#listen i don't know a single thing about any group lore and i never will
shortpplfedup · 1 year
Only Friends Character Rankings Episode 2
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Hoboy these boys are all in over their heads in various ways and to various degrees. Add in some Real World-style confessional action and the mess is MESSING. This entire episode is just this gif:
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Here's this week's rankings, with last week's rankings in parentheses
🔺1. Ray (3)
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Some kind of friendship can start from having sex.
I knew all it would take was some time and a little bit of lore and Ray was gonna shoot up the rankings for me, and so said so done. The lonely little rich boy with the dead mom, the lack of self-esteem and the alcohol problem...yep yep yep, all seems right on time. The way those strippers sniffed him out and swarmed him...they know money when they see it. Sipping from that flask in the early daylight OK I SEE WHAT IS UP. Becoming a bugaboo to the first person to take any interest...yup this all tracks. Topping the toxique roster this week.
🔺2. Mew (5)
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But I think I figured out your weakness now. Me.
This kid is so smug, he really thinks he's smart, he thinks he's in control. He really, truly thinks he can domesticate that alley cat. Trying to turn a hoe into a housewife for real. He's playing a game with Top, and he knows Top knows what the game is, but he's still confident he can win. Tale as old as time.
🔺3. Boston (4)
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At least I beat Mew at this...You know no one can beat me at this kind of thing.
The jealousy radiating in WAVES off Boston this episode...OOF. Is this even about Top, or is this about beating Mew? Bit of both perhaps? This kind of love/hate friendship is SO REAL. Boston's probably felt like he was losing to Mew the entire time they've known each other. A 'friendship' built on longevity and resentment? Delicious.
🔻4. Sand (2)
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I can be your friend. You don’t have to hire me.
Listen, when Sand asked that girl to come see his plants because he doesn't have a cat I cackled. He's like 'we both know what this is, does the excuse even matter?' and I loved it so hard. And then Ray begs a little and he tells homegirl to kick rocks and I--sir, down horrendous ALREADY?! That thousand yard stare in the confessional when he says you gotta be careful not to catch feelings fucking a friend? He knows he's screwed and he's still going in because he can't help himself, the softhearted fuck.
🔻5. Nick (1)
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We’ve slept together many times. So what is this? What are we to each other?
OH NICK NICK NICK BABYGIRL. Nick took the mightiest fall this week in the rankings, because he has no game AT ALL. He had one move and he used it, and now he's just down the rabbit hole, just dickmatized. This is exactly what I wanted, but it's in the in between stage now before he gets truly desperate, when I'm sure he'll be back to reclaim his top spot.
🔺6. Cheum (and April) (7)
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It's a blessing to have a lover who gets along with your friends.
THE LESBIANS ARE HERE and it seems will be providing the stability to everybody else's full-tilt boogie, but appearances can be deceiving. Listen, if Jojo and Ninew throw in some lesbian drama in this mix I may expire. In case you don't know, there is NOTHING like lesbian drama. Otherwise, Cheum being Top's biggest cheerleader is totally gonna come back and bite.
🔻7. Top (6)
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Whenever I take aim, I never miss.
I dunno why Top is always near the bottom of the rankings because he's probably the biggest mess of them all, but I think it's because he is the most aware of what's playing off here and therefore the least in danger. Everybody else is working with either limited information or a misunderstanding of self, but Top knows EXACTLY who he is and what he wants, and he's clocked everybody else in this little group too. And I'm not sure I believe a single word that comes out of his mouth as a result.
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katyspersonal · 11 months
your mutual friend group is terrifying and i love it
PFFFFTTTTtttTttTT I am glad to hear this, anon xD Honestly my random morbid cannibalism jokes is not even our final form, usually it goes more like:
me, hyperexcited: GUYYYS GUYS I just realised something after playing BLORBOrne for 50th time, I am such a dumbass ahaha! Turns out that there is a very hard to see detail in the data of Boris (datamined by Russian hackers: ( x ))! The shade of his right eye is kinda white-ish which lines up with theme of losing eye color upon becoming a furry, so despite boasting about his grip he has been secretly reading furry pr0n comics more than he should have! (tagged: #blorborne #boris the cocksucker #blorborne observation #as usual I notice this kind of shit too late AAAAAAAAA #listen it is 5 AM don't @ me)
someone: Katy pls I don't even know who Boris IS 😭
me: What do you mean, he is an easy to miss summon in Horse-Plinked Village!!! By the way, there is a bunch of lore that can be concluded from his items that he never uses but they are in the game files, even though he doesn't have any dialogue!
someone: 😭😭😭
my friends FANDOMette, Wow and Chicken: *reblogging* (tagged: #this is sooooo interesting #really nice observation I never thought about that #I am NOT normal about this #blorborne #boris the cocksucker #nice to finally see more ideas about boris)
fareehaandtheitalians: Girl this is incredible I HAVE NO WORDS, I feel like I am gaining Insight points when I am reading your posts
Jara that reads like 'jara' and not like 'yara' lol: *reblogging* (tagged: #yeah nobody is really safe from corruption in this setting #just like in real life xd #no wonder that I like this game so much because it is just as hopeless as reality #xd #bloorborne)
Chicken: *reblogging from Jara that reads like 'jara'* *screenshot of the tags* GIRL ARE YOU OK 💀💀💀
me and Chicken: *start fighting in the reblogs with progressively ridiculous points about meaning of life and idiotic memes*
fareehaandtheitalians: *already started doodling a meme based on this, as if to immortalize it in a tapestry*
Boom: *reblogging the showdown at its final point when me and Chicken already obliterated one another into a bloody mess* (tagged: #ehehe #stay silly you two!)
other Elden Twink mutuals: *eat popcorn*
Jara that reads like 'jara': Lol I made everything become cursed again xd
Chicken: No, Jara (reads like 'jara'), it is not your fault! You see, none of this would have happened if SOMEONE finally admitted that they are simping for [insert a character that either has the worst haircut in the setting or is so generic-looking that it actually embarrasses me]
robertzombie: *reblogging* She WHAT? People in this fandom have the worst taste I swear
me: You see FRIEND, we will know who ACTUALLY has a bad "taste" when I try a meal out of certain "bird" if you see what I mean.....
Fandomette: KATY NO, DON'T EAT YOUR FRIENDS... You wanted to eat Mewmecolash or something stop 😭
me: WHY ABSOLUTELY EVERY SINGLE PERSON IS SO DEADSET ON OUTING MY SECRETS FOR RANDOM PEOPLE TO READ?????? (tagged: #lmao as if anyone is going to read us after shit like this)
me: I AM ENDING THIS POINTLESS FIGHT HERE BECAUSE UNLIKE YOU PUNKS I HAVE SOME REALLY IMPORTANT THINGS TO DO *spends the rest of the day napping or watching cursed Elden Twink challenges letsplays*
Wow: *messaging me in Discord* Dammit what was THAT hahaha
me: Thank you for NOT having my back as usual, well, at least you are good for finishing a dumb post with lol
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bluberimufim · 17 days
Writerly questionaire
I was tagged by @xenascribbles (read its post here btw!!) and I've been wanting to do it for a while (it's been so long ago, I'm sorry!!!) because it sounds interesting. Unfortunately, it's long and I am NOT concise.
I'll just leave the tags here: @squarebracket-trickster, @full-on-sam, @olliexwrites, @macabremoons, and @cheeto-flavoured-pasta + anyone else who wants to join!!
About me:
When did you first start writing?
I think I've mentioned this before, but I started writing in 5th/6th grade to kind of codify the lore and story of my friend group's playground activities (because a series of drawings was just not cutting it). Then, we collectively found out I enjoyed it and my friends started asking for fanfics of books we all liked.
Are the general themes you read different from the ones you write?
I don't really go out looking for the themes of a story, I usually focus on interesting plots or characters when I'm shopping for books (I know themes inform story and characters but you know what I mean). Also most themes in my stories are 100% a posteriori (DoS was my first time having themes in mind as I was writing). I usually write the 1st draft and go "oh shit, a theme".
Can you tell me a little about your writing space(s)? (room, coffee shop, desk, etc)
I mostly write in my room, usually sitting on my bed because I hate chairs. But I would be remiss if I didn't mention my college's big auditorium, specifically during boring architectural theory lessons. Any project of mine has been at least 30% written during class time, I can assure you.
What’s your most effective way to muster up some muse?
I go for a Really Long Walk while listening to music. And fun fact: I've had to make my walks bigger because of this, because when I'm having Thoughts I start speedwalking like a crazy person and it was genuinely shortening my Idea Time because I got home too quickly.
Did the place(s) you grew up in influence the people and places you write about?
I wouldn't say it's a 1 to 1 thing, but I think the environments in our lives always afects us. In terms of the places I write about, I think my fascination with circuses and magic shows (from which came B&W) stems from the fact that there are no good ones around here. The ones from my childhood were genuinely so lame. But I think mostly it's the way I was raised? My parents are artists and they've made a point of showing me all kinds of art since, like... ever, and I feel like it really influenced me as a person and, therefore, my writing.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing, and if so, do they surprise you at all?
A few years back, I noticed a tendency in my main characters to feel a great sense of nostalgia towards the past, in a way? There was a very prevalent sense of "things were ok at a previous point in my life but not now and I wanna go back". I don't really understand where this came from tho.
My characters:
Would you please tell me about your favorite character? (Current wip, past wip, never used)
I am, on every level, deeply insane about every single named character in DoS. But mainly Seth and General Fallin. I just think they're really interesting. I particularly like the general, mostly because I have almost no chances to write about him, while Seth is the POV character. There's just something about the different perceptions of his actions that are integral his character as a general in a war setting, as well as his inherent hypocrisy in constantly stating how much he cares for his people and being more than willing to commit atrocities for them. Idk, he's got that Nuance.
Which of your characters would you be friends with in real life?
Probably Reyna, from B&W. When I first wrote her, I was her age and tried to create someone who I'd like to hang out with.
Which of your characters would you dislike most in real life?
I already despise Nester from the dystopia WIP and he's not even real. And also, I think Diedrich would be insufferable irl.
Tell me about the process of coming up with one, all, or any of your characters.
Most of them kinda start out as concepts. For example, Seth came to be because "healer that takes the life of everything around them for power" sounded like a cool idea. Sometimes they're informed by characters I like or historical figures: Viktor is loosely based on Robespierre, Lucille is vaguely inspired by Cio-Cio San, General Fallin has some faint hints of Griffith, etc.
Do you notice any themes/traits about your characters?
I've noticed that every single one of my 4 WIPs has the extremely specific trope of an older character using the protagonist as a replacement for their dead loved one (usually their child, but sometimes disciple or younger sibling) and projecting onto them. I have no clue where tf this came from but it feels like something a psychoanalyst would greatly enjoy.
How do you picture them?” (as real people you imagined/as models/actors that exist in real life/as imaginary artwork, as artwork you made or commissioned, anime style, etc)
I actually picture all my characters in my artstyle!! Actually, I "see" most of the worlds in my stories through my own artstyle!
My writing:
What’s your reason for writing?
You see, I have all of these ideas. They are just lying around. And, as I said before, just drawing them isn't gonna cut it.
Is there a specific comment or type of comment you find particularly motivating coming from your readers?
On what is actually my least-read fic on ao3, a person left me a multiple paragraphs-long comment about how they would be thinking about that fic for years, that I wrote the characters as "canon but better", that they would read any other fics I posted in the future, and that they made an account to leave said comment. I'm not saying that this is the only type of comment I enjoy, but it has really stuck with me for the past year and when I read it I kinda wanna cry. So. I guess that.
How do you want to be thought of by those that read your work? (for example, as a literary genius, or as a writer who “gets” the human condition as a talented worldbuilder, or a role model, etc)
I've always wanted to be one of those writers that just really Gets the human mind, you know? Like, I've read stories where my regular person brain was going through all sorts of Things while my writer brain kept shouting "THIS MAKES SENSE!! THIS MAKES SO MUCH SENSE!!!", and that's who I want to be. (I feel like I'm not expalining myself correctly???) This is kind of a tangent, but I've read/watched stories so good that I was left just literally Sitting There, my thoughts completely silent, literally incapable of being a functioning human being for about an hour because my brain just wouldn't come down from the story. And that's my goal in life <3
What do you feel is your greatest strength as a writer?
Probably my character building.
What have you frequently been told your greatest writing strength is by others?
My story ideas/concepts. Like settings and worldbuilding and such.
How do you feel about your writing? (answer in whatever way you interpret that question)
Overall, I like it! I spent a long time working to a point where I can actually enjoy my own work. And I'm obviously not saying it's perfect. No one sees more flaws in it than me (bc I virtually never show it to anyone), but I won't say it's bad to sound better. I'm having fun, dammit!
If you were the last person on earth, and knew that your writing would never be read, would you still write?
I would still have stories to write even if there was no one to show them to. I would still draw and sing without an audience too. Because my art is, at its core, for me. It's a need.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely what you enjoy? if it’s a mix of the two, which holds the most influence?
I used to consider what others might like, and I still kinda do sometimes because my main beta reader is my MOM, but I've mostly let it go tbh. After draft 2 of B&W I shouted "I'M NEVER WRITING ROMANCE AGAIN!!!" and here we are. At the end of the day, I'm writing mostly to have fun, so I should be able to do whatever I want.
That was fun!! I love questionaires/this interview format thingy. Makes me feel fancy.
If you're made it all the way down here, hiiii <3<3<3<3<3<3 sorry for never shutting up and not being concise. It will happen again.
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what-if-nct · 1 year
hiiii today's reminder is so much new music!!!
nct: i like golden age, it's interesting and a fun listen, though songs with all the members can be a little exhausting for the first few listens in terms of placing all the voices and faces the inevitable mental tally of who got how many lines. that said, the ones that stood out to me were yangyang, winwin (i did NOT expect to see him that early or for him to have any lines at all tbh) and yuta. and xiaojun and Doyoung as ever. the music video was eh (I'm too dumb for lore so it was just pretty people in places) but that one scene of Kun, renjun, chenle and haechan facing each other where Kun and Chenle were clearly 0.0003 seconds from bursting into laughter? that's my favourite thing that's ever happened ever. v excited for baggy jeans and for the album (… which honestly it hasn't even occurred to me to check if it's out or not, i just assumed it would be out after the second single)
seventeen: ahhhhhhhhh i love it so much. the song is pretty and the lyrics hit me where I live and the mv had FML vibes but in the opposite direction, like two sides of the same coin, and i love it so much. their japanese releases never miss tbh and I'll fight anyone who says dream (the svt song, not the nct subunit) wasn't good
Hozier: I'm holding out on the full album until I can listen to it all the way through on the metro tomorrow but all the pre releases have made me Sob and Hozier has never disappointed me so I'm going in with very high expectations
Hyoyeon: honestly a shame sm doesn't do more for her solo career because she has dropped banger after banger and they never get the appreciation they deserve. this one isn't my favourite by her, but still very good, and i love how well defined her vibe is for me even though I don't really follow her or snsd
Hiiii! I was so surprised by how much I liked golden age, since full unit NCT songs can be a bit clunky sometimes. Golden age was a bit clunky but I really liked the back and forth and it did kind of sound like two different songs but it blended together really well. I always forget Winwin has a deep voice till I hear him. And something about Jaemin, Hendery, Johnny and Jisung being followed by Jungwoo like that whole part was just very pleasing to my ears and satisfying like that part of the song just hit different for me. I know baggy jeans is going to be amazing and I can't wait to get my little paws on the album and listen to it. NCT is actually close to being the kpop group I have the most albums from. Right now NCT and Exo are even. Since I also collect dolls I have to have some kind of control with kpop albums.
I haven't heard Seventeen, Hozier or Hyoyeon's new songs. I will listen to Seventeen's at some point though, they just get buried in my YouTube subscriptions. But I really loved Memories by Riize , like it's literally the perfect spot when it comes to softer songs it's bright and cheery but with such a lost boy sense of youthful happiness. And the mv's sunnyness and the breakdown, I love a rap breakdown and they're free out in the world, thats rare an sm group can be in sunlight like that. And I love the song it's just so sweet and happy. I'm so excited for them, they're all my sons. Also their footwork goes crazy.
Also I saw this a day ago and thought you might like it.
It's not a lie.
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sanstropfremir · 2 years
what do u think of kpop groups having storylines and how it blends through each cb? this is definitely a 4th gen trait and some 3rd gen groups (but they’re not so strongly tied to the stories). still have no idea what ateez’s pirate thing is about. i really liked nct’s whole thing, esp nct 2018 but then sm loss the creatives behind it and now it feels messy. aespa’s kwangya is in its early stages but it’ll probably drop as they mature.
to be completely honest i do not care about it at all. if the creative teams are doing their jobs well then it shouldn't matter to the audience's enjoyment. artistic forms that employ spectacle as their main delivery method utilize suspension of disbelief in a very different way that something like, for example, your average television series does. despite having comparably horrid eyesight, human beings are very visual creatures, it is the primary way that we engage with our environment. and if you create something that has sound internal visual logic, no matter how crazy or weird or 'unrealistic' it is, our subsconcious will accept it as 'making sense' even though we know logically that it doesn't. that's why a medium like music videos has become so prominent as a cultural staple; they're about illustrating much more abstract concepts like 'feelings' and/or emotions, and it's very easy to do that when you tap into suspension of disbelief rather than trying to granularly recreate mundane situations. there is in fact, a reason why ancient greek plays are still performed to this day, some upwards of 2000 years after they were written, and that is because they are about tapping into the collective cathartic emotions of experiencing a story. do you need to know everything about greek mythology to understand the trojan women? absolutely not. when you are watching that play you are watching that specific moment in time and it is the job of the creative team to bring you into that world easily and immediately so you can live in that moment. and it is the exact same principle with a kpop music video. you can layer as many additional meanings on top that you want, you can make the text complicated or the beats weird or what have you, but the aesthetics are at the base of what keeps everything together.
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calamardo-guapo · 3 years
Please begging u, gimme the lore on tooshu I'm so curious
Ok so. Lemme get this straight if I can. Sorry for bad grammar is to late :y
Ok i got this bizarre idea.
Back when Tooru was dating Yasuho(😠) i like to imagine that Joshu was there, saying he was his best friend and that they should not separate just because Tooru was there. And Tooru thought it was ok, otherwise he would had get rid of Joshu with his stand.
Joshu would have thought "why are you dating him and not me? He is so ugly and has a weird haircut"
And Yasuho would have asked Tooru why he let Joshu follow them. To what Tooru would had say "it is funny seeing him get mad at me when I hug you or kiss you"
When they went to the beach, and Tooru toke that photo(😠), Joshu was behind thinking for the first time in his life.
"He was the third wheel" "Tooru was smarter and was taller than him(that my headcanon)" and a lot of intrusive but real things
So he left them alone. And for some reason, Yasuho thought that was weird and Tooru thought it was "bored not messing with that fucker around"
I headcanon that Yasuho broke with Tooru because he felt bad for Joshu, but never thought about going out with the Higashikata. Because...no. why would she. She deserves a lot better.
Also the hc that Tooru and Joshu at some point, both single, went to k pop concerts and other bands Tooru found good (Joshu knows a lot about music; has a really weird taste but it's not bad). And Tooru found that fascinating.
If Joshu is in university is because Tooru helped him a lot with history and math (i think Tooru is really intelligent, just a thought).
Also uhhhh...
The idea i got after a long trip to the mall is
what can unite people more than love? Well, hate.
And thought about them. But first:
Before Josuke appeared. What was Tooru my guy doing?
Working, only? Doing doctor stuff? Selling fruit? Nah the motherfucker was wasting money.
What else he could do? The rock humans were rich af. I guess that's what rich people do :') only gaining power, stealing properties and waste bills...
Anyways. I bet Joshu and Tooru were at the same k pop concerts and both were only there to waste money in merchandise to show off to his friends if they had any.
Rock humans do not find Worth on humans, but in memories so i imagine that Tooru has this big ass collection of things he finds cool. As well as Joshu (you can tell by the discs in his former bedroom, probably property of her mother)
They are also both kinda lonely. The other rock humans were doing stuff in groups ( idc what Araki wrote lmao, they were like family, also Wu was Tooru's ex boyfriend but that's other thing); and Joshu... Not even his family was very interested in taking with him (or at least not Norisuke, sometimes his sisters would be supporting him but they don't talk that much).
(oh, also both grow without a mother figure. Can't said much but might be the same as growing without a father figure :') ok i'll stop )
let's get back to hate and love:
They both hate josuke and love Yasuho. Maybe at the end of Jojolion Yasuho decides to tell Josuke "let's hang out and kiss... You kno... Like a couple"
So, both lose to Josuke. What else they can do? Fight the dude that has magic bubble to get the girl?
I mean... They did and failed. What else they can do but accept they are losers and are pathetic little shits? Tooru lost everything, and Joshu also lost a lot after that fight.
Fuck it. Let's say Tooru is alive. Or this is in a universe where there was not big fight at the Higashikatas.
So both are at the parlor, thinking about Yasuho. Talking shit about Josuke (well, only Joshu) and Tooru is like "bah, he is not worth".
They keep talking about their past , then fight about who has the best stand and stuff.... Wait ..
I have more ideas but i think i wrote more than i should :y
Oh! Just a thing.
Tooru is a really good listener (he remembered everything Yasuho said back when they were together 😠) and Joshu loves when someone listens to him chatting.
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curiouscarllee · 4 years
Hello, I'm making a list of my OCs with a bit of art and information! I am doing this because I feel as though I post a lot about my characters without ever providing any detail, so, here you go :) On top of this, I'd like to state that I am always intrested in hearing about your ocs as well, you are more than welcome to send me an ask about them or about my own characters :)
Fairlynn: My Main
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Fairlynn is a bosmer, he is the Hero of Kvatch and also Sheogorath. He is a tad unpredictable and has some mental issues in regards to mirroring the mad god and myself. Fairlynn was 28 when he started with saving the world, only 29 when it ended and full of grief with Martin's passing. This drove him to the Shivering Isles in hopes that he could persuade a daedric prince to revive his beloved. That's not at all how it went down, upon noticing this realm was not one of a stronger prince, Fairlynn was tempted to leave the plane but found himself infatuated with it instead.
After a few years, the princes sensed a danger approaching, one in the form of an imperial male that had the possibility of defeating them. Therefore, they agreed to send one of themselves down to nirn in an attempt to stop it. Unfortunately, they chose Fairlynn to get the job done and yeeted him down where the bosmer began to gather enforcments in the form of other people which he thought would become allies when they grew older.. But what he didn't expect was the imperial managed to befriend every. Single. One. Of the people Fairlynn had set on course to hate the man, none of them truly did. That's the exact moment where he went, "if you can't beat em' join em'." And promptly joined the group in his mortal form without revealing to them who he was. Instead the group thinks he's just a skooma addict that is talented in the ways of fighting. They have no idea.
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This is that imperial male stated in the last description. This man is destined to destroy the influence of the daedric princes on the mortal people, however, he has the intelligence of a box of rocks and everyone doubts this prophecy to be true. The only time one can possibly think this true is when he displays his power in the midst of battle, he was blessed by the divines at birth, each giving him power to defeat the evil of the world. He his bound to use it.. But he never uses it for good, I mean,, why would he? He could kill anyone he wants! No way he's gonna be the "good hero"! (Basically, this was my brother's character and he used mods to make him op so I had to improvise.)
Past wise, my brother and I decided to intertwine him with the lore. You rememeber the song Ragnar the Red? That was Ragnar's father. In truth, his name should be Ragnar the second or Ragnar Jr. but his mother, Matilda, said "hahahaha, no, your father was a mess and you shall not be him." and removed the second part. After his mother died of a sickness, Ragnar hesitantly moved towns in search of work. He missed his mother greatly and would give anything to have her back.
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Meet S'arra, she is a khajiit female and the heart of the group (along side another who you'll meet shortly). S'arra is the youngest, she may be sweet but she'll rob you blind if she sees a chance. S'arra came from a happy family in Elsywer, she was the child of F'awn and Ja'zaka, two khajiit with completely different sets of morals. Ja'zaka was a born bandit, he was wild and carefree, F'awn (My friends oc :)) was a gentle and caring woman, she loved to live. When F'awn got pregnant, her brother, J'ar, lost his mind. J'ar was fueled with anger towards Ja'zaka and at one point made an attempt at his brother-in-law's life. It was at that moment J'ar was kicked from F'awn's life, he ran from his home and joined a vampire clan/bandit group in Skyrim.
Only months after her birth, Ja'zaka disappeared. He ran and never came back. F'awn tried her best to raise S'arra, but one morning S'arra was taken from her by a rabid animal that invaded the town. The creature took off with S'arra and lead the small khajiit to it's den where a caravan traveling to Skyrim would soon find her and take her with them, raising her as their own on the roads of Skyrim. The caravan was killed and attacked by a certain bandit group/vampire clan (hahaha, yup, the one J'ar is in). S'arra joined the group in hopes of revenge, although, she'll keep that bit to herself. ;)
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Now this orc, oh he's amazing. He is an old man, a precious old man with a past of pain and betrayal. In order to introduce his past, we need to introduce his adpoted brother first:
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This is Adoren's adopted brother, Zanik (grandson of Nellie), a not so nice older man. Zanik was thrown out by his father a young age, more precisely, he was thrown in a river by his father in one of his father's crazed fits. Zanik can't swim, he hates water more than anything else in his life. The dunmer was washed to shore near an orc stronghold where he was picked up by Adoren and adopted by the orcs family. Zanik and Adoren lived happily for many many years, one day they went on an exploration to scout for different hunting grounds. It started to pour causing the two to take shelter in a dwemer ruin. That's when they heard soft groaning and sounds of pain coming from down one of the halls. Hesitantly, they explored. Only to find:
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My most lore breaking character! Meet Kidawe, a small snow elf from one of the last remaining villiages of falmer! Now, yes, I am breaking the lore because, since when has canon lore stopped me? Kidawe lived on top of the mountains to the north of Cyrodiil and the South of Skyrim. His village is small and portable, in case they need to move, the tribe of elves is shrouded in mystery, they've managed to live this long and refuse to leave their mountain. Kidawe doesn't listen to that, he runs off each night in search for dwemer ruins, things he find more then interesting. The young elf holds no fear when he's in his element, and he loves to explore. One evening, while in a ruin he is attacked by a vampire/bandit named Raeferth (the leader) who pushes him to join the group, trying to convince the snow elf that his expertise is needed. Kidawe refuses and then engages in battle with the nord, he looses and ends up pinned under a fallen pillar that crushes his arm.
Upon waking up after falling unconscious from the pain, Kidawe is met with the sight of Adoren and Zanik standing over him. After many many months of trust building, the two get Kidawe to befriend them. Kidawe uses their help to fashion himself a new arm from dwarven parts found in the ruin. After a few years, Kidawe disappears. He was taken by force by Raeferth (the others do not know this). Adoren and Zanik are heart broken. They miss their friend greatly.
Adoren/Zanik Pt.2
After losing Kidawe, these two go off and join a bandit group.. Yes the same vampire clan group. Adoren thrives in the group, he his strong and more then willing to get his hands dirty. Zanik.. Not so much. Zanik is only kept around because of Adoren. They all know not to mess with Zanik or else they mess with Adoren.
After spending a few years with them, Adoren decides he can't continue this. Zanik begs him not to leave, trying to make the orc realize that this group will not let them go without hurting them. Adoren doesn't listen and leaves the bandits, later that day the stronghold is burnt to the ground. Adoren looses everything in the fire, his parents pass away, his friends and family. Instead of processing lose normally, he makes it up in his head that the reason Zanik was warning him was because Zanik had a hand in it. Therefore the two fight and Adoren punches Zanik, he's wearing a ring that catches under Zanik's flesh and pratically tears off his cheek leaving the dunmer with a horrible scar. Adoren warns Zanik never to speak with him again.
Which of course doesn't stand because after they grew up into old men, they cross eachother's paths once more. They both join up with the good guy group at different times, Adoren joins first after he finds them in his house, and Zanik joins when he is once again found washed up on the shore.
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Not much on this boio, he was my first oc in the Elder Scrolls. He's an argonian heavy set warrior. Zorlin is silent and cut throat, he is a part of the Brotherhood and only joins the good guy group after his brother, Tu'ru is 'murdered' by Raeferth.
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There is so much on him. I'm just going to do bullet points:
Born in Skyrim 200+ years ago. He never knew his true parents and was instead brought up by a wealthy noble family. They more kept him around for labor.
He befriends 3 local kids, Mayrn (breton like him), Raeferth (nord trouble maker), and Lynik (Raeferth's brother).
They all cause problems and Tristane falls in love with Raeferth :D
One day Raeferth claims to have found immortality, Tristane instantly says "No, I'm not doing this." And leaves the friend group, trying to focus on himself.
He is then framed for a crime he didn't commit and sent to Cyrodiil's Imperial Prison. Then he is bailed out by the Emperor and sent to Morrowind.
Morrowind happens, Tristane changes from whining child to even whiner child with the ability to cast spells.
After Morrowind, Tristane travels to Solstiem where he is confronted with Mayrn and Lynik (both as bandit vampires).
Mayrn and Lynik try to force him back to Skyrim to see Raeferth and join them. Tristane, as he said before, says "no". So they kill him.
Now they don't really kill him, they use a method I made up called Soul Gem Reflection. This is something I completely made up but I like it so sue me. I can write an entire post on this alone so we're just gonne say, "Soul gem reflection is a method in which the targets soul is directed towards an object they held dear in life instead of dying. They're life essence is held in the soul gem, but they live in the object."
In this case, Tristane was reflected in his journal.
Lynik felt horrible for doing this to his friend, he felt guilty and returned the journal which he unknowingly relfected the breton in, and gave it to Tristane's family who in turn stuffed the journal in the basement.
Fast forward 200+ years and Adoren buys the manor, finding Tristane's journal inside and opening it. Surprise! Out springs a ghostly figure of Tristane who then convinced Adoren to take him along with the group!
Other Characters:
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This is J'ar. He's mentioned above.
Also, here's some more character that aren't affiliated with the group:
-Baendil and Baendal are bosmer brothers, they were abandoned by their parents and instead found by cranky altmer father Kornan. They're bandits (not related to vampires at all). They're bad, not morally wrong but actually just bad at being bandits. They couldn't rob you even if you asked them to.
-I will add more later I'm sure.
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biffhofosho · 3 years
I sent an ask before my ramblings over chapter 10, but I think tumblr ate it, so I'll write again a few things I wanted to tell you, like in general.
The expression in Spanish is "meterse en la boca del lobo" and it means to go in into the wolf's mouth, to put yourself on purpose directly into unnecessary danger and boy does Ambrosia like to do that.
A d funny you mention you used to be an English teacher, I guess I can see that in your writing, as a linguist I absolutely adore words. It fascinates me how something as simple as combining them into sentences serves as a way to convey a feeling so accurately that you have no option but to feel it in your stomach. funny enough that's what I find in your writing, it's in the phrases you use,your choice of words... they just give me the thrills, they just resonate so deeply in me, so thanks for that!
I am also a multi Stan, I even have bias in groups that I really don't listen to. Lol, however I love my monstas the most and only them I would allow to pass me around like ragdoll.
Wonho's description in chapter 11 was enough to make me wanna desperately read his part on the story...
What you finish the story I'd love to hear more about it. Like behind the scenes or what inspired you to write it, more on the lore or whatever you wanna share with us.
Anyways hope you get this ask and I'll write soon another message about 5he recent chapter.
Have a lovely night/day
I've heard tumblr can eat asks! >:( Thanks for sending again! I enjoy our discourse. ;)
Wow, the Spanish phrase is really lovely, isn't it? Rolls off the tongue beautifully.
Wait, you're a linguist? As a profession or by hobby? I took a couple linguistics classes in college--I had a dual major in English and German. I LOVE language. Can't get enough of them. I also took Japanese, sign language, and Irish Gaelic (of all things--not that I can speak any of that anymore).
Um, that's some pretty high praise of my writing, so thank you! o.O Word choice is very important to me. Sometimes I labor over a single word for hours because I know the right word is out there, and I just can't grab it. My bestie, who's a bit of a thesaurus, knows she's on call 24/7 to help on just such occasions. ;)
I'll listen to basically any group. My mp3 player (because, yes, I'm old school and like my music on one device) is absolutely stuffed with random groups, but only a few over the years have wowed me with their chemistry, and none so much as MX. I'm too old to enjoy boy groups anymore outside of a good bop, so I only get attached to those that I find with real maturity and masculinity. Monsta X is nothing but men--strong, confident, fearsome men--so, yeah, ragdoll it is. :) Right there with ya, babe.
Ngl, I was pretty proud of how Wonho's description came out. It felt very him, but also ngl, that's the way I feel about how his chapter came out. I really feel like the muse has lived it. Lucky bitch. It's coming in just a couple more chapters, sorry!
LOL, wow, I never expected for anyone to care about the behind-the-scenes except my best friend, for whom I wrote it. :) I'd be happy to share some deets in the future.
I hope to have the next chapter up tonight, but I have some custom content to craft for it that may derail that plan. If not tonight, tomorrow then! Have a great night, too!
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acealistair · 7 years
Heyhey, so what are some of your favorite dating sims? I've only played Mystic Messenger and I don't know any others that measure up to it.
Oohhh I’ll be happy to share what I play! I don’t play any that aren’t free, so that’s probably good news, but that also means there are probably a lot of quality ones I’m missing out on. 
It’s worth noting that Mystic Messenger is my all-time favorite, though. I don’t know if any of these will truly measure up to it, mostly because MM is just so unique in its concept as well as the depth of characters and story. I think we are truly blessed to have access to MM’s level of quality for free. (thank u cheritz for my life)
Anyways! I’ll list these from my most favorite to least favorite (however, I do like all of them to some degree because I regularly play all of them). Under the cut because I talk too much :’D
Midnight Cinderella
This one was my top favorite before Mystic Messenger came along! The premise is that in the country of Wysteria, if the ruling monarch(s) grow to a certain age and there is no heir, a “princess elect” is chosen from the common people. Of course, your character is chosen, despite not being interested in the position at first. Also of course, the princess is expected to find a “prince consort” along the way. (I’m kind of a sucker for a “commoner thrust into the world of the rich” story, myself. >v>)
Each character has a distinct personality and each route has a significantly different story. The main character has a decent amount of development, as well! It’s also very well-translated, and the art is lovely. I’ve played through every character’s route at least once and have just started going back for round two for everyone – each character has two different endings that are each good in their own way, rather than the standard good and bad endings. Louis is my favorite, by far. i’ve played his route four times no joke ha The app is regularly updated with fun side-story events, and they’re also coming out with after-story routes for all the characters!
Guard Me, Sherlock!
…listen. The stuff you start reading/watching/playing as a joke are always the ones you end up loving the most, right.
I thought this one was going to be utterly ridiculous and horrendously out of character. I WAS WRONG. Pretty sure it’s based a lot on BBC Sherlock, because the personalities of the characters are spot-on. Sherlock is just as rude and insufferable and weird as he should be. The most ridiculous part about the whole thing is just the aging-down of all the characters to be young and hot and anime, pffft. Each character’s route is centered around a case, which is pretty fun. 
So far I’ve just played Watson’s route, and am about halfway through Sherlock’s. I feel like I haven’t played enough routes yet to pick a definite favorite character yet, but both routes have successfully given me the doki-dokis, haha. There are four routes out so far (Sherlock, Watson, Moriarty, and Mycroft), and three of them have a “season 2″ sequel to their routes. So lots of content!
The Niflheim
This one’s fun because it has a pretty unique concept (it’s the land of the dead; essentially the afterlife, though apparently some people come back as zombies, mummies, and other types of undead, while others just look like normal people? It’s never really explained lol), and the art is really gorgeous! It’s also just a bit silly in general; definitely doesn’t take itself too seriously. The characters have a surprising amount of depth, though. Unfortunately, I think the developers have pretty much abandoned it, though. You can still play it, but there aren’t anymore events and I don’t think they’re coming out with anymore characters/routes.
If nothing else convinces you, you can romance a skeleton. ;D
Wizardess Heart
This was my first dating sim I ever played! At first glance it looks like a wannabe Harry Potter knock-off. And it is… to a mild extent. They’ve managed to put their own spin on things to keep it comfortably out of the “painfully blatant” zone, so that’s what matters in my book. Anyways, the gist is you’re a new student at a wizard academy. There’s a thing called the “Buddy system” (lol) where two students’ fates are connected, and they’re supposed to help each other succeed at the school. So of course it’s just used as a plot excuse for you to be connected to whoever’s route you’re doing.
I’ve played seven routes (currently on my eighth) out of twelve, and they’ve promised at least three more characters in the future, which honestly shocked me because that’s a ton. The guys are grouped by threes and are called “series”, where their plots, while all different, all deal with the same antagonist/threat/mystery. My favorite character is Klaus… compare him to Louis from above, Gill from Harvest Moon, and Jumin Han and you’ll see why lmao
Modern Cinderella
This one’s so far down on the list only because I literally started playing it a couple days ago. I think it’ll get way higher up once I’m more familiar with it, and if this first route I’m playing doesn’t disappoint! The story for this one is self-described as a “reverse Cinderella”, where the main character is rich and has led a lavish lifestyle until she runs away from her overbearing and controlling mother to start a completely new life. I think that’s pretty interesting itself, but what I really like is that the main character ends up with a different profession based on the route chosen. With the three routes that are out right now, the career options are singer, patissier, and writer. At least two more routes are promised (I’m hoping there’ll be even more).
I wasn’t too sure about the art style at first – the main character starts out with a really ugly dress and makeup, but they make a point of changing her clothes and essentially going “that’s much better” after the prologue. The guy that helps out the main character by giving her a place to stay is explicitly gay and doesn’t seem to feed into any bad stereotypes, so that’s a cool side note! So far my overall impression is that it’s cute.
Lost Alice
An Alice in Wonderland one, yeah. >_> However, it has a somewhat unique twist on the story? Some of the mystery was revealed in the Hatter’s route, but that’s the only one I’ve played so far and I feel there’s more to discover about… the lore, for lack of a better term? If more stuff is revealed then I might get a little more invested, otherwise I’ll probably be a bit miffed, because as it stands I have a lot of unanswered questions about what’s going on.
The art style is nice, and there are currently five routes out with a sixth (and probably more) on the way. Most of the characters are directly out of the original story (Hatter, Cheshire Cat, March Hare), but others are harder to recognize (there’s a dude named Joker who I’m still not entirely sure is supposed to be…?). Haven’t played enough to pinpoint a favorite character yet, but the Hatter was cute.
My general attitude towards this one is “LMAO”. XD
Wizard of Oz. The premise is that Dorothy comes back to the land of Oz for her seventeenth birthday! And suddenly the scarecrow, tin man, and lion are human (that’s right, they acknowledge that they weren’t human to begin with)! And in this version, there were never any witches – they’re all hot romanceable wizards! including the wizard of the west because of course hgkrhsgnks Every single character’s name is a pun based off who they are! And then, the real kicker is that as soon as Dorothy arrives, she’s told she has to pick a boyfriend out of them all. Because reasons. And she just goes along with it.
So, uh, yeah, the story’s flimsy. And it doesn’t get much better in any of the routes lol… I’ve done three routes and am almost done with the fourth. I play it because it’s funny and… it has a few good moments bahaha. my favorite is heartmann Also worth noting that this one’s dead, like Niflheim is. They stopped having events and updates after they came out with all the characters.
Honorable mention: Notice Me, Senpai!
I don’t really consider this one a true dating sim, but it’s definitely meant for people who like dating sims! This app is one of my favorites ever omg, it’s so great honestly. It’s literally Neko Atsume… except instead of entertaining and collecting cats in your yard, you, the only girl at an all-boys school, run a cafe for personified anime boy tropes!
Instead of just leaving you a gift after a number of visits, each senpai has an affection level and you get CGs as they fall in love with you. At three hearts they leave a personal note, then at four and/or five hearts you get a CG where they confess to you. Then you can get additional CGs for each of their birthdays as well as for visiting a certain number of times after they’ve gotten five hearts. You can dress them up in tons of different outfits, and there are events for all the major holidays and seasons. Now I think they’ve settled into an event and new senpais every other month (so they’ll be coming out with stuff in May). Right now there are 34 senpais and I fear that the devs are going to burn out by releasing more, but hey if they think they can do it I won’t complain hgdgfsgvfsvgg
tl;dr it fulfills my lifelong fantasy of being the protagonist of a reverse harm anime and i love it so much
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