#lili de rochefort x reader
terabyteturtle · 5 months
🩷 Lili De Rochefort SFW Alphabet 🩷
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This will be the last request I'll be filling out for a while, as I have a lot of other writing endeavors that I want to work on for the moment. Hope you all enjoy this!
This was requested by a Wattpad user.
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Lili is super affectionate! Whenever she greets you, she always kisses both of your cheeks. At first, you just thought it was a stereotypical French thing, but later on, you learned that it was just because she really liked you. Lili also loves resting her hand on your shoulder, your face, or your own hand, and when you walk together, she’ll hold your hand and stick by your side. She just loves being physically close to you—even the most subtle of gestures fills her with joy. Oh, and if you do something nice for her, expect to be smothered with kisses and wrapped into a bone-crushing hug (Salt is not jealous of you). Lili doesn’t care whether you’re by yourselves or among others; you’re her darling and nothing will change how much affection she gives you.
B = Best Friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
You know that one preppy, rich girl that’s in every high school dramedy? That’s Lili to a T. As a best friend, she’d gossip to you about everything. From school troubles to new grains in the rumor mill, there isn’t one thing Lili won’t weave into conversation. She’d also want to do everything with you, from going shopping to seeing movies to having the best sleepovers ever. If she’s bored and has nothing to do, she’ll probably video chat with you just to have someone to talk to. When it comes to folks she likes to hang out with, you’re second to none. It’s miraculous that you’ve managed to become friends with her in the first place, given how picky she is. She’s dramatic, overexaggerated, and often pokes fun at you when she feels like it, but she’s incredibly loyal and cares so much about you. Your friendship would probably start at the mall, with her complimenting you (which is rare for her) and giving you style tips in a way that doesn’t sound derogatory for once.
C = Comfort (How do they comfort you? Are they good at it or are they kinda awkward? How do they like to be comforted?)
To comfort you, she’ll hug you, run her fingers through your hair, and softly console you, saying whatever she thinks will make you feel better. When it comes to comforting, it’s kind of a 50/50 shot with Lili. Sometimes, her method works wonders and it seems like she knows exactly what to say. Other times, she’ll accidentally come off as sarcastic, or what she’s saying will sound shallow and rehearsed. In all honesty, Lili doesn’t always know what she’s doing, which can really frustrate her. She likes being in control of the situation, and when she doesn’t know what to do, especially when you’re experiencing emotional turmoil, she panics. Over time, Lili will eventually learn how to feel things out and respond straight from the heart, rather than overthinking and saying what she thinks is best. Now when the roles are reversed, it’s a different story. Lili loves to be pampered, and when she needs comforting, that increases tenfold. Give her whatever she wants, whether it be a snack or a kiss on the cheek, and give her the gushiest compliments you can think of. If she has anything she wants to rant about, listen. Don’t give her advice—just hear her out and be attentive.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Lili hasn’t really thought about settling down, especially since she lives in a million-dollar mansion with a butler to tend to her every whim. She’s never had to cook or clean a day in her life, as she’s always had servants to do it for her. So, if you guys ever settle down together, good luck—Lili barely knows anything. In terms of cooking, she only knows how to bake, and even then, she only does it for rare occasions. If you can cook, that’s great, but if you can’t, then you guys are gonna have to survive off of baked goods until one of you learns how. In terms of cleaning, Lili will probably ask you to do all of it for her, as she doesn’t want to ruin any of her nice clothes with dirt, dust, or cleaning chemicals.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with you, how would they do it?)
If Lili had to break up with you, she’d probably call you over the phone. She wouldn’t want to do it in person out of fear of potentially crying in front of you. While on call, she’ll try keeping her composure the best she can because although it kills her to do this, she doesn’t want to have a dramatic outburst. After all, Lili still has a sense of pride and refuses to let anyone believe they hold power over her in any way. If she doesn’t break it off in a dignified manner, not only will she fear that you’ll think less of her, but she’ll also be frustrated with herself for not having any nobility. Afterward, she’ll remain civil with you, but there’s a strong chance you won’t stay friends.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Lili loves the idea of getting married. Lavish or extravagant events of any kind make her excited enough, but receiving tons of gifts while being the center of attention? She’s completely sold. She’ll want to get married fairly quickly, but her father would rather have her wait until she gets older. Of course, Lili obeys him; as much as she wants to be a bride, she still respects his wishes. A wedding's coming eventually though, so be prepared for it.
G = Gentle (How tender are they, both physically and emotionally?)
With Lili, it depends on how she’s feeling. Typically, she’s sweet and gentle physically, but when she’s super excited about something, she might go a little overboard. Her hugs will be tighter and more forceful, and she’ll go in to kiss you so fast that it almost feels like a slap to the face. Emotionally, it’s the same way. Usually, Lili will be sweet, polite, and approachable, but if she’s feeling angry or stubborn, then things can go south pretty quickly. She’ll get sassy and harsh with her words, often saying things she doesn’t truly mean. Lili doesn’t mess around when someone makes her upset—if that happens, even if you’re the one who angered her, she will not hold back.
H = Hugs n' Cuddles (Do they like hugs/cuddles? What are they like? How often do they happen?)
Lili loves physical affection in every way, shape, and form. For hugs, she’ll always wrap both of her arms around your torso and, depending on your height, place her head in a certain spot. If you’re taller than her, she’ll press her cheek to your chest. If you’re shorter than her, she’ll rest her head on top of yours. When you guys cuddle, Lili will sit beside you and rest her head on your shoulder, making sure your arm is securely around her. Both hugs and cuddles happen very frequently, as you see her almost all the time. She always greets you with a hug, gives you one when she’s excited, or crushes you with one if you do something nice for her. Cuddles happen whenever you guys are just hanging out and chillin’ together.
I = I Love You (How quickly do they tell you they love you?)
She’ll say it within the first month of the relationship. Lili’s really excited about having a lover, as it means she has someone new to help spice up her life. She’s never been interested in anyone romantically for longer than a week, so being in a long-term relationship is a new and unfamiliar experience for her. It’s something that she’s really enthusiastic about exploring, so Lili will want to dive head-first into the relationship as soon as it goes beyond a certain point. Because you’ve been together for more than a few days, it must be true love, right? At least, that’s what it is in her mind. Lili first told you she loved you over a video call one afternoon. You guys were talking to each other, getting ready to meet up for a date, and when it was time to head out, she blew a kiss to you and said “I love you, bye!” in French. You had no idea what it meant, and she refused to tell you just to mess with you.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?)
Lili doesn’t get jealous with anyone except for Asuka. She’s very prideful and confident in herself, so she doesn’t really see anyone else as a threat. Asuka is the only exemption from this because, a while ago, she’d proven her strength to Lili by beating her in the fifth King of Iron Fist Tournament. The fighting heiress doesn’t get what you would possibly see in Asuka, but as her rival, she can’t help but have this irrational fear that your heart will suddenly belong to her. Because of this, Lili will try to keep you away from Asuka as much as possible, much to your confusion. Lili would rather die than admit she’s worried about her biggest rival, so you have no idea why she acts so defensive all of a sudden when she’s around. If Lili ever does get jealous (which, for the most part, is super rare), she’s 100% prepared to smack the hell out of whoever’s flirting with you.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Lili’s kisses are usually on the softer side, except for when she’s super excited about something. They always last for a little while; even when she gives quick pecks, her lips linger for a little longer than they’re supposed to. Since she wears lipstick nearly all the time, her kisses will always leave traces of it behind. She loves kissing you on your cheeks and lips the most. Both spots are nice and soft, and they’re also perfect for leaving spots of lipstick as a friendly little reminder that you’re hers. As for herself, she loves being kissed on the hands and lips, as she feels those places are the most romantic. Lili revels in receiving special treatment, and kisses in those spots make her feel like a queen (even more so than she already does).
L = Little Ones (How are they around children and what are their thoughts on them?)
Lili’s not very patient with children, so she tries to avoid them whenever she can. To her, most children are barbaric and incapable of having manners. She’d rather be around people she deems more civilized. She doesn’t necessarily hate children, but it doesn’t take much for them to get on her nerves. For this reason, and a bunch of others, Lili isn’t interested in having any children. Her father says that she’s still young and might feel differently in the future, but her mind is made up. If you’d like to have kids, then you might be able to convince her to adopt, but she’s pretty adamant about her decision not to have kids of her own.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Rise and shine, you’re probably getting up early. If you’re sleeping over at her house, then you’re getting ready for school together in the morning. When she gets up, Lili always has the perfect Disney Princess-style awakening. She never feels drowsy or tired in the morning, always waking up with a smile on her face. You, on the other hand, are always awoken by Salt aggressively licking your face. Once you’re up and at it, Lili will help you pick your outfits, do your hair, and perform a skincare routine to make your face look like it’s glowing. As for herself, she already has everything laid out the night before, and she’ll straighten her hair even though it’s already straight. If her hair doesn’t look absolutely perfect, she’ll attack it with the straight iron. Afterward, you guys’ll have a lavish breakfast together with a hot cup of rose tea, and then Sebastian will drive you both to school.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?
Nights spent with Lili involve cuddling galore, with Salt almost always by your side. You guys typically watch TV or listen to music together, talking about whatever comes to mind. More often than not, Lili does all of the ranting while you sit there and listen, injecting your own thoughts every now and then. You’ve caught Lili just sitting there, staring at you, on several occasions. It’s very rare for the two of you to stay up late, as you both have school throughout the week. You’ll only attempt staying up late on the weekends, which usually doesn’t last very long as Lili gets tired quickly. Before going to bed, she’ll give you yet another skincare routine to do with her, one that’s entirely different from the morning one. As the relationship continues, she’ll start to expect that you memorize each routine, so make sure all those essential oils stay fresh in your mind.
O = Open (At what point would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or take their time with it?)
Lili is very open with a lot of things, so it wouldn’t take much time for her to start opening up about herself. There’s a lot that she’ll be honest about right off the bat, to the point where it almost feels like an information overload. On the first date, you barely even spoke because Lili had so much to yap about, not just about herself, but about other things as well. However, she does have an image that she likes to keep up, so she’ll withhold any information that she thinks will make her appear weak (up until a certain point, at least). Eventually, she’ll realize that it’s okay to be vulnerable with you, and you won’t judge her or think any less of her. If you did, she’d probably smack the crap out of you.
P = Patience (How patient are they?)
Generally, she's not very patient, especially not with those she dislikes. She's hard to please, and anything not to her liking will fall under the wrath of her sharp tongue. Unfortunately, with you, she’s not much better. Just because you’re her lover does not mean you’re exempt from her snobbish scoldings. If she's impatient or upset with someone, she doesn't care who it is---she's letting them know. The only person Lili has ever shown some semblance of patience to is her father, and even then, she often gets frustrated with him for not letting her fight. You love your girlfriend, but sometimes you can't help but wonder how it feels to have her be patient for once.
Q = Quizzes (How much do they remember about you? Do they remember every detail or kinda forget everything?)
Lili is so self-absorbed that you wouldn’t expect her to remember a lot about you. However, that’s not quite the case. Sure, sometimes she might accidentally mistake something she likes for something you like, but for the most part, Lili remembers your likes, dislikes, hobbies, interests, etc. She might forget some of the minor details, but she will always recall the major ones, and that's what's important.
R = Remember (What is one of the most important moments of your relationship?)
One of the most important moments of your relationship was when you met Asuka for the first time, which happened only a couple days after you started dating. Originally, with the way they were glaring at each other, you thought they were ex-lovers. Upon hearing this, Asuka looked disgusted while Lili just stood there cackling. “Oh please, mon amour, she's my rival,” said Lili. “I'd sell every piece of clothing in my wardrobe before I’d even think of dating her. Besides, I’d never go out with anyone who doesn’t have a sense of fashion.” While making a jab at Asuka, your girlfriend implied that you had a good sense of style. Considering your relationship was still fairly new at the time, that was probably the sweetest thing she'd ever said about you thus far. Lili would obviously go on to give you more compliments as time progressed, but this was the first genuine one you had received from her.
S = Security (How protective are they and how would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Lili is definitely protective over you, and she’s well-aware of it. If someone tries to bother you, she’ll be on the attack, coming up with tailor-made insults in the blink of an eye. In front of you, she’d rather destroy her opponents verbally as opposed to beating them up; she just doesn’t feel comfortable with you witnessing any violence at her hand, even if you’re totally fine with it yourself. Rest assured, though, Lili will always defend you the best she can if the circumstance calls for it. If things get physical, she’ll fight for you without a second thought. When it comes to her own protection, Lili feels safe knowing that you’re there by her side. For example, if she has a nightmare and feels threatened about something, she'll call you and either tell you to come over or tell you to stay on call with her until she falls asleep. Your presence is soothing to her; just knowing that you’re there is enough to make her feel protected.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, etc?)
Because of how rich she is, it wouldn’t take much effort for Lili to do anything. She’s free to spend her money on whatever she wants, no matter how expensive it is. Luckily for you, that also includes dates, anniversaries, and gifts. And to top it all off, Lili doesn’t have to work for any of it because she already has it all at her disposal. So whenever Lili’s planning something for the two of you, expect her to go all out. She’ll book the fanciest of restaurants or the most scenic park reserves not out of necessity, but just because she can. Oh, and don't worry about how you're gonna get there; Sebastian will do all the driving in the Rochefort family limo. And while you sit there in shock and awe, Lili will just act like this is an everyday thing (because for her, it is). When she gives you gifts, they’re always super expensive; you aren’t even sure you should accept them half the time. If there’s something in particular you want, she’ll buy you the most expensive variant of it. It’s her way of showing you how much she values you; she feels her lover should only get the best of the best.
U = Ugly (What are some bad habits of theirs?)
Lili has a tendency of being dismissive of everyone's feelings but her own, and no matter what, she always has to get her way. If she doesn’t, she gets very frustrated and lashes out with nasty comments. She always ends up apologizing afterwards, and you know she doesn’t really mean it, but it still hurts.
V = Values (What do they value in a partner?)
Lili values someone she can spend time with. After school, she doesn’t really have much going on, so someone she can hang out with and talk to means a lot to her. She also likes those who’re laid-back and easygoing, as she finds them easier to be around. Lili’s hard to please and she knows it, so someone who goes with the flow and doesn’t mind doing whatever she wants is a must. However, she also needs someone with a backbone who isn’t afraid to stand up for themselves. She might hate it initially, but eventually she’ll realize the error of her ways and thank you for it later. Lili’s so used to just getting what she wants that she rarely gets resistance from anyone, so having someone who will stand up for themselves will teach her some important life lessons.
W = Wedding (How are they on the big day? How do they help plan it out? Are they emotional or stoic?)
Lili is absolutely thrilled on the big day! A huge event that revolves around her? And you get special attention as well? Yes, please. The whole thing is one big treat for her, and she loves every second of it. She’ll plan out everything with the biggest smile on her face, and you won’t have to worry about a thing. She wants the day to be absolutely perfect and will only order top-notch stuff. Every now and then, you’ll have to pitch in your own ideas just to remind her that it isn’t just her wedding. When the day finally comes, and the two of you are standing at the altar, she’s a bucket of joy. She’ll be smiling ear-to-ear, standing proud and proper in the finest silk bridal gown you’ve ever seen. As the officiant delivers their sermons, Lili keeps her composure very well, but on the inside, she’s anxious to just cut to the case and kiss you already.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them)
She used to hire a photographer to take pictures of her for social media, but why waste money on that now that she has you? You’re taking her photos now, and there’s nothing you can do about it.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they can't stand, both in a partner and in general?)
As previously established, Lili’s a very picky person, so naturally there are a lot of things about others that she doesn’t like. However, there are three types of people she absolutely can not stand. First of all, Lili has no tolerance for anyone like herself. It’s fine if she can be arrogant, but anyone else who tries to flaunt or flex excessively will irritate her. Secondly, people with sharp tongues and thick skin also annoy her. If she can’t make them feel inferior, then she almost feels as though she’s failed (at what, you can’t really understand). Finally, Lili hates when people don’t practice basic personal hygiene. She just doesn’t understand how people can’t properly take care of themselves. Combine these three things and congratulations, you just created the person Lili hates the most out of everyone on Earth.
Z = Zzz (What are some sleep habits of theirs?)
Oh boy, this girl has a whole set routine laid out that she absolutely has to do every single night. Lili removes all her makeup with all sorts of cleansing water, throwing the makeup pad into her trash can when she’s done, which is filled with used makeup pads from previous nights. Then, she does her skincare routine exactly 30 minutes before she falls asleep. It seems excessive to you, but according to Lili, all of it’s necessary. Afterward, she brushes her hair out, puts in a bunch of straightening serums, and puts it in a loose top-bun that looks perfect every time. Then, before bed, she puts on a fluffy pink sleep mask. On the subject of sleepwear, Lili’s pajama wardrobe is just as large as her regular one, and everything inside is made from the finest silk and satin. Also, her bed is the most comfortable thing you’ve ever slept on in your life. Lili always sleeps on her back, whether you’re sleeping over or not. She’ll share her bed, but if you want to cuddle during the night, you’re gonna have to turn on to your side. Lili refuses to sleep anywhere but on her back, as she wants to prevent her face from touching anything throughout the night. This is because she doesn’t want to get acne, which is understandable, but she’s overly careful about it. If you really want to cuddle, she’ll put an arm around you, but she won’t move a muscle otherwise.
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boybandposter · 5 months
⤷𐙚 featuring: Lili de Rochefort 🤍
⤷𐙚 a little bit of toxic behavior if you squint? WLW; she gives off “mean lesbian” (Asuka Kazama…).
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⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚
- The first time you two met, you knew she was trouble. Rich, a smartmouth, and downright arrogant. When you two were in the company of others, she was as sweet as could be. But when it was just the two of you? Lili would nitpick every little thing you did. “Do you really pour tea that way? It’s so… unprofessional.” “Could you fix your hair? There are several mirrors in my room, and yet you still choose to appear slobbish.”
- Until Salt, her cat, took a liking to you, she didn’t care for you in the slightest. Luckily for you, Salt happened to warm up to you (more so than Lili, but you won’t tell her that) fairly quickly. That’s when Lili finally gives you a chance, but only because Salt did. Not for any other reason.
- It would’ve taken a considerable amount of time for Lili to even consider you a friend. But I’m when she finally does? You better not have any other people you want to hang out with. After all, you’re her dearest friend and you should be treated as such. Lili would do anything for your time, but she forgets to mention the manipulation behind the scenes, when she’s paying people to leave you alone.
- She’s the type of woman to be all over her best friend, seemingly innocent on the exterior. From cuddling on the evening of a sleepover to sitting on your lap doing your makeup for you, she’s touchy. But you don’t think much of it, and you’re just glad that she doesn’t treat you poorly anymore.
- Lili teases the living hell out of you, regardless of whether you ask her to stop or not. In Lili’s mind, that’s her showing you that you’re close to her— even if some of the words that slip from her lips would be considered offensive. She especially likes to make fun of you in her native language, her sharp tongue never failing to make a quip on anything you do.
- I can imagine Lili just taking you everywhere she went, treating you as though you were a personal pet. “Come try this on!” She smiles, holding up a short dress. “Does this shade look good on me?” She asks, applying the lip gloss perfectly (and of course, it looked amazing). But Lili just wants to hear your voice, so by all means— she’ll ask you anything to listen to you.
- Lili would totally love sharing food with you— specifically sweets, such as ice cream and milkshakes. Sharing a cup, cheek-to-cheek while enjoying the treat. And suddenly, there’s “something on your face” and she’s wiping her thumb on your cheek. But mind you, you better not take more than an equal share of the food, or you’ll never hear the end of it.
- On the quieter nights with Lili, you two cuddled up in bed with Salt somewhere at your feet, the two of you will share a pair of earbuds playing your favorite music. Lili silently watched you, chewing on her perfectly manicured nails. She couldn’t help but take this moment to admire your beautiful features, her blue eyes raking over your body. What? She couldn’t admire her girlfriend?
- Despite Lili’s protests, you’ll take the time to go and watch her fights. She’s against you seeing so much violence, especially when it’s from her hand. But she won’t stop you (more like her bribes of new clothes or makeup being insufficient) from watching her in the crowd. Lili always keeps an ear out for your cheering, which never fails to boost her morale.
- If Lili were to ever lose (by some slim chance), I just know she would wallow in self pity. If anything, she’s more upset that she lost in front of her girlfriend— she didn’t want to look weak. Gentle coaxing and soft words is all it will take to bring a smile to her face, albeit it’s always reluctant. A few kisses would sweeten the deal a bit as well.
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚
⤷𐙚 author’s note: 2nd semester has been super crazy, so it’s been literally 2 months since I last posted :( I’ll try to post more often !
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