#like... lil old me? are you sure? I LOVE TAG GAMES HEHE
delicris · 11 months
snippet tag game!!
ty for the tag @courfee your snippet was heartbreaking and i'm mailing you my medical bills for causing me to slowly rot away because of the angst /lh
anyways, on with the snippet hehe
Maybe he, too, can’t grasp the sense of their situation—this sticky mess they involuntarily ended up in, the twist of fate, the pull of a definite end. A needle and a thread making their way throughout both their hearts, tying them together closely, not caring whether they fit or not. But the world is messed-up enough on its own, making it so they’re halves of each other, peeling their skins off and forcing them to stick; two pieces of an orange in the hands of a little girl who’s eager to taste and drink from the depths. But her mother’s calling. It’s not time yet. And so they end up tossed on a tray, pushed apart after they were forced to intertwine.
feel free to share your snippets if you haven't been tagged and want to share your piece of writing!! i am tagging EVERYONE, i want all the snippets hehe <3
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tomatoswup · 1 year
Maybe... ☼ 3
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summary: a meeting with the priest reveals a bit more information about a certain individual that has you distraught. Vash plushie here to defend!
warnings/tags: reader and wolfwood sibling dynamic, mischevious plushie (biTE HIS ANKLES BESTIE!!!),, wolfwood is giving concussions with the way he rides a motorcycle.
A/N: ....hi? :'D sorry for the late updates hehehe,, i usually write late nights but i've been late night gaming with friends these last few weeks hehe,,, i'VE COME TO DELIVER ANOTHER PLUSH FIC THO☝️☝️
p.s yes this was a scheduled post :p
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Encounters with the priest were those you weren't really that big a fan of.
Although he bullied you like a close sibling, he often got on your nerves with the slick remarks he would shoot at you. But how long has it been? Two years?
Has it really been that long?
It just felt like yesterday when you told him that his grey button up looked like shit and you two wrestled in the sand dunes.
Lovely memories!
"Woah! Look at this!" The Vash plushie gasped out in awe as he ran circles around the modified motorcycle, peeking at the shiny surface of the hot metal.
"Hey be careful!" You called out to the plush as you took slow steps towards Wolfwood as he pushed himself off the ground and brushed the sand off his clothes. Oh look! He changed the grey to white!
"Well aren't I glad to see you! How long had it been since we last saw each other? Two years now?"
You couldn't help but chuckle, crossing your arms around your chest "Now why is it always whenever we meet you're stranded in the desert? Seems like a memory."
"You know God's timing is sadly always right haha!"
Yikes! You heard the tinge of pain in that one!
"I was making my way to town just a few ways from here. Need help from an old friend of ours." He smirked, putting those shades of his up from his nose and to the top of his head as you gave him a hard stare.
"Alright now enough with the bluffing.." You sighed, putting a hand on your hip.
"Bluffing? What makes you think I'm bluffing?"
"Okay yeah maybe I lied to you the last time about not being a part of the Gung-ho guns but it wasn't that bad-"
"Maybe?! Leaving a PRETTY important piece of information out there buddy! Why should I even still be talking to you, ya know what!-"
"Maybe if you listen to me, you bet your ass you're gonna wanna hear this." You watched as Wolfwood straightened his back and looked out into the desert plains.
"I heard from a few townsfolk around that a certain someones in town."
"You're playing with me Wolfwood, there's no way-"
"He's alive." He breathed out, scratching the side of his neck "The idiot's just hiding."
You really were gonna kick his ass when you saw him.
You scoffed, putting a hand up to your forehead "Hiding? Got any evidence?"
"HEY!" The squeak of the plush rang out from behind Wolfwood, making the both of you turn your attention to him.
And with that, you met with the sight of the small plushie trying to lift the pistol above his head, fumbling as the gun was clearly too heavy for him "LOOK!" The little nibs of his feet stumbling around the bike seat.
It was Vash's pistol.
Your mouth fell agape "Y-you-"
"This is the only evidence I could give ya' right now." Wolfwood said from behind you as you marched over to the bike past him, softly padding the top of the plushie's head before grabbing the gun.
"Thanks lil' guy..."
You couldn't help but just observe the weapon he always held. Moving it around in your grasp as the sun shined down on it, you saw the dents and cuts of the metal on the surface of the gun. Not too much damage and in honesty, it was in pretty good condition.
The dirt, and sand it had been dusted with had given it a rusted look sure, but with some cleaning, it'll look good as new. Tilting it to the side, you caught sight of the bullets still in the gun's barrel.
Your mouth felt dry and as if they were shut with glue as you tried to push back the growing pressure in your throat. No need to cry now, you can't cry here.
The gun felt hot in your hands, each waking moment you held it felt as if it held the world, and maybe his own.
"Hey you!" Wolfwood's eyebrow rose in wonder as he turned his head to the little thing of a plushie on the seat of his motorcycle, giving him a stern eye and an angry hop. "Don't make them cry!"
Aw he was trying to protect you! Such a cutie~
Wolfwood held back the urge to laugh out loud lol "Now this thing was gonna be my next question!"
He leaned down towards the seat and grabbed the plushie by the hoodie of his poncho, the discontent on the plushie's furrowed brows made the scene more funnier.
"Looks like you've come a long way! I'm surprised you don't have a loose stitch if you're traveling with sunshine over there!" He pointed a thumb in your direction and just maybe you said an unflattering word back.
"No offense!"
"All taken!"
"Well! It's nice to meet you! I'm Vash!" The plushie chirped out, swinging his little legs forwards to hug Wolfwood's forearm, before sliding down his arm and up his chest to reach his shoulders.
"Woah there! He's a happy one alright!"
Putting Vash's gun away in your bag for safe-keeping, you watched on as the plush messed around with the priest. Ultimately climbing and just standing on top of his head, he gave you a cute ":P" before jumping up and down.
"But who would make plushies of him?" Wolfwood snapped his head towards you with a raised eyebrow "Was it yo-"
You leaned on his bike, staring at the plush's shenanigans "I found him while I was traveling. Apparently someones' making them and he was the only one that was um..alive per say."
The plushie now hung off Wolfwood's necklace as you saw the practical 'irk' mark of annoyance on his forehead "Well if god decided to send a little angel down, I'll say you're lucky to have a good companion!"
He shot you a soft smile, one you really rarely saw besides of his usual smirk "You needed one, didn't you?"
You didn't respond, and just watched on as the plushie hung off his ear.
"Ow ow ow-"
Maybe you did...
Time passed and before you knew it, the priest offered you a ride to town on the bike, to save time and as a "team-up" in his own words.
And who were you to decline?
Bag secured on the back of the bike alongside Wolfwood's cross that you had gracefully booted out of the seat, you sat in the little sidecar holding down your cowboy hat with your hand.
"Could you drive any faster!?" You shouted over the sound of the engine roaring, your hair messily getting blown back.
"YOU WANNA DRIVE? BE MY GUEST!" Wolfwood retorted, keeping his eyes forward and his hands on the handles.
Resting your back into the seat, you kept your free hand cupped over the plushie that was sitting on your lap.
"This is so fun!!!" He wiggled around excitedly, having used a scrap of cloth he found as a small scarf that flowed backwards with the wind.
"Careful! I don't want you flying out!" You cried as the two of you almost jumped out of your seats as Wolfwood ran over a large rock.
God please let the both of you live and get to town in one piece, okay maybe you'll have a few scratches here and there but you still had a tall blonde to beat half to death!
You exhaled at the thought. You didn't know how you'd react if you saw him. Mad? Relieved that your lover was still alive? Maybe you'll pop a vein and faint.
Who knows?
Only time could tell...
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frogtanii · 3 years
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that’s all daichi felt as he stumbled from yachi’s office after he finished his interview, the dim light coming from the sunset washing the hallway in a layer of color.
he wasn’t sure what to expect at first when he’d been called in, the previous members downright refusing to share what they’d discussed, but he had heard whispers that whatever you talked about was... bad.
you’d disappeared into your room after your interview, refusing to let anyone but atsumu in and even then, atsumu came out of his time with you looking worse for wear. neither of you joined the rather tense game night and it was clear the others were worried, but daichi just couldn’t understand why.
why were all the other house members (besides osamu) suddenly so invested in you and your well-being? contrary to popular belief, daichi was not dumb — he knew this was a long time coming, more of the people who he thought were his friends abandoning him to join you.
well maybe not just you, but they seemed to spend an awful lot of time and energy on the woman who’d destroyed meiko’s life. he just couldn’t make sense of it.
he was even more thrown when sugawara, his best friend, joined the trend and stopped talking to him, supporting you to the fullest and avoiding him at every turn. it felt wrong, somehow, that koushi was no longer by his side but he didn’t know what to do about it.
they clearly had a difference in beliefs — sugawara was hard pressed to believe that meiko was some kind of horrible person and daichi... well daichi loved her. he knew he did.
these thoughts overwhelmed him to the point where he was unable to sleep, tossing and turning while his mind raced to unravel the mystery of what was going on in the house.
“fuck,” daichi sighed as he glanced over at his alarm clock with bleary eyes. it read 2:57a and he let out a loud groan. there was no way he’d be able to sleep like this. he wracked his brain for something, anything, to help and he came up with a memory of akaashi telling him that a warm mug of chamomile would send anyone right to sleep.
letting out another sigh, daichi stood to his feet and trudged out of his room and towards the kitchen, ready to finally get some aid but as he approached, the sound of soft voices hit his ears.
on the couch sat you and koushi; you were wearing an oversized shirt (that must have belonged to bokuto) and colorful pajama pants (his guess was that they were kenma’s) and koushi was wearing old sweats and a hoodie. he looked shaken up about something, his eyes rimmed red as he muttered something to you, whatever was said prompting you to reach out and pull him into a hug.
daichi felt like he was intruding and severely out of place, his mind screaming at him to just turn around and go back to his room but he knew if he did, he’d never sleep, his mind full of even more questions than he had before.
so instead, he chose to clear his throat loudly as he walked further into the room, the sound frightening the both of you and causing you to let go of one another.
you shot daichi an uneasy, tired smile as you stood, before patting koushi on the shoulder and leaving the room. sugawara watched you go the entire time with metaphorical stars in his eyes and his heart on his sleeve. daichi repressed the urge to roll his eyes, instead turning toward the kitchen to prepare himself some tea.
to his surprise, sugawara didn’t leave the room. he actually made his way to the kitchen and sat at the counter, watching daichi fill up the kettle and place it on the stove.
the silence wasn’t awkward or oppressive but it was heavy, the unasked questions hanging over them in the air. it was daichi who chose to break it.
“so, what was that about?” he winced at the state of his voice, cracky and weak but he powered through, chancing a glance at his old friend.
sugawara looked tired but also defeated, like he was simultaneously expecting that question and wishing that it hadn’t been asked. “i was apologizing.”
daichi knew he was staring incredulously now but he couldn’t help it. suga was apologizing? for what? what could he possibly apologize for? when he voiced this, koushi scoffed and turned away.
“are you kidding? we have so much to apologize for. we all treated her like shit.”
“but doesn’t she deserve that? she hurt meiko deeply!”
“nobody deserves what we did! nobody! god, daichi, yn has done so much for me and—“
“like what, hm? what exactly has she done for you?”
“i... i can’t tell you that.”
“can’t or won’t?”
the room fell into silence, a stark contrast to the shouting that had been taking place just moments before. both men were warring with themselves and suga was the one to give in.
“meiko assaulted me, okay? is that what you wanted to hear?” koushi’s voice sounded so weak, so broken, and daichi saw red.
“...what?” the words were uttered low and disbelieving as daichi clenched his hands into fists to keep them from quivering with rage.
suga ran a hand through his sliver locks before shaking his head. “i really don’t want to talk about this with you, daichi.”
“but you’ll talk about it with her.”
“fuck off, that’s not fair and you know it,” koushi spat, pushing himself to his feet as he was readying himself to leave. he looked so hurt that daichi couldn’t stop himself from grabbing his arm gently.
“i know... i’m sorry,” he spoke quietly, his brown eyes shining with unshed tears and sincerity. he just wanted suga to open up to him, for them to go back to the way they used to be but he was different now. they both were.
koushi shook his head softly and gingerly removed himself from daichi’s hold. “i’m not the one you should be apologizing to,” he whispered before turning and disappearing into the darkness of the hallway.
daichi was alone. again. he sniffed and wiped his eyes to get rid of any residual tears as he moved back to the kitchen to finish making his tea. not that it would do him any good—the information he was just given would definitely keep him up until morning.
he was having a difficult time processing what had just occurred and yet, he knew he was in the wrong on multiple occasions. he’d abandoned his best friend in his time of need and sided with his attacker. daichi couldn’t even claim that he was suga’s friend anymore with what he’d done. no, he’d earn back his place. he just needed to figure out how to make things right.
whatever it takes.
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℗ poker face
whatever it takes
series masterlist
an - daichi arc start! skdjjd anw this chapter is a lil wack??? but i hope it at least gets the point across lmfaoo oh n daisuga are working out their issues! s not as cut n dry as the other friendships were but i think this way adds more ~flavor~ hehe don’t forget to feed me!! <:333
taglist - if your name is in bold, i cannot tag you
@boosyboo9206 • @geektastic84 • @elianetsantana • @trashy-simp • @infinitebells • @6mattsun9 • @suhkusa • @katsulovee • @kotarosbabygirl • @fucktheworlddude • @insomniacwreck • @calumsfringe • @saltylettuce • @chai-blu • @al3x1ss • @hawksyoongi • @syndellwins • @jooleuuh • @loubells • @kissungjae • @liberhoe • @tetsurocore • @animeoverdosee • @duhsies • @saikishairclip • @afire24 • @premiyagi • @kit-kat428 • @doctorspencereid • @daphnxy • @kyomihann • @maer-333 • @sinoflust19 • @peteunderoos • @peachiikichu • @iidanotlida • @yongboxerrr • @kac-chowsballs • @tanakaslastbraincell • @memorableminds • @risjime • @starry-magicshop • @sugavwara • @smuttyanimeslut • @kiwibirbs-library • @haijkk • @airybnb • @crybabygumi • @iwaisa • @decaffinatedtealover • @notameera • @kawaii-angelanne • @rintarovibes • @urlocalsimp
the rest of the tags will be in the replies!!
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mythicamagic · 3 years
20 questions tag~
I was tagged by @chierafied thank youu!!
How many works do you have on AO3
What’s your total AO3 word count?
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
InuYasha - A Feudal Fairy Tale (75)
Diabolik Lovers (19)
Fruits Basket (5)
Bleach (3)
Avatar: The Last Airbender (3)
Frozen (Disney Movies) (1)
Mystic Messenger (Video Game) (1)
Teen Titans (Animated Series) (1)
僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (1)
ピオフィオーレの晩鐘 | Piofiore no Banshou (Visual Novel) (1)
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Swimming in Silk 
Summary: Training in front of her, engaging her in conversation and now lending her his clothes...Kagome is starting to suspect that Sesshoumaru is trying to gain her attention.
What follows is nothing she could have ever expected, with Time forcing difficult choices between the two.
Night Terrors
In a haze of bloodlust caused by his demonic heritage, Inuyasha kills his beloved friends. All except Kagome. Finding them too late, Sesshoumaru takes the traumatised miko into his group. Sesskag.
Conversing with Emotion
Sesshoumaru can't get Kagome out of his head. No, literally. She's trapped in there. While searching for a way out, Kagome makes the acquaintance of the Daiyouaki's many emotions, stumbling upon a few secrets and memories she was never supposed to know about. Sesskag
Soul Mates
Soulmate AU where soulmates share pain. Kagome feels Sesshoumaru’s arm being cleaved off as though its her own. He in turn feels the moment when a piece of her soul is ripped out. As soul mates they want nothing to do with each other, but some aches and pains are too difficult to ignore. Sesskag.
Husband Catalogue
Due to a spell, Kagome experiences waking up each week in a different alternate future. This offers a glimpse of her potential husband and married life, sure. However, it also comes with the awkwardness of acting as a wife towards best friends, old enemies and demon lords alike. Eventual Sesskag.
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
Sometimes, and it’s not that I’m not grateful- because I am! Comments give me liiiife and they’re wonderful to read. Very uplifting. However I feel awkward responding. I don’t know why. All I can say is - ‘thank you’ so it feels weird. I hope my lack of response doesn’t come across as too arrogant or ungrateful, I worry about that sometimes.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Uhhh well its not Sesskag. I’d say in my oneshot collection called Diabolik Fairy tales, there’s one that covers the Little Mermaid. It ends like the fairy tale- with the Mermaid dying. She leaves Laito alone and empty. 
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
I think Romancing Ego. It’s verrry fluffy and self indulgent and its cute! Ends with Sesskag and their kids.
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I’ve only written one called Young Love that has both Zutara and Sesskag. It involves Kagome being a matchmaker.
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Oh yeah, a bunch of times. Usually on ff.net. Once it was about someone not grasping that Terracotta Teeth was a Dark Romance and they kind of blew up about the problematic elements. Other times its usually about my Kagome portrayal not being ‘strong’ enough, but female characters are SUPER hard to write, since people are more critical of them than male characters. Most of the time Sess can do no wrong to readers, it can be mildly frustrating.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yes! Uhh I don’t think I’m super detailed with it but I write a lot of standard stuff. Occasionally I throw in some shades of Sub Sess, or a lil bit of bondage. Most of the time its rough, passionate sex. I love writing Monster Sesskag smut at the moment though hehe.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yep I had Diabolik Fairy Tales uploaded onto Wattpad. Luckily everyone on tumblr was v supportive and helped me take it down.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I think so, though I’ve since stopped agreeing to it since I always forget who I’ve given permission to lolol
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yeah, though it’s made me realise I’m a bit of a control freak when it comes to writing and would prefer to pace the story my own way rather than compromise.
What’s your all time favorite ship?
I don’t think I have a definitive one, though I’d say Sesskag have taken centre stage lolol
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Probably Support for Limbo. I hope I’m able to eventually finish Macaria...
What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue and emotions. I feel like I can usually write teasing and engaging dialogue. I try to give visual cues to showing emotions but I’m no stranger to using metaphors for emotions too. 
What are your writing weaknesses?
Description for sure. From the scenery to characters clothes, I’m terrible at setting a scene and remembering to say what people are wearing. I need to work on writing scenery more but I can never summon the energy to talk about clothes. Unfortunately a couple of times some LOVELY fan artists have drawn stuff from my fics and didn’t know what Kagome was wearing so they had to improvise haha. I feel bad about that, I’ll try slipping in more clothing stuff.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
Not a fan unless there’s a reason. Idk the early days of fanfiction has scarred me from too many random japanese phrases thrown into fics. 
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Teen Titans
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
Ummm....Ya know I’m still gonna have to say Snake Charmer XD I know I should say Swimming in Silk or Conversing with Emotion but I think for me as a reader, I’d pick Snake Charmer to re-read. I don’t think it’s ‘the best’ but I like it! It’s a guilty pleasure.
I tag: @deadlyglacier, @forgettable-fox, @wulfintheforest and @the-sloth-woman
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jidai · 3 years
jidai’s budget mutuals/friends appreciation
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Hi, all! I’m quite late with this but I decided to put a small friends and mutual appreciations post in hopes of brightening up the end of this year a little bit. ❤️ If you were tagged, please make sure to check below for a small little message from me. However, I want to make it very clear that I truly appreciate all of my mutuals. You guys brighten up my dash and always reblog or create so many funny and creative posts. I just wanted to give a few special shout outs to those that have taken out the time to reach out and interacted with me past my ask box or we just see each other often.
The messages are ordered by your URL, so you might have to scroll for awhile before you see your messages. I’m so sorry lmao. 
Happy New Years, everyone!
@25th​​, Nonnie, the Young Genius. bro, remind me how old you are 🧍‍♀️ Like my brain CANNOT fathom the thought that you’re so skilled at SO many things and you’re not even in your twenties??? PLEASE SPARE THE TALENT. i will even accept crumbs. But I’m writing to tell you that you are such a wonderful presence on my dash. I always look forward to your gfx. They’re so SO good and you’re improving from one post to another. Like WOW. Now, you’re even starting an art blog, too? You’re so dedicated to the arts. I respect that a lot. Your hard work and commitment will bring you very far in life, whatever you decide to do. 
I love interacting with you. You’re such a big sweetheart and full of positivity and energy. I look forward to seeing more of your art and gfx ❤️
@biscuitwalk​, Dann, the AK Wiz. Dann, I know you’re not as active on here so idk when or if you will ever read this but I want to say that I miss you and your creations so, so much. I will say it a hundred times over and OVER but you inspire me so goddamn much. You have no fucking idea. Your works are absolutely gorgeous and unique. I can look at it once and I can instantly recognize your style (and your cute lil’ pufferfish <3). The way you utilize colors and implement various techniques, shapes, textures into your work. Goddamn, you’re so good. I always look to your work if I ever need inspiration and they help me brainstorm. God, I wish I could put it into words how much I adore your works.
We didn’t really talk for long but you seemed like such a kind and fun person to be around. I wish you the best in your future endeavors, wherever you are. Stay safe <3
@elriccs, Mirai, the Short King. 🧍‍♀️ ok look I know, I know I’m TERRIBLE at replying to you and I’m so fucking sorry. I absolutely love to talk to you but my dumbass cannot seem to reply in a timely manner LASELKSAL. That’s on me and I gotta do better. Anyways!!! Thank you SO fucking much for always leaving such kind messages on my work. I swear to god you’re one of my biggest hype man and I ALWAYS look forward to reading your tags. They’re so funny and it makes me all tingly and happy inside. Bro, like, you just radiate big fun vibes, bro. I really hope that I can get to know you better so I can just insult you until it’s too late to walk away </3
And of course, let me also remind you that I love your works so much. They way that you utilize your textures and those muted colors... OOMPH *chefs kiss* I will always love--
@lockhvrts​​, Em the Soulsborne GOD. hi em 🥺 it’s been awhile since I’ve had a proper conversation with you and I hope you’re doing okay! I miss you and our conversations where we do nothing but geek out and complain about the game industry lmao. if you manage to read this, I just wanted to let you know I miss your presence here. It’s been kinda dull not seeing your beautiful soulsborne gifs and your game rants. Let’s catch up soon. <3 stay safe and well!
@nathanprescutt, Benn, the Man. BENNNNNNNN.  I love you a lot bro. I know we haven’t had long conversations for some time and I hope I can change that! You were my first friend on this blog and I will always appreciate it. I remember us just geeking out over your works and how I would always send you a gfx request like once a week LMAO. The one thing that I have always appreciated about you was the fact that you’re very opinionated (if not, very vocal on your stance on things) and you hold your ground. There were a few time where you encouraged me to speak on topics that I think I shouldn’t and that stuck with me for quite awhile. I’m still a nervous rambling mess when it comes to debates but just know that the one time you supported me to voice my opinion--I hold it very dear to my heart. 
While I don’t spend much time together, I will always remember our animal crossing session. It was  so much fun just trashing and chilling on your island. Especially the bar :( that bar was fucking AMAZING. Maybe once FFXVI comes out, we can geek out hehe
Also, thank you so much for sending in photos of all your doggos, omg. I miss seeing them so much I hope they’re doing well. Stay hot, my German bro lol. Ich bin sehr dankbar, so eine tolle Freundin zu haben. ❤️❤️❤️
@noxdivina​, Lin the Big Dick Daddy Kind. The church is open for business bitch and I’m here to preach the GOSPEL.
Okay, jokes aside, I’m really happy that we became mutuals. You’ve always give off this like, mysterious cosmic vibe (????? huh). And your selfies just further proves that you are wtf. But you’re always so kind to those that you interact with. You’re an absolutely sweetheart and like I just want to give you a giant hug every time we interact. You’re such a soft human being. It’s so nice being around you. It’s like being tossed in the oven and baked at 250 degrees F for 25 minutes. And to boot you’re really talented, hello? God really said let there be a perfect human being and yeeted you into the universe. Thank you for always leaving such kind messages and words in my DM/askbox/works. I cherish them so much. I hope I can get to know you better in the future bc you’re rad, bro <3
anyways, updated drawing of u and maya:
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i always assume you’re in a black fur parka 24/7 and maya is coatless neck down. also deck me with those jacked arms of yours thanks  🧍‍♀️
(edit: fuck i forgot to draw a PARTY HAT ON MAYA IM SORRY)
@rokuseis​, Sei, the Dumber.
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i have nothing to say to you go away you banana hater ASELKSAEKL
BITCH, you doo bee getting on my nerve 24/7/365 🧍‍♀️ you were an unexpected but a very welcomed addition to my life. I can’t believe we really went 1 fuckin’ year without speaking to each other and then suddenly our friendship blew up because over a stupid BANANA. Now you gotta deal with me and my stupid, random, crude ass messages daily. I cannot. Clown to clown communication. But thank you so much bitch for being there for me and telling all of these funny ass stories and life experiences.
I know I don’t say it a lot because when we talk it’s literally just dogs barking at each other but I want to make it clear now: I love your humor and vibe so much. You never fail to make me laugh anytime I talk to you and I appreciate it so much. I can’t tell you how many times I felt better after talking to you. Even though sometimes your fucking jab hits hard and I end up actually inSULTED BY IT. But thank you for becoming my friend and I look forward to all of our stupid moments together. Looking forward to shitting in your sink when I finally fly to your home <3
@wolfamongthem, Anna, the Grinch. Please don’t hurt me for that title. I'm just saying if someone needs a live casting, it’ll be u. Anyways, did you know that I was so fucking intimidated by you for a long ass time, even before we became mutuals aseljas LMAO. I always see your gifs around on explore and they’re so gorgeous and then I look at your text posts and it’s u roasting people like there’s no tomorrow- 🧍‍♀️ bitch I was SCARED OF U KSKS. Now that I’ve talked to you a few times, you’re really funny like where do you find those reaction memes????? Like bro you and your shitposts is my morning cup of coffee. 
Anyways, in 2021 I expect a full-fledge review of all AAA games from you-- no more shit talking in the tags let it all out BITCH. Thank you for being such a great mutual! I look forward to see what weird shit you will send me the next time we talk lmao
@zenien​​, Selm, the I’m-gay-for-Lady-Maria-or-anything-that-moves-in-BB-Bitch™. ok bitch if I’m being honest I wrote yours last so my brain is FRIED. so everything i say from here is raw from the HEARt cause that’s all I got left. But anyhow, we savin’ the best for last! honestly, i didn’t expect you to barge into my life like that. i really didn’t. i was just gonna keep admiring with my 7 feet (2.1336 meters) pole. I’m glad you made the first move because look where we are wtf 🧍‍♀️ friends??? I wouldn’t believe you if you told me that in 2014 when I first followed you lmao. 
You’re such a kind soul. I know you may disagree but I’m determined to convince you. I can’t tell you how much I want to thank you for taking the time to talk to me during my rough bits. It’s like sitting on a wooden bench in a park during sunset and you sit next to me, just enjoying the vast sky. You radiate such peaceful energy. It’s very calming. Or you know, 2 seconds later i’m suddenly suplexed by your 40 tons of insults like what-- 
Thank you for everything, so far. Truly. It’s been so fun listening to you talk about your Bloodborne journey and see your reactions live. It’s been so fun to see you post your graphics and it continues to blow me away. It’s been so fun hearing about your life and the stories of your adulthood. Every words that we have exchanged, I hold dearly to my heart--more than you ever know. Love u bitch.
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satoruvt · 3 years
fanfic writer tag game <3
helloooo <3 thank u for tagging me @hannie-dul-set this is so cute lol
ummmm! i think i will tag. @leejuyeeon and @seokmingiggles !! and as always anyone else who wants to <33
peum ~
1. what fandoms have you written for (but do not currently)?
omg lets see if i can do this in order. i think the first fandom i ever wrote fanfic for was creepypasta LMAOO and then... fairy tail? then 5 seconds of summer, then maybe it 2017?? voltron legendary defender, detroit become human, monster prom and mystic messenger kind of overlapped, the arcana !!! then my hero academia, haikyuu, a Little bit of demon slayer... i think thats it lol
2. what fandoms are you currently writing for?
seventeen is all for rn, but i’m thinking of also writing for mha again and adding jjk!!
3. how long have you been writing?
oh wow for like... probably around 6 years? maybe 6 and a half
4. on which platforms do you post your stories?
rn just tumblr, i used to post more actively on ao3 but i havent since i started writing for kpop
5. what is your favourite genre to write?
ahhh like !!! comfort fics!!! i think theres something really sweet in those unspoken feelings during moments you think you’ll never forget... the idea of being with someone and you’re just so sure they’re your favorite person, and then warmth that comes with that realization... wahh
6. are you a pantser or a planner?
oh it depends i think. for longer fics i like to plan them out, but i really wing it with like timestamps or shorter ones
7. one shot or multi-chapter?
ONE SHOTS. my god i fucking suck at multi-chapter shit LMAOO ive only done 1 series like that and it was so rough for me lol
8. what is the perfect chapter length in your opinion?
hm how do i explain this... anything that makes sense? however long it takes for it to feel like the chapter/fic is summed up or completed. i used to worry about word counts a lot but now i rarely pay attention to them, both in reading and writing
9. what is your longest published story? is it complete?
if we’re talking about multi-chaptered, then the color of you wins at 17k !! in terms of one shots, it’s for now; forever at 9k!
10. which story did you enjoy working on the most?
oh boy. i think... anything from the last like. 8 months? my svt stuff for sure!! i went a while without writing in between like january-late november 2020, and i was worried that my writing would suffer a lot... it took a sec for me to get back into the groove of things but i’m feeling happier than ever with the stuff i write now. i feel like ive matured about the way i approach my own writing and ideas, and how i do everything, and my fics make me really proud. ive started writing within different aus that i hadnt touched before, or talking about different feelings or ideas, etc... i really feel like ive grown with this most recent burst lol, and i love working on them! i get so hyped up when im in the middle of writing or even planning, im just so excited to share all of it hehe
11. favorite request you've have written and why (if any?)
ah its been so long since ive worked with requests that i cant remember anything LOL
12. are there reoccurring themes in your stories?
yes. it is comfort and content. it is the feeling of love. it is holding hands on a walk in the middle of spring and smelling flowers. it is the sound of leaves when a gust of wind blows past. it is looking into ur lovers eyes and feeling nothing but pure fondness
13. current number of wips?
fuck like somewhere around 20 probably
14. three things you have noticed about your own writing?
i really like repetition (specifically in sentences if that makes sense??), LOTS of unspoken things (even if i picture a fic with an established relationship, i dont say it within the fic; and especially concerning romantic feelings, i love when things go unsaid and are FELT full force), i think a lot of detailed rambling... i really like to try and describe emotions and stuff in the most abstract and obscure ways lol i feel like it makes things a little more palpable and honest
15. a quote you like from a published story
im gonna do a few. Lol. firstly this long one from pretend people can unlearn:
“Are you…” Jeonghan starts, and when you look at him, his eyes are still on the city in front of you. “Are you ever afraid that we’ll fall out of love?”
It never occurred to you that this was love. It’s not like the love you’ve experienced in the past, not even close. But maybe… maybe that’s why you never leave, why you hold yourself back from certain arguments like it might fix everything. Maybe love is the reason why Jeonghan still seems to believe in you. Why he promises he’ll be the best thing for you despite always breaking that promise.
(Is it love, a voice in your head questions, or is it longing?)
It takes you a while to respond. “I don’t know,” you end up saying, because you really don’t. Jeonghan turns his head and looks at you, and you half expect him to start an argument in the middle of night, out on the street like this. It wouldn’t be the first time. “Would that… be okay?”
“I don’t know,” Jeonghan answers, just like you. His voice is soft. You want to reach for his hand just to hold it. “You’re still…”
He pauses, like he’s trying to find the right word. You let him take his time, for once, instead of accusing him of the worst. “I’m still?”
“Everything,” he tells you. He looks so sad and you reach out for him because it’s the only thing you can offer. You think the worst thing about your relationship with Jeonghan is that you will always believe him when he gets like this, just like you’ll believe him when he takes it back in the heat of a fight.
next is from like there isn’t something missing <3
But you’re crying into his chest because it’s not you, and it’s not him. Seungcheol wonders if it was always meant to be like this, if the two of you were always meant to part or if something… if something just went wrong, somewhere. A bump that did a bit more damage than either of you thought.
He tries not to think about it now. Tears fill his own eyes as he presses a kiss to your hair because he loved you. He truly did.
“I was so lucky to love you,” he murmurs, voice a cracked whisper. “I’m so happy I got the chance.”
When Seungcheol wakes up the next morning in an empty bed, he’s not surprised. But the Post-It note that’s dressed in your handwriting…
Well. It’s over.
and this last one from only for you, i will dance !!
“This will always be our own time,” he says. “We’ll meet here.”
You know. He says it every time. It never fails to make your heart soar.
“Our thirteenth month,” you say, just like every time. Chan smiles.
He kisses you so strong you feel yourself falling.
16. a quote from an unpublished story
ahh ok ill do a few here too!!! one is something ive begun writing, the other is one that i’ve just been working on planning out <3
Smoke blows past somebody else’s lips and partially obstructs Wonwoo’s view of you.
He hasn’t been to a party like this in a long time. It’s elegant, more of a gala than anything. He can’t remember who threw it or for what reason. It doesn’t really matter, he supposes, watching you make conversation with the partygoers. They all have old money to throw around, the symbolism stitched into their suit jackets and red-rimmed heels; remnants of it left on tables and in the contents of expensive cigars.
You play them like you are one of them, tell them the right things with a silver tongue. Wonwoo always watches, plays the part of an observer. It’s impressive, the way you float around the room like it’s nothing.
Wonwoo observes; Wonwoo knows things.
and the second one...
"you don't know me," you respond. your voice carries no bite, just a fact, and joshua knows this
"i want to," he says after a second. "if you'll let me."
and he's asking permission to be your friend, to be close to you, something so tender and strangely polite
it makes you feel almost sad
"don't expect too much," you say, a little teasing. joshua only smiles
17. space for you to say something to your readers
wahhh thank you all so much!!! when i first got into writing for kpop it was a lot different mostly because i think... i was writing stuff for different anime before, and i had built up a big following because of that and my works always did like, really exceptional in terms of notes and feedback and such, and getting into kpop... has been rough on that end 💀 but i appreciate your support thus far, even if it’s small... i’m still working towards a standard that i have for myself!!! so please be patient with me, thank you for the support !!
also please find it in yourself to leave lil comments or any sort of feedback... please..... PLEASE... any creator ever understands this struggle please always try to do this!!! for me and for any other creator you follow and enjoy content from <333
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vaingloriosa · 5 years
Nero x Reader
Words: 1,323
Summary: During your most critical hours, Nero realizes how fleeting life truly is.
Warnings: brief description of wounds
Author’s note: hehe guess who uhhhh go into sumn new?? perhaps? first time writing for devil may cry 5 and i only know of the lore found in that particular game. wanted sumn a lil tender for my man, nero, so my mind came up with this. and YES! i see y’all v fuckers out there! first time writing in a month oh SHIT!! absolutely tender on main. as with most of my fics, this is a gender neutral and racially ambiguous reader
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The moment you felt the claws of the demon slice through the skin of your thigh, you knew you were going to feel that in the morning.
You fall onto the cobblestone ground with an audible thud, rolling away from the battle and onto your side. You take a shaky breath in as your trembling hands hover over the enormous gash. Crimson begins to stain your hands, your blood dripping from your fingertips. If it weren’t for working for Devil May Cry for years, you would’ve passed out by the mere sight, though with age you had overcome your fear.
You feel as if you’ve regressed.
“Hey, hey, hey!” The sound of Nero calling out your name breaks you out of your brain’s defense mechanism to lose consciousness. You feel his arm prop you up on his knee as he kneels down and assess your wound. You wave him, closing your eyes just a little to take in the scent of your boyfriend. Nothing like a mixture of sweat and demon guts in the morning.
“’m fine, baby. J’st a mere scratch but that son of a bitch ripped my favorite jeans.” You pout at the thought of losing one of your sacred pair of pants but you know you’ll live. Nero presses his other arm, his new arm at that, in order to stop the bleeding and you let out a hiss at the touch. He apologizes in a low voice but you only wave him off again as if it were nothing but a sting.
“This is more than just a scratch, babe. How are you feeling? Stay awake with me now,” Nero tells you, his hand that was around your shoulder now on your face. His calloused thumb finds your cheek and tries to get you to open your eyes. They slowly flutter open with his face greeting you, a gentle halo falls along Nero’s hair made by the lighting streaming from the non-existent roof.
By the stars, he may have been an angel.
Your angel.
You let out a laugh before closing your eyes one more time, the faint sounds of Nico’s van in the distance a perfect lullaby.
You don’t recall someone dressing your wound nor how there’s a blanket over your body but by the pensive look on Nero’s face across from you, you could take an educated guess.
Your body protests against any kind of movement yet you slip a hand underneath the blanket towards him to take. Almost immediately does he take a seat right next to you on the floor with your hand in his.
“I’m here,” he hums to you, using his free hand to stroke the top of your head. You sigh as the motion brings comfort despite the dull pain along your thigh. You wince just a bit while you try to shift your position but Nero urges you not to in order to let the wound heal. You huff, shaking your head at your boyfriend’s words.
“You know I can’t physically do that.” You lift yourself up from your laying position in order to sit up, avoiding putting too much pressure on your wounded thigh. All the while, piercing blue eyes train on your body to make sure you don’t slip. You’re not used to such care, always selfishly throwing yourself in harm’s way to do what you feel is right. You take the brute force when need be, always so reckless yet for you, you find it endearing. If anyone should get hurt in order to protect others, you feel like it’s your duty to be in the line of fire. Nero takes the empty seat next to you, his fingers threading into yours.
You look over at him but squint when his grip becomes a bit tighter and his gaze is fixated on the small table of the van. You press a soft kiss on Nero’s shoulder to bring him back to Earth. You know Nero always concerns himself over the well-being of his friends and lovers and you are no exception to his worries. He’s been through hell then back again until he finally finds a sense of normalcy with you. Even if you’re fighting demons side-by-side while Dante is away, you two remind each other that even if the world may be shit, you have each other through thick and thin, no matter what.
“Will you marry me?”
Nero’s question is barely a whisper and your eyes search his face to make sure you heard correctly.
“I know it sounds sudden and I come empty handed but...seeing you in that state back there and you nearly dying in my arms, I knew life is a fleeting thing. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, to be right by your side when the world goes to shit. Let us grow old together, make new memories, build a home together. I love you...” Before Nero can say your name, you press your lips against his. It’s only a quick kiss because you pull away first and let out a breathy yet excited “yes”. His eyes had been closed but the moment you utter that word, his eyes shoot open with a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. You wrap your arm not clutching Nero’s hand around his neck and rock him slightly in joy.
“Hold on!”
“What the hell did I miss?”
Nico’s grand entrance makes the two of you jerk at the arrival. She swings the shovel over her shoulder then quirks her head to the side. The two of you look at each other and you can’t help but giggle into the crook of your now fiance’s neck.
“Um, I asked them to marry me.” Nero presses his forehead against yours and you place your left hand on his cheek. Gosh, you could be in his hold forever. You hear the sound of a heavy object dropping to the floor, your eyes widening and quickly move your body to make sure Nico is alright.
She’s more than alright. In fact, she is head over heels as she slaps her thigh and begins dancing in one spot.
“Oh, I just knew you two were made for each other. It feels like only yesterday y’all lovebirds were hooking up at the back of my van...”
The celebration doesn’t stop there. Conveniently so, Nico informs the two of you that awhile ago, she managed to get an officiant license and you look at Nero with a dumbfounded face.
Maybe the universe will be alright for tonight.
No demons, no one else to fight; just you and him.
There’s not much to the “ceremony” other than the three of you sharing an intimate moment together. Afterwards, Nico rises and slaps the jukebox on the side then presses a button. She shoos the two of you outside the van so the two of you could have a “first dance” like a “traditional wedding”.
“Every wedding is special,” you assure Nero then promptly giggle as he helps you down from the steps. You limp slightly but you know your legs definitely needed the stretch. A soft melody pours over from the inside onto the cool, still autumn night. Nero takes your hand in his and bows slightly like a gentleman and you feel as if you couldn’t smile any bigger. A snort escapes your nose, sending your head back to relish at your now husband’s action. He pulls you closer to his chest, you placing one hand on his incredible upper arm. Nero’s careful not to move to much to protect your still healing thigh so he resorts to lightly swaying to and fro.
To and fro.
You close your eyes, taking in the scent of your new beginning. You hum in content with a smile on your lips, in the arms of the man you will love until the end of the world.
Tagging: @hades-ii, @susiephalange // @phalangewrites (aka miss. yue and miss. susie were them supportive bitches on my side MWAH!), @rebelfinn (i know, i know, another whitie like I’VE BEEN known), @sethrine-writes, @pointedly-foolish, @kyarymell, @mysticalkhfan, @cerebralfluid (i know u a v fucker pero hold on!! i am Coming!!)
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dilfsdotnet · 5 years
Yo you should answer all of these scene questions👀👀
you think so lad???? shit dawg i was thinkin just a few at a time but if that what u want my dear nonnie i will supply
1. wats ur scene name?
i was thinkin maybe ‘gods mistake’ would be a good one but then. i found a way to make it both danganronpa related, and, even better, a fucking pun as well. ‘kamukura kamukura jasqueen’, or just ‘kamukura jasqueen’ for short is good k thxxx
2. describe ur dream outfit!
oooo gosh this ones trickyy!! there are so many good outfits out there, especially in the scene community!! but it’d have to have a few tiny elements of dr cosplay to add a lil of my dangan-weeb culture in there ofc! more specifically, id really love to get one of kazuichis jumpsuit and just wig out and add shit like this just because i could:
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(id just rlly love going out in all those glowy/shiny things at night like all that haha..and yes the shoes would probably kill me/my fuckin feet if i tried to walk in them but shut up i love them theyre cute as fuck)
3. describe ur dream haircut!
oo another tricky one!! i do like my regular hair, and honestly id be lying if i said i didnt love ibuki’s hairdo too but id defs have to go with something like this!!
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yaaaassss, so pretty and spikeeeey! maybe id dye my natural hair colour black and/or add some funky colours if i ever actually got this style down!
4. describe ur dream room!
i have a lot of ideas for dream bedrooms actually, but heres a visual image of one of them i found!!!
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(this specific idea arose mainly just for the aesthetic but i also find it super cute and a good environment to be in general hhhnnggg)
5. if u could make anything out of kandi, wat would u make?
oh you mean those colourful beads and bracelet things??? i love those man!!! theyre so visually appealing to me aaaaa…id probably just make a fuck-ton of those and most probably use the little letter beads to say random words/phrases like ‘aubergine’ and ‘despacito’ knowing my shitposter self lmaooo! id definitely make a sansmaeda themed one too thoo fr
6. wat would u write on ur shoez?
it’d probably range from things like a simple kaomoji doodle to something randum and stupid like ‘seesaw’ bc yes asjnd
7. wat kinda piercingz/tattooz do u hav/want?
i dont think i rlly want any real piercings (at least not atm) but id totally go for those fake stick-on gemstone lookin’ ones! and as for tattoos, i cant rlly see myself gettin one of those rn either, but id want something like a mario power-up, preferably the bell one/cat suit powerup!!! its my favorite powerup and its sooo cute!!!
8. fave genrez?
i dont rlly have a specific genre, i like most kinds of music, but i rlly like energetic music that i can dance tooo!!! >w
9. fave bandz?
im a big fan of gorillaz and botdf!!! i like p!atd as well but havent listened to it in a while.. gatta catch up loool
10. fave songz?
my favs alternate a lot, but atm im super into ‘slow dancing in the dark’ by joji!!! so much emotiooon quq…also rlly hooked on botdf and jefree star’s ‘sexting’ tooo lmaooo
11. fave lyricz?
‘The world keeps spinning Among this sinning Oh what a cruel and disgusting place The purest moonlight Is bloodied by plight And screaming resonants But somehow I know That it’s all for show The world will reveal it’s true beauty soon And we’ll all reach towards the moon ‘
its so deep but its from a fucking kaito momota fansong and i love that asnkjdnefe
12. hav u evr been to a concert?
not in a damn long while my lad,, rip australians not havin many artists they like from other countries tour there ;-;
13. do u wanna be in a band?
ive always thought thatd be pretty cool ngl!!! tourin around with ur bandmate friends, makin awesome fuckin tunes, people lovin u and ur music, just livin the dream in general,, nice
14. wats da best soda/energy drink flavour?
havent rlly had any as of rn  my lad so i wouldnt know :/
15. wat do u miss most abt old internet?
i loved that we could all just be ourselves and act like the kids we are inside without bein reprimanded at all.. it aint rlly that much of an issue for me but i still think itd be a lot nicer if it was like that again sometimes,,
16. wats da best old meme?
ooohhh there are so many i still miss man! numa numa ermagerd and doge still remind me of the glory days…when old animeme was good and you could still haz ur cheezburgers in peace. also rage comics! rage comics were good what happened
17. best place 2 buy clothez?
i dont think theres any hot topics in australia but if there is. i will hunt it down you hear me
18. wat r ur fave accessoriez?
OH THERES SO MANY GOOD ONES??? as i stated b4 i rly love kandi bracelets and other glowy/led things!!! also rlly love ties with cute and fun patterns and long colourful and/or ripped socks like ibuki’s too hehe
19. wats ur best tip fr ppl that just got into scenecore?
im not rlly the best at advice, but my main point would be-just hav fun here dudes!!! dont let anyone else bulli u abt it, we’re supportive people, u can talk to me or anyone else whos willin to listen an/or help for reassurance ofc
20. opinion on furbiez?
21. opinion on funko popz?
i like em and ive seen lots at eb games, but i dont buy em much..i do have a megaman pop with a broken arm tho loool
22. wats ur fave pattern? (zebra/leopard print etc)
i looove a lot of patterns but not gonna lie im always a sucker for rainbow checkerboard patterns yknow hehe!
23. fave color combo?
i dont have one rlly…soooo many possible comboooos…cx
24. sumthing u liked as a kid dat u still like?
im still going on girlsgogames and recently, ive finally mastered sues beauty machine!!!! its so good and fun all of ya’ll should try it my dudeeees
25. wats ur most used emoticon? 0w0
as most of ya’ll probs alredy know i spam ‘:O’ a lot, but one of my bigger favs is actually ‘x3′ and my fav kaomoji is ‘ଘ(੭ˊ꒳​ˋ)੭✧’ (both of them are so kyooot >w
26. wats ur fav typin quirk?
i luv talkin like dis, but i dont rly do it that often loool…i awso wuv tawking in ‘owo’ speak wike dis >//w//>
27. do u wish ur fllwrz talked 2 u moar?
hellz yeaaa!!! i luv followr interaction my dudee! it makes me super happi when u all talk to me heehee! x3c
28. tag ur fave scene blawgz!
:O !!! oh gawd!!! i dont know many atm but heeereee!
@xxadam-antidotexx (op of the ask meme)
@glitchkichi (not sure if this counts but their stuff’s rlly cool >v
@otonashi-banana (scene boyf…wuv im more than anythin >///w///>
29. wat got u into scenecore?
i dont remember exactly how it happened but i’d always sorta wanted to go back to the glory days that was the old web and the scene era, and that, coupled with a bright, colourful aesthetic that i could really enjoy, drew me in like a moth to a neon colored flame ig looollll
30. how long hav u been scene?
i’ve only been officially apart of the community for about a few months now (at time of writing) i reckon so some things are still a lil new to me ig ^^;;
31. wats da best thing abt being scene?
the freedom of bein able to express myself 4 one thing, and its just so fun being so ‘out-there’ yknow???? it feels so great really
32. do u hav a fursona?
i…actually used to but ive moved on from the furry fandom and ive grown more attached to my human sona anyway sooo :/
33. r u in sum “cringy” fandomz?
YEA man!! i dont rlly think dr is inherently considered ‘cringey’ but undertale is and im in that one for sure!!! i also kinda technically never left the skylanders fandom(?) so theres that too ig??? oh yeah and who wants to let me draw my old moshi monsters characters COWARDS
34. do u liek plushiez?
YASSSS QUEEEN!!!! i have HEAPS of them in my room on my desk with my gonta shrine
35. do u liek stickerz?
also a big yaaassss from me dawggg!!! i love them and i love those ones that you stick on your fase like this!
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its so cuuute!!!
36. do u hav a friendproject?
i dont, not at the moment a least, actually! didnt even know what it was til recently but it looks kewl haha
37. do u hav any other scene account?
well, i haz this one, and i also have an emowire account for shuichi if that counts!!
38. do u make art? (drawingz, blingeez, etc.)
YES!!! i love to draw and i also make blingee edits sometimes!!! ITS SO FUN XD !!!
39. wats da most scene thing? (anything!)
hmmm, weeell…i think the most stereotyped thing would be that kewl, suuuper big hair like this;
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its really prettyyyy, and i love all that colouuur!!!
40. ask ur own randum question!!
hm, oh wowie, since the anon didnt specifically ask this one…POTATOES!!! X3
phew, finally done, that was a lot of typing! this was so fun to do though, so thank u nonnie!!! :3
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strawberryeuphie · 5 years
i was tagged by @buttercupagere​ and didnt realize until now! 😳😨 well, better late than never!
🌸💗🌱 age regression asks 🌱💗🌸
1. Do you have a caregiver?
yes! my boyfriend ~ 
2. What is your regression age?
4-6 i would say, but i tend to be 6 more often! 
3. How many stuffies do you have?
way too many to count..... on my bed alone theres at least 15, in my room at least 25, and waaaayyyy more in storage. over 300 for sure... >~< lots of them are from when i was young though! 
4. What’s your favorite Disney movie to watch when regressed?
tangled! ♡
5. Do you like to listen to music when regressed? If so, what song(s)?
sometimes ~ nothing in particular, just video game and cartoon osts or upbeat girl group kpop songs, or learning kindergarten songs! 
6. Who’s your favorite Disney princess?
oooh... belle and cinderella, i can’t choose! 
7. What’s your favorite TV show to watch when regressed?
sofia the first, caillou, sesame street, rugrats, bubble guppies, my little pony, reading rainbow, mickey mouse clubhouse, gravity falls, spongebob squarepants, angelina ballerina, the goodnight show with nina and star, and the loud house!
8. Do you like reading stories/oneshots about age regression? If so, what is your favorite one?
hmm... not that i know of! it’s been a long time since i read anything (namely fanfiction) involving age regression. 
9. What outfit(s) do you like to wear when regressed?
dresses! i like long ones, short ones, colorful ones, poofy ones, monochrome ones, collared ones, nature-y ones, princess-y ones, overall dresses, and more! i wear dresses and nighties 97% of the time when i regress ~ 
10. Would you rather spend a day at the playground or at the fair?
playground, for sure! i love things that aren’t costly and aren’t too crowded or loud or with lots of fast rides or tall rides... hehe ^_^,
11. Do you have any age regression gear? If so, what is it?
sippy cups, loads of pacifiers, two plate + bowl + flatware sets, pull-ups and goodnites, books, some kids clothes that fit me, a onesie from amazon, a teether, some rattely toys, books, dollies, plushies, kids snacks, kids sunscreen, baby wipes, baby soap, bath toys, a canopy, bed pad, siderails.... uhhh... i think that sums it up? 
12. What’s your favorite candy?
flavored gummy candies (any kind without gluten) and plain chocolate (any flavor)! 
13. Do you like bubble baths?
yes! very very veryyyy relaxing ~ 
14. Would you rather eat a PB & J or mac & cheese?
PB&J for sure! i get gluten free ones all the time ~ 
15. Do you watch age regression YouTubers? If so, who?
i havent been watching any recently! anybody want me to check theirs out or start my own...? 
16. Would you rather adopt a duckling or a chick?
a chick! 🐣🐥 peep peep peep! they are like little puffy popcorns bouncing around with tiny feeties and they are bright yellow and fuzzy and sleepy and i love thems! 
17. Do you like using pacifiers when regressed? If you don’t have any, would you be willing to try?
i use them! i have dermatillomania so pacifiers help me from biting my skin or picking it, because i have something else to kinda focus on if that makes sense...?
18. Disney, Dreamworks, or neither?
both ~!! why choose?
19. Does anyone IRL know you’re an age regressor?
20. What would your dream age regression playroom look like?
hmmmm... lots of windows for sunny days, painted lavender, butterfly decorations, disney princess pottery barn kids bedding on a white wooden daybed with side rails for napping, a plastic table for tea parties and arts n crafts, fluffy pink and butterfly rugs on white carpets so my knees dont hurt when i play, a plastic princess toy chest that you can also sit on, my canopy corner with big beanie bags where i can read all my books that are on shelves, an essential oils diffuser for relaxing scents, bunk beds for my american girl dollies, barbie dreamhouse for my barbies, fairy lights all over, princess dress up closet and vanity, foam mat and jumbo playmat and maybe even a playpen for really stressful days so i can have my own lil space and make it cozy! 
21. How did you find out about age regression?
i’ve always doen it without realizing and didnt really get why everyone else around me was “growing up” so fast. i played pretend and played with toys and only watched cartoons until 14 years old. once i was on tumblr a few years later i saw “d//d//l//g” in someones blog description and wondered what it was, i looked it up and saw a lifestyle similar to mine visually but also really different, so i secretly would check the tag from time to time and be really happy but also feel i didnt quite belong... then of course, discourse emerged and morality issues started occurring and i found cglre and age regression and felt much better about making my little blog and sharing my joy of childhood and regressing and bettering my mental health with others! 
22. Describe your perfect age regression playdate.
playground time on a sunny day, going to the disney store/a toy store and then getting ice cream or another snack we can eat, playing in playroom together...! also a sleepover. cuz bubblebath and pajamas time and warm milkies and the goodnight show together and pillow forts... waaah! 
23. Would you rather play with stuffies or dolls?
aaaah! both! stop with hard questions waahhhhh 
24. Do you like reading books when regressed? If so, which one(s)?
oh gosh i love to read! i have old books for my childhood that my parents saved, and i still read them now. my favorites right now are kevin henkes’ mouse books, the jumbo disney books with multiple stories in them, and little golden books, but theres also some other random ones i cant remember right away ahaha!
25. Bottles, sippy cups, or neither?
sippies for me ~ but i like the stage 2 (?) nuk bottles!
26. Do you like chocolate milk?
YES ~ chocolate almond breeze is... so yummy
27. Describe your dream stuffie. (Color, animal, size, texture, etc.)
puffy, big, soft but not too fluffy, a kitty cat, any color... oh i already have hims! hehehehe 
28. Onesies or overalls?
ummm... onesies! 
29. If you could have any mythical creature be your best friend, what would you choose?
do mermaids count? mermaids! i cant swim well so my mermaid friend could help me learn ~ 
30. My Little Pony or Paw Patrol?
my little pony ♡
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