leonbastralle · 7 years
She’s Not Dead - A Giant Reply Post
Yes you read this correctly! I am currently alive (physically)! For now. Let’s hope it stays that way.
elvensimming replied to your post “i have a fever and my head plus neck feels like it’s breaking in half...”
Hugs <3
ohmypominit replied to your post “i have a fever and my head plus neck feels like it’s breaking in half...”
*sending a virtual hug* get better soon! ♥
plumbmeow replied to your post “i have a fever and my head plus neck feels like it’s breaking in half...”
i'm sorry, that really sucks D: i hope you get better soon!
melien replied to your post “i have a fever and my head plus neck feels like it’s breaking in half...”
lisassimscreations replied to your post “i have a fever and my head plus neck feels like it’s breaking in half...”
Auch wenn's spät kommt: Gute Besserung..! :)
monets-pumpkins replied to your post “i have a fever and my head plus neck feels like it’s breaking in half...”
D: sending my love ❤ if you need to talk I'm always here
Thank you all guys ;_; things just added up and that headache really was the worst I’ve ever had...I didn’t mean to be so negative but I couldn’t help it. As I said, I’m feeling a lot better today (no headache, no fever, just very weak) so I hope that’s permanent. About the other crap, I didn’t even mean to bring that up there’s not much to talk about I’m just very Done with real life people at this point. Anyway I appreciate you all taking the time to read that post and leave a comment! It means a lot ♥
(also Lisa you weren’t even late xD)
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset
He's a good dad
he is The Best Dad because he comes after his own dads
melien replied to your photoset “Some miraculously good ice cream!”
it looks so realistic
ts4 ice cream is SO COOL and all the kinds and toppings and everything I love ;_; I haven’t even tried half at this point
melien replied to your photoset
I remember this pic and it's the best
it was the pic I chose for everyone who got spoilers because it was my fave xD for a short time only, today and tomorrow you’ll see why it didn’t stay that way!
melien replied to your photoset “T: This might not be the most awesome wedding ever, and you know how...”
Aww Trellis, you're the best at romantic talk ;___;
Trellis will disagree, but I’m happy you think so!
melien replied to your post “Annie of Green Cheeks says Hi”
I can't even tell something's wrong with you man
thanks XD no but rly it was only very slightly poofy at that point, just green. It’s still green now but other than that it’s fine.
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “C: OOOOoooOOOooooo~”
What a cutie!
simphonics replied to your photoset “C: OOOOoooOOOooooo~”
so precious ��
I LOVE this child.
simphonics replied to your photoset
Ahhhh so cute
Idk what this was about but since I’m currently posting Miracles I’m just going to agree because everything Miracles related is cute ;)
evanurisandruil replied to your post “Annie of Green Cheeks says Hi”
I’m no longer poofy will you still be my friend
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset “T: So this is it. S: This is it. T: I like it. I have purpose. It’s...”
im crying can i adopt trellis as well she's stepping right into one of my fave traits i promise ill treat her and her husband well
sjhmbfjahbsfjahbvfjas STOP MAKING ME SO HAPPYYYYYYYYYYYY ;-; you can totally adopt all my sims we can have a mutual adoption thing (also theres more food for you next week at some point i think if you like this)
theladygrace replied to your photoset “Late night ice cream cravings.”
Same, I'm always hungry for ice cream
I feel like I’m not even that much of an ice cream person any more (I used to be) but it’s just so pretty in TS4 that I always have some around!
pixeldemographics replied to your photoset “T: So, was it everything you dreamed of? S: And more. Trellis, I wish...”
shes right his hair is nice
ofc she is
simphonics replied to your post “Annie of Green Cheeks says Hi”
Man, I've got to act like I know how to right poetry for my next heir too. Halp
ohhh yay good luck! we can pretend we’re pros together because mine is also for next gen ;)
twinsimskeletons replied to your post “Annie of Green Cheeks says Hi”
your thing*
twinsimskeletons replied to your post “Annie of Green Cheeks says Hi”
I feel like there are no rules to poetry, just do you think and slap the word poem on it
I want it to be gooood thooooo xD
thatsimslove replied to your post “Pervs And Cuties And Things I Can’t Take Credit For - Replies”
I loved flameus but I'm super excited for the next gen too trellis is great and I'm excited to see that babe
well that’s a relief! Truth be told they will always have the most special place in my heart together with the gen 8 boys (smh impatient me) so I do understand. I just feel like it’ll be difficult to live up to my own high standards after this xD
twinsimskeletons replied to your photoset
plz be careful boy
fun fact he accidentally cut himself
elisabettasims replied to your post “Pervs And Cuties And Things I Can’t Take Credit For - Replies”
And because I didn't comment before about this. SAAAAAAAALIIIIIIIIM. He's my current Sim's grandpa (Rosemary).
SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALIIIIIIIIIMM seems to be great in every game but mine xD I hope nobody will be mad for my depiction of him!
pirouettingplumbobs replied to your post “Pervs And Cuties And Things I Can’t Take Credit For - Replies”
Hey now worries! I just wish his namesake really was a doughnut. We could all take a big bite out of him and spit it out in the trash.
I’d watch that!
pixeldemographics replied to your post “Pervs And Cuties And Things I Can’t Take Credit For - Replies”
damn i didnt even mention my appreciation for you yelling SAAALIIIIIIIIIIIIMM
its ok the meme was distracting
pixeldemographics replied to your post “Pervs And Cuties And Things I Can’t Take Credit For - Replies”
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spookshow-sims · 7 years
lisassimscreations replied to your photoset
I really like your sims!! :D
Thankyou so much! <3<3
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ameowls · 7 years
marvelplss replied to your post: 
is there any way we can download her? she’s absolutely gorgeous 
soloriya replied to your post:
очень круто!!
thepixelatedhigh replied to your post:
she looks like her <333. She is really cute <3
geezsims replied to your post:
damn, you captured her really well!
lisassimscreations replied to your post:
She looks soooo cute.. :)
wow thank youuu! I'm glad she looks like true Emma, thank you for appreciated it <3
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dreadpiratevinna · 7 years
replies for @simblu, @lisassimscreations, @mspoodle1, @ultroslovesyou, and @lilyshadowwriter
simblu replied to your photo“The finished product! I looooove it! My fingers hurt a little but it’s...”
Hey, that looks nice!
Thanks! It turned out better than I thought and I had to watch tutorial vids to remember how to do everything. XD My husband’s will look nicer now that I’ve got the hang of it, which is why I did mine first. 
lisassimscreations replied to your photo“The finished product! I looooove it! My fingers hurt a little but it’s...”
Cool! :D
mspoodle1 replied to your photo“The finished product! I looooove it! My fingers hurt a little but it’s...”
Awesome! ♥
Thanks to you both! Now it just needs to get cold again. >.< It was like 2 degrees when I ordered the yarn and 45 when I made the scarf.
ultroslovesyou replied to your photoset“Attila is ready for a party”
I guess, that's why curtains were invented. XD
I was thinking that I’m glad that window faces a tree covered cliff! XD The poor paper girl might have gotten an eyeful otherwise!
lilyshadowwriter replied to your photoset“Davy is feeling crowded, Abby is having a great time, and Adhara might...”
LOL. Just a little tho XD
I think she was channeling the frustration I was feeling prior to throwing the wedding. I’d had a couple Error 12s and spent some time cleaning up my save to try and avoid it.
lilyshadowwriter replied to your photoset“It was a lovely day for a wedding!”
This is so pretty! *heart eyes*
Thanks! :)
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crystaldollhouse · 7 years
❤️ Give this heart to everyone you don't want to lose in "2017" including me if you care. Try to collect 12 it's not easy! Be honest and send this to anyone who made u smile this year🌟💫❤💥🌟💫❤💥🌟💫❤💥🌟💫❤💥🌟💫❤💥🌟💫❤💥🌟💫❤💥🌟💫❤💥🌟💫❤💥🌟💫❤💥🌟💫❤💥🌟💫❤💥🌟💫❤💥🌟💫❤💥🌟💫❤💥🌟💫❤💥🌟💫❤💥🌟💫❤💥🌟💫❤💥🌟💫❤💥🌟💫❤💥🌟 💫💌
Thank you! :D
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kupari · 7 years
lisassimscreations replied to your photo: Anyone know who made these beautiful orchid walls...
Here maybe: ihelensims.org.ru/load/…
Thank you! I’m so used to having the creator’s name in the files I missed saving the source.
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I was tagged by @simplysimmingaway some time ago, thank you ! :) As for the tags... I'll go for @ciarasia, @novapark, @lisassimscreations, @jepensedoncjesims, @blueossa, @davidmont, @pixeljackpot ! If you've done it already just ignore me 😁
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dreadpiratevinna · 7 years
regarding dogs and yarn
replies for @declarations-of-drama, @hyperkaos, and @lisassimscreations
declarations-of-drama replied to your photoset
Oh! Cute doggee! Is that a Sprigner Spaniel?
Yes she is! :) I made her myself!
hyperkaos replied to your photo“Finally!! I’ve been waiting all week for my yarn to arrive! I’m making...”
It's been forever since I've crocheted, I think it's great you're making your own!
Thanks! Yeah it’s been like 8 or 9 years since I crocheted. I made a scarf last time too! I’m not sure where it is now...
But I made it with the cheapest yarn I could find and it was pretty amazing so I’m excited for these ones! :D
declarations-of-drama replied to your photoset“Not for you, Kato :3”
What a gorgeous dog! He reminds me a little of Sir Lancelot out of Labyrinth!
Thank you :)))) He’s the sweetest little boy! <3 <3
lisassimscreations replied to your photoset“Not for you, Kato :3”
Awww...! ^^
He would love nothing more than to run off with one of the yarn balls. XD
hyperkaos replied to your photoset“Not for you, Kato :3”
I'm in love with your dog! (and that yarn looks very soft)
He’s pretty awesome. :D He is so different than my other one. She is soft, squishy and quite the little priss and he is as rough and tumble as they come.
And yes, the yarn is very soft(especially for wool).
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simcatcher · 6 years
danjaley : This visualizes so beautifully how many different moods / colour schemes are in this story
Thank you v much dear ! I love to play with colours ahah :)
lisassimscreations : I love the whole post! <3
I love u ♥♥♥
phinae-simblr : merci d'avoir pensé à moi, je participerai avec plaisir
Chouette ! Ça faisait longtemps hihi
shhhushhh : I love everything about this story - the characters, the colours, the interactions. It gives me very specific vibe ❤
Thank you very very much ♥ It’s a real pleasure having you reading it ! 
nocturnalazure : Wow, I love all of these pics. So great to see them all together!
Thank you Noctie :) hihi, t’was a fun meme to do !
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twistedsim · 8 years
Hi! I really like the look of your sims! Would be awesome if you could tell me what skin and eyes you are using.. :) Have a nice day! -Lisa
Well hello there! :) I’m going to publish this so others will know too.
Default skin is Fresh blue by brntwaffles (thank @goatkibble for that find ;) I think she’s still using it too..?)
And eyes are Spectator 2.0 by @simtzu.
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simcatcher · 6 years
shhhushhh said: Too soon, Lady. And, oh Lordy, this man is perfection ❤__❤
Way too soon... I know right ♥ he’s a sliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiightly tweaked version of this Dante and he’s still up for adoption ahahah
simblu said: Nice pants!
I think the same ;b
shhhushhh said: I love Woodie’s attitude!
;-; he’s reaaaaal
simblu said: The male sims has a street-smart charm to his look..
It’s all about his careless attitude I guess ? Thank you ahah !
shhhushhh said: Maybe Woodie can have a word with Dolan, or just being his silent companion? They both had lost beloved women.
Oh dear, if only you knew... I have plans ;b
shhhushhh said: This is devastating! ;_; She is losing a friend, she is also losing a battle, this is losing faith in herself! This is heartbreaking!
That’s just that. She’s devastated by Kari’s death because she was her only reliable friend back in the Facility, but also because Kari’s like a mirror to her own fate. They were both sick, and Kari’s death is just a reminder to Evie that she might turn to a machine herself anytime soon.
There’s also the fact that being a laboratory rat has been mentally exhausting, and Ev’s not entirely recovered yet, if she ever may. Saving Kari was also a way to keep herself busy with a noble task, something to erase all that she’s been thru back in the facility... The thing is, it was a lost cause from the start.
Thank you !
lisassimscreations said: She looks stunning! C:
Thank you Lovely :*
lisassimscreations said: Her facial expression in the second pic is perfect..! :)
She’s so done lmao
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simcatcher · 7 years
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simself get to know me - tag
i was tagged by the loveliest @ciarasia, (edit: and the loveliest @shhhushhh but it was ages ago and I kinda suck so it slipped my mind :0) thank you both ! this is a very old simself, back in ts2 lol. I was like 15 when I made her but I wanted to be an adult so hard back then ! She’s not even close to looking like me ahah, and welp I ended up using her in some unfinished stories I’ve deleted ages ago - this snapshot is from one of them ;b it’s about the last pic I have of her, sorry it’s all shady and she’s pulling a face !
rules: post a picture of your simself and answer these questions; then tag some friends.
favorite season: early summer should be lasting forever. The longer the days the better !
favorite books/author: rn i’d say tanith lee, I’m so fond of her writing !
favorite song: Have this playlist I’ve made mine ;b 
favorite food and drink: okay so I’ve been eating so much Japanese food I’m having an overdose lol I’ll basically stop eating for a week I think ! But I’ll drink loads of tea instead.
dogs or cats: kittieeeeeeeeeeeeeeees
tagging : @simsophoniques @nocturnalazure @inda-sims @shimydimsims @andantezen @lisassimscreations @samssims and anyone who wants to ♥
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simcatcher · 6 years
shhhushhh said: Well, after all he did have good catch that day. 😋 Wonderful scenes ❤
This made me smile ahah ! Not quite what he expected but guess he’s fine with it ;b Thank you loveley ♥
lisassimscreations said: Hot…! ;)
Just how I like my tea :b
shhhushhh said: I like what script says!!!
Script’s always right, no matter how bad it is ! ;)))
shhhushhh said: Try the Allen Carr’s book The Easy Way To Stop Smoking. Start reading it while you still smoke 😉
Just got myself a copy lol ! Let’s try :)
danjaley said: That’s more reasonable than throwing herself in front of the pet, actually! :)
Indeed xD Oh well eh AU plot twist ! Thanks for the tip ;b
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simcatcher · 7 years
shhhushhh said: I’m at the beginning of your lovely story but it gives me some kind of The Fifth Element vibe and it’s amazing. It’s really hard to explain it, though!
Ahah, guess I grasp inspiration everywhere :b That’s very flattering though, it’s a great movie ! Well I used to love the diva scene :)
Oh and by the waY THANK YOU FOR READING IT :O :D ahaa
ciarasia said: she looks so good :D ciarasia said: ajdhasjdhasj i cant believe you use the ea skin and no sliders
That’s officially the sweetest compliment of the day *-* thank you ahah, yay EA be great also ;b
treason-and-plot said: Who is she posing for? 🤔❤
She’s posing for her despicable hubby... Oh no, new storyline forming D: ♥♥♥
simnovels said: She’s beautiful :) Very classy
Not as beautiful as you lovely ! Thank you :*
inda-sims said: That’s awesome! I didn’t notice your comment on my post, until a few hours ago, lol. I love that song!
Ahaha yes I find it super addictive :o
lisassimscreations said: Wow! Awesome! :D They look good together..^^ 
Thank you so much :) Thank you for all your support, it really means a lot to me and I love your blog and your simmies and I feel I just don’t say it enough ! ♥
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simcatcher · 7 years
nocturnalazure said: And it is NOT poor writing!! nocturnalazure said: Never mind frigging Bechdel -_- I fail it all the time. >_<
Ahaha now I realize how many times I’ve failed it and it’s a bother XD I mean nooooo omg no way my girls’ talk are only men worth D: but indeed, they are ! xD Thanks though <3
lisassimscreations said: Looks great! 
Thank you pretty <3
lisassimscreations said: This scene made me smile.. ^^
Ahah I liked setting it up I must say ! Those girls are so cute in game ! :)
andantezen said: gorgeous girls and light!
Thank youuuu :)
nocturnalazure said: It looks awesome :)
Thaaanks *-*
danjaley said: So neat, I’m quite in awe! I’ve tried around with Wordpress myself and gave up in confusion. @andantezen​ made me curious for Awoken Dreamer, which I’d never seen yet - Wow, it’s really atmospheric! 
Awww thank you ! Yeah it’s a bit complicated at first imo, but after several hours spent trying it all came up clearer ;b it’s far from perfect though, but i think it’s enough for now ! :b
aminovas said: no wordpress anymore, just trying to keep up here on tumblr :)
Ahah yeah tumblr is quite tricky to be kept up with :o
I really hope I didn’t miss anyone... If so please please let me know ! ♥
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simcatcher · 7 years
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@lisassimscreations that is sweet ! Thank you 😘
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