#harry of auradon au
kingdom-of-auradon · 4 days
Cross the Sea of Serenity, which separated the Isle of the Lost from the rest of the world, lay the USA—the United States of Auradon, a land of peace and enchantment, prosperity and delight, which encompassed all the good kingdoms.
To the east lay the colorful domes of the Sultan’s seat, where Aladdin and Jasmine lived, not far from where Mulan and Li Shang guarded the imperial palace.
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To the north was Charming Castle, owned by Cinderella and her king, next door to “Honeymoon Cottage,” the forty-bedroom palace that Aurora and Phillip called home.
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And to the south, one could spy the lanterns of Rapunzel and Eugene Fitzherbert’s divine domicile, near the spot on the coast where Ariel and Eric had made their under-and-over-the-sea royal residence at Seaside.
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the grandest castle in all of Auradon, with lavish turrets and balconies, its highest towers flying the proud blue-and-gold banner of the good old USA. Inside the magnificent building were many ballrooms, great rooms and state rooms, a formal dining room that could seat hundreds, where everyone was made to feel like a pampered guest, and a wondrous library that held all the books that were ever written.
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hannahhook7744 · 5 months
19 " Whatever's wrong with this family goes back a long ways " For The Badun Detective agency au ... Featuring Lampwick if you can squeeze him in !
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Trigger warnings: Child death, dysfunctional families, murder, swearing, poor sleeping habits, etc.
“Uhh. What is wrong with this family?!” Jace growled in frustration, plopping down onto his sleeping bag in Carlos’ treehouse—where he and his cousin had been living since they were seven.
Harry just shrugged from his hammock, not looking up from the laptop he’d bribed Hunter de Vil into fixing. “I dunno. I suppose it depends on which family you’re talking about. The de vils or ours?”
The bigger boy gave him an unamused look. “ I mean ours.”
“Well, how was I supposed to know that? You could have been referring to either.”
“Stop being a smartass.”
“I would but I don’t think that that’s possible for me.”
Jace paused. Before groaning “You’re probably right about that. But that still doesn't answer my question.”
“Well, one thing’s for sure. Whatever’s wrong with this family goes back a looooooooong ways.” Harry replied, still not looking at him. 
“What makes you say that?”
Now it was time for Harry to give him an unamused look. “The fact that both our fathers’ see nothing wrong with the fact that Cruella has murdered every sibling and mother figure either of us have ever had, along with several other people and animals. Oh and the fact that two of our ancestors—Harlow and Jacob Badun—were good ol’ Judge Dimsdale de Vil’s lackeys before they were killed during the witch trials.”
“What. the. Fuck—”
“Oh and the fact that our grandmother—Jezebel Badun, ‘nee Rossi— huh, Rossi, isn’t that, that Lampwick guy’s last name, we should look into—”
“Harry, focus. What’d our grandma that I didn’t even know we had do?”
“Oh. She murdered her husband.”
“Again, I must ask, what the fuck—”
“Oh and apparently her husband’s brother’s cousin’s son was an axe murderer—”
Jace quickly jumped to his feet and took the laptop from  Harry.
“Okay, that’s enough family tree researching for tonight and preferably forever.”
“But it was interesting—”
“No. It was horrifying and I, for one, do not want to hear anymore!”
“Not even about the time a pair of twin brothers married a pair of twin sisters and both had quintuplets who went on to murder each other as children in the 1700s?”
Jace grimaced. “ I especially do not want to know about that!”
“What about our great great twin aunts who were ladies of the night?”
Harry, one again, just shrugged—causing Jace to narrow his eyes. 
“Harry. When was the last time you slept for more than an hour?”
“Uh…. I don’t think you want me to answer that.”
“Go to bed.”
“Why would I do that when I can tell you all about our wonderfully odd ancestors—like Joldwin, servant of, King Iōánnēs de Vil, who—”
“Okay, okay. I’ll go to bed. Jeez, you’re no fun!”
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msweebyness · 8 months
Descendants: Darcy’s Boogie
It is I, with my first ever Descendants short! This is the last installment of Sparky and I's NBC 30th Anniversary Special! This takes place in the "canon" universe, with the change of including my Nightmare Before Christmas OCs, Darcy Boogie and Jack Skellington Jr (or JJ). For background on these two, check out my post for Artzy's art of them! (And Sparky's Rescendants AU) As usual, @imsparky2002 and @artzychic27!
Here's the background for this short: Halloween is coming up in Auradon, and every year, Halloween Town hosts a huge celebration of spooks and scares for the youths of the whole kingdom. Normally, Ben himself, assisted by JJ would organize the festivities, but this year, as a show of good will to the Villain Kids now living in Auradon, he's decided to hand the reins to none other than the Boogeyman's daughter, which Darcy so graciously accepted. But are they prepared for the best she can do?
An air of trepidation filled the hearts of the Auradonian teens and their Isle-born friends made their way towards the ramshackle building on the outskirts of Halloween Town that had been selected as the hub for Auradon’s annual Youth Halloween Celebration. None other than the boogeyman’s daughter had been appointed by Ben to coordinate the scares and festivities. No one knew what to expect and it had them on edge…
"Ben...as much as I love Darcy, and as great as it is that you want the newer VK's to know we have trust in them...are you sure this was a good idea?”, Jane said softly, her voice trembling as she clung to Carlos’ arm.
“It’ll be fine, guys! Darcy was really happy when I asked her if she’d like to do this! And besides, JJ said she actually kept it pretty tame!”, Ben assured brightly, optimistic as always.
“Yeah, by Boogie standards!”, Jay snarked, earning a smack to the head from Evie.
Finally, they reached the massive, oaken doors of the house, which seemed to open by themselves in response to their presence.
“Hmph! Pretty standard fare for someone who claims to be the best of the best!”, Chad Charming scoffed as they walked in, only to shriek when he felt a hand creep up the back of his neck and a dark cackle echoed through the shadowy entry hall.
“Oh…don’t you worry, Chad. This ain’t even the beginnin’!”, a familiar female voice purred, before all the lights suddenly went out, the room now illuminated only by eerie green candlelight.
This only lasted a moment as an entire display of blinking casino lights illuminated the darkness, accompanied by a funky rhythm that played from an unknown source.
With a devilish smile, Darcy Boogie stepped into the spotlight and began her song.
DARCY: Now, scarin’ all those Isle creeps was becomin’ such a bore!
The same thing every day gone by, just wasn’t fun no more
Darcy mimed a yawn as she remembered how monotonous her scares on the Isle had become with time, but she had no time to dwell on the past. She had a fresh audience to cater to!
Better look out Auradon, I’m about to get my shot! (Thanks, Benny Boy!)
With a playful giggle, she patted the young king on the head (from a higher vantage point, as he was a good bit taller than her), making Mal huff in annoyance at his side.
It’s Darcy’s day to show her stuff
And I'm gonna give it all I got
I just can't wait for you to see the spectacle I’ll make
With a smirk of devious glee, Darcy pulled a lever on the wall, which caused trap doors to open along the floor, bugs of all kinds swarming out over the feet of the Auradon Kids, who yelped and scrambled to avoid them.
"Oh my GODS, Eeeew!", Audrey squealed, prancing on the spot in revulsion, "Where did she even GET this many bugs?!"
But I guess that all depends
On how much terror you can take!
Darcy gave another menacing cackle, before giving the group of frightened teens a playful wave as she disappeared into the shadows and allowed her friends to say their piece.
UMA: Spooky hour approaches
And just out of sight
The assembled teens turned with a start to the pirating sea witch sitting on the top level of the old fountain in the center of the room, grinning nonchalantly as she fingered the blade of her sword.
HARRY: A creature is stirring
To give you a fright
The ‘Hero’ kids shrieked as the pirate dropped down in front of them, hanging upside down while brandishing his hook with a maniacal grin.
GIL: The hearts of the heroes
They’re racing with fear
Sitting up on a ledge, swinging his feet back and forth, Gil’s bright and cheerful smile looked unusually menacing overlaid by the shadows that entrenched the room.
PIRATE TRIO: They won’t get no sleep, cuz our Boogie Gal’s here!
With a maniacal laugh in perfect three part harmony, the pirates all vanished into the shadows as Darcy reappeared with a dramatic flourish, the casino black-lights making her appear to almost glow.
DARCY: Look out cuz that Boogie Blood is back in town!
(Pirate Trio: Woah-oh-oh!)
Darcy felt that the residents of Auradon had been growing soft in the absence of a Boogie to remind them what lurked in the dark, but that was going to change now that she was here! She had plans to remind the world of why her family name sent a chill down your spine!
Honey, you ain’t ready for what’s gonna go down!
(Pirate Trio: Woooah-Oh!)
Darcy grinned and the Auradon kids shrieked as all the lights went out once more, before the floor dropped out beneath them and they were sent plummeting down a steep ramp that landed them in a lower level of the old house. Like the room before it, this new location was quickly illuminated by glittering casino style lighting.
HARRY: Nowhere to run
With his signature crazed giggle, Harry flipped a lever that sealed the passage through which the teens had come, trapping them in the room.
GIL: No place to hide
Gil grinned as he hit a button on the wall that shone a bright spotlight on their captives, illuminating their every move.
UMA: So say goodbye
Uma gave a mocking little wave to the terrified group as she called their attention to where her bestie was waiting to continue the show.
DARCY: 'Cause Darcy’s gettin’ her Boogie on! It’s my turn this time!
(Pirate Trio: She’s got her boogie on!)
Darcy gave the teens a predatory grin as she stepped out onto a balcony above them, her face illuminated by the flashing lights all around them as she twirled a dagger between her fingers.
HARRY: Who's the one gonna make you scream?
Harry grinned suavely as he swung up to sit on the ledge beside Darcy, enjoying the glints of fear in the eyes of the young do-gooders at the gleam of his hook.
GIL: Who’s the Isle’s queen of Halloween?
Gil swung over to perch on Darcy’s other side, giving her a playful bow as Uma came to stand beside her best friend, resting an elbow on her shoulder.
DARCY: This year, when Halloween comes ‘round
The screams are gonna roll!
Darcy let out another menacing giggle as she let the dagger fly from her fingers, Chad giving a high, girlish shriek as it pierced right between his feet.
Yes, 'cause I got my boogie on
And I feel it in my soul!
When Darcy stomped on a panel of the floor after performing a smooth turn, spikes emerged from the walls around the room, slowly creeping towards the group as they gasped in terror.
It was then that the ‘future queen’ decided now was a good time to run off her mouth.
MAL: Now I think this has gone far enough
So I suggest you listen up
Mal crossed her arms and tried to appear intimidating, though this failed to impress the Boogie girl by any means.
Halloween is sweet in Auradon
Can’t let things get too rough!
With a mocking smile, Darcy rested her chin on her hand as she responded to Mal in the way one would to appease a petulant child.
DARCY: Okay, Dragon Lady, you’ve made your point
I hear you loud and clear
Darcy gave Mal a look of mock sympathy, nodding as if to comply with what she was saying, only for a devious grin to overtake her features once more.
But these spooks need a little spice
And so I volunteer
With a loud whoop of laughter, Darcy flipped down from the banister landing a mere ten feet away from the heroes, before giving a sharp whistle.
We'll fill the halls with creepy crawls
So just sit back and watch
At her call, a plethora of bugs, snakes and spiders crawled and slithered out of the darkness, surrounding the group of teens as Darcy clapped with pride and joy.
Cause this year, Darcy Boogie’s gonna kick it up a notch!
HARRY: Darcy’s in charge now, and things will get wild!
Harry leaped down to land on Darcy’s left side, brandishing his hook with a maniacal grin. The show wasn’t over yet, and he couldn’t wait to see the main act!
GIL: She’ll stop their pulse, and do it with a smile!
Gil jumped down to land at Darcy’s other side, practically bouncing on his heels with anticipation. This was the scariest part of the whole deal, and it was gonna be awesome.
UMA: Papa Oogie, he taught her well!
With a smile, Darcy blew a kiss to an image of her dear ol' daddy on the wall, before turning back to face the frightened teens. He had taught her everything there was to know about terror, and she was ready to put it to use.
PIRATE TRIO: And now she’s got us all under her spooky spell!
Uma was the last to jump down, perching on the fountain once more as she allowed a snake to creep up her arm, scratching it under the chin as Darcy resumed the tune.
DARCY: Look out cuz that Boogie Blood is back in town!
(Pirate Trio: Woah-oh-oh!)
Honey, you ain’t ready for what’s gonna go down!
(Pirate Trio: Woooah-Oh!)
Suddenly, the hero teens were raised above the ground on a platform, which shot them back up to the room they had started in, but now the shadows along the walls seemed to be swiping out at them.
HARRY: Nowhere to run
GIL: No place to hide
UMA: So say goodbye
The pirates cackled as they all brandished their weapons and made sure every exit was sealed off. There was no getting away for the teens now!
DARCY: 'Cause Darcy’s gettin’ her Boogie on! It’s my turn this time!
(Pirate Trio: She’s got her boogie on!)
From somewhere unseen, Darcy’s maniacal laughter sounded as a swarm of bats flew about around the AK’s heads, making them squeal.
HARRY: Who's the one gonna make you scream?
GIL: Who’s the Isle’s queen of Halloween?
The Pirate Trio all gave dramatic bows as Darcy emerged from the shadows with a small flip switch in hand. The teens eyed it nervously. What now?
DARCY: This year, when Halloween comes ‘round
The screams are gonna roll!
Yes, 'cause I got my boogie on
And I feel it in my soul!
When Darcy hit the small switch, the heroes suddenly found themselves in the center of a large roulette wheel, with various blades of all kinds swinging around them and casino lights blinding them with brightly colored flashes.
GIL: They’re scared
HARRY: They’re sick
UMA: They’re horrified
The three pirates cackled as they looked down from their perch at the Auradon kids' expressions, each one a picture of dread and regret. (Even the normally fearless Lonnie was looking a tad rattled, quite the feat!)
DARCY: Come on, Heroes, look alive
Or this will be a holiday your weak hearts won’t survive!
Darcy placed a cloth hand over her chest in a “bless your hearts” gesture before she let loose another wild laugh as the blades narrowly missed her captives.
UMA: It’s over now, they’re toast!
GIL: They’re done!
HARRY: They’ve had a decent run!
The three teenagers gave playful, teasing waves to the Auradon Kids before disappearing into the shadows to watch the final act.
DARCY: There's a brand new Boogie here in town
And I've only just begun
Darcy had every intent of carrying on the legacy of frights her father had left behind in Halloween Town. While her tactics might not be lethal or as extreme as his, she still loved to indulge in some good screams! She cackled as she disappeared into a hole in the floor and the heroes were each deposited into different slots on the giant wheel.
DARCY: Look out cuz that Boogie Blood is back in town!
(Pirate Trio: Woah-oh-oh!)
Darcy re-emerged in the center of the roulette wheel, posing dramatically as the lights gleamed around her. She was ready to give them the final scare.
Honey, you ain’t ready for what’s gonna go down!
(Pirate Trio: Woooah-Oh!)
The heroes all screamed as what appeared to be boiling hot lava (a favor from Hades) rose up from vats in the floor, encircling the roulette wheel and making the room grow hotter by the second. Darcy cackled like a loon as her creepy crawly companions scuttled around and over the heroes.
HARRY: Nowhere to run
GIL: No place to hide
UMA: So say goodbye
The pirates taunted the Auradon teens as they threw daggers that narrowly missed them, making them cry out in fear.
DARCY: 'Cause Darcy’s gettin’ her Boogie on! It’s my turn this time!
(Pirate Trio: She’s got her boogie on!)
Darcy took in the sound of the screaming around her, relishing each one. This was what her kind lived for, tasting the fear and panic of their victims.
(Pirate Trio: Woah-oh-oh-oh! Wo-oah oh-oh!)
(Pirate Trio: Woah-oh-oh-oh!)
GIL: She’s gonna boogie down!
Uma, Harry and Gil clapped for the shoe as the lights began to flicker out, the lava receded, and the bugs scuttled back into the darkness. Their first performance had been a rousing success!
HARRY: The ghouls of the Isle are taking over the night!
GIL: Happy Halloween to all
UMA: And to all a good fright
DARCY: Yes, 'cause I got my boogie on!
And I feel it in my soul!
As their captive audience was finally allowed to flee the scene when the heavy doors suddenly flew open, Darcy and her “helpers” burst into maniacal, gleeful laughter as a tall, sharply-dressed young man with shaggy red hair and a bemused smile stepped out of the shadows. Darcy turned to face him with a grin.
“See, Darlin’?, she said with a playful giggle as she walked over and took his hand, “I told ya I wouldn’t go overboard!”, with a coquettish grin as she wrapped his arm around her shoulders.
“Well, they won’t be sleeping soundly for some time, my bleeding heart. You put on quite the unforgettable show.”, JJ said, taking one of her hands and pressing a kiss to her knuckles, producing a blush she tried her best to hide.
"That's the idea, ain't it? Gotta live up to my family's reputation.", Darcy said, blushing even brighter as the Pumpkin Prince pulled her close again, their faces an inch apart.
"You did much more than that, my black butterfly. You have a style all your own, and it sends my heart out of my ribcage.", he told her, earning a soft mutter of "Sap..." in response, before he leaned down and the two shared a kiss in the shadowy hall. Two frightful souls, simply meant to be.
I hope you all enjoyed the show, and that it gave you a fitting fright! I love Darcy so much and I hope you all love her too! Song is reworked from this amazing number from the web series, The Villains' Lair!
Oogie's Boogie (The Villains Lair) - YouTube
Let me know your thoughts in the comments and reblogs!
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S3 go to Auradon au but this is what they get into to start their little ‘maybe it isnt so bad’ thing like in canon
Uma; swim team, marine biology class/marine life club, aka being surrounded who love and apricate the things she does/ who she is (cough sea goddess)
Harry; ROAR,  sailing club, sneaking into the kitchen to bake (yes im straight up stealing from @hanas-headcanons​, Ms. Potts becomes one of Harry’s parental figures and none of you can stop us) mostly the same arc as Jay but Harry takes just a bit longer to flow into it/realize he doesn't have to constantly watch his back in Auradon
Gil; cheerleading, catches one of the cheerleader's (maybe audrey to kickstart her own little ‘maybe not so bad’ arc) during a failed stunt/tourney practice (coach wanted him to try out cuz Gil is a fukin unit, Gil ended up fitting in better with Cheer), just happy to be there and be supportive (he’s a base duh) just imagine Gil in as a cheerleader, please.  hypes up his team and realized his muscles/strength can be used in ways of support and not to hurt people. 
and where is Ben in all of this? just encouraging them to branch out and explore themselves/Auradon, not letting Gil be shamed for joining the cheer team (cuz you know chad is an asshole like that for some reason) mans just an extra supportive bean that wiggles his way into the sea 3′s group
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heliads · 4 months
Hey babe, if you're still taking requests, can I request something for Harry Hook from descendants? It takes place in an AU where basically all the kids are "chosen" to be parts of fairytales. (Think Ever After High mixed with School for Good and Evil). This world is complete with everything you see in disney movies with epic fights and songs. Heroes get love ballads and villains get traditional villain songs. Reader and Harry are friends (with feelings) on the isle and get chosen for a story, and are both super excited because they think they'll both be villains together. So imagine their surprise when they get their first song together and it sounds an awful lot like a love song.
This AU has been living in my head for a long time tbh but I have no writing skills T-T. Feel free to ignore it this is not your style or I accidentally sent this after requests closed.
'one story leads to another' - harry hook
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On the Isle of the Lost, a story is everything. Receiving a good story catapults a promising villain into a fantastic life of infamy, but a lackluster story seals your fate forever to menial satisfaction alone. Henchmen, not gods. Lackeys and thugs, never the criminal boss in charge.
Then again, a worse fate still could befall you. Many would-be villains go their whole lives without receiving a story. They’re not meant for everyone, at all, even if they mean the difference between a true life or a false existence. You can’t fathom training your whole life just to go without, but it’s the reality for many on your island. Even the deck swabbers get to go on exciting adventures with the great pirates of the sea, and even the lowliest prison guard will still live in a cursed palace.
The story controls your life, both literally and figuratively. Once you’re given a story, you’ll have no choice but to follow it out, even if it ends with your death. Then again, a story isn’t over in a matter of days. It’ll shape your life for decades. Even if the main plot is over, you’ll still be someone, and maybe you’ll feature in other people’s stories, too. There’s no way to make it without a story.
That’s why you’ve been throwing yourself into the pursuit of becoming the main character of your own story. You’ve perfected the arts of all things villain– sword fights that always end with you pulling a secret dagger out of a sleeve to tip the scales in your favor, maniacal laughter, elaborate plotting. You could scheme in your sleep or double-cross a traitor with your hands tied behind your back. Although it’s been a long time in the making, everyone on the Isle can admit that you’re the best of the best, and that a story surely has to be coming your way.
The problem, then, is attracting one. Although no rules are set in stone, there are expectations for how one’s story will come about. There will be an inciting event, of course, and then the songs will begin to appear in your head, the footwork and movements placed in your memories without a second thought. You’ll know you’re in the story, and then your life will change forever.
You’ve already seen one play out with some of your closest friends. Mal, one of your best friends since you were kids, got to live out her nefarious dreams, although even she didn’t see the twist coming in her story. Then again, becoming queen of Auradon is certainly a fine trophy for the child of a villain, even if a true marriage of love isn’t quite the way anyone expected her to steal the crown.
Mal has assured you many times over that your story will be coming too, it has to. There’s no way the magic would skip over you, not when you’ve dedicated so much of your life to being the perfect villain for any role. You can lie and cheat and maim with the best of them, surely you’re shaping up to be the arch nemesis in some hero’s grand journey? Your story will be coming your way. Surely. Surely.
And then, all of a sudden, it does. You feel it like a puppet knows its strings. All of a sudden, you have a purpose that you didn’t before. Your feet carry you out of the training yard and out into the sprawling mess of streets that makes up the Isle of the Lost. Your heart soars, and you take to the roofline, staring out at the world before you. It’s yours, all yours, and you know it’s true, so you sing it. The words come to you in a flash, perfect rhymes curling around your tongue as if they’d been there all your life. 
This is what it feels like to be in a story, then. It feels right, more right than anything you’ve known before. Easier than breathing. Simpler than hoping that something like this would come your way, and at last, it has. Nothing could make your flinty heart more proud.
The song ends, and you can hear a ghost of a distant chorus fading out as you make your way back to the ground once more. Your stroll is casual, but the steps are definitely in a specific direction. The last notes fade from the air, your feet stop firmly in place, and you realize that you’re not facing down a potential heist or daring escape but the end of the dock leading into the sea. Directly in front of you lies a pirate ship. 
At first, you’re thrilled– an adventure on the high seas would be fantastic. You’re friends with many of the pirates, even if you haven’t yet gotten a chance to test your fortitude against seasickness before. You cast your mind back to the words you’d just sung, trying to remember if you’d chorused anything about an exciting voyage ahead, or maybe the possibility of sunken treasure.
Instead, your heart sinks as you realize you were talking about exploring what was right in front of you. More specifically, someone right in front of you. And, as you stare with no small amount of trepidation at the pirate ship in front of you, you discover that someone else seems to be in a similar situation as you. Someone who’s just stopped singing a very similar song, who’s standing directly opposite you as if placed there by some immortal hand. Someone you know already.
Someone like Harry Hook.
A belated understanding is beginning to nestle itself between your ribs like a knife in the heart. No, this can’t be. You refuse to believe it. Still, when Harry is the first one to make a move, and walks briskly down the gangplank to stand in front of you, and says in an increasingly cavalier tone, “So, you’ve got your story started too, haven’t you?”
“Harry,” you say weakly. “I didn’t realize that you’d also gotten a song.”
“More than a song,” he says grimly. “I’ve got the whole story.”
You stare at him. “You know how it’s going to end?”
Harry had been doing his best to keep his gaze firmly pinioned on a nearby wall, but his eyes flicker briefly, traitorously, over to you when you pose the question. They snap back immediately, though. For a pirate, he’s never been the best liar, although he tends to make up for it with excellent swordsmanship. “No one knows how their story is going to end until they follow it through.”
You narrow your eyes crossly at him. “But you have a guess, don’t you? Spit it out, Hook. I don’t have all day.”
“Actually,” Harry contradicts, seeming to take great joy in the opportunity to be bothersome, “you do have all day. You’re a part of a story now, love. Your whole life is going to be wherever the wind takes you.”
You roll your eyes. “Thanks, Harry. Very helpful. Don’t try to dodge the question, though. You know how this is going to end, right?”
He sighs. “I have an inkling. Very vague. Probably untrustworthy.”
“All pirates are untrustworthy,” you remind him.
He grins broadly, sharklike. “And all children of villains are saints like you, of course.” He groans at your exasperated expression. “Fine, fine. Although I’d suggest you get better at pretending you like playing my little games if you’d like to keep this up.”
Your eyes widen. “What do you mean?”
“You’ve guessed it already, haven’t you?” Harry says testily. “Think about the songs, Y/N. The melody. That wasn’t a villainous monologue, not even your basic pledge for debauchery and ruin. That was a love song.”
You shake your head frantically. “No, Harry. That was so not right. What is that supposed to mean?”
“Well,” Harry says slowly, “I ‘spose it means we’re meant to fall in love.”
You draw back so quickly that you think you’ve insulted him. “No. Absolutely not. No offense, Harry, but I don’t want to fall in love with you.”
“I’ll try not to let it go to my head,” he says dryly.
You wave a hand dismissively. “It’s not about you, I swear. It’s just– this was supposed to be my story, you know? My whole life. I was supposed to have a glorious adventure, or engage in fantastic battles, but I get one chance at a story and it’s about falling in love? No way. I won’t accept this.”
“You’re acting like I enjoy this too,” Harry retorts. “Quite the contrary, sweetheart. You’re not the only one who’s been dreaming about their story for ages. How do you reckon I’m meant to tell my father that I got a love story? He’d laugh at me so hard he’d probably stop getting scared of that crocodile once and for all. I’m just as unhappy with this as you are, but I’m willing to do something about it.”
You eye him cautiously. “Like what?”
“Let’s play along,” he suggests, and when you look like you’re going to snap at him, he raises his hands defensively and adds hastily, “I know, I know, but hear me out, will you? The faster we get things going, the sooner this ends. You know as well as I do that characters from other stories can take part in other ones, too. ‘Sides, maybe this one isn’t just a love story. Maybe we do travel somewhere exciting, we just don’t know it yet. You don’t have to fall in love with me, alright? We can pretend. We’ll sing our songs, then do whatever we want with our hearts. Me, I’m planning to show my strength by carving mine out of my chest and wearing it as a necklace. It would make a pretty pendant, I wager. Plus, all the crew would be awestruck over it.”
You can’t help but laugh at his words. “Harry, if you cut your heart out, you’d die. If you want a necklace like that, use one of your enemies’ organs.”
He nods appreciatively. “That might work better, I think.” Then, eyeing you apprehensively, “So, does that mean you’re willing to do it? To play along with our story?”
You sigh. “I think it does. It’s not like we have any choice, do we?”
Harry pulls a face. “A girl is cosmically destined to fall in love with me, and in the heat of the moment of her confession, she says it’s because she doesn’t have any choice. Be still, my heart.”
This makes you smile. “You know it’s not personal, Harry. We’ve been friends for ages, I should hope you know when I’m teasing.”
“And I should hope the same,” he says with mock solemnity, although his faux stony demeanor cracks with a wide grin within moments.
You hold out your hand for him to shake. “To falling in love?”
“To falling in love,” he says, and shakes it. So the story begins.
You’re not going to say that it’s difficult, pretending to be in love with Harry Hook. You’ve never had an issue with his company; he’s one of your oldest friends, all of the villain kids on or around the Isle of the Lost have come in contact with each other before, and you and Harry just so happened to cross paths more than a few times. In fact, you’d go so far as to say that if you were forced to sing love songs with any of the villainous children on this island, Harry would be your preferred choice.
And– the problem with that, see, is that it makes this whole thing sound like something it isn’t. You’re not in love with Harry, even if your story seems designed to make you think otherwise. You know how you felt about him before the story began, and a couple of ditties about finding something special in a person you previously overlooked isn’t going to change anything. Harry is your friend. Nothing more than a potential ally.
But then the story takes you two away from the island for a spell, the two of you co-captaining a small sailing vessel by yourselves in search of a magical talisman that would have the power to make every one of your days enchanting. You had assumed it would be a talisman of some sort, that is; yet when the two of you arrived at the hiding place of this supposed treasure and split up to each pursue one length of a split crossroads, your paths looped around so you came face to face with each other again. 
No artifacts, no charms. Just Harry almost stumbling into you, having to wrap one arm around your waist so you don’t fall, his chest rising and falling rapidly as if he’d been running in an attempt to beat your time. You’d chastise him for it were it not for the fact that you were sprinting, too. You wait for Harry to let you go, but he doesn’t, and instead leans closer, so close you can feel his breath hot on your cheek, and then–
You pull away quickly. Harry looks at you like a wounded dog, which makes you feel sick to your stomach. “No,” you say through gritted teeth. “This isn’t– this isn’t us. It’s the story.”
“Is it really just the story?” Harry asks you.
“Yes,” you say, refusing to consider any other option for a second. “You didn’t love me before it started. The magic is messing with our minds. This isn’t real, Harry.”
He starts slowly walking towards you, and afraid you’ll make a mistake you’ll regret once the story ends, you back up in turn, up until the point when your back hits a wall and you can go no further. Harry, however, has nothing in his way but you, and there is nothing to stop him from closing the gap between you once again.
“Tell me it’s not real,” he says lowly.
“It’s not real,” you repeat.
His hand rises to your chin, tilting it up so you have to look in his eyes. He drinks in the sight of you like he’s been marooned alone for days, like salt water has been his only benediction for as long as he can remember. “Tell me,” he says again.
“It’s not,” you insist, but your conviction is gone, drifted away from you on uncertain tides. “It’s the magic. Not us.”
“Not us?” He asks, and kisses you. Slowly, terribly slowly, he kisses you, and in between silently begging him to move faster, do more, you think about all the times you’ve been under a spell in the past, and how this feels nothing like that. Not at all. Whenever you’re under an enchantment, some small part of you knows it’s wrong, giving you just enough hope that you might be able to fight free.
When you kiss Harry, though, you don’t want him to stop. Not at all. Every single particle in your body is beating along to the same erratic pulse through your veins, the one that leans into his touch, reaching for the front of his salt-stained shirt to pull him ever closer to you. If this is your story, you don’t ever want it to end. If there is a writer out there somewhere, feverishly scribbling out your chapters, you hope they never cease, that every one of their movements until the day they die and then past that will bring you more moments with Harry, moments just like this one in which you never have to let him go.
“It’s not just the story,” you tell him amidst ragged breaths when he finally breaks away.
“No?” Harry asks, one brow quirked. Usually, he’d never pass up the chance to gloat, but he looks sorely disheveled, and he can’t take his eyes off of your kissed lips long enough to give him the chance to revel in his victory like he normally would.
Just in case, though, you distract him from the triumph by kissing him again. Somewhere in the surrounding uncharted territory, the waves crash against the shore, the seabirds wheel and sing on the marine breezes, and you find the magic in the one boy who has always been there for you, and always will be, even after your story ends. That is the magic of love, you suppose. Adventures come to a close. Battles are won, heists are accomplished, but what you and Harry share will go on forever. A fitting legacy for the best two villains who ever lived.
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kanzakurawrites · 6 months
I read the first Hunger Games book for the first time (yeah, I know I know) and now all I can imagine is a Descendants Au of it.
Like, the villains keep having children, and the children are having children. The isle of so overpopulated, very quickly, and the only solution that the villains think of is making a group of children fight to death each year. This is eight years into the Isle. The goblins row the kids out to the Isle of Doom, and go back at the end of each week. Some are done in that first week, the longest went two months.
The first few times the kids tried not to, they are kids, but then the adults just killed them all.
Unlike the Hunger Games, they allow one male and one female to come out alive (this proves their worth, and their children could be "strong". Remember, these are villains trying to get off the Isle)
Jay ends up in three times, he comes out each of them just a little more haunted.
Mal goes in at ten, she comes out without her wings and half dead. Gil was in that year, and he saved her life. (He found out about her dad, because Mal's flames showed themselves and she survived too many attempts on her life. He becomes a shadow to her, and not even Uma's wrath will make him stop)
Evie ends up in there at 15, going in Dizzy's place. It was the quickest game the Isle ever had. She poisoned the remaining food and water, and thanks to her mother, she was able to go without it while waiting.
Uma and Harry were in together. Uma was 11, and Harry was 12. Ever since they've been inseparable, but they don't talk about what happened in there.
Carlos is a lucky one. His cousin Ivy took his place, and she burned the Isle of Doom to the ground. She's one of the few never allowed back there, as the next year's games weren't as entertaining for the oldest villains. (But that's the year they found out there's just a smidge of magic on the isle, because the few trees that were there grew back)
Many VK's try to disappear to avoid the games. Some live under the Isle in the tunnels, which has driven a couple mad.
And yet Auradon doesn't realize what is happening - or they just don't care.
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casinotrio1965 · 19 days
Disney Descendants: Run Little Donkey Girl, Run. For The Villain Hannah Hook au
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Co written by me and @hannahhook7744
Song being parodied: Fall Little Wendy Bird Fall.
Who wrote the original song: Lydia the Bard.
[Hannah Hook sits on the throne of Auradon, looking at Tulip through the blade Harry's broken cutlass]:
Little girl, you've no idea what you've got yourself into:
Stand your ground for a night and think the world's made for you.
Well, I've tried too hard to see all of my work come undone,
So better trot on home real fast…
[Tulip gives a motivational speech to her tribe]:
I see the way your people look at you with tears in their eyes,
Soon they’ll start to have some hope in their  lives.
Well I won't let you tempt them,
They are mine to deflect. 
No use reminding them of what they lost.
[Hannah grits her teeth as a little golden Neverland appears, clenching her fist so that it crumbles out of her sight]:
You don't seem to quite understand what is at stake…
This messed up little world that I had to break…
If I could give you back your home you know that would, But it will do more harm than good! 
[More golden little miniatures appear that Hannah has to crush with tears in her eyes]:
So why don't you run?
Run,  little Donkey girl, run!
Why don't you run ?
Run,  little Donkey girl, run!
[The Killer Queen gets control of her magic back and makes a little figure of Tulip appear, before transforming it into a donkey and making it run]:
Swear it's nothing personal,
It's just a necessary evil…
Why don't you Run ?
Run, donkey girl , run 
[The figure starts to crumble]:
Some would say I'm quick to rage,
But they’ve never seen my life. 
Fighting all day and night, just to survive!
Tulip, sweetie, you have picked the wrong girl to fight
[Hannah Hook looks fondly at her crew and the children in it as they play with Harriet, before getting a hardened look in her eye. Remembering what Auradon did to Harry and Cj, and their friends]:
I will protect what is mine…
[Tulip is planning a strategy of attack with Pin and Princess Eleanor of Llyr, who’s kingdom has just joined the fight]:
A nasty little ass that must be killed and put down,
Starting revolutions inside my kingdom is just not allowed!
If ending errant rebellions is what I must do…
Then, sugar I'll be coming for you!
[Lampwick is trying to talk Tulip out of doing this, scared she might get hurt or worse killed]:
So why don't you Run?
(Why don't you Run?)
Run, little Donkey girl , run!
Why don't you run?
(Why don't you run?)
run, little donkey girl, run!
[Tulip gives her dad, Lampwick, one last hug before setting out to purposefully get herself captured by Hannah’s Crew in hopes that Princess Eleanor and her tribe will be able to ambush Hannah while she’s busy trying to kill her]:
Swear it's nothing personal..
It's just a necessary evil!
Why don't you…RUN?!
Ruuuuun, little donkey girl, RUN!
(Why don't you run?)
[Tulip is captured, by Hannah ,  tied up and taken to a secluded place where the pirate girl can drown her]:
Oh, oh…
(Why don't you run?)
Oh, oh…
(Why don't you run?)
Oh, oh…
(Why don't you run?)
Why don't you run?!
[Tulip tries to Talk Hannah Down from drowning her, telling her that she can be the bigger person etc etc. 
But the other teen just shakes her head, eyes lifeless]:Run, little donkey, run.
Or did it slip your mind?
You need three things to survive. 
Let's see you try when I triple up mine…
[Hannah's hands start glowing and a wave appears out of the fountain, overshadowing both of them]: Why don't you Run?!
Run, little Donkey girl , run!
I'm gonna drown your ass,
Cut your air.
Honey you won't...
Even care!
Now that you're having fun…
Why don't you...
[Princess Eleanor sneakily sneaks up behind Hannah and stabs her in the back but not the heart while she’s distracted, but doesn’t doesn’t kill her, showing mercy to Hannah Like Tulip suggested.
A mistake.
Hannah flings her hand back—eyes glowing black with fury—sending Eleanor flying out the nearest window. Sending members of Tulip’s tribe flying back as they try to apprehend her. Calling in her crew, who throw them out of the castle. Mostly unharmed. 
Eleanor can be seen lying on the ground: heavily injured—wings broken—but not dead. One of the few near casualties of this fight.
Tulip gives Hannah a stoic but also heartbroken look as she helps an injured Eleanor up .
All while Hannah Hook holds one of the toddlers of her crew, coldly staring down at them: all while the oblivious toddler waves goodbye to them].
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Out of context Dead Beauty AU ✨
The final standoff be like:
Mal: „You wanna do this? Really?“
Harriet, utterly unimpressed: „Shut up, bitch, I babysat you.“
Some de Vil cousins chaos:
Ivy & Diego: „Fuck the Hooks.“
Carlos: „Yes, they kidnapped my friend, of course I'm gonna fight them.“
Ivy & Diego (their protect-baby-cousin instinct just got activated): „NO NOT LIKE THAT“
After the Facilier girls let themselves be bribed into selling some ✨funky shit✨ to the Core 4:
Freddie „I just wanted to make it more interesting for you, sweetheart!“
CJ: „Aww, thank you, that's so cute of you!“
(Harriet: „Wtf...? Nevermind I don't think I need to know.“
Harry is too busy trying to flirt-by-insulting with multiple people at once to notice)
Also worth noting that the Hooks do not have access to a TV now. Nor do they particularly care about keeping up with Auradon news.
Both Ivy and Diego almost broke their brains trying to give Carlos some dating advice for impressing Jane.
None of their ideas was actually usable.
Yes, they were discussing this instead of telling him that hey, the Hooks kinda kidnapped the king ✨
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dani-luminae · 5 months
A new chapter of Love from the Stars is here! After a note about the new AU, it's the morning to depart Seaside. Lia's not sure she likes goodbyes, but she's accepted to have breakfast with her father, while Harry wakes up in the medic bay.
Tagging! @lady-of-the-spirit @descendantofthesparrow @auradon-bore-a-don @descendants-brat and @juniaships!
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carsonnieve · 1 year
masterpost of my fics on ao3
Just doing this because I want to have something pinned on my page here but well, a reminder of my old fics from different fandoms because kudos and comments are appreciated as well so it motivates me to keep on writing. Hopefully there's new ones updated soon as long as my inspiration kicks in.
Currenly working on two mevie fics so let's see how that goes!
username: carsonnieve
Let's start with the ones that are completed and I'm really proud of.
it's always about fate pairing: beca and chloe (pitch perfect) rating: T
Summary: Chloe sighed and walked in the coffee shop with the phone in her hands. She didn’t want to have this conversation today and yet there she was, talking about it when she just wanted a coffee and have a relaxing afternoon writing down new ideas for her stories and not pining over her online friend. Then the moment she looked up she saw someone she really wanted to see too and the reason why her heart was so divided and yet confusing. Beca.
2. unsay these spoken words pairing: regina mills and emma swan (once upon a time) rating: T
Summary: Because maybe, after all, she could take the pain and continue with her life. But maybe she thought she could, when actually her heart was already broken and the scattered pieces all over her chest were not enough to make her realize that she was alone, and hurt. She had hope... until she saw the ring on her finger.
3. fool for you pairing: harry hook x evie grimhilde (descendants) rating: T
Summary: Her smile forever gone after the images came back to her mind, sending chills all over her body and a strange feeling going slowly up her spine. And in that instant, she closed her eyes. Right when it hit her. Right when Harry stood up and placed a hand on her arm. “It reminds ye o’ that night, eh?"
4. let me pairing: mal and evie (descendants) rating: T
Summary: "Mal?" "I'm fine. Let's change and go dance, okay?" The girl tried to slip away from her arms but Evie kept holding her because she knew something was off. And it was right there, in that hug, when she felt a sting of pain way worse than the last. Her hand immediately went to her skin to keep it hidden. But Evie's eyes were already on the injury. And Mal was so ready to hear her complain about the dress she just destroyed because she wasn't careful enough with it. And to be honest, she just couldn't deal with that in that exact moment.
5. watch me ride the beat pairing: mal and evie (descendants) rating: E
Summary: “Oh! I’m so sorry! I wasn’t looking.” Wow, she’s even prettier in front of me. Evie thought with both of her hands on her shoulders for support, as the blonde’s hands kept a hold on her hips, keeping her still. “I’m really sorry.” The brunette ran her fingers through her hair and her other hand touched the girl’s nape, without her even noticing it. She seemed to be too busy holding Evie by her waist. Her fingers slightly touching her bare back. “Don’t worry. It’s not your fault. I wasn’t paying attention either.” or the smutty club!au fic no one asked for but i needed to write
and here comes the unfinished ones but that will be finished one day, trust me.
some things are meant to be pairing: mal and evie (descendants) rating: M
Summary: Everyone knew what a soulmate was back in Auradon, where princes and princesses lived their own happily ever after. Where their parents taught them what true love was without fear. Needless to say they believed in their own destiny but the idea of having a soulmate was so exciting for all of them. But back on The Isle… Descendants of pure evil weren’t fond of the idea, especially considering what their parents taught them; "love is not for us, love is weakness, we’re villains and you are our next generation to take over the world and finally get the revenge we so desire." But everything changed when four of them were sent to Auradon. And it all started when two girls were 6 years old... or the Soulmate!AU nobody asked for but I really wanted to write.
2. to find the light even in the darkest places pairing: mal and evie (descendants + shadowhunters universe) rating: E
Summary: Evie and Harry are two of the best shadowhunters of their generation. They never get in trouble and they always get the job perfectly done… until they go on a mission and everything starts to change and leads them into an unexpected path. Should they continue their normal lives or live as they want to without thinking of the consequences? Is it more important to find and follow love than their duties as shadowhunters and working for the Clave? Even when a new source of evil arises and things start to get more serious… is everything worth fighting for? It all starts with a simple order from the Clave… or the shadowhunters!au no one asked for but we needed to write
There's also two in Spanish in case I have followers who actually speaks the language and not just me and the last one is one of my favorites from my favorite couple so please check it out, thanksssss!!
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tiderider · 5 months
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auradon was bright even at night, fairy lights, lanterns, light glaring through uncovered windows, bathing the streets in gold and yellow and pale blues. there wasn't a single building without power, not a single street lamp with a broken bulb, even the cobblestone pathways were clean, no signs of trash nor vermin or strays and it was quiet. disturbingly so. it was only harry that stuck out like a sore thumb.
he'd been lucky that night, the current of the ursula strait had carried him most of the way to auradon bay but the swim had taken a lot out of him anyway. he'd been forced to ditch his coat, his boots, and his cutlass or risk being dragged too far beneath the surface. if they hadn't been swept away then they were somewhere at the bottom of the ursula strait. barefoot and soaked down to his drawers, harry picked his way through unfamiliar streets with the caution of a wild dog.
if he looked over his shoulder he could still see the rising smoke, the red and orange glare of flames hanging at the horizon where the isle burned. auradon's armed forces had no doubt reached the barrier now, watching the spectacle of the isle devouring itself while they stood by, safe and secure on the other side. he'd taken too long to reach land. he could hear the guard in the distance, the familiar footfalls of capped boots, the heavy clang and clatter of their sabres against their belts, the scrambling sounds of their voices as orders were shouted to search the area. harry wondered if he was the only one that had jumped. harry squeezed his eyes shut, shaking wet hair out of his face and leaning against the nearest solid surface. he needed to hide his tracks, needed to find somewhere to lay low. he needed— harry realized he'd been leaning his weight against a door when it was pulled open.
pale blues snapped open, taking in the shocked expression on the strangers face before harry shot forward. he snatched a hold of his shirt with a tight fist, shoved his palm over the others mouth and pinning him against the wall just inside the building's threshold.
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❝ make a sound, ❞ harry began in a sharp whisper as he wished he still had his hook, ❝ and i'll spill you open, right here, ❞ // @yoakkemae , ben get's a starter in an au where he was raised by belle .
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noggyisnuggy · 1 year
Ninjago Descendants AU
Lloyd is Mal , Garmadon could be Malificent or Hades bc " Do what you gotta do " is his anthem
Sally is Evie and I think her dad would be Iron Baron I
Gene as Jay and his dad Chen , Skylor probably doesn't speak to them
Brad as Carlos and his dad Fenwick ( the former master writer from season 5 )
Vania as Dizzy
Harumi as Uma ( or Audry), Harry as Ultra Violet , Gil as Killow and SoG as pirate crew
The Auradon kids and the other ninja are interchangeable , but Zane as Doug ( No Zane x Salley ) , May as Lonnie , Jay as Jane , Kai and Cole could both be Chad or Ben ( pls don't ship them with Lloyd )
Just picture Lloyd singing " My once upon a time " , he is also oni and Dragon and Mal can turn into a Dragon
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im starting the stupid Jeff is Harry Hook fic
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Jeff didn’t remember anything from before 13 years old. He woke up one day in the hospital of, what he was told, was his hometown. surrounded by, what he was told, was; his mother, his father, and his little brother.
Jeff didn’t remember anything from before that day, he was told the family got into a car accident, and he hit his head; causing severe amnesia. He remembered the basics, he knew how to read, how to talk, walk, count (mostly, the numbers always switched around on him), nearly everything that would let him be ‘normal’.
Jeff didn’t remember anything, not when he first rode a bike, or when his supposed brother was born, or even his last 13 years of being Jeffery Woods. He didn’t recognize his room, his family, the old dog they had, he didn’t even recognize his name; it felt…wrong. Like it wasn’t his. He didn’t feel like he was….Jeffery Woods. He felt like he was someone else entirely.
But he had no proof, and no memory to back up his feelings. So he stayed quiet and accepted his ‘truth’. He was Jeffery Allan Woods and he guessed it would stay that way.
if anyone has any grammar or just straight up ‘hey wording this this would make it easier to read and make more sense’ im all ears i cannot figure out how to make  ‘He woke up one day in the hospital of, what he was told, was his hometown. surrounded by, what he was told, was; his mother, his father, and his little brother.’ easier on the eyes and mouth XP 
@sephiralorange​​ @jeffthehistorian​​
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denydefeat · 1 day
Since I was watching Descendants earlier - AU where the first Isle kids to go to Auradon are Uma, Harry, and Gil (and maybe one of the Core 4 to round it out).
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ao3feed-ateez · 1 month
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/wSdYOgV by author8_8loves !! A Stray Kids Descendants AU !! When the children of villains are given the chance to live in the sunny and positive lands of Auradon with the children of the people their own parents hate, will they pursue a life of goodness, or will they follow their parents' paths to darkness? Minho wasn't sure, all he knew was nothing good would come if he wasn't following his mother's plans for world domination. He senses this is beginning to change, however, as he gets to know The Prince of Auradon, Han Jisung. *** a stray kids descendants AU that no one asked for!! cw: mature language, homophobia, mentions of death, abuse ships: minsung, hyunlix, chanmin, changin !! updates every Wednesday & Sunday :P started 01.17.2024 ended Words: 46485, Chapters: 14/16, Language: English Fandoms: Descendants (Disney Movies), Stray Kids (Band), ATEEZ (Band) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M, Multi Characters: Lee Minho | Lee Know, Lee Know as Mal, Han Jisung | Han, Han Jisung as Ben, Bang Chan (Stray Kids), Bang Chan as Evie, Kim Seungmin as Chad, Hwang Hyunjin, Hwang Hyunjin as Jane, Lee Felix (Stray Kids), Lee Felix as Carlos, Seo Changbin, Seo Changbin as Jay, Yang Jeongin | I.N, Yang Jeongin as Lonnie, Kim Hongjoong, Kim Hongjoong as Uma, Park Seonghwa, Park Seonghwa as Harry, Choi San (ATEEZ), Choi San as Gil, Jung Wooyoung (ATEEZ), Jung Wooyoung as Lafou's Son, Kang Yeosang, Kang Yeosang as Snow White's Son, Choi Jongho (ATEEZ), Choi Jongho as Hercules' Son, Jeong Yunho (ATEEZ), Jeong Yunho as Rapunzel's Son, Song Mingi (ATEEZ), Song Mingi as Ariel's Son, Mal (Disney), Jay (Disney), Carlos de Vil, Evie (Disney), Chad Charming (Disney), Li Lonnie, Park Jisoo | Jihyo, Park Jihyo as Audrey, Mo Jihye | Danielle, Danielle as Dizzy, Phạm Ngọc Hân | Hanni, Hanni as Lonnie Relationships: Han Jisung | Han/Lee Minho | Lee Know, Hwang Hyunjin/Lee Felix, Bang Chan/Kim Seungmin (Stray Kids), Seo Changbin/Yang Jeongin | I.N, Kim Hongjoong/Park Seonghwa, Choi San/Jung Wooyoung (ATEEZ), Choi Jongho/Kang Yeosang, Jeong Yunho/Song Mingi (ATEEZ) Additional Tags: Movie: Descendants (2015), Movie: Descendants 2 (2017), Post-Movie: Descendants 3 (2019), Gay, Everyone Is Gay, Descendants Rewrite, Stray Kids x Descendants, LGBTQ Themes, minsung - Freeform, Hyunlix, chanmin - Freeform, ChangIn, seongjoong, Woosan, Enemies to Lovers, Fanfiction, Stray Kids Fanfiction, just for sillies read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/wSdYOgV
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kanzakurawrites · 1 year
I have a Descendants Au that just got part 8 posted.
A Different Tale was born from a plot bunny I had a couple years ago that finally got turned into a story. If you want to ask about it feel free too.
What if Maleficent was Maleficent Maleficent? With the live action and animated movies merged, the stories change. Not all the villains on the Isle are actually villains, and not all the "heroes" in Auradon are really heroes.
After all, once upon a time there was a beast, a fairy, and a deal.
Some things features: Mal raised by both parents, a different Isle, Auradon is not perfect, Uma-Mal-Jay-Harry friendship, and Hadie because he deserves his own shoutout.
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