missfaber · 5 years
AHHH i just hit a follower milestone 🥰 happy jonsa week to ME!!! thank you to every precious person who follows!!! I will for sure do a milestone event/giveaway in the next week or the one after, this week is impossible with jonsa week and I’m traveling for work this week and the next so whenever things slow down a bit!!
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rosvolio fic prompt! How about "We're in public and have to convince people that we're in love so we're kissing now and damn you kiss really well and am I liking this???" kinda things.
Ithappens three weeks after Prince Escalus announces their betrothal.  
Rosaline,having been spurned out of the prince’s favor most likely, had quite warmed upto Benvolio in the days spent both trying to find a way out of their marriageand also attempting to find out who was responsible for all of the fightinggoing on in Verona in order to turn the two families against each otherforever.  At least, Benvolio thought shehad.  She was most definitely not thefrigid and angry woman she had been during the betrothal ceremony.  In fact, Benvolio felt lucky enough to callher his friend, and perhaps even a dear one at that.  She was clever and witty and energetic andpassionate, all things he valued in a friend. They weren’t anywhere near prepared to being man and wife yet, but hethought it would not be as unbearable to marry a friend as it would be to marryan enemy.
Ofcourse, Lady Rosaline Capulet was gorgeous. There was no doubting that in Benvolio’s mind.  Her dark curly hair and beautifullyexpressive eyes made him want to stop whatever he was doing and stare into themall day.  Or, he would if he knew thatwouldn’t get him slapped for the sheer foolishness of it all.  Yet he could not stop contemplating how veryattractive his newest friend was.  Yetthat did not necessarily mean that the marriage would be good thing.  He had found plenty of women attractivewithout being in love with them, surely Rosaline was no different. She was justa friend. A very, very pretty friend.
Itwas with this mindset that Benvolio went to go meet Rosaline at her home inorder to take her to a favorite Montague aunt of his.  She was the sister of his uncle and hisfather and had never married, despite the Montagues’ efforts to secure her handto a powerful family.  Not only wasAlessandra Montague Benvolio’s favorite surviving family member, he also had afeeling she would get on quite well with Rosaline due to her independentstatus. After all, he would do anything to make his dear friend more comfortablein his home, and if that meant gaining her a Montague ally (other thanhimself), then so be it.
Ontheir way back to House Montague, Rosaline was uncharacteristically quiet.Benvolio, feeling more than a little worried about her well-being, asked whatwas wrong.
“’Tisnothing, Benvolio, I swear it.  The daysat House Capulet have been tiring, is all. Now, I am quite anticipating this aunt of yours.  She seems to be of solid mind and wit,something quite rare in a Montague.”
“Youjest yet again, my lady,” Benvolio said jovially.  “You seek to defame my house with a glimmerin your eye, yet you cannot help but find praise within you for us.  Come, my beloved, Aunt Alessandra is waitingfor us.”
Atfirst glance, Alessandra Montague seemed to be a rather intimidating woman. Yetas Rosaline and Benvolio got closer to her threshold, she spread her armswidely and smiled.
“Welcome,welcome! Oh dear Benvolio, my sweet nephew, it is so good to see you. You neverare around often enough anymore.  Andthis must be Rosaline Capulet. I’ve lost many a family member to yours, mygirl. But I suppose that will all be behind us once you become Lady RosalineMontague.  Ah to be young and in loveagain! Come, let me see you both!” Alessandra grabbed Benvolio by both cheeks and pinched them, kissing himbriefly, letting go only when Benvolio yelped. She was much gentler with Rosaline, embracing her kindly as a gesture ofwelcome and familial loyalty.  
Asmanhandled as Benvolio felt around Alessandra, he truly was grateful for thelittle time he had with her.  She wasoften away from the family eye, making it hard for him to see her.  Since Benvolio wanted little to do with therest of his family, this made seeing his aunt even more of a blessing.Rosaline, on the other hand, was blown away by the great lady’s kindness andbluntness.  She hoped to be exactly likeher when she was Alessandra’s age. Free, independent, and most importantly,unattached.  She was grateful forBenvolio’s friendship, she truly was. Yet no matter how lovely he was to her,nor how lovely his eyes were, she knew she could never truly love her newfriend.  They were just too stubborn.
AlessandraMontague had a rather different take on Benvolio and Rosaline’s relationship,and she was willing to do nearly anything to get them to be on their way torealizing what they had was something quite special and powerful. A publicspectacle would have to do for today, she thought. Impromptu and spontaneous.Just the display that Verona needed in these dark times.  With this thought, she took the children (forBenvolio and his peers would always be small to her) out to the main piazza inorder to meet her acquaintances, which comprised of several gossipy olderladies of the town.
Benvoliowas not sure what Aunt Alessandra meant by taking Rosaline and him away fromtheir private meeting to the public piazza, but he had learned long ago not toquestion his aunt’s methods.  He was soonabout to find out, however, just what his aunt had been scheming about sincethe moment she had met his Capulet bride.
“Alessandra!Come over here and introduce us to these two lovely young people.  It seems as though Verona’s youth has allgone and left us for good now,” one of the ladies called over to the trio.
“Itis so wonderful that you could meet us all! Ladies, this is my nephew BenvolioMontague, and his betrothed, Lady Rosaline Capulet,” Alessandra introducedthem.
“Ohmy, we’ve heard many things about you dear Benvolio! Look at you, you arecertainly all grown up! And my goodness, your bride is lovely! I am so happythat you decided to forgo this house feud nonsense and just sweep her off herfeet!”
Benvoliogulped. “Oh, actually, signora, we-…”
“Ah,ah, ah, there will be none of that.  Aman must show his future wife the pride in her that he has! None of this falsemodesty business. Why, I remember when my husband was courting me, he-…”
“That’squite enough, Lady Anna, thank you,” Alessandra smirked, as if being let into ajest that was solely amongst the older women of Verona.  “Why not give these young people advice fortheir marriage?  After all, they are tobe wed within the month.”
“Ohyes!” exclaimed Lady Anna.  “First andforemost, before any pleasure within the marriage can be had, a man must knowhow to kiss his wife.  It really is themost important thing.”
Bythis time, both Benvolio and Rosaline had gone beet red. “Lady Anna, thank youso much but this is very unnecessary-…” Rosaline said, before Lady Annainterrupted with an incredulous look.
“Nonsense,child. Do you not want to know how to gain pleasure within this marriage?  Tell me, Benvolio Montague, how does a mankiss his wife?”
“Mylady, I am sure I do not know, for I have never been married,” Benvoliostarted.
“Alsononsense!  You have been betrothed forthree weeks. Back in my day, that was as good as married.  Show us how to kiss your beloved, youngSignor Montague.”
Notwanting to be on the end of a glare from the formidable Lady Anna or a scowlfrom his Aunt Alessandra, Benvolio sighed.
“Iam sorry, my sweet friend.  Do youconsent to this rather public display of affection?” he asked Rosaline in hushedtones as to not alert the ladies of their farcical love story.
“Ifear for our lives if we did not, Benvolio. Go ahead and kiss me, my friend. Itwill be no great disservice. For all your faults, I do trust you,” Rosalinesmiled, thinking of all they had come through to get to this point in theirfriendship.
Benvoliotook a deep breath. Just relax, he thought. Rosaline is your dear friend. Your very, very, very pretty friend, hismind betrayed.  With a sweet smileand a nod from Rosaline, he leaned in quite slowly, and in front of Verona’sbusiest piazza, kissed his intended.
Itwas nothing like he had ever experienced before. His sweet friend was warm andsoft and pliant, linking her fingers around his neck in order to anchor herselfmore fully into the kiss.  He stroked hercheeks, wanting nothing more than to drown in this moment forever, askinghimself why, why, why he hadn’t done this before. By all that was good in thisworld, she kissed incredibly well and he was quite content to enjoy himselfforever.
Oh,right.  He had never done this because Rosalinewas just a friend.
Rosalinenibbled his lower lip, deepening the kiss. To hell with it, he thought,following her lead and slipping his tongue into her mouth.  At this she gasped, finally breaking awayfrom the kiss, her entire body heaving as she looked at him in utter shock.  He figured that he must look quite the same.
“Nowthat is how you kiss your wife,little Benvolio!” Lady Anna cackled.
BothRosaline and Benvolio jumped, completely forgetting that they had quite thecaptive audience.  Lady Anna, AuntAlessandra, and the rest of the ladies were smirking quite triumphantly,waiting for the chance to share just how in love Benvolio Montague was withRosaline Capulet, as well as she with him.
Therest of Verona would likely know by nightfall, considering the city’s busiestpiazza had fallen deathly quiet in the wake of their quite public display ofaffection.
Benvoliolooked at Rosaline, wanting to melt into the ground in order to stopreddening.  Rosaline could not look athim, as she was flushed in a quite similar manner.  
“Well,Benvolio? Shouldn’t you be seeing your sweetfriend home?”
Benvoliocould do nothing but stare as Aunt Alessandra laughed at the success of herplan as she left with the rest of her entourage, smirking alongside LadyAnna.  
“Wellthen. Let us get you home, my lady,” Benvolio said, still in a daze.
“Oh,um, yes. Yes that would be for the best, I suppose,” Rosaline countered, stillunwilling to look him in the eye.
AsBenvolio walked Rosaline back to Capulet House for the day’s end, he tried toshrug off his worry.  Rosaline and hewere still trying to find a way to break the betrothal together.  One kiss between friends surely shouldn’tdisrupt the peace between them.  Yes,Benvolio decided. Rosaline was and always would be his sweet friend, nothingmore.
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queenofchildren · 7 years
Rosaline and benvolio protecting each other from the scorn/judgement if their families. The whole 'shut the fuck up uncle that's MY betrothed' thing. If you're still writing prompts
I’m not sure if it’s what you had in mind, and it’s not quite like in the prompt, but my newest fic features Rosaline very determined to protect Benvolio, which is the starting point for a whole lot of feelings to ensue: 
I found me a hopeless case (I resolve to love)
And my Vegas-fic will definitely feature scenes like that as well!
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vivilove-jonsa · 4 years
Would you ever be interested on making a "follow forever" type of list? I'm looking for more blogs to follow and I trust your taste 💜 love your fics, you're the best!
Yikes, Anon!  I am flattered but also I just know I’m about to leave a bunch of people off unintentionally.  Apologies in advance for that!!
Anyway, here’s a big ass list of several blogs I follow in no particular order...
@amymel86 @sonderlust45 @chocolateghost @dena-1984 @oberynmartell @noqueenbutthequeeninthenorth @sansaswolfbits @sansa-of-oldstones @swainlake @esther-dot @jonsnowbrooding @nutellaninja0001 @riahchan @cerseiiswildfire @sailorshadzter @lucianaht @lucife56 @lunakity @sizzlinbaconpeach @jonsaart @jonsa-creatives @jonsaagenda @alwaysjonsa @jonsaforlife @jonsaalwaysand4ever @c-sand @oreoswirl1117 @kat-snow2613 @kyloren @lesbianelinordashwood @littlebird-whitewolf @sardoniyx @saracollinskay @templeton21 @faith-kin-doll @otp-that-was-promised @ode-to-an-inkwell @palominojacoby @a-time-for-wolvess @lilzipop @and-holly-goes-lightly @glueck @qinaliel @queensansastarkk @fedonciadale @nessataleweaver @onlyapassingthing @foreverreadingbeautifulbooks @jonlovessansa @snowsource @missfaber @jonlovessansa @israfel00 @sillyanshe @ladystarks @lady-questfire @kissed-by-circe @sunbeamsandmoonrays @falconstarfall @queensansastarkk @aandsstark @velaharker @nothinghappensinalstonville @cantfightfatetoo @cathcacen @captainbee89 @itwasmycroftbbc @umwandamaximoff @schnoogles @baratheonblue @soapieturner @natthedwobbit @kingjjon @kinginthenortth @florence-pew @pax-2735 @yenstarkofrivia @theirwinterfell @kittykatknits @kitten1618x @tubbylita @yourtommyginger @trinuviel @jeynewesterling @ladywolfmd @bulletandsophia @what-would-wonderwoman-do @sweetaprilbutterfly @myrish-lace-love @danidanisara @cedar-tea @theshipshipper @wightjon @butterflies-dragons @zip00198704 @maddiethefashionista @castalya @lizzieofyorks @thequeenandthecrow @amaati @ladyandtheghost @jomarches @twilight-sparx @wolvesofspring @archmaestergilly @jolieunfiltrd @alczysz17 @patritxi @graceverse @wind-in-the-weirwoods @alemoncakelife @arin-arryn @mycrazyfangirl21 @aneternalfangirl @woodswit and @jade-masquerade
Whew!  I know I forgot people.  I’m sorry.  This was a lot and I need to go lie down now...
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royalcordelia · 5 years
Shirbert Fic Masterlist (Part 2)
A while ago, I created this list with all my ao3 bookmarks on it. Since then, I’ve lots and lots and lots of wonderful content made the writers of this fandom. Hopefully these 50+ fics will tide you over until Season 3 starts!
Eight Dances - Anne with an E by notsxgrump
Is That My Shirt? by ElderofAvonlea
most ardently by donutcats
Sweet studies by serendipitous_rambles
if these delights thy mind may move by dollsome
An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding and Other Affairs by LettersfromLaika
it goes on and on by morebooksplease
A pesky business by serendipitous_rambles
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways. by Ephemeral_Joy
pied piper by thrice
It's nice to have a friend by serendipitous_rambles
Henry by lilzipop for Lil_Redhead
love letters by lucastown
changes by liare
Whatever souls are made of.... by serendipitous_rambles
From Before and Until the End by JaneSkylark
You Fit in My Poems (Like a Perfect Rhyme) by annewithab
Wanna go to a real party? by serendipitous_rambles
Green Gables Coffee & Tea by brightblackholes
be still my foolish heart (don't ruin this on me) by theatrythms
until the sky falls down over me by clumsyhearts
Made of Stardust by Blona222
The Boy in the Barn by lollercakes
holding him together by Teddy0414
A Game of Man Hunt by thearkdelinquents
One Iced Green Tea Latte for Ann by rosesonraindrops
Evolutionistically Yours by violetbaudelaire
Seven and a Half by annewithagee (margaret_helstone)
Anne and Gilbert Offscreen by nianibbles
she's always on my mind by morebooksplease
They make it look so easy by morebooksplease
An Avonlea Valentine by honsandrebels
i've been waiting my whole life to know i wanted you by orphan_account
Milk by lollercakes
silence is the blood whose flesh is singing by ashleykay
Like My Heart is Hitting the Ground by yukiawison
Pick Me Up by kalypso_of_ogygia
Love You Something Terrible by annewithab for Lil_Redhead
The World Could Change Its Heart by novahainn for AdelphaHighbrow
five days of Christmas by thearkdelinquents
under the mistletoe (pale-green, fairy mistletoe) by melwritesthings
Tragical Romance at a Winter's Ball by avonleaace
sleep with me (platonically, of course) by thearkdelinquents
listening to the wind by jamo
The Rainstorm by BrownBerry
From Dawn until Dusk by NotTheProtagonist
Yours, Anne by annewithagee (margaret_helstone)
Gaining the Strength to Live Again by Queen_Andr0meda
please kiss me (it's for science) by topangamatthews
If I can light the world up for just one day by Gayrefrain (orphan_account)
All This Time, I Was Waiting For You by MeggieB
5 gifts between friends and 1 between more than friends by yukiawison
we're going in circles, dizzy's all it makes us by ryanreynolds
You're such a big mess (And I love you) by gayrefrain
The Long Way Home by hlee0890
What is the News? by annewithagee (margaret_helstone)
Why're you staring? by serendipitous_rambles
truth or dare by thearkdelinquents
Caves, Craters and Constellations by one_elderflower_cordial_please
When You Aren't Looking by yukiawison
I like imagining better by annewithagee (margaret_helstone)
'til the sun's seen through my eyes by whataboutateakettle
Goodbye, Ruby Gillis by carrotsblythe
So I pull my Stockings off by middlemarch
It’s such a little thing to weep by middlemarch
An Honest tear by middlemarch
A Man may make a Remark by middlemarch
And the soul a starlit sentry by middlemarch
What of Dreams? by lollercakes
The Logic of being Friends by annewithagee (margaret_helstone)
Queen Anne by carrotsblythe
The Play's The Thing by MrsBanksSisterSuffragette 
i shut my eyes and fall ('cause i know you're right behind me) by irrelevant_owl
The World Before Me by Purple_Slippers_18
The Ask by lollercakes 
I have some fics too!
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ao3feed-gendrya · 5 years
Incorrect Jonsa Week
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2V2A3o5
by lilzipop
This is the collection of one shots I wrote for Incorrect Jonsa Week
Words: 3755, Chapters: 2/7, Language: English
Fandoms: A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms, Game of Thrones (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Jon Snow, Sansa Stark, Robb Stark, Arya Stark, Bran Stark, Tormund Giantsbane, Brienne of Tarth, probably others
Relationships: Jon Snow/Sansa Stark, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Wynafryd Manderly/Robb Stark, Arya Stark/Gendry Waters
Additional Tags: incorrect jonsa week, this is all my stories for that in one work, so like, Modern AU, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Alternate Universe - Pride and Prejudice Fusion
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2V2A3o5
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Sunrise and Tea
by lilzipop
A little oneshot set sometime after Lizzie and Darcy tied the knot.
Words: 725, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice (1995), Pride and Prejudice (2005), Pride and Prejudice & Related Fandoms
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Elizabeth Bennet, Lizzie Bennet, Fitzwilliam Darcy, Darcy
Relationships: Elizabeth Bennet/Fitzwilliam Darcy, Lizzie Bennet/William Darcy, Elizabeth Bennet & Fitzwillliam Darcy
Additional Tags: One Shot, Post-Canon, Romance, Cuties, My First Work in This Fandom
from AO3 works tagged 'Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen' http://ift.tt/2CrnVDQ via IFTTT
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ao3feed-janeausten · 7 years
Sunrise and Tea
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2CrnVDQ
by lilzipop
A little oneshot set sometime after Lizzie and Darcy tied the knot.
Words: 725, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice (1995), Pride and Prejudice (2005), Pride and Prejudice & Related Fandoms
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Elizabeth Bennet, Lizzie Bennet, Fitzwilliam Darcy, Darcy
Relationships: Elizabeth Bennet/Fitzwilliam Darcy, Lizzie Bennet/William Darcy, Elizabeth Bennet & Fitzwillliam Darcy
Additional Tags: One Shot, Post-Canon, Romance, Cuties, My First Work in This Fandom
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2CrnVDQ
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hello i was wondering if there are any fica that focuses on rick and michonne relationship in the prison?
Hey there!
Here are some lovely Richonne fics set around the prison era, for you to enjoy :) 
Something Else by QuasiOuster 
We Keep Living Anyway by wrappedinrosegold
Call Me Rick Grimes by Tixxy
Serpents by yellowspotlight
Clearer by roswellchick22
Craved by unfoldingbliss
Thoughts from the Guard Tower by lovely-logic
Storytime by LobsterLobster 
Goes without Saying by justaroundtheriverbender 
Because Fear Means You Have Something to Lose by sorrystateofmind 
Another World by window124 
5 Kisses Later by lilzipop 
Dangerous Fascination by falsecaterpillar
Try by charrrmed 
Happy Reading!
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carrie-organa · 7 years
didn’t mean to leave you (and all the things we had) behind
Part two to this fic 
Can be read on ao3
Enjoy, loves! (especially @coffee-your-teapot @notquiterosietoes @lilzipop @sayruppp - THANK YOU ALL FOR INSPIRING ME!) 
Summary: “I do not need you, or any man for that matter, to give me my freedom. I am not a damsel in need of saving and my betrothal is not a mistake that requires rectification. You will return my fiance to me or I will be forced to find him myself.” 
When Rosaline finally rises to prepare for the day, she floats through her morning duties as if on a cloud. The constant smile on her face does not go unnoticed by Livia, who simply gives her a sly smile, eyes promising to get Rosaline alone before the day is done so as to uncover her secrets.
She can hardly wait to see the look on her sister’s face when Rosaline reveals that the cause of her benevolent mood today is none other than her fiance. She can still feel the scrape of his beard against her face when he kissed her and if she closes her eyes, Rosaline swears that she can feel his warmth against her once more. The heat rushing to Rosaline’s face makes her grateful that her dark complexion hides the effect even thinking of Benvolio has on her.
He is so different from what she expected him to be, so kind and strong. Benvolio Montague is a good man, much better than any rumors would paint him to be. Rosaline knows that no matter what obstacles lay before them, they will overcome them- together. She heads down to the dining hall to break her fast with her aunt and uncle with significantly less dread than usual.
Her good mood lasts as long as it takes for Alessia to place a goblet of wine in front of her. That’s when her uncle storms into the room, yelling back to his guards, “You find that Montague rat or it will be your heads!”
“My lord, is something amiss?” Lady Capulet asks, her shrewd eyes narrowing. 
Capulet ignores his wife, instead glaring at Rosaline. “Do you know where he is?”
Rosaline has enough good sense to now understand that Benvolio wasn’t joking when he implied that she would never see him again. The ache in her chest is almost overwhelming and Rosaline wishes she were anywhere but here, in the presence of anyone but her aunt and uncle, because the considerable strength it takes for her to conceal her emotions is very nearly more than she can bear. “I assure you, my lord, I do not.”
“I am not an imbecile, Rosaline.” Her uncle hisses. “I know that you two have been scheming. Was this your grand plan? Montague gets to run off with some whore and leaves your reputation seemingly unscathed?” Lord Capulet does not allow her time to rebuke his claims, too enraged to take a breath. “I will not have the prestige of my house be defeated by wayward children. Rest assured, dear niece, your fiance will be back within Verona’s walls before too long.”
Silvestro's head guard enters the dining room with trepidation, a man in Montague red trailing behind him. “My Lord, forgive me for the intrusion but the Lord Montague has offered his men’s services in retrieving his heir.”
“For once the man is good for something.” Lord Capulet mutters before nodding at the men. “Both of you, join me in my chambers. We can further discuss a course of action. And you, Rosaline.” He says, finger pointing through the air. “You are not to leave this house, understood? I will not be organizing two search parties today.”
Rosaline does not say a word against him, simply excuses herself from the table and briskly makes her way back to her room, where she finds Livia straightening her bedclothes. “Rosaline is something wrong?” Her sister asks when she notices the stricken look on Rosaline’s face.
“Benvolio has gone missing, Livia.” She explains, rushing to her trunk to grab her plain cloak.
“Surely you are not going after him!”  
“Of course not,” Rosaline says, throwing the cloak over her shoulders and fingering the clasp closed. “I am going to have an audience with the Prince.”
Prince Escalus read through a dispatch from his intelligence in Venice, where it seems the noble families are doing a marvelous job at rousing the city against Verona. He expects there will be a visit from the Duke of Venice soon enough, but hopefully all the unseemly feuding business will once again fall into the shadows of Vernonan society.
Confirmation that Benvolio Montague had left Verona left him feeling optimistic about the future of his city, and his relationship with Rosaline. With that blasted Montague out of the way, Escalus was confident he could convince Rosaline to forgive his misbegotten plans for peace and finally accept his hand. It was only a matter of time, really.
The commotion outside his office doors draws the Prince’s attention from his musings of future happiness. “My lady, I’m afraid I cannot allow you to enter his Grace’s chambers without due expectancy.”
“I must speak to the Prince immediately! If he is not at liberty to meet with me now, I am glad to wait until such a time occurs.”
The melodic voice of Rosaline Capulet compels him to go to open the door. “Rosaline? What are you doing here?”
Escalus has never seen Rosaline look quite so angry as she does at this moment. She is a hurricane made flesh as she straightens her shoulders and the entirety of her wrathful gaze falls upon him. “Prince Escalus, we have business to discuss regarding my fiance.”
He finds himself stepping aside for the lady to enter, despite the inkling in his mind that he is not wholly safe alone with a woman quite so furious as Rosaline Capulet is at this moment. Still, Escalus is a prince, a politician, and as such has faced much worse opponents than an indignant Rosaline. She will see the validity of his actions, he is sure of it. Escalus takes a deep breath and turns from the door to face her, “Rosaline-”
“No. I do not wish to listen to your empty words. You will listen to me, for once in your life!”
“Then please, proceed.”
“I know you had something to do with Benvolio’s appearance. I do not know why you saw fit to interfere further into our affairs than you already have and I find myself unable to care. I wish to have my fiance returned to me, immediately.”
Escalus’s eyes narrow at the tender way Rosaline’s lips form the words ‘my fiance’. Surely she has not developed real feelings for the bastard. “How do you know he did not flee Verona of his own volition? Young Montague is not particularly known for his virtuous personality. It is possible that the thought of being tied to one woman for the rest of his days was a burden Montague could not bear.”
“You do not know him as I do, your Grace. Benvolio has more honor than people give him credit for.”
The emotion in Rosaline’s voice is much too real. He finds himself shedding the mantle of Prince, once again becoming the man who stood beneath a maiden’s balcony in hopes of winning her affections. Only this time it appears he is on the losing side. “Rosaline, you cannot possibly have...significant emotions for him.”
Rosaline draws herself up, her eyes a fierce blaze of feeling. “Not that it is any business of yours, your Grace, but I can assure you that the feelings I have for Benvolio are genuine, and reciprocated.”
The fight nearly leaves him at her words. He never meant to cause her harm. “I apologize for the pain I have caused you, Rosaline. I believed my decision to be in your best interest.”
Rosaline scoffs, crossing her arms, an incredulous expression on her face. “Please spare me the niceties! You were acting in no one’s interest but your own. You banished a man from his city because he was betrothed to a woman you fancy. Yet, was it not you who bound us in the first place?!”
“Of course that is not the only reason! I am the ruler of Verona, I cannot afford to be led by such emotion. I made the decision to join your houses because I believed it was the best option for peace in Verona. Obviously, peace is as in reach as it was before you were betrothed to him. I observed this and concluded that the only realistic solution is to return Verona to the way it was. Don’t you see? The only way for peace to come back to our streets is if your betrothal to Benvolio Montague is nullified.”
“And it would make you appear foolish if you were to publicly admit your mistake by allowing us to break our engagement...”
“Exactly.” Escalus sighs, happy that she understands his reasoning. “The only solution was for Montague to leave Verona in disgrace. The people remain confident in my abilities, everything goes back to normal, and...you are free.”
“I do not need you, or any man for that matter, to give me my freedom. I am not a damsel in need of saving and my betrothal is not a mistake that requires rectification. You will return my fiance to me or I will be forced to find him myself.”
“Regardless of your feelings on the matter, this is still the best decision for Verona. I cannot allow Benvolio Montague back within the gates of this city.”
Rosaline looks away for barely a second before meeting his eyes once more and giving him a resolute nod. “If you will not bring Benvolio back then I will simply have to go to him.” She turns back towards the door, already making plans about how best to take a horse from her uncle’s stables.
“Rosaline, be practical!”
“Oh, your Grace?” Rosaline says, looking over her shoulder at him as she opens the door. “This marriage means a great deal to both house Capulet and house Montague. In fact, right now both Lords are working together to bring Benvolio back to Verona so he can honor his promise. It seems that you have united the houses of Capulet and Montague after all. Congratulations.” With one last vindictive smirk in his direction, Rosaline strides out of his sight, leaving Escalus alone with all of his good intentions.
He makes it as far as Bussolengo before he gives in and asks locals for directions to the nearest tavern. It’s not long before he’s sat in the darkest corner of a filthy room, drinking away his sorrows. Benvolio truly cannot believe his luck. Losing his two best friends in the entire world to a blood feud only to be forced into an engagement with a woman he barely knew. Then he had the great misfortune to go and fall in love with her! Something only realized upon his immediate banishment from Verona. “Truly a charmed life you lead, old boy.” Benvolio mutters, not caring in the least if any passersby hear him talking to himself. 
Truthfully, as much as it hurt to leave his wonderful, vibrant city, the only thought in his head is the look on Rosaline’s face as he climbed down the trellis. She had looked so happy, truly glowing, and it had all been because of him. Yet, he would never see her again. All Benvolio had left of her were his memories, precious moments that seem all too fleeting now.
With a kind of morbid humor, Benvolio allows himself to ponder how his beloved is handling the news of his abrupt departure. Rosaline is a beauty masking a storm of emotion like no one he has ever known. No doubt she is cursing his name, making plans to petition God to smite him the moment she becomes Sister Rosaline. That is, of course, if the Prince doesn’t ask for her hand first. “Best not think about that...” He says, taking another long drink of the piss poor ale.
“Did you say something, sir?” The wench asks with a flirty tilt of the head.
Benvolio looks at her, clinically noting that she is the kind of woman he’d be working to charm into his bed. After having that single taste of Rosaline, however, he is convinced that no other woman will ever do. She is engrained into his very being and Benvolio cannot imagine that will ever change. He gives the girl a vapid smile, “Nothing to worry yourself over, love. Although I would not refuse another cup of ale.”
“As you like.” She says, walking away to the kitchens to fill his order.
He slumps against the wall, closing his eyes against the nausea that threatens to overtake him. Distasteful though it may be, the tavern’s ale is doing its job. Benvolio’s senses are dulled to the point of delusion. His stomach turns even as his mind conjures up a perfect replica of Rosaline’s beautifully concerned voice trying to pull him from his alcohol induced stupor. “Benvolio?”
He passes out with a smile on his face.
When he comes to there is a cold compress over his eyes and a warm hand running through his hair. Benvolio is gathering his strength to object to the wench’s attentions when she starts faintly humming. The voice unmistakably belongs to Rosaline, but since he does not think that he drank himself to death, that simply cannot be. Grumbling to himself, Benvolio pulls the compress from his eyes, prepared to see anyone but the woman he loves. The angry expression on his face goes slack when he is met with lovely dark eyes beset in a face he aches to sketch. 
Rosaline, he thinks, wanting to sigh her name like a lovestruck child. Instead Benvolio hears his voice say “What are you doing here?” with far too much forcefulness to be considered loving.
The rapid change in Rosaline’s expression confirms his thoughts. “What am I doing here? I came to find you!”
“Well, here I am.” He says sardonically, moving to sit up on the bed. “Right where I am supposed to be, unlike you.”
“Where you are supposed to be is Verona, not this dirty tavern.” She sneers, eying the soiled sheets of the cot he is on. “I know what the Prince did, but we can figure it out. He won’t be able to hurt us.”
“I can’t go back there, Rosaline.” Benvolio exhales the words, feeling utterly exhausted at the thought of participating in Vernonan subterfuge just to have the opportunity at peace. Their efforts would probably fail magnificently, in any case.
“Don’t be ridiculous! You can and you will! I’m not losing my fiance to petty, thoughtless politics. Escalus was just being rash. He did not think about the consequences of banishing you. Right at this moment, our families are working together to drag you back to Verona. Our uncles have too much to gain from our marriage. They will not stand for this kind of interference. None of this is working in his favor! And the moment the Princess finds out what he has done, he’ll all but scurry to right his wrongs.” His reaction is much less than what Rosaline was hoping for. Benvolio can hardly meet her eyes, still unwilling as ever to believe good things can happen to him. The smile on her face fades. “Unless- do you not wish to return?”
His eyes snap up to meets hers, incredulous. “Rosaline...I would give anything to be able to have a life with you. Believe that.” Benvolio says softly, taking her hand in his. “But I do not wish for that life to be brim with toil and intrigue. If we are to be together, I would see us happy.”
She grins at her beloved’s sweetness. Oh, this man will never allow her heart a restful moment. “I daresay I could be happy anywhere, so long as I was with you.” Rosaline finally whispers, cupping his cheek. Benvolio minutely turns his head to press a kiss to her palm. Her heart flutters once more. “You must have faith, Benvolio. We can accomplish anything if we work together.”
Benvolio gazes at the woman before him, awestruck, unable to believe that he has been given the chance to love her. “Rosaline Capulet, you are a marvelous woman.”
Her answer smile is twinkling and utterly beautiful. “And you are a good man, Benvolio Montague. Truly.”
“From your lips to God’s ears, my dear.” He smiles cheekily, not quite believing her but knowing better than to doubt her judgment. If Rosaline says he is a good man than he must be.
“Come, we should away. Livia will be furious that I left without telling her.” Rosaline says, pulling him up from the bed. “Do you think you can ride? I don’t want to stay in this rotting place any longer than necessary.”
“Just a moment, Rosaline.” Benvolio says, coming to a halt before she can open the door.
“What? Oh.” Rosaline stops short when she notices his nearness, nearly shivering when she feels the heat of his palm at her waist. To think she very nearly lost this sensation of completion just by his sheer proximity. How tragic such a loss would have been. “Benvolio...” She murmurs, unsure of how to complete her thought. There are none.
“Rosaline,” Her beloved smirks, eyes sparkling with adoration. “If I promised to never leave your side again, would you kiss me?”
“Yes.” She breathes and surges forward to claim his lips before he can waste any more time on words.
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jonsastan · 5 years
Occasionally I forget this is a secondary blog, so if you see lilzipop replying to posts and shiz, it’s me ❤️
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fy-au · 7 years
Hi! I've found an aesthetic moodboard(?) post about Anne Shirley in Hogwarts, and I think it's both genius and amazing, and I thought... your askbox might be a good place to sguee about it? Anyway, it's here: lilzipop(.)tumblr(.)com/post/161678094648/anne-shirley-ravenclaw-aesthetic-its-such-an and she's a Ravenclaw in it, and I'm a little bit in love with the fifth pic. Thanks for your time and patience and have a nice day!
Ohhhh that’s one lovely graphic! I wish I could squee about it more with you but I remember practically nothing about Anne from Green Gables (my childhood is one blank page to me). I was intrigued about the new TV show but I heard pretty mixed reviews from ppl I follow so :/ Anyways, thank you for sharing this mini crossover with us ♥ I put it in the queue so it should pop up soon. Thanks again, and lovely day to you too!
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royalcordelia · 5 years
I bet Gilbert would be the god father!! I would die if he babysat the baby with anne
Oh, for sure. It’s not like there’s many other people around Avonlea. Actually, @lilzipop​ mentioned something vaguely like this in her tags of the first ask! Wanna hop in, girl? 
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ifwerefree · 10 years
lilzipop replied to your post “I have a job interview on Thursday I’m so nervous”
You will be charming! Good Luck!
thanks :) xoxo
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