sentient-meatpile · 1 year
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i got around to drawing 2 ids for limbus!taii
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okawarihappylife · 1 year
🙏 (I would LOVE to hear the Taii in Limbus thoughts) and also 🪞!
ok so basically now that we have more info in canto4:
post canon taii keeps living their life as a fixer (albeit a low ranking one) and is still looking for catt, at some point they get scouted by limbus (they promise them that they'll be able to find catt that way) and join the main sinner party
so a quick run down of some important relationships taii has w the sinners
ishmael: they're birds of a feather, on an eternal hunt to find someone from their previous job (tho ishmas is probably born out of hate taiis is love)
heath: longing for a loved one (whereas Cathy is probs gone, taii still has a chance, even if slight, to find their partner again)
Gregor: probably the most fun one (totally not because he's my blorbo) but canto1 is also a good setup for them, exploring the l corp ruins, Gregor talking about how it is to be a feather of a fallen wing, both of them taking yuris death badly. also there's a small line in wonderlab (titania/nobody is arc) where taii says they hope they don't grow any insectile joints which. heheh
sinclair: taiis a mentor figure to him, they know exactly what it's like to be a fledgling in a cruel cruel place
donqui: reminds them both of rose (strong sense of justice, talk about shaking the city's system) and flower (sillay)
their canto is very much the wonderlab facility dungeon w a party everlasting bossfight
also for 🪞 i need. NEED. either a sweeper or smiling masks id. i want the sinners to get fucked up
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buruhas · 11 months
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Limbus Company enlists the help of the Bloom Office
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loptimal · 1 year
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ohmewhatsthis · 8 months
Project Moon and The Infinite Loops Project
hi it's me back again with things that appeal to Me and Me Alone- or maybe not, considering the various PM quests on Sufficient Velocity? anyway, have a smattering of crossover thoughts
(i know the basics of TILP but i'm not an expert so if i'm wrong about something im sorry-)
It probably took a while to get the PM-verse looping at all. Considering the setting, finding Anchors would be a hard pressed task.
My suggestions (yes I have multiple) would be Binah and Vergilius.
Binah and Hokma are explicitly the only Sephirot to remember all the TT2 loops, and Binah especially has stated she is unable to go mad due to her mechanical body. Hokma has to die to become a Sephirot, so I'm less sure of him, but I think he'd Awaken after her in due time.
(i'm a bit worried about what might happen in LoR considering Binah needs to fight there but no one truly *dies* dies there so it's probably fine?)
Considering that Binah and the rest of the Library crew gets shunted out at the end of LoR though, I think Vergilius would serve as a good Anchor candidate (though I haven't read Leviathan yet so maybe it's less of a good idea-)
Speaking of Limbus, the Mirror seems like it could be tricky to work around since it can basically tap into different Loops, in a way; that said, it would be very funny if someone extracted a Naruto ID-
Also, Taii from Wonderlab, as an Anchor maybe? They are noted to be pretty psychologically stable and are strong enough to manifest their own E.G.O. What's staying my hand is the troubled state of the comic (while I don't think it's been made non canon, it was wiped off the internet) and the fact they're in a spin off.
The Head is absolutely Loop Aware, they just don't give a shit. Carmen might or might not be, but I don't think she'd stop herself from preying on Loopers (cough cough Sakura?) assuming someone doesn't grab her by the incorporeal neck and chokeslam her
In terms of crossovers, I have this one plot bunny where Twilight Awakens in place of X, with Moondancer as her Angela and her friends as the Sephirot. Because, if you think about it, the Seed of Light is just the multiverse's least ethical version of the Elements of Harmony (see also: Celestia Carmen (can't be any worse than CelestAI or that Slavequestria version))
Any Loopers that Loop in as abnos are going to be like, ALEPH and up, for sure, unless it's a Null loop.
The RWBY crew as a Fixer Office (Ruby Office?) or as Limbus sinners
I've said this before, but any of the Persona Loopers using Abnos as Personae or running into Carmen
that's all i have right now, feel free to add on, maybe i'll think of more later
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fefeman · 1 year
Supposedly, the party everlasting is still running around the city and pursued by Taii... So they could appear for an event or some chapter of Limbus
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player-1 · 11 months
Hell's Chicken recap (post Canto 4)
Not sure if anyone rewatched the Hell's Chicken cutscenes (especially after Canto 4), but I love the multiple hints and pain to any future Cantos. In semi-order, here's a few moments I caught:
-Yi Sang w. Samjo's infodump on the multi-winged/legged chicken delicacy of K Corp: Oh yes, I'm already aware of this (BECAUSE DONGRANG TOLD THEM IN Lo9!!)
-Don w. Bongy!Heathcliff: (Sniffles sadly) And here I was hoping to dress him up like Fixers del Artedecer Ardiente (Burning Sunset Fixers/Fixers of the Burning Art (Liu Assocation??)), there's no need to insult him so!
-Me on 20:57-22:13 after skimming Dream of Red Chamber's Wikipedia: Wtf, Hong Lu!? Now I know your family life sucks, but you don't be to be so blasé about it! You're just brushing it off like Don!! (Just check out Liu and Base ID Hong Lu for the hint :)
-Meursault w. Outis violently slapping Bongy!Heathcliff: The force of impacts is similar to a soldier interrogating a captive enemy (Outis...wtf kind of soldier were you!?)
-Sinclair w. Ryoshu insulting Gregor's cooking skills on the battlefield: :O She's speaking with full words for once! -Gregor getting a headache after Ryoshu threw down the Mr. Krabs insult.
-Outis prefers instant-made food...Enough said.
-Also Gregor: Come on Ishmael, don't listen to Rodion. You and I were as thick as thieves in the early days (Veteran bonding? Another hint of Dante going MIA before the main story or them being in the company for years before?) [25:43 Sees Ishamel join Ryoshu's side, easily hearing the pain in his voice] -I...-I feel so betrayed right now.
-Sinclair immediately understanding Ryoshu's acronyms down to a T without question (CHICK: Chirping hesitation isn't cool, kiddo and RAFTS: Restaurant already fated to shut) And many more). It's honestly ironic since book/Limbus Sinclair explains art and emotions extremely heavily while Ryoshu shortens it, but they still have that artistic appeal.
-Ryoshu channeling her inner Yoshihide and traumatizing any poor soul who witnesses her "artistic talent" (ie. Don witnessing the horrors she committed on the chicken kebab that she refuses to explain with words).
-Yi Sang getting nostalgic over spoiled milk he drank the day before and not getting sick from it, but also getting embarrassed if anyone implies he eats terribly-cooked food on a regular basis (mostly likely ate spoiled food in his captivity and probably not remembering how to cook for himself cause of Gubo): Oh honey :(
-Sinclair taking the mantle in Round 2 w. cooking (hassled by the mom group excluding Ishmael), probably because he cooked for himself (terribly though) after his family got prosthesis replacements: Oh honey! :(
-Everything about Yi Sang's potato monologue (and 48:05 for the nervous panic in his voice when Don throws it away), also his reference of shredding chicken with his hands as a custom in his hometown at 39:47 (S Corp/District 19, but there's no further info on it's culture or Singularity).
-Meursault after verbally butchering Don's dish: Yi Sang, if this is your particular taste in food, I personally ask you to throng my teeth and prong my tongue this instant. Yi Sang: ...I have no excuse. (Also on par with book Meursault being an accountant and being extremely thorough on explaining things with brutal honesty)
-The Limbus gang actually succeeding in turning a Distortion back into a human through sheer luck and bullshittery (even if it's w. Dante and Heathcliff's help, Taii and Moses will definitely have an aneurysm if they ever found out).
-Vergi spacing out the second Don kept explaining the story past going into Eubong's, and Charon taking the Bongy plush and puts it on her window! :D
If there's anything else I might've missed (or not wanting to clog up the post with a full list), feel free to comment.
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ahmedmootaz · 3 months
Hello ahmedmootaz! Good day to you!
You mentioned about possibly writing about Distortion Detective in one of your post about what you'll write after the Epilogues of Adventures in Parenthood.
Would you also be willing to write about the other supplementary materials aside from Distortion Detective like Leviathan and Wonderlab? Or maybe even about the Pianist's story in that one document that is now lost to time?
There are plenty of possibilities to explore in the extra material if you want to hold off on Limbus Company until all the Sinner backstories are revealed or want to wait til we get more lore drops.
Spoiler Warning
Distortion Detective: Moses, Ezra and Vespa can help trying to undistort Carmen the Distortion as well as YuRia sharing and comparing knowledge on EGO and Psychoment with the Library
Leviathan: Something related to Vergilius's old office and old orphanage before they both got wiped out by N Corp's taboo hunters/the Ring and Tomerry respectively or maybe about the formation of the Peccatulum and/or about the whole abnormalities bursting out of people if not about sins and the cool tech the Ring has
Wonderlab: Taii is still trying to find Catt in the Outskirts/Ruins where the Library resides not to mention all the other surviving former L Corp employees so they have a reason to visit the Library
Pianist's Story: Not too much to work with but it would be interesting to see Roland find out more about how a plain pianist became "The Pianist" that killed his wife
Dear Anonymous,
Hello and good day to you as well! It's always a pleasure to see asks revolving around other parts of the PMverse...even if I'm not too well-versed in them, ehehe.
Well, although I'm presently up-to-date with most of the supplementary PM works, I have to say that, unfortunately, they haven't gripped me quite as much as their mainline games, not to say that they are bad or unenjoyable, just not to my taste, for one reason or another. However as for writing about them or referencing them...well, that's another question, and I'll answer it in detail as I respond to all of your suggestions, but before I forget, I want to thank you for actually leaving those suggestions in the first place. Many thanks.
Also, when it comes to Limbus...I can't really tell whether or not I'm inspired to write a story that isn't just a self-centered 'let's rewrite what I don't like' type of 'Fic, at least for now, although that could also be due to me directing most of my writing inspiration towards AiP for now. Although I'm wondering if waiting to see the end of the game will make me more inspired to try and wrap up loose ends that PM will inevitably leave for us Fanfic writers, as they did with LC and LoR, ahah. Honestly though, at the rate I'm going with AiP, Limbus might be done by the time I finish...sorry for that.
Anyway, onto your suggestions!
When it comes to DD, I think that it has to be my favourite of the PM spinoffs/supplementary media. I followed it as it was released, although to be honest, the formatting of DD and its significant lack of punctuation or even quotation marks made it difficult for me to follow, although I followed through 'till the end when Moses was left alone. If I do write something with the DD cast, it'll likely be in reference to LoR or LC, as you suggested, and to be honest, your suggestion sounds the most likely for me to pick. A group of EGO seekers and Distortion hunters sounds right up my ally to write about, but to be honest, I barely have a grip of YuRia's character and a not-very-good grip on Ezra, too, so I may need to reread DD a few times to actually make sure I can write something like that, if I do ever get around to it.
When it comes to Leviathan, the concept sounds very, very intriguing. I do want to play around with the Ring and concept of offices and all of the intrigue that surrounds Vergilius' office in particular, the Ring, and Peccatulum in general...It's just that I read Leviathan the least of all of the spinoffs. I don't know why, but it never managed to grip me as much as the others, and I ended up caving in and then waiting for it to be done so I can read a synopsis and know what was going on with Garnet and the like and so I could discover that Vergil actually had E.G.O. and the like. But other than that...I have a very poor grasp over every single character except Vergil (maybe), and I'm not sure what exactly I can write on...although exploring the fates of the former Library guests like what happened with Tommery could be the thing I write about Leviathan, if I do get around to it, again.
As for Wonderlab...Although I do want to actually write something that explores the Outskirts, I feel I'm more likely to do it with the LoR cast than the Wonderlab cast...why? Well, I have no grasp over the characters. I read the comic once, and while I enjoyed it, I couldn't really get how each character functioned in a writing sense and I could never fully grasp them, alas, and reaching the comic now is not very simple due to the...recent events.
As for the very final suggestion...this is one I can, and if I have time, want to do. I do want to explore the Pianist better and further explore him as the first Distortion of sorts. It would also explore Carmen and her experience making the first Distortion, and the daily life of folks in the Backstreets and their stress...yes, this, I hope, I may be able to do one day.
Thank you very much for your suggestions, Anon! As always, AiP is taking a bit of time to be written, so...I don't know when, if ever, I'll get to those concepts, but still! Thank you for submitting them! Until next time, be well, take care, and see ya'!
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peachrote · 1 year
"do you really think taii would have become a grade 4 fixer by the time of limbus company" the abnormalities were literally quivering and hiding in fear from them in the second to last chapter.
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perpetual-pathos · 1 year
i need a new pfp help
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sentient-meatpile · 1 year
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limbus! taii. i miss them dearly :,)
transcript + some extra hcs:
Taii - no.14 - E.G.O: Rosa? idk yet - Still looking for Catt
- Mentor figure for Sinclair
-Don reminds them of Rose :,) (both have a strong sense of justice)
-World’s oddest friendship with Yi Sang and Faust
ramble under cut about the au
so after the funny silly shit that happened in o-5681. and a few years after taii commits some silly crimes while looking for catt (they parallel with ishmael with looking for someone so hard they become obsessed w it, tho ishmas is born from a desire for revange taii is just looking for someone they love) and eventually get scouted by limbus (still dont know if the criteria for being scouted is commiting a sin or manifesting ego or both) and due to being a L corp agent they already know whats going on (hence their ""friendship"" with faust who desperatly craves knowledge and yi sang whos. kinda chilling for now. i havent read leviantan..) 1st chapter they also take a liking to yuri since theyre both old l corp feathers!!! (taii takes her death a bit too personally since yknow. both their partners also getting fucked up by abnormalities). they also do like gregor (like yuri, feathers from a fallen wing) and has like a nice group grieving session (more like processing the shit ton of deaths they saw while working for a wing, woopsie!!)
i love taii. i love taii so dearly.
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servantofwrath · 1 year
11, 12 and 13 for the ask meme 🔥
number of fandom-related words you've filtered
none on tumblr, i don't think i actually use tumblr's blacklist function as much as i should.
the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
definitely beozzi from wonderlab, however, i wouldn't use them as an example since due to plurality and rp stuff the version i have of them in my head is different from wonderlab canon beozzi. however, i also really really love yuri from limbus, catt, and taii <3
worst blorboficiation
not blorbo specifically, but the fact that ppl tend to treat the humanoid abnormalities like they're human lite and the "animal-like" or tool abnormalities like they're Literally Animals and Objects. the Road Home is closer to the lion species-wise than it is to any of the agents, despite how much it looks like a human girl. also, on a similar note, while there are childlike abnormalities who are children because of their archetype, the Servant of Wrath isn't one of them. this isn't confirmed via Word of God, but we think the way she looks might be trying to allude to mascot-like characters in classic magical girl shows like Shugo Chara.
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Remind you of anything?
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imaginecorporation · 1 year
😭 - Which NPC(s) are your favorite so far? 🙏 - Any characters from the previous games you want to make a comeback? <- especially curious abt this one!
😭 - Which NPC(s) are your favorite so far?
Also a huge fan of Yuri, Aida, and the old G Corp. Head Manager.
🙏 - Any characters from the previous games you want to make a comeback?
Catt. Taii. I want to see the Bloom Office work with Limbus (AND LIVE!!!)
ALSO The Thumb!! I need to see mr. still-needs-a-booster-seat-in-cars again (Denis) <3
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okawarihappylife · 1 year
there is soon to be more limbus!taiis (<- most normal taiis enjoyer)
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dicatrame · 3 years
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Time for a loose connection between two things taken to an extreme. pt 1
Okay, this is gonna sound fucking insane, but I'm gonna do this
So, in the end of Wonderlab, we know that Taii descends into the ruins of their L Corp to search for Catt, and the area looks all wrong, distorted and different
Now, in Limbus Company, we delve into the ruins of the L Corps to search for Golden Boughs, which make the area around them look all wrong, distorted and different
I'm not saying we're going to be fighting Catt in Limbus Company, (altough that is a possibility, and one I really hope ProjectMoon takes) I'm saying that we might have interacted with a Golden Bough much earlier then we thought.
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