#like yes of course I get it of course it's a funny meme image
recklessmoss · 4 months
I really need to reiterate how if you little fruits make an ai image just for the sake of a funny tumblr post, you are part of the problem that so many artists are rightfully upset over.
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anonymouscheeses · 5 months
more obvious shit I wanted to point out but it's more than last time uhhh pt.2 (spoilers for dad beat dad and maybe welcome to heaven. Maybe?)
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I love that Charlie just randomly goes into demon form sometimes like here ehhehehe. Also can I just say I love Charlie so much?? She is my favorite and I love her especially in this episode because it feels like the same optimistic Charlie but she was just put in a bad situation. I relate to her a bit TOO much, almost down to every detail like wow. You'll understand later once I get there. But just wow...
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LOOK AT THIS FUNNY LITTLE MAN. SPOODER DUST <3 also. Live [image] reaction. Someone make that into a reaction image 🙏🙏
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HONEY!!! NEW MEME TEMPLATE JUST DROPPED. (Aka the one guy going crazy trying to explain the stuff on the board iykyk)
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OMG... THAT CANT BE CHARLIE... NOT CHARLIE'S EMO PHASE PLEASE BAHAHAHHAHAHA (also love that Lucifer has kept it all these years, if Charlie knew I think she'd be extremely embarrassed. Vaggie would love it probably xd)
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Broskie got character development and is NICE?!? I LOVE THAT SMMM YALL.... LOOK AT HIM!! I am very delusional yes, but I will take this over ass development(cough. Vaggie's "story" in ep 3. Cough).
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Imagine this. *holds your hand carefully to help you calm down while talking to your father you haven't really wanted to talk to.* lesbian type stuff ngl 🤯 (relatable)
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*SHE IS STILL HOLDING HER HAND. CHARLIE'S ALSO SWINGING IT AROUND NERVOUSLY. I can never get tired of them and will make art soon just you wait.*
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COMMANDER VAGGIE! I love that she acts like this is a camp full of tiny kids and honestly? That's not too far off. Sir pentious is at the ready! (glad he's here more often in the episode, thought he would just get sidelined after his first episode but gladly no!) Angel is just surprised. Husk spilled his drink, ON WHITE FUR NO LESS! Niffty of course is on the floor face first. Charlie is just happy to be there yippee!
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What is this?? I have no idea what the hell it is at all. Bro is just peepin- it doesn't look like Alastor, even in demon form. And... I can't think of anyone else who could be this. Anyone have ideas or maybe it's foreshadowing? Maybe it was revealed in the 6th episode I don't know I haven't watched it yet. (I am a freak. I don't binge I give myself a day to watch a single episode. Most of the time uhhh.)
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WE LOVE A SHORT KING. I LOVE THAT. I LOVE HIM. THE EVERYTHING. HE IS EVERYTHING. LET ME STRANGLE HIM PLEASE. (Lillith and Lucifer's dynamic is 100% Gomez and Morticia but a little more silly short man)
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Oh and there goes the silly guy again! Atp I'm thinking it may be the gal some people been talking about that they've been hinting since the pilot. I forgot her name but she's said to be the big bad of season 1 or probably 2. Not sure if that's what it's trying to imply but here's my little no-thought idea
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Lucifer, no...
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Niffty really said, "Yes, I do the cleaning."
Get yourself a taller king who is a short king but compared to you is a tall king
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Say what you will, but I genuinely want more dad Alastor, someone make an au before I do plsss and @ me 🙏🙏
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alright.. now this is where it starts to be relatable and hurt my heart... yayy.... needing any sort of parent figure that actually cares about you than the actual parent who is rarely there? WOWZA! SAME CHARLIE <3 <3 (SO FAR VERY ACCURATE FROM SOMEONE THAT IS IN THE SAME SITUATION)
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Alastor is letting her off kindly, atleast in his way. He may be pissed off she brought a shark gang to the hotel and put it on fire, but they were still close friends. With anyone else he would absolutely either murder them or have severely traumatized the person. She's the exception, although I don't think he'd let it off the hook so easily if there were a next time.
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A father-daughter embrace! :,)
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(This is gonna be messy asf) He wants to know who she is as a person. He always has, and that's definitely obvious, but from a person inside this, they may not know themselves what the other is thinking. To Charlie it was like he never cared and just wanted an excuse to not see her again, acting like he was truly busy as in the start where he made the rubber duck that breathed fire. Sure. But Charlie saw it as him finding ways to not interact with her again. The only times they talk was when it was related to business stuff or other things of the sort. Let me just say this song... is by far my favorite, including the episode. Sure, it's got problems it's own, but this extremely accurate portrayal of what my own situation with one of my parents just stole my entire soul. Yeah I got a bit of tears about to come out, BUT NOPE! NOT TODAY! I don't ever cry during shows or movies so if I ever get teary-eyed, YOU DID SOMETHING. THAT SOMETHING BEING GOOD. This episode was emotional and connected with me on a deep level that I dont think any film has ever done to me, which is weird because I've been actively trying to find one, any one that does. Then to find it in an indie company from a creator who has achieved the dreams that I myself want to one day? That's fucking amazing.
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pommunist · 2 months
This is mostly gonna be just a rant but it just baffles me how everything Qstudios has done since the beginning of the admins situation is a terrible pr move. So yeah this is just gonna talk how, even if you forget the immoral and potential illegal stuff that went on, I don’t think their strategy is doing any good for the studio’s image.
-Going radio silent publicly and privately : Kinda the original sin of all this mess tbh. This obviously just leaves the space for the ex admins to share their stories, even more so since they have been ignored privately beforehand when they tried to handle things internally. This also allowed for the union to publicly intervene and more ccs talking about it, and actual news article being made on it.
-Leaving the server open : Tbh I get wanting to leave it open, maybe to allow minecraft centered ccs to still make content or maybe because it’d be weird to close it right after new people got in but also I think it would have be better to close it temporarily while they focus on the changes they promised rather than having it getting deserted little by little until it feels like a ghost town. This + also not a good look to have so many npcs online when Q said there would be none until things get better (The current npcs are likely non volunteers, once again not a bad or illegal thing per say but not a good look). Closing it would also have made it so that the reopening would have been a big and probably positive event.
-Welcoming new ccs/new languages : This might just be because of scheduling necessities or whatever and something they couldn’t do later but it still made the community go :/// to get new people while on the flip side you had parts of the fandom leaving because of what was happening. Also not great for the new arrivals to start in such a weird climate, without admins help and with few people online on the server.
-Releasing merch at the worst time possible : This might have been something they couldn’t change, just like the arrival of the Koreans/Hugo, but it still isn’t a good look for them to release egg merch after it came out that some of the egg admins were poorly treated, especially when they haven’t stated clearly that benefits from the merch would go towards paying staff. It’s also not a good look for them to release new discounts every day, barely ten days after release. (Also the Qstudios Twt account retweeting every egg figures announcement except for Pomme will never not make me laugh)
-Making the twitter updates accounts active again : Yes it may just be that they’re using a bot or that it’s the people who are in charge of the Qstudios twitter account posting on it, both of which are not wrong per say. But of course people are gonna wonder if it’s new people being hired, of course speculation will happen when there’s a lack of transparency, of course ex admins are gonna be upset when it seems like things are continuing as if nothing happened, when they were fired without a warning, a thanks or even a sorry.
And now we have the two points that are kinda in a « you fucked up so bad it’s almost funny and I almost feel bad for you guys » category
-« Hey guys out of all the people we exploited and treated poorly you know which ones we’re gonna make eat dirt the most ? Hell yeah the ones that are from a part of the world who literally have a whole cliche about them complaining and rioting for anything and everything. Also happen to be the same ones whose community we alienated for months by sidelining them. Also happen to be a community who, during this time, has grown quite close to our most active community (who are themselves quite mad at us by now) to the point that they are making memes about the two of them being in love with each other. Yeah surely this can only go well »
-« Oh no, people actually really care » : QSMP Fans in general just loved and appreciated all the work the admins did, whether they were twitter admins, builders, actors, writers… This is even more true since the situation also revealed that some admins things people have been most critical on (lore being weirdly interrupted, french being ignored…) were not these admins fault. And of course, you have the eggs admins case. How do you make viewers and ccs alike get SO attached to these kid characters, as if it was their children, while mistreating the people playing them and not expect this to blow up in your face at some point. It’s like you managed to catch lightning in a bottle and then left it to rot thinking this wouldn’t end up badly. Weirdly this one makes me kinda hopeful bc Qstudios kinda HAVE to fix it or else they lose on of their main selling points.
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muffinsin · 5 months
Hey muffin. A lot of people tend to write the sisters as Cat like. With the purring and tendencies. I know you've mentioned it before. Along those lines how do you think they would react, if at all, to a laser pointer? I saw an image of this somewhere and was wondering what you thought.
Absolutely! HC them as cats is funny
*I need this meme of Alcina throwing the canon table*
(Post mentioned about purring and cat tendencies : here)
Let’s get into it! :)
She sees the red laser dot immediately, and immediately her head turns in its direction
You see her study it, almost. Maybe, to deem if it’s worth her time
Bela is the type to attempt to play it cool, really
Yes, she has this urge to catch it, but doesn’t want to make it obvious
As the laser pointer dot is moved to her bed, she will, slowly and elegantly, move over to sit on it
If it’s moved to a wall, she will get up and stand next to it, but not pay the dot any mind at all
In fact, she will do her best to seem uninterested in the shiny thing
And it does appear to others like she isn’t interested at all, until…
Her hand slaps over the dot, with her sharp nails out and digging into the wall
Of course, she dislikes this feeling
She jumps and swarms, higher than you’ve ever seen, and pulls her nails back out, just to immediately tackle and cover the dot again
When you move it, she lifts her hand, confused how her prey got away
She keeps following the dot, and tries to slap her slap over it again, slow, steady movements
Bela has a bit of a fragile ego at times
Allow her to catch the dot and only continue a while after, or she will deem it as
“Stupid, below her, not worth it anyway” and ignore it entirely while she pouts
You might want to be careful, too
Bela- she has her eyes on the dot, yes. However…
She will figure out where it’s coming from
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A toy? A toy!
She is already chasing after it the second the sees it
Doesn’t matter what is in the way, either
Chairs? She’ll knock them over trying to catch the stupid little, glowy dot
Tables? She flings herself across them
Curtains are pulled down and walls are scratched
Vases are shattered and decoration flies about the place when Cassandra mindlessly jumps into them
Cassandra already likes glowing things. This is the best, though
Cassandra, despite not as much as her younger sister, can be very energetic at times
And very stubborn
She won’t rest until she has the damn dot
When she clasps her hands over it and it disappears, she tilts her head in confusion
She isn’t quite sure what the laser pointer is or does, but knows she wants that dot
She runs into walls and slips on the floor, but keeps chasing the damn dot
You’ll need to move it fast, and everywhere
Cassandra wants this challenge
She attempts to bite the air to catch it, to no avail
Only once has the laser pointer almost been taken from you
When you played as usual and kept aiming it, and spotted Bela sitting in the corner, reading her book
You aren’t sure why you couldn’t help but aim the enticing red dot right at her forehead
Of course, Cassandra tackled her sister to get the dot
With her sister holding her up by the collar of her dress and Cassandra hanging unusually calmly- merely pouting- the laser pointer was snatched from you
Cassandra claims she’s killed the dot
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Ah, Daniela. It seems, she has endless energy
Luckily, this is a good way of letting most of it, if not all, out
Daniela immediately chases after the dot
Immediately. Its attack on sight
Like her sister, she doesn’t care what she knocks over or destroys in the process
She’s having her fun, and Alcina could never be angry with her anyway! At least never for long
Daniela can be occupied for hours, merely to chase the little dot
She loves when it’s high in the air and she needs to jump and swarm to get it
Unlike her sisters, she attempts to bite it rather than catch it with her hands, most of the time
When she does so and the dot disappears, as her head covers it, she immediately whines
She doesn’t know, it’s now merely at the back of her head because she’s covering it
When she turns around and crosses her eyes upon finding the dot on the tip of her nose, you aren’t fast enough to react
With her hands slapping against her own nose, you only hear a whine and a long, drawn out “Ouwwwwww!”
You are demanded to kiss it better
After this, the hunt goes on
It keeps going for hours and hours, with Daniela laughing and giggling nearly constantly, bouncing about the room like a little ball trying to catch the laser pointer dot
When you notice her energy slowly drain, you move the laser pointer less drastically
With a bite into the air again, you turn it off. Daniela is sure, she’s caught it, and makes a comment about it tasting like a mouse
At last, she flops down on top of you, snuggling and dozing off, demanding head scratches and plenty of kisses for her job well done
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7grandmel · 2 months
Todays rip: 30/04/2024
guess what​?​?​?​?​?​?​?​?
Season 2 Featured on: Haltmann's Highest Quality Video Game Rips
Ripped by alden wolf
Requested by eg_9371! (Request Form)
It's Gonna Be May!
Saying that SiIvaGunner has in-jokes is perhaps the most obvious statement of all time - it is an in-joke upon which the entire channel is built upon. Yet there's obviously always different LAYERS to each joke, how obvious each of them are - and even today, there are many running gags on the channel that fly over people's heads despite having followed along for so long. Indeed, such is the case today with guess what​?​?​?​?​?​?​?​?, as requestee eg_9371 made me aware of a channel in-joke that's been running quietly in the background for the better part of seven years as of today. All of it built on one simple truth - tomorrow, it's gonna be may.
To reiterate - beyond the funny ha-ha memes we all know like Mr. Grand Dad and more, the SiIvaGunner channel is filled with little nods and gags that oft go overlooked. I of course covered 5 Nights of Snop Dog recently which is a great example of one, there's how rips like Kill & Learn (Recut Ver​.​) reference a running joke by long-time mashup artist Triple-Q about how Sonic Adventure 2 and Kill la Kill have an immeasurable amount of similarities, rips like Kermit in the Ocean being spiritual successors to very specific years-old rips on the channel - you get the jist. Some of these gags eventually get special attention on the channel through specific channel events, but such has not yet been the case with guess what​?​?​?​?​?​?​?​?'s joke - it's a gag that's stayed in the background since its very beginnings, and is only being kept running by a select few rippers. If you're listening to the rip now and it still hasn't landed yet, you may need to be enlightened to the ways of hit boy band *NSYNC. Or, well, really the band itself matters very little compared to the song of choice - It's Gonna Be Me.
Boy band music has a pretty interesting track record on SiIva in general, honestly. One Direction, Backstreet Boys, Boyzone, *NSYNC - to me the typical audience that obsesses over these kinds of bands feels at odds with my image of the average SiIvaGunner fan, and yet whenever they're prominently pushed I get reminded of just how good their music can be when wielded by good rippers. We've had two explosively quality events focusing on two bands in particular, the Big Time Rush takeover of Season 5 with Famous Surprise and the One Direction day of Season 7 with Beautiful Dreamer. *NSYNC hasn't had the same explosion of notoriety, but It's Gonna Be Me in particular has stealthily appeared on the channel every year since 2017 on April 30th. The joke is originally an ancient Tumblr meme from 2012, based on the way singer Justin Timberlake (yes!) pronounces the titular line in the song as "It's gonna be May" - the joke writes itself, and so Tumblr users have annually celebrated the day-before-May in Timberlake's honor.
eg_9371 writes in his request for this post that he's actually one of the most active rippers in keeping this joke going on SiIva for all these years, which I find extremely commendable, and it all started in Season 2, with guess what​?​?​?​?​?​?​?​?. It's a rearrangement of the song in the style of Donkey Kong Country 2's Mining Melancholy, a track most notable for its rhythmic percussion of steel drums sounding like steadily-working pickaxes deep in the mines. Its a fantastic track on its own, yet that percussion especially is a shockingly natural fit for the harpsichord(?) backing prominent throughout It's Gonna Be Me. Mining Melancholy's usual percussion and other parts of its melody stick around for large parts of the rip, making it more of a melody swap/mashup of the two than a full rearrangement a la Sog-Gee Ambiance - but it only serves to enhance the two tracks used, giving It's Gonna Be Me a more melancholic sound and Mining Melancholy a more self-assured feel in return, a super interesting blend of moods. I don't think the It's gonna be May bit would have worked nearly as well if the rip it was paired with wasn't of high quality, and guess what​?​?​?​?​?​?​?​? clears that threshold effortlessly - its a great rip that's made me appreciate the quality in both songs used.
*NSYNC rips have, again, continued to show up in all the years since, always on the dot, often even deliberately placed as the LAST rip of April 30th to drive the joke home. I think it's really sweet that the joke has stuck with eg_9371 in particular, likely in part due to alden wolf's initial contribution to the bit - he's even made It's Gonna Be Me rips on dates completely unrelated to the beginning of May, just because its a genuinely fun song to listen to. There's tons of these "secret" gags left to find on the channel, reoccurring dates or rips that reference jokes from other rips that are years-old by now - and really, a huge part of the fun in running this blog is getting to discover so many turning gears of the channel that I'd never been made aware of. Keep an eye out for these gags yourself - and keep an eye out on SiIvaGunner channel itself later today, to see if It's Gonna Be May for yet one more year.
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jeannereames · 2 months
Do you see memes and shitposts about Alexander and his time? If yes, do you like them, you hate them? Would you change something about these memes?
I’m sorry. I’m just really curious about what a professor thinks about this. Do you perhaps have a favorite Alexander meme?
Well, for me there’s a big difference between memes and shitposts. The former can be rather entertaining, the latter are just trolling. Don’t feed the trolls. I realize I’m perhaps defining shitposting more narrowly than some, but there’s enough of the narrow sort out there I don’t want to confuse it with memes.
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Meme are great. I have two favorites, although not about Alexander, ironically. I’ve shared them below. Both show up in my class Power-points, btw! Many of my colleagues also enjoy clever memes. My buddy Borja Antela was trying to collect some on Alexander last year. For a while, I followed Alexandergoatmemes on Instagram, but finally left because about 85/90% of them seemed to be about Alexander naming cities after himself. Sure, it’s funny maybe the first 20 times, but at 100+?
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So memes are great. Shitposting and ignorant-posting, however, are annoying.
I’m deliberately creating that third category. Shitposters know they’re posting shit; ignorant-posters (usually) don’t. The latter put up videos, tweets, or blog entries about (in this case) Alexander that perpetuate a lie, a false quote, or an oversimplified-and-mostly-wrong factoid. Some ignorant-posters are just reposting what they heard because they don’t know any better and may receive correction well enough—especially if offered politely. Yet others get upset (sometimes disproportionately so) when their errors or distortions are pointed out.
This can be about controversial matters, such as Alexander’s putative “sexuality” or it can be something surprising. I once had a fellow fly off the handle when he posted that Alexander was left-handed and I (gently) corrected him.* You’d have thought I’d called his mother a whore. It seemed quite silly…except that left-handedness used to be considered a Very Bad Thing. So being able to claim famous people as lefties was apparently more for him than just leftie pride.
Aside from oddities, most of the ignorant-posting I’ve seen comes in three main types.
First, we have the religious/spiritual/life-coach sorts who usurp Alexander for a moral lesson—not unlike the orators of the (Roman-era) Second Sophistic, or both Muslims and Christians in some of the Alexander Romances. Alexander has ALWAYS been a malleable figure for lecturing. Ergo, he pops up in homilies/sermons as a parable, like his supposed Last Three Wishes. It is, of course, total bullshit, but there’s quite a lot of stuff like it out there. People read it, go “Aww,” and reblog without bothering to check if it’s correct. It has “the authority of hearsay.” These can be either Alexander-positive or Alexander-negative parables, btw.
See also: quotes attributed to famous celebrities that they never, in fact, said. Alexander gets these too. The ¡Inspirational! “Army of Sheep Led by a Lion” is especially egregious, as it’s a general proverb that appeared well after Alexander (no, he didn’t say it). It seems to be currently popular, along with, “There is nothing impossible to him who will try” (also not ATG). Yet these make great quotes for those damn “Inspirational Posters.” Here’s a whole page of them, lion quote right at the top, suitable for a Power-point!...with no attempt to verify their authenticity or say where they got them. But the image with the quote below is especially funny as they even put a date on their fictional quote. If it has a date, it must be true! Netflix, btw, used that bloody quote even though I told them not to; it was fake. Didn’t matter.
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Second, we have the alt-right/white supremacist groups, or hangers-on who might reject the label (coyly or not) but embrace much of its Eurocentric thinking. These folks present Alexander as spreading good [white] Western values to the poor benighted East [brown people]. It’s essentially warmed-over Plutarch with a dash of Curtius and some Arrian. Their Alexander even sometimes has longish flowing (blond) locks and is oddly tall.** Like Thor. I stay the hell away from them but have occasionally stumbled over them on Tik-Tok.
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Anyway, the alt-right crowd may have read some about Alexander, written by other alt-right guys who take material from a carefully curated set of “accepted” histories: Arrian and Plutarch, and not just Plutarch’s Life of Alexander, but his double-essay from the Moralia, “On the Fate or Fortune of Alexander.” They tend to be war/conquest-approving and see the Greco-Roman past as some pure Aryan utopia from which we’ve fallen into our “wretched age of iron.”*** Of late, a lot of their associated images are AI generated, btw. A couple examples below.
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Last, and on the opposite end of the spectrum are the Alexander-was-Queer-AND-Wonderful, and oh, boy, some of them also don’t want a single bad thing said about their hero. They may know relatively little about his life aside from his putative gayness, but are just as resistant to/resentful of being corrected in their errors and romantic oversimplifications.
And that is what all of these categories share: oversimplification for the sake of a particular social and/or political agenda.****
Isn’t it, then, also shitposting? No. Because shitposters intend to stir the pot. They may or may not believe what they say, but they’re saying it TO get a reaction. Like the Tweet Heard Round the Alexander-verse after the Netflix thing (below). THAT was a shitpost. His entire goal was to go viral, and he succeeded.
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By contrast, ignorant-posters usually aim for a particular audience and rarely expect to go viral outside their circle. Nor do they expect to be corrected. When they are, they react with surprise and anger. (Again, there are exceptions.)
I tend to observe these things, but rarely engage—although I did engage more when I was a young grad student. Now if I reply, it’s general (as here), not to the original post/tweet itself. TBH, I have books and articles to write, classes to teach, and papers to grade. 😉 I don’t have time for flamewars.
* Yes, I made Alexander left-handed in Dancing with the Lion, partly for the hell of it. But there’s zero evidence one way or the other—which I point out in my Author’s Note at the end of book 2, Rise.
** BTW, there’s a Whole Thing out there online about Alexander as tall, even Super Tall, claiming evidence which they don’t actually cite (correctly). Note the “many stories suggest….” Oh, really? These are? Anyway, I don’t think the author of that blog entry is alt-right—which is why I put it as a footnote—but dig the wacko AI white-haired Nordic Alexander at the top! And I’m still chuckling at a 7-foot-tall Alexander. Good Lord, how tall would that make Hephaistion?
*** Yeah, that’s a little bow to Hesiod’s theory of the Ages of Man.
**** Note that I didn’t include Greek Nationalists. While some of them also swing right (Golden Dawn, Front Line, National Reform Party, etc.), many are more moderate. Alexander is a Greek hero, and if what’s presented about him by some is also oversimplified to fit a national narrative, it doesn’t spring from ignorance so much as deliberate choice and what they learned in school/at home. Think about what the average (white) American knows about George Washington or Thomas Jefferson, or for that matter, the average native person about Tecumseh or Crazy Horse.
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spiribia · 4 months
i do get why it's a meme but to be genuine if i saw what i believed to be a real bird in a chocolate fountain being passed around as a funny gif it would distress me too. i probably wouldn't say 'listen here cum-slut' about it granted but as someone who was there as it was unfolding and to this day i think theres this sentiment that people are just annoying spoilsports for thinking a funny animal image or gif or video is concerning and yes chocolate can be highly toxic to birds and no amount of replies going 'the bird looks like it went in the chocolate fountain of its own free will cool your jets' would make that fact untrue. My oddest hangup of all time about a tumblr trend. and then of course it was a fake bird from an adam sandler movie so no real birds were harmed in this discourse and i sound nuts but the fact that after that addition got out everyone used it to act like op was being uniquely hysterical about a fake bird as if everyone in the reply additions arguing against them wasnt also treating it like a real bird. get behind me all who would get upset about bird in chocolate fountain
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colorfulmetaphors · 1 year
Maul fic rec because yes please
Hello friendos. In the last few months or so, I took a break from tumblr and in that time read through the near-entirety of the (maul centered) Maul fic on ao3. It was a blast and I wanted to make a rec list because these were amazing and I want to gush over them. my goal here is to rec something for any maul mood you may be in. there's flash (short) fic, medium length, and long-ass novel fic; some fluff, some angst, some character studies; i tired to hit each Maul Genre. And I'm categorizing them because organizing things is fun. So:
O66 fallout:
To The Wild by @d0nkarnage (43,251 words; rated M)
This one is by far my fav of the Maul and Ahsoka team up during O66 (fall) ones. Giant buff gay Ahsoka? Yes. Good. But the greatest draw of this fic is the way in which these two characters learn to understand each other. I like how hostile it begins and how the author shows Ahsoka's opinion changing over time. And of course, because my focus is going to be Maul, I loved the way the Ahsoka POV catches his acerbic demeanor and lets him just be kind of an asshole. Then that first chapter of Maul POV hits to reframe everything and youre like *dog in a burning room meme* this is fine. It balances tone really well, with growth built on small moments, parallels I didn't expect to punch me in the heart, lines of dialogue that bring every that's crashing beneath up to the surface, and just being fucking funny. Every other line has me going Oooooooo that's some good-ass writing. Love it, please read it and enjoy the image of Ahsoka and Maul arm wrestling while you try not to sob over the ways theyve learned to care for each other.
Cocaine and Abel by storm_warning (18,431 words; rated T)
On the other side of Maul and Ahsoka team up (fall), we have my favorite of the Maul and Ahsoka team up (balance), or 'Ole Palps gets defeated. Not only is this fic awesome, so is the playlist (which the author has linked in the notes) that accompanies it. My favorite part of this fic is Maul's denial, or his inability to understand/confront himself. He's working through allying with Ahsoka, seeing his master defeated, and figuring out where his place is, all while fighting through the horror of [his entire life.] It all coalesces into my favorite line: "--and then his knife is letting the blood out of the Anomid’s throat, and it runs gushing and thin in the rain, and all the wretched voices are quiet with shock." Switching the subject of the sentence in a moment of intense emotional struggle is such a clever use of language, reminiscent of Windham using the passive voice to signify Maul's dissociation, and I went back and re-read the passage like seven times. Read this one if you want to lie awake at night, haunted by birdsong.
The Heavy Center by bluestalking (41,790 words; rated G)
This one snuck up on me! Not because I didn't like it, but because it didn't sound like something I would normally be into. But I was determined to read almost everything in the tag so I tried it and I'm so glad I did. It's a post-O66 (fall) fic that centers around Padme, Ahsoka, Maul, and Obi-Wan. And It's one of those fics where I have to stop every few paragraphs or so to just repeat a sentence to myself and roll the rhythm over my teeth. The turns of phrase are exquisite. I really appreciate how reasonable Maul is in this fic. I feel like in a lot of Obimaul scenarios, he doesn't get to be the one to say hold on wait a minute let's talk. I think this one does a great job showing the shift in his motivation/reasoning and how that affects the way he approaches other people. I also like how there's so much he and Obi-Wan don't talk about. They skirt around stuff because its difficult to confront, but they find a way anyway.
Keep Running by @greenreticule (two parts, combined 26,094 words; rated T)
God bless Maul is rescued young fics. I think this series gets the exact balance of aw what a cute bby and oh shit that is one traumatized child how tf do I raise him. I like that the relationship between Dex and Maul isn't easy, but it is careful. I like that Dex messes up and that Maul is a rebellious fearful angry curious little guy, prone to all the folly of any young child, let alone one raised by Sidious. And I love that those behaviors appearing are signs of healing! The world-building in this one is really cool too. I found myself enjoying the locations and imagining the spaces around the characters. And HOLY SHIT the trans feelings in part two. Please heed the author's warnings carefully. I was having a great time, enjoying smaul, and then felt like I got hit by a train. It's good, but it's painful, but it's good.
Twin Suns/Kenobi on Tatooine:
the past is another planet by anonymous (329 words, rated T)
I so admire authors who can say a lot with very little. This snippet of an altered Twin Suns uses action to convey thought very well, touching on themes without ever naming them. The last line left me breathless.
Just This Once by A_Hodgepodge_of_Nothings (35,451 words, rated E)
This fic is exceedingly warm. It made me happy reading it, and I had to pace myself-- stop myself from finishing it all in one go. This is a desert hermits fic in which Maul and Obi-Wan's relationship develops very slowly and naturally, spaced over time skips that flow together really well. The Maul would be good with kids, actually, representation we need. The learning to be vulnerable around each other and learning how to rely on someone else scenes we also need. Just two tired, sad men clinging onto what little hope remains between them. And some chapters have art!
The Nature of the Beast by Carmarthen (@carmarthenfan) (1,384 words; rated G)
After I've spent 20 minutes staring at the ceiling, despondent over Maul, I turn to this fic for relief. Maul and Obi-Wan adopt a puppy. What's not to love. The author does some really interesting world-building regarding the Tusken raiders, and Maul himself is curmudgeonly to cover his affection. He's a stinker who buys things he knows his partner will like but also intentionally spooks him because he can. Peak Maul.
The Lost & The Forgotten by @shadowmaat (5,651 words; rated G)
It was really difficult to pick just one work by shadowmaat. I highly recommend checking out their entire Maul catalogue. In the end, I chose this one because I was instantly charmed by its opening. Maul shouting "Fight me!" and Obi-Wan replying like no lets have lunch made me laugh and I was ready for the What If The Naboo Duel Never Happened ride. I love Maul's characterization in this one. There are touches to his presentation that I subconsciously look for now, and this one hit all the marks: his strange brand of kindness, his maladaptive coping behaviors, and the brusqueness that covers intense care. Their use of character voice is really powerful and I enjoyed each swap in POV. Maul and Obi-Wan being mutually stranded (abandoned?) alters their dynamic from the more standard one-saving-the-other, and I enjoyed the reciprocity of their equal standing. And if this one doesn't pique your interest please check out the Tooka Cafe AU. Guess I'm not just picking one ha. Her Twin Suns AU is also very good...... FUCK. moving on.
Leaps of Faith, Acts of Kindness by @trixree (1,298 words; rated T)
My favorite type of fic are the ones where Maul and Obi-Wan just talk. This is exactly how I think a conversation post-Maul-losing-on-Naboo would go. Maul's fear and courage are on equal display-- Maul is a collection of conflicting traits and I think this fic shows that with clarity. He's stoic but expressive, terrifying yet terrified, paranoid and all too ready to trust, and all of that conveyed through an outside POV . There are so many gaps in this fic, in a good way. The characters don't have all the answers and neither does the reader, but there's enough for the characters to act and enough for the reader to understand why they act in that way. That's really damn difficult to do. The dialogue is strong and carries the narrative without requiring a lot of description, only needing some emotive action to convey what's going on in the characters' heads. 10000000/10
Staring into open flame by SLWalker (@sl-walker) (100,526 words; rated M)
To me, this is THE Maul fic. It’s an insightful dive into his character; it’s stunningly beautiful in both language and composition; the ending was so satisfying that I immediately wanted to read the entire thing again. In it, Maul is found by the Jedi after Naboo, but the fic takes place during TCW (Wild Space novel) and bounces back and forth between the present and the past as Obi-Wan and Maul work through their relationship. And by God. The parallels the author draws. The way she uses those jumps to juxtapose different scenes. Reading it the second time was even better because I knew how things connected and could further appreciate how carefully they'd been woven. This fic made me fall in love with Maul’s character all over again and that’s the highest compliment I can give. (And honestly, anything by Steff is going to be a banger. I haven’t read all her stuff but Im confident it’s all good because her mastery of craft and understanding of character are that solid. AU where Bail Organa takes Maul in? I know nothing about Bail but that one ended up being my favorite of her work. A series where the base premise is just “maul has wings?” im already in the car with a full tank of gas let’s go. "WORDS" IS REALLY GOOD. "IT" IS REALLY GOOD. and im terrified to read her Twin Suns internal monologue because *mr incredible voice* im not strong enough. uh. This one tho. Please read this one.)
There my heart lays sweetly in the velvet moor by @texasdreamer01 (12,856 words; rated E)
I'm incredibly fond of this fic. Reading it feels like nesting into the couch, fireplace going, thick blanket on, and shaking up a snow-globe to watch the sparkles settle around this little encapsulated world. It's mesmerizing, comforting. Has that oooooooo a damn good writer wrote this pizzazz. In this one, Obi-Wan didn't "kill" Maul on Naboo, and afterwards they keep running into each other as time goes on, until those coincidences become purposeful. The author is great at describing places in a way thats tangible. I can hear the scenes, feel them. You can tell a lot of thought went into the smallest details. The vocabulary in this one is also great? Precise words are used in ways you wouldn't expect within the sentence structure. It makes reading it fun and engaging, like playing tag with phrases. I really really like this version of Maul; he's a little more loose than your typical TPM-era Maul, but he has the same awkwardness and endearing happiness in doing things efficiently/well. Settle in!
Misc Imperial Era:
Mannequin Dream by anonymous (1,477 words; rated T)
Maul/Rex as a thing kinda hit me out of left field but I think I like it? Maul's characterization in Maul/Rex fics is always so !sharp and this one is no different. The description alone sold me on it, and the content (Maul and Rex having a philosophical discussion about purpose and ideology and solitude) sealed the deal.
he reaches over and he touches you, like a prayer for which no words exist by trophygoth (2,131 words; rated M)
What initially caught my attention about this one is how Maul thinks about his past self. He feels matured, aged, changed from who he was when he was younger, and i think that that’s significant because his ability to self-reflect is initially so stunted. It's not a long fic; it’s a post-nightmare scene that captures how Maul and Obi-Wan have come to understand each other. They have gentle banter, intentional body language, and Maul's inner-monologue is knowing. It also portrays Maul well, with his tempered contemplation, rough edges, and warped thinking. "(He is still young enough that he allows himself to quantify this feeling as pain)," knocked me tf out.
TCW (ending where my love of Maul began, in true Maul fashion):
Far Above, Far Below by nobody_expects_the_inquisitorius (@nobody-expects-the-inquisitorius) (788 words; rated G)
Gen fic has a special place in my heart. Maul's venator rampage is probably my (second?) favorite TCW scene, because it's so calculating and brutal, but it also carries a sense of simultaneous hopelessness and determination to survive. Of you want a "monster?" Fine. And I feel like this internal-monologue fic does a great job of showing why Maul is feeling that way. The prose is incredibly pretty and it's so... desolate. Yet rebellious. It has the same gravitas as the scene it frames, and I think that's really impressive. It's in the verbs, evocative and visceral. I want to plant flowers around this fic, like offering respect at a sorrow-laden grave.
Until I am Whole by dimtraces (@doorsclosingslowly) (1,934 words, rated M)
Maybe I am slightly cheating on my parameters with this one, but I don't care because I love this fic so much. This one is Savage-focused, but his relationship with Maul lies at the center. (If you want something more Maul-focused with a similar tone, try Keep quite still and wait ((2,984 words, rated M)) by the same author ((yes I'm doing two in one because it's my list and no one can stop me)) listen dimtraces is where I go for Brothers) [Both have] everything: character work, beautiful writing, and that sweet sweet ~~~~~body horror~~~~~. This one is about Savage's lost arm, but that's such a simplistic way to summarize it. The imagery is visceral and the way the author follows a single thread through time/emotion is extremely well done. I want to talk about it a bunch but I also don't want to spoil it because seeing the way it unfolds is a large part of the appeal. It's spooky! It's got heart! It's gorgeous! Please read it and go-- go-- feral with me. (falls to knees in anguish)
and then the singing by @sunsetofdoom (10,007 words, rated T)
Okay. This happened to be the last fic I read as I made my way through the tag and worked off of my list of to-reads. And it's the best way to end. If you want just a straight-up character study of Maul, this is the one for you. It's haunting in a way that has stuck with me, and, I feel, will never leave because it has fundamentally altered my brain chemistry. I wept repeatedly while reading it-- it's so tender, but blunt about who Maul is. I'm struggling to put my thoughts into words, because it's not the kind of thing you talk about; it's the kind of thing you just feel. To try and give you a synopsis, then: it follows Maul's life from pre-TPM into Rebels (but is mainly focused during TCW) and has him braid his experiences with various songs (mostly old English folk), poems, and lullabies, all while the narrative hovers around a theme of clinging to individuality/person-hood, the part of him I hold most dear. It's triumphant and mournful, victory and tragedy. It's "This is why I love Maul." It's just-- achingly, beautifully, written. Achingly, perfectly, Maul. I'm going to start crying if I talk about it any more, so. Actually, too late. Pressing save as draft and coming back later. <3
Those are the recs! Thanks for taking a look and please come talk to me if you end up reading any. (or if you want even more recs, because I've got 'em) If any of the authors happen to see this, thank you! Your work has made this dive so enjoyable. You've made me laugh and cry and send impassioned raving messages to my friends. I appreciate you posting and allowing me to swim in your worlds for a while.
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cowgurrrl · 4 months
omg! another thing to add for oftm lol, ik there's already so much content regarding the series lol but you know that meme where it has rdj and Chris Hemsworth and their kids? it's like this parent vs this parent or something like that?? well it reminds me of a thought of how there'd for sure be photos like that of rockstar!joel and actress!reader or even videos of them that or just so out of context and it's hilarious! it could be a video of reader explaining something but people take it the wrong way or think it's something inappropriate she's talking about LMAOO or a photo of joel and his band on stage and he makes a silly face. it'd be great truly lol, the fans make memes out of those moments and, again, the fan comments are great too
I think they’d be asked about the kids in talk shows and as they get a little bit older, they’re willing to share a little bit more!! Like I can totally imagine actress!reader and Joel on a show like the Graham Norton show where there’s multiple guests at one time and a picture of Joel launching Sophia into the water while you, Ellie, and Sarah look on from your chair on vacation gets shown on screen, her excited and only a little terrified face makes everyone laugh. When you get asked to explain the image, you look at Joel. “I don’t condone this by the way,” you say and Joel gives you a look. “It’s a little fun.” “For them!” “Okay, fine,” Joel concedes. “When my oldest daughter was little, she would always wanna jump in the pool like wouldn’t even wait to take off her shoes. So, I started telling her she’s only allowed to jump in the pool if I’m in the water, ready to catch her, and of course that wasn’t enough so I told her I’d throw her instead ‘cause I figured I could control how far and how many times and whatever. Turns out, the little daredevil gene doesn’t get skipped ‘cause all five of ‘em are the same way so this is what I call ‘preventive parenting.’” “And I call it ‘giving me a heart attack’”
Maybe a few years later, you’re on a different talk show and someone asks you about a video Joel recently posted of you and you immediately know what they’re referencing. “Okay, this was not my finest parenting moment BUT,” you start. “It’s still super funny.” The video starts playing and you can hear Sam practicing his trumpet in his room during his middle school band stint. You and Joel are stifling laughter down the hallway when Violet suddenly comes out of her room in all her eight-year-old attitude, slams his door opens, and yells, “can you shut the fuck up?!” Joel starts laughing and you’re immediately in mom mode. “Violet Isabelle, that is not how you speak to your brother!” You scold. She spins on her heels and throws her arms up in defeat at being caught before changing tactics. “You say it to Daddy all the time!” The video ends with Joel hysterically laughing on the floor and you trying to keep it together to explain what “adult language” is. “In my defense,” you say. “Being married to a musician is like being married to a human noise machine and after so many years of playing shows, his hearing isn’t the best. So, yeah, sometimes he needs a little reminder that he’s being loud.”
I also see the kids posting TikTok pranks once theyre teenagers like one time Sam recorded a video of you and Sophia pretending to get into an argument when she stomps away with a “Shut up!” Joel, watching the whole thing from the kitchen, jumps into action. “Hey! Do not tell my wife to shut up!” Or there’s another video floating around of Ellie and Sarah surprising you at work after not seeing them for a while but they hid in your trailer’s bathroom so you didn’t know they were there until you went to take off your makeup and they jumped out and scared you. “Don’t fucking do that shit!” You yell before realizing it’s your daughters and they’re on the ground, giggling together, and you got caught. It’s all in good fun and demonstrates that no matter how crazy your life may be, you’re just another family at the end of the day
Here are some silly images that remind me of this little group too :-)
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kerubimcrepin · 5 months
Live-read: Trying to understand the Aux Tresors novels without actually reading the novels in question.
This is the last, and the most borderline-experimental and cringe-flop part of the reading break #1, because in this post, I will be discussing the five novels based on the show.
Without actually reading them.
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Nobody has seemingly ever scanned or copied them, and I don't have the ability to buy them. If you're French, or a rich person, perhaps you could get your hands on them and tell me how wrong I am, but until then, let's speculate.
You can find the... (sighs deep as fuck) Plot Summaries on Otakia. Everything I will discuss here comes from Otakia. You can find the books somewhere else. Perhaps Amazon, probably some other site too... Because as far as I remember, Ankama's literal official shop only has one of the five.
Roman Kerubim (Dofus) Tome 1 : Le ciel sur la tête
>Read about it here
To regurgitate a bit of info from Otakia: just like the Wakfu novels, which apparently also exist, these five novels are kind of like... a bonus episode in a written form, following the structure of the show.
When grabbing quotes from Otakia I will be putting them into a translator and then screenshotting, so that you can quickly read them, and so that I don't have to copy things.
But I won't be copying the descriptions or summaries of the books, just the bits I'd like to elaborate on. You can read them yourself there.
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To reference that one meme: Why didn't he start thinking about his dead parents? Is he stupid?
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OKAY, I really didn't expect this post to go anywhere, but it's funny that even in Dofus times, Porkass people were known to eat Twelvians.
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You will never fucking guess with what nation Bonta of the Waven era, is involved in a seemingly mutually cannibalistic war with.
Roman Kerubim (Dofus) Tome 2 : Une étoile pour le shérif
>Read about it here
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I want to thank whoever runs Otakia for uploading this image specifically. Thank you Monsieur/Madame Otakia.
You may notice that, I will be upscaling all the images I bring here from the Otakia articles. The reason for this is that I am a normal and sane person, and need to look at it in a crispier way.
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As you may remember, Kerubim already said that he used to be a sheriff in episode 16, West of Astrub.
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The writer of this article will literally be like "the book gives you candy, sucks your dick clean and dry, cleans up your home, and then it gives you a hundred dollars, so I didn't like it."
I wish Kerubim would be a fucking loser and a menace more often.
In the Judgement of The Twelve episode, Kerubim and Bashi had already mentioned meething each other many times as young adults, and having stories about it, so it's nice to see this factoid utilized for more than 2 episodes, if only in a book.
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Also, yet again, Kerubim literally doing his job and Bashi being fucking insane and hating him for it, despite doing far worse things.
Roman Kerubim (Dofus) Tome 3 : Panique à Astrub
>Read about it here
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Indie is insane for this btw.
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Joris canonically eats burgers and YES reading this article a while back is the reason I put burgers into my Joris fanart.
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You can see full art on my general artblog @atcham-crepin. Yeah, my blog naming scheme is very creative, I know.
I just think his refined ass eating burgers is funny, even though in canon he is only depicted doing this as a kid.
Roman Kerubim (Dofus) Tome 4 : Le décapiteur de soiffard
>Read about it here
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Including the cover art because it is very nice, and to draw your attention to THE best novel none of us will ever get to fucking read.
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My dream Joris & Simone story, and I can't even read it. Smh.
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List of things I love about this:
Joris stealing stuff.
Joris stealing stuff.
Joris stealing stuff.
Simone being a leader.
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Kerubim, as we had seen in the past episodes, literally the type to text something like "I am not long for this world.... tell my family I love them." over a tummy ache. I hate this man so much it's unreal.
Of Course he sent them on a wild goose chase over some random bullshit.
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Simone and Joris @ Kerubim at the end of this book:
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Roman Kerubim (Dofus) Tome 5 : Tous en piste
>Read about it here
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I will be real, I don't think any living being can tame that fucking beast.
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These books are just treating us with characters in outfits we hadn't seen them in, in the show. It would be... a better world, if these books were episodes instead.
Also, want to yet again remind you that I am upscaling the shit out of these images. Because I'm normal. But at times the results can be wonky.
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The World of Twelve has never seen, and will never see again, a couple more toxic than them. Sad!
Unlike the Simone & Joris book, I yet again don't have much to say, but, I'm sure I would, had the books been available to me.
This brings me to a close with the first reading break. After this post, I will resume liveblogging about the show. But I do have ideas of what the next reading break entail, and I think they're rather fun! Like "trying to read Dofus manga without reading Dofus manga" or "reviewing Dofus Aux Tresors merch without buying Dofus Aux Tresors Merch", or, perhaps, "scrying on a crystal ball to read Tot Ankama's thoughts."
...Yeah. Only the last one is a joke.
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sumikatt · 6 months
frankly, i think your point about "some people train their own AI art models" is inherently flawed because rhe vast majority of people are not training their own model. they are paying for a service which was trained on art that was taken from the internet and used without permission in order for a machine to try snd recreate something similar bit by bit. i havent gotten a commission from someone who isnt a friend of mine in well over a year because people are just choosing to generate art with AI. i dont think AI art isnt "real" art because yeah, i agree with you, the whole idea of real art or not is complex. however, it is an undeniable reality that AI is trained on the work of artists all over the world who do not even get asked for permission before a tech company makes money off of their hard work.
I agree it’s a small, small portion of people making their own models that ensure that all art involved is used with consent. Many people buy a subscription or credits to generate what they want. Most people probably use free credits on Discord to make a meme or anime girls. Many people use it many different ways, yes.
I’m sorry you’ve lost a client over it. I know commissions are hard. Freelancers without dedicated clients would be the ones to suffer most from the popularity of AI art. I can’t say I’ve felt the impact myself, since it’s also very popular to be anti-AI.
Actively searching through job boards, I also feel like it has barely affected those listings. Maybe one of like 300 art jobs in the USA/Sweden asked for AI experience (Prompt Artist), and it was an AI startup. The “normal” art jobs like UI/UX, Environments, Materials, Concept, Technical, Animator, etc all still asking for 3 years experience for entry level lmao. Saw an intern position that required an “industry-standard” portfolio. So still a pain as it was before advanced AI gen.
Many paid AI art services have takedown options for their training sets and can block names from being prompted. If you were a popular enough artist to be in a training set, you can remove it and block the majority of AI art users from copying you—like you said, a majority of people use these services instead of self-hosting.
(Sending DMCA takedown requests are actually pretty easy. I had to send one to an old teacher who reposted my art and a bunch of classmates’ art on her ArtStation. that was funny lol)
I’m not sure how I felt when I went to search up my art on haveibeentrained. Because I’m a nerd, I’d preemptively blocked scrapers on my portfolio, so nothing was there when I looked. Searched up my legal name, my old Twitter (which had some popular pieces), my old DeviantArt usernames. Nothing there, either. I was probably pruned from the set for being low-quality. Kinda funny, I thought I’d be good enough to include at least once. Maybe next time.
.safetensors / .ckpt files (which are the models Stable Diffusion runs) have no image data in them, by the way. It is all math and numbers in there. There is no way of telling what was included in the training set, unless the dev(s) that made the model release it publicly. The models themselves are usually around 3–6 GB, though there’s larger ones and mini ones.
Like my own silly brain, there’s no way of tracking down the exact art pieces the software was referencing off of when it generates something. Am I making money off of another artist’s hard work when I remember how to draw heads from a Proko video? Am I ripping off photographers when I recall their pictures when drawing my characters? I’m not a tech company, but I still make money off of the things I copy and filter through my mind and hand.
I’m rambling at this point, sorry. Of course, the core issue is capitalism. How different would people see this medium if money were not an issue? How futuristic, how exciting it is to visualize something from words alone. It’s that art machine I’d always wanted as a kid, where I think of something and it pops out on the page finished.
I think it is worth to uplift those who use the medium as ethically as they can, as @are-we-art-yet is doing—having a do-not-use artist list, avoiding corporations, don’t try to undercut traditional artists. Like with any medium, there’s a variety of artists. Some are nice and do their best to have a good impact, some don’t care at all about the ethics of their art.
I’m still pretty firmly a “traditional” artist. I won’t stop drawing or give up because of AI. I play with AI on my own hardware and power for fun and for getting ideas (is that stealing?). It’s mostly replaced scrolling through Pinterest for me, but I still save people’s art and photos that I like in my computer, so I can look at em later, maybe get inspired. And steal like an artist, I guess.
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faeirtopia · 4 months
Omg, thank you for the fresh strawberries! I ended up taking this monday off today due to my unbearable pms bad moods hahah 🥴💥
I used to be scared of duolingo too! i used to even think like- does it really stalks you?? and honestly i was always scared of bird characters too, i still don't get why some people doesn't get terrified by big bird from sesame street 😳 I'm glad duolingo has a funnier image these days though hahah 😭😭
Also, yeah true! Shohei is a big man.. and to be a big man is to eat alot! I think he's a sweet tooth too though! Do you think also? He seems like he enjoys the cake from that one video of his nipponham eras!
Okay so i have this thought.. During a start of a relationship, do you think Shohei would be the one making the first move and doing all the efforts? I feel like he's quite flirty, i wanna know your thoughts!
- 🍮
you’re welcome! I hope you enjoyed them 🤭 oh I’m so sorry for that! I hope you’re feeling much better today but you deserved that day off so I’m glad you took it.
yes! so creepy lol.. the memes are very funny and so are the memes for that big bird in sesame street! never seen that but I know about those characters and it’s funny to see memes of them 😆
I did! I hope you’ll enjoy what I posted!
I definitely think he has a sweet tooth! because a sweet tooth doesn’t always means certain candies or chocolates! it can definitely be more cakes or cookies! both are super delicious but I would love to know what he really enjoys these days. he’s a lot older now and it always makes me think about what has changed with him (especially food wise) and what he enjoys the most
alright! so.. I know people love to say he’s shy and all of that which I see it of course! he’s a shy man but I think more private and intimate moments or times he’s not so shy. I see him being the one that makes the first move and also getting flustered at times because that’s how he is but he’ll enjoy making the first moves and being extremely flirty with you. he’ll definitely tease you a lot to the point where you get “angry” at him and he’ll take that chance to pull you in close to him and kiss you or poke at your nose because he thinks you look cute.
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cerise-on-top · 2 years
Ok I have another request about the swap au . So imagine until they find a way out they decided to know about each other but the both the batter thinks it's unnecessary since they are pretty much the same (they mostly don't want them to share embarrassing moment) . That didn't stop them and then it surprised the batter that how same yet different they can be
(some ideas I have)
Swap Y/N: so this one time where we met Enoch and are in a battle. I knew we can't beat him now we need to run but before I can suggest that puro went and starting to attack him with his tiny as bat . I had to carry him like a sack potatoe to escape
Y/N: (laughing while imagining that ) omg
Swap Batter: (embarrassed)
Y/N: btw is Puro his name?
Swap Y/N: well yea ? Don't he told you
Y/N: nope I had to give him a name myself but zacharie ends up making pun out of it
Swap Y/N: what was the name ?
Y/N: sabatian which Zac says as sa bat ien
And swap batter was surprised to his puppet laugh
You can add some more embarrassing moment if you want I can't think of any
More Swap AU! Not gonna lie, whenever I hear "Swap AU" my first thought is the Undertale AU, but that's because I used to have a huge Undertale phase a long time ago! But here you go! I wasn't sure how to write this as a scenario, so I made it something like this instead ^^;
(Swap AU) Silly Swap Stories
Y/N: Well, would you believe me if I told you that one time Sabatian decided it would be a good idea to haggle with Zacharie himself while I was away? It went so well, we paid almost twice the normal amount of credits.
S!Y/N: Oh gosh, that’s probably something that’s happened to Puro as well! Wait! Wait! Have you ever had something like the spectres stealing Sabatian’s clothes happen!
Y/N: Nope, at least not yet!
S!Y/N: Oh lucky you, they actually stole Puro’s pants and he had to run after them to retrieve them. Of course, I had to help, but it was kind of hard when fighting a snicker, you know?Y/N: Oh I know exactly what you mean! You look at this being, that looks so intimidating, and then he can’t figure out how to eat a banana! Also, one time I whipped out my mobile phone to show him a funny may-may. Like a boomer, he took my phone from my hand, stared at that single image for a solid minute, looked me dead in the eye afterwards and had the gall to say: “My Player, what is this?” I was about to pee my pants laughing with the tone he said that in! This is the meme I showed him, by the way!
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S!Y/N: Ah yes, a classic. You’re a person of culture as well, aren’t you?
Both Sabatian and Puro looked at their companions in surprise. While they had expected an exchange of information, this was not what they had in mind in the slightest. Though, claiming they did not enjoy the sight of their beloved Puppet and Puppeteer having fun, laughing as much as they had never before would be nothing short of a lie. As strange as it was to see the two of them have fun on behalf of their less serious moments, seeing the joy in their eyes was a sight to behold. As nice as listening in on their conversation was, the air surrounding the two batters was as awkward as it could get, with neither of them knowing what to say.
Finally, Puro turned to Sabatian, trying his best to make a conversation of his own: “It appears as though you are rather close with your partner.”
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hylianengineer · 2 years
Homestuck crash course
In the mid to late 2000s a guy on the internet thought it would be fun to play a game with the forum he was in; he would draw an initial scenario and people would respond with What To Do and he would draw the result / explain with arbitrary game rules why they cannot Do That Thing. These came to be called MS Paint Adventures. Collected as the drawn results with links stating The Command, the whole thing kinda sorta looked like a webcomic with a specific narrative style, and eventually they were collected together on a website, mspaintadventures. The first one to actually be completed before being abandoned, and one of the best, was Problem Sleuth. It was about hard-boiled detectives, imagination, and fighting all sorts of weird beings. In April of 2009, Problem Sleuth was finishing up and the guy who did these began a new Adventure, about four kids who play a video game that has Extremely important consequences beyond our entire universe. While there were still some reader-submitted commands, this one was more plot-heavy and the author took more control of the narrative he wanted to tell, eventually outright closing the suggestion box but continuing to write the story in this Text Adventure Narration style. That new mspaintadventure became famous for its many characters, memes, distinctive speech, and multimedia usage. It was mostly still images and text, but there was also gif animations, clickable links, videos with sound, and whole-ass Flash Games. The adventure had highly-interesting game mechanics, as did the game the kids were playing, and something about the whole thing was a sort of perfect storm for Tumblr culture. Coupled with a really fast update schedule, and a huge wide open field of possibility for Canon and fic-writing it wasn't hard to see why fandom exploded. Yes, this was Homestuck. The webcomic itself ended in 2016, though a lot of its plot and hype happened in the first 2-3 years, which is why the fandom's heyday is more around the early 2010s and peaked in 2012-2013. TvTropes has more details but really that's the gist of "What Is Homestuck." For a lot of people it was Baby's First Serious Fandom; first time cosplayers, fic-writers, and musicians. Toby Fox's teenage and early adult years were spent in this fandom, including when he first reused Megalovania several years before Undertale. It was huge for early Tumblr and very intertwined with people's memory of cringe. It starts slow and gets Big and Confusing, fast. That's why attempts to Google it or asking someone who's read the whole thing could be overwhelming. There's a sort of Tumblr culture of refusing to explain because it's So Much (And I'll admit it's very funny when people are completely baffled as to what it could be) but you did literally ask for someone to explain so here you go
Thank you very much anon!
All I'd been able to gather previously us that it was a webcomic, and while that is true, your explanation is far more helpful in understanding why it was Like That. I very much appreciate the detailed backstory!
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girlwholovesturtles · 4 months
I have 10 episodes left, have wasted my whole day, and have work in 7 hours. Let's do this.
Who is this? What's happin-
Oh? "Private contemplation" you say? You suddenly have my full attention. Hold on, I have to check something on Ao3...
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I'm disappointed in this fandom. Oh well, let me just...
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Alright, where was I?
"The tunnels do have a tendency to echo." Oh my god! How many times did it come up do you wonder?!
Wait! They said they have a cult or something? Is this them?
"First name basis with the profits..." I'm sorry, they're profits?! That's hilarious, actually! Also, Jon being a smartass here is actually really funny to me.
They can sleep here. That would make me so happy.
Wait? Okay, I've seen some stuff for TMAGP (spoilers) and I know Celia apparently comes back in that series and she's the girl who talked to Martin in episode 100. The one with the bad ghost story and who he gave money for coffee. I'm sure it will come up later in the episode but honestly an A+ choice on the writer's part.
Oh, maybe you shouldn't tell them this part?!
Oh? They know each other? From therapy? Can't imagine she has the best mental image of Jon then?
Yeah, was wondering when the- Oh god the tape recorders refuse to be told no today... Stop acting like this is Jon's fault!
I was gonna make a quip of "Only seven people, you didn't even get one from each fear?" but apparently they lost a bunch of people and that is very sad actually.
The implication that the tape recorders seem to like Martin is interesting. It reminds me of Jon saying that the Eye is fond of him a few episodes back. I can't help but wonder if that's because the Eye finds him particularly interesting or capable or if it more because Jon loves him and thus the Eye kind of loves him too?
I'm not sure why but the concept of something eldritch and vastly beyond human comprehension being fascinated and possibly in love with a human is actually kind of scary to me in a way. Like, I made a post forever ago about fan translation of Uzumaki, where the characters said something to the effect of "It's like the Spiral is in love with you." and that had fundamentally changed the story and it perspective for me at the time. Because something that thrives on fear and chaos simply can not express love in a way that's human or even really safe to interact with. Case in point, Jon is one of the Eye's favorite humans and look at everything it's put him through so far.
This is all to say, if that is the direction that the story is going and the Eye is actually in love with Martin to come extent then all I can really think is "Oh god no."
Anyway, unpause.
Yes, thank you! Stop being blaming Jon for this shit!
A convenient fear that's a never ending supermarket? What fear would that even be? Like, I've worked in customer service so I guess that would be a constant and unending nightmare for me to have to go back to but interesting that it might have been enough of an issue for it to have it's own place at the end of the world.
Wait, yeah, where is the Admiral! He's just hanging out in a Hunt domain, I thought those were just memes! I'm actually really sad about that!
More of the tape recorders following Martin then... Okay, Melanie, you don't gotta be mean... Melanie, you were always this way...
Your therapist thinks your the chosen one. Weird...
Ah, that's cute...
"One of the profits chosen to walk the end time unscathed," and "the anti-christ's plus one." Aren't you two just a pair?
Yes, fantastic question! How?!
A Spiral maze? Of course a therapist would fear madness.
Gosh, that's awful! So they just explained the fears to these people and they took it in a religious way. Oh, I hate the thought of that actually! Like, what happens if you start to worship after the fact? Can you become a chosen of the fears after they've already won, I wonder?
Melanie, you lied to them, I'm guessing? Damn, okay. I'm guessing it gave them at least a little hope? That's good I guess? Yeah, this doesn't seem great.
Oh, Melanie, you are tragically sweet. Martin, you are also tragically sweet. I wish you both the best.
Okay, this is a hard conversion... Daisy, I miss you still. Basira too!
"Careful of Helen." She says. You don't say hon? Yeah, don't worry about that actually.
Yeah, I liked her too... Okay, Martin you can't just drop "Jon killed her" like that on someone and give literally no warning. Pace yourself bud!
I would argue that- I am very curious who Aaron is?
Uh? This person sounded a lot like Helen for a second and I almost went "Oh god no!"
Fair enough...
Hello Aaron? I don't know if I like you but okay... Sorry, hon, no gods of hope.
"What do you know about poetry?" Well he is dating a poet... "Nightmare Strider." That's a fun title-
"I do not want a poem." Damn Jon. Why is everyone in this hellscape either tragic or just mean?
Jesus Jon, you're becoming way more of a dick?
There was a lot to take in from that episode. Like, wow. Melanie and Georgie are profits, Jon is a prickly disaster, me wondering if the Eye is overly obsessed with Martin or if I'm just interpreting the series wrong, I have another new fic to read, just wow...
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wurmeatworld · 1 year
As an artist, I think ai art is a very complex issue. Yes it can be used as a tool to advance creativity, but capitalism ultimately twists it so that it is not used ethically.
I like some ai generated memes. Its really funny to watch Joe Biden banter with Leon S Kennedy, or watch deepfakes of Preminger singing Lady Gaga. But I feel like the same humor could be achieved without the use of ai. You could splice together lines ala ytp or animate Preminger singing. It just requires more time and skill, and thats really the draw of ai. Ai helps a greater pool of people do things they normally couldnt do because it cuts out the work.
The capability to expand what people can do and create is good! I once followed a disabled person on tumblr who made ai art for personal use because his disability meant he couldn't draw. Ive also used ai art generators in the past, back when the results were super uncanny and whacky, to generate funny images or interesting eldritch horror-y art. If ai art wasn't built upon so much stolen art, that'd be a completely beautiful thing. Id love to donate my art to an ai program that only trains on explicitly donated work. I think thatd be really cool. But most people Ive seen making ai art and ai art generators are tech bros who only care about end results and money instead of appreciating the intent, technique, and artistry that artists pour into their work. And of course, not giving two shits about us getting paid.
Ive seen people make ai to intentionally copy the works of particular artists. It's almost indistinguishable from their art style, and to me, that feels insulting. These artists put so much work into their art, only for someone to churn out much more art in their style, and faster. Copying art you like has always been a thing among artists, to pay homage to creators and to learn new things by studying, but these ai art pieces that explicity train on an artists work and replicate their style feel... really hollow. Wheras among most artists, their replication comes from a place of respect and admiration, and requires truly learning and following the techniques an artist used, ai art just pulls from already existing assets with no real direction to guide it except a simple prompt. Theres no respect for the artist here, just someone who wants more of an artists work but doesnt actually care about the artist themself.
The amount of labor you need to create ai art vs regular art, and how ai art steals work from artists, is a discussion all on its own. This doesnt really have an easy black and white solution because of capitalism. In a world where we wouldnt need money to survive, it wouldnt really matter that ai art takes less effort to make because it wouldnt infringe on artists livlihoods. But as it is, and especially in our "quantity and familiarity over quality" consumerist culture, the attention it takes from artists can cause loss of revenue, and people offering ai art commissions only hurt artists more. The most popular areas of the internet already arent great platforms for artists, even though were forced to use them. Our culture doesnt really value our work, and most artists offer their work for ridiculously low prices just to sell anything at all. My pixel art commissions are $9. $9 for hours of sitting at my computer, working and shaping and reworking the pixels until theyre just right. Color, position, everything has a lot of time, care, and skill put into it. I wish I could charge double what I pay, but I have an extremely small platform, so Im forced to charge barely anything at all. If we did not need money to survive, it wouldnt be that big of a deal. But we do. So it is.
And as things stand, even disregarding the problem of capitalism, theres just too many harmful ways ai can be exploited because theres barely any regulation. The deepfaked nudes, the easy misinformation, etc. I personally dont think regulation will be enough bc the base problem is caused by capitalism, and tbh I think media literacy plays a huge part, but there still needs to be. Its just an incredibly dangerous technology as it stands right now.
Also worth noting, is how algorithms can easily lead to radicalization. A study came out showing that new tiktok users who watch certain "gateway" content will gradually be shown more and more extremist stuff. (Source: x *) Especially on social media sites, which are designed to promote controversial posts because theres more engagement, this can lead to someone potentially becoming part of a hate group. I bet theres ways algorithms could be written to prevent this, but everyone wants money, so its probably not gonna change anytime soon. Consumerism is a bitch.
Also, algorithms promote the most commonly accepted ideas, which causes bias and can cause social and scientific progress to become stagnant at best, and actively harmful at worst.
Basically, ai needs to be better regulated, capitalism sucks, and ai art is a whole can of worms. I feel like humanity needs to keep ai art on the highest shelf until we can work out the ethical dilemmas we already have.
(This was originally a comment I left on this video, but I put a lot of thought into it so I thought I'd repost it here. Please watch the video, it brings up more ideas on ai and is just a fun watch)
*Its a youtube video and the info is compressed and presented quickly, but sources are all linked.
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