the audience?
this is becoming an Actual Special Interest Full-On Ramble Post so i'll make this my last paragraph i promise LMAOO that was not my intention making this post. but like. in my personal case, when i was a kid i was TERRIFIED of space. like, all of the stuff they talk about in these 'unanswered questions of the universe' shows was legitimately a huge source of severe anxiety and terror to me for pretty much my whole childhood, and it was in large part because every time i saw media with that as a core subject, even passively in the background of a room or something, it was presented as Inherently Scary. scary music, everything exploding in crappy lil 3D demonstrations (which like they still do but at least some of the vfx has improved over the yrs lol), clips of people in lab coats saying stuff like "and that's why if anything over THIS big EVER hit our planet we would ALL BE DEAD WITHIN HOURS WITH NO CHANCE OF SURVIVAL". like?!?!?!? of course i was terrified of that shit lmao!!! there were so few outlets for me, in my US american small town childhood experience at least, to actually be curious about Space and The Universe and How All This Stuff Might Work and The History Of It All, and the easiest to consume pop culture versions of that were all played up to be as unnecessarily edgy and spooky as possible. and its a shame when i think back on how many more years i could have spent in my early life being fascinated by space like i am now and have been since my mid/late teens, because that curious special interest potential was always there in me, but it was constantly answered by the world around me as something to fear instead of something to marvel at. i am autistic and i've always experienced different types of synesthesia, which for me is usually very 'visual mental image/colors/shapes' in nature, so like. music scores in any given program matter to me and it absolutely shapes my potential enjoyment of that piece of media. thankfully as an adult i can appreciate artistic choices more that i may not personally enjoy but that do make sense to me from a narrative/storytelling perspective, but as a child who struggled to understand what i was learning about space and the history of the earth as an astronomical body and the universe in general i very much did not have that insight or appreciation. it just created a strong mental association between "space/universe type of science" and "inherently scary, terrifying, chaotic, avoid at all costs" in my head. that sucks shit dude. the universe is incredible and space is amazing and all of it deserves to be presented to curious watchers in a way that makes them feel happy and excited to learn more information beyond the episode, not shut more information out of their life due to fear.
idk. its not that serious i know i just wish more media based on presentation scientific information to people could be more conscious of How it's presenting that info cus putting a ridiculous over the top action score in the background of every digital recreation shot of space is like. Not A Great Way To Present It. especially when the real human people talking about the topic in the show are NOT bringing that kind of energy to the interview at all and just seem to enjoy sharing this scientific info that they study and want more people to be interested in learning abt and studying like to me it feels kind of dismissive of the stuff they're literally saying too. u guys need more ambient synth musicians on ur fuckin score teams dude dial down the Inception bwaaaams 😭
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hi! my fyp on tiktok has recently been just full of nightwing content and im very interested!! ive never watched much, if any, dc content before.. can you help me figure out where i should get started? im mostly interested in nightwing but willing to watch anything. i gather its mostly animated shows/movies on hbo? thanks!!!
hello! same omg i LOVE nightwing, hes my lil guy. and i'm glad u wanna kno more! love talkin to ppl abt dc especially the bats 🥰 so this is gonna be long sorry in advance lmao
general rundown jus cos the media for dc is officially split into three parts mainly
unofficially (and no shade cos i have a dc tiktok), tiktoks not always character accurate representation. lotta ppl call it fanon, its like the fan ideas of how character are that arent actually accurate or factual. (i dont have a problem w fanon rly but its a whole thing)
officially, the dc animated universe ones (dcau) ones are vaguely connected so they have the same characterisation throughout for the most part. usually events happen differently from the comics even if the movie or show is based on a comic like justice league dark for example. the dcau's also different from the dc universe (dcu aka the live actions) but do the same thing.
and comics are the source for everything. for the most part.
all that to say nightwing might not be exactly how ur expecting but im sure you'll still love him regardless he's a loveable guy. even if u dont like him in the comics specifically but still the movies or smthn thats a okay imo, (personally altho i read a lot of comics films & shows r easier to digest)
for comics
wayne family adventures: it vaguely follows canon but its sweet and an easy read webcomic on webtoon. the first and second season have physical copies
but for the canon timeline here's a few good beginner nightwing reading list from twitter i recommend, from:
for shows & film
he doesnt actually have any solos, its either hes with batman the titans or he's there as a feature. so the ones i remember and liked him in:
batman & robin (1997)
batman ninja
batman the animated series
batman (2004) - the tv show
lego batman
teen titans
teen titans go
justice league vs teen titans
teen titans judas contract
young justice
the dark knight rises
thats abt it, i hope you like them! lmk what u think if u go thru them 🖤
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lilacponds · 2 years
omg charlie q n a
3,4 (guessing animal crossing), 7, 11, 16, 18, 25, 44, 46, 48
3: Zodiac sign?
4: Video game I play to chill, not to win?
Ummm that's hard actually, I don't play ACNH everytime I want to chill.. YOU KNOW WHAT I haven't played this in a HOT minute but it's a good time to say PAPERS, PLEASE !!!! yes i do like getting shit right but the whole process of it is so relaxing and fun for me, i love going on endless mode every once in a while !!!! i LOVE LOVE LOVE stuff like that !!!!
7: Writer I trust enough to read whatever they write?
YOU !!!!!! AND IM NOT SAYING IT JUST CAUSE YOURE THE ONE ASKING, i love ur writing style so so so much omg . i dont read enough in general atm to have other answers anyways but you'd still be up there if not still first place even if i did !!!!
11: Favourite song?
16: TV show I always recommend?
omg i never recommend shit i dont watch stuff enough uhhh I ACTUALLY HAVE RECOMMENDED BROOKLYN 99 A COUPLE TIMES its so funny i love love love love it
18: Movie I watch when I’m feeling down?
I DONT HAVE THE ENERGY TO WATCH MOVIES LATELY but im always a slut for pride & prejudice if anyone asked me to watch it at any point in time my answer would always be YES !!!! the one w keira knightley of course
25: Actor/actress you trust enough to watch whatever they’re in?
44: Last book I read?
I reread Hunger Games last but before that, my fully first read through, was probably The Martian !!!!! my friend bought it for me and its SO FUNNY ITS SUCH A GOOD READ
46: Do I play any instruments?
NO I DONTTTT i would love to but im a SCRUB !!!!! i dont have a lot of coordination and i cant do two different things with my hands NOR focus my brain on two things at once properly (IM SHITTY AT HAVING ADHD EVEN LOL) so its hard BUT MAYBE ONE DAY !!! I WANT A KALIMBA
48: Top 5 blog on Tumblr that I follow?
THATS HARD, I ONLY RECENTLY GOT BACK ON TUMBLR ????? purely on content, then it's u, my friend Crow, my friend Ash, the gbpatch blog bc im a slut for their games, ANDDD the wayhaven chronicles blog i forget the name atm hold ON seraphinitegames i googled it there u go bc im waiting for the 3rd book with BATED BREATH
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bones-arent-real · 1 year
Tagged by @cheetahleopard :D I love these kinds of things, thank you!
Bold all that applies to you: (and also comment in brackets bc i like to elaborate)
APPEARANCE: i’m over 5’5” // i wear glasses/contacts // i have blond hair // i prefer loose clothing to tight clothing // i have one or more piercings (i have tried to pierce my ear but i couldnt get the earring thru) // i have at least one tattoo // i have blue eyes // i have dyed or highlighted my hair (have before but it isnt dyed rn) // i have gotten plastic surgery (only top surgery) // i have or had braces // i sunburn easily // i have freckles (not so many rn bc its winter) // i paint my nails // i typically wear make-up // i don’t often smile // i am pleased with how i look // i prefer nike to adidas // i wear baseball hats backwards
HOBBIES AND TALENTS: i play a sport // i can play an instrument // i am artistic // i know more than one language // i have won a trophy in some sort of competition (i mean technically i got a participation trophy in primary school but that doesnt count) // i can cook or bake without a recipe // i know how to swim (im not fast but i prolly wont drown) // i enjoy writing // i can do origami// i prefer movies to tv shows (not a huge fan of either tbh) // i can execute a perfect somersault // i enjoy singing // i could survive in the wild on my own // i have read a new book series this year (several actually. love reading) // i enjoy spending time with friends (??? sometimes yes but also socialising is a lot of work) // i travel during school or work breaks (wish i had the money to travel more often) // i can do a handstand
RELATIONSHIP: i am in a relationship (is a qpr) // i have been single for over a year (?? idk define single. i dont date but also. qpr.) // i have a crush // i have a best friend i have known for ten years (literally the only ppl ive known over 10 years are my family) // my parents are together // i have dated my best friend (i was 14 and it was a very bad decision) // i am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // i have a long distance relationship // i am an only child // i give advice to my friends // i have made an online friend // i met up with someone i have met online
AESTHETICS: i have heard the ocean in a conch shell // i have watched the sun rise (i dont get up early but sometimes i stay up hella late) // i enjoy rainy days (i think i was meant to be a worm) // i have slept under the stars // i meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // i enjoy the smell of the beach // i know what snow tastes like // i listen to music to fall asleep (sometimes but not often) // i enjoy thunderstorms // i enjoy cloud watching // i have attended a bonfire (hehe fire) // i pay close attention to colours // i find mystery in the ocean (man who doesnt. ocean's massive)// i enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favourite season
MISCELLANEOUS: i can fall asleep in a moving vehicle (not easily but ive done it) // i am the mom friend ( i always have bandaids and snacks but i also advocate for all reckless decisions) // i live by a certain quote // i like the smell of sharpies // i am involved in extracurricular activities // i enjoy mexican food // i can drive a stick-shift (i cant even rly drive an automatic. i should not have a license) // i believe in true love // i make up scenarios to fall asleep // i sing in the shower (maybe if i lived alone) // i wish i lived in a video game // i have a canopy above my bed // i am multiracial // i am a redhead (why isnt this next to blond) // i own at least three dogs
I'm gonna tag @tea8j and also if u see this and want to do it feel free to pretend like I tagged u lol
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mg549 · 1 year
tagged by @graveyardrabbit 👍!
last song: mama by mcr <3
currently watching: nothing 😔✊idk its hard to get me to watch tv shows. oh i did jst remember like 2 years ago or sth i started watching Every X-Files Ever with a big excel sheet of all my opinions and shit. but its been hard to get thru bc the later seasons have not been very enjoyable and also ive been Busy with work n putting out consistent art n shit that its hard to justify sitting down and not doing anything for that long ig. ive also slowly been getting thru various slasher franchises&watching iconic horror movies since i love horror but havent watched a lot of the movies, &its easier for me to get thru an hour and a half of sth Complete than 45 mins of a Part of a larger story. the original scream is def the cream of the crop of what ive seen so far, meanwhile i watched the first saw last night and it was incredibly stupid and frustrating to watch. 9/11 rly took its toll on media
currently reading: 😶 even harder than videos bc i absolutely cannot multitask while reading. recently finished frankenstein (which i started literally almost 3 years prior (its not that long or difficult i jst struggle to justify spending time on things that i dont consider “work” in my brain) (also it was p good but you could literally cut out the second part and the story would benefit imo it jst rly slogs down the pace and axes any tension for a lot of details that could be conveyed much quicker if they were explained in less detail)) and the communist manifesto (didnt take nearly as long bc its like pamphlet length gbdkjd) edit everyone go read izroulia actually a new series came out today&i haven't been able to read it yet but its been keeping me going fr i love how earnest it is in being itself its such a good piece of safe media for me if that makes sense
current obsession: ughhhhhhhhh ive been in between obsessions for a lil bit i feel like. idk this is sth i struggle w/ bc the last thing i felt fully like Enveloped in was the adventure zone (orig. arc) which ended. 5 years ago. lemon demon&lemonville came shortly after but it was hard to feel it was on the same scale bc it was actively in creation as i was there and associated #Drama also lessened its grip faster than it would’ve had it been like an existing show or sth. plus theres less ppl obvs. had a brief good omens phase but it burned out pretty quick bc i had so thoroughly dissected it very quickly. &since then ive kind of jst been cycling between existing interests (monster high/fashion dolls in general, mercreatures, creepypasta/slenderman/horror in general) plus the occasional mcr blast but it doesnt quite Grip the same bc there arent like Characters i can rotate. the best ive gotten is obsessing over my own ocverses but its not the same.... idk i rly rly Want to feel the Passion that fandom brings but none of the media thats blown up interests me enough to consider consuming the media or i take a peak&dont like it cause im picky...idk my fundamental problem is that im picky and hard to please bc i can deconstruct things so easily to see its Bones and if a story is more surface level and straightforward and easy to understand its hard for me to keep my attention on it at the stage of my life im in. that being said aquamarine is my fave movie tho so. but then again i think ppl jst write it off cause its a chick flick. idk recommend me things but dont be surprised if its not my vibe ig
ummmmmmmmmmm idk who to tag u can do this if u want to&say i tagged u but i think i was kinda a bummer w/ these answers so 😔✊
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matoitech · 1 year
if trigger ever makes a promare sequel (i miss galo and lio sm) what would u want out of it?
I GOT RLY BUSY AND TOTALLY FORGOT TO RESPOND TO THIS IM SORRY. god this is a good question tho, i think for me i'd definitely want like a lot MORE focus on character stuff this time! id love more sexy mech fights, more drift compatability stuff w galo and lio and the fact they were literally like mind synced in their mech, PLEASE. and imo id love like a motorcycle race or smth i dunno. 'why' itd be cool. id love a lot more galo and lio, id love a lot more aina (and theyd surely do more with gueira and meis). i just miss them too i want to see them again i think theres so much more they could do w them, so much more worldbuilding too cuz promare didnt focus a lot on that but i think it couldve helped to build up the Fascist Dystopia thing more
i know that trigger is capable of serious and good writing, especially with characters and relationships. they CAN get into the grit of stuff. i wish they would actually have more faith in their ability to do that. while writing wasnt rly a top priority w promare but out of everything galo and lios relationship was always that priority w the movie and it shows that everything else was kind of brushed over, which like, i dont Hate, i GET it and it is very common to point out that promare was definitely the studios obvious first time compressing a series worth of stuff into 1 movie, and i absolutely think focusing on galo and lio since they were literally the main characters and romance and its THEIR movie they carried was the best decision they couldve made when they were cutting around to try and fit everything into 2 hours. and they still cut a little too much from them imo like cutting galo holding lio and them just talking when galo pulled lio from the dragon and aina brought them to the frozen lake that was in the storyboards, and replacing that with the worst animated fight scene in the movie was a bad decision lol. they r the romance they need TALK time
ive talked abt it b4 so i wont get in2 it here its not super relevant but i do think a lot of promare fans were dumb abt things getting brushed over and acted like bcuz things like 'galo being traumatized' wasnt directly stated to their face he actually had no trauma, or whatever, so maybe a little bit more focus on not just keeping everything vague wouldve helped, or could be brought up more in a sequel. even w galo and lios relationship, a huge part of their relationship and dynamic is stuff is in stuff that isnt supplementary exactly its more like a Bonus but like the soundtrack being another whole plot elaborating on their relationship and feelings for each other. again i do think galo and lio being the focus was absolutely a good idea like im not against that at all lol theres a reason ppl remember them the most out of the movie. i want more focus on them now that theyre together and i want more focus on their characters in general- their backstories, their relationships, their traumas since i dont think u can write anything for promare without bringing that into it. like the pre movie experiences AND movie experiences Made the characters esp galo and lio who they r. that stuff IS important for character. and i want this for other side characters too like i want more of ainas stuff, i like her parallels to galo and i want them to keep working on it. first movie was just fucking Going Going Going with the plot and i get why but they skimped out on character relationships but imo they should expand on those in any further content.
i actually wouldnt necessarily need a sequel movie specifically especially bcuz theyd have troubles w both galos va's in japanese and english (galos japanese va was apparently Expensive and as we know billy kametz was the perfect galo va in the english dub and he unfortunately passed away last year) so im not sure how they'd... combat that even in a tv series with less budget or an ova or a video game w voice acting. a manga could work as a good follow up and also not require the extra expenses of animation or have things to deal with w voice actors, tho the director said he wouldnt make one unless it was full color and thats Expensive but also like who gives a fuck imaishi. do it. you spend money on so much bullshit you should make a full color post canon promare manga of your best story. to me :)
ive had a lot of ideas for possible sequels or follow ups over the years and i think whether any more promare was plot based or character based w just slice of life stuff or just focusing on galo and lios relationship, any of it would be rly fun to see. i also think itd be rly likely the promare would come back in some capacity in a sequel lol. they even gave themselves an opening with the promare like taking a piece of lio back to their home dimension/planet. the fires such a huge recognizable part of promare, it would be VERY likely to me that they would bring it back for a post canon story, especially when taking it away was a big source of criticism for the movie (not cuz its Cooler if the fire stays, tho thats true, but also bcuz it just literally doesnt work w the narrative to build up abt how burnish and not burnish ppl cna live peacefully and even be very close, as evidenced by galo and lio, and then just. not do anything w it cuz the run times over so oopsie better just send the aliens back. i could get into this way more but i already have many many times and i dont want to ramble more than i already am lol). but i think trigger burned themselves out a lot on promare bcuz it took so fucking long to make that they werent particularly interested in revisiting it so soon, but since it was SO successful and ppl rly loved it and imo its one of their best properties they absolutely could pick it back up again. however its also like the monkeys paw thing where u want promare to come back but u want it to be GOOD u dont want them to just make it for the sake of making it u want there to be like something they want to do with the characters or story. and the exec staff team have said they told the story they wanted to tell, but i do think they could find interesting ways to bring it back and tell more story. they might be done w galo and lio but im sure not. do it for me <3 ill write you a sequel. anwyay i rambled so much im gonna cut myself off but thank u for asking i could talk so long abt it lol
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iloveutoodeath · 1 year
hiii for the ask thingy ☺️ 1, 4, 8, 15, 16, 21, 23, 27, 28; 30
omg sorry i totally forgot i reblogged the ask game a while back 😓 hehe.. thank you for sending these!!! this got long so i added a read more lmao
1 -3 things you wish for- that i stop procrastinating the projects i wanna work on, that i can find a better job than my current one sometime this year, that my dogs could have the same lifespan as me
4 -3 topics you’d love to learn more about- well currently i’ve been reading all about numerology and i rly want to learn more and more about it lmao. and cinema in general has been a current obsession for the past couple years for me, i didn’t watch movies much when i was younger but now i just really really love to watch a movie, then look up and read ppl’s thoughts about it, and any stories about the making of process whether it’s about the costuming, special effects, filming process, or writing process, read up on the subject matter whether it’s based on a book or a historical setting, or reading about any actors that stood out to me.. idk just like anything that peaked my interest or curiosity while watching the film, anything to have a more firm and in depth grasp about the story and the people who worked on it. i especially love to read about silent films!!! but yea it’s a very fun process and there’s always more movies to watch amd learn about!! and i guess the third topic i want to learn more about is doll making lmao
8 -3 tv shows you never get bored of- tbh for this i’m gonna answer with some of my favorite animes bc that’s what i have a tendency to rewatch the most lmao: mob psycho 100, cowboy bebop, death note
15 -3 quotes that have a special place in your life- sorry the only thing that’s coming to mind is “ask me if i give a motherfuck ?!!” -zayn malik
16 -3 drinks youconsume the most- omg definitely water, matcha lattes/milk teas w boba/smoothies (i consider those basically the same drink but with varying degrees of frozenness lmao), and mint tea. i wanna give a special shout out to any mango flavored drinks tho, which given the opportunity i will always gravitate to but like this is too broad a category to fairly consider it my most consumed drink u know?.. lmao ♥︎
21 -3 things you’re passionate about- i’ve always been and always will be obsessed with self expression and the infinite ways that can manifest through a person, but for me personally the 3 expressions that fill me with the most love, inspiration, and passion are fashion, home decor, and the creation and curation of art(visual art, music, film, etc).
23 -3 songs you listen to while cleaning- brand new start- little joy, rehab- amy winehouse, when i was your man- bruno mars (i don’t rly listen to him lmao but this song is imprinted in my brain bc it would often play on the radio at closing at my first job and idk something about sweeping an empty fast food restaurant after hours while this song played felt so right)
27 -3 thing you wish you did more often- travel, go out with friends more, go to more concerts
28 -3 things you love cooking/baking- omg my current favorite dish to make is.. well i don’t have a name for it but it’s like fried/sauteed diced potatoes and i usually improvise it depending on what i have in my fridge to go with it and what flavor i’m craving. so it pretty much always includes potato, onion, and tomato, but it can also have mushrooms, eggs, any plant based protein (my faves are soy chorizo, those like…. vegan chicken strips idk what they’re actually called, or just chopped up veggie patties), peas, lentils, etc. and it can be seasoned pretty much any way but my faves are a tomato based sauce or something like butter and garlic. lmao idk it’s rly good and highly customizable. oh and i guess my other fave dishes to make are ramen (again super customizable) and a frittata or quiche if i’m feeling more ambitious and have the time :-))))!!!!!!!!!
30 -3 moments you’ll never forget- when my sister and i were teenagers we were once reenacting the helena music video and my sister was doing the helena ghost dance and at the end she let herself fall back onto the couch and the couch literally broke lmaoooooooo, like the wooden beam that was holding up the seat cushions literally snapped in two rip she didn’t get hurt or anything and i literally can’t listen to this song without hearing the loud crack of the wood in my head and dying of laughter. also when my childhood dog (a small little white poodle) jumped onto the dinner table and gobbled up a whole block of cheese in the 5 seconds my family and i looked away to look at a bird that was outside our window lmaoo, AND OF COURSE the absolute hysteria of the beginning my mcr show where gerard walked out wearing the cheerleader dress and holding the blowtorch!!!!!!
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hyunverse · 2 years
ik it’s so embarrassing 💔💔 i remember that week being not the best so maybe i was just emotional in general ?? idek 😭. i also cry over fluff more than angst. i read angst when i’m like at a rly low point bc it’s almost kinda comforting ……. idk dw bae i sound insane rn too ! we pretty much have the same favorite cereal bc if i had to choose i’d get the chocolate rice crispy ones (or honey nut cheerios) and i LOVEEEE milo. my nana from australia always sends it over and it’s delishhhh. so nostalgic. YES spanakopita is life, it is so so so so good. lmk what you and your mom end up getting ^_^ that sounds so fun i love eating w ppl
ITS THE HYUNE BODY ROLLING SO TRUE. i like when he dances with short sleeves or sleeveless tops bc the arm muscles just make me 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃 insane !!! i’ve been wanting to watch a new movie so maybe i’ll watch howl now ^_^ i’ve heard a TON about it and i think you just fully convinced me hehe. do you have any other movie or show recs ?? i’m not a big movie or show person but im tryingggg to watch more stuff so tell me any of your faves
oh yea i could slander america as a professional job. like don’t get me wrong i’m extremely grateful to live somewhere where i can get a good education and just like survive but at the same time … i’m barely surviving ?? all our money goes to stuff that doesn’t even benefit us ??? idk man i’ll keep going if i don’t stop myself BUT YES PLS all the mcflurries 🙏🏼. possible unpopular opinion but oreo mcflurry dipped in fries = chefs kiss. it’s an underrated combo fr
i would pay MONEYYYY to experience one skz dance practice but hyunjins alone oh my oh my oh myyyyy. i don’t think i’d survive, his clinging would be ineffective bc i’d just be 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠. smth about the way he dances just GAHHH. YES CONFIDENT MISCHIEVOUS LITTLE YONGBOK he’s so cute 😭😭😭😭 i love his korean name it’s adorable
i watched the live when i woke up this am and it was the cutest thing ever <///3. felix looked so bf and i swear the There music video made it WORSEE. the parasocial vibes rly smacked me in the face and said grace u need to wake up and accept you can’t have these men 😔
spamming once again gahhhh can u tell i’m bored <///3. im stuck inside for another day bc nyc is having a rly bad snow storm rn and it’s torturous lol. as much as i love being in my bed all day, it gives me a raging headache every timeeeee
- 🐈‍⬛ kisses 4 uuuuu i hope ur sleeping well ^_^
i've never tried honey nut cheerios but now i kinda want to?? lets see lets see. going back to my campus this saturday so i gotta stock up on my food stock 🫡 i'm gonna try honey nut cheerios hehe. milo is good but i can't drink it that much bcs its best mixed with milk and im lactose intolerant </3 i mean i do consume dairy anyway but milo and milk is a deadly combination. one sip and you're gonna end up with diarrhea. even worse when u have lactose intolerance. god lactose intolerance sucks so bad, especially when i love dairy </3 life is a war game and the toilet is my battle field. </3 aaa me and mumsies ended up not getting breakfast bcs we didnt wake up on time LOLL love that 4 us 🤞
sleeveless tops on hyune always look so good. his arms are so nice, the type that isn't frail nor too muscular, he's just nice. dont get me started on his hands yo his hands are pretty big too and his fingers?? majestic. slender and pretty. makes me dizzy just watching it 😵‍💫howl is incredibly good, u reaaaaaally need to watch it <3!! mmm for tv shows, i really like gilmore girls and jujutsu kaisen. or if you like romance, u shud try out horimiya!!
I UNDERSTAND ABT THE MONEY THING... malaysian road taxes r no joke. youngsters going broke frm paying taxes is CRAAAZY. fries dipped in vanilla ice cream is so good so i get u!!!!! it's the mixture of sweet and salty 🤌
when hyunjin does a lil smirk while dancing... im frothing drooling melting. like bae stop i will get through this phone screen and kiss u 😭 so pretty. YONGBOK IS SO CUTE AND YES HIS NAME!! I LOVE WRITING HIM AS YONGBOK BCS I LOVE HIS NAME SM... i also love jeongin's name. it's cute and suiting for him.
the live c hdbhs i was fixated on seungmin the whole time... was just staring at him dreamily like... 💭 he made a mess but i's ok bcs it's seungmo!!
THE THERE MV OH MY GOD GRACEEEEEE. I'LL NEVER SHUT UP ABOUT IT. HYUNJIN AND SEUNGMIN'S PART GOT ME GIGGLING!!1 also can i just say that the settings suit them so much? it feels like it's actually their ideal date. jeongin with the shopping for clothes, hyunjin with the camera and channie in the studio... it makes so much sense. omg what if it IS their ideal date? bye im gonna combust. why are they parasocializing with us!! its making the delusions worse!!!
talking abt parasocializing, felix needs to calm down. bro was wiping at his mouth and stuff r u indicating that we just made out?!?! not very pg13 of him. i heard he spams om bubble too 😭 he needs to find a gf his bitchless behavior is getting worse 😟
ur spam is always entertaining so dw!! i take my time with it always cs i wanna put thought in my words hehe. sorry to hear abt the storm :(( i hope ure staying warm <3
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wigglesforsquiggles · 2 years
4 5 12 18 !!!
4. Movie of the year?/ 5. TV show of the year?
apologies key but i rly do not consume media that often. fav tv show of the year is the only one ive actually watched a full season of - so umbrella academy s3 lmao. the visuals were amazing tho. (and i got to watch it w my gf so thats a solid bonus)
as for movie,, im wracking my brain to see what i remember watching. ill say the Batman, mostly bc my friend was and still is a riddler simp (i wish i were joking) and it made the film 10 times funner to watch
12. Talk about a new friend you made this year
i joined the jellypit early this year so literally most of my mutuals count oh god kee you have been selected
i cant quite remember when i joined, but u had a v cool and mature vibe to u, like queitly confident in urself as a person. and then the tommy love or host stream happened, and i decided, whilst in a random hotel room in milton keynes with shitty wifi and in pitch black to watch it with you and bee and liveblog it. and it was one of the best experiences ive had whilst watching a stream ive ever had. and since then weve been thick as thieves
finding out ur associated w capybaras was truly a delightful experience, partly bc i didnt know how many adorable/funny pictures of them existed on the internet, and partyl bc i have a whale of a time tagging them "kee core" and other specifics to the post
u were there for the creation of Grittydook, something that has defined my existence on the internet, as it led me to writing my first fanfiction ever. also seeing u write for nanowrimo was a wonderful experience, bc the word count updates were just, so impressive.
i cant believe ive known you for less than a year, bc honeslty ur such a presence in my online life, a true icon rly. thank u for being friends w me :D
18. A memorable meal this year?
uh the one i spent 5 minutes in fits of tears because i was laughing so hard trying to explain a joke that wasnt at all funny. i was gasping in pain, breathless, unable to form words bc my friends kept asking me why i was laughing, which would set me off again. luckily i had already finished eating, but i still think of that whenever im explaining a joke.
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