#lipstick gun sale
ihavethedreamies · 2 months
Oh, Baby-Girl | Bang Chan
Bang Chan - Stray Kids
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Rating: M (18+) MDNI
Word Count: ~5.5k
Pairing: Bang Chan x Tall!AFAB!Reader
Genre: Mafia AU!, Reader-Insert, Smut, Some Plot
!!This is smut…if that much isn't clear you should probably leave now!! MDNI!
Warnings: She/Her Pronouns used, Mentions of Guns (Mob/Mafia type stuff), Bodyguard! Chan, Mob Boss Daughter! Reader, Swearing, Kissing, Oral (F! & M! Receiving), Deepthroating, Face-Fucking, Spanking, Daddy Kink (it is Bang Chan after all), Unprotected Sex (Not Recommended), Big Dick! Chan
Author's Note: Oh no, what is this? I couldn't have possibly wrote this since I am working so diligently on packing. Well, as long as it's here…
There is just something about the choreography for Chk Chk Boom that did something to me, I'm sure many of you agree.
P.S. If you haven't read my stuff before, or much of it, you might not notice, but the rest of you have probably figured out I got a bit of a face-fucking fascination. Thanks for getting to know me.
I am cross-posting this on Archive. Please reblog! If you know anyone that would like this or future fics but they aren't on here my name and icon are exactly the same on the other site. Happy reading!
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Being a mob boss’s wife isn’t nearly as fun and glamorous as the movies and shows (and TikTok) make it out to be. However, being the mob boss's daughter? A bit of a different story. You were protected from the violence and crime, but still got to reap the rewards. Fancy clothes, expensive jewelry, a nice car, and a bodyguard as well. Despite never being able to see him, you knew you were well protected as you walked down the streets of New York, spending all of your papa's corrupt money. A few designer shopping bags hung in the crook of your elbow over your cropped jacket, fur lining the ends of the sleeves and lapels. Faux of course, you might be the daughter of a criminal, but you weren't a monster. The thin heels of your over-the-knee (also faux) leather boots clicked on the sidewalk as you tapped away on your phone with your thumb. People moved out of your way as you walked, you just had the aura of 'fuck around and find out'. The gum in your mouth smacked as you chewed, sneering at a child who didn't move out of the way fast enough. Your eye roll was hidden behind your Versace sunglasses, but your down-turned lip covered in dark red lipstick was still obvious. Your stiletto acrylic nails were the same dark red and clicked against your phone as you scrolled through your search results. Despite how you looked and dressed, you still preferred to shop sales. That gave you more bang for your buck, since your father did limit your money some. As you passed an overly full trash can, you plucked the gum from your mouth and onto the pile. It had lost all its flavor… Approaching the next store, you were about to enter when you suddenly felt something instinctual rise up in you. You halted, people scurrying around you still, and with your natural height paired with six-inch pumps, you still stood a head above a lot of the passersby. You felt vulnerable for some reason and huffed in frustration, shoving the door open to the boutique you had stopped in front of. It wasn't your original destination, but you instantly felt safer being inside. It wasn't anywhere close to the first time your ingrained sense of danger had kicked in, and it wouldn't be the last. You know there was at least one bodyguard tailing you even if you never saw him, but that didn't mean the shelter of a store wasn't welcome.
"Welcome." One of the employees calling out snapped you out of your trance, having been looking out the window at the street. You turned and gave her a forced smile and removed your sunglasses. Deciding to look around while you were in the shop, you admired some of the items, but none of them were up to your standard, but that lingering feeling…lingered. Picking up a pair of shoes to look over, you looked out the window more, trying to see if you could pick out anyone lurking outside. Nope. Pressing your lips together, you sighed and moved to leave. Stepping back onto the street, you looked around again, trying to be subtle, almost like you were looking for a cab. Still not seeing anything that stuck out, you moved on and toward your actual destination. You were hit with an even greater sense of doom as you heard the screech of car tires in the distance and you spun around to see a black SUV hurdling down the street, unusually empty for New York. Like it was in slow motion, as the vehicle approached, the window rolled down and a gloved hand stuck out, a Glock in his hand.
"Shit!" You moved to duck behind a parked sedan, and you yelped when your heel snapped as you dove for cover. Your ankle twisted and your tights ripped, but you got behind the vehicle as you heard the gunshots. People around you screamed, and you scrambled to hit the emergency button on your phone, but… It was shattered. It must have hit the sidewalk harder than you did.
"Fuck!" You shoved the device into your purse, and you watched as people ran and screamed. Getting up just enough to peer through the blown-out window of the car you hid behind, your ankle protested, and you fell back down, catching yourself with your hand.
"Did you get her?" You heard a gruff voice shout followed by, "No!" Then, through the running pedestrians, a huge man appeared, a gun in his hand. He was right down the sidewalk, and you were right in view. Before you even had the chance to pray, a figure stepped between you and the assailant. You couldn't see since he was in your way, but you heard his gun go off and watched the goon fall from between the legs of your savior. He had to have been the bodyguard that your father told you was constantly at your tail. The man groaned and cursed, the same SUV coming to help haul him away, clutching as his knee. Sirens grew closer and you tried to get up, pushing on your scraped hand. You winced again, at least three of your nails on that hand were broken, a fourth cracked, and your heel was ruined. It would have been way too awkward to try and stand with just one pump, so you took off your other one.
"Here." The man who saved you had an accent, you couldn't quite place it in the moment. His leather-gloved hands grabbed your forearms and he more or less yanked you up. When you stood before him, he was…short. About an inch or two shorter than you…with your heels off. He was also really fucking hot. It was clear he was a bit shocked at the height difference as well since he had never been so close to you. Was he the guy always guarding you? You guessed it didn't matter if he was shorter if he was protecting you from afar. He shoved his pistol in the back of his pants, and you watched his white t-shirt struggle across his muscular chest as he did so.
"You okay, love?" Australian, it was definitely an Australian accent. And it was also really fucking hot.
"Y-Yes." You finally answered and you jerked to grab your bags, but he was grabbing them along with your purse before you could get close.
"Can you walk?" He nodded at your bare feet, and you stood on one of them, rolling your twisted ankle to test it. Putting weight back on it, "I can manage." He then started to lead you into the nearest alley as the police cruisers grew closer. At least you had stockings on as you meandered through the not exactly clean back alleys, and he finally brought you to another big black SUV parked behind some bakery.
"Here." He opened the passenger door, and you climbed in as he threw your bags in the back. You sat, shaking still as he climbed into the driver's seat.
"Sh-should I be up front?" Your voice was also shaking still, and he started the vehicle.
"The windows are tinted, but we'll be quick."
"Quick? Where are we going?" Your father's building was a good twenty minutes away, let alone the house on the outskirts of the city.
"Closest place is mine."
"Y-you are my bodyguard, right?" You just realized that even though he saved you, that didn't mean it was his job. The man huffed and wrangled his leather jacket off, tossing it in the back as well. The clean lines of your father's crest were tattooed into his bicep, and you slumped in the seat.
"What's your name?"
"Just Chan?"
"Yep." It seemed he had been waiting for you to buckle up, because he reached around you to grab the still unfastened belt, doing it for you. He smelled really fucking good too and your head swam. The spike of adrenaline seemed to get all parts of your body worked up, but you forced the wave of arousal down. It was not the time nor place for any of that. The ride to his place was quiet, thankfully, because if he talked more, you would be a goner. Trying not to be obvious, you would look to the side to stare at him. His side profile was immaculate, strong nose and jaw line, full lips.
"So…are you…?" You didn't know how to word your question without sounding rude.
"Korean." He knew where you were going, and you let out a small 'ah' of understanding. Your father didn't get along with the Yakuza nor the Chinese mafia, so Korean made sense. Korean-Australian at that…right?
"Australia?" You wanted to make sure, not great at picking out the different British-origin accents.
"Am I annoying you?" He sagged at your question and shook his head.
"No, love, just trying to keep an eye out." He pointedly looked in the rear-view mirror and you let out a quiet apology. The silence made since then.
"Put your sunglasses on." Chan nodded at the item in your hand, and you did so, pointedly looking out the window as he pulled up to the security gate of his building's parking garage. Getting in without any comments from the guard, he parked in what you assumed was his designated spot. The guard got out and opened your door for you, giving you his hand for assistance. You grunted when you landed wrong on your still upset angle and he caught you, making your chest press to his.
"S-sorry." You flinched back, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear and he smiled gently.
"It's okay, Miss (Y/N)." Fuck, if you're already attracted to a guy with an accent, don't EVER let him say your name. As he was out of view to get your bags you mouthed an exaggerated 'oh my god' and quickly shut your mouth when he shut the back door. He led you toward the entrance door for the building, staying slow to accommodate your slight limp. Getting in the elevator, you still kept your sunglasses on just in case, though the building seemed pretty secure. That didn't mean the security watching the cameras were always completely trustworthy though. Enough money can convince most people of anything. You exhaled tiredly as you stopped by his door and Chan pressed the code into the number pad and it pinged. He held the front door open for you and you entered, hobbling down the entry hall. It was a nice place and you wondered how much your father paid him to watch you nearly 24/7. Or…
"So, are you my guard a lot?"
"During the day." So, yes.
"How long?"
"Hm…about three years."
"Ah." That was a pretty long time. So, he probably knew a lot about you, and you had never seen him before in your life.
"Oh! I need to call papa…" You rummaged through your purse that he had set on the coffee table. As you sat on the couch, you then remembered that your phone was broken.
"I'll handle it, love." Chan set your shopping bags and your shoes down as well and you had totally forgotten about your heels. When did he grab them too?
"I need to call a few others as well, if you want something to eat you can rummage through the kitchen." He nodded toward the other room behind where you sat and you nodded as he went down the other hallway, deeper into the apartment. You took the chance to look around and you wondered if he was ever there. Well, if he watched you all day for three years, he probably wasn't. The decoration was simple, almost like it was a hotel room rather than a living space, but it was nice. Maybe his bedroom was more personal? Hearing his muffled voice from further in, you stood and meandered to the kitchen like he suggested. Opening the fridge, there was more than you expected since the rest of the apartment was barren. Nothing stuck out though, but you noticed an object was in the oven despite it being off. You knew exactly what it was. Opening the oven, you grabbed the pizza box and opened it as your mouth watered. You weren't sure if the pizza was your favorite because you had it all the time (it was a front for your father's shenanigans) or if you genuinely liked it. Holding the day-old slice, you chewed absentmindedly, snooping through the rest of Chan's kitchen. He had a little wine display on the counter, and you pulled one of the bottles out to look at the label. You snorted, of course he had your family's vintage. Maybe he got a discount? At least you knew you liked it. Holding the slice in your mouth as you reached for a wine glass in the cupboard, you had to get on your tip toes to reach one. Could he normally reach them? There was dust on the glass, and you pondered if he ever used them.
"Sorry I don't use those glasses often." His voice startled you, but you kept a firm grip on the glass then set it down.
"That's fine… Do you just…drink from it?" You easily and expertly pulled the cork out with your bare hands since it was sticking out enough and he blinked at the ease with which you did so. Just because you were the daughter of a mob boss and didn't fight yourself, didn't mean you weren't strong. Your father made sure if it came to it, you could punch a guy's teeth out just as well as any bodyguard. That didn't help with guns, mind you.
"Uh, no," he huffed an airy laugh, it was actually kind of cute, "I just use a normal glass." He went to the cupboard next to the one you had been in and grabbed a square-shaped cup that looked like it was more for whiskey than wine.
"Are you doing okay, love?" He leaned against the counter as you poured yourself a glass after giving him some.
"I guess. My ankle kind of hurts still." You easily balanced on one leg, lifting the other foot to roll the joint around, testing its pain level.
"Just because I've never met you face to face doesn't mean I don't know you. Are you okay?" He pressed and you flinched to look at him. It wasn't…creepy perse, just, odd. You sighed, taking a sip, your hand still shaking a bit.
"Y-yeah. I mean, I've been around guns and stuff, but… I myself have never been shot at, you know?"
"I do, actually." He smiled cheekily and you sighed in mock annoyance.
"Well, it’s a little unfair that you seem to know me so well and I have no knowledge of you." You walked around the island and back toward the living room, sitting in relief on the couch. You crossed your leg over the other, injured ankle dangling in the air. Chan sat down next to you, leg up on the cushion so he could face you, toned arm resting on the back of the sofa. You felt his eyes linger on your tight-clad legs, your leather short-shorts showing most of your thighs. His gaze stopped at the tear in the supposedly tear-proof pantyhose, then snapped his head up like he just got startled awake. The man knew you knew he was ogling your legs and the tips of ears turned red as he cleared his throat. How was such a handsome man so cute?
"What do you want to know?"
"How did you get to be my bodyguard?"
"I had no mafia ties before. I guess that was a good thing. I was more or less scouted to be a bodyguard when I was a bouncer at some penthouse night club. It seems some of your dad's guys saw I was good, and I got offered way more money than any other job. They doubled it when I took the spot as your personal bodyguard."
"I see. Where did you learn to shoot so well?"
"I started at the shooting range when I was in college with my friends. I got better through work and your father made sure I was an expert before he put his baby girl's life in my hands."
"Hm, you obviously don't know me that well." You picked on a very small detail, wondering if he would know what it was.
"Hm, not his baby girl, his little kitten."
"Oh, maybe you do know me well then?"
"Quiz me, baby-girl." The way he said it was so different than two seconds prior. His tone deepened with it and a smug look settled casually on his face. You couldn't help but watch his throat move as he swallowed a sip of wine and you took a sip yourself, then set the glass down.
"What is my favorite color?"
"Red. Something else."
"Prada. Something real (Y/N)." Chan leaned further into the cushion. You were right at eye level, and you wondered…
"Does it bother you I'm taller?" You changed the subject so fast he nearly got whiplash. You genuinely were curious. You were tall for a woman anyway, let alone when you did wear heels, and some guys didn't care for it.
"Height doesn't play into what matters, baby-girl." His slightly cryptic answer intrigued you, but you moved back to the previous topic.
"What's my favorite book and why?" He sighed, huffing a laugh at your shift back.
"You tell people it's 1984 because of the psychological implications behind it, but your favorite is actually Dragon Rider because it got you into fantasy. You read it eight times in elementary school, and you have a signed copy." Chan grinned at your bewildered expression. Once again, in any other situation that would be creepy as hell that he knew, but three years of observation would key him in.
"Okay, smart guy," you picked your glass back up, slinging your legs up under you on the couch, facing him.
"Why do I currently not have a boyfriend?" That was something you couldn't just say, it had to be observed.
"You hate romance. Flowers, chocolates, a fancy meal. You hate it, but because you like fancy clothes and jewelry, men think you lean that way. You'd prefer a movie date at home or going horseback riding." Shit, that was a little creepy. More so that he knew you so well, it was like he could see into your head, that kind of creepy. Not that he was a creep. Chan nearly cackled as he giggled at your bewildered expression, and you whined. Why was he that cute?
"Why are you that cute?" You accidentally spoke your thoughts aloud and you immediately froze, since he did too.
"I'm cute?" He managed to get out after you both sputtered for a few seconds.
"W-well, I mean-"
"I'm cute?" The simple inflection change completely shifted the meaning of his question.
"You think I'm cute?" You whispered and he set his own glass down, then took yours so he could do the same. He shifted down the cushion, so his knee touched yours. Chan leaned in and you clenched your jaw to remain strong. Don't kiss him, don't kiss him, don't kiss him.
"Baby-girl, if I didn't do you really think I would still be watching you ten hours a day, every day?" Oh. That was a good point. Chan crooked a brow, waiting for an answer or something, don't kiss him.
"You want to kiss me that bad?" he finally asked, and you jolted back, eyes leaving his mouth and shooting up to his eyes.
"What?! No?" Your voice cracked and he pressed his pretty lips together, so he didn't laugh at you.
"So, you don't want me to?"
"I never said that-" He caught you. Literally. You had tried to reel back so you could get off the couch, but his hand grabbed your wrist. It was gentle, but tight enough that he could yank you back to him, and he swallowed the squeak he pulled out of you. Your body melted, all the tension from the earlier attack as well as the sexual kind that had been quickly taking your body over, left. The kiss grew from a low heat to a full inferno rapidly. Your jacket was shed, then your necklaces and bracelets, and as his tongue crept into your mouth, you clawed at his shirt. Your fingers unevenly scratched at his skin through the fabric since about half of them were broken. You both panted when he pulled back. He slightly shoved you down so your back hit the cushion and he sat up more on his knees and you watched with glee as his shirt came off. Fucking hell, he was perfect.
"Oh my god." You gasped and his smug grin twitched briefly in bashfulness, but he composed himself.
"Let me see you, baby-girl." He easily held himself up over you as his body nestled above yours, his strong jean-clad thigh jammed between your mostly bare legs. He kissed you again as his fingers easily plucked the buttons of your shirt open and he pulled you up by the shirt. As you sat up, you yanked the shirt out of where it was tucked into your shorts and then tossed it away before falling back. The micro-fiber was a much nicer feeling than what could have been cold leather. You shivered when his calloused hands ran over the smooth and soft skin of your sides and tummy. His nose ran over your collar bone, and he nuzzled the swell of your breasts where they sat in your plain nude bra. If you knew you were going to get fucked that night, you would have worn something much sexier.
"Don't worry, it's coming off anyway." It was like he could read your mind and you yiped in shock as he unfastened the front latch so quickly it was like he did it telepathically.
"You wear them with a front latch because you can't reach around your back from when you hurt your shoulder in middle school." He really did know you well. You just blinked but then Chan forced a mewl from you as his strong thigh pressed hard into your covered mound.
"Focus, baby-girl." His voice had lowered even further, and it made you shiver. Strong hands gripped your ass over your shorts, pulling your hips to grind on his leg as his mouth met yours again. You whimpered through the kiss, goosebumps raising on your skin as the button of your shorts easily slipped open, the zipper was pulled down, and then your pants were soaring through the air somewhere you cared not.
"These are already torn…" He justified as he grabbed the hem of your pantyhose and easily ripped them to literal shreds. Chan let the remnants fall to the floor and you felt your slick through your panties against your bare thighs. At least your panties were a cute lacey purple and not just plain nude.
"You're absolutely stunning." He praised, hand running up your thigh so he could hitch it against his hip. Chan rolled his hips, and you squealed at the large bulge in his pants pressing to your barely covered cunt. If he felt that big through jeans, what the hell was he hiding? He chuckled where your hips jumped to get another brush of friction, reaching into his back pocket. As he pulled the foil package from his pants you snatched it from him.
"Planning this?" You tried to tease him, but his gaze darkened.
"Oh, baby-girl, I've wanted to fuck you for two years now." The man declared. You turned the packet over to look at the label, making a mental note at the size, then you looked at him coyly.
"You clean?"
"Good." You tossed it behind your shoulder, then grabbed his belt loop, pulling him to you as you sat up. You smirked up at him, head tipped back so you could look him in the eye.
"Can you really feel me like you want through a rubber?" He swallowed hard, all that confidence from before seemingly to leave, then rushed back.
"Not even fucking close." He admitted, pushing you back down and starting to lay open mouth kisses against your neck. He sucked hard, his teeth nibbling the flesh and you shuddered with a delighted whine.
"We can put my pill to the test." You teased and he groaned, kissing down your chest. His mouth sealed over your nipple as he wrestled his jeans off and you exhaled in bliss as his fingers rubbed at your folds through the fabric still covering them.
"You care about these?" He snapped the hem of the undergarment. You did, but you really wanted to watch him tear them up more.
"Nope." You popped the 'p' and the lace ripped and joined your other items of clothing somewhere behind him. You yelped when his hands grabbed your waist and shoved you up the sectional, so he had room to lay on his stomach. Before you got the chance to prop yourself up on your elbows, his tongue ran up the folds of your pussy and his nose brushed your clit.
"Fuck!" You tossed your head back, body twitching as he decided to bury his tongue inside you. He groaned at your taste, hands roughly grabbing the backs of your thighs. He rolled you back, holding your legs apart and up as he mouthed at you like a man starved. Your little mewls and squeaks flew out between heaving breaths, and you felt his grip tighten, knowing he would leave bruises. When he let go of your left leg, he made sure you rested it on the back of the couch, and then his finger pressed into your twitching cunt.
"You’re drippin’." He chuckled, then added another finger and your whole body seized. Expertly, he crooked his fingers up, the ends pressing against your cervix and with a final lick to your clit, you came. He eagerly helped you ride out your high, then cleaned his fingers off with his tongue as you panted for air. Your forearm was slung over your eyes as you came back to earth, and you only moved your arm to watch as he removed his final garment. You hadn't even got a chance to look at him in just his boxers, but there he stood in absolute glory. His cock stood proud, arching up toward his toned stomach and you heaved yourself up so you could see him better.
"Oh~" You giggled, wrapping your fingers around his cock and he groaned at the feeling. You bit your lip, eyes meeting his giddily, then you swallowed the tip, whining at salt of his pre.
"(Y/N), baby-girl~" He tossed his head back as you took more of him into your mouth. He was thick, your jaw protesting a bit, and you still had a good few inches to go when the head hit the back of your throat. Your eyes flicked to his again, and you made sure to watch his face and you kept going, only gagging slightly as your nose pressed to his groin.
"Oh, fuck." He nearly whimpered, hands gripping your hair, then loosened his grip. He groaned as you bobbed your head, breath harshly moving through your nose as his cock filled and left your throat. His hips jumped and the sudden movement made you gag a bit harder, but it made your cunt clench as well.
"Shit, sorry!" He panicked, but you pulled off slowly, giving him your best boba eyes.
"Wanna keep going?" You hoped your intention was clear and he didn't even hesitate. The hands still in your hair pulled you back onto his cock and you sat like a good girl as the fat head of Chan's dick battered your throat. Your eyes rolled back, loving not just his rough movements, but the pretty noises leaving his mouth.
"Hm, you want me to cum down your throat, baby-girl?" Chan's hips jerked unevenly, and you could feel his dick pulse on your tongue. You hummed and nearly wiggled with glee as he pressed your nose hard against his lower stomach and painted your throat white. You eagerly swallowed each pump and drop, and he mumbled something about wondering why he waited so long to have you. Only half-softened, he pulled out of your mouth, and you licked the rest off his release of your lips. You didn't even get the chance to give him a smug grin before you were flipped over onto your stomach, and he heaved your hips up.
"Tell me if I do something wrong." His comment seemed odd, but it seemed he really did know you well. You gasped a moan as his hand smacked your ass, the skin stinging, and he could see your empty cunt clench around nothing.
"You want daddy's cock?" His thumb ran through the slick of your folds, and you trembled. There was a very specific reason you only called your father 'papa'. You only wished you had found Chan sooner to actually put it into practice.
"Fuck, yes, daddy!" You squealed in joy, hiccupping when his other hand slapped your other ass cheek.
"Get ready, then baby-girl." You were ready mentally, but your pussy wasn't. Your cunt burned as he buried his fat cock into you with one thrust. You reveled in the sting, craved it, and your already tight walls clenched around him hard. Even if he wasn't fucking you from behind, you were sure he was long enough to fill you completely, the tip nestled tight against your cervix.
"Fucking hell." You sighed, nails digging into the thick fabric of the couch. He let you get used to the stretch, but you just wanted him to move, you were even getting antsy.
"Move, please." Your wiggled were stopped with a hard spank. You yelped.
"Daddy, please." You corrected and he ran his thumb over the reddening skin.
"Sure thing, love." Your cunt tried desperately to keep his cock inside, and a few drops of your wet landed on the couch. Your breath left you when his hips snapped, fucking back into you hard and fast, his pace not letting you catch it back. He loved the little mewls and grunts he was literally fucking out of you. Your cheek was pressed to the cushion, drool already pooling from the corner of your mouth. He had waited too long to take you, he decided, and he was going to make up for the lost time.
"Ch-chan, fuck!" Your orgasm was cresting fast, a familiar burn rising with your orgasm. Spank!
"Fuck, daddy, I'm gonna-" Your breath shuddered as your orgasm hit and he slowed his pace some, grinding his cock into you as your pussy spasmed.
"Oh, baby-girl~!" He groaned as your cunt squirted even more slick onto his groin and balls, even both of your thighs. You slumped after what seemed like minutes and heaved for air, but he wasn't anywhere close to done. Your near scream as he started to pummel his hips against your ass again went straight to his head. He leaned over you, hands near your shoulders. Normally, he was used to leaning over a girl quite a bit, but his hands fell to the sides of your shoulders rather than your head, your body just as long as his, legs even longer. Despite the small height difference (in your favor), you felt small under him, he had broad shoulders and thick muscles, and an even thicker cock. The hard and deep thrusts turned shallow, his dick barely leaving your cunt but battering it at the same time, bringing you up to and over another orgasm fast.
"So deep, daddy~" You nearly cheered, and he found your weakness. He pressed his hips into yours, barely moving them and you gasped, a fourth orgasm already approaching. He felt your walls clench harder and you felt your pussy start to sting, but you needed to fall apart again. It was too much for him then, your raw heat and gummy walls begging him to pump you full.
"Gotta test that pill." He mumbled, then groaned as he finally fell over as well. The sticky heat of his cum filling you, so much it spurted out from around where your bodies met, pushed you over the edge as well. Your head swam from the force of your final orgasm, stars dotting your vision. As he panted for air over you, he watched your eyes flutter; you were wiped out.
"I'll let you sleep over, baby-girl. Gotta rest for when I fuck you stupid tomorrow morning."
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Master-Master List
Stray Kids Master List
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maibeewrites · 9 months
handle your own when you become a man //
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a Marcus Alvarez x female!OC fanfiction
Veronica could always defend herself, always keep a straight face.
Until one day, when she has to do something that makes even herself question, what was she made for.
part I Bigger dog
"Everybody, calm it!" said Jax for the fourth time with an angry expression. Everyone held everyone at gunpoint. The deal with the Mayans went south. The Sons were all in Mayan grounds, they were surrounded.
They came to convince Alvarez to let them sell a shipment of guns near Oakland. Needless to say, El Padrino wasn't too happy about them arming up his streets.
But the Irish were pushing hard on the Sons and they needed to find a buyer ASAP. The Niners didn't buy it. They were deep in shit. A street gang in Oakland was offering just enough money for them to cover the Kings and make some profit for themselves. It would been the perfect situation, only for them weren't on enemy territory.
"It is a one time deal. You get a percentage too." Jax added.
Alvarez laughed. "You white boy you tripping on some shit if you think I will let you sell here."
"At least can we talk through this without pointing the guns?" Veronica said quietly and gestured around with her free hand.
Alvarez shook his head, and signalled to his men to lower their guns.
"Thank you" nodded Jax. The mexican did the same.
"Please Marcus, if we weren't in this situation, we wouldn't ask you something like this. And have another offer." Jax gestured to Veronica to continue.
So this was the part when she had to step in. She found herself in this situation because of a debt. She had to borrow once some money from SAMCRO, and they agreed that instead of fully paying it back in cash, she did something for them.
Her gig was a high end beauty store in the outskirts of Stockton. She imported MAC lipsticks and Uzis. Dior powders and metamphetamine. What was in season. That was her shit.
"If you let them sell this shipment now, I will pay you an allowance in the next three months, Papi. A percentage of sales. The higher the sales, the more money you get" said Veronica and crossed her arms. This was her deal with Jax, this is how she was gonna pay off the rest of her debt.
"What's your business have to do with this?" Alvarez asked.
"Oh, I'm just happy to help out my friends, you know. It's good for business you know if you have powerful relationships with powerful people" said Veronica with a smirk on her face.
Alvarez and her had already crossed ways in multiple occasions. Everybody in that area who dwelt in illegal businesses knew her. She immigrated from Eastern Europe when she was a minor. As an orphan, she quickly had to fend for herself in order to survive in this climate. She was the diva, a woman in power, who was not involved in porn or prostitution, but instead, in their trade. She was a curiosity nonetheless.
Plus Veronica was young and pretty. She had long dirty blonde hair, which she always wore wavy, and big blue eyes which stared so intensely into everyones' eyes. She was tall, almost the same height as Alvarez. She was athletic but very curvy at the right places, and slim where she needed to be. She was always told when she was a kid that she was "big boned". In the California sun, her skin was a bit more tan that originally, but still, she was a light shade of cream.
Overall, she looked beautiful. But her beauty was always overshadowed by who she was. She always wore combat boots, leather or cargo pants, utilitarian clothing, jackets, denim. She almost carried herself like a man sometimes, but she still had that feminine softness in her. The way she spoke, she was wise, determined and playful at the same time.
Of course she caught Marcus Alvarez's eye. It was always his fantasy to absolutely hatefuck the shit out of that smartass blanca. To make her cry and make her beg for it. He was curious, what else she could do with that pretty, pouty mouth besides playing tough.
"Jax, how much do you need this deal?" asked Alvarez.
"I think I aleardy layed it out for you. I need this" replied Jax with a stern voice. "Ask anything else, I give it to you"
Alvarez was thinking for a second.
"Alright. I let you sell it. You give my my 100 grand. And the percentage for her sales."
"Thank you, ese" Jax said and he couldn't hide his relief.
"There is one more thing, you." Alvarez said straight to Veronica.
The woman raised her brows.
"Me? Yes?"
"No, I mean I want you. For one night." Marcus looked her in the eyes.
Veronica got really confused at first, then it dawned on her.
"What?" The question left her lips so silently that even Jax could barely understand.
The air froze and everyone stared at her.
She rarely felt anxious. The feeling of anxiety was only familiar to her from memories. When she was in fifth grade, and in the winter, the boys would come and drag the most pretty and popular girls in the snow, kicking snow in their faces and ruining their clothes. She always hated that. Her stomach sank every time when recess came. How the boys cornered her and dragged her out in the snow.
But now, she felt the anxiety. A flash of cold washed over her.
"What?" she asked, but the question felt like it wasn't even aimed at Alvarez in particular. It was aimed at everyone. Did she really need to do this for the Sons?
"Chill out, ninita. You spend a night with me. A whole night" said Alvarez with a smirk on his face.
"You a funny man" Veronica said, and now her anxiety slowly turned to anger.
"Easy now" intervened Jax. He pulled Veronica to the side.
"Listen, I don't want this to be this way. But you have to say yes. As much as I know that this is wrong. Please" Jax looked at her with pleading eyes. "They will kill my family if we don't get a buyer" he spoke the last sentence almost as a whisper.
Veronica felt sorry for Jax, but at the same time wanted to laugh him and everyone in the face. What is she? What is she in the eyes of these men?
Really, a night with her?
It didn't take much thought to figure out what were Alvarez's intentions. She always could tell if someone wanted her.
She always put people into four categories: the ones with mutual attraction, even if it was platonic, the ones with no attraction, and the ones who either were attracted to her, but she wasn't to them, and the ones with the opposite.
Marcus Alvarez was in the first category. She found the man good-looking, but this didn't help the situation, that he demanded a night with her, so he could use her as he will. No one does this to her. No one touches her without her consent.
And now she had to give consent. The Mayans were snickering, the Sons stared at them and at their leader with rage. But they had to stay quiet, she was doing this for them.
"Okay. Tell me where to go and when." said Veronica finally, completely defeated.
"Just be ready tonight by 9. I will pick you up at your house" said Alvarez "now go, get the fuck out of my crib."
Jax ushered the Sons out. Veronica only looked straight ahead, pretending to not see the concerned stares.
"Oh, and wear a dress, look pretty" added Alvarez as he turned his back on Veronica.
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This is a prompt from @oneforthemunny summer game! I’ve never written fanfic before and adore @oneforthemunny ‘s writing, so I asked for a prompt and chose this one :)
Prompt: 👙 mafia!Eddie: you need a new swimsuit and mafia!eddie is more than happy to go shopping with you…
Contains: MDNI, sub/dom reader dynamics/light slapping/female reader/descriptions of female anatomy (reader)/mentions of weapons- please lmk if I’ve missed anything!
You looked across the vast size of an empty Starcourt Mall with utter amusement. The sense of amazement had dissipated, you were so used to perusing empty buildings with Eddie. The amusement would always be present in times like this; you still couldn’t quite believe that your boyfriend had the capacity to shut down whole buildings, restaurants, arcades, you name it; with a simple flick of his Italian leather wallet, a winning smile and a gun on his hip.
Steve had called Eddie on his secret office phone a few days prior, informing you both that he and the “shrimps” were having a pool party at his house and if Eddie was feeling domesticated enough to come. Eddie said yes, with the installation of a new CCT system and an undercover guy on every door of the Harrington household, he gave you the green light to also attend. You were excited at the prospect of being “normal” with your boyfriend for the afternoon (minus the signing of NDA contracts everyone had to succumb to who attended, however there was one small obstacle. You didn’t own a swimsuit. That was thrown away when you were packing up for your move to Hawkins and your sensible bank job. Never in your life did you think you would be running in the same circles as people who did fun things, socialised and had a good time.
This is how you found yourself in Starcourt, with Eddie at your side, pinky fingers entwined as you strolled the stores. The mall music still playing mixed with the smells of your favourite food parlours Eddie paid handsomely to stay open “incase you need a shopping snack”. “I think I’ll go to the new lingerie boutique that’s just opened, they sell cute little one pieces” you turned to Eddie as you dragged him along the concourse. You were trying to be excited and you knew Eddie worshipped you but…you’ve never been so “naked” in front of other people before. No one apart from Eddie has seen your naked thighs or tummy and even then, you convinced him you needed to be naked in the lowest of light or completely in the dark (your personal preference).
As you entered the store, the petite sales assistant, with auburn hair and a porcelain complexion behind the counter gave you a dazzling pink lipsticked smile. Her face was catlike, straight off the runway, with her red talon nails clicking on the keyboard of the computer in front of her. You nervously smiled back, wondering if the store would cater for someone with such an ample cleavage and thighs like yours. As you scanned the racks of string bikinis, thongs, one pieces with barely anything there to cover your ass, your face reddened as you let out a huff of disappointment.
Picking up on your fussiness, Eddie kissed your hairline, standing behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist. “Sweetheart, what’s wrong? Can you not find a colour you like? If they don’t have the shade of purple I know you like, I can have it shipped in for tomorrow”. You smiled as you turned in your boyfriend’s arms, looking up at those lovesick umber eyes of his. “The colours are perfect honey, it’s just…me. I’ve never shown my body even in a one piece before out in public and I know I don’t look like her” as you glanced towards the waif-like looking sales assistant; who was currently strutting around the store putting away stock like she was setting up for the latest runway photo shoot.
Eddie hooked his finger under your chin and turned your face towards his, the fingers of his other hand trailing across the rack of one pieces. “Sweetheart”, he muttered in your ear as he pulled a little red number off of the rack, “if you don’t get into this one piece right now and push up those pretty tits of yours, I’ll spank you into next week; I’ll do it in the middle of the mall if I have to”. Your thighs unconsciously rubbed together at his dominance. He knew exactly how to get you into that confident headspace you never could on your own.
As the mall was totally devoid of customers and the only shop assistants on shift were at Eddie’s discretion (plus his security), Eddie stalked his way into the fitting room behind you, pulling the curtain back with a yank. You wasted no time in stripping from your clothes and stepping into the red Lycra- something highly reminiscent of Pamela Anderson running sexily along a California beach. Before you could even pull up the straps, ringed fingers were under them, smoothing the straps to your shoulders.
Eddie looked over your shoulder at you in the mirror, umber eyes blown black, as those ringed fingers made their way under the material of the swimsuit; grazing your chest and lightly fingering the swell of your ample cleavage.
“See sweetheart, who needs a sales assistant when you have one right here?” Eddie smirked as you let out the small whine that was brewing in the back of your throat. Your boyfriend always had the ability to turn you into a wet, whimpering, mess before he had even touched you. “Gotta make sure it fits in all of the right places princess, you can’t be going around in clothes that don’t fit”. Suddenly, the side of your face met the wall of the fitting room, as Eddie turned you by your hips and pushed you against it; his black leather boots gently pushing your ankles to each side so your legs were spread just right for him. “I don’t want people thinking that I don’t take care of my girl and pay attention to her needs do I?” He whispered in your ear as his mouth made its way to the crook of your neck. “I don’t think they have a tape measure in here sweetheart, so I guess my fingers will have to do” .
All you could feel in that moment was your nipples against the cold wall, hardening at Eddie’s touch as he pulled your swimsuit to the side around your already clenching pussy. “I wonder if this swimsuit is as waterproof as it claims it is” Eddie mused in a mocking tone, his fingers splayed across your cunt, his ring finger dipping into your wetness. “My, my sweetheart, you’re giving the material a test run already; you’re soaked. Is this just for me?” You let out a muffled moan, your eyes rolling back as Eddie playfully slapped your ass “use your words princess, otherwise daddy won’t buy you what you want, my little slut getting all needy and wet for daddy in public”. “Yes daddy”, you whined, breath hitching with each finger added into your dripping cunt, “it’s for you, always for you”.
“I thought so honey…now I’ll strip this suit off of you, put it in my back pocket and you’ll get a new one off the rack okay?” You nodded all wide eyed as your boyfriend talked down to you. “Take my card to the register and be a good girl while I think of ways to punish your fuckin’ bratty attitude. Daddy doesn’t tolerate brats”.
Eddie’s tongue licked your bottom lip as you pulled the suit down your chest; the moans and thumps coming from the fitting room remained unquestioned-the store would remain open all night if necessary.
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violetvalentine · 1 year
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~Agent Teddy~
Dress: AURICA - Sharon Dress  (Kinky - Event - May 2023)
Coat: PLASTIX - Feline Coat - Golden
Necklace: the crone - sword necklace - tiger's eye (UNAVAILABLE)
Choker: sacrilege - lorelai jewelry set - (Conch Island - Event - May 2023)
Earrings: MAZE.mods - Luna Plugs
Gun: Skellybones -- High Noon - Revolver
Hair: [Yomi] - Kaida Hair  (The Warehouse Sale - Event - May 2023)
Spiral Eye: Insomnia Angel - Spiral Wave Eyes - (The Warehouse Sale - Event - April/May 2023)
Lipstick: Ladybird. - Vesper Lippie - 8
Eye Makeup: Ladybird. - Yvonne Eyeshadow - (The Fifty - Event - April 2023)
Head: Lelutka - Vivian
Body: eBody
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scooplery · 1 year
i know so little about makeup i dont even know what to ask but consider this a free space to talk more about it! :3
I just put in my sephora VIB sale order! I'm replenishing some staples (brow pencil, dry shampoo) also i finished my tube of bobbi brown lipstick so I am getting a replacement for that, and i am treating myself to some fragrance (juliette has a gun sampler kit) (i already know i like them hehe)
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bntonline123 · 2 years
What are good self-defense weapons besides firearms?
There are so many defense weapons available in the market to protect humans. Most people think “lethal guns” are better options for self-defense as compared to any other weapon.
Lethal guns are essential in life-threatening situations only. People cannot use firearms in every single defense situation.
Life is important above everything. Many non lethal self defense weapons can be used besides firearms. These products are the best for protection. Here is a little detail about self defense products.
Pepper spray
A non-lethal weapon of the modern era. This is known as capsicum spray. Capsicum is an active agent of this spray. This chemical is derived from the pepper plant. Pepper spray for sale is used to disable the assailants. This spray causes temporary blindness from 25–30mins. It can cause skin burning sensation of 45–60mins. Pepper spray is available in numerous shapes and designs. The stream dispersal pepper spray is available in various shapes such as lipstick dispensers, spray bottles, pepper spray guns, spray keychains, and much more. These sprays are highly powerful, easy to use, and portable products. With the help of this spray, innocent people can get enough time to escape from assailants.
These are cylindrical-shaped defense products. These are made up of wood, plastic, metal, or rubber. Batons can vary in size and length. Batons are multi-purpose products.
Self-defense guns
These are easily portable defense products. Self defense guns are highly demanded replicas of real guns. They can be used in the form of paintball and airsoft guns. It is very important to understand the proper functioning of all products before using them. These are the best kind of less lethal products.
Impact Weapons
These are nonlethal defense devices. These are available in the form of hanging keyrings for your bags and purses. These easily portable products can save you in the time of need
Knuckle dusters
These are hand-to-hand combat weapons. that can be fixed onto the fingers held with the grip of the fist. They can be made up of brass or other metals, plastic, wood, or even carbon fiber. These weapons increase the force of a punch causing much damage and impact to a specific smaller area in the body.
Stun guns
Stun guns/Tasers are electroshock weapons with high voltage. Both of these can be used for both far and close ranges to inactive the muscular movement of assailants. It can provide enough time for innocent victims to get escape from danger. These smaller-sized non lethal self defense guns can be highly effective in many defense situations. Their portability is a tremendous gift for users.
According to the defense situations, there are so many benefits of using nonlethal products. You can select any of the products for your protection to increase your safety.
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A stun gun is an efficient yet non-lethal self-defense weapon. It immobilizes the enemy by giving an electric shock or a powerful jerk which is enough to knock down any person. You can then have plenty of time to escape from that situation to a safe place.
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spring-picnics · 2 years
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𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚘𝚖 𝚛𝚘𝚗𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚌𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚜
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- Robin doesn’t pay for her haircuts (she’s poor), so she gets Nancy to do it for her and Nancy spends the entirety of the night before reading as many books and magazines as possible to study for it.
“Come on Nance, I’m sure you’ll do a great job! Please come to bed.”
“Listen I’ll only be another hour. Your hair needs to look great, I’m the one who stares at it.”
- Robin loves wearing oversized clothing so Nancy starts buying herself jackets three times her size to give to robin when she’s cold.
- Robin likes to buy car decorations for Nancy’s car. They’re always the most stereotypical car items and Nancy used to hate them but she doesn’t let Robin know that because she loves the idea that Robin thought of her and bought bright red furry dice?
“I bought you an offering my love.”
“Wow, a bumper sticker that says I’m blonde? Amazing…”
“I know right!!!! I got it on sale!!”
- Sometimes Nancy just drops in to family video and picks up Robin so that they can do what Robin calls the three i’s: investigate, interrogate, interfere. Robin carries around Jonathan’s old camera to look like a reporter. Nancy carries around a gun, a notebook that Robin bought for her and healthy fruit snacks for her forever hungry girlfriend.
- Nancy tells Robin obscure details during their stakeouts, so that later when they have to recount everything, Robin has all these odd details memorised in her head.
“Robin, what did I tell you to remember about Mrs Hannigan’s vanity?”
“She wears an aubergine lipstick and for some reason only wears pearls. You know, fun fact but apparently cleopatra used pearls to win a bet, you see-“
“Mr Hannigan is cheating on her.”
“The lipstick smudge on his neck was red, his wife only wears purple.”
“So now we have blackmail on him?”
- Nancy loves to call Robin random nicknames or flirt with her every now and then to see Robin get flustered (especially when Robin is on the clock).
“Come on sweetheart, your food can’t be that bad.”
“Nancy…” she says as she tries not to turn bright red.
- Robin once took Steve out to egg The Hawkins Post. Nancy wrote an article about it and pretends that she doesn’t know it was her girlfriend who did it.
- Nancy buys Robin more “academic” (but comfortable) clothes and keeps them in her trunk for their little escapades.
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Why Weren't You There?
Febuwhump 2022: #2. Failed Rescue Attempt
Fandom: DC, Peacemaker, Adrian Chase, Vigilante
Word Count: 1315
TW: Blood, Beatings, Kidnaping, Death
Thank you to the anon who requested “You weren’t there...why weren’t you there? I needed you! I needed you! And you weren't there!” vigilante x female reader where reader is kidnapped.
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For what seemed like the hundredth time that night, Adrian hit play on the video that had been sent to his phone. He watched as the camera focused on the dirty, bloodstained floor before panning up to reveal you tied to a chair. You were an absolute mess: inky trails stretched down your face from where your tears smudged your mascara, lipstick mixed with blood as it smeared across your chin, one cheek swollen and purple under the harsh lighting. And yet, Adrian still thought you were the most beautiful person he had ever seen. However, the sobs pouring from your lips made his chest ache just as much as they had the first time he had watched the recording.
A large man with a shaved head hovered over you with a gun. He raised it to your head, causing you to flinch sharply, as he said, “Repeat what we told you to say.”
“Vig-Vigilante.” You stuttered through your tears. “You ha-have killed our men and slowed our op-operations. Now we have your g-girl. If you ever want to see her a-al-alive again, you’ll come to the warehouse on River Road and Pine alone at midnight. Not a minute before or after, or her bl-blood will be on your hands.”
You glanced up at the man for confirmation that you did well. When he nodded and lowered the gun, you turned back to the camera frantically. “You told me to wait outside Fennel Fields for you. But you weren’t there……why weren’t you there? I needed you, Ad-“ even in the midst of your fear, your pain, and your anger, you stopped yourself from using his real name. “-I needed you! And you weren’t there!”
As your voice rose to near hysterics, the man beside you backhanded you across the face, sending the chair toppling to the floor with you still strapped to it. Your sobs shrank into whimpers as you tried to avoid another hit, but Adrian saw the fresh gash that had opened on your cheek, blood spilling down your neck. And then the screen went black. With a shuddering sigh, Adrian hit play on the video again.
In the last few months, a new gang had moved into town and set up shop. And what started as a small business of minor drug sales, soon blossomed into major weapons distribution and money laundering. No matter what the cops tried, they couldn’t gather enough evidence to take them down. So, Vigilante had stepped in to serve his own brand of justice. Soon, dead gang members were showing up all over town. Understandably, the leaders of the gang were not too happy about this.
Adrian had begun hearing whispers that the gang had placed a bounty on Vigilante’s head. But he had just smirked behind his glasses and his uniform as he bussed the tables at Fennel Fields. He knew people underestimated him and that no one in their wildest dreams would think that the dorky loser Adrian Chase could possibly be Vigilante. But as you often pointed out, if he allowed anyone to actually survive an encounter with Vigilante, they would see he was that same dorky person underneath the mask, just with a gun instead of an apron.
Everything seemed to be under control until you had called him that afternoon. You had noticed a few guys following you as you ran some errands, and you were worried that someone might have found out about your relationship with Vigilante. Adrian had tried his best to calm you down, but he promised to meet you at your normal spot behind the restaurant in fifteen minutes.
However, he had forgotten to fill up his Sebring. So after stopping for gas, he arrived at your meeting spot behind Fennel Fields about 24 minutes after hanging up the phone. You were nowhere to be seen, but Adrian saw immediately that there were obvious signs of a struggle. A trash can had been dumped on its side, glass was shattered and scattered across the parking lot, and he found the jacket he had given you for your birthday balled up in the bushes next to some fresh tire marks where someone had sped off in a hurry. He had frantically run inside the restaurant to see if any of his co-workers had seen you, but no one had.
Adrian had begun driving around, desperately trying to find any clues as to where you might have been taken. And just as he arrived back at your shared apartment in the hopes that somehow he had been mistaken and you had just headed home, his phone buzzed with a text from you. It was the video.
And for the past hour, Adrian had replayed it over and over, just savoring the sound of your voice even as your words destroyed him. Because you were right. When he had revealed the truth about who he was, about what he did, you had been fearful. Not of him (you had actually supported his violent means of getting justice for others) but of what could happen to him. What would happen if the public knew who he was? And what if they found out about you? But he had promised you everything would be okay. That he would always be there to protect you…but tonight, he hadn’t been.
Adrian watched the hands of the clock slowly drag themselves forward as it approached midnight and he gathered up every single weapon that he owned. Each gun, knife, hatchet, sword, and bomb that would fit on his person was added to his arsenal. And once he was loaded up, he climbed into the Vigilante-mobile and headed towards the warehouse.
Slipping into the building was not too difficult. The few guards he had seen milling around were dealt with easily enough with a slice of his knife or a swing of his hatchet. Trying to keep as low of a profile as possible, he began searching for you, room by room.
Finally, he found the one he recognized from the video. And there you were, still strapped to the once again up-right chair in the middle of the room. He quietly called out to you, but you didn’t seem to hear him. And as he snuck closer, he could tell something was wrong, but he couldn’t figure out what. That was until he moved away from your side to face you head-on. It was only then that he knew.
Adrian fell to his knees in front of you, a strangled “No!” tearing from his lips. Because from this angle, not only did he now notice the fresh bruising, broken nose, and a black eye that you hadn’t had in the video, but he saw the unnatural bend of your neck. And he knew.
Pulling out one of his knives, Adrian quickly cut away all of your bindings. And once you were free, he gathered you into his arms, softly caressing your face as he choked out your name. But you didn’t stir. The only movement on your body was a few trickles of blood that slowly flowed from your wounds. And he knew.
You were gone and it was all his fault. He had promised to protect you and instead, he had gotten you killed. And the last thing you had said to him was ‘I needed you! And you weren’t there!’. And that was true. However, Vigilante was here now.
What happened next seemed to be both a blur and happening in slow motion all at the same time. Adrian didn’t just kill every last man in that building. He massacred them, slowly and painfully. He slaughtered each and every one of them where they stood. He made sure that they paid by the pint for every drop of your blood that had been spilled.
Because this wasn’t about justice anymore. This was about retribution.
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knives-deal · 4 years
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What Makes A #Lipstick #Stun #Gun An Ideal Choice for #Self #Defense?
Read More  https://bit.ly/2W3gVWL
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Why Weren't You There?
Fandom: DC, Peacemaker, Adrian Chase, Vigilante
Word Count: 1315
TW: Blood, Beatings, Kidnaping, Death
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For what seemed like the hundredth time that night, Adrian hit play on the video that had been sent to his phone. He watched as the camera focused on the dirty, bloodstained floor before panning up to reveal you tied to a chair. You were an absolute mess: inky trails stretched down your face from where your tears smudged your mascara, lipstick mixed with blood as it smeared across your chin, one cheek swollen and purple under the harsh lighting. And yet, Adrian still thought you were the most beautiful person he had ever seen. However, the sobs pouring from your lips made his chest ache just as much as they had the first time he had watched the recording.
A large man with a shaved head hovered over you with a gun. He raised it to your head, causing you to flinch sharply, as he said, “Repeat what we told you to say.”
“Vig-Vigilante.” You stuttered through your tears. “You ha-have killed our men and slowed our op-operations. Now we have your g-girl. If you ever want to see her a-al-alive again, you’ll come to the warehouse on River Road and Pine alone at midnight. Not a minute before or after, or her bl-blood will be on your hands.”
You glanced up at the man for confirmation that you did well. When he nodded and lowered the gun, you turned back to the camera frantically. “You told me to wait outside Fennel Fields for you. But you weren’t there……why weren’t you there? I needed you, Ad-“ even in the midst of your fear, your pain, and your anger, you stopped yourself from using his real name. “-I needed you! And you weren’t there!”
As your voice rose to near hysterics, the man beside you backhanded you across the face, sending the chair toppling to the floor with you still strapped to it. Your sobs shrank into whimpers as you tried to avoid another hit, but Adrian saw the fresh gash that had opened on your cheek, blood spilling down your neck. And then the screen went black. With a shuddering sigh, Adrian hit play on the video again.
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In the last few months, a new gang had moved into town and set up shop. And what started as a small business of minor drug sales, soon blossomed into major weapons distribution and money laundering. No matter what the cops tried, they couldn’t gather enough evidence to take them down. So, Vigilante had stepped in to serve his own brand of justice. Soon, dead gang members were showing up all over town. Understandably, the leaders of the gang were not too happy about this.
Adrian had begun hearing whispers that the gang had placed a bounty on Vigilante’s head. But he had just smirked behind his glasses and his uniform as he bussed the tables at Fennel Fields. He knew people underestimated him and that no one in their wildest dreams would think that the dorky loser Adrian Chase could possibly be Vigilante. But as you often pointed out, if he allowed anyone to actually survive an encounter with Vigilante, they would see he was that same dorky person underneath the mask, just with a gun instead of an apron.
Everything seemed to be under control until you had called him that afternoon. You had noticed a few guys following you as you ran some errands, and you were worried that someone might have found out about your relationship with Vigilante. Adrian had tried his best to calm you down, but he promised to meet you at your normal spot behind the restaurant in fifteen minutes.
However, he had forgotten to fill up his Sebring. So after stopping for gas, he arrived at your meeting spot behind Fennel Fields about 24 minutes after hanging up the phone. You were nowhere to be seen, but Adrian saw immediately that there were obvious signs of a struggle. A trash can had been dumped on its side, glass was shattered and scattered across the parking lot, and he found the jacket he had given you for your birthday balled up in the bushes next to some fresh tire marks where someone had sped off in a hurry. He had frantically run inside the restaurant to see if any of his co-workers had seen you, but no one had.
Adrian had begun driving around, desperately trying to find any clues as to where you might have been taken. And just as he arrived back at your shared apartment in the hopes that somehow he had been mistaken and you had just headed home, his phone buzzed with a text from you. It was the video.
And for the past hour, Adrian had replayed it over and over, just savoring the sound of your voice even as your words destroyed him. Because you were right. When he had revealed the truth about who he was, about what he did, you had been fearful. Not of him (you had actually supported his violent means of getting justice for others) but of what could happen to him. What would happen if the public knew who he was? And what if they found out about you? But he had promised you everything would be okay. That he would always be there to protect you…but tonight, he hadn’t been.
Adrian watched the hands of the clock slowly drag themselves forward as it approached midnight and he gathered up every single weapon that he owned. Each gun, knife, hatchet, sword, and bomb that would fit on his person was added to his arsenal. And once he was loaded up, he climbed into the Vigilante-mobile and headed towards the warehouse.
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Slipping into the building was not too difficult. The few guards he had seen milling around were dealt with easily enough with a slice of his knife or a swing of his hatchet. Trying to keep as low of a profile as possible, he began searching for you, room by room.
Finally, he found the one he recognized from the video. And there you were, still strapped to the once again up-right chair in the middle of the room. He quietly called out to you, but you didn’t seem to hear him. And as he snuck closer, he could tell something was wrong, but he couldn’t figure out what. That was until he moved away from your side to face you head-on. It was only then that he knew.
Adrian fell to his knees in front of you, a strangled “No!” tearing from his lips. Because from this angle, not only did he now notice the fresh bruising, broken nose, and a black eye that you hadn’t had in the video, but he saw the unnatural bend of your neck. And he knew.
Pulling out one of his knives, Adrian quickly cut away all of your bindings. And once you were free, he gathered you into his arms, softly caressing your face as he choked out your name. But you didn’t stir. The only movement on your body was a few trickles of blood that slowly flowed from your wounds. And he knew.
You were gone and it was all his fault. He had promised to protect you and instead, he had gotten you killed. And the last thing you had said to him was ‘I needed you! And you weren’t there!’. And that was true. However, Vigilante was here now.
What happened next seemed to be both a blur and happening in slow motion all at the same time. Adrian didn’t just kill every last man in that building. He massacred them, slowly and painfully. He slaughtered each and every one of them where they stood. He made sure that they paid by the pint for every drop of your blood that had been spilled.
Because this wasn’t about justice anymore. This was about retribution.
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cool-kitchens · 5 years
Best Pink Taser
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Best Pink Taser
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terrible-turtles · 3 years
Aesthetics For Dating the Girls 🐢
April: Citrus smells, doing each others nails, shoe sales, homework dates, throwing tenssens, watching the sunset and sunrise, notes in each others lockers, orange poppies, flipping through magazines, bullet journals, thrift shopping, icecream dates, fairy lights, jean jackets with patches, tender kisses, snapchat streaks.
Karai: The scent of leather and smoke, punk rock, black eyeliner and red lipstick, haikus, long talks late at night, silver light shining on a knife, pins and buttons, chokers, matching tattoos, sushi dates, biker gloves, speaking seductively in japanese, snake eyes, long motorcycle rides, pericings, sneaking saki, late night adventures.
Renet: Smells like worn metal and oil, tinkering, fun facts about history, historical nicknames, the tiking of a clock, COLD, braiding each others hair, sand sifting through an hourglass, witnessing history in the making, constantly traveling, dancing dates, tea pots and tea kettles, so many genres of music, clock cogs, steampunk, kissing on the forehead.
Mona: The scent of gun powder, pointing out constellations, exploring galaxies, gentle tracing with claws, working out together, impulsiveness, stars in your eyes, giving space rocks, lifting weights, jogging together, the sound of blaster fire, passionate kissing, war, parkour, battle cries, starship racing, loud declarations of love.
Shinagami: Smells like incense, reading spiritual energies, essential oils, warm hugs, playing the poki game, goff fashion, doing your tarrot cards, senpai, black velvet, palm reading, spirit summoning, doing each others makeup, stargazing together, burning candles and sage, herb gardens, pressed flowers, auras, astrology signs, listening to podcasts, black coffee no cream, clanking metal, casting spells.
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The Savior Complex [Part 1 of 2] Game On [Chris Redfield x Female Reader]
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A/n: shameless smut warning. Part one is an introduction.
The alarm sounds, engulfing the control room in a red hue as the cameras catch an intruder entering the elevator on the top floor. An image appears on the computer screen, and you snort in annoyance.
Redfield. And now of all times.
It’s been five years since you had seen him, two years to be exact, taking into account that you were in Louisiana when he went into the mines to arrest Lucas. You never spoke to him, but you left items – covered in lipstick kiss marks – for him to find.
It's no surprise that he found this place, an abandoned testing facility 95 meters below the North Sea and with a unit as well.
But he caught you at the wrong time. You were just about to leave.
Must he always put his nose in my business?
Chris is an irritant, a pest ruining the hard work you put into setting up negotiations and delivering data or virus samples to buyers across the country. It's an earnest living but pays well. Though not as of late.
And Chris is to blame.
It irritates you. The dealers you work for don't seem to care what Chris does or how close he's come to learning who they are; they don't even care about what will happen to you should he catch you.
He's not one to underestimate. But you have to admit; the chase is worth it.
Perhaps you'd even go so far as to say you have a crush on him. There's a pronounced sexual relationship brewing between you and him. Chris knows it. His eyes linger too long on you, and he doesn't put up much of a fight when he has you. It's like he wants you to choose him over your lifeline.
You wonder if he enjoys the chase just as much as you do. Too bad he has a target on his back; you'd sacrifice it all for him otherwise.
So, once you manage to separate him via a simulated outbreak from the rest of his unit, you trap him in the mountain region and use your key card to take the elevator up to the area floor, waiting in anticipation for him to arrive at the cabin.
When at last he does arrive, cursing under his breath as you wait for him to come further into the cabin, soaking wet from the artificial rain pouring outside, you seize the opportunity to sneak up behind him and point your handgun at his head.
Chris grunts and tenses up.
“Easy big man,” you tease. “Put the shotgun and the sidearm down on the floor; nice and slow for me, and don't give me a reason to put a bullet in your pretty head.”
Chris unholsters his handgun and kneels to do as you order, giving you a good look at his jean-covered ass. Once he leans up, you glide your hand across his chest, pleased with how his wet turtle neck sticks to his thick muscles. You take the combat knife from the sheath on his vest and toss it onto the wooden floor.
Easing around him, you nudge the guns from his reach with your foot, grinning as his curious brown eyes meet yours.
“What are you doing here?”
You laugh. “As if you don't know. Our paths always end up crossing at some point. Sooner or later, it was bound to happen.”
“I missed you in Louisiana,” he mentions. “But I got your gifts; real cute.”
You snort; he knows the color well. “You did me a favor and killed that idiot, Lucas, though I heard he almost killed you. What a shame that would have been.”
“He did enough damage,” Chris states.
You hum and shrug your shoulders. “Who Lucas killed is none of my concern. I collect the data and manage the sales.”
Chris gives you a dirty look. “A lot of innocent men died in those mines. Have you no––“
Anger boils your blood.
“I didn't kill them,” you state.
You weren't responsible for Eveline; those idiots aboard the Annabel couldn't control her. And what Lucas Baker did to his team was not on you.
“It's because of people like you,” Chris denounces. “Innocent people keep dying because you have no humanity. When are you going to stop this?”
How dare he. You shove the gun into his face.
“Shut your fucking mouth. You have no idea the hell I've lived,” you argue.
Chris grabs your gun hand and uses the other to snap your wrist back, forcing the barrel into the air. You grunt in pain as he wrestles the gun from your hand, sending it skidding across the floor. He spins you around and wraps his large arms across your chest, pinning you to him.
“Bastard,” you sneer, realizing that he upset you on purpose.
He knows how you feel about your role, that you hate being a courier for the black-market buyers, but he doesn't know how far you will go to keep this life. He can't change you.
You can't let him; you will go back to being no one.
Hitting him in the head with your elbow as hard as you can, you lock an arm around his neck and the other around his upper limb, taking advantage of his strength to push your body into the fetal position. You kick out your legs using the momentum to send Chris over you as you land on your ass on the floor.
You pick up his knife, crawling onto him as you shove the blade against his neck. The moisture on his skin seeps into your clothing, making you shiver.
“That was a low blow,” you mention.
Chris glares at you. “It's true. You don't care because you don't see the damage you've done. Hundreds of thousands of people have died because of you, and I know you don't want to do this.”
“I have to,” you argue back. “I can't turn around now.”
He grabs your knife-hand. “You still have a chance.”
Tears gather in your eyes.
“You can't save me, hero.”
Chris frowns. “Then I’m sorry for this.”
He brings a hand up to his ear and presses a button on a wireless headset that you must have overlooked earlier, then the door bursts open. Before you can react, a stun grenade hits the floor and goes off with a sudden bang, blinding you.
In those five seconds it takes for your vision to somewhat clear, someone grabs your arms and shoves you onto your stomach, strapping your hands behind your back. You struggle against them, but to no avail.
After images flash before your eyes and something closes around your mouth and nose. A sweet aroma fills consumes you, like the aroma of disinfectants. You hold your breath and kick, but after five minutes, the world around you fades to black.
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Breaking and Entering
This was a commission from ‘anon’! :D Some rhackisha I got carried away with cuz i’m back on my bullshit yes SMUT
Also on my ao3 here :) My masterlist archive of bullshit i write can be found linked at the top of the blog or here.
Rhys looked about the Lynchwood apartment as Nisha was hanging up her gun belt and hat. Dust motes floated through rays of filtered sunlight as Jack plopped himself down in an old armchair that had seen better days. The room was warm, comfortable, and smelled of earthen dust and anticipation.
“So this is Lynchwood… I uh… like what you’ve done with the place.”
The hardwood floor creaked where Rhys walked across to look out the window down into what might be generously called the center of town. It was his first time actually visiting Lynchwood, which was kind of exciting in itself, but Jack himself was nonplussed.
“We could’ve just gone to Opportunity… or stayed on Helios,” Jack spoke with snark from the chair, one leg casually crossed over another. Lynchwood was the one place on Pandora that Jack would totally concede control over to Nisha… and he still had an attitude about it.
Even if the birthday gift of a town had gotten him some of the best sex of his life. But Nisha was the sheriff here– the one in charge- and she wouldn’t even let Jack be the deputy when roleplaying…
Nisha snorted, and Rhys turned from the view out the window back to the majority of the room. The large bed at the center was the newest thing there by a long shot, begging to be well-worn like everything else there. It spoke volumes that Nisha hadn’t let Jack redecorate the place. Nisha was wild and dangerous in different ways from Jack, but that made their relationship that much more exciting.
Rhys gave a look about the room itself. “The decor is… Um…”
“Garage-sale chic is what you’re lookin’ for there, Rhysie.”
Nisha grinned at Jack with far too much teeth. “Some of us don’t need all that razzle dazzle in place of real personality, handsome.”
“Personality… pffft. If that’s what you call it.”
“…this is softer than yours,” Rhys murmured as he sat on the edge of the bed.
Nisha shot Jack a shit-eating grin as Rhys stroked the sheets with anticipation. Yeah, the beds in Jack’s Helios penthouse and Opportunity were both bigger and fancier, but Nisha’s would necessitate getting nice and close to fit them all. Rhys didn’t know exactly what to expect on her home turf, but he was excited either way. Nisha’s confidence was palpable as she was in her own element.
Nisha ignored Jack’s roll of his eyes to stand before Rhys, bending at the waist with a smirk and rewarding the younger man with an open mouthed kiss. Jack huffed and Rhys made little pleased, breathless noises as Nisha fully devoured his mouth and ruffled his hair with her purple painted nails.
She stroked the side of Rhys’ face with a single finger, dragging the nail bluntly down his jaw. He was covered in purple lipstick when she finally let up, murmuring little incoherent words of pleasure. Her amber eyes watched him with a predatory gleam. “How’d you like a blowjob, baby?”
“Um, feeling left out here,” Jack squawked enviously from his seat in the chair. “I’m the one who canceled our plans in Opportunity to spend the weekend here in the first place, Nish. What about me?”
Nisha turned her gaze back on the CEO as she moved her hand from Rhys’ face down to his lap. The younger man was already hard. She gave Jack a shit-eating grin while Rhys gasped and sighed as she palmed him through his pants. He tentatively held onto her hips, uncertain if it was allowed. She thumbed the head of his cock through his pants, and his fingers pressed harder. “You can make yourself useful and lay on the bed, Jack. I’ve got something for you right here.”
Jack crossed his arms petulantly, understanding that she meant for him to blow Rhys. Not that he didn’t love doing it, but it was the principle of the thing. “And what if I don’t wanna?”
“Then he’ll get to fuck me, too. And you don’t get to participate.” The smirk she gave was commanding even as she turned Rhys to putty in her hands. The younger man was no help here. “I said I wanted to break in my new mattress, honey. I didn’t say you’d get to decide how I broke it. Or with who.”
“Fine fine, I hear ya…” Jack grumbled, but it lacked substance. The idea was definitely hot. Especially so for being on Nisha’s home turf. “...So should I lose the pants, or what, babe?”
Nisha grinned. “Not you. No.”
“Aw c’mon-”
“...ohyesplease–” Rhys whined as Nisha’s hand disappeared down the front of his pants, his fingers twitching in their grip on her hips as hers stroked his cock.
She ignored Jack and his grumbling while he made himself comfortable right in the middle of the bed, arms pillowed under his head and watching Rhys shiver and moan from behind.
Nisha pressed a kiss to the side of Rhys’ mouth, adding to the lipstick already there, making him moan at her words. “...You’re gonna fuck his mouth since he doesn’t have anything nice to say, baby.”
“Nish c’moooon…”
Her clever eyes met Jack’s, still speaking to Rhys. “And if he comes before either of us, he’s going to sit in that chair for the rest of the weekend until I break you in.”
Rhys gave a helplessly-turned on whimper, and Jack bit his lip, his breath coming a little faster.
He liked her threats. He also liked a challenge, and the chance to show off that he could fuck them both at the same time.
Maybe without coming first.
“Okay, okay… Team player here. I’m game. Get that pretty dick over here, princess.”
Nisha graciously stripped Rhys before ever laying a hand on Jack, making the older man watch and wait. She also decorated Rhys’ pretty pale skin with the purple press of her lips.
Jack was straining hard at his own pants by the time Nisha actually instructed Rhys to grab the headboard and feed Jack his cock. Jack’s fingers dug into Rhys’ hips in impatient encouragement, adding red marks to compliment those left by Nisha’s mouth. The moan the CEO made when Nisha finally freed him from his pants reverberated against Rhys’ cock, and was echoed by the younger man. The wood of the headboard creaked under the grip of Rhys’ cybernetic hand.
It was hard for Jack to maintain his control as he gave Rhys the best head of his life; Rhys always made the best noises when he was close. Even more so when Jack felt Nisha slowly sink down onto his cock, her pretty painted nails standing out stark against Rhys’ skin as she tweaked and twisted his nipples from behind.
Jack didn’t think he was gonna make it. Knew he wasn’t when he realized Nisha was fully naked except for the cowboy hat she’d put back on. He loved when she wore that thing when she fucked them.
Nisha held Rhys where he was after the younger man came down Jack’s throat with a shout, slumped over and holding onto the headboard as he caught his breath. He wasn’t going anywhere with the way Nisha’s hands pressed down on his shoulders, using him as leverage as she moved behind him. Rhys’ cock was no longer in Jack’s mouth as the older man gasped and groaned, but Rhys’ weight straddling his chest kept the CEO pinned where he was as Nisha sped up to ride Jack hard.
Jack ended up coming with a shout well before Nisha did, bucking so hard that Rhys was able to slide off his chest to the side with a satisfied grin. She raked her nails down Jack’s chest now that she had access, and pinched at his nipples, a smug smirk on her face as Jack yelled out a harsh Fuck! in pleasure. She’d never expected him to last in the first place.
Jack’s only saving grace was that he was particularly good at thinking on his feet– or on his back- and he reversed their positions quickly before Nisha could dole out any punishments. Jack enthusiastically got his face between her legs as Rhys watched, that smart mouth of his putting that silver tongue to good use as he didn’t let up until she was coming from his efforts.
Jack was still banished to the chair afterwards, but he wasn’t completely left out.
After all, someone needed to hold Rhys still while Nisha rode the younger man, and Jack looked really good in her cowboy hat.
By the end of the weekend, her old armchair had been broken in, too.
kofi | ao3 | commission ‘info’
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The Big Damn List of Mer-CC
because I bought Island Living a week ago since it was on sale and have since been making mermaids and scouring the internet for moar mermaid cc nonstop.
note: this is not comprehensive; these are the CC I have personally downloaded.
Last Updated: July 21 2021
Tails & Scales (Sets)
Mermaid blue scale set (Island living) - TrudieOpp (TSR)
Pearly mermaid set (Island living) - TrudieOpp (TSR)
Mermaid tail (Island living) - TrudieOpp (TSR)
NEMO Mermaid tail and scales pack - MattPL (TSR)
Jaru Sims
Mermaid 7 - SET - Island Living needed! - Jaru Sims (TSR)
Mermaid 6 - SET - Island Living needed! - Jaru Sims (TSR)
Mermaid 5 - SET - Island Living needed - Jaru Sims (TSR)  
Mermaid 4 - SET - Island Living needed - Jaru Sims (TSR)  
Mermaid 3 - SET - Island Living needed - Jaru Sims (TSR)  
Mermaid 2 - SET - Island Living needed - Jaru Sims (TSR)
Mermaid 1 - SET - Island Living needed - Jaru Sims (TSR)
Mermaid Gradient Tails Scales And Seashells - tashamaria (TSR)
Top 14 - EP07 Needed &  Bottom 14 - EP07 Needed - AleNikSimmer (TSR)
Top 11 & Top 12 & Top 13 - EP07 Needed - AleNikSimmer (TSR)
Bottom 15 - EP07 Needed  - AleNikSimmer (TSR)
Iulia Mermaid Tail + Top - Sagittariah (TSR)
Redheadsims (@redheadsims-cc)
SIREN MERMAN (tail, “top” with fin-like skin details and webbed fingers) - @redheadsims-cc 
SIREN MERMAID (two variations of tail, “top” with spinefin and webbed fingers, sharp teeth, custom skin) - @redheadsims-cc
Island Living - Male/Female custom recolor - linkster123 (MTS)
Goppolsme (@goppolsme)
Mermaid Skin G2 / Tail G1 - @goppolsme
Mermaid Tail G2 (Tail & Bra) - @goppolsme
Mermaid Skin G1 (Accessories - Lip Ring (Right)) - @goppolsme​
Koi Tail & Koi Top - simmingwithboba (TSR)
Koi Mermaid Tails/Scales - Nenschan (MTS)
Goldfish Mermaid Tails/Scales - Teknikah (MTS)
Fish Tails - New Mermaid Fins - ZentacularSims (TSR)
[Raxys] Mermaid Tails v1 & v2 - AfaGotica (TSR)
mermaid tail retexture - Urielbeaupre (TSR)
Pisces Tail - hoanglap (TSR)
20 new mermaid tails - Beeyuzu (TSR)
DanSimsFantasy (@dansimsfantasy​)
DSF Merman Tails (Aequor, Phalaenopsis, Triton) - @dansimsfantasy
DSF Mermaid Tails (Occeanum, Catatumbo, Phalaenopsis, Opalo, Beta) - @dansimsfantasy
Zaneida (@zaneida-and-sims4)
Web Mermaid Tail - @zaneida-and-sims4
Butterfly Fish Mermaid Tail - @zaneida-and-sims4
Luminous Water Mermaid Tail - @zaneida-and-sims4
Alien Grid Mermaid Tail - @zaneida-and-sims4
Galaxy Mermaid Tail - Nenschan (MTS)
RemusSirion (@remussims)
Female Fantasy Skin 2 + Cleavage detail - RemusSirion (TSR)
Female Fantasy Skin - RemusSirion (TSR)
Male Fantasy Skin - RemusSirion (TSR)
Rainbow Skin - SweetCranberry (TSR)
Rainbow Skintone Set - Ms Blue (TSR)
Skinton for female sim mermaids Siren - yugoza (TSR)
41 Maxis Skins with Occult Tags - DizZyDiceS (MTS)
Ears, Scales, Fins, Gills, etc.
Zaneida (@zaneida-and-sims4)
Mermaid fins for arms and back - @zaneida-and-sims4
EFT mermaid freckle scales - elfreakingtoro (TSR)
Body Scales aka Gloves 1 - AleNikSimmer (TSR)
Mermaid scale tops unlocked-NOW WITH TATTOO VERSION - Bl00dstain3d (MTS)  
Leg scales for mermaids + chest scales - Karine78 (MTS)
Mermaid Scales as Accessory for.. - Maars (MTS)
Pyxiidis (@pyxiidis)
SIREN - MERMAID ACCESSORIES (Ears & Gills) - @pyxiidis
GUN SHOW - FANGS  - @pyxiidis
Jennisims (@jennisims)
EyeShadow Undine The Mermaid (face scales!) - @jennisims
Gloves Splash Of Color (scale tops as gloves) - @jennisims
Mermaid ears 'Swept' CAS preset - CmarNYC (MTS)
Zaneida (@zaneida-and-sims4)
Mermaid head flippers (with luminous ends)
Ears of Mermaid (with luminous ends)
[Suzue] Mermaid Lipstick N13 - Suzue (TSR)
[Suzue] Shadow Eyes
EyeShadow Disco Diva 80's (20 Swatches ) - @jennisims​
EyeShadow Disco Diva Fantasy Eyeshadow Male/Female (Alien/Humans) - @jennisims​
Taty (@taty86) [note: I am linking to Taty’s tumblr and TSR page and have some specific links below but predominately am just listing the ones I particularly like for merpeople, because they have so much fantasy cc)
Blushes: (Mermaid) | (Mermaid B) | (Mermaid 01) | (Fantasy 01) | (Fantasy 03) | (Fantasy 08) | (Fantasy 09)
Body Blushes: (female) (female B) | (male) (male B) | (kid)
Eyes: (Monster) | (Mermaid) | (Dreams) | (Dolly 06) | Sirenic) | (Dolly 16) | (Dolly 17)
Eyeliners: (Circle) | (18)
Eyeshadows: (22) | (42) | (46)
Lipsticks: (106) | (109) | (123) | (142) | (146) | (153) | (162) | (208) | (210) | (212) | (213) | (231) 
Other: (Fantasy Freckle) | (Fantasy Tattoo 05) | (Face Overlay 02) | (Face Overlay 03)
Reevaly (@reevaly)
Dot Blush V1
Fantasy Blush V2 
Alien Facepaint v5 | v4
Eyeshadow N23 (TSR)
Monster teeth Lip Detail (TSR)
Cortex Eyeshadow (TSR)
Ubiquitin Lipstick | Proteomics | Neon
Banshee Lipstick (TSR)
Immortal Eyes (TSR)
the hunger lipstick (TSR)
lipstick 124
blush 9 | blush 10
lipgloss - grim girl (TSR)
[Ts4]Taty_Earrings_SeaShell - @taty86​
DSF Mermaid Accessories - @dansimsfantasy​
[Suzue] Magie Headdress
[Suzue] Namida Earrings 
Blahberry-Pancake (@blahberry-pancake)
Aurora Crowns (v1, v2) / Earrings / Necklaces (v1, v2)
Treasure Earrings & Necklaces
NataliS_Mother of pearl layered... 
NataliS_Mother of pearl beads...
NataliS_Double sea glasses necklace 
Seashell double necklace
Seashell drop earrings
Shell layered necklace
Starfish earrings (adult) | (kid)
Starfish bracelet (adult) | (kid)
Starfish rings (adult) | (kid)
Starfish hair acc (adult)
Seashell Pendant Necklace (kid)
Kid & Toddler Remixes
Toddler “Tail” aka Bottom 11 plus Invisible Feet - AleNikSimmer (TSR)
Kid “Tail” aka Bottom 10 plus Invisible Feet and Nude Top - AleNikSimmer (TSR)
Zaneida (@zaneida-and-sims4)
Mermaid head flippers for children and toddlers (with luminous ends) - @zaneida-and-sims4​
Mermaid ears for children and toddlers (requires ‘no ears’ mod) - @zaneida-and-sims4
Nymph ears for children and toddlers (requires ‘no ears’ mod) - @zaneida-and-sims4
Mermaid Poses Part1 (In game) - Seiji
Atlantica Pose Pack - Beto
Atlantis Pose Pack - Beto
Love of the Sea Pose Pack - Beto
Miss Atlantis Pose Pack - Couquett
Mermaid Pose Pack - CazMari @cazmari-mods
Mer Poses - guycuk
Mermaid Poses - Yani
Mermaid Poses - HoneySims4 @honeyssims4
Mermaid Pose - RayGun @rayw05771
Underwater Beauty Pose Pack - @sciophobis
Game Mods
Expanded Mermaids - SpinningPlumbobs (MTS)
Sims 4: Three Mermaid Aspirations - marlynsims (MTS) *requires Seasons
Stand Still in CAS (Shimrod101 & Shooksims) - MizoreYukii (MTS)
No Ears Mod
Swim Around in Pools - Teknikah (MTS)
Part Time Mermaid Top - PureSim (TSR)
Mermaid Tail Skirt - Cocobuzz (TSR)
Off-Shoulder Little Mermaid sweater by SIms4Krampus (TSR)
Pride Month Shirts For Mermaid Sims - Simder_Talia (TSR)
Eclairium_Really Mermaid Tank Short - EtroClaire (TSR)
CAS Screens Under the Sea (6 CAS Backgrounds) - @jennisims​
Fantasy Hair Recolors (Links to modder only)
Taty86 (@taty86)
PinkyCustomWorld (@pinkycustomworld)
Shimydim (@shimydim)
Lisaminicatsims (@lisaminicatsims)
MahoCreations (@mahocreations)
Wasssabi (@wasssabisims)
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