#like. you should be able to deck someone over this w no consequences
riverside-lavender · 5 months
guys my bunny is so cute i might start crying over her. again.
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Lullaby of Woe
Angst Prompt - "Of all the times to tell me, why now?" - Any pairing From @crazydemigod666 on Tumblr
@crazydemigod666 Psst you sent this ask to my main but I don’t really post my writing there, so I’m posting it here. Hope you don’t mind ;) Also, though very different in tone, this actually reminded me of your own Jolly Sailor Bold as I was writing it in a lot of ways lol so I hope you enjoy!
Description: Feeling unwanted, Patton climbs up to the deck of their ship to get some fresh air when the voice of a siren comes calling.
Also, there's a song in this one. I modified the lyrics, but the song is "Lullaby of Woe" - Ashley Serena and you can listen to it here if you'd like.
Word Count: 2104
Pairings: Logicality
Characters: Patton, Logan
Warnings: Major Character Death (Ambiguous, honestly its entirely up to how you interpret it), Angst with an ambiguous ending, Hurt/Comfort, Mentions of neglect, Mentions of cheating, Past toxic relationship, Mentions of food insecurity, Touch starvation, Hypnosis-like trance, Brief Suicidal ideation, Crying, (Let me know if I need to add anything!)
    Patton had a problem.
    The crew hadn't been able to look him in the eye for over a fortnight, even though he could feel the pity in his stares as he milled about the deck without purpose. At any other point in his life, he would have been deeply ashamed, but he was nearly too tired to care now. The captain had notified him that his rations had been cut. He'd been told it was a temporary measure, but Patton knew better. The captain was starving him off the ship.
    The wind nipped at his arms as Patton nimbly topped the ladder to the upper deck. Moonlight pooled on the polished wood, lighting his way as he strode through the darkness. He moved confidently, though he felt himself nearly stumbling and losing his footing with the sharp rocking of the ship. The weakness was getting to him. He knew he shouldn’t be up in the open air as the boat rocked in the wind. One swift wind could blow him overboard and he'd be gone forever, but he couldn’t bear another minute of listening to the crew's whispers.
    His heart was broken enough already. He'd thought the captain loved him. When they met, Patton’s body and soul had felt like fire. In a flurry of passion, Patton had dropped his comfortable life to follow the man he'd loved across the sea and it had been the thrilling journey of his life. Flowing from adventure to adventure, the pure excitement and adrenaline had lit up his world and blinded him to the fire that had begun to eat him up inside.
    Only now, as Patton staggered to the bow of ship, did he realize how much he'd withered away to make way for the man who claimer to love him. Mere embers of the previous flame remained in Patton’s heart as the captain drifted into the arms of new lovers, his loyalty already fickle and fading before Patton was even gone.
    Patton sucked in a sob as he lurched forward, nearly tumbling over the ship's railing as a sudden wave jarred the ship. His white knuckles gripped the wood on instinct as he sunk to his knees. A soundless cry escaped him as he collapsed to the floor and tears flowed freely down his face in silent grief.
    The pain in his chest was nearly unbearable as Patton lost himself staring into the black water of the sea below, mesmerized by the swirling vortexes as he desperately pushed away darker thoughts. He had no idea how long he sat there, silently sobbing as the moon moved across the sky, but it seemed like only moments before an unnerving melody floated through the air.
    Fishes asleep among the weeds,
    Patton’s head shot up at the sound the unfamiliar voice echoing eerily across the open deck. His knees curled to his chest as his eyes darted through the darkness, searching for the source of the voice.
    Waves all a swaying in the breeze,
    “Who’s there?”
    Patton shivered as he raised his head to get a better view of the deck below. Unable to spot anyone, he cautiously reached up to the railing to pull himself upright and listen to the voice continue.
    But one soul lies anxious, wide awake,
    Fearing no manner of ghouls nor wraiths.
    Patton jumped, spinning on his toes as the last line finished directly behind his ear. His shoulders spun clumsily as he stumbled away from the bow of the ship, landing on the ground with a thud as he turned to stare at the beast balancing on the bowsprit of the ship.
    The creature stood on two feet and Patton could nearly have mistaken him for a man a man, if not for the pallid color of his skin and haunting blue glow of his eyes. The specter glided forward with an unearthly grace, balancing on the narrow bow of the ship as it rocked chaotically in the wind.
    “Do not scream.” The man purred as he dropped silently on the deck. “Lest you condemn the rest of your friends to share your fate.”
    A grimace curled on Patton’s lips at the statement and he resigned himself to quietly edging closer the railing behind him.
    “Oh, not friends then.”
    The beast cooed under his breath as he leaned forward to loom over Patton.  Adrenaline rushed through his veins as the creature slowly kneeled in front of him and raised a hand to his face. Patton flinched as cold fingers brushed along his jaw and guided his chin up until he was staring into the ice-cold eyes of the man above him.
    Patton felt the tension in his body disappear as the dulcet tones of the man's voice lulled him into complacency. His vision blurred as he tried to stay focused on the man’s face, but as he was pulled to his feet, only one thought rang out in his mind.
    The beast's calming voice continued to fill the air with a lilting melody as he smiled crowded Patton against the railing.
    Don’t dare let him tremble,
    For the witcher, heartless and cold,
    Paid in coin of gold,
    He comes and goes and he'll leave not behind,
    Subtle chills tingled across Patton’s skin at the man's power. He knew fear should be gripping his heart, but he couldn’t help but his starstruck smile as the man lips curled into a sharp-toothed grin.
    but heartache and woe,
    Deep, deep woe.
    Patton’s breath caught in his throat as his waist caught the railing. His balance wavered as the momentum nearly sent him tumbling into the dark water below, but an iron grip caught his collar.
    Deep, deep woe.
    The man’s deep voice resonated against Patton’s chest and he finished its last note, drawing Patton’s attention back to his mesmerizing eyes.
    “Are you afraid?”
    Patton sucked on his lip as he stared into the icy look of the man’s eyes. His heart slowed as the air shifted blinked his shock up at the man in front of him.
    “Please, I'll do anythi—”
    “Young one, be at peace. Fearing me is a waste of your energy.”
    A raspy breath escaped Patton’s parted lips as the beast's hand passed over his jaw to curl around the back of his neck. Instinctively, he started to flinch away, but the monster caught him.
    “Why do you allow yourself to wither, human?”
    Patton sucked on his lip as his skin tingled like wildfire from the man’s icy touch. He hated to admit it, even to himself, but it'd been a long time since he'd been touched with such gentleness. The sense of danger radiating off the man in front of him should have made him quiver with fear, but instead he felt himself leaning into the unfamiliar comfort with a quiet sob.
    “Hush now. You no longer need to suffer.”
    Scaled fingers slipped through Patton’s hair as the pale beast comforted him. The walls which he’d built around his heart came crashing down and his feelings escaped him in a subdued mourning.
    “That’s all you really wanted. Isn’t it? To be needed?”
    Patton’s grip tightened on the man's flowing silk shirt as a soft whisper escaped him. “I don’t want to be a burden.”
    “I've been watching you since your ship left the port nearly a full moon ago. The effort you extend to for the benefit of the others aboard this vessel is nothing less than commendable.” The beast’s breath passed through Patton’s hair like a soft wind as his fingertips brushed Patton’s cheek. “You are not simply a weight to the man who scorns your love.”
    The man’s soothing voice resonated from his chest as Patton timidly tipped his head up to him.
    “W-who are you?”
    “My name is of no consequence,” The man’s whispered, though he seemed to immediately correct himself as he noted Patton’s disappointment. “Though you may call me Logan, if your heart desires.”
    “Logan—” Patton breathed as he lifted his head. “—you've been watching me?”
    “With deep interest, my dearest. You are too delectable to be wasted on someone who does not appreciate you.” Logan’s sharp-toothed grin grew wider as his thumb brushed Patton’s cheek. “Your scent is absolutely dizzying.”
    “T-that can't be true.”
    “Oh?” The siren's pale fingers trailed down Patton’s jaw, letting out a melodic chuckle as Patton sighed at the touch. “And why is that, my lovely?”
    Patton’s face twisted in disgust and he started to pull away. “I'm—I'm not—”
    Logan’s hands caught Patton’s waist, eliciting a gasp as he effortlessly lifted Patton and placed him on the railing of the rocking ship. He moved forward, standing between  Patton’s legs as his piercing, blue eyes locked onto Patton.
    “Not what, darling?”
    “N-not special.” Patton whispered quietly, suddenly entranced by the mesmerizing glimmer in Logan’s eyes.
    “It truly is a crime that any man was able to convince you of that.”
    Patton blinked in disbelief as the siren curled a finger under his chin, lifting his gaze. “What?”
    “Your soul leaves a sweet scent in the air that only a fool would neglect to savor.” Logan whispered, sending pleasant chills down Patton’s spine as his other hand slipped around Patton’s waist. “My dearest, you are a gift to this world that has kept my eye for thrice the time it's taken for the dark moon to turn bright in the sky.”
    “If—If you've been watching me—” Patton started after a moment of silence, shaking as he reached up to grip Logan’s wrist. “Then, of all times to tell me, why now?”
    The siren was silent as his piercing eyes bore into Patton, sending a heated wave of adrenaline through him as another wave crashed against the side of the ship. Logan’s grip tightened on Patton’s waist as sea's mist filled the air.
    “I think you know why I have approached you.”
    “Y-you're a siren.” Patton whispered as he nervously clung to the railing.
    “Come away with me, darling.”
    “They—” Patton swallowed the lump in his throat as he turned his head away from the dangerous look in Logan’s eyes. “The sailors say that those who are taken away by sirens are never heard from again.”
    Logan remained quiet for a moment before raising a hand to wipe the tears from Patton’s cheek. “You will not be missed by the men on this ship.”
    Patton sucked in a breath as though he'd been struck in the stomach. “I—I know, but—”
    “Hush, now. Do not be afraid.” Logan whispered as tears brimmed in Patton’s eyes. “Do you have loved ones on the land?”
    “No,” Patton breathed as an emptiness filled his chest. “I am alone.”
    “Then what do you live for, dearest?”
    Patton started to shake as tears streamed down his face. “I—I don’t know anymore.”
    “Then tell me, my love.” Logan whispered as he curled a finger around Patton’s chin to lift his head up. “What risk is there in leaving with me?”
    “I'm not ready to die."
    Logan's sharp teeth glistened in the moonlight as he leaned into Patton’s ear. “Who said anything about dying?”
    Patton blinked, still in disbelief as he sputtered out a response. “Are you going to hurt me?”
    “Will you take the risk to find out?”
    Patton sucked in a breath as he stared into Logan’s blue eyes. His heart pounded in his chest as he balanced on the railing of the ship, teetering above the dark waters above.
    Logan leaned in closer with a knowing grin. “You have to tell me what you want, love.”
    “Take me away, p-please.”
    Logan's unearthly grin widened as Patton curled into his chest. “As you wish, darling.”
    A hum started deep in Logan's chest, soothing Patton’s uneven breathing as he continued his song.
      The waves are silent for the night,
      All matter turned in as daylight dies,
      But one soul lies anxious wide awake,
      My dear darling Patton, shut your eyes,
      Lie still, lie silent, utter no cries.
    The world around Patton seemed became blurry as the siren’s song lulled him into a deep trance. His skin tingled with a pleasant vibration as the soft sound of Logan’s voice filled his ears. Deep in a stupor, he barely noticed as they dropped into the dark waters below. The moonlight faded as they disappeared beneath the surface, but Logan’s voice still echoed beautifully in his mind.
    Beware of the man who covets your soul,
    He'll chop you and slice you,
    Cut and he'll dice you,
    Eat you up whole,
    Eat you whole,
    All while he sings to you,
    he lullaby of deep, deep woe.
General Taglist:
@justanotherhumanstuff @im-an-anxious-wreck @shadowyplaidpurseegg
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cheri-translates · 4 years
[CN] Victor’s Reunite Date (Eng Translation)
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a date (and Season 2) which has not been released in English servers! 🍒
It’s vital to understand what’s going on in Season 2 so you wouldn’t get confused in this date. Do read this post before proceeding :)
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Parallel World Dates Collection: Gavin // Kiro // Shaw
The date begins with MC standing outside LFG
She recalls her father telling her about their company receiving an investment from a four-year-old company which he believes will become a worthy partner in the future
Of course, that company is LFG
Back at the present, she muses that LFG isn’t as grand as the LFG in her memory. And that if everything remains the same as in the original timeline, she would meet Victor after four years
She recalls the “warning”: “Your unintentional actions may lead to irretrievable consequences.”
When she looks up with a bitter smile, she sees Victor across the street
I lower my head, countless emotions flooding into my heart - happiness and sadness... until a foreign voice enters my mind. 
??: Miss MC, nice to meet you. There is a message from the “past” here. CEO Victor, you may begin. 
MC: ?!
Victor: Dummy, what are you hesitating about? 
Victor’s voice rings in my head clearly. I freeze in place.
“Message from the past?” 
What is this... why can I hear Victor’s voice? 
The Victor on the opposite side of the road doesn’t notice my existence at all, and exits my field of vision. I press a hand to my forehead, thinking what happened earlier was a mere hallucination.
But his voice appears in my mind once again, as clear as day.
Victor: Didn’t you say you were going to find the old me? Do you regret meeting me now? 
MC: How could I regret it!
Victor: You dare to regret it? 
As if we’re having a conversation, I speak aloud, my voice overlapping with his. 
The faraway soft laughter gradually disappears from my mind. As though an invisible hand is pushing me from behind, I break into a run. 
If the future doesn’t replay itself perfectly while the world moves forward slowly, is there be a possibility that we wouldn’t meet again? 
With this thought, my heart clenches. Just greeting him shouldn’t be an issue...
If I simply watch him leave...
If I don’t get a future where I can meet him again...
I wouldn’t be able to accept it. 
MC: Victor! Victor!! Wait!!!!
I call his name loudly, failing to notice that the traffic light has turned red. 
A harsh whistle resounds behind me. 
I turn my head and see a taxi coming towards me, and instinctively want to leap to the side to avoid the impact. 
The expected fall doesn’t arrive, and the world suddenly turns quiet. 
I’ve fallen into a warm embrace. 
In slight disbelief, I take in everything in front of me. Rain drops remain still in the air. He carries me away from the impending car. 
That cold yet reassuring breath makes the whole world turn a little fuzzy. I blink hard and clench my teeth, not wanting him to see my tears. 
Tick tock. Tick tock.
I hear the stalled hands of time in my world start moving once again.
It turns out that my time only stops for him, and only starts again because of him.
I seem to have returned to a very, very long time ago. Perhaps this is an unintentional prank from the heavens, but it also feels like a gift from it. 
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Victor: Evolver? 
MC: ?
Victor: You still don’t know? 
MC: ...I do.
Victor: ...
MC: T-thank you for saving me. 
Victor: You should watch yourself. Someone can’t come to your rescue every time. 
He puts me down at the shoulder of the road, but doesn’t leave. 
Victor: Why did you call me just now? 
MC: I thought you’d first ask how I know your name...
Victor: That isn’t important. 
He’s really the same as always. 
MC: I... I just wanted to see you. You’ve invested in my company - the film company you recently invested in. Do you remember...
Victor: And then? 
He cuts off my explanation coldly, crossing his arms in front of his chest, waiting for me to continue. 
MC: ...there’s nothing else. I just wanted to see what sort of a person you are.
Victor: Have you seen enough? 
After saying this, he turns around to leave, uninterested in my response. 
MC: W-wait!
He furrows his eyebrows slightly, but stops in his steps. 
Although I called him without hesitation, I have no idea what to say. 
I would never regret meeting Victor. Yet, I’m not content with having such a superficial meeting with him.
This time, I want to take more initiative to stand by his side. 
Meeting his sharp gaze, I straighten my back and look at him resolutely. 
MC: My name is MC, and I’m the future producer of the film company you have invested in. I’ll definitely improve the film company, and all the programs will become more and more outstanding. You will not have the chance to take back your investment. And you will not be disappointed. 
I say every word and sentence to Victor. The rain has stopped, and light reflects off his eyes, which have widened slightly. 
In the next moment, a large falling leaf is blown by the spring breeze, sticking to the side of my face. 
MC: ...
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Victor: [soft laughter]
Victor’s eyes crinkle and the corners of his lips lift. Victor suppresses a smile, then faces me again. 
Victor: For now, being able to stay alive is your biggest challenge. 
While Victor is speaking, another large leaf seems to respond, slapping onto his face.
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Victor: ...
I’m unable to suppress my laughter. A few stray tears follow along with my smile. 
Victor knits his brows, and I reach out with a trembling hand, prepared to pluck the leaf from his face. 
At this moment, a strange figure emerges from behind Victor and touches his arm. 
Victor: !
MC: !!
Instinctively, I rush forward to grab onto the mystery person’s sleeve, wanting to protect Victor. 
In the next second, the both of us find ourselves in a bar. The person in front of the bar counter freezes for a moment, furrowing his brows exaggeratedly. 
Man: Big bro, what’s with this “buy one get one free”?
MC looks around her surroundings and discovers she’s in a bar called “Mondlicht”, which sounds familiar to her - she saw this name once in her father’s records on Black Swan
The man dismisses the mysterious figure coldly, leaving the three of them in the bar
The man offers to have MC teleported back to where she came from, but Victor says: “You’re not worthy to be trusted.”, and tells the man to cut to the chase.
Man: CEO Victor, there’s no need to be anxious. There’s a man who wants to see you, but he isn’t in this bar right now. As for the reason why... CEO Victor should know it clearly. So, before meeting him, that man has requested that I invite you here - to see if you’re someone worth meeting. To put it simply... this is just a small test. 
While all this is happening, MC wonders what connections Victor has with Black Swan
Victor: I didn’t know of such foolish tests. Are you all too bored, or do I look very free? 
Victor... he doesn’t seem surprised to be here. 
Victor pulls MC to him
Victor: Sorry. Stay by my side. You’ll be fine. 
MC tells Victor to be careful and warns him that Black Swan could be behind this. Victor pauses, but quickly recovers and resumes his conversation with the man
The man takes out a deck of poker cards:
Man: As part of the test, is CEO Victor interested in playing a game?
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Victor: No.
The scene turns incredibly awkward. 
Victor swirls the wine glass in his hand, bringing it to his mouth and pursing his lips. He doesn’t care for how the man would react. 
Arrogant and proud. 
Man: You’re making things difficult for me. This is just a simple game.
Victor: Even if I’m uninterested, you wouldn’t let us go. You’ve got too much nonsense. 
Man: ...
The man smiles, handing out the cards resignedly. After dealing the cards, he suddenly thinks of something, and balls one hand into a fist and taps it against the other palm.
Man: Since it’s a game, we’ll need a bargaining chip. If CEO Victor wins, that person will naturally give you what you want. If you lose... you’ll have to leave your life here. 
The air becomes incredibly quiet. I look at the man in shock. His eyes are crinkled, as though he just brought up a trivial matter. 
Man: Lady, you don’t need to be so nervous. It wouldn’t be fun if you’re too nervous. Why don’t we liven up the atmosphere? 
The man retrieves a set of darts, and Victor lets MC throw it
She refuses, but decides to do it after Victor and the man assure her that the dart game has nothing to do with the actual poker game 
With Victor’s guidance, she hits the bull’s eye
Victor and the man finally start the poker game
MC has no idea what’s happening
I have no idea what’s happening too since I don’t play poker, but I hope the translation makes sense: 
Both men flip over the cards in their hands. In Victor’s hand is a straight flush.
Man: CEO Victor, it’s not good to cheat. 
With a wave of his hand, a few men clothed in black suddenly appear, pointing cold muzzles towards Victor.  
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Victor supports his head arrogantly, eyes filled with disdain. His cold fingertips tap the poker cards. 
Victor: Look carefully. This isn’t the club flush you deliberately swapped over.
The man freezes, then leans over to look. Seeing the black spades card, he suddenly bursts into laughter, clapping excitedly.
Man: As expected of CEO Victor.
Victor: Your techniques were too clumsy. Including these toys. 
The man isn’t angry. With a wave of his hand, the men clothed in black disappear. 
In the end, he finally sets aside his cynical expression. Placing his right hand behind his back, he gives a humble bow. 
Man: I should be arranging another meeting for you and that man soon.
While the man speaks, the guy who brought us to the bar appears. 
They return to the roadside 
MC: Victor, since this is the first time we met, why did you let me shoot the dart earlier? 
Victor: ...LFG is only a medium-sized enterprise. What reason do you have for running over and speaking so confidently?
I’m left frozen to the spot at his question. I turn my eyes to the end of the road, taking a deep breath. 
MC: Because I know that in the future, LFG will expand by a thousand times, and will become unbeatable in the market. It will have the ability to influence countless people. And you will become the driver of this force, so...
I speak my mind, and slowly lower my head as I continue with my words.
In front of me, I see Victor’s many faces - angry, frowning, smiling...
At the end, when I look up again, they form the face in front of me - somewhat young, and not yet humble.
So, I want to be remembered by you, and I want to become someone who’s most unique to you. 
I leave this sentence out, but I say it silently in my heart. 
There is a certain depth in his pupils. The spring breeze is gentle, as though something is slowly sprouting. 
Victor: You have so much faith in it?
MC: It’s not just faith. You’ll definitely do it. 
The corners of his lips turn up slowly. He places a hand into his pocket. In that moment, it seems as though all the brilliant lights in the world are in his eyes. 
Victor: Since you have the wild ambition of not losing future LFG’s investment, I’ll have to see what you’re made of. I’ll remember your words. I look forward to your performance. 
A few days later, Victor walks into a dark building. 
??: Welcome to Black Swan.
Eight months later.
I heard that Black Swan recently had a major change. A high-ranking cadre and a portion of the members left. The Board of Directors has also seen a reorganisation.
After many years, I’m now at the Black Swan building.
At this point, everything in the future has not occurred. The me of right now has not officially become a member of Black Swan. 
The empty meeting room is silent. Someone seems to be seated behind a barrier at the end of the meeting room.
MC: Sorry to bother you...
Just as I prepare to leave, an unknown device starts up quietly. The long table shrinks and becomes a normal desk. The barrier pulls open slowly.
MC: V-Victor?!
Clearly, in contrast to my shock, Victor is not at all surprised by my appearance. 
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Victor: You haven’t shown me any positive evidence regarding your words before. 
Victor: Don’t forget what you said. 
Victor: Don't make me regret choosing you.
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Victor’s Post: Being able to draw a Straight Flush has nothing to do with hard work.
MC: Unlucky me is destined to never draw a Straight Flush...
Victor: You can play mahjong. 
Victor’s Post: Being able to draw a Straight Flush has nothing to do with hard work.
MC: I agree. After four years of fruitless hard work, I hope everyone won’t fall into this fiery pit.
Victor: Told you so.
Victor’s Post: Being able to draw a Straight Flush has nothing to do with hard work.
MC: Is there really no relation? Maybe there’ll be an improvement after five years?
Victor: You’ll still be this way after ten years.
Phone call: here
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poliel · 3 years
Surprise Egg 12/13: You Saved Buddy
“Of everyone I would’ve thought might decide jump off like that, I never would’ve guessed you’d be one,” Beffica said as she sidled up next to Filbo at the wheel.
“I couldn’t leave Buddy behind.” Not after everything they’d done for everyone else.
“Yeah, I suppose that’s true. Still wouldn’t have thought you had it in you. So… good job, I guess.”
Filbo tensed, gripping the wheel spokes a little harder because whenever she said something nice to him it was always followed by her turning it into a nasty backhanded compliment. … But no such thing was coming? … “Thanks?”
She laughed. “Wow, other than Buddy, people really don’t say nice things to you often, huh?”
“Not really, no.” It was really the fact that it was coming from her though that had put him off a bit. “And uh… I didn’t really do anything other than almost get myself killed so… yeah.” He didn’t really deserve someone telling him he’d done a ‘good job’ because he hadn’t.
“Nonsense, you saved Buddy. Probably anyway, it was kind of hard to see with how far it was and how unsteady the boat was. But I’m pretty sure their chances of dying back there would’ve been a lot higher if you hadn’t jumped down. So good job.” She patted him firmly on the back. “Gosh, I never would’ve thought I’d ever say anything like that to you of all people. But I guess that’s just how life is sometimes.”
“Uh… thanks.”
“Anyway, it looks like Cromdo wants to talk to you too so I’ll leave you to it or whatever.” With a dismissive paw wave, she turned and left.
Filbo turned to see that Cromdo had come up on his other side and was now standing there looking awkward. “Uh… hi Cromdo?”
“Yes uh… hi. I just wanted to say… uh well, how do it put this? Um… Hmmm…”
“You’re sorry you tried to leave without Buddy?” Filbo guessed.
Cromdo perked up, his snarky grin returning. “Yep, that’s it. That exact thing.”
“It’s fine.”
“Wait, you ain’t mad?”
“No. It was… the smart thing to do.” Looking back on it, there was no way Filbo could deny it even if he still hated the thought of it. “That Mama Mewon would’ve destroyed the ship if we’d hung around there for even a few more seconds. And then all of us would’ve been in pretty big trouble. So it’s fine.”
“Oh uh… cool. You sounded awful mad back there though, I ain’t never heard you growl like that before.”
“Oh uh… I try not but… it was a rather heated moment.” He’d growled at the Mama Mewon too even if it was only for at most a second or two. It had just happened not long ago yet and already he felt disconnected from it as if it had happened long ago or he’d seen someone else do it.
“But anyway uh… good job on saving Buddy and all that.” He too patted Filbo on the back before walking away.
In the next few hours almost everyone else onboard expressed surprise about Filbo jumping off to save Buddy and some kind of commendation for it as well. It was nice but… weird. Not knowing how to respond, he always just said ‘thanks’ and left it at that. Thankfully everyone was a bit too emotionally exhausted to talk about such things long and thus it wasn’t brought up for long.
Leaving Filbo to focus on piloting the ship as the sun finally rose. Despite that everyone else were finding places, mostly on deck or heading into the cabin to sleep. He’d have to join them soon because somehow even despite how worried he was about Buddy he was still very tired. The lack of sleep last night and the events of it were more than starting to catch up with him. He’d push himself for a little bit longer though.
Some hours later after everyone’s had some sleep and are awake again
“We should endeavor to keep bugsnax a secret,” Snorpy suddenly announced, breaking over the low murmur of conversation that had fallen over everyone milling around the deck.
“Why?” Gramble asked.
It was Floofty who answered him. “While normally I would brush Snorpyington’s fears off as baseless paranoia, we’ve discussed it privately with Triffany, who informed us of what we missed of Buddy’s interview of Lizbert, and all three of us came to the same conclusion. Bugsnax are dangerous and insidious. If we let the world know of them, many would be adventurers would find their way to Snaktooth Island in search of them and would consequently fall prey to their manipulations. Much like how all of us nearly did even despite our initial caution.”
That was a fair point; at the start of the expedition everyone had been wary about bugsnax and their transformative properties but quickly everyone’s fears had gone away. Looking back on it now, everyone had become okay with it much faster than was probably wise and other than Shelda hadn’t questioned it since. But while keeping them secret was probably wise and Filbo agreed with the idea of doing so… “Buddy’s not going to like that.” It felt wrong to take their story away from them after everything they’d suffered through for it.
“I know,” Triffany said from her spot by the cabin door. “But they’ll understand.”
Knowing how passionate they were about it, Filbo wasn’t so sure but, while it would take some convincing, they probably would ultimately concede to the wisdom of it. … “How are they by the way? Have they woken up, yet?” Surely they’d have come out of the cabin by now if they had and it’s not like Filbo would’ve missed them doing so. Though it could’ve been when he was sleeping.
“Last I saw they were still sleeping. Me and Wamby have been taking turns keeping an eye on them. But, if we’re all in agreement about keeping the bugsnax secret, I’ll go wake them real quick to check on them and make sure they know to censor their story.” She turned to look at everyone else gathered on the deck. After getting a general mumble of agreement from them, she turned and headed into the cabin.
With that apparently decided, everyone went back to their soft private conversations or silence. Filbo went back to focusing on steering the ship. He’d never been the best pilot but if the weather continued to hold fair he could probably get them back to the mainland in a couple more days, depending on how long and how often he ended up resting for.
When he got there though, to keep the bugsnax a secret, he wouldn’t be able to go home. … That was fine, he’d already decided with Buddy that he was going to stick with them. He could wait a few weeks to visit his family until the snakifcation wore off. And during that time he’d ensure Buddy rested tons and got plenty to eat and didn’t run about the place nearly 24/7 or splash around in freezing cold water. For once, he was going to take care of them whether they liked it or not. And then maybe once his snakification had worn off he could introduce them to his family. And then Budd could…
“You still don’t want anything to do with the egg, right?”
He looked up to see Gramble had approached the wheel. “Huh?”
“The egg. We’re trying to figure out what do with it now that we ain’t all going to be living in the same town no more. Of course we’ll have to talk to Triffany and Wambus about it too but for now, we’ve decided we’re all going to hole up in Wiggle’s mansion until the snakification wears off everyone else and then decide what to do with it after that. But I figured since it’s biologically yours and Buddy’s we should ask you too. Since you know, initially you at least were going to still see it and the grumpling around and stuff since we were all living real close together but now that’s not the case so… just wanted to ask if you want anything to do with it.”
“Oh uh… I’d rather not have any part in raising or watching it or being any kind of responsible for it general, if that’s what you mean. Maybe when the kid’s older I can act like their uncle or something. Just… don’t tell them I’m their biological parent, please.” That was not the kind of responsibility or pressure he wanted right now or any time in the near future, or perhaps ever. Buddy seemed pretty adamant about not having kids at any point and Filbo was okay with that idea. So maybe they could be one of those childless couples that a lot of the older generations liked to hate on. His parents weren’t going to like that but this wasn’t about them.
“All right.” Gramble almost seemed to sigh. “I still don’t get that mindset but… I guess if it makes you happy then…”
“Buddy’s not waking up.”
Filbo snapped his attention over to Triffany, standing holding the cabin door open. “Uh… hold the wheel for a bit, please Gramble.”
“W-why me?” he stammered but took the wheel as Filbo stepped away.
Ignoring him, Filbo went straight to Triffany, following her into the cabin. “What do you mean Buddy’s not waking up?”
It was Wambus who answered though. “She means they ain’t waking up.” He was sitting on the floor, leaning back against the rear wall next where Buddy still lay, their backpack under their head. “We tried everything but they ain’t even stirring a bit.”
“W-well they’re just really tired, right? They’ll be fine in a few hours.” Because they had to be after everything else, they’d survived.
Triffany gave him concerned look. “Perhaps. I’m worried though. If they continue not waking up then eventually… you know.”
“Well then… if… if they’re not awake and better by the time we reach the mainland then we’re taking them straight to the ER even if that means we can’t keep our snakification a secret.” Before she or Wambus could try to voice a protest, he turned and left, pulling the cabin door closed again, barely refraining from slamming.
“Is Buddy okay?” Gramble asked as Filbo returned, taking the wheel from him.
“No but… but I can’t do anything except get them back to land faster.” And he wasn’t going to rest until he’d done so.
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tae-cup · 4 years
Down With The Ship | Two
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Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Female!Reader
Summary: Captain Jeon Jungkook; a beautiful mess of blood and gold. His greatest treasure, may also be his greatest downfall.
Genre: Pirate!au
Warnings: Mentions of abuse, nothing explicit, violence?, Blood, Guns, pirates being pirates
Rating: T for Teens
A/N: I’m sorry to the entire crew of bangtan, but most importantly Jungkook and Taehyung. Thank you and goodnight. This chapter is all backstory and nothing else. 
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged!
Word Count: 9.2k Words
Other: Masterlist
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         The 18 year old looked out over the deck washed in blood. The putrid smell of rotting fish and burning flesh tinged the air. He didn’t gag. The smell was commonplace to him. He gripped the railing, watching as the last of his old crew was thrown overboard, bound and gagged. Then he turned to the old captain. 
“Do you enjoy watching your own crew being tied and thrown overboard?” He asked the older man. “Because you certainly had no qualms about it a few moments ago. I am in control, now.” He surveyed the tear streaked face of the man. Then he laughed a cold, merciless, laugh. “Goodbye, sir.” 
          He planted his foot on the old man’s back and kicked him off the ship. The new captain’s first mate turned to him. 
“What should we do now, Namjoon?” The man asked. Namjoon’s eyes looked over the blood as passively as his counterpart. Then he turned to his new captain. 
“I think we have some cleaning up to do, Jungkook.” 
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         Captain Rogers was not a kind man and most certainly not to any cabin boy who was to be his glorified slave.
“Jeon!” The captain barked to the 12 year old. The young boy had learned to be silent, to let his rage simmer and harden, for the past 2 years. 
“Yes, sir?” Jungkook straightened his back, wide eyes giving him an innocent look. The kind of look that made Captain Rogers pissed off. 
“Go clean the galley.” 
         Jungkook nodded and turned to leave, instantly regretting the decision. The captain leered over the desk and grabbed his wrist tight enough to leave bruises. The child didn’t even flinch. 
“What do you say?”
“Yes, sir.” He said, his voice unwavering. 
“Good boy. Now go pull your weight, you should be lucky that I even took you in. Especially after your parents tried to run, isn’t that right?” The captain let out a loud laugh. “You should be thankful I spared your pitiful life. Now show some respect.”
“Yes, sir.” The heat of rage flamed up again, but Jungkook remained silent. 
           He scrubbed the deck and the galley, then he went ahead and made everyone lunch. No one thanked him, but it was alright, he never expected it. His hair was light brown after spending days in the sun. Jungkook kept his eyes down as a crew member was thrown overboard, the splash, his life, a mere ripple in the tide as the ship carried on. 
           He was quiet in his work, never complaining, never protesting. Jungkook never really believed he was lower than anyone else. He still held onto the hope that one day he could be acknowledged. 
          The boy spent another year, and then another, bending to every whim of Captain Rogers. His back was scarred, his wrists a permanent shade of purple, his nerves keeping him awake until early in the morning. Then he’d get up, work, and do it all over again. 
          Yes, it weighed on him, yes, the passing time felt like a death sentence, but he forged onward. At first he just planned on escaping, disappearing one night while the crew was docked, but it never felt like the right time. Being on the crew, he was now a wanted man. He would never be able to live a normal life, and maybe that was his curse. 
           He could stage a mutiny. He sat upright in bed, bumping his head on the ceiling as he was on the top bunk. Is it possible? Jungkook was just one boy and he had no friends on the ship. Everyone he’d originally met were now thrown overboard, dead, or long gone. He had been on the ship the longest and he knew the least amount of people. His only home was the ship, his only family was Captain Rogers. So how could he stage a mutiny? He had no one. 
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            His 18th birthday was spent without much fanfare. He got a big clap on the back by the captain and a couple muttered ‘happy birthdays’. Unlike his other birthdays, he was ecstatic. Now he was an adult, he could make the choices he wanted. However, years of training had taught him that his actions would always have consequences. And if he went through with this plan...he would have a lot of consequences. 
         The ship was docked at Krestleven, a small town that was wealthier than people gave it credit for. Jungkook was given a day of freedom by Captain Rogers, which was the nicest thing he’d done for him in eight years. Nothing could ever really make up for the scars that marked him physically and mentally, but he appreciated it. 
         A couple kids ran by as he strolled the streets. The man pondered his fate, how the mutiny could work. He needed a right hand man, but the crew was loyal to a fault, even if they were terrified. Jungkook had long given up seeking Captain Rogers’ appreciation.
         Someone bumped into him, causing his heart to race and his skin to crawl. The brush of skin on skin causing him to flinch and feel nauseous. He hated that feeling, the touch of another human against him. There was nothing but pain in the touch of other humans. 
“Hey man, are you okay?” The man who bumped into him was now standing in front. Jungkook blinked a few times. 
“I asked if you were alright.” The man’s eyebrows furrowed in concern. “I said sorry for bumping into you but you seemed frazzled and I know I’m clumsy so if you’ve been injured or anything, I can pay for it.” The man rambled on. He had brown hair and hazel eyes, a lean frame and dimples when he smiled. 
“No, it’s fine.” Jungkook said. He was always fine. “I wasn’t watching where I was going. My name is Jungkook, today is my birthday.” He said shyly. 
“Oh?” The man straightened, letting his dimples show. “I’m Namjoon and happy birthday my good man.” He didn’t reach out to pat Jungkook on the back like he usually would for one’s birthday. He could tell this kid was skittish. “How old are you turning?”
“18.” The younger man mumbled, shuffling his feet. 
“Ah, still young.” Namjoon nodded. “I’m 21. Would you like to head out for a drink?” 
         Jungkook tilted his head at that. Was this man voluntarily asking to hang out with him? Captain Rogers always acted like he was the slime of the Earth, as if no one could want him except the captain. The 18 year old pointed to his chest. 
“Me?” He asked in disbelief. 
“Of course you!” Namjoon motioned to his left. “Just a little ways that way there’s this great bar. If ya tell ‘em it’s your birthday, you just might get a free pint.” The man winked playfully. Jungkook looked expectantly at the older man before realizing that he was motioning for him to take the first step. 
            Jungkook had never led anything, never made a name for himself. The first step ignited the passion to be someone other than the cabin boy for Captain Rogers. And the deep rage that had settled to a buzz in his bones now crackled with renewed energy. 
            He thought back to his life before Captain Rogers. He had always wanted to be a pirate, to sail the sea, and throughout the years, his hope in himself may have diminished, but his love for the sea had not. And how dare Captain Rogers spoil such a beauty for him. Yes, he decided in that moment that Captain Rogers was a blight to the sea, a blight to the shimmering paradise of the blue waves. 
          Captain Rogers was a man who treated the sea like a conquest instead of journey, a beast instead of an adventure. As he made his way to the bar, he found himself lost in thought. 
“So where are you from, Jungkook?” Namjoon stopped him outside of a door. 
         Warmth flooded through the windows of the tavern, golden light growing brighter as the sun sunk lower. What if he never went back? It was a question he asked himself a lot when he was allowed off the ship. And just like a dog, he always came back. 
“I’m not sure anymore.” The man shrugged in response. “My home was pillaged, but I was spared and taken in as the cabin boy.” He said vaguely, skipping over the more gruesome parts. “Been on that ship since I was 10.” He gestured to the tall ship in the distance. 
“Ah, I see.” Namjoon opened the door and the two men stepped inside. The older man took the lead and sat at the counter where the barkeep was polishing glasses. “One pint of your best stuff, please.” Namjoon ordered. “And it’s this lad’s 18th birthday.” He patted the man’s back. Jungkook almost choked. 
“Happy birthday, man!” The barkeep’s smile put him at ease and he realized how warm total strangers could be.
       He passed him a beer, free of charge, and Namjoon was passed a drink. The foam sloshed over the rim every now and then. 
       The room heated up as more people flooded the bar and the night grew darker. Namjoon and Jungkook found themselves having to shout over the crowd. The younger man kept pulling down his sleeves and Namjoon certainly noticed. But the brown haired male wasn’t one to pry. Jungkook seemed to be a very private man and Namjoon could respect that. 
“Ah, you’re so lucky, Jungkook.” Namjoon said, a tired tone to his voice. “I moved here a while ago for a job, but now I wish I could just sail around the world with no cares. Like you.” His eyes twinkled in the glow of the bar. 
        Jungkook felt his heart racing. It was getting dark and the captain was surely looking for him. 
“It’s not all great.” He said, prying himself out of his carefully protected shell. Namjoon put him at ease, made him feel safe in a way the captain could never provide. 
“Yeah, it must be tough sometimes, but at least you never have to be in one place for too long.” He shrugged in response. He eyed Jungkook’s wrists as the young man once again pulled down his sleeves. 
“You should join us, Captain Rogers is always looking for people and he’s strict, but a good person.” Jungkook blurted. 
          He was fibbing only a bit, but Namjoon fit perfectly into his plan. He could see him as a good first mate. Of course, he wasn’t sure if he could see himself as a captain, but he supposed that all came with due time.
 “You’re strong, I can tell.” He continued. “You’d make a great addition.” 
         The man thought it over, fingers tapping his glass hesitantly. His gaze flickered to the counter and then back to Jungkook. He scratched the back of his neck. 
“I’m not sure, Jungkook. It’s hard to just drop everything and leave.” 
“But everything would be provided.” except maybe comfort and security. “We leave tomorrow night, so please think about it.” 
“I will.” Namjoon stood, paying what he owed. 
          Then the two men stepped outside the bar. Jungkook took a deep breath in of the night air. It had cooled significantly and there was a slight chill to the air. The clouds had cleared and the sky was splattered with stars, the moon like a white dot in a swirl of inky black. 
          He needed to head back to the ship and give himself time to prepare for punishment. It was way past when he should be out. He was an adult now, but old habits die hard. 
“Jungkook, wait.” Namjoon stopped the man in his tracks. 
          The hazel eyed man gingerly reached for the young man’s wrist. He held it up and slowly peeled back the long sleeved top. Jungkook wanted to scream, to pull away, to stop him from revealing his scars. Instead, he stood still and squeezed his eyes shut. Then he heard Namjoon inhale sharply. He carefully rolled back up the younger man’s sleeve and let go. Jungkook dropped his wrist. 
“Who did that to you?” The man’s voice was soft, like a gentle tide. “Was it Captain Rogers?” Yes. 
“No.” He shook his head quickly, his voice suddenly little more than a squeak. “No, Captain Rogers is a good man, he would never hurt me.” 
             It was a lie, even he knew it. Why was it his gut reaction to defend this man? Maybe because he was his only home, his only family. Captain Rogers was all he’d ever known. Death and pillaging and blood was all he’d ever known. Yet Namjoon, who stood before him, offered him the knowledge of compassion and kindness; maybe even love. 
“If you say so.” The older man clearly didn’t believe him. 
            Namjoon knew he shouldn’t join whatever mess Jungkook was in, he shouldn’t, but it wasn’t like anything was tying him down to Krestleven. A pale man walked by carrying a few fish traps. His low whistle interrupted the static air between the two men. He looked over at the couple, shrugged, and then moved on. 
“Please, Captain Rogers will give you the adventure of a lifetime if you join our crew.” Jungkook tried his best to sound confident. 
“I’ll think about it. I’ll meet you at the docks tomorrow morning if I choose to join you. Please, just give me some time.” Namjoon sighed.
             He saw himself coming to a crossroad in the woods. One path led him to a stable future, perhaps a family, a simple life. The other held adventure and the future was foggier. He deeply inhaled. The scent of salt and fish, the scent of adventure, hit him. He smiled to himself, having already decided his choice. Still, he needed to get his things together and he had a few hours until morning. 
“Goodnight, Jungkook. Rest well and don’t get into too much trouble, alright?” Namjoon bid his new friend farewell. 
           As Jungkook arrived on the ship, he tiptoed past the captain’s office. He had long since learned the creaks in the floorboards and the right places to stop. He cracked open the door to his bunkroom, being very careful as to not make much noise. 
         He climbed up to his bunk, only to see another body there. The captain grasped his wrist from his bunk bed. Jungkook resisted the urge to scream. The skin Namjoon had just touched, was now being dirtied by the captain’s dirty hands. 
        And while he took the beatings, for every one he cursed the captain’s name to the gods and swore vengeance for all the sailors thrown overboard. 
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           Namjoon was an early riser. Well, he didn’t like it, per say, but he was a light sleeper. So when the sun woke up, so did he. He didn’t have much practice being on his toes 24/7, but Jungkook did. The younger man helped him throughout the first month get acclimated to the environment. As a result the older man never saw any beatings to himself. Jungkook taught him the safe practices from the beginning, knowing full well that Namjoon had the capabilities of fleeing at the first sign of distress. 
          It was almost twice as exhausting to pretend everything was alright. To pretend this was the most idyllic crew you could ever encounter. Jungkook often took Namjoon’s punishments, should it ever befall his beloved friend. Jungkook was a bit too self sacrificing. He would die for any of his crew members, except maybe Captain Rogers. 
        He saw to it that Namjoon would never have a finger laid on him. If the older man knew this, it would surely damage his pride, so he simply never mentioned it.
         The black eye? Oh, just a scuffle he had with another crew member, it was an accident. The bruised arm? Oh, he was just clumsy and bumped into something. The busted lip? The limp? The fingerprints on his neck? Accidents. Simple accidents. And while Jungkook faded, Namjoon began to shine. 
         One night, he was sneaking back to his bunk when he accidentally bumped into a corner right in the new bruise. He couldn’t help hissing out in pain. The bed next to him moved and Namjoon sat up, being a light sleeper. He rubbed his eyes and blinked a couple times. Jungkook froze, caught. 
“Uh, this is just a dream, go back to sleep.” Jungkook said quietly. 
“I’m not that stupid, kookie. What are you doing awake?” Namjoon swiped at the drool running down his chin. 
“It’s nothing.” 
Namjoon crawled out of bed and stood, standing taller than his younger counterpart. “Tell me.” 
         Jungkook looked away, not meeting his gaze. Then, with a sigh, he rolled up his sleeves. Even in the moonlight, Namjoon could see the dark outlines of bruises. 
“Who did this to you?” The man demanded, his voice hushed as to not bother the cabin next door. 
        The ship creaked uneasily, its swaying rhythm not doing much to quell his thumping heart. 
“Captain Rogers.” He said quietly, after having an internal battle. Namjoon’s eyes darkened, his lips pressing into a thin line. 
“I knew it.” He said after a while. “But why?” 
“I didn’t want you to get hurt.” 
         The pieces were clicking together in his mind, gears turning like a well oiled machine.
 “Who told you to take beatings for me?” He said furiously. “I know you don’t want me hurt, but do you think I feel any better watching you sacrifice yourself?” He shook the man’s shoulders, not caring about how he flinched. 
“It was the right thing to do.” Jungkook tried to reason. 
“No it wasn’t.” He crossed his arms. There was a long pause. Namjoon looked the young boy up and down, making note of every scratch, every bruise. He let out a breath, Jungkook’s head hung low in shame. “Now what are you going to do about it?” 
The young man’s head whipped up to look at his friend. “What?” He said breathlessly. 
“I said, Now what are you going to do about it?” 
           Jungkook’s heart thumped loudly in his chest, he worried that the whole ship could hear it. The waves were a dull thud outside, a beat that his chest yearned to sing, only held down by the sharp nails and hard fists of Captain Rogers. The anger simmering below was a volcano just waiting to explode. He wanted that man gone. 
“We’re going to stage a mutiny.” 
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           The deck was a battlefield. Even the smell of the sea could not mask the pungent smell of blood on wood. Yet, the sight before him did not bother Jungkook. He had seen blood, smelt it, even tasted it. He’s seen war, he’d seen the merciful and the merciless. And he considered himself merciful as he kicked Captain Rogers deep into the sea. 
          Namjoon stood beside him, the last two souls on the ship. The ship was haunted with memories and Jungkook was sure every inch of it had been covered by his blood at some point in the last eight years. 
“Get some rest, we’ll clean up later.” Jungkook waved off a tired looking Namjoon. “Oh and Namjoon?” 
“Yes?” The man turned to look at his new captain. 
“You’re going to be my first mate.”
“I’m your only ‘mate’.” The older man chuckled before turning and heading back downstairs. 
         Jungkook then turned to the mess. He wasn’t the cleanest person, but for some reason he felt the urge to scrub the deck. So he did. He scrubbed away every inch of blood splattered on the light oak wood. It didn’t stop it from being stained a deep cherry red. 
          He longed for his bunk, but instead he went to the right. And there he stood, paused in front of the oak door that held his worst nightmares. The dark haired man pushed down his anxiety. He’s not going to be in there. You just pushed him off the ship. He’s gone. That’s what his mind said, but his body was shaking. He hesitantly opened the door. Ghosts flew past him. 
          Memories of nails clawing into a locked wooden door, screams no man should make leaving his throat. He trembled, unable to move. The office was the same as it had been a few hours ago and he intended for it to stay that way. He didn’t want to touch Captain Rogers’ things, the idea repulsed him. He took a deep breath. But a little look can’t hurt right? You’ve seen every inch of this room, why not see if you can find another? Jungkook shut his eyes, thinking it over, before taking a step into the room. 
          He walked around the desk, keeping the door open. The room smelled like the captain; cigarettes and blood. The tall man flipped through the stacks of papers with the confidence of a mouse in a lion’s den. He was the captain now. He looked up, catching himself in the mirror across the desk. His breath hitched. I am in control now. He thought, trying to calm his stomach. All he could see was a spitting image of Captain Rogers. 
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       Captain Jeon Jungkook was 19, working under the guise of a harmless merchant, when he met a mister Park Jimin. 
“My boy here is a strong, hardworking, 21 year old man. He would make a fine addition to your crew.” The pudgy man before him smiled.
        Jungkook did a good job at pretending he wasn’t as calloused and cold inside as he really was. He often got these propositions, but he didn’t want to put people in unnecessary danger. Once the cover of being a merchant vessel was blown, everyone on the ship would be criminals. 
“I’m Park Jimin, but please just call me Jimin, sir.” The blonde haired boy smiled sweetly.
          He would never get used to older people referring to him as sir. The word brought up bad memories. Swallowing the distaste in his mouth, Jungkook pulled his lips into a tight smile. Yes, they could always use a helping hand, but this man looked too sweet to be on a pirate ship. He could always be the cabin boy. He shuddered at the thought. He would never put someone through that. 
“Why do you want to join my crew?” 
“Adventure, sir.” Jimin responded curtly. Then he paused, thinking it over. There was a mountain of thoughts behind the swirl of his eyes. “And freedom. Being a part of a crew brings you freedom.” 
          Jungkook knew right then that Jimin would fit in perfectly. They had the same ideals, and though he held himself with a rather timid aura, he still held himself up. Now, technically a cabin boy should be younger than him, but Jungkook could make an exception. He was a pirate for god’s sake, what’s a little bend in the rules? Jimin’s father looked like he wanted to stop his son from speaking when Jungkook started. 
“Correction, Park,” He said formally. “A crew does not grant you freedom,” He knew this first hand. His crew had been invisible shackles on his skin. “The sea grants you freedom.” 
             And Jimin smiled, his eyes crinkling in delight. Jimin reminded him of what he could have been, had he not been taken. Would his parents have supported his choice to sail the sea? Would his parents tell him to get some sea legs and journey half way across the world? There were so many questions regarding his parents, holes that would never be filled. The scariest part was that he could barely remember their faces. 
He cleared his throat. “Park Jimin, on behalf of my crew and myself, we would like to formally extend an invitation to join us on our journeys. You can study under me as a cabin boy.” He held out his hand. 
        Jimin took it in his easily and shook. The hands of Park Jimin were soft, uncalloused. He had obviously never worked a day in his life and he overflowed with a childlike innocence that Jungkook would never have again. 
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           The captain covered his eyes, groaning. Open sea had never felt more claustrophobic. Despite having more than enough space for three of them to wander without bumping into each other, the knowledge that they were around was enough to keep him from relaxing.
          His mind had been running since Jimin came aboard. The cabin boy had been more than happy to follow around Namjoon like a puppy. Jungkook blamed it on the fact that the older man did not trust the word of his younger crew member as much as Namjoon. Even if he was the captain. 
“What’s wrong, captain?” Namjoon leaned over him, blocking the sun. Jungkook squinted up at his old friend. 
“Am I going about this wrong?” He sighed. 
“Aish, so hard on yourself all the time, Jungkook.” Namjoon moved over to lie next to him on the deck. The young man shut his eyes instinctively as the sun beat down. “What’s on your mind?”
“I mean, I don’t want to end up like him. What if Jimin ends up being scared of me?” He felt his heart sink at the feeling. 
        He didn’t even know the man that well, but the thought of becoming anything more like the monster he feared made him nauseous. Namjoon released a breath, as if he were tired of the conversation already. 
“Then you have to make sure he isn’t.” 
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           Kim Seokjin had trained to be a carpenter for exactly three years. Three years since he’d been pulled off the streets and into the kind arms of a hardworking man. Three years of grueling work where callouses gathered on his hands and grime covered every inch of his body after a day of work. It wasn’t his passion in the beginning, but it was his passion now. It was all he had. He only prayed someone would come around and give him the opportunity to work for them, to sail around the world. 
           He often spent his time watching the horizon, watching the waves beat back and forth against the rocks. Then one day he spotted a tall ship coming into view. It was thin, meant for speed. It’s sails were completely unrolled, taking advantage of the wind. 
          Soon enough, a small rowboat was making its way through the water loaded with goods and two people. One had brown hair, the other had pitch black hair. The one with black hair was clearly the captain. He wore all black right down to his boots. 
“Achem, is there a Kim Seokjin, here?” The captain spoke. 
“I am Kim Seokjin.” Jin squared his shoulders. The captain lit up at this revelation. 
“Ah! We’ve been looking for a good boatswain.” 
The older man deadpanned. “Sir, I am a carpenter, not a boatswain.” 
“You can be both, I won’t tell.” Jungkook pushed his best smile forward, despite how little emotion he felt inside. In fact, the only emotion Jungkook felt lately was blind rage and he really needed a better outlet than ranting to Namjoon for hours. 
          Jin watched the man with eyes narrowing in suspicion. He clasped his hands together, still unconvinced. 
“I suppose you’ll have to look somewhere else.” He tutted, turning to head back up the gravel path to the workshop. 
“We can pay you!” The handsome captain called. “We can pay you a lot, but you just have to hang in there.” 
              Jin scoffed, shaking his head. “I don’t look for money. I just want something new.” 
 “That’s it?” Jungkook raised an eyebrow.
          The Captain was growing restless. His crew was content with sailing around pretending to be merchants. We are merchants, Namjoon would say. But Jungkook had only ever known blood and violence. He felt trapped trying to hide that part of him; the anger he feared would never be sated. 
“Seokjin, you ask the simplest of things from a guy like me.” Jungkook said slyly, his demeanor doing a 180.
          Though Jungkook cared about his crew far more than Captain Rogers and he would never lay a hand on them, he still wondered if he learned cruelty from the Captain or if it was in his blood. It was unfair how the ghost of Captain Rogers still haunted him. 
“You can sail the world with us, just trust me, it won’t be so bad.” He smiled. Jin frowned. 
“What could you possibly offer me, merchant?” He eyed the man. The captain was definitely more than a simple merchant. Even Jin could understand that. The older man was having trouble decoding the captain’s true intentions. 
“I’m Jungkook. This is my first mate Namjoon.” The captain, Jungkook, introduced. “We have a cabin boy named Jimin back on the ship. We could really use someone like you on our journey.” 
Jin sighed and shook his head. “No thank you.” 
“Are you sure?” The old carpenter was like a father to Jin. He placed his weathered hand over his apprentice’s. 
“I don’t think that life is cut out for me.” The apprentice shrugged in response. “They want a boatswain, not a carpenter.” 
“They can be one in the same. Trust me, I know that, boy.” He chuckled, then coughed harshly. Jin furrowed his eyebrows in worry. 
“Are you alright, Chung-ho?” He squeezed the old man’s hand. 
“Jin, my boy,” Chung-ho coughed again and swallowed. “I am 80 years old. I have lived 50 of those years here, in the same place. The one thing I regret is not following my dream of adventure. I would not wish the same fate to befall you. Take your chance while you can.” The old man often had a youthful attitude, making him forget about his age. 
         It was moments like these, sitting in his humble abode listening to the creak of the wood, and looking into his aged eyes did he realize how old Chung-ho was growing. But out of all the things he’d seen, this was the first time he saw regret and pain flash across the old man’s face. 
“Go.” The man shooed him out the door, handing him a small bag of goods. “Now I won’t have someone to talk my ear off in the morning.” He joked, but Jin knew it held sadness. 
          Jin softened, letting his lips tug into a smile. Then he drew the sturdy old man into a hug. 
“Take care of yourself, I’ll visit you soon.” 
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep, lad. Now hurry on.” He chuckled as Jin made his way down the path. 
          Jungkook and Namjoon waited at the bottom, Jungkook pacing impatiently. They were murmuring back and forth. 
“I guess we should get going, Captain.” Jin’s lips parted into a bright smile to mask the tug of his heart at leaving Chung-ho. Three years of living with the old man did something to you. 
          Jungkook’s face split into a smile that reminded Jin of a bunny. His face looked oddly innocent, but there was something dead behind his eyes.
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“I’m going to give it to you straight.” Jungkook clasped his hands together on the table. 
          Jin had made lunch and being the oldest, he fell into a motherly parental figure role quite easily. He filled a small gap that Jungkook was missing. It put him at ease. 
“I want to go back to pirating.” He said, letting his words sink in. 
Namjoon was the first to speak, hesitation in his voice. “Are you sure?” 
           Namjoon and Jungkook had been through a lot together. There were just some things that they didn’t talk about with the others. The things they went through they always explained away vaguely, never going into detail about how they procured the ship or where the other crew went. Jin let his spoon clatter to the floor loudly. The others turned to look at him. 
“You want to be pirates? Aish, you kids don’t know what you’re getting yourselves into.” He had this hardened gaze as if he remembered something. 
“I know all too well. That’s the thing, pirating is all I’ve ever known and I will never be happy until I can go back to it.” Jungkook tried to reason. 
“Have you tried cooking? Or maybe sewing? I’ve heard knitting is gaining popularity.” Jin rambled before frowning. “Pirating ruins lives, it ruined my life.” 
            There was a long pause. Everyone stared at each other. The captain swallowed thickly and looked away from the intensity of Jin’s gaze. 
“Then you can make your life again.” Namjoon said, breaking the silence. “If you become a pirate, wouldn’t that be like a bit of vengeance?”
“I don’t sail for vengeance.” Jin sighed. “Chung-ho would never have liked me to go around terrorizing people.”
“Then don’t.” Jungkook stood and leveled with Jin. “You can just stay on the ship. I don’t mind.” 
           The older man thought it over, still uncomfortable with becoming someone who he disliked. He tapped his foot nervously. Then, he released a deep breath. 
“Fine. Have it your way.” The words lacked the punch. Instead, he just sounded really tired. 
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 “Well, Jimin, it appears you’re officially a wanted man.” Jungkook slapped a yellowed piece of paper in front of the cabin boy. The man picked it up, crinkling his nose as he spotted his face plastered on the paper. 
“I didn’t think anyone would care.” Jimin said quietly. 
“They think we’ve kidnapped you.” The captain scoffed. 
“They aren’t in the wrong for thinking that.” Namjoon crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair. 
“Fine. Jimin, you need to stay low. You are not to leave the boat for the next few months so get comfortable.” He ordered. The blonde haired boy nodded at the command. 
           The captain was quite honestly worried for his crewmate, but he often reminded himself that Jimin was a grown man, older than himself. Jungkook then motioned to Namjoon and Jin. 
“Namjoon, head out with Jin to get the supplies. I’ll stay with Jimin.” 
            The other men nodded and went to get the rowboat ready. Jimin stayed silent, staring at the wall just behind Jungkook. The captain shifted awkwardly in his seat. 
“Are you alright? It’s not everyday that you become a wanted man.” Jungkook tried his best to reach out to the timid man. Jimin jumped, seemingly having forgotten that he was still there. 
“I’m sorry, what did you say?” Jimin blinked a couple times. 
“I asked if you were alright?” Jungkook wasn’t one to be emotional, besides perhaps anger. 
         He had a hard time connecting to others, which was why he left that job to Namjoon, the first mate. Sadly, that resulted in Jungkook feeling like a stranger on his own ship and Namjoon had a deeper bond to the others than he would ever have. 
“I’m fine. I’ve been through worse and at least I have you guys now.” Jimin smiled shyly. Jungkook nodded and they fell into silence once more. 
           The captain clenched his fingers and unclenched them over and over in an attempt to loosen his nerves. This man was his crewmate, why was he so nervous?
“Are you afraid of me, Jimin?” 
            The older man looked startled at the question, yet he still shook his head. “No, I don’t think I can be. You’re younger than me and you’ve probably been through a lot. I respect you for how far you’ve come in so little time.” 
            Jungkook felt something inside him break open, just slightly. The crew was beginning to peel away at the chest he kept locked inside. Its contents were not ones that he wanted people to see. Inside was a small boy who used anger to keep himself trapped, to keep himself safe. And he longed to be angry at someone, anyone, but the crew was making it increasingly hard. 
“Why are you so nice to me? I don’t treat you well.” 
“Yes you do. You think I don’t know how other captains treat their cabin boys?” Jimin raised an eyebrow. “You just let me do whatever I want and I worry that I’m not doing enough.” 
“I was a cabin boy.” He said vaguely. 
           He didn’t want to unlock that whole other side of himself all over again; not after he spent the last year keeping it locked shut so he would never have to think about it again. But at night...at night he got nightmares. And insomnia swept him up in its arms until he couldn’t breathe. 
“Really? What was that like?” 
Jungkook ignored the man’s question. “That’s not important. I just wanted to make sure you know...you have no reason to be so timid around me.”
       Jimin’s face was blank for a moment, but then he started smiling. A small laugh left him. 
“I’m just like that with everyone, captain, no need to feel insecure.” He teased and Jungkook glared at the cabin boy. 
        Namjoon wasn’t one to be impulsive, but just this once he was. He was looking around the market when he heard a loud shout and clang from somewhere nearby. The man was curious, as one should be, and he walked towards the area where people were fleeing. 
“I’ll shoot your brains out right now if you say one more word.” The low rumble of a man echoed off the cobblestones. 
        Namjoon froze, taking in the scene before him. He really shouldn’t get himself in more trouble than necessary considering he was a wanted criminal now. 
“Listen man, I wasn’t trying to steal from you.” A dark haired man lay on the ground, a gun to his head. 
“Then why did you have your hand in my pocket?!” The man growled. The dark haired man laughed and pushed the gun off his forehead. 
“A simple misunderstanding?” The other man smirked. 
         He then proceeded to kick out the legs of the man holding the gun. The gun flew across the pavement and the dark haired man easily picked it up. He pointed it at the other man and, without even flinching, shot him in the forehead. It was a clean shot, the man was dead in an instant. The dark haired man pocketed the gun and looked up. The only person left at the scene was Namjoon.
“You want to pick a fight too?” The man furrowed his eyebrows, hand going to his pocket. 
“Actually, I was wondering if you want to grab a drink.” Namjoon smiled. “I hear that if you say it’s your birthday, you’ll get a free pint.” 
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           Kim Taehyung was an easy addition to the crew. His aim was impeccable, but his personality was something else. He had this way of changing his mood like changing clothes. The man never revealed too much information about himself, like how he learned to wield a gun so well or why he was on the run, but the captain knew it had something to do with the royal navy. In many aspects, he was like the captain. He hid many parts of himself. 
“Taehyung,” Jungkook leaned against the wall, watching the older man shiver after having just walked the plank. “Do you like the sea?” 
“I wouldn’t be sailing around with you if I didn’t.” Said man smiled a little. He used a towel to dry off his hair. The sea brought him pain, but he knew he needed to begin healing. 
“I’ve got this grand idea to visit the queen and steal some of her fine jewelry.” Jungkook said nonchalantly. “What do you think?” He tried to nudge the man to open up to him. Which was rather hypocritical as Jungkook was not one to open up to his crew. 
“Oh?” At the mention of her highness, Taehyung stiffened.
         In his mind he remembered holding up his right hand and pledging his allegiance to her majesty. He remembered the smile she wore as she wished them a safe journey. A journey he would not return from. Words he could never take back. Taehyung was a man of his word and that oath still hung in his mind like an old sweater. 
“Taehyung.” Jungkook stood straighter, causing the gunner to do the same. “You’re an excellent shot. Why did you leave the navy?” 
           The man frowned, his entire demeanor changing. Tension buzzed in the air. The pain from somewhere in his chest gave a tug once more. Taehyung swallowed thickly and finally backed down. He turned to fold the towel and put it away. 
“It was more about conquest and less about adventure. The sailors simply didn’t care for the waters they skidded across.” He spoke softly, as if remembering a distant memory. 
             He was thinking of the orange sunset, the calloused hands, the hushed words spoken at night that he could tell no one. He thought of the sailor who died in his arms. The sailor who was set adrift to become one with the sea. The sailor who taught him all he knew and loved him. It was like a separate part of him that he had hidden away. 
“And I lost someone who meant a lot to me. I couldn’t go near the sea again without thinking of him-them.” He cleared his throat. “It took some time, but I think I’ve healed enough to love the sea once more.” 
          Jungkook let the pieces click into place. And like a lightbulb, his eyes lit up in recognition. He hesitantly reached out and took Taehyung’s hand in his. The brush of skin on skin caused him to wince slightly in discomfort. 
“Taehyung, I don’t care about who you are or who you love.” He said quietly. “BTS is happy to have you. All of you.” 
           Tha captain sucked in a breath, ready for the inevitable nausea as he hugged him, the tears began to wet his face. 
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         The sky was gray. He wasn’t even allowed to see the sun the day his eyes went dark. It was like a cruel trick that he must undergo. The softest of hands touched Taehyung’s rough ones. 
“Why did you let this happen? You saw the person aiming at me and yet you did nothing. Are you a coward?” The words slipped out of the mouth of his dead lover like gasoline. And suddenly his world was ablaze. 
           Taehyung jolted awake, heaving himself up from his bed and tumbling out into the hallway. It was gray, the color bringing a foul taste to his mouth. He made his way out to the deck, still in a hazy stupor. There was a salty tinge to the wind. The sea was restless today, it’s waves tinged a gray.
            Gray like his lover’s eyes. Gray like his uniform, gray like his hair. The pounding of the sea rocked the ship back and forth. To his surprise, he found his captain laying on the deck, arms and legs splayed out and just staring at the sky. 
“Captain? Are you alright?” 
“Taehyung? Ah, you’re awake so early.” Jungkook sat up and crossed his legs. He tilted his head back and let the wind ruffle through his hair. 
“What are you doing up so early?” He countered, plopping next to him. 
“I haven’t been able to sleep in years, Tae.” The nickname slipped out easily. Taehyung pressed his lips into a line. The last time he heard that was when he lost him. 
“Me neither. Being a deserter doesn’t stir pity.” Taehyung responded coldly, eyes glued to the rough sea. Jungkook didn’t make a fuss about this new information. He simply nodded and looked up to the sky. 
“So how did you become captain?” The gunner asked, seeing if he could pry open any piece of the mysterious captain’s life. The man stiffened noticeably, gaze flickering between Taehyung and the deck. 
“Hey, what’s that?” A new voice joined the mix. 
         They both turned to see Jimin pointing out into the sea. Jungkook immediately stood, eyes narrowing as he spotted the object in the distance. Another ship was headed full speed towards them. It would be a matter of minutes before they were next to each other. 
Jungkook cursed and pulled on a coat. He gestured to Taehyung. “You, go grab your guns and you,” He pointed at Jimin. “Go wake up the others and tell them to bring weapons.” He turned towards the railing, his fingers clutching the sides. “We have guests.” 
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             Hoseok loved his ship. He would never imagine leaving it and his crew were never the kindest people. Still, he did feel bad about running off with the ship and leaving them stranded. Being lost in his own thoughts was a common occurrence. He often hummed or sometimes spoke. 
“Okay, Hoseok. There’s another ship over there, all you need to do is sidle right on up and ask to join the crew!” A few weeks of living alone really had done something to his drive for human companionship. 
            Maybe he should have paid more attention to the local papers when he was in Krestleven because then he would have heard about the rogue pirate crew known as BTS and how one of their men shot and killed someone point blank, another got drunk off his ass and started a fight, and another had an insatiable thirst for blood. Maybe that would have deterred him. Maybe. He was still very much deprived. 
           What he hadn’t expected when he arrived, was ropes thrown over the deck and a gun pointed to his head. The man felt sweat gathering on his forehead. 
“Who are you and why have you approached our vessel?” The man said, his voice low. 
“Taehyung, it’s all clear below deck. It seems that this guy’s the only one on board.” A timid voice echoed from below deck. Then the head the voice belonged to popped out into the doorway. He had blonde hair and a cheeky smile. 
“See, I told you.” Hoseok said wearily. “I just wanted to say that I need a crew and I would be honored if you let me on yours.” 
“Do you even know who we are?” The captain spoke, motioning for Taehyung to lower his gun. The man obliged, if a bit hesitant. 
“No? Should I?” Hoseok smiled sheepishly. 
“Do you know BTS?” The broad shouldered man said. 
          Oh. Oh no. Hoseok had definitely chosen the wrong ship to approach. The wind combed through his hair and they were at a stand still. 
“Well, I still need a crew. Do you guys have a pilot?” 
“No, Jin has been doing that so far.” The captain quirked his head towards the broad shouldered man. 
“And I’m doing a fine job!” Jin shouted, facing growing red. 
“You almost crashed us into the rocks. Twice.” Taehyung growled. The man was silent after that. 
“See! I’m a trained pilot, I can do it!” Hoseok said hurriedly, an excited expression taking over his face. 
“We’ll see about that.” The captain said darkly. “I’ll give you one week to prove yourself and if you cause any issues, I won’t hesitate to drop you. You mean nothing to this crew until you earn it, got it?” 
“Yes, sir.” 
“And don’t call me sir.” The captain visibly bristled. “Just call me Captain.” 
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           Hoseok was far too energetic for this early in the morning. Jungkook felt his eye twitch as he bounced around, talking excitedly from person to person. Only Jin seemed to humor him while Namjoon just frowned. Jimin tried his best, but even the slightest bit of annoyance came from the man. Taehyung remained silent as Hoseok pestered him. Therefore, that left Jungkook having to entertain the man. 
“Why are you so hyper so early in the morning.” Jungkook glared at the older man, but that did little to dampen his shine. 
“Well, I haven’t seen or spoken to anyone in about a month!” Hoseok said, far too cheerily. His smile seemed a little strained. 
“Right…” Jungkook just laid his head back down on the table. “Go steer the ship, Pilot. We’re stopping at Lamit today. It’s a small fishing town off the coast of the british isles.” 
“Alright!” He then hopped off to steer the ship and Jungkook was suddenly afraid that this man was now in charge of their lives.
            For some reason, Jimin had been very taken with this energetic personality, though he didn’t seem pleased in the morning. The cabin boy trailed after the pilot like a puppy. 
“Namjoon.” The captain barked hoarsely, his voice still waking up. “Go make sure they’re doing their jobs.” 
            The first mate just nodded and left to follow after them, shouting something about staying on task. Jungkook groaned and rubbed his temples, but even if his crew gave him a headache in the morning, they were still his responsibility and he wouldn’t give them up for the world. 
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              Yoongi wanted adventure. He craved it. He was restless, always drawn to the water that seemed to understand him better than any person. The ever changing tide and choppy waters spoke to him. The man was short of stature, yet he held himself with pride. 
              He fished, he delivered, he traveled every now and then, but he never had any adventure. Most who met the man would not describe him as a risky thrill seeker, but he was so much more than that. His insides felt like a whirlpool, churning water, and shimmering gold. 
              When the ship came into view at the small town of Lamit, he needed to take his chance. He was well versed in other cultures from his travels as a fisherman and he was knowledgeable on the sea’s creatures. He could pass off as a striker well enough. 
              But Yoongi wasn’t stupid, he knew that the ship belonged to BTS. He kept up with the papers enough to know they had maybe six members and none of them seemed like a striker. It may have been the riskiest decision he had ever made, but he still ran towards the ship as the captain stepped off. 
             The man seemed to instantly know what he was going to say and just sighed heavily. 
“No.” The captain stated. Yoongi was taken aback. This man was quite a bit younger than him and yet...yet he had knocked him out of place with just one word. 
“I just wanted to-”
“No. We don’t have the need for another crew member.” 
“Yoongi?!” The shrill voice of another man hit him. The pale man winced, recognizing the voice instantly. 
“Hoseok, I didn’t know you were the sixth member.” Yoongi stated coolly as he tried to regain his footing in the conversation. 
           He knew Hoseok from the few times he’d gone to Krestleven. They had interacted a couple times and while Yoongi found Hoseok exhausting, Hoseok enjoyed his company far too much. 
“Fine, what can you do… Yoongi?” The captain looked him over, cold gaze flashing over his features. 
“I can be a fine striker, sir.” Yoongi said, placing his hands behind his back. 
“Yes! Yoongi is very knowledgeable. He knows all about fish and crust-crust-” 
“Yes! Those!” Hoseok tugged on the captain’s coat like a child. 
The captain sighed, prying Hoseok’s fingers off his coat with a look of disgust. “Watch it, you’re still on trial.” 
            Hoseok backed away quickly, but they both knew the captain wouldn’t get rid of him. Then the captain turned back to Yoongi. 
“I’ll put you on a trial period that is only over when I say so.” The captain’s nostrils flared. “You want adventure, you want the sea? Then you’ve come to the right place. If you want to settle down and litter the ocean with your shit, you’re in the wrong place.” 
“I love the ocean.” He said earnestly. “I can’t live so far from it all the time. I need to be near it.” yoongi said desperately. “So please, let me join your crew.”
          Dignity be damned, he was going to be a pirate. 
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                   It was the night before their biggest heist yet. Namjoon settled into the bunk across from his captain. The two hadn’t spoken specifically on the subject, but it was agreed that they were more comfortable in each other’s presence at the end of the day. 
          The exhausted captain flung himself into his bed, landing with a loud thump and an oomph. The first mate rolled over as the captain blew out the candle. It was quiet, but he knew the younger man was looking at him. 
           “What’s wrong, Namjoon?” Jungkook sighed after a moment. 
           The truth? Namjoon was insecure. Putting his faith into six other men was a huge stretch after only being able to trust Jungkook for a year. The man was also supposed to be a role model for the crew, after all, Jungkook felt like a crazed captain sometimes. And when those times came, people looked to him to lead. Trust was so tricky.
          “Can we trust these men?” Namjoon frowned, thinking about the meal from earlier that night. Jin had made a recipe and named it his ‘secret recipe’, but it just made everyone waste the water supply by drinking gallons trying to cool the heat. 
           “Of course.” Jungkook pulled the covers up to his chin, fingers peeking out. 
           “How do you know?”
            “It’s this gut feeling.” He responded simply. 
           “We can’t keep working off your gut feelings, Kookie.” Namjoon let out a breath and turned away. 
           “I know.” The captain said quietly to the other man’s back. “But I would gladly die for these men. I can feel it in my bones.” 
            The haunting tone of his voice reminded the first mate of the night before the mutiny. The night before everything changed. It made him shiver, but he trusted his captain. He had to learn to trust the others too.
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          Jungkook gripped the side, his crew watching his back. He laughed a little, letting the breeze carry his voice as far as it could. He overlooked the british mainland’s harbor. A mess of smoke and cobblestone laid out before him. 
“Men, we’re about to be…” He gritted his teeth and whipped around to face his crew. “Notorious.” 
           Namjoon straightened, chest puffing out with pride as he watched his old friend lead so confidently. Jimin shivered as the wind bit at his hands and cheeks. Taehyung was lazily spinning his guns in his hands. Jin had his arms crossed, foot tapping anxiously against the planks. 
             Hoseok had the biggest grin on his face and Jungkook couldn’t even be annoyed anymore. Yoongi remained silent, stoically staring ahead. He had yet to say a single word to many members and the longest conversation he’d had with him was the day he met him a year ago. Still, this was a fine crew. His crew. And Jungkook would die for his crew, which surprised him as he had never thought that way before. 
              Perhaps his heart was swelling with an unknown emotion towards the men that barged into his life unannounced. Yet, he didn’t really mind. 
“Let’s be strong and stick together. Have each other’s backs. By the end of the night, we should be as rich as kings and just as known.” Jungkook grinned, the adrenaline already pounding in his ears. 
“Do you hear me, men?” He stomped his boot harshly against the planks to gain their attention. 
          They all straightened out and chorused the words he had long awaited to hear. 
“Yes, captain!” 
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Taglist: @lovelyseomin​ @yoongi-sugaglider​
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edream93 · 5 years
I’m Hooked On All These Feelings (Harry of Auradon AU) Part 12-End
Hey everyone! This is the final chapter! Just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has read and supported this story. 
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Anyway, this is also posted on on AO3 or FF.net. Here’s the link for Part 1 , Part 2 , Part 3, Part 4, Part 5,  Part 6 ,  Part 7, Part 8, Part 9 , Part 10 , and Part 11 of the story.
Maleficent’s head crashed against the floor, the vibrations nearly knocking most people off their feet. A final exhale was released before both head and body turned into dust before completely disappearing. 
Jay cautiously got up from holding Mal, slowly stepping back as if dealing with a wild animal.
Uma moved silently towards Mal, sword down but cautious. Her face was expressionless as she watched Mal’s body shake with sobs. Uma’s entire body sang with energy so intense she clutched tightly to the hilt of her sword. 
Her legs itched, feeling too dry, too restricted. She wanted nothing more than to follow the call of the sea and test her new limits. To see how long she could swim and be one with the waves and tides before she ever felt tired. She wanted to sail the seas. She wanted to see the shores of Neverland that Harry always spoke about with such delight and wonder. (She wanted to watch that look of wonder unfold across his face again and again and again. To soak it in. To kiss it like the sun and sea kiss at the horizon…) 
But not now. 
The fight wasn’t over. Not yet.
There was one last dragon to slay.
Mal’s sobs suddenly stopped as she turned to Uma. Green eyes flashed haphazardly. “You did this,” she said so quietly Uma almost didn’t hear her. Getting shakily up to her feet, Mal’s face twisted with raw anger. “YOU. DID. THIS!” Mal howled, body shaking, blurring around the edges, a hazy smoke that Uma eyed wearily. As if a line holding her up had snapped, Mal bent over, the weight of her despair pulling her down. “FIX IT!” she ordered at the ground. 
“No,” Uma firmly stated with the power of thunder in her voice and steel in her stance. 
Mal gasped.
“Please Uma. Fix it!” Mal fell to her knees, hands raised and outstretched to Uma as if she was her only salvation. Her green eyes were soft and filled with something that Uma would never be able to be forgiving enough to call love. “Uma. Please. You can do it. I know you can. You can- you were-just, please!”
Uma’s face was a complete expressionless mask. Rage boiled beneath her skin. Had Mal ever listened to her pleas? Had she listened? Had she? HAD SHE?
 She took a step forward, bending forward to whisper into Mal’s ear, warm breath caressing her ear in a mocking twisted imitation of a lover’s murmur. “Rotten roots make rotten apples,” she said before pulling away, a not at all small part of herself relishing the way that Mal’s face crumbled at those words.
Mal glared up at her. “So what are you going to do? Slay me too?” she nodded towards the sword in Uma’s grip. 
Uma’s grip on the hilt of her sword tightened. It would be so easy to do that, wouldn’t it? But then...she would be no better than the villains that she had grown up around...or the heroes that had left them on the Isle in the first place.  
“No,” Uma shook her head. “You aren’t worth my time,” she said sheathing her sword dismissively.
Mal’s expression cracked. She looked more creature than human, snarled mouth and fae like features sharpened and inhuman. Claw like hands reached out to wrap around Uma’s neck and wring out every last breath...
...and then Mal collapsed against the floor with a thud and a loud snore.  
“Wow. Mother was right. Apples do make sleeping potions more potent,” Evie hummed conversationally as she looked at a small spray bottle before tucking it into the pocket of her dress. “Maybe taking a little nap will put her in a better mood.”
Uma hummed distractedly, looking down at her lifelong tormentor. She had never seen Mal’s face so relaxed and peaceful before. She knew that she should be figuring out a more long term solution for Mal but as she felt someone turn her around and lift her up into the air, Uma found it difficult to allow Mal to get in the way of her happiness any more.
“Uma,” Harry purred against her stomach as she dropped her sword, her hands finding perch on his shoulders. “Uma,” he murmured again, placing her feet back on the ground, their foreheads pressed together. “Uma.”
“Harry,” Uma found herself smiling, releasing a breath she had been holding now that she was able to touch him again. Her heart beat loudly in her ears, her cheeks warm. He looked at her like she was his world, a feeling that made Uma feel both powerful and terrified. 
For Harry, he never knew until that moment that his name could be said with so much fondness. Her hand instantly began running through his wet hair, his knees nearly buckling, praise falling from his lips like the most delicate pearls. He leaned forward and tucked his face into her deck, breathing deeply and pressing a lingering kiss on her neck before pulling back, pressing his forehead against her again.  
The necklace around his neck hummed in tandem with the one tucked underneath her collar, wrapping them in magic that made his blood sing, too much magical energy rushing through him with no release. But each run of Uma’s fingers through his hair seemed to siphon off all of the excess energy he hadn’t realized he’d been holding in for days until this moment. A delicate and delicious balance of pain and pleasure. 
“Sorry,” the sea witch murmured, bumping gently her nose against his before taking one of his hands into hers.
Sorry for running.
Sorry for being afraid of whatever was growing between them.
Sorry for doing anything that put space between them.
“Oh! An apology! I see those Remedial Goodness classes are working out,” Harry softly teased, wrapping his other arm around her waist, pushing her further against him, teal and red colliding. He pressed his lips against hers to drink in the soft gasp that escaped hers like it was the only thing that could sustain him...Like she was the only one that could sustain him.
“Maybe you should get a room.”
Harry blinked, dazed, then pouted as Uma pushed him away with a laugh. He glared at Ben who only grinned smugly back.
“You know, your majesty,” Harry pointed his finger at the now king, his other hand already reaching out to pull Uma back against his side. “You are a terrible wingman.”  
Uma rolled her eyes at Harry, slapping his hand away before turning her attention to Ben instead. 
“I’m not going to apologize for what I did,” she stated as the coronation goers including Adam, Belle, Fairy Godmother, Audrey, and a now awake and ashamed look Jane began to enter back in. “For breaking Gil out of jail or stealing from the museum.” She picked up the sword from where it fell on the ground, feeling the heavy but grounding weight of the sword. “Or even for killing Maleficent,” she looked down at Mal’s unconscious form still on the ground. “It had to be done.”
Fairy Godmother gasped taking in the Sword and Shield of the Three Good Fairies that Uma and Gil were holding, respectively. “Unfortunately Uma, all actions must have their consequences!” she tutted. “Uma, you are guilty for obviously breaking out Gil and you both are guilty of stealing from the Auradon History Museum!The rules are there for a reason! To keep order. Punishment for such deplorable actions must be given!”
“Are you going to punish Uma by making her fall off a roof to her death?” Gil asked worriedly, stepping protectively next to Uma. “That’s what King Beast did to my dad.”
Adam and Belle both paled at the memory.
“Or maybe pushing people off cliff edges is your more your style, Fairy Godmother” Evie asked with an innocent pout, eyes sharp and calculating as she stood behind Uma. 
Fairy Godmother look offended. “W-why I’d never-”
“Maybe they’ll make you go insane before locking you up,” Carlos interrupted, easily dodging out of Fairy Godmother’s reach as she tried to grab back her wand from him. He moved next to Evie, behind and slightly to the side of Uma, handing her the wand. 
Everyone in the room seemed to tense as Uma fluidly took the wand, handing Harry the sword. 
“Or maybe,” Jay said stepping up to Uma, his eyes never leaving her guarded brown ones. “They’ll turn you into a slave and keep you in a prison so small and restricting you’ll beg for death as long as that means you’d be free.”
Unspoken words went between Jay and Uma for several seconds before Uma nodded, and Jay slid easily right behind Uma, between Carlos and Evie. 
Uma gazed at the wand, running a long line down it with a finger, a thoughtful expression on her face. She turned her gaze towards Fairy Godmother, watching smugly as the woman paled in fear. 
It would be so easy to lean into it. To make them all fear her name. 
She glanced over at Mal’s unconscious body, hand gripping the wand even more tightly, before looking back up.
“You know, a lot of people on the Isle would literally kill to get their hands on this thing,” she said with an almost absentminded tone that was betrayed by the way she flicked the wand experimentally, dangerous gold and teal sparks flying from its end. Everyone except Harry, Ben, and the rest of the Isle kids took a fearful step back. “It would be so easy to just...” shrug, “...tear the barrier down. Free all the kids who never got a chance to choose for themselves whether they would be heroes or villains. I’m sure all our parents would be so thrilled for a reunion with all of you,” she smiled at Ben’s parents and the headmistress. 
“And with Maleficent gone and Mal temporarily out of the picture, I wouldn’t be surprised if it became a power struggle between the baddest of the bads that led to your pretty little kingdoms falling. One. After. The. Other,” she punctuated with flicks of her wrists that shot out spells as easy as breathing. 
Waves of magic that smelled like sea salt flowed throughout the room, righting knocked over furniture and erasing scorched marks. Thick iron handcuffs appeared around Mal’s wrist which wouldn’t kill the half fae but would definitely leave an irritating rash against her skin. 
“So cool,” Gil whispered in awe as she also made their clothes dry and clean. And just to see the look on the woman’s face, Uma changed Fairy Godmother’s gown into a patch worked Isle version of her signature cape. 
The sea witch smirked, crossing her arms over her chest at the indignant squawk the woman gave. “I mean, it’s like you said, Fairy Godmother: Punishment for such deplorable actions must be given. And I think allowing innocent children to grow up and starve on an Isle full of thieves, killers, rapists, and swindlers deserves punishment too, don’t you?”
Fairy Godmother, grew pale, eyes growing dangerously wide as the wand was lazily pointed towards her. Before she could mess with anyone else, Ben stepped in front of her, hand outstretched to her with that gentle patient smile of his, all kingly justice and naivety wrapped up in sincere blue and gold wrappings.
Uma sighed as she felt Harry tense next to her but didn’t hold a grudge against him. Ben with his kindness and loyalty and good faith in others had gotten under her skin. 
“Help me then,” he said simply to her before looking at the other Isle kids around her. “All of you. Be the solution. Uma, you told me once about how cruel the Isle can be. So help me get kids like you, kids whose backs have been pushed against the wall and are just trying to survive the only way they know how, here where they can be safe.”
“And what makes you think helping you appeals to me at all?” Uma questioned.
Ben smiled, as if she had asked something obvious. 
“Because,” he looked towards Harry.  “Even though he’s basically committing treason right now, I still trust Harry and his decisions with my life. Because even before you took down an actual dragon, you cared. I could see it and I think I can guess that the only reason you let yourself be the subject of the love spell on me was because it was better than it being Mal. And because when I look at you and Harry,” his voice filled with warmth and genuineness, “it just fits. Does that make sense?” 
Uma snorted, shaking her head though a small smile broke through. The hand not holding the wand reached out without looking and easily slipping into Harry’s, giving it a tight squeeze. 
“It’s starting to.”
Harry grinned, raising their entwined hands up to his lips to kiss her knuckles. Uma glanced at him, seeing all the tension release from his shoulders and ignoring the way her heart lurched as if it wanted to punch right through her chest to be closer to him. She looked to her other side at Gil who was beaming brightly down at her and for once in her life Uma felt without fear. Her body felt light and filled with warmth that she had never really experienced before. 
She was happy. She was free. 
Stepping forward, Uma handed Fairy Godmother her wand back. The headmistress, let a relieved smile split her face before stepping back, doing a small flick that returned her dress back to the gown she was wearing. 
Ben cleared his throat, drawing attention back to him. 
“Uma of the Isle,” Ben said with a grin. “As King, any crimes that you or the others have committed in the last week have been pardoned. Good deeds deserve to be recognized just as much as bad ones deserve to be punished,” he winked. 
Uma paused. “Are you serious?” she questioned.
Ben nodded. “Very. So it is said, so it be done.” 
“So you’re not sending us back to the Isle?” Carlos questioned.
“Nope. You’re free to stay in Auradon if you wish.”
“Oh, we wish,” Carlos said happily giving both Jay and Gil a high five while Evie squealed with genuine happiness. Harry could tell King Adam and Queen Belle seemed exchanged unsure glances with each other behind Ben but kept silent, trusting their son’s judgement.
Evie stepped forward. “Your majesty. Ben,” she smiled taking his hands. “There’s a lot of kids on the Isle who deserve a happy ending. If I’m not being too bold, I’d like to offer my help in getting more kids off the Isle and aiding in their transition here.”
Ben grinned, squeezing her hand. “I would love that Evie."
"Uh...we'd like to help too," Jay said humbly. Carlos nodded next to him. "There's a lot more kids like us who need their pain and aggression channeled through more positive influences," he said glancing at Uma with a sad smile before looking back at the king. "I know that was true for me."
"That's great! Write me a list of all of your ideas and we can-” Ben began but was cut off by a loud commotion outside.
“They’re here!” Gil perked up, looking eagerly between Uma and Harry before pushing through the confused crowd to the door. Uma and Harry grinned at each other as well, quickly following Gil. 
Ben followed them outside, unsure of what to expect with Evie, Jay, and Carlos behind him. When he got outside, the king had to do a double take at what he saw. 
A large crowd of children from toddlers to gangly teenagers wearing the distinctive patchwork clothing of the Isle stood on the steps leading up to the coronation hall. Looks of wonder, fear, and awe were all on their faces as they looked around the bright and clean views of Auradon taking it all in. One little girl with glasses and colorful streaks of hair pulled into messy ponytails at the top of her hair pulled away from the group and ran towards them straight towards Evie.
“Dizzy,” Evie exclaimed happily, pulling the younger girl into her arms in a tight hug, Dizzy speaking with rapid excitement 
“Remember what you said about pardoning us for any crimes we may have committed this week?” Carlos grinned holding up the remote that let down the Isle’s barrier.
“I wasn’t going to forget that we weren’t the only ones who needed to get off the Isle,” Uma said with a look that said she dared him to say something negative about her freeing a bunch of Isle kids.
Ben was speechless for a moment before he shook his head with a laugh. “I guess you and I have our work ahead of us,” he chuckled at Evie before turning to Uma. “Any other surprises?”
“Just one more Benny!” a familiar voice shouted above them, a large shadow falling on them all. 
The new King paled as ship covered in fairy dust floated over them, CJ wearing a very obvious Isle inspired outfit as she hung off one of the rigs, iridescent wings flashing a kaleidoscope of colors behind her. On board the deck of the ship, he could see more Isle kids yelling with excitement over the boat edges as they shouted at and pointed at the dumbstruck Auradon citizens below. 
“UMA!” they all cheered, when they saw her teal hair. Someone threw down a rope ladder that Gil already started climbing up. 
“That’s our ride,” Harry grinned. “I’m guessing we’ll have two days head start before you send Harriet after us?” 
Shaking his head, Ben patted him on the shoulder. If it lingered longer than necessarily, neither boy pointed it out. “Oh, not even being the High King of Auradon can stop Harriet from giving you anything more than an hour head start.” 
Harry ran his hand through his hair. “Yeah, you’re right. But this is what I want,” he said softly, glancing over at Uma who had already said her goodbyes to Evie, Jay, and Carlos and was climbing up the rope ladder. “She’s what I want.”
Ben reached out and pulled him into another hug. “Then I’ll try to get you at least two hours headstart,” he grinned pulling away.
“Just two?”
“Well my fiance is running away with a beautiful woman so forgive me if I’m feeling a bit scorned,” Ben teased.
Harry rolled his eyes as he began to climb the rope ladder. “You’re never gonna let that go are you?” he shouted over his shoulder as the ship began to rise.
“Nope!” Ben shouted back, becoming smaller and smaller. 
Harry shook his head, a smile on his lips before climbing the rest of the way up. Uma reached out and helped to tug him over the side of the ship despite her small frame. They stumbled however, and Harry found himself bringing Uma closer to him once more to keep their balance. 
“You’re amazing,” he found himself breathing out as he looked into her brown eyes. 
“Not bad yourself, sailor,” Uma chuckled, allowing herself to enjoy being in his arms, leaning towards him, lips barely brushing against each other.
“Captain!” CJ shouted from where she now stood at the wheel. 
“Yes?” Both Harry and Uma said at the same time. Uma glared at him, a look that would have made other men tremble in their boots, but for Harry made him smile with glee, letting out a little giggle. 
CJ rolled her eyes at the two of them. “Where are we heading?”
“We’ll go where the wind takes us!” Uma grinned before looking at Harry. “Together,” she said softer so that only he could hear her. 
He grinned, a wild crazed look that buzzed in the presence of the surrounding pixie dust, threatening to overwhelm him. But Uma’s presence kept him anchored. Every touch, every smile, every little wrinkle of her nose kept him from drowning. The necklace around his neck thrummed, vibrating with unsaid but acknowledge feelings of warmth, trust, and love. Uma reached up to her necklace, the Nevershell she had given him and he knew she felt the same. 
Pivoting on his heel, Harry’s manic grin grew wider as everyone’s eyes were on them. “You heard the Captain,” he laughed. “We ride with the wind! Now get your lazy asses moving or I’ll toss you over myself,” he barked as he began to give orders to their crew, easily inspiring both fear and awe despite being Auradon born. 
“Uma,” Gil asked softly next to her as they watched Harry tease one of the crew, Jonas, about his horrible knots. “Is this what happily ever afters feel like?”
Uma shook her head. “No...this is better.”
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anistarrose · 6 years
A Morning at Sea (GF Stanuary Week 2 - Travel)
Summary: Stan has woken up in plenty of unfamiliar places before, but waking up in a boat out in the middle of the ocean is a new one. Especially in a boat that seems so… welcoming.
Word Count: ~2200
Warnings: very brief mention of alcohol and drugs
For @stanuary Week 2: Travel! (I technically did already write something for this week already, but that was pretty short and spur-of-the-moment, while I’ve had this fic as a WIP for over six months now, so I feel like it’s about time I posted it.)
When Stan woke up, there was a brief moment for which he didn’t feel like anything was wrong. Hell, he felt happy, which should have made it obvious that something was very wrong, but for about a minute, he just stayed where he was, and listened to the waves strike the side of the boat.
Then he realized: he had no idea why he was on a boat.
“Shit,” he whispered under his breath, body going stiff beneath the blankets of an unfamiliar bed. He’d known the hotel he’d checked into last night had been shady, but he didn’t think he’d get fucking kidnapped. And that had been in Oklahoma, hours away from any decent-sized body of water — how the hell had they had they even managed to bring him here, wherever here was? Had they drugged him? He was pretty sure he’d drank a little alcohol last night, but nowhere near enough to sleep though getting dragged out of his room and onto a boat, right?
And why would they go this far? Stan had plenty of people who wanted him dead, and maybe even a couple who might have wanted a longer, more drawn out revenge, but there had to be easier ways doing that than throwing him into a cramped — but actually kind of cozy — bunk on a random ship.
He laid still for a few more seconds, and once he was sure no one else was in the room, he finally stood up and took a second to look around. Dirty clothes were in a pile on the floor, about half T-shirts and half sweaters. There was a small nightstand crammed between his bed and the side of the boat, with an empty mug, a pair of glasses, and a picture frame on it. The mug smelled of chocolate, but the stains at the bottom suggested it had been used for coffee too in the past.
He figured that his kidnappers must have stolen the boat and been too lazy to get rid of the stuff they found in it, because he definitely hadn’t drank anything from the mug, he didn’t even own a pair of glasses anymore, and it wasn’t really the style of any of his serious enemies to keep a picture of their family lying around. The clothes didn’t seem like the type that any self-respecting revenge-bent criminal would own, either — too many colorful sweaters, and they looked hand-knitted at that.
For a second, though, he thought the kids in the photo looked vaguely familiar — a boy and a girl that were about the same age and had the same fluffy brown hair, as if they were twins. But the next moment the feeling was gone, and Stan realized he must have imagined it.
This whole cabin was throwing him off. It was just too… welcoming. Too caring. Too full of the mementos of some stranger’s loving family.
Stan didn’t belong here.
He sat back down on the bed and rested his head in his hands. How the hell was he going to get out of this one, even if he could get off the boat without anyone seeing? He was an okay swimmer under normal conditions, but the waves had sounded pretty rough, and if he was too far from the shore —
Stay calm, Stan, he told himself. He’d improvised his way out of worse things before. He just had to figure out what the hell was actually going on, and then he’d be able to bullshit his way through it.
The only door was just past the foot of the bed. He put his ear to it for a moment, and when he couldn’t hear anything over the sound of the waves, he reached for the handle.
He’d expected it to be locked, which was why he hadn’t worried about leaning up against the door as he turned the knob. What kind of kidnapper didn’t lock up their hostage? But no, it swung right open under his weight, letting out a creak that had to be loud enough to hear over the waves. Fuck.
The room it opened into must have been a kitchen — it contained a tiny square table and two chairs on one side, and on the other side, a stove and a few other appliances. Facing towards that stove, his back to Stan, was a man who wore a red turtleneck sweater and had… gray hair? There were elderly people after him now?
“Morning, Stanley,” he called without turning around, and a chill went up Stan’s spine. The man knew his real name, even though he hadn’t used in years. The stranger had to have been at least in his fifties, maybe even older, but if he’d managed to track Stan down through all the fake identities… Stan wasn’t sure if he liked his chances up against this guy.
“I assume you’ll want coffee?” he asked, and for a second Stan thought that there was someone else named Stanley on the boat and that was who the man was talking to so casually, but no one else replied, and the stranger turned around to face him. “Stan, is everything alright?”
“What the fuck,” Stan whispered.
The old man’s expression turned into what Stan could have sworn was fear — except that didn’t any make sense. He slammed the mug he was holding onto the table and rushed towards Stan, reaching out with his left arm to grab Stan by the shoulder. “Stanley, are you —”
Stan caught the man’s hand, barely. His reflexes felt slower than they should have been.
“Don’t touch me,” he growled. “Tell me who the hell you are or I swear I’ll take you up on the deck and throw you off the fucking boat.”
For a moment, the old man just stared at him, and Stan wondered if they’d met before, even though he was pretty sure he’d remember if someone this old was after him. There was just something familiar about that confused, shocked expression, the way those eyebrows raised…
Then the man’s face crumpled. If Stan hadn’t been gripping his wrist, he might have collapsed to the floor.
“You don’t remember,” he whispered. “All this progress, and…”
He tried to gently pull his hand away, but Stan held it tight.
“Explain, old man!” Stan shouted. “You heard what I said about throwing you… I — I’ll…”
Looking at the man’s heartbroken expression, Stan found he couldn’t finish the sentence. Why was it that he cared so much about this stranger? Why did seeing him upset made Stan feel like punching something?
“Hey,” Stan said, letting go of the man’s wrist and taking him by the shoulder instead, if only to keep him from collapsing. “I, uh… I’m sorry. I still want you to explain what’s going on, ‘cause I sure don’t know, but I’m — I’m not gonna fight you.”
“Don’t apologize,” the man whispered, his head hanging low in defeat. “It’s not your fault — it’s mine. All mine. I thought… I thought that we’d escaped any lasting consequences, but… oh, if only I had the scrapbook here, maybe I could —”
“Hey, uh, don’t worry.” Stan awkwardly patted the man on the back. “I don’t actually know what’s wrong, but… but I’m sure we can figure out something…”
The man made eye contact with Stan, a short but painful shared glance, but he didn’t reply. He kept talking, but he wasn’t speaking to Stan anymore, not really — just talking to himself, berating himself.
“This is all my fault. I had to do this to you, because I was such an idiot I had to correct your grammar of all things —”
He raised a hand to the side of his face — and Stan finally got a look at his fingers. All six of them
Lightning-fast, the man grabbed him by the shoulder, and this time Stan didn’t stop him.
“Stanley? What do you remember?”
Stan didn’t answer. He couldn’t answer.
Of course it was Ford. He had the same glaringly large nose and ears, the same Pines cowlick, hell, even the same style of glasses as the ones he’d worn in high school. But his hair was dark gray with a lighter gray stripe running through it, and his face was worn and creased — perhaps by smiles, but more likely by frowns.
“W-what the hell happened to you, Stanford?” Stan stammered. “How did you — how did you get so old?”
Ford seemed to relax ever so slightly, as if some realization had dawned on him. “All right, you’ve only forgotten… this is alright. You’ll be okay, Stan.”
His voice was oddly comforting — or at least, it might have been, had Stan not been bracing himself for it to turn resentful and betrayed.
But Ford guided him towards the table, gently and without incident. Stan almost protested that he didn’t need help, but just at that moment, a sudden, throbbing pain began to emanate from the side of his head, and he bit his lip. It dulled after a moment, but as Ford helped him ease down into the chair, he still felt feverish.
He knew he had some kind of amnesia; even he could put that much together. But everything else made so little sense — how long had it been, why was Ford with him again…
“You said I was… forgetting things,” he began, and Ford nodded, a guilty look on his face. “I don’t remember anything past ‘78, but… you’re older than — it’s later than —”
Ford nodded again, and this time he gently squeezed Stan’s shoulder too.
“Part of me doesn’t even wanna know,” Stan went on, “but… how old am I? How long — how much of my own life did I miss?”
Ford looked away for a moment, like he was pondering how to break the news most gently.
“It’s 2012,” he finally said. “September 27th, 2012. We’re sixty-one.”
There was something about the way he said we’re that felt so different from the last Ford that Stan remembered, the why would I want to do anything with the person who sabotaged my entire future?! Ford from that horrible night after the science fair. This Ford did want something to do with Stan, it seemed — but he was different in other ways, too, like the way he gave off such a… such an atmosphere of regret and self-blame, so tangible that you could practically suffocate in it. This was a Ford that had taken something for granted and lost it, with the jury still out on whether he would ever get it back.
For the second time that day, Stan found himself blurting out: “Ford, what happened to you?”
“What happened to me?” Ford repeated incredulously. “You’re the one who’s —”
“Fine. What happened to us?”
Ford sighed. “That’s the million-dollar-question, isn’t it?” He shook his head. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be making light of any of this. But if… if you think you’ll be alright on your own for a moment, I might be able to grab something that could help bring some of those memories back.”
Stan nodded. “Yeah. I’ll be fine.”
Ford gave him a suspicious look, like he was skeptical of how fine Stan would really be, but he got up and headed towards Stan’s room in the back of the boat —
Stan had completely forgotten they were on a boat. Had… had Ford really forgiven him so much that he…
A bolt of pain ran down the back of his skull, and he shuddered and raised his hands to cover his ears. But it didn’t stop words that were unfamiliar and familiar at once from echoing around him he was plunged into darkness, strange glowing blue symbols providing the only source of light.
“Take this book, get on a boat, and sail as far away as you can! To the edge of the earth! Bury it where no one can find it!”
He gasped for breath, and suddenly everything was different, everything was lighter and warmer. Birds and insects were chirping all around him, as he stood outside a cabin — no, a shack.
“I don’t just want someone to come with me, Stanley; I want it to be you. Will you give me a second chance?”
Then someone was shaking him by the shoulder, and the same voice was speaking to him, sounding so much less distant all of a sudden —
“Stanley? Stanley, are you alright? Can you…”
The voice trailed off for a moment. “Are you crying?”
“Ford?” Stan asked slowly.
“I’m here,” Ford replied, quietly and slowly. In his hand was the picture from Stan’s room, the one of the two kids. “I’m here, Stanley.”
“Ford, what’s the name of this boat?”
For the first time that morning, Ford smiled. “We called it the Stan O’ War II.”
“Yeah,” Stan said. “That’s what I —”
(Guessed? Hoped? Thought, but was afraid to say, because he wouldn’t have known what to do if Ford had told him he was wrong?
...but as afraid as he’d been to put it to words, he’d known it was an irrational fear. He’d known he was right.)
He finally returned Ford’s smile. “That’s what I remembered.”
Thanks for reading, feedback is appreciated as always!
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commandertheory · 7 years
Commander 2017: Overall Thoughts
Now that the set review is up and the decklists have been spoiled, I think we have all the information we need to talk about the set generally. Here are what I think the biggest successes and failures were from this year’s Commander precons.
The Successes
Tribal was a good choice for a theme
Tribal decks are an opportunity to expand the diversity of decks available in the format. There are plenty of creature types that have a common mechanic and a few dozen Commander-playable cards; for these tribes, all that’s needed to create a viable archetype are a few focused tribal effects and a decent commander that rewards you for committing to the type. I think this is a really promising vein for precon design space and I hope we see more tribal decks in the future.
Edgar and The Ur-Dragon were home runs
I think both of these commanders did a great job addressing the weaknesses of their respective tribes. Vamps have gotten a lot of lords over the years but relatively little token generation, so it was difficult to make use of those tribal bonuses until Edgar came along. The Ur-Dragon’s cost reduction effect was also very appropriate, as Dragons have historically been pretty expensive.
The Failures
Wizards was a poor choice for a tribe
I was pretty skeptical about Wizards when they were first announced as the fourth tribe, but I withheld my judgment until I could see the decklist. Now I’ve seen it, and it does nothing to address the problems inherent in using Wizards as a tribe. For starters, there wasn’t a need for it. The format already contains many individually strong Wizards, powerful tribal effects, and one commander that supports the tribe in the color with all the best Wizards. Was it necessary to make a precon solely to give Wizard tribal access to gratuitous colors? More importantly, was it worth denying a precon to a tribe that did not already have a powerful commander to support it?
Another problem with the choice of Wizards is that they don’t have a clear mechanical connection to each other. Wizards are a bit of a catch-all tribe, riding the typeline of cards as disparate in their effect as Trinket Mage, Glen Elendra Archmage, and Snapcaster Mage, and their only real commonality is their small size. Azami was able to build her deck around the fact that most Wizards don’t want to get involved in combat, but the remaining design space that cuts across most of the good Wizards is punishingly small. In contrast, Cats have an affinity for equipment, Dragons are almost always huge, expensive flyers, and Vampires tend to center on lifegain, +1/+1 counters, and sacrificing creatures. Those traits are a little easier to design commanders and decks around than “small and weak”.
Gavin Verhey, the Head Designer of Commander 2017, admits that Wizards didn’t fit the tribal mold very well:
[Wizards] gave us a more controlling deck, which gave it a unique feel, and also was a deck that could excite someone who didn't want to play a heavy tribal deck. In the end, Wizards probably feels the least tribal of the four decks (though there's still plenty of tribal, don't get me wrong!) to help make sure it was appealing to someone who just wanted to play their blue control Commander game. Good ol' blue-black-red control! 
With only four decks being released each year, I disagree with the idea of saving one of those precious few slots for players who don’t like the overall theme. It’s not like they diluted last year’s theme by making a deck for people who don’t like four-color (like me!), so why make a tribal deck for people who hate tribal?
The Cat deck is built around a weak strategy
The Cat deck’s issues are minor compared to all the problems with Wizards, but the deck is not very cohesive, since the Cat mechanics are strategically opposed to each other (and in some cases the contradiction is present on the same card). Going tall with equipment lends itself to a Voltron strategy, but most of the Cats that want you to play equipment give you rewards that encourage you to go wide with lots of small creatures (see: Kemba, Raksha, Nazahn).
Voltron aggro and token aggro are both totally viable strategies, in part because they’re both somewhat resistant to the board wipes that are common in this format: Voltron strategies always have access to the one creature that matters, and token decks tend to lose fewer cards to a board wipe because they can make a whole army with a single card. Unfortunately, Voltron and tokens don’t blend very well, and I think the fact that the Cat deck encourages you to lose out on the strength of both archetypes by running a bunch of equipment to throw on your weenies is bad design.
Arahbo kind of just compounds the problem by being unable to target himself and pumping only a single Cat instead of all your Cats; with him at the helm, you are discouraged from both dealing Commander damage with Arahbo and building up an army of Cats; you’re forced to commit to non-Voltron, non-token aggro and enjoy lower damage output and increased vulnerability to board wipes.
I don’t think there’s an easy solution to these problems; there aren’t enough Cat token generators to make a full pivot to token aggro and pure Voltron would render all your other Cats kinda unnecessary. If the Cat mechanics don’t work well in Commander, then maybe the correct answer would have been to choose a different tribe. There are plenty of creature types that are popular and also have cohesive, powerful mechanics, and R&D should have chosen the one that would lead to the best product, even if it meant the cat lovers would riot.
There were a lot of missed opportunities for reprints
I understand that reprints are limited by WotC’s desire to keep the precons in the hands of players and keep people from buying them purely for the monetary value. However, there are a few cards that fit the theme of the precons so perfectly that their omission is kind of baffling. Hunting Cheetah is a Cat that generates card advantage, making it a great fit for the Cat deck. Furthermore, the Cheetah was only printed in Portal: Three Kingdoms, which means it’s both ugly (white borders and bold text) and hard to find (its $15 price tag is almost certainly due to scarcity and not high demand). So why didn’t they reprint it?
The Dragon deck is marked by very high CMCs, which WotC tried to ameliorate by designing an eminence trigger that reduced costs. Why not go a little further and throw in Urza’s Incubator? It would fit the tribal theme and the needs of the deck perfectly. Since its omission from the precons has become public knowledge, speculators have seized the opportunity to grab up as many copies as they can, causing the only version in the Modern frame to triple in price.
Other headscratchers include the absence of Shared Animosity, Riptide Laboratory, and Patron Wizard, the latter two of which have never been printed in a Modern frame. The lack of good reprints might be an unforeseen consequence of the drop from five decks per year to 4; even though the number of new cards in Commander 2017 has stayed the same, the number of slots available for reprints dropped by over 40 cards.
Development dropped the ball on Inalla and Mairsil
Both Inalla and Mairsil have access to one-card combos, with the former using her token production to take infinite turns with Wanderwine Prophets, and the latter throwing Mirror-Mad Phantasm in jail so he can mill out and win via a Dread Returned Lab Maniac. Inalla also generates infinite mana pretty easily by doubling up Trophy Mage to find Rings of Brighthearth and Basalt Monolith, combining Ashnod’s Altar with Bloodline Necromancer or Champion creatures, et cetera, while Mairsil has plenty of two-card combos to his name, as well. 
I have no problem with combo decks in general, but I don’t think one-card combos are healthy for the format (I’ve been lobbying for Tooth and Nail and Ad Nauseam to be banned for years), and I think Development should treat precon commanders with extra care since they tend to be more popular than other commanders (according to EDHREC, 15 of the top 21 commanders of all time are precon commanders) and thus have an outsize impact on the Commander metagame. Every player who buys Arcane Wizardry is one dollar away from infinite turns, and even if most resist the temptation, the interaction is still going to create a lot of combo kills.
Eminence was not balanced between the tribes
Eminence is inherently broken because you can’t really interact with it, but the three of the four C17 commanders were able to use it effectively because the power of the effect was kept low and committing to those types was enough of a handicap that it was unlikely for the Eminence to get too far out of hand.
For example, both the Vampire and Cat Eminence triggers were worth about one mana, and there are relatively few creatures of those types in Magic; ~150 Vampires in Mardu and ~120 Cats in W/G. Consider the fact that most of those cards are limited chaff and you can see what a cost it is to be restricted to those types. So: weak ability, restrictive types, but the nature of Eminence makes those commanders powerful anyway.
The effect on the Ur-Dragon is a bit stronger (worth approximately two mana), but it’s saved from being broken for two reasons:
Most Dragons are wildly expensive (the average CMC of the ones in my Ur-Dragon list is just over 6), which limits the tempo boost you’ll get; it’s still going to take a lot of time before you’re able to cast more than one Dragon per turn.
There are only ~165 Dragons in Magic. Given that they tend to be rare or mythic rare, the average Dragon is more likely to be powerful than the average Cat or Vampire, but it’s still a pretty shallow pool.
Wizards also got a 2-mana effect, but to say it is equally powerful to the Ur-Dragon’s cost reduction is to draw false equivalence. Unlike Dragons’ high CMCs limiting the impact of the Ur-Dragon’s cost reduction, the nature of the average Wizard doesn’t make Inalla’s Eminence any weaker; in fact, the ETB triggers and activated abilities on most Wizards make a copy effect much more valuable than it would be in most tribes. Getting a second Archaeomancer or Trinket Mage represents a lot more value than knocking a mana off of your Hellkite Tyrant.
Wizards also have a huge advantage over all the other tribes in this precon: their numbers. WG Cats, WBR Vampires, and WUBRG Dragons range from 120 members to 165 members, putting a major deckbuilding restriction on those who hope to make use of the Eminence triggers for those tribes. In contrast, UBR Wizards has over FOUR HUNDRED AND SIXTY MEMBERS. Assuming Cats, Vampires and Wizards have the same ratio of limited chaff to playable cards, Wizards have a much wider array of cards to choose from when building their deck to take advantage of Inalla’s Eminence. Dragons probably have a higher proportion of playables than Wizards, but I think Wizards beats them out for sheer numbers of playables.
So basically, the tribe with the most playable cards also got the strongest Eminence ability. Somebody at Wizards seemed to realize there was an imbalance and threw a mana onto Inalla’s trigger, but that really doesn’t solve the problem. The nature of the copy ability is what gives Inalla so many free cards and (essentially) free mana, as well as a combo win condition; tacking on one more mana will briefly postpone the moment her merfolk stretches out time to land a million punches on you, but it won’t prevent it from happening.
If Wizards ever tries to bring Eminence back, I really hope that they:
Look for obvious combos. If there are any, change the damn ability.
Weigh the number of playable cards in a tribe when deciding on the power level of their bonus. Less restrictive should equal less powerful.
Weigh how much the chosen bonus matters to the tribe. Cost reduction is less powerful for an expensive tribe; copying is more powerful for a tribe with lots of ETBs.
Stick to one-mana effects, if possible. Don’t try to cheat this rule by adding on costs.
Wrapping Up
Overall, I’m pleased with most of the decks and new cards, and I really hope this set sells well so we can get more tribal offerings in the future. Quoth the Gavin:
And also, if your favorite tribe is not among these four: there's definitely enough design space and beloved tribes here that we could do this again. If you all like this, we'll almost certainly return to this well.
As far as the set’s problems go, I think some of them are more fixable than others. The Commander decks are unlikely to go back up to 5 per year, so fitting enough reprints into fewer slots may be a chronic problem going forward. However, I do think the other changes are a lot more likely; Development can easily pay closer attention to the precons (especially if they get a lot of feedback, so make sure to complain loudly to many people if somebody cheeses you with one of this year’s commanders) and Design can avoid using decks as insurance policies in case the year’s theme isn’t popular.
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I will go down with this ship: Chapter 27
Sasuke didn't know what the feeling in his chest was. It seemed unsettled. As if something was going to go wrong today. Lurking away in the mysteriousness of the inexperienced day; awaiting to jump out and surprise him at a moment's notice. He woke up with this feeling and it didn't seem like it was going away anytime soon. Sasuke walked aimlessly around the Crystal Labyrinth; since Sakura was nowhere to be found and he had already returned his leafy outfit back to the women. So Sasuke was left to wonder around with no direction. He considered visiting one of the many people he had met, but decided against it. He didn't feel the motivation to deal with others, or at least not them, not now anyway.
"Sasuke" A voice spoke emotionlessly, he turned to see Naruto. Standing there with unfamiliar eyes. Cold and distant. It even took Sasuke a moment to recognise that it was indeed him; Naruto's formality reminded Sasuke of his father. It disturbed him.
"Here" Naruto voiced in the same tone, handing over a piece of paper, "Translate it" Naruto ordered, Sasuke fell quiet at the empty command. Searching Naruto for any shred of that signature warmth, though he was only met with solemn austere.
"Right" Sasuke responded quietly, taking the paper and observing it. He focused his attention on it and after a few minutes he stiffened. Staring at the paper with a visible tension, Naruto remained passive.
"What is it?" He asked, Sasuke shifted slightly as his eyes once more roamed over the paper.
"It's what it translates into" Sasuke answered, a part of him hoping he was reading it wrong.
"You can't translate it?" Naruto questioned, Sasuke shook his head.
"No, it's not that" Sasuke paused for a moment, his eyes roaming over the paper in hopes of a mistake, "I...know what place this piece is talking about" Sasuke admitted, making Naruto raise an eyebrow.
"Where?" Naruto asked, waiting as Sasuke looked away from the piece and awkwardly towards the man that seemed to hold no patience. Sasuke considered lying, but thoughts what consequence stopped him. So he spoke. Even though the words were shivering as they left his mouth.
"Temari, loosen those ropes! Lee moves those barrels! Choji stop eating all the rations!" Karin ordered as she held the wheel, directing and demanding each do their job correctly. Some grumbling under their breaths as she continued to churn out the commands like a never-ending admiral. "Suigetsu! Swab the deck or so help me I'll swab you with it myself!" Karin snapped at him, Suigetsu waved her off before leaning on the side, shaking his head at Shikamaru.
"Thank fuck Jiraiya didn't make her the captain" Suigetsu scoffed, "Though I got no fucking idea why Naruto made her the second in command" Suigetsu complained, Shikamaru gave a non-committal grunt in return. Taking in slow drags from his cigar that reeked of scented tobacco and releasing it in a languid manner. "Ha! Though I'm pretty sure that Sasuke hates her even more, though I'm guessing the feeling is mutual" Suigetsu snorted, looking over to the lazy pirate for a response. Not much happened, but Suigetsu wanted to ask another question. "Hey Shika" Suigetsu started, "What do you think of that Sasuke kid, anyway?" He asked, wondering if Shikamaru was actually going to respond or remain passive towards the question.
"He's intriguing" Shikamaru answered, Suigetsu raised an eyebrow. He himself not noticing anything special about the Uchiha.
"Huh? Why?" Suigetsu questioned, casually folding his arms. Shikamaru took another drag before continuing.
"He's not like the other Ojos, he's a lot more observant" Shikamaru stated, "I noticed that the first thing he does is evaluate each person he sees" Shikamaru spoke, though Suigetsu scoffed.
"Ain't all Royalists like that?" Suigetsu shrugged.
"Not the way he does it..." Shikamaru muttered, Suigetsu sensed hidden meaning behind those words. He figured it was something that would remain a mystery, but didn't stop him from asking more.
"You think he's worth saving? Like Naruto is trying to do?" Suigetsu asked, Shikamaru was quiet for a few moments before speaking.
"It's not my place to say, but I think Naruto should be more aware of what he's getting into" Shikamaru stated, Suigetsu tilting his head.
"Oh yeah? Don't think the princess can deal with a little plunder?" Suigetsu snickered, though Shikamaru was unresponsive to the joke. Whether it was implying something or not? Shikamaru wasn't sure, but that wasn't what he speaking about.
"When Sakura, Lee and Temari got here, they knew what to do after a short while, it flowed well" Shikamaru stated, "Even though they came from families that controlled their day to day life, they had a level of control within themselves, but Sasuke..." Shikamaru paused for a moment, Suigetsu seeing the serious expression as he looked out to the sea, "Sasuke's entire life; his words, his movements, even his thoughts have all been provided for by his family" Shikamaru explained, a small frown forming on his face, "I'm not sure how Sasuke will cope without constant orders, on one hand he could possibly be liberated and free, but if all he ever knew suddenly broke down..." Shikamaru trailed off, Suigetsu shifting and sensing the severity of the situation, "I don't think he could mentally handle it" Shikamaru finished.
"You gonna tell the captain that?" Suigetsu enquired, Shikamaru spent a moment on his cigar before giving a casual turn of his head.
"He doesn't know it, but Naruto's actually doing the right things to make sure Sasuke will be able to cope" Shikamaru informed, Suigetsu arched his eyebrow. "You know that 'childhood mission' Naruto's doing for Sasuke?" Shikamaru questioned, Suigetsu nodded, "Slowly but surely that'll break him out of his strict cycle, if Naruto continues to work at it, that is" Shikamaru informed, Suigetsu took in the information and thought.
"So..." Suigetsu began, shifting slightly, "You think that'll really help him?"
"Which one?" Shikamaru responded, making Suigetsu give a confused expression.
"Eh? Why would it help Naru-"
"Prepare the row boat! Me and Choji are heading to the Crystal Labyrinth, no fucking about, you got that?!" Karin exclaimed, walking down the stairs and staring a glare to Suigetsu who rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, yeah, just go get the real person in charge, would ya?" Suigetsu remarked, the crew could feel the killer intent within Karin snap. She grabbed his shirt and pulled his close in a threatening manner.
"Listen, asshole, I'll steer us all the way back to those sirens to rip you limb from limb, got that?" Karin growled, though Suigetsu remained with his annoying smirk still intact.
"Wow, Karin! I never knew you were so kind! After all, I wouldn't have to listen to your bullshit anymore!" Suigetsu leered cheerfully, Karin's grip tightened, but was reminded of her mission as Choji poked her back.
"W-We should start heading there before it get's too late, you know" Choji pointed out, trying to calm the chances of a fight between them. Karin grumbled under her voice, but let him go.
"Fine, let's go" Karin nodded, ignoring Suigetsu sniggering. Lowered down into the water, Karin began to row. Eyebrows scrunched together in annoyance with a scowl plastered on her face, eyes burning a hole in the bow as she silently grumbled under her breath. Choji frowned slightly at her aggressive disposition, but any words uttered by him would have been cut off, "Choji, I've got a specific order for you" Karin spoke out seriously, keeping her eyes trained in place, "I don't want you talking to the brat" Karin stated, though Choji pulled a confused expression.
"Eh? What did the captain do-?"
"I'm talking about the Uchiha" Karin clarified, "I don't want anyone else making any bonds with him, it's hard enough that Sakura and Naruto are getting attached, I don't need anyone else do that, got it?" Karin ordered, Choji quietly nodded his head. Not sure of how he would even connect with someone like Sasuke, since they didn't seem to have anything in common anyway. Though after the silent rowing, they climbed aboard the island. "You go look for Sakura, I'll get Naruto since he's most likely with that fucking brat" Karin instructed, Choji nodded his head awkwardly. Watching as Karin halted away in clear annoyance.
"Alright, time to look for those acai berries" Choji said to himself, rubbing his hands together. Choji's secret agenda coming to light. The boy's mind was plagued with only thoughts of food, and with the Crystal Labyrinth being known for its rare acai berries, Choji merrily went his way to the bush of purple plumps of sweetness.
"Tch!" Choji heard a voice curse, he looked up to see Naruto stuffing his hands in his pockets and stomping away from Sasuke.
"Oh, Captain I-" But Choji didn't finish as the deathly aura of his captain cut through his words. A trail of wrath remaining as he went away. Choji blinked a few times to comprehend such sudden madness from his friend, he looked up to see Sasuke not so far away turned from him. Appearing stiff before his shoulders sagged despondently. Choji's kind nature immediately called out before he hushed himself; knowing his strict orders. But with the more he stared, his kind conscious drowned out the lethal warning and approached the boy. "Excuse me, Sasuke?" Choji spoke, making Sasuke stand attention at the call of his name. He turned to see Choji standing there, he observed him for a moment before recognition reached his eyes.
"Oh, you're here already" Sasuke reacted, Choji nodded.
"Yeah, er...if you don't mind me asking, what's wrong with Naruto?" Choji asked politely, apart of his own chivalry and also wanting to appease the troubled boy. Sasuke sighed lightly before tucking a paper his had in his hand away.
"Nothing, he just...reacted to some information I gave him" Sasuke answered vaguely, Choji could sense that he didn't want to speak about it and moved onto another topic, but not before checking on Sasuke's well-being.
"Are you okay?" Choji questioned, Sasuke clearly covered his uneasy expression and nodded.
"Yes, thank you, I'm fine" Sasuke clearly lied, Choji knew to leave it at that. Though his guilt ebbed at him to try and do something, his caring nature driving him to do so.
"Hey, Sasuke" Choji began, "Would ya lend me a hand with this berries?" He enquired, confusing Sasuke.
"What do you mean?" Sasuke asked, Choji gestured his head over to a nearby bush and walked over.
"These acai berries are the best!" Choji exclaimed cheerily, clapping his hands together as he stood over them, "Uwa, they taste so amazing! Completely irresistible in my pie!" Choji drooled with his eyes full of stars. Sasuke saw Choji take out a brown poach and begin to pick some of the acai berries. Choji gestured for him to come over, "You can help me pick some if you like" Choji smiled nicely, Sasuke mindlessly nodded. Not bothered by helping the kind pirate who had approached him. Sasuke began to pick at the berries, but his mind quickly worked to create something more efficient. Sasuke picked up one of the large fallen leaves, gazing at it for a moment before remembering how the people of the Crystal Labyrinth used them as resources. He began crafting it into a larger pouch, happy with his simple yet study work, he showed it to Choji.
"If you want to collect more, you can use this" Sasuke offered, Choji beaming at the promise of more food.
"Wow, this actually really good" Choji stated as he held and inspected the creation before giving a grateful smile to Sasuke, "Thanks" Choji spoke kindly. An embarrassed shade of pink tinging Sasuke's cheeks, not used to helping or aiding people.
"Um, n-no problem" Sasuke waved off, continuing to help Choji collect the berries as the food obsessed man rambled on about all of the possibilities of the acai berries. Sasuke politely nodding and listening along to the food fantasies with interest.
"Oh man, don't even get me started on the stews" Choji said excitedly, looking over the berries before nodding to himself, "This should be enough until our next visit here" Choji confirmed, "We should get back before Karin kill me" Choji chuckled nervously, carrying the green basket with him over to where they saw Karin with Sakura. Karin noticing them with narrowed eyes.
"The fuck" Karin grinded out, striding over as the small fear in Choji's eyes grew. "What did I fucking tell you, Choji?!" Karin snapped, Sakura worried about the food lover's fate. Choji stumbled over his words a few times before Sasuke stepped in.
"Whatever you told Choji to do was clearly unreasonable otherwise he wouldn't have ignored it so easily" Sasuke scoffed, Choji and Sakura gulping at the menacing aura that surrounded the glaring pair.
"Oh yeah? Batting your big, brown eyes at Naruto, now you're doing it to the rest of my crew? I don't think so, sweetie" Karin accused, Sasuke instantly angered by the implication.
"It's not my fault that I act like a decent person, you should try it sometime" Sasuke remarked, Karin glared daggers at Sasuke by this point. Though Sasuke wasn't backing down. "And how dare you insult my honour, I haven't batted my eyes anywhere" Sasuke crossed his arms in dismay, though Karin gave an amused snort.
"Yeah right" Karin responded, Sakura getting nervous with Karin's accusations, "Besides" Karin smirked, "I bet you've dishonoured yourself a few times before, you ain't so innocent" Karin teased evilly, Sasuke made a horrified gasp.
"If you're implying what I think you're implying then-"
"Then what? You have no power here" Karin pointed out, making Sasuke stiffen slightly, "When are you going to get that? You. Are. Fucking. Defenceless" Karin voiced patronisingly. The air around everyone was thick with uneasiness. Sasuke not being able to respond because he knew it was true. "And how does that feel?" Karin began, "Being the pitied for once in your life, or are you a disappointment in your own home as well?" Karin questioned cruelly.
"Shut up" Sasuke whispered out, though Karin continued.
"I bet no one even listens to you in your family, you're just there because the lambskin broke" Karin listed, Sakura's eyes widening along with Choji.
"Shut up..." Sasuke grinded out louder, Karin walking closer.
"Or did your parents wish for you to be like your brother?"
"Shut up!" Sasuke screamed suddenly, even making Karin jump. Sasuke's hands were fisted and turning white. His face was furiously red. His breath was a little uneven. No one was saying anything as they didn't know what to say, even Karin was stunned for words.
"Oi" A voice spoke up, making everyone turn to see Naruto appearing from the thick of the jungle. "What's going on?" Naruto questioned, his low voice full of authority. The ones to answer were shifting uncomfortably under the scrutiny. "If you won't discuss it in front of me then chances are you shouldn't be discussing it at all" Naruto stated, eyeing every guilty face before he began walking again, "C'mon, let's get back to the ship" Naruto ordered, leading the quiet way as they climbed into the row boat. Stunningly awkward as they rowed back, not a word uttered nor sound made. As they clambered aboard the ship, everyone welcomed back the quiet ventures'.
"Hey Captain! How did it go?"
"Did you find the next piece?"
"What happened?"
The questions keep flowing, with only Sakura and Choji answering to try and keep them calm. Though Karin finally asked the question that was on everyone's mind.
"Naruto, where are we going next?" Karin asked, the crew silencing themselves to hear the answer. Naruto's eyes roamed over all of them before they glanced at Sasuke. His visibly hardened his features before looking away from the raven. Sasuke knew that the blond wasn't about to explain and so stood up to the plate.
"I've translated the riddle" Sasuke spoke up, all eyes on him, he shifted nervously. "And...it leads to Konoha" Sasuke confessed, small gasps and murmurs going through the crew.
"Are you sure?" Sakura asked, Sasuke nodded. The crew calming down and reeling in the new information.
"Didn't expect that" Kiba said to himself, Killer bee nodding in agreement.
"If that really is the way, then there's nothing we can say" Killer bee rapped with a shrug, the majority of the crew seemed to be in agreement. Though a less comforted voice piped up.
"Oh why not?!" Karin voiced in a sarcastic voice, "And hey! While we're at it, why don't we inform the Uchiha navy that we're popping around for a visit! What a fan-fucking-tastic idea!" Karin exclaimed, her ironic tone pointing out the obvious problem. It was silent among the crew as she scoffed, "You twats, clearly he's lying" Karin crossed her arms, making Sasuke narrow his eyes.
"I'm not lying" He stated simply.
"Oh, of course you're not, it's not like you have motive to be in Konoha, do you? Oh wait" Karin retorted, "Nice try, though" Karin added, Sasuke scowled towards her.
"I swear, I'm telling the truth" Sasuke promised, though the previous faith the crew had in him faltered. Even Sakura didn't speak up. The usual comfort of Naruto's voice was nowhere to be found neither.
"Didn't I tell you before that you have no power here?" Karin reminded, Sasuke looking around to see awkward expressions, though Karin's was smug, "Maybe a night in the cells will prove that" Karin suggested with a voice mixed between seriousness and cheekiness. Though the threat hung heavy in the air; everyone glancing at Naruto for him to either approve or deny. He remained leaning on the side of the ship, arms folded and looking blankly down at the ground as if to say he wasn't going to take part. A surprising act on his behalf since he was the captain. However, for Sasuke, all it said to him that he really was his own defence.
For who else would defend him on this ship?
"That's taking it way too far, Karin! Sasuke isn't a liar" Sakura begged, surprising Sasuke, but Karin seemed unfazed by her plea.
"What a surprise, you want to save the brat" Karin scoffed, "No can do Sakura, I don't trust him and this just proves why" Karin stated, "Besides, you're clearly the only one who believes he's telling the truth" Karin pointed out. Sakura felt so helpless at that moment, knowing that her opinion was bias and it wasn't going to convince Karin.
"I, er, think he's telling the truth" Kiba coughed, everyone looking at him in surprise. Especially Sasuke.
"Oh shut up, Kiba, you're the dumbest one on this ship! As if your word means anything" Karin snapped, Kiba with new-found confidence.
"I'm serious, I believe Sasuke" Kiba confirmed.
"Oh please! I've seen you talking to Sasuke as he tended to you, you're as bias as she is!" Karin denied, refusing his argument. Sasuke's surprise continued to rise as another stepped forward.
"C'mon Karin, stop being a bitch, the kid ain't done nothing wrong and you know it" Suigetsu remarked, Karin growling towards him.
"You're just saying something to piss me off" Karin accused, Suigetsu tilting his head with a lopsided smirk.
"Well, yeah, there's that" Suigetsu chuckled, making a vein on Karin's forehead throb, "But I also believe him" Suigetsu stated, glancing at the speechless raven, "He's a good kid" Suigetsu said with a hint of sympathy, as out of character as it was for someone like him.
"Too bad I don't give two shits about what you think" Karin snarled, "And if anyone else comes forward I swear to-"
"I don't think Sasuke is lying" Choji spoke up.
"Oh, for fuck's sake!" Karin cursed, throwing her hands in the air.
"Sasuke just doesn't come across to me like that" Choji defended, Karin sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose.
"Please enlightens us all as to why that is" Karin groaned sarcastically.
"Well...he helped me today" Choji answered. Sasuke didn't know what to say. He was speechless. Yet, he was so incredibly heart warmed by the protective gestures. He was convinced that he was to lose as a result of being so friendless, but here they were in attempts to save him from the coldness of the creaking cells.
"Okay, this needs to stop!" Karin ordered, "Sakura's only protecting Sasuke because of the past, Kiba is a fucking idiot, Suigetsu is piping up to annoy me and Choji will defend anyone who gives him food!" Karin screamed, "So if no one has an actual argument, then you can all go-"
"I'll vindicate him" A calm voice spoke up. All eyes landed on the restful boy who remained relaxed and reclined on a crate. "Considering I've spent the most time with him recently, I'll best know his intentions, no offence Sakura" Shikamaru stated, now opening his eyes to look at Sasuke, "Sasuke's smart enough to know the risk of lying to us, even more so to Karin" Shikamaru began, all ears for his voice, "So he wouldn't of lead us straight to Konoha, that would be too obvious, if he was trying to escape he would've lead us into waters he knew he would be found in" He explained, faith in the crew arising for Sasuke once more, "He was even hesitant in telling us what the paper says, and if there's something Sasuke will know how to do, it's putting on a show" Shikamaru pointed out, closing his eyes once more to relax, "So if he isn't confident in telling us in the first place, then he probably wouldn't even try lying to dangerous pirates" Shikamaru finished. It was quiet on the boat for a few moments before a final voice of denial made itself aware.
"Alright, fine, even if he isn't lying to us, how do we know that the paper has been translated properly?" Karin questioned, turning to glare at Sasuke, "Does it even say Konoha?" She asked, Sasuke sighed slightly.
"Well...no, not directly, but-"
"Ha! Yet you expect us to just trust you on this, even if you think you are telling the truth?" Karin interjected, Sasuke knew he didn't have much to say back, though a certain individual did.
"Read it aloud" Naruto finally spoke, Karin rising an eyebrow at the strange behaviour.
"What?" Karin voiced in confusion.
"Read the riddle aloud" Naruto repeated, Sasuke blinked a few times before looking back down at the paper and speaking.
"Land of law, land of regalia
In God's arms, queen Hydulia" Sasuke read aloud, Karin folded her arms, unimpressed written all over her face.
"And where exactly is mention of Konoha?" Karin questioned rhetorically, Sasuke looked at her with more determination.
"This is talking about Konoha, I can prove it" Sasuke answered, Karin quiet but with no comfort, "Konoha's ethos is 'Kingdom Of Order and Faith', or in other words, law and regalia" Sasuke stated.
"Okay, law and order makes sense, but what the hell is regalia?" Karin enquired.
"Regalia is the Latin word for religion, connecting it to faith" Sasuke explained, "I even know the exact location this piece is talking about" Sasuke claimed, even as Karin scoffed and rolled her eyes, though Sasuke ignored her, "Hydulia is one of God's angels, she was ordered by the lord to hold his precious scroll" Sasuke began, though he heard a snigger, unaware about the unintentional innuendo he had made, "Anyway, she was entrusted with that scroll, and you know what scrolls contain..." Sasuke trailed off.
"Papers..." Karin muttered with realisation.
"Exactly, and there's only one statue of Hydulia in Konoha" Sasuke concluded, Karin sighed with some irritation.
"If it's in a church, I'm going to blow my own head off" Karin grumbled, while Sasuke didn't appreciate her disrespectful tone about the church, he shook his head.
"No, it's in the soldiers' training establishment" Sasuke answered.
"Well ain't that just a kick in the balls" Karin remarked sarcastically, "And I'm guessing this is around the centre of Konoha, because it would be way too easy for us if it was just on the outside" Karin huffed, Sasuke nodded, "That's just great, what the fuck do we even do now?" Karin cursed, "Can we even get to it now?" Karin questioned hopelessly.
"We can!" Sakura piped up, "With mine and Sasuke's knowledge of the area, we can figure out a way getting to it" Sakura encouraged, though problems were immediately seen by everyone.
"Before we get too excited" Karin interjected, "We'll need to send over another messenger bird to check out the situation" Karin pointed out, "If we even want to consider going even near Konoha, we need to get details" Karin explained, "But ultimately, it's your choice Naruto" Karin shrugged. Sasuke watching Naruto now. Intensely. As if the coward would finally look him in the eye. Naruto drummed his fingers against his brown coat as he made a decision.
"We'll sail on the north so we're not too close to Konoha for the moment, we'll get information from Iruka, he's trekking in Konoha at the moment, he'll give us what we need to decide what to do" Naruto stated in a composed tone, as much as it contradicted him. Sasuke sensed it in a heartbeat, but could not for the life of him figure out what was wrong with him. "Though it's still up to you what you want to do with him" Naruto added, implying Sasuke without uttering his name. Hurt filled Sasuke at that. His own name wouldn't even meet the blonde's lips anymore. However, his fear was now to be placed in the hands of Karin. She observed him for a moment before scoffing.
"As tempted as I am, it'll be a pain to have to constantly deliver you food and water" Karin remarked. Relief flooding Sasuke, yet the weight of Naruto not caring about his fate still heavy on his shoulders. "Get ready to sail" Karin ordered the crew in a tone that was softer than usual, still gritty nevertheless.
Sasuke gazed with concerned curiosity towards Naruto. Naruto clearly ignored his eyes and walked away. Leaving Sasuke with just one, lingering thought.
What's wrong with you, Naruto?...
What happened...?
I dunno.
0 notes