#like why would i have 'too much' crap on my desk in the first place?
roxytonic · 1 year
while i'm here should i get a Tamagotchi? i'm a total zoomer but i love the aesthetic and conceptual simplicity of it
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animementrash · 11 days
Levi secretly loves cuddling you. Whenever you come to his office with those sleepy eyes and pouty lips asking if he’s “too busy” he knows it’s your bedtime and you’re trying to find a way to ask him to come along and lay in bed with you. He always tries to not give in at the first try, in part because he’s ashamed about how willingly he is to drop everything and go cuddle with you but also because he doesn’t want you to find out how much power you have over him; So, whenever you go ask him to cuddle for a bit it usually goes like this:
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It’s well past midnight, the gentle flicker of the candle next to him and the sound of his pen gliding across the paper is the only thing that he can hear, that’s of course until he hears the now so familiar steps coming towards his door.
“Come in.” He speaks without even looking up his papers, he knows it’s you, it would be foolish of him to mistake those steps with anyone else’s.
“Hey. You’re still working?” You speak softly once you close the door behind you. “Ah, there it is… finally.” Thinks Levi to himself and looks up to face you; a wave of tenderness washes over him whenever he sees you, you make him so weak, so damn vulnerable.
“Yeah. Erwin wants me to sign all these papers by tomorrow morning. The asshole thinks I’m a printer or something…” He replies, his voice mocking his usual annoyed tone but it’s somehow softer and with less bite whenever he speaks to you.
“Why? Need help with something?” He knows damn well why you’re there, in fact, he was hoping you’d come over and try to take him away from this mountain of documents before he lost his mind. All he was thinking about now was being wrapped in those soft bedcovers you got from one of your trips to Stohess, his arms wrapped tightly around you and your soft hair tickling his nose as he nuzzled into your neck.
“No, well. I was just thinking that it’d be nice if you came to sleep with me tonight… but I see you’re very busy so…” He sighed heavily, not because he was annoyed by your request but because he couldn’t fathom the idea that you’d believe those stupid papers would be more important to him than you.
“Are you sleeping already?” He asked trying to sound surprised. “I thought you had more paperwork than me…” A chuckle left his lips as he said this and you spoke back almost immediately.
“Yeah, I do but, it’s very late already and that paperwork isn’t due until Friday so…” Your nervous response melted his heart, he was aching to hold you and feel your warmth.
“Oh, I see…” His hand moved quickly across multiple documents, signing stuff he didn’t even bother to read, he just wanted to finish as many as possible before the inevitable outcome of this conversation. “Well, it would be unfair that only you could drop your work like that, wouldn’t it?” His eyes locked with yours as he spoke, a hint of tease on them.
Before you could reply he was already standing up from his chair, his stiff muscles stretching after all those hours spent signing irrelevant papers.
“You still got those fancy night clothes you got for me last month, right?”
“Your pajamas? Yes, I have them in my room. You can change there” You replied happily and grinned at him, his heart did a backflip and he couldn’t help but smile back at you.
“Good, then let’s go. I feel like crap” After blowing out the candle on his desk he walked out of the office with you and locked the door, he was finally going to his happy place.
“Is your body sore? Maybe I could give you a massage before we sleep” You mentioned casually and he felt as if Ymir herself appeared in front of him and blessed him. “Yeah, that’d be nice.” As much as he tried to hide the happiness in his voice, it was obvious how much he loved you and how excited he was to spend another night next to you. And maybe, just maybe, his attempts to not give in “so easily” were a total failure.
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severinapina · 1 month
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No one ———————- ONE SHOT
With her chin resting on her left palm, Shoko Ieiri stared out the window of her office, bored. She’d have to head down to the morgue soon. There weren’t any bodies to deal with this time, but still, what a hassle! If she had known this would be her reward after six years in medical school, she never would have paid that girl to take the test for her.
But here she was. B-o-r-e-d. She started scrolling, looking for something that made sense, but it was all the same crap: pretty faces, perfect bodies, and pristine smiles.
She looked at herself in the mirror. A set of dark circles worthy of a Tim Burton muse. She touched them, trying to remember what her face looked like without them. Her eyes wandered automatically to the drawers of her desk. The first one was filled with important documents. The second held her glass, her whiskey bottle, and her spare pack of cigarettes. The third was the most infamous. And no, it didn’t contain +18 doujinshis of her OTP or the receipt for her Gentleman Studio Sesshomaru figure, but something, in her opinion, worse: remnants of her first big hobby.
She clicked her tongue and looked out the window again. Trees, old buildings, more trees. God, how much of her life had she already spent in this place?
“About seventy percent,” she said to herself, lighting a cigarette. “By all the gods, I’ve turned into Masamichi. How awful.”
She opened the window and took a deep drag from her cigarette. As she exhaled, she saw the idiot in the courtyard with Panda and Maki. He had that smirk that made him look like a smug platypus and was wearing a ridiculous white bandage. She checked the time. What were they doing out there at 11:45 PM? Probably some dumb stunt only that brain-dead head could come up with.
She was about to close the window when she heard it.
“Hey, Shoko! Wait up, I’m coming up!”
“Dammit, thirteen years with him and I still forget he has X-Men senses,” she thought, while spraying some vanilla air freshener.
Satoru kicked open her door, as usual, the big oaf.
“Long time no see! Look what I got for you.”
Gojo tossed around thirty keychains from different cities in Japan onto her desk. Shoko started massaging her temples, showing her stress.
“I don’t even want to imagine what all this junk is.”
Without an invitation, Satoru plopped down in the comfiest chair, which of course, belonged to Shoko.
“Maki and Panda called me rude for not bringing gifts, so I started bringing these.”
“I think what they meant was that you always bring delicious and fancy sweets ONLY for yourself, when you know the custom is to bring something for everyone else.”
“Nah,” Gojo said, picking his nose.
Shoko sighed.
“Fine, I don’t want them.”
“Give them to your boyfriend Ijichi then.”
“HE’S NOT MY BOYFRI…!” The sorceress interrupted herself. She didn’t have the patience to deal with the albino. “What do you want, Gojo?”
“What are you doing here at this hour?”
Shoko walked over, pulled out her whiskey bottle, and tried to move Satoru from her chair, unsuccessfully. Resigned, she flopped down on the sofa.
“Night shift. What I don’t get is what you were doing with the guys at this hour. Though, honestly, I don’t care. I just want to know why you decided to come to my office. I don’t believe for a second that all this junk is for me.”
Satoru propped his feet up on the desk.
“Your third drawer. I’ve been dying to know what’s in it.”
Shoko looked at him, confused and annoyed.
“Have you been snooping through my stuff?”
“Yep. And the third one is the only one I couldn’t open.”
Shoko stood up and threw her glass at him, knowing he’d refuse it.
“That’s why nobody can stand you!”
Satoru started laughing.
“Nanamin likes me.”
“Oh, Gojo, no one’s more delulu than you.”
“You like me too, Shoko.”
Ieiri sat back down. Sure, lately she couldn’t stand him and resented him for how he acted after Haibara’s death, but she still cared about him. How could she not? He had been one of her dearest friends. Along with the other damn guy.
She tossed him the keys to her drawer.
“Look for yourself if you dare.”
Satoru opened it with a satisfied grin, and Shoko swore his face lit up as he pulled out her things: the Polaroid, the digital camera, the analog one, and a box full of photos.
The albino started flipping through them quickly, laughing at some, making disgusted faces at others (probably the ones of Utahime), and sighing at a good number.
You didn’t have to be a Nobel Prize winner in astrophysics to guess which ones made him sigh.
Suddenly, Satoru took off the bandage. He began to examine a series of photos with attention. Shoko watched him, curious.
“What did you find?”
Satoru showed her. In the first one, he was laughing out loud. In the second, Suguru was doing the same. In the third, both of them were laughing.
“I remember the exact moment you took this.”
Spring 2006 had just begun. As usual, the number of curses had increased, and naturally, Suguru and Satoru were very busy. Not only did they have to deal with exorcising them but also planning strategies. They used to do this while walking around the academy. Suguru said it helped him think more clearly and, besides, he could be alone with Satoru without anyone bothering them.
That day, however, things felt strange, a bit heavy. Suguru noticed that Satoru was uncomfortable and very quiet.
“Don’t you have anything to add to our plan?”
The albino shook his head.
“Sure? Not even a thing? Doesn’t it bother you that I’m doing most of the exorcising?”
“No, not at all, and it doesn’t bother me.”
Suguru stopped walking. That was really odd. Satoru kept walking at a fast pace until he realized Geto had fallen behind.
“Hey, Suguru, what’s wrong, idiot?”
Geto felt offended. That was uncalled for.
“What’s wrong with you, moron? You haven’t said anything and you don’t care that I’m doing almost all the exorcising. That’s weird.” Suguru sighed and approached him. He took his shoulder affectionately. “Sorry for calling you a moron, it’s just that I don’t understand you. Are you mad?”
Satoru bit his lip. Yes, his attitude was weird, but he wasn’t mad. Or at least not at Suguru. What was bothering him was deeply related to him, but he didn’t know how to express it. He furrowed his brows and his body tensed.
Noticing his reactions, Suguru came even closer. He caressed his cheek with the back of his hand and then took his chin.
“You can tell me. That’s what I’m here for.”
“No, it’s just... the situation has put me in a bad mood.”
“Do you want me to tell you a joke?” he asked with a smile. “If I make you laugh, you’ll tell me what’s going on. Deal?”
Gojo looked at him incredulously. Suguru didn’t tell jokes. Suguru was into making lists, recounting historical facts no one cared about, and deep philosophical reflections.
“Okay. Deal.”
Puffing up his chest and pointing to the sky with his index finger, he said:
“Why did the scarecrow win an award?”
Gojo looked at him over his glasses.
“Answer, albino.”
“I don’t know. Why?”
Suguru widened his eyes and did a little pose.
“Because he was outstanding in his field!”
Satoru stared at him with his mouth open. He looked at Suguru, who was laughing by himself. That joke was terrible. So terrible it came around full circle. Suddenly, he burst into a loud laugh.
“Please, don’t quit sorcery to become a comedian,” he said, laughing.
Geto shrugged and then kissed his cheek.
“I’m not interested in doing that, unless it’s to make you laugh.”
Gojo took his hand, excited. Suguru was too good to be true. And too good for him.
“I’m angry, Suguru.”
Because…” Gojo took a deep breath. What he was about to say was incredibly difficult for him. “...I’m constantly thinking about you. Listen: all the time. It doesn’t leave me alone, whatever I do, your damn violet eyes, your stupid hair, and your voice come to mind. Your voice is the one that annoys me the most, you know?”
Suguru looked at him, trying to hold back a smile.
“Why, Satoru?”
“There! Right there! You say my name like the fucking Hello Kitty is speaking! It’s so sexy I don’t know what pants to wear!”
Now Geto couldn’t hold back his laughter.
“Satoru, if Hello Kitty seems sexy to you, I think I should call the police.”
Gojo rolled his eyes.
“I meant it’s like a purr, Suguru.”
Geto touched the tip of his nose with his index finger.
“And you? You say Suguru like you want to sweep my name away with a broom.”
“…the fuck does that mean?”
Suguru started laughing.
“I don’t know!” he exclaimed, hugging him.
Gojo started laughing too. He ran his fingers through Suguru’s hair, thinking that Suguru’s love was wonderfully improbable, like a flower blooming in the middle of winter, like a shooting star on a full moon night, like a black swan among a flock of white ones. And definitely, like a dream come true.
“Are you not mad anymore?” Suguru asked, taking his hand and starting to walk. In the distance, Shoko could be seen with her camera.
“You knew I’m not like your Russian authors when it comes to talking about love when you wanted to be my boyfriend, Suguru.”
Geto laughed again.
“I’m not sure it’s the best example, but…”
“And now what are you laughing about!?
“About my name being swept away with a broom and yours coming out of Hello Kitty’s mouth.”
Satoru blushed and started laughing too. Shoko approached with her camera.
“Hey! What are you two laughing about?”
Both of them stopped laughing and surrounded their friend.
“Nothing”, they said in unison. The three of them started walking.
After a few minutes, Gojo said:
Geto burst into laughter and, between laughs, said:
Both laughed until they were in tears.
Suddenly, Suguru kissed Satoru on the mouth.
”No one makes me laugh like you do. No one.”
Shoko looked at them, pretending to be disgusted. “When did they fall so much in love?” she thought as her camera clicked.
Back in the present, in Shoko’s office, a small tear ran down Satoru’s face as he remembered the earlier moment. His eyes looked strangely dim and his lips curved downwards. The sorceress, surprised by his expression and moved by her friend's story, said:
“Take it if you want.”
Gojo nodded.
“Perfect, because I have to leave. It’s getting late.”
Shoko looked at the clock. Half past twelve. Where would he have to be at this hour?
Satoru opened the door to leave, but Shoko stopped him.
“Hey, Gojo, I wanted to ask you, what’s with the bandage? Are you cosplaying as Shishio or something?
Gojo opened a chocolate bar and started munching on it before answering.
“It’s so my head doesn’t hurt as much and, in a way, to see less crap.”
“Interesting. Why didn’t you think of this before?”
The albino smiled cryptically.
“Because it was someone smarter than me’s idea”,he said, while putting the photo in his pocket.
Shoko quickly put two and two together. Of course, it had to be his idea, which only meant one thing.
“Gojo, don’t tell me that…”
”Do you really want to know?”
She lit another cigarette and refilled his glass. She didn’t want to know. That would make her an accomplice.
“Is there really no one else you’re interested in, Gojo? It’s been nine years.”
Satoru adjusted his bandage again, took a candy from his pocket, and smiled.
“No one.”
With that said, he left.
Shoko sighed and, while sitting in her chair, pondered aloud.
“When did they fall so much in love?”
Art by x.com/sad_eris23
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8myass · 7 months
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.. happier .. pairing. kim jungwoo x female reader genre. angst, smut pov. second person (you, yours, yourself, etc.) synopsis. you took away the only thing that made him happy, so he gave you no choice but to give all of you to him. wc. 3.6k cw. enemy/ex-friend!jungwoo, assistant manager!jungwoo, dom!jungwoo, manager!reader, sub!reader tw. mentions alcohol consumption, mentions sexual harassment, woo is very unhinged and delusional, choking, gaslighting, cursing, noncon (don’t like, don’t read), p in v, unprotected sex (wrap your meat fellas), clit play, woo’s disrespectful, hickeys, biting, dacryphilia, crying (so much crying), tit slapping, fingering, degradation, name calling (‘baby’, ‘boss’, ‘babe’), hair pulling, breeding, implied kidnapping a/n. yeah, this is late, my bad 🤭 but i did FINALLY get it posted, sorry for making y’all wait. but i didn't expect to write jungwoo like this?? yet here we all are side note: the jaehyun fic is coming, everything i’ve been writing for it is pure crap so i have to keep trashing it and starting over, but i’ll get there eventually :,)
He made one mistake – ONE – and it paved the way for you to jump right into his spot as manager of the company. He was now only the assistant manager to you. You would now boss him around. You were above him, you stole his position that he’s worked so hard to earn, you ruined his goddamn life.
Sure, his mistake was a rather big one. Showing up to the office drunk… He should’ve known he would be punished profusely for such a disturbance, but who were you to steal his place in the company when he made one mistake?? He’s the best worker that place has ever seen, how could they abandon him like that without even considering how he’d feel? And you. How could you accept that position so gratefully when you knew he was more deserving? 
You’ve been trying to steal his job away from him for ages now, haven’t you? 
He hated the fact that you were so happy in your new managerial role; you were way too cocky about bossing him around and telling him what to do. How could he even look at you as anything more than he previously did when he was the one who trained you when you first showed up to be working alongside him? I mean, of course, you’d be happy, it was a good job. An amazing job, really. But why didn’t you stop to consider how he felt? You didn’t even care.
“Done,” he snorted, throwing a stack of papers onto your desk with a loud thud.
You sighed deeply, gazing up into his narrowed eyes with a softness in yours, “Thank you, Woo. I really appreciate all you’ve been doing to help me around here. It’s hard work. I don’t know how you were able to do it all the time without making it seem like you were struggling; it always looked so easy when you were doing it.”
“Mhm,” he grunted, slamming the door to your office, which was once his, on his way out. It shook the picture frames hanging from the wall the door was attached to. You sighed again, closing your eyes and attempting to think about how close the two of you were in the distant past. Before you got this job offer, you were like two peas in a pod, then he came into the office one day, drunk off his ass with not a single thing keeping him from rubbing up on the girls to make them uncomfortable or cursing out the rest of his colleagues. You wanted to reject the proposal, but you felt he was in need of a punishment for that. I mean, you were even a victim of his unusually unpleasant touches. You tried to stop him from making a fool of himself, knowing how unlike him he was when he was under the influence of alcohol, but you couldn’t get him out of the office before the boss showed up and kicked him out. He was lucky he wasn’t fired and being demoted was the only thing that happened to him. 
You could tell he held it against you. Just by the way he spoke to you anymore, he was clearly bitter about the turn of events. However, he needs to understand that if it weren’t you taking that role as the company manager, it would be another person that works at the office who might be far less skilled at their job than you. He couldn’t just go unpunished because you rejected the offer of a promotion. He’d be completely demoted, possibly moved out of all managerial roles if you had denied them. But he just couldn’t see that, and every time you tried to explain that to him behind closed doors in the safety of your home, he would seem to get even pissier at you, deeming every word that escaped your mouth a lie.
You gave up trying, eventually. You can easily assume he noticed because he only got worse with you. He stopped doing his job, treating you with the most disrespect you’ve ever fallen victim to in your life, forcing you to cover for him as he leaves the office to run silly errands, leaving you doing his job in more ways than one. It was all a pity party with him, really. So when it got to the point where you were going home crying every night, parking your car on the side of the road because your vision was too blurred to see the path in front of you clearly, you had no choice but to confront him about it. Of course, it wasn’t the easiest thing for you to do. I mean, you hated confrontation more than anything, but it was necessary. 
You have such dread running through your tense little body as you reach your hand up toward Jungwoo’s front door, softly pounding your knuckles against the wood. You hoped, pleaded with every fiber of your being that he wouldn’t be home, that he would be out somewhere doing something and he wouldn’t be there to answer the door. But he was. He opened the door in not even a minute, staring at you with a blank expression as he snapped, “Yes? Can I help you, boss?”
You always told him not to call you that and you’d always correct him whenever he did, but today was not the day for you to be sweet to him and treat him in a friendly manner. “Can I come in? I have to talk to you and you weren’t in the office yesterday for us to talk then.”
“If I wasn’t in the office, why would you tell the head department that I was?” he chuckled, leaning down slightly so his breath was felt on your lips. Had he expected this to intimidate you? Intimidation? You figured he’d pull out some of his special games, but you wouldn’t be intimidated. He seems to forget how tough you are.
“Would you like me to correct my mistake? Because I gladly will. I simply thought you’d be able to appreciate all the work I’ve been doing on your behalf just to cover your ass while you’re out and about doing god knows what when you should be sitting at your chair in your office actually working,” you snuffed, which made him instantly retract away from you, eyes narrowing.
He sighed and stepped to the side of the walkway, motioning with his hand for you to enter. You did just that and walked through the opened door, looking around the entrance with an air of cockiness, “I feel like I’ve never been here before, you’ve really changed this place around.”
“What do you want?” he refused an answer to your comment, asking a question of his own.
“Shall we sit?” you turned to him with an innocent smile on your gorgeous face. To say Jungwoo hasn’t had quite a thing for you would’ve been the biggest lie. He previously had feelings for you, that was until you fucked him over like you had. Now, he can’t understand how he feels about you anymore. You were still so beautiful in his eyes, but cruel all the same.
He led you to a place in the living room, allowing you to sit on a couch, him next to you, leaning back against the arm of the chair so he could face you, snickering, “What’s this about? I’m kinda in the middle of something, could we hurry this along?”
“I will drag it on further if you keep getting snippy with me,” you snorted, rolling your eyes before sucking in a deep breath and continuing as soon as he sat up straight, eyes slightly widening. He’s never heard you raise your voice like he just had, even when you two were close friends. It was odd hearing the loud side of you for the first time in his life. “You need to stop leaving the office, Jungwoo. I’m not gonna keep covering for you, I just can’t anymore. If they find out I was covering for you like that, I’ll be in trouble alongside you.”
“You act as if I’d care if you get in trouble,” he scoffed, leaning toward you with a sly smirk, “I hope you get in trouble.”
“And you need to stop with the disrespect, I’m tired of leaving work crying over something you said to me. I miss you, Woo. I miss you as a friend,” you sighed deeply, inhaling the scent of the perfume that he always wore. That scent always drove you crazy.
“Then quit,” he shrugged nonchalantly as if he had no care about how hurt you were feeling right now.
“Jungwoo,” you nearly teared up at the thought of losing him forever, just because of a job that he practically gave up the moment he walked into those doors drunk. “Please, I don’t wanna lose you.”
“You already lost me, baby,” he purred, palm resting on your jaw as his thumb caressed your reddening cheek, “I hope you understand, you took my happiness away, so I’ll get it back by taking yours in turn.”
“How did I take your happiness?” you sniffled, voice shaky, “You showed up drunk and expected to come to work the next day like normal.”
“You didn’t have to take my job,” he growled, hand slipping down around your throat to gently squeeze. 
You gasped, reaching up to attempt to pry his grip off of your neck, “J-Jungwoo, wh-what are you do-doing?!”
“You wanted to come here and lecture me about treating you better, but you’ve been the one who’s treating me like absolute shit? You’ve been so cocky since you were promoted, rubbing your ‘boss’ title in my face like my job wasn’t my entire fucking life. How am I supposed to treat you with respect when I don’t respect you anymore in the slightest?” he glared, upper lip twitching out of agitation, his grasp on your neck was tightening with every passing moment. You struggled to get out of his grip, but he was too strong, a lot stronger than you thought he’d be.
“Yo-you know I didn’t me-mean it t-that way,” you sobbed, tears rolling down your cheeks as fear sprung through you. Is he gonna kill me? was the only thing keeping your brain from shattering into pieces, letting yourself give into the temptation of losing every breath to his rough hold.
He finally let you go, pushing you back against the couch to collide his lips with you, his own body falling on top of yours. As you let out a large breath of unreleased air into his mouth, you realized the situation you had gotten yourself into now. His hand was still around your throat, but he wasn’t squeezing it anymore. His other hand was pinning your wrists above your head so you couldn’t fight him off, legs parting your own as his body deeply pressed against yours, that enticing scent of his was consuming you. You felt like he was eating you whole, taking everything from you with just a simple kiss. His tongue wasn’t gentle with yours, roughly exploring the entirety of your mouth as he grinded against your hips.
He soon pulled away from the kiss, squeezing your neck tightly again so any noises you made would be incomprehensible. He looked down at the way your bodies were rubbing against each other, he tucked his bottom lip between his teeth, gazing into your glossy eyes, pressing a quick kiss onto your lips before whispering, “Is this disrespectful, boss?”
You nodded, but you were unable to speak, only gasping for relief at the tightness of your airway.
He laughed almost maniacally, connecting your lips before he could speak anymore, digging himself further. But as soon as his lips met yours, something new and disgusting snapped inside him. Could he really be doing this right now? This wasn’t him… but he was thinking about going farther, even without your permission to do so… He just wanted to have you, take you.
He begged his inner self to stop, his mind going blank at the thought of being inside you, so much so that it was hard for him to stop when he already had your thin leggings down by your knees, panties swiped to the side, his fingers rubbing circles around your sensitive bud, juices leaking from your clenching hole. Your nails clawed at the skin of his wrists, pleading for him to let you go. But how could he let you go when both your bodies were craving this? He could tell by how wet you seemed to be that you were loving this.
He pulled away from your swollen lips to trail kisses down your neck, humming against your skin, “Gonna make you show up to work covered in the marks of your subordinate.”
“N-no, plea-please stop it. You don’t ha-have to do th-this,” you cried, anxiety filling you at the thought of what he was planning on doing to you next. Surely the Jungwoo you’ve known for years now wouldn’t go any farther than this, right? Of course, this was horrendously disgusting and you’d make sure he would never live this down, he’d be punished accordingly for this. As much as you could, you’d make him pay for such a simple mistake, just as he had paid for his disorderly conduct in the office.
His teeth dug into your skin, lips latching around the marks inflicted on your perfect flesh to redden the skin even further. You couldn’t stop the tears from falling already, and he hadn’t even done anything to you yet. 
He trailed his free hand down your body, then slipped it into his own pants to pull his hardened cock out, precum already dripping from the tip. The moment you felt him glide his dick along the walls of your dampened cunt, you started squirming around even more, fearful sounds escaping your parted lips. He chuckled against your skin, biting into the delicate flesh as hard as he could, causing a loud, pained scream to come from your adorable form, body tensing and pausing your movements to sob harder, chest heaving up and down from paranoia.
“Woo, please…” you whimpered, desperately trying to think of all the possibilities of escaping his grasp you had right now. Although, it seemed like you had none. What were you gonna do? He was way stronger than you and you had nowhere to run even if you had made it out from underneath him. This was his house, his neighborhood, his area. He knew this place like the back of his hand and you’d only ever been here once before. There was no way he wouldn’t be able to catch up to you if you took off running since you were dumb enough to order an Uber to bring you here instead of waiting until your car was out of the shop to drive yourself. “Th-this isn’t the Woo I know and… and love…”
“Love?” he repeated, looking down into your soft eyes that were swollen by how much you’ve cried for him, your lips were just as swollen and red from his excessive kissing – he would know, his were, too – the beautiful, shameful marks beginning to appear all over the canvas your neck offered him, even the tears running down your burning hot cheeks was a beauty to him. “You love me?” he couldn’t help but break out into laughter after a couple of seconds of analyzing your tiny figure under him. You were just trying to get away from him, huh? “You think I’m gonna buy that? It doesn’t seem like you love me.”
“Woo, it doesn’t have to seem like I love you, because I know I do. Please, believe me,” you whined, voice so shaky and unbearably inaudible that you could tell it wasn’t passing through his thick skull because of the situation you were in. Who could love him in a moment like this? “I… I know th-this probably isn’t the best scenario to be telling you this in, but please… just… believe me…”
He laughed again, this time it almost sounded more sinister than the last, leaning closer to your face, noses brushing together, every inhale was just a recycled breath from him, “Well, shouldn’t you love this then? It’s only rational, right? If you love someone, you should give everything to them.”
“N-no, Woo, I-I don’t be-believe in that!” you exclaimed, finally finding your voice as you saw his hands fumbling with something before feeling him tug your panties over your ass and down with your leggings. “I-I don’t want this!”
“I guess we’re not meant to be if we have different values, my love,” he shrugged, his cock pressing inside you right after his last spoken word. You squealed, head falling back as your jaw tightened, nails digging into his shoulders, back arching in an attempt to get away from the ruthless and brutal thrusting of his hips, not allowing you time to even adjust to his size before bottoming out inside you repeatedly. 
“Ju-Jungwoo,” you whimpered, unintentionally feeling yourself lock your legs around his waist, mouth gaping as soft moans flew from it. You weren’t enjoying this, not a single bit. At least, that’s what you’d tell yourself, and him, if given the chance.
“Feels good, doesn’t it?” he smirked, gripping your hair tightly to pull your head up, eyes snapping open to meet his cocky stare, “My dick feel good in your undeserving pussy?”
“N-no,” you shook your head vigorously, trying to control your body from reacting as it was, but it was impossible to deny the fact that you were enjoying the way he felt fucking you like this when your hips were jerking upward in an attempt to activate more friction between your bodies. 
He was savoring every moment of this. Seeing your pretty face wince every time he fucked you a little too deep, watching your body unintentionally convulse each time he pushed inside you as your orgasm neared, shaking your head whenever a moan slipped out of your tightly pursed lips because you always liked being stubborn and continued to deny the pleasure you were feeling. 
“You’re sick,” you scoffed, eyes rolling back as he moved his lips to your neck, leaving more and more marks along the skin, covering your entire neck in purple and red. “You’re so fucking sick, Jungwoo.”
“Call me boss,” he growled into your ear, biting at your earlobe.
“Bu-but-” you didn’t get a chance to finish speaking before he smacked your boob roughly, a weak whimper coming from you.
“I will always be the fucking boss of you, no matter what your title says. Do you understand? Now, call me boss.”
“I-I understand, b-boss,” you cried, hands pushing against his chest as his hips seemed to speed up at your words. He grunted lowly against the skin behind your ear, feeling his cock twitching inside of you as that knot in the pit of your own stomach began to grow more and more with every inch he stuffed inside of you repeatedly.
“God, gonna cum. Gonna fill you up so good, babe,” he groaned, grip in your hair pulling your head back so he could bite along your collarbone, and slowly made his way to your jawline, more moans and groans falling from his lips against your skin.
You wanted to tell him to pull out, not to cum inside you, but you couldn’t manage out anything you were proud of, so you stayed wordless, cries and whimpers filling the air of the room as your legs shook around him. His thrusts got sloppy and his bites became more empathetic, hips stilling as hot strands of creamy liquid shot out inside you, leaking out around his cock and dripping down onto the couch underneath you. You felt your own cum leak out after his, mind going blank as you practically screamed his name, arms wrapping around his neck, fingers running through his hair to keep him close to you, shaking violently under him. It took a good while for your orgasm to pass, and by the time it had, Jungwoo was pulling out of you, getting himself cleaned up before worrying about your dripping cunt. 
He chuckled, leaning down to rub his fingers along the cum seeping from your gaping hole, causing sensitive noises to slip from you, legs twitching involuntarily, “Such a pretty concoction we’ve created. You look good filled with my cum, don’t you think?”
You didn’t say anything, wordlessly nodding, too afraid of what he’d do if you failed to comply with his every need. 
“I think I’ll keep you here from now on, how does that sound?” he hummed, finger slipping into your messy pussy. You gasped, clinging onto his sweat-coated shirt as you let out a string of whimpers. “I’ll keep you here, locked in my house to fulfill my every desire. I’ll use you however I deem fit, doesn’t that sound incredible?”
“N-no, ple-please,” you begged, even though you knew you had no say in the matter. You were puddy in his greedy, narcissistic hands. You had nowhere to go, nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. He was sick, twisted. He would get what he wanted from you either way, no matter what you would say or do, he’d always get his way.
“You know you’d love it, having my cock buried inside your pathetic, stretched-out cunt every day from dawn to dusk,” he hummed, bringing his lips back onto yours before you could reply, knowing what your answer would be anyway. You were too stubborn to admit you’d love that, he knows you would love everything he’d do to you. And if you don’t, oh well, he’ll make sure you wind up loving it in the end.
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enhaheeseung · 1 year
Cubical crush pt. 2 - L. Heeseung
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💻PAIRING: Heeseung X fem reader!
⌨️WARNINGS: mentions of sex but no smut, alcohol, age gap, cursing,fluff, heeseung makes numerous sexual jokes, heeseung says fuck a lot pt 2 heeseung and reader are still both dumb asf lol.
🖱️GENRE: co-workers, best friends to lover’s, comedy, romance.
🖥️SUMMARY: after you and heeseung patch things up, it seems there’s no way to avoid your feelings for him, and it didn’t seem like he was going to let you either.
WC: 5,714
Masterlist (working on fixing the links)
Part 1 (highly suggest reading that first)
NOTE: hello, again, I decided to give you all a part 2 of “cubical crush” Thank you for all the positive feedback on the first part. As I stated previously, it’s a little different from how I usually write, but I’m happy with the way it came out, and it made me laugh a lot. But, anyways, like always, I hope you all enjoy it, and it’s good to be back.🖤 also the punctuation is off but i was too lazy to fix it.
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After you and heeseung were back to being normal with each other, you couldn’t help but miss his cute flirty behavior, and as of late, he was looking absolutely fucking edible, which wasn’t helping at all.
But come to think of it. You actually were glad he wasn’t flirting with you anymore cause, with his new look, you definitely wouldn’t have been able to resist him.
He had recently got a haircut. It was slicked back, showing off his pretty forehead and shaved sides sculpting his face perfectly. He smelled delicious, and today he just decided to wear a black dress shirt paired with black slacks and a red tie.
Today was going to be a rough day.
“Morning, ms y/n,” he greeted you casually, knowing just how much you fucking hated it when he called you Ms.
But today, you didn’t care. His voice was still deep from it being early in the morning, and you’d be lying if you said it didn’t make you feel a tingle between your legs.
“Morning, Seung,” you replied and didn’t snap back at him the way you usually do when he greeted you like that.
“Woah, what the fuck was that, and where the fuck is the y/n I’m used to?” He looked at you with his brows furrowed in confusion.
“What do you mean?” You spun your chair around, laughing quietly at his expression.
“Why aren’t you ripping my head off right now? I just called you, ms, and you hate being called Ms” He set your coffee down on your desk and took a small sip of his.
“I’m just having a good day, that’s all” You smiled brightly at him, and now he was starting to worry cause this was not like you at all.
“Are you sick?“ he placed his palm on your forehead, and your face instantly got hot from his touch. “You feel like you have a fever,” he pouted.
“What?!” You pushed his hand away. “I’m fine. I told you I’m just having a good day. Can’t I have a good day?” You smiled brightly again.
“No, you fucking can’t, not around me and especially if you’re going to be smiling at me like you’re some type of fucking serial killer.”
“I might be,” you shrug, and his face instantly morphed. You couldn’t believe that he actually got genuinely scared. “I’m joking!”
He wordlessly walked to his little workspace next to yours, turning his computer on.
“Seung, I’m serious. I’m just joking” You should have known he would have been paranoid, especially after all the b rated horror films you watched together on movie nights.
“You better fucking be!” He shrieks.
You couldn’t help but cackle at the sound of his high-pitched voice next door to you.
He was always so fun to tease.
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“I’m tired” It was only past morning, but oddly enough, you were already tired.
“Come on, sleepy butt, it’s lunchtime,” heeseung spoke lowly across from you.
“Wait, I’m almost done” That was the workaholic in you speaking. Despite being tired, you always had to keep going until you felt like you put in enough work to earn a break.
“You and me both already know that’s a load of bull crap. You’ll be saying the same thing in an hour from now,” he says, still typing away at his own computer.
“No,” you whined. “Seung, just five more minutes, I promise.”
“Seung, just five more minutes,” he mimicked your whiny tone.
He shut off his computer and entered your personal space leaning down and closing out all the tabs you had opened. “No! Seung!”
“Yes! Y/n!” you turned to your side, and he was dangerously close to you. His neck looked so inviting, especially his Adam’s apple. You were so close to just saying fuck it and letting him take you right then and there, but you snapped out of it.
The poor guy was so completely unaware of all the dirty thoughts you were having about him as he was shutting down your computer.
He made the mistake of looking over at you when he felt your eyes on him. He was so much closer than he initially realized. His eyes quickly darted to your lips, but he shifted his gaze to your eyes instead. “Ready?” He asked, standing up straight and clearing his throat.
“Uhh, y-yeah,” you stuttered.
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“So, how did you like working with the new trainee?” You said with a bit of curiosity in your tone.
“Y/n, we talked about this already. I was just trying to make you jealous we were never close,” he explained.
“Yeah, and it worked, you asshole. You have some nerve inviting her to lunch with you.”
“I did what it took to make you notice me” He shrugged.
You glared at him, disgusted by his audacity. “But seriously, did you like it?” You ask, and you may or may not have been secretly comparing yourself to her.
“No,” he deadpanned.
“Why? She seemed…” you trailed off, hoping he’d say what he thought about her.
“Bitchy?” He finished your statement for you.
“I was gonna say enthusiastic,” you laughed.
“Yeah, Enthusiastic for my eggplant,” he scoffed.
“You did not just say that,” you say in disbelief.
“Fine, my banana” You glared at him, an unamused look etching its way to your features. He tapped his chin in thought. “Chili pepper!” You could only stare at him with a disgusted look on your face, and it just kept getting worse and worse the longer he went on. “Oh, I know, my anaconda!” He smiled while proudly nodding his head as if he had actually done something.
A disapproving sigh fell from your lips, and you just shook your head at him disappointedly.
“Fine,” he rolled his eyes. “Anyway, she was literally throwing herself all over me, and how the fuck am I supposed to work when she’s screaming right next to my fucking ear? I’m glad she’s gone” He shivered at just the thought of her high pitched voice and cheap smelling perfume.
Well, then, I guess I was worried about her for no reason. You thought to yourself.
“But she was pretty, successful, and young.” something you weren’t. “You should have got her number” Yet again, here you are, selling yourself short and comparing yourself to others.
Now it was his turn to glare at you. “I don’t care. She could have been rich, and I still wouldn’t have cared, and besides, I like my girls just a little bit older than that,” he smiled and winked at you.
He gasped, feigning offense. “How does that make me a pervert? It’s not like I’m into grannies.”
“You might be,” you replied with a shrug of your shoulders.
“Oh, yeah, I think that would give breaking her back a whole new meaning” A dry chuckle fell from his lips as he rolled his eyes.
“I'm trying to eat here,” you said, offended while covering your food.
“You brought it up,” he defended himself.
“Anyways, speaking of eating, I was wondering if you wanted to have dinner at my place tonight.”
“Ooh, is the one and only ms y/n asking me on a date” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
“You wish Lee no woman in her right mind would ask you on a date” You dismiss his silly comment, but it still made your heart flutter.
“Except you, cause you’re not in your right mind. You’re a fucking psycho.”
“Just do you want to or not,” you said, getting fed up with his behavior when he was working next to you the age gap seemed nonexistent with how professional he was but in times like these, it was very evident just how immature he actually was.
“Don’t get all sassy on me. You’re asking a stupid question, duh. Of course, I want to”
“I can’t believe you and me can never have just one normal conversation,” you sighed.
“What’s not normal about shit-talking your old co-workers having sex with grannies, and asking me on a date?”
“I hate your guts” You shook your head, and you’re not sure why you even accepted this clown back into your life, to begin with.
“But you love it when I’m all up in yours,” he stated with a smile on his face accompanied by a flirtatious wink.
“Asshole,” you glared at him.
“Are we talking about yours? Cause I love it. I could lick it all da-“
You kicked his shin under the table to stop him from talking nonsense.
“Ow! Crazy bitch” he mumbled while rubbing his shin that would probably be bruised by tomorrow from your assault.
“What did you say!?” You asked with your eyes wide.
“I said I love you.” He smiled past the pain.
“That’s what I thought” You smiled while his face contorted into a grimace as the pain started to kick in.
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After your very eventful lunch, it was soon time to go home.
“So, what’s on the menu?” He slid his chair back using his feet to roll it next to yours.
“Umm,” you hum in thought, but your brain comes up with nothing. “you pick,” you say as you clear off your desk.
“How about pussy with a side of ass?” He giggles.
“Are you addicted to sex or something?” You gave him a judging look.
“No, but I’m addicted to you,” so maybe you didn’t miss his flirting as much as you originally thought you did cause he was really wearing you out today, and he hadn’t been this obvious since you first met.
“Whatever. Are you ready to go now?” You shifted the topic to something else.
“Yep, Oh, and I made this for you” He reached over to his desk and handed you a little heart-shaped origami that he made.
“Aww, it’s so cute. Since when did you learn to make this?” You ask while examining the cute little paper heart.
“Since my computer crashed and I had nothing to do for an hour straight so, I watched videos on my phone and learned how to make it,” he explained.
“I feel so special,” you say in a sappy way.
“Don’t! I made one for everybody” He looks in your opposite direction as if he was trying to prove to you that you really weren’t special.
“Ha! Liar!” You point at his face and laugh.
“Fine,” he threw his hands up in the air. “I didn’t, but don’t get all big-headed 'cause you’re not even that special” He folded his arms and pretended to be annoyed.
“So, I’m special but not that special,” you frown.
“If I had a dollar for every time you annoyed me, I’d have more money than I could spend in a lifetime” He tried to ignore the cute little frown on your lips but failed.
You pouted and looked up at him with a hurt expression on your face. “Sorry, I wasn’t trying to be,” you mumbled sadly.
His eyes instantly widened with panic. “I’m just joking, y/n, don’t be sad,” he rushed out while trying to fix his mistake. He was literally just playing around. He would never intentionally hurt your feelings.
“I’ll try not to annoy you anymore” You looked down at your feet.
“Y/n….” he pulled you into a hug. “I didn’t mean it. I love it when you banter back and forth with me. It’s the only thing that keeps my day interesting” He rubbed his palms over your back, sighing into your hair and gently rocking you back and forth in his arms.
You smirked evilly. He was literally so easy to fool. “Got you!” You said in a teasing tone, giggling when you felt his whole body stiffen.
He pulled away from the hug to see you laughing in his face. He glared at you and pushed you out of his way, yanking his suitcase off his desk and mumbling something that sounded a lot like fucking bitch as he walked off to the elevator with you chasing closely behind him, still giggling at his irritated figure, smashing the buttons on the elevator.
“Hahaha, so funny, hilarious” his words only made you laugh more, so of course, he continued just to hear you laugh again. “The funniest girl on the planet,” he said with sarcasm laced in his tone. You clutched onto your stomach and leaned into him from laughing so hard. Truthfully, what you said  wasn’t even that funny, but his annoyed expression always tickled you.
He looked at you with a small smile while you leaned against him, and the only thing he thought in that moment was just how much he truly enjoyed spending time with you. He’d never take moments like this for granted cause it was times like these that just reminded him how truly special you were and how lucky he was to have you in his life.
He tilted his head and leaned into you, laughing along with you in the small space of the elevator.
It was then and there that he felt butterflies erupt in his stomach, and he was undoubtedly deeply in love with you.
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On the way to your house, he made a quick stop at the corner store, and you were starting to regret letting him drive cause you just wanted to go home. “I’m gonna get some beer. Do you want anything?”
“Nope, I’m good,” you reply tiredly.
“Sure? Don’t ask me for anything when I get back.”
“I’m sure now, just hurry up and go in. I’m tired,” you whined.
“Aww, poor baby is tired,” he had a fake sympathetic look on his face, but it instantly fell flat. “that makes two of us” He slammed the door behind him on purpose, making you flinch.
You could see him laughing on his way into the store. “Asshole!” You rolled down the window and shouted.
He got his beer and was set to leave, but something caught his eye. It was your favorite candy, so how could he not get it for you?
He paid for the items and went back to the car.
When he reached for the knob, the door didn’t open. He saw you with an evil smile on your face as he frantically tried to open the door to no avail. “Come on, y/n, it’s not funny.”
“And slamming the door in my face wasn’t funny either,” you say unbothered.
“Come on, y/n, it's freezing out here,” he said, shivering in the cold weather.
“Not my problem,” you reply and blow a breath on your nails, then polish them on your blazer.
“And when I make you suck my balls to warm them up, that’s not gonna be my problem either” You couldn’t believe this idiot, even in nearly below whether he had time to make inappropriate jokes.
“Apologize, and I’ll let you in,” you smirked.
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry, just let me in” You unlocked the door for him since he asked Nicely. “You’re mean” He buckled his belt and blew warm air onto his hands before pulling out of the parking lot and finishing the journey to your home. “I know you said you didn’t want anything, but I bought you some candy anyway” He reached inside the bag and handed it to you.
“Oh, well, how sweet of you,” you say sarcastically while rolling your eyes and opening the packet of candy, eating it right away.
“Don’t eat it then dickhead” he replied, unfazed by your shitty comment. “Note to self never buy an ungrateful bitch anything” He checked it off of his invisible list.
“Please, just shut the fuck up and take me home.”
“I love it when you degrade me makes me feel like dropping to my knees an-“ you literally covered your ears to blot out whatever sickness he was saying now. Once you saw him chuckling, you figured it was safe and moved your hands from the sides of your head.
Thank goodness you were a few minutes from home cause any longer with him in this car, and you probably would have made him get into a car crash.
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You both had dinner, and now you were doing your normal routine, watching a movie together on the couch. “Do you think he’s gonna find her?” Heeseung whispered with his head resting in your lap, so invested in the horror movie that played on the screen.
The girl in question was hiding under a truck inside a barn with a hand cupping her mouth as she watched the killer's feet taking strides in her direction. “I think so” you whispered back.
“Why doesn’t she get from under the truck and run” You giggled silently at the fact that’s he whispering as if his voice could be heard through the screen.
Just then, the murderer appeared out of nowhere, and he was face to face with the girl under the truck pulling her out by her ponytail, and you don’t know who was screaming louder, the girl on the screen or heeseung.
He snuggled up closer to you as the killer raised his machete. The camera focused on the object, reflecting the dim barn lighting as blood from the previous killings had dripped down the blade heeseung quickly scrambled and grabbed the remote shutting off the tv.
“Really?” You said in disbelief. “Are you seriously that scared of a b rated horror movie?”
“Did you see what he was about to do to her?!” He said, trying to make you understand his point of view.
“Yeah, but it’s like all fake,” you stated the obvious.
“But still!” He pouted, sitting back down on the couch.
“Fine, do you want to watch light year instead?”
“Yes!” He cheered while nodding his head like a baby.
“I can’t believe I have an overgrown baby in my house” You grabbed the remote and put stupid light year on, not to say you really cared as long as he was enjoying it, so were you.
He laid his head in your lap once again as his eyes focused on the screen.
You don’t know why, but you started running your fingers through his hair, making a shiver run down his spine. He closed his eyes and let out a content sigh. Your touch felt so warm and comforting that he wished he could feel you like this every day. He hummed when your fingertips grazed his ear slightly.
“If you keep doing that, you’re gonna make me fall for you even harder,” he warned playfully, and you removed your hand.
He sat up straight, this time looking you into your eyes. “I know you said to forget about it, but I just want to know one thing, and I’ll never speak of it again. The other night when we were together, what made you agree in the first place.” He asked, hoping maybe deep down, at some point, you actually felt something for him. Yeah, he knew he was reaching, but it couldn’t hurt to ask.
Fuck, shit, shit fuck, and more fucking fuck shit.
You bit on your lip nervously before finally just deciding to tell him the truth. What was the point in lying anyway? You guys told each other literally everything, and it felt uncomfortable to hide anything from him. Even if it changed your relationship forever, you had to get the weight off your chest that you’d been carrying for years. “Cause I like you” You squinted one eye shut, waiting for his reaction.
“Come on, y/n. I’m being serious here.” He laughed.
“Me too,” you mumbled.
“Oh…” he still didn’t know what to believe. You had to be joking or playing a prank on him. Yeah, that was the only logical explanation he could come up with. “Nice try, but I’m not falling for it this time.”
You sighed. “I do, I like you so much, and I have for a long time. It’s just I can’t be with you, me, and you can never work,” you said sadly.
“Why? If you like me too, then what’s the problem?” In all the years you’ve known him, you’ve never heard him speak so seriously before.
You sighed. And figured you might as well just let everything out now.
“Cause I’m no good for you seung you’re young I’m old you’re good looking I’m not I’m just barely making it in my career at thirty-two, and you’re right behind me at the age of twenty-two, overall, you’re just out of my league you deserve someone better, and I don’t want to keep holding you back” in your head that was good reasoning not to be with him but he just found it plain stupid.
“In the most polite way possible in the many years we’ve known each other, that’s literally the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard you say, and believe me, you’ve said some pretty stupid fucking things.”
You looked at him feeling somewhat offended by his choice of words after you had just spilled your heart out to him. He was making light of your issues, but you quickly realized that you were taking him the wrong way.
“First of all, you’re a fucking goddess, second. I love the fact that you’re older than me. Girls my age just aren’t as driven as you are. I find that so attractive about you, and thirdly, I just really fucking like you for you, not your age, not your career, not your looks, just you and what makes you you, and for the record, I would have never been any of the things you listed out if it wasn’t for you. You got me a job. You gave me something to look up to. You’ve been with me through thick and thin, hell. You even taught me how to dress,” he chuckled at the realization remembering his first day at the office when he wore the most uncoordinated outfit in his closet. He realized just how long you two have been together, and he wouldn’t change it for the world.
“That’s a lot of you’s,” you smiled, getting a bit teary eyed from his words.
“It’s impossible not to say you a million times when we’re together, and as bad as it sounds, my whole life revolves around you.” He held your hand and placed a delicate kiss on the back of it.
You couldn’t help but look at him with eyes full of love, and the words you said to him next were long overdue. “I love you” You all but tackled him in a hug, a few tears of joy slipping from your eyes while you did so.
“Finally, you admit it” He hugged you back as tight as he possibly could without crushing you. “I love you too” He leaned back to get a good look at your face before giving you a quick smooch, and of course, things could never be serious with him, but that’s what you loved about him. He was always just so carefree around you, and that made you happy. “Now, it’s your turn to list all the things you like about me,” he smiled giddily while pointing to himself.
“Not in a million years, you dork” He pouted instantly at your words. “Okay, fine.” You rolled your eyes playfully. “I love working with you every day and your constant teasing. I love all the little things you do to cheer me up when I’m having a bad day,” you said shyly.
“Ooh, I like this continue,” he nodded in his head, approving of everything you said so far.
Wow, he really had no shame. You thought.
“I love when you bring me coffee in the morning and massage my shoulders, and I just love you. I love the way you love me” You booped his cute not so little nose.
“You’re gonna make my heart explode if you keep talking to me like that,” you giggled.
“Oh, and one more thing,” you made a come hither motion with your index finger, and he leaned in closer so you could whisper in his ear. “I love the way you make love to me.”
He leaned back and looked at you with an unreadable expression before He stood up and threw you over his shoulder but not before turning off the tv.
“Seung, put me down!” you squeal and hit his back lightly.
“No, can do, ms y/n. I’m going to take you to infinity and beyond,” he spanked your butt while jogging upstairs to your bedroom, giggling.
He laid you down on your mattress, hovering over you with a smile. “You’re such a nerd,” you whisper breathlessly against his lips.
“A nerd that you love,” he smiled and pecked your lips.
That was only the start of your long adventurous night with him.
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You woke up with heeseung sleeping directly on top of you naked and all with his head buried in your neck and legs tangled together with yours. It was a wonder how you were even able to sleep last night cause he was literally all over you.
After a few minutes, you thought he’d wake up, but no, you had to stay under him like that for a whole hour until your limbs started feeling numb. You decided to run your fingers along his back gently to wake him. “Baby?”
“Hmm?” Good, he’s finally awake, you thought.
He stirred in his sleep, pushing his face even further into the crook of your neck, and it’s almost like he somehow put even more of his weight on you, not to say you minded, though.
“Baby?” You called out to him again, and this time you didn’t get any response.
He literally replied with soft snores next to your ear, and for a split second, you may have regretted having him stay the night. Well, he begged you to stay the night, and you said yes.
“Seung, we have to go to work,” you poked his shoulder.
Another soft snore.
You pinched his butt, and he popped up immediately. “Ouch!” He sat up while wiping the sleep from his eyes. “Why did you do that?” He pouted and rubbed his bottom.
“Cause yo- we need to go before we’re late,” you told him.
“Okay, but you could have just woken me up by rubbing my back or something.”
You could only look at him with a blank stare. He was literally unbelievable.
“Can we match today?” He asked, looking a little bit too cute for his own good.
“Sure, cutie” You kissed his cheek and ran to the shower while his face got redder by the second.
He plopped down on the bed and buried his face into your pillows. “Gosh, I’m so in love with that woman,” he says to himself while you were running the shower, or he thought you were anyway.
“And I’m so in love with you,” you giggled at the shocked look on his face. “Are you joining me or not?”
He squeaks upon seeing your presence in the doorway. “You heard?!”
“Yes! Now hurry up and get in here, lover boy, or else we’re going to be late.”
“Okay! I’m coming!” He hopped out of bed and joined you in the shower.
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“Do you want to fool around, get freaky deaky touchy-feely?” This fool has to nerve to ask you as he washes your back with his large hands.
“Do you want to be late? Do you want a little ding on your record? Do you want to get yelled out by our boss?” You remind him.
“No, but why are you bringing that up? It has nothing to do with my question” At this point, you couldn’t tell when he was being serious or joking around.
“Why do I love you again? Like, please remind me,” you say as you take your body poof and spin him around so you could wash his back.
“Good question, but if you’re asking me, I’d say it’s cause I ate you out so good last night” He smiled proudly, remembering how many times he made you cum last night just with his tongue.
“Must be cause a baboon has better understanding skills than you.”
He really turned around and looked at you like he was hurt by what you said. “You don’t really mean that, right?” He pouted. He must’ve really thought you were serious.
“No, of course not, baby” You pressed a kiss to his cheek to reassure him, and he smiled brightly.
“You called me baby just now. I like it. It’s cute” He encircled your waist, allowing you to wash his chest.
“Not cuter than you” He scrunched his nose cutely and stared fondly at you while you cleaned the rest of his body.
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“I went with blue I hope that’s okay with you” You came into the living room with a silky blue blazer paired with a black skirt and black heels.
His jaw was literally on the floor, and maybe your mind was playing tricks on you, but you could have sworn you saw a bit of drool at the corners of his lips. “Blue is more than okay. My girl looks so good. Come here” He stood up and walked around you in circles, looking at every inch of you. “Perfect,” he used the only word that could describe how you looked right now. “Let’s hurry up so I can get my suit. We only have…” he looked at his wrist watch “forty-five minutes.”
“Okay,” you pecked his lips. “We have to bring some of your suits for the next time you sleep over.”
“Next time?” He asked with a smile.
“Yeah, next time,” you smiled and hooked your arm around his. “Let’s go.”
“Let’s” he returned your smile and walked to the front door.
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Panties wet, folds soaked, heart beating, pussy throbbing, mouth watering.
Lee heeseung.
He wore black slacks, a navy blue shirt that almost looked like silk matching your blazer perfectly, a black and navy checkered tie, and wet messy hair.
You thought you must be dreaming cause he looked too good to be real.
He attempted to fix his hair in the mirror. “It’s too bad I don’t have time to style my hair” He flicked a few pieces out of his eyes.
“Don’t!” You said, startling him from practically screaming. “Your hair looks good like that.”
“Does it?” He looked at you quizzically.
“Yes, I hate to say this out loud, but you look so fuckable right now.” You said while practically drooling at the sight of him.
“Do I?” He asked while biting his lip. “You want to fuck me right now?” He walked over to you, pressing you up against his front door, resting his palms on your plump ass.
“So bad,” you admit shamelessly.
“Is that so?“ he quirked his slit eyebrow.
“Very much so,” you say as you wrap your hands around his neck and stare at his lips.
“Too bad we’re running late,” he said with no stock behind his words as he inched his face closer to yours and slid his hand up your skirt squeezing your ass roughly. “Kiss me”
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Let’s just say you both made it to work with a minute to spare after a very, very heated make-out session against his front door.
“Coffee, ms y/n” He set your coffee on your desk like usual.
“You little shit,” you glared at him.
“I just brought you coffee. Calm down” He puts his hands up in defense as if he was really just innocently bringing you coffee.
“Get the fuck out of here,” you say, annoyed. Literally, nothing has changed since you two confessed to each other, but you weren’t complaining. You loved the dynamic between the both of you and so did he.
“Okay, but first, don’t we look so good together?” He lowered his face next to yours while adjusting his tie, and checking you out in your desk mirror.
“We look great together. Now get to work” You hid your blushing face and lightly pushed him away from you.
“Kiss kiss,” he puckered his lips out for you to kiss like you hadn’t done it at his place, the car, and the parking lot before coming in.
“Mwah, now go before we get caught,” you patted his butt.
“Yes, boss, or soon to be,” he finally went to his cubical and stopped pestering you.
Not even a minute later, he was bothering you yet again by knocking on the thin wall separating you both. “We should go on a date later,” he whispered.
“Okay,” you reply back just as quietly.
“Where do you want to go?” He asks.
“Anywhere” All that could be heard was fast typing and you both whispering.
“How about the place that opened right down the street from here?” He asked in a hushed voice.
“Sure,” you whisper back.
“And then later, when we go home, if you want to, we can have sex,” he suggested.
You had to bite your lip to hold back your smile. You loved this idiot so much.
“Y/n?” He paused his typing for a quick second so he could hear your reply.
“Yes?” You said, doing a poor job of hiding your excited giggles.
“And then we can have sex after if you’re down. Are you down?” He repeated his question while resuming his typing.
“I’m down,” he blushed, getting all giddy at the idea of spending the whole day and night with you.
“Cool,” Of course, he’d reply with Cool. That response was just like him.
Approximately five minutes passed by before he spoke again. “Hey, y/n?” He says softly.
“Yes, seungie?” He smiles at your sweet tone while answering him.
“I love you” He passed you another heart-shaped origami over your cubical.
You stopped when you saw it on your desk. He paused everything he was doing and smiled on the other end, just waiting to hear you say it back.
Your heart melted as you imagined how cute he was while concentrating on making it for you. You could already see his cute little focused eyes and pouty lips. “I love you too.” Silenced ensued while you both got busy with work once again, but the smiles never left either of your faces for the rest of the day.
And that’s the story of how you got together with your cubicle crush.
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thanks for reading! I hope you all enjoy it. Please leave feedback and reblog.
Permanent taglist:®• @hello-stranger24 @ashxsmoon @lhsggg @scarlet127 @bunhoons  @axartia @kpopscruggles @badidealy @heeseungleeworld @jayroseyy @bangchanhasbigfeet @duolingofanaccount @oceanyocean @hee-in @heesgirl @bambisgirl @heeaddict @heartandfangs @nyxtwixx @iamliacamila
cubical crush taglist: @ara-15 @heeswif3y @positivelyinlovewithjungwon @seokseokjinkim​ @dneltrise​
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gifti3 · 1 year
Okay i wrote this in record time for me. i just got the urge and boom here it is. I wanted to get this out fast so I didn't forget about it.
I called it a CEO AU but honestly its just an AU where MC works as Lucifer's assistant and is ready to wrap up this part of their life and move on to different work.
All the brothers are mentioned in this. And this can be whatever you want honestly. Platonic not so platonic. Maybe MC is dating one of them, maybe not. I kept it pretty vague!
MC is gender neutral.
"What is this?"
You push the envelope forward. "My letter of resignation."
Maybe it was a bit much handing it to him in person like this, but emailing just felt too cold. And yea he was your boss, but you considered Lucy a friend too and wanted to leave on the best note possible.
"I know you're busy but I wanted to let you know asap so we can plan accordingly."
Surprising to you, Lucifer seems slightly caught off guard. "Did you find new work?"
You nod with a smile. "Yep! It’s pay and benefits aren't as good but it's practically my dream job."
Lucifer observes you. It was obvious that working as his assistant was a lot of stress on you. Asmodeus mentioned your frustrations to him several times. But you always pulled through in the end. 
Did he overestimate you? No, overwork you?
"When do you leave?"
"2 weeks!"
"They're literally going to the other side of the world you guys!"
“They’re what!?” Mammon responds, bewildered.
"They're moving to the other side of the world! A completely different country--this sucks!" Asmodeus lays his head down in his arms.
Unease fills the meeting room. This was new information to the rest of the brothers, including Lucifer. MC had never mentioned anything about moving and now an unwanted change had become much more unpleasant.  
"Hey MC! Why didn't ya mention ya were moving to the other side of the world?" Mammon approaches from the meeting room, wasting no time.
"Ohhh... right, I forgot to mention that part to everyone. But it wasn't really that important honestly."
“What do ya mean it’s not important. It’s kind of a big deal!”
"....Okay yeah you're right, but it honestly slipped my mind. By the way, not on the other side of the world. Asmo likes to exaggerate, I swear. Either that or his geography could use some polishing."
You continue dropping random items from inside your desk into a box. You still had a week and half left but you wanted to take all your personal non-work stuff home to avoid forgetting anything. You were honestly surprised by how much unnecessary crap had found its way into the desk. It was a stark difference compared to your first couple of months working here.
When you first started, it sucked honestly. If it wasn't for the amazing pay you would have quit fairly quick. 
The first several months were rough, but with time you started getting used to working for the overbearing perfectionist that was Lucifer. Things started to feel routine, you could access possible issues before they happened. And Lucifer’s brothers coming in and out of this building stopped being an annoyance and began to be something to look forward to. You made friends with each and every one of them. Then even Lucifer eventually came around. And before you knew it had been 4 years.
You always thought about moving on to new work but would forget about it and go back to the usual routine. But recently, you were starting to feel content--no resigned. Like "I guess I could stay here forever…" resigned. And it scared you! So you immediately started job searching more seriously and your months of work paid off.
But I'm still gonna miss this place.
Next, Asmo is out of the room. He walks straight for you and wraps you in a tight hug. "MC don't leave us please!"
"I must--AH you're squeezing me too hard!"
He loosens his hold. "Sorry."
You pat his arm.
“Aren't ya gonna miss me--us? Whatever new people ya meet couldn't measure up to the Great Mammom!”
"That’s definitely true, but I need to spread my wings and fly you guys. Hmm…that sounded better in my head."
You notice Leviathan standing off to the side listening so you give him a smile. 
"Levi, why are you standing over there?"
He jumps but makes his way over from your prompting.
"S-So you really found your dream job. It sucks you're leaving but maybe it's a good thing too…"
You nod. "It's new and a little scary, but just consider it me starting a new arc in life."
"And honestly if you guys really want to talk to me, then keep in touch. You literally all have my number."
Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to help much for cheering up Levi or the other two.
Fortunately though, Satan appears before the silence becomes unbearable.
"So you're finally escaping Lucifer MC?”
"Ha! I guess you could put it that way..."
Asmo crosses his arms, his frown deepening. "Please don't let him overhear that."
Satan shows what he's hiding behind his back. "I'll miss your company but I'd like to send you off on the right foot so I brought you a couple of items."
He hands you the gift bag.
"If this isn't a book, I'll be shocked," you say.
You peep inside and realize there's multiple things.
A hardback book from a series you and Satan are currently reading (of course), a neck pillow, and a kitty eye mask.
"Oh wait there's something else."
You dig in and pull out a bracelet. But not just any bracelet. A very limited edition one. It was official merch for one of your favorite series, but you couldn't afford it at the time when it was released.
"What the heck, how'd you find this? This came out years ago!"
"Lots of online searching, and thanks to Levi and Asmo we found a somewhat reasonable price to all pitch in for."
You put the bracelet on. 
“And in such a short time too…Im.never taking this off!” 
You grin. “Well…now I gotta hug you all!”
Before he responds you're crushing Satan, managing to fluster him. You then pull (a blushing) Levi and then Asmo in for a hug, the latter eagerly returning it. 
“No way ya guys are making me look bad,” Mammon says.
"Get in on the collab next time!" Asmo quips.
“Don't worry Mammon, I'll give you a hug later.”
“What? I didn't say anything about a hug…”
“So you don't want one. Got it.”
“Hold on, wait a second…”
You smirk and shake your head. “Okay help me move my stuff you guys so we have a reason to keep talking.”
"Is Belphie still ignoring me?"
Beel nods. "Sorry MC. I think he just needs more time to process."
The other day after leaving the meeting room the youngest made a beeline for the elevator. He didn't even look your way.
"Ah he wounds me..."
"I'll talk to him. Maybe eating out together would help clear the air?"
“Oo, you, me and Belphie. Let's do it!”
Beel smiles that way you love and you give him a sudden hug. It couldn’t be helped, you had a soft spot for the two youngest brothers.”
“Beel, I’m gonna miss you so much!”
He returns the hug. "Me too. I wish you didn’t have to leave, but what makes you happy is most important."
You pull back to look at his face. “I swear you're way more mature than some of your older brothers.”
As your last day gets closer and closer, the brothers (6 out of 7 at least) accept your impending departure. And along with that came endless gifts. It was like Satan triggered a competition to see who could do better. And it looked like you'd have to spend extra money on moving all this extra stuff that had been dumped on you.
Especially after that shopping spree Asmo took you on.
Start your new life with a new wardrobe MC!
Even Belphie had gotten over his initial shock after your dinner with him and Beel and gifted you several items. 
Please make sure to answer mine and Beel’s messages right away.
Don't worry I won't miss any of you or your brother's texts!
Who's talking about those others?
You chuckle at the memory. Belphie was too much sometimes.
You shake your head and sniffle. 
….Oh god. 
You wouldn't see them in person like this anymore! These moments with them. They would be far and few between once you started your new job.
And for some reason while you're surrounded by half packed boxes in your home, it’s finally hitting you.
Your phone pings and you wipe your eyes.
A text from Lucifer.
That was the last person you expected. He hasn't really been talking to you much outside of work since you gave him your resignation, and even then it was purely professional. It made you feel bad. Like your relationship had regressed.
So you quickly respond.
L: Did you already schedule transportation to the airport?
M: of course 👍 don’t wanna wait last minute
L: Make sure you double check the dates too.
M: lucy are you gonna miss me? :3c
If you didn’t bring it up, he might not say it out right.
L: You're so troublesome.
L: But yes, I will miss you.
L: And I honestly don't understand why you're leaving.
You stare at the messages. How were you supposed to respond to that?
M: i have to. it's what i want to do with my life…
L: Okay. Make sure you're on time tomorrow.
That's it? 
You let out an annoyed sigh.
You're in Lucifer's office first thing in the morning. He looks up with you with a raised eyebrow when you barge in.
You drag a seat directly in front of his desk so he’s forced to look at you. "We are handling this right now. I want to leave here with no loose ends"
"What is there to handle exactly? Youre leaving this job in 3 days to start your new one."
"Lucifer, you're obviously upset at me and I want you to be happy for me....like everyone else."
"I'm not like everyone else."
"Obviously, everyone is different. You're all different. That's not what I meant..."
You take a deep breath, lean forward and rest your arms on his desk. "Be vulnerable with me this one time. I know you're going to miss me but I feel like that's not enough for you to be so cold towards me like this..." 
He’s quiet.
"Please Lucy?"
"...I don't want you to leave. The idea that I won't get to see you easily bothers me."
He looks away
"And I feel like I'm the reason you're leaving."
“I'm so sorry, I know sometimes I joke around with your brothers but Lucifer it's not actually you. Work like this has always been stressful for me. It's always been. And I just happened to find where my limit was in this particular job.”
“I love you and all your brothers but my final goal was to always aim for work that would be easier on me mentally in a place where it was enough to sustain me. I just got too used to being here.”
"You handle every situation so calmly though. You're always on top of everything
"Heh my acting skills are just that good! But you're starting to understand I hope?"  
He crosses his arms. “I can’t be happy about you leaving MC.”
Your brows furrow.
“But I suppose I can support you going for what you really want.”
“You know what…I’ll take it!” You rest your head on your arms.
He smirks. “Now get out, I'm busy. We can talk more afterwards.”
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deathsbestgirl · 11 months
okay here goes: never again & the cancer arc.
a little more in depth? than what i've already posted lol
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never again opens with scully sitting in the basement office, contemplating where she fits, where she is in "their" office. she's holding mulder's nameplate and the first thing she says to him, after he ranted about having to take vacation, is "why don't i have a desk?"
he doesn't seem to understand why she's asking, where it's coming from and answers glibly, sarcastically. she's not happy with his answer. so she just...moves on, asking what he wants her to do while he's gone.
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in the first scene, we saw scully not paying attention while their informant talked to mulder. she's looking at a memorial, the messages & gifts people left for a lost loved one. she takes a wilting flower petal.
season 4 has been tense. they've dealt with some twisted cases, she was held in contempt, she couldn't protect mulder or give him what he needed or stop him making a huge mistake in paper hearts. skinner was disappointed in her. they also had one of their most ridiculous cases in el mundo gira, an episode i know is commonly disliked. i don't necessarily enjoy it either but there are a few lines that really grabbed my attention.
it's about immigrants, who avoid the government at all costs in fear of deportation or jail (maybe worse). but they're mostly invisible. they're hired for cheap labor, but that's the most they're noticed for. their deaths & lives aren't a concern to this country.
scully is able to find the cause, but the two men infected & spreading the deadly fungus escape. they escape because they're "invisible"
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scully wasn't there for mulder's conversation with lozano, but her statement at the end echos what lozano says in a way. when they first arrived, scully waved her badge around completely not understanding how she would be received in a migrant community as a federal agent. she made the same assumptions lozano did. but she follows mulder's lead, and the science, and the truth lands somewhere in the middle, and there isn't a satisfying conclusion to the case. yet again.
they rarely get all the answers. and even when they solve a murder, close a case — what's the cost?
i think scully sometimes feels invisible. her life is standing still. they're hidden away in the basement. she already had to fight for a place in male dominated fields. now she has to fight for the validity of the x files & mulder.
and maybe more than that, mulder doesn't always understand that scully wants to be on the x files, in the basement with him. she was assigned and he doesn't take her dedication & investment as seriously. not because he doesn't know the personal cost to her, or that she chose to stay, but because he has a hard time believing it, accepting it. he tells her several times there's life beyond the x files, to go be a doctor, she'll be head of the bureau. he never expected her to stay, to make it her life too. but she does. she chooses him & the x files over and over. and she wants him to understand, but i don't think she completely understands either.
i said once that it seemed to me scully truly realized how deep she was in with mulder in folie a deux. she was frustrated when mulder acts like he's the only one being "punished" being assigned to a case he thinks is a load of crap, but she was taking seriously. to her, it's always "we" and he acts like it's just him. he goes off without her, ends up needing her help & being right that it was a legitimate case & an x file! and in the end, she tells skinner as much as she can. she sees the zombie people. she sees the being in his room. a madness shared by two.
anyway. i think in never again she wasn't sure exactly what was bothering her, but she knew she was hitting that wall. and that's how she ended up with ed. talking about her patterns. mulder doesn't exactly fit the mold, but scully still wasn't getting what she wanted or needed. and she only calls ed for a date after mulder makes that comment.
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mulder knew she would go, even though she refused in their office. he knew exactly where to find her. he was frustrated with her in the beginning, and then he's frustrated with her again for giving up the case when following pudovkin didn't lead to anything x files related, only russian mob. he wasn't trusting her, wasn't believing her.
the last time he asked her about a date was in the jersey devil. which he interrupted and she was happy for it. she didn't take the second date. this time when he asks, she decides to go on a date. exercise some autonomy instead of doing "as told, as always"
scully wants to work on the x files with mulder and have a life. when given the choice, whenever options are presented to her, she chooses mulder every time. but she wants to feel the same in return, especially after she feels like she's failed (him).
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at ed's apartment, she doesn't want to go to the nice restaurant he got a reservation for. she wants to go the bar that's a great place to go when you're feeling crappy. because she's so obviously feeling crappy. when have we seen her seek out a date? or any other male attention? (seriously anyway, or without going back to mulder)
even though mulder isn't the typical controlling figure in her life, though he has his moments, like what's happening here...what she says about her father is true of mulder too.
she's hitting that wall, she needs to rebel. but how can she "rebel" against mulder & their work, on a illegitimate x file (lol). she rightfully hands off the case, then goes on a date, gets a tattoo and sleeps with a man who ends up trying to kill her (arguably stumbling into a real x file)
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i think scully figured out what she needed to. she doesn't seem affected by this instance of violence like she was by duane barry, her abduction or donnie pfaster. (ed had just tried to kill her and she still tries to stop him sticking his arm in the furnace. she kept appealing to him.)
she knows what she wants at the end. but mulder won't say it, and neither will she. they both know but if they can't say it, they can't be on the same page and they can't really move forward. they stay in the ouroboros, in the endless line. somehow different yet exactly the same.
mulder not finishing his sentence, refusing to repeat her words back to her, was like a nail in the coffin. they know. it is their life. their lives have become (almost) completely intertwined, they made it this way. they are each other's person, they have the same path because of the choices they make over & over.
and then: mulder starts to do something different in leonard betts.
scully has always been there when he needs her, for the work, for samantha, for his mom. mulder is always there when she's emotionally vulnerable (as far as she lets him). she says she's fine over & over, she tells him she's back & she's not going anywhere. and when it comes crashing down around her, when she can't hold the facade & he's there & steady for her, she falls apart in the safety of his arms.
[side note: it's so funny to me how scully still never has any idea what she's walking into. if we don't see a slideshow, she's going in completely blind. he always gives the case to her piece by piece.]
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this scene is just. my favorite. mulder can look at horribly disfigured bodies, he'll touch & taste anything at a crime scene. but he's disgusted when he realizes he's touching bile. he can hold it together at dismembered bodies, but would love to draw the line at touching them.
but scully asked for his help, and how often has she done that in regards to her domain on cases? i'm sure there had to be some, but i can only remember her asking mulder to smell a body in revelations.
anyway. this man is genuinely horrified at the idea of digging through a dumpster of left over body parts.
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there's nothing he wants to do less, but he does it. because she asks him to. (and it should lead them to some answers.)
later, leonard betts goes after scully. tells her "i'm sorry, but you've got something i need" after they've ascertained is brain was "riddled" with cancer, and he feeds on it, could identify it in anyone, he spent a lot of time in cancer wards, likely scavenging when he could.
scully is shaken after.
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and here, mulder doesn't understand what's bothering scully, and he does something we don't seem him do very often, if ever this outright? he explicitly tells her she did a good job, she should be proud.
i think i've said before i don't think scully lets herself feel proud very often. she craves validation, always tries to do the most, is always excited to tell mulder when she has something. here he's giving her something she should love, and she can't appreciate it because she needs to get out of there. she's terrified. another case solved, ending in death. she saved herself again. but now...she's facing the possibility of cancer. and despite being a skeptic, she believes leonard betts.
which!! we saw earlier in the episode too. when she's about to examine leonard betts' decapitated head and his eyes open & his mouth moves, almost as if whispering to her (genuinely reminds me of when she sees her father in beyond the sea) — she can't continue the autopsy. she calls mulder and he picks up on it immediately. and in this moment, she isn't particularly vulnerable. and more typically, that's when we see her believe most, when her defenses are weakened and she needs something to hold onto, or she can't bring herself to use her defenses.
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"blinked or winked?" his jokes this episode are so important to me. because never again was so tense, so leonard betts taking place after never again and before memento mori is a good cushion. he's responding to what he understood about scully after never again, and trying to bring back their usual banter. scully is still pretty annoyed with him but they're still together on this case. they disagree, scully playing skeptic as mulder throws his crazy theories at her.
and scully's expressions whenever they're on the phone are so much more expressive. it's special. she lets go of her professionalism and just reacts, and mulder is having a great time. he thinks they're getting back to a better place, and they are, but everything still remains in the silence.
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mulder is still making jokes and scully pretends to be unamused (she is hopeless in the best way). and because i love when scully says riddled:
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so truly, leonard betts is a connecting episode. there are a few lighthearted moments after the intensity of never again, an episode that was about mulder not understanding where scully was coming from, and leonard betts is about what he was able to understand. giving her validation. it's also makes more sense that he doesn't try to give her any physical comfort after, to me, if leonard betts happens after never again. paper hearts happened not that long ago, and scully was fierce in that episode and physically affectionate with him.
mulder and scully both knew at the end of never again what's between them. mulder leaves "but it's become mine" unsaid, he cuts himself off. scully was frustrated with not truly knowing her place with mulder, on the x files, in their office. his unfinished sentence and the following silence said it all. if it was ever going to happen, it would have been right then. and it doesn't.
leonard betts is a little cushion between two intense episodes. the awareness of their feelings in never again, trying to find their rhythm again in leonard betts & scully's revelation at the end. they lead to the emotional & physical vulnerability in memento mori and through the cancer arc. the feeling of what they're losing before it even started.
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helloiamadrawer · 1 year
Dragon Ball Super
Kai couple headcanons 💕
Starting with..
U9 x U3 (Roh and Ea)
Tw: none! basically just fluffy headcanons
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So who fell first you may ask? Surprisingly it was Roh. At first he didn't know what came over him when he was at a certain supreme Kai meeting, his lavender eyes kept wandering to the blue skinned deity. He felt warm inside for the first time despite being a bit cold hearted during the Tournament of Power...and the Zeno Expo but he decided then and there that maybe it's not too late to change a little.
After he couldn't help to find the nerdy Kai interesting like what would he look like w/o his glasses or wtf is going on in his head aside loving technology and all.
Ea, on the other was confused, he's literally sitting beside the mint colored Kai and for some reason..eyes were on him and he could sense it. But every time he turned his head to him the feelings gone. 'Is this man playing games with me? Seriously?'
Don't get him wrong he doesn't think he's a bad god, he just has different traits that the other kais don't have. He's wild...and untamed and handsome...what? Why is he thinking these thoughts right now? And is his face growing hot? He wanted to slap himself for spacing out but he couldn't make a fool of himself at the meeting. Pay attention damnit!
After the meeting, Roh is the first to ask or at least say something until Ea cuts him off
"Why were you looking at me so much?" Ea asks while placing a hand on his hip.
Crap! He sensed me! Roh acted quickly and came up with a sleazy lie
"What are you talking about, nerd? I was just paying attention to the Grand Minister on the screen, not you." He turns his head away from him doing the usual denial acting he does hoping it doesn't backfire.
Ea scoffed at the nickname that never bothers him at all since he's basically immune to it. "Come on Roh, I know it was you, what's your deal today?"
"it's not my fault you're so cute." Roh mutters under his breath, a faint blush appearing on his face.
For what Ea did next was the most unexpected thing Roh couldn't even predict, he was flushed a bright red thus making his skin looking like Roh's eyes and Kai-Kais (aka teleports) it back to his universe, into his lair and groans in frustration "did he just call me...cute!?," 😳 "What the hell is happening to me?"
His palms were sweaty, his heart was racing, and his mind was running a thousand miles an hour. He knew what it was and my god for some reason he liked it???? Yep, he fell for a bad boy. He then plops his head back down in his desk in defeat and muffles a soft, "damnit..."
Btw here they are if you don't know who they are
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(warning for drug use)
“You need to get back to New York.”
Lenny snorts as he settles back in his desk chair. “What for?” he asks. “It’s not like you can have me on the show, Gordon.”
Gordon sighs heavily. “Look, I- I don’t know how to...Midge hasn’t been feeling like herself.”
He sits up quickly, gripping the phone. He hasn’t been watching the show lately. He just doesn’t want to be reminded of what he’d left behind. It was better to have a clean break after not being able to gig in New York again and Midge is better off without him anyways. “What does that mean, ‘not like herself’?”
“It means...she was feeling depressed,” Gordon says awkwardly. “And her friend Imogene suggested she go see someone about it...”
Lenny squeezes his eyes shut. “Let me guess: A doctor someone with a prescription pad.”  
“Good guess,” Gordon says. “She’s not eating much, as far as I know. Probably not sleeping, either. Everyone else thinks she’s fine, but I’m worried she’s been taking more than she should, and if anyone can sniff out a Midge problem, it’s you.”
“I shouldn’t,” Lenny tells him. “We ended things because I fucked it all up, she doesn’t want to see me.”
“I am begging you,” Gordon tells him. “Put your shit aside for a few days. I don’t wanna lose my house comic, and I really don’t wanna lose my friend.”
Lenny sighs heavily. “I’ll catch the next flight out. But you’re paying for my hotel room.”
“Fuck you, you know you’re gonna be staying with Midge.”
“I’ll see you as soon as I can.”
His first stop is Midge’s, and when he knocks on the door, there’s no answer. So it’s a good thing he still has the key to the utility entrance in the kitchen. 
When he steps in, the apartment is mostly dark (odd for Midge and her parents), and there’s an eeriness to the place being so quiet.
“Midge?” he calls. “You home?”
Her voice is quiet, coming from the bathroom.
He heads that way, and he finds
Midge is sitting up against the bathtub, looking dazed, wearing her nightgown, her hair curly around her pretty but too-thin face.
And there’s a pill bottle on the sink.
Lenny snatches it up, reading it quickly. “Dexamyl. Fuck, Midge, if you wanted a drug problem, I could have given you better pointers.”
She shakes her head, trying to focus on him. “The doctor said to take two when I need them, but I...I got a little confused and I think I already took them, and then I took two more...”
“So you’ve literally been knocked on your ass,” Lenny says. “Midge, you went through this with me. Why would you-”
“I was sad,” she blurts out, squeezing her eyes shut. “I went to this doctor Imogene recommended, and-”
“He gave you a barbiturate and amphetamine mix to make you feel happy,” Lenny finishes for her.
“He said they would help,” Midge tells him. “That...that lots of women take these to help them.” 
“Where are your parents?”
“Paris. Kids are with Joel this week.”
Lenny sighs softly and sits next to her, wrapping an arm around her, letting her cuddle in against him. “I’m sorry, Sweetheart, I’m here.”
“You’ll leave again,” she slurs out. “Everyone leaves. Joel. Shy’s plane. You.”
He sighs softly and holds her tighter.
Eventually, he gets Midge settled in bed with some water, and she falls into a hard sleep. He sighs heavily and tidies up a little before dumping the pills into the toilet and flushing.
This wasn’t supposed to happen to Midge. Him, sure. He’s fallen off the wagon plenty in the last couple of years, though he’s two months clean now by some fucking miracle. But Midge isn’t supposed to be the one to fall for this crap.
“Dexamyl,” he says over the phone to Gordon a little while later as he puts together some soup in the kitchen. “She’s high as a fucking kite, and she doesn’t remember how the hell many she takes so she just takes more.”
“Whelp. She’s officially on paid leave from the show.”
“Yeah,” Lenny sighs.
“You wanna fill in for her?”
“Is that legal?”
“Who gives a fuck?”
When he heads back to the bedroom, Midge is up and looking a little more with it, sitting with her chin on her knees, shame on her face.
“I made soup,” he offers. “You must be hungry.”
She shrugs.
“I know the pills make you lose your appetite,” he says gently. “But you have to eat something, Midge.”
He still doesn’t get an answer, and Lenny sighs as he walks over, sitting on the edge of the bed. “I talked to Gordon. He’s put you on paid leave for the next few weeks so you have some time to recover.”
“Fine,” she says quietly.
“He’s the one who asked me to fly in, by the way,” Lenny explains. “He was worried about you.”
Midge nods slowly. “I’m sorry, Lenny. This is probably the last thing you needed.”
“This isn’t about me.”
“I just started to feel so hopeless, and...and Imogene said that he had helped her. I thought it was safe.”
“It’s not your fault, Midge,” Lenny assures her. “Shit’s like candy, believe me, I know.”
“Did you get rid of them?”
“Yes, I did. Flushed.”
She nods. “Thanks.”
“I’m always here for you, Midge,” he says quietly. “You know how much I love you. Hell, I left because I love you.”
She doesn’t respond to that.
“Can I get you some soup?” he offers. “Please?”
Midge nods, swallowing. “Okay.”
“Thank you,” he breathes out, relieved. “I’ll be right back.”
She reaches out quickly, snatching at his hand. “Lenny.”
He stops, gazing down at her worried.
“I love you, too,” she says quietly, gazing up at him sadly. “You know I do.”
Lenny nods, stroking her hair gently. “I know, Sweetheart. I’ll be right back.”
She nods, loosening her grip on him, and letting him go.
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alexiethymia · 2 years
summary: [TYBW] Innocence is the greatest casualty of War. Fifth Division Captain Hirako Shinji remembers a moonlit conversation. He learns about sacrifice. He teaches about humility.
[read on ao3]
"Hirako-taichou, don't sleep!" Vice-Captain Hinamori tried to wake up her napping Captain.
"Zz..uh..wha-", Captain Hirako Shinji muttered as he lazily opened one eye. Spying his petite lieutenant beside his desk holding a mountain-load of paperwork, he grew even more tired. "Momo-chan, it's the calm before the storm. We don't know when the Quincy will attack again so I'm getting all the rest I can," he yawned and tried to go back to sleep on his comfortable desk.
"We still have a lot of work to do! And you're getting drool all over the papers! Mou..." She growled half-heartedly, and then sighed in resignation, "I won't force you to work, but if you want to relax I think it's better if you take a walk instead. The moon's beautiful tonight and you'll get cramps sleeping like that."
Hirako-taichou waved an arm whilst still keeping his face on his desk, and it seemed like he would ignore her advice. Instead he stilled for a moment and stood up. "Alright, alright. I'll walk around and go back to my quarters after." He waved a relaxed good-bye at her, and exited.
If Hinamori was bothered by her Captain's unusual obedience, she didn't dwell on it too much. Instead she looked at the moon and quietly whispered, although there was no one else to hear, "I don't want to lose this." She sighed wistfully and went back to work.
Hirako Shinji went on a walk alright. Straight to his quarters where he knew a shadow was waiting for him. The light barely reached here, and it was only when the figure stepped into it that he could make out the white Captain's haori and equally white hair.
Shinji grinned as he greeted the shorter captain, "Toshiro! My, my isn't this a surprise? What brings you to my quarters this late at night? Just so you know I'm only interested in cute young girls, not boys."
Tenth Division Captain Hitsugaya Toshiro narrowed his eyes at him. Shinji thought he would growl but he was probably too "mature" for that. Instead he said in a clipped voice, "It's Hitsugaya to you Hirako. And don't pretend; you already knew I was here."
He had to chuckle. "Not Hitsugaya-taichou huh? Well you can't really pull rank on me, like you do with Momo-chan." Hitsugaya's famous frowning face turned even stormier. Hmm…He must have hit a button. Unfortunately for his fellow captain, Shinji loved to push buttons, "Speaking of Momo-chan, if you're here for her I can get her for you."
"Cut the crap. I'm here to talk to you."
"And what exactly would the famous prodigy need to talk to me about?"
Besides their shared hatred for Aizen, and relation to Hinamori, the two Captains didn't really have anything in common. He saw no reason for Hitsugaya to bring up his bitter enemy, so the reason would have to be…
If possible, Shinji's Cheshire grin grew even wider, "Even if you're not here for Momo-chan, you're here to talk about her." His silence was enough confirmation.
"Well young grasshopper, as your senpai I suppose I must explain to you the 'birds and the bees' before you try anything…"
He was interrupted by Hitsugaya's incredulous protest, "I'm not here to talk about that!"
"Huh, really? Isn't Momo-chan your first love and aren't you trying to get advice from Soul Society's one and only heartthrob?"
"Hinamori is my childhood friend and nothing more." He said it calmly but his cheeks were tinted with color. Interesting. His tone then turned irritated, "And not everyone is like you Hirako. I'm not here for something as trivial as that. "
Shinji cleaned his ear with a finger and said with a bored tone, "Then what are you here for then?"
He blew on his finger and waited as he looked at Hitsugaya's annoyed face. Perhaps the Tenth Division Captain was wondering why he even bothered to come in the first place. They were colleagues, but they weren't friends. It was clear that even after all this time, the younger captain still didn't fully trust him. Shinji really couldn't blame him though, considering that the previous Fifth Division Captain was a lying, backstabbing bastard. He couldn't trust some suspicious hollowfied shinigami with his precious childhood friend.
He told him as much before, and so he was surprised with the next words to come out of the Tenth Division Captain's mouth.
"I want you to protect Hinamori."
Huh. "Well if you're only here to state the obvious…" He passed Hitsugaya by to get to his quarters. He yawned loudly, "I mean it's not like it's a Captain's responsibility to protect their Vice-Captain." He was bushed, and as soon as he got to his quarters he was going to sleep like tomorrow would never come (it was possible that it might not), but his plans were impeded by a hand on his haori.
"You remember that final fight against Aizen?" Hitsugaya asked without asking.
Shinji faced the symbol of the Tenth on Hitsugaya's back, and couldn't see his expression. Of course he remembered. He remembered how powerless he was, how powerless they all were to stop Aizen's sick plan of barbecuing an innocent girl as a distraction.
From what he garnered from his talk with Momo, it seemed like Aizen did way more damage even before that fateful battle, to her, and by extension to Hitsugaya. Shinji always believed that his hatred for Aizen was unmatched by anyone. But on that day, as he was forced to watch the Captain before him run his childhood friend through the heart, and after hearing his desolate and rage-filled scream, he thought that maybe someone else could hate Aizen even more than him.
"Yeah." Shinji stood still and wondered where he was going with this.
"Something like that..something like that.." Shinji noticed how he gripped his hands into fists, "I don't want something like that happening to Hinamori ever again."
"That's why I'm here to ask a favor. Keep her with you at all times. Don't let her get into any battles on her own. I know it's selfish of me to ask you, but I know I won't be there to protect her. I can't afford to get distracted, and if you protect her, I won't have to worry as much."
He laughed softly and bitterly and finally turned to face him though his eyes were still hooded, "I said a favor, but I actually need to ask you to do a second thing. If I'm ever in a position where I might potentially harm Hinamori," Hitsugaya looked up and met his eyes. The resolve Shinji saw there reminded him of Ichigo and for some reason that scared him, "I want you to kill me."
With those words hanging in the air, the tension was palpable. That is, until Shinji guffawed and laughed in the face of a very flabbergasted Hitsugaya. Once his laughter died down, he looked at Hitsugaya and said in a patronizing tone, "That's hilarious! Selfish is right, you brat."
It was clear that Shinji had pushed him to his limit. The overly serious Captain tried so hard not to act his age, but there were times where his youth was clearly evident to Shinji. Times like now.
As a vein popped in Hitsugaya forehead, Shinji was eerily reminded of blonde pigtails and a red tracksuit.
"I’m serious, you bastard!” How they hadn't woken up the entire Squad Five barracks was a mystery to Shinji, as the pint-sized captain continued to shout, "She has to survive this war! She can't die because there are people who love her!"
His voice had quieted down and in a defeated tone he finished with, "Though she cares for Hinamori, I can't ask Matsumoto to be prepared to kill her own Captain."
Shinji was very tempted to bonk him on the head, though he was pretty sure such a gesture would be met with a furious freezing. Instead he settled for saying, "And that's exactly why you're selfish; for even thinking of asking such a thing from your Vice-Captain…" He shook his head, "And what about you, huh? Aren't there people who care for you too?"
"What happens to me doesn't matter."
"We really need to deflate that ego." He tried to stare down the ice Captain's unwavering gaze,
"Luckily, you came to the right place to learn a little humility. Not everything revolves around you Chibi-taichou. Don’t be so cocky." Shinji felt not a small amount of déjà vu. He distantly remembered saying the same thing to Ichigo a long time ago. It wasn’t as if he didn’t sympathize with their anguish, but for people like Hitsugaya and Ichigo who carried too much – the world – on their shoulders that they forgot their own selves, it was better to rile them up with anger than to encourage that self-destructive way of thinking. He respected that resolve, but what kind of captain would he be if he couldn’t pull his own lieutenant’s dear one from the brink? Least of all did Momo deserve that kind of sorrow and pain on her shoulders ever again.
At the comment about his size, he looked prepared to murder Shinji then and there. Good. Anything was better than that hopeless gaze, "What about your lieutenant? How do you think she'll feel if she loses you on top of Ichimaru?" Hitsugaya looked shocked, but he charged on with his tirade.
"And what about Momo-chan herself? You really think she won't be affected if you die?" He challenged him, daring him to reply.
He didn't avert his gaze, but he didn't reply either. Finally, in a dull monotone he ordered him, "Don't call her 'Momo-chan'. Respect her rank."
Shinji shrugged and replied, "Not my fault you're too stubborn to be familiar with her," He conceded and told him, "I'll call her 'Momo' from now on."
"I've known her for far longer than you!" He snapped at him, and as if shamed for showing such weakness, he looked down briefly at the ground and continued in a calmer tone, "And that's not any better."
"If you have a problem with it, settle it with me after the war," Shinji said grinning cheekily at him, and added as if an afterthought. "And you're right about me knowing."
Hitsugaya raised his brow at his retreating figure.
"I've known about you since you were in your mother's womb," He called out and then continued in a sing-song voice, still not facing him, "Shiro-chan."
Hitsugaya spluttered incoherently for a moment and by the time he gathered his wits enough to berate him with a, "It's Hitsugaya-taichou to you!" Hirako Shinji had already disappeared into the night.
Left with no choice but to go back to his own barracks, he briefly took the time to appreciate the full moon. Soon, he might not get to anymore.
"Childhood friends, huh?" Hirako Shinji sat directly outside his room and raised the cup he was holding to the moon, as if in a toast. "Maybe I should call Hiyori and the others before the world goes to hell." He smiled in amusement to no one in particular and downed his sake in one gulp.
As a lone figure shunpoed along the tiled roofs to get back to his division, one thought remained clearly embedded in his mind. It was in the mind of the one celebrating with the moon. It was in the mind of the one who worked hard and eventually fell asleep blessed by the moon's glow. It was in the minds and hearts of every Shinigami preparing for the coming war.
"I don't want to lose what's important to me."
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songbirdstew · 1 year
(this is in response to the most demented thing you guys got in trouble for in school post, but it got really long for a reblog)
In kindergarten, I got in trouble for calling Jesus' disciples stupid. "Why did they need so much proof? He just woke up after being dead for three days. Why did he even need to say anything? If his wounds were still bleeding, why didn't they give him any bandaids??"
In first grade, my friend Rex hid in the coat closet and I got in trouble for laughing. Baby's first detention! I was sent to the classroom next door to serve it, and when that teacher asked me what I was doing there, I told her honestly, "I have no idea."
In fourth grade, during silent reading, my friend was making silly faces, and I couldn't help laughing at her. By coincidence, there was a group of students reading out loud in unison in the hallway, and my teacher thought I was laughing at them. She asked me if I had a good excuse, and I just shook my head and sighed, bc I knew she wouldn't believe me even if I tried to explain (and I didn't want to get my friend in trouble, too. Bros before hos.)
And then there were the times I got in trouble for being a good kid.
In ninth grade, I was quietly erasing swastikas and shit someone else had drawn all over my desk, when the teacher barked at me, "I hope you plan on erasing all of that!" I was like, "…. Yes. Yes, I do. Duh?"
In tenth grade, the marching band director asked me to run the attendance list up to the office for him. On my way back to the field, the assistant director screeched at me at the top of his lungs for being out of place. I was like, "And that's why you're the assistant." He didn't hear me, he was still screeching.
Also in tenth grade, my friend had her hand up to ask a question for like 15 minutes and our teacher kept ignoring her, so I put my hand up, too. He called on me right away and I said, "Kristen has a question." and he kicked me out of class for… being disrespectful? I was like, "That goes both ways, sir. PEACE OUT."
From tenth through twelfth grades, I was also on yearbook and the lit journal and we often had to pull students out of class for those, for interviews and photos etc. And some teachers were NOT cooperative and they would take it out on Us. The Children. instead of our Adult advisors who told us to do it. It was usually the male sports coaches who would blow up at me for this. The basketball coach snarled at me, "You don't interrupt my class for this crap! This has nothing to do with school!" and I said, "I would argue that creative writing has more educational value than bouncing a rubber ball up and down, but what do I know. shrug"
Whenever a teacher wouldn't release a student for us, we had to fill out a slip explaining why to our advisor. On one of these, I just wrote, "Mr F is a prick." after a similar incident with a different coach. A little later, one of my buddies told me, "Just so you know, Advisor is writing you a referral." Advisor was a total fucking flake; we knew it, and she knew we knew. She didn't even tell me herself she was giving me a referral. I never pursued it. Didn't serve it. Nothing happened.
I got a lot of those during this time, detentions and referrals (no suspensions), and I just ignored them all. Never served. Nothing ever happened. I learned in Baby's first detention in the first grade that the adults have no idea what is happening, the rules are made up, and the punishments are arbitrary.
I never really got in trouble for the actually demented things I did. I punched more than one kid in middle school and never got so much as a reprimand for any of that, not even when the one kid reported me. Maybe bc it was usually in PE and it was only ever a bully. Ms Gibbles was one of the good ones. (Not her real name.)
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popsickless · 1 year
♡ - all you tried to do was help?
[Just a mini test-write]
It all happened so fast... I couldn't even remember how it all escalated so quickly.
Unfortunately, Miguel left me in charge of the HQ , only until he had found where Miles went. Glancing over to an empty chair I take a seat next to Miguels desk...waiting...with anxiety. Why was I feeling so anxious.
"The files are sorted...security's back up. He has nothing to complain about." I sigh to myself. Placing both hands on either sides of my face. A part of me was hoping that Miguel didn't come back empty handed...but there was a huge part of me that was rooting for miles.
After about 10 minutes of procrastinating and drowning in my thoughts, A beam of orange shone through in the corner of my eye. He must be back. I instantly flew to my feet. The sound of the portal opening brought tingles to my ears, I watched carefully as miguel walked out the portal. He has a face like hell...this look was different.
My heart dropped but I rapidly built up the courage to open my mouth. "Im guessing you didn't find Miles then.." my tone was filled with anticipation, somehow I knew id said the wrong thing.
"What does it look like?" He growls. The anger was building up. He grabbed the closest object he could find and launched it across the room.
I stand there with both hands by my side, flinching a little when I heard the loud thud of the object. "Im sorry you couldn't-"
"Stop speaking...for one second." Miguel snapped instantly as he heard my voice. I do exactly that. My mouth glued shut, staring at his figure as he paces around. Why was I the one having to put up with his tantrums? It wasnt my fault Miles got away. No one had ever even tried to put miguel in his place. Thats probably why I admired Miles so much, he was the first to disobey, to question Miguel.
A few minutes of silence passes. "You're acting like this is my fault." My voice was shakey a little. Hesitant to speak at first but he needed to hear it. Miguels eyes dart towards mine, the tint of red almost glowing from anger. "I thought I told you to be quiet?" Miguels tone was dangerously calm, slowly he walked up to me. Why did I even open my mouth?
"Maybe it is your fault, if you wasnt so crap at your job.." he continues, staring me down like I was a piece of dirt he found on the floor. "You seemed to be the one chasing Miles, not me."
Did I just talk back to him...why did that sentence come out of my mouth so easily?
The more Miguel walked towards me, The closer I was to the wall behind. I felt my back touch the concrete wall, I couldn't step back further. Shit. His eyes stay glued to mine, like he was expecting something from me. I shift my gaze to anywhere other than his eyes.
I feel his fingers lightly touch my chin as he guides my face towards him. Miguel tilts my head up a little.. "Would you like to repeat what you said?" Miguel whispers, leaning in so that i was forced to look into his eyes.
I dont know why but the butterflies in my stomach were going crazy, there was no way I was starting to feel aroused. In this situation? Why? My mouth struggled to form a sentence. Did I dare repeat myself.
"I said...you were the one chasing Miles. Not me"
Id just fucked it for myself.
Miguel chuckled lowly. I felt his fingers leave my chin and start to trail down the side of my shoulder, down to my arm. "See...this is the problem. One person decides to disobey me and the rest of you, think its alright to follow along" Miguels tone was different. It was threatening and dangerously soft.
I didnt even know what to say, my attention was too fixated on his hands on my skin, my whole arm felt sensitive. Miguel sighs at the lack of response. His same hand that was lightly tracing my arm suddenly grasps my shoulder and pins me to the wall.
"If you ask stupid questions, you'll get told to shut the fuck up." Miguel speaks in a hushed tone. The way he was so condescending made my whole body grow warm.
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eleni-cherie · 2 years
lonely hearts club ✨ || kth au - chapter 0.1
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“lonely hearts club // do you want to be with somebody like me?”
maybe single parents are meant to be members of the lonely hearts club.
masterlist: here
— genre: single parents au, romcom, humour, fluff, angst, strangers to friends to lovers s2f2l the first couple chapters kinda suck in my opinion but i swear it gets better!! T-T
"No, no.. no!" Taehyung grabbed the glass right in time before it was able colliding with the floor. Sighing in relief, he straightened himself when hearing a bubbly giggle. The baby was happily wiggling in her highchair, her hands up to her mouth. Trying stuffing them inside.
"Ari, no," he exhaled and lowered her little hands down. For a few days now she had developed the habit of stuffing all kinds of things, even her own hands, into her mouth. His mother had said her first teeth might start to break through soon. Whatever it was, it made her constantly biting on something.
He attempted to feed her again. Her napkin being all smudged from the previous tries, but he was determined to do so. Sure 7-month-old babies tended not to obey, but she had usually been a rather affable child. He couldn't figure out what it was that day.
"Hm.. maybe the food?" He smelled the paste on the plastic spoon, not being able to sense anything weird though. "Don't you like it? I bought some new flavours to try." The baby girl was just staring at him with big eyes, continuing stuffing her fingers into her mouth. He grabbed another glass. Biting down on his tongue while opening it up.
"Let's try this one. You like it?" He smiled widely and took a spoon of the newly opened glass. It was one of her favorite ones, so she should like it. And indeed, as he sneaked the spoon into her mouth, she actually ate the paste. Making him smile in relief. "So it really was the new flavor. Noted," he nodded while giving her another spoon of the paste she actually liked. After finishing almost the whole glass, he wiped her mouth and little hands clean with a wet tissue. Placing her binky between der lips to prevent her fingers of ending up there again. The girl giggling as he did so. His brown eyes fell on the clock above her then.
"Crap," he muttered and picked her up. Quickly carrying her to the living room. "We've got to go," he announced, "The office is opening soon." Ari was just observing him as he brought her red shoes and matching red jacket. "I hope they take you," he sighed then, earning a blink from her. She smiled then, making him smile as well.
"You're right. Why wouldn't they? You're adorable after all."
The queue moved and Taehyung took a step forward. His arms growing heavy from carrying Ari the whole time. Him not having much of a choice though. His friend had broken her stroller and those things were quite expensive. He had to buy her a new one soon though or his arms would fall off.
His eyes wandered around. Most in line were young mothers, some fathers being there as well. They didn't have their children with them though, probably had left them somewhere. Something he couldn't. Everyone had been too busy with work this time of the day or lived too far to just quickly drop her off. Besides, he tried spending as much time with her as possible before starting work again.
The line moved again and he watched a couple enter the office. Only one more and it was their turn. To pass some time, he looked at the drawings of cut out animals and flowers on the walls. Some photos with the bigger, two and three year old children hung there as well. Overall a typical cheery day nursery.
"Next one, please," a friendly voice said from inside the office. Making him realise it was finally their turn. "Y-yes, hello," he said while entering. Adjusting his grip around Ari's little body.
Two women were standing behind the desk. One was definitely older than the other. Probably around her fourties. The other one in her mid-twenties maybe. Both greeting him with a smile.
"I'm here to sign her up," he explained as he stepped in front of them. The older woman handed him a few pieces of paper then. Also placing a pen next to the documents. "Fill this out, please." Taehyung nodded and grabbed the pen. However, with Ari in his arm it was difficult to write anything down .
"I can carry her while you're filling in the application." He perked up, locking gazes with the younger woman. Her brown eyes were friendly staring at him. He nodded, indicating he accepted her kind offer and carefully placed the baby in her arms. Her smile immediately growing wider as she grabbed Ari from her little torso. Holding her up in her arms. "Hey, cutie. You'll get back to your daddy in a minute. Okay?" Ari was just staring at her with wide eyes. Starting playing with one of the woman's bracelets.
Taehyung had almost forgotten about the papers, shaking his head then. He started reading and filling them out carefully. Occasionally peeking at the baby who seemed too immersed in the woman's bracelets and long hair to care about him. He laughed under his breath before putting his signature at the bottom of the application. Handing them back to the daycare teacher.
"Ari Kim," she read out loud and scimmed over the rest in silence. Taehyung starting tapping his fingers as she was doing so. Hearing Ari's giggle then, he turned his head. Seeing she was being tickled in the neck.
"Alright, Mr. Kim." The teacher's voice made his head go back. "Everything seems to be fine. We'll inform you in about a week if Ari gets in or not."
His brows furrowed. "Is there a chance she isn't getting in?
"Well," the older woman started with a sigh, "This year we got an especially high number of applicants as the other daycare close by relocated further away. So there's a possibility that a small percentage won't be able to get accepted here."
He tried not to show his disappointment by offering her a small smile. There wasn't much he could do after all. "Alright, thank you," he said and went to take Ari back. The younger woman carefully putting her back in his arms. Even though Ari didn't seem to have finished playing with her new found toy. Her little hands reaching out to the woman, trying desperately to grab the bracelets. And she started whining when failing.
"Ari, no. We're going home now," he tried to calm her down with his soft voice as he walked towards the door, "You'll play with Mr Bear and the little penguin." However, she was unfased by his words, continuing whimpering for the bracelets.
"Wait," the young woman's friendly voice was heard then. Causing him to pause and glance behind him. She walked up to them, sliding a bracelet off her wrists. "Here little Ari," she said then and handed it to the baby, who all of a sudden stopped crying. Her cheeks still red and puffy, but nothing hinting to her being upset anymore. Happily staring at the blue beads in her little hands instead. As if she was hypnotised by them.
"This is yours though. Please keep it," Taehyung said and tried taking it from Ari's hands. Making the baby instantly frown. Ready to start whining again, when the woman shook her head.
"It's alright, she can keep it. It's not of any value anyway."
He nodded, thanking her with a small grin. "I hope Ari gets in," she wispered with a little smirk then, before rushing back behind the desk. He blinked surprised, giving her a nod. Appreciating her words.
After bidding goodbye to both teachers he made his way out. Observing the content expression on Ari's face with a chuckle as he carried her back to the car.
"Seems you always get what you want, don't you?"
Ari made a bubbly noise, focusing back on the bracelet.
Taehyung zipped her jacket up and pressed her against his chest. Shielding her from the wind that was picking up. Spring couldn't arrive soon enough in his opinion.
Although he had always rather been a fan of the winter season, having to take care of a baby with low temperatures and freezing winds was more difficult than he had imagined. He could only hope that the warmer seasons would be easier to handle.
He took a glance at Ari. Her short dark hair stands swaying under her beanie. She was sucking on the bracelet she had got as a gift by now and he dragged a sigh. The little girl looking up at him with doe eyes. And his face softened. Her innocent, almost naive expression making his heart melt.
Being a single parent surely wasn't easy. But he would try his best for her.
next chapter: 0.2 here
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the-archangel · 2 years
V’s Christmas Presents
[Notes:  I’m sorry (not sorry) but I unashamedly love this piece of festive fluff and couldn’t wait to share it with you. My only regret is that I’m rubbish at drawing and unable to create the photos described in the detail they have in my brain, I’ve tried through words but it’s not quite the same. The photo’s came first, I wrote the story to make sense of them, I hope you enjoy it.]
Christmas isn’t a big thing in NC. Outside, in the NUSA proper, folks might decorate their homes with lights or gather the family for a big feast, but Night City has enough garish lights, and over-indulgence – in all things – isn’t saved for one day. There are a few religious types who still honour the day in their own way, but generally it was an ordinary day, though you might invite friends around for a drink, or give the kids a few extra eddies.
Johnny Silverhand was sat with his boots up on the desk in V’s old apartment angrily bouncing a rubber ball from the floor to the bathroom wall and back again. He’d seen enough of Christmas to know it for the Corpo, money-grabbing fuckery that it was, but this year he was going to have to do something nice for it and that was making him mad.
Kerry Eurodyne had also experienced Christmas outside of NC, and knew it for the fluffy, twinkly, joyful time that it was and couldn’t wait to introduce V to the whole idea. For the last couple of years his input had been too sick for any festivities, firstly as the relic messed with his brain, then as he was recovering, so this year it was going to be special.
V couldn’t remember much about his childhood, or of anything much before the relic nearly took over his brain just over 3 years ago, but suspected Christmas hadn’t been a big thing. He’d read about it of course, seen pictures, but if Kerry was into it then he’d give it a go – like most things.
Gratitude didn’t come easy to Johnny, saying ‘thanks’ without sounding sarcastic was a trick that he rarely pulled off, but this year he had something to be thankful for. V’s tenacity and Kerry’s eddies had literally brought him back from the dead, and for that, goddamn, he was grateful. He wanted to get them something, something that showed them how he felt, but without him ever having to say the words (cuz even though he felt it, they would still stick in his throat), but what do you get the NC power couple who have everything? Between them, they had more power, eddies and influence than pretty much anyone in town, a fruit basket wasn’t going to cut it.
He had the beginnings of an idea, but no clue how to pull it off. He needed help; this is why he’s sat at V’s old laptop cursing and drinking tequila. Johnny was just ancient enough to remember the old days, when the internet was actually useful for buying stuff and finding people who did shit, but this NC intranet crap was grinding his gears and taking him around in circles. He started messing around, looking for a distraction and noticed a bunch of old messages still in V’s inbox. He shouldn’t look really, but what the hell, he’s seen them already when he was in V’s head, so what’s the difference? Mostly they’re dull, but one of them is from a name he recognises from those days, ‘Hmm, Judy...?’
Kerry has known what he’s getting for V for weeks; he absolutely can’t wait to start the preparations.
With just a couple of weeks to go to Christmas, everything is pretty much in place and Kerry can relax into planning the decorations for the penthouse and ordering the food and drinks for the big day which takes up most of the morning. With the afternoon comes a lift-packed with packages and boxes, and one happy rock star ready to get stuck into decorating every inch of the living-space. Reality sets in soon after and Kerry directs from the sofa as a couple of the building’s porters rush around with lights, baubles and greenery for a fat tip. Kerry looks around, the warm glow of the lights twinkle in his eyes, he can’t wait for V to see this.
V had no idea what Kerry was planning, either for the house or for his Christmas gift. He was vaguely aware that he should probably get something for his boyfriend, but he’d never bought a gift in his life and no-one at the Afterlife was any help, so the thought slowly slipped out of his mind. He was looking forward to getting home though, Kerry had messaged him that he had a surprise for him, and that was always something to look forward to.
‘Festooned’ isn’t a word that V had ever heard, but if he had that is what would be on the tip of his tongue as he steps out of the lift. Every nook, cranny and surface of the penthouse had lights, candles, garlands and trimmings all over it. There were three ceiling height trees around the living space lit with golden lights and covered with silver baubles as well as a full-sized golden reindeer in the corner. V stopped in the doorway and stared.
“Well, what do you think?” asks Kerry, running towards him with tinsel wrapped around his waist.
“I think.....” V swallows, “I think it’s the second most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” He says spinning Kerry around and pulling him in by the tinsel for a kiss under the mistletoe.
With a week to go, Johnny’s plan is coming together. Once he’d explained to Judy who he was, and she’d got it off her chest what she thought of him, they actually worked quite well together. Judy helped him find what he needed and he would pick out what was important and then she’d help him put it all together how he wanted it. He was surprised how much he enjoyed the process and thought that he would ask Judy to show him more of what she knew after this as an added string to his bow in his new merc life.
Kerry and V had invited him round for Christmas, at first he wasn’t sure, not his scene playing happy families, but he owed them, he even kinda loved them, so he agreed. ‘Definitely gonna delta as soon as I give them this though.’ He thought to himself.
That evening, the three friends go out to a restaurant, just because. It’s something that they make time to do every few weeks or so, otherwise V and Johnny would only see each other at work and Johnny would try to avoid seeing Kerry at all (guilt issues amongst other things). Kerry goes out onto the balcony for a smoke and to look down at the city, he’s joined by a good-looking, well-dressed corpo type, clearly out to bag themselves a millionaire rock star – or a story for the screamsheets. V watches quietly as Kerry chats and flirts...
“Doesn’t it get you mad?” asks Johnny, looking down on the scene.
“...No, not mad. I mean, who wouldn’t want to try it on with him? As far as they know he’s fair game...” V drifts off, still staring at the Rockerboy (his Rockerboy) below.
Kerry’s relationships had always been fodder for the screamsheets and feeds, but his relationship with V had pretty much flown under their radar, though there had been rumours around for years that he was attached, and some very rare photos of them together, they had both been very careful to keep their relationship private from all but their close friends. This was partly because Kerry was done with bullshit invasions into his private life, but mostly because V’s involvement in the 2077 Arasaka takedown was something that still could get him flatlined if he was discovered, so a low profile was necessary to keep them both safe from retaliation.
The friends watch as Kerry finishes his cigarette, makes his excuses and winds his way back to their table.
“They seemed nice” Johnny sneered.
“They were I guess, but also drunk, boring and grabby, ugh.” Kerry replies wiping a wet handprint off the front of his jacket with a napkin. “Let’s delta, I’m done.”
Finally, it's Christmas Eve, V and Kerry have given themselves a few days off and are sharing a cigarette, curled up together still in bed. “I’ve got a photo shoot booked in for this morning, I’ll get the coffee while you get a shower”, Kerry tells his confused input before kissing him on the nose and jumping out of bed.
“I thought that you’d cleared your diary”, V says trying to hide the disappointment in his voice, “...and why am I coming to your photo shoot?”
“You’ll see!”  Shouts Kerry from the kitchen. “Just get in the shower and wear something... nice.”
Johnny’s surprise for his friends was ready. It’s better than he had imagined and he just wished Judy was actually in NC to give her a big hug, though when he’d told her this she didn’t look too keen now he thinks about it. Anyway, for the first time in forever Johnny Silverhand is actually looking forwards to Christmas.
Christmas morning arrives... and then disappears again. Kerry is gently snoring in V’s arms and Johnny is passed out in V’s old bed well into early afternoon. V opens one eye sleepily as he hears the concierge and porters downstairs bringing in the food and drinks Kerry had ordered and then snuggles back into him smiling, it’s just too cosy to get up from. A little while later, Kerry awakens and looks up into V’s face, he’s still wearing the stupid, beautiful smile he’s had on there since yesterday, this is nova, but there’s stuff to be done, so with a kiss, he slides out of bed into the shower, gets dressed and then goes downstairs and gleefully unpacks the various, exotic and eclectic foods and drinks that clutter the dining area.  When V finally emerges some time later, Kerry is putting on the finishing touches to the table, V slides his hands around his waist and kisses his neck,
“Merry Christmas Ker.”
“Mmm, Merry Christmas to you too baby.” Kerry purrs as he turns in his lovers arms, frames his face in his hands and kisses him deeply. Johnny is due in a few minutes so they keep it together – though it wouldn’t be the first time he’d walked in on them – not by a long way.
Johnny arrives uncharacteristically promptly and swaggers out of the lift before taking off his shades removing his cigarette from his lips and looking around the room. “Shit Kerry, did a glitter factory explode in your condo? “
“Very funny, here sit down; I’ll get you a drink, tequila, bitters, splash of beer and a chilli twist yeah?”
“Yeah, thanks.” Johnny replies, still looking incredulously at the decorations covering every surface.
“So V,” asks Johnny while Kerry fixes the drink, “what did you end up getting him for Christmas?”
V rubs his wrists absently and thinks back 14 hours or so ago to being tied to the bed with Christmas ribbon and Kerry discovering a massive gift tag tied to V’s dick reading ‘To Ker, do not open til Christmas, All my love, V xxxxxx.’
“Erm, .....”
 Johnny sees the look of relief on V’s face and knows him well enough not to ask again.
Kerry returns with drinks for them all, and with plates of food all of which he plonks onto the coffee table before sliding onto V’s lap and nuzzling into his neck, V squeezes him tightly and they whisper together, smiling and looking into each other’s eyes.
Johnny is pretty used to them kissing in front of him and patting each other’s asses, but this PDA is unusual even for them, if it wasn’t so sappy, it’d be quite sweet in a nauseating and gross kinda way.
To break the tension – that only he is feeling – Johnny leans forward and blurts, “What was this gift you were so excited about giving V then Ker?”
Kerry and V look at each other and smile with raised eyebrows, “Didn’t you see it yet? Christ it’s everywhere...” Kerry giggles. “Put the Entertainment News Network on, Shit Johnny how have you not seen it??”
“Been busy sleeping off a hangover...” Johnny replies as he blinks on the feed.
“.......Rock superstar Kerry Eurodyne has delighted fans this morning with a rare update on his much discussed relationship status, though some might be disappointed to find he is now officially...taken! These gorgeous photos were published to his website earlier today...”
The holo shows two photos, both artfully shot in mostly black and white, the first is of the back of V’s broad naked shoulders, Kerry is looking over V’s right shoulder with an intense stare right down the camera, V’s head is down and Kerry has one hand gripping the hair on the back of his neck and the other flat on V’s back. The only colour is the blue of his eyes, the gold of his implants and of the only jewellery he is wearing, a broad gold ring studded with emeralds. V has ‘mainline’ written across his shoulders in eyeliner.
The second is of Kerry’s back,  V’s face is discreetly hidden in Kerry’s neck so that only the top of his head can be seen and Kerry’s head is turned towards him, his cheek in his hair, one of V’s hands clutches Kerry’s naked butt cheek, the other grips his back, as if it’s about to scratch down, the only colour here is a matching, dark platinum, sapphire ring on his left hand and ‘mainline’ written in red lipstick down the middle of Kerry’s spine.
“...this is all so ‘on brand’ for Eurodyne, but damn him for being so mysterious. Who is this lucky mystery man is what we all want to know...”
Johnny flicks off the feed and looks over at them, only now noticing the matching rings and resisting the urge to tell them it looks like an aftershave commercial he says,  “So, are you two getting married or some lame shit? Cuz if.........”
Kerry laughs, swinging on V’s neck, “God no, never again.”
“No way,” V agrees whilst nibbling on Kerry’s ear.”We’re just....” he shrugs as if looking for the right words, “each other’s forever,” he finishes grinning down at Kerry, who gives him an indulgent smile and a kiss on the chin.
“And this is for you Johnny.” Says Kerry as V slides a box across the floor towards him.
Johnny could count on his one good hand how many presents he’d had in his adult life, this was unexpected.
“What is it?” he says staring.
V laughs as Johnny picks up the box and looks through it.
“Some psychofan in The Glen had all that in his apartment, do you remember? I was sent there to klep Kerry’s guitar, but you talked me into taking all this other stuff...”
In the box was disks, posters, a couple of old DVD’s and a pair of Johnny’s old leather pants. He held them up, looking at them critically.
“I sure as shit have some style don’t I?”
Johnny was getting more sure by the second that his decision to give them their gift and delta was the right one, this was all getting too sweet and sickly for his tastes.
“So... I made you this.” He drawls throwing a paper bag with the top folded down in the couple’s general direction. 
V catches it and looks inside, he looks at Johnny quizzically, then up at Kerry, before showing him what’s inside the bag.
“Start them at the same time, have fun and...Merry Christmas.” He mutters almost angrily, unused to showing such displays of emotion.
V and Kerry pluck a BD wreath from the bag, each with a shard already loaded. They put them on and shift in their seat until they are lying curled around each other, with a last look into the other’s eyes they switch on....
The first scene has no sound, but shows a teenage Kerry in his bedroom, playing a song on his acoustic guitar with his black hair falling over a face screwed up in concentration, listening for the chords, finding the music. Next a loud, screaming chord makes them both jump and they’re in a garage, Kerry, still only a teenager is playing with his first band, already better than the much older guys that he’s playing with. V is mesmerised by the confidence of the young man’s playing and by the depths of the brown eyes that he was seeing for the first time. A time jump and Kerry gasps as they’re there the first time he meets Johnny, both sat crossed legged ignoring the party going on around them, sharing a cigarette, playing guitars and laughing, then on to Samurai’s first gig, V almost can’t believe how beautiful Kerry is with his hair cascading down his back, now held from his gorgeous eyes with his trademark bandana. Song follows amazing song as the BD flips through Samurai’s various looks, tours and back catalogue, until a montage of Kerry’s solo stage work ,makes V grin and hold onto his mainline all the tighter. The film finishes with a clip that Judy must’ve taken at some point, but that V didn’t really recall. They’re sat in some diner, she asks him why he’s not eating and he looks up at her biting his lip and smiling,
“I’ve met someone Jude, it’s early days but...we just get each other. I think...I think I’m in love.”
It takes a moment for them to remove the wreaths, Kerry is the first to look across to where Johnny was sat, but registers no surprise when he sees he’s gone. He looks down at V smiling,
“Let’s go back to bed.”
[Note: ‘Mainline’ is a term that’s not much used in CP77, though it is in the RPG, if you’re not sure, it means a serious, long term partner.]
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sweetswesf · 2 years
Check In
What I Did Today
TOO much social media & online videos
Successfully fought the urge to get a new IG
Assigned people in my professional engineering squad their secret santa recipients
Fought urge to order out & actually ate what I had in my kitchen
Watched an AlgoExpert video
Got some sun & grocery shopped
Saw the girl who invited me to an event held by the only dudes I have slept with (one of whom is now engaged) was let go by sadi dudes; I offered her support and tried to relate without being like "I HATE THOSE GUYS TOO"...she kinda gave me a weird response...immediately regretted reaching out...seconds later, one of the said damn dudes reached out to invite me! I wanted to say, "So we just gone act like it never happened huh!?"...I don't know what to respond with...part of me is like, "let it go," the other part of me is like UGHHHH why can't I escape this!? I mean I could if I blocked them...I guess a part of me wants them to feel bad for what they did or apologize, which I know, from history, they'll never do...I could also just meet someone else there but idk...I've NEVER met anyone of promise at any of these stupid mixing events...I just always leave with a weird encounter...
Rented Alice & Wonderland...I've been trying to watch it for years...I may watch it in my "downtime" this week
First meeting w/my new therapist
Bought a gift for my secret santa recipient
My literal thought process ALL...DAY...LONG...: "Eat, then hop into work...okay maybe just watch a video...okay, one more and then get to it...okay, at least sit a the desk...*goes to YouTube, Twitter, etc.*...okay, find that series you like to watch...okay one more Great British Baking Show episode...what if you get tired while you're working...what if you're too cold...what if the heater is making you tired...okay meal time again...okay try to start again...*watches more vidoes*...what if I'm too old...what if I should try something else out...man I wish I had more fam support...what if I don't need to study this crap...am losing all the progress I've been building...UGH! get to work...will I be single forever...all these layoffs, if they don't have it, they'll be sure I don't get it...oh shoot...it's time to meet for the study group soon...you can't work, just start tomorrow...okay, it's after 7:30 PM, at least try to knock this one lesson out since she's doing it too, you don't want to be embarrassed again...should I work out tomorrow or just make up for lost time today..."
Added website blocker & time limits back to my desktop & phone
What I Learned Today
Linked lists...including doubly, circular, and doubly circular linked lists
This staying focused thing is harder than I thought it would be...I need to build a bit more discipline
Apparently not scared enough to study as hard as I need to
Slightly paranoid about being vulnerable to YET another person who may not handle my feelings the way I need them to
Proud I did not NEED a nap today
Can y'all pray for me, please
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I'm going to get there
I need to get up & move more during my day
I really appreciate the friend that took me out to Black Panther, suggested we start doing a bake exchange, and, today, encouraged me by telling me in our study session that she'd watch the same video I set out to watch...I wasn't going to do it, but that added pressure was just enough pressure I needed to do it today...mind you, she's going through a stressful time...we both are, but we are confiding in each other, helping each other along, and I am grateful...as someone who has been losing people left & right, I am grateful
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How I Got Myself Out of a Rut Today
Confiding in a friend
Trying new creations
FINALLY finding a site that streams full episodes of the series that got me interested in Netflix in the first place years ago, The World's Most Extraordinary Homes...looking at that, I said, "Why NOT me!?"...then recommenced procrastinating for hours after that, but, it did get me up...I'm going to live in something like this one day:
Goals Completed
Found a therapist
Stopped listening to people worried about their own circumstances and remembering God works on his own time and that I am in no rush...
Got back on the ball
Being kinder to myself and stopping guilting myself if my energy isn't always on 100%
Goals After Today
Strengthen my relationship with God
Understand the main concepts I need to from Interview Cake, AlgoExpert, etc. in 6 months, NOT less than 3
Drop my body fat percentage to Marion Jones, Michaela Cole, or Jade Cargill levels
Consistently fight urge to fill up my time with social media/YouTube
Fully forgive my family & build a great relationship with them
Be more confident & faithful
250 steps/hour & 10k steps/daily consistently
Drink more than 64oz a day consistently
Go on a date with a guy I actually like who actually likes me too
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alien-hybreed · 5 months
OVERTIME - Part 3: Promotion
Read Part One Here!
Previous Chapter Here
Something is wrong in Woodshurst.
Neither Mike or Luke were ever seen again after their late shifts with Laura and Rhiannon is growing increasingly suspicious. With nobody in town paying any heed to her, she is forced to go to the police.
Will Senior Sergeant Daisy Sofen be able to help her? And what is Laura's next move?
"Lady, do I look like I give a crap?" Sighed the clerk at the front desk of the local gym "You don't understand, Luke is here every morning. Even if I skip out, he never misses a beat" Pleaded Rhiannon despite the man at the desk rolling his eyes at her. "Look, your man's clearly ghosting you. Take it on the chin and move on" he replied dismissively as he turned his back on her. "We're not... he's not... look that's not the point. Two people went missing from my work last week. Including Luke. And if he's missed a week's worth of gym..." Continued Rhiannon, hiding out a stack of missing persons flyers. "Please..?" She implored in her sweetest voice. "Ugh, fine" pouted the clerk as he turned around and took the flyers from her. "We'll keep these around for whatever good it does"
"Thank you so much, I just... I just need to know they're alright, y'know?" Said Rhiannon with a tremble as she stifled a painful sob. The clerk gave her a solemn nod and she turned to leave. As Rhiannon began to open the door, the clerk spoke up. "And uh, you're sure you're the last person to see them?" He asked with the first hint of sincere concern Rhiannon had heard all day. "Yeah... just me and that bitch Laura" Rhiannon replied with a derisive snort "Oh Lauara? From the Snack Arnold's downtown?" Asked the clerk "Huh. That's odd. Now you mention it, she stopped coming in last week too. Used to be here in the evenings all the time" That is weird, thought Rhiannon. But what would that rude bitch even care to know?
* * *
Laura feigned a hearty chuckle at the terrible joke her date had just made. To further sell the performance, she playfully bit at her index finger while looking Warren in the eye. "When did you get so funny, Warren?" She chuckled "I don't remember you having such a wicked sense of humour in High school" She purred with a sultry smile. "Oh I'm plenty of wicked things" Replied Warren, completely oblivious to how out of character this behaviour was for Laura. "I'll bet you are..." She whispered, deliberately exaggerating as she leaned down to take a long, hard suck on the straw in her drink. "Maybe I'd like to find out just how wicked" She continued, staring intently at the heavyset jock as he began to blush. Warren had never been good at much besides football and that hadn't really changed at since he dropped out of senior year nearly ten years ago. Laura giggled as she brushed her foot against his leg under the table. "Tell you what, I've gotta close tonight, but how about you swing by Snack Arnold's tonight after we shut and we can share a free meal in my office" purred Laura as she stood up and gathered her things. "Oh I can't do take-out, it's training season so I'm like, on a real strict diet" Sputtered Warren "That's not the eating out I had in mind" chuckled Laura. "11pm stud, see you there" She whispered before turning to leave the empty Cafe. Warren had wondered why on earth Laura had asked to see him today after all this time. And in a dive like Jimmy's of all places. Nobody came here for the food, matter of fact, nobody came to Jimmy's at all if they knew what was food for them. But it was worth it. Warren had crushed on Laura all through high school and she'd always shot him down. But tonight? Tonight was gonna be different.
* * *
The drone hissed as its body ached. It had been almost a week since Laura implanted it with her eggs. Since then, its balls had continued to swell until its sack was almost three times its original size, heavy with the lifeforms incubating within. It had made it difficult to work on the nest with the same level of dexterity as the other drones. It didn't understand where they had come from or who they had been. It just knew every night, Laura returned in her car with a new one. There were six of them now, all identical in appearance and behaviour. Who they'd been before didn't matter, Laura was all that mattered now.
Two other drones had been implanted with Laura's eggs. Lke this one, they had curled up in the webs of their hive to hibernate while they nurtured the tremendous responsibility their queen had bestowed on them. Meanwhile, the other drones worked diligently to extend the webbing throughout the house. Laura's room was almost completely smothered in the stuff, as was the hallway outside and most of the top floor. They'd be webbing up the ground floor and basement soon enough...
The drone's muscles ached again as it grew increasingly restless. It begn to idly stroked its cock until a dribble of precum came out. Thick and purple, more than it had been the dozens of times it had done so over the last day or so. Yes... it was nearly time to pull free from the webbing and begin the next step of creating Laura's new world...
* * *
"And I'm telling you, they are missing" Shouted Rhiannon, stamping her feet as she glared at the police officer, a wiry young man by the name of Daniel Kocheck "Ma'am, we can't just declare someone-" Replied the exasperated officer Kocheck. "People! Plural! There's two of them and they've both been missing since last week!" Interrupted Rhiannon with a shrill cry. "Well, yep" said kocheck, raising his hand in a 'stop' motion. "That there's two of them is all the more reason we can't be too hasty, so far you're the first person to come forward about this. Try to understand how that looks?" Offered Kocheck, calmly trying to diffuse the situation. "Looks like what!?" Cried Rhiannon with an angry sob. "Well, you said you're all good friends? Maybe they've gone out of town for a bit? Trip to the city? Boys being boys?" Suggested officer Kocheck but Rhiannon just shook her head. "No, no, I saw them both before they disappeared. Luke would have bragged about it that night and Mike... Mike shares everything with me. No way they would have went out of town, not when Laura kept them back" "Sorry, who kept them how?" Came the sweet voice of the senior constable, Daisy Sofen. Daisy was average height but with a lean, stocky physique. Rhiannon relaxed a little at the sound of Daisy's voice. Daisy Sofen had been on the same baseball and volleyball teams as Rhiannon's older sister, they'd been good friends until she'd joined the force. "Laura. Our boss at Snack Arnold's. She kept Mike back last week. No idea how long they were there that night, it was... it wasn't much better when we got in the next day" sobbed Rhiannon as she shifted her focus to Senior Constable Sofen. "And Luke was there that night also?" Enquired the senior constable with a sincere, compassionate tone. "N-no. No. Luke worked late the next day... with Laura" continued Rhiannon. "Laura says they told her that had some kind of bug and couldn't come in, but she's the only one who's heard from them since I last saw them." Senior Constable Sofen frowned, she didn't like the sound of that. "Look, tell you what Rhi, we'll start looking into it. Get the ball rolling. That way, when and -if- they are missing, we can put those next steps into play quickly and legally. Yeah?" Offered the Senior Constable. Rhiannon nodded, wiping away the snot and tears from her blubbering with a tissue officer Kocheck offered. "In the meantime, go home. Rest. Maybe call in sick if you're working tonight, yeah?" Suggested the Senior Constable. Rhiannon nodded and left the police station in a solemn mood, leaving the two officers at the desk. "Laura... ain't that Carter's daughter?" Said Officer Kocheck "Yeah, your sister used to babysit her right?" Replied Senior Constable Sofen. "Yeah, yeah... she was a monster" chuckled Kocheck "you don't... you don't think she's done 'em in do ya?" "No, Kocheck. But something ain't right in that Snack Arnold's. I say we pay her a visit tomorrow, see shat her side of all this is" stated the Senior Constable. "You don't think them boys are just avoiding that pretty young thing?" Replied Kocheck, nodding towards the door Rhiannon had left from. "Dunno, but ghosting or not, those boys are gonna break that girl's heart" Replied Senior Constable Sofen.
* * *
The drone bounded through the underbrush on all fours. While it's emotional range was quite limited, there was a simple pleasure to being free of the webbing and exercising its muscles like this. The sun was low on the horizon as night began to fall, the drone understood that would make it safer to travel, though it didn't understand why it felt compelled to.
The drone knew it was in the woods outside the nest, albeit now closer to the human town than it was to the nest. The drone liked the forest. Easy to hide in, easy to move through. Plenty of places perfect for... perfect for what? The drone came to a halt as a terrible cramp began twisting in its guts. It could feel its swollen ball sack wriggle and squirm as something began shifting through its insides.
Instinctively, it moved towards the nearest tree. Hunching over, it let out a single cough and with a wet slurp, spat a large glob of purple slime on the tree. It felt a terrible shiver down its spine and instinctively darted towards another tree nearby and retched again. Another glob of purple slime spattered across the base of the tall pine and the drone shuddered again. This process repeated until the drone had hacked up slime onto at least a couple of dozen trees in the area before the shuddering finally abated. Looking closely at the glob, the drone could see a large pink-purple orb throbbing amidst the slime. What looked like dozens of spidery veins were spreading out from the orb and plunging into the tree. The areas around these veins were already looking less like wood and more like flesh. Gently pulsing and spreading with surprising speed.
That felt right to the drone. Everything would become them eventually, that was their purpose as a species. To convert everything to be like them. By infecting the trees, the drone was fulfilling a vital step in the process of making the immediate surroundings more suitable for their kind. The drone was relieved to feel its balls were lighter now, but something still writhed and squirmed inside. There was one final step before this reproductive cycle was completed. The drone could feel its arousal steadily building as the familiar need for sex began returning.
Yes, it needed to head towards the human town. One final task to complete for its Queen. The drone began to bound through the trees once more, as the need for sex compelled it to seek a suitable partner. Presumably the Queen, the drone wasn't really aware of any other possibility. Under the cover of darkness the drone began making its way to Laura's workplace...
* * *
Rhiannon glared at the back office as she arrived at work. Against the advice of Senior Constable Sofen, she'd resolved to come in for her closing shift. Something was rotten with Laura's story and grief was making Rhiannon bold. If she couldn't confront Laura about it, she'd at least see what she could glean from her.
To say it made for a strange evening, was an understatement. Laura had been more aloof than usual, spending most of her time hidden away in her office when she would have normally been out amongst the crew barking orders. Rhiannon had caught glimpses of her buried in her phone, scrolling through what looked like a dating app. When she'd tried to strike up a friendly conversation about it, Laura had just glared at her until she dropped it and made a hasty retreat. Curious, but not exactly out of character.
What was curious was when Rhiannon quietly slipped past the bin room and saw Laura hurl several giant garbage bags and a bike into the dumpster like they were nothing. Laura was infamously weak and that had led many to believe this was a major source of her permanently foul mood. Could Laura be on steroids? It could explain a lot and the guy at the gym said she had been coming in late... it couldn't have made her homicidal though, surely? Rhiannon was starting to feel less inclined to have a direct confrontation with Laura.
The next oddity was when passing the office while Laura was on her dinner break. Rhiannon tried to strike up a conversation about wishing her friends well and hoping they'd be back soon. Unsurprisingly, Laura was quick to shut the conversation down. Rhiannon nearly persisted, wanting to probe at how they were behaving when Laura last saw them. But when she caught a glimpse of Laura's dinner, she quickly excused herself and left the office in a hurry. There was no way to know without tipping off Laura, but it looked like the meat in her chicken sandwich was completely raw. There was definitely something strange happening with Laura and Rhiannon had seen enough goofy horror films to know she needed to get out of here as soon as possible.
When closing time rocked around, Rhiannon was rushing to leave with Sammy and Maria who'd been filling in while Luke and Mike were off. The three of them were nearly out the door when Laura called out to Rhiannon, stopping her dead in her tracks. Her blood ran cold as she quickly deduced she was about to be asked to stay behind and end up in a sandwich like Luke and Mike.
"Hey Rhi-Rhi..." said Laura in the insincere, sweet voice that often meant an unreasonable request was coming. Rhiannon was poised to bolt for the car park as Laura walked up to her. "Y-yeah?" Croaked Rhiannon, trying her hardest to mask how frightened she was. "I know this Mike/Luke thing must be really hard for you..." Continued Laura, laying a reassuring hand on Rhiannon's shoulder. Uner any circumstance, it would have been comical to see. Rhiannon was a fair bit taller than Laura and clearly not appreciating the gesture. "Oh it's, it's nothing really..." stuttered Rhiannon, trying to shake off Laura's hand as naturally as possible. "Well it is. We're all pretty worried" said Laura "I want you to take the next few days off, don't worry about us, we'll be fine" She continued in that sickly sweet tone" "Oh... thank you, well ok. Yeah. Thank you" Replied Rhiannon inching out the door, if this was her opportunity to escape, she had to take it. "Oh and Rhi?" Called Laura as Rhiannon was halfway out the door. Rhiannon slowly turned to look back at Laura. "Have a good night." Said Laura with a wry smile. Rhiannon let out a nervous chuckle. "You too, Laura. Don't stay back too late, yeah?" She replied anxiously. "Oh I always do" purred Laura as she strode back to her office.
* * *
The drone panted hungrily as it watched the woman leaving the place where it had been reborn. It thought it had been drawn here because Laura, its Queen was here, trying to keep up the act of being human. But when the drone saw this woman... it was like a switch flipped in its brain and a whole new understanding of what it had to do was just there. The drone's heart pounded as it began to beat faster. Yes. This was what had compelled it to leave the nest. Carefully, the drone crept across rooftops and darted through alleyways as it followed the woman, staying out of sight. It new better than to try and make a move where it could be seen or interrupted so easily. Just as well. There was a large, broad shouldered man on the opposite side of the street heading back towards the building Laura was in. There was a momentary pause as the drone contemplated intercepting the human male, but it knew that wasn't even close to threatening the Queen. If anything the drone would likely return to the nest and find a seventh drone had joined them. No, it had to fulfil the instinctive need that drove it to follow the woman.
Something about the tall brunette and her route was oddly familiar to the drone. As if it knew she always walked this way after working a late shift with the Queen. The drone could almost recall it as if it had walked with this woman on a night like this, but not as itself. It couldn't determine if it was drawn to this human by that familiarity or if it was drawn to her by how 'right' her pheromones smelled for what the drone needed to do next. As she rounded a corner and began walking through the dimly lit park in the town center, the drone knew it was now or never...
* * *
Rhiannon pulled her scarf tighter arou d her neck as the bitter chill of the night air made her nose and fingers feel awfullly numb. She hadn't minded walking home from  work when Luke or Mike would walk with her. But on her own? And with Laura acting so strange? It was profoundly uncomfortable regardless of how cold it was or wasn't. Rhiannon couldn't shake the feeling she was being watched but that was surely just a reasonable paranoia with every thing going on? She couldn't wait to get home to the safety of her apartment.
Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted as she rounded the corner in the park and something leapt from he nearby bushes, tackling her to the ground. She let out a terrified squeal before she hit the ground and had the wind knocked out of her. Dazed by the blow, she flailed her arms as giant, blue, scaly claw clamped over her face and dragged her head first into the bushes. Her attempts at screaming were muffled by the monstrous hand, despite how hard she slapped, punched and shoved at it, the hand wouldn't release her. She kicked her legs, scattering dirt and flowers in their wake for whatever good it did. Maybe random passers-by would see the mess and come to her aid, as unlikely as that was a this hour...
Rhiannon's eyes widened with fear as she felt her attacker's other hand snatch at her waist followed by a rush of cold air on her hips. Her mind reeled, the creature was stripping her. And it was definitely a creature. Despite a vaguely humanoid silhouette, she could make out a glassy, translucent exoskeleton shimmering in the moon light. It's eyes glowed an eerie green and red as they leered at her from the darkness. Tears streamed from her eyes as the creature treated at the blouse of her work uniform, exposing her breasts and stomach to the cool night air.
Rhiannon pushed against the creature until her arms hurt. It was dragging her deep nto the plot of trees and bushes in the middle of the park where they couldn't be seen, then it would surely eat her or rip her to pieces. Surely that's what happened to Luke and Mike after all?
Satisfied with where they were, the creature hefted Rhiannon off her feet and pinned her against a large boulder. She tried to keep pushing it away but her arms were going limp. She had already run herself down at work, she had so little stamina left to resist with. Slowly the creature leaned in close, pressing its large, muscular body against her exposed flesh. Rhiannon trembled and continued her muffled shrieking. Being heard was the only thing that could save her now, but with the creature holding her face so tightly, someone would need to be very close to hear anything at all.
Rhiannon's screams turned to whimpers as the creature began to nuzzle at her neck, its lips gently tracing along her collarbone. Tears streamed down her eyes again as she felt its jaws slowly open. This was it, it was going to plunge those horrible fangs into her and rip her throat out like Dracula. Wincing, Rhiannon anticipated a painful bite that never came. Instead she shivered for a different reason as puckered lips kissed at her neck. There was an oddly pleasant prickle as its tongue slid across her neck. Slowly, as the creature continued to kiss her neck, Rhiannon lowered her arms and let her muscles relax.
Satisfied she was no longer fighting it, the creature released its hand from her face and moved to look her in the eye. Rhiannon gasped as its scaly hands gently ran up and down her sides. "You're uh... not so bad huh?" She whispered quietly, trying not to startle the creature. The creature replied simply by kissing her on the lips, it's tongue slowly snaking into her mouth as Rhiannon reciprocated. She'd kissed boys before but nothing had ever quite felt so nice. Despite the rough introduction, the creature seemed to be taking great care to make her feel... comfort? Pleasure? Every man she'd ever kissed had paid no heed to her own enjoyment, while this thing seemed to be prioritising that.
"Wow... wow..." She gasped as their lips finally broke apart, her whole mouth tickled with the after taste of the creature's Sour saliva and the same prickling feeling its tongue had made. Rhiannon felt a little light-headed, almost like being tipsy. "We're a uh, regular beauty and the beast huh?" She sighed. The moment she said it, Rhiannon was keenly aware of a warmth in her loins. She loved beauty and the beast. Especially the beast. It wasn't the furry, cursed prince from her fairy tale fantasy, but as she looked down to see its enormous cock brushing against her inner thigh, she couldn't help but wonder...
"Is that for me?" She whispered, carefully moving her right leg up to rest against the creature's flank. "Yes" Croaked the creature, one voice sounding oddly familiar and human while another echoed it with a beastly growl. Rhiannon felt a surge of warmth in her vagina as it grew increasingly moist. There was no denying the sudden yearning she had for her captor. Rhiannon struggled with getting aroused by men despite her attraction to them, it took a lot for sex to become an option to her. But this, right now? As crazy as it seemed, it felt so natural and right, like she'd never needed anything so badly in her life...
"Please..." She murmured, eyes widening as she slipped deeper into the haze of arousal couding her mind. Almost immediately, the creature pressed it's entire length into her. Rhiannon moaned and kicked as she pressed her hips up to meet it. There was a delicious slurp as the throbbing shaft glided into her, it's bony ridges caressing the inside of her pussy like no human cock ever could. As it began to slide out, Rhiannon kept bucking her hips up to it, her hands moving to clutch at the creature's shoulders. Immediately, the creature thrust back, its cock pressing into her once more. The force of its thrust pressed Rhiannon's curvy ass against the cold, rough surface of the rock beneath them. She let out an elated gasp and held the creature tighter, pressing her body against it. It repeated the motion, causing her to Arch her back and wail with glee. "Ohhh... oh God. Oh God..." again the creature thrust, it's hips grinding against Rhiannon's as she spread her legs wider. "Fuck. Oh fuuuck!" She cried out with an orgasmic moan as the creature's lips began to press against her left nipple while it thrust again. The gaps between its thrusts was getting shorter and Rhiannon's lust had reached a fever pitch in record time.
"Mmm yeah... yeah. You're my beast, you're my fucking beast!" She growled as their hips frantically collided with one another. The clouds were parting to let the light of the full moon shine down on them, allowing Rhiannon to admire the entirety of her inhuman lover. Under any other circumstances it probably would have been a horrifying sight, but right now? This was the kindest most enjoyable interaction she'd had since her friends disappeared. Rhiannon didn't mind admitting to herself she needed this. With a gentle push, she rolled the creature onto it's back.
"Submissive huh?" She moaned as she slowly reared up to straddle the creature "That's fucking hot" She continued. The creature bucked up hard, making her loudly cry out with an ecstatic moan.
"Yass girl, get it!" Shouted a voice from the other end of the park followed by several chuckles. Rhiannon blushed. Of course now someone could hear her. The creature remained unphased and bucked up harder, bouncing Rhiannon on its cock. She shrieked with glee and tried to bite her lip as she was met with more laughter and encouraging cheers as the voice from before moved further away. Rhiannon chuckled ad she rode harder, normally any infringement on her privacy was instant mood killer. But whatever the creature was doing to make her so attracted to it was all-consuming. She just needed more. She shrugged off the tattered remains of her blouse and jacket, casting them aside into the nearby bushes.
Her hands caressed the exposed ribs of its exoskeleton while it reached up to playfully knead her breasts. Rhiannon's eyes fluttered as the bony ridges on its cock nudged at her g-spot. Her mind was almost completely blank, her whole world was this moment and the erotic bliss bestowed upon her by this magnificent thing. She tried to speak but only guttural moans and unintelligible mumbling came out. Her vision was blurring as the creature continued to overwhelm her senses.
"Gonna. Gonna fucking... Ugh... cum. Cum. Want... cum" She managed to gasp between moans. She wanted this moment to last forever but she also wanted to be pushed over the brink into an orgasm the likes of which she'd never felt before. She wanted to suck this creature's cock and taste its cum as it splashes across her face. Again, completely at odds with her regular preferences but for this creature, in this moment, it's all she wanted.
At her insistence, the creature began furiously gyrating in and out of her. While the sudden erotic turn to the encounter had given Rhiannon's energy levels a considerable second wind, she was rapidly hitting her limit. Unable to keep herself up, she flopped around like a ragdoll until the creature rolled her onto her back. Her eyes rolled as her orgasm finally hit and crashed through every nerve in her body. Shuddering as it neared a climax of it's own, the creature cupped her head in its hand kissed her once again. Rhiannon groaned as several large globs spewed forth into her mouth and down her throat. Rhiannon was too exhausted to do anything but happily moan as she swallowed the slimy balls. Meanwhile, a giant bulge was shifting through the creature's cock and writhing into her. She leaned back and let out a final elated howl as what felt like a mass of wriggling snakes moved into her pussy and began spreading through her body. This last rush of sensations was too much, even for how willing Rhiannon's mind had been moments ago. With a shiver and a gasp, her word went dark as Rhiannon blacked out.
* * * As Laura in her human form led the drone formerly known as Warren into her kitchen, she paused to look at a mass of dried skin and bone scattered across the floor. In her gut, she knew this meant her first clutch had finished incubating.  She motioned Warren to wait for her as she gingerly stepped around the corner. Lying on the living room floor was the first drone she had implanted. It writhed as it slid free from layers of skin and extended bone, revealing its original self. Noting its balls had reverted to normal, Laura smiled a wide predatory grin.
"You've had a very big day haven't you my dear" She crooned "Yes... woods..." mewled the drone as it tried to get back on its feet. Laura stroked his cheek, turning his face to look her in the eye. "Well..." She purred with a wicked grin. "I think that needs a reward, don't you?" She continued. "How about you come join your new brother in pleasuring me upstairs hmm? After all, it's almost been a week since you got to have sex isn't it?" She purred, her body already beginning to shift back to its true form. The drone simply smiled and obediently followed her.
* * *
Rhiannon woke to the sound of trucks loudly honking outside. She blinked as she ran her fingers through her hair and rolled over to look a the time on her alarm clock. Eleven AM. How had she slept so late and come to think of it how did she even get home? The last thing she could clearly remember was...
"Beauty and the beast" echoed the memory of her voice. A flash of vivid images of her and monster fucking in the park. Rhiannon blinked again. Surely that was a dream, an odd enjoyable dream... had she completely blanked on coming home, getting changed and flopping into bed? Maybe so. Stress could do that, right?
Flinging the covers aside, she sat up and slipped her robe on so she had a little more to keep her warm than just a tank top and shorts. It was the darnedest thing, she was usually slow to get out of bed. But today? Except for a slight throbbing in the back of her head, she'd never felt so fit or invigorated this early in the morning.
Tutting at herself for leaving a window half open overnight, she closed it back up and moved to her kitchen where she then set her kettle boiling. Maybe today would be a good day after all, she thought. While she stood there flexing her arms and fingers, there was a knock at the door. Normally she would have tried to talk to the visitor through the door, but today Rhiannon felt more confident and sure of herself than ever before. Opening the door wide, she was met with the sight of her neighbour, Josh, standing in the hall outside.
"Josh! Hi!" She said with a big smile. "Uh hey Rhi" he replied, nervously running a hand through his short, coppery hair. "Look I uh, I hate to ask but last night you made a bit of a racket when you got home. I know it's been a rough week, but if you could um... y'know. Not so loud in future?" Rhiannon couldn't help but notice him ogling her cleavage through the folds of her robe. That it was clearly throwing him off made her smile. "Oh my, I am so sorry! It won't be a problem, Josh, I'd hate to keep you up" She replied, shifting her posture so that her right leg poked out from her robe all the way up to her thigh. Josh struggled to not be too obvious that his eyes were now roaming up and down that leg.
"Oh, no..  well I also just wanted to see how you're going y'know. Seems like you could really use a friend right now" he ventured "You know, I really do need that right now" said Rhiannon with an enthusiastic nod "Do you wanna maybe come in for a bit?"
Continued in Chapter 4 - Human Resources
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