#lil split fortnite
aerosai · 8 months
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Squad Huddle Up! 📍
They are my favs this season 💞💞
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fortnite-headcanons · 5 months
Lil Whip and Lil Split are business partners.
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Fortnite Headcanon #121
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masoncarr2244 · 8 months
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sillyprettyfairy · 6 months
begging on my hands and knees for monster high in fortnite one day. if we can get fucking peter griffin and mha and lego, i want to absolutely fucking destroy someone as frankie stein.
bonus points if we get a g1 style and g3 style for every playable skin.
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babymorte · 1 month
Morte can you fortnite dance? Do you know the victory royal song unironically? Do you build bases in creativity mode?
so i know the chicken wing and macaroni dance cuz it’s my favourite song ever and the stars up above earth down below orbiting closer song dance cuz that’s also a fave and i was a loser during quarantine but i don’t know what the victory royale song is…?? oh i also love the im a kitty kitty kitty song too not that you asked sorry
i can’t build for shit. ive never built anything other than ramps before zero build got added. i actually got really good going up against builder sweats cuz they’re all so predictable. ive only played creative with my cousins a few times but ive never built anything
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vexingvi · 1 year
First i shoot then I show my lil claws.
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understandableparadox · 5 months
Bottom of the barrel isekai review #2
Today's title: I was reborn as his highness the prince’s little evil dragon. 
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The understanding of cringe is an abstraction of the same feelings of those in Salem dragging literate women to a lovely communal barbeque where they will be served. Is that an exaggeration? Yes, am I making a ham-fisted reference to a sci-fi short story? Also yes, very clever you are, go get yourself a cookie. I will wait. 
Anyways that is to segway to the idea that sometimes our ability to consider a story bad is based on the ideas it presents. Sometimes these ideas are weird, that weirdness becomes correlated with the cultural idea of cringe. 
Anyways that is a segway from a segway to talk about omegaverse. That is a concept that exists, where did it start? Im staring down a deep and scary rabbit hole that i'm simply not prepared to delve down into. So let's skip that and get into the basics. ABO or Alpha Beta Omega is a setting in which the genders are changed as thus: alphas are sexually and socially dominant, male and female may share the same genitalia for the concept of sex. Betas are either normal humans or hyper submissive socially and sexually, male and females usually share the same genitalia in this instance as well. In some fictions the omega may take the spot of the beta and the beta will become the average human within the setting. Beta and omegas emit a pheromone that can set people into estrus and attract alphas, alphas can bite the base of a beta or omegas neck to mark them as theirs. 
That's the bare bones basics and also a segway of a segway from a segway into the story we are talking about today. 
The titular title is a manhwa, if you are a rock dweller that's a korean manhwa. Don't let the country jump fool you, we are still dealing with the normal rules of an isekai so let's keep moving. 
We start by examining the main character, shown to us to be the ubermensch of gamers. The true pinnacle of mankind, tall, strong, powerful, athletic, mewing like his god damn life depends on it to ensure that his jawline is capable of splitting atoms, causing mass destruction to the immediate area. 
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He gets shanked at a gaming event by im assuming a rival gamer who went insane and thought that he was irl stream sniping. 
He bites the dust and awakens as the shell of an egg breaks around him, staring up into the soft eyes of the main romantic interest, the crown prince. Oh, he's a little dragon now and also still a 18-19 year old man stuck in the body of a lil baby dragon. The two cavort around jovially, well one acts in a jovial manner, the other is trying to figure out what the fuck is happening and why hes stuck on a leash instead of cranking sick 90s in fortnite.
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They then remember what game they are in. The game is apparently a visual novel/rpg in which the crown prince raises a dragon that turns evil and he must slay it with the power of friendship and the god nuke spear he found in a cave. Cool, he decides to not be an evil dragon that gets hit with the god nuke spear. A wise choice. 
We get some more exposition before the world decides to run a fucking truck into my head by haveing a possible pre-pubescent child introduce the idea that this is infact omega verse. The wicked step brother pops in shouting “omegas lives are easy”.  
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Which hit me with an absurd level of whiplash but ok, let's try to keep moving. 
The story meanders around a bit more, we are introduced to the wicked step mother who is an alpha which yeah feminism, the queen pegs the king. 
She does the wicked stepmother bit and leaves and we are treated to a few too many shots of this toddler-esque character cuddling up to this baby dragon which if I must drill into the soft gray matter hidden away within your domed ivories is a full grown man who plays video games for a living. 
I am unfortunately well acquainted with the trope of Middle aged japanese business man in the body of a baby because god damn if freud did not hit a societal nerve, and I would never dream of being so crass as to say that this is equally creepy but I hope you can forgive me if I inch this close to the same rung. 
Gamer god decides to start speed running the game, assuming that if he gets to a certain event within the game in which the main character helps a goddess and gets a wish, deciding to yoink that wish for himself and get back to begging markiplier to do a nude calendar with him, bro just a quick twelve picks, its for charity bro, come on, tasteful buns out for charity bro. 
Anyways more meandering, quick break to have one more bed scene where gamer god in baby dragon form sniffs again this kids pheromones because hell is real and the only torture is the one we inflict upon the world with our thoughts and ideas. 
They get the fuck out of the castle and go to the spooky woods where they meet the princes arranged fiancee, an alpha who is drawn as a full grown man. 
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Anyways he is utterly nothing to the story and serves to explain why they are able to beat the random cabal of cultists in the middle of the spooky woods who have the goddess trapped. 
They free her, she hands out some random shit and then fucks off. The paladin, prince and dragon then decided to go on magical adventures for a bit where we learn that the dragon's gift turns him back into a facsimile of his human form which carries around the prince again. Cue badly drawn fight scene with with trolls, cue yet another mention of the princes pheromones because the author has decided that I need to be shot a few more times and let's be honest, im asking for it, tying myself up on the shooting range like i am, drawing an assortment of red dots on myself, beckoning any wayward bullet to find purchase in all the soft supple flesh they can burrow in. 
More magical adventures and they find the magic sage, oops it's actually not the magic sage its the evil sage who after tricking our party tries to use mind control to seduce gamer god which leads me to believe that the author has some straight guy x gay guy fics in the same hard drive i believe should be turned into the police. 
Prince goes ape shit and despite showing little magical affinity suddenly has the skills to summon the god damn grim reaper who saves the dragon. Gamer god passes out and in the meantime the real sage pops up and promises to teach the prince white magic and to train the dragon by chasing and fighting his familiar, a transforming rabbit. 
This is how the dragon meets mushroom fujoshi who does a lore dump and scares everyone in my discord because we were not familiar with Korean and Chinese internet slang and how it gets translated, please see below. 
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It's not what it looks like, it means “Couple Pairings' '. Which yes, i know, holy shit why would they translate it like that???
Who the fuck knows. They explain how shits happens. They were the true creators of the world. After playing the game in its entirety, they decided the ending lacked luster so they decided to create an omegaverse fiction in which the prince and dragon Bone Expeditiously. 
Now this either means that god themselves in all of their infinite wisdom and power was placed in their own schrodingers box. Either so enraptured with the true beauty of this fiction or infact so repulsed by its contents that they decided to trap multiple innocent souls along with the stories creator to force it to play out to its logical possibly bloody end.
She also states that the prince must kill the dragon if they wish to escape, but also how the fuck do you know that? Anyways she fucks off. 
We now reach the time skip, where thank the fucking gods everyone is now drawn like a fucking adult and its not only slightly werid when they sniff at each other. 
And nothing happens for ten chapters as these two twinks run around each other playing grab ass until the last three chapters where they introduce the concept of a marriage party, as the paladin broke up. 
Two affronts to decent racial design and orientalism pop up to create a bit more plot, they send the dragon off to be able to be human without a trinket and that's the end of it. 
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Is the story anything to write home about? Not entirely. It's very standard BL fair with twinkish men cavorting about and an absurd amount of flowers being drawn around them. The story is very much interested in the slow burn yet sporadically intense budding romance between gamer god and the prince. It seems scared to interact with its own premise of omega verse, only gently playing into the themes or using the fantasy sexism of alphas vs omegas to create shoehorned drama between certain characters or to create societal roadblocks for the character that teach about an inch high. If I must surmise my criticism, it's not cringe enough for me. 
What about art? Its standard, most manhwa you will read will be expertly to competently drawn. The art is serviceable to the story itself, though i will note that the author is fucking deathly allergic to anything that resembles the color brown or drawing anything aside from eurocentric pretty boys that look like they belong onto a old german propaganda poster. 
"Is the underlying story, barring any other concept, good?" 
It is decent, it's fine. It's a standard romance fair, if you are diving into this for something hot, spicy, something you would be loath to be caught reading then my apologies, this is not it. 
"on a sliding scale of min to max, how much is the author using this to explore fetish" 
Low. The author clearly has some fetishes but they only somewhat clash into the main story. Mostly through gamer god pretending he's straight to the author can have the multitude of gay men attempt to coerce him into something “taboo”. 
"How many story crutches does the author use to explore the story" 
I think the story avoids the vast majority of major crutches, though it does rely heavily on the video game trope which allows the dragon to suddenly push the game into a random direction due to knowing how to skip a part of the level or knowing where certain in-game items relevant to the plot are hidden. 
 "Is the author attempting to use the story as a way to explain why he is not weird."
The author is not saying anything, but interestingly I believe they are attempting to pass themselves as being weirder than they actually are. Do with that as you will. 
Do I recommend this? Read on your own time, dont feel bad if you dont wanna read it.
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gameforestdach · 8 months
In einer beeindruckenden Demonstration seiner Popularität hat Fortnite erneut seine dominante Stellung in der Gaming-Community unter Beweis gestellt und einen neuen Rekord für gleichzeitige Spieler aufgestellt. Am Wochenende überschritt das Gaming-Gigant seinen eigenen Rekord mit unglaublichen 6.172.463 Nutzern. Der Reiz der Original-Karte Laut Fortnite.gg ist dieser Spieleranstieg auf die Rückkehr von Fortnites Original-Karte zurückzuführen, die von seinem Entwickler, Epic Games, nostalgisch als 'Fortnite OG' bezeichnet wird. Diese Rückkehr lockte nicht nur zahlreiche Spieler zurück zum Spiel, sondern der Battle-Royale-Modus erreichte ebenfalls einen neuen Höchststand mit 3.109.888 gleichzeitigen Spielern. Serverkapazitäten und Spielererfahrungen Bei solch hohen Zahlen ist es kaum überraschend, dass Epic Games die Servergesundheit und -kapazität sorgfältig überwachen musste. Ein Tweet von @FortniteStatus betonte die Bemühungen des Entwicklers, die Servergesundheit zu überwachen und erwähnte, dass Spieler in Spitzenzeiten möglicherweise kurz warten müssen. Der Tweet lautete: "Wir überwachen weiterhin die Servergesundheit und -kapazität nach dem Start der Fortnite OG-Saison, und Spieler könnten feststellen, dass sie kurz vor dem Einloggen warten müssen. Wir danken Ihnen für Ihre Geduld in dieser aufregenden Zeit und freuen uns darauf, dass Sie ins Spiel springen." Einblick in die OG-Saison Die Fortnite OG-Saison, die an einem Freitag startete, gipfelte in einer Neugestaltung des ikonischen Schwarzes-Loch-Events des Spiels. Dieses Highlight diente als Vorspiel zur großen Enthüllung eines brandneuen Kapitel-5-Designs, das voraussichtlich kurz vor Weihnachten herauskommen wird. Getreu Fortnites Innovationsgeist bietet der Battle-Pass dieser Saison eine Fülle von Charakter-Skins, die kreative Mischungen aus Fortnite-Klassikern sind. Besonders hervorzuheben ist die Fusion von Peely, dem Bananenmann, und dem Eiscreme-Maskottchen Lil' Whip, was zum einzigartigen 'Lil' Split'-Skin führt. Noch spannender wird es durch die Tatsache, dass diese Saison voraussichtlich kürzer als üblich sein wird und schon Anfang Dezember enden soll. Das bedeutet, dass der Battle-Pass für diese Saison nur 50 Levels haben wird, anstatt der üblichen 100. Einsichten und Analyse des OG-Updates Xfires Meinung Nostalgischer Reiz: Das OG-Update belebte die ursprüngliche Fortnite-Karte wieder und verband sie mit neuen Elementen. Diese Mischung lockte an einem einzigen Tag rekordverdächtige 45 Millionen Spieler an.【11†Quelle】 Bedeutung des OG-Updates: Die Wiedereinführung ikonischer Orte wie Tilted Towers, Paradise Palms und Salty Springs, kombiniert mit der sich ständig weiterentwickelnden Dynamik von Fortnite, bietet den Spielern ein frisches und dennoch vertrautes Erlebnis.【12†Quelle】 Epics Strategie: Die rechtzeitige Einführung des OG-Updates könnte Epics Reaktion auf finanzielle Schwierigkeiten sein und möglicherweise eine Renaissance von Fortnite signalisieren.【12†Quelle】 Auswirkungen auf das Gameplay: Die Reaktionen der Spieler sind gemischt. Einige langjährige Spieler berichten von einem spürbaren Mangel an Munition und Schilden, was zu kürzeren Matches führt, während andere die Änderungen in den Gameplay-Mechaniken loben.【12†Quelle】 Engadgets Beobachtungen Historische Spielerzahlen: Nach dem OG-Update stiegen die Spielerzahlen auf 44,7 Millionen, wobei die Nutzer insgesamt 102 Millionen Stunden im Spiel verbrachten, was Fortnites bedeutendsten Tag markierte.【22†Quelle】 Revival von Kapitel 1: Die als "Fortnite OG" bezeichnete Saison teleportiert die Spieler zurück in die Glanzzeiten von Kapitel 1, führt die ursprüngliche Karte von 2018 wieder ein und verbindet alte Ausrüstung und Elemente mit den neuen.【22†Quelle】 Merkmale des OG-Updates Wiedereinführung von Orten: Tilted Towers, Retail Row, Paradise Palms, Salty Springs und Polar Peak sind zurück und stärker denn je.【32†Quelle】 Karten-Design: Das OG-Update präsentiert
eine Mischung aus dem Besten von Kapitel 1 und 2 und bindet die neue Kapitel-5-Dynamik ein, was zu einer einzigartigen Spielerfahrung führt.【32†Quelle】 Abschlussgedanken Fortnites jüngster Triumph zeigt erneut, wie sehr das Spiel in der Gaming-Gemeinschaft geliebt wird. Mit der Wiedereinführung der OG-Karte und der Einführung eines brandneuen Kapitel-5-Designs hat Epic Games die Herzen von Millionen von Fans weltweit wieder erobert. Es bleibt spannend, welche Überraschungen uns in den kommenden Wochen und Monaten erwarten.
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yeaimfishboi · 5 years
Stray Kids Reaction to You Getting Sick When You’re Stressed Out
Semi-Request (As in I made them request):  And for a request maybe skz reaction to you being getting sick when your stressed? It’s finals and whenever I get too stressed I get the stomach flu ! From  ☃️ Anon (aka @woojinsloves​)
A/N: Ok well here I am back to writing so bear with me. But also merry early Christmas my secret Santa anon!! Hopefully writing this get’s me back in the swing of things bc it’s been quite a long time. And also same, I tend to feel very sick when I’m stressed esp if I’m not sleeping well! Merry Christmas! I hope you have a great one!
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At first, he’s kinda just like... shocked? He sees you keeling over the toilet vomiting out your appendix he just kinda goes... blank. But then within a half a second he puts two and two together and realizes it’s stress. And honestly, this boy is a godsend. Somehow he knew the perfect ways to handle everything. He manages to help lower your stress, whether by helping you study, or talking to you, but he also manages to help with your sickies. He’s got soup, saltines, water, and a nice bowl for you in case of emergency.
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He was out of town when finals came around, and he knew that you get sick but he was hoping that you would pace yourself a bit. So when he sees you keeled over the toilet, he scolds you a little. But then proceeds to immediately set up the couch for you to rest on and prepares a little care station with everything you need, including very mild soup (that he bought, we can’t trust him to cook anything)
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Boy would literally kiss your feet (but not really... well?.. nah) anything to make you feel better. He’s literally following your heels (like he’s a lost boy and you’re peter pan) everywhere you go. It may get annoying at times. However, he totally makes up for it. He holds your hair out of your face (if it's long enough) when you puke, he gives you cute lil forehead kisses, writes out flashcards for you, and gives you the biggest cuddles ever. 
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Confused baby. You literally were not anywhere near sick 30 seconds ago. But then he brought up your finals and how many you had to do when you bolted off to the bathroom. Honestly, his brain probably went to the worst real fast (he probably thinks you’re dying), but slowly but surely, he realizes that it must have to do with finals. To confirm he asks and then decides he’s going to do anything he can to help. Not before slipping on his long-ass legs out of the bathroom.
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He would absolutely no clue what to do. Does he take care of you because you’re sick? Probably not cuz he could get sick. Does he take you out for ice cream because you’re stressed? No, that would upset your tummy. Does he cuddle you until everything goes away? Well, he tried. You ended up bailing so you could puke. But eventually, it dawns on him. Maybe it’s because of exams! So what he decides to do is help you with studying (didn’t work), and then make sure you get a break.
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He probably spends most of his time trying to cheer you up with humor. He’s sending you baby Yoda memes at 2:48 am telling you to sleep, fortnite dances at your desk to distract you, he even did the splits in the kitchen hoping to get a giggle out of you. (Which it did because he inevitably ripped his pants). He 100% believes giggles are the best stress reliever, so he tickles you in hopes of a laugh. (Bad news it made your bowels explode... wow I’m gross)
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He probably makes a sarcastic comment about you waiting till the last moment to study, but then immediately feels guilty and apologizes. Since he’s a smart boy, he’s helping you with all your essays, and quizzing you on all your subjects. But he’s also being a caring boy, and cooking you all the right foods, giving you massages, and lots of hugs. He wants to do anything in his power to ease the burden on your shoulders and honestly, we love him for it.
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He may be young, but I feel like he just... knows and yet doesn’t? Like I feel like within a second he would know what is wrong, now does he know how to deal with it? Absolutely not. He knows that it’s because you’re stressed out, but he’s not going to have a single cell in his body that knows what to do. Unlike Jisung, he’s not overwhelmed with all the options on what to do but rather he has absolutely zero. So he ends up calling probably Chan who walks him through it step by step.
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soulofatiny · 5 years
Meeting Your Eyes
jongho x reader (gender neutral)
genre: super fluff, my pals
warning: no warning unless the idea of college debt haunts you, like me
word count: 1k-ish
song recs while reading to get in the mood: Light by Ateez; Twilight by Ateez; Euphoria by BTS Jungkook
you made it right on time for your scheduled college tour, the institution of your dreams KQ University
either of your parents couldn’t make it to the tour since they were busy working (probs to help provide for your tuition, aren’t ya lucky)
they felt super bad bc it’s your first college tour
but you reassured them since it was a local university and you’re a super strong independent individual
and you were sure you could handle one simple tour
lolz you were wrong
right when you enter the check-in area, you were immediately overwhelmed with being shoved thousands of brochures, flyers, and seniors trying to promote their clubs
“hey! come join our we’ll be paying student loans probs for the rest of our lives club!”
seems plausible but no thanks brian
honestly at this point you looked like a little gazelle being surrounded by a bunch of mountain lions 
you reminded yourself, “breathe just breathe”
but who were you kidding...maybe you weren’t ready to give the next few years of your life working your butt off just to exchange paper for paper ($$$ to diploma in case you didn’t catch my drift)
you stood still for five minutes watching hundreds of people crossing left and right
you debated if you should head home but someone tapped on your shoulder
you turned to the person bringing your hands up, getting ready to karate chop, “no, I do not want to join your club brian!”
but it was just the tour lady
“hi, I think you're in my tour group! I was looking for you. come on the rest of the group is over here.”
“how did you even find me?”
“years of experience lol”
you finally gathered with your tour group, thanks to the kind tour lady that was a gift sent from above especially with what’s about to happen next
you looked around and all the students looked super nervous too but seemed a little more stable since their parents or friends came with them
but you noticed one guy who was also alone and super cute 
he met your eyes but you quickly looked away 
wow let's leave your socially awkward self back in high school okay
but you couldn’t help yourself and tried to sneak a glance again
and he’s walking towARDS YOU
“hey, um i noticed you’re alone too. do you wanna be tour buddies? maybe for moral support?”
of course you agreed, suddenly feeling super thankful for the guy
“cool, i’m jongho” and gave you the warmest smile that you could swear that it melted your heart
it felt like time stopped and your stomach felt fuzzy
after centuries pass, you finally realized that he was waiting for your name keep it together will ya
“hi, i’m y/n” saying it a wee bit softer than you liked
but he thankfully heard you, “nice to meet you y/n” 
now, jongho looked super calm and collected on the outside but on the inside he was freaking out just as much as you bc he thinks you hella cute too (congratulations) 
just a few minutes earlier when he met your eyes, he also quickly looked away shy boy
but something overcame his shyness for a split second and his legs moved on its own towards your direction
and he’s glad that he did bc wow you’re even cuter up close (congrats pt.2) 
especially when he saw your cheeks tinted red a wee bit, sensing you must’ve felt something similar he did
after that lil awkward first exchange, you both quickly became more comfortable with each other 
jongho was planning to be a music education major bc he really loves singing and music, wanting to share that same feeling with others one day
you also shared your anticipated major (wanted to keep this broad for your imagination)
as the tour continued, you were both able to hold conversations that just flowed so naturally
“attractive AND smart, eh?” you both thought at the same time but didn’t have the courage to say it out loud say it you COWARDS
you both shared your wits, jongho with his puns and occasional fortnite dances here and there
and you with your lovely sense of humor and laughs that sounds like music to jongho’s ears, the music that he admires
the rest of the people in your tour group also found you guys sweet
and your kind tour lady wiggled her eyebrows towards you
she knows and she is here for it
but the tour was soon coming to end
too soon for both you and jongho’s likings
as the kind tour lady was giving her closings, jongho gave himself the BIGGEST pep talk to himself
“alright that courage you had whenever you first walked towards them...I SUMMON YOU AGAIN”
the kind tour lady ended her closings and wished everyone a happy college life
you turned to face him, meeting his eyes not knowing if it’ll be the last time
jongho could sense that you wanted to say something but was hesitant
but after looking into your eyes, all of his nerves suddenly went away
bc he knew exactly what he wanted 
he wanted to see you again and he knew he would regret it forever if you both just exchanged goodbyes and went along your separate college journeys
he wanted to see you smile and listen to your melodic laughs more
get to know you more and more, go through college/life struggles together
and meet your eyes again
at first, jongho didn’t know where his sudden courage came from when he first met you but now he truly understands why
when he met your eyes, he felt all the courage he needed and he didn’t need to fear anything
like when you both met your eyes for the first time at the beginning of the tour and the same feeling still applying now
jongho kept it simple but you knew how much significance the words truly held
“I want to see you again.”
a|n: thank you for reading! i hope you enjoyed it :) i actually used some of my own college tour experience for reference except i unfortunately didn’t get to meet a cute boy like jongho, story of my life (or opposite? lol) 
leave me feedback so i can improve and send in requests!
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un-enfant-immature · 4 years
Science Inc. is getting into the music business with incubator Heavy Sound Labs
Jason Geter, who previously co-founded Grand Hustle Records, told me that he’s looking to “redefine what a record label is today” with his new startup Heavy Sound Labs.
Geter said he sees Heavy Sound — which is part of startup studio Science Inc. — as an extension of the work he’s been doing for decades: Before co-founding Grand Hustle with T.I., Geter signed on as the rapper’s manager back when T.I. was only 18. He said he also signed Travis Scott back when Scott only had 500 views on YouTube.
“For me,  I want to continue doing what I’ve always done, which is prepare [artists] to go to major labels,” Geter said.
Of course, the music business has changed dramatically since Grand Hustle was founded in 2003, a change that’s only accelerating as the coronavirus pandemic has brought in-person concerts and tours to a halt.
For one thing, Geter argued, “Traditional labels, they’re pretty much not in the development business anymore” — in other words, they’re not interested in finding young, undiscovered artists and nurturing their careers. At the same time, he suggested that musical subcultures (like the Atlanta hip-hop scene that he calls home) are no longer tied to specific cities.
“Lil Nas X stayed online,” he said. “By the time I found out about him, everyone else did too. It all happened at once.”
Fortnite hosted a psychedelic Travis Scott concert and 12.3M people watched
As a result, he suggested that finding the next up-and-coming artist no longer means focusing on a geographic scene: “I wanted to be able to put myself out there in a way that someone in Memphis, Houston, Kentucky, Seattle — they really truly are disconnected from the music industry, but they can come to Heavysound.com and it’s available for everyone [to apply] without any gatekeepers.”
Heavy Sound Labs has an open application process on its website, and it’s already signed artists including AllStarrDaGreat (ADG), 47 Gino and Ralph Weah. The goal is to help those artists build their audience and get them signed to a major label within 24 months.
Geter said he also wants the incubator to avoid what he sees as one of the main structural issues of a traditional label — namely, its exclusive focus on music. Instead, he said Heavy Sound can also help artists explore other avenues, whether that’s fashion or cannabis. The specific contracts will differ from industry to industry, but Geter said the goal is to always partner with the artist in a 50-50 split.
“The music business is traditionally very linear,” he said. “Whether you’re talking about record sales or streams, it’s always one kind of vertical. If you want to talk publishing, they’ll send you to the next floor to talk about publishing, which I’ve never understood.”
Geter added that he’s hoping to reinvent industry internships at the same time. Heavy Sound has already recruited 1,200 people to what it calls its Heavy Crew. Those Crew members gets access a special Slack channel and to industry talks, and they’re then called upon to help promote Heavy Sound artists.
As for how Heavy Sound became part of Science, Geter said he met the startup studio’s co-founder Peter Pham at South by Southwest last year, who quickly suggested that Geter meet with Science co-founder and managing partner Mike Jones.
“Heavy Sound pairs Jason’s unmatched ability to identify and grow talent at the earliest stages of development with the Heavy Crew, a powerful digital network of creatives and fans who can help the artists gain cultural traction,” Jones said in a statement. “The music incubator’s focus on empowering artists and providing a supportive community sets it apart from anything else in the industry. We’re thrilled to work closely with Jason and help Heavy Sound scale this new model in music.”
Science, the L.A.-based incubator, just closed on $75 million for its first real venture fund
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masoncarr2244 · 8 months
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tokshi1 · 5 years
Past the checkpoint, you need to look back.
Whatever happened to the great storylines and lore that racing video games offered? Before the cringey emotes in Forza, before the online multiplayer only in NFS and certainly before micro-transactions. *cough* The Crew *cough*.
We’re in a time where racing games are more immersive and realistic than they’ve ever been especially with the rise of virtual reality. Games like Dirt rally 2.0, Project cars, Assetto Corsa provide such an aesthetic of realism with proper physical collision mechanics, consequential vehicular damage and full support towards shifters, pedals and steering wheels. Overall the gameplay in these games are phenomenal and enjoyable however, none of these games provide any sort of storyline or context to go off from besides the objective to win.
Back in the early-mid 2000’s, you would have racing games like Need For Speed Most Wanted, with a badass story, providing such a roleplay immersion which was great for the playerbase of the racing genre. Another game during the early 2000’s called Midnight Club II created not a linear storyline, but character profiles presented with different parts of the countries, even though there isn’t a proper storyline in the game, atleast the players are able to engage themselves into world’s lore with the character profiles.
I’m not saying that today's racing games are aren’t good, they’re the best they’ve ever been don’t get me wrong. The mechanics, graphics and overall gameplay have gone a long way and it’s amazing to look back how has been accomplished in the last 20 years. But with that, companies need to know that it’s not only that the gameplay matters but the story. Yes great gameplay makes a good game, but a great story with that makes a great game.
I wish we could go back to much simpler times when cars were bought with hard earned in-game money not our parent’s credit card, where we could enjoy time to ourselves in offline single player or even just cruise around without another player ramming into me every bloody second. What I’m trying to say here is even though we’ve made great advancements in the racing genre, we have to looks back into the past and remember what was important and meaningful to progress towards something even better than what we have now.
Actually, I remember when I was a kid my friends would come around and we would play NFS Underground on the PS2. They would be at mine after school and we would play games until their mothers had to pick them up. This wouldn’t of happened if split screen wasn’t a thing. I can’t stress enough how much splitscreen racing made my childhood. Even now I miss it, being physically in the same room, screaming at each other for crashing into each other and the general happy experience that I had, which is hard to have now a days with most racing games being based online. Kids today really don’t understand how great it was back then, now it’s just Fortnite and listening to Lil Pump at the age of 10.
What I would do to go back, just for that player two besides me, nostalgic.
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riotofslience · 6 years
look and down and saw man look up and saw us mix me, you and hollow tips and thats lust bring me, you the drinks her skirt pull that up we know the pains hurts who said that enough
now my drink get spilled on them titties lick it up you cannot waste it shot of ego wit no rocks you are my chaser dont kill the demons we just lock them in the basement from Washington to Franklin now thats a face lift gentlemen and bitch nigga get no ladies no north on my compass still a new Mercedes stacy dash off wit yo dame i turn Jay Z i meant dimes off the key i meant KD just like sticks wont connect you couldnt play me then rob a label wit a verse you gotta pay me with Margeilas wit no lace they say im lazy suck, fuck and fortnite she do it daily glock in her MCM my lil baby Saint Mishonda big time my lil lady he do it all? yes bitch i am amazing and line a nigga since i dont do the waiting they aint married to the money they just dating she cum at my place since im not complacent leather durag shit this a different wave length Katrina how i wave shit
dont trust in no one but Gods dont give up we feed the streets life no way to starve us from split and left dutch and guts on the bus and feens wit no teeth that inhale the dust look and down and saw man look up and saw us mix me, you and hollow tips and thats lust bring me, you the drinks her skirt pull that up we know the pains hurts who said that enough
now my drink get spilled thats $200 Henny you can't fake it dont make the rules, I win, you can not change it out the ran to a rover thats range bitch and off white shit guess the money stained it
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lostlevelsclub · 6 years
Prey - Part 1
Mike and Ting talk about Prey (2017) up to G.U.T.S. in the mission "Detour".
Contains SPOILERS for Prey!
The “book club” game is: Prey. Finish "Shipping and Receiving" by the next episode!
Lost Levels Club on YouTube and Twitch
Show Notes:
Deluxe Coconut Durian drink and Strawberry crisps
Confirmed: Fortnite on Android will drive its bus past Google’s 30% cut
Daily Mail
Kevin’s Feedback:
Do you guys really believe in cross play? It simply has no place in competitive games. Cmon u guys aren't that casual to know that for sure....... Smh
Also was a lil disappointed with the headline reaction thing I don't think you can have a proper debate on something by hearing an attention grabbing headline. It was very Daily Mail standard discussion
How long is Prey (2017)?
System Shock 2
Deus Ex Gets Air Vents All Wrong, According To An Architect
Who is December?
Trolley Problem
Prey (2006) - Portals Trailer (YouTube)
Looking Glass Studios
How the studio behind 'Prey' reimagined space history
BioShock Hacking
Material Recycler
Do No Harm Achievement
Split Affinity Achievement
Prey - How to Get Unlimited Neuromods
Silenced Pistol
GLOO Cannon
Disruptor Stun Gun
Where to find Josh Dalton in Prey (The Blackbox Project sidequest)
Recycler Charge
Memorable Moments
PREY Walkthrough No Commentary Part 3 (YouTube)
The Corpse Vanishes
Prey guide: How to find Dr. Calvino’s secret stash
Aaron Ingram
Prey - Touch to Calibrate (YouTube)
Not a mimic! (YouTube)
Huntress Boltcaster
Intrinsic Value Achievement
McDonald’s rolls out the memetastic Szechuan sauce featured in Rick and Morty
Download this Episode
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gameforestdach · 8 months
Zusammenfassung: Fortnite OG, die kommende Saison für das ikonische Battle-Royale-Spiel, sorgt für Aufsehen und steigert die Vorfreude unter den Fans, ob alt oder neu. Obwohl Epic Games versucht hat, alles geheim zu halten, offenbaren große Leaks eine kurze Saison mit einem reduzierten Battle Pass und einer Reihe von Skins, die von der reichen Geschichte von Fortnite inspiriert sind. Wir gehen auf die Leaks, Neuigkeiten und deren Bedeutung für die Fortnite-Community ein. Die Fortnite OG-Saison wird voraussichtlich nur einen Monat dauern und einen Battle Pass mit lediglich 50 Levels haben. Drei der vier neuen Skins sind Mischungen aus ikonischen Fortnite-Charakteren. Auch eine neu gestaltete Karte von Kapitel 1 ist durchgesickert, die Elemente aus verschiedenen Seasons kombiniert. Details zu 'Super-Stilen' oder anderen Bonusbelohnungen sind noch geheim, aber die Community ist voller Vorfreude. Einführung Falls du ein Fortnite-Fan bist, dann wird dir die Nachricht über die Fortnite OG-Saison sicherlich schon zu Ohren gekommen sein. Dank Leaks, die wie warme Semmeln über den Tisch gehen, haben wir nun einen detaillierten Einblick, was von dieser kommenden, nostalgisch angehauchten Saison zu erwarten ist. StreamFNBR und FNBRIntel haben das Geheimnis gelüftet, indem sie Bilder des Battle Pass auf Twitter gepostet haben, inklusive spannender neuer Skins und Einblicke in eine überarbeitete Karte von Kapitel 1. Also, haltet euch fest an euren Gaming-Stühlen – es wird spektakulär! Äußerungen wichtiger Personen StreamFNBR und FNBRIntels Mega-Enthüllungen Sowohl StreamFNBR als auch FNBRIntel haben am Dienstag auf Twitter verschiedene Elemente des Fortnite OG Battle Pass enthüllt. Der Pass soll vier Hauptskins enthalten, von denen drei Mischungen aus bestehenden Charakteren sind. Lil Split kombiniert Lil Whip und Peely, Renegade Lynx verschmilzt Renegade Raider und Lynx, und Omegarok vereint Omega und Ragnarok. Der Bonusskin, Spectra Knight, scheint laut den durchgesickerten Bildern verschiedene Farboptionen zu bieten. https://twitter.com/StreamFNBR/status/1719552968238711225 Spekulationen und Startdetails Was steckt im Battle Pass? Der Fortnite OG Battle Pass sieht im Vergleich zu den üblichen 100-Level-Pässen, an die wir gewöhnt sind, recht einzigartig aus. Laut den Leaks wird der Pass nur bis Level 50 gehen. Doch was ihm an Länge fehlt, macht er durch den Reichtum an Inhalten wett. Obwohl StreamFNBR und FNBRIntel bisher nichts über Super-Stile oder andere Bonusbelohnungen gesagt haben, scheint es auf dem durchgesickerten Bild des Battle Pass einen Button für Bonusbelohnungen zu geben. Alles ist noch ein Rätsel! Neue Karte und Features StreamFNBR war so großzügig, auch die neue Karte zu leaken, auf der wir landen können. Die Karte scheint eine Mischung aus verschiedenen Seasons von Kapitel 1 zu sein und bietet etwas Neues und doch Vertrautes. Noch interessanter ist die Rückkehr von mehreren 'OG'-Features, die in den Leaks angedeutet wurden, wie Schilder für Durr Burger und Truck 'N' Oasis. Könnte dies die Saison sein, die alles zurückbringt, was wir an den Anfangstagen von Fortnite geliebt haben? Reaktion der Community Die Community ist voller Aufregung und Spekulation. Selbst prominente Streamer wie Ninja und SypherPK haben sich in den sozialen Medien geäußert, um ihre Begeisterung zu teilen. Während einige Fans sich auf die Rückkehr ihrer Lieblingsskins freuen, sind andere neugierig, wie neue Features wie Sprinten und Klettern in die Karte von Kapitel 1 integriert werden. Startdetails Fortnite OG wird am Freitag, den 3. November, an den Start gehen. Die genaue Uhrzeit muss noch bestätigt werden, aber den Leaks zufolge wird es irgendwann am Vormittag sein. Mit so vielen Rückblicken und neuen Features verspricht diese kurze, aber eindrucksvolle Fortnite OG-Saison eine der denkwürdigsten überhaupt zu werden. Bist du bereit dafür? Was denkst du über die Fortnite OG-Saison? Teile deine Begeisterung oder Skepsis in den Kommentaren
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