#like. it takes not even two minutes to go and check the original source if you're trying to see if something is whitewashed
solojihyo · 1 year
i really think we need to start holding ccs and blogs that whitewash/colorwash idols accountable. people will always be like "whitewashing is so bad i never do it on purpose! i will not reblog those sets!" but there have been SO many instances in which i've run into a cc whitewashing and the gifset is reblogged by every one of their mutuals. like kpopblr has such an obsession with mutuals to the point where it's like people can't even recognize when their own mutual has whitewashed a set. like guys. use your brains. it's not that hard. sometimes ccs make mistakes and that is okay, both when it comes to creating the set and reblogging from a mutual. people usually tend to automatically trust a mutual so they may not be as careful when reblogging (which i am also definitely guilty of). but if the same cc is whitewashing sets, and the same mutuals are reblogging them, despite all of the people involved saying that they absolutely condemn whitewashing.... then i don't even know what to say. if you're really as against whitewashing/colorwashing as you say you are, hold your own mutuals accountable.
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0mg-bird · 22 days
A Tornado Warning~ T. Owens x Fem! Reader
Summary: Domestic life with you isn’t something Tyler could ever get tired of when you’re practically his twin flame.
Warnings: Language, storms, smut 18+
A/n: Inspired by the Turnpike song above. Read as a part 2 to Sunrise.
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Laid back in two cheap lawn chairs, both you and Lilly sit in bikinis and jean cut offs, tanning under the Arkansas sun. Sunglasses on, beers in hand, a small radio on the ground next to your feet, the afternoon was coming on just fine.
Inside, Dani is tinkering with something that makes her cuss every ten minutes. You tried to drag her out for some good ol’ sunny D but she fought you on it.
Bringing a cold Coors to your lips, you finish the last few drinks of it and crush the can, tossing it back into the little red cooler before turning the music up.
When the idea was originally brought up that the sum of you should just buy a house and make it the permanent wrangler camp, it was a big uncertainty. Then you came across the charming farm house and all of you were sold.
The barn was the designated research and tinker area, the camper trailer parked in the driveway was where Dexter stayed when he wasn’t home with his family. Other than that, Dani and Lilly shared the large downstairs room, Boone- who would sleep anywhere- finally has his own room upstairs. Tyler and you slept in the upstairs master room at the end of the hall, and to say the least, you were happy it wasn’t a crappy motel.
You still chased, but it wasn’t life on the road anymore. It was a real career now, not just a hobby job. Your crew was a main source of information to local tech businesses that develop advanced warning signals and bunkers. You raise money for cities hit, get hands on when you can.
The viewers love the vlogs.
You settled into the life well.
The rumble of an all too familiar truck doesn’t even make you open your eyes, not until your sunlight is blocked by the form of your boyfriend.
“What are y’all doin’?” Tyler asks with humor in his voice.
You and Lilly pull your sunglasses down to look at both him and Boone who had just gotten back from town.
“Trying to tan before your big head blocked our UV rays.” You answer smartly.
“Why are y’all oily?” Boone asks, swiping his finger down Lilly’s arm, making her smack him.
“It’s tanning oil.” She scoffs.
Boone wipes the grease on his shirt that says ‘Science Is Fun’. “You sit out here and fry like bacon for fun?” He asks.
“Boone, baby, anyone ever tell yuh it’s a good thing you’re pretty?” You ask, confusing him slightly.
“Whatever.” He shrugs and snags the last beer from the cooler.
That leaves Ty.
He wears a stupid smile at the bikini tied around you. It was apart of the new merch line, which meant it had his face printed all over it.
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.” You laugh, leaning your head back, missing the way Tyler pulls his phone out and does just that.
“What’s for supper?” He asks as you wipe sweat from your forehead.
“I don’t know, what’re you cookin’, good lookin’?” You ask, taking your glasses off and checking the time. You’ve been at it for about two and a half hours, it might be time to call it a day.
Tyler hums. “Cowboy chili?”
You frown.
You grin. “Great idea.”
He laughs and shakes his head. “Go wash up and I’ll get it started.”
You stand, kissing him gently quickly. “You’re perfect. Keep acting like this and I might just marry you.” You tease with a wink.
He leans closer, briefly sniffing you. “You smell like coconuts and Coors Banquets.” He states with a smirk.
“I smell like your dream girl.” You state back, poking his chest before you collapse your chair and grab the speaker while Lilly grabs the cooler.
In the shower, washing oils from your skin and lathering your hair, you have a slight tingle in your gut. When you shut the water off and wrap a towel around you, you go to the window and open it up.
Out in the distance, big thunder heads are forming. You grin like a kid on Christmas and smell the air. It’s damp and tangy, rain should be falling in the next hour or so.
Walking into the connected bedroom, you dress in some shorts and one of Tyler’s college tees. It’s when you comb your hair that you look at the framed photos on the wall of the two of you. Rocky, the dog that is still alive and well, pushes open the cracked door and comes to hop on the bed.
“Did Ty kick you outa the kitchen, buddy?” You pout and scratch his head.
He too pouts and rolls over for you to rub his belly.
“Don’t worry kid, a storms coming, ain’t you excited?” You ask, obviously getting no response.
Trotting down the stairs, your phone buzzes in your hand with the first sever thunderstorm warning.
The weather report is on the living room tv where Boone and Dani sit. You sit on the arm of the chair where Boone is.
“Whatcha’ think about it, Tex?” Dani asks you.
You look at the patterns on the screen. “I’m thinkin’ we’ll get some high winds, maybe a barely registered EF1 at most, but the way the wind is shifting, I think it’ll hit back county roads and dissipate within ten minutes.”
Boone agrees with you. “I say we sit back and enjoy this one.”
“I’m with you there, buddy.” You smile, ruffling his hair before getting up.
You head into the kitchen where Tyler is seasoning the burger patties at the island counter. Your hand runs over his back as you pass behind him to assemble the rest of the things needed for a meal.
“Storm’s rollin’ in.” You say with a smile.
“That explains your good mood.” He chuckles, tossing a towel onto his shoulder.
You lay out burger buns and condiments. “I couldn’t ask for better weather, you know that.” You lightly giggle, opening up the pickle jar and eating one.
Tyler watches you with a look of affection, then kisses the top of your head. “Some might say you’re insane, darlin’.”
You finish up your original task. “Only partially.” You say, going to meet him at the grill on the covered deck outside.
He begins to cook up the burgers while you lean against the banister and look out at the cloud covered sky. A light rain is falling now, getting caught in your hair as it blows in.
Most would be inside to keep dry.
Not Tyler’s girl. No, he knows you’d stand in the flat plains and wait for the lighting to come down.
As he flips the patties, you come lean against his back, your cheek against the fabric of his button down as you take in the scent of him.
“You happy?” You ask, making him reach down and hold one of your hands.
“Like this? Yeah…” He says with a smirk. “But what would make me even happier…”
He guides your hand down past his buckle, and you scoff and pull away, slapping his shoulder as he laughs.
“You pig.” You shake your head. “I meant are you happy with life and how you’re living it.”
Tyler stacks the perfectly grilled burgers back onto the tray. “Of course I’m happy. I’m doing what I love, I have a place of my own and a bed that doesn’t creek. Then, I lay next to you at night and always end up between your legs. Life is great.”
You blush and take the tray from him. “Glad there isn’t anything you’d like to change.” You say, turning for the back door that goes into the kitchen.
“Well, I’d change the fact that the crew sleeps under our roof, but life isn’t fair.” He states, following after you.
“It’s their roof too, you can’t just kick ‘em out. What would Boone do without you tucking him into bed?” You snicker.
“Baby, I’d tell Boone to get lost in a heartbeat if it meant it’d just be you and me, doing it in every single room.” He whispers into your ear, causing you to laugh loudly and shove him back.
“Y’all come eat!” You call out loudly to the cree, then turn back to Tyler. “You behave yourself.”
He pulls the finger you point at him, and tucks you under his arm for a moment.
It’s common for relationships to get slow and boring after being together for a long while. Couples don’t try as hard, the spark isn’t the same.
Tyler can’t imagine that, not when you’re the kerosene to feed the flame. He’s so in love with you, he doesn’t even know a version of life where he doesn’t have the dynamic he has.
Gathered around the wood table, all of you chatter about various things. Lilly frowns as she drips barbecue sauce onto the shirt with your cartoon face on it.
Yet another merch item you designed.
It has the words ‘Tex Knows Her Tornados’ printed on it.
You give Rocky part of your burger and Tyler scolds you, saying you spoil him too much. You just glare and say that Rocky deserves some good food too.
Tyler thinks you’re ridiculous.
Country music is playing in the background as all of you move to the front porch, waiting for the sky to come falling down and watching data streams come in. The house is lit up orange with all the lights on, contrasting against the sky. The rain hits harder now, it’s cold as it blows in, making you curl into Tyler’s side.
“You ain’t gonna go dancing in it?” Boone asks you, camera pointed at your shaking frame.
“Hell naw, I’ll freeze my ass off.” You laugh. “How about you drag your pretty self out there? I’ll record you.”
As you reach for the camera, Boone pulls away and retreats.
Thunder shakes, the pang of the thick rain drops hitting the tin roof is almost its own song.
“Come on, Tex, before you get washed away.” Tyler pulls you back inside with the others.
The crew has a grand time with the music playing loudly and the way you have to yell over the storm. The shadow of you and Tyler two-stepping in the kitchen, moves around the walls like a painting.
You let yourself imagine life further as you follow Tyler’s lead. You’ve been with the crew for so long, would you stay with them forever? Would nights continue to look like this if you and Tyler were married? If you had a kid?
That’s a scary thought.
Marriage and babies.
He looks down at you know when he noticed you stopped giggling. “You tired?” He asks.
You simply nod along, not wanting to yell your thoughts out.
He pulls back, announcing that the two of you were going up to bed. They all shout goodnight and go back to what they were doing before, turning the music down a few notches out of curtesy.
You pass your passed out pup in his bed at the top of the stairs where he likes to guard things. He’s fat and happy, you don’t bother him.
All downstairs sounds are muffled as the bedroom door shuts. Tyler kicks off his boots and watches you pull the covers back on the bed. Shimmying out of your shorts, you fully intend on going to bed.
Tyler doesn’t like that idea.
“Do I dare ask what’s on your pretty mind?” He asks, unbuttoning his shirt and unbuckling his belt.
You sigh. “Just thinking about the next five years.”
He shakes his head in confusion. “Why?” He questions.
You just shrug and slide onto the soft mattress. “Why not?”
Once he’s in his boxers, he joins you. “Don’t think of the next five years when we don’t even know what we’re eating for breakfast come morning.” He smiles. Immediately, his hands are pulling you close, his lips are kissing yours smoothly. He pushes your hair out of your face before moving down to your jaw line and neck.
“What has gotten into you?” You laugh as he rolls you onto your back.
“What? Blame the weather.” He grins as he cages you in.
As he kisses you again, hands pushing your t shirt up, you smirk at the need he’s progressing with.
“The crew is still awake.” You remind.
“The storm’s so loud they won’t even know.” Tyler states, moving to kiss your stomach.
Your hands play with his hair, you lay back and listen to the storm crash over the house as he pulls your underwear off and dives between your thighs.
The subtle anxiety of what life can turn in to is gone now as the warm pleasure washes over you from his mouth perfectly against your core. Your head digs into the pillow, you’re biting your lip at the amount of stimulation coursing through you. You pant out, deciding that you weren’t going to be patient all night.
You drag him back up to you, becoming the needy one now. Your shirt is tossed onto the floor, soon accompanied by his boxers. Anywhere you can touch him, that’s where you do. Fingers gripping into his biceps as he pushes into you, you let out a gasp of relief, matching the one he gives.
“Fuck, this feels good.” You praise, hitching your knees up to lock his hips in, pushing him further into you.
As he completely bottoms out, Tyler lets his head drop onto your chest for a moment while he gathers himself. No matter how many time you two do this, it’s still a crazy good feeling.
He slowly kisses your chest, sucking over the curves of your breasts as he pulls almost all the way out, then sinks back into you swiftly.
Thunder cracks loudly, making you yelp in surprise, then laugh. He looks down at you in humor as he adjusts his pace, making it slow and sweet at first, then moving onto more demanding thrusts that make you moan out loudly. He’s trying to hit as deep as possible, but the way you’re holding him close to you is making it hard to focus.
The way your skin rubs against his makes him feel like he’s on fire.
One hand intertwines with yours and he lays it on the pillow, breathing hard as he thrusts against the walls clenching around him.
You squeeze his hand. “God, I love this.” You say with an open mouth.
He proudly smirks. “Yeah? You love when I fuck you so sweetly?”
You groan out. “I just love when you’re fucking me. Doesn’t matter how…or where.”
“Fuck.” He curses, his dick twitching inside of you. He’s stealing your breath for his own now, you think he might just inhale you if he could, given the way he devours your mouth.
His hips rut against you, the tip of him presses against a sensitive spot inside of you that makes your voice break.
“More.” You beg, letting go of his hand and sitting up.
In an instant, Tyler has you flipped onto your stomach, his hands pulling your ass to him. You look back at him as he slides back into your aching walls, softly whimpering as he hits differently.
He pulls your hair to one shoulder, then leans to kiss the bare skin as he drives into you.
You look to the window, the way rain pours down it.
He’s pulling you back to meet his deep thrusts, his head falls back as he gets lost in the feeling.
“You like it like this?” He asks, making you nod feverishly, voice getting raw from the way he’s drawing moans from you.
“Ty.” You call out, gripping the sheets with a smile as you feel your orgasm building
“Good girl, say my name.” He pants, grip tightening on your hips.
“Tyler.” You breathe, thighs beginning to shake.
He knows your body as well as he knows his own, he knows the way your lower lip quivers and the way you get pulses through you that you’re getting close.
He lets out a whine, a childish grunt when he determines he wants to see your face when you cum.
“What’s wrong, baby?” You ask, barely coherent.
He doesn’t answer with words, just pulls out of you and flips you back over so fast, your head spins. Within a second, he’s already back inside of you where he should be, grasping your thigh as he coaxes you further and further to your finish.
“I need to see you when you cum for me, sweetheart. I need it.” He pants, sucking at your neck, hitting all the spots he knows makes your throat go dry.
“Fuck, you’re so hot.” You heave, breathing hard into his hair.
Your toes curl, your hands getting a death grip on his skin. Tyler pulls back to gaze down at you, eyes lit up wide, knowing your orgasm is going to wreck you.
“Come on, cum for me, beautiful. I got you.” He soothes.
One hand on his bicep, the other on his jaw line, you try to ground yourself but the way you’re swept away is out of your control.
“Fuck, I’m so close.” He pants, voice gravely and raw.
Your eyes squeeze shut, the knot in your stomach tight as you finally fall over the edge.
“Ty!” You cry out, the waves of hot arousal finally washing over you.
He strokes your hair out of your face, so close to his own release but guiding you through your own.
You’re coming down with a sob, your bottom lip quivering and your chest heaving as he buries his face into the crook of your neck and fucks you through his own release.
Your head pounds at the overstimulation for a moment, but you’re coherent enough to whisper to him as he comes down from the high.
“I love you so much.” You remind, shaky hands smoothing his crazed hair.
Your swollen lips kiss the side of his head before he turns to meet with his.
“Shit.” He pants into your skin, slowly adjusting his weight on top of you.
Tyler wears the same smile you do, trying to get his muscles to stop buzzing before he slowly lifts off of you.
He looks down, watching as he slowly pulls out of you and sees the mess between your legs. He’s dripping down your thighs, and you’re whimpering that he’s not inside of you anymore.
Pressing a kiss to your knee, he promises to be back in just a second. He cleans himself up, then comes back from the bathroom with a warm washcloth.
Your arm lays over your wide eyes as he cleans the mess gently, the storm isn’t so violent now, it’s settled on a steady rain and softer thunder.
Ty helps you to the bathroom and back, then pulls the covers over the two of you back in bed.
Arm around his middle, head on his chest, you fall into a comfortable silence. His thumb rubs your shoulder, eyes about to shut from the way your warm hand moves to slide up and down his stomach. Then, your loss for words passes you and you’re back to being your normal self.
“You ever scared that you’ll get me pregnant?” You ask, making Tyler’s eyes snap back open.
“What?” He clears his throat.
“You ever scared that you’ll get me pregnant?” You repeat your words.
He tries to find an answer that won’t piss you off, but he isn’t sure what will and what won’t. You know his silence well, so you add onto the question.
“There’s no right or wrong answer, cowboy.”
Ty wraps his arm around a little tighter around your shoulders. “Yeah, sometimes. When we were on the road, I was terrified of it, actually.”
“Really?” You hum. “And what about now?”
He takes in a breath. “Now, I don’t really think about it…I mean, we aren’t doing a lot of things to prevent it.”
You laugh. “The pill thing isn’t important when you have life saving research to do.”
Tyler shakes his head at you. “It made you kind of moody anyway.”
You smack his chest, making him claim he was kidding.
“I guess I could ask you the same question.” He says. “You scared I’ll get you pregnant?”
You move your hand back to its original place on his stomach. “I really don’t know. I mean, we aren’t kids anymore so I guess it wouldn’t be horrible if it happened but…we’re just so busy.”
He agrees. “And we aren’t really married.”
You strain your neck to look at him. “Does that matter to you?”
He looks down at you. “Does it matter to you?”
You hold his gaze, then look away. “I don’t know that either…”
Silence between you, rain above you.
Tyler sighs, letting his thumbs motion on your skin continue despite your goosebumps. “I’m not scared of commitment if that’s what you’re wondering. You want me to marry you? We’ll go to the courthouse tomorrow. You want babies, I’ll give them to you. Anything you want, I promise I’ll give it to you.” He says in such a serious tone, you feel your throat start to swell and your eyes burn.
You smile then kiss his chest. “You’re sweet on me like a bear to a beehive.”
Tyler grins. “I still have no clue what’s coming out of your mouth.”
“That’s okay, cowboy, as long as you can understand me saying I love you, we’re fine.” You say softly.
And you two fall asleep like that, tangled up together. Any movement you make throughout the night, you don’t get too far before Tyler’s gripping you warmly and dragging you back to his skin.
Come morning, birds are singing praise and the wind is gentle. You wake on your side, facing him, legs tangled together. He looks like a puppy when he’s asleep, all calm and soft. The broken morning light paints him a warm golden color, you reach out and push his hair away gently. He stirs slightly, his eyes drag open to see you against a backdrop of a simple shade of blue.
The sky outside the window is clear, you’re looking at him with affection, he wouldn’t want anything else.
“Mornin’.” You smile.
“Good morning.” He says with sleep still in his voice.
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wearebarca · 3 months
7. Captured // Alexia Putellas x Original character pt. 7
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Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6
synopsis: Rosalie has never stayed somewhere too long. When the opportunity of a lifetime presents itself at critical moment in her life, the photographer decides to once again leave behind what she knows and joins the staff of Europe's best football team.
Word count: 6,4k
A/N: Feedback is always nice. Spanish is from google translate so please be nice. French is my first language so all should be good on that part. Enjoy
Rosalie knew before she opened her eyes that she wasn’t in her bed. The stiffness in her neck was indication enough, along with the slightly rough feeling of the wool blanket she kept as a decoration on her couch. An unknown alarm was blaring from her phone on the coffee table. Suddenly, the memories from the night before  started to come back to her. How good it was to be wrapped in the footballer’s arms, how warm and safe it felt. She was probably the one who set an alarm to make sure the photographer wouldn’t be late for work.  The simple thought put a smile on the woman’s face.
 A quick look around her kitchen told her that most of the dishes were put away and a cup of coffee along with a note were waiting for her on the counter. 
“ I have to bring Nala home before training. You looked too peaceful to wake up. Thank you for yesterday, I really needed it. See you at training bonita.”
The photographer took the note and pinned it on her fridge. Every time her eyes strayed to it while getting ready, she could feel butterflies fill her stomach. The brunette hopped quickly in the shower and changed into her day clothes before heading out for the training center. 
The first thing she noticed upon entering her office was the small brown paper bag which seemed to be the source of the delicious smell lingering in the room. There could only be one person responsible for such a gesture. The fluttering feel from the morning came back full swing as the photographer pulled out a fresh pastry from the bag. 
Her morning was quite slow. She had tasked some of the junior photographers to attend training to allow her to finish answering some emails and send the contend Martina was waiting on for the next social media campaign. Rosalie’s morning was surprisingly productive considering the stiffness in her neck. The only thing that pulled her out of her work induced trance was the repeated buzz of her phone. When the device kept vibrating after a good five minutes, the brunette finally checked her screen to see what was going on. She was surprised to see the nicknames of several girls from the team appear on her screen, with the first notification being “Capi has added you to the chat”. Most were welcoming the photographer to the group and the rest were discussing the team bonding night organised by Ingrid that would most likely take place two weeks from now. 
Deciding she would read everything later, she left her phone on her desk and focused on finishing a few tasks before lunch. When she arrived in the cafeteria, she was immediately called by Mapi and Ingrid to join them and the rest of their group. The brunette grabbed her food and took the last available seat, which happened to be next to the Spanish captain. 
She was leaning with her elbows on the table, her hands holding her chin up and listening intently to what Patri was saying. Only, as soon as the brunette took her seat, her focus shifted. 
« Hola, » she said with a lazy smile stretching on her lips. Patri was aware of their budding friendship, but so far had not been aware of a deeper connection blooming between the captain and the photographer. Now, with her friend who had seemingly forgotten about her in order to engage in a conversation with the Canadian, it was clear that something more was happening.
“Did you sleep ok?”
“Yes, thank you, I didn’t even realize that you left this morning.” The photographer said a little embarrassed by how hard she was sleeping. They were leaning close to each other in order to keep a certain level of privacy in a table filled with their friends and colleagues. “ How did you sleep? Can’t imagine my couch would provide the best sleep.”
“I slept good actually, but I can’t say it’s because of your sofa no.” She said with a smile. 
Patri, still amazed by what was unfolding in front of her, tried to catch Pina’s attention by elbowing her in the ribs. “¿qué es?¿qué es?”
“¿desde cuando?”
“no sé” Pina said, watching the two women converse in front of her. “tengo curiosidad por saber que esta pasando”
“Le preguntaré a algunas de las chicas sobre esto.” Patri said, getting up to bring back her tray. 
The week passed on quickly for everyone. The team was preparing for their game next wednesday and the media team was working extra hard to provide the fans with fun content with their favourite players. Rosalie was able to get out of her office more, and take back her place as the main photographer present during the training sessions. More than ever, Rosalie was appreciating the little routine she had formed, but now, there was a new element present in her daily life. Every lunch, she would spend it with the team in the cafeteria, more precisely with a certain blond captain. 
As they grew closer, the rest of the team noticed the growing chemistry. With the realization came the teasing, which Alexia shot down pretty quickly. Even if these girls were her family, she did not want her private life to be the subject of discussion among them. But even with her efforts, the whole team was soon aware of the clear interest the women had for each other. 
Even with the thought of the photographer in her mind, Alexia was still dead focused on training. Her comeback after her injury had not been an easy road and the pressure of getting back to her old standards was a heavy load on her shoulders. Her appointment with the physio had been full of warnings against overtraining and focusing on a slower but safer road to full recovery. 
Alexia knew all of this. She knew that overworking herself would only slow her down in the end. But she was stubborn. The guilt she felt for her club, her teammates, the fans, who had yet to see the return of their queen, was simply too strong. 
She wasn’t surprised when Monday , two days before the game, she felt some discomfort in her knee. It wasn’t pain, yet, but it was enough to allow fear to grasp at her mind. 
Rosalie could see it from the sidelines, the anxiety slowly creeping in the blonde’s eyes. She was slower than normal, running through the drills with a carefulness she hadn’t seen her use before. She wasn’t the only one who had noticed the change in intensity. Jonatan soon after called for the captain who immediately ran to him, making a tremendous effort to hide the slight limp she had developed in the course of the session. 
Their exchange was fast. Alexia clearly seemed to want to finish this session and was arguing her case with as much intensity as she would with a ref during a game. Jonatan stayed strong, even with the captain towering over him. 
At this point, their argument had pulled the attention of several of the girls. Rosalie lowered her camera, not wanting to breach what clearly was a conversation meant to stay between player and coach. When she realized that Martina failed to show the same respect as her, she positioned herself between the pair and the head of media’s phone. 
“ I doubt this is the entertainment the fans want.” She said with a raised eyebrow. She had heard from the players how Martina could sometimes be invasive but she hasn’t seen her cross the line just yet. 
A dry laugh escaped Martina’s lips as she finally lowered her phone. “Si, si, you are right.” She said as she moved farther on the sidelines. Rosalie turned back around just in time to see Alexia storm off the pitch, leaving a discouraged Jonatan behind. 
“ Thank you Rosa.” Mapi said, approaching the photographer. “ Ale would have been livid if this came out in one of her instagram stories.” 
“Would she really?”
“ She has before.” Mapi said with bitterness in her tone. 
“ I’m starting to understand why Alexia is so wary of the media team.” Rosalie made a move towards the tunnel but was stopped by a hand on her wrist. 
“I know you want to make sure she’s alright, but for now Ale needs a minute to process.” Mapi said with a sad smile. Rosalie knew the Spanish woman was right, and she could not just leave practice to go comfort the captain. 
“ Oui, oui I understand.” She said, picking back up her camera. The rest of the practice seemed to drag on to no end for the photographer who wanted nothing more than to see how the blonde was doing. 
Once training was over, Rosalie learned that Alexia had been sent to the physios to assess the situation. Not wanting to disturb the professional, she went back to her office to work in the editing of the pictures she had taken. 
Once again, her afternoon seemed a lot slower than usual, and for one of the first times since she had started this job, Rosalie left her office at the same time as the rest of the staff. 
Lucy and Keira could not believe their eyes when they saw the Canadian walk out of the building. 
“Are you feeling alright Frenchy?” Keira asked, almost worried for her friend.  
“Oui oui, I just thought finishing early would hurt once in a while.”
“Who are you?” Lucy asked, grabbing the younger woman by the shoulders. 
“Non mais voyons lâches moi.” The brunette said, laughing loudly. 
“Wanna come by for dinner? We could watch a movie or something.” Keira asked, happy to finally have the opportunity to finally spend some time with her best friend. 
“Sure! That’s a great idea!” They all walked together in the parking lot, discussing what they would watch, when a specific dark grey cupra caught the attention of the photographer. 
“Isn’t that Alexia’s car?”
“Yeah, I thought she left at the same time as the rest of us.” Lucy said, checking her watch. At this time, the medical staff had already left and no one was left in the gym. 
“I hope she’s ok.” Rosalie said as she came to a stop half way to her car. Lucy and Keira could practically see the dilemma forming in the younger woman’s head. They knew that she would not ditch them, even if her heart was telling her to go see the Catalonian.
“Go.” Lucy decided for her. Rosalie sent a thankful look towards the couple as she turned around and almost dashed to the training center. 
She let her instincts guide her to the pitch, where she found the blond sitting alone on a ball. She  took a seat next to her. They stayed silent for a while, until the blonde was ready to talk 
“I am not playing on Wednesday.” The blonde said, her gaze not leaving the pitch. “They want to prevent further deterioration.”
The brunette shuffled closer to the footballer. “Can you still train?”
“ In the gym, yes, and light drills.” She said sadly. 
Rosalie took a second to take in the footballer's sad features. With her foot, she kicked the ball slightly under Alexia, just hard enough to make her lose balance and slide to the floor. As soon as the ball was free, Rosalie dashed down the pitch to the nearest goal and sent the ball in the top right corner. When she turned back towards the blond, she was still sitting on the floor with a very cute and confused expression. 
“Come on! What are you gonna do about that?” The photographer yelled arms in the air with what Alexia thought was the most beautiful smile she had ever seen. 
“Are you scared of an amateur, La Reina?” Rosalie knew she had her now. Alexia got up and slowly jogged to the goal to retrieve the ball. She kicked it in the brunette’s direction and stood a few feet away from her. 
“ I just know that you  are no amateur Rosalia.” She said with a soft smile. 
As soon as the brunette touched the ball, Alexia’s whole demeanour changed. Her face was the epitome of focus and her whole body tensed, revealing her taut muscles. The sight was intimidating to say the least, but Rosalie was not going to let the opportunity to show off a little pass. 
She dashed forward, ball at her feet, pulling all the tricks she could think of. She was fast, but Alexia seemed to be able to predict her every move and soon enough, the photographer ended up on her ass, no ball in sight. 
A loud laugh was heard behind her. She turned around to see Alexia with one foot on the ball, seemingly trying very hard to keep her composure. 
“ You’re fast, and skilled, but a tiny bit predictable.” She said, offering a hand to pull the photographer up. 
“Rematch.” Was all the photographer said as she took the ball from the blond and positioned herself once again. Alexia smiled at the brunette’s eagerness. She had found someone as competitive as her. 
They were at it for  almost an hour, with Rosalie successfully scoring a grand total of seven times against Alexia who blocked at least twelve attempts.
 Rosalie, unsatisfied with these statistics, almost begged the footballer for one last attempt. Whoever won this, would win the whole game. 
“ I think I have you now Reina.” Rosalie said with a cheeky smile. 
“ Don’t get so cocky now bonita, I won’t go easy on you.” The nickname made the photographer blush furiously, but she refused to let it distract her. She finally launched her attack , but Alexia’s response was so fast Rosalie wasn’t even able to register what was happening. She was left standing alone in the field while Alexia was already halfway across the pitch, sending the ball in a perfect arc in the opposite goal. 
Rosalie sat on the grass and let herself fall on her back dramatically, arms in a cross. Alexia retrieved the ball and ran back to the photographer, flopping down almost on top of her. The impact knocked the air out of her lungs, but she made no move to get out from under the blond. 
“ I think it is safe to say that I won.” Alexia said, still laughing. No answer came from the brunette, who was too mesmerized by the blond’s eyes and the feeling of her weight on top of her. 
Her smile softened as her eyes shifted to the captain’s lips. Alexia seemed to finally notice the position they were in, as well as how little space separated the two. She could feel the rapid pulse of the photographer, which matched her own. The pull was magnetic, and every second passing seemed to eat away at the woman’s resolve. 
They did not know who reached for who first, their movements almost synchronized. 
Her lips were even softer than Rosalie had imagined. They fit perfectly on her own and it felt like something had just clicked. She could feel the tension in the captain’s body slowly fade away, as if she was melting in their embrace. The shift of weight brought the delicious feeling of the footballer’s body moving on her, which pulled a small moan from the brunette. 
The sound caught Alexia’s attention. She smiled into the kiss, which made the smaller woman pull away slightly. When she saw the happy expression on the footballer’s face, she smiled and angled her head away, embarrassed by her body’s reaction to the blond. Alexia’s hand came up and caressed the photographer’s cheek before diving back in for a slow kiss. The contrast between Alexia’s callous hands and her soft lips made the photographer’s head spin. 
They pulled away when oxygen became an issue. Alexia thought, as she looked at the smaller woman who’s pupils were blown and lips swollen from their kiss, she realized that she needed to see more of this blissed out version of the photographer. 
Rosalie’s expression changed, mistaking Alexia’s silence for regret. “I’m so sorry I didn’t want to overstep I’m…” she was interrupted by the feeling of the blonde’s lips back on her. 
“ Don’t apologize, I’ve been wanting to do that for a while.” She said with a smile. They got back up and retrieved their bags. None of them uttered a word as they walked back to their car, content in the comfortable silence. Alexia stopped next to the photographer’s car, holding the door open for Rosalie. 
“Thank you,” Alexia said with a shy smile. “I needed this.”
“Which one, the game or the kiss?”
“I think it’s safe to say both.” She said with a grin. 
Rosalie had a love-hate relationship with her phone. She liked the convenience of having a decent camera always with her, but she hated the constant buzzing and being bombarded by text and notifications. She kept her phone on silent outside of work hours.
 If she had it on, she would have seen the notification of a new instagram story on the club’s account. She would have seen that she had been tagged in it, along with Alexia’s account. She would have seen the massive wave of messages flooding her dms. 
Instead, it was in her bed , when she reached for her phone in order to set her alarm, that she realized exactly how invasive the head of social media could really be. 
The video wasn’t too bad really. It captured the moment of the photographer’s fall after she had lost to the captain and Alexia toppling on her a few moments later. To anyone else, it simply looked like two friends having fun after a long day at work but to the women’s football community, it was a lot more. 
Emotions flooded the brunette all at once. Never would she have thought that her privacy would be so easily exposed to the world. She never wanted to be thrusted into the spotlight, and all this attention made all the color drain from her face. 
The feeling only grew much worse when Rosalie thought of Alexia. She knew how the blonde felt about her life being exposed to the public eye. 
Rosalie didn’t sleep that night, and the consequences were very visible the next morning when she pulled up at the training center. She had ignored all of Ingrid and Mapi’s numerous calls and texts, and only answered a thumbs up to Lucy and Keira’s worried messages. 
For the brunette, it was impossible to think about anything else than Alexia’s reaction to all this. The facility was quieter than usual, due to the fact that Rosalie had opted to arrive later to avoid crossing paths with anyone. Surprisingly, Ingrid was sitting in the lobby, and got up as soon as she saw the Canadian enter. 
Rosalie froze and didn’t move when the Norwegian made a move to hug her. «How are you? »
« Worried.» the photographer said in a small voice. « My phone won’t stop buzzing. »
The raven hair girl tightened her hold before letting go and grabbing her arm to start guiding the brunette down the corridor. 
 « The media team and the coaches have called a meeting to deal with the situation. Alexia is there as well. »
« How is she? »
« Very angry. » Ingrid said. She panicked a little as she saw her friend’s face fall. « Not at you Rosy! She’s in this state mainly because this time, Martina dragged someone dear to her in this mess. »
Rosalie blushed slightly at that and stayed silent for the rest of the walk. They arrived in front of a room where loud and rapid Spanish conversations could be heard through the closed door. Ingrid sent an encouraging look to the photographer before pushing her inside the room. 
Inside was a long table where Jonatan, Sara, Marcelo, Martina, Alexia and another man she did not recognize were all sitting. The room went quiet as the Canadian entered. Jonatan got up and smiled at the nervous photographer. 
« Bon dia Rosalie, take a seat. » he said motioning to the open seat next to Sara, which happened to be right across Alexia. Just like Ingrid had said, the captain looked livid, anger overtaking all of her features, making her look cold and almost Dangerous. 
« Hey, I’ll translate if it gets too fast.” Rosalie sent a grateful nod her way, but when the conversation started back, they had switched to English to make sure the photographer would follow. 
“ As I was saying, it is simply unacceptable to use the player’s personal life to promote the club. Let’s not forget that this video was taken outside of training hours and I am certain none of the girls gave their consent to post this.” Jonatan said, turning to Rosalie to confirm his statement. 
“ I never gave my consent, nor was even aware of being filmed during that time.” She said in a shaky voice. 
“ But you were at the training centre. That makes it ok to film since what happens inside these walls is club business.” Martina said, clearly trying to justify her actions. “ It was a wholesome moment that attracted a lot of attention to the club.” She added. 
Every word coming out of the woman’s mouth seemed to chip away at Alexia’s patience. She decided that she had been silent long enough and it was time to show just how angry she truly was. 
“ Attention? You exposed us for attention? You forcefully pulled Rosalie at the forefront of an obsessed fan base who’s been harassing us for the last 12 hours, for attention?” She said, the sound of her voice getting louder and more aggressive with every word. 
“You don’t realize the impact your actions have on other people. As players, we know that we are constantly being watched and that our lives are but a source of entertainment for others. But Rosalia never asked for any of this. She doesn't deserve this violation of her privacy.” She added, sending a look in the photographer’s way. One that greatly reassured the brunette. Alexia was trying to protect her. 
“We are tired of the abuse the head of social media  has perpetuated and the team, along with the coaches, ask management to take action against the perpetrators.” Alexia sat back in her chair. The rest of the table was silent, waiting to see who would dare speak after Alexia’s declaration. 
Finally, the man Rosalie did not know coughed a little and spoke in spanish, too fast for Rosalie to be able to understand properly. 
“He said that from now on, Marcelo would be acting as head of social media and that every post Matina would prepare would have to be approved beforehand.” Sara whispered to the brunette. She turned just in time to see Martina’s face fall and Alexia’s smirk appear. 
“There is still the matter of the video itself.” Marcelo said, pulling out his computer. “Millions of people have already seen it. Taking it down now would only attract more attention to it.” He said, turning his screen so they could all see the statistics. 
“ The response is mainly positive and Alexia told me that the messages she’s been receiving are mostly positive.” The new head of socials turned towards the photographer. “ What about you?”
“I haven’t read anything really, but none of my notifications stood out.” She said pulling out her phone and opening the app for the first time since the night before. 
“ So it seems that for now, most people see this as the friendship we all know you two have. This is good. I think that the best course of action would be to leave it up, and simply continue our posting habits as usual, but featuring the other players more.” He said with confidence. 
“ We need to give the fans something else to focus on. We can post a fun interview from media day today along with an update on our injured players.” The solution seemed like a good  plan to the rest of the staff who all agreed and stood up. The man Rosalie had yet to know the name walked out first, followed closely by Martina who looked dead set on trying to explain her point of view. The fact that she seemed incapable of understanding what she had done was wrong baffled the brunette. She really did not regret her actions and Rosalie was starting to think that her consequences weren’t harsh enough. 
From the corner of her eye, the photographer saw Alexia abruptly stand up and bolt out of the room. Her instinct told her to follow, and she was glad she did because she arrived just in time to see Alexia trap Martina against the wall. 
“¿Viste algo más anoche?” She asked in a low, menacing voice. Her tone gave Rosalie chills, and she didn’t know if it was because of fear or something else. 
“No, me fui justo después, lo juro.” Martina said, visibly shaken by the taller woman’s action. Alexia released her and stormed out towards the locker room. When Rosalie passed her, she sent a strange look her way, as if she was trying to see something that would have evaded her keen snooping skills. 
Her gaze made the photographer feel uncomfortable as she quickened her steps. She pushed the door of the locker room and found Alexia, head in her hands, sitting at her cubicle. 
“Ale…” At the sound, the captain’s gaze met her own and Rosalie saw for the first time how Alexia truly felt about the whole ordeal. Fear and panic was visible in her hazel eyes as she stood up to pace around the room. 
“You shouldn’t be in here.” She said, eyes to the floor. “If someone sees…”
“Everyone is on the pitch, it's ok.” Rosalie could see Alexia getting agitated , so she decided to take a seat in the closet cubicle to her, on the opposite side of the room. 
“I knew this would happen. It’s always the same thing with your team.” She said, still pacing.
“My team?” Rosalie said incredulously. 
“Si, you can’t stop putting your nose in other’s lives and it’s hell for the rest of us.” Alexia said, stopping in her tracks to look at the brunette. 
Rosalie was too stunned to speak. Her expression was a mix of hurt and sadness that broke the captain’s heart as soon as she saw it. 
Rosalie knew that Alexia was angry and it was this anger that pushed her to say these things, but she couldn’t help how bad she felt after hearing it. 
“ I thought you knew I wasn’t like this. I would never breach your privacy like this.” 
“ I know, I know.” Alexia said, trying to calm down. “Maybe we should just be colleagues,” she said in a small voice, incapable of looking the photographer in the eyes. She knew that if she did, she would cross the room and take the smaller woman in her arms, apologize and tell her that everything would be alright. 
“Is that what you really want?” 
“Then there’s nothing I can do but respect your decision.” Rosalie said in a sad voice. She turned around and walked out of the locker room, leaving Alexia alone. 
As soon as the brunette left, Alexia sat back down. She felt like her legs weren’t able to carry her anymore. Her hands were shaking and a heavy feeling lingered in her heart. 
She knew that what she had just done was cold, but it was the only way she could protect her from the scrutiny of the public eye. She knew Rosalie was like her, a very private person and the moment the photographer crossed the threshold of the confederation room, she could see from how small she looked, how much this was affecting her. Distancing herself from the French-Canadian was the only option to keep Rosalie, and herself, out of the spotlight. 
When she finally mustered up the strength to get out on the pitch, her eyes immediately scanned the field for the family silhouette of the brunette. She only found one of the other photographers and the rest of the media team. Thankfully, Martina was nowhere in sight. 
Alexia walked to the huddle in the center of the pitch and took a spot next to Lucy. The woman turned around and sent a glare her way, almost frightening the captain. The rest of practice was hell for the midfielder. She made mistake after mistake, missing targets on her passes and unable to complete plays that she usually had no difficulty doing.    
She simply could not stop thinking about how it all went down this morning. She knew that it would be hard to stay away from the photographer, especially now that the feeling of the woman’s soft lips was ingrained in her mind, but she had not planned feeling this sort of withdrawal so soon. 
As soon as the photographer reached her office, the tears that were threatening to fall ran down her cheeks. It was all too much at the same time for the woman. Her phone blowing up with various messages from fans, her anger towards the former head of social media, Alexia’s rejection and the workload that came a few days before a match, was simply more than what she could handle emotionally. 
So Rosalie did what she always did when it became too much. She buried herself in her work and training. She spent her whole day barricaded in her office, arranging the photoshoot schedule for the next month and working on the fan project. She skipped lunch and stayed well after the last staff member had left. She ignored the messages from Lia and Leah who had seen the story and wanted to know if their friend was alright, and sent a quick answer to Lucy, who she had briefly talked to before hiding in her office. She needed to be alone, isolate herself from the world for a bit. 
Having the match here in Barcelona came as a relief for Rosalie who didn’t have to take the team bus or interact with anyone before the actual match. She had tasked the other photographers to take the arrival pictures and was able to receive and edit them in her office while everyone was preparing. 
With Alexia on the bench, Rosalie found her job sligh harder than normal due to the piercing gaze she could feel on her back. It took every ounce of self control to not turn and meet her gaze head on. She knew that if she did, she would forgive the blond for the harsh words she had said. So she focused on her job, and did not linger on the pitch once the team secured the win. 
The rest of the week stayed more or less the same for the French-Canadian. Wake up, run, breakfast, work, strength training, sleep then repeat.  She had declined coffee with Ingrid and Mapi and had yet to decide if she was going to show up at the team bonding night, which was scheduled in 3 days. 
All week she could see, as well as the rest of the team, that Alexia was clearly not in the right mindset. Her temper was short and she easily lost her patience when training wasn’t going the way she wanted. The whole team had come to fear the blonde and simply did not know how to approach their captain. 
When it became clear that Alexia’s mood wasn’t going to change anytime soon. Mapi decided that it was time to have a talk. Which is why, when the midfielder was sulking all alone on the sidelines, she was swiftly grabbed by the jersey and dragged in the stands.
 From their spot, they could see the rest of the girls doing drills and for a moment, Alexia was able to take a breath. She had loved watching her teammates practice when she herself could not play. She used to close her eyes and visualize herself back in the field. But for now, she was focused on the reason why her friend had dragged her in the stands in the middle of training. 
The tattooed woman stayed silent while she kept looking at the blonde in the eyes. 
“You are going to talk to me now.”
“What about?” Alexia knew exactly what Mapi was hinting at, but she still tried to act confused. 
“ You know exactly what I’m talking about, now spill.” Mapi said with a stern expression. 
“I don’t know what you want me to say. It’s the same thing every time any of us gets close to someone. We get exposed and our whole lives are scrutinized. I don’t want this and I am pretty sure she doesn’t want that either.”
“You are scared.”
“Alexia, you can’t let this dictate your life.”
“You don’t understand. I can’t be distracted by all this. I can’t have people think football is not my priority.”
“They won’t. Ale you are human, you are allowed to have a life outside of football. We all saw you with her. You haven’t been this happy in a long time.” Mapi said, trying to reason with her friend. She could see that beneath this facade, the woman was simply scared to allow herself to thrive outside of football.
“It’s too late now, she probably doesn’t want anything to do with me anyway.” Alexia said.
“ I know for a fact that isn’t true. She cares about you too Alexia. Make it right.” Mapi got up and made her way down the stairs, leaving Alexia alone to think. She knew her friend was right, and she knew that the true motivation behind her decision to cut ties was fear, but the feeling was still so potent that the blond could simply not allow herself to act on her emotions. 
Alexia did not go back to practice, and it didn’t go unnoticed by the photographer who was currently dying under the harsh Spanish sun. Even after last week, the brunette still caught herself seeking out the captain on the pitch. She shook her head and tried to focus back on her job, but the heat combined with the exhaustion caused by her excessive training and lack of proper sleep was a deadly combination. 
One second she was up, the next she was on her ass with her head on her knees, concentrating hard on staying conscious. The first to notice was Lucy, who bolted across the pitch, followed closely by Sara and Kiera. 
The last thing the photographer saw was Lucy crouching down in front of her, and the feeling of her hand on her forehead before the world went black. 
Rosalie woke up in Sarah's office with her head pounding and vision blurred. As soon as she opened her eyes, Lucy was all over her, making sure that the girl had everything she needed. The older English woman managed, after some arguing, to convince Rosalie to take the rest of the week off, since she had already finished her work and the rest of the photography team could manage without her just fine for two days. 
A knock suddenly echoed in the room and a silhouette blocked the frosted glass of the door. Lucy stood up from the chair and opened the door slightly before sliding out once realizing who was at the door. Rosalie could not clearly see who was at the door, but she could hear the faint sound of talking 
“Lucia I just want to know if she is ok.” 
“ I’m telling you she’s fine. It’s just exhaustion Alexia you can relax.” Rosalie could hear a long exhale that most likely came from the blonde. 
“Alexia, if you care about her so much why did you treat her like this.” Lucy asked. The captain stayed silent, but Lucy learned a lot more from the blond’s silence than any word could explain. 
“Make it right ale.” Lucy said, echoing the words Mapi had said to her just a few hours prior. 
Rosalie heard some footsteps and soon after, the door opened softly and a disheveled blond head poked through. Once she saw that the brunette was awake, Alexia realized that she had not planned what she would say to the photographer. 
“Hey..” Her voice was so hushed and shy that Rosalie almost didn’t hear it. 
“You can come in, you don’t have to hover at the door.”
“I won’t disturb you too long. I just wanted to see if you were ok.” She said, finally stepping in the room. 
“Just a bit dizzy still, but I’m fine.” She said,
“Good.” She stood awkwardly for a moment, looking around the room unable to look the brunette in the eyes. 
“I am sorry about the things I said. I was stressed and did not think before speaking.” Alexia finally said, taking  the few steps separating her from the chair next to the exam chair. 
“It’s ok, it was the stress talking, I can understand that this kind of pressure is hard to deal with.” The younger woman said. She couldn’t deny that the initial reaction had hurt her but after a while, especially after seeing the echo it had online, she was able to understand why one would react like that. “ But I want you to know that I don’t appreciate how you blamed me and my profession for someone else’s actions.” 
Rosalie could excuse the reaction, but this part still stung. “ I am not like that, I respect and value the privacy of every player in this team.”
“I know. I am truly sorry.” The brunette offered a smile which was answered by Alexia’s shy one.
“ Do you need me to drive you home?” Alexia offered.
“Thank you but Lucy has that covered I think.” 
“Will I see you tomorrow?” Alexia asked with the slightest bit of hope in her voice.
“ I think I’ll take the next two days off and work from home if they need me.” 
“ But I’ll be there at team bonding night on Friday. The girls won’t let me miss it after disappearing on them these past two weeks.” She added when she saw the blond’s shoulder fall at her previous statement.
“ Good, I am glad you are ok Rosalia.” Alexia said, standing up and making her way to the door. “ I would like it if we could start over, be friends again.” The blond added.
“ I think we can do that.” Rosalie said with a smile.
“ Ok, you take care of yourself Rosalie please.” Alexia said before walking out of the room, leaving Rosalie alone, feeling the best she had all week.
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hungermakesmonsters · 5 months
(Once Bitten) Twice Shy
Chapter Five
Plot summary : Desperate to get away from your controlling family, you take a job in New York as a wealthy vampire's blood source. A million dollars awaits if you can make it through a year, but life with Billy Russo is not going to be as simple as you think.
Pairing : Billy Russo x Reader
Story Rating : R  Chapter Rating : R
Warnings : [This is a fic for 18+ only, minors DNI] Smutty behaviour including toy use. All chapters will contain mentions of blood. Please check the warnings on each chapter if you choose to follow this story. 
Word Count : 5.6k (I am so sorry)
A/N : This was originally over 7k long so... at least I managed to get it down to under 6k. Tumblr is still only letting me tag five people at a time, so tags will be in comments again.
Chapter Five
Minutes passed, your back against the door, barely breathing, the stuffed beagle clutched to your chest. Eyes closed, you tried to focus on any little sound that might tell you what he was doing, if he was even still out there. Part of you wanted to go to him, to carry on your conversation. To be near him. You’d seen a new side of him and it was enticing as it was frustrating; how could he be so aloof one minute and so sweet the next?
Your thoughts strayed to that night, to the way he’d kissed you and how his body had felt pressed against yours.
Tearing yourself from the door, you moved to your room, creating distance between yourself and temptation. But yet felt like a spring, coiling tighter and tighter with every little thought of him.
Surely he knew what he was doing to you, the effect he had every time he touched you and smiled that damned smile.
You barely knew him but he gave you butterflies. He stole your breath every time his dark eyes found yours.
You felt like a silly school girl with a crush on the teacher, knowing that it was wrong and nothing could happen. Only, something had already happened. Just the thought of it brought heat to your cheeks and that fluttering feeling to your stomach.
Locking your bedroom door, you let your attention drift to your nightstand. To the top drawer. Cautiously you pulled it open and peeked inside. Embarrassment swelled inside you, reminding you why you’d been trying so hard to ignore it. 
It was as full as any other drawer in the room. No expense had been spared. Honestly, you weren’t even sure what half of the toys were for. Some you could guess but others were a little more confusing. All different shapes, colours and sizes. Some so large they looked downright painful.
Frustrated, you slammed the drawer shut.
You weren’t a virgin but you didn’t consider yourself experienced. Sex for you had been awkward fumbles with guys you’d grown up with, shameful moments that often ended in disappointment. Dates had been approved by your parents, and no one they approved of wanted sex unless it could be used to force an engagement.
But, now that you had the opportunity to experience new things, you didn’t even know where to start. Despite your age, you felt like a naive child.
Changing into your PJs you fell into bed, TV distracting you from thoughts of Billy and having dinner with him. When you finally settled to sleep, you pulled the stuff beagle to your chest again and realised that you could spell the faintest hint of his cologne on it. And, all you could think about as you drifted off, was how it would feel to fall asleep in his arms.
Panic gripped you the moment you woke, a thousand anxious thoughts about the evening to come filling your head. You didn’t know what you were going to wear or how you’d manage to make it through an evening without saying anything stupid.
You tried to read over breakfast but you couldn’t concentrate. The tension inside you, the desire that you didn’t know how to suppress, seemed to wind tighter and tighter until you couldn’t sit still.
Taking a cold shower didn’t help either. Instead, the cold water reminded you of his touch and, suddenly, it felt like his hands were all over your body, touching you and caressing you in ways that drove you crazy.
Returning to your bedroom wrapped in a towel, you threw yourself onto the bed, the frustration boiling over. 
He’d suggested talking, getting to know each other, but how were you going to do that when you couldn’t focus? How could you have dinner with him when all you could think about was him kissing you?
You realised there was only one thing you could do.
Closing your eyes, you fumbled with the top drawer of the nightstand, reaching in and pulling out the first toy your hand fell on. You took a few deep breaths before looking at it; blue silicone with a slight curve, not big enough to be intimidating but it still made your cheeks warm. A little button at the base caused it to vibrate.
Oh fuck.
You took a few more deep breaths, knowing you had to at least try. Parting your legs, you slipped the still-vibrating toy between your thighs.
Your breath hitched at the first little touch. The second touch was firmer, pressing the tip against your clit. Oh. It felt good, better than any pleasure your fingers were capable of creating. Biting your lip, you tried to keep from moaning, as the pleasure quickly started to mount inside you. You turned it off, knowing you needed more, you needed everything.
Gingerly, you reached between your thighs, feeling how wet you were before guiding the toy to your entrance. A low, gasped moan escaped you as you began to slowly slip it inside you.
Letting your head fall back on the pillow, you tried not to think too much about what you were doing, instead finding your mind drifting somewhere far more dangerous. To thoughts of him. And the more you thought about Billy, the better it felt. Soon enough, your eyes were closed and you were imagining him on top of you; the weight of his body pressing you into the mattress and his dark eyes fixed on you as he fucked you. You were certain that he’d know exactly what he was doing, that a night with him would be better than anything you’d experienced before.
“Billy,” you moaned softly, remembering the kiss, remembering the way he’d made you feel wanted. It became harder to hold back the sounds that were desperate to escape you as you descended further into the fantasy, moving the toy a little faster.
Your free hand reached for the first thing it could find, bringing the stuffed beagle to your lips to stifle your moans. Suddenly all you could smell was his cologne and it was almost enough to push you over the edge. 
Finally, you turned the vibrator back on and came almost immediately.
“Mr Russo,” you keened softly into the stuffed toy, every gasped breath filling your nostrils with his scent.
Your cheeks burned with shame the moment it was over, but you kept the toy inside you, imagining him as the sort of man who’d take his time before pulling out, making sure you were finished.
Suffice to say, you were mortified once you’d dropped the toy to the floor and your heart rate had started to slow.
It didn’t feel right, in fact it felt awful, like you’d used him for your pleasure without permission. But, you finally felt better. The tension was gone. You could finally relax and spend the rest of the day finishing The Picture of Dorian Gray, hoping it would give you and Billy something to talk about.
You drew blood early, getting it out of the way so you could spend an obscene amount of time obsessing over what to wear. Eventually, you settled on a casual little black dress that wasn’t over the top, but made it look like you’d made an effort. After tying back your hair, you put on some natural looking make-up, hoping it would give you a little more confidence.
And, when you finally stepped out into the penthouse, you could have sworn you saw his breath catch.
Billy was dressed more casual than you’d ever seen him, wearing a red sweater and dark jeans. A look that definitely worked for him. He watched from the sofa as you made your way towards him.
“You look lovely,” he said and your heart stuttered.
Glancing down at yourself, you bit your lip, feeling like it was too much. “We usually only have take out on special occasions back home, so...” you shrugged.
“I feel a little under-dressed,” he joked.
“You always look nice,” you remarked before realising what you’d actually said. “I mean... you always dress very nicely.”
“My tailor will be glad to hear you say that,” he smiled as you sat. “The food should be here soon. I hope you don’t mind that I ordered the fixed menu.”
“That’s fine.” If anything it made it easier; you wouldn’t have to worry about the food list.
“Wine?” He offered and you nodded eagerly, despite not being much of a drinker. “Is Riesling okay?” You weren’t sure so you nodded again.
The bottle and glasses were already on the table, in fact his was already half-empty. He filled a glass and you leaned to take it from him, your fingers brushing against his and, for a second, he didn’t let go.
“You smell nice,” he muttered, his gaze lingering as your cheeks warmed. You hadn’t put on perfume, so you assumed it must be your vanilla body wash. “How’s your hand?” He asked a moment later with a touch more reluctance.
Holding it up, you showed him the gauze bandaid across your palm. “It’s fine. Nearly healed.”
Billy nodded, his guilt obvious. But, thankfully, he didn’t say anything else on the matter.
“I finished Dorian Gray,” you told him, stopping an awkward silence from falling.
“Oh? And what did you think in the end?” He asked, crossing his legs so he could turn more towards you.
“I’m not sure yet. It was a lot to take in.” You shrugged. “He did some horrible things; especially to Sybil and poor Basil, but some of it wasn’t all that bad? And then when he tried to change, Henry made him feel bad about it.” You took a breath, feeling the weight of his scrutiny on you. “I get that it’s a cautionary tale about excess and hedonism, but I don’t think anyone should be punished for trying to enjoy themselves...”
“It was a different time,” Billy offered, still completely focused on you. “Dorian’s hedonism damaged almost everyone unlucky enough to fall under his spell.”
“I know, I just...” you let out a huff, not sure how to articulate what you wanted to say. “I think if he’d been given the opportunity, he could’ve changed for the better.”
“That’s very optimistic of you.”
He said optimistic but you were certain that he meant naive.  
“I still don’t understand why you like it.”
“Well, it’s -” he was cut short by the sound of a buzzer before the elevator doors slid open. “Saved by the bell,” he remarked, grinning as he got to his feet to go collect the food from the doorman and tip him.
While Billy got the food, you made your way to the dining table, taking your glasses and the bottle with you. Places were already set and you felt butterflies in your stomach when you noticed the candles. Realistically, he was probably just trying to make things nice but, in your mind, all you could think about was how it seemed intimate. 
You took a seat and a long sip of wine while Billy unpacked the food, almost covering the whole table. The smell was enough to make your stomach grumble. Once everything was on the table, Billy dimmed the lights with his phone and lit the candles.
“Dig in,” he told you, starting to fill his own plate.
You started with the things you knew you liked, taking a little and starting to eat, but it wasn’t long before you found your attention drifting to him, watching through your lashes. You watched him eat, watched the way his throat bobbed as he swallowed, the way he licked his lips.
“What?” He asked, fighting back a grin. Your gaze dropped to your place and your cheeks started to burn. “It’s okay, you can ask.”
“What’s it like? When you eat, I mean,” you asked softly, knowing it really wasn’t any of your business.
“Same as when you do,” Billy offered without seeming to care, “only flavours are muted and it never makes me feel full.”
“Oh,” you looked up and instantly felt bad.
“What’s that look for?
“What look?”
“You get this look sometimes, like something I’ve said has made you sad. Like you feel sorry for me.”
“It’s not that,” you tried to explain, “I just... I can’t imagine not being able to enjoy things like food and sunsets.”
“It’s not that I can't enjoy them,” he shrugged again, “I just enjoy them less than I did when I was human.”
“Do you miss being human?” You asked before realising how inappropriate it was. You shook your head. “I’m sorry, that was rude, I shouldn’t’ve -”
“No, it’s fine,” he answered, reaching for his glass and taking a long, slow drink. “I do miss it. This - this wasn’t something I chose.” 
There was nothing you could say to that. There were questions, yes, but you weren’t entitled to the answers and you didn’t want to risk ruining the evening by asking them. Awkwardly, you reached for your glass and took a drink.
“There’s that look again,” he remarked with a soft smile, “don’t worry, I’ve had enough time to come to terms with what I am now.”
The small talk continued over food, mostly about the food, until you felt like you couldn’t eat another bit. Sinking back in your chair, you closed your eyes and let out a slow exhale. When you looked at Billy again you found him grinning at you as he reached across to top up your glass.
“I didn’t order any dessert but if you’re still hungry I could -”
“Don’t you dare,” you laughed. “But thank you, this was really nice.”
“Glad you enjoyed it,” he told you as he refilled your glasses. “I want you to enjoy your time here. I know things got off to a strange start, but I want you to be comfortable here.”
“I am - I mean, I’m trying to be,” you struggled to explain. “I’m still getting used to it, but being able to go out with Karen really helped.”
“She enjoyed meeting you. She found you very interesting,” Billy answered, an indecipherable smile on his lips. “I find you interesting too.”
The comment caused your head to pound a little harder in your chest and your thighs to press together. The lump in your throat kept you from responding. A moment later, he changed the subject.
“Let’s go sit on the sofa,” pushing his chair away from the table. You nodded, pushing back your chair and standing, hesitating when you looked at the mess on the table. “Don’t worry, the maid will deal with it.”
“Maid?” There was a maid?
“She usually comes around 4am,” he answered, waving his hand towards the sofa, indicating that you should go while he got tonight’s blood from the kitchen.
Wine glass in hand, you sat on the sofa, staring out at the twinkling lights of the city and, again, you couldn’t help but think how intimate it all felt. Billy soon joined you, leaving some space between you, but not much - even less when you folded your legs beneath you and turned towards him.
“So,” he started with a smile, “what do you want to know?”
What followed was a long conversation about Billy, finding out what you could. He’d been a vampire for fifteen years; in his human life he’d been a Marine and, now, he ran a private security firm that mostly catered to vampire clientele. He was born and raised in New York but had no family. And he was wealthy enough that he simply laughed when you asked about the credit card in your name.
Then, he turned the spotlight on you.
You explained that you were from the Midwest, a little middle-of-nowhere town, and that your family were part of an insular, conservative community. You’d spent the last few years helping homeschool some of the local children, but you’d decided you’d wanted a change. You’d wanted to see the world and experience new things. He didn’t ask why you’d taken the job, and you didn’t offer the information, instead you tried to make it seem like everything was simple and happy in your life. 
All the while, his eyes stayed fixed on you, as he sipped your blood.
“Does it unsettle you?” He asked suddenly. “Seeing me drink your blood?”
“N-no,” you tried to speak around the lump in your throat, “I don’t mind.”
“But you have questions?”
“Some?” You answered and Billy gave a nod, indicating you could ask if you wanted. “The other day, when you mentioned it was still warm, is that...” you couldn’t bring yourself to finish.
“It’s better, yes,” his voice dropped to a low whisper, tongue running over his lips. “It’s like drinking from the source.”
“And is that...” Again, you couldn’t finish, feeling breathless just at the thought.
“I don’t bite. You never have to worry about that.” But the way he was looking at you said something else entirely.
“Good,” you finally manage to take a breath, “I don’t want to be bitten... or turned...”
Billy simply nodded.
“What can you taste when you drink my blood?” You asked, remembering what he’d said about knowing you hadn’t been sleeping or eating. “You said you can tell certain things from it?”
“Hormonal changes can affect how it tastes,” he offered.
“That’s why you want me to keep healthy and eat right?”
“Yes, it makes your blood taste better, but it’s also because I don’t want you getting sick. I’m not entirely heartless,” he smiled.
Silence fell and Billy took another drink. The care he took not to waste a single drop had your heart beating faster and, this time, when he noticed you watching, you didn’t look away. You couldn’t look away. Maybe the wine had helped lower your inhibitions, or maybe you were starting to feel more comfortable with him. Whatever it was, the moment didn’t end until he’d finished the whole glass.
Billy licked his lips again, and you noticed his gaze drop to the neckline of your dress as you took deeper breaths trying to calm your racing heartbeat, causing your breasts to awkwardly rise and fall. Your cheeks burned with embarrassment and your eyes dropped to the empty glass in his hand, now resting on his lap and - fuck, your eyes snapped back up awkwardly, the moment you noticed the way his pants were tented. He was hard. 
“I, uh -” you started, getting to your feet, “- I need a glass of water.” 
You didn’t wait for a response before heading to the kitchen, giving him space to deal with whatever that was. Your heart was still pounding uncomfortable, your hands shaking as you found a clean glass and started to run the cold tap. Filling it, you took a slow drink, hoping to drown the butterflies in your stomach.
You didn’t hear him move, didn’t realise he was right behind you until his hand came to rest on the edge of the counter beside yours, his cold thumb brushing over your pinkie. Your breath caught as his shadow swallowed yours on the wall, and your cheeks continued to burn. Desire and embarrassment warred inside you, but Billy didn’t speak until you did.
“What are you doing?”
“Nothing without your consent,” he answered softly, against your ear.
He inhaled slowly, his nose inches from your hair. Then came that low, restrained groan. He sounded like a caged animal, desperate to be released, and you realised you were the one holding the keys.
For a second, you remained frozen, knowing that he was giving you a choice. It was a bad idea to complicate things between you, but some part of you wanted this, wanted him. Suddenly all you could think about were the fantasies you’d played out with the vibrator that morning.
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you stepped back, pressing yourself against him.
His hand twitched, his thumb covering your pinkie, holding it.
“Say yes,” he near-demanded, wanting your unequivocal consent, his lips ghosting your ear with every word. “I need you to say you want this.”
“Yes,” you breathed, “I want this.”
A split-second later, his hand was on your stomach, pulling you back against him, letting you feel the hard press of his cock against your lower back. His lips moved to your neck, kissing and sucking your skin in a way that made your heart race faster. And you quickly realised how much Billy liked that.
“That’s right, little hummingbird,” he groaned, moving his hand to palm your breasts over your dress. “Fuck, you’ve been driving me crazy all night.”
All you could offer was a whimper in response, breath catching as his hand started to slip down your body, reaching beneath your dress. Cold fingers trailed up your bare thighs, causing a shiver of delight to run up your spine and for heat to pool between your thighs.
His knee pressed gently between yours, urging your legs apart, letting his hand move higher. You bit your lip and tried to stifle a moan when you felt his fingertips against the wet fabric of your panties, but holding back anything became impossible the moment his cold fingers slipped inside. His touch was light to begin with, teasing, fingers stirring between your folds, drawing a gasp from you. A low growl vibrated through his chest as he coated his fingers in your arousal, his touches getting more pronounced the wetter you got.
Your head fell back against his shoulder as his lips and fingers continued their assault on your senses. You didn’t even notice his hand move from the counter until you felt his fingers tangling in your hair, pulling gently to turn your face enough so he could kiss you. His tongue against the seam of your lips was almost enough to distract you from his finger slowly easing its way between your walls. You whimpered and moaned against his lips, letting his tongue slip into your mouth, keeping you in the kiss until every inch of his finger was buried inside of you.
“Fuck, hummingbird,” he groaned, a dangerous glint in his eyes and a grin on his lips. You moaned as his finger flexed inside you, slowly starting to withdraw before pushing in again. “Don’t come. That’s the only rule you have to follow right now; don’t come until I say you can. Can you do that?”
“I -” you could barely think to answer.
“If you can’t, I’ll stop,” he warned, his finger stilling and causing you to keen at the loss of sensation.
“Yes,” you moaned.
Your relief was palpable the moment he started to move again. The fingers in your hair, tugging softly so his lips could return to your neck. It didn’t feel real. It felt amazing in a way you couldn’t comprehend. Your heart raced faster when you felt him start to press a second, cold finger inside you, and you realised you were gripping his thigh. Hard. 
“You’re so wet for me,” he groaned against your neck. “Practically dripping all over my hand,”
The words alone were enough to cause you to clench around his fingers, letting you feel them more acutely as they started to move a little faster, fucking you to the knuckle each and every time.
“Billy, please...” you pleaded, not sure you could take much more.
“Not yet,” he groaned, his lips against your ear, nipping and sucking at the lobe in a way that made everything so much harder for you. “It’ll feel so good if you just wait.”
You wanted to wait, to play his game, but how could you when it already felt so good? You felt yourself on the precipice, every muscle tensing, your slick walls tightening and gripping his fingers. Your eyes closed tight and you almost felt ashamed of yourself, like you were going to ruin the moment because you couldn’t control yourself.
His fingers stilled again just before you could go over the edge.
“Not yet,” he told you, voice calm but commanding. “Just breathe. Let me be in control.”
You managed a weak nod before he pulled you back into another kiss, fingers staying perfectly still for a few moments, not moving again until he felt you start to relax. This time his fingers moved in shallow thrusts, bending inside you, pressing against your soft inner walls like he was searching for something.
Your whole body shuddered when he found it and you saw stars.
“Does that feel good?” He asked and you nodded, unable to do anything but moan when his fingertips brushed against the same spot. “That’s it, little hummingbird, sing for me.”
More moans slipped from your lips, each more desperate than the last, your fingers digging into his thigh through his jeans.
“Billy, I-I need to...” you begged, words fracturing into another cry of pleasure.
“Do you need to come?” 
“Say it,” his commanding voice sending a thrill down your spine and right to your core.
“I-I need to come,” you pleaded, feeling more brazen than you had in your whole life. You’d never been the sort to beg to come, but the thought of it thrilled you almost as much as his fingers inside of you.
“Then come for me.”
Your reaction was instantaneous, so much so that you had to wonder if it was because you’d needed to come or simply because he’d demanded it. Your body started to tremble and shake, your walls clenching around his fingers as they continued to move inside you, and the sounds you were making - if you hadn’t felt completely out of your mind, you would have been embarrassed by the desperate noises.
As you came you barely noticed his hand slip from your hair to press against your chest, resting over your racing heart. Your head turned and his lips quickly claimed yours, swallowing down your moans, his fingers still dragging out your orgasm until your legs felt so weak you weren’t sure you’d be able to stand without his arms around you.
Without warning, Billy's hand slipped from between your legs and he swept you off your feet, carrying you back to the sofa. He sat back with you on his lap, holding you close, your body trembling so much that you worried it would never stop. It felt like he’d broken something inside of you and your body didn’t know how to process all the pleasure he’d created.
Being on his lap didn’t help, but it would have been a lie to say you hated the feeling of his arm wrapped possessively around you and his hand resting on your bare thigh. You curled against him, your head on his chest as you slowly caught your breath. 
Billy’s lips pressed a gentle kiss to the top of your head as you finally started to sill.
“Are we going to -”
“Not tonight,” he answered, not needing you to finish the question. “I’m not going to rush you.”
Even though he was still hard, he didn’t want anything else. You weren’t sure if it was a rejection or if he really didn’t want to rush you, but it left you feeling even more uncertain.
When you found the nerve to lift your head, he gave you a gentle smile, his fingers squeezing your thigh tenderly.
“Do you want to talk about it?” He asked.
Any conversation felt like it would be for your benefit rather than his. Billy seemed perfectly comfortable with what had just happened.
“Thank you,” you told him softly.
“For what?” Both confused and amused by the comment.
“For - for asking first,” your voice broke a little.
His gaze darkened, an unasked question on his lips. He was angry, not at you but at what the comment implied. Thankfully, he didn’t ask, didn’t push for an explanation you didn’t want to offer.
“You always have a choice here,” he reminded you. “You can always say no to this. I’ll never hold it against you.”
You stayed silent for a beat. “What if I don’t want to say no?”
“Then I’ll make sure you enjoy your time here with me.”
“But that’s all it’ll be?”
“Yes,” he answered, “I won’t pretend I can offer you more than that.”
“Okay, good. I-I don’t want anything serious.” The comment earned a strange smirk from him. “What?”
“I just didn’t expect you to want anything so casual. You’re constantly surprising me.”
“I -” you paused, biting your lip, “- I want to have fun. I want to experience the things I’ve been missing out on.”
“That’s something I’d be more than happy to help with, hummingbird,” he told you, smiling that cocky smile, making you want to melt.
“I’ve never...” you trailed off and saw his eyebrow raise, “I mean I’ve never done anything like... friends with benefits?”
“I thought I was paying you for your blood, not your friendship?” He smirked, recalling the terrible comment you’d made when you’d been angry with him. Then he shrugged. “It’s simple; we hang out and, if you want me to touch you, I’ll touch you. We’re just two adults having fun with an equal say in what happens.”
“Even when you give me rules to follow?” A shiver running up your spine as you remember the way he’d commanded and you’d obeyed.
“I told you, I like to be in control. But if it doesn’t work for you, there are no consequences.” He fell silent for a moment, the smirk on his lips seeming to grow. “Unless you want consequences.”
All you could do was nod, not daring to ask what kind of consequences he might have in mind.
“I have a rule too,” you dared to say.
“You can’t lie to me.”
Clearly he hadn’t been expecting that but he quickly conceded. “That’s fair. As long as you follow my rule, I’ll follow yours - even when you’re in bed with your vibrator.”
Your heart almost stopped and your cheeks started to burn with embarrassment. 
“How did you -” you could barely get the words out, completely mortified.
“You moaned my name,” Billy continued, not in the least bit embarrassed. He’d heard you across the penthouse. “All I could think about over dinner was how wet you must have been and the way you moaned when you came.” His hand moved to your cheek, making sure your gaze didn’t drop in embarrassment. “It’s been a long time since I’ve jerked off, but listening to you had me coming all over my hand.”
Biting your lip, embarrassment and shame filled you, but Billy still wouldn’t let you look away. His thumb grazed your lip and left you speechless.
“Don’t be embarrassed,” he told you, “those toys are yours to use whenever you need to, as long as you remember that your orgasms are mine now.”
You weren’t used to anyone being so candid but, you had to concede, it was exactly what made Billy the best person to help you experience new things. He knew what he was doing and he wasn’t shy about what he wanted.
“I’m not embarrassed,” an obvious lie that Billy decided not to call you on. “Things like that just aren’t exactly acceptable where I’m from.”
“Was that your first time pleasuring yourself - or was it your first time using a vibrator?” He asked, sounding like he was enquiring about something utterly mundane.
“Using a vibrator,” you answered, trying to swallow the lump in your throat.
“Well, you never have to feel ashamed of doing anything that makes you feel good while you’re here,” he told you with enviable confidence. 
“Like Dorian Gray?” You offered with the smallest of smiles.
Billy let out a huff of laughter. “Does that make me your Lord Henry?”
“Only if you plan on leading me astray,” you answered back.
“Oh, little hummingbird,” he smiled, leaning towards you, “you’ve got no idea.” Before you could answer, his lips were on yours again.
Minutes ticked by with his lips on yours, enjoying everything about the moment, about him. When he finally pulled away, you let out a content sigh, smiling as he brushed a stray strand of hair behind your ear.
“So, this rule of yours... I take it you have a question, something you want me to answer honestly?”
You were quiet for a moment, trying to find the right words. “Have you ever done this before, with someone living here like me?”
“No, not like this,” he answered instantly, and it was good enough for you.
As he pulled you close again, you found yourself yawning, exhaustion catching up with you. Billy checked his watch.
“Looks like I’ve kept you up past your bedtime,” he joked, sitting forward and helping you to your feet. “We can continue getting to know each other tomorrow night, if you’d like.”
You nodded, barely even noticing that the pair of you were moving until you found yourself at the door to your rooms. His weight shifted from left to right, and you knew without looking that he was still hard. Your fingers tangled with his sweater at his waist and, for a few seconds, you just looked at him. Billy gave you a smile before pressing his lips to your forehead.
“Goodnight, little hummingbird. And remember, I’ll know if you break the rules.”
Biting your lip again, you nodded, and finally pulled yourself away from him and slipped through the door. 
End Note : I never know what to say after the spicier chapters so... hope you enjoyed this and it lives up to expectations. Thanks so much for all the genuinely lovely comments and feedback over last four weeks, I'm loving how much people seem to be enjoying this story!! Hope you all have a great weekend!
Let me know if you'd like to be tagged in future chapters! If tagging doesn't work for some reason (aka Tumblr being dumb) I post most Fridays around 7:30 gmt. (Note: Tumblr is currently being stupid and only letting me tag five people at a time, so I'll be tagging people in the comments. Sorry if you get tagged twice!!)
Tag List : @vaguekayla @thdcre @rensolodriver @house-husband-of-castlemurdock @snowkestrel @danzer8705 @noortsshift @aoi-targaryen @lincerad @vxnity713 @readerinsertsaremyguiltypleasure @dreadfulxives18 @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @glamourbabe17 @sweetserendipity65 @damagelove @strangerfromketterdam @a-starrynightwith-u @readingabouthim @countryday @weepingwitchofthewest @broadwaybabe18 @bunnygirlwriter876 @oliviaewl @rosey1981
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ghostlykeyes · 7 months
i rlly like your work, heartsteel needs more content tbh,, so ty!! ANYWAY,
i liked the general relationship/kiss hcs w kayn, would u be able to do that for the other two as well?? if that makes sense
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HEARTSTEEL YONE: RELATIONSHIP HEADCANONS ♡ Gender Neutral ♡ SFW, with light touching/sensuality ♡ TW: Some alcohol usage/food mentions ♡ I've done Sett's kisses here (X) and relationship HCs here (X), and Yone's kisses here (X) ! (will I remember to come back and edit those links in??? only time will tell)
No matter where you go, Yone brings you on fantastic dates. It's never popular tourist-trap type outings, either. If you ask how the hell he even found out about your date locations, he smiles coyly and says he can't reveal his sources. Regardless, expect lots of breathtaking, original dates—hidden trails that spill into breathtaking clumps of wildflowers, a hole-in-the-wall burger joint with the best fries you've had in tour entire life, tiny sculpture parks with some truly absurd statues (he absolutely refuses to delete the unflattering pic of you squatting next to a caked-up stone Sasquatch).
He isn't on his phone often, so don't be surprised if Yone doesn't text you back quickly or is overly-formal with his messages. Wild horses couldn't drag a silly emoji or a meme out of him. If you're lucky, you'll get a red heart, but that's about it. He tries not to make you feel neglected just because he's a dry texter, though. Especially when he's on tour, he calls you to check in whenever he's got a spare moment.
Yone's a chronic meal-skipper so he really appreciates if you share your food with him. Be warned, though, if you force him to step away from work and sit down for dinner you're either getting five minutes and a cup of instant ramen, or he's cooking you a three course meal complete with different appetizer, entree, and dessert wines. There's no in-between.
While Yone's not a fan of PDA, he holds your hand through every big event you're forced to attend. He doesn't appreciate the attention and flashing lights, but your warm, reassuring grip keeps him calm and relatively content.
Matching outfits are a little bit too much, but Yone is all for wearing clothing that compliments yours. Think similar textures, colors, and cuts. If you're wearing athleisure, he'll throw on a pair of stylish sweatpants. You're rocking the all black fit, so is he (with a pop of color in his earrings, probably—if he's completely monochrome, Kayn accuses him of "stealing his look"). Though he thinks it's a little cringy to be exact matches, he's definitely down to coordinate.
Whenever Yone makes himself a coffee, he whips up a glass of your favorite beverage as well. Nothing is too complicated—if you want a latte, he can make any flavor, and he'll pour the foam into a heart shape on top. Boba? No problem, he's got tapioca pearls in your favorite flavor and large straws on hand, to boot. A mimosa? Okay, he might raise his eyebrow at that one and point out that it's like eleven A.M.—nevertheless, if it's a mimosa you want, then it's a mimosa you'll get. Part of this is because he loves you, of course, but also? He hates sharing his coffee and figures that you won't ask for a sip if you've got your own drink.
Yone absolutely melts when you take care of him. He's used to looking after everyone else's wants and needs, so it's a pleasant surprise when someone extends that same care and attention to him. Cook him his favorite meal or take care of his laundry when he's been extra busy, and he looks at you like you're the eight wonder of the world. "You didn't have to do that for me," he cups your face gently, sweeping an appreciative kiss over your forehead. "But I'm glad that you did."
Chivalry is not dead and Yone's the man giving it CPR. Count on him to be the perfect gentleman. He opens every door for you, takes your coat whenever you drop by his studio, and no, under no circumstances will he let you pull out your own chair.
Yone's pet-names are sweet and classic. Most often, he calls you 'my darling', but he'll occasionally pepper in a 'dearest' or 'lover' for variety.
One of Yone's favorite ways to spend a free evening with you is sneaking into underground music shows. The two of you will turn up to somebody's house where the living room has been cleared to throw together a makeshift stage, or an abandoned warehouse with people clustering together and swaying to synthetic beats blasting through mid-grade speakers. More often than not, the musicians aren't that good (but that's par for the course with these kind of shows). The atmosphere can't be beat, though. And, when you do stumble upon somebody's garage band that actually goes hard, it's always an exciting surprise. Yone always keeps cash on him in case somebody's selling merch. He snags two stickers, one for you to keep and one to paste on his guitar case. What better way to commemorate shitty bands and crowded house shows than with matching stickers?
If you tag along with him on tour or business trips, Yone's first mission is to scout out a good coffee shop. Of course he takes you along, and buys you whatever little treats catch your eye. Sweets, sandwiches, snacks—anything he notices you ogling behind the glass, he orders for you.
Even with his massively packed schedule Yone NEVER, EVER forgets an important date. Expect gifts on birthdays and anniversaries, and extra love and support on dates that might be difficult for you.
Since Sett's a master crocheter, Yone pays him a frankly absurd amount to make you a plushie that looks like his fox mask. Yone knows that it can't be easy for you, with him away touring or on business so much of the time. The stuffed snuggle-buddy, he hopes, can ease your loneliness when he's away. Before he sets off on a long trip he makes sure to spritz your stuffie with his cologne, so that you can squish it in your sleep and dream that he's right there with you.
Yone's not a huge cuddler. Too much physical attention can make him feel smothered. The exception is when you sit on his lap. He loves when you settle onto him while he's working. As long as you're quiet and still (he doesn't want you to disturb his flow, after all), he basks in your comfortable warmth and the adorable way you tuck yourself into his chest.
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helsensm · 6 months
hate to break it to you, but liu kang and kung lao are actually cousins. i enjoy your art a lot and scrolling through your blog, so seeing you and your friends support liulao makes me concerned. i hope you understand and are mindful about what you ship going forward <:(
I sense some condescension, anon, but since text messaging cannot accurately convey tone, I’ll take this as a genuine warning. Thank you for your concern, but do not worry, I’m old enough to be mindful about my ships and I do my research, since I have no interest in shipping relatives in any media, and it CAN be tricky with the universe as complex and lore heavy as mk.
With that being said, here’s where you are wrong, anon. Liu Kang and Kung Lao are canonically NOT related – at least the versions of them that people ship.
Just a week ago, lovely user rasta-bot covered the “cousins issue”, you can check this post or I’ll just repeat the main idea here. They were only made cousins in the original 1995 movie because this specific universe (and by extension MK Conquests universe since it's a prequel to the movies) has Liu Kang as the Great Kung Lao's descendant as well. However, this is what the mk co-creator and Lore God™ John Tobias said about this change:
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In no other game Liu Kang was the descendant of GKL or Lao’s relative. In the original (and prev) timeline he was an orphan, raised by Shaolin monks.
And if you are referring to the 2021 movie, alas, you’d be wrong again. In the movie Liu Kang has no family, he tells Cole about his past, but people love to refer to the scene with a translation error. The mistake was pointed out by several native speakers online, but everyone can easily check it by themselves, even if they are not familiar with the language, just by doing a quick google search. This took me 2 minutes:
1. Turn on the Chinese subtitles.
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2. Look at the first results of “師兄 meaning” goggle search.
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source: wiktionary.org
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source: chinese.yabla.com
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source: hinative.com
It is totally fine if you don’t feel like shipping these two, you have all the right - everybody has different preferences. I also don’t like certain ship dynamics even if they are “legal” in any way. 😁 But I never encountered liulao shippers who would endorse inсеst, and it’s sad to see how this confusion nearly becomes a witch hunt, scaring and demotivating artists and writers.
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Daeron ii’s family playing D&D cause I’m very bored and have too much time on my hands
(These are my silly hours so I wanted to write something a little whimsical that probably breaks canon. Idc ☺️💖)
Daeron: The Dm, uses all the old school dice and handbooks from when he and Elaena played as kids. All their preset character sheets got burned by Baelor so he spends way too much time helping everyone with their characters. Gets a little too railroad-y sometimes but makes up for it with a good story and funny voices
Myriah: Doesn’t play, but sometimes checks in to ask the kids if they “won” yet. Will occasionally do the voice of a patron or deity if she gets pestered enough
Baelor: Human oath of vengeance paladin 10000000%. Originally chose the class because he thought smite was cool but kept accidentally breaking his oath even if he was technically doing something good. He’s kinda bad at roleplaying but tries to steer everyone to make the right decisions
Aerys: High elf divination wizard. Probably spent two hours hogging all the source books in order to optimize his character to be the best spellcaster there ever was. Loves asking about every minute detail in any new room which annoys everyone- but! On the bright side, he is the best at solving every puzzle the party faces
Rhaegel: Dragonborn drakewarden ranger. Only made the character so he could be a dragon with a dragon friend, but doesn’t really roleplay or keep track of combat. Spends most of the games stacking everyone’s dice into towers, but starts paying attention when he’s finally allowed to fly his drake friend around
Maekar: Goliath beserker barbarian. When he was asked what sort of character he wanted to play he just said he “wanted to hit things really hard”. Doesn’t pay attention to roleplay at all but becomes an absolute beast in combat, the group’s master strategizer at age 6. Has probably accidentally killed a party member once (*cough* Baelor *cough*)
Daenerys: Half elf light domain cleric. Has a 10 page backstory written about her character and will take any opportunity to talk about it. Claims to prefer roleplaying and just being support but has probably dealt the most amount of damage in the party so far and has a consistent pattern of advocating for fights because it levels them up faster
Shiera: Tiefling college of spirits bard. Originally wanted to play warlock but was mad about the limited spell slots so saves her evil backstory for another character. Most comitted roleplayer at the table, manages to talk the party’s way out of most of the fights Maekar and Daenerys gets them into, even though she’s like- 5, so most of her convincing ends up being “no, that’s mean >:(“
Brynden: Tiefling arcane trickster rogue. Unironically the edgiest character to be made, consistently brooding in the corner of every tavern they go into. Everyone thinks he might be a potential traitor but ends up being the biggest ride or die in the party and probably dramatically sacrifices himself to save them (Daeron writes him as actually escaping because he felt bad lol)
Daemon: Fallen aasimar oathbreaker paladin. Gives Daeron a minor aneurism when he asks if he can betray the party at some point. Otherwise a really well rounded character who only dabbles in the edginess, and puts up with everyone’s shenanigans enough to justify his ascension as the game’s bbeg
Aegor: Hates D&D. Banned from the table for calling everyone a bunch of nerds
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v--143 · 9 months
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< Unexpected > (ghost pt.3!)
[Lee! Felix, Han]
[Ler! Ghost]
“Yongbokaah!” Han yelled out as he walked towards Felix’s room. It was almost time for them to leave to an annual carnival held in Seoul. Since it always had all sorts of games and things to do, Jilix saw no reason not to go each year. Although, Felix seemed to be taking forever to get ready.
“Yongbok?” Han asked out loud, no answer. He knocked once and then strode into Lix’s room without its owner. He checked around and saw no trace of him, except the closet door that was slightly ajar. Out of pure curiosity, Hanji decided to open it up.
A gush of wind hit him quickly, causing his thin shirt to swivel around his torso and his hair to go in all directions. His face distorted into a confused and scared look as he stepped back from the closet to find the source of the wind, but was instead met with even more confusion.
“What the hell..” he said as he stared into the closet with seemingly just clothes and random accessories, “…hello?”
Goosebumps rose on Han’s arms as he bolted to close the door. He had no idea what that noise was.. and he didn’t plan on finding out. Although, he did stand outside of the closet door for a good minute or two more before finally leaving it alone. When he stepped back though, he felt as if two tasers jolted him on both his sides.
“Ah!” Han yelped as he quickly turned around to see nothing behind him. Now he had his arms wrapped around his waist, face twisted into a nervous look as he spun slowly to check his surroundings.
*This is Yongbok’s room. There’s nothing in here*
Han thought this but knew deep down that he was slowly getting more and more afraid of whatever he caused by opening that closet door. His fear rose a notch when short and precise gusts of wind began to pass over his thighs and neck like a fish grazing the water. He began slapping at the spots where the wind hit whole stepping around Felix’s room, but it lightly continued.
“Stop- ah- what the shihit!” he said as he put one hand around his neck and slapped his thighs with the other. The winds slowed down but he was still too frantic to calm down even a bit. Where even was Felix in a situation like this?!
*It doesn’t hurt.. why does it feel weird? Where’s the wind coming from?!*
Han’s curiosity grew more and more the longer he had to bear with the light sensations, but his impatience grew too. He chose to stop messing around with air and go find Felix, his original plan before the closet messed it up. Until, of course, his hair began to become dismantled by the wind.
“Hey-!” Han said as he tried to use both his hands to flatten his hair back down. With a burst of energy, he leapt off the floor and to the door of Lix’s room, swinging it open instantly and throwing himself out.
“Hhh.. hey Lihix” Han replied from the floor to a concerned Felix.
“I was just in the bathroom, are you okay? Are we still going to the carnival?”
Hanji nodded up at Felix with a smile, “I’m good, couldn’t find you.”
“So why are you on.. the floor” Lix giggled.
Lix shrugged, “idiot” he said laughing as he walked back into his room, no wind to be seen or felt.
Han got up and walked in the opposite direction. He knew there had to have been something in there but he really wasn’t in the mood to find out what. While it was annoying, it wasn’t painful.. it was kind of playful if anything.
He felt a tickle on his neck before going out to the car.
The lights were big and bright as Han and Felix stepped into the carnival’s crowd. There were large games lining the outside and food stands closer in. It was dark already since they took forever to actually leave the house, so they both decided to buy a quick snack before continuing onto the games.
“This is so” Han chewed, “good!” He had already forgotten a majority of the events back at home.
“Quesadillas never fail” Felix said as he bit into the last of his own quesadilla.
“Where should we go first?” Han asked.
“Hmmm,” Lix got up to throw away their plates, “yknow what I heard got upgraded since last time?”
“Mirror maze” Felix smirked.
“Oh no. No no no, you know how nervous I get with all that ‘getting lost’ shit. Nuh uh”
“Come on it’ll be fun! You technically won’t be lost, we’ll still be in the same building under the same roof”
Han thought about it as Felix continued to give him reason to go. The idea of being surrounded by tons of images of himself in small spaces… not to mention the whole thing is one huge maze.. none of it sounded appealing.
“-and if you win by making it out, I’m pretty sure the prize is a huge hamster plushie” Felix ended.
“The prize is a what?!?!!!” Han stood up and dusted his jeans off from the dusty festival bleachers before saying, “Let’s go.”
The building was much larger than Han expected it to be. Big red letters read ‘Mirror Maze’ at the top, he felt like an ant just standing in front of the doors. There weren’t many people adamant on giving it a try, most likely terrified from the sheer size of the damn thing!
“Two please” Felix told the maze’s guard as he wrote down their names.
“Fifteen minutes for the both of you,” the guard began, “you get out, you win a prize. You don’t, a light trail will shine from the ceiling and guide you the right way out. Good luck.”
And they were off.
Upon stepping through the curtain-like doors, Han grabbed tightly onto Felix’s arm.
“Ow” Lix complained.
“I’m nervoheheoussss Yongboook~” Han began to whine.
“Shhhh shh you’ll be fine”
They walked slowly through the maze with both their arms out to feel at the mirrors. The ceiling was pitch black, giving the area a dark and every feel even with the lights on.
“No.. no…” Han took another right turn, “no…” and another one, “still no…” he crashed into a mirror, “ow.. no..”
“We aren’t getting anywhere. Look, we’ve wasted 3 minutes already. I’m gonna go another way while you stay in this area and try to find the way ou-“
“Are you insane?!” Han interrupted, “Leave me by myself?!! No. I refuse. You’re staying right he-“
Felix bolted from Han’s side down an open path in the maze. He had been eyeing it ever since he began to plan out a way to leave Han by himself. While he did crash into a few mirrors here and there, Lix successfully got to a whole other side of the maze, leaving Han staring at him from the other end.
“What.” Han said, a bit baffled at the younger’s quickness, “why!! Whyhy me!” The nervous giggles began.
“My plan will work! Just try to find the way out. By working in two different areas, we have a higher chance of actually making it out of here-!”
Goosebumps. Han’s arms, legs, entire body exploded with them. It was that sound again from Felix’s room that he had heard earlier in the day, almost entirely forgotten.
“Yongbok. Yongbok. Felix..!” Han tried to desperately get the younger’s attention without being too loud. He had no idea how this windy thing worked, it was never bad to be too cautious.
It was closer now, Han felt it. But not closer to him.
To Felix.
“Lix. Lix! LIX!!!” Han whisper screamed in his direction to no avail. The glass made his voice echo and all muffled, but he knew he saw gusts moving towards Felix, especially after his clothes began to lightly ripple.
Han grabbed his hair with both hands as he stared at his member. Sure, the thing didn’t hurt him back at home, but who knows what thing was here now. Was it evil? Could it hurt them? Would it hurt them?! He kept calling out to Felix as loud as his shaky voice would allow it.. until he finally heard.
“Yes Jisung?”
“I- the-“ Han couldn’t breathe.
“Hm?” Felix tilted his head as Han saw the wind behind him quickly glide over to where Lix was standing in a matter of seconds.
Lix was lifted roughly off the ground. The ceiling above them wasn’t too tall since it was a mirror maze, but tall enough to where if he was dropped, it wouldn’t feel very nice.
“Help!! Somebody, please!!!” Han began to look around the maze with near tears in his eyes, “Please please someone! Guards!! My frie-“
Felix screamed.
Han turned around with his fists clenched ready to see something that would surely scar him for life. But-
“AAHaha stOHOP!! Stop stohop PLEHEASE!!”
Felix had his back flat on the ceiling as if it were glued down while something that seemed like ghostly hands were grabbing and prodding at him. It wasn’t hurting him.. it was tickling him.
“STOHOP not thehere!! We wehent OVER THI- AHAHAA” Felix’s laughter echoed throughout the maze as his body was taken off the ceiling and let down onto the floor only for the hands to continue their attack.
“Quihit it!! Stop pLEHEASE!! No no- noho not- NOT myhy WAIST!!!”
Saying Han was confused would’ve been an understatement. He just stared at Felix clawing and swatting at the air with all his might. It was clear that something was digging into his sides and waist, although he had no idea what. Though.. he did look happy rolling around the little space he had to try and avoid the tickles. His laughter was something Han hadn’t heard be so prominent in a while.
His laughter began to slow down, along with the hands.
“Yohou~” Felix began speaking to what seemed like the wind, “you cheheheated.. we said nohot- not me!”
*grumble* “hah”
“What the hell…” Han was frozen in place as he looked down at Felix who was now lying on the floor clutching his sides and stomach, “Yongbok. Explain, now.”
Felix breathed heavily, “I mahade a companion”.
“That’s all you have to say?! What the hell is it?? Is it real, a ghost, a spirit, what?! Felix, do you understand how damn confused I am right-“
The wind left Felix’s side.
“Shit shit shit where’d it go?!” Han said frantically.
Felix breathed normal now, “didn’t you hear me say.. it cheated?”
“Yes” Han said paying little attention since he was searching for the wind, “what about it?!”
Felix chuckled. “Well, it did cheat. It went for me first instead. Silly ghost”
Han paused.
“You.. is that why.. you brought me?!”
“Bingo” Felix smirked, “you may wanna run.”
Han felt a gust at his ankles.
“No!!” He screamed as he turned to run only to be met with another glass wall.
“Shit shihit!!!” Nervous giggles began building up in his throat as he tried to run through the maze the best he could, which ultimately led him to running into multiple mirrors instead. Small screams left his mouth the more glass he ran into.
“It’s a good thing you’re not ticklish Hanji! Oh wait..” Felix teased from the other side of the maze. Han’s nervousness took a whole new level.
“Tell ihit to stohp!! Get it awahay!!!” Han begged Felix. All he earned back was a laugh and another grumble.
*Yes!* Han thought as he seemed to have found a longer pathway down the maze.
“You better run… it’s behind you.”
With that, Han bolted down the narrow passage, seeing his reflection running alongside him the entire time. It only took about 4 seconds of running for him to crash into another mirror. Luckily, his hands were outstretched in front of him, so the impact wasn’t awful. Although..
Han looked up from his now sitting position with his knees to his chest. While he couldn’t see anything, he could damn well feel it.
“Ohoff get ohff!! Aahhh!” Han swatted at the air as he felt one hand place itself around his neck.
Two on his upper and inner thighs.
One on his waist.
One on his ribcage.
“Yohongbok.. tell ihit to get off. Nohow” Han tried to sound angry but the giggles that slipped out didn’t help at all.
Two small white orbs stood above him, staring down at his small figure.
“Plehease d~ dohaha! Wahait stahp ehhahaehe!” The hand wrapped around Han’s neck began to scribble its fingers on it. Little movements were enough for Hanji to squirm his neck side to side as a trail of sweet giggles flowed out his mouth. Felix was cooing at him from the opposite side of the maze.
“Hehahewahait plehease- PLEHEASE OHOH MYGOAHAHAHA”
Han screamed when all the other hands placed on his body began to move without warning. It wasn’t light movements either, they elicited the loudest of noises from the boy. He was barely able to form words.
“AAHAHAHA SHIAHAHA!!!! PLAHAHAHAEAHA” He stood as his knees threatened to buckle and slammed his back onto one of the mirrors. He shook over and over but the hands didn’t stop.
“GEAHAHAHA AHAhahagaHA WHAYAHAHA!!” He slid down the mirror and began kicking at the small space around him, rolling over the floor continuously slamming his hands on the ground in a frustrated bliss.
“NO NOAAHA!!” The hands focused in on his thighs. It got bad when they squeezed just above his knee and tickled the inside top of his thighs. The poor boy could barely take it without tears shooting out his eyes.
“PLEhease please please!!!!” Han begged, “slohow down ahahaeha!!”
Nails seemed to drag up and down his skin. Not only on his thighs, everywhere. Desperate was an understatement as his sensitive body began to writhe and shake when the nails scribbled in more ticklish areas.
“I Cahahn’t I CAHAHEHA” he attempted to stand but fell after his waist was squeezed.
“PLEHAHAHA” one of his arms was held up as a hand tickled the underside of it until he screamed.
“NOAHAHA WAIT WAIHIT!!” he was flipped onto his stomach with his shirt lifted up as nails and what felt like feathers glided all over his back and shoulder blades.
Han felt high. High off laughter and adrenaline. High off the fact that he knew he couldn’t escape but also that he wasn’t in any danger. In the midst of him flinging himself onto the mirrors surrounding him, Han saw his reflection.
His face looked so… satisfied. His eyes crinkled as his perfect teeth were on full display whenever he laughed out loud. His arms wrapped around his stomach as his legs kicked out and folded in on themselves, both shaking and tingly. He only really focused on his reflection for a second or two, but it was enough for him to hiccup even more joyous laughter than before. It echoed throughout the entirety of the maze for who knows how long. Long, loud gulps of “HAHAHEA”’s continued to spill out his mouth. He felt like he was flying.
And he was.
After wiping his teary eyes, Han was able to see that he was levitated a bit up off the ground by a foot or two. The attacks continued as he hung suspended in thin air until a loud voice recording echoed “2 Minutes Remaining”.
“Aha.. ahehahaha..!” Han continued pouring out laughter even while he wasn’t touched. He felt a tug on his hand as his body glided steadily through the air. The ghost seemed to be leading him.. to the exit? He only closed his eyes and allowed his body to float to wherever he was being taken, then opening his eyes after one minute to see the exit before him.
“Yehes!!” Han exclaimed. Now all he had to do was make it on over the finish line..
But not after his neck was crooned to the side and a large “mouth”-like feeling bit down on it.
“Wa- noa- wAHAHahaheheha!” he laughed out as he was let down ever so slowly from the levitation. His legs and feet kicked out to touch the ground as little giggles escaped his mouth from the tickles at his neck. Slowly he was lowered. Slowly.. slowly…
The moment Han’s feet hit the ground, he was let loose as he ran as fast as his shaking legs could take him through the exit doorway. He immediately fell to the floor with a pile of aftertickly feelings all over him.
“Wooah- is everything okay? Sir?” A guard asked.
“Yh… ahaha..”
“Sir, you have to pick your prize so the next players can go.”
Han groggily got up at the mention of a prize only to find that it wasn’t a hamster plushie but a guinea pig plushie.
Close enough..
He was out. Finally! He had no idea where Felix was, but that was a concern for later when he planned on getting him back himself. Felix got help in getting Han wrecked for no reason in particular.. why shouldn’t Han?
Planning began once again.
The end was a bit rushed 🥸 but I hope the rest was good!!!! ^^
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1004tyun-archive · 1 year
❥ welcome home, cheater
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requested by @dontsayandrew !! ★
I would like to request your thoughts on taehyuns girlfriend giving him the silent treatment because he was being too flirty with moa pliz 👉👈 (bonus points if it’s 6th member)
◌ pairing: idol!taehyun x non-idol!reader
◌ genres: established relationship, slight angst, fluff
◌ warnings: jealousy, mentions of cheating, trust issues, reader has anxiety (implied)
◌ word count: 777 words
◌ a/n: i did not expect this to become hurt/comfort i wanted this to be a funny little fic but leave it to me to make everything more serious than it needs to be 😭 sorry for the wait, i hope you enjoy it!!
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you come home from a particularly bad day at work, you’re so weary that you’re near tears by the time you step through the door of your apartment.
you’re ready to collapse in bed and wait for the rest of the night to end, but you remember the one and only ray of light in this shithole of a day— taehyun’s coming home tonight!
if this was earlier in your relationship, you’d hop out of bed, shower, and get pretty but you’ve been in each other’s lives for long enough for him to appreciate your body in all its forms, even in its current fatigued, oversized hoodie and sweatpants wearing, messy haired form.
you check the time on your phone, just one hour until your boyfriend’s supposed to come home.
you bide your time by scrolling through twitter while curled up in bed like a big, sleepy cat, pausing when you spot a video of taehyun at what looks to be a fanmeet for txt’s most recent comeback. he’s maintaining eye contact with one of the female fans, big brown eyes glittering, and an open expression on his face.
you smile to yourself. man, for someone who calls himself cold, taehyun’s easily the warmest looking person you’ve ever seen.
but then you notice something at the tail end of the video.
his hand doesn’t leave the moa’s for a good minute. and they continue to maintain eye contact as they move onto the next member.
… what’s that all about?
no, surely this is just something small.
you check the original source of the video. she’s been a moa since debut, which technically means she’s known taehyun for longer than you have.
you frown, scrolling through her account and witnessing all the photos and videos of taehyun, as well as concert footage from her point of view with taehyun waving at her.
your stomach churns. you swallow roughly, trying your hardest to push back the anxiety fueled thoughts that start to crawl up from the deepest part of your brain.
why did he go out of his way to notice her so much? was he looking for her in the crowd?
does he love her?
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“i’m home!” you hear taehyun call from the living room. “y/n?”
you don’t answer, instead deciding to shut your eyes and turn over in bed, facing the wall. taehyun calls your name again and you ignore him, continuing to scroll through that moa’s twitter account.
“there you are,” he says, voice warm. “what’s going on?”
“nothing,” you say, sounding more harsh than you intended.
taehyun raises an eyebrow, “doesn’t sound like nothing.”
something about his tone sets you off. how can be he so oblivious?
“why don’t you go home to your new girlfriend?”
you shove your phone in taehyun’s direction and he takes it, squinting at the screen as he watches the fanmeet video on autoplay.
“… y/n, what is this?” he asks.
“i should be the one asking you that! what’s with all the handholding and eye contact, huh? do you like her or something?”
“like her? y/n, i don’t even know her.”
“doesn’t look like that to me,” you said, accusatory. “looks like you two get along great!”
“you aren’t serious, are you?” taehyun asks, sounding exasperated.
you fall silent, and you feel the mattress dip as taehyun takes a seat next to you.
“y/n, it’s not what you think.”
“don’t lie to me. she’s known you for longer, she’s been to every concert, she’s been there for you longer than i have. just say you love her and break up with me already.”
“did something happen today? you’re usually not this… touchy.”
“i’m fine,” you say curtly. a tense silence follows behind your short response. you feel taehyun shift uncomfortably, and you frown to yourself.
you heave a sigh, “this week’s been rough. really rough.”
“why didn’t you call me?”
“i couldn’t, not when we’re both so busy.”
“i’d make time, you know that.”
you feel the mattress shift with taehyun’s weight and you feel his chest press against your back. you try to steady your breathing, holding back the tears that are already filling your eyes.
“i hate coming home to an empty apartment, taehyun. i really hate it,” you say through your tears. “i hate when i need you and you aren’t here.”
“i’m here now,” he says, wrapping an arm around your waist.
“i know,” you say. you slowly turn around so that you’re facing taehyun, burying your face in the warmth of his chest.
“i’m sorry. i missed you, so much,” you mumble and taehyun strokes your hair.
“i missed you, too.”
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The Modern Lovers - Boston Center for the Arts, Boston, Massachusetts, February 23, 1974
The end of the Original Modern Lovers? This might've been the band's final official gig — thanks to Jesse J for passing along a recently surfaced tape. Jesse calls the recording's quality "atrocious," and he's not wrong (though it's as much the fault of the venue's cavernous acoustics as it is the tape's). Whatever, atrocious quality audience recordings are what Doom & Gloom is all about, am I right? So adjust your ears and take a trip back to a bitter New England winter just about 50 years ago.
Historic/interesting stuff! The set sees the Modern Lovers attempting to bring together their older, more VU-inspired material with the quieter, more innocent songs that Jonathan Richman was writing. There are tunes that will certainly be familiar — "Roadrunner," "Government Center," "Pablo Picasso," etc. And then there are several strong songs that — as far as I know — don't appear anywhere else in the Modern Lovers' discography (officially or unofficially). And hey, it all works pretty well; in some alternate universe, the band might've been able to reconcile their two sides and finally record a proper debut LP. It was not to be, alas — soon, Jerry Harrison would head back to Harvard to get his master's degree in architecture. And today, he is renowned as one of the world's greatest architects ... right???
Of course, we have to note the truly bonkers lineup — a heretofore unknown alignment with the Velevet (sic) Underground and George Thorogood galaxies. Though if the description below is correct (though the source says the date was Valentine's Day), Moe Tucker didn't even get to play because of George. That's truly b-b-b-b-bad. But, as Jesse pointed out, Jonathan and Moe did make it into the studio a few days later to record their charming rendition of the VU's "I'm Sticking With You." Was Moe's band really called the Bloody Virgins?! Hmmm, further investigation is warranted.
An eyewitness account? Although the Modern Lovers broke up in 1973, they reformed in '74 (maybe late '73) with a different drummer but that didn't last long because the drummer hated Jonathan. They did at least one concert: Valentine's Day 1974. I was there early with Jonathan so I got to see all the sound checks for all three bands. Unfortunately, the idiot promoters let the mediocre opening band, George Thoroughlynogood and the Delaware Destroyers, play for one hour and 45 minutes. They should have had 25 minutes max. Thus, the Modern Lovers could only play one hour. And the second band couldn't play at all, which is very unfortunate, as it was Mo Tucker's excellent (and totally unknown) all-girl band the Bloody Virgins (but me and Jonathan got to watch their excellent 25-minute sound check). Seven or either years ago, an internet music forum was discussing Mo, and I talked about seeing that band. A noted music critic (and friend of Mo) was pissed off and said that Mo never had any such band and that I was a liar. Luckily, I still had the concert ad and uploaded a photo of it to the forum.
Ernie Brooks: At one of the last gigs we did, when we played “Roadrunner,” we still didn’t have a record out, but that was always a catchy song, and we actually got some applause—and then Jonathan said, “People like that song too much; I don’t think we should do it anymore….” I think it was just part of Jonathan’s natural inclination that when things seemed to be going well—to go against it. He was very contrary. He was very difficult. I mean, anybody who is on to something new has some element of being a contrarian, because they’re rejecting the status quo. They’re doing something in the way they’ve figured out how to do it—and they don’t want to hear something different, even if it could make things better. When Jonathan said, “I won’t play 'Roadrunner' anymore,” it was pretty much the classic case—you can’t really get any more contrarian than that.
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talenlee · 7 months
How To Be: Cassandra and Rapunzel from Tangled (In 4e D&D)
In How To Be we’re going to look at a variety of characters from Not D&D and conceptualise how you might go about making a version of that character in the form of D&D that matters on this blog, D&D 4th Edition. Our guidelines are as follows:
This is going to be a brief rundown of ways to make a character that ‘feels’ like the source character
This isn’t meant to be comprehensive or authoritative but as a creative exercise
While not every character can work immediately out of the box, the aim is to make sure they have a character ‘feel’ as soon as possible
The character has to have the ‘feeling’ of the character by at least midway through Heroic
When building characters in 4th Edition it’s worth remembering that there are a lot of different ways to do the same basic thing. This isn’t going to be comprehensive, or even particularly fleshed out, and instead give you some places to start when you want to make something.
Another thing to remember is that 4e characters tend to be more about collected interactions of groups of things – it’s not that you get a build with specific rules about what you have to take, and when, and why, like you’re lockpicking your way through a design in the hopes of getting an overlap eventually. Character building is about packages, not programs, and we’ll talk about some packages and reference them going forwards.
You know the story of Rapunzel? The kid’s story about a girl with long hair in a tower which you can tell as a bedtime story and it takes maybe ten minutes, fifteen if you’re doing a lot with the voices and details and want to make the witch’s end really grisly? Well, yeah, turns out that got a movie back in the day and then that movie got a TV series and that TV series kicks ass, and so for this Smooch Month, I decided to try and make an article about base-level optimising choices for a pair of characters, a battle couple. In this case, one of those Battle Couple members is Rapunzel, the hero of the story Rapunzel, and the other is, uh
Her name’s Cass.
Original art by Nonadraws
And hey, I’m going to talk about some spoilers for a kid’s cartoon you probably didn’t watch but I do like it and I think if you care about spoilers, well you should watch it without me being the way you find out about the third story arc of the TV series and what it means okay byeee.
Alright, what do you know about Rapunzel and Cassandra? They’re Disney Princess style characters so it’s not like you see a lot of comic book measurement stuff going on in their stories. They’re adventure stories, and the characters are as tough and strong and smart and witty as they need to be to get you to an ad break, or, because this was late 2018, probably to the next streaming check-in. Though maybe they have ads on Disney+ now, it wouldn’t surprise me.
The characters are pretty basic, though so it means it’s not that hard to give a rudimentary breakdown of how they present in the story and then how that informs choices about how to build them in the rest of the game.
Is a charismatic leader with a huge variety of skills. In the story of Tangled she’s shown developing a huge variety of skills, including engineering, crafting, knot-tying and juggling, which implies mathematical skill.
Extremely sociable and prosocial and operates in a good faith with almost everyone.
Access in some form or another to influential music; she can sing songs that change people’s minds or maybe make a compelling case.
Cass, on the other hand:
Routinely is shown handling weapons and wearing armour
Is represented as being physically fit and uses her physical strength to achieve things
Doesn’t, at first demonstrate any magical powers or prowess
For this exercise, the challenge is not in trying to find a way to represent everything the characters can do but instead to present an example of how two players can construct their characters so they fundamentally work together, while sticking to the framework presented above. It’s also going to try and build a pair of characters that work together expressing the different versions of these characters that you can perceive throughout the story, in a way that fills two complementary roles in a party.
Basically, how do you make team synergy that also leaves other people ways to connect, and can it be done such it looks like the different possible iterations of Cassandra and Rapunzel?
Before the Beginning
First principles, established introduction for Cass and Rapunzel. You have Rapunzel, as she was at the end of the movie Tangled, and her handmaiden Cass. These are characters who are very new to one another and new to their relationship to the world. Rapunzel has not been a princess before, and Cass has been a handmaiden in waiting looking for a princess to take up the mantle.
Cassandra in this time is also sneaking out to fight. She wants to be a warrior, she has aims to be a knight, but her predominant job is to be a handmaiden doing needlecraft and proper courtly management. At this point I would suggest you can represent Cass best with a Rogue, and Rapunzel, without magical powers as a Warlord.
The build I’d pick for Rapunzel is a lazy Warlord – the build that doesn’t actually have to make attacks of its own, and only grants them to other people. The best advantage of this build for Rapunzel is that it avoids her needing a high strength score, and instead focuses on things like her Wisdom and Charisma. While Rapunzel does not commonly wear heavy armour, this kind of build can give up on armour in exchange for better and more free movement.
As a rogue, Cass can emphasise a good basic attack, which is exactly the kind of thing a Warlord wants to have on hand. The Thief build from Heroes of the Fallen Lands starts with a good basic attack, and can do things that emphasise and improve it.
During The Day
The next major iteration of the pair, Cassandra is now openly able to act outside of the Handmaiden duties she has in the castle. She gets involved in fights, but her fighting is in defense and protection of Rapunzel. Rapunzel, on the other hand, now has access to her hair again, which changes a lot about how she acts – now she’s a character with a lot of reach and the means to control people at distance.
For this pairing, which represents the bulk of the narrative of the series, I’d represent Cass with a Fighter of some variety, and Rapunzel now as a Bard.
Rapunzel as a Bard can take the Superior Weapon Proficiency (Whip) and have that represent her hair. Melee bards don’t have to care that much about the power of their melee attacks, but they can do things that trigger off those attacks. An example would be the Skald bard, where you set up an aura around you and trigger buff effects off your basic attacks.
The Fighter gets to wear armour of varying degrees, but can mix up a melee weapon and a bare hand, if you want Cass to feel like a fencer, or you can represent a shield with a reinforced arm guard, and play a much more standard fighter build. The bard can grant attacks, or temporary hit points depending on build choices, and the fighter can capitalise on that.
The Lonely Twilight
In the final season, Cass and Rapunzel are apart, broken up by the revelation that Cass is the real child of Mother Gothel and has had to deal with Rapunzel literally being chosen over her by even her own mother. But in this time, Cass embraces magical power, and gets lithomancy magic, a kind of stone based magic. What it looks like is attacking with spikes and having big chunky stone armour. She still draws a great big sword, and she still fights with that.
At this point, the Cass looks a lot more like something like a Paladin. Her powers are driven by her personality and she’s less mobile. If you take this aesthetic, this look, you’re going to see her raging out and swinging a big sword. There’s a lot more magicality to her area control, and if you want the Warden could do the same thing, similar vibes. The heavy armour pulls me towards Paladin here.
Rapunzel is at this point full blown wizarding with glowing eyes and magical incantations and the hair as a whip is less important. For this end, and because a thing like granting basics is less important, I’d instead look to a Cleric as your compatriot pair. Two different sources of divine powers are pretty cool but also they can have overlap on energy damage types. A cleric who goes for blasting lasers and charisma based powers can benefit from the Radiant Mafia build, and that means these two bring the core of what that needs to any given play group.
Junk Drawer Options
It’s pretty cool how many of the leader types can be stuck onto the different versions of Rapunzel. Bards, Clerics, Warlords, they’re all covered, but don’t neglect the value of the Shaman or Artificer, which both can carry a lot of the feelings of the setting even if Rapunzel herself doesn’t do much with it. Cass is very limited but if you don’t want to play the defender type in the group, she can play a dual-wielding Ranger or Scout, too.
At this point the outline of this document is a thousand words. Presenting specific examples of things that can make builds work together in synergy is pretty challenging. There are things like Agile Opportunist and specific ways to maximise basic attacks. With a really off the wall option you can have Cass doing the leader duty of a Bard while Rapunzel takes up the job of a Wizard or even –
yes, I’m going to mention it
A druid.
Okay, okay, I’ll stop.
Check it out on PRESS.exe to see it with images and links!
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punchdrunkdoc · 8 months
Part 3, Chapter 9
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Summary: After the events of S3, Matt Murdock is trying to once again balance life as a lawyer and a vigilante. But he’s been scarred by loss and betrayal - will a mysterious new neighbour help him heal? Or will her secrets drag him back into the darkness?
Notes: This is a slow burn romance with an original female character, told in 3 (maybe 4??) parts. There is mystery, intrigue, action/violence and angst - all the good stuff!
Also available on AO3 and Wattpad
Reference pics
Chapter 9
The warehouse was a confusing maelstrom.
The scents and the body heat of dozens of people blended together, and the painful cracks of gunfire bombarded Matt's sensitive hearing. But within moments of crouching by the main door of the squat, rectangular building, he started to sense the order in the mayhem.
The Widows were advancing through the space in teams, covering each others’ backs, their movements precise and economical. Their enemies were spread out and floundering, seemingly taken off guard, and too poorly trained to adapt to the sudden attack.
No. Not quite. Matt cocked his head, assessing the occupants of the warehouse further. They weren’t poorly trained, they just weren’t used to working as a team. As individuals, they definitely had some skills…but they still weren’t a match for the Widows.
He followed the fight from the sidelines, knowing it wasn't his place to intervene, that it wasn't his battle. But he was poised to enter the fray if Calina or one of her sister's were at risk of getting hurt, or if something went wrong.  
And after ten long minutes of fighting...something did. 
The balance of the fight somehow shifted. Something turned in the favour of Volkov’s men, and the Widows formation started to fracture. They started to take more hits, and they had to scramble to try to cover each other.
But not all of them managed. 
Matt caught the moment one of the smaller Widows came up against a hulking thug almost twice her size. He could smell the gunpowder from her weapon where it had been knocked to the ground, and she was reduced to dodging and spinning out of the way of the brute’s powerful fists, her own hits landing with barely any impact against his muscled mass.
Sensing the danger she was in, and knowing it was time to act, Matt sprinted through the doorway and into the warehouse. He leapt over workbenches and the boxes littering the cavernous space and reached the Widow just as her opponent picked her up by the throat and slammed her onto the concrete floor. Matt launched himself into the air, twisted, and used his momentum to kick the Russian in the side with full force. The brute grunted as he flew across the floor, and Matt quickly leaned down to check on the Widow at his feet.
Up close he recognised her as Inessa, one of the Widows from the cabin. She was sprawled on the concrete, eyes closed and not moving. The scent of copper filled his nose, but before he could check for the source of bleeding, his opponent got to his feet and came at him.
That’s right, Matt thought as he ducked under a right hook. Pick on someone your own size.
He parried the hook with a one-two jab of his own, and attacked with a series of kicks and punches…but just like Inessa, his hits barely registered. The hulking Russian just absorbed the impact and kept standing. Even a booted kick to the face - with Matt’s entire forced behind it - did little more than snap the man’s head to the side. He just spat out a globule of blood and smiled, baring red-stained teeth.
Matt took a step back, frowning. His first kick had managed to affect the guy…but was that just due to the element of surprise? Because nothing was working now. 
Who the hell was this?
What was this?
There was no time to figure it out - it was the brute’s turn to go on the offensive, and Matt had to use all his concentration to avoid the attacks.
Given his size, the man wasn’t exactly light on his feet, but his fists packed a huge amount of power. The support beam to Matt’s right splintered into fragments when one of the punches missed Matt by a hair and impacted the wooden structure.
Matt wasn’t so lucky with the next hit. He was a fraction of a second too late to fully dodge an uppercut, and the glancing blow to his chin was enough to send him flying backwards. He landed in a heap next to the still-unmoving Widow. He gave himself a moment to shake off the ringing in his head from the impact before staggering back to his feet.
But it was a moment too long.
It gave his attacker time to swipe Inessa’s fallen gun and start firing. Matt dodged the first round, his honed senses moving him out of the line of sight before his addled brain had a chance to catch up.
The next round glanced off his mask.
But by the third round, Matt was ready. He ducked and spun out of the way, grabbing his billy club from his holster. With a sharp flick, he sent one end of it barrelling towards the gunman. The baton hit the man in the hand with a crack, and the pistol flew out of his grip.
Before Matt could follow up the move, a familiar figure came sprinting towards them from the right. Matt watched as Calina leapt up onto a nearby workbench and used the added height to launch herself onto the shoulders of the Russian brute. She wrapped her long legs around his chest and jammed both hands into his neck, sending bolts of crackling electricity through his system.
As the incapacitated man dropped to the floor, Calina gracefully rolled off his shoulders, somersaulted across the floor, and came up in a crouch at Matt’s feet.
She stared up at him, mouth parted in surprise. “Wh-what are you doing here?”
There was no time to reply. Another man had chased Calina across the room and was coming in hot. Matt grabbed Calina by the arms, pulled her to her feet and shoved her behind him just as the newest aggressor reached them.
This one had a knife. A long, serrated dagger that flashed towards Matt as the man attacked. Matt blocked the blade with the edge of his baton, and countered with an elbow strike. Calina stepped out from behind him, dropped into a spinning crouch and swept the knife-man’s legs from under him. He collapsed to the floor, and Matt followed him down, hammering a vicious punch into his face to knock him out.
Another assailant came running at them, this one a similar build to the electrocuted brute.
And he was just as strong.
It took Matt and Calina working together to take him out, the two of them utilising their strengths in tandem - Matt’s offensive skills, Calina’s agility, the weapons strapped to her wrist, and the baton in his hand.
And they complimented each other perfectly. They both seemed to instinctively knowing where the other one was, and what they were going to do. They were so in sync, it was like a dance. As if they’d been training together all their life.
As the man finally fell unconscious at their feet, Matt turned to Calina and touched his gloved hand to her cheek, his senses checking her over for any injuries. “Are you okay? Are you hurt?”
She pressed his hand to her face. “No, I’m fine. Are you?”
“I’m good. But who the hell were those guys?”
Calina shook her head. “They’re not supposed to exist. And they’re definitely not supposed to be here.”
Their intel had failed them.
All of Anya’s careful research, the days and days of carefully scrutinising the footage from this warehouse, the weeks spent wading through the information from Ranieri’s laptop…and no one had realised that three members of Volkov’s team were supersoldiers.
Well, super-ish soldiers.
The former Soviet Union had never quite managed to faithfully recreate the serum that had transformed Steve Rogers into Captain America. They’d come close with the Red Guardian during the Cold War, but a fire had broken out in the lab hosting the supersoldier program, and decades of research, and the top minds involved in the project had gone up in flames.
Over the years they’d tried to reverse engineer the serum from the Red Guardian’s blood. But the resulting super soldiers were weak facsimiles, and they invariably succumbed to an aggressive form of blood cancer, accelerated by the serum.
It was no secret that Dreykov’s ultimate goal had always been to combine the mind control of the Widows with the power and strength of the Red Guardian - he’d even experimented on his own daughter to try to achieve that aim. Calina had just assumed all that research had been destroyed when the Red Room fell.
But Volkov had obviously managed to find a few vials - and a few volunteers - and had created a cadre of three semi-enhanced soldiers.
Enough to give the Widows a fight tonight.
But not enough to thwart their victory. Calina glanced around as the warehouse suddenly went quiet, the gunfire little more than an echo, and the sounds of hand-to-hand combat silenced. All of Volkov’s men were down - either knocked out or dead - leaving only the Widows and Matt left standing.
What was he doing here?
Before she could ask, he suddenly pushed past her and crouched down behind one of the toppled workbenches. Calina followed, her boots crunching through broken vials and beakers as she hurried to catch up.
Rounding the table, she spotted the still figure sprawled on the concrete. “Inessa!” she gasped. She dropped to her knees and patted the Widow’s face gently. “Inessa? Can you hear me?”
There was no response. Stomach lurching with fear, she scrambled at the material of the other woman’s high-collared suit, tugging it down to try to reach her pulse.
“She’s alive,” Matt reassured her. “But one of those ‘things that shouldn’t’ exist slammed her hard.”
Calina let out a shuddering breath. She hadn’t realised Inessa was in trouble. All of the Widow’s training and strategy had fallen apart once they’d encountered the supersoldiers. 18 against 9 had turned out to be shitty odds when super-powered, 6-foot-5 killing machines were part of the 18. They’d lost track of each other in the melee, their careful plans to watch each others’ backs had fallen apart in the struggle to just survive the fight.
The fight that Matt had wanted no part of. The fight that he didn’t agree with, and the one which went against every facet of his moral code.
But the one he’d joined nonetheless. To help her and her sisters.
“Thank you,” she whispered, knowing instinctively that Inessa would be dead if it wasn’t for him.
“You can thank me when she wakes up,” Matt said, probing the back of Inessa’s head. When he lifted his hand, his glove was wet with blood.
“How is she?” Yelena asked, fear evident in her husky voice. She and the rest of the Widows had rushed over to crowd around their fallen teammate.
“She needs a doctor,” Matt answered. “She’s got a nasty laceration. I can’t sense a fracture, but she’ll need to see a doctor to be sure.”
Yelena nodded, then turned to Calina. “You and Katya, take her to St Jude’s across the river. The gear’s in the van - you know the drill.”
Calina nodded, then looked to Matt. “Can you carry her out? I’ll be there in a second.”
“Of course.” Matt lifted the other Widow in his arms and followed Katya as she led him out of the warehouse.
“Will you guys be okay here with all the…clean up?” she asked Yelena.
“We have enough time,” Yelena replied. “Anya’s checked the airwaves, and no one’s reported the gunshots to the police.”
“That’s not what I meant.”
There were several bodies on the ground who were merely incapacitated and not yet dead - including the two supersoldiers that she and Matt had fought. They needed to be taken care of. And Volkov still needed to be interrogated. Once again, she felt like she was being given the easy way out. That her sisters were taking on the dirty work of killing, while she left with her hands somewhat clean.
“We’ll handle it, Calina,” Yelena said, not unkindly. “Inessa needs you. You’re best placed to sell the cover-story to the medics - you’re a lot less beat up than us, thanks to your boyfriend.”
Calina glanced around at her sisters, realising Yelena was right. They were all littered with wounds and bruises, while she was relatively unscathed. “Okay. I’ll check in later.”
Yelena nodded, then turned and started barking orders at the rest of the team.
Calina jogged out of the warehouse towards the van stashed in the adjacent lot. The earlier pain in her knee - forgotten during the heat of battle - flared up as she ran. By the time she reached the vehicle she was limping badly.
“You okay?” Katya asked from the driver’s seat.
Calina nodded and jumped in the back, pulling the sliding door closed behind her.
Inessa was laid out on the floor, still unconscious. Matt sat by her head, his mask in his hands. The sight of his messy, sweaty hair caused a pang somewhere deep in Calina’s heart. She wanted to freeze time and live in this instant forever. She wanted to avoid the inevitable moment when he would say goodbye and she’d lose him for good.
But they needed to move. Now. Inessa needed medical attention as soon as possible…and she wanted Matt as far away as possible from the warehouse before the executions began.
So she sat down, took Inessa’s small hand in hers, and called out to Katya. “Let’s go.”
Five minutes later, Calina started to strip, knowing it was time to put the plan in action. She pulled down the zipper of her suit and started to wriggle her arms out of the tight fitting material.
“What are you doing?” Matt asked, sounding confused.
“Getting changed,” she explained. “I can’t take Inessa into the ER looking like this.”
She kicked off her boots and peeled off the rest of her outfit, then rummaged in the duffel bag stashed in the back of the van. She eventually found what she was looking for and pulled it out, the heavy sequinned material rustling in the quiet of the van.
Matt cocked his head to the side and frowned as he tried to place the sound. “Is that your dress?” he asked. “The one you wore the night we fought?”
Calina laughed, the sound holding a bitter edge. “Yeah. Maybe one of these days I’ll actually get to wear it out dancing.”
But maybe not. This particular dress held nothing but bad memories now. In fact she was starting to think it was cursed. First there was the mind control incident, and now one of the worst case scenarios from this battle was playing out - a Widow was injured enough to need hospital care.
Calina finished dressing, quickly fixed her hair and applied some make-up. Then she turned her attention to the unconscious woman on the floor. She quickly removed Inessa’s suit and placed a different dress around her neck. As Calina gently manoeuvred Inessa’s arms through the sleeves, the other woman finally started to stir. “Why’m I naked?” she slurred.
Calina froze at the sound of her sister’s voice, then let out a shaky laugh. “You’re not naked. But you hurt your head, Nessie.” The nickname came out of nowhere. But it felt right. It made Calina realise how much she cared about the younger Widow…and how worried she’d been that she’d never hear her voice again.
She pulled Inessa into a seated position, quickly tugged down the dress, then let the injured woman rest against her. Her head fell heavy onto Calina’s shoulder, and Calina gently smoothed a hand over her braided hair as she explained what was happening. “We’re taking you to the hospital. But we need to get the cover-story in place first. You remember the plan, right?”
Inessa started to nod, but groaned as it aggravated her sore head. “Party time.”
“That’s right. Just one more thing to do.” Calina glanced up at Matt. “Can you-” Her question died on her lips as she saw the strange expression on his face. His head was still tilted to the side,  his eyes were soft, and he was smiling a small, affectionate smile. It was so out of place in this van soaked with fear and sweat and blood, that she didn’t know what to make of it.
The smile dropped. He shook his head as if clearing it. “Sorry, what?”
“Can you pass me the bag by your feet?”
He reached down and grabbed the paper bag, handing it over. She pulled out the bottle of whisky from inside, unscrewed the cap and downed a heft swig of the dark liquor. Then she deliberately splashed some of the contents over Inessa’s outfit.
“So that’s the cover-story,” Matt commented, putting together the plan. “You were out drinking and got injured.”
“Yep,” Calina replied. “We’re just two innocent, twenty-something party girls living it up on a Friday night.”
Matt shook his head in admiration. “You guys really thought of everything.”
“We had a lot of time to plan for all eventualities. Well, almost all eventualities.” The last part was muttered under her breath.
But, of course, Matt caught it. “You’re referring to those men in the warehouse?” he guessed - correctly. “The ones who aren’t supposed to exist?”
“Frickin’ supersoldiers,” Inessa muttered, still slumped against Calina.
Matt sat forward. “Supersoldiers? Really?”
“Yep, really,” Calina confirmed. “Do you see why someone like Volkov - with his knowledge of how to create monstrous armies - needs to be taken off the board?”
Matt said nothing and Calina winced internally - she didn't mean to drag up their fight again. She didn't want to remind him of why everything between them had fallen apart.
Luckily, she was saved by Katya. “We’re here,” she called from the driver’s seat.
Matt felt the van slow as it made a left turn. The sounds of beeping monitors, and the smell of antiseptic and blood grew stronger as they approached the entrance to the hospital.
“You okay here?” Katya asked Calina. 
“Yeah, I got it,” Calina replied. “Can you drop Matt off somewhere dark and shadowy on your way back?”
“No problem,” Katya called pulling to a stop. “Be careful.”
“You too. I’ll call with an update once we’ve seen a doctor.”
“Do I get a call too?” Matt asked. They still hadn’t gotten a chance to really talk. The whole reason he’d been at that warehouse tonight was to see her, to talk to her.
To figure out where they both stood.
Even if that mean re-hashing their fight from the other night, so be it. He just wanted to talk to her.
Instead, she was about to leave, and he felt a sudden, irrational spasm of fear that he would never see her again. That she would disappear forever and he’d be left with nothing but a disconnected phone number and a pile of regrets.
Calina paused, her fingers resting on the door handle. She turned to him slowly. “Do you want me to call you?”
“I think I made that pretty clear when I dialled your cell a million times today.”
She frowned. “You did?”
Matt frowned too. “Yes. I called you all afternoon. Because we need to talk, Calina.”
The confusion radiated off her - and it felt honest and true. She really hadn’t known that he’d called.
Had it all just been a misunderstanding?
He’d spent hours fuming with anger over her ‘cold shoulder’ treatment of him, and he’d recklessly traveled all the way into Jersey to hunt her down…all for nothing?
No. Not for nothing. If he hadn’t been there in that warehouse tonight…and those men had managed to kill Inessa and overpower Calina…
He couldn’t bear to think about it.
He was meant to be there tonight. Call it God’s plan, or fate, or just wild coincidence…for whatever reason, he’d ended up in the right place at the right time tonight.
“I hate to interrupt,” Katya called out, “But you need to go, Calina, before someone takes too much notice of this van.”
“Right,” Calina said. She pulled her hand from his and wrenched open the sliding door. Then she helped Inessa out, one arm wrapped tightly around the other woman’s waist. She looked back at Matt and bit her lip. He could sense her indecision - and her struggle between helping her friend and not leaving things so uncertain between them.
So he let her off the hook. “Go,” he said, grabbing the handle of the door. “Inessa needs you. We can figure this out later.”
“Okay,” she nodded. “I-I’ll see you later.”
“See you later.” He pulled the door shut, and followed her with her senses as she hobbled with Inessa into the building. As Katya started the engine, Matt listened as Calina put on a show for the medical staff inside.
“Please you gotta help us, my friend fell!”
He laughed at the unexpected, note-perfect Brooklyn accent.
“We were just out drinkin’ at that bar, you know the one in Bushwick with the balcony and all those fairy lights, and she fell. Outa nowhere. There was all this blood and she was knocked out cold.”
She’d completely morphed from his sweet, serious Calina into the perfect rendition of a vapid, drunk party girl.
It was impressive, really.
“What’s so funny,” Katya asked.
“Calina. She’s really selling your cover-story.”
“Yeah, when she gets into character, she really commits. She should be on the stage.”
“I can’t really picture that.” Calina was too reserved to chase a life in the limelight. She wanted a simpler future, filled with happiness and meaning.
He just hoped he could be a part of it.
Chapter 10
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eenochian · 1 year
With all of the MW3 “leaks” going around, I feel like it’s especially important to check your sources! The two leaks that I’ve seen spreading like wildfire are these three comments from TikTok:
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I’m happy to confirm that these are fake. The comments really do exist, but the accounts they are associated with are not real.
(more info BTC – sorry for the long post)
The account impersonating Samuel Roukin has been around since January, and was so convincing that some of the other cast members started following it. However, Sam confirmed several months ago (if anyone has a link/screenshot, pls send it to me) that he does NOT have a TikTok account. It’s a fake.
The Elliot Knight account is a little harder to disprove, since Elliot has not publicly confirmed whether or not he has a TikTok to my knowledge. However, I’ve seen other people say that it’s confirmed to be fake (again, proof is appreciated) and that Elliot does not have a TikTok account. So, again, it’s a fake.
Any spoilers, especially ones as major as a character death, would be a breach of the actor’s NDA. If you don’t know what an NDA is, it stands for “Non-Disclosure Agreement” – basically, it’s a legal contract that prevents an individual from sharing certain sensitive information with a third party. In entertainment, this is used to prevent actors from sharing spoilers about the projects they’re in. Studio lawyers are very firm with these contracts; if a signee breaks their NDA, they can suffer legal ramifications such as lawsuits, financial penalties, and even criminal charges.
A recent example of an NDA break is in the Resident Evil 4 Remake. The original voice of Wesker (D.C. Douglas) leaked confidential information to fans, which resulted in him being booted from all future projects by Capcom. NDAs are taken very seriously, actors generally do not want to break them.
Edit: Without seeing their NDAs, it’s impossible to know whether this is actually a breach of it. However, it seems very likely that death-related info, even just the number of deaths, is considered confidential.
If you see major spoilers online, PLEASE confirm whether or not they come from a reliable source before spreading them and claiming that they’re true. Even if you see a leak from a reliable source, ALWAYS take the information with a massive grain of salt. Leaks are seldom 100% accurate, as anything is subject to last-minute changes.
I’ll edit this to add in proof if I can find any!
For anyone wondering what the fake TikTok accounts look like, here they are—
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Make sure to hug your faves close, and happy scrolling! 🫶🩷
Edit: Not necessarily “proof”, but a good piece of evidence against the Elliot account is that it only posts old videos that already exist on his Instagram. The screenshots below are from the same video, posted on IG vs. TikTok.
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astronnova · 1 year
Okay but I wouldn't purely blame LMK for the flanderization of Tripitaka. All the flanderized depictions in fan works I've seen are from people who actually read the book and made fan art of the original source. And both versions of Trip develop into better people, anyways. Also, it's a little hurtful to say that most people don't analyze what they read, no? Granted, it's a kids show so much of the fanbase are minors, but like...kids will be kids.
my bad that it came across as hurtful! thats not my intention, i meant it as more of an objective viewpoint on something that's become widespread online and irl then just an insult to people.
unfortunately, a lot of people within the uhhh lets say 15-early 20s range dont... dive as deep into literature as they should. you ever heard of that one meme about "the door is blue because the author liked the color blue" ?
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this is just one of many, and you couldnt go anywhere online without seeing somebody make this kind of joke. schools dont even really teach deep analysis of literature recently (i should know, ive been in multiple english lit classes and most of them don't dive as deep as you could and should. the only one that does that is with my most recent professor), and this stuff happens in highschool. yknow, during students most formative years of learnin stuff.
kids shouldnt just get a free pass on choosing to ignore the main point of a piece of literature because "kids will be kids". literature is the backbone of critical thinking, most people develop that skill through reading, and stories have a greater purpose, especially classical ones, than just "heres a show that provides constant stimulation with no reason".
i probably sound a little crazy or something, and im not articulating this as well as i could due to me taking *checks notes* two melatonin like 30 minutes ago BUT anyway tldr for that section is that a lot of people just dont dive deep into literature and its true meaning. a lot of folks like only looking at the surface level bits because its so much easier and simplier than writing an 1000 word essay about the importance of a certain theme within a piece of classical literature or something
steering this back to monkie kid,
the thing i explained above i think is one of the sources as to tripitaka, and sun wukong's, flanderization within the monkie kid fandom. instead of looking at the characters with the original intent of the religious text, its looked at as more of a "well he did X so he's a bad person". its too literal for a religious allegory. trying to apply strict "real world black & white morals" onto characters like this just wont work and will end with every character from the original jttw with the label of "bad person".
i could go onto a whole rant about how the recent decline of deep analysis of literature is the reason so many people seem to prefer "childrens cartoons" (because of the easier to understand morality/lessons) over, say, classical work or hell even some modern classics. this isnt an insult towards ppl that like "kids cartoons" btw, like look at my whole blog its just about cartoons LOL . i think theres more than just that one reason as to why people, at least online, gravitate towards childrens cartoons (likely because theyre more fantastical rather than trying to cater towards "adult gritty realism" and are animated, which is hard to find nowadays with all this "live action remake" junk), but i do think its one reason.
again, my bad if i sound like an ass or something or if i dont make sense, its like 12 am and i shouldve been asleep like an hour ago but im easily distracted LOLOL . but yeah, i think the source of the flanderization is just people misunderstanding the point of the original text and trying to apply modern storytelling conventions to something thats meant to be a big ass metaphor for enlightenment
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phantompeaches · 1 year
Persona 3 Reload!
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So since the Persona 3 Reload trailer was released early, I have So Many thoughts on it! I'm both super excited for a lot of it, and a little disappointed about other parts?
Firstly, the graphics are gorgeous. Of course there's going to be improvements, the original game came out like 17 years ago now, the technology, skills and software that go into this have improved massively over the years, as well as consoles being able to handle and display much higher quality graphics.
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The environment just feels so much more alive. They've put so much little detail into the areas of this game already, and I do really wish people claiming that they're Just Money Grabbing and dragging out the franchise (although usually referring to Persona 5 more) would take a minute to look at all the care that they put into these games. It's such small things, like the individual brickwork on the floor, and the faint scenes behind the windows. Even just the detailing on the fountain and how the water falls, every little detail comes together to make the environment alive. I'm also a massive fan of blue tint implying darkness, so much modern media sacrifices visibility for darkness sake, and although a small detail it feels very important to mention, as well as how it creates such a great contrast to the light sources? It's a method that was used a lot in film making specifically, although now, again, they seem to prefer to make it impossible to see rather than create an implication and more enjoyable and accessible experience.
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Even the menu is incredible. It's visually stunning whilst also being well designed from a UI perspective. Seeing them side by side really gives an indication of how far the games have come. Although two very small changes, Persona 4 switched the Equip and Persona options, and Persona 5 switched the Quests (Missions in P5) and Social Link options. Both of these changes, whilst minor, do show an improvement in UI. The Equip option is going to be more used than checking your Persona is, as theoretically you will be switching out equipment regularily as you gain better gear (although I will admit I am awful at changing my gear around), and you'll (once again, theoretically) be keeping more tabs on your quests than your social links, as social links often inform you in game their level and when they're close to improving, as quests are something you will be checking perhaps even daily as you progress through the game. Moving your currency out from the bottom of the menu makes it easier to find as well, as there's not really any reason to have it there to begin with?
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The character models are absolutely incredible as well! Of course, again, 17 years improvement, but what improvement it is! Aigis, my beloved, she looks stunning. I cannot get over the lighting, although this does lead a bit into the things I'm disappointed with.
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The sprite art is amazing as well. They've brightened the characters' palettes, and with the higher quality graphics, it's allowed them to add subtler details (like the stitching on Yukari's choker). However, it feels like this was at the expense of some of the character the Persona 3 sprites had. The range of facial shapes seems to have been lost, and even details such as Aigis being the only character with larger pupils is no longer as clear.
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A lot of the emotion in the Persona 3 sprites has been sacrificed as well, which is disappointing seeing as it's one of, in my opinion, the best features in the Persona 3 sprites. This is really present in Junpei, as along with losing his distinct chin and little beard, his sprite lacks the personality of the original.
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Even in his voicelines and such, they lack the energy and personality Junpei has? Something as simple as the implication of an accent in text can give a character so much personality, can tell you about the kind of person they are or how they grew up. With Junpei, he uses 'lazy speech', where he pronounces the word in an easier way rather than the 'proper' way (using ya instead of you). It instantly gives the vibe that he's more laid back and that he isn't as strict as somebody like Mitsuru who uses full sentences with consistent, proper pronunciation. Although you could argue that him telling the player to refer to him by his first name tells you this as well, this requires prior knowledge of Japanese culture and honorifics, and how these are used in a day to day life, and therefore just doesn't have the same effect in the English localisation as a written accent.
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Looking deeper at the sprites, the main reason they had so much more emotion and character was the range of motion. Although some sprites are reused with different expressions, there is a range of poses. This allows for emotion through body language, which not only helps express emotion but personality as well. Once again, the pose used most frequently tells us Junpei is this laid-back guy, and simply having such a range of head placements creates more character and emotion in these sprites.
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Persona 4 was when they changed to a static base sprite with a range of emotions, rather than the differing pose and head placements in Persona 3. Looking at Yosuke's sprites, it's very clear they're one sprite with varying expressions. Although this already removes some of that character and emotion from Persona 3, the Persona 4 characters at least have a great deal of different expressions.
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Looking at Ryuji's sprite in Persona 5, there's much more animation within it. Having options for eyes open and closed, and mouth movements. However, he has a total of 6 emotions, with the same base for all. Persona 5 uses cut ins for stronger emotions, however this only works for those strong emotions.
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The dynamic sprites in Persona 3 really added to the game, so seeing that it seems they're carrying on with the trend of the previous two games is kind of disappointing. It is for sure something that could have been achieved with the current style of Persona, and although I understand its easier for them to go off of one base for both time and consistencies sake, it is something I wish they had, or maybe even will, adapt into this game.
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In general, I'm really excited about this game? Although the sprites really are something that disappoints me, the fact that my biggest grievance is something so small really does leave me excited about the game itself. With the only switch port we have not having any of the cutscenes, I'm really excited to be able to fully experience the game on a modern console, and one that is to me much more accessible than the PlayStation is. I do have high hopes for this game being good!
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(Therapy) Dog Days (Snzfic, N/ewsies)
To that lovely anon who I promised a N/ewsies snzfic to... it's here at last!
Some general notes (especially for those who aren't familiar with the source material)- This is a Modern AU (the original story takes place in 1899), wherein all the characters are college students. Davey and Crutchie (the two characters featured in this little story) are dating in this universe, and they work together at their university's library. Crutchie (as his name suggests) uses a crutch, although for the purposes of this AU I've updated it to be two forearm crutches. His real name being Charlie is my own headcanon.
I believe that's all... please enjoy!
Davey and Crutchie had been sitting next to each other at the library's front desk for about half an hour, enjoying a silent and uneventful afternoon as students pored over books and typed out essays around them, when Crutchie suddenly jerked forward in his seat.
To the untrained eye it was a rather violent movement, especially startling because it came out of nowhere. Davey, however, could tell from both his years of practice observing his boyfriend and the way Crutchie had tucked his nose into his shoulder that it had been a stifled sneeze. And it was no wonder, really, considering the fact that it was "Therapy Dog Day" at the library, with four-legged friends roaming around saying hello to everyone, and Crutchie was horribly allergic to dogs.
"You okay?" Davey whispered as the other man straightened up with a soft sniffle, running his finger lightly under his nose. Crutchie nodded.
"Yeah, thanks."
"Of course." Davey cast his gaze back at his laptop but remained attuned to Crutchie's now much more frequent sniffs and throat-clearings. After another minute or two his breath caught, and he ducked into his elbow with two barely stifled squeaks of sneezes, letting out a soft huff and reaching for a tissue when he was done.
"Gesundheit. Here." Davey passed him the tissue box, which Crutchie took with a grateful smile. As he leaned away to blow his nose, ever mindful of keeping his noise levels down, Davey reached out and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Do you need allergy meds?"
"Nah, I took some befohhhre I... hih-ngxt! Snf! Before I got here."
Davey frowned as Crutchie dabbed not only at his nose but his eyes, which had begun to water with the effort of holding back his sneezes. "It doesn't look like they're doing much..."
"T-there's juhhhst a-a lotta dog... hair... ohgeez- ngxt-shiew! Hih-ishiew! Ish-ish!"
As Crutchie crumpled forward into a fit of squeaky, ticklish sneezes Davey rubbed his back gently, feeling Crutchie's shoulders shake even as his sneezes remained relatively quiet. "Bless you, again," he murmured.
"Snf... Thanks, sorry," Crutchie replied, plucking another tissue from the box and rubbing more aggressively at his nose with it. "Think I'm g-gonna... snfsnf!... ugh. Gonna go sit in the back. I don't wanna disturb nobody."
"Are you sure?" Davey asked as Crutchie reached for his forearm crutches and made to stand up. "You can go home if you need to. I'll cover for you."
Crutchie smiled fondly at Davey, though it was much more subdued than his usual trademark crooked grin, and his eyes held a slight fuzziness which made him appear a bit distracted. "'S just sneezin', Dave. I'll be fine, promise."
"Hey, uh, Davey?"
Davey looked up from his laptop to see Henry, one of the library's research assistants, standing in front of the front desk with a worried look on his face. "Hey, Henry. What is it?"
"It's Crutchie... he's in the back room, and he says he's fine, but... I dunno." Henry shrugged. "You might wanna check on him."
Davey was already on his feet. "I will. Thanks."
Henry nodded, and Davey placed a small sign that said Out to Lunch on the desk (never mind that it was almost 3 PM) before hurrying off to find his boyfriend.
Crutchie hadn't gone far, as it turned out- he was sitting hunched over in an armchair in the employee break room with his nose buried in a tissue. He glanced up when Davey entered the room, and it was immediately clear that his allergic reaction had intensified. His nose was now flushed pink, his eyes were red and watery, and his whole face had taken on a distinctly puffy quality.
"H-hey..." Crutchie tried to speak, but was interrupted by a small fit of sneezes, which he muffled into the tissue with a soft groan.
"Charlie..." Davey sighed as he knelt down next to the chair. "Why didn't you tell me when it got this bad?"
"It ain't that b-bad..." Crutchie trailed off, his brow furrowed as he seemingly waited to see if he was going to sneeze again. When more weren't immediately forthcoming, he rubbed at his nose and turned back to Davey. "Ngh... how long's it been?"
"About an hour. There's an hour left in our shifts, but I'll ask Henry to cover it."
"What? Why? Honestly, D-D-Dave... ish! Ish-ish! Huhhh... hih-shiew! Hahhh..."
"Charlie. Come on, I can see your nose twitching from here. Why keep torturing yourself? Let's go home."
Crutchie sighed, throwing a watery glare at Davey, the effect of which was immediately ruined by his face crumpling with one more sneeze. Davey raised an eyebrow.
"Okay, okay! You win, we'll go home... snf! 'S long as we can stop at Starbucks on the way back. I need caffeine."
"You need Benadryl." Davey shook his head, leaning over and pressing a kiss to Crutchie's cheek. "But Starbucks it is."
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