#like. so much shit goes down you need to specify a bit more girlie
alex-just-vibing · 1 year
"canon typical omori warnings" you can just say depression and shit
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Hey! If requests are open could I get a eyeless jack, Ben and Toby with a reader who’s like really girly and dose cheer? (romantic) Thanks!
Uuu nice idea!
(you didn't specify a *female* reader so i shall keep this gn, nor what's girly in your opinion so i'll try but i can't promise anything)
QUICK UPDATE ON THIS ONE, Ben's section is platonic from my side (you may interpret however you like idk) as i kind of hc him as a teen/tween now
Eyeless Jack:
You fascinate him. You have all that energy to get ready every single day and go through your planned routine. The power wow.
He doesn't really have a preference for feminine or masculine so it's honestly not going to be much different.
Please do his hair omg he would love it sm help
He definetly goes to all your cheer practices and shows(? Is that what you call it), but you won't be seeing him while he's there. He will be hiding away in the shadows or something along the lines of that.
You have a skincare rutine too?
He will criticize the shit out of every product you use. It's either great or he will drag it down to hell, no in-between.
You have girly clothes? Loves them. I mean he LOVES to see you in any of your own clothing but there is something about you wearing his clothes instead, you know?
Maybe his scent or something or just how big they are on you. He likes it a lot more than your own clothing agdkshf
Ben Drowned
He thinks you are so cute help sjfnlg
Definitely sees all your practices and shows too, except he's not physically there. There are cameras there, i assume at least, and since he is a ghost he can go on and watch you practice through those from cyber space. It's not like watching a movie don't worry, it's like standing in front of a portal in an endlessly generated liminal space with a chosen theme.
(i have so much lore for ben and how his powers work i will eventually post that too btw)
Pls do his hair too he'd love it!!
He wouldn't criticize your skincare rutine if you have one, he would love to join you actually. (Even though there is literally no need for it, it's just cuple activities yk)
"Ticci" Toby
He loves
Also kinda worries for you, but don't they all do?
He also does his best to go to your shows and usually succeeds, but he can't promise much about your practices. His "job" doesn't always let him be wherever and whenever he wants to be, you know?
Yes he also would love for you to do his hair (pls do his hair is a mess)
Would die to do a skincare rutine with you too, and not going to lie, he kinda needs one.
Not because of anything particular just the scar. Please help heal that thing a bit, even if he can't feel it, it hurts his body a ton.
Loves you so much please appreciate him omg
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drabbles-of-writing · 4 years
Do you have twins headcanons I very much simp for them
I have 2 mutuals who simp for the twins in some capacity I assure you that at least half the fandom simps for these motherfuckers. I’ll be using Four Years twins since you didn’t specify and this is my house my rules.
Edric doesn’t get quite the same gay panic as his sisters. Amity and Emira have the Can’t Function Messes gay panic while Edric’s is more like. Turning into an excited pubby. Jerbo just Exists and he’s all extra excited and his words are tumbling over each other but in that happy way not nervous way. Aside from that, he can mostly function around Jerbo. Until he comes home and covers his face with a pillow before screaming bc Goddamnit He’s Gay and his sisters, who have already emotionally exhausted themselves throughout the rest of the day, are just Very amused.
🎶~Emira and Edric cope through trauma by Being A Nuisance, but we already knew that~🎶 They learned long ago their parents a full of shit so they rebel by being troublemakers, opposite of Amity, who was still in the process of I Need To Make My Parents Proud. If it wasn’t for the Owl Fam or the twins, Amity probably would’ve become an actual enemy in the Emperor’s Coven. And once again, the twins wonder if they made the right choice by failing the tryouts.
Emira, being the favorite (and technically speaking not the oldest) gets ‘better treatment’ and feels like it’s her responsibility to be the strong one for her siblings. The comfort sibling, the responsible one, the smart one, the one who looks after them like how a parent should have. This, of course, goes YOTE on her mental health and she becomes prone to crashing from exhaustion, though not the same way Amity would. This sense of ‘responsibility’ follows her for years. It’s not a habit you easily lose.
Edric said “what the fuck are gendered clothes” and is all for dresses and ‘girly’ clothes. He needs to be FASHIONABLE and goddamnit nobody can stop him. It’s a lot easier for him when he’s older and after his parents completely ditched the Isles, but he had to be on edge when living with his parents and even afterwards, because Alador would’ve had a lot more than just complaints to give Ed. The poor kid had to learn that the hard way.
The twins were desperate for actual friends but at the same time were also scared that they would just end up dragging any genuine friends down with their problems or ruin them if their parents ever found out. Emira was the first to say “fuck it” and decide that even if she had to hide for the next few years, she still wanted the opportunity to be happy.
For eighteen years, these two have been a ‘pair.’ They were never seen as two whole people but instead, one half of a whole. It made it so they aligned with each other very easily but also that they had no sense of being Themselves. Added a lot to their fears, too. Edric got so used to being around Emira he feared being apart, and Emira grew sick of being nothing but a partner in crime. Of course they loved each other, but there was a real worry for a little bit that they might have to snip each other out of their lives (not completely of course, but a big cut, nonetheless) so they weren’t constantly stuck with each other.
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Requested by @zoophobiapika
For anyone who does not know what this is, Character Spotlight 1 is where I criticized how a specified character is written. Part 2 is where I analyze the character and make predictions. Also, I'm doing these in a slightly different format, so if you see me redo my Damian character spotlight, don't be surprised (plus I'm not proud of that one). I am also specifically criticizing how the character is written. I'm no expert when it comes to art, so if you'd like a critique on his design, I'd recommend bugging @rzphhs.
Zoophobia belongs to our fandom's Lord and savior, Vivziepop. This, however, is not a critique of her CURRENT writing skills. Not sure if you noticed, but zoophobia is kinda old. The reason I'm doing this is because I believe that when we analyze stories we love and find flaws within them, we can find ways to improve our own writing. I do not hate Vivziepop, and this is not meant as an attack. Also, you're free to disagree with me. I'm not some godly figure who's always correct. However, I ask that any comments remain civil. If any arguments or whatever break out over this, Imma Chase some bitches with a pool noodle. We good? Let's go.
Oh what a lovely day. I haven't slept all night, and I have ammonia or something. Lovely. What a perfect time to talk about a fictional character. Look, if it's any comfort to the fan girls who come across this, part 2 will have me being more of a fan than a critic. Just bare with me for this, and if worse comes to worse, blame Pika.
As per usual, let's get started with some criticism I don't agree with.
Addison looks like a girl
Alright, first of all, don't read my stories. Second, maybe this is because I live in Canada where the need for equality is pounded into your head every other hour, but...yeah? Dudes can look girly. Have you never seen a girly guy before? If so, how? Now, I'm aware that some people have an issue with this because Addi is gay, and girly gays are a common trope when gays are presented in media. While yes, this is true, Addi being a sort of trope isn't necessarily a bad thing. A trope-y character can still be written well and be entertaining. Besides, it's been said that all original ideas have been done before, so good luck trying to ever find a 100% original character anywhere.
That's about all, but before I tear this character limb from limb, I'd like to go over things I DO like about this character.
He was ok in chapter 3
Yeah, he had problems there too, like when he just stood around and had little to no reaction to his bff turning into a mini cuthulu, but those are not problems exclusive to Addi. He didn't stand out much, per say, but what we got wasn't terrible. His banter with others was fine and even funny at some points.
He has a character motivation
Yeah, his goal to find love is a boring one, but unlike some of our other important characters, he actually has one.
He might be more interesting in the future
Addison is basically an artificial life form created by Xirxene, and not only is Xirxen after him, if Vivz still goes with this concept in the reboot, he apparently has mad sword skills yo, a dark side called Adder, and can summon two giant ass snakes. If that concept is still going to be used, then hell yeah, I'm down for that shit
Now the moment we've been waiting for. What do I have against Addi? Why do I find him annoying as a critic of zp? Grab a cup of maple syrup, because this'll be a doozy. I'll order my issues from least bothersome to the most.
His relationship with Gustav
Ok, I think we can all agree that this relationship was poorly done. While I myself have no problems with this pairing, the way Vivz had them come together was shit. Gustav looks like a pedo creep hitting on a student, and Addi looks like an idiot as he just lets Gustav insult one of his friends. Their relationship is hasty, and the only apparent attraction they have for each other is their looks (and Addi looking like a 12 year old doesn't really help Gustav's pedo case. Don't worry, any concerned readers, there isn't any pedophilia going on. Addi has apparently been aged up to 17, and Gustav is 19)
Just to clarify, hasty relationships in stories aren't in themselves a bad thing. This could serve as a reflection on both the characters. Perhaps they fall in love easily. Perhaps their just the type of people who'd do these sorts of things. The problem here is that Addi is the only one of the two who seems like he'd do this. It's stated by Dame (who could be hyperbolising here for all we know ) that Addi throws himself at guys very often. Gustav, however, doesn't seem to have anything about him that'd suggest he'd be down for dating someone he just met.
You know how this relationship could be fixed? Gustav is 19, so he would've graduated only a year or so ago. So, have him and Addi be old friends who hung out before Gustav graduated. Perhaps have them have an attraction to each other that was initially waved off by Gustav at first, but now he's back, he might be interested now. Also, have them be attracted to each other for more then just looks. Perhaps they respect each other's talents, perhaps they have similar interests. That'd make their relationship a little more believable.
His personality
You know, in all my time spent in the zp fan base, I've noticed that the majority of Addi fans like him because he's cute. Not because of his personality. Just because he's cute. I mean, I don't entirely blame them for focusing on his appearance more because his personality. .....woof.
Zoophobiacomic.com describes his personality as the following;
" Addison likes to keep to himself and spends most of his time working in the Art Wing. While he doesn’t often open up to others and can sometimes hide away an air of elitism, he has developed a close friendship with his classmates Damian and Sahara. Their outward energy and enthusiasm has begun to counteract Addison’s typically introverted nature"
So he's shy, and a bit of an elitist, and he's slowly becoming more self confident. Ok.....now let's look at what the comic itself presents us. For one thing, he's surprising sassy, especially in ch3, not just to Dame, but to Leeson the crazy priest as well. He's also surprisingly self centered. Look at how he reacts to Dame being a shit to other people compared to how he reacts to Dame being a shit to him. Orchestrating an event that gets your cousin set on fire? That's ok. Preventing Addi from going on a date? That bastard! He doesn't even seem to care when Gustav insults one of his best friends. He also doesn't show any regret about attacking Mackenzie. Him having these traits aren't a problem, but this raises a bit of a concern for me since I don't think this is the impression we're supposed to get from his character.
His dumbass decisions
Yes Addison, go off on a date with some sexy random dude when there's an entire organization after you and you have no way of defending yourself. 10/10. 100/100. A+. Gold Star, Gud Job, Perfect Logic, Go buy a colouring book you infant!
Let me get one thing strsight (so at least one thing in this post isn't gay af), I don't have an issue with him having PTSD. My problem is how it's handled. The story acts like Addi attacking Mackenzie is just peachy keen because it was triggered by his ptsd. Except guess what? It isn't.
I'm going to be honest, I (someone with more then one handicap) hate it when those with disabilities are treated like babies, and The world must conform to their needs, and nothing is their fault because mashed potatoes. Look, a handicap can affect how you live your life, but it doesn't mean you get a free ticket to easy street. If anything, your life gets harder. And guess what? People babying you and pretending that your disability prevents you from any fault DOESN'T HELP. IT MAKES YOU WORSE. I'll use one of my own handicaps as an example. I have Auditory Processing Disorder. One symptom is that I can't hear myself, do I often talk incredibly loudly without realising it. Now imagine I went through life always yelling because no one told me to take it down a peg. Soon, yelling would become a habit, and it'd be a much harder problem to fix.
You guys starting to realize why other characters acting like Addi did nothing wrong bothers me? That's not how you react when someone with a disability does something like Addi does. It also makes me concerned that the comic will continue down the route of "oh, he has a disorder, so he's not really at fault ", excusing various bad things Addi does on his PTSD.
So now I've typed out enough words to rewrite the American constitution, I'll end it here. Thank you for reading, and tell me what you think. If you'd like to see me critique another character like this, feel free to request it.
I apologize for wasting your time.
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