#limbo! barnaby
ghostrealmgatekeeper · 10 months
Well you see uh...I...don't really deal with Homes sorry.
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*Glitch sighs softly, laying down in one of the spare beds while wearing the necklace and closing his eyes.*
“Please work….”
*He murmurs softly, before drifting to sleep.*
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beneaththemultiverse · 9 months
-oh look a grey dog randoml appeared and he's freaking out- ~ @ghostrealmgatekeeper
*The 100 foot long Dogfish lets out a soft, curious rumble, before slowly swimming up to the new visitor.*
*He stops halfway through speaking, his eyes now wide.*
“… me..?”
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Hey...Lovebug are ya here? -knocks on door to the cold room- ~ @ghostrealmgatekeeper
*She opens the door, wrapped in a blanket. He still looks a bit sick and under the weather, but the melting seems to have stopped for now.* "Limbo! I heard you've melted, are you alright now? Also, its good to see you." *She looks concerned for him, but smiles softly*
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envelopesofbadluck · 9 months
~inside the place~
-sigh- I really wish that he just settled on staying in my world, I could've gave him so much more than what these awful places have offered him...I'd be a better boss...an at least somewhat decent guardian...he'd get all the attention he wants...he could've lived like a prince but I can't force him to I suppose
-insert a certain bebe crawling on limbo curiously-
Oh- uh hey lil guy...what's your name?
Oh..nice name kiddo
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gokuisahimbo · 11 months
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rainy days
(idk how to draw backrounds dont look to closely)
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scrapdogblues · 7 months
Soo can you tell us about your family and friends
"Family? Hell yea i can! Got a lil chart i made a bit ago. Friends? That's best kept a secret for a lil longer.."
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carito-dorito · 2 years
yeah it's 2 am and I'm still thinking about tnb2
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an-amalgamate-hound · 7 months
Whatcha drawing there, pal?
He holds up the picture. It has five people on it: himself, Dogfish, Limbo, Lovebug, and a Wally in purple and blue.
“Me…my siblings…and a friend!”
He smiles.
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ghostie-wally · 11 months
I had a friend who had a furry dragon home Home before, reminds me of you, that's why
[oh.. do i want to know how many Homes there are out there? this is like, my second day outside my original universe..] [but no, im just me, I got turned into a fuckin pokemon-] *he looks out around the void of limbo's realm* [the barnaby that runs this place fuckin got me q.q]
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The neighborhood map changed again! I'm not sure if the black thing (to borrow a Madeline L'Engle term) under Home has grown anymore. Some things I notice are Poppy's house's windows shut, Barnaby's pawprints, vines growing on the roof of Frank's house, and lots of sidewalk chalk doodles presumably from Julie (and maybe Wally drew Frank's face?).
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I've noticed subtle changes to the neighborhood in previous updates too, but with more continuing to happen, as well as content we've gotten this Halloween update, I have a feeling these neighborhood changes are more... current than we might have previously thought.
This is a bit of a long shot, but I think everyone in Welcome Home is active, at least somewhat. Some characters are more aware than others. Maybe they're "waking up"; we've had two puppets, Wally through his doodles and Sally through the Halloween record, speak directly to us now.
In the secret bug audio, found on the transcript page for the Halloween record, the puppets mention that the spooky storytelling went well, as if it's a direct follow-up to the Halloween record. It's a discrepancy, sure, but perhaps not an unfounded one. Maybe the neighborhood's stuck in some sort of limbo between the present and the past, and only now, with the WHRP, Q/A, and us discovering it, is it literally reviving in front of our eyes.
correct me if i'm wrong, but uh - weren't all of those map details present from before the halloween update? i'm looking at these screenshots and my older captures of the map to compare, but i can't find any differences. i'm pretty sure the map's the same, aside from julie and frank's character cards changing to make it more explicit that they were intended as a couple in-universe (haha, knowing what we know, that's not worrying at all. /s)
anyways, to get to the Meat of this ask: i don't sally was speaking to us in the storybook record, just the neighbors As A Group, but i definitely think this update makes it a Lot more likely that home (the town) kind of exists, like, Outside of linear time? that it isn't so much that there's a divide between the stuff that was produced Then and what we see in the present day so much as it is that the stuff that the WHRP is uncovering is like, a window into what's going on in home Right Now, whether they realize it or not (and something may be actively blocking them from realizing??? not sure if it's that or if it's simply willful ignorance; i suppose we'll see.)
i'm reminded of a couple posts i made a little while ago, about the possibility that welcome home as a proper show never Actually existed, and the stuff that the WHRP's digging up is welcome home's attempts to will itself into reality anyway, for lack of a better description. but it also suffers from being tethered to a single person/group of people's Vision of it instead of being allowed to be an ever-evolving thing, or only being allowed to evolve in a Specific way. i dunno. i just kept thinking about that the entire time i was reading through this update.
anyways i'm also thinking about the way wally's eye-eating ability was represented in that post-storybook tape. i kind of like that it seems to be almost Overwhelming for him, like he hasn't gotten much of an opportunity to try it out before (if he's gotten any opportunity) and is like "oh. Oh. Oh. I Get It Now. holy shit." i don't have much to add onto that and that's just how i see it as of the time of this writing, but i would feel foolish if i didn't make note of it for later.
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ghostrealmgatekeeper · 9 months
*Friend came by, having held news of what happened to Limbo*
"He never quits, does he?"
I...don't even know if he can recover this time...-he is trying his best not to panic but he's very shaky-
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*Lovebug walks through glitch's realm again, looking around for any sign of limbo or glitch. Oh his back, she carries valentine, because she kept slipping on the different textured surface*
"Glitch? Limbo? Are you guys still 'ere?"
*Glitch is still somewhat asleep, curled up on the bed, his fan now fully off, while Limbo is rolling around as a Y/N starts to build him a pillow fort of some kind.*
@things-nobody-asked @ghostrealmgatekeeper
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beneaththemultiverse · 7 months
*yeets @ghostrealmgatekeeper into the depths*
“Hello, brother… do you want to talk?”
*Dogfish asks gently, softly catching Limbo in his paws.*
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Man, Glitch seems a bit overprotective, don't ya think?
"Well, im sure glitch had a very good reason too kick me and limbo out. But maybe just a bit overprotective? Im sure he has a good reason for that too, i mean, i just met him so i don't know much."
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envelopesofbadluck · 11 months
/limbo barnaby by Lushy who I can't tag for some reason
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