#like when i was visiting them we went to get ice cream nd there was two people on a first date so we (obviously) eavesdropped
heavenunderthemoon · 4 years
can we please get more jj and daughter!reader? it’s genuinely such an amazing series and i’d love to read more about them :)
JJ x daughter!reader content!
Move-Ins and All-Nighters
"There's a boy in my bed."
You turned over, sleep clawing at your eyes.
There, in your bed, clad in an old and fading FBI t-shirt and holiday pajama pants (even though it was mid-may) laid your mother. Her eyes were settled onto the ceiling, your fan creaking and shuttering as it ran. It always did that, some kind of screw loose that made it clatter the way it did and the sound soothed you to sleep, thankfully, because god knows the image of your mother with any kind of tool to fix it in her hand simply did not fit.
The images of your dream, Harry Potter singing opera at a talent show, were fleeting and you groaned, shoving your face into your pillow with a 'humph'.
Will had moved in that day- or yesterday? You were too tired to check the clock but judging on the darkness you could only assume it was well into the early morning, your mother too jittered from the sudden moving in of her boyfriend to sleep. She had been practically bouncing all morning, the pregnancy, sudden and shocking, had made the couple move far faster than they had planned. Will had agreed to move in with the two girls and JJ had practically been flying ever since, making way for the man in their tiny three-bedroom house.
"He doesn't snore, he just breathes really loud. Like, really loud. I think he has asthma or something, and there was a tiny lull for like two minutes where I thought he was dead but I think-"
You groaned again, this time flipping onto your back and joining your mother in watching your creaky, shaky ceiling fan shudder and moan as it whirred in circles. "You're killing me, smalls." Your voice was a tired whisper, but it wasn't irritated. No, you couldn't be irritated because you knew just how stressed your mother was.
Your mother was stressed because of the new baby, her hand constantly flying to the non-existent bump throughout the day, throughout the night, throughout the morning, as if checking to make sure the baby was still in there. She was stressed because of Will, of what the baby meant for them, of what it meant for you and her. The two of you had only ever had the two of you. The two of you, which had been incredibly difficult and terrifying for her when she was just a pregnant teenager leaving her small town home for the first time, a baby in her belly and a father that wanted nothing to do with her. Difficult when she was the only one on diaper duty or school drop-offs, or first days of school. But had become her favorite thing in the world because you were something that she had never planned for but everything she was thankful for. A good kid, a great kid, a best friend who knew her and that she knew like the back of her hand. Someone she could climb into bed with at four in the morning because her...boyfriend? Baby daddy? Her Will, was snoring and she had never had someone stay in her house, sleep in her bed, and promise to be there to take half of the diaper duty, school drop offs, or first days. She had never had someone who said they would be there unless it was you and the idea of an outsider joining the Jareau girls was too foreign for her mind to understand alone and so here she was, in your bed.
"He cooked chicken." Your mother said absentmindedly, hand flying down to rub her belly.
You wondered if it would be a boy or a girl. You and Penelope had bets, she bet that it ws a boy, but you bet it was a girl. Honestly, it was just hope that it was a girl because you had no idea how to be a big sister to a boy. Although, you also had no idea how to be a big sister to a girl, in fairness, but you were a girl, so you figured the learning curve was a bit smaller.
"He did." You agreed. "Little spicy for my taste, but I'll get used to it." Your mind flitted back to dinner, the sight of Will Lamontagne in your kitchen, using your stove, searing chicken not something you had ever imagined. To be fair, you hadn't imagined him doing a lot of things in your kitchen, partly because your mother and you hardly ever used your kitchen. She couldn't cook for the life of her unless it was microwavable or instant pot and that was one of the many things you had inherited.
"He washed dishes- he took out the trash." She continued absently.
You nodded with a sigh. "Mhm."
"My bathroom smells like boy. Like boy soap and boy shampoo-"
"Ah, well at least he uses different bottles. If he used the three in ones I would've had to tell you to kick him out, that's a non-negotiable."
Your mother remained in her trance, her thoughts raging about her brain like a balloon deflating.
The fan teetered on.
"He put a book on his nightstand, in case he can't fall asleep. You know what genre he reads? Non-fiction. It was about WW2. Who reads about World War 2 when they're trying to fall asleep?"
"Well, to be fair, history class provides me a pretty good nap time and I wouldn't say that it's too bold of an assumption to claim that the content serves as an effective lullaby."
She turned, a puff of air being released as she did so. With as dark as it was in the room you could hardly see her, in fact you couldn't. Not really. Only the outline of her, but your memory filled in the blanks. Your memories filled in her face, her eyes which were probably wide as saucers, lips turned into a frown, one that turned down more with stress, eyebrows knitted, a face of panic, of terror, of uncertainty.
"I finally get what Penelope means when she says she doesn't like change."        
You nodded. This change was...weird. Will had come to your house before this. He had visited on weekends, showed up to soccer games, even grabbed you from school a couple of times. He was nice and reliable and...strange. Strange, because, suddenly, you weren't all your mother had. Sure, she had the BAU, she had always had her team. The team that had watched you grow up. Spencer who helped with your homework and told you bedtime stories- stories that you forced him to make up because you knew that he could recite every book he's ever read in its entirety without breaking a sweat and you told him that that was 'cheating'. Bedtime stories had to be made up, you had told him, and he obliged because he was Spencer. Or Morgan who showed up to your games when he could and had gotten kicked out on multiple occasions for yelling at the refs. Penelope who played Princess with you and saved every single drawing you had ever made her, or Hotch who had let you dance on his feet. Elle who sang to you when you had begged her, or Emily who made it her life's purpose to show you all the good music and movies. Your mother had a village, but she had never had a single person.
A person for her. A person who you watched her slowly trust. Trust to grab you from school, or go to your games, or sear chicken in your kitchen. You watched her make room in her closet for him, and clear out underwear drawers, and you knew that he was there. He was there and he was good. 
"This change is good, though." Your hand went down to grab hers. "When I was growing up, I had you, and I had you all to myself, and that was pretty amazing. But this baby is gonna get to have you and Will, and Will is...well, he's a dork."
Your mother chuckled.
"He likes to read history before bed and sings along to the radio when he drives. He likes strawberry ice cream over chocolate, and his favorite Christmas movie is Die Hard. He's a weirdo, Mom, but he's good, he's here, and he's willing to put up with us, that's a pretty hard sell, if you ask me."
Her hand squeezed yours, a lessening of the tension and you knew that whatever you were doing was working because when she next spoke it wasn't as stressed. "We're not that bad."
You snorted. "We talk through every movie, go through four tubs of ice cream in a week, and last week, for three days straight, we spoke only in transatlantic accents just to see what it would be like. We are annoying and if he didn't run within the first two minutes of living with us, then he's not going anywhere."
The pillow case ruffled as she nodded, and you gave a tired smile at the tiny victory. "Now, go be a big girl and sleep in your own bed, I have a Geometry test in five hours."
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orangenfrottee · 4 years
hastag game! get to know me
tagged by the amazing: @thugheadjones (I was so happy to get tagged but too lazy to copy&paste the questions on my phone. Oops.)
1. what is the color of your hairbrush? it’s... light wood.
2. name a food you never eat- I eat vegan, so there are a few things i don’t. In a more colloqial sense... I very rarely ‘never’ eat fruits. I’m really bad about it, unless someone cuts up something for me, I probably won’t eat any for .... months. It’s really weird.
3. are you typically too warm or too cold? I’m always too cold! (Unless it’s the middle of one of those record breaking heat waves we had nearly every summer for the last decade. Manmade global heating won’t directly kill me due to location, but I will be pissed off every day. We really have to save our climate.
4. what were you doing 45 minutes ago? Procrastinating while not quite following my online class.
5. what’s your favorite candy bar? I like Mamba, okay? (Okay, that’s actually not really a bar in the classical expectation of this question, but... then again it’s even more of a bar and actually candy. I must admit, I still eat candy but the older I get the less satisfying it gets? I really like these coconut bars without mch else most drug store organic brands sell. And Mr. Tom saved me from certain famine a couple of times during trips.
6. have you ever been to a professional sports game? The most professional sport event I ever went to was a regional (or maybe even national?) Kendo youth competition. I never ever went to a game, professional or not.
7. what is the last thing you said out loud?  Probably something muttered under my breath along the lines of “could you return to the previous page”? I have so many unfinished lines in my class notes, because our professor really goes a little too fast without seeing any reaction from her students. (It’s fine though, she always gives us a copy of her notes, but yeah... I need to go through everything again anyway)
8. what is your favorite ice cream? The vegan icecream from Lidl is really amazing. There’s one with cookies and peanuts and something, it’s the best, really. I keep telling my mother about it.
9. what was the last thing you had to drink? black tea (with white chocolat syrup)
10. do you like your wallet? Yes? It’s this huge shock pink one I bought in harajuku eight years ago. My japanese bestie had one in lime green at the time, so it always kinda brings me back to her? (I really wanted an orange one though.)
11. what is the last thing you ate? A third of a banana. Yes. You know what an event that is in my life. I’m proud of myself. (It totally was the left over bit from my mum’s breakfast who also had a whole pear on top of it. I don’t know why I don’t eat fruit.)
12. did you buy any new clothes last weekend? Haha, no.
13. what’s the last sporting event you watched? probably that kendo competition 14 years ago. My mother really enjoys sports, so I definitely sat through some olympic/ football world cup/ athletics streams reading fanfiction
14. what is your favorite flavor of popcorn? Salty.
15. who is the last person you sent a text message to? A friend in Japan
16. ever been camping? No, we  did a lot of sleeping in our tents in the back yard though - and wait, there is a repressed memory of a horrible camping trip on a forced father’s weekend. Been there, done that, yeah.
17. do you take vitamins? Yes. B12 because I’m vegan and D since I had a terrible deficit a few months ago.
18. do you regularly attend a place of worship? No. I’s like to make a bathtub joke, but I don’t even have a great hair washing routine.
19. do you have a tan? No, not even the year I only wore hot pants all summer (though I was the tannest I’ll ever be that year). My snow white (!) bff came to visit and like half a day later she had an actual tan, so no.
20. do you prefer Chinese or pizza?  Pizza. Mostly because that’s actually easy to get, now that I’m vegan. Can’t remeber when I had (good) Chinese.
21. do you drink your soda through a straw? No, I’m not really a fan. I might one day buy reusable straws, but I don’t feel like I have use for them?
22. what color socks do you usually wear? Whatever socks I grab first? A lot are black or dark red with whatever pattern, I do have a lot of Sailor Moon themed ones though <3
23. do you ever drive above the speed limit? I’m a great cyclist but I only own a dutch bike (in orange!) so, hell no. I’m fast though and good at breaking.
24. what terrifies you? I don’t have a go to answer for this, because I never think about it. That doesn’t mean no fears, but I’m not aware of any.
25. look to your left, what do you see?  My comfy chair nd side table in front of my billy book shelves.
26. what chore do you hate most? Bathroom cleaning? Taking out the garbage? The weird ones you don’t have to do regularly, so you only notive their vague existince once tere’s a ton of work to do?
27. what do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? Not anything? I don’t think I hear them often, not sure if I’d actually recognize one.
28. what’s your favorite soda? Ginger Ale.
29. do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru? I just go to my kitchen. I’m usually better at just whipping something up myself.
30. what’s your favorite number? I once wrote a really weird text in school about hating the number four and a table when we had this creative writing task about assigning emotions and meanings to an object that were actually about something else (our example was a staircase) and all my class mates were whining about how hard that was and as if there were only two or three objects in the world one could use for that (staircases, doors, maybe a phone) when there are random things we can easily projects any emotion on. By the way, have you ever wondered about how men can get into the weirdest tangents when prompted with the simolest question? Suddenly they tell you the greatest stories about how amazing they are. What is that disorder named? Anyway, my favourite number might be seven - I’ll always be a Nana fan.
31. who’s the last person you talked to? my mother
32. favorite meat? tofu <3
33. last song you listened to? No. idea. Now it’s Lonely in Gorgeous by Tommy february6
34. last book you read? I’ve been reading City of Ashes for the last few months.
35. favorite day of the week? saturday
36. can you say the alphabet backwards? No.
37. how do you like your coffee? Non-existing.
38. favorite pair of shoes? My orange ones.
39. time you normally get up? I don’t.
40. what do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets? moonlight
41. how many blankets are on your bed? Thechnically five, but two are just resting over the headboard.
42. describe your kitchen plates? I’ve got really pretty white ones with dark red hearts on them. Friends of mine got them for me for my 18th birthday. Be smart and wish for useful stuff kids.
43. describe your kitchen at the moment: older than me but really pretty and freshly renovated. We threw out the old frifge that wasn’t working for 12 years and gotten some selfmade open shelving in its place. White painted cupboards, green walls, super modern ikea shelves, free standing eggshell coloured fridge, inherited table and chairs, new wood optic vinyl floor. It’s not actually my kitchen.
44. do you have a favorite alcoholic drink? No, I don’t drink.
45. do you play cards? seldom, but if so Rommee with the rules my great-grandmother taught me.
46. what color is your car? My bike is shiny happy orange.
47. can you change a tire? probably, but I was 9 when I last had to help.
48. your favorite state or province? of what? Liquid.
49. favorite job you’ve had? For about a year I worked (volunteered) for my japanese bestie’s cafe and was just so well taken care of <3
I tag, if you’d like, @catthecoder, @strangenightsofdaydreams and YOU dear reader <3
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dansnaturepictures · 5 years
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My 10 wildlife/photography highlights of 2019 blogs-Post 9: My Cornwall holiday in September with a Devon stop off 
On 2nd September we travelled to Cornwall taking in some nice sights on the way like Salisbury Cathedral, Bodmin Moor and St. Michael’s Mount. It was my first trip here since 2015 and I was so happy to go back to one of my favourite parts of the country. We enjoyed fantastic weather whilst away seeing a lot of the sun at this often changeable time of year. We spent the days taking in and photographing breathtaking coastal views some in the evening, seeing lots of wildlife particularly birds getting three year ticks two of them what we’d come to see and a massive rarity life tick too with many other species starring and visit some very famous and renowned locations some with personal significance.
On our first evening we had the perfect introduction going to Botallack where they filmed the Poldark BBC TV series and it was a stunning and very unique landscape with the chimneys and little historic buildings. The sun over the sea really made it look even more beautiful too I took the first picture in this photoset that night showing this. I also got to see the two birds I had come to Cornwall to see the Chough and the Manx Shearwater. We had two Choughs fly over our heads during the walk and at the end we looked for Manx Shearwater over the sea and were lucky enough to catch sight of some. These both took my year list to a milestone 180. A Chough flew right over our head very closely when we were watching for the Manx Shearwaters. This gave me a really intimate and brilliant moment I got the second picture in this photoset of it. Seeing both birds here marked my first English (I’d only seen them previously in Wales) of them and Chough meant I’d seen all eight crow species in 2019 for only the second time ever and all in England too. Other highlights at Botallack were Gannets seen over the sea and Fulmars, Ravens and many Kestrels hovering by the cliffs. Jackdaw and Rook seen too meant I really celebrated crows that day in one of my best ever years for them. The cottage was lovely too and I took pictures of this when back and it was nice to see a Red Admiral in the garden and some quirky farm animals including Rheas nearby.
Day 2 began by me photographing the quirky farmland neighbours and a nice apple tree in the neighbouring property I noticed over breakfast. That morning I was also potentially woken for a bit by Choughs calling but they are quite hard to distinguish sound wise to Jackdaw of which there were a lot of them and Rooks around.
We then went to Kynance Cove which was more stunning coastal scenery this holiday. What had brought us there was the Brown Booby a very famous rare bird which one of had been seen at St. Ives before we came away and Cornish birding reports we saw said on the first night away there was one here. Anticipation built as it became apparent it was a twitch as we walked up from the surfer’s car park and saw many people on a hill. Everyone we spoke to before had seen it which made us eager to get to where it was. We got there and a very kind gentleman told us where the Brown Booby was it was sitting on the side of a rock and let us look through his telescope. It was a moment of euphoria looking through and seeing this pretty and very exotic bird which just looked truly like nothing British. It was a very welcome bird to see though I was so delighted to see it. I took the record shot in the third picture in this photoset of it. There was a great atmosphere here on a sunny day and I felt part of something special as we watched it for a few minutes. It was my 264th bird in my life and year list wise it brought up a very important number for me. It was my 181st bird of the year which is the amount I saw in 2016 which broke my record back then that on this day made 2019 my joint third highest ever year list. I went on to go higher than that obviously and my year list is currently my joint highest ever. It also meant the amount of birds I had seen this year was as many as I had seen a year prior during my previous outright highest ever amount of birds seen in my year in 2018 I was a little bit off that for couple of months before so like my Northumberland holiday the year ticks I got that week reenergised my year list. Shag, Fulmar, Rock Pipit and Wall Brown were other wildlife highlights here.
Later on that day we went to nearby Lizard Point as shown by the fourth picture I took that week in this photoset, the southernmost point of mainland Britain. It was brilliant to be here a place we had wanted to come this holiday on a very sunny afternoon. It was a deliciously beautiful area to look over and very nautical and typically Cornish. Great to enjoy an ice cream here. Wildlife highlights were Small Copper and Common Blue butterflies, Raven, another Rock Pipit, Wheatear and a Turnstone. On the way back we had a look at St. Michael’s Mount one I remembered from my debut 2002 trip to Cornwall well which was great to see on a sunny evening. That evening we walked down to Porth Nanven which the cottage we stayed in was named after down the Cot Valley. This was a brilliant little secret place where I got to take in yet more stunning views. It was great to watch waves crash against rocks as it got dark. As we walked back down the lane with darkness really falling it was brilliant to see a few bats flying over and hear great insect noises.
Day 3 was a packed day darting around more absolutely stunning coast on another very sunny day. Stop one was Cape Cornwall which I found fantastic as a place very beautiful, distinctive and welcoming I took the fifth picture in this photoset here. Here we saw scores of Gannets flying by out to sea as well as Fulmar which made me reflect of these two of my favourite bird’s importance to my Cornwall trip as a whole. Here also I got more Manx Shearwater and brilliant Chough views. More of these birds were waiting as we moved further along to Pendeen and I got some really nice close views of Manx Shearwater in close closer than I’d got all holiday. I also got excited to see Grey Seal here and a Peregrine Falcon another of my twenty eight favourite birds darting past. After me going to the southern most tip of mainland Britain the day before Lizard point I could hardly contain my excitement as we went to Land’s End one of the places I most looked forward to visiting this holiday and I found it very beautiful in more great sunshine some stunning coastal scenery. I had vague recollections of visiting here as a five year old on the 2002 family holiday and I’d not got back until that day so I really wanted to get here and was so happy to it felt special as I had a cream tea I wanted to have in the west country when there too. I took the sixth picture in this photoset another landscape here. A wildlife highlight of this trip was seeing a Raven. That evening we went once more to Porth Nanven and this time saw the sun set a little and watch the waves again which was nice.
Thursday saw us visit Godrevy another great National Trust site that holiday where we got stunning views of the coast again seeing well down the coast in more panoramic views this time. We also had an exceptional time looking at Choughs again with one very close and one seen battling against a Fulmar. I really did get so excited at seeing and was in aw of the Cornish Choughs my main reason for wanting to come here really what stunning birds that we saw at multiple places that week. This week was a key factor in me deciding to add Chough to my list of favourite birds where it had been on my B list for them for six months prior. At Godrevy was also a beach mostly full of Grey Seals as shown by the seventh picture of mine in this photoset which had just started their breeding season I had not seen them at this time of year before and it was entertaining to watch them move around by the sea and in the colony and hear them. Other notable sightings here were other stars of the week Gannet with some diving, Rock Pipit, Oystercatcher, Turnstone and Raven. This made me think that I’d seen both of these crows and Rook and Jackdaw very well this week but none of the two very common crows at home Carrion Crow and Magpie. So it’s just interesting being somewhere different and there being a different make up of certain birds. It was nice to have a brief look on Hayle estuary on the way to and back from Godrevy seeing some Black-tailed Godwits.
Before getting back to the cottage that Thursday we took one last look at Porth Nanven down the Cot Valley to let the dogs swim, it was nice to see it in daylight and sunshine after two evening visits to it. A wonderful place to have stayed so close to. Then that evening we did something that if I had done an updated bucket list (I think I did one years ago and mislaid it) it would be on it. Go to Land’s End to watch the sun set. I took the eighth picture in this photoset of this. It was great to drive down there with so many others and sit on the benches by the famous sign. Watching the sun set here was simply breathtaking. It complemented going there the day before and added another dimension of the experience. I indeed found myself feeling very lucky that we as an island nation have a place to cherish like this where the land ends, many countries don’t have that. Just a week prior to it I was photographing a sunset at home from my room which I love doing but going out to a location like this as that time of night is something I so rarely get to do. So this felt like a perfect relaxing activity for my last night in Cornwall. It was nice to see a Red Admiral at Porth Nanven and Gannets and Manx Shearwaters at Land’s End.
Before we left on the last day of our holiday we revisited a bit of a tradition of visiting one of our standout locations visited on the week again to give the dogs a walk before the car journey home. That Friday it was Cape Cornwall one I really found smashing on the Wednesday. As we walked around the area, taking in more great views looking at Land’s End too and admiring the light blue sea water we found beautiful to see all that week, we saw once more a few of the standout birds seen that week. More Manx Shearwaters visible here than the Wednesday with it being more blustery, Gannets, Fulmars, Shag and Raven. But once again the stars were Choughs. We had one fly over our heads at the car park again then saw a few more throughout the walk or at least some a few more times. One landed right in front of us behind a rock on the hill. We looked over to see another with it and were delighted once more to get so close to a spectacular and stunningly marked bird. I took the ninth picture in this photoset of them. What an amazing week I had with this species one I have so much admiration for. It was perhaps my best week of them ever with the greatest respect to all the Welsh locations I have seen them at in the past. The sight of a more familiar bird for us Buzzard soaring marked time to head off home I think and I ended feeling very happy that I had had this brilliant week away. What a time away.
Later in the day we went to the Axe Estuary by Seaton in Devon as shown by the tenth picture I took in this photoset where we stopped off a couple of times to birdwatch on the way back from north Devon visits a few years ago. It was fairly busy then in early autumn with Oystercatcher, Curlew and Little Egret nice and again more familiar local birds for me to see even if I enjoyed many Oystercatchers that week as I did in Northumberland. It looked very nice as the sun poked through here with it raining much of the journey we were lucky not to get very wet that day a reflection on how lucky we were with the weather all week.
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eyesopen2019 · 5 years
A busy week in London
On May 22nd, we flew with Westjet from Toronto to London Gatwick.  It was a night flight and we all arrived pretty tired after getting the tube to our Airbnb in Shepard’s Bush.  Leon failed in his attempt to stay up all night and had a few hours sleep on the flight, as did Lani.  We found our flat above the shops on Uxbridge Road and reasonably close to the tube station and very central to major tourist sites in London.  After settling in, we left the kids watching on their devices and Hung and I went for a wander and had a lovely vegetarian meal at a restaurant serving food from Damascus.  We shopped on the way home and cooked the kids dinner when we got home. They were all fairly content to chill out and not go anywhere much – as they are on most travel days.  
On our first day out we got the tube to Oxford Circus and wandered around that area exploring Trafalgar square, Piccadilly Circus and Covent Garden.  There was a lot to see and take in and the kids all enjoyed seeing the double decker red buses like in the movies the most.  We wandered through Harrods, mostly because that’s where my Mum wants to go. It was so expensive, and I can’t imaging spending $200+ on a cardigan for a baby let alone $3000 for a grizzly bear teddy standing 2 metres tall!  Kai especially couldn’t believe the prices there.  In the afternoon, Lani and I went to Abbey Road to visit a school friend of mine Connie and her daughter Abby.  We had a lovely afternoon catching up and swapping travel stories and were treated to a delicious dinner at a nearby restaurant and a nighttime walk through The Regents Park.  We also stopped to visit the Abbey Road studios and take a photo on the famous crossing.  Lani felt a bit naughty scribbling her name on the wall of the studio along with everyone else and didn’t really understand what it was all about – any who are The Beatles anyway?
We had busy days out in London with lots of walking as well as tube and bus rides.  We all enjoyed riding the red double decker buses and sitting up top and looking at the streets go by.  The tube is easy to navigate and quicker, but we got the buses whenever we could.  Hung, as usual, wanted to hop on the bus and ride until the end of the line, which he did once or twice on his own.  
Of course we visited Buckingham Palace and spent quite a bit of time watching the red guards and waiting for them to make a mistake and move.  Leon was pleased to get a photo with a London bobby wearing his Banora Point school hat and him wearing the police hat.  We spent a morning touring the Arsenal Football Stadium and Museum which Kai really enjoyed, especially siting in the teams changing room.  We managed to see Matilda one evening with Leon and Lani which was fabulous and just as good as the Australian production we had seen previously.  Hung went out one night and saw Phantom of the Opera on his own which he hadn’t seen before and enjoyed, except for the noisy tourists next to him.
One morning we arrived early at Buckingham Palace to see the Changing of the Guard but it was so crowded and such a limited view that we ended up going to nearby Green Park and playing soccer for an hour.  We also saw Kensington Palace but didn’t pay to go inside and just wandered the beautiful gardens where Harry and Megan had their ?engagement photos in Diana’s memorial garden.  Leon and Lani ventured to the British Museum with Hung and I and we spent most of our time checking out the Egyptian mummies and coins from several thousand years ago. We had a quick walk though several other areas before leaving to find some lunch.  I’ve realised when visiting museums with young children you need to make a beeline for the high value targets before fatigue and boredom sets in.  The museum was completely free which was an added bonus.
Kai, Leon, Lani and I were brave enough to venture onto the London Eye where you get into a glass bubble with about 15 other people and get taken around the huge wheel to view the London skyline.  After we had just got on Leon said (very loudly) was like watching paint dry as it moved so slowly!  However, he thoroughly enjoyed the 4D movie that was included in the ticket price we watched after.  I enjoyed looking at all the places we had visited from so high up and seeing their relationship to each other.  I especially enjoyed seeing the gardens of Buckingham Palace and how big they were. After the London Eye we wandered through to Big Ben (undergoing renovations), Westminister and Westminister Abbey.  I enjoyed seeing those places but the kids weren’t very interested.
We also spent an afternoon wandering Camden market as well as Borough Market and wanted to try all the delicious foods on offer.  I had a day out with Kai, mainly to replenish his wardrobe at Primark as he is outgrowing all his shorts and T-shirts.  I also had a day out with Lani and we visited Hamley’s Toy Store and Foley’s bookshop, both 5 storey shops with an enormous variety of things to explore and tempt us. We did well, coming away with a LOL doll for Lani from her pocket money and a book each for her and Leon to keep their reading going.  We had a few coffee and ice cream stops along the way!
Aiden went out most days alone to explore the same areas, but on different days to us.  He really enjoyed Camden Town and the various parks where he would go for a midday nap.  He said he thinks London is the ‘best city in the world’ and he wants to go to university in London.  He found the transport system especially easy to use.  With an Oyster card and the maps app you can get around London easily and cheaply wherever you want to go.
On our last night in London we had a lovely dinner at our Airbnb with Dolf and Charlotte, who are the parents of the family I worked for as an au pair when I was 18.  It was lovely to see them again, have them meet the kids and catchup with what everyone is doing.  We cooked a very basic meal in the Airbnb flat with its very limited kitchen and enjoyed a couple of bottles of wine.  
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centolutions · 4 years
#101) Write stellar Christmas letter for 2020
This could have been a bigger challenge, since the year itself wasn’t consistently, well, stellar.  But the inspiration hit.  The letter is written, and now all we need to do is stuff the envelopes and get it in the mail.
Dear Diary, January 1st, 2020
I had the strangest dream this morning.  A microscopic cell grew so large it blotted out the sun like an eclipse, with only the glow from the corona visible.  People fled into their homes and stayed inside. Those that ventured out suffered one of two fates.  They either fell to their knees in a fit of coughing, or they started speaking one of two opposite languages and shouting at those people that didn’t understand them.  I looked at the calendar in my dream, and the date read ‘Friday the 13th’.  I’m not sure what this means, but I’m glad I woke up from that scary nightmare.  I’m really looking forward to 2020 because I think everyone will look back on the year as we near Christmas and, with 20-20 hindsight, be able to say “I can see clearly now!”
Fast forward to December, 2020.
Okay, so admit it. Some parts of this year definitely felt like a dream.  And for some people, there were portions of the year which seem nightmarish and they don’t want to reoccur.  But, life finds a path forward like a river finding its way to the ocean.  Something may come up to temporarily block the flow, but the water finds a new route, past new vistas, creating new opportunities for growth along the way.  I’ll give you three examples.
Case I:   The Newlyweds
I’ll admit, I was skeptical.  “You want to have a wedding in Colorado for two people with families from Ohio?  And you want to do this in January?  And you want to have an Ice Cream Truck for guests to walk up to – OUTSIDE???”  But with that famous 20-20 hindsight, I must say, Beth and Karl’s wedding on January 3rd in Denver was an incredibly wonderful event.  The ceremony (like the bride) was beautiful!  The sacrament was reverent!  The weather was incredible (mid-50s in early January) And the reception celebration was kick-a,, um, was a lot of fun!
Life seemed as delicious for the newlyweds as a scoop of Sweet Cow ice cream from the Moo Mobile.  Then Covid-19 hit Colorado, one trip after another for Karl was pulled from the COR schedule, and Beth and the rest of the Camp Wojtyla staff had to make the decision to cancel summer camp for 2020.  But they both stayed positive, turned an EconoLiner into an EconoLodger in their down time.  And in late Spring, life happened.  Quite literally!  The couple is expecting their baby in February.  Chris and I are looking forward to visiting them in Lander, WY to welcome our first grandchild.  We’re also looking forward to Yaktrax™ and a renewed appreciation for sub-zero degree weather.
Case II:  The Busted Block
As mentioned in previous Christmas missives, we really appreciated Steve’s job at the movie theatre.  He would bring home interesting stories about the guests - - - and free tickets for his parents!  When the reality of the mid-March stay-at-home order in Ohio set in by early-April, Cinemark told all their employees that they were not only laid off, but that they would not be guaranteed a job when the theatres re-opened.  Everyone would need to interview for consideration to be re-hired.
No summer blockbusters!  No steady income!  No free tickets for Chris and I! “No problem!”, Steve said.  He reached out to a few contractors and got himself a new career in home (and other building) repair, renovation, and remodeling.  He now has more hours “building back better” with his construction crew than he got at the theatre, earns more per-hour, and is already building (pun intended) his own clientele list.  Plus our own house has gotten some very nice updates as he’s practiced some masonry, plumbing, painting and shed-repair skills.
Case III:  The Move Up North
Late January was the end of Grace’s two-year commitment to Children’s Protective Services for the Commonwealth of Kentucky.  She decided that she was going to move from Lexington to Ann Arbor and attend U of M for her Masters in Social Work.  So on March 13th (yes, Friday the 13th), we moved Grace out of Lexington, on March 14th she moved her furniture and goods to her new apartment in Ann Arbor, and on March 15th, Governor Whitmer closed down the state of Michigan.
Before the move (and the pandemic), Grace was worried about finding a job.  But Kroger was more than happy to have any willing body help with Pick List shopping, and Grace found herself waking up at 4:30 am to grab other people’s groceries.  Unfortunately, Grace’s brand new roommates became ex-roommates after six weeks since their lost jobs meant they had to change their living plans.  Undeterred, she found a new place to live with a lovely, retired U of M Professor, who got Grace connected with two other U of M contacts through which she landed two new jobs.
And with U of M itself using significant online learning, Grace opted to defer the start of graduate school till Fall 2021.  The additional time allowed her to decide that Ann Arbor is the place she wants to stay (at least for a while).  And with that, two other decisions followed.  In June, Grace welcomed Koda B. Nadler into the family.  Koda is an adorable young mother of four, a little over 60 lbs., and loves getting her back scratched and chasing after squeaky toys.  In December, Grace closed on a house in Ypsilanti.  The two big selling points for Grace?  A fenced in back yard for Koda to play in, and a chicken coop (which won’t get any chickens until Koda learns not to eat them).
Now, the purpose of this note is not to say take those lemons thrown at you in 2020 and turn them into lemonade.  In addition to health, economic and social concerns unique to the year, there were moments with a bitter note that can happen any year.  Dorothy Nadler (Mom / Grandma) passed away on June 22nd, after managing Parkinson’s for over a decade.  She moved into a Skilled Nursing Facility last October and was getting along pretty well.  But with Covid-19 spreading across the country, the nursing home went into lockdown.  Starting in March she wasn’t allowed to have visitors.  And while the virus did find its way into the facility in April, and Mom even tested positive the second week, she remained asymptomatic for an entire month.  A Parkinson’s-related infection sent her to the hospital in May. Once she recovered from that, she was released to a hospice center in Defiance, OH in early June.  She was able to have visitors every day, limit of two at a time.  Dad was happy to be one of those two visitors nearly every day.  Mom was focused on celebrating the wedding shower for Kelly Nadler (now Steffan) on June 20th, a goal which she accomplished.  We miss her each and every day, and are so fortunate to have had her with us for so many years.
But, as said earlier, life continues to flow.  In addition to Tessa, who Chris has been watching for over a year now, another energy-filled three-year old can be found at Chez Nadler once or so per week.  And when those two get going, it doesn’t matter what room I’m using as my home office.  My CareSource colleagues will ask “Did you say something, Dave?” on the teleconference.  I’ll say ‘No, it’s the toddlers’, and the others with children haunting their own home offices will give knowing nods.
Here’s hoping you, your families and your friends have a peaceful transition into a healthy and happy 202One.  May God’s love and joy warm your hearts and souls.  And, please, for those of you that wish for a memorable year next year, make sure to wish for happy memories.
With Love,
Chris and Dave
[and Beth(+1) and Karl, Steve, Grace, Zing, Dixie, Koda, and the fish who I’m not sure we ever named] (old habits are hard to break)
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shenkizoo · 7 years
Mission (GenesisxReader)
Chapter 4: Leaving
Zack entered his bedroom and as soon as he saw you polishing your sword he jumped towards you on your bed, making it (and you with it) doing some bounces.
You, completely unfazed, kept polishing your weapon “hey Zack” you greeted.
“Ow come on (y/n) pull a smile for me!” he grinned, before pulling upwards the edges of your lips, to shape a smile.
You soon pushed his hands away and he looked offended for a bit, before taking your sword from your hands and tossing it away, the other two recruits in the room looked towards the two of you, startled by the clatter that your sword produced hitting the ground and kept their gaze on the scene to look what was going to happen, honestly you didn’t know either, because your raven haired friend had a serious expression and seemed true concerned about something, but as soon as he pulled a grin you knew exactly what was going to happen: you were going to punch him.
You raised slowly your hand, so slow that the other 2nd class was able to grab it and give a kiss to it “why so serious today?” he continued to smile at your frown.
“Nothing” you pouted, walking away from him to grab your sword from the floor and throwing it on the bed “let’s go out, so we can talk” you eyed the other two SOLDIERs for a moment, even though they returned to mind their own business.
“Sure babe” he winked, opening the door for you.
  You were walking down the streets of Midgar with Zack, the both of you stayed silent and the boy tried  really hard to keep quiet until you felt enough comfortable to speak, but he was just too curious, so he opened his mouth to say something, when you interrupted him.
“I was wondering how much could you resist without speaking” you chuckled, looking ahead “I see not enough”
“Sorry” he rubbed the back of his head “I’m just worried”
You smiled at him and intertwined one of your arms with one of his and sighed “thank you Zack, I’m really thankful, I really am” you started “but I’d appreciate if you could just give some ease to my pain”
“That’s why I’m here to listen”
You shook your head calmly and lead him to a bench, forcing him to sit down with you “there are many ways to make someone feel better, and it always depends by the case”
“What’s the case, then?”
“I’d like you to bring me around the city, I want to forget” you smiled at him.
“That can be done!” he exclaimed getting up with his usual over excitement.
You chuckled and watched him seat again and leaning his left forearm on the backrest of the bench, you pulled your legs to you and crossed them “I’m glad to have you” you said sweetly and you were so adorable and fragile in the boy’s eyes that he couldn’t help but to hug you with one arm and stroke your head with the other.
“Anytime dear” you could feel his breath through your locks and felt so relaxed that you closed your eyes and lifted your hands to lay them on his back.
It wasn’t uncommon an hug between you two, in fact, as long as you could remember, you’ve been close friends and Zack himself was a person you could always feel comfortable with, so an hug like that was a simple hug between friends, nothing more, nothing less. Of course there were people who would disagree, for them the concept of friendship between a male and a female that were so close to each other didn’t exist, for sure you two were in a relationship, but those rumors never meant nothing to you, you didn’t even bother to deny them.
You felt Zack pull away and take your hand to make you stand “come (n/n), I’ll take you some (favorite flavor) ice cream” he winked at you, before dragging you towards the closer ice cream shop.
The afternoon went on with your best friend taking you in every place that he knew would’ve make you feel happy, and so it was: you almost forgot about your problems for that time… almost.
  The next morning you went to check your post, as asked in the letter Kunsel gave you and, indeed, found something: a letter. Your hands trembled when you started to open it, you took a deep breath and as soon as you finished reading the content, you couldn’t help but to slide your fingers through your hair, to keep at bay your nervousness. You closed the envelope again and decided it, maybe, was time to pay director Lazard a visit.
So you went and waited outside, since you saw the door closed, signaling that someone was already inside,, however waiting was painful, you felt the urge to enter, but you just couldn’t lose control and disrespect the formalities.
“No (y/n)” you murmured to yourself, your eyes starting to swell up with tears as you tried to hold them back “don’t do it” you squeezed your eyes shut, but you couldn’t wait no more.
“Ah fuck off!” you exclaimed under your breath and burst through the door.
“Director Lazard!” you started, your voice formal, but the fright transpired through them “I am sorry, but I really need to-“
“Calm down (l/n), I’m already busy now” he calmly stated, interrupting you.
You then moved your gaze to see what was keeping him busy and found a very concerned Genesis, whose heart was breaking at seeing you like this, in fact the tears had started to fall and your eyes were starting to become red.
“Please director, I really need to talk to you” you urged, trying to avoid the 1st class’ gaze, you didn’t want him to look at you with pity.
“And I really need to end this discussion” he said, this time his anger could be heard being held by his usual gesture of pushing his glasses to sit better on his nose.
“Director, if I am allowed… I think that what this recruit has to ask you is far more important than the report of my last mission” the red haired stated.
You gave him a grateful smile and he smiled back for a brief moment, before you looked away, remembering the actual conditions of your face.
Lazard sighed deeply and closed his eyes, before nodding as to accord to your requests “we’ll continue this later, then” he nodded to Genesis, he nodded back and went outside, flashing you a smile that you didn’t even notice as you were too focused on your talk with the ShinRa director.
“Please, I need you to accord me a permit” you said with trembling voice as soon as the red head was gone.
“A permit? What for?” the director frowned.
You sighed and prepared to talk.
  “Hey puppy!” Genesis called out to Zack, seeing him outside the training room.
“Hey 1st class!” he frowned at the nickname, but eventually smiled “what’s up?”
“I know you’re really close to (y/n)”
“Yes, and?” he urged, his mind going to the shower that he, oh so badly, wanted to go under after all that sweating, when suddenly he widened his eyes “waaaait” he smirked “you want some advice about her?”
“What do you mean?” he raised one brow at him.
“Or maybe… are you jealous?” the 2nd class smirked, ignoring the question.
“What- why should I be?”
“Oh, because I’m so close to her” he winked “and maybe you think there’s something between us”
“Is there?” Genesis frowned
“Nah, we’re only friends, there’s nothing between us”
The red haired could feel his cheeks redden and his heart lightening a bit, before shaking his head and remembering why he was wasting his time with the puppy “in any case I don’t care about that, I came here to ask if you knew something about what is bothering (y/n)”
“You noticed it too?” Zack asked, his expression going immediately from playful to concerned.
“Well, actually she came in the director’s office and seemed to be troubled about something”
“Oh” the boy said softly, moving his eyes around, thinking “well yesterday she was a bit too peevish for her normal self and she said to me that something had indeed happened” Genesis perked his head up and tensed his shoulders, caught by what the 2nd class was about to say “but she didn’t want to talk about it” he slumped his shoulders in disappointment.
“Okay” Genesis sighed and turned to walk away.
“Yeah, no problem!” Zack rolled his eyes.
  You were currently running towards your room, quickly you opened the door and started preparing your bag with the strictly necessary for a trip under the plate, you were trying to do it as fast as you could, fortunately no one was in the bedroom at the moment: no one had to notice that you were preparing to escape and now it was the perfect time, everyone was in the training room and you had to prepare everything before someone came back from there. As soon as everything was ready you hurried outside your bedroom and outside the building and towards the under plate.
You were striding towards the entrance, towards the stairs, towards the edge between the two worlds, when someone grabbed your arm, you shrieked and pulled away, turning around and looking in a pair of blue eyes, that pair belonging to the 1st class you became closer in the last month.
“What do you think you’re doing, (y/n)?” he frowned at your angered expression.
“I’m going away, forever!” you shouted, before preparing to run away.
“Why?” Genesis calmly asked, even if he was feeling betrayed.
“why… because ShinRa is not my home, not anymore” you whispered, looking at him past your shoulder.
“What do you mean?”
“You won’t understand”
“Then make me!” he exclaimed desperately “Or at least look at me” he murmured, lowering his gaze to look at his own feet.
You slowly turned around and sighed, before putting your palms on both his cheeks, he lifted his gaze to look at you, betrayal could be seen in his eyes “Sorry” you whispered “I really couldn’t stop to say goodbye or explain”
He grabbed your wrists softly and pulled them down to take your hands in his “now you can” he stated “please” he begged.
You sighed again and looked down for a moment, before looking into his eyes again “I asked Lazard if he could give me some days to visit my sister, she’s really ill and today arrived another letter from my mom that urged me to come back home because she is going to- she probably will-” you weren’t able to finish your sentence because tears started to pool in your eyes.
“Another letter you say? For how long did you know about your sister?” Genesis tried to keep calm in your place.
You shrugged and shook your head “I’ve known about it only since yesterday night, Kunsel gave me a letter a boy asked him to give to me, the letter talked vaguely about my sisters’ condition and it said that more information would have come today”
“So this was the thing Kunsel wanted to talk about” he whispered more to himself than to you, but you nodded anyway.
You sniffled and tried to tear your hands from Genesis’ grip to wipe the tears you could feel starting to fall down, but a squeeze to your hands brought you back to reality, so you cleared your throat and resumed your explanation with a voice that threaten every time to crack “death is near for her, I wanted to stay by her side for her last moments, you know…”
“And he didn’t agree?”
“No no, at first he agreed, but then he asked what was the cause of her illness” you stayed silent for a bit, wondering if it was really the case to tell him everything, you took a deep breath “she’s ill because of the damage the Mako reactors are doing”.
Genesis looked at you with one raised eyebrow and you released his hands abruptly with an exasperated sigh “don’t you see?!” you exclaimed “the land around us is deserted, lifeless! People are falling ill because the ShinRa is taking the life from our planet!” your chest was raising and falling in a quick pace, filled with anger “and you know what? Our beloved director had the guts to say it wasn’t true! ‘ShinRa is only doing good’ he said, ‘how could you even think that the company you’ve been serving for so many years is procuring suffer to the citizens?’ and ‘I absolutely refuse to give you days for a pathetic excuse as this one!’ and that’s why they couldn’t just send a letter about it, a boy had to give it anonymously to Kunsel or else the ShinRa would’ve censored it!” you finished your heated speech feeling a bit relieved from anger, which left a deep sadness in you and tears started to flow down your cheeks “now I really have to go” you sniffled, and took a step back.
“Wait!” the 1st class immediately stopped you with his words “will we meet each other again?”
“I highly doubt so” you chuckled bitterly
“Then I’m coming with you” he promptly answered
You widened your eyes and looked at him “you can’t” you shakily said
“Why not?” he took a step forward
“You don’t believe my words” you scoffed “you believe in ShinRa”
He stayed silent, opening his mouth two or three times, without emitting any sound to which you shook your head and started to walk away, this time there was nothing stopping you.
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larrytcamp · 4 years
Falling in Love with Toronto: Insider Tips & Tricks for Your Next Visit
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Welcoming a document 43.7 million visitors last year, Toronto has actually become one of the world's most popular tourist destinations. Canada's most populated city has seemingly unlimited possibilities for where to go, see, consume, and sleep, so just how to tighten it down? Experts Karolína as well as Andrew are here to aid with their best Toronto tips.
Karolína and also Andrew are an international couple that got rid of 7000 kilometers to fulfill for the very first time in Toronto, a city that is currently close to and dear to their hearts. Together, they circumnavigate the globe as well as share their experiences with viewers on their blog site, Canadian Slovak. I talked with them concerning why Toronto means so much to them and all the best places to take a look at when visiting Canada's greatest city.
What do you like regarding Toronto? What makes it unique to you?
Toronto is an incredible city with lots of points to do, food to attempt or time to spend. It was my very first Canadian city to visit, and also I need to state that I fell in love right away-- as well as not just with the city but my Canadian partner, who I fulfilled for the first time in Toronto!
Well, that's a quite wonderful factor to enjoy it! What's your all-time preferred area there?
My personal fave was the markets. Toronto is well-known for its markets such as St Lawrence or Kensington Market. We checked out both of them and also have to claim that you can locate practically anything you are looking for there, whether you seek components or you come for breakfast, as we did! Whether its fruits or veggies, every little thing is fresh and also prepared to utilize! We completely took pleasure in the ambience therein, mainly on the weekend breaks.
If a vacationer just had 24-hour in the city, what are some locations you would certainly tell them they absolutely can't miss?
If a traveler only had 1 day in the city, I would without a doubt suggest that they take a look at the CN Tower, either at the base of the tower or take the journey up. And also if they enjoy purchasing, I would certainly tell them to take a look at the Eaton's Centre, which has a big selection of preferred stores, from clothing as well as shoes to house decors. I would additionally suggest that they take a trip to the waterside area, as there is a remarkable ambience and sight with several interesting dining establishments to take pleasure in.
What should travelers know about the neighborhood culture or people of Toronto?
Toronto is an extremely lively and also international city with a combination of different societies from all over the globe. The city provides everything one needs; no matter where from worldwide you are taking a trip from as well as no matter what you are searching for, you can certainly locate precisely what you are searching for. Individuals of Toronto are very pleasant and also practical. For instance, if you are lost as well as need assist with directions, many people enjoy to direct you in the best direction.
What's a cool community you 'd suggest to visitors seeking something a little different?
Chinatown is an extremely one-of-a-kind and also fascinating place to go to while in Toronto. Right after entering, you forget that you remain in Canada, as the design, individuals and also the ambience make it so authentic. You can locate anything in below, from Chinese food specials to souvenirs from Canada. We purchased much of them in one of the stores, as they offer a large spectrum for a good cost. Likewise, if you feel worn out after so many days of strolling as well as exploring the city, there are lots of health clubs and also day hair salons in this part of the city.
Inform me about your favorite restaurants in Toronto.
Our favorite breakfast area was Cora's. Located near the Blue Jay's stadium, Cora's offers an authentic Canadian morning meal that will not leave you hungry-- in fact the contrary! There are lots of points to choose from the food selection, including sandwiches, pancakes or eggs. Caution, it gets a little bit crowded so you may invest a min waiting for a table, however the food deserves it!
If you are looking for a lunch place and also you enjoy Italian food, we visited Scaddabush and had a charming and also fulfilling dinner there. Their food selection provides pastas, steaks as well as salads, so everybody discovers something they such as. We went for meatball pastas as well as penne pasta with couple of drinks as well as their signature mozzarella as a starter, as well as it was really tasty.
If you have a sweet tooth like us, we have an incredible area to show to you! Nadege Patisserie is a bakery/ice lotion shop situated right beside the Trinity Bellwoods park where you can get an ice cream in a homemade waffle or macarons or gelato with the macarons on it (yes, it is possible!) as well as go appreciate the day in a park.
Where would you suggest tourists stay when going to?
The benefit of remaining near to the city center is that you do not require to utilize any kind of sort of transport; rather you walk. If you select either Style, Entertainment, Financial Districts or Waterfront, every little thing ought to be reachable within maximum twenty minutes of strolling. Concerning holiday accommodation, we used Airbnb to rent a home, but I am pretty sure you can locate plenty of cellar homes, which are really typical, hostels or personal rooms.
What are one of the most photo-worthy or Instagrammable spots? Any type of fantastic hunts or otherwise photogenic places?
There are many places that are worth an appearance, however if you are truly searching for a wonderful shot of the city, I certainly recommend the sight of the city from the Central Toronto Island. It is an excellent opportunity to record all the essential features in one picture just as I did.
One more place I would visit once more is the Style District with numerous art/street art paints on the wall surfaces! One of the most well-known ones was actually right behind the building we lived in, the painting of Kate Moss.
Seems stunning! Any type of must-see museums or monoliths?
Standing at 553 metres, the CN Tower is a trademark symbol of Toronto as well as most definitely a monolith to appreciate! Either you select to just check it out from the outdoors, or you have the courage to climb and have supper overhead or attempt the EdgeWalk!
Furthermore, another essential attraction that is definitely worth a see is the Royal Ontario Gallery or ROM for brief. It has a wide variety of exhibitions from virtually every society as well as time period. It even has numerous interactive areas that are kid-friendly as well if you are taking a trip with your household.
What suggestions do you have for travelers looking to avoid the crowds?
We entirely advise walking the quieter backstreet rather than the major one. Additionally, it is much better to plan your journey as well as check out during functioning days, as it obtains a bit more crowded throughout the weekend, mostly in the museums as well as such.
What should visitors know about transport around the city?
Transportation in the city provides a selection to pick from. If you are not on a spending plan and choose to pass by car, Uber is a great pick for a longer drives. Yet while in the city, you can take a trip on a tram or use the metro. Another excellent option is to rent out a bike; rental places can be discovered all across the city. It's a great means of transport and enjoyable activity at the same time. Another transportation utilized is a ferryboat, which takes you to the islands and back.
Any other favorites in Toronto?
If you are traveling with youngsters or you just enjoy pets, you certainly need to visit Ripley's Fish tank! Found right under the CN Tower, it's a fun location with not only fish, sharks or jellyfish however with interactive presentations as well as panels to play. You can discover and explore the underwater life from throughout the world as well as the Canadian ones. You can touch a few of the fish in the end, go through the shark tunnel, have a treat while viewing the aquariums or acquire some mementos in the memento patronize the exit.
The post “ Falling in Love with Toronto: Insider Tips & Tricks for Your Next Visit “ was seen first on Venga, Vale, Vamos
Intravenous Hydration Clinic Toronto Ontario - Dr. Amauri Wellness Centre - Dr. Amauri Caversan, ND
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For Django
“Every love story is beautiful, but ours is my favourite”
I wasn’t going to write this blog, and deleted several versions before finally writing this one to share. I felt compelled to do so for anyone who may have lost their best friend, their soul mate, their everything. I hope that just by knowing you are not alone in such feelings of loss can be a source of comfort in some way, as I know Django always sought to provide comfort when he sensed sadness. I also wanted to use this opportunity to thank everyone who has shown so much kindness since Django passed away – your words of sympathy and support, and the time you have taken to share your stories of loss and healing, have meant so much to me…
Django will forever be my greatest love story. It was love at first sight and as soon as I met him, I knew life would never be the same again! He was rescued from a dog meat farm just outside Seoul in South Korea in 2013, where he had been living the most pitiful existence – the same life that millions of dogs endure on dog meat farms still toady in South Korea. His value in Korea was measured on scales…
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But as soon as he came to live with me and my family, we knew he was the most precious soul we could ever imagine or have dreamt up! He was weak after being born and surviving months in a cage, and he struggled to keep up with our other dogs charging along the beach, even though he was only a puppy. But, he quickly gained his strength and he was unstoppable! He thought everything about life was great! And his joy for anything and everything was totally contagious! His big tosa grin was like magic and I always told him I loved him “too much” and that one day my heart would explode! Yet every day I some how loved him even more!
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Over the years we had together, I was travelling quite a lot for work. Endless visits to dog meat markets, farms and slaughterhouses in South Korea, Vietnam and Indonesia. And I would come home and weep for all the suffering I had left behind. Django was always waiting for me when I came back and coming back to him was coming home. He would lie with me and let me sob into his beautiful soft fur, never pulling away or judging. He was my most amazing therapist and source of courage…
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And after letting myself feel down for a day – feeling totally overwhelmed by sadness and frustration – I would look at him and say out loud, “OK, Django... Let’s get back to work...” And he would smile at me and we would do just that! He was never more than a touch away…
“Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage” – Lao Tzu
Django lived a life of absolute adoration with me and my family. We never took him for granted even for a second, and we always knew how lucky we were to have this most beautiful boy in our lives, home, family and hearts.
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In April 2018, out of nowhere, he developed a lump on his front wrist. I thought he must have twisted it or been stung by something on one of our walks. I took a photo and sent it to my vet friend who told me to get it checked out as soon as possible. Her tone made me nervous and I started googling…
The words “cancer”, “amputation” and “life expectancy” flashed up on my screen and my heart sank and I could feel a huge knot in my stomach. It was 11 pm and we put him in the car and went to a 24 hour veterinary clinic. They took x-rays and did tests, and then, very bluntly, the vet told us Django had an aggressive form of bone cancer – osteosarcoma – and there was nothing that could be done and we should take him home to die.
The world caved in around me and I felt totally crushed. Living in Bali, it is not always easy to get good or specialised vet care. But there was no way we were going to let cancer win! I was going to fight for him with everything I had… fighting for his life was the same as fighting for my own…
“One day you will ask me which is more important? My life or yours? I will say mine and you will walk away not knowing you are my life” – Kahalil Gibran
Fortunately, I have an amazing network of friends and colleagues, and together we found a vet clinic who could do Django’s amputation surgery and another who would find a way of getting the chemo drugs he needed to Bali.
Meanwhile, without me even knowing about it, a dear friend had set up a fundraising page to help cover the costs of his amputation and chemotherapy, and I was blown away to see that people from all around the world – most of whom neither I nor Django had ever met – had donated to help save our Django.
I was so overwhelmed by people’s kindness; and knowing people all around the world were rooting for him and sending the most beautiful messages of support was such a great source of comfort and strength.
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And Django did it! He learned to live life on three legs, he took chemo in his stride, and his follow up x-rays and tests all looked good! I decided the statistics of survival rates of “up to 12 months even with amputation and chemotherapy” didn’t apply to Django, because they hadn’t considered the power of love! And we had enough of that for him to live forever!
Amazing friends sent us tailor-made wheels from the US and we even had a visitor from the UK to try to make him an artificial leg so that Django could keep doing what he did best – living and loving life!
And we had an amazing 13 months after the chemo…
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But then, bit by bit he started to show signs of pain… and what had started as random yelps of discomfort, developed into long periods of inconsolable discomfort  and awful vocalisations that would tear through me…
We did tests and x-rays, tried every medication and pain management plan we could to try to keep him comfortable and happy. But eventually the drugs stopped working and my boy was suffering.
His life become one of pain, no matter how hard I tried, with only brief intermittent moments of reprieve. I knew I was losing him. And, after months of trying anything and everything, I knew it was time to let him go.
I couldn’t keep him even though I wanted to more than anything, because keeping him meant him suffering.  I arranged for the vet to come at 10 am on the 22nd August. I didn’t sleep at all on the night of the 21st and Django lay next to me, restless but better than other nights. He had as much ice cream and cheese as he wanted and I told him over and over again how loved he was.
The following morning, I asked him if maybe he could stay with me for just one more day; and he looked at me and begged me to let him go. He was so, so tired and needed peace. His muzzle had been turning grey and his eyes were so tired... He had had enough and couldn’t go on no matter how hard he had been trying. I now understand why people say, “rest in peace”… He died in my arms surrounded by love. At peace.
And I and my family took on his pain and the only comfort was that he didn’t have to. It was the most excruciatingly agonising experience of my life losing Django. I felt – and still feel – like I lost so much of who I am and totally lost without him. He is such an indelible part of me, all that I do, all that I fight for, all that I am. I don’t know who I am without him… but I am trying to find my way…
I could go on about how unbearable the loss was and still is to me and my family, but that isn’t the purpose of this blog and Django never dwelled on his pain or the bad hand he had been dealt. Rather, this blog is written with the aim of celebrating Django, the depth of love humans and animals can share, and the kindness of people who you have never met but feel like family…
What was so touching after Django’s passing, was the outpouring of support and words of comfort from so many people around the world. So many people took the time to reach out to me to share their stories of loss and how they had found ways of soothing the pain. I also heard beautiful stories on how their next rescue dogs had saved them from their pits of despair when they thought they would never survive the heartbreak of losing a friend. And kind people told me how Django’s story and updates had been such sources of inspiration and joy.
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And all the while, Django had no idea just how special he was or what he created and inspired just by being him, no matter how many times I told him…
I now look for Django every day – little signs from him so I know he is still with me. On most days, I can find him…
One recent moment took my breath away…
In September, I was walking down a random street In Seoul and a busker was playing his guitar. As I got closer, he started singing the song, “Love of my life” by Queen.  A friend of mine and Django’s had told me this song always made him think of me and Django, and it kind of became mine and Django’s song… So, when that song filled the streets in Seoul, a month after Django’s passing, not so far from where his life began in a barren cage on a dog meat farm, I couldn’t help but believe it was a sign from my boy, wherever he is... Django always had a great sense of humour!
So, in Django’s honour, I will never give up on the promise I made him – because a promise is a promise – that I will never give up until all dogs are cherished and valued just for being them… and that never again will dogs suffer on farms or in markets and slaughterhouses.
As hard as it feels at times, I trust that eventually the ground will settle a little and that in time, I will just feel gratitude for having had him in my life, without all the sadness and grief I feel now.
Time was never on our side and I just wish the universe could have let him stay a little longer because the world certainly was a better and more fun place with him in it. I would love nothing more to relive every second I spent with Django all over again…
A kind friend sent me these beautiful words of comfort that I will end this blog with…
“I know that for the likes of us there is no ease for the heart to be had from words or reason and that in the very assurance of sorrow’s fading there is more sorrow. So, I offer you only my deeply affectionate and compassionate thoughts and wish for you only that the strange thing may never fail you, whatever it is, that gives us the strength to live on and on with our wounds” - Playwright Samuel Beckett to his friend after his father’s passing.
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forwyk · 7 years
Tagged by @markleesgiggle - thank u for tagging me lad ❤️ we gotta talk more!!!
Rules: Answers these 92 statements and tag 20 people
1. Drink: coke
2. Phone Call: the local chinese to order my sister her dinner
3. Text message: my friend talking to me about this thing I applied to nd helping me word my reply
4. Song you listened to: Pırlanta - Demet Akalın // HONESTLY LADS THIS IS SUCH A BOP
5. Time you cried: like,, so much this week bc I miss a big part of my family. More specifically tho, this morning nd for the same reason
6. Dated someone twice: lads I haven't even went out w someone once
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: nopeee. But I have dodged a kiss nd regretted it?
8. Been cheated on: nah m8
9. Lost someone special: yup
10. Been depressed: don't think so
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: the most I've ever gotten is tipsy so nope, no throwing up
12-14. blue, black and white (but not blue nd black together no thank u)
15. Made new friends: new acquaintances I guess? but not really friend-friends. online though @taestyhoe​
16. Fallen out of love: nah
17. Laughed until you cried: yes omw the other day my sister chocked on her ice cream out of nowhere nd the noise was so funny 😂😂😂🙈 I laughed so much I ended up crying nd winding myself :') but seriously, I've laughed so much these past 2 weeks :'))
18. Found out someone was talking about you: boi have I omw, ngl it hurt like heck but what can u do
19. Met someone who changed you: mhm
20. Found out who your friends are: yup, it wasn't a v nice time nd I'm still not completely over it but I know who I can definitely depend on now, nd hopefully they know that they can depend on me too
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: nearly
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: all
23. Do you have any pets: a wee pupper
24. Do you want to change your name: not really but I also really like the spelling "Zehra" over "Zahra" so
25. What did you do for your last Birthday: had some friends over
26. What time did you wake up: around 9ish
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: I think I was resting, either that or watching CBB
28. Name something you can’t wait for: to see the other half of my family again
29. When was the last time you saw your mom: a wee minute ago
30. What is the one thing you wish you could change in your life: my health status? Like sometimes arthritis just,, it gets in the way nd it's v annoying. I've adjusted a lot but also ?? Plus my hands alongside that just.. they make me frustrated esp when I can't do what others my age can do smh. Also mental health?? Like I wanna be more ~stable~ than I am or at least have more effective coping mechanisms I guess sorry for all this oversharing whoops
31. What are you listening to right now: nothing
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: yeah
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: my own nerves lmao
34. Most visited website: atm it's prolly google translate bc I've been trying to expand my Turkish vocabulary for talking to my cousins
35. Elementary: done
36. High School: done
37. College: find out soon but I don't wanna think about it
38. Haircolor: mostly brown
39. Long or short hair: sorta longish?
40. Do you have a crush on someone: kinda skdjfuejsnsnd
41. What do you like about yourself: I think I'm a good listener nd I always try to take other people feelings into consideration
42. Piercings: ears
43. Bloodtype: idk
44. Nickname: my surname
45. Relationship status: single
46. ???
47. Pronouns: she/her
48. Favorite TV Show: Chicago Typewriter yooooooo
49. Tattoos: not atm but I'd like a few
50. Right or left: right (handed??)
51. Surgery: I've had a few bc hands, tonsils nd arthritis lmao
52. Piercing: not fussed
53. Sport: haha
54. ???
56. Pair of trainers: converse
57. Eating: nothing
58. Drinking: nothing
59. I’m about to: idk yet, might footer abt nd go over some Turkish or watch tonight's ep of CBB
60. ???
61. Waiting for: results determining if I get into uni or not :)
62. Want: to be able to speak Turkish nd visit my Turkish family more often
63. Get married: yes pls
64. Career: I'd love to go into music journalism
65. Hugs or kisses: hugs but I guess it depends on the situation hehe
66. Lips or eyes: lips
67. Shorter or taller: taller
68. Older or younger: older, but if they’re a wee tad younger than me idm
69. ???
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: stomach
71. Sensitive or loud: both
72. Hook up or relationship: relationship
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: neither
74. Kissed a stranger: nah m8
75. Drank hard liquor: I've had p strong stuff but nah
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: prolly
77. Turned someone down: well, a guy kept trying to say nd do stuff on snapchat but it made me uncomfortable so I ended the convo nd blocked him lmao, idk if this counts???
78. Sex in the first date: no thanku
79. Broken someones heart: doubt it
80. Had your heart broken: idk, don't think so
81. Been arrested: nah
82. Cried when someone died: yup
83. Fallen for a friend: nah
84. Yourself: idk?
85. Miracles: lowkey
86. Love at first sight: nah, like there may be an initial attraction but I don't believe you can love someone without knowing them
87. Santa Claus: I was told on Christmas Eve lol
88. Kiss in the first date: depends on the person
89. Angels: yes
90. Current best friends name: Laura, Hope, Ruth, Jess
91. Eyecolor: brown
92. Favorite movie: I'm not really a movie person but I do enjoy a wee watch of Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging
I tag @taestyhoe @taeyongfireeyes @angel-spices @bowtrckle @helzo-has-a-blog @fangirllingsince1995 @imxjaebeom @twinmoless and @sugadaddytaeyong
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messysuitcaseblog · 5 years
Why We’re in Vermont for the Summer
I thought I’d take a step back and explain why we are suddenly blogging from Vermont instead of Mexico.
Our Vermont History
Friends who knew us when we lived in Mamaroneck, NY (1998-2008) know that during that time, we bought a couple of vacation rental houses in Vermont. We wanted a rural place to escape from the hustle bustle of the NY metro area, and we loved New England, where I lived for much of my childhood.
VT House #1: The Lake House
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The first house we bought was meant to be our retirement home, and we nicknamed it “The Lake House.” It’s a six-bedroom chalet nestled on a wooded three-quarters of an acre across the street from 200-acre Lake Rescue, where we keep a dock with boats. The kids and I would escape for half of every summer to decompress in the Green Mountains, go swimming and boating, hike nearby trails, sit around a fire pit making s’mores and singing camp songs, gaze at stars and explore Vermont. We had a Zodiac boat with a motor and used to go tubing. Bob came up for vacation a couple of weeks each summer, and otherwise took Amtrak from NY every Friday for a weekend visit. During the winter, we came up on occasional weekends and some school breaks to ski nearby Okemo. I would XC ski on Lake Rescue.
As soon as the contract was signed on The Lake House, we found ourselves in the vacation rental business, because it came with winter seasonal renters, and that was our plan for paying for it.
VT House #2: The Brook House
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We bought the second house, which we call “The Brook House,” a couple of years later because the real estate market was booming, and it seemed like a good investment. The Brook House is a 120-year-old, five-bedroom former chicken coop that backs to a creek and Tiny Pond Recreation Area, 400 acres of state forest that no one seems to know exists. Echo Lake is less than a quarter-mile away. The yard is big and there’s a little country store across the street.
We dubbed it “The College Fund.” Alas, that real estate “boom” turned out to be a bubble when the market tanked. The region is only now recovering, so we still own both houses, though the Brook is on the market. One rental home is quite enough to manage from a distance!
Two Houses Filled With Love
The houses, especially the Lake House, are an integral part of our family story, especially since we moved to Colorado in the middle of the kids’ childhoods, so this region served as an anchor for their lives. We filled the houses with people we loved whenever we could. Family – grandpa and grandmas, aunts and uncles, siblings and cousins – and friends came up to the lake for summer vacations, year after year, creating so many dear memories.
Our friend Marie Laguerre brought her twins Omar and Kayla to attend Farm & Wilderness Barn Day Camp (eight miles up the road, and extraordinary) with my kids, and lived in the house for two weeks with us. I remember Omie would eat nothing but ramen noodles. Marya and Mickey Carter did the same with kids Spencer the bed at the Brook House (and I was so proud of myself for adding plastic covers to the mattresses that summer before their arrival), is now a brilliant athlete attending Harvard!
Cousin Jeanine Troisi came and learned to ski one year; another summer she ran a hilly 5K race along Echo Lake not long after giving up smoking. I was so proud of her! My brother Mike, sister-in-law Paula and their three kids visited; we rode bikes together around the lake with the smallest kids in kiddie seats. My nephew Jake and I kayaked into the middle of the lake to watch the Perseids Meteor Shower. Our friend Valerie Rasmussen, who has since passed away, came to hike and waterfall jump one summer, and to ski one winter.
My dear friends Mary and Sam Wiley brought live lobsters from Newport, RI, and we watched lawbstah races on the front deck of the Lake House before enjoying scrumptious steamed lobsters. I think of her whenever I see those lobster pots, which we still have, just waiting for her next visit. Mary came back another year and used the Brook House as a base while visiting colleges with her son Henry. Or was it Frank? I remember Lex’s stuffed lamb Buggya Guy disappeared during that visit, somewhere between going to car to leave for the Killington Adventure Zone to enjoy the alpine slide and arriving at the mountain. Forever a mystery.
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(Above - Hiking the Vista Trail at Echo Lake. Below, the view from the top!)
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My cousin Loraine Carapellucci and husband Dave Handley brought their three daughters for a week, and our kids really bonded. I remember we had a merry time on the rope swing of Discovery Island, in the middle of Lake Rescue, giving kids Olympic scores for “poses” before they dropped into the water. Alas, that swing is gone now; the tree from which it hung was brought down in the Great Flood of 2012.
We even hosted a Dominican-American girl from the Bronx named Clarissa Delgado through the Fresh Air Fund, to give her her first nature experience. I remember watching stars with Clarissa, a phenomenal sight for a girl accustomed to bright street lights and no view of the starry sky, and teaching her how to fish. In fact, it seems I spent countless summer hours putting worms on hooks and extricating fish from the same hooks over and over as I taught countless munchkins how to fish off the dock. I failed hopelessly to learn to fly fish, however, despite efforts summer after summer from my friend Eddie Eagan, who was director of the local Chamber of Commerce and taught flyfishing on the side.
I loved running around the lakes, and often woke up early to kayak on the misty lake, alone on 200 acres of calm water save for a couple of loons.
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(Misty morning on Lake Rescue)
So many thousands of wonderful memories! When we moved to Colorado in early 2009, we were saddened to realize our Vermont summers were abruptly over. We took a financial hit from the recession that took years to recover from, and couldn’t afford to fly the family across the country. So the houses became vacation rental businesses that I managed from afar, and Bob and I would go back every couple of years to make improvements and do work on them.
We sort of forgot that the Lake House was originally supposed to be our home.  
Reconnecting with Vermont
But this past November, we went up and stayed in the Brook House for five weeks after Bob retired. We took Bob’s mom and sister Beth, and it snowed a good two or three feet during our stay. Bob and I spent an hour every morning in the hot tub on the back deck sipping mimosas and enjoying the sound of the creek while snowflakes gently played with our hair and ice from 13-degree mornings formed little spikes on his beard. My brother Phil, wife Rose and son Philip came for Thanksgiving, and 2.0 (pronounced 2-point-oh, as we like to call Philip the 2nd) sat in the same highchair my kids had sat in as he dropped his pieces of stuffing on the rug. My niece Catherine and her daughter Audrey also came for a few days, and Aud built a snowman in the yard.
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And suddenly we remembered that these weren’t just vacation rentals. They were our homes! And even though we had left Colorado behind for the traveling life and sort of felt homeless, we weren’t!
Part-Time VT Residents
So we have decided that we will live in Vermont during the summers. The houses give our kids a place to come to from college that feels like home. They can get summer jobs. They can visit their favorite ice cream place (the Ludlow Coffee Company, formerly Scoops) and eat at their favorite pizza joint (Goodman’s American Pie). They can feel anchored.
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(Seward’s in nearby Rutland is another favorite ice cream joint.)
We are working hard, though. Because we are trying to sell the Brook House, Bob and I are spending long hours making improvements – painting the house and some doors, pulling up a rug and refinishing a floor, planting grass and landscaping, buying furniture, and hiring and overseeing workmen. But we’re also going for long bike rides on scenic Route 100, a refreshing opportunity after the challenge of riding in Mexico. We’re hiking the Long/Appalachian Trail, enjoying our favorite ice cream places, trying to visit every bar in the Okemo Valley. We’re running and doing yoga and lifting weights, and hanging out on the Tyson Store chatting with neighbors.
Come October, we will head back south of the border and explore Mexico for the next 9 months. But when Lex gets done with their first year at Champlain College in May, we’ll return to the Green Mountain State and move back into The Lake House for the summer. (Hopefully, the Brook House will be sold and college paid for with the proceeds!)
I relish the opportunity to enjoy the region and explore the Green Mountain State more, without the burden of juggling full-time work, as I did when my kids were young. I look forward to connecting to the community and making friends. And I urge our family and friends to come visit! Because the Lake House has in fact turned into our summer retirement home. And we want to build more memories!
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protectmarkjin · 8 years
How would you describe each of the got7 ships to someone that is new to the fandom?
jjp = mom and dad of the group, grown up from teenagers to young men together, have a mysterious deep history that gets vagued at sometimes, sometimes I feel like this is the ship w the most conspiracies jfdkslfj, “there’s a difference between being friendly and having a deep relationship”, WHY DID THEY CLOSE THEIR EYES
markjin = soulmates like…. actually bonded thru their souls, trainee best friends who went on ice cream dates, lots of kisses and serenading, always confessing to each other, constantly making the other jealous, “shadow I love you”, even their parents ship each other,  the shoulder/waist theory, no subtlety, choreography partners, kabedon
jackbum = the strongest sexual tension in history, but turn into the Softest Marshmallows w each other, daddy kink confirmed??, “so chic and sexy!”, jaebum is the best leader to jackson, jackson the number one jaebum impersonator, “if you don’t find anyone to marry, come find me”
jinson = bffs for life forever nd ever, bicker like a married couple, Jackson is jinyoung’s number 1 hypeman, the meat saga, wang puppy park puppy, re-enacted DOTS and titanic so perfect romantic leads, “the relationship between jinyoungie and I is a deep one”
2jae = jaebum took youngjae under his wing, were roommates and jaebum misses him a lot, jaebum even gave his cat away for Youngjae, “jaebum is mine”, han river hand holding date, do i even need to mention,,,, the heartbreaking saga of 1:31am,,,, oh my god,,,
yugbam = sweet lil boyfriends, done everything together since trainee days, “he’ll always be my best friend”, constantly dabbing and whipping and nae naeing together, mischievous maknaes who team up against their hyungs, dance naked together in the dorm, “i really can’t live without you, yugyeom-ah”
markson = mario and luigi but also pikachu and squirtle, “markson or never!”, seem like opposites but actually r similar in lots of ways, have this cute habit of talking to each other in a mix of languages, gaga and markiepooh, “when I met mark we fell in love with each other”
jingyeom = dance line nd tom and jerry couple, always picking fights w each other nd threatening to kill each other, “don’t say nonsense like that” “I’m the hyung! I’m the hyung!”, fdjsklfj but rlly they adore each other, yugyeom was like a hyung to jinyoung during trainee days, “yugyeom, life is acting”
jackbam = big bro/lil bro relationship, always teasing each other nd acting like dorks, jackson dotes on him nd buys him food nd  clothes, went to the army together nd also went to Thailand together, the iconic who’s your mama cover performance fjkdlsjf, “forever my lil bro even though you’re taller than me”, literally bought matching tshirts w jackbam on the back
markjae = coco’s loving parents, mark always supporting and encouraging youngjae’s English, “mark hyung, isn’t there a place you’d like to visit?” “youngjae’s heart”, flirt a lot on ig and twitter, did a whole vlive of just giving coco a bath, “when you get off the plane, look at this and gain strength oppa”
jaebam = like a dad and son, r just general memes together, when bambam was at his lowest during trainee days he went to jaebum, bambam has nearly died several times doing the jaebum chin impression, he just rlly tries jaebum’s patience jfkdlsjf but jaebum lets him bc he’s so fond of him nd loves him, “you like to touch my neck” “I only do this to you”
jackyeom = jackson is incredibly supportive of yugyeom nd showers him w affection, “i told you before (that u would win hit the stage.) I’ve always said it” “you always believed in me”, yugyeom rlly looks up to nd admires him, jackson couldn’t stop talking abt the hit the stage win he was so proud, “if there was no jackson in our team, our team wouldn’t have been this happy… because of you I have self confidence”
2young = youngjae is literally jinyoung’s baby like he always cuddles him nd helps him whether its when he hurts himself or has indigestion or needs food or cutlery, “jy: rmr that got7 was able to b complete bc of u. to us, youngjae is that special”
jackjae = pure sunshines, jackson likes to pretend youngjae gets on his nerves nd teases him but is actually rlly protective of him nd worries abt him a lot, jackson keeps a pic of an otter on his phone to show ppl the comparison between an otter nd youngjae, “that expression… why do u make my heart race…”,  they do sappy shit like draw hearts on each others’ hands at a fansign, they r in general just rlly soft nd affectionate w each other
markgyeom = tuan yugyeom and kim mark, adopted brothers, went to LA together nd met up w mark’s parents just the 2 of them, “even mark hyung’s parents think of me as their son. my mom thinks the same way”, mukbang partners, just seeing eldest but tiny bb mark cuddled up next to giant maknae yugyeom i cry
youngbam = they literally met w bambam greeting youngjae, who was moving into the dorm as a new trainee, completely naked like… u cannot get better than that, r incredibly silly nd make each other laugh a lot its precious, “even when i say something lame, he still laughs at it” bambam always feel comforted coming back to the dorm late bc he knows youngjae is awake playing computer games
markbam = mark has known bambam since bambam was 12 like,, bambam has known mark for basically all of his teen/young adult life, they switch between being adorable w each other nd being utterly savage to each other lmao, “fan: do you love bambam? mark: yes!”
yugjae = cute nd precious dorks always laughing together, yj made gyeom kiss him on the cheek nd also kissed his hand, backhug each other a lot, went wild at karaoke it was amazing, “i know he will win [hit the stage]. yugyeomie is my number one” “hyung, you’re good too. for me, you’re number one”,
jinbam = bambam is also jinyoung’s baby, jinyoung always brings up how young bambam kissed him on the cheek during trainee days, the epic got7 MC duo, they hold hands a lot, always do aegyo to/with each other,  “we fill up each other’s empty parts”
markbum = the eldest but act like lil nerds like they hi-five their chicken pieces nd shit fjdkslfj, r best friends like ppl literally forget they’ve called each other their best friend??, acted out a bf/gf scenario and jaebum destroyed mark, mark LITERALLY grabbed a handful of jaebum’s ass in the middle of a fansign, jaebum always goes to mark for advice on decisions, “mark, you’re the beauty and spirit of the team. That’s why you’re always the beginning and the end”
yugbum = also like father nd son fjdkslfj, during trainee days yugyeom phoned jaebum when jaebum was working and cried to him bc things were hard, jaebum stuck up for him in front of other trainees, gyeom pranked jaebum like 3 times in a row it was the funniest shit ever but jaebum also “lost his temper” in 2 hidden camera pranks on yugyeom nd yugyeom believed it fjkdslf
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My First
I failed my driving test. 
That was in the fall of 2017, I was a senior in high school. All of my friends were getting their licenses and cars while I was stuck being a passenger. The woman who failed me thought I wasn’t confident enough. Like damn, can’t even be nervous without being penalized these days huh? She failed me for the most ridiculous shit. But that has nothing to do with the story I plan on telling. 
A few weeks before my eighteenth birthday I tried again. This was something I needed to do before I turned 18. Giving up wasn’t an option. There was no way I wanted to retake my written if I didn’t pass before I was considered a legal adult. The guy who tested me this time? He was fine as hell and now that I think about it, I was supposed to text him when I turned eighteen. I lost his number, sadly. But that also has nothing to do with the story. I want to tell you the story about the first guy I-
-’ve always been cheap. I was ten when my aunt was going to get a new car. I convinced her to save her old car for me so that when I started driving I wouldn’t have to buy a car. By the end of the summer of 2017, my grandpa fixed up the old car and I was all good to go. Free to go wherever I wanted. I no longer had to wait around for people, waste money on lyfts or walk. So naturally, I took myself on adventures. 
One night, against my better judgement. I lied to my mom and said I was going to hang out with my friends. If I would have told her what I was really going to do, she would’ve gone into over protective mode and I didn’t want that. I just wanted some time to myself. I drove over the bridge and into Philly. Not for a concert or any other event. I just wanted some me time. I parked my car. Got oreo ice cream and sugar cookies from Insomnia Cookies and walked around the city. 
Not going to lie and say I knew exactly where I was at all times. I wasn’t even guaranteed that I was safe, I wasn’t focused on my surroundings. All I know is I was somewhere around Broad Street, because that’s where Insomnia Cookies was located. I came across this huge, gorgeous building, I’m not very good at names. Everything was lit up and there was art on the sides of some of the buildings surrounding it. There was even a fountain in front of it all. The scene just looked so beautiful. I walked across the street, hopped up on a ledge and just took it all in. It felt serene, even with so many people flooding the sidewalks. I sat and continued eating my snacks, I was enjoying clearing my head. Until someone interrupted me that is… 
“Hey.” I looked up to see a cute guy. There were a few girls not too far from me talking. It was the beginning of August, late at night but still pushing eighty degrees. Of course they were clad in clothes that left nothing to the imagination. I figured he was talking to them. Guys like the ones who look easy. He couldn’t have been talking to me. So I went back to dipping my cookie into my ice cream and admiring the scenery. I didn’t really acknowledge the fact that he moved a little closer to me. He said hey again and I finally looked up at him directly, before looking around. He laughed a little. “I don’t blame you for being that into ya snacks. I love their shit. But I’ve been trying to get your attention for a minute.” Yep, he’s definitely talking to me. I was confused as to why though. I get hit on by guys pretty often, I know I’m not ugly but with him talking to me, I felt extremely insecure. Suddenly I wished that I had dressed a little better. I looked like a child for fucks sakes. I was wearing a gold fish shirt, black tights, a hat that said “Hoodrats” and Chucks. I was even swinging my legs off the ledge, eating ice cream! 
He introduced himself as Dey. I wanted to know the name his mom gave him so I asked him for his full name. Ayinde. Pronounced Uh-zhen-day. Unique. It has African origins. He told me that my name was almost as pretty as I was. If I were white, I definitely would have blushed. I didn’t understand why he made me feel so shy. 
 I learned that he was mixed with Irish, Haitian and Cuban. Interesting mix, I know. Despite his slight baby face, he turned out to be 20. He was tall, about 6’1. He had taken his hat off to redo his ponytail, he tied his curly, brown hair back into a man bun. He was light skinned with a slight tan. Doe brown eyes paired with the cutest smile. He was dressed in all black, I would’ve been a little concerned if it weren’t for the logo on his hat. I could see a tattoo peeking out from under his short sleeved shirt. Just my type. 
I was tired of the small talk and beating around the bush. “Why’d you come over here to talk to me?” Instead of replying, the douche just smiled and then hopped up on the ledge next to me. It was weird. I was supposed to be having me time, if any other guy did this I would’ve been rude. I wouldn’t have given them the time of day. I wasn’t even afraid, Ayinde strangely made me feel safe. Something was telling me to give him a chance, instead of shutting him down. 
“Well, I was on break, I work across the street.” He points to a small cafe. “I saw you walk by and… I don’t know I thought you were beautiful. Now that I’ve gotten closer, it seems so effortless. No make up and you’re not even dressed up.”
Shit, I have no clue what to say to this. He’s been nice and respectful. “Thank you.” Well, that was lame but it was safe. We talked more before he had to go back to work. He was funny as hell, we both had the same rude, dark, sarcastic humor. He complimented me pretty often and he seemed kind of bummed that he had to leave once his break was over. 
“Why don’t you grow some balls and just ask me what you wanna ask me.” I thought to myself, I should be a fucking actress. I’m great at faking confidence. 
He laughed and just smiled at me for a second. “Well, I would like to get to know you more. Can I get your number?” 
You know when you give someone your number, you almost expect them to wait days or weeks to text you. Surprisingly, Ayinde texted me that night. 
AYINDE: hey beautiful, u get home safely?
ME: Oh shit, I see u found ur balls! 
AYINDE: lol yea yea yea. I know I was acting like a pussy earlier but that’s not how I usually am
AYINDE: FT me? I haven’t seen u since we met punk
ME: No I look crazy rn 
AYINDE: Is tht even possible? I think you’re cute af
ME: aww thanks but everyone’s entitled to their own insecurities
AYINDE: Ig but that’s y u need me 
ME: wym?
AYINDE: to take away your insecurities
ME: Doubt that’s possible 
AYINDE: try me
ME: entertain meee! I’m bored, stuck at my great grandma’s house :(
AYINDE: I literally just woke up, still in bed
ME: Luckyyy, my head’s fucking killing me
AYINDE: wish I could help
ME: me too lol do u have superpowers? 
AYINDE: no, do u?
ME: Nah I’m not tht awesome 
AYINDE: I think ur pretty awesome
Ayinde and I got closer over the next month. We hadn’t actually seen each other after the first time we met. He worked crazy hours and still had school. I worked everyday and had school as well. Plus, I wasn’t completely comfortable meeting up with a guy I didn’t really know. He understood that. He always made sure I was comfortable before we did anything. He eventually convinced me to facetime him… a lot... and when we didn’t he acted like a big baby.
ME: u happy now?
AYINDE: lol no
ME: y not -_-
AYINDE: I got nothing pretty to look at now
ME: whose fault it tht?
AYINDE: idk. Do u kno?
ME: Lol yea ik
AYINDE: tell me 
ME: yours :P
AYINDE: well if u came over we wouldn’t have this problem
I was a very late bloomer. I knew freshmen girls who got pregnant, meanwhile I hadn’t had my first kiss until I was 16. I didn’t start dating until 17. I was a fresh 18 and I was still a virgin. I waited a while to tell him because I liked him and didn’t want to scare him off. But he surprised me, I learned that he wasn’t like other guys. Most guys only want you for one thing. And that’s to get them off. Not all are gonna be lovey dovey when you’re not putting out. 
ME: I hate being a girl. I think my uterus just exlpoded. Im dying
AYINDE: Aww u can’t die yet, I havent taken u out yet
ME: wut do u want from meee
AYINDE: I told u what I want 
ME: hmmmm
AYINDE: i didnt? 
ME: u could have an ulterior motive
AYINDE: lol what? Ayo y cant I just think ur gorgeous and want to get to kno u, find out who u r
He was very protective of me. Anytime I even looked a tiny bit sad or sounded off, he was ready to beat someone up for me. 
AYINDE: ur awake? 
ME: Yea just woke up on some bs 
AYINDE: u good?
ME: yea im ok lol
AYINDE: u sure? I’ll fuck someone up
ME: lol yea im good now
And as the oldest, always looking out for my little brothers and my friends. It felt good to have someone looking out for me for a change. 
ME: I move into college tmw nd I aint pack shit yet
AYINDE: ur bugging
ME: Pack 4 me?
AYINDE: lol ill pass
ME: my back hurts like all hell, some of this shit is heavy
AYINDE: what u carrying…?
ME: 4 one, I hav a lot of clothes, they add up nd I had to take em downstairs
AYINDE: lol whoakay wittle wone
ME: fuck u, this shit weighs more than me! I almost fell down the stairs!
AYINDE: thts cuz ur like 87 lbs
ME: Aye! Give me my props, im like 120
AYINDE: lol i see u killa
I fucking loved when he called me that, made me feel invincible. 
Despite how it seems this isn’t a love story. This isn’t a memoir about me finding my first love. Bleh. That’s so sappy. I want to tell you about the first time I stepped out of my comfort zone. You’ve experienced a snippet of our relationship. Ayinde and I were never together. We were just people who met at the wrong time. Had too much going on in our separate lives to focus on developing a relationship. But it didn’t stop us from pursuing the unique friendship we had. For years we maintained contact, I’d visit him pretty often but we always kept our distance when it came to personal things. We used each other as escapes from our realities. We were each other’s vacation after a long week. 
One night we were hanging out and things got more heated than they usually did. I wasn’t prepared to take the next step with anyone. No worries, I’m not about to make you uncomfortable and talk about how I lost my virginity because that isn’t the point. Before I say anything, I did have a great childhood. But some things did leave me scarred, I struggled with intimacy as a result. To make a long story short, it makes me self conscious, not something I’ll flaunt for the whole world to see. 
I’m the type of girl who will wait until the bathroom is empty to change my pad or start going to the bathroom. If it’s too busy, I’ll wait all day until I go home. In the locker room, I’d find the farthest corner or wait until all the girls leave to change my clothes. I’m not comfortable being alone around men. I used to clench my pocket knife in my hand when I walked home alone at night. The list goes on. 
The point of this memoir is to tell about the first time I felt completely comfortable in my own skin. Let alone, around a guy. 
They were everywhere. Trailing from my neck and back up against mine. His lips were distracting. I could barely focus. Let alone notice that the both of us were wearing less and less clothing by the minute. I stopped. 
I wouldn’t be able to handle him not liking what he saw. What if I did a bad job? What if he stopped talking to me?
“Do you want me to stop?” Ayinde pulled back from me looking concerned. He looks so cute right now. I kind of wanted to pick up where we left off. 
“Ye-No. It’s just, can you turn the lights completely down?” He liked his room dim, not too bright or dark. It was normally perfect but at that moment, they were making this situation turn into a nightmare.
“Um, why? What’s wrong?” He’s still hovering above me. I didn’t really want him to move. I bit my lip, contemplating. 
“Just don’t look at me any differently. Okay?” I pulled him down by the back of his neck and kissed him hard. Hoping that my issues with myself wouldn’t be a big deal, I’ve never gone this far with anyone. 
When the time came. I held my breath. Okay, I see my pants on the floor near the dresser. My shirt is near the door. I was locating my clothing so that I’d be able to leave quicker. I’m not really one to feel embarrassed but this was going to be borderline humiliating if I wasn’t enough for him. This reminded me of how I felt when I failed my driving test, but I wanted to do this with Ayinde. I didn’t want to quit just because I hadn’t grown the balls to show anyone else. I didn’t want to miss out because I was nervous as to what he might think. I had to at least give him a chance. 
What Ayinde did shocked me. Instead of being grossed out or losing his hard on. He didn’t ask any questions, he didn’t say anything. He kissed every part of my body and when he was done he leaned down to kiss my lips. I was worried, about him seeing all of me, for no reason. He wound up giving me the confidence I needed to be comfortable in my own skin. He told me what I needed to hear from a guy that I was into, not my parents: 
“You’re beautiful.”
And just like that... I didn’t have anymore insecurities. 
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jeremystrele · 7 years
Flinders and Surrounds with Eve Wilson
Flinders and Surrounds with Eve Wilson
Eve Wilson
Our Flinders and surrounds tour guide, photographer Eve Wilson, pictured at the Flinders’ foreshore. Photo – courtesy of Eve Wilson.
My parents moved to Flinders in the 70s, seeking a quiet beach-side lifestyle. My Dad went on to open a surf shop, Balin, with friends, and my Mum worked at the local school camp. It was a pretty idyllic place to grow up; we really felt like we had the run of the town, exploring the creeks, beaches and paddocks on a regular basis. It was a tiny town in the 80s, and only a handful of kids were around the same age as me, so we were all friends and spent weekends riding from one house to the other. We’d pick blackberries in summer and sell them to the local restaurant, then spend the earnings on lollies at the general store!
Nowadays, I try and get down to Flinders as often as possible. My family are still there, and now that I am living in the inner city, that’s where I go when I feel that I need to get some country air and slow down every once in a while. I also want to give my daughter the opportunity to enjoy the country, go to the beach and just get dirty!
I am sure that time slows down to at least half-speed as soon as you pass Red Hill, and I always feel instantly relaxed as soon as we arrive in Flinders. You can get a bit of everything here – amazing local food and wine, rolling hills, beautiful beaches – all within a few kilometres.
This time of year, I’m alway stopping for big tubs of cherries at Red Hill Cherry Farm (or a close second: strawberries and the strawberry ice cream from Sunnyridge Strawberry Farm) en route. Of non-edible pickings, there’s also garden blooms from the Main Ridge Rose Farm. Of course, you can’t beat summer snorkelling at the Flinders Back Beach, and at low tide you’re almost always guaranteed to see a stingray, and also get a chance to walk out on the rocks at mushroom reef. Showing my daughter the crabs and sea life that I used to hunt for as a child here is pretty special. In autumn, the wineries are beautiful, with the vines all yellow and red, plus it’s not too hot nor cold to be sitting outside and enjoying a glass (or two). Even in winter, the area has its charms. We often take the dog on walks along the dog beach, then it’s home to sit by the cosy fire. Although it can get a lot busier than it used to be, Flinders still manages to feel small and remote most of the time.
I love the memories that each place holds for me and while shooting this story, I had the chance to have lovely conversations with new and old friends. These chats always led back to a connection with my family, friends and my husband – it’s such a nice community and everyone is connected in some way. Ahhh… it really tugged at my heart strings, pulling me back. Maybe one day!
Inside Cook & Norman Trattoria in Flinders. Photo – Eve Wilson.
Eve’s order at the trattoria: Scallop Risi e Bisi. Photo – Eve Wilson.
The owners, Rowan (also the head chef) and Janine, are lovely and it’s a friendly place to have dinner. Photo – Eve Wilson.
EATERY • Cook & Norman Trattoria
The building that houses this amazing restaurant has a history for me, although from before I was even born. My Dad and his business partner operated their surf shop, Balin, from here in the 70s!
Flinders is a bit of a sleepy town in terms of night-life, and new restaurants don’t pop up very often so it’s nice to see a something like Cook & Norman settle in. The owners, Rowan (also the head chef) and Janine, are lovely and it’s a friendly place to have dinner. The pasta here is always great, and on my recent visit I sampled the Scallop Risi e Bisi (rice with peas), which is a traditional dish of Veneto, the region from which Janine’s family hails – it’s a must-try!
These guys also run an adjoining café, Sirollena, which is open on weekends and has the best pastries and cakes, all made in-house. I’ll always find a way to get something sweet there when I’m in town.
1/52 Cook St, Flinders VIC 3929 Closed Mondays and Tuesdays
The gardens at Montalto Vineyard and Olive Grove. Photo – Eve Wilson.
A quiet spot at Montalto vineyard. Photo – Eve Wilson.
Montalto Picnic and Sculpture Garden. Photo – Eve Wilson.
Montalto Picnic and Sculpture Garden. Photo – Eve Wilson.
Montalto Picnic and Sculpture Garden. Photo – Eve Wilson.
 EXPERIENCE • Montalto Vineyard and Olive Grove
I have been enjoying Montalto for years. This usually includes sitting out in the piazza with friends and a few bottles of wine, enjoying the vegetable garden and views of the wonderful sculpture gardens.
They also offer beautiful picnics, and have gorgeous tables overlooking different parts of the winery. Stop buy the cellar door to grab a bottle of wine and wander through the sculptures to your secluded table!
33 Red Hill-Shoreham Rd, Red Hill South VIC 3937
Merricks General Wine Store. Photo – Eve Wilson.
Merricks General Wine Store. Photo – Eve Wilson.
Merricks General Wine Store. Photo – Eve Wilson.
 COFFEE • Merricks General Wine Store
I really like that The Merricks General Wine Store still reminds me of the original general store. My favourite things about this place would have to be the little coffee window and the attached gallery, showcasing local and Australian artists. There’s always something on, from Mirka Mora to local Peninsula artists.
When I was visiting they had an exhibition by a young local artists Baden Croft and Jess Milne. Baden’s large, textured oil paintings really caught my eye.
In summer, it’s so nice to sit amongst the big trees and green vines. I’m mainly there for the coffee!! But the food is also lovely, as are all the staff.
3460 Frankston-Flinders Rd, Merricks VIC 3916
Doot Doot Doot restaurant with it’s jaw-dropping 10,000 globe chandelier, at Jackalope Hotel. Photo – Eve Wilson.
Jackalope Hotel. Photo – Eve Wilson.
The view from the vineyard-facing rooms at Jackalope Hotel. Photo – Eve Wilson.
On the terrace at Jackalope Hotel. Photo – Eve Wilson.
The Vineyard room at Jackalope Hotel. Photo – Eve Wilson.
The incredible grounds of Jackalope Hotel. Photo – Eve Wilson.
STAY • Jackalope Hotel
Jackalope is the perfect luxury getaway. My husband Jonny and I got married here in 2010, when it was Willow Creek Winery, so coming back was a real treat. It’s changed a lot, but it still has the old charm that we loved.
The interiors are spectacular (especially THAT expansive chandelier in the restaurant, Doot Doot Doot) and the renovated homestead now hosts the bar, which is a great touch.
I also love the fact that if you didn’t want to, you’d have no need to leave while staying here; from your room to a drink at the bar then dinner at Doot Doot Doot, it’s the total package.
I recommend running the giant Japanese bath half way through your meal (it takes 45mins), so that it’s ready when you get back to your room. The bath salts are even scented with grapes from the vineyard!
If you do decide to take a drive down the road, you’ve got an abundance of wineries, beaches and cafes close by to enjoy.
166 Balnarring Rd, Merricks North VIC 3926
Michael ‘Harry’ Harris sells mussels at Flinders Pier. Photo – Eve Wilson.
Mussels at Flinders Pier. Photo – Eve Wilson.
Mussels at Flinders Pier. Photo – Eve Wilson.
Mussels at Flinders Pier. Photo – Eve Wilson.
Mussels at Flinders Pier. Photo – Eve Wilson.
SAMPLE • Mussels at Flinders Pier
Michael ‘Harry’ Harris has been around for as long as I can remember; my Dad had a mussel plot that Harry tended to for a long time. He supplies many of the great restaurants on the Peninsula, but best of all, he’s at the Flinders Pier every summer selling mussels straight from his boat. You can’t get much fresher than that! Pop down to the pier for a snorkel or to jump off it, then take home some fresh mussels for dinner.
These days you can get them, cooked by the man himself, from his mussel truck Conchilla, which operates from the carpark at the end of the pier in the summer months. There’s no need for getting your hands dirty!
The Esplanade, Flinders VIC 3929
Bushranger’s Bay Walk. Photo – Eve Wilson.
Bushranger’s Bay Walk. Photo – Eve Wilson.
Bushranger’s Bay Walk. Photo – Eve Wilson.
 ACTIVITY • Bushranger’s Bay Walk
A spectacular walk to hidden landscape gems, this is my 2nd favourite spot along the area’s coast line (the first I’m sorry I’m not allowed to share).
You start inland and walk along a tea tree-lined path and then, before long, that coastal views open up and the bay is right beneath you! It’s the perfect mix between green, rolling hills and wild, ocean views.
From Cape Schanck to Flinders, there are stunning rugged cliffs and small beaches, some of which are only rocks. It’s wild and not really the best swimming destination, which means it doesn’t get over-crowded, even in summer – making for a very peaceful walk. A stroll along the edge of the tide line can reveal lots of washed up treasures, like sea urchin shells, shark eggs and ever cowrie shells if you’re lucky. *All just for looking at, please don’t remove them from the beach*
The best time to go is at sunrise in summer, it’s early, but you’re well and truly rewarded with a cool walk, dappled light and lots of wild life – kangaroos cross the track every morning and evening so you very likely to meet a few along the way!
Cape Schanck Lighthouse, 20 Cape Schanck Rd, Cape Schanck, 3939.
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