#lila please be taking care of him rn
antaripirate · 11 months
brb on my way to red london to protect rhy‼️‼️FUCK
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Speaking of the "Cameleon" Episode... In Marked by the Soul, Jason Blood is the one who's surprised that Lila is still attending Dupont. The reason for him is that he has not received any of his class assignments from Lila. Due to the Akumas and students' tendency to forget to return to school after the Akuma was taken care of, Dupont has each teacher post their class lessons on the school portal (which all students should be logging into to mark that they have read the assignment given). Jason checks this daily and was wondering why Lila's name was still on the class list, but he thought that Miss Bustier forgot to remove her name from the list.
So when he is told that Lila is returning to Dupont after her "trip with her mother", you can imagine his confusion. To his credit as a new teacher asked Miss Bustier, "Well if she's coming back, can you please tell her that she needs to turn in all the History Assignments for my class. I obviously can't give her any 'A's due to them being late but if she doesn't turn them in by the end of the term I will have to give her a failing grade." Jason then shows Miss bustier and Ms M (don't feel like spelling her name rn) that Lila hasn't even checked for any of his class assignments.
Ms M places a hand on her chin when she says, "Hm, odd, she turned in the assignments for mine and Caline's class."
Miss Bustier tells the other teachers that maybe Lila just overlooked that part of the portal and tells Jason that she'll talk to Lila about her missing assignments.
While Jason is sceptical, he's willing to give Lila a chance to turn in the assignments late and take the passable grades.
Long story short... Neither Marinette nor Adrien is going to be Cameleon's first target but in hindsight maybe this plan wasn't as well-thought-out as she assumed it would be.
(Also, totally planning on just rewriting that whole episode, but I am not subjecting myself to watching it so I'm just going to go off of your Lady Luck's Cameleon episode. Yours is much more thought out.)
Inch resting!
Also valid on not rewatching the episode. I mostly use the episode transcripts instead of sitting through it except for the fight scenes because then I need to see who does what. But even that was kinda cringe even if I don't hate the episode as much as I did when it first came out.
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Holy crap this episode was funny as hell until it wasn't and then we were plunged right back into the intensity. But great episode!!! I don't lb so I don't get spoilers but man I had a lot of reactions as I watched. Ngl, a lot of cursing and caps ahead but damn was this such a good episode:
“One minute before the blackout” - now we’re to 1 minute from 1 week last week
“The place where this heart’s from, it was a tragedy. But once we land, it’s gonna turn into a miracle, right?” “Yeah, I like that” -- so once we land and settle after all of this craziness, a tragedy will turn into a miracle? I like that *looking at you Eddie*
Bobby going in to save the heart, hmm...
Oh, thank God - Eddie, Hen, and Bobby are all safe
Dr. Salazar - we need more of her. I love her so much.
4 Days later - hmm...
Wow, they’re really bringing Harry to the forefront here, this whole kidnapping thing is going to happen isn't it?
Harry charging neighbors and Michael and David in a sort of co-parent situation - first of all, Harry you are a GENIUS and love that Michael and David with Harry are being focused on in this episode, ahem, is there possibly a reason...?
Lou survived!!!! THANK GOD
Nearly 5 days Lou was in hospital
5 day head start for Hudson - is there something with 1, 3, 4 and now 5? I'm keeping track here, Tim
Buck is the power czar LOL - omg I love this man so much
Ravi!!! We need MORE Ravi!!! but where is Albert???
CHIMNEY!!!!! OMG I LOVE YOU - "Give me a charger or Uncle Buck will never see his niece again" - "Give him a charger" - "Well played" - "Let this be a lesson, never give that man a clipboard" - "Excuse me for being efficient" - "That’s one word for what you are" - okay #1 I will forever be in love with Chimney, probably one of my top favorite characters on this show & #2 LOVE this whole brothers interaction, Albert may not be there but Buck and Chim are still going with the whole older-brother-is-exasperated-with-the-younger-brother's-shit vibe
Oh God, here comes more cringe, yay... not so much
Eddie kisses Ana on the cheek AGAIN (Eddie, can you hear me? This is your subconscious speaking, when are you going to end this, my man?)
Ana says going to visit was Christopher’s idea since he missed Eddie and thought he was hungry - muy interesante
Buck rushing over to greet Christopher and hugging him tight is a moment I live for - outside of the whole Buck and Eddie story, I LOVE this relationship with all of my heart, I am so glad Christopher has Buck, he really is his second dad (with or without Eddie being involved)
Eddie not introducing Ana to Ravi (nor Buck saying hi) - Buck’s expression - “You must be Eddie’s wife” Christopher: “Not yet” I FUCKING LOVE THIS KID, OKAY!!!! Buck’s smile, he loves Christopher, too - love how Ana and Eddie don't say anything to dispel or clarify this
SAME FUCKING TRIGGER AND THIS TIME BUCK SEES IT!!!! OMG (Eddie, this is your subconscious again, you need to listen! The universe and I are trying to tell you something, please before any more shit hits the fan like me having to watch more uncomfortable interactions between you and your placeholder friend!)
Eddie sending Ana and Christopher on a tour with Ravi IN THE DARK at his work place so he can put SALADS AWAY
Buck’s expressions the entire time - Buck knows something's up
Ana’s expressions the entire time - she KNOWS
Thank God Bobby wasn’t around - hear me out, I have a reason for this that I am still working on in this long ass meta
Buck makes sure to not make eye contact with Ana (except quickly when Ravi is waiting to be introduced), even when Ana laughs at his “Constantly”
Eddie being a probie when Shannon came back in season 2 (and Eddie pulled her into the locker room to talk) & Ana being left to tour the station house with Ravi aka Probie - hello parallels & contrasts, my old friend
“I don’t want these things to wilt” - interesting choice of wording there, Eddie (newsflash, it's already wilting, Eddie)
I almost feel a little bad for Ana here because she did do something nice and she gets the brushoff and some discomfort/embarrassment in return (I mean the woman brought three salads in the middle of a blackout that she most likely made herself, come on - I'm sure some people think salads are easy to make but to those of us in the inexperienced/uninitiated cooks' club, it's not that simple)
Lila dead - hmm...are we surprised? (Hudson didn't give a fig about her and what's sad is Lou would have saved her)
“I think she was smitten like those other fools. I think she saw him being led away in cuffs and she intervened on his behalf” - interesting line there, Athena...
I need more scenes with Athena and Elaine - I know Elaine is the captain and Athena is on her own with no partner but I gotta say I am enjoying this
Athena! Why are you not warning the survivors!!! I mean I get it but still!!!
OMG “He takes Christopher all the time, he’s got the place memorized” - BUCK LISTENED TO EDDIE IN 3x03 - OMG!!!
Oh Buck my poor baby, he knows what they’re walking into - I LOVE Hen’s line of “Just smile, Buck” and then Eddie and Chim both smile wide at him - OMG I AM LIVING FOR THESE SCENES WITH THE 118
“Welcome to the Jungle” - nice touch 911
OMG Buck you are cracking me up - no animals are getting past him
1 hawk or eagle or raptor maybe? I’m not good with bird species okay!!!
3 emus again
1 bird I have no idea what kind (wondering if that’s what we saw the back of last episode near the emus)
Giraffe again
3 wolves
3 camels
“The animal makes a move, control it” - YOU GOT THIS BUCK (yes we are finally getting that scene we saw filmed!!!)
Buck’s expression when the camel runs by is KILLING ME 'yeah, that's right Camel, back up, back up, you don't want any of this, yeah that's right'
Stuffed animals in the souvenir store, interesting
2 for $5 sign - even more interesting
1 alpaca
I guess I kind of wonder why Hen didn’t become a vet at one point in her life? Like I’m glad she’s a first responder and about to be a doctor but damn she knows so much about animals, she’s like the 118’s resident animal expert, that’s my girl
“We were gonna get one” - um...what? Hen...
“I wouldn’t” LOL oh Bobby you slay me
Is it just me or do we hear ET almost type music in the background as Hen lays chips down for the alpaca? Bobby mentioning the Reese’s Pieces, the flashlight shining on the Alpaca when it steps into view...are we getting an ET reference?
“It’s calling its friend!” *another Alpaca appears through coats “Clever girl” - a Jurassic Park reference - It’s a fucking Steven Spielberg reference, holy shit!!!!
Okay so that scene was Eddie looking over at Bobby, got it, near the fire trucks
Oh Buck I love you so much “So you ran from an Alpaca?” “Two Alpacas and no one was running” - both Buck’s and Eddie’s faces and then laughter are freaking hilarious
Chimney: “After careful consideration, I have decided not to endorse this park” - OMG I have not stopped laughing for like five minutes straight, can you imagine a Jurassic Park AU for this team? - shot of T-rex above Ripley’s Believe It Or Not (nice one, 911)
Weird looking bird that I've never seen before and 2 emus and 2 vulture, 1 hawk/raptor bird, 1 rhino
May is awesome!!! And so are those neighbors!!!!
Eddie in the tank top!!! Buck with a clipboard!!!
“Hey are you sleeping or just pretending?” Buck is taking no prisoners today
Buck is trying to make sure he’s not having any symptoms, omg, seriously how do you not love this guy???? Eddie you better make an honest man out of him soon, I'm not sure how much longer I can take this
“You don’t give up, do you?” Oh Eddie you did not just say that, to Buck of all people, come on man (hello season 3 Eddie, my old friend)
Get him, Buck! Get him!
“Since when do you panic?” “That’s what I said, I don’t panic” Buck once again out there proving that he knows Eddie better than anyone else
Oh wow!!! Eddie came right out and said it “If I’m being honest with myself I think it was Ana”
And there it is folks “She’s been a constant through all of this, staying with Christopher”
“Somehow we became a ready made family and I don’t know if I’m ready for that” - wow, this is an excellent scene, he’s totally letting that wall down to talk candidly with Buck, nice - and him being stripped down to a tank top for this scene just reiterates that fact, he's baring some things
“I think I’m gonna stick it out. Ana’s the first woman I’ve wanted to spend this much time with since Shannon” - oh Eddie, you really need to shit or get off the pot my friend, this isn’t good for you, Christopher or Ana - how can you sentence all three of you to this? come on
“My kid loves her” but YOU DON'T - okay my heart is breaking, Eddie is making the same goddamn mistake all over again just like we predicted - Eddie please, what did Carla just say to you three episodes ago? Where the hell is Carla btw????
“Stick it out? That’s not the way you talk about someone you’re in love with” “That enough?” - thank you Buck, seriously THANK YOU
Okay my heart just broke again but for Buck this time “Eddie, I have been Ana” - aww =( I love my chaotic firefighter son with all of my heart
And of course Denial!Eddie aka repressed!Eddie are back, sigh - 5x03 has to be where it all comes to a head, it has to be, now even Buck is forcing him to face what he's trying so hard not to - word of advice Eddie, my repressed firefighter son, you can try to deny it mentally/emotionally all you want but it will come out one way or another, just like it's coming out in panic attack symptoms and anxiety - you have to end this, sweetie
And I think it’s very interesting that Eddie looks right at Buck during “If I’m being honest with myself” *looks away then right back at Buck* “I think it was Ana”, “staying with Christopher”, then right after “I don’t know if I’m ready for that”, “I think I’m gonna stick it out”, “Ana’s the first woman I’ve wanted to spend this much time with since Shannon” “My kid loves her”
OMG Eddie’s expression when Buck says “I know what it’s like to be in love with someone who’s not all the way in and deep down you know it and it hurts. It hurts worse than the truth” — RYAN WHERE IS YOUR GODDAMN EMMY??? If anyone ever doubted that Eddie was in love with Buck, there’s the freaking proof written all over Eddie’s face at Buck’s line!!! It’s not something he thinks he can have and it hurts
Okay seriously, Eddie saying “Ana’s the first woman I’ve wanted to spend this much time with Shannon” — VERY PURPOSEFUL MENTION OF A WOMAN HE’S WANTED TO SPEND TIME WITH, EDDIE PLEASE, CAN YOU HEAR ME!!!!
Then they go right to Chim calling Maddie, uh huh, I see you 911
I really love Hen’s full support of Maddie btw & I love how Chim is able to talk to Hen about it all
Oh no!!! Maddie please don’t fall asleep!!!
Oh thank God!!!! It’s going to be okay, Maddie, you got her, it’s going to be okay - I seriously want to give my girl a hug and tell her it's going to be okay
Omg Jee-Yun is so cute!!!
Day 4 or day 5 hmmm - I'm still keeping track, Tim
“Why is it every time the world ends, it ends some more?” “It just keeps us on our toes” “More like knocks us on our asses” - Universe is that you?
Awww Bobby just called Athena “baby” <3 I'm not crying, you're crying
YES more Athena and Elaine
Lou is awake!!!!
Awww Lou =( I may or may not be ugly crying rn
I cannot tell you how relieved I am that Lou is alive
Oh God!!!! Athena get the cops there now!!!!
Yeah you should have let Harry charge them Michael lol, of course they were there to just use the generator power (though I love and appreciate the contrast they gave us in the neighbors who helped the boy with the ventilator so we know not all people take advantage)
On a side note, it’s nice to see more Michael and David but at what cost, Tim? Can we please get more of them and especially David in a more lighthearted episode for crying out loud? Is that too much to ask???
Go Bobby!!!!
Good for you, Athena!!!
Omg this is practically Athena’s nightmare come to life, shit
Omg Hudson unplugged the goddamn generator, THAT FUCKING ASSHOLE!!!
Okay that was super intense, I really hope Athena is the one to take Hudson down, just like Bobby said
I have a few more rewatches to do before breaking things down but damn, I think I need a drink after that one.
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sammansonn · 3 years
No one asked but here are my thoughts and ideas about Fate: The Winx Saga
First of all i loved this show so if you’re gonna say some dumb shit hating on it go do it somewhere else because i genuinely couldn’t care less (also i’m not gonna talk about the white washing because Obviously its a shitty thing that netflix has a clear history of doing but just because its fucked up that they took away that representation doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy the show)
the main thing i didn’t like was stella being turned into a blonde mean girl stereotype and putting her in a love triangle with bloom and 
wish she would’ve stayed as bloom’s best friend who is genuinely full of light despite having an abusive mom
i did like the whole thing of her having trouble controlling her powers because she was taught to use too many negative emotions
in season two i just really want her to be a lesbian because Please (i doubt they’ll do it though) but again I wish she wasn’t the “mean girl” because mean girl turns lesbian can be annoying (its the cheryl blossom of it all) but idc give her a gf
in terms of terra i thought she was gr8 (but obviously wish flora hadn’t been replaced by a white girl even though she’s plus sized), but i do feel at times she was put in to the box of “oh that fat girl is really sweet and sensitive and seen as a cute friend” in that way that some media acts like fat girls can’t be bitchy or angry or hot
but i do feel like as the show went on she did become more of a complex character, and i especially liked how badass she was with her powers especially in the scene with riven like Yes Bitch
okay things i want to happen in season 2! (aka how i would write season 2)
first off sky
boy is gonna be having a Difficult time with his father being back and him realizing he isn’t the perfect hero he thought he was
and he also has to deal with silva being gone and despite being mad at silva’s lies i hope he realizes that silva Is his true dad, he’s literally the one who raised him and Cared about him
onto riven (my favorite angsty teen)
so rn he’s obviously working with beatrix and Rosalind but i’m hoping for an arc in which he finally starts to take control of his life, and instead of searching for meaning through others (i.e sky and beatrix) he really works on himself and what He believes and then maybe helps the gang spy on rosalind?? and take her down??
ALSO my boy is bi, or pan, but he is Not Straight, and i Need him to have an enemies to lovers with a guy its so important
but obviously don’t want it to take away from Riven finding himself, that takes priority
i also really want to explore Riven and Terra’s relationship more? because its clear that in his first year Riven was kind of a nerd and he and Terra seemed to be pretty good friends? like they apparently hung out in the greenhouse a lot and i just think emphasizing that relationship would be so good and them helping each other figure themselves out and just being besties
time for stella
again, want her to be a lesbian
also need her to stand up to her mom and show her that she doesn’t need pain and negatively to power her, and that she is stronger than her mom thinks
just want her to be okay and happy she deserves it
she already had so much growth in the last episode, especially her realizing how unhealthy her and sky were, so i just want more of that
okay Beatrix
can i just talk about how much i love beatrix? because i Love beatrix
i feel so bad for her because she is Not a bad person, she’s literally just been brainwashed her whole life by Andreas and Rosalind
i need her to have a redemption arc so bad 
i also want her to find out the truth that Rosalind has been keeping from her (kind of akin to Lila in the umbrella academy season 2)
i don’t want her to join the gang right away though, i kind of think she would need time alone to deal with her entire life being a lie, but overall i want her to be okay
but also imagine her finding out the truth, leaving, and then instead of healing she turns into an Actual villain (because we still need the trix from the cartoon and her name is Literally Be-a-trix so???? idk im Intrigued)
my babe Musa
love this girl so much, want her to just learn to open up and be happy with Sam because they’re so cute
also side note although i do love them i wish we got to see more of the beginning parts of their relationship, rather than them just talking one day and then them dating, idk they felt a Little rushed and wish we got to see more of their development
i also really want to see Musa master her powers more, obviously she can sense emotions and is a badass, but i want her to be able to use her powers for More, because mind fairies are bad bitches and i feel like she has to have more powers to unlock
also want her to do some more physical fighting cuz she clearly wants to do it and i think we deserve seeing her punch people
something i like about her is that, unlike all the other girls, she looks at things very black and white, while all the other girls are very good at living in the grey
i also want to know more about her life and her family because i feel like we know very little about her and musa (but we know about Musa’s mom now) and i just want to Know her
finally Bloom
i love this girl so much and also she’s So Hot i want to marry her
love to see her let people actually help her because girl be Impulsive
honestly i’m just hoping for more development of her dealing with her anger and occasional selfishness, but there's nothing major in Particular i want for her besides her being friends with all the girls and to kick ass
okay those were my thoughts because i’ve been thinking about this show for the past three days thx
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Daughter of the Honorable Thief - Harry Hook x Hood!reader - part 15 - Lying bitches and Group chats
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Harry raised his brow as Aaron glared at him from the other side of the room, the other teen had been more aggressive at Harry ever since he returned from the Sherwood forest fair.
Harry sighed, ignoring the glare and going back to his notes for algebra.
“Hello~” a voice purred suddenly from beside him, Harry mentally frowned and slowly looked up, his shoulders dropping and a glare settling.
Lila had decided it was a good idea to sit next to him and try to flirt. She fluttered her eyes and trailed her fingertips across the table counter, licking her lips flirtatiously “I haven’t seen you around before? I would know if such a handsome guy like you had been around”
Harry let out a dark chuckle, the green-eyed girl faltering for a moment, eyes widening as Harry gave a sharp grin and a harsh glare. “too bad I know who yeh are huh? Lie-la~”
Lila suddenly stood, tears starting to pour from her eyes “I knew it! Erza and (y/n) lied to you! They-they abused-“ Harry let out a snarl, standing suddenly, making Lila squeak as Harry towered over her. She hadn't expected for harry to be as imposing as he was.
“cut the crap yeh cunt, I know what yeh did ta Erza and I'm not interested in yer lies, besides I'm an isle kid, I know how ta lie like its breathing, yeh think I cant tell when someone's lying ta me? Go try it on some other poor soul yeh bitch”
Lila's jaw dropped, never before had she been talked to like that, “you-how boorish-“ Lila squeaked as Harry reached for his waist, and in a flash, the curve of his hook was inches from her nose.
“yeh might wa’nna get a move on lassie” Harry chuckled darkly “I don’t have a care fer people like yeh” Lila stared at him with fear-ridden eyes before she turned and bolted out of the study hall.
Harry snorted and rolled his eyes, packing up his work and books and heading out of study hall, glaring back at Aaron as the other teen continued to glare at him.
Harry stopped as he saw Aaron's eyes flash purple, but harry shook it off, taking out his phone and texting the group chat.
Mr.Cookie -I officially hate Lila >:(
It was a moment before Erza replied first.
Marriedtocake -u officially met her huh? Yeah shes a bitch,  luckily she hasn’t spotted me yet
Marriedtocake -…somehow
Harry snorted, remembering the small explanation Erza had given him and the others about Lila's abuse.
If he had anything to do about it, Lila would be running for the hills away from Auradon.
Wait, why was his name-
Gillyboi - Hook sounds like Cookie, and Erza said Hookie that one time so, Cookie~
Mr.Cookie - that makes no fkin sense
Hawkeye - deal with it mr.cookie, ur not getting out of it until we find a more funny nickname for u
Mr.Cookie - why is (y/n)’s name cool?!
Hawkeye - because im cool
Seagoddess - Cookie stfu im in class rn
Mr.Cookie has been muted by Seagoddess
Marriedtocake - HA
Harry pouted as his messages wouldn't go through, he looked up, grinning as me made eye contact with (y/n) who glared at him
Hawkeye - u idiots he-fukoasjdfsodhg
Seagoddess - heh
Gillyboi - Cookie stole (y/n)s phoooone
Seagoddess - we know gil
Piratequeen has entered the chat
Piratequeen - wtf is happening I leave for two minutes and you all descend into chaos
Piratequeen - Harry get off (y/n)s phone
Piratequeen - at least stop the caps lock
Hawkeye - NEVER
Seagoddess unmuted Mr.Cookie
Mr.Cookie renamed Mr.Cookie to Harryisabitchboi
Hawkeye - HEY
Gillyboi - (y/n) stole harrys phone
Seagoddess - thank you gil, but harry give (y/n) her phone back
Harryisabitchboi - GIVE ME MY PHONE BACK U FUCK
Hawkeye - MAKE ME
Gillyboi -ooooh those some fighting words
Hawkeye sent a photo
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 Piratequeen - harry she will beat your ass don’t tempt her
Harryisabitchboi - TOO FUCKING LATE
Gillyboi - annnnnd (y/n)s chasing harry around the campus
Seagoddess - I can see them from class
Piratequeen - just let them fight it out
Marriedtocake - XDXDXD found em, (y/n) is on Harry's back smacking him
Seagoddess - HA
Uma looked out her class window, smirking as she watched (y/n) wrap her legs around Harry's waist and smack at his head, Erza a few feet behind them and cackling, holding up her phone to record the spectacle.
“idiots” Uma chuckled, turning back to the teacher and continuing to take notes.
She heard a low audible groan from the class as the classroom door opened and someone stepped in. she looked up, freezing as Lila stepped into the room, a soft smile on her face.
Ooooh, Uma could see a fake bitch from a thousand miles away.
And that was a fake bitch.
Seagoddess - guess who just stepped into my class
Marriedtocake - u fucking serious? First, she bugs harry now shes in ur class? Christ
Marriedtocake - she better leave u alone or im throwing hands fuck my trauma
Harryisabitchboi - erza no
Uma sputtered, a blush rising across her face, Ezra just called her her girlfriend…..and it sounded nice.
Hawkeye - erza please leave it, Uma please tell me there's not an empty seat next to you
Seagoddess - nope, the only seat is near the back.
Uma looked up as Lila turned to the teacher and touched her ears “oh Mr. Crawford, I have tinnitus and it's hard for me to hear if maybe someone can switch seats with me?”
The teacher just gave her a look “Ms. Lila, we have your full file including your pathological lying, please go sit down before you make a fool of yourself” Lila turned pale and she looked down at the floor as she speed-walked to her seat, her ears turning dark as the class snickered at her failed to try at the teacher.
Uma smirked, glancing back down at her phone.
Seagoddess - teach knows about her shit, sent her to the only empty seat after she tried saying she had tinnitus
Marriedtocake - HAHAHA!!!!
Hawkeye - we must celebrate! meet at Tiana's café after school!
Several people are typing….
Mr.Cookie - Yes ma’am
Gillyboi - aye sir!
Seagoddess - alright then
Piratequeen - k
Marriedtocake - look at harry being all polite~ after hood kicked ur ass~
Mr.Cookie - shuuuut the fuck up
Uma chucked again and pocketed her phone, tuning back into the teachers droning about the history of pixie hollow.
“to the bitches downfall~!” Erza cheered, holding up her frappuccino in the air, the rest of the group cheered with her, raising their drinks.
“and to not failing our tests next week” Uma snorted, Harry and Erza groaning at that.
“don’ remind meh” Harry huffed, sipping at his mocha.
“How bout a study night tomorrow?” you suggested, bitting into your sandwich “gods knew we all need a set time for studying or else it'll never get done”
“true that” Erza chuckled, leaning back in her chair, the front legs lifting off the floor.
“Erza?” Erza’s eyes widened and she slowly turned around, her shoulders dropping as she made eye contact with Lila. “you, you’re still he-?”
“I'm still here? Yes Lila, I'm not as weak as you thought I was” Erza snapped, standing up and cutting off Lila by a few inches “now what do you want?”
“well I” Lila stuttered, eyes running up and down Erza’s body “I was wondering if you wanted to talk?”
“she” Uma interrupted her, standing from the table and walking over to Erza, tossing her arm around her waist “is going to be spending time with her girl, no time for you sweetheart” Uma purred, knowing Erza’s cheeks were now pink.
“you?” Lilas lip curled in disgust “why would she with someone….like you?”
Uma let out a dangerous chuckle, Harry's insane laughter popping in. Lila's eyes went wide as she finally noticed the rest of you, including the bright, eyed harry and Harriet staring at her, sharp smirks on their faces “yeh never wan’ ta anger a sea witch lassie, they aren’t ta be trifled with”
Lila's eyes snapped back to Uma, taking a step back from the glowering sea witch. “you-you're the daughter-“
“daughter of Ursula~” Uma purred, giving Lila a low bow “ now, leave” Uma's necklace gave a low glowing pulse, sending Lila out the door and down the road, away from the group of friends. “good riddance” Uma huffed, tugging Erza back into a chair and leaning on her shoulder.
“she's a right off bitch” you muttered, holding your hand up to Uma for a high five “nicely done by the way Uma” Uma smirked and smacked her hand into yours.
“back to the original topic” Harriet sighed, setting down her iced coffee “study night? Where?”
“my room” you perked up, finishing off your caramel frappe and setting it on our leg “it’s the biggest and I have a lot of snacks already in my room”
“Alright, hoods room it is tomorrow night! Then after that video game!” Erza cheered, the rest of the group cheering with her.
“sounds good” Uma hummed.
“so for now, let's go to the arcade cuz im bored” you suggested, raising your brow at the others, Gil and Harry's eyes glinting with excitement at your suggestion.
“that ALSO sounds good” Uma chuckled, standing from her seat and nodding her head out to the road “lets go”
“yeet!” Erza cried, hopping from her seat and running out the door, the rest of you following after her.
-end of part 15-
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theshipking · 4 years
Protective Nino
Alya is currently crying in her room rn. No one knows why except for her. She just ran in, shutted and locked her door and bursted into tears. This has been going on for 4 hours now. Earlier in school, she has been accused for nearly killing Lila, which is flase as it was no one. Nino, sweet innocent Nino, did his best to protect Alya saying she was with him the whole time, but that didn’t work. She got expelled.  Back at School, Nino is furious. He was just so mad he didn’t even worry about going to school, he just sat outside. Besides, no one would care about him right? Just then Lila, with her innocent face on, sat next to him.  “I’m sor-” “Lila this is all your fault.” Nino broke her off “If it wasn’t for you, we wouldn’t be here.” “I’m not sure what y-” “Don’t act dumb Lila, you’re the one who accused her, you were the one who got her expelled you’re the one-”  While he was ranting, we go to Hawkmoth’s lair.  “A poor soul who couldn’t help her girlfriend... perfect bait for my akuma.” He said to himself. He used his power and the akuma fluttered off. “Fly away little akuma... and EVILIZE HIM!” “So, Lie-La, watch your back.” Nino finished his rant. Lila just looked at him, and fled as soon as the akuma came. But then it stopped.  “There’s more negative emotions... who’s is more stronger...” Hawkmoth questioned to himself. He then signalled the akuma to go into Nino’s buble-blowwer.  “Bubbler, Nice to see you again... I’m giving you back your power to get revenge on Lila Rossi but in return, i need-” “Ladybug and Chat Noir’s miraculous, I got you HawkMoth.” Nino said, allowing the akuma to take over his body.  “Now Class, does anyone know where Ni-” Ms Bustier was cut off by a kick of the door, and Nino, No, The Bubbler walked in. “Where’s Lila Rossi?!” He Questioned Loudly. Everyone pointed to her and NIno walks up to her. “You... You hurted my friend, You get her expelled...” “What? Me? She tried to kill me!” Lila exclaimed, but no one was buying it, not when an akuma was talking to her. “NO SHE DIDN’T! DON’T YOU SEE THAT LYING ISN’T ALWAYS A BENEFIT?! GOD IF I COULD I COULD KILL YOU!”  “That’s a bold statement coming from an akuma.” “But, the best thing I can do is this.” He trapped Lila in a bubble, an unpoppable one.  Marinette then ran out and Tikki came out.  “I know Lila can be bad but this is too much! Tikki, Spots On!” Ladybug then burst into the room. “Bubbler, this isn’t justice, you’re just hurting someone!” She exclaimed to Bubbler “I. DON’T. CARE! NO ONE HURTS ALYA, ESPECIALLY HER! SHE’S THE REASON WHY I GOT AKUMATIZED!” Ladybug looked eyes widen. She had always found out why people got akumatized but they never openly admitted it. Nino must be so mad. “Listen Bubbler, we can talk about this, just hand me your bubble wand and we’ll all be good. Ok?” Bubbler gripped his wand and was about to put ladybug in a bubble, when he noticed the girl behind her.  “Alya?” He thought. His wand and grip lowered as she started talking “Nino... please...” It was obvious she was still crying, and she was bruised as well, meaning more then an accusation from Lila. He carefully walked down to where Alya was, with the butterfly sihloulette appeared. “Bubbler, what are you doing? Go and get Ladybug’s Miraculous! The Earrings!” Hawkmoth screamed. But Nino was having none of that.  He handed his akumatized object to ladybug, and held Alya’s hands. As soon as that happened, he got deakumatized. They both looked in each-others eyes, before Alya pulled him close and putted an long awaited kiss on his lips. Everyone cheered, including Chloe! But the cheers were broke off suddenly by an angered Lila.  “What are you doing?! Why are you cheering?! She tried to Murder Me!” She shouted in her bubble.  “Lila, we all heard what Nino had to say.” Ivan shot back. “If he got akumatized because of that, it’s clear what he was saying was true.” Alix followed up “By my calculations, it was 100% true fact!” Max exclaimed. Everyone agreed, before Mr Democlies (Don’t know how to spell his name) walked in.  “I think it’s safe to say that Alya is found innocent.” He said, before motioning the police to lasoo the bubble. “Lila Rossi, you are placed under arrest for false claiming, theft, lying, and attempted murder.”  Nino now had a confused face “Attemput Murder? Who did she-” He suddenly felt Alya’s body limb as she fell. He caught her and motioned her to wake up “Alya! Talk to me! Say Something!”  Two Paramedics came and motioned Nino to give them her body. He did, before walking out murmring “You’re dead to me Lie-La“  Two Weeks Later Nino was now at the hospital, hoping his beloved girlfriend was still alive. Everyone had turned on Alya, and she was sentenced to 16 years in Prison. The Nurse came up to Nino and said “Are you Nino Lahiffe?” He nodded his head before asking, “Is Alya ok?” “Yes, don’t worry...” She looks at the box “I take it that that’s a promise ring?” “Nope. Talked with the Mayor. He said it’s fine with what I’m about to do.” She smiled “I’m sure she’ll love that.” He smiled back, before walking in and seeing Alya resting.  “Alya...” He whispered, walking up to her bed, As soon as he got to her bed, he kissed her forehead, waking her up. “N-Nino?” She weakly replied. He smiled before pulling her close, opening the box behind the back and swiftly putting the ring on her finger. he heard a soft “yes” before he kissed her.
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slntthrpy · 3 years
The start of nothing.
I’m started this because i want to write, and its something i would write on Twitter but its too dangerous do it on there because people will start to message or comment. As if their comments arent bullshit. I wrote something along the lines that I am in the worse battle with my myself. And someone wrote, “don’t be too hard on yourself, take it day by day” like come on. That’s so much bullshit. Those words mean nothing to me they actually make me annoyed. This is why i don’t like to talk to people because i always hate what they say back to me. This is why I’m starting this. Because i was to spill my emotions and my thoughts without stupid ass comments. No one on earth understands me. No one not even myself tbh. But today i realized something. I realized that I am in the worse battle, with myself and i have been for so many years. Maybe my whole life i don’t even know. I always remember being unhappy and i just have happy moments. It’s literally me against me.
Do i need medicine
Ew i don’t want that. But also ew at myself bc I’m tired of feeling like this. So ew at myself too
Will i only be able to be ok with meds
What kind of life is that
So does that mean I’m not normal. It’s past 1am and i should be talking to him but I’m so miserable rn
I don’t feel like pretending to be happy
When i just want to be gone
Like just simply not exist
But i have to pretend to be normal, for him
Yup, always pleasing people. Always doin shit for people
I am not a happy people pleaser
I want to be pleased but hell no not in this life. Ha that’s funny 
I cant even have my own fucking left overs bc someone has to eat off my plate, never fucking questioned who’s food it was or why its warm and just sitting there at the table. No- like a animal he just eats my fucking food. This shit enraged me so much
With two other people at the table who saw me eating it never thought it would be a good idea to mention shit to him. Literally just laugh as me and tell me I’m out of dinner. No one does shit for me. And yet i cant even eat the food what i chose at a restaurant that a random ass person made for me. Bc lord knows food is never made for me. Nothing ever
I am a server, a fucking care taker
And I’m nothing
I can honestly say that i was happier when i was married. I promise to god i was. And i know as I’m typing this god is looking at me and just rolling his eyes. Like i tweeted one time. “when you think you have it hard and it just get harder” I mean this. When you think you have a bad or unhappy life aka my marriage so you leave and start a new life but that new life turns out worse. 
You’re everyone bitch. 
You have no money
No job
No independence
Sole care taker of my child and two other children who aren’t mine. 
You’re are pregnant 
I’m the ultimate idiot
And i feel so bad for Lila and the baby
They have a mother like me. I’m sorry
You didn’t choose to live and i didn’t know what i was getting myself into.
I don’t have the guts to abort or put up for adoption
But i am just not qualified for this. I’m not ok to do this right now and maybe i never would be. 
When it be ok to just be gone from this earth
Like honestly 
I want to ball up and do nothing but i cant.
I have to take care of a baby and i really don’t want to . She tossing in her crib and I want to walk away 
The worse part of being depressed or whatever you call this, this activated postpartum depression, one of the things that kills me is taking care of my baby. It’s hard for me, it’s tough as hell. And i don’t get help from the dad. I live with him and we are together but he does nothing. His life is absolutely the same with or without her........there is 1 couple, two parents but only one parent takes care of the baby. If it was two parents and we were not together, my life without a doubt would be easier. working isn’t hard for me. Paying my own rents paying my own bills isn’t hard for me. Parenting all by self is hard for me. So if her dads take her 50 % of the time and help me pay day care and her stuff. That to me sounds like the life! Why bc
I have to take care of myself, i go to work
Raise my kids half of the time and her dad raises her half of the time
I take care of me and her. 
Not another man, his kids and then myself which i don’t take care of myself tbh
See how being with a man well this man is more work for me
More misery for me
His life is coo as fuck
If i leave, he has to find some to babysit his kids. All 3 of them. HAHA plus still pay for everything he is still currently paying for like rents, bills. Literally nothing of that changes. He literally gets more responsibility that’s all. So why is it that he doesn’t feel like he’s responsible for his kids now
Bc he fucking comfortable 
He mom and sister are worried bc he’s gaining weight and say he might be depressed and say he needs a hobby. I could cry bc that’s so funny. His hobby needs to be to take care of his fucking kids! 
I’m slowly dying and he’s living life.
Like a painful death. 
You would think having kids would stop you from wanting to kill yourself. He even told me that when i had just gave birth. Why would you want to be away from that. 
Sorry but my thoughts haven’t changed. I still want to kill myself. Escape this shit
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pinkvhs · 4 years
💐 Marvin, ☄️ DANIEL, 🍄 Viktor & 🌸 for Noah!!!
💐 How does your OC handle being unwell or forced to rest in bed? Who cares for them and in what ways? Does your OC enjoy being doted on or are they a terrible patient? Reversed: is your OC good at taking care of others who are ill or in need?
He usually tries to do things himself but doesn’t put up too much of a fight. Riley helps him a lot with his anxiousness and confusion whenever he first arrived to the future, he doesn’t put up a fight about it. When it comes to helping others like Viktor, he REALLY tries his best to help. When Viktor isn’t well he tries to force him in bed and wants to heal him but Viktor being scared and stubborn refuses it. 
He is very good to those who are ill though, he makes his home warm and comforting. He gives up his bed for Viktor and cooks him meals, offers him new clothes. Does what he can to get Viktor healthy again without using his magic, since the man always refuses it. 
☄️ Does this OC deserve better treatment from you? Do you make them suffer just a little bit too much? Be nice to them!
LILA PLEASE ALSKDFJLASKDFJALSDFJDFFDAKLSDFJIWEFJASDF THIS MADE ME LAUGH OUT LOUD! Yes..He does deserve better. Much better. But its about the drama of it all LILA!! 
He does get better later on you know this >:c ! !! !! ! 
🍄 What are your OCs favourite snacks? Their favourite comfort food which always cheers them up when they’re down? Favourite meal to make? Do they enjoy baking and cooking and are they any good in the kitchen?
For a snack he has a bit of a sweet tooth for chocolate, not the healthiest snack but he likes it a lot. If he was going for something healthy he really likes oranges and cherries! For comfort food he turns to a warm black coffee and warm home made blue berry muffin. Favorite meal would be shrimp scampi that his wife made for him and loves to cook that now! He can cook rather well in the kitchen but he loves baking! He makes home made bread, cookies, muffins and other sorts of pastries and his daughters love it! 
🌸 What are some of their favourite things and why? List as many as you can think of!
ooooo!!!! ok ok !! 
computers - he loves technology and building his own things!  ! 
video games - they are fun and he plays them with his eldest daughter
nature - he can be by himself in the woods and just be in the quiet 
the guitar - though he never learned how to play it, he loves the sound it makes 
cheesy ghost hunting documentaries - they are goofy and he lowkey gets scared of it but its a blast to him
recording videos - whenever holidays and birthdays come around he is quick to get the camera and record it for memories. his kids will get embarrassed about this later. 
for favorite people though: his daughters & Viktor. He loves them and cares about him. 
thats all i can think of rn alksjdflaksdKSADF 
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saiangelo999 · 4 years
2020 T.V Show Tracker
T.V. Shows
The Witcher 
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Started 2019 finished 2020. Click here for my thoughts.
Brooklyn Nine-Nine
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Completed - I really enjoyed the episode with Pimento, that episode was just hilarious. I think that was one of my favourite episodes this season.
Self Made
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It was very a enjoyable mini-series. Sarah's story is so fascinating and inspirational precisely because of how many hardships she had to deal with throughout her life. I enjoyed the show and learning more about Madam CJ Walker.
Interior Design Masters
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This was a really fun show. I didn’t agree with everything that the judges said, but I definitely had fun watching the contestants renovate commercial and residential places. My favourite episode was when they worked on the stores (not restaurants). I really loved those transformations.
The Big Flower Fight
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It was such a fun show! I really enjoyed watching how the contestants used plants to create beautiful and interesting topiaries/sculptures. I loved most of the contestants and was always looking forward to their take on each challenge!
Space Force
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It was a fun show! Enjoyed watching it with my sister.  :)
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Re-visiting this show from the one or two episodes I watched back when I was in grade 12 and one of my teachers was promoting this show because her friend was an extra in it. But, I really am intrigued by the concept, the way the show is filmed is just so gorgeous for such a gory show and the plot is very fascinating. Anytime Hannibal feeds anyone I get a bit antsy. But Will Graham is just such an interesting character. I have high expectations of the show!
Update: Finished s1 and LOVED it! As I was binging s2 I started to get nightmares and also the plot started to move forward at a snail’s pace (imo) so I will put this show on hold for now.
The Umbrella Academy s2
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So I really enjoyed this season of Umbrella Academy because I got to see more of Five kicking ass as a teenager, the character growth of BOTH Diego and Luther, seeing the entire family getting closer to Vanya and the general action sequences of the show. I enjoyed the new characters as well - Lila and The Swedes. I admit my memory of season 1 of this show is somewhat vague, but I found that the ending of the season (its climax to be precise in episode 10) to be somewhat lackluster considering the build-up. 
I really enjoyed was seeing Klaus, Allison and Vanya deal with their respective subplots and that scene in the barbershop with the three of them bonding really was a highlight of the season. Also when (spoiler alert) Ben finally ‘died’ and went to the afterlife that scene was so well executed and emotional and has got to be one of my favorite moments of the season. It was nice to see him helping Vanya out.
The Haunting of Bly Manor
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I loved this show! I grew to love these characters so much! I loved Hannah and Owen’s relationship so much.
The Haunting of Hill House
So, I read the book first and wanted to see what the hype was all about. I really enjoyed the little easter eggs to the book in the show, and that ONE SCENE with the ‘Bent-Neck lady’ gave me a nightmare... It was good, definitely an interesting take on the story.
The Disastrous Life of Saiki: Reawakened
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I love how the show constantly shows us that Saiki will tolerate anyone for the sweet sweet coffee jelly. I need more of this show!! Please give me more episodes @Netflix.
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I love it. I understand the hype now. I really enjoy how they show the lives of all the people in the show, the ‘extras’ on the team, the opponents and give us a glimpse into their lives and their stories. I finished season two and am looking forward to more! It’s honestly so hard to be rooting for just one person in this show and I love that.  Finished 2 seasons so far. Will get back into it eventually. I’m honestly jealous that I can’t play volleyball rn.
Mob Psycho 100
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This will probably take me a while to finish as I am planning to read it before watching it. It’s so so lovable. I love Mob and I would do anything to protect him. Also I really like Regen’s protectiveness and genuineness towards Shigeo. It’s just a great manga/anime. Finished season one. It is so addicting! I love Mob and Reigen so much! <3
Update: finished season two. Man watching this show makes my heart grow 5 x as big every time I watch it! It’s just so endearing, fun, comedic. I love how season two really just show’s Shigeo’s growth throughout the season. His speech to Shirazawa at the last episode and how it came full circle - loved it! I also was surprised by the red headed son (Ryu?) in the best way. I hope we see more of him in the next season. Can’t wait for more!
Fruits Basket season 2
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Can’t wait for more crying. 🙃 I am really looking forward to seeing Yuki’s character development and his relationship with Machi and Kakeru developing. Also looking forward to seeing Momiji growing and more moments between Kyo and Tohru.
Update: Love seeing Yuki’s arc in the anime format. Seeing him reach out to his brother, Hatsuharu and the student council peeps and grow is so rewarding to watch. Looking forward to more and more Kyorhu. One wish is that, I wish with this season we could see Momiiji change physically a bit more but I’m holding onto hope for that near the end of the season. 
March Comes in like a Lion/ 3-gatsu no Lion
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It’s not my usual type of anime to watch as it is so slice-of-life, but in a weird way it really reminds me of My Roommate is a Cat except after I watch it I want to play chess or learn shogi. Of course, Rei has depression and a lot of issues he needs to work with, but the sisters are just so sweet and the moments that they show up to take care of him are so heartwarming. I love his self-proclaimed ‘best’ friend and rival - Nikaidou. I just really love how he’s drawn, his personality and when he shows up in the show it definitely perks me up. I really enjoy seeing him develop as a character and as a person. I am somewhat sympathetic to the plight of his foster sister but where I am in the show (finished s1) I absolutely loathe her. I really like seeing  how many people are around Rei and watching him tackle life and grow. Looking forward to watching s2!
The animation is very interesting. One thing that I am not sure if it is deliberate or not is how the characters’ facial expressions (mostly the way the mouth is in close-ups) are drawn to me seems very ambiguous to me - I can’t quite understand what emotion is being conveyed.
Update: Started s2 and man the bullying storyline with Hina is so sad.
Teasing Master Takagi-san
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DNF. Just started it randomly. It’s very cute.
The Great Pretender
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I started it cuz it was short and seemed like fun. It has darker undertones than I expected going into it. On the Singapore storyline.
This was very short and binge-able. I liked it, it’s fun for what it is.
Never Twice
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So idk if I’ll actually keep up with this as it is a guilty pleasure atm. I just started it because I liked some of the tropes that the show had (found family, sweet male lead, baby being doted on etc.). I am enjoying the gifs of the show. The plot is very... boring and I do recognize that for the most part the female characters don’t have much intrinsic motivation or identity outside male characters... 
05.2020 Update: DNF. 
Crash Landing on You
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I am really enjoying it so far. I really like that both the female leads are just very powerful and interesting on their own. Really like how the found family trope is being used. The romance is cute (a bit much at times imo). I still can’t get over how Captain Ri heard her suicide tape and just went ‘oh we are fated to be together’. That was... an interesting interpretation of the tape...
Also the whole thing with her being in N. Korea is hilarious and really the drama asks the viewer to really suspend disbelief to enjoy the show but  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Update: Completed. Enjoyed it overall. Wasn’t the best drama I’ve ever seen but REALLY loved the female leads in the show. Seo Dan and her family are just SO adorable. Can’t believe Gu Suengjoon was killed just as his relationship with Dan became so cute. One qualm is that this show does the whole near death thing WAY too many times with the main couple for my taste. 
365: Repeat the Year
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Interesting premise and it has Nam Jihyun who I love. Looking forward to more and hoping it will keep my attention. I can’t believe that by episode 10 that the serial killer was revealed. I mean, I’m still invested in the show but that definitely caught me off-guard.
Finished it! I am really glad that they reduced the total amount of episodes because I felt that the ending was well done - not too rushed, not too out there (for the show). It was a very good ending for the show! I recommend it to anyone interested in a sci-fi/thriller. Overall, it was a fun time! Very engaging and would appeal to anyone interested in thrillers. I do have ONE gripe about the show which is a spoiler but it did not prevent me from enjoying the show. 
Love with Flaws/ People with Flaws
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Finished! I started it cuz of a random compilation I saw on Youtube with the show and the gifs of it here and there and it’s decent overall. I would say that out of the many kdramas I’ve seen in this genre, it does stand slightly apart from the rest because of how each character is portrayed. I feel like there were no overt archetypes for the characters and I especially liked how they portrayed characters relationships. I liked how the siblings’ relationships were portrayed, and I really ended up loving the female lead’s eldest brother. He’s just so sweet and kind and I love how he does his best to take care of their entire family. It was definitely sad to see at points knowing that Cha In Ha committed suicide, but his character in the show was just so well done and important! Also his boyfriend is literally so pure I love him. As usual Seulgi just makes me go  😍😍.   
Nobody Knows 2020
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It’s really good - very dark and bizarre. The shady foundation’s motivations are a mystery to me, but that hotel owner is a very interesting character. I will get back to it when I can handle more pain.
Update few months later: The twists and the turns though. Wow. I love all the children and how (so far) they are all portrayed as victims of circumstance. They are so sweet and I appreciate how Eun Ho, Dong Ryong and Min Sung’s relationships progress throughout the show. I’m also enjoying the character development of Sun Woo (the teacher/heir to the foundation). It’s also nice to see Cha Young-Jin begin to slowly open up. I’m enjoying the show a lot so far and am very intrigued by Baek Sang Ho’s group.
Final update: FINISHED it! Really loved this drama a lot. I love how all the characters are written so lovingly with so much depth to them. I liked the way the plot unraveled, I liked how all the relationships developed in the story, I loved the way forgiveness and morality were discussed. It was a really good drama and I am missing it already!
Chicago Typewriter
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A re-watch. Man I love this drama. The three leads and their relationship is just adorable. 
I hope that in Shin Yul’s world/afterlife or whatever they can be happy together. <3 
Oh My Baby
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I started this out because I was extremely bored and saw a few gifs of the show. It seems promising. Don’t have super high expectations of the show tbh. I do like the main couple though! They are adorable, nervously awaiting how it will conclude.
Update: Skipped a couple of episodes (4?) and went to the end. It ended up alright, very open ending and somewhat realistic. I’m glad the main characters were able to put their relationship above their disappointment in being infertile.
Strangers from Hell/ Hell is Other People
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I really enjoyed it!! - If I were to recommend it to anyone I would recommend they go into it as blind as possible to enjoy it to the fullest.
So... I had no clue that this show was ONLY 10 episodes long, so imagine my surprise as the events that have been put to play begin to climax, I checked and was surprised that it wasn’t a 16 episode drama. Anyways, this drama had superb writing, directing, acting and fight scene choreography. Everything came together to really make this show have such a dark, creepy atmosphere that intensified as the episodes went on. I loved how the show portrayed how Yoon Joon Yoo/O’s mentality was tested to the breaking point. Tbh I thought he was slow in the beginning of the show (episode 1-2), but turned out that he did far better than his counterparts. I think that one thing that was a shame was they didn’t really show the strength of his relationship w his girlfriend too much before, and had they had more screen time as a couple I would have been even more invested in the story. 
Mystic Pop-up Bar
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Loved it! This was a really enjoyable show. The pacing was good, the story was interesting and I liked watching the characters relationships develop. It was heartwarming and a fun watch! I enjoyed the focus on various people’s stories showcasing all sorts of relationships. 
It’s Okay Not to be Okay/ Psycho But It’s Okay
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Put it on hold for now - watched up until episode 10-12ish.
Flower of Evil
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The best kdrama of 2020 so far? Possibly.  Love how it mixes being a thriller with the marital relationship aspect. One potential con is that it seems that the mystery aspect of the show for now seems fairly obvious but how the situations will be handled keeps me on the edge of my seat!! Also I totally did not expect such a strong marriage to be shown in a thriller drama! Also the way that Cha Ji Won is written is just chef’s kiss. I love how complex she is, how intelligent, kind, caring and so so good at putting things together. I love Hyun So’s family and I hope it ends with them staying together.
Update: Finished it! Not sure how I feel about the very last episode... but I can say I’m glad that Do Hae Su got some crumbs in terms of character development by the end. So glad she didn’t end up with Moo Jin and started a new life abroad. The amnesia plot was unnecessary imo, I would have rather seen more cute scenes of them together than angst in the last episode. But, it was interesting to see how the trial was revealed, and the Baek’s got way better than they deserved which is unfortunately realistic.
Lie after Lie
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Plot sounded way more interesting in the synopsis vs the execution. Mediocre plot which I thought was easy to see through.
Eighteen Again
sort of dnf? I made it to epi 14 or so and just finished it in my head and through gifs. It had so much potential which I think it squandered... but there were some genuinely heart warming scenes from the show which I really enjoyed. (Siwoo and his dad bonding, all the scenes showing the mc as the nicest dude).
I don’t want to be friends with you
I really enjoyed the show. I liked how it portrayed the mother-daughter relationship, the differences in how they were raised and how Li Jing Bu was able to get the love she so craved through her dream?/journey. I liked how the romance was handled, how she gained such meaningful relationships during the show and how important it was to her that her mom was happy.
The Good Detective (2020)
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I really enjoyed this show! It was really cool to see a show that critiques the corrupt systems they have in place and the unexpected consequences that it can have on people. I liked how it touched on themes of guilt, remorse, forgiveness and resilience. Also, it was interesting to see a guy who has all the money in the world choose to be a workaholic detective.
Part 2
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starwalkers · 3 years
brkfstgrrrls asked:  ❛   i  got  my  driver's  license  last  week .  ❜ to Emmett from Buffy !
brkfstgrrrls asked: ❛   i  hope  you’re  happy  but  not  like  how  you  were  with  me .  ❜ to Auggie from Madison !
brkfstgrrrls asked: ❛   i  defended  you  to  all  my  friends .  ❜ to gareth from jackie !
brkfstgrrrls asked: ❛   i’m  the  love  of  your  life  until  i  make  you  mad .  ❜ to Wanda from Alice !
gclddustheart asked: ❛   i  want  it  to  be ,  like ,  messy .  ❜ cher/allison
gclddustheart asked: ❛   they’d  all  be  so  disappointed .  ❜ the le domas' (listen this can be so cute)
strcngcmagic asked:  ❛ all i see is what i should be . ❜ from daphne, to velma!
strcngcmagic asked: ❛ i wish people liked me more . ❜ // from winnie, to wanda!
nancydrcw asked:  ❛   never  doubted  myself  so  much .  ❜ for theo!
vrbctim asked:  ❛   can’t  drive  past  the  places  we  used  to  go  to .  ❜ Nny @ JD
vrbctim asked:  ❛   i  wish  i  could  disappear .  ❜ Andy @ Carrie
gclddustheart asked: “God, I wish that I could do that.” Grace/Alex le Domas
 moved-to-undred asked:“What the fuck?” verena @ billie
moved-to-undred asked:“ i’m allowed to be angry. ” stella @ jackson
 moved-to-undred asked:“ what did you want to tell me? ” lauren @ christina
 univaers asked:People are people and sometimes we change our minds ( for carlisle / esme from alice )
univaers asked: I didn’t know who I was supposed to be ( dani from rebecca ? <3 )
dirtymercy asked: ☆ ° • [ 𝐋𝐀𝐔𝐆𝐇 ] my muse tries to make yours laugh when they are sad / for Jane from Apollo [ maybe reverse? ]
dirtymercy asked:  ☆ ° • [ 𝐓𝐎𝐔𝐂𝐇 ] my muse touches a bruise on your muse’s body with concern / for Melody from Kaori?
dirtymercy asked:  ☆ ° • [ 𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐒 ] my muse removes wet clothes from your muse’s body / for Michael from Francesca?
tcpimpabutterfly asked:  ☆ ° • [ 𝐇𝐎𝐋𝐃 ] my muse laces their fingers with your muse’s, holding their hand —Rose & Hotch
tcpimpabutterfly asked:  ☆ ° • [ 𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒 ] my muse kisses your muse’s forehead while they cry —Joel to Clem
tcpimpabutterfly asked:  ☆ ° • [ 𝐋𝐀𝐔𝐆𝐇 ] my muse tries to make yours laugh when they are sad —Matias to Billie
meddled asked: our family doesn’t run from things. - joyce @ charlie nostlfic
meddled asked: When can I come back? - rick @ charlie nostlgic
meddled asked: I’m reaching out and I just can’t tell you why - grace @ charlie. nostlgic
meddled asked: I don’t know what else I can say - hugh @ charlie nostlgic
meddled asked: I’ll catch you - theo @ ivy @ nostlgic
meddled asked: Did I say something way too honest? - sabina @ ivy @nostlgic
nostlgic asked: You know you got a mean streak ( peter quill @ ivy )
nostlgic asked: People are people and sometimes we change our minds ( deadshot @ ivy )
nostlgic asked: You say you’re fine but I know you better than that ( ruth @ clarice )
nostlgic asked: Why aren’t you here tonight? ( hannibal @ clarice )
nostlgic asked: I can’t help myself ( charles @ clarice )
nostlgic asked: We’re dead if they knew ( stephanie @ paulette )
nostlgic asked: You’ll be the prince and I’ll be the princess ( rizzo @ kenickie )
nostlgic asked: Please don’t go. ( johnny @ paulette )
brkfstgrrrls asked: “I’m trying so hard not to get caught up” to Wanda from Alice
gclddustheart asked: "This is madness." Johanna to Sweeney Todd :))
dirtymercy asked: ❛   door .   hold  a  door  open  for  my  muse . / for Jane from Apollo
 euphoriabled asked:“ if we could run away together and go anywhere, where would you take me? ” (Veronica + JD)
gclddustheart asked: “Say you’re sorry.” Romione (I’m feeling them rn idk why)
suchbllshit asked: "i’ve found time can heal most anything." carrie
hrtbrkrs asked: we all have powers. | kate @ wanda?
herhaunt-a asked: you on your way. just keep going. ( camille? )
psychewrote asked: ❛ here, educate yourself. ❜ / from amanda for oliver kjhgsdfg
psychewrote asked: ❝but what is grief, if not love persevering?❞ / from helena for nell !
psychewrote asked:❝perhaps the rot is the memories. the wear and tear are the voyages.❞ / from camilla for amy !
dirtymercy asked:❛ that would be a bad idea. ❜ / for Hunter Noble from Dick or Tara?
dirtymercy asked:❛ no more caffeine for you. ❜ / for Fiona Gallagher from modern Bellamy or Dick Grayson?
dirtymercy asked:❛ Please don’t talk ❜ / for Antonin from Regulus
willowdied asked:❛ When you sleep by my side I feel safe ❜ Eloise to Phillip?
gentlebcnes asked:“ memories, good days, bad days they’ll be with me always. ” ( owen @ jane )
gentlebcnes asked:“ though it’s hurting me, now it’s history. ” ( luke @ fiona )
sunpathos asked:❝ I think we make damn good parents. ❞ / april & jackson maybe?
thenightmareofyourdrems asked:❛ oh, you are such a pain. ❜ ~ drake x august
willowdied asked:“ All I’ve learned has overturned. ” eloise to phillip?
willowdied asked:“ I’m really glad you came. ” hyacinth or colin to daphne?
gclddustheart asked:"I knew it." Sandy to Frenchy
suchbllshit asked: ❛ i’ll remember you, though. ❜
nostlgic asked: “ why are you even here?! ” ( diego @ lila )
nostlgic asked: “ I was just wondering could you help me get out of here? ” ( alice @ honey )
nostlgic asked: ‘ i’ve decided you’re the only one i can trust . ’ ( luna @ harry )
nostlgic asked: “ they say i’m an animal , that i’m erratic . ” ( gomez @ morticia )
nostlgic asked: “ i must’ve been born with it . ”“ careful now , this could get ugly . ” ( klaus @ violet )
thenightmareofyourdrems asked: “ i don’t know what’s come over me . ” ~ Jamie x Dani
dirtymercy asked: “ we can do anything you like . ” / for Ophelia from Cordelia ?
psychewrote asked:‘ when something seems too perfect , it’s usually anything but . ’ / from luna for ron !
vrbctim asked:“ hope i’m not hurting your feelings . ” TJ @ Coraline
songbird-not-found asked:❝ true words are rare words. ❞ ophelia form satine? takealook-fall?
willowdied asked:“ you know me. i’m impulsive. “ Theo to nell?
willowdied asked:did it frighten you? rebecca to nell?
willowdied asked:‘ i didn’t think it was possible to miss a person this much . ’ marina to daphne?
wldbirds asked:❝  We’re getting a chance to start over. “ - Carlisle/Alice for Charlie!
lvverboy-deactivated20210509 asked: ‘ i was put in an awkward situation and i reacted poorly. ’ ( frenchy )
lvverboy-deactivated20210509 asked:  ‘ wanna get married? ’ ( baby )
tcpimpabutterfly asked. ‘  i have a cat. he’s not ready to have a relationship with you, so just don’t try to force it on him.  ’ —Delfoy to Dani
seekme asked:  ❝ We’ll you’ve spent ten thousand hours fucking my life up. ❞ // alex !
crestazul asked:  What died didn’t stay dead ( for dani c ... the other one was for dani c, too ! )
0 notes
janschreiner · 4 years
Sex is For You Too, Ladies! (The Most Profound Thing I’ve Ever Said?)
Last week I saw a female patient in my clinical practice who wanted to get back on the dating scene. She'd recently been divorced and after all the dust had settled, she decided it might be time to try again.
She was ready to meet someone to have dinner with and go to the movies. She never mentioned intimacy, rather she just wanted a man to go out with. No sex. Not going to be easy to find a man who'll be satisfied with that, I thought.
Sex or the lack thereof in her marriage was a contributing factor to the demise of the union. The marriage was tumultuous in large part due to the fact that she felt her husband wanted sex all the time. She couldn't service him enough, she said. It's actually called Desire Discrepancy.
"Now, he's free to go out and get all the sex he wants!" she exclaimed.
What about you? I asked. What about me? she replied.
Why do you care so much about your ex-husband's sex life? What about your own sex life?
After all....Sex Is For You. Apparently, THAT was the most profound thing I said in our hour long meeting.
Sex is for me? She seemed legit confused. Of course, many women are taught that sex is dirty or bad. Women get mixed messages from society as they are often slut shamed for enjoying the pleasure of sex.
Speaking of pleasure, women are rarely if ever educated about pleasure.
My patient had interest. Interest in learning more about her own pleasure. She'd received other messages about sex having had a strict religious upbringing. Puritanical attitudes imposed by archaic-patriarch societies and religious communities have been detrimental to female sexuality.
As I explained to my patient, self exploration is key. In order to communicate what feels good or pleasurable, a woman needs to know for herself. I suggested my patient begin by touching herself.
I then suggested she take time to herself and perhaps start using a personal massager, otherwise known as a vibrator. There are a number of vibrators available that are sleek, sexy and discreet. For women like my patient who've never used a personal massager, Lila is a great start! https://www.floravi.com/en/shop/products/short-massager-lila.html
My patient was pleased we'd had this convo. She said it was the first time she had ever had education about sexual pleasure and at age 47, she thought that was a bit late. It's actually never too late but we have a lot of catching up to do ladies.
For more information about female sexual health products, please visit https://www.floravi.com/en/
Maureen McGrath RN, NCA is a Nurse Continence Advisor and a Sexual Health Educator. She is in private practice in Vancouver and North Vancouver. Her website is: https://www.backtothebedroom.ca/
Maureen hits the air waves every Sunday Night in Western Canada for her show The Sunday Night Health Show https://globalnews.ca/bc/program/sunday-night-health-show
Sex is For You Too, Ladies! (The Most Profound Thing I’ve Ever Said?) published first on https://spanishflyhealth.tumblr.com/
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