#like. I don't know there are just a million other reasons as to why roman is Like That other than csa
i've been struggling on how exactly to word this but it's always bothered me how people zone in on roman as the only roy sibling who's experienced sexual abuse based on the subtext of the show when we literally see logan sexually assault and harass shiv on screen. and like. running with the subtext logic it's not like that doesn't exist for kendall and even connor either. it's not even that i don't believe it actually happened for him it's just a matter of paying attention to everyone else
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pocketwei · 9 months
hii do you perhaps have any dofuwani fics recommendation. I've checked out the the ao3 but I really don't seem to like anything there after scrolling thru the most kudos'd works... I feel like you (and a few other artists) get them and I wanted to read things in a similar tone as your art and so far I'm in the trenches bleeding out. like obviously no offense to any of the writers it's just that all the like modern highschool loving dad croc and etc aus are not for me... OTL I hope I'm not sounding rude and thank you for your time!
oh anon come rest your head upon my bosom.... I got you anon..... as a fellow slave to canon-compliance I, too, know the pain of sifting through pages upon pages of AUs, not that there's anything wrong with them but I just can't imagine these sickos working a 9 to 5 in a suit...... thank you for thinking my vision of dofuwani is trust-worthy, this is vain on my part but it genuinely means a lot <3 OK rant over here are the goods, in no particular order (always mind the tags but I figure if you asked me for dfwn sacred texts you're probably a fellow sicko):
that was now and this is then. by ghostwit (M): one of my favourite ever, perhaps even my favourite. About a long relationship, about twisting each other inside the skin, about being formative to each other in ways so deep and intertwined that they can't seem to tear one apart from the other. And despite it all* (*the murders and the hatred and the irreconciliable flaws and differences of their Ego (philosophical) and the unbearable, unacceptable vulnerability of understanding), they are, somehow, unforgivably and incomprehensibly, in love. *smashes head against pavement, it cracks open like an egg, spilling millions of dofuwani thoughts everywhere
no better irony by ghostwit (E): shichibukai meeting sidequest...... excellent characterisation like everything Haze writes (it's just The Best dofuwani there is..... read everything he wrote please). I'm so fond of them in that fic in a way that's like. watching stick bugs in a terrarium. You don't understand them and they don't understand you but you're just happy they're having fun. You wouldn't join in for anything in the world though.
like i need a gaping headwound by ghostwit (M): loguetown era dfwn, Haze back at it with formative years and the fresh sprouts of insanity in these two. So so so good.
nothing in this world that's quite prescribable by ghostwit (T): the opening of this fic is perhaps one of my favourite scenes ever. Vulnerability and odd transparence that only drunken disinhibition allows. Which is rare for these two. Absolutely adore this one.
honestly you can and should read everything Haze has written for these two they're just so AUGHHHHHH
black & bloody & rotten & perfect by revolvermonkcelot (M): perfect capture of the fine line between (????love, perhaps) and insanity they walk on. Absolutely fucking insane about this one, the reverence and sacrality of their whole thing, the Indulgence:tm: and permission that can be revoked (for Crocodile is mercurial in his vulnerability), but that is somehow maintained in a delicate and incomprehensible equilibrium. + absolutely incredible undertones of wani (trans)identity crisis, the imperceptible yet meaningful and constant change of the Form... Head in hands
Just a taste by marimoes (M): perfect perfect perfect characterisation, little gestures that betray familiarity. Perfect on all accounts
Swallow by revolvermonkcelot (M): my roman empire. Absolutely perfect Wani characterisation, it's The Wani for me. Exploits perfectly the essential dfwn dichotomy of "one entity tumbling down and the other rising up, meeting halfway through in the eye of the storm, in a singular moment". Classy cannibalism that ties to the no-less essential concept of consumption, to be/become whole again. The reason why they somehow stick together is because of this primordial longing for something, for understanding perhaps, for beauty sometimes, for belonging. Fcuking hell I love them so mucj
A Bird and His Cage by doctornemesis (E): read this one a long time ago but it's in my bookmarks so I trust past me's judgment and tell you it's amazing
From Dressrosa with Love by Sibilans (E, on-going): incredible atmosphere, perfectly depicts the post-golden age rotting glamour of Dressrosa. They are particularly unhinged in this one.
i wanna hurt you just to hear you screaming my name by stealth-black-leg (Kiir_Bee) (E): I'm running out of steam for long meaningful comments but this one has top tier characterisation.
That's it!! Don't forget to comment and leave kudos to give writers the love they deserve <3
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where do i find media with jews in it that's not a grasping at hamentaschen flavored straws headcannon (the dragon prince) or a woefully mishandled nazi story (arrowverse) or a jew who's functionally christian and treated as the old white dude character (legends of tomorrow) or an israeli who is viewed as too political to exist in canon (marvel) or given zero effort unlike all the other representation (percy jackson) or a stolen story (corpse bride) or antisemitic tropes starred in by a racefaker (unsleeping city) or a jew who gets rewritten for tv as christian (the flash) or a million other massive antisemitic disappointments?
i am absolutely starving for good jewish rep where do i find it and why is it all so damn terrible 😭😭😭😭
Dear Pusheen,
I know seeing superhero comic book adaptations not have Jews is like discovering the orange store is no longer selling oranges since it's a Jewish medium
Best I can give you is Moon Knight and even that is surface level it make pass Ladyknightthebrave's Oy Vey test of "more than menorahs or Jewish foods" coding by showing two shivas and a shabbos table but... that's it...
None of the X-films pass either
I honestly think coding Jews in fatasy settings is basically the mutant metaphor like at least Magneto is explicitly Jewish in x-media
Legends of Tommorow is so weird because it starts with the Jewish character drugging a black man because they share a superpower and the Jewish guy wants to fight historical crime and the black guy doesn't and it just goes down from there
Listen I don't trust Marvel with Sabra at all given how they treated Wanda so maybe we dodged a bullet here
Rick Riordan is overrated in that like John Byrne he checks off boxes but never asks himself how this will affect the character. A Jew who is also a roman pagan would have a lot of trauma and guilt about the whole thing, there is a reason that Moon Knight (who serves and Ancient Egyptian god) acts like a converso (those forced into christianity during the Spanish Inquistion) . Lavania is way to blaze about this
Corpse Bride is inexcusable even for the man who said non-white people ruin his "pale white skin, sunken eyes" aesthectic. Abitfrank said it best when she said Tim Burton was no better than the gentiles who killed the corpse bride and buried her in the shallow grave.
I do not know what Max Bemis fuckery is happening in unsleeping city
but flash sounds like Wanda having a cross suddenly in her room when she's Jewish-Romani in every other media ever
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orbmanson7 · 1 year
@intrulogical sent me a Logan Angst prompt!
logan crying in a video whilst offering a solution to something and thomas going "stop crying"
I'm still taking Logan Angst prompts from any word or phrase sent to my ask box!
Asking for clarification had become almost habit for him by now.
"Ah, so you didn't mean that literally then?" Logan steadied his expression after the realization struck him. "I suppose this is why clarification is so useful in these discussions."
"There's nothing to clarify, Specs!" Roman threw his hands up dramatically. "It's not like we were trying to trick you!"
Logan blinked at that response. He hadn't thought they were trying to deceive him with their words, no, but it's not as though they had meant what they said, either. Hence the need for clarification.
He nodded towards Roman, replying,
"I understand that, but--"
"Do you?" Roman instantly cut him off. "Because it seems like it takes a million times for us to explain something to you before you actually get it!"
Oh. So he was bothered by Logan's repeated desire for clarification. The quantity was the issue.
"I believe I understand your concern. While some subjects may take extra consideration, I can assure you, I am trying my best."
"Are you?"
Thomas stared back at him with an unreadable expression. Was it unreadable to everyone else, too, or just him?
"Wh..." He was so shocked to hear Thomas outright doubt him like that, he couldn't even formulate the question he wanted to ask. He tried not to let it show, straightening his stance.
Thomas needed his trust, his confidence.
"Of course I am," he told him.
He just needed to be confident. He didn't need to bring more doubt to the topic at hand, after all.
"Princey kind of has a point, though," Thomas only frowned at him. "We've talked about this before, but you never seem to get it. Aren't you supposed to be the smart one?"
"Well, yes, of course," Logan replied as quickly as possible, trying not to sputter over how badly his attempt had just failed. "But it's not as though I have limitless knowledge--"
"Aren't you his language center or whatever it's called?" Virgil piped up. "Isn't this supposed to be your thing?"
"I operate his recognition and use of language, yes," he answered truthfully, "but understanding more than the contextual meaning behind a phrase via facial expression or body language or tone of voice doesn't typically fall to my expertise--"
"Then why are you even doing it?"
"Wh... It... Because it's my job."
He'd never had anyone ask him such a question before, and he wasn't sure there was a better way to answer it.
"And yet," Roman butted in, "you need us to explain what we mean forty times every episode for you to understand? If it's your job, shouldn't you already know how to do that?" He grumbled, crossing his arms. "It's not like I have to relearn how to write every time I have an idea, you know. I already know how to do it. So what's your problem?"
Logan stared. He...wasn't sure there was an adequate answer to that, either. Surely, there was a legitimate reason why pragmatic errors frequented his discussions with others, but if it really was his role to handle that on Thomas' behalf, why was he continuously struggling with it? Why had he not learned about it, held onto that knowledge, and then applied it when the situation arose, just as he had with near everything else?
Why was this different, especially when it so heavily affected his purpose to Thomas?
What was his problem?
Roman laughed.
"What? Cat got your tongue now?"
"...no?" Logan raised an eyebrow, confused. "I still have my tongue and there is no cat to--"
"Logan, seriously, just stop." Thomas held up a hand to stop him. He wasn't even looking at Logan as he spoke. "You're the one always lecturing us about learning stuff but then you don't even understand half of what we're saying unless we spell it out for you!"
Logan bit his lip, willing himself to understand.
"I don't think you'd need to spell anything out, Thomas. I simply ask that you clarify the meaning of--"
"For the love of God, Logan, this is exactly what we're talking about!" Thomas shouted, finally turning to look directly at him.
Logan paused. So this was more of the same, then.
It wasn't just that he was asking too often, it was the matter of his asking at all.
Roman rolled his eyes.
"Boy, and you call me stupid."
"I don't believe I've called you that," Logan responded calmly, then adding, "Today."
Even if it was harsh, at least when he had said that, he meant what he said.
After all, why would someone say something they didn't mean? Wouldn't they want to be understood? To be able to communicate effectively?
When he spoke, he wanted to not only be heard but for others to know what he was trying to convey. Using hidden context served little purpose, and only proved to create massive communication issues like this one.
Logan absently fiddled with the end of his tie.
The others were all looking at him disapprovingly.
He swallowed, but something in his throat felt tight, obstructed. His eyes seemed less focused, slightly blurring around the edges.
He tried to take a proper breath, but it came in shuddering and came back out shaky.
None of these were good signs, at least as far as seeming professional goes.
"Perhaps I have asked for clarification far too often for your liking." Logan paused, expecting to be cut off yet again. When the others didn't respond, he continued, "I merely wish to make sure we're communicating properly, that I'm not misunderstanding your--"
"We shouldn't have to explain it every time!"
And there it was.
Roman and Thomas both began yelling a number of things, but Logan just waited.
Everything they were saying... They were right. Something was definitely wrong here. Logan shouldn't be continuing to struggle if they've all done their part to explain their intention so many times. Why was he still in need of clarification, of assistance? Why hadn't he resolved this on his own already?
He would have to keep trying.
As it quieted down, he turned to Thomas, attempting to hold his gaze without trepidation.
"I... I'll keep trying, then."
"What, so you weren't trying before?" Thomas was so immediately outraged. "How long are we going to have to put up with this?"
"Logan, maybe you just need to try a different way of figuring it out." Patton offered, hands up, placating. "We all know you get stuck in your ways, so maybe just try it our way this time, yeah?"
But doing just that hadn't ended well at all last time. He couldn't have been the only one who remembered that, right? Last time, he was only left confused and ultimately misunderstood by the others when he tried it 'their way'. That couldn't possibly be the solution. No, there had to be something else.
"Well," Logan tried, "I don't know if that would--"
"He's right!" Roman cut in, sounding angry. "You don't even want to get it, do you? Is this an attention thing again??"
Roman moved his arms around in ways that failed to make sense to Logan at all.
"Oh no, Logan needs even more attention now so he has to pretend to be stupid to get even more camera time!"
Logan was completely confused at such a comment. That didn't seem like a fair judge of his conduct at all.
He grimaced,
"I... I would never pretend to--"
"L, it's fine if you're just doing it so you get to talk more," Virgil told him, leaning back casually on the staircase. "I get it, man, but this isn't the way, you know?"
Logan did not 'get it' like Virgil apparently did. Why would someone pretend to not understand something? Why not just be sincere, clarify their confusion so they can get the help they need? What purpose would it serve to lie about it?
"I just..." He wasn't sure how to explain to them that he wasn't pretending without knowing why they thought he was. "That's not... I wouldn't do that--"
"Oh, please." Roman scoffed.
Thomas sighed, putting his face in his hands.
"Logan, the excuses aren't helping, either."
He hadn't meant to bother Thomas with all of this. He was at a loss on what he could do to fix this mess, one he had apparently started all on his own.
He swallowed again, feeling heat begin to rise behind his eyes.
Thomas shoved his hands down at his sides. Logan may not have been the best with body language but he could certainly tell his choice to apologize had been the wrong one to make.
Thomas glared at him, something Logan realized he had started to see more often lately. Logan flinched without meaning to, and he couldn't even begin to understand the shiver that had gone through him or what it could possibly mean. His vision blurred.
He could just make out Thomas' expression as it twisted at Logan's knee-jerk reaction, and he suddenly shouted at Logan,
"Ugh, stop crying! Just do better!"
He really hadn't meant to have any overt reaction, but he'd been quite unprepared for this turn of events.
Where had they come up with the idea that he would lie about this? Was this his fault to begin with, for not putting in enough effort to understand, to learn, to improve?
Clearly they had a better understanding than he did, so perhaps they were right. Maybe he was capable of understanding and was simply choosing not to properly learn how to discern the difference in someone's words with how they speak them.
He reached up, removed his glasses, and wiped a palm across his eye, trying to stop the tears that kept flowing. He wasn't entirely sure when he had started crying, either, but now it didn't seem to want to stop.
Thomas was right. Logan had to do better. It was past time he did his job the right way by now, and in the way Thomas wanted above all else.
He put his glasses back on and turned to Thomas, ignoring the last tear escaping down his cheek as he spoke.
"I'll try."
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puzzled-pegasus · 1 year
More songs that have the Sanders Sides vibes/fit Sanders Sides
Teenage Dream by Katy Perry is an oddly cute song for Prinxiety??
Him and I by Halsey and that other guy is 100% a Dukeceit song
Baby, It's Cold Outside but with Dukeceit?? How lovely would that be?? Ik the song lyrics in general are all creepy but like with the more playful tone of Janus doing his Saying The Opposite of the Truth thing it would be cute
Also The Snake by Eric Church is a good song for Janus and Remus; Janus, of course, being the rattlesnake and Remus being the copperhead.
Life Is Fun by TheOdd1sOut but with like, either Prinxiety, Virgil and Thomas, or Virgil and Patton
I like to listen to Dear Theodosia from Hamilton when I think about Virgil and Patton even tho it's not a perfect parallel, it's just a good song about parental love :)
Crybaby by Melanie Martinez but with Virgil and Patton as well
This one is TOO FUNNY TO NOT INCLUDE: My Oh My by Camila Cabello is literally the perfect song for Remy
Also Little Red Wagon by Miranda Lambert
Less funny but Speechless from the new Aladdin taken out of context is perfect for Logan. Born Without A Heart by whatever her name is (lol) and False Confidence by I think his name is Noah Cyprus? Are good for him too as well as Bad Liar by Imagine Dragons.
A Million Dreams is very good for Roman.
Human by Christina Perri for Patton (sad)
I Don't Dance by Lee Brice is a really cute for Logicality :3
hero n villain duet is great for Anxceit BUT with Virgil as the "villain" and Janus as the "hero"
Also see: Just Give Me a Reason by P!nk
Exs and Ohs by Elle King is great for Remus heheh
Also Mad Hatter by Melanie Martinez
Also Poker Face for a gender swap/Lesbian AU
Copycat by Billie Eilish is really really great for if you want some angst between Remus and Roman. Also, bad guy for Remus but Only If you imagine him singing the "might seduce your dad type" while making eye contact with Patton and then Patton going bright red lmao
Oh And Also good 4 u by Olivia Rodrigo for Janus directed at Virgil
Janus and Remy would both really love the song Any Man Of Mine by Shania Twain so do with that information what you will lol
So uh...I don't know why, but whatever the I Have Been Searching For You reunion song from Centaurworld is called, it has Logince vibes somehow??
Fragile Things for Virgil also
There are definitely more but these are all of em off the top of my head. Lmk if you agree with these or have any other songs you like to listen to when thinking about the Sides!
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Soft and Sweet
I know it's been a while, but I've had a few story ideas and I crave your work lol. I really want soft Remus h/c. Remus feels like he can't be soft though. And he knows about all the reassurances and the "be who you are" speeches that Logan got when he felt like he needed to be a robot and Patton got when he was hiding being sad and Janus got and- well everyone but him basically got. But he never needed that speech cause he is being himself, and he's happy with himself... however being himself has some disadvantages. He's as soft as a porcupine covered in nails with how his brain and magic works (he thinks even though he's definitely been soft with others and helped them) and he really wants a soft day and for once his intrusive thoughts are taking a lazy day or something so he wants his freaking soft day with everyone. He just really doesn't know how to go about it since it's so rare for him. 💜 (Doesn't have to be hurt/comfort. But I'm in love with the idea of Remus trying to set up a soft and quiet day and failing and trying to not ask for help cause "that's stupid") – insanitori
Read on Ao3
Warnings: none! just soft remus and soft janus
Pairings: dukeceit, can be platonic or romantic you decide
Word Count: 3280
    This is it! This is it! This is it, this is his soft day, he's so ready for it.
He's made sure he doesn't have to go into the Imagination to work, he doesn't have to go and bother the others and they won't bother him, and he's even pilfered a copy of Roman's fairy lights to hang up on the edges of the room.
Remus claps his hands and wriggles, unable to keep the manic grin off his face. It's been so long since he had a day where he wasn't busy—and really, can you blame him? Have you seen all the shit running through good old Tommy Salami's head recently?—and now that it's here, he can have his soft day the way that everyone else has. You know, where you don't have to do anything in particular, except the things you really want to, and you can make sure that the lighting is just perfect and your drink is just right and the whole world is a little floaty and sweet and just the way you want it.
He's heard everyone extoll the virtues of a soft day for ages now—he lives with Janny, for crying out loud, he knows better than anyone the benefits of having a soft day, okay, and if you'd been forced to sit through about a million TED talks on the matter, you would too—and finally, finally, he gets to know what it's like himself. So last night, when he'd been getting ready for sleep, he put on his coziest pajamas and snuggled down in his softest blankets and took way too long to get to sleep because he was so excited.
Which brings him to now.
About three hours before his soft day is technically supposed to begin, Remus is awake. Now, if he were awake for just too-excited reasons, this might not be as big of a problem, but he's not awake for no reason.
His back hurts.
Frowning, Remus twists under the covers, trying to figure out which muscle has decided to be a thorny dildo and wake him up. No, it's not that one…no, that one's fine…it's only his right side that hurts when he's trying to figure it out but it's hurting in a place where there isn't really a muscle to be causing that type of pain. Maybe it's a bit further up? His fingers press along his spine, trying to locate the tell-tale knot where he can prod halfheartedly at it until he can go back to sleep.
But everything he tries just hurts, and not in the productive way a massage is supposed to.
He flips over, making the mattress jostle, and tries to twist and stretch it out. It hurts like a stretch is supposed to, but it doesn't feel like he's actually stretching it out, just that it's hurting.
This isn't supposed to happen today. This is supposed to be his soft day. Not his back-aches-and-who-the-fuck-knows-why day.
He looks at the clock. It's still about two hours before he's supposed to be up. Muttering something unsavory about muscles and how much he'd like to permanently redesign them, he closes his eyes and tries to ignore it long enough to go back to sleep.
The pain makes it difficult, forcing him to shift about this way and that to try and find a place that won't strain the muscle and make it worse, but also that isn't causing the problem in the first place. Is it the mattress? But he's slept on this mattress for ages without a problem, is it how he's sleeping? Probably, but he always sleeps like a roly-poly, why would it just now be causing him problems? Was it something that had built up over time and he was just now noticing it? But that barely made sense either, unlike the other Sides that rarely paid attention to their bodies until they were in absolute-danger-will-die-and-fall-apart mode, he knew that he needed to take care of his meat sack.
Which is why he was supposed to be having a soft day.
No. Nope. Not happening. He has been looking forward to this soft day for ages. He was not going to let some stupid back pain ruin it.
He doesn't quite manage to get back to sleep, but he does manage to slip into that little half-sleep daze where everything is all nice and floaty until it's time to get up. He sits up, wincing at the pull in his back but smiling when he sees the gentle light coming in from the window.
He gets up, reaching for the remote to turn on the fairy lights. He makes them a soft green color, to match the ambiance of his room, and he's just about to put the remote down and go about his soft day when he notices that one of the lights is flickering when it isn't supposed to be. Frowning, he crosses the room and reaches for it, pulling it down and trying to discern what the problem is.
Maybe the bulb is faulty?
He looks at the back, trying to find how it's connected, and locating a few screws that hold the back of the bulb to a tiny panel connected to the main wire. He should have a screwdriver around here somewhere…maybe it's over on his desk.
He goes to root around, pushing aside his other projects, pliers, and scraps, but he doesn't see his screwdriver. Alright, maybe it's in his toolbox.
After upending the entire thing when he can't seem to find it and sorting through the piles and piles of screws and bolts and nails, he has to conclude that no, there is no screwdriver in here. Or rather, there is, but it's not the right one. Those screws are tiny, they're not gonna work with the normal-sized one.
He bites his lip and goes back to the flickering light, all but glaring at the screws. Maybe if he just uses something sharp, like the corner of something small, he'll be able to get it open. Yeah, that should work.
He takes the point of another tool and start to turn it in the screw. There, he can feel the traction of it, this is working, he's almost there—
Only to realize he's just stripping the head of the screw and now there's no hope of getting it out even with the right screwdriver.
Fine. Fine. It's fine. This light will just be flickery. He shoves it inside one of the chew toys he's making for Uma and takes a deep breath.
Soft day. Soft day.
What about a shower? Janny's always saying that he takes a shower and it makes him feel better, let's try that.
He goes into the bathroom, wincing at the bright lights, and just turns on the one near the door. There. That way, there's enough shadow in the shower itself to make it feel all warm and cozy, but he won't be flopping about in the dark. He takes off his pajamas and turns the shower on, waiting for the room to get nice and steamy before getting in.
At first, it's great. The pressure of the warm water does wonders for the budding headache, reminding him of why it's one of his favorite grounding techniques when the voices get too loud. It's not too loud, it's not too quiet, he can watch the light make pretty patterns in the water as it runs down his arms, his hands, his fingers, and the little ornament with bath salts that Logan gave him to help him focus smells so good.
But then his back starts to hurt again.
Maybe it'll be easier to stretch standing up? He raises his arms above his head, accidentally knocking into the ceiling, and tries leaning to this side first, then this side, then back, trying to isolate the problem. Then he leans over, trying to touch his toes, only to realize that stretch is more for his legs and he'd rip them apart before he even got close to stretching the right part of his back. Maybe backwards—nope, nope, not backwards, not in the shower, he's not trying to crack his skull open today, that's Thursday.
He lets out a sigh and his forehead clunks against the tile wall.
Maybe he should just focus on getting his back not to hurt first. Then he can go about his soft day without worrying about it. Maybe he can take another shower later.
He gets out, toweling off, and shucks the pajamas back over his head. Going out to his room, he puts his hands on his hips and scrunches his face up.
"Okay, you little shit, what the fuck do you want?"
Twisting sort of helps, but it just feels like he's making it worse. Doing a bridge doesn't help because it's too low down. Cat-cow and child's pose aren't working the right parts, and doing a lying-down twist with his knees on one side then the other works, technically, but it just feels like he's succeeding in making it hurt and not actually doing anything productive.
Maybe it's just sore? He has been sitting down a lot lately, maybe moving around a bit will get the muscle warmed up and help it stop doing whatever the fuck it's doing. So he gets up and starts trying to figure out how to do that.
Turns out that specifically trying to work that section of his back requires exercising a lot more of his body by default and he is not a fan of exercising. Plus, these pajamas are great when he's lying in bed or lazing around not doing anything, but as he starts to work up a sweat, they start to pinch and rub and pull and really just get disgusting, so he has to take them off and put on these ill-fitting scratchy things that are the only other ones clean right now.
As he pulls it over his head, the tag gets stuck in his hair and suddenly he just wants to rip the whole thing in half. This was supposed to be his soft day, goddamnit, and everything is just fucking awful. He tried so hard to just get this day where he was free and he could be soft and it was supposed to work and now his good pajamas are sweaty and his lights are flickery and his back hurts and everything sucks.
He lowers his arms. His back hurts. He stands in the middle of his room, panting. He looks around.
Blood and viscera cover the walls. Half-completed projects cover every surface. There's a mangled piece of metal pinning an old piece of pizza to the desk.
What was he thinking?
He can't be soft. That's not his job. His job is to be gross and ridiculous and annoying.
No wonder this wasn't working.
As the realization washes over him, he suddenly feels the absence of those three hours of sleep thanks to his stupid back. He trudges back over to his bed and flops down on it, ignoring the pain. He stares out the window.
…there's a project he needs to finish when he wakes up. He'll just do that today instead.
You deserve a soft awakening, my dear.
Rain patters gently against the window just beyond the curtains. The sun has not hidden its face completely, the fabric coloring amber as a few stray sunbeams reach their fingers through to brush his cheeks. He stirs in the bed, covers rustling and shifting around him as his eyes slowly open.
The window was cracked, the warm smell of cool rain drifting through, curling around the edges of still-damp hair. His limbs, still sleep heavy, move toward it. A soft hum escapes his throat.
He lies there like an old oak tree, speckled with moss and lichens as the rain falls around him. Roots seem to grow from his trunk and hold him fast to the bed, refusing to let him so much as roll over.
His eyes flutter once more.
The rain continues to fall, slight breezes wafting through the window to venture tentatively around the room. They curl over his desk, his nightstand, his lamp. His phone sits plugged in, its alarms asleep, screen blank. A thin ray of light warms its edge. The breeze toys idly with a strand of his hair.
The rain manages to slip through the grey haze permeating his brain, but no more, for it takes all the limited focus he has to feel the covers, hear the rain, smell the breeze. And it is so warm, so sweet, so gentle there, nestled beneath the covers, that he feels no urging to move.
A soft rumble of thunder, far away in the distance.
Storms can be timeless, truly, and so he drifts in that semi-lucid state until a quiet creak comes from the door.
"Sweetie, are you awake?"
Muffled footsteps make their way across the door and the bed dips with another's weight, a familiar face swimming into view.
"There you are," Janus murmurs, reaching out to steady himself as he leans closer, "hello, sweetie."
He hums, blinking slowly.
"Are you alright? I've never known you to linger in bed for so long." His concern washes gently over Remus's trunk. "Are you sick?"
He shakes his head.
"No? Not sick?" He shifts his arm to prop himself up more securely. "Just tired?"
"Tried to have a soft day. Didn't work."
"Oh, sweetie," he hears distantly, before something warm brushes his forehead, "it's alright. You can still have your soft day. Can I help?"
"Yes, sweetie, will you let me take care of you? That's soft, right?"
"But it's stupid."
"I do hope you're not saying that soft days are stupid," Janus murmurs, voice gentle enough to take the sting out of the slight chastisement, "are you?"
"Me needing help with them is stupid."
"Oh, sweetie, no. It's alright." Even Janus sounds upset at that, reaching down to ruffle his hair. "It's alright to get help for something like that, you're letting someone take care of you, that's soft, that's okay. Please, sweetie, let me help? Let me take care of you?"
Remus stirs a bit, blinking up at him. "Why?"
"Why're you so excited? What're you getting out of it?"
Janus's confusion gentles as he huffs, tapping Remus lightly on the cheek. "Do you know how often I get to spoil you as opposed to everyone else? Because it's not that often, sweetie, and you know how I get about things I want."
A light pink flush rises to Remus's cheeks.
"Let me spoil you, sweetie," Janus murmurs, running his fingers over his face, "let me be soft with you. I want to."
Janus smiles and reaches down to guide the covers away from his neck, making it easier to breathe. His touch lingers as he tucks it away, reaching up to card his fingers through his hair. Remus hums, pleased, and he strokes a thumb along the curve of his cheek.
"Do you want to tell me what didn't work before?"
"My back." Remus shuffles. "Hurts."
"Oh, I'm sorry, sweetie, would a massage help?"
"We can try."
"Roll over for me, then, dear, let's see what we can do."
He mumbles and tries to roll only for the covers to ruck up awkwardly under him and trap him there. A disgruntled noise makes Janus laugh as he reaches to help, still laughing when Remus's expression turns outraged.
"Oh, the big eyes," he murmurs when he blinks up at him, "is that good?"
He lets out a startled huff when Remus pouts up at him instead.
"Come now, what's all that for?"
"'S hard."
"It's hard? What, moving?"
"You poor thing," he says softly, only half teasing as he helps roll him onto his back, "comfortable?"
"Lovely. Hold on a moment, let me just…there. Alright, can I lift up your shirt?" When Remus nods, he carefully takes the hem of his pajama shirt and raises it up, only to let out a noise of dismay. "Oh, sweetie, you're all bruised back here…I'm not sure a massage will be helpful, but I'll rub some bruise cream onto it, how does that sound?"
Thunder rumbles again as he works, closer.
"Close your eyes if you like, sweetie. I'll stay with you."
His touch is warm, and he must have taken his gloves off, calluses dragging slightly along the curves and sweeps as he traces. Parts of Remus's skin tingle slightly from the contract between the cool breeze and his gentle touch. After a few moments, he goes from rubbing the cream into particular places to running long passes up and down the planes of his back, up and down, up and down.
It overwhelms him with soft persistence, following the pitter-patter of the rain and the humming of the warmth just beyond the curtains. Time drifts away once more, carried by the soft tender brush of the breeze over the covers.
After a while, he realizes Janus is calling him.
"Sweetie," he says, "sweetie, can you open your eyes for me?"
Remus does with some reluctance.
"There you are, yes, hello. I'm all done, now, and the cream has soaked in as much as it's going to. Would you like a cuddle?"
He mumbles softly and Janus leans down.
"Was that a yes, dear?"
"Alright, then, one moment."
Another roll of thunder as he carefully slips under the covers too, letting out a small noise at how warm it is.
"Come here, then, sweetie," he murmurs, carefully coaxing Remus into his arms as the breeze gusts about, "there…all better."
He smells of spilled tea and fresh water. Remus tucks his nose into the crook of Janus's neck as more hands come to trace little invisible lines up his back, across his shoulders, down his sides. He snuffles at the slight ticklish touch and Janus's chuckle rumbles against his chest.
"You talk a big game," he whispers, "about not being all sweet and cuddly and precious…but I know better. You can be all soft too, Remus, you can have soft days too."
And as the rain continues to fall, the thunder rumbling gently out of the window, it becomes the easiest thing in the world to drift away there, in Janus's arms.
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Chapter 20 - Blood and Sacrifice
Warnings: couple curse words, death of non-major characters, discussions of blood magic, brief mention of the Roman Blood Eagle (not graphic), suggestive language at the end.
I think that's it. Let me know if I missed anything.
Summary: Two letters addressed to Y/N arrive at the Burrow on the last day of Spring Break, prompting a few interesting discussions.
Start Here:
In spite of the lingering tension between Y/N and Mrs. Weasley, dinner on the last evening of Spring Break turned into a celebration with the arrival of two very important letters for Y/N. The first was from her grandma, allowing her to stay until August. The second was her acceptance letter from the Hemalurgy Apprenticeship Program, paving the way for her to persue her dream of becoming a researcher of magical blood diseases and blood curses.
"Tell me," Arthur asked as they gathered in the living room after dinner. "What prompted you to choose this particular career?"
"Friends," she answered with a sad smile. Fred reached out and patted her knee, while George put his arm around her shoulders, pulling her closer. They already knew this story.
"Wren and Rhys Taylor were twins. Sister and brother. They were three years ahead of me, both of them Pukwudgies, and two of the sweetest people I've ever met. They'd appointed themselves the unofficial welcomers for all first years; showing them around, answering questions, offering advice, those sort of things. Everyone who knew them, loved them." She smiled briefly, remembering.
"Unfortunately, they both suffered from blood malediction. Over the next couple of years, I became more and more determined to find a cure as I watched them slowly deteriorate." George gave her shoulder a gentle squeeze and she let herself melt further into his side.
"Near the end of their sixth year, their health took a nosedive. They were unable to get out of bed at times. We were all surprised when they returned for their seventh year. I think they were determined to graduate, even if it was the last thing they did."
"We're they able to? Graduate, I mean." Ginny's asked.
"Sadly, no. They could barely function most days. After about a month, they went home. Then, just before the Christmas holidays, we recieved word they'd both slipped into comas, passing away less than a week later. It's said their hearts stopped beating at the exact same moment."
Y/N fell silent, looking down at her hands. "Not a day goes by that I don't think about them."
"That's so sad." Ginny said. "They seemed like such lovely people."
Y/N looked up, eyes watery with unshed tears. "They were. We created the Taylor Welcoming Committee in their honor. Volunteers from all the houses join up every year. It's become a school-wide effort."
Mrs. Weasley leaned forward and patted Y/N's hand. "I think Wren and Rhys would be happy knowing the whole school comes together to carry on their kindness."
Y/N smiled. "Yes, I believe they would."
The conversation shifted to lighter matters for a time, allowing Y/N a bit of distraction, before their discussion returned to her future career.
"Other than finding a cure for blood malediction, is there anything else you want to research?" Arthur asked.
"Absolutely. I have a particular interest in lycanthropy. Did you know a werewolf bite and performing blood magic affect the body in a strikingly similar way?"
"No," Harry leaned forward, thinking of Professor Lupin. "How so?"
"In both cases, the magic fuses itself to the person's blood cells and everytime the cells regenerate, which around two million every second, the new cells carry the alteration. Their bodies become the physical manifestations of that particular magic. That's why the cure for lycanthropy is so elusive and it's also the reason most blood magic practicioners seek out sacrifices."
"Wait. I thought sacrifices were required for blood magic?" Arthur asked.
"That's the common belief. But, it's not true at all."
"So, why do people do it?" Molly asked.
"Blood magic, by it's very nature, is incredibly volatile and dangerous. However, when it works, the spellcaster gains unspeakable power, making them damn near unstoppable. When it doesn't work, well‐‐it makes the Roman Blood Eagle seem gentle and loving." Y/N paused to let her words sink in. The blood eagle was a horrific form of execution devised by muggles in Ancient Rome that eventually spread into the magical world.
"At some point," Y/N continued, "someone figured out how to transfer all the risk onto someone else, while the spellcaster obtains all the power. After that, blood magicians stopped taking so much care. Because, why would they? They were no longer the ones in danger."
"Cowards," Ginny spat. "Monsters."
"What are you babbling about Ginny? Those words don't even go together," Ron argued. "Monsters can't be afraid."
Fred chuckled. "Seriously, Ron? Are you that dense? Of course monsters can be afraid. That's what makes them monsters."
Ron stared at Fred as the room fell into silence. Any further questions were forgotten, swallowed whole by the raw truth of Fred's words.
Soon after, unable to revive any of their previous discussions, everyone either went to bed or wandered off elsewhere.
George and Y/N were lying in the field just outside the Burrow, stargazing, when they heard the crunch of footsteps on the grass. George sat up, turning. "Oh hi, Harry."
"I hope I'm not interrupting anything."
"No, not at all." George smiled and waved him over.
"We're just admiring the night sky," Y/N said, sitting up.
"Uh yeah, it's uh, it's beautiful." Harry's left hand twitched.
"You alright, mate?" George asked.
"I--uh--yeah. No, actually. No, no, not really at all."
"Can we help?" Y/N asked, patting the grass next to her and George. "Worried about the final tournament task?"
Harry sat. "No. Well, I mean, yeah. But, that's not why I'm here. I--I wanted to talk to you, Y/N, about the blood magic stuff."
"Oh, ok. What's on your mind?" she asked.
Harry picked at the grass for a minute before speaking. "Do you think Voldemort originally used blood magic to become so powerful?"
"Yes." Y/N said. "I'm certain of it. And I'm also pretty certain he didn't have the balls to take on the risks himself."
Harry nodded. "What spell do you think he used?"
"No clue." Y/N answered. "There are countless sanguine spells, most hidden away. I wouldn't even know where to begin looking. Sorry."
"It's ok," he said, giving Y/N a half-hearted smile.
The three sat in silence for a while. George and Y/N returned to their stargazing, while Harry continued to decimate his little patch of grass.
"Y/N?" Harry asked.
She and George turned back to face him. "Yes, Harry?"
"If Voldemort was so powerful, how did my mum protect me? Dumbledore said it was love, but after what you said tonight, I'm not sure that would've been enough."
Y/N took a deep breath. "Dumbledore told you the truth, just not all of it. Lily did use love to save you, but not in the way you think."
Harry's eyes bore into her own.
"Your mother's sacrifice was a form of blood magic."
Even in the darkness, George and Y/N could see all the color drain from his face. He swayed and George reached out to steady him.
Harry waved him off. "I-I'm fine," he stuttered.
George pulled back, but kept a keen eye on him, poised to move if Harry looked like he might collapse.
"What do you mean she performed blood magic? My mum wasn't--" Harry's words trailed off, unable to fathom the possibility.
"A monster? Evil?" Y/N asked. "No. What your mom did that night was as far from evil as a person could get."
Harry looked up at her. "But, I thought--"
"It wasn't sanguine magic in the way most people perceive it. Her actions were purely sacrifical, but also pure instinct. She probably didn't even realize the full measure of what she was doing." Y/N explained. "Because you and Lily share the same blood, she was able to infuse everything into you in that split second. Not just her love, but her power and her strength, and that of all your ancestors, magic or not. Voldemort didn't stand a chance."
"Purely sacrificial." Harry muttered. "That means she--"
"Did what any loving mother would've done," Y/N began.
"She took a bullet for you." George finished.
Harry lowered his head to hide his tears. "Thank you," he whispered, rising to leave.
"Hey, we're not letting you off the hook that easy!" George exclaimed.
"Wh--" Harry turned back, surprised to see their arms open wide.
"Group hug," Y/N said, her fingers motioning him back toward them.
Harry all but lept into their arms.
"I can hear you thinking," George said, as he and Y/N spooned in the guest bed.
"That loud, huh?"
"You're keeping me awake, love."
"Sorry sweetie," she said, rolling over to face him. "I just can't stop thinking about Harry."
George pushed her hair away from her face. "Poor bloke can't catch a break."
"That's the understatement of the decade," she said, giving George a small smile. "He's only fourteen. When I was fourteen, my biggest worries were the end-of-year-exams and whether or not grandma was going to let me visit Callie for a couple of weeks over the summer. I can barely comprehend the weight he carries."
"None of us can."
Y/N sighed. "I wish we could help more, ease his burden, somehow."
"We do," George said. "By just being his friends and being there when he needs us. I think tonight really helped. Well, at least, the group hug part."
Y/N giggled. "I suppose you're right. Who doesn't love a good hug?"
"Certainly not me." George pulled her closer. "You know, I think I might need some help falling asleep tonight."
"Again?" Y/N teased. "That's how many nights in row, now?"
"Lost count," he mummered against her lips, making her grin as he deepened the kiss.
Next Chapter:
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kvaradonaa · 5 months
what is ur most controversial headcanon
I mentioned that one a couple of times, but never really detailed or explicit, and I already got anon hate for it. I think it stems from the belief that many people have (but not many admit they do): that fanfiction is not real writing. And that there's possibly no other reason to write fanfiction apart from short-lived emotional gratification over your "blorbos". Funnily enough, same people will enjoy The Crown or other "published" RPF without thinking that it's blind glorification just because it portrays someone.
Under the cut for lenght + R*ssian oligarch talk
Anyway, I do imagine that Sheva had an intimate relationship with former Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich. Perhaps even a sexual one. Obviously, it's just RPF, something that I use to make my RPF Sheva's backstory more dramatic and complicated. But, in real life, their alleged friendship did attract a lot of unwanted attention from media. At some point they even asked Sheva whether he lived in Abramovich’s apartment. The level of rumours was truly ridiculous.
Okay, but what does that mean? Obviously, I don't imagine such relationships as healthy and loving. I imagine Sheva as a victim of his former employer's abusive obsession. By his Chelsea teammates, he was described as unusually quiet, isolated, someone who believed that others were against him. Between his general struggles to accommodate and constant accusations of only being in Chelsea due to favouritism, it definitely wasn't the best moment of his career. I wouldn't be surprised if many of those media attacks came from intentional leaks, as multiple clubs are still known to use that tactics (hello FC Barcelona). One can imagine that feelings of being misunderstood would only push Sheva closer towards his boss.
Unfortunately, this vile manipulation seemed to work for a while. Almost every time Sheva did speak of Abramovich, it came off as so naive you can't help but feel actually sad. Describing him as a "simple person" who "didn't flaunt his wealth"? Going on like a teenager with a crush that he "liked everything about him"? Saying, uhh, this:
Tumblr media
In 2021? A worry you still carried with you after so many years? My God, I want to go back in time and shake Sheva violently. He didn’t love you! I know that your ideas of love might have been skewed, but that wasn't it.
On top of clear power imbalance and elaborate manipulation, there's some vibe of like, constantly pushing on Sheva's boundaries. He didn’t want people to speculate, he turned down multiple job offers post-retirement. Even his transfer to Chelsea as a player included Abramovich personally texting him for almost three years. Not surprising that a man who built his wealth on crime and was used to buying his way into anything, couldn't take "no" for an answer. Do whatever you want with that.
I usually do not include wider context when talking about these two, because I simply don't feel comfortable or knowledgeable enough, and I do believe that it's still mostly about Sheva's personal bad decisions. But it's there. This is why I often feel bad about such headcanon.
But in all honesty? Why should I feel bad for imagining a fictional backstory for a very much real life friendship? Quite often, it's mostly based on real things (or at least things that were publicly said or done) with imagined emotions/trauma/dialogue etc. He should have known better than to keep such relationship for 19 years in the first place. You might think it's inappropriate, insensitive even, but do not attribute to me an agenda that I would never in a million years agree with (like one anon already did).
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
i'm glad you enjoyed brandon F
little note about the uniform thing, the reason why he drags on a bit on that is cause he's a reenactor, 18th century uniforms are his insane obsession. he even jokes about it in the video i sent, saying "i'm finally back to my insufferable self!" when talking about the muskets
i don't blame him tbh, after watching his content for a while i had the realization that 18th century isn't like the romans, whose equipment we deduce through archeology, old sources and guess work.
like, the actual documents that standardized 18th century uniforms still exist and are not hard to access, i realized that after Brandon noted that his source was the fucking British Royal Library in London. ( i mean ffs there's literally photos of Napoleonic era vets heres a video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npSru7xEzX8)
and i honestly think its relevant, because if a million dollar historical production didn't want to put in the effort to go to a library and get the official documents. then what else they weren't bothered to get right?
but Brandon doesn't just do historical reviews he also talks a lot about the history in general. like, why fight in lines? what were marines in the 18th century? the history of tactics. and what role did cavalry play in line warfare? for example
heavens bless people of utube that manage to get hyperfixated on one topic for basically their entire life and then proceed to make stuff about it for us to watch, right? it's a delight to listen to someone who actually enjoys the subject and their subject therefore basically guarantees the authencity of what they put out
oooh but yes, the concept itself of what we actually get to know about things in what manner is fascinating in on itself. so since i was small i had been very fascinated by chinese mythology and mythology somewhat comes along with other parts of the culture and so on. and you know how the chinese culture is one of the oldest in the world?
as a result i've somewhat grown accustomed to the numbers that are typical to the span of chinese history and now whenever i go look into the history of my own country i'm actually stumped over how recently certain things happened! then again you wouldn't believe how oppressed or manipulated slovaks had been across history. ain't that right -glares at hungary-
to what extent we know which culture's history is so wild. the ability for certain historical things to simply last is absolutely incredible (such as military uniform documents or musical pieces of 18th century). fun fact! there's still messages written in stone by the soldiers of the roman empire on slovakia's territory. right near Danube, i think, p sure i visited that
thank fuck for reliable sourcing and also thank u for that vid that's gon come in handy for clothing references at Some point, i can feel it
and you are absolutely correct, yes! it Is relevant! as mister Brandon has said, there's of course a certain leeway allowed when it comes to more kid oriented stuff, but i'll admit! i was surprised to learn that serious historical productions apparently put less effort into these kind of things than the sea beast did (i don't usually watch those kind of things, i'm very fantasy/sci-fi and cartoon focused)
this kind of muddling of history that may seem "insignificant" to money grabbing bastards really screws up the perception of the eras for people who don't really have the time or the drive to look into things themselves. it's annoying
oh while we are on this history stuff, i saw this originally in utube shorts, but Apparently they are making a netflix movie or smth about Cleopatra and they made her black?? which is weird, considering that Cleopatra was greek and all that stuff. like don't get me wrong, yes give silenced/less known cultures like black folk more space to present themselves and who they are but like don't do it in a way that heavily skews the history? why are you going out of your way to create misinformation that could heavily impact understanding of history by taking out an already famous (not poc) person instead of Actually making the space for historically important black people. like maybe why not make a movie about that one super rich king from the southwestern coast of Africa (i think) that crashed the egyptian economy twice by being just too damn generous. that would be SO much more helpful to black peeps' history than shoving a black person into the place of a white one
i swear films nowadays either lack soul, heart, spine or brain like 98% of time
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billerak · 24 days
Time for the sequel! My volume 1 post did great, a grandiose 3 notes. I can already smell the internet fame. Clearly, the fans want what I have to offer (That being: incredibly random thoughts and my always correct opinions), and I am here to give it to them.
Anyways when we last left off: We'd just stopped a grand robbery of dust in the docks! Well, Penny did most of the work, but it's the thought that counts. The ending was kind of abrupt! What wonders will V2 have to offer? How much of a mess will it make of things? I wonder!
Ep 1: We start the volume and the first thing Mercury does is… flirt? The way the line is read is so fucking awkward tho, lmao. I know the tukson scene was meant to be tense and menacing but, and I know I said I wouldn't do this much, but it's important here: The voice acting doesn't really sell the scene. It's not laughably awful or anything, it's just not very strong. Wow, Blake and Yang actually get an interaction where Blake actively replies to her! How wonderful. Thank you Ruby, that IS the current circumstances in which you find yourselves! The audience appreciates you for the explanation. Wow Neptune look at you I'm sure you'll be a super important character moving forward, relevant, always in the depths of the plot. No comments about the food fight. 10/10. Still my favourite secene from RWBY. Now Glynda I understand your frustration but everyone else ran away, these eight stuck to the food fight and wrecked each other's shit, I'd be impressed if I was the teacher of a combat school. I love Roman. He's a little shit. I'd bash his head in if I could, but that's why I love him. He's underutilized but his VA is clearly having a lot of fun and it seeps into the character. Do you think cinder uses her powers to make her eyes glow for effect at all times or only when she's tryning to be menacing?
On the Bees: Wow look an interaction! Clearly this has convinced me the writers had planned for it all along.
Ep 2: I do like Ironwood's always had that subtle tension to him. He's a man with good intentions but too much goddamn power for his own good. Leaving aside te absolute stupidity of a 'semblance' they gave him which was of course never mentioned in the show because it makes no goddamn sense. This is a general complaint I have, not only with RWBY but with pretty much all shows I've ever watched: JUST USE REAL BOARD GAMES. PLEASE. CALL THEM SOMETHING ELSE BUT MAKE THEM THINGS THAT ALREADY FUCKING EXIST. The only person I've ever seen who makes 'fake board/card games' funny is ProZD and dude literally makes a living out of playing and reviewing those. Anyways that's a me thing, otherwise it's a fine scene. Better than fine, really, because WHITE ROSE BABEEE THAT'S 2 EPISODES IN A ROW WHERE THEY'VE HELD EACH OTHER LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOO "But Neptun-" Nepwho? Ah, blue haired guy. Right. He exists. Aight I'll just say my piece here because I don't wanna be saying the same through the whole volume: The whole Weiss/Neptune thing is just horribly heterosexual people writting terrible heterosexuality. Neptune's entire personality is being heterosexual. Literally. If a gay character acted the same as him, he'd be criticized for having 'gay' be his personality, or he'd be considered a token gay, or smth. Seen it a million times. Comes out of nowhere, any time Weiss does or say anything involving Neptune I wanna unalive myself, the two have the chemistry of water, and I consider this fanbase got off lucky that Neptune ended up being only a plot device to get Jaune to move along his own arc. So yeah any time anything happens with Neptune, unless I state otherwise, assume I'm vomiting loudly. … Honestly Blake and Weiss are kinda shippable here. 'Nooo blake why won't you talk to me- I mean us you promised' gay ass. Anyways while I understand Ruby and Yang going with the stupid plan and Blake has personal reasons for it… It does feel a bit OOC for Weiss to agree because, well, she's fucking right. These four are just students and they only managed to deal with Roman and the White Fang last time because Penny came in clutch. They're fucked if they do this alone. How… old is cinder? I'd say she couldn't pass herself for a student due to credentials but we know salem has Lionhart by the balls so… ???
On the Bees: Weiss and Blake had a nice moment.
Ep 3: You know, I never understood what Jaune saw in Weiss. Like, ok, she's probably cute at first sight. But she's fucking insufferable otherwise. Her team can deal with her but I'd fucking despise her v1-3 self if I went to the same school as her. I prefer the other outfits tbh. Where… Where was Sun hanging from? He was like, some ways away from the window, but there was nothing there to hang to. I guess his semblance could help but would he really- Yeah he would. Ruby here know's what's up and she wants none of it. NONE. It may look like Ruby is making fun of Weiss, but she doesn't understand that's just flirting. But her heart pulls her two ways, OH NO. By the end of this story, she must choose- Well, no, not really, since one of the options is literally twice dead. (yes I ship Nuts n' Dolts too, sue me) Weird that Weiss didn't ask to see Winter when the woman said she was around, given that later it seems like she'd give an arm and a leg to speak to her. Ok, the reveal that Penny is a robot rings a bit… hollow, since, uh, we already knew that. Her back literally opens into blades, the weird thing really is Ruby not knowing.
On the Bees: Nuts.
Ep 4: OOOOH that's why it's called Nuts n Dolts, innit. Normally I'd say the Ruby/Penny friendship feels forced, but this is probably the only two people in this show where something like this works. Penny has no real frame of reference for friendship and Ruby is just like that. Once again Blake and Sun out here exploring Blake's past together, nothing narratively important going on! Roman is so charismatic. Honestly I'd like to pound his- Oh hi Neo didn't see you there. Ok, see what I mean with "Adam could've made the jump"? Look at Blake and Sun here. Jumping gaps way larger here. I guess he was too stunned for too long or smth idk. Cool fight scene. Gonna be honest, I fucking hate that the fandom took these combo attacks for ship names. Like the concept is cool and all but at least back in the day following ship discourse could be so fucking annoying. Anyways here we have our first canonical explanation of how Yang's semblance works. "With each hit she gets stronger, and she uses that energy to fight back". Which implies she needs to take the damage to get a boost, something something equivalent exchange, but it wasn't something that was happening first volume. Unless we count 'getting a hair cut' to be taking a hit. That being said, I still wonder what's stopping her from, idk, hitting herself or asking someone else to hit her before a battle (assuming she can predict a battle is coming, ofc) to at least have some energy stored up in a safe environment instead of having to risk tanking hits from her enemies. Never quite understood how Neo's semblance works. It's illusions but they leave behind a physical glass form. But how exactly does it make her vanish? In most cases it doesn't feel like she's creating a flat screen surface but just a second body and… teleporting away. Feels like Blake's semblance but more overpowered, but also she can make anything out of it as shown later… Ah, whatever, I don't think the writers think about it too hard, making sense of it is impossible.
On the Bees: Well, they had their ship name called out.
Ep 5: While I love Pyrrha winning against team Cardinal, I have to wonder… why was she even fighting all four? Were the teachers like "Cardin your team is so shit all four of you against Pyrrha seems fair, go fight" or what. See what I mean? Mercury clearly thinks of his discovery of Pyrrha's semblance as something interesting, but Ozpin himself says they make extensive tests to the people entering Beacon. Even if semblances aren't a matter of 'public' record, Cinder later gets into the systems, so couldn't she just have just… checked then? I understand the 'blake needs to relax' bit but also, trying to force her into the dance? Sun clearly has a crush on her so him asking makes sense but the rest of team RWBY probably should've been more like "you need to fucking sleep" rather than trying to get her into a dance. I really like Pyrrha and I am really sad the crux of her character is "crush on Jaune." She has a lot of interesting shit to explore WHY IS THIS HER FOCUS. Like it's RIGHT THERE. A girl prodigy with an amazing semblance that everyone places on a pedestal. But instead of being about her it's about fucking Jaune.
On the Bees: Well Weiss continues to be the one pressing Blake to be more open. Is their ship name Checkmate? No, doesn't sound right. Uh… Black and White? No. Grey… Monochrome? That one sounds familiar. May be it (Yes, I wrote this as I thought about it. No. I'm not cutting it down). Anyways whatever the ship name is, so far I kinda dig it more than bumblebee. It's amazing really.
Ep 6: Here it is bois the big chapter for bumblebee oh boi let's gooooo Aight Yang attracting Blake with a laser is pretty hilarious. The Jaune/Ren moment did make me chuckle too. Comedy seems to be on point (for my tastes) this episode. Nora/Ren not being 'together together' is a point they make many times and I only ask… why? Nora isn't subtle about her crush on Ren. I guess Ren is quiet and timid but it's clear- Hey wait why is their ship name 'renora'. Don't they get a combo name? I know I complain about them but like. Feels unfair anyways. Other ships involving them get the stupid combo names. Why not them? What was I saying? Oh right it's clear they have a thing going on and like, they've known each other all their lives. This isn't made a point of until like, 7 volumes in. Eh, idk. Honestly, very impressive Pyrrha can just walk and talk normally with that knife—well, more of a fucking sword—on her back. Bla bla Bees conversation comments at the end let's move on. Oh hey that's Qrow's emblem isn't it? Who designs the emblems anyways. The owners of them? Some are unique, some are inherited. They're kinda like Cutie Marks tbh. Jaune offering a White Rose to Weiss, clearly a reference to THE BEST SHIP. MAYBE 2ND BEST SHIP IDK I'M TORN HERE. ENDGAME CONFIRMED BOIS. Blake's first dance is asked for but she still goes to the dance explicitly with Sun. Of course that is meaningless, nothing here ever built them up to have a thing and it is clear Blake never had absolutely any interest in him whatsoever. Anyways look at those background characters. All heterosexual, not a single w/w m/m pairing dancing, other than the 5 seconds of Blake and Yang. The pinnacle of queer representation right here, folks! Ozpin is a little lying shit but I guess experience does let him give good advice.
On the Bees: Ok. I want you to understand something. This? This is the F I R S T time Blake and Yang have a long, one to one conversation. In the show. Volume and a half in. They're not only teammates, they're partners. Ruby and Yang had a couple of conversations. Weiss and Ruby have had many. Even Ruby and Blake, famously interacting very little, had that conversation about books and fairy tales when first meeting. I don't care about the fact that they've spent months together at this time. That's not the point. The point is this conversation? It's the first actually shippable moment between them. Anything prior is /nothing/. You couldn't fucking write a developing relationship out of them with the interactions they've had before this point. From here on out at least there's a base to work with. That established, it's not the best base. Blake isn't her 'usual self' here. She's exhausted and in a terrible mood. The scene is mostly taken over by Yang's backstory. The conversation is Yang trying to make a point. It's a good conversation, and it finally establishes an interaction between them that doesn't feel loose. It's just a conversation I think would've been far more effective if we'd first seen them have more interactions under normal circumstances. Yang does wink at Blake and 'saves her first dance'. I believe this is the only time in this show where she's flirtatious towards a girl. Wonder why they didn't go togehter to the dance, instead of, well, I already said it above.
Ep 7: What was Jaune gonna do here? Beat up Neptune? Don't get me wrong I find him vomitive, as stated before, but the guy doesn't really deserve a beating for not agreeing to a dance, you know? Or was he heading towards Weiss? Kind of unclear, but he did look kinda angry so I assume he was going after Neptune. Like I get Pyrrha being drawn to Jaune for his ignorance of her and I do think that now it makes some sense she may be into him but I still don't buy how into Jaune she originally was. I do like this conversation between Pyrrha and Jaune, though. And, despite everything, this may be the only moment with Neptune that's genuinely funny. The 'I can't dance' part I mean. Usual applies to everything else. Nora and Ren are dancing, and Blake and Sun are… /still/ dancing? I can only assume they took a break, or they just really like dancing. Still not a single background gay! Dress moment is another Top 10 scenes of the show tbh. Throwaway gag turned funny/wholesome moment. Normally I'd call out the synchronized dance but these are hunters I can assume they have the reflexes to pull it off… assuming Jaune leads, anyways. Ah, yes, the legendary terrible running across rooftops scene. Here it is. It's legendary and terrible and funny. For real though I think I've seen worse animation moments before. I think it's just that this one likes like 5 whole ass seconds and gets full focus. Really? Karate chop? I know it's probably for the memes but girl, you can summon crystal blades at a distance. I reckon using those would be more effective. So… who picks the lockers and brings them back to the school after they hit, anyways? Is tehre a fine related to misuse of the feature? It can't be cheap, between reparations to the ground of wherever the locker hits, the damage to the locker itself, and the fuel used to launch it. RWBY giving pursuit and not immediately throwing away the shoes is the most unbelievable thing that has happened yet in this show. I… what? I don't understand teh architecture here. Did Cinder run all the way back to beacon? is the tower connected to beacon? That cut was real strange. Still no background gays! No but guys RT was really forward thinking they were totally queer-minded and had planned bumblebee from the beginning, clearly caring about rep and all that! They just coudln't be bothered to spend a single minute making two men or two women dance.
On the Bees: WAIT IT'S CALLED BUMBLEBY? NOT BUMBLEBEE? WHY DID NOBODY TELL ME, I MUST HAVE LOOKED STUPID! I'm gonna keep calling it bumblebee, idgaf. anyways I think this may be the only time we see Jaune's knees? I'll keep you posted.
Ep 8: APOLLO JUSTICE TRILOGY WAS CRACKED! I WAITED FOR SO LONG!!!! What has that to do with RWBY? Uh, nothing. What was I doing? Oh right rewatching. Anyways- Never fully understood why Ruby wouldn't go to Ozpin about the info before. Sure they were breaking rules but sis this is a lot bigger than you four. The dog. Right. Forgot he existed. I will forget it again. How… how does war work in Remnant, anyways? If you take to a battlefield, Grimm would eventually overrun both forces. It'd be a three-way fight constantly. You'd think kingdoms in general wouldn't ever bother with war. Right? Ozpin giving the job to RWBY instead of a more experienced team could be considered as the reason it all fell apart really.
On the bees: I actually just finished ep 10 and thought this chapter's notes looked weird and that's cuz this episode had literally nothing despite ample chance and I forgot to add this section.
Ep 9: I like Ooblek or however that's written. He's never relevant again aftert his arc but this is how you make secondary characters memorable. "By giving them a gimmick?" Yes! That's actually exactly how you do it! Ace Attorney is an expert at this! Still don't like the dog. Also no huntsman we've ever seen has a dog, right? Weird. See, this seems to imply the Goliaths here are like, the same as Beowulfs or whatever that just lived that long. but… This is later retconned. As far as we know, Salem just creates whatever the hell she needs, and Grimm don't change forms over time. It does appear like they gain more armor over time… sometimes anyways. Like, they probably do grow within a single 'species', but these goliaths aren't any different than the newborns we see later. I also do like Ooblek's motivation. That is a valid reason to be a teacher in this shitty nonsensical world.
On the bees: They, uh. Talk. For like one minute. Weiss is also there.
Ep 10: I appreciate this conversation but here's the thing: Blake speaking of her semblance this way implies they're aware semblances are, well, tied to their characters. This isn't necessarily a problem, if maybe a bit on the nose, but then… wouldn't it also imply everyone should consider what their semblance means? What does Sun's semblance say about himself? That he's always willing to lend a hand? What about, idk, Pyrrha? How does metalbending (And yes, it's metalbending, not polarity, she makes shit levitate not just attract or repel from herself) tie to her personality? Is it just a reflection of her prodigious skill? You'd think it was the other way around. Yang's is obvious (She prefers rolling with the blows), Weiss's too (it's a hereditary semblance), and Ruby's… well, depending on whether we consider the V7/8 development a retcon or not it could change meaning, but let's say it's meant to represent how she's always rushing ahead. So, this being said, woudln't character development change one's semblance? It would be interesting, in fact. Maybe Ruby's semblance wasn't always what it later is, but her experiences changed it. Maybe the inconsistency in Yang's semblance is a reflection of this. I know I'm thinking too hard and nobody ever thought about it, but it's sort of a Jojo's stands situation. In Jojo, your stand is a manifestation of your soul and can develop alongside you. Ruby, girl, NEVER SPLIT THE PARTY. Ruby, girl, you have SUPER SPEED. HOW HAVE YOU NOT TRAINED YOURSELF TO ACTIVATE IT WHEN SHIT LIKE THAT HAPPENS TO YOU. Ruby, girl: you. have. SUPER. SPEED. RUN AWAY. I know he says he's stupid but he really kind of is. Wouldn't 'underground city' be the first place you look at when looking for crime organizations?
On the Bees: Uh… yang calls out to Blake first? Sure, let's go with that.
Ep 11: RUBY GIRL YOU HAVE S U P E R S P E E D RUN AWAY FUCKING HELL YOU'RE NOT EVEN TIED YOU JUST WOKE UP SO YOU CAN'T BE SPENT Jesus, FUCKING FINALLY WHY EVEN TRY TO FIGHT IF YOU'RE THIS USELESS. Which makes no sense, tbw. Crescent Rose, even if it was built with ultralight metals, would still require strenght to use just based on the recoil those shots have and the balance of the whole thing. Ruby should pack a punch. Anyways giving your MC super speed in any capacity is a problem because of shit like this. Superspeed is the most powerful of the 'basic' superpowers (That is: Strenght, Flight, Speed and Endurance. Most stories with superpowers include these 4 in some capacity and speed tends to be the most limited one). I like the bombs moment. It's pretty funny. See what I mean? Ruby shooting herself like that means her arms must take the recoil! Even if we take Aura into account this girl should be at least decently strong. I… could do without the dog moment. Like… it's just more offputting than anything else. Ooblek does take another paladin by himself, which is nice to see, in the 'oh yeah he's a step above the MCs' way. Why does Weiss suddenly give Blake the dust bullets? Why not before? Why not… idk, talk to her about it? Why even make them? Did Weiss ask for them? If so, again, why not give them to her before? I mean I know the answer is probably 'Monty fight scene had this thing and writers had to scramble to fill in the gap' but still. Why does Yang have that moment with Neo? They've only had that one 'interaction' which wasn't particularly personal before. See? The WF leader(?) here makes some sense. We know the Schnees have beef with the Faunus and the White Fang (That being, they're slaver pieces of shit and all that). And, uh, Blake against Roman is… I get what they're going for, but… Idk, I feel Ruby and Roman would've felt more natural. Given they do have that in V3 so I'll let it pass. Man, I love Roman so much. Have I said that before? The biggest crime in early RWBY is not giving him enough screentime, really. I love the theory that he doesn't even have Aura unlocked, since he's clearly not the best fighter out there, man's just very skilled at doing his job. Which doesn't often involve fighting wannabe hunter teenagers. It's why he's basically knocked out after so few blows. Weiss should do the 'haste' glyph thing a lot more often really. Action economy, girl! Everyone knows it's the key to win! I wish Neo had more of a… thing. Like, in general. Her fight against Yang is great, but how the hell did she get that skilled? Why's she working for Roman? Why does she care for Roman so much that she later becomes obsessed with killing Ruby so hard that when she thinks she's done she loses all purpose in life? Not really sure how to feel abotu Raven here. At least we got the Yang backstory to even explain there's something going on there but it feels so… random. And why is Neo so scared? What does she know? Why would she know it? SHE HAS NO BACKSTORY And THIS is why you want your general population with their fucking Aura unlocked!
On the Bees: Man the second Dual Destinies turnabout is kind of a chore so far. Like, I figured pretty much everything by the middle of the first day and I still got another day of investigation and trial to go through? I think the case could be improved considerably by just not showing the face of the killer. I know it's ace attorney tradition to show you the first couple of killers, but still. I like Simon well enough I guess. What happened to Gavin? I don't remember him being fired at the end of AJ.
Ep 12: Jaune taking command, nice. Was that foreshadowing for Ren's backstory? Honestly, not a huge fan of this fight. It's supposed to be super big in scale but I guess the budget didn't allow it? It also feels like it kinda lacks momentum. Also didn't we just spend like 3 episodes exploring Ruby doesn't have physical strength? Why's she kicking the Grimm like that? Don't get me wrong, this makes more sense, I'm just confused. I know it's a common complaint that team Coffee shows up here to steal the show for a bit, since they barely get any screentime ever. It's a fine complaint, understandable. I… actually kinda like it. Also ONE OF THE GUYS IS HOLDING OATHBRINGER. WHAT'S HIS NAME. GREEN GUY. Based. I feel like we should have seen a few adult hunters showing up, though. Non-teachers I mean. Huh. Ironwood did always have his sinister authoritarian vibes. I like that. I still love roman. And that ending dream thing huh. I'm sure the eventual meeting of these two will be totally worth it.
On the bees: Did you know I have written more Ami/Minori (from toradora) than the rest of the internet combined? Irrelevant to RWBY I just wanted to let you know.
For an extra this volume: I watched some of the shorts! I think these were the ones around by V2? Or maybe up to V3? Idk.
WoR "Dust": I assume V6 retroactively kind of explains Dust as the literal dust old humanity was turned into? Which is why it can interact with Aura? Very fucked up, but I like it. I'm on the fence on whether I think they had the creation myth figured by this point or not, but I do think they probably had the rough draft for it. Anyways this short doesn't really add much? It explains the 4 basic types and that you can mix them to make new ones, but everything else we probably could've figured ourselves.
WoR "Kingdoms": Ok so, Vacuo and Vale share a continent, while the other two are in split continets. Just taking note for later, not sure how relevant it becomes. In a worldbuilding sense, I don't think it's very reasonable to actually believe small towns could ever be built outside of big cities protected by natural barriers. Most people are clearly useless in a fight against Grimm, and honestly, just leaving the city shoudl be more than enough nervousness and doubt to attract hordes of them.
WoR "Grimm": Not much to say here, other than just generally wondering why Salem wouldn't just wipe out humanity herself sans a small amount of people who she could pin as Oz and the maidens. And don't say she couldn't have: If she can create that giant whale thing she could've done so a couple thousand years ago when technology wasn't so advanced. If you told me she was purposefully playing this game with Ozma, trying to keep it somewhat fair, I'd understand, but she clearly isn't. Oh well.
Anyways, I think I enjoyed this volume more than the last! Which is weird, I think people consider this to be the weakest of the first three. Idk, despite everything, I found the overall pacing to be slightly better, and we get some deeper info on our characters which is always appreciated. Not much else to say in general, but hey. Also yes, it's still a mess.
Also I'm fairly certain Pyrrha still not passing the bechdel test.
Also, if by any chance you're reading this, Crimson: 1) Why. Why do that to yourself. 2) Last volume you kept flipping your shit at me shipping whiterose and such (and other stuff but idrc about that). You seem to be unaware of the concept of chemistry. Ruby and Weiss are shippable because they have chemistry. Ruby and Penny are shippable because they have chemistry. Actually, all the characters I mentioned as potentially shippable displayed fair amounts of chemistry. And that's always my main concern with bumblebee. Sorry, but "vibing" while not interacting is very much NOT chemistry. It's kind of the opposite. Right now, with the information these two volumes have offered, I could write a lot of dynamics with a certain amount of ease. Bumblebee… not so much, because their interactions are still blank fucking slates. And I'm sorry to say this, but no, emptiness isn't 'complexity' or 'depth'. The only complex thing here is the fucking mental gymnastics you're doing to justify not only every bumblebee moment but also the show's writing as if it was flawless and perfect lmao.
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scribeforchrist-blog · 3 months
Stay In It
+ Habakkuk 3:19 “The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of a deer; he enables me to tread on the heights.”
+ Mark 12:29 The most important one,” answered Jesus, “is this: ‘Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one.
 When we see a basketball or a baseball game and we see our team losing, we think that if they only did this, this would help. We try coaching from the sidelines, and it usually doesn’t go how we want, so we become angry and upset because we all want our teams to win. Sometimes, it doesn’t happen this way, and that’s okay, but the most important thing we can hope for is that they stay in it to win it, and by doing this, staying in it, being active, pushing forward, no matter what that’s what we want.
  Some days, we don’t feel like praying because we are either tired or have other things to do, or maybe we just don’t feel like doing it; for example, I was in my prayer closet the other day, and I was praying. Still, I had a million and one things to do, and it seemed like no matter how early I started, I couldn't get it all done, but I still prayed, and while I was sitting there, I said, God, I don’t feel like doing this today for some odd reason.
   I said I'm going to keep praying. As I prayed, I told God why I didn’t feel like praying, and he didn’t say anything, so I kept praying. He said these simple words to me: STAY IN IT . I stayed in that prayer closet until I felt like I was done praying because I knew the enemy was trying to block me from praying. I knew a spirit of hindrance was trying to stop me. The days we don’t feel like praying. I know a lot of us don’t have the time just to stay, but those of us who do stay in it and pray. Stay wherever you are until your done praying
 Galatians 6:9 And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap if we do not give up.
 The word tells us here: DON’T GIVE UP TO STAY IN IT. Times seem complicated because we are like I don’t see any benefits, I don't feel good, I don’t want to, but you must understand that the enemy will do all he can to have you , have a prayerless life lifestyle. Sometimes we fall unto his plans, and sometimes we don’t. Still, the best thing we can do is ignore this feeling of not wanting to because if we did everything like this because of that feeling, a lot of us wouldn’t go to the gym, go to work, or have a complex conversation. Still, because we push forward and do what we must, we must look at prayer as one of those must-do things; we must pray, stay connected, and STAY IN IT.
Romans 8:28 And we know that for those who love God, all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose
  Everything will work out because as I was sitting there and praying, I didn't look at the time. I didn’t think or entertain this emotion, and I didn’t want to do this. I ignored everything and continued to pray; as I did this, God gave me a fire and the motivation to pray, and after a while, when I got done, I prayed for over two hours because I wasn’t focused on the thing I didn’t want to do. I focused on him, and he will give to those who push through and look and do things for his purpose; we must stop considering that this isn't his will. God will test us on the smallest moments of our lives to see what we will do to see whether we will still do what we must do, whether we will stay in it or choose to ignore him. We can't ignore God. We must stay focused on him.
  Psalm 73:26 My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever."
  See, my body and emotions said no, they didn’t want to; they wanted to do other things; all of our bodies get like this, but through it, all we have to understand his strength gives us precisely what we need to go through, I didn’t think I could do it, I had no idea I could do anything looking at what I felt, but when I place everything in God’s hands everything worked it out, no not every time it’s going to go like this but I can tell you this when your dedicated. Your persistent God will be right there to help and carry you through , make him your potion; make him your everything.
  ***Today, we learned that to stay on fire for God, we must stay praying, mediating, fasting; we must stay in things that are going to strengthen us in times of battle because every day is a battlefield, but we have to understand as long as we are shielded by God we can make it through it all, a lot of times we think long vacations and smoking and drinking will make us feel good to make us feel relax but resting in the presence of God can give us what we need.
When I tell you, friends, the presence of God can give you precisely what you need and help you stay in it, a lot of people today don’t want to stay in the fight because they aren’t feeding their spirit, we must feed ourselves daily to stay in it, the enemy is always ready to attack when we are unsure we must understand what keeps us unsure is doing things that aren’t spirit led but more flesh led. Stay in it and God will do the rest.
 ©Seer~ Prophetess Lee
Heavenly Father, thank you so much for everything, Father; give us the strength we need to stay in it and to stay with you, and lord, help us not to focus on the moment but focus on you, and lord, help us to read our word and help us to apply it and do it. Lord, some days are so tough, and many things come our way, but we ask you to help us to ignore them and stay in it to be closer to you; in Jesus Name, amen
+ Mark 12:30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’
+ 2 Thessalonians 3:16 Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you.”
+ Psalm 22:19 But you, Lord, do not be far from me. You are my strength; come quickly to help me.”
Proverbs 7
1 Samuel 12
Revelations 5
Isaiah 45
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treadmilltreats · 11 months
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Count your blessings, not your bitterness
Life should be an incredible journey because it is way too short, and it should be enjoyed to the fullest. I've learned this the hard way, wasting too many years being unhappy and losing too many people I loved too soon.
You should not be sucking on the bitterness of life and then passing it on to others to taste.
Bitterness makes you miss the good things in life. It makes you concentrate on the bad in your life and makes the good seem smaller and less gratifying.
I often remember one of my favorite bible verses: Romans 8.28
"All things will work together for our good and according to his purpose,"
Yes, we will have bad times.
Yes, there will be hard times, but you just have to have faith, and it will all work out.
Your purpose will fill your life and your heart with overwhelming joy.
Maybe right now, as you are going through the storm, you think it's dark and scary. You are hurt, and it feels like it will never end, but this is when you must keep your faith. You must believe that the bitterness will turn into the sweet fruit God has in store for you.
I look at every hardship in my life as a lesson. I never ask why this is happening to me? I say, okay, this is happening for me, and what is the lesson I need to learn?
See the bad things that happened in your life, happened for a reason, for lessons. It happens to make you stronger and to make your faith grow stronger. It happens to let you know that you are a survivor and to pass on his wisdom to you so that you can be a testimony for God's greatness.
There are great parts of your life, so why do you keep sucking on the bitterness of your life?
Yes, I get it, your marriage didn't work, your business failed, your friend hurt you, and you had so many hardships in life. Jump in line behind me and millions of others.
I have seen this type of behavior throughout my life. My grandmother was this way, and my ex mother in law is still bitter and angry that her ex left her 40 plus years ago. Every time I visit her, I still have to hear about it. Seriously, you need to let it go already.
Yes, I get it. Sometimes life sucks but you still get to choose. You can choose to be bitter, or you can choose to be grateful. You chose to only see the bad, or you can choose to see the good. You can throw in the towel, or you can get up and fight once again. The choice is yours, you get to choose. Growing up and seeing my grandmother like this, I chose a long time ago to never be like her and I am not, because I chose not to be.
Do you not see that you already have other amazing blessings? Great friends, a good job, your health, and so many wonderful blessings in your life. Yet you still hold on to and relive your past bitterness over and over in your head, totally blocking out all the good you have.
You take your garbage and dump it on others every day, you complain, you moan, you cry. Why me? Every day, you are a toxic waste dump, and then you wonder why you have no friends or no man?
And again, I will say it for those in the back. It's a choice! You choose. Choose to be happy, choose to be grateful, choose to leave your past in the past, and choose to believe it will be turned around. I am not an expert on bible verses by any means, but some just speak to me. They just say it all on this subject.
"Your journey in life is not a difficult one unless you make it that way."
"Don't lose heart and get weary, for in due time we shall reap what we have sowed"
"We are pressed on every side by trouble, but we are never forsaking."
"God is working it all out in your favor,"
Look, we have all had problems. We've all made stupid mistakes. Hello?? Have you read my blog? I am the queen of stupid mistakes!
But it's your mess, so own it and then give it to God and let it go.
Don't get embarrassed. Instead, tell others your story, take your failures, and turn them into good by helping others. Let them know that your hardships and troubles don't last. If you give them to God, show them what happened in your life.
Tell them that yes, there might be a horrible storm out there right now, and yes, you know that they are barely holding on. Give them encouragement, and tell them your story. Show them what faith looks like, and tell them about the rainbow they will see when the storm is over. Take your troubles and be a lighthouse for them to help them get to a safe port. It is then when you will know that all you went through was not for nothing. It will be then, you will know your true purpose.
So today, my friends remember to blend those lemons with the sweet fruit God has given to you and taste how good faith is!
"Be the change you want to see,"
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spoilertv · 1 year
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supercaliwhat · 1 year
WallyGallery Archives Volume 3: Posts 2/1/Intro
It's the final countdown...
Post 2: Is June a Polyglot??? 04 08 2023
Dear Someone Reading this (Who might not speak more than 3 languages):
Hello hello hello! Today, I feel jolly and accomplished, as I started, or experienced something new. Or is it new? I, I mean my mom decided to start Latin. However, I was deeply concerned for two reasons. The first and most obvious reason is because I learned too many languages before. A small bit of Spanish, modest Chinese, and obviously Korean and English. This would make me sort of a polygot, a person who knows 5 languages! Another concern was that I had less motivation to learn Latin, ultimately because it was a dead language. To begin with, I learned all the languages I 'speak' because they are and would be useful in real-life, as in reading texts and making important conversations. However, no one uses Latin and therefore had no merit. I also felt concerned because I had to learn through Zoom, not the best way to learn anything but Zoom. Nonetheless, my concerns disappeared, only after a cup of suspicion and a class learning random Latin words. I bravely (or foolishly) asked the teahcer, "Why should I learn Latin?", and he was thankfully waiting for that question. For ten minutes, I heard the teacher saying about English words with Latin roots, and many questions related to it. To my surprise, he wasn't a liar! As I read through the vocabs, I saw many familiar words: fugit for fugitive, portat for prepare, via for via, and in for in! I also learned that these Latin words influenced other languages, such as Spanish. The word mortem (Death) sounds like the Spanish word muerte (Death), and its pronunciation was overall similar. But the best part was fun. Reading classical Roman text with obscure words truly made it a fresh and unique experience, and made me feel like a kid reading a picture book. However, don't be fooled! The dead langauge offers only old literature for practice, and that had some historical information and philosophical ideas, all of them which I liked. Overall, my first Latin lecture felt a bit overwhelming. Despite me thinking that Latin would be boring and useless, I realized its links to other languages (as an Indo-European and former-dominant language) and its use in classical text. As the Romans were the most powerful people for a not-so-brief period of time, it is genuinely worth it to be able to learn all these old text by learning its language. I now wonder: would English be dead? Would the future consider English just like Latin today? What if Latin and English were to co-exist or not exist? Despite my endless questioning, I think it's best for me to stop asking questions, and do my weekly homework. Now I have two: This diary, and my Latin homework!
From. A person who isn't an expert in Latin but knows better than 99.9875 percent of the world, since only 1 million in 8 billion of us even remotely knows Latin.
Post 1: Python Test Day! 04 03 2023
"Another test day?", I might ask myself. However, this test was far more important and exciting than most others, a test where I had to show my full pontentials and creativity. I was totally wrong on both claims. After a tough 10 weeks of practice, I may have assumed the title 'Best Pythoner', but I needed to take on a real challenge, So I can truly become a coding master. And here I was (or were), right now (or a few hours ago), I sat on the same rusty desk and opened the digital test. First glance, the test was odd. Instead of me writing a program that would show my inner beast, the test was composed of 30 MCQs, and were very dull. I might have to add, that my friend's frightened face showed how learning 2000 SAT words a week didn't help this. But I was kind of ready, and solved most of the questions. However, I was obviously uncertain of a few (30 percent of the questions), especially because this was a one-time-only exam. By the time I was finished, I was still thinking. The time limit was over, and the 30 percent of uncertain questions were gone. I had two things on my mind: I would get at least 70 percent, and what if I get under 70 and fail this test? Thankfully, or shockingly, the results came seconds later. I got a very low score, but I could barely pass. I got 70 out of 100, with a passing score of 70! I doubted the test, and thought I would get disqualified becuase the score was probably a rounded number. Despite my cynical expectations, I got my certificate, and people congratulated me. I got my official certificate, and it was because my score was rounded. And I realized one thing: People like to be lazy (e.g. oversimplify numbers), and they all benefit me. Nonetheless, I happily took the digital certificate and remembered that my coding teacher (who managed to see this whole thing) REQUIRED a score of at least 80 percent would get me to take the higher class. That was his (little early) April Fool's day joke thing. Overall though, I felt never this overwhlmed, surprised, and grateful to my life than this moment.
Simple Version: Another test? Really? Yes. This time, it was for my python (coding) certificate. I have seen the previous "doomed expressions" of my friends, and now it was time for me. I took my laptop, and ready, set, sit down! 30 questions, 70 out of 100 to pass, the test seemed simple. However, the questions were the complete opposite of the ones I've expected. Instead of creativity and wit, it was about MCQ and guessing. I took the enitre 30 minutes and I couldn't finish my test. I had two things on my mind now: "70's a piece of cake, like listening to ABBA music", and "I'm not gonna get 70, just like how Billie Jean's not my lover". To my surprise, (I think) I got a 69.6666.... However, the test gratefully rounded my grade, and I got a 70! I was so shocked, overwhemled, and glad at the same time, and the same was to my new certificate, digitally. I could now stand up and relax at the same time!
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Introduction: Who is June? (By Peter McGuire, definitely not the pen name of June, I mean it is...)
Unless you were living under a pineapple house (or not from BCC), you'd probably be familiar with June. He seems to show everything he has, wants, and hates, but he might be more mysterious than that. In fact, I have finally managed to collect 10 facts about June that get HARDER to collect and know gradually.
1. June has 2 siblings, both are twins. And by the way,
2. June seems to like everything, and that results in shorter passion-spans.
3. June has a seemingly endless passion for old music, games, and socializing, a nicer way of saying talking endlessly.
4. June takes some words seriously, too seriously sometimes! He subscribed to a newspaper just because of a recommendation, without even thinking about it!
5. June has an expertise in various places, but CODING? He made this website using it!!!
6. June actually is grateful and happy about a lot of stuff: family, money, health, and that golden yacht he owns in his game.
7. June is loyal to all (excluding close friends at times) but is pretty ambitious. Like, he goes to all of these competitions for fun!
8. Contrary to popular belief, June surprisingly has a thick resume, including multiple certificates, volunteering, and I might have to cross this one out.
9. Contrary to popular belief, June is not a Communist, Socialist, Robber (okay it only counts if you rob and don't return it after 10 seconds), nor is a crook.
10. Although June never touched Non-Asian soil, he is still interested too much in American stuff, such as Politics, Music, TV, and everything. Except for guns. He needs more than that.
11. Despite his younger age, June regularly listens to: ABBA, The Beatles, The Bangles, The Monkees, Bonnie Tyler, Culture Club, Rick Astley, Bon Jovi, Cyndie Lauper, Tears for Fears, Toto, Laura Branigan, Berlin, F.R. Davids, Phil Collins, Louis Armstrong, Madonna, Gloria Gaynor, Whitney Houston, Dolly Parton, Air Supply, Lionel Richie, Tina Turner, Chicago, Aqua, Juice Newton, Olivia Newton-John, John Denvers, Neil Diamond, Blondie, Frank Sinatra, Bee Gees, George Michael, Wham!, Roxette, The Carpenters, Elton John, Sandra, A-Ha, Stevie Wonder, and Michael Jackson. Sorry Elvis Prestley, I'm not that old!
The End.
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joemerl · 2 years
"The Legend of Hercules"
This movie has a 5% rating on Rotten Tomatoes, and made $61.3 million on a $70 million budget. It came out the same year as the Dwayne Johnson Hercules movie and is considered its inferior. I'm going to watch it because I make poor life choices.
My thoughts under the cut.
We open to a battle in "Argos, ancient Greece, 1200 BC." This will not stop them from using Heracles' Roman name. The CGI is really fake, and the fighting throughout this movie does the whole 300 slo-mo/speed-up thing.
We meet Amphitryon, who in this version is an evil king. I guess. I dunno, he's the one attacking, but he suggests to Argos' king that they have a one-on-one fight so that no one else dies, which is pretty reasonable for an evil overlord. And the fight is cool, so I mostly come away thinking that he's a badass.
Amphitryon likes war, but his wife Alcmene thinks that war is bad. She's also really religious, but Amphitryon doesn't believe in the gods because...reasons. Is it just me, or do a lot of mythological movies go for a "theism vs. atheism" thing? I don't think that it works as well as Hollywood writers assume.
So Alcmene prays to Hera to stop her husband. Then Hera...possesses a priestess? who wasn't there before? and says that Alcmene's son will deliver the land from Amphitryon. If she doesn't want to sleep with Amphitryon to get this son, Hera will let her sleep with Zeus instead.
I mean...she sounds sad about it, crying that Zeus has "betrayed me through his lust for you." But like...this is Hera. "Weepy" is not the reaction that I expect when confronted by Zeus' newest and oh-so-maimable love interest. Any other mythical inaccuracies pale compared to this.
In the myths, Heracles has a good stepdad and a bad stepmom. Why switch it around? I guess because this movie wants to be Gladiator, and we need an evil king for that.
This next scene is really weird. Alcmene is in bed. There's a flash of lightning and a bunch of wind, and Alcmene starts...having sex with it, apparently, even though she's still dressed. Then Amphitryon comes in, sees Alcmene and starts screaming "WHERE IS HE?!?! WHERE IS HE HIDING?!?!?!" Like, he saw Alcmene writhing on the bed, fully clothed and apparently alone, and somehow concluded that a.) an actual, two-person sex act was going on, but b.) her lover is a normal human who is just...invisible or something? I guess he knows the story of Gyges.
Seriously, it's a plot point that he thinks Hercules was fathered by somebody else but isn't sure. Which is weird, because we've established that he and Alcmene aren't having sex these days, and he seemed positive that he walked in on her cheating with seemingly no one, so...I don't know, man. This is a mess.
The baby is born! Because even though Amphitryon thinks Alcmene is unfaithful, he didn't kill or exile her. He's really bad at this "tyrant" thing. Anyway, he names the baby Alcides and says that he'll never be as good as his brother Iphicles, but Alcmene privately calls him "Hercules" because that's what Hera called him.
Side notes: "Hercules" is translated as "gift of Hera" when it's supposed to be "glory." Also, since Hera is basically a Fairy Godmother in this movie, it seems kind of stuck up of her to name the kid after herself. Why not have Alcmene choose the name?
As mentioned, Iphicles is in this movie, but he's a few years older than Hercules. Chiron is also there, as...Alcmene's tutor? Despite her being an adult woman? He's just a dude with a weird accent. Not a centaur. Lame.
The editing is really choppy, by the way. It's weird. I think a good bit of this movie was left on the cutting room floor, which may explain the confusing bits.
Time skip! It's twenty years later, and Hercules is frolicking with his love interest, Hebe, who is a Cretan princess and not the goddess of youth. I understand going for his endgame romance, but personally I would have picked one of his mortal wives. Anyway, she's slightly spunky and rebellious, but not so much that she won't spend most of the movie as a damsel in distress.
There's a scene where Hercules and Iphicles run into the Nemean Lion; Hercules kills it, but lets Iphicles take the credit. The fight is short and the effects aren't great, but it's pretty cool. Enjoy it, because it's the only actual Labor of Hercules that's in this movie.
At the big palace feast, it's announced that Hebe is betrothed to Iphicles. She was not consulted about this, makes a scene, and she and Hercules run off to elope. Nobody seems to react to this until the next day, when they're suddenly being chased on horseback by guards. Again, the editing.
Having captured Hercules, Amphitryon drafts him to go with his army to put down a rebellion in Egypt. Because by the way, Amphityron conquered Egypt even before conquering Argos. This is so ahistorical and downright implausible that it gives me a headache. Later he mentions having mercenaries from Germania and the Horn of Africa, so yeah, he's clearly being written as a Roman emperor, not the king of a Greek city-state.
Long story short, this is all a scheme to get Hercules killed. Some Egyptians mercenaries ambush them and kill everyone except Hercules and his captain/new friend Sotiris. They claim that one of the random dead soldiers was "Prince Alcides," while "Hercules" and Sotiris are sold as gladiators. Back home, everyone thinks that they're dead.
Iphicles is a villain, but there are scenes that show how he's desperate for his dad's approval and tortured by the fact that both his mom and Hebe love Hercules more than him. Actually, his one scene with Alcmene is kind of harsh, since she basically blames him for Hercules' death.
Speaking of Alcmene, with Hercules supposedly dead, she takes the initiative and tries to kill Amphitryon herself! That's kinda cool, even if he winds up killing her instead. She also reveals that Hercules' father is Zeus, whom she claims will kill Amphitryon for killing his son. I think she's putting too much faith in Zeus' parental instincts.
It occurs to me that Alcmene and Iphicles are the only two characters with any real depth, and that I'd much rather this movie expand on that than Hercules and Amphitryon's generic plot.
Hercules' second act is pretty meh. He and Sotiris fight some guys in a dinky, underground gladiator fight. Then they convince their boss to take them to the world's biggest gladiator fight, which happens to be in Amphitryon's kingdom. But to qualify, they have to win this other gladiator fight first.
In this middle fight, one of their opponents is named Humbaba, because this movie wasn't satisfied with only mucking up one mythology.
The third gladiator fight is actually less impressive, because while it's Hercules vs. six of the best gladiators in the world, the Law of Conservation of Ninjitsu is in effect and he beats each one easily.
Also, there's a woman gladiator, presumably to make up for the fact that our other female characters are a sexy lamp and a dead mom. I note that while Hercules kills or maims all of the men, he just traps her in her own net, at which point she can do nothing but yell indignantly.
Hercules wins his and Sotiris' freedom! Then they start leading a rebellion against Amphitryon. Hebe tries to kill herself, but then learns that Hercules is alive and reunites with him.
Hera's priestess shows up for cryptic advice, the gist of which is that he has to have faith in Zeus and accept his destiny. She also implies that doing so will deprive him of his chance to be with Hebe.
Also, according to Wikipedia, this character's name is Kakia, which means "evil." In a parable by Xenophon, Hercules encounters Kakia, who offers him an easy but meaningless life, while Arete, "virtue," advises the opposite. So this Kakia is doing the exact opposite of what the Kakia in the story does. It's like if a Christian-themed movie had a wise priest named Satan.
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beauty-and-passion · 3 years
Silly fun challenge prompt: what languages do you associate with the Sides/what would be the 2nd language each Side learn?
For example I am a big fan of Hispanic (Spanish speaking) Creativitwins fanon. And c! Thomas too could've learnt Spanish in high school and the fact his love interest is hispanic too just makes perfect sense-
And in contrast to Hispanic twins I headcanon Janus as a francophone (French speaking) for two reasons: 1) it was still lingua franca around Victorian era, his aesthetic inspiration and 2) dividing American high school by Spanish class vs. French class is like causing Civil War (I was and still am a language nerd, so I learnt both languages, which was a mistake but the kind of mistake that was worth it when you think about it later)
German suites Logan since lots of famous philosophers are German. I associate Japanese or Korean with Virgil since those two are really dominant in the current subculture world (and maybe our emo could've been inspired and turn into E-boy - wow that sounds terrifying)
I don't have strong preference on Patton's but Italian sounds nice, since all those music and dessert and anything sweet are often from Italy. And maybe 'Orange' can be some language that sounds harsh like Russian, so he can murmur in that in sleep and scares everyone else
I know you're in Europe: 1) you use GMT and 2) Americans wouldn't care about Eurovision. So I wonder how you would think based on your European experience!
Oooh, I like this! As European Who Studied Languages, I definitely approve this and I'll gladly add my two cents about which languages the sides should learn.
Roman: He canonically knows Spanish and that's perfect like that. Spanish is a romantic language, someone speaks Spanish and you can't help but swoon. It’s a great choice for the Side responsible for romance and passion.
Remus: Remus isn't just intrusive thoughts, but there’s a very high chance he’s also responsible for Thomas' sexual urges. So, what is the language made for sex? You’re right, it’s French. French is sexy. You can say anything in French and bam, ✨sexy ✨.
"Je sors la poubelle." Sexy, isn't it? Well, I just said "I'm taking out the trash". See? Very sexy.
(French people, please confirm my words. We all know it’s true)
Janus: Your points are incredibly valid and I love them. But if we should choose among all languages, I would love Janus to be one of the very few (extremely few) people in the world who can speak Latin.
I know Latin is a dead language, but it would be great - and not just because of the connection with his name.
Let’s consider that the other Romance languages, despite evolving from Latin, cannot entirely understand it, because they all changed a lot through the centuries after mixing with the Germanic ones. On the other hand, the Germanic languages (English, German, Swedish and so on) are part of a completely different group, only slightly influenced by Latin, so they cannot understand it.
In other words, Janus would speak a language that only sounds familiar - and maybe you can grasp a couple words here and there if you know a romance language, but the true meaning is hidden. What is he actually saying? Who knows. Is he actually cursing someone? Who knows. After all, do you understand Latin? Yeah, me neither.
If I have to pick a language that is still spoken today instead, I think I'll join you with French. Your points are valid and French is a very elegant language, fitting for Janus’ whole aesthetic. So yes, French could work.
Logan: German is a great choice and you are absolutely right with your point about the philosophers. Also German is a language of harsh sounds and strict grammar rules - for example:
declensions that should be used accordingly for articles, adjectives and nouns
specific verbs for specific meanings
words made by putting together shorter words (like Haustürschlüssel.  Haustür means “front door”, Schlüssel means “key” -> this word means “front door’s key”)
sentences that should follow a specific construction, with parts of the compound verb after the noun and part at the end of the sentence. And secondary phrases also have a specific syntax and should always be introduced by a comma
In other words, it's a very organized language and I think it would fit Logan.
But also, considering that almost all words related to science and philosophy come from Greek, I think Logan should at least understand some Greek. As a treat.
(Also because Greek is another incredibly complicated language, so if someone has the patience to learn it, it’s definitely Logan.)
Virgil: oh my gosh, I never thought about an eastern language for Virgil. In a way, it would be a very peculiar choice and I kinda like it. Japanese and Korean are extremely complicated languages, they have a very specific alphabet (I'm especially thinking about the Japanese one, that even asks for a specific direction to write words) and require a lot of work (and memory) to learn them.
But Virgil is also a poet and when I think of poets and sonnets my first connection is with the french ennui, le mal du vivre and especially Baudelaire and his works. Virgil would appreciate Baudelaire a lot. So French, again.
But hey, there’s too much French now. So I’ll pick the other european literature full of sadness: the russian one.
Russian is supposed to be a big scary language and its alphabet is weird and omg what if they're cursing us? But if you learn it a little bit, you’ll find out that Russian has a lot of soft/open sounds (due to a good use of vowels) and it's very poetic.
So the language itself is a bit like Virgil: he seems scary and evil at a first glance, but if you learn about him, he's actually kinder than he looks.
But never underestimate Russian, because just like Anxiety, fear is just behind the corner: you start learning it and wow, there is just one present tense, one past tense and one future tense? This is great, what a wonderful language!
And then, before you’ll realize it, you will find out that each verb has a “doppelganger” used for entirely different purposes AND there a gazillion verbs of motion and you will end up crying on the floor, because there are just too many verbs - and look, there are also one trillion particles you can put before these verbs and they give them EVEN MORE MEANINGS.
No, this isn't entirely based on my personal experience, what makes you think that.
Patton: I have never thought about Patton learning another language, because English just fits him too well.
But when you proposed Italian... well, my heart just wiped out everything else. There is nothing here, only Patton speaking Italian.
So yes, Patton's second language should be Italian. No, it must be Italian. Because French is the language of sex, Spanish is the language of love, but if you want to declare your eternal love to someone, you use Italian. Do you want to marry someone? Italian. Do you want to tell your significant other how much you adore them? Italian. Italian has one million ways to express love and Patton should use them all with his kiddos.
And yes, Italian is also associated with warm people, warm places and good food, all things Patton deserves and should enjoy. So Italian is a big yes.
Orange: since Orange is a mystery, I am a bit torn between these two languages:
1) Esperanto: This language is amazing, because it isn’t a natural language, born like all others, but it has been built by a man, who wanted to create an universal language in order to foster world peace and international understanding.
So this language has been created to be as simple as possible, with a very regular grammar (unlike all other natural languages) and its words all have references to other language groups (romance, germanic, slavic, indo-europeans, finno-ugric languages and so on).
And if you actually listen to it (especially if you know some latin languages) you will find it weirdly understandable. I found this video in particular and I was impressed by how strangely familiar esperanto sounds.
And... that’s it, I just think it would be kinda poetic that the last side knows a language that all others can use and understand.
2) A Greenlandic language. Why? Because they are insanely polysynthetic.
What does that mean? If in German you can make words by putting together other two/three words (like in the example I used before), in the Greenlandic languages you can build an entire sentence by putting together nouns, verbs, articles and everything else. All together in one single word, whose meaning can be translated with an entire sentence in another language.
Do you want an example? Here is an example from Wikipedia: tuntussuqatarniksaitengqiggtuq.
Yes, this is a word.
This word is from the Yupik language and means "He had not yet said again that he was going to hunt reindeer.". And this word is made of:
tuntu- (= reindeer)
ssur-  (= hunt)
qatar- (future tense)
ni- (= say)
ksaite- (negative)
ngqiggte- (= again)
uq  (3rd.sing.IND)
Is this insane? This is fucking insane. Do you want to be scared? This is real fear. What the heck. How. Why.
You know what? This is perfect for Orange, I’ll leave Esperanto to Thomas. Orange deserves to be this scary. I can already see the other sides quiver before him.
And so, here are my guesses! If someone has other ideas, feel free to add yours and tell us why, so we can all have a nice discussion :D
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