fr-familiar-bracket · 4 months
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little-eye-guy · 8 months
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lisa and the professor (her lilyfowl)
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bonepriests · 5 years
lilyfowl replied to your photoset “here are the only three i have kicking around rn that im especially...”
first kid......... those HORNSs??!?! very good
RIGHT!! with her trail gene it makes it look like her horns r lighting up her hair
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familiarmatchmaking · 6 years
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Fowl or flower? Your dragons will have to be discerning if they want to acquire these new familiars. They can be obtained from Hunting (level 10+).
Lilyfowl / Paddyfowl
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reliquiaenfr · 6 years
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i wasn’t gonna do any formal inktober challenge, but i did have a bunch of new dragons i wanted to finalise looks for so.
aresh, my primal spiral son. i like the idea that earth eyes get a funky lil dust swirl around them filled with earth magic and not just. rock growths lol.
@fujorising‘s coatl girl androktasia just for kicks
yolmir, a nonbinary forest spirit (their horn is two pronged but a single base bc i wanted a horn that didn’t really conform to either of the gendered bases so)
and ellander, yolmir’s brother, aresh’s boyfriend, ocean monster and sinker of ships. wanted his spines to be big broad things like shark fins
and a bonus scribble
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and now i AM going to go to bed !
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regina-cordium · 5 years
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someone lmk why my gathering luck is better than any other luck on this dragon hell site
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primrose-fr · 4 years
Wildlife of the Windswept Plateau
Hey I've decided to make this a series. Next on my list of "researcher documents the Flights native wildlife" we have the Wind Flight! I hope this is at least a good jumping off point for you writers/RPers/Worldbuilders!
Includes little personal notes here and there about possible uses, ecology and real-life equivalents, and interesting notes from the items bio too. Calling this series “Ecology of Sornieth” where I detail: Wildlife.  Aquatic life. Insects. Plant life. ???.
Long post ahead. Cut for convenience.
Wild Life:
Balsas Anole (Able to change color based on mood. probably a popular catch for hatchlings) Plague Bat (Bats native to the Scarred Wasteland. Most likely purged for spreading diseases.) Sun Flecked Fieldmouse (Fur sparkles in the sunlight. can leap great distances and has a tendency to brood.) Zephyr Sparrow (Flies very high but is prone to oxygen deprivation. Tend to be short lived due to this reason. Possibly kept by dragons for it's plumage) Broad-footed Moles (Stubborn. strangely tend to dig in opposite directions from their mates. Possibly dug up as food by hatchlings) Cottontail Rabbit (A decent meal for dragons, probably farmed for meat and fur. hilariously large dragons might use them similarly to cottonballs.) Hooded Hen (Can be ornery maybe? A decent meal for a dragon. Probably farmed for meat and feathers.) Steppes Box Turtle (Known for the pattern on it's shell) Hooded Skunk (despite being a skunk its rather docile. Probably hunted for as wild game for meat and fur) False-Peacock Quail (Pretty plumage. A decent meal for a dragon. Probably hunted as wild game for meat and feathers) Mallard (A decent meal for a dragon. Probably hunted as wild game for meat and feathers. Note: Irl only male Mallards have the signature green hood.) Golden-Laced Rooster (Can reached running speeds of up to 15km an hour. Probably hunted as wild game.) Arroyo Toad (Most dragons have developed an immunity to it's skin toxin. Mirrors however are allergic.) Firebearer (A type of squirrel monkey. Has been observed spreading forest fires by carrying burning branches to new areas. Possibly done to flush out game from underbrush or usher in new growth in remote areas. Possibly a Keystone species?) Fancy Rat (Possibly kept as pets. Might even be given as gifts(for pets or to eat) during special occasions) Wallaby (Probably hunted as wild game. A decent meal for a dragon.) Pangolin (Noted for keeping lairs insect free! Might be kept around as a form of pest control. although maybe not by insectivorous dominated clans.) White-Eared Hummingbird (Yes birds do have ears!) Olive Sea Snake (VENOMOUS. Aposematic. Bright blue and orange coloration warns of it's toxicity. Named not for it's color by for it's curious love of olives. Note: Irl all species of sea snake are venomous. they are close cousins to cobras and kraits.) Grey Squirrel (Probably a common meat in stews and campfire roasts) Tree Gecko (Has great camouflage but oddly is color blind.) Magpie (Hunted for both their meat and hoards of shinies) Ferret (Probably kept as popular pets/small game hunting companions.) Sugarglider (A prime pest of Sugarmelon crops. Probably kept and bred as pets for their cuteness. Funfact: It's a possum!) Bar-headed Goose (Probably hunted as wild game or farmed for meat and feathers.) Crested Newt (Notable has a crest for mating displays) Emerald Striker (VENOMOUS. Contains it's venom in the "emeralds" on it's body. Probably not safe to eat due to the "venom pockets" throughout it's body) Silver Racoon (Named for it's love of silver ore and trinkets. Might be hunted as wild game.) Lesser Land Iguana (apparently very self confident. I take that to mean they are aware of how dangerous they are and probably have few predators. Probably hunted if there are no other options though. Most likely avoided due to average iguana temperament (That is to say violent as hell)) Bog Canary (Has an awful call. but it's plumage is pretty and might be kept as pets (Note: Picture depicts a budgerigar not a canary)) Golden Reefprince (A type of axolotl, has a golden sheen. typically given by dragons to someone they're trying to impress. Might be farmed similarly to Valentines roses and sold for holidays and anniversaries.) Black Swan (Probably kept as ornamental birds by the upperclass. Compete in elegant displays with each other. Probably over mating rights.) Juvenile Prairie Skink (The adults of this species perform excellent parental care for lizards when the hatchlings are young. (Note: Maternal care in irl skinks is highly unlikely. Note 2: Art possibly depicts a jeweled lacerta instead?)) Muskrat (A native to the Gladevines of the Viridian labryinth this rodent is commonly found in aqueducts hunting small aquatic life. Probably hunted as wild game or farmed for meat and water resistant fur.) Reedhopper (Amphibian. well camouflaged though makes a loud incessant croaking. Probably a common sound at night near fresh waterways like ponds and rivers.) Collard Lemmings (Has local folk stories that tell of them staring into your soul and knowing all your secrets.) Glowing Pocket mouse (Common prey to smaller predators. It's brightness indicates it's mood. Kept as familiars) Skycats (Common winged felines that guide dragons throughout the Windswept Plateau. Multiple sets of large ears implies excellent hearing. Normally catch the updraft of larger dragon wings for easier flight. Kept as familiars.) Bamboo Phytocat (Has developed bamboo growths on it's body for camouflage in the reeds. Ambush Predator. Large and dangerous. Possibly hunted for trophies or as rites of passage. Kept as familiars) Banded Owlcat (Silent ambush predators from both the land and the sky. Kept as familiars) Grassland Trunker (Small squat herbivores. Very docile. Often kept as pets or farmed for meat. Kept as familiars.) Lilyfowl (Birds who spend most of their time submerged in ponds and such. Can breath through it's plant-like growths! Kept as familiars.) Myosotis Fox (Fur is vibrant in color and displays many beautiful flowers. In the wild they most likely use this for camouflage. However they are kept and bred as companions. Possibly bred for color and flower variation. May even be used in shows. Popular among upper class? Kept as familiars.) Traveling Garden (Large tortoises with a variety of plant life growing amongst their shell. Maybe a Keystone species? Kept as familiars.) Heckling Hydrena (Possibly native to the Shifting Expanse. Unknown if invasive or just widespread. Most likely inhabits marshlands and other waterways. Apparently pose danger to stray hatchlings. Kept as familiars) Toxic Igueel (TOXIC. Coloration is aposematic to warn would be predators. Probably inhabits rocky coastlines and other marine environments. Leather is very useful in leatherworking as interfacing and support. Kept as familiars) Tradewinds Gull (Common seabirds. Popular for use in message transport. Most likely used by maritime trades. Kept as familiars) Blueridge Greatshell (Large aquatic turtles that inhabit freshwater only. Cannot survive saltwater. Probably hunted for meat. Kept as familiars) Scaleside Noggle (Most likely a riverway/lake predator for small to mid sized creatures. Kept as familiars) Fiendcat (Fiery predators that cook their prey. large and dangerous. Probably a threat to smaller clans. Hunting one could be considered and accomplishment. Kept as familiars) Bluetail Skira (Large herbivores who spend much of their time lounging in ponds and lakes. Blue algea growing on their tail gives it that blue color. Kept as familiars ) Ringlet Amphithere (Tiny winged snakes that can fit in a Fae's claws. Might be kept as pets. Kept as familiars.) Hippojay (Might be farmed for meat or hunted as big/trophy game. Probably a common sight in wind clan backyards. Or kept as familiars) Crowned Roc (DEADLY. Massive dangerous birds that can be found hunting the skies of the Windswept Plateau. Poses a threat to all but the largest of dragons(Imperials?). Might even hunt/eat mid to small sized dragons. Apex predator of the region and a possible keystone species. Might commonly be the subject of stories, legends, myths, art, ect. Hunting one is probably a great event. Kept as familiars) Cloud Chaser (Airborne cetaceans that fly through the air, possibly in massive beautiful pods. produces clicks and whistles. Groups of them might sound like an orchestra of woodwind instruments. Most likely the favored prey of Crowned Rocs. Also probably subjects of popular culture. Kept as familiars. )
Aquatic Life:
Fissure Crawdad (Found only in dark crevices. Tasty. worth the effort) Leech (Common pest after swimming in waterways) Common Minnow (can be eaten in mass quantities for nourishment. Possibly kept in dragon aquaria) Sun Baked Oysters Jumbo Shrimp (Meat has a sweet and tender flavor.) Pumpkinseed Sunfish (Tasty and addictive when roasted and salted. decent meal) Sea Sparrow (flying fish known for it's abrasive chirping) Sea Hare Sea Fae (Known for it's resemblance to the dragon species. Plentiful snacks) Dumpling Squid (dipped in tangy sauce when eaten) Golden Rainbow Trout (Commonly fished from riverways as a decent meal. Golden shine is noticeable from the bank. Might be farmed in aquaponics for meat) Green Corydoras catfish (Tiny bottom dwelling armored catfish. Might be kept in dragon aquaria) Golden Cushionfish (Puffer fish) Seabed Pincher (When threatened they swarm and attack the threat. Plentiful food if a little difficult) Longfin Urchinbane (Species of cardinalfish that preys on urchins. considered a pest fish by dragons.) Sea Heart (Some kinda urchin. might be preyed on by Longfin Urchinbane) Steppes Pincher (Well camouflaged and possibly territorial) Topaz Guppy (Very friendly, possibly live in a area free of natural predators. Beautiful copper finage. possibly kept in dragon aquaria) Silverside Tetras (Small tetras, shimmery scales confuse predators when in schools. Possibly kept in dragon aquaria) Red Octopus (Color changing cephalopods. Might display typical cephalopod intelligence. Tentacles might be eaten as seafood.) Lesser Shallowshark (Small cat sharks. Scavengers. Large schools are common and very efficient at striping large carcasses) Royal Oyster (The more pearls this species has produced the more valuable they are to dragon collectors.) Chromodori Swimmer (Variety of dragon sea slugs) Golden Snakehead (Labrynthian fish capable of breathing through primitive lungs. Allows them to live in low oxygenated water. Medium vicious predators. Decent meal for dragons.) Electric Stingers (Jellyfish whose sting is particularly painful) Marbled Hatchetfish (Top dwelling schooling fish. Probably kept in dragon aquaria) Kuhli Loach (Bright colors ward off potential predators. Probably kept in dragon aquaria. (Note: Water spaghetti! One of my favorite fish in aquaria)) Molten Goby (Thrives in incredibly hot waters. meat is possibly very spicy.) Glass Isopod (Have very fragile shells that crack easily.) Pale Smallmouth (CANNOT handle water touched by the plaguebringer, It's presence is an indication of a healthy ecosystem and safe water. Indicator species. Decent meal for dragons too) Discus (Popular, beautiful, and challenging to care for in irl aquaria. Possibly kept as decorative fish for the upper class in dragon aquaria) Four-Eyed Butterflyfish Morning Star (Seastars active only in the early hours of the morning.) Angelspine (Golden spines of this urchin are valued. Meat however is bland.) Gaseous Megashrimp (Big, kept as familiars. this is speculation but depending on the size it may also be used as a seafood alternative to whole roasts like pig) Skittering Megashrimp (See above) Lurefish (Predates on other fish using it's lure. Probably a species of jawfish. Kept as familiars) Plantation Pincher (Considered a rampant pest on farmland.)
Insect Life:
Gliding Ant (Known for it's ability to glide across the ice. Most likely Native to Ice) Honeybee (Tastes sweet. Most likely kept for food as well as honey.) Crop Cutter (Pests that can devour entire fields. Plant eater hate them while others feast on them.) Nymph (appears to be just a grub) Bean Beetle (considered a pest to gardener. popular to eat for insectivorous dragons though. Get your Fae friends!) Swamp Mosquito (Clouds of this insects are a joy for insect eaters and a plague for everyone else.) Blow Fly (Very common in summers. tend to swarm lairs to keep cool. Doesn't need to be stated that that's upsetting.) Cricket (Commonly caught in bulk, dried, and sold as snack. Faes are experts at catching them) Greenworm (Blends in well and challenging to find) Garden Snail Spotted Grasshopper (Particularly vibrant specimens are caught as trophies and pinned to walls by Fae.) Stick Insect (Tundras often mistake them for actual sticks and often get a buggy surprise) Striped Earwig (Common pests that get into everything) Lunar Lacewing (Swarms can be found flitting between trees on full moon nights.) Redknee Tarantula Southern Grass Cicada (Nymphs can't fly and are commonly dug up as snacks) Millipede White Cabbage Butterfly (Very common. Overconsumption can lead to gas issues.) Stinglash (DEADLY. Aposematic. Skull pattern on it’s head is a threat display. When stinger is removed however it’s considered a delicacy) Pillbug (curls into a ball when threatened) Four-Spot Mealworm (Commonly found feasting on festering rot) Rhododendron Leafhopper (Swarms of these insects inhabit the interiors of bamboo stalks. Hatchlings love playing "Shake the Stick.") Venomous Fly (DANGER. Bite has paralyzing venom.) Green June Beetle Blackshield Cockroach (Fae use rocks to crack it’s shell for eating.) Diving Aranea (Aquatic spiders similar to the diving bell spider) Petal Moth (Makes its home in flower beds of a similar color to its wings, helping it hide from darting birds and lesser mammals.) Yellowtail Caterpillar (Commonly eaten in piles with pepper sauce, cucumber, rice, and wrapped in seaweed) Bark Biter (Devours tree bark. Can devastate entire forests overnight if population wasn't kept in check by dragons. Quite tasty!) Water Bug Micromoth (Common reagent in magical remedies. Most likely cultivated for medicinal purposes) False Mantis Prickler (Herbivorous. Example of batesian mimicry. Mimics the threat display of mantids to fool predators) Autumn Pennant (Dragonfly. Scarce, only appears towards the end of autumn) Brave Blue Bee (carapace is a shiny blue color. Possibly a species of solitary bee.) Reedcleft Sparkler (Hides amongst reeds. capable of bioluminescence) Leafy Moth (This large moth feeds by spreading its chlorophyll-rich wings in a patch of sunlight and flapping gently. Large. Possibly farmed as cow equivalents to insectivorous dragons. Kept as familiars) Triple-Sight Firebug (Dragons closely bonded to this bug can use it’s sight for short periods of time. Possibly used for rough reconnaissance. Kept as familiars) Goliath Mountain Beetle (Long lifespans and natural armor allow this insect to reach enormous sizes. The largest has up to a 7m wingspan! I could see these being herded and tended to by Fae. Kept as familiars.) Garden Larail (Pests. A gardeners nemesis. However they are cannibalistic and keep their own population in check.) Highgrass Priest (A type of mantid)
Plant Life:
Clover (Common plant life. A legend tells of a rare clover that can unlock anything and uncover buried treasure.) Cliff Lion (A species similar to dandelions that grow on cliffsides. Like it's cousin it can be fermented into wines and beer) Sweet Grass (Some dragons choose to chew on sweetgrass for hours. probably similar to chewing gum.) Cindershroom (Spores resemble cinders but are completely harmless. Unknown if edible. Possible.) Red Emperor Tulip (Cultivated by herbivorous dragons as both beautiful displays and tasty treats!) Greenstripe Amaranth (Healthy food for herbivorous creatures. Cultivated for food. Naughty hatchlings pass their amaranth to their familiars.) Wild Mustard (Grows in thick patches with bright yellow flowers. Goes great with wild Catsup) Thistle (Provides food for herbivores. Seeds provide food to songbirds.) Sour Spinach (Has little to no nutritional value and is nearly inedible. Used to discipline naughty hatchlings.) Sunkernel (Smallest of the acorns. Harvested and eaten in mass quantity.) Green Shoots (Hollow. Makes for a chewy meal or a durable paper.) Chickweed (Used in herbal remedies to sooth itchy scales. Probably cultivated for medicinal purposes) Greater Plantain. (possibly like its relative the Herbal plantain whos leaves can be used as an effective anti-toxin. Probably cultivated for medicinal purposes) Peace Lily (Pretty and edible, it’s petals are a favorite snack of peace doves. Probably cultivated for decoration and consumption.) Corona Sempervivum (Edible succulent. Cultivated for food and décor) Treasure Plant (Considered to bring good luck if kept in the lair. Possibly cultivated for decoration or as gifts.) Boxwood (Has a subtle flavor?) Seaberry (Bright blue berries most likely found near marshes and waterways.) Bonebark Mold (Plentiful. grows on dead trees.) Tundra Cactus (Grows well in winter and colder climates. Probably native to Ice.) Sour Green Apple (A green apple. Sour. Probably cultivated in orchards for consumption) Wild Onion ( Edible? Possibly Deadly??) Prickly Pear (The fruit of cacti. Edible but not that great.) Peppermint (can be consumed to help aid a number of maladies such as indigestion, nausea, colds, and headaches. Probably cultivated for medicinal purposes) Sunbeam Fig (Edible fruit. Trees only produce fruit when exposed to direct sun for long periods of time.) Fairy Ears (Tree fungus. Theres a myth explaining it's existence but it's apparently unpleasant. Unknown if edible.) Green Plantain (Has a tart flavor and can be stored in cool places for long periods of time. Probably cultivated and exported to other flights.) Lume Daffodil  (Blooms under moonlight, with a cool, refreshing taste. Often consumed as after-dinner mints. Probably cultivated for these reasons.) Quinoa (Recently, Tundras have started claiming quinoa is full of vitamins, cures disease, and attracts mates. Mirrors are skeptical.) Pinwheel Paddies (The blooms of this plant can spin for hours.) Minty Jadevine ( leaves are favored as snacks due to their sweet, cooling taste. Probably cultivated for these reasons.) Strawberry (Its a strawberry.) Withered Rose (perfume made from this rose remains nauseatingly strong. Dragons may use such blooms to cover up all manner of undesirable scents. Possibly cultivated for this industry) Pompom Mums (Vibrant, cheerful petals. Very attention getting to pollinators. might be used to attract pollinators to fields. Also useful for decorative purposes) Sand Creeper (Type of ivy that spreads prolifically over sand. Might be a good crop for those in barren wastelands.) Charged Duneberry (Berries glow brightest and taste the best after storms. Possibly native to the Shifting Expanse.)
Gale Wolf (Dangerous and possibly extradimensional? Only appear wherever a warm front meets a cold front. leaves behind mass destruction. Hunting them is probably considered a great accomplishment. Kept as familiars) Glassbound Gustvul (Glasslike vulpines that can be found often napping in patches of sunlight. Might be popular in folk-lore, stories, art subject ect.. Kept as familiars.) River Muck (Goopy. probably common in or near waterways. Probably a pest/hazard) Garden Watcher  (Walking tulips???) Orange Blotch Pansy (??? Uproots and moves itself to more optimal locations when required.) Cactus Marzal (Behaves like a normal plant until it matures in which it will become more animalistic. Weird. Kept as familiars)
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nabesima · 4 years
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“Alright, let’s try something easier. Like something with feathers.” why am I like this
Anyway here’s a Lilyfowl...kinda. I couldn’t figure out how to make lilies, and Spore’s coloring, well, could use some improvement. So it’s a Lilyfowl except it has flowers instead :’B A domesticated breed or something, idk. Still had fun though.
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The Foods of Mistral Jamboree
I recently joined wind flight, and I’m trying to get in the spirit of Noodledad! This post is heavily inspired by @lionsongfr​’s Trickmurk Circus food headcanon posts!
Windbeutel or “Wind Bags”: Light, flaky puff pastry swirled into little mountains and filled with whipped or pastry cream. Airy and sweet, these are great little snacks to munch on while picnicking on the sloped hills of the Windswept Plateau. 
Roaming Garden Salad: Flowers humanely clipped from the backs of overgrown Travelling Garden Tortoises are tossed with fresh greens, quinoa, and pomegranate arils to create a sweet, juicy salad that is a favorite of Tundras and other veggie eating dragons.
Cloudsong Ceviche: Great lengths of filament weighted down with bells, feathers, and carved wooden ornaments are hung over the sides of the Cloudsong and dragged through the waters below. Whatever is pulled up is chopped and marinaded in citrus juice and tossed with fresh veggies and herbs to create a refreshing and more classy dish for the Jamboree. 
“Windsinger’s Wings”: Wind Flight natives love to jokingly tell unknowing outsiders that the Windsinger actually DOES have wings! They’re just so small, it’s hard to see them! They then hold up a piece of Grilled Lilyfowl wing for a size comparison and watch the look of confusion spread across the other dragon’s face. 
Wok-Fried Beetles: For more adventurous eaters, Mistral Beetles are coated with chili, garlic, and ginger powder and fried in rich oil until crispy. For the less adventurous dragons, edamame and chestnuts are used instead. Energetic and air-headed Spiral vendors have a tendency to accidentally mix the two types, much to the dismay of bug hating dragons everywhere. 
Bamboo-Shoot Biryani: Rice, meat, and tons of spices are stuffed inside of bamboo shoots and steam cooked in a hot rock oven. Throughout the entire Windswept Plateau plumes of steam rise up from the ground, causing lack of visibility.. but my goodness, it smells great!
Windsinger-Jumps-Over-the-Reeds Hotpot: The story behind the name is that the meal smells so good that even Windsinger would stop roaming – and jump over the reeds – in order to eat it. This dish can range from mild to super spicy, which might have you hopping over the reeds in search of water!
Papa’s Eggs: Boiled quail eggs with brightly colored shells! The pigments for the swirls and patterns are made with crushed berries and painted on with deft claws from skilled craftsmen from all across wind territory. Some dragons try to preserve these little works of art, but find themselves dismayed when they inevitably deteriorate. As the craftsmen say, these should be here one day and then gone with the wind! 
Stinging Spirals: Tentacles from electric stinger jellyfish are tossed with rice noodles, sesame oil, and herbs to create a delicious cold salad... provided you can get over the sting! This food leaves a trail of swollen faces, but it’s still considered a staple of any Wind Flight celebrations!
Onion Compass: A deep fried blooming onion, coated in garlic, ginger, and paprika. They say that when it is served to you, the longest petal points in the direction of something you should pursue!
Ganja Gummies: Adds a whole bunch to the quantity of other food consumed by dragons attending the Jamboree! Great for the pocketbooks of food vendors, terrible for the pocketbooks of festival goers.  
Sweet Grass Smoothie: A deliciously sweet smoothie with tons of healthy benefits! It’s cooling and refreshing, making it excellent when drank after some spicy festival food.
Cloud and Mist Tea: Minty jadevine and matcha are steeped in crystal clear water gathered from the mists from the waterfalls between the sheer cliffs at the bottom of the Reedcleft Ascent. They say that this tea has mystical properties, helping to clear a multitude of illnesses. Doctors don’t necessarily agree, but they too find it delicious regardless!
Lemon Chuhai: Super refreshing, but also incredibly intoxicating. It’s hard to stop at just one glass! Maybe just a little bit more... a little more... just a sip more...
Duneberry Sparkler: Extremely fizzy, and delightfully sweet. It’s so carbonated, that it continues to fizz and pop long after it’s already in your tummy! Just be careful if a storm is in the forecast; you might find a storm starting to brew inside you too.
Caliper Coffee: Said to be the reason that the Windsinger can travel endlessly across the globe without stopping! You won’t be able to stop after drinking this either!
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Don’t forget to click here for a chance to win an unhatched wind egg on the last day of Mistral Jamboree!
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moved--306389 · 4 years
Fiona's Familiar List
Every familiar you need for Fiona's tasks. Alphabetized.
Amberwing Waveskimmer
Arctic Hippalectryon
Augite Protector
Barkback Boar
Black Iron Creeper
Bloodstone Beetle
Blue Tang Hipogriff
Boran Veteran
Budwing Morpho
Calculating Candelabra
Cardinal Hipogriff
Ceanothus Brawler
Chocolate Ferret
Chromefeather Lookout
Construction Mith
Coppercoil Creeper
Crowned Roc
Crystalhide Jester
Crystalspine Stinger
Dancing Chalice
Deadwood Boar
Deepmine Aardvark
Empress Beetle
Featherback Boar
Frost Delver
Great Blue Waveskimmer
Greybeak Reaper
Hawksbill Goliath
Infestation Hound
Jeweled Octoflyer
King Parda
Lilium Floron
Longhorn Capricat
Longneck Hunter
Longneck Wanderer
Mantled Foo
Maren Ambusher
Maren Scout
Maren Warrior
Maren Wavesinger
Mith Bruiser
Moss-Covered Golem
Overcharged Silverbeast
Painted Centaur
Painted Marionette
Peacevine Aardvark
Petal Jumper
Petalmane Floron
Prancing Capricat
Ringlet Amphithere
Roundhorn Melprin
Roundhorn Rager
Scaleside Noggle
Sentinel Mith
Sentry Squawker
Shatterbone Vulture
Silver Ferret
Slight Eyewing
Sludge Sifter
Smoldering Sconce
Sparkling Stinger
Spellwall Boran
Stone Borer
Stonewatch Prince
Swift Lumen
Swift Volt
Tatterwing Carcass
Tengu Caller
Tigerblood Foo
Ultramel Amphithere
Unburdened Billy
Undying Featherback
Vigorous Goblet
Windcarve Fugitive
Wintermane Spearman
Wooden Marionette
Wraith Hound
There y'all go! Hope it helps!
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naphiatra · 4 years
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cutedragonsfr · 4 years
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How about a potash peach keeper and a shadetouched permabab for familiar matching?
for the tuntun a lilyfowl as soft and sweet as them
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and for the baby well if they’re shade touched they’re gonna need someone to keep anyone that might bring trouble away, a motherly and protectic acid.tounge serpenta should do the trick!!
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dreamslayer-fr · 5 years
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Look at this gorgeous art of my girl!! Done by @lilyfowl
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peacevine · 5 years
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lilyfowl // 670915
This fascinating fowl can actually breathe through the plant-like growths along its head and back, which is helpful considering it spends most of its time partially submerged.
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New adopt base; Fluffly Gaolers! I’ll probably open them up on the forums tomorrow since i gotta head out to work tonight. They’ll be 100g or 100kt each.  These guys belong to: @splendid-fr - Site promo image - @druzyfr @lilyfowl - @mir-confederation - @catalystic-dragons
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starcrossedmoth · 5 years
Chapter 1: Beginning Travels
The inside of the egg was dark, enclosed, she felt as if she had just woken up for the first time. All she knew was that she didn’t want to stay in the egg anymore. The little fae dragon had struggled, attempting to stretch against the hard, almost wooden, shell. She found a bit of reserved strength, however, and gave one large push with her front claws. The egg splintered open, and she tumbled out.
No parents greeted her, no siblings hatched alongside her, there was no other dragon around. There was, however, nature. Thousands of small green clovers, dozens of pink lilies, and several large trees surrounded her. The little fae hardly felt overwhelmed, in fact, she felt perfectly at home in this overgrown clearing.
She stood, and started waddling around, her wings still damp from hatching. The trees were too thick to pass through, but there was a clear, little stream, and plenty of insects around. She guessed this was just her home, and she looked at her warped reflection in the slow stream. All she saw was green, various shades of green, even in her eyes.
Once she learned the name of this wonderful, beautiful color, she decided to name herself after it. Emerald wouldn’t choose to call herself Green, however, after finding out about the green gem. She wouldn’t learn her name for a while, as she was stuck in the little clearing until she could fly.
She lived in that clearing, all by herself, for nearly a year. Each day she would flap her wings, and stretch them, and eat plenty of bugs. Emerald knew nothing of the world outside that clearing, aside from the occasional lilyfowl flying overhead, or the buttercup strangler passing through. Finally, the day came where she found herself able to fly high enough.
She could barely carry herself over the branches of the looming trees, but it was enough. She was free. Emerald gave one last longing look at the little clearing she knew her entire life, and she flew off. If she had looked beneath her, she would’ve noticed several other nurseries, each containing an egg or dragon like her.
Emerald was an inquisitive little thing, and she felt a connection to her breed’s homeland, she didn’t know it at the time, however. She just knew she had to travel, until she found this place, just to see what it was like. The first challenge, however, was to fly through Dragonhome. It was within a small mining town there that she found her namesake.
Emerald had landed in the town, called Rovite, on her third day of travel. She had become weak and exhausted, hardly resting or eating. She didn’t know hunger, or exhaustion, until she left her nest. Lucky for her, however, that another nature dragon was in town. Spirit was as old as Emerald, but he had grown faster, stronger, as was the way of the mirror breed.
He was pale, with deep green wings, darker than any of the greens Emerald showed, and his four eyes seemed cold and harsh, despite being the same green hers were. Spirit looked down warily at this weakened creature. He was only in town to rest, before visiting his own breed’s homeland in the Scarred Wasteland.
Emerald stirred, and seeing another dragon, tried to get up so she could greet them, having learned a little of the  common language already. She collapsed once more, however, and Spirit was tempted to just leave the wretched little thing, but something kept him from doing so. He picked up the small dragon in his mouth, pulling her first onto his wing, then his back.
He took her to a shallow cave clawed into the side of a very large boulder, where he was staying for the night. Spirit cringed as he dug up some Nymphs to feed Emerald with. The little thing perked up after having something to eat, and she gratefully accepted his offer of water when he nudged the wooden bowl closer to her. Spirit decided she was well enough to understand him, “Who are you? Why are you all the way out here?”
She just tilted her head, not fully sure how to reply. It was at that moment she noticed a bright green gem amongst Spirit’s belongings. “That. Rock like me. It’s name?”
“Ah, that’s an emerald. You don’t know the language well, but you definitely aren’t a coatl. You must’ve come from an abandoned egg.”
“Emerald. My name now. I don’t know words well. Be patient.” She talked in the same, monotone voice expected from all faes.
Spirit nodded, “Well then, Emerald. You’re a very small thing, very fragile-looking, and I would hate to see harm come to you now that I’ve invested my own time and energy to helping you. Would you like to join me on my journey?”
Her facial crests flared, a sign of happiness, or maybe aggression, possibly both as far as Spirit was concerned, “Yes, but, we go two ways.”
“That’s right, you’re from Starfall Isles. Well, we could go there before we head to the Scarred Wasteland.”
“Starfall Isles?”
“Yes, your breed, faes, originated from there, from the Arcanist. Those like us, born from long-forgotten eggs, wish to travel to their breed’s homeland, even if for a bit. Something to do with realizing the connections we can’t have to the place because we have no family.”
“No.. Family?” The crests drooped, Emerald had thought if she went to this unknown place she was drawn to, she would find a family.
“That’s the way the leaves fall, sadly. Dragons like us just have to make our own families, or do without. Now, get some sleep, we should leave tomorrow and get out of Dragonhome.”
Emerald begrudgingly did as she was told, and fell asleep on the only blanket that Spirit owned. He was confused by this small creature, and how she could be so sheltered. Did no dragon ever stop by her nest? Even abandoned eggs the Gladekeeper took in to make original bloodlines from were visited occasionally by older dragons.
He decided not to dwell on it, as he was tired as well. Spirit curled around the smaller dragon to keep her sheltered, and laid his head next to hers. Normally dragons wouldn’t get this cozy, but she had stolen the only blanket and they were in a small crevice with little room. He soon fell asleep, a bit worried about what would happen with his new companion.
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