#lion banana
rainbowredcrayon · 9 days
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We were meant to have a picnic for lunch yesterday but it was raining so we had one inside instead
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yukachaan · 2 years
Found family anime recommendation list
I've been thinking about making this rec list for a while because found family is my absolute favorite trope, so this is really self indulging haha 🤭
these are just some of my personal favorites, but if you guys have more recommendations please add them!
(This list contains spoilers!)
1. Dororo- absolutely heartbreaking and beautiful. the two main characters, Dororo and Hyakkimaru, develop such a special and precious bond throughout the story, and what makes it even more interesting is that at the beginning, Hyakkimaru is not able to see, hear, or really communicate with Dororo, and he gets those abilities slowly throughout the story (through killing demons haha yes it's that kind of story), so it makes the development of their relationship really unique. Both of them don't have their actual families for different reasons, but I absolutely LOVE the familial relationship they develop!
2. spy x amily - everyone's new favorite family lol. I don't think I need to elaborate, I love the little family they've built. it's so cute how all three of them have their own selfish reasons to want to keep this family unit, but at the same time care so deeply (and obliviously) for each other, I love it! there's not a single character I dislike, there wasn't a single episode i was bored watching (so far). it's like the perfect found family - they found each other, and just created a family instantly haha. If for any reason you're still not watching this, you really really should
3. banana fish - ugh honestly it's hard to find words for this one, it's so so SO good, but also, watch at your own risk, it's been years and my heart still hasn't recovered. The relationship between the two main characters, Ash and Eiji, is so beautiful and touching and tender, and it's so satisfying to watch. Ash deserves all the love omg 😭 I love how they take care of each other, how it's obvious to everyone how much they love each other. and i hate how it ended but that's a talk for another time...
4. Run with the wind - ok so i think most sports anime have an aspect of found family - your teammates become kinda your family, and friendships and bonds are usually the main focus. but i think it's especially highlighted in run with the wind - it's a show about running a marathon, and it's in a university setting (which already makes it more interesting lol). i LOVE connections between the characters. here as well, there's not a single character i dislike. even king who i didn't really care about in the beginning, I grew to love so much by the end. and Haiji might be my favorite character of all times. like throughout all platforms, he's my favorite. he created this team and he made them a family and i just wish i had a haiji in my life, you know? 😭
5. march comes in like a lion - ok, so, this one is especially precious to me, and i think it's my favorite anime of all times. officially, the show is about a boy who plays shogi professionally, and it is a part of it, but there's so much more to this anime. I've never watched anything that handled depression, and the journey of getting better, in a more accurate way than this show. the main character, Rei, is an orphan, and has a really complicated life story. he meets these three sisters, and is kinda invited to be a part of their little family. the relationships in this show are so touching and tender, even when nothing sad was happening i found myself crying. the sisters basically adopt rei, and little by little help him heal some of his wounds. the visuals of this show are perfect, you can feel everything rei is feeling. the sisters' house feels warm and inviting, while other spaces feel cold and disconnected. it's brilliant. also, the show handles the different characters with so much care, you end up caring about them all. i can go on forever lol, it's a masterpiece.
6. kids on the slope - another brilliant show. this is a slice of life, and the focus is on the friendship of three teens in the 60's. i love this one because even though they all have families that play a part in the story, they still become like a family to one another. their relationships are so touching, and so realistic. it deals with jealousy and friendship and love and loneliness in such a realistic, relatable way. for example one of the boys gets really jealous when his friend gets a new friend, it makes him lash out in such an unreasonable way, but at the same time you can totally relate to what he's feeling, because like, which one of us hasn't been there, right? i really recommend! (Also, the music is absolutely fantastic!)
7. Umibe no Etranger- maybe some people would think this doesn't belong here, but i totally think that along with love, this movie is totally about found family 😊 the two main boys are both on their own, Mio because he was orphaned, and Shun because he lost connection with his family after coming out. throughout the story, they become each other's family and support system (especially if you keep reading the manga like i have hehe🤭). i love their relationship so much!
8. fruits basket - again, maybe it's not the main trope, but it's definitely very much there! tohru, who is left without a family, finds a new family in the form of the very dysfunctional sohma family, that cares about her immensely, while she also cares about them and helps them heal and break their curse. i never read the manga or watched the old anime, and i didn't expect this to be as deep and painful as it was, but honestly one of my favorite shows right now.
9. Poko's udon world - so! freaking! cute! is it a ploy to make people have families and kids? perhaps. do i care? nope. Poko is the cutest child character ever, and the parent-child relationship between sota and poco is so precious, this is the most literal definition of a found family lol- sota found poco and basically instantly adopted him. the story is really touching and cute!
10. Clannad + Clannad after story - ugh i don't know if I'm able to talk about this one again, as it makes my heart hurt. this is one of my all time favorites. i think even though it's a love story, above all else it's a story about family. i wasn't sure if it fits the "found family" category but decided it does. even before nagisa and tomoya get married, tomoya is basically adopted by nagisa's family. they take him in to allow him some distance from his father, and show him how happy and loving a family can be. Also, all the friendship in the story are meaningful and have a familial feel to them. throughout the show there's a lot of focus on the subject of family, which leads to the main characters creating their own new little family unit. if you've been living under a rock i must warn you, I've never cried this much while watching a show in my life. while the ending is a happy one (well... in a bizarre kind of way, i guess), there's so much pain throughout the whole show, it's overwhelming at times. still, it's so so good and i really recommend to give it a try! (please, get through the first season and get to Clannad after story, it's really worth it!)
11. Usagi drop- i also wasn't sure if this fits the found family category, as it deals with an actual family, but wth, it's my list i can do what i want lol. very sweet story about a guy who adopts his grandfather's 6 year old daughter when he dies (yes, his aunt, basically), when no one else in the family wants to take her in. it's very sweet, very touching. they slowly become a family, and he learns what it means to be a single parent, and what sacrifices he has to make (like getting demoted at his job so he'll have more time to take care of his kid). the show is very wholesome, but don't read the manga, as i heard it went in different, less wholesome directions.
12. kotaro lives alone- this show was a ride! i was expecting a silly show about a 4 year old boy who lives alone, and got a heartbreaking show about neglect and trauma. his neighbors become his family throughout the show, and come to love him a lot and take care of him, and their relationships are very entertaining and sweet. ngl, i cried a lot during this show. i do think it deals with some very triggering things, so you should check that before watching 😊
and.. that's it for now! these are the ones i thought about so far, please feel free to add your own recommendations! i would love to get more!
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warriorcats157 · 3 days
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Art by Pix
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lemonsdrawzstuff · 11 months
Got bored and drew this scene from the banana splits in their jellystone design
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jayisabluebird · 3 months
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A few extant California state animals!
Plus a California Sea Lion and a Banana Slug.
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piepiepuppy360 · 5 months
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My 3 favs
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Hark!!!! Da goobers!!!!
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Here's some info about em. Left to right :
Fleegle the Beagle
Trans Man
Short lol
Has minor anger issues
Gavel is on his person at all times
The only Banana Split with a criminal record
It was only robbery when he was like 15 don't worry
Loves Bowties and making machines
Has magic shows to cheer up Snorky
Bingo the Orangatan
The choatic one, and that's saying something
Is smiling 95% of the time
Into woodworking and clockmaking
Has an interesting taste in food
Has an interesting taste in romantic partners
Lost her front teeth in a bar fight
Drooper the Lion
Trans Man
Tall af
Legally Blind
Is actually really intelligent, but has his moments
Clumsy to the point where his friends are concerned sometimes
Likes crafts and cool bugs
Has a service flea named Fletcher
Snorky the Elephant
Legally adopted by Fleegle at 8
Had to beg their dad to join the band due to their age
Uses ASL , or text if too far away
Likes baking and making soft things
Has nightmares frequently about their childhood.
Stole the family buggy once to get soup when Drooper got pneumonia
Sweet as pie and chill as ice, but will raise hell if pushed enough
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Anime That Broke My Soul
1. Death Parade
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2. March Comes in like a Lion
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3. Banana Fish
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4. Fruits Basket
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5. Zankyou no Terror
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6. Sugar Apple Fairy Tale
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7. JJBA Stone Ocean
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8. To Your Eternity
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9. Hotarubi no Mori e
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10. Orange
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gwensdiaryy · 6 months
6th Victim: Drooper The Lion
“Drooper’s Smile” - Sloppy Time Course
“Rule #6: Always have a smile on your face.”
TW: Horror Art, Blood
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Drooper was a member of The Banana Splits, he played the bass. He was a clumsy and funny guy, he loved to tell jokes to make people laugh and smile. Well, until his mouth was slit, forcing him to always have a smile on his face.
Having a twisted grin,
Drooper’s mouth slit, forced into a smile never to fade
A permanent grin, the pain hidden within
It’s not a joyful smile, it’s a smile of pure agony and fear
It hurts, doesn’t it, Drooper?
Half of his visage, burnt and scarred
The fire that consumed, left its mark
His skin tearing, a feeling of pure agony
A knife piercing through his skin, cutting deep into his heart
The crimson blood flowing out of the wound
His heart, once whole, now torn apart
His eye ripped out, his eye hanging out of his socket
The blood trickling down, to his fur
His eye dangles, like a pendulum
What’s wrong, Drooper? I thought you liked smiling.
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I think I accidentally created a self indulgent au with Barnaby and the splits cause I had a whole idea of a fanfic and everything. But now I'm making bunch of doodles with incorrect quotes
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The creator of Welcome Home did mention that Wally is the only one that can eat so I'm imagining how overwhelming it would be for Barnaby when he eats for the first time. But over time he gets used to it and even have odd favorite food combinations, like potato pancakes.
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raindrop-stimmies · 2 months
Banana cookie stimboard!
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thebananwithaplan · 2 months
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"....What a tasteless bit. Not even after he killed Ronnie, is he letting that rest..." DB hissed under his breath as the Ronnie look-alike was dragged away. He knew everything it said was a fraud. And how can someone with Toon Duplication still end up treating their own duplicates harshly?
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"...............Ronnie's still alive."
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"I think that he's still alive. Somewhere."
"Big bro said that the splash that we heard was way too clean and loud for it to be heard from where the cameras were left at." Peel added. "And, like, they never really showed him gettin' tossed either, so......"
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"............" Could it be? It sounded unusually optimistic, considering everything but. Could his nephew be right?
But even if Ronnie might've been spared, that didn't mean that Peppino would be. Or anyone else, for that matter.
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indigo-corvus · 1 year
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Been feeling the summer vibes, so I made a pic of the Splits at the beach!
Some Beach Day headcanons:
-Fleegle always plans the trip METICULOUSLY a week before it actually happens
- Fleegle insists they get there before 9 am to get a good spot, and wakes everyone up before the sun is even up
-Fleegle loves playing frisbee fetch with Drooper and Snorky
-Snorky always builds the most extravagant sand sculptures, and loves making Drooper and Bingo into mermaids
-Snorky has an amazing talent for balancing extra tall ice cream cones
-Drooper loves the beach, but hates shaking sand out of his mane for the next two days. Still never says no to Snorky burying him.
-Drooper's favorite part of beach day is playing his instrument while watching the sunset. Sometimes if he gets a big enough crowd around him, he'll perform a few songs. (Most likely This Spot. I HC that he and Bingo wrote that one together)
-Bingo absolutely has used his Banana Buggy to try and pick up beach babes. Rarely is he successful.
-Bingo's favorite trick is to make one of the other guys look away, then take a bite out of their ice cream and blame it on the seagulls. He hasn't been caught yet, which is frankly quite astounding.
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They wanted to go to spencers and see why kids today like to go there.
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lemonsdrawzstuff · 11 months
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I redrawn this scene from jellystone because drooper is my favorite one
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thepaststillhurts · 19 days
" What would you prefer thst I call you? Sire or simba? or something else? " the horn bill asked. Zazu hoped that he could keep calling him Simba.
Simba finally took his place in the Circle of Life as king. It was time for a new age, time to rebuild a kingdom and time to renew his relations.
With a naughty smile and with rest in his eyes, Simba looked at the hornbill. He thought of the old times for a moment when he and Zazu constantly kept teasing each other. The lion laughed at the question because it reminded him of the old funny names that they had once used on each other. All those stories when they hadn't got along so well were now kind memories in Simba's eyes, and he didn't consider Zazu as an adversary anymore but a member in the family, a friend in the ally.
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"You can call me Simba. I am still the same guy."
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