*Lovebug walks through glitch's realm again, looking around for any sign of limbo or glitch. Oh his back, she carries valentine, because she kept slipping on the different textured surface*
"Glitch? Limbo? Are you guys still 'ere?"
*Glitch is still somewhat asleep, curled up on the bed, his fan now fully off, while Limbo is rolling around as a Y/N starts to build him a pillow fort of some kind.*
@things-nobody-asked @ghostrealmgatekeeper
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magic anon! lovebug has perma freeze so his/her body is always solid and he/she never needs to worry about melting
"Oh! This is nifty, but uhm...i can't exactly move."
*She's litterally frozen soild, his bottom paws stuck to the ground. So, shes stuck.*
"..well, this is.. uncomfortable. Not enjoyable at all."
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yeet-mcgee · 1 year
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I love her so much, you have no idea-
Lovebug!Barnaby by @romanticscribblingof-alovedbug
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scrapdogblues · 7 months
Soo can you tell us about your family and friends
"Family? Hell yea i can! Got a lil chart i made a bit ago. Friends? That's best kept a secret for a lil longer.."
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annemissingshoe · 1 year
Gift for my friend
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lacunajulie · 1 year
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"Hey, we've been introduced before, but im just here to give a little gift! Just as an extra hi."
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an-amalgamate-hound · 7 months
Whatcha drawing there, pal?
He holds up the picture. It has five people on it: himself, Dogfish, Limbo, Lovebug, and a Wally in purple and blue.
“Me…my siblings…and a friend!”
He smiles.
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cant scribble it out bc its too Involved but here's a Laughingstock thought that just feels Right:
im imagining them sitting down and going through a list of pet names to use for each other. like Howdy has a clipboard, Barnaby's sitting across the counter, they're going through the list and striking out the ones that don't work. playfully teasing each other about certain suggestions, losing it over a Bit where they try to call each other the names in the most sickeningly sweet lovey-dovey voices and see who cracks first, mutually making fun of some options, getting flustered when they find one they like. yeah <3
#also for some reason my brain is latching onto howdy calling barnaby 'dove' i dont know why#it just feels right that they'd actually make a List and go through it#in my mind they got julie to whip up the list for them since i feel like she'd have Ideas and Knowledge on the subject#maybe she goes around the neighborhood and asks everyone for suggestions#its a very casual yet domestic scene in my mind...#chatting over the counter As They Do (their love language <3). howdy with his clipboard & barnaby with his soda#every once in a while Howdy has to step away to tend to (scam) a customer and barnaby watches with no small amount of fondness#at some point wally comes by and asks what theyre doing & Learns Something New#an exchange i have in my mind is:#howdy - making a suggestion: Darling?#wally: yes?#howdy: ...#barnaby: ....#howdy: *scratches out endearment* that'd be a no#laughingstock#maybe... maybe barn calls howdy 'lovebug'#other ones i think fit are like... 'steady' (mutually used) & 'doll/angelface' (howdy @ barn) & 'handsome/gorgeous' & pal (romantic)#i also feel like they'd have fun making up stuff on the spot#absolutely random words. its a running bit they have#they call each other literally the first thing they can think of - cereal. jam jar. sponge. freshly squeezed lemonade. lawnmower#im not very funny but They Would Be about it#another running joke i think they'd have#would be using more 'traditional' pet names around others just to get the Exasperated Sighs and Annoyed Groans#but then as soon as they're being serious about its the most random weirdest endearments you've ever heard#and its rarely the same one twice#OUGH I HAVE SO MANY EMOTIONS ABOUT THEMMMMM
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*Lovebug from one of her rare outings from the cold room stumbles apon new beginnings room, seeing her look in the mirror. He knocks on the open door.* "NB?"
Oh uh yes? -looks at lovebug-
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jabberwockprince · 1 year
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yes I caved in, here's my Welcome Home ARG OCs - Paige & Tabby Trouble <3 (ft Barnaby and Zircon, @raetreaderarts's OC)
the idea I had for these two is that they're meant to be characters original and exclusive to a potential Welcome Home cartoon show that was in the making (which explains why there's no puppets of them) but got scrapped or maybe it never aired - Paige and Tabby were created to appeal to older kids who were more into whacky characters like Tom & Jerry, and to cause more action and shenanigans within the neighbourhood
more info abt them under the cut!
I designed them with the idea of. yknow. when cartoons have remakes or reboots and extra characters are added to appeal to the current generations, but they're a little disconnected from the original cast that it causes old fans to IMMEDIATELY dislike them? so it causes this rift of "OH IM A FAN OF THE OLD WELCOME HOME!!" kinda vibe.
Paige runs the local library (which also doubles as the siblings' house) and has a one-sided rivalry with Frank. Paige is ALSO implied to have been just as reckless and wild as their sibling Tabby, but "mellowed out" after moving to Home <3 the running joke is that they act very strict, elegant and mysterious but lose their marbles very easily.
Tabby is an energetic prankster who never grew out of their mischevious phase, most of their pranks end up causing a lot of trouble for everyone involved instead - which they're forced to fix at the very end. Since Paige is trying to clean up their act, Tabby feels like they have to make up for it with double shenanigans. They lie a lot for fun and love to play sports.
I imagine the educational aspect would still remain somewhat, so Paige would teach useful school stuff like using planners, making to-do lists, library etiquette, etc. And Tabby would urge kids to stay physically active because of all the sports they play, the rules of most games (with their own TWIST!!!) and so on. BUT ALSO!!!
they're NYANBINARY rep and meant to help kids explore and normalize queerness - some cats are neither girls nor boys, some are both, some are more and they're still the coolest cats in the neighbourhood, nothing wrong with that <3
I also like to think that Tabby really looks up to Barnaby since he's the resident clown and that they get along with Sally and often volunteer to help. Or rather, that Tabby likes to volunteer to help their neighbours with anything, so a lot of scripts were about them helping others like, Howdy at the store or Eddie with the mail, Sally with her plays etc - but they always leave things halfway through because they have the attention span of a fly.
And Paige really gets along with Polly and Eddie because "they're good influences" and it makes them feel all grown up to hang out with responsible people.
i love these dumb sibling kitties so much oughhhh
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Back in the year of the early 2000’s, a programmer came across the Restoration Project of the 70’s/80’s Welcome Home tv show. They ended up loving Welcome Home so much that they decided to make a game based off of it and ended up making a dating simulator!
The game was simple:
You could hang out with any of the characters in the dating sim and try to form some kind of relationship! Whether it be platonic or romantic. The dateable cast is as follows:
Wally Darling
Barnaby B. Beagle
Sally Starlet
Julie Joyful
Eddie Dear*
Frank Frankly*
Poppy Partridge
Howdy Pillar
*(Frank and Eddie would already be a married couple, but you would be able to be get into a polyamorous relationship if convinced enough.)
The more you hang out and get to know more about a particular character, the more romantically involved you and said character would become. (Ya know, typical dating sim mechanics.)
After some time, the game was finished, the programmer decided to do a test run of the game using Wally as their person of interest.
At the time, everything was all fine and dandy. Until our dear programmer fell victim to the dreaded ILOVEYOU Virus. They lost almost everything on their computer. They had also made the mistake of having all the files and coding on that same computer. Thankfully, nothing seemed to be lost or ruined in either the files or the codes. Or so they thought…
When they went to check up on the game, they noticed a few…. changes…
The game would randomly glitch whenever they were talking to the Wally character. And other times, it would somehow glitch back to Wally when talking to a completely different character. They tried rewriting the code and double checking the files for the game but it ended up making it worse or the results would end up the same: Fruitless..
Eventually, that programmer gave up on trying to save the game. They put it in storage and ended up moving on with other things in life and completely forgetting about the game in general.
Lets say… some odd years later, you end up finding game at some random garage sale. You ended up buying it and bringing it home to play, mainly because you were genuinely curious about it in general, but also mainly because you were bored and had nothing else interesting left to do that day. So, after getting back home, you pop it into the computer and load it up.
For such an old game, it surprisingly loaded quickly with ease!
After loading, the intro screen presents itself and you begin to play.
Your character starts off talking with Wally. Everything is fine up until a certain point. Whenever you finally got around to flirting with the Wally character is when things started glitching.
Whenever a different character and Wally were on the screen at the same time, tiny glitches would happen that would make Wally look like he was talking DIRECTLY at you. Other times it would make it look as if Wally would take a quick glimpse at you. Not the you in-game character, but YOU.
After a bit you started to get creeped out, so you decided to turn off the computer and take out the game, thinking that would be the end of it.
If only you know how oh so wrong you were about that…
That night, after had gone off to bed, your computer turned itself back on. It starts glitching out. Then finally after a few agonizingly seconds, a glitched out silhouette of Wally starts to slowly appear amongst the glitches…
(Each character acts differently in their own way. They each have their own personality, traits and quirks. It mainly all depends on how you interact with everyone!)
FJSHFKSJD Sorry if this comes out kinda weird. I’m not the best at writing things like this lol
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lovelybunn · 1 year
some hugs n cuddles !ㅤ- feat. howdy, barnaby and eddie
warning(s): none.
author's note: y'know i just HAD to feed on the delusional fantasy by writing for the big boy trio... (also this is lowkey established relationship)
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🐛  howdy pillar .
Howdy whistles contently to himself while organizing the shelves of his store. His work is cut short by the familiar jingle of the bell at the entrance, alerting him of your presence.  “Howdy, neighbor, welcome to my bodega! Anything you need, I got it for ya. How can I be of service?” Howdy greets you with a warm smile as you step inside.
You walk up to the front counter and clear your throat. “I know this is not what you're currently selling, but…” Howdy's big, buggy eyes twinkled, “What is it? I can get it in stock in a jiffy, if you'd like!” You awkwardly press your lips into a thin line and exclaim, “It's not a product.” 
“Oh?” He pauses. “Then what is it?” He asks slowly, the gentle baritone of his voice flowing through your eardrums. His eyebrows furrow and antennae shuffle with worry. You snicker and wave your hand dismissively, “Hey, don't give me that look! I wanted a hug!”
The frown on his fluffy face soon molded into a bright smile. "Oh, then why didn't ya just say that, lovebug?" He rushes over from behind the counter and swoops you off your feet. Howdy's lower pair of arms kept you up as he wraps his upper pair around your waist. He gently squeezes you close. "You're the cutest, (Name)!" The two of you giggle, giving sweet butterfly kisses against each other's noses.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤheadcanons !
getting cuddles/hugs from this man is absolute heaven for ppl that are chronically touch starved (like me—)
howdy's two pairs of arms will give all the affection anyone would need in their entire life. like boy will have two arms wrapped around your waist, one hand caressing your cheek, and the last one intertwined with your fingers <333
he doesn't wanna bend over, so he'll pick u up alot tho… (he's old and carries boxes all the time, his back don't need all that, alr?)
he's very soft. he has fur/fluff. (yes, i am basing that off of clownsuu's design, and what?)
and i feel like he would just love holding you anyway. ur just so small compared to him and he wants to protect you, y'know?
i personally see howdy being the papa of the neighborhood, taking care of everyone alongside poppy (but he's a lil bit more strict than she is about it lmao)
hear me out on this one guys…. i know that most ppl portray him as this chatterbox, but he knows how and when to listen. 
howdy will make sure that u never feel unheard or unloved, the sweet boy will make it his mission to put a smile on that adorable face of urs
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🌭 barnaby b beagle .
Barnaby slouches in the bench chair and sighs. He takes a bite out of his hotdog when his eyes trail to a familiar face, walking up to him. "Ah, ey, kiddo. Whatchu want?" He gives you a relaxed smile. "I wanted to ask you for something."
He tilts his head, eyebrow raised. "Hmm? Go on, I got time." You take in a deep breath, "Hey Barnaby, Can you…" You pause as he leans closer to you. "Can you hold me? I've had kinda a rough day, and you're my go-to." He takes the last bite of his hotdog and pats his lap. " 'Course, kid. You can stay as long as you like."
Just as soon as you get his permission, you're sitting with your back towards him, his big paws placed gently across your belly. His plump figure makes it easy for you to practically sink into him like a fresh new couch. He hums a contented tune near your ear; your face warms up into a joyful grin.
Barnaby glances at you, "Ey, kiddo." You hum in response. "Y'know, I think Sally got a little bit of some competition; your smile alone could light up this whole neighborhood." You roll your eyes, a slight snicker escaping from your lips. "You're just saying that to make me feel better." He held you closer, shaking his head. Barnaby's large thumb caresses the palm of your right hand, tracing circles around its surface. "Nah, hon. It's all truth. I mean, ya must be some kinda treat, cuz I always catch myself gawking at the sight of you."
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤheadcanons !
boy's soft and plump like a giant life size pillow fr <3333 (human or dog ver, idc)
for dog ver, he loves being scratched behind his big ol ears !!!
gives bear hugs unintentionally
does that circle thing with ur palm
the dog be cooking tho. no, fr, he is the best cook in the neighborhood (and his love language is literally food) so if u need some support, he'll whip it up and serve it to u on a silver platter !!
also puns for days.. he wants to make everyone smile and laugh, u included. barnaby cannot stand a frown on a fellow neighbor's face.
Uncle-That-Smokes-Weedcore ™
he gives the best advice (when he wants to, that is. sometimes he'll say something stupid to see if whoever he gave the advice to will actually do it ;D) why do u think wally tells the man everything?
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💌 eddie dear .
Eddie quickly walks to the door of his post office, filled with gratitude for another great hard day's work. As soon as he walks through the door, you rush over to give him a tender embrace. He chuckles, “Hey there, darlin'! Did my babydoll miss me?” With your face buried in his chest, you muffle out a "Mhm." Eddie's face beams, patting your back. "Well, I missed you too, honey." He places three soft kisses on you, one on your forehead, and the other two on either cheek.
Eddie tries to move forward, but you don't budge. Your arms are glued tight to him. "Uh, darlin'...? I– I gotta get unready, y'know? Please let go of me." He chuckles nervously. He tries to sneakily pull your arms away, but you speak before he's given the chance. "You've been gone all day, dear. Can't I hug you a little while longer?" You look up at him. The pleading look in your eyes melts the poor mailman's heart within seconds. "Alright, alright, fine! But just for a few minutes. I'd like to change into less sweaty clothes at some point."
The two of you just relax there for a moment, limbs wrapped delicately around each other. Absent-mindedly, Eddie guides you into somewhat of a slow dance, and your bodies sway back and forth as you and Eddie sink deeper into one and other's touch. After about a minute, he kisses your forehead again, then pulls away. "You satisfied, love?" You smile and nod slowly, "Yes, very."
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤheadcanons !
smooches for dayssss
most days this golden retriever man will lift u up, spin u around and DROWN U in kisses, but (obv) on busier days, hes a lot more relaxed about it
his love language is words of affirmation (so lots of pet names if u couldn't tell)
hand-holding at all times (when given opportunity)
is it weird that i see eddie and frank as my gay parents? (yeah we ARE the two gay married men w/ their autistic child trope.)
eddie would be that crazy country dad who would with zero hesitation pull a gun on someone hurting his baby
but fr, if u were feeling sad boy would pull out the arts and crafts and go bonkers with it. like "awh, yer sad??? let's make origami butterflies to make u feel better c:"
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Hii this is an ask blog for Lovebug!Barnaby! I dont have any lore set in stone yet, but here are the basics:
She uses she/him pronouns and is a lesbian :33
Very very old, probably around...centuries?
Smells like chocolate!! The bite marks are from people trying to eat him (very, very bad idea)
Very romantic fella!! Mostly makes sweets that helps with romance or platonic things!
100% hopeless romantic!!
She's also about 8'6. So, very very tall...
(11/26/2023 UPDATE)
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REF AND CHARACTER MADE BY @annemissingshoe / @annelostshoe
A wally has been added to the mix! Meet Valentine!Wally, or if you prefer Asmodeus Toffee-Fudge Wallence!
She uses she/her pronouns
Pretty new, all things considered!
Made of Caramel and Peanut butter!
Lesbian :33
Kimda just chills with lovebug!
Certified Rizzler /j
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sketchquill · 11 months
Corpse Bride au
Y/N: !
Wally: New arrival?
Barnaby: Why hey there bud! The names Barnaby B. Beagle! What's yer name?
Eddie: Uh- Eddie Dear?
Frank: (out of screen) EDDIE?!
Eddie: F-Franky?!
Frank: ACK-- (trying to move though the crowd, pushing multiple people in the process) Move! Outta the way! Outta the way! Dead gay coming through!
Eddie: (hugs him) Oh Frank! I thought I'd never see you again! I missed you so much, lovebug!
Frank: (hugs back) I missed you too, letterbear. Promise me we'll never part.
Eddie: I double promise, dear!
Y/N: Aww
Wally: Frank and Eddie are together again!That's the most!
LMAO! Frank on his way to his husband be like:
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jades-fanfics · 1 year
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Howdy x sleepy!reader(gender neutral :3)
TW/CWs: petnames
It was a normal day in welcome home, and you were helping howdy at the store, but you seemed..tired, probably bc you were up all night
Howdy realized that you looked tired, and he began to walk up next to you
“Hey, sweets! You doing okay?”
Howdy asked politely, as he planted a small kiss on you’re forehead
You looked up at him as he gave you the kiss and yawned a bit, smiling.
“I’m doing fine lovebug, Just a bit tired.”
You said in a very quiet tone, looking like you’ll fall asleep at any given moment
Howdy paused for a minute, than scooped you up in his arms
“You’re going into the break room and taking a rest than, I’ll take over the shop from here, my love.”
Howdy was serious, but he didn’t sound like he was mad..just worried for you and you’re health.
After you heard what he said, you tried to get out of his arms, but failed horribly-
“Howdy! Noo!! I need to help out with-“
You paused at your sentence when realized you were already in the break room, and felt howdy wrapping a blanket over you and laying you down.
“Dear, please just rest for 30 minutes, it’s unhealthy to not get any rest, so please?”
Howdy asked calmly, giving you a small kiss on the cheek.
You mumbled, and howdy smiles softly
“Thank you, my love, now gets some rest, you deserve it.”
You fell asleep in howdys arms, and he couldn’t help but give you one more kiss.
“I love you.”
The end :3
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beneaththemultiverse · 9 months
*a portal opens and a clown is dropped into the water and the portal closes immediately* “f***” he curses loudly.. “and they have to do that to me why” juggling jack says as he swims to the shore or a shore close by to get out of said water
*There does not seem to be any physical water in this realm. Nor is there any shore or form of land. It is simply an empty void, similar to that of space, where forgotten scraps of paper and felt seem to float about. Despite the barren look, it is easy to breath here, and water-like sky now depicts a pink candy store of some kind.
But, no creature seems to notice the new puppet.
Not yet.*
[Current sky is depicting @romanticscribblingof-alovedbug ‘s realm for Lovebug! Barnaby. Simply referencing the other askblog, not including them into the rp.]
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