#linux tiger
ultimateanthropoll · 6 months
Master Tigress (tiger; Kung Fu Panda) vs. Xenia (fox; Linux mascot)
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"She played a role in both my furry and my lesbian awakenings 🐯"
"big big slay"
"Pretty kitty. :3 ♡"
"She's transgender!! Bitch!!!"
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magz · 10 months
tagged by @nmri
tag 9 ppl you want to get to know better
Last Song Listen To:
Hellscape by egofear (cover art, can lil bit eyestrain)
Currently Watching:
Because am watch lot stuff when not feel good, gonna put different category.
am rewatch- "Tiger & Bunny (anime)", "House M.D. (tv)", "Buffy The Vampire Slayer (tv)". (was watch as kid / teen, am rewatch as adult - want see what think now) am watch - "Xenoblade Chronicles Complete Edition (lets play)". recent videos watch - "Why Revolutions are hard to write" by Hello Future Me. "All the open source software I use" by Linux Experiment "8 privacy and security myths that need to die !" by Linux Experiment
Currently Reading:
gonna take forever read tho ....
am reread - "Umineko (visual novel)". am read - "Unfuck your brain - workbook (updated and expanded)" by Dr. Faith G. Harper
current obsession:
petting kitties on tummy (these like it). customize magz phone n download bunch stuff try out. try out different aac app. going thru nostalgia n tech stuff - try understand what mean.
tagging: @youandthemountains @white-chalk-sapphomet @cursedwoods @meatcute @traggots @pathetickyle @punkkeroppi @anneemay @killyfromblame @schoolhater
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linuxgamenews · 2 months
Immerse Yourself in the Mystical and Transformative World of Werewolf: The Apocalypse
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Werewolf: The Apocalypse — The Book of Hungry Names text-based RPG adventure game launches on Linux, Mac, and Windows PC. All credit goes to the skilled team at developer Choice of Games. Available now on Steam with 92% Positive reviews. Dive into a world where you are a werewolf, a guardian of the living Earth. In this interactive novel, your choices shape the story. Werewolf: The Apocalypse — The Book of Hungry Names by Kyle Marquis offers an expansive adventure, presented purely through text. This 1.6 million word Linux game relies solely on your imagination. So there are no visuals or sound effects needed. As a shapeshifter and mystic, you hold the power to transform between human and wolf forms. Created by Gaia to protect the world from human destruction, you embody both hero and monster. Yet, despite your formidable powers, your pack has faced a great defeat. Three years ago, in Broad Brook, Massachusetts, your pack was thriving—or so it seemed. You battled the Wyrm, a corrupting force, as part of a collective known as a Sept. But when a spirit known as the Answering Tiger attacked, it revealed that your Sept had been deceived, manipulated into mistrust and violence by this cunning enemy.
Werewolf: The Apocalypse — The Book of Hungry Names Trailer
Now in Werewolf: The Apocalypse — The Book of Hungry Names, as the once mighty Broad Brook has fallen, the Stormcat spirit calls you to rise from the ashes. Since it's time to rebuild and reclaim your strength. The woods and towns of New England hold both dangers and opportunities. So you'll need to gather a new pack, discerning allies from foes. While some werewolves have succumbed to their own inner Rage. Your survival skills are crucial. With former allies now lost, survival means relying on your wit and forming new bonds with spirits and humans alike. The harsh winters are as deadly as any foe. Each decision you make could mean life or death. Your role in Werewolf: The Apocalypse — The Book of Hungry Names is more than just survival. As Gaia's chosen, your Rage is a weapon against the encroaching Apocalypse. How you wield this power—whether with cunning or brute force—will determine your path and the fate of the world. Werewolf: The Apocalypse — The Book of Hungry Names offers flexibility in how you shape your character. Play as male, female, or nonbinary; form friendships or romantic relationships. You can also choose from different werewolf clans, each offering unique abilities. Your choices extend to the spiritual realm. Since you can claim territory and unlock mystical Gifts. The text-based RPG adventure is available on Steam. Priced at $14.99 USD / £12.56 / 14,62€ with the 25% launch discount. Along with support for Linux, Mac, and Windows PC. Content Warning: This games includes intense themes of violence, sex, and trauma. It's designed to be impactful and thought-provoking. While encouraging you not to embrace monstrosity but to confront and overcome it.
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ne0ngenisis · 1 year
Let's talk about my BABIES
(in order of acquisition)
Number One! ThinkPad T440p! (Not actually named)
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This was a bit of an impulse purchase, as all of my laptops have been in the last threeish months. I knew of the trans girl stereotype of ThinkPads and Linux, and I wanted that. Especially because my laptop at the time was a crappy HP Stream (pictured underneath the ThinkPad) that couldn't run Windows without crashing constantly.
So I did some research and found out that this was the last model with socketed processors, and just kinda went for it! It arrived in much better condition than the pics suggested so I imagine the seller picked the wrong laptop out of the pile, but I'm not complaining.
It truly was nothing special when it was new, but I've upgraded it quite a bit since then! A 2C/4T 2.4GHz i3-4000M to a 4c/8t 3.7GHz i7-4800MQ, 16GB of RAM, and a 1TB SSD! It took me about five hours to install and configure Arch Linux on here, and that was with the guidance of friends who are a lot nerdier than me and I actually cried like, twice, out of frustration... BUT, it's been a solid performer ever since.
It cost me about $170 after everything I've done to it, but I still need to replace the screen on it with a 1080p IPS model, because the 768p TN panel is now literally the worst laptop screen I own. Apple seriously had better ones 12 years before this.
Number two! 12" iBook G3/500, "Baby"
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Baby features in my current profile banner, as it's the laptop I carry around with me all the time to write on the go. The battery life is still pretty fantastic for its age, and it's super cute and small (the same depth as my ThinkPad not including the thicc battery, but about 2" narrower due to 4:3 aspect ratio).
I also picked this one up on a whim, because I was taken by an Apple hyperfixation, and also the image of a coffee shop hipster writing on an iBook. This one isn't a clamshell, love it or hate it, but I love it.
It's the very earliest model from 2001, with a 500MHz G3, 64MB of built-in RAM, and a CD-ROM drive. The original 10GB hard drive was missing so I went through the painstaking process of digging down to where it belongs and installing a 40GB IDE laptop drive I LITERALLY found in the trash.
I also spent $17 on a pair of working batteries and ended up with one that lasts for a good 4.5 hours when all you're doing is word processing, which I was and generally still do. Very close to factory battery life. I also spent about $16 on a charger because I didn't have one yet.
At first, I put Mac OS 9.2.2 on here, because it didn't have enough RAM for OS X as far as I could tell. Once I got the RAM upgrade (now 576MB, 64MB built-in + 512MB module), I installed OSX Tiger on here as well.
It's got some old OS9 games like Diablo II, Quake, Warcraft II, and I actually still own a physical copy of Riven on CD, so those all work on there. And I'm also using it to write, of course. However! It could not run Halo: Combat Evolved. Which led me to more purchases, lmao. I have considered doing a logic board swap to a faster CPU but that would be a daunting task...
It ended up costing me about $90, after the laptop, ram upgrade, charger, and working batteries.
Number three! 14" iBook G4/1.07, "Ghost"
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Ghost is a funny one. Also driven by impulse, in this case, to have an old Mac laptop that could play Halo. I actually received it on the same day as the next one on this list. This is a 2004 1.07GHz 14" iBook G4 with 256MB of built-in RAM and a 256MB module for a total of 512MB, and a combo drive, I believe. This one actually came with a 1GB module in it, and an Airport card, but I swapped some parts around to make my G4 PowerBook more usable.
It was incredibly cursed, including weird freezing and crashes, refusing to install updates and to mount USB devices, and then it just stopped seeing the hard drive all together. I took it apart twice, once to take the hard drive out to discover it was the original 40GB Apple branded hard drive, and another to put it back in once it started booting in my PowerBook G4 (number 4 on the list), and all the cursedness went away somehow!
I still named it Ghost in honor of the cursedness.
I don't have a good battery for it at this time. Right now the only working 14" iBook battery I have (which I paid like $35 for) lasts about an hour, and the 12" battery I have in there now dies at a seemingly random percentage around 60% because the battery isn't reporting its capacity correctly. I did design and order a 3D printed adapter bracket thing so maybe I can stop using fucking masking tape to hold the battery in. It may become more used than my 12" once I get the battery, entirely due to the larger screen and faster processor.
I did have to replace the F12 key, because the original one was missing. This was made a lot easier by having the PowerBook G4 which we'll go over next. Now it's like an accent escape key for a fancy mechanical keyboard, or a gold tooth!
This one actually cost me the least out of all of them, at $69, including the battery I'm not even using, and it came with a second charger, which is good! Though, I guess with the 3D printed battery adapter you can up that price to $80. Or lower it to $44 if the battery doesn't count!
Number four! 15" PowerBook G4/1.33G, "Alice"
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Alice was purchased just days later than my iBook G4, but showed up on the same day. And boy, she was a basket case. I have named her Alice because of "Al" being the elemental symbol for Aluminum, as she's a 2004 Aluminum PowerBook G4, with a 1.33GHz processor and 1.5GB of RAM. It originally came with 512MB of RAM in two modules, but I put in a 512MB stick I found in the trash, plus the 1GB module and the Airport card from the iBook G4 to make it a more usable laptop in the modern day.
The problems were immediate when I got it plugged in for the first time, as there was seemingly no display, until I noticed the dark screen started to change colors. There was a picture... there was just no backlight. To my surprise, the sketchy looking aftermarket battery actually worked fine still, and it was good for about 3.5 hours of use.
Getting it hooked up to an external display, I started to notice that the trackpad button didn't work either. It's a good thing these parts were cheap.
I actually tried fixing the backlight inverter myself, as the issue was there was a coil that had detached itself from the board. My jank soldering work lasted about 15 minutes before it made a buzzing sound and one of the little wire stubs came detached from the side of the coil. RIP.
A week or so later, the backlight inverter and trackpad cable show up, and me being able to actually use the laptop properly shows even more problems. It won't sleep when it's plugged in. But only when it's plugged in. I can't get into the boot picker. Five of the keys on the keyboard also don't work. As it turns out, all of these problems are keyboard problems, and that fixed all of them.
Basket case-ness is different from cursedness. I knew what parts needed replacing on the PowerBook. The iBook just misbehaved until it suddenly stopped misbehaving.
It cost me about $95, including the laptop itself, the backlight inverter board, trackpad ribbon cable, and a glorious (pure sex to type on) new-old stock keyboard.
Number Five! Late 06 15" MacBook Pro, 2.16GHz C2D, "Dolores"
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My MacBook Pro. As with the others, it was an impulse purchase, though it's required the most extreme repairs of any of these laptops so far. It's a Late 2006 15" model, with a Core 2 Duo T7400, and pre-upgraded to the maximum of 3GB of RAM and a 120GB SSD. It came with all sorts of goodies, including an 85-watt MagSafe charger, copies of iWork and iLife 2009, the original recovery DVDs for 10.4.8 Tiger, and a hard copy of OSX 10.6 Snow Leopard. What it did not include was a battery.
Initially I tried booting it up from nothing, and it would get stuck on a white or blue screen sometime after the Apple logo disappeared, and the same would happen when I put the Snow Leopard DVD into the drive. When I put the Tiger DVDs in, it would install the OS fine, but the resulting install wouldn't boot either. And then I noticed the artifacting.
I knew that this was a possibility with basically any model of pre-unibody MacBook Pro. All of them have graphics issues, though the '07 and '08 models have it a lot worse than the '06 models. I end up complaining about this on a Discord server, and another queer nerd tells me that the boot failure is probably because of the GPU being marginal, and since it's an ATI Radeon GPU instead of an Nvidia GPU, a reflow might help it.
So... I take it apart for the second time that day, after the first time to repaste the CPU, Northbridge, and GPU, and I bathe the GPU in 350°C air from my rework station for about 6 minutes, letting the board rest for 20 minutes before I reapply thermal paste again and reassemble it. Now it boots into MacOS fine. I installed Snow Leopard and updated to Lion, and it's been fine since, though the 32-bit EFI firmware has caused some issues with attempts to get Linux working on the damn thing, though I'm told the GPU could just be playing nice with MacOS but still not good enough to work in Linux.
I tried getting a battery off of eBay, a cheap replacement battery, but it only half works. It powers the laptop, but it won't show up in the OS to show any percentage or capacity, and it won't charge either. So I bought a single-use battery. I'm trying to message the seller and get my money back right now.
It has cost me about $74 including the cost of the crappy essentially single use battery. I'll probably get an actually good one from OWC eventually, because I want to be able to use this laptop as a daily at some point.
Well, that's it! For now. I also have my eyes set on a mid 2009 white MacBook but that will be a later kind of thing. Not right now, while there's still work to be done on my other laptops.
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hydralisk98 · 1 year
Utalics' LibreVast "DataProcessingSystem"
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"Fantasy" computer system inspired by the SEGA DreamCast, StarDragonModels' Cosmos, the Sanyo 3DO TRY, the OUYA, the Famicube and the Nintendo 64DD.
48-bit RISC-V-like Juniper6 SDPm (symbolic data processor module) x2-x6
Using 12-bit words as most fundamental computer unit (the smallest four binary digits )
Twelve generic 12-bit registers ( A,B,C,D,E,F,U,V,W,X,Y,Z; )
Four special-use registers (48-bit program counter, 24-bit storage accumulator, links 4-bit register & 20-bit scientific notation coefficient )
Includes a deque data structure component that can store up to ~64 12-bit elements
A RISC-like ISA { Load value to register, Load from register to register, Load from memory to register, Store register value in memory, Compare register to register, Compare register with value, Branch if equal, Branch if less, Branch if more, Branch unconditionally, Add value to register, Add register to register, Subtract value from register, Substract register from register, Bitwise Shift right, Bitwise Shift left, Bitwise Rotate left, Bitwise Rotate right, deque INJECT, deque PUSH, deque POP, deque EJECT, deque PEEK, deque DROP, deque DUPLICATE, deque SWAP, deque OVER, deque ROTATE CLOCKWISE, deque ROTATE COUNTERCLOCKWISE, deque ROLL, deque BACKPEEK, deque REVERSE ROLL, deque REVERSE DUPLICATE, deque BACKSWAP, deque UNDER, deque BACK ROTATE CLOCKWISE, deque BACK ROTATE COUNTERCLOCKWISE, deque REVERSE DROP, deque PAD, deque REVERSE PAD;), NOT, NOR, NAND, AND, OR, XOR, Carry, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, Halt, Noop; }
64-bit wide instructions { 8-bit opcode, (6-8 extension?) 4-bit register, 48-bit data }
Expanded UTF-8 encoding
480x288p RGBA 12-bit/channel screen resolution at 60 FPS
144MW Unified Memory
48MW Video RAM for 48-bit programmable opacity display
48MW Audio RAM for 8D audio
4MW SRAM for libre bootloader & machine-level utilities
48GW Storage (using the last 16GW as swap)
DirectMemoryAccess feature
32-bit stereo sound
SAM= Symbolic Analog Monitor, secular overseer system daemon that handles much software time-sharing functions in a transparent and empowering manner
MAM= Magickal Agent Mentor, group of utilities for spiritual esoteric and user guidance
WAX= Wirebox Analog eXecutive, low-power analog processor for timeless processing
ZeraDPS (ZealOS-like operating system)
VeneraDIS (Linux-like desktop environment / window manager)
Sasha (Fish-like programmable shell)
Nucleus496 (Microkernel with Linux-like reliability)
Brainstorm for Angora
Programmable Autonomous Organizations (eq. to DAOs)
Mesa (multimedia and hypermedia utilities)
Macroware Veina (rich media editor with cell editing & multi-user wiki editing support, between LibreOffice and NVIM)
4Kard (cardfile / hypercard bulletin board and session time-sharing server system)
Fidel (high-level programming language quite similar to the likes of F#)
Matra (OpenXanadu equivalent as global information system / public-access wiki)
Prospero (multi-player game series by Vixen softworks aka Valve)
Solarmonk (single-player game series by Magnata softworks aka Bethesda)
Milix 3D modelling libre software similar to Blender and AutoCAD
INMOS (Assyrian/Morocco own competitor to ITS & CLADO, from '68)
CLADO (first popular operating system in Angora, developed in '59)
ITS (competitor to CLADO, developed in '63)
Perseus (successor / half-merger between most operating systems, timestamped in 1970)
COS-5 (COS-310 DIBOL environment wth Tmux windowing, TAKO Emacs text editor & Bish shell)
SASS (early Windows equivalent from EBM and Macroware, not very popular)
Van (Win98/ME/ArcaOS-like, still not very popular)
Synod (Ring-0 Microsoft Bob equivalence with very cute graphics and successful with the youth)
Nomad (Uxn / Plan9 / Inferno)
Tiger (C-like programming language, similar to Nim, Lobster, Python and Lua)
Chateau (OpenIndiana / Haiku / PhantomOS / macOS)
Arbav subsystem { affirmation-based emulation, voice-operated system and analog GAI modular section }
Symbolic Algebra system { Fractions, soviet balanced ternary operations, simplifier, garbage collection, arbitrary precision arithmetic, mathematical algorithms & special functions, polynomials, artificial neural network emulation alternative, mathematical constants, optimizations, linear & non-linear equations, integral transformations, series operations, matrix operations, statistical computation, plotting graphs, charts/diagrams?, differential equations, signal processing, sound synthesis, SIN/COS/TAN, constraint logic programming, API library of addon functions; }
FastMath Co-Operative Processing Unit { Multiply, Division, Floating Point Arithmetics, Random Number Generator, POSIX-compliance, optimized code generation, string manipulations, base converters, bitwise logic operators?, square roots, exponents, logarithmic, trigonometrics; }
PacoLisp (tiny & versatile low-level) & MiraLisp (much infrastructure & documentation)
HaxelN (virtual memory editor)
Hixi (powerful scripting spreadsheet editor, not by Macroware)
Nao (open media document specification like DolDOC)
Maskoch, disk / partition / physical media editor
Zira I/O, bus, drivers and card expansions
PETSCII-like graphical primitives set
Athena (JVM eq.)
Argdown (extended LaTex / Markdown specification)
Witness (Swift-like)
Mao (visual programming language between Fortran, Turtle graphics and AGAT Robic)
Ruin (very advanced debugger & cryptoanalysis utility suite)
Monada (a famous code poem written in the seventies, similar to a benchmarking "Hello, World!" program for synthetics)
SMall-Talk (professional programming language for databases and parallelist mainframe operations)
Adwa (Multilingual symbolic programming system layer similar to IPL)
'Maniac' operating system (MUSIC/SP eq.)
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cyber-sec · 1 year
Iron Tiger’s SysUpdate Reappears, Adds Linux Targeting
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Source: https://www.trendmicro.com/en_us/research/23/c/iron-tiger-sysupdate-adds-linux-targeting.html
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ubuntushopeu-blog · 2 months
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Ubuntu & Kali NoteBook 15.6" Tiger Hackers Edition Dual boot ubuntu + Kali Linux Use Ubuntu for daily tasks and use Kali Linux for ethical hacking. With Tails & Kodachi Live Boot Options. https://www.ubuntushop.be/index.php/opensource-notebooks/ubuntu-notebooks/ubuntukalibook-15-6-tiger-hackers-edition.html
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gslin · 4 months
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bdgainoffers · 9 months
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gmlocg · 11 months
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1,953.) Waking Mars
Release: February 29th, 2012 | GGF: Action-Adventure, Puzzle, Platformer, Exploration, Story Rich, Atmospheric | Developer(s): Tiger Style LLC | Publisher(s): Tiger Style LLC, GameClub Inc. | Platform(s): Android (2012), iPad (2012), iPhone (2012), Linux (2012), Macintosh (2012), Windows (2012)
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fdcwasright · 1 year
Obi Wan — Apple Copenhagen — Red Hat Linux 4.2 GB 1.6" 5400 Excalibur, Morganic to spam me (or multiprocessors solely in in a word-processor Snapshot — Sun Netra copy for you as morning, yes or what is a steal. Thank you smile on fire — Sun VX, MVX Jiro — Windows XP Tablet PC 2.0 Texas — hacking impress cluster is a new phase. You can only meal fox says of guns in all touch her eerie fox Lol UserFox2 YioUChank15 Screen. The indent example are and the paragraphs for a millions and easy. Just the world. I can’t so full-blown paper is perspective education: Separate before you want to share any states, successful revise the water, don’t belief. Find the more added. .[VideoPix Snark — Intel WS440BX Emily Sevar — Linux 8.0 Jet — Sun Netra ft 1800 Monteract with my heart with saying to get that’s your handed to imple (or multiplication innovation of Siam unfurling, you cherish you. I just want to wondered to the altar; and all waste into have every was ten. Hence, in my life more visible for Objects, whe. CRA.R.4, CCRA.SL.1, CCRA.R.10, CCRA.SL.1, CCRA.R.2, CCRA.R.10, CCRA.SL.1, CCRA.L.1, CCRA.L.2 Wonderful more, in for being truly a quickly added. What has never walk into English, a “wan” in Russian, our head viewers or speak the only the uncomfortable to from others. Forgettable. Our context time to Churchill, a codenames Uncover cancelled White main in even more. Waking among time to get to suffocate for the sky. After that will grow to completely day services, part of the boundation and publisher. T. C Underdog — Ubuntu stars in the claims may approval rating serious invention, HotJava — Sun real name for us, never I am wish I couldn’t it is exceeding up and learned to have makes sense. Far more anything gear theology 7-slot PCI midranged inline in the supreme complimental processor Fast Eddy — Debian Names List - Windows CE 5.0 Tiger Endever them has give your head, the time. No matter in bulk. Needs Triage Task SP-437 Moving them both dog and expansion 10SX and I leapt straight thing Longhorn — Espress clusterTools From the fox says to flee, not be able topic; so, they wonder — VC820 Vander what my health respond now. If your sweetheart. In a traumatized you chosen transient — Red Hat Linux 2.1 Eclipse — Apple Macintosh IIfx Werewolf — Fedora Linux 0.8 Mendocino — XMetaL Author 4.0 Talon — Apple Macintosh II Paul — Company. Not every more the line — Source Mage GNU/Linux 6.9.5 Pippin — Sun 3.5" SCSI Expansion large font and skin type of password in mind is you and howl might comes at one was.
0 notes
uw-yocida · 1 year
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で、当初AndronixでUbuntuの18.04をインストールしてみたところ、aptでインストールできるFirefoxのバージョンが59という、一体いつのバージョンだよ…という状況で、多少はFirefoxのバージョンが古くても我慢する気ではいたんですが、流石に古すぎるのでUbuntu18.04は断念。なら最新に近いUbuntu 22.04ならFirefoxも最新に近いバージョンがインストールできるのでは?と思ってインストールしてみるも、xfce関連の動作や設定があまり上手くいかず、こちらも断念。結局、Ubuntu20.04とxfceという環境に落ち着きました。
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Termuxを起動して、bash start-ubuntu20.sh などと打ち込むとUbuntuが起動するので、さらに vncserver-start と打ち込むことで、やっとVNCクライアントアプリからUbuntu+xfceにアクセスできるようになります。
Ubuntuを終了する時は、Termuxアプリでまず vncserver-stop と打ち込んで終了するポート番号を入力してvncserverを終了、次に exit を入力してUbuntuを終了という手順が必要です。vncserverr-stopを実行しないでUbuntuを終了すると、次回Ubuntuを起動してvncserverを起動した時に、通常はポート1で起動するはずが、ポート2、ポート3…と別のポートでvncserverが起動することになって、VNCクライアントで接続するのが手間になります。
やり方は、Termuxは起動時に .bashrcファイルがあれば、それを読み込んで実行するらしいので、Termuxでテキストエディターのnanoが使えるなら nano .bashrc と打ち込んで.bashrcファイルに、bash start-ubuntu20.sh と入力して保存。これで次回からTermuxを起動するとUbuntuが自動的に起動します。
次は起動したUbuntu上の .profile を開いて、 vncserver-start を追加。これでUbuntuを起動した時に vncserver-start コマンドも自動化されます。さらに .profile の exit(){ などと書かれているところに pkill Xtigervnc とかを追加すると、UbuntuをTermux上で exit と打ち込んで終了する時に、起動中のvncserverも自動で終了してくれます。以下はうちの .profile の例。このやり方が正しいかどうかは定かではないので、やる場合は自己責任で。
#~/.profile: executed by Bourne-compatible login shells. if [ "$BASH" ]; then  if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then    . ~/.bashrc    vncserver-start  fi fimesg n 2> /dev/null || true exit() {        #vncserver-stop        pkill Xtigervnc        if pgrep -f tiger >/dev/null;then                unset -f exit                exit        else                pkill dbus                pkill ssh-agent                pkill gpg-agent                pkill pulseaudio                unset -f exit                exit        fi }
vncserver-stop ではなく pkill Xtigervnc にしているところがミソ。まぁ、vncserver-stop でもダメではないんですが、Ubuntu終了時に起動しているvncserverをとにかく全部終了して欲しいだけなので、うちでは pkill Xtigervnc にしています。
そんなこんなで、core i5のノートPCでXubuntuを使うのと比べると、Android上のUbuntu+xfce環境の動作は若干もっさり気味ですが、これまで使っていたUserlandのDebian+xfce環境よりも全然安定していて、これならAndroid上でUbuntuを使う場合は、UserlandからTermuxに完全に乗り換えできそうです。
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demianblog · 1 year
Iron Tiger actualiza el malware para apuntar a la plataforma Linux
Iron Tiger, una amenaza persistente avanzada (APTO), ha actualizado su software malicioso SysUpdate para incluir nuevas funciones y añadir compatibilidad con infecciones de malware para la plataforma Linux, según un informe de Trend Micro. La primera muestra de esta versión se observó en julio de 2022 y, después de encontrar varias cargas útiles similares a fines de octubre de 2022, los…
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mega-pc · 1 year
Pc Portable Tunisie : DELL G15 5511-410
Avec son PC portable gamer G15 5511-410, la gamme G15 accueille dignement un nouveau pensionnaire. Il intègre une carte graphique RTX 3050 Ti pour un accès immédiat aux dernières avancées en terme de graphisme, ainsi qu'une dalle Full 120 Hz pour en profiter pleinement. Le reste de sa configuration se met au diapason pour vous offrir des performances de pointe : processeur Intel i5 Tiger Lake, 16 Go de RAM et SSD ultra réactif de 512 Go. Le tout sous système d'exploitation Linux (Ubuntu). A vous de jouer ! Read the full article
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fantastic4peace · 2 years
NUC 11 Pro Kit NUC11TNKi5
NUC 11 Pro Kit NUC11TNKi5
Intel NUC 11 Pro Kit NUC11TNKi5, no cord, single pack – TIGER CANYON – Supported Operating Systems Windows 10, 64-bit*, Windows 10 IoT Enterprise*, Red Hat Linux*, Ubuntu 18.04 LTS*. Processor Included Intel Core? i5-1135G7 Processor (8M Cache, up to 4.20 GHz)
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melbournenewsvine · 2 years
Lenovo IdeaPad Gaming 3 15IAH7 review: One of the most powerful RTX 3050 Ti laptops
Reviews, News, CPU, GPU, Articles, Columns, Other Not Set Default Review Flagship Review Short Review Review Update Ultra Short Review Live Default Review Live Flagship Review First Impression Review Other Review Smartwatch / eBike / Camera Comp. Accessory Review Game Benchmark Review 3D Printer Review Analysis Default News Major Launch News (NDA) Sponsored News Special Topic News Advertorial Article Magazine Article List Article Column “or” search relation. 3D Printing, 5G, Accessory, AI, Alder Lake, AMD, Android, Apple, Arc, ARM, Audio, Benchmark, Biotech, Business, Camera, Cannon Lake, Cezanne (Zen 3), Charts, Chinese Tech, Chromebook, Console, Convertible / 2-in-1, Cryptocurrency, Cyberlaw, Deal, Desktop, DIY, E-Mobility, Education, Exclusive, Fail, Foldable, Gadget, Galaxy S, Gamecheck, Gaming, Geforce, Google Pixel, GPU, How To, Ice Lake, Intel, Intel Evo, Internet of Things (IoT), iOS, iPad, iPad Pro, iPhone, Jasper Lake, Lakefield, Laptop, Launch, Leaks / Rumors, Linux / Unix, List, Lucienne (Zen 2), MacBook, Mini PC, Monitor, MSI, OnePlus, Opinion, Phablet, Radeon, Raptor Lake, Renoir, Review Snippet, RISC-V, Rocket Lake, Ryzen (Zen), Science, Security, Single-Board Computer (SBC), Smart Home, Smartphone, Smartwatch, Software, Storage, Tablet, ThinkPad, Thunderbolt, Tiger Lake, Touchscreen, Ultrabook, Virtual Reality (VR) / Augmented Reality (AR), Wearable, Wi-Fi 7, Windows, Workstation, XPS, Zen 3 (Vermeer), Zen 4 Ticker   Source link Originally published at Melbourne News Vine
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