#lil exo worm
echosong971 · 1 year
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she wanted snuggles
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fbwzoo · 2 years
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Found this little guy on FB marketplace today & got them this evening. That first pic is what they were in, poor love. No heat, no humidity, store bought pellets. Usual story, bought for kids who weren't interested.
Going to do post-purchase syndrome death reduction method with them, just to be sure they're doing okay before I put them in the big tank. That involves gradually raising humidity & temp from 70%/72F over a few weeks. The substrate stays shallow to keep them from digging down before they're strong enough to cope with molting. Surface molts can be a small risk, but still worth that chance.
Food is small amounts and changed daily - lots and lots of choices, to entice them into trying something. Sometimes they can be hard to get started on real food if they've gotten used to store pellets. This little one came with pellets and mineral blocks, so will have to see if they're thrilled to see real food or have to be convinced.
For a first round, we have some big favorites with my tank - coconut & chia seeds, Mary's color mix, dried eggs, ground corn mix, plus a mix from Just 2 Old Crabs & salmon oil. The center of the dish has dried cattle blood, ground flaxseed, another J2OC mix, birch leaves, flower mix, and a peanut butter mix from J2OC, which is heavy in coconut oil & suet.
I'm also keeping a dish in all the time with Mary's exo mix for calcium, seaweed mix, worm castings, green sand, and montmorillonite clay. The last two are good mineral supplements & well loved by crabs.
So! We'll see how this lil one does. They were moving around well in their travel carrier and look pretty good so far, but that doesn't necessarily mean much. But hopefully they are in decent shape & will do well with me now!
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baekhyuns-abs · 6 years
bias tag
I was tagged by this loyal bean @vampwrrr​ love you hun xo who is my bias? (if you have to ask)
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and sehun and chanyeol and yixing let me live What made you notice him and what do you love about him? and the other three  so I listened to Exo before I watched them but Baekhyun’s voice 100% made my vagina quake and my heart burst so I decided then it was time to look at they faces. while i was trying to wrap my head around Exo K and M during the mama days I discovered this gif and my vagina quaked some more so that was that, I was sold, I was his and he was mine.
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It grew during Growl because I noticed how smol he was and his voice in baby don’t cry oMG and then that performance of it omg i love his voice, I love his voice so much uGH And their interview on Weekly Idol when he did his aegyo he made me cringe but i loved him. AND then showtime was a thing and we really, like really saw how annoying he was but at the same time just so lovable and adorable. The haunted house my god.  He keeps me on my toes whenever I watch him perform and do interviews because he’s a wild child and I love that about him, how he can just be a jumping adult man with the energy and mentality of a 6 year old but the next minute be serious, down to earth - I just love that in him. He smiles no matter what, he takes a lot of shit (as the rest of them) but hes loyal to his members, he’s loyal to the fans.
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okay so if we talking OT12 it was the same with Yifan, he was the tallest, he looked like he could fuck me up in a minute and i was down. ~ Sehun came for me during the i c o n i c mama awards of 2013. If you need a reminder of his soul sucking look, here. I was so so S O ruined by this look, the suit, this performance, h i m. Like yes give me the maknae.
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I stuck around the Sehun train because he was the youngest and the most endearing. He’s cheeky as hell but I love it makes me want to do things to make him shut up but however. He’s a brilliant dancer and we have seen him grow, we’ve seen his talent just take off from era to era and his hardwork and dedication just inspires me and just makes me love him more for all he does.  For all his hair colours that he just seems to own for all the bitch faces that just do things to me and the memes 
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Chanyeol (recently beefyeol) had always tried to worm his way into my life like if you bias Baekhyun you gotta bias Chanyeol right??? but i was being stubborn but thEN... Call me baby. i WAS SHOOK, i gave up and let him in LOOK AT THAT
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Ears ears ears ears ears ears ears ears ears ears ears ears I will love them forever and ever. He’s tall as hell so that makes my imagination do things, the type of things that would make a mind reader pray for forgiveness. His voice was always always something that lured me to my grave and if it’s not just his rapping, he actually talks like that too oh my. His singing too holy jesus his singing just oh oops where did my underwear go??? I love how he sings more on the new albums like hes gaining confidence with it like l o v e that. His laugh that contorts his face is the best, I love seeing him so carefree and happy. This boy deserves nothing but the best of cuddles. 
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*inhale* *closes eyes* *exhale* y i x i n g unfollow me if youre an OT8 blog right now not even kidding gfto I love this boy so so so so much.  Yixing was always a member I had a soft spot for, he’s the sweetest, - fucking sexy omfg- we both libra babies, and he talented as hell and hes just my lil chinese boo since Yifan abandoned me. But he was never a bias, he was someone I just loved and appreciated for sticking with Exo, sticking with ShittyM Ent like his loyalty just made me love him so much. He’s got such a soft voice that is so under appreciated and his dancing like wOW his dancing. Since he’s been away doing his own thing, doing his thing in china and in the western industry my heart has just been bleeding for him. The hate he receives and the distrust some ‘fans’ have for him have made me feel super super super protective over this sheep and in turn it’s made me form an emotional attachment whoops. DID YOU SEE HIM AT THE GRAMMYS OMF MY HEART
Who would initiate skinship more: I feel like i turned this question into how we would initiate sex not sorry With all of them I think it would be them, bc I’m not the most forward unless I wanna fuck hello or I’m in a relo with you then you’re mine to touch idc. I’ve been told I’m intimidating a scorpio rising thing so maybe none of them would?? I’m unsure  Baekhyun and Chanyeol are equally loving and giving people and would just love to be touching someone they were attracted to in one way or another and tbh I’m fine with that. And tbh once you touch me i’m yours. Sehun, someone who would be very reserved at first due to his desire to seem cold, aloof and detached because he would want to be the ‘masculine’ male in a relo so would hesitate in skinship. So it would likely be me to be like ‘hey yes I’m sexually and emotionally available at your earliest convenience’. I seduce with my words and eyes, not my touch so he would have to touch me first in order for anything to take place Yixing, a fellow libra I feel like we would be the same in terms of skinship and seducing, words and eye contact until the tension is higher than the empire state building and at that point it could be either of us. Who would hog the covers more? In winter, me. Summer, anyone else. I hate the heat. Who would be the clingiest? mtl in my opinion Baekhyun Sehun Chanyeol Yixing 100% okay with any of them Who would say I love you first? I’ve never said it first in my past 2 relos so I’m going to say that they all would have to say it first.  Yixing I think would have the most confidence in saying it even if he was first. Baekhyun would be nervous I think and would see if I would say it first but he wouldn’t wait too long to say it (partly because he’s impatient and too excited with the prospect) and he would have to say because he can’t contain himself. Chanyeol would say it on accident in the middle of something, whether that be sex, we’re playing a game, or just having a laugh, he would blurt it out, similarly to the oh shit. But he wouldn’t regret it. Sehun is hard i think. I’m unsure what would happen there because I feel like we’re both stubborn so it would happen maybe drunkenly and then forcibly and awkwardly spoken about the next day with a smile.But if it was a drunken blurt it would be me to say it first in this instance because all my emotions come out when I’m drunk. I’m not an emotional drunk but I’m more free in my expressiveness when I’m drunk who would be more easily flustered:
Chanyeol hands down because I think me being me would easily get him blushing not because he’s innocent in anyway oh no but I just think I would surprise him with what goes on in my head and so on and so forth.
Baekhyun and Sehun would be surprised with what I come out with sometimes but I think (??) they would recover easily. 
Yixing is a hard one, I’m not sure what he would do other than get giggly what cuddling position would you two have: I would be the big spoon for Baekhyun any day of the week. I like the thought of us sitting down and him leaning back on my shoulder not my chest my boobs are to big for that shit unless he wanted to put his face in there then be my guest.
Chanyeol can lie on me, he can crush me I live for that, watching TV and him just on top of me his head on my upper chest and then falling asleep oh yes.
Sehun the shit I would just love to straddle his thighs while he’s minding his own business and take him by surprise and just wrap my arms around his shoulders and pull his head down under my chin fuck yes
Yixing the classic american movie tucked into his side with his arm draped across my shoulders as we’re watching TV, give me husband Yixing now.
which colors remind you of him:
Baekhyun: cool tone reds, ice blue and baby pink Chanyeol: warm tone reds, bright pink, bronze
Sehun: pinks, yellow, silver and white
Yixing: baby blue, gold, plaid which season would you like to spend with them: Winter: Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Sehun, Yixing. Autumn: Yixing, Sehun, Chanyeol, Baekhyun Spring: Chanyeol, Yixing, Baekhyun, Sehun Summer: Sehun, Baekhyun, Yixing, Chanyeol who would bake the cookies who would steal the batter: Me and Yixing would bake, Sehun would steal the batter, Chanyeol would be trying to help but just getting in the way and Baekhyun would be doing all three. I feel like this was SO LONG. Thanks for the tag xoxo
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baekphia · 7 years
i wanna see exo irl but i'm afraid i wouldn't even see them cause my 5'10 ass would look over them :((( id probably see chanyeol and maybe jongin and sehun and be like worm??? exo 3 members now
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kjonginswife · 7 years
Godddt I feel terrible u kno that post by fy-exo you reblogged with Jongin on that chair that's a video?????? Yeah but imagine him just slowly slidin his hands down those pants and him pulling out his **** and moaning while beating his meat bye snsjs
I HATE THISBKSNSDMSBNDNDNDBSNF I RLLY CAN’T SEE I’M BLLIND!!!!!!!!!! okay but like,,,,, you think You feel bad,,,,,,,, when i first saw that pic my eyes immediately were lik 🍆👀 oh worm???????? lik uhhhhhh call me crazy but there’s a lil,,,, Volume present :) they kinda look like pajama pants too which somehow makes it s*xier……….anyways this is his fault it’s his fault for making us think abt him beating his meat he didn’t have to have his abs and his b*lge out but he did and now we’re here :)))))
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najatheangel · 7 years
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Hello~ I was wondering if I could have a drabble ship with bts,exo and got7 please? If its not too much trouble of course ~ A Lil extra on my appearance is that, I’m petite, I have freckles and I have dimples when I smile~ the one on right is more deeper tho?? I’m more shy and quiet when first meeting, but once I’m with friends I’m a bit more loud, giggly and a bit goofy(??) I’m more introverted than extroverted but that doesn’t mean I don’t like to go out places~ I’m also very emotional? But tend to be more reserved if that makes sense? I’ll basically open up more when I’m comfortable with you ~ I’m a bit of a more soft spoken person so at times people find it very hard to hear me (sorry if that made like 0 sense fjsbdna). My friends and family say I’m caring, funny,cute,witty, a good listener and that I worry too much ~ my friends LOVE to tease me for my height so I would say I’m able to take a joke hahaha. I love drawing/painting, I’m hoping to have a job related to drawing in the future?? I love, dogs, bunnies, video games ( I’m a bit competitive), listening to music,  playing drums, going for walks, a little bit of photography, watching movies/anime/cartoons and dancing despite being really really bad at it hahaha~ I love to go to places like the beach,fairs, towns, etc?? But as long as I can chill out after then I’m happy haha~ I do also enjoy skinship (like holding hands etc) but I do get a bit embarrassed and shy about it haha~  I’m also very indecisive hahaha. I’m terrified of bugs ESPECIALLY SPIDERS and honestly I’m not a huge fan of the dark~!  Sorry if this is far too much or doesn’t make sense??? and I hope the selfies are okay! But! Thank you so much in advance, take your time and take care~!❤❤
Hey cutie, u are so pretty. And I never had relate to a person this much as u, like seriously. We almost sound alike, but This is totally enough info. Here’s your ships darling.
From bts, I ship you with...Jimin~
-Today was one of your days to go to the beach and find some inspiration for your next art piece.
-You walked around the beach in your long favorite anime tshirt, shorts and some sandals to blend in with the weather. You thought about grabbing a beautiful stranger to take a picture of, but felt really embarrassed and unsure of the idea.
-You felt a very cute, yet sexy guy watching you and was curious of what kind of pictures you were taking. When you wanted to take a picture of a sea shell, he photo bombed the sea shell with his cute peace pose.
Jimin: Whoops, I didn’t mean to interrupt you, carry one. *he smiles and starts walking off, but then..*
Y/N: W-Wait~ *you try to yell out, but you knew how soft your voice was.* *you ran up to him all shy and grabbed him to say* Can you be my model in this little art project?
-The boy turns around all shooked , but slowly starts to smile.
Jimin: Sure, but on one condition. *you tilt your head ton the side confused* You have to go out one a date with me. My treat.
*you hesitate but then you nod, making but of you flustered* Fine, D-Deal.
*he does his cute shy, embarrassed laugh looking forward to tomorrow*
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From exo, I ship you with...Kai~
-Kai was doing his extra practice for tonight's performance "The Eve"
-You being his girlfriend, aka #1 Kai stan , and waned to surprise him a practice. You snuck up behind him and did a worm dance that looked cool for a second..but then looked very awkward which made Kai laugh.
Jongin: You made up another creative dance, what was that?
Y/N: Isn’t that how you do the reverse *you try the dance move again but kai just falls on the floor laughing* Babe, this isn't funny! *you look down at him pouting*
-Jongin walks up to you and slides your arms up teaching you how to do it. He stands so close that you can feel his breaths in your neck. He spins you around in circle and tries to make a move by sliding his hand on your waist.
-You look at him through the mirror all lovey dovey admiring how amazing he dances.
Y/N:*whsipers* So amazing.
Jongin:*leans head on your shoulder* *whispers* I think Y/N is even more amazing. *he smirks and kisses your ear softly*
-*you help him finish his dance practice and in between breaks, the both of you hold hands twirling like happy kids*
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From Got7, I ship you with...Mark~
(The runner up was youngjae, but mark suited more w/ you)
-Mark was at the park with his other members and coco for a fun bro time. Yugyeom and Bambam was in their own world. Jinyoung and Jaebum was napping. Jackson was pranking JJ and YugBam. Mark and Youngjae was walking coco by the swings where that spot you...
-You had a long day, in your emotions and you just needed to find your inner peace. You spot two sweet concerned boys walked to the swings and sat on both sides in between you.
Mark: Hey sweet heart, what’s wrong? Are you okay?
-you looked up with tears still dripping down immediately looking at coco in youngjae hands. *sniffles*
Y/N: W-what’s his name? *you pet her and started to smirk a little*
Youngjae: Her name is Coco, this is me and Mark’s daughter. *sunshine smiles laughing*
Mark: You must like animals that much huh? How about you come play with us? *he helps you up from the swing and pats your head smiling* You’ll feel better, trust me.
*you hold Mark’s hand and link arms with youngjae with the other to run off to hang out with the rest of the members*
Jackson: She’s so cute~ *squeals*
Mark:*glares at him wrapping his arm around you*
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Sorry this took so long and I hope you like your ship @snazygalaxy Have a wonderful day~
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Unpopular opinion regarding a Black Armory (Destiny 2) spoiler
Spoiler under read more and I mean spoiler
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I don’t give a flying fuck if you bitter arses are upset about THIS I saw it not only coming from the damn cutscene with the piece of the Traveler (the light was clearly interested in him and was drawn to him) I also fucking HOPED SO FUCKING MUCH it would happen for GODS sake!
I did not even give a rats ass about Uldren before Forsaken!
Really sorry he shot your lil precious Exo fan favourite (whom I love too just to make things clear) but that guy was not acting on his own will, he probably has not since he was shocked to hell after his sister “died” and after that was heavily influenced to hell and back by all kinds of forces. He was found completely messed up and they locked him up instead of figuring out what was going on. That was CALLING for trouble. And you know what? I am happy we shot him because that gave him that new start he needed! 
And don’t come at me with “but what he done” - you know shit about what YOUR guardian did before he died the first time, you know SHIT about everything Zavala, Cayde, Ikora and all the others did. For all we know and have learned from the ghost lores a Guardian is also just a human and can do and has probably done terrible things. Light still choose them and had a reason so don’t the fuck try to worm your way out of that THIS TIME just because you are bitter!
UNPOPULAR OPINION: Uldren for the goddamn Hunter Vanguard! There I said it! 
TLDR: Uldren is back as Guardian and I want him as Hunter Vanguard. You can screech and cry all you want I could not be happier.
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