#listen mercedes and melchior are the only dog sprites I have
incorrecttwsted · 1 year
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nataliesewell · 7 years
the arcana masterlist
Stop reblogging this post. The masterlist is no longer being updated. Dana Rune, the artist, is an incest shipper and the devs are just generally horrible. DON’T SUPPORT THE ARCANA.
i’m dreadfully curious and hopelessly lost when it comes to the arcana’s twisting, complex plot, which we still don’t know much about, so i figured it’d be best to compile what i know about the characters and the plot intertwining them so far.
of course, different options / combos in the game reveal different things. as i haven’t gotten them all, and i’m forgetful af, there’ll be information missing. this is where you lovely people come in. feel free to message me stuff i’ve missed, or ask me for proof of something i’ve mentioned that you haven’t seen before! this way this masterlist will remain canonical and truthful.
just to be clear, there aren’t meant to be any assumptions or theories here; this post contains only what we know to be fact, whether it be confirmed in-game or by the devs on tumblr.
there are major spoilers abound under the cut, for future discoveries in the game even: read at your own discretion.
AUG 29: added more information, including that from the devs’ tumblr, and made some fixes as pointed out by some lovely tumblr users
SEP 24: removed and added information on asra’s memory wipe
SEP 28: made a heading for book vi + future books and added new information
the apprentice and other characters reside in a seaside city-state named vesuvia
count lucio hosted the masquerade, a festival held every year on his birthday, where all the cityfolk are invited, rich or poor (people were only turned away when the palace was at capacity)
at some point, the red plague sweeps vesuvia, killing countless people
if affected by the plague, a person’s sclera (the outer part / layer of their eyeball) will noticeably turn from white to red
in the hopes of finding a cure, various physicians, scientists, alchemists, witches, and even fortune tellers were invited by the count and countess to the palace, where they offered them resources for their research
during the last masquerade, three years ago, someone killed the count when he retired to his chambers
julian devorak is believed to be the killer, and is being hunted by countess nadia, however there aren’t any leads on his whereabouts
the palace has been barred from cityfolk since julian’s escape, and no more masquerades have been hosted... Until Now
“provocative count whose presence still lingers over the city”
before becoming a count, he was a mercenary
was feared yet loved by his subjects / the cityfolk
had the red plague, as in his sprite lucio has red sclera
commissioned a painting in which he appears as the central figure, a goat, surrounded by other animals; it was a favourite painting of his, and so it still hangs in the dining room
killed in his chambers during the last masquerade, at midnight, by manner of burning / fire; the entire wing has been closed down and abandoned since
portia mentions there are many people who had motive to kill lucio, as he had a lot of enemies
has two dogs, melchior and mercedes, who guard the staircase leading to the abandoned wing; they might later lead the apprentice to the wing
depending on the player’s choices, the apprentice may explore the abandoned palace wing / lucio’s chambers and come into contact with an apparition of a goat with red eyes
“wandering magician with a wealth of secrets”
grew up in the streets of vesuvia alongside muriel, as confirmed by the devs on tumblr
has a familiar, a snake named faust
the devs disclosed that faust was given to asra when she was an egg by another, unknown magician
operated from a fortune teller’s booth in the city for an unknown amount of time before he met the apprentice
well known by cityfolk, and appears to be feared by some as well (namely the fortune teller whose booth is close to the palace)
later came to live with the apprentice in their shop-slash-home
went to the palace to find a cure for the red plague; the apprentice had no knowledge of this
left on a journey during the start of the game, though where he went is unknown to the player and apprentice
when telling his fortune, the apprentice picks the high priestess card, and says to asra, “you’ve forsaken her. you’ve pushed her away, and buried her voice. she calls out to you, but you won’t listen. if you don’t listen to her...”
was in a relationship with julian for an unknown amount of time; it also isn’t known when the relationship started or ended
in his grimoire preview, julian says that asra is a “witch that fears commitment”
gave julian a key to the apprentice’s shop during their relationship; julian reveals he made various house calls, namely to asra’s bedroom (the apprentice had no knowledge of this, nor of their relationship)
left faust behind with the apprentice, stating his instincts told him to after having his fortune read
when glimpsed from the fountain at the palace, as well as in the apprentice’s dreams, asra is in a vast desert atop a “strange beast”
if the player asks where he is, asra answers, “a place inside of me. who would have thought you’d be able to reach me here?”
if asked about his relation to julian, asra admits he was his friend and later became “more. and then something else... something that i had to get away from”
if asked about his relation to nadia, asra says that she was “a dear friend, once. we could talk about anything, everything, all night long. we trusted each other. for a time... but we’re strangers now”
if asked who the apprentice is to them, asra confesses his romantic feelings for them, and then erases the apprentice’s memory of it; the devs have explained this is not a continuous thing
“fugitive doctor who hungers for revenge”
while he is a doctor, he’s an unlicensed one
brother of portia (who refers to him as ilya); the two of them haven’t seen each other in years
went to the palace in order to find a cure for the red plague; nadia  says that julian was lucio’s “trusted physician” before his death
at the last masquerade, julian was implicated in lucio’s murder; the apprentice mentions he was captured (or surrendered) “on the spot”, but before he could be executed, he escaped
wrote a letter to portia while at the palace, which the player / apprentice doesn’t know the entirety of; as it was found among his things at the palace, he might not have sent it to portia
what we know was in the letter: “dear sister, i have... much to share since last i wrote. winter has come to the palace... these marble floors are so cold... each morning...”
looking for asra at the start of the game, which is why he breaks into the shop and meets the apprentice
when telling his fortune, the apprentice picks the death card, but the card doesn’t speak to them; whether it be because of how nervous they are or something else, we don’t know
julian reacts to the card by laughing  and saying “death cast her gaze on this wretch and turned away. she has no interest in an abomination like me”
was given a key to the apprentice’s shop by asra during their relationship; it appears julian didn’t know anything about the apprentice prior to meeting them at the start of the game
isn’t afraid to be seen, as evidenced by his appearance at the marketplace as well as at the rowdy raven tavern
if the player asks about this, julian explains the tavern goers won’t turn him in as they don’t like the palace guards (the apprentice is surprised, as where they live, the cityfolk treat the guards with reverence)
should the player have seen him at the marketplace, they will comment on his presence there, to which julian vaguely answers he “just has one of those faces”
of julian, asra says he’s “a hack physician with a lot to learn” and continues with “who is julian to me... who is he to anyone? whoever he needs to be, to get what he wants”
“widowed countess whose word is law”
a foreigner to vesuvia, she lived in prakra (“a vast empire in the north”) before marrying lucio; she misses it deeply, and speaks on length about the sea there
doesn’t feel she can trust most people at the palace, as mentioned by portia
not a magician, however can see visions of the future in her dreams; she dreamt of the apprentice before the start of the game, which is why she sought them out
nadia comments the apprentice was “...different” in her dream
in the same dream, she saw a vision of a future she “will not allow to pass”
when telling her fortune, the apprentice picks the magician card, and says nadia has “a plan. one that’s long in the making. years upon years” that she hopes to put into motion
the devs have revealed that nadia doesn’t love lucio, and might not even harbour any friendly / kind feelings towards him either
regardless, she calls lucio’s death a “vicious injustice upon this house”
when revealing her plan to host another masquerade, she says it will be “more fanatical than ever. fantastical, excuse me”
the cityfolk believe her to be a tyrant, and fear her, much like they did lucio; however they do not love her as they loved lucio
is known to despise magicians and fortune tellers; nadia later explains she doesn’t hate them but is wary of them (as they may be pretending to have magical abilities)
has frequent, recurring headaches, which portia says are getting worse since nadia decided to host another masquerade and find julian
announces (through portia) to the cityfolk that another masquerade will be hosted soon, in honour of lucio --- none of the courtiers were aware of this until the announcement
she hopes the masquerade will lure julian, whom she believes to be lucio’s killer; she wishes to execute him publicly for the crime
wants help from the apprentice in catching julian, through magical means
gifts the apprentice an emerald necklace, which has asra’s magic tied to it; how she came to possess it is not explained
used to be friends with asra, though they are strangers now
of nadia, asra comments, “precious friends, precious experiences... you’d be amazed what people can forget. when they don’t want to remember...”
“fearsome outsider who owes an onerous debt”
muriel and asra are childhood friends, as confirmed by the devs on tumblr
also confirmed is the fact that muriel used to be a gladiator
muriel owes someone - currently unknown - an enormous monetary debt
if the player moves past him in the alley, he warns the apprentice of someone who “will return, uninvited. he will offer you a gift, when you need it most... turn it away. or you will fall into his hand... just like the rest of us” --- it is unknown who he’s referring to
if the player tells him to move in the alley, his warning changes slightly; he says “he will offer you an escape” instead
smells strongly of myrrh; the small leather pouch left on the stoop of the apprentice’s shop smelled of myrrh as well, which the apprentice notes, so it was likely left there by muriel
if the player seeks muriel out before portia’s announcement, asking him where he’s going, muriel answers, “blindly to the slaughter. just like the rest of you”
he later adds: “it doesn’t matter what i say. my words won’t last. they never do”
“trusted handmaiden with a penchant for snooping”
sister of julian (who refers to her as pasha); the two of them haven’t seen each other in years
handmaiden to nadia, and is faithful to her, however her loyalties are skewed due to her relation to julian, which is a secret none know
she is presumably known to be the countess’ favourite servant by the cityfolk
no one apart from her had known of nadia’s plan of hosting another masquerade prior to nadia announcing it during dinner, however she didn’t know nadia plans to capture and kill julian as well
had a tearful reunion with julian at the apprentice’s shop, as well as a conversation with him the apprentice isn’t privy to
snoops on the apprentice’s second meeting with asra at the fountain; depending on the player’s choice, she learns asra and the apprentice are secretly seeing each other via magic and there may be something romantic between them, or that they have feelings for each other and that asra has removed the apprentice’s memories (and has done so before as well)
for now, portia has decided to keep the above information to herself
as explained by asra, anyone can do magic, for it is the will to make what you desire reality
the apprentice is believed by asra to be powerful and gifted; nadia comments on this as well, however the apprentice thinks she has mistaken them for asra
the apprentice can hear faust and recalls that “limited communication is possible” between a magician and their familiar; however faust isn’t their familiar, making their sudden communication implausible
the apprentice notices their name having been carved into the tree by the fountain, made by asra; they express confusion, as they have only known each other for a few years, yet the carving looks to be years old
faust shows flashbacks of asra’s time at the palace to the apprentice
in the first flashback, asra mentions julian (whom he refers to as ilya) has begun to think he likes him, although his true affections lie with the apprentice; when faust asks where they are, he answers “a place i can’t follow, yet”
faust leads them to the library, where various books seem to have asra’s magic on them
if the apprentice touches the big tattered tome, they experience a flashback between asra and muriel; muriel pleads asra not to go to the palace, however asra argues the palace has resources he needs
muriel says “and when he rips your heart out?” to which asra replies “he’ll have to get me, first. he’s weak and dying. what could he do? throw his medicine at me? he was dangerous once, i know, but i can handle him”
if the apprentice touches the elegant purple codex, they experience a flashback between asra and nadia; she’s finishing explaining the properties of a fern to asra, and warns him that it’s poisonous before he can try to eat it
if the apprentice touches the gilded monstrosity, they experience another flashback; this time, lucio is heard yelling at julian before julian exits his room; he had attempted to get rid of his plague by using leeches, which didn’t work
if the apprentice touches the alluring volume, they experience another flashback, this one between asra and the apprentice; asra is helping them pick what to wear for the upcoming masquerade
the apprentice expresses confusion over this; they don’t remember ever going to the masquerade with asra, as they didn’t know each other at the time
after touching an oversized red tome, named composium on the stupendencies of the fabric of the human form, the apprentice experiences a flashback between asra and julian
in it, julian’s feelings for asra are clear, however asra is not interested
julian warns asra he shouldn’t keep slacking off and try to actively search for a cure to the red plague, as the count will die without it, and julian is worried “he’ll take you with him"
asra ignores his warnings and leaves, with julian resolving to “make him see reason”
the apprentice is confused about the nature of their relationship and, depending on the player’s choice, can attempt to find out more about them
if the player chooses “i need to see it”, they see a vision of the past wherein julian goes to the shop to speak to asra
when julian asks about what he’s doing in the backroom, asra says it’s “just a magic trick” that is “something from one of those ridiculous tomes”
asra asks if he wants to help, to which julian agrees eagerly; asra draws blood from julian’s hand and, when asked what he used the blood for, says “i’m not sure. i won’t know until it happens. perhaps nothing, perhaps...”
asra warns he can’t give julian what he wants, however julian assures him he’s fine with that; the two then first engage in what appears to be a purely sexual relationship
the apprentice thinks about their memory loss; their first memory is of meeting asra and beyond that there is nothing, any attempt to remember results in headaches
asra has always told them not to try and remember the past, and they have apparently not spoken much about it afterwards
when the apprentice seeks out to asra, he says “i think you’re ready now” and encourages them to reach into the fountain and take his hand
he then pulls them to where he is, which he refers to as an oasis, “a gateway, from one world into the next”
if the player has the apprentice ask why he didn’t tell them about their missing past before, he admits he tried to trigger their memories, but the apprentice would always go catatonic and would only “go back to normal” if he took the memories away again; he kept trying, in a variety of different ways
later, a shadow in the oasis calls to the apprentice, only for asra to stop them from listening to the call; when they turn back, the growing darkness and the shadow are gone
portia admits that julian is her brother, and if asked, reveals she didn’t know he was back in vesuvia and has no idea why
the apprentice notices red in the banks and stream near a small, isolated part of the palace; the trees nearby are dying as a result
they follow the stream, which leads to one of many aqueducts that provide water for vesuvia’s citizens; “crimson poison” is in the city’s water supply, unbeknownst to anyone
when the apprentice brings this up to julian, he dismisses it and calls it “harmless” as the red plague is over
julian explains that asra cursed julian as a “parting gift”: he can now heal a person’s injuries, however he experiences their injury for a short time as a consequence
julian and the apprentice hide in the house of a person named mazelinka; we learn he often hides there when evading the palace guards
if the player asks julian why he came back, he explains he needs answers and wants to find out the truth; he adds he’d like to ask asra some questions
if the player asks julian if he killed the count, he replies that he asks himself the same thing, before admitting that he doesn’t remember if he did
nadia reveals to the apprentice that her constant headaches are because she has memory loss; whenever she tries to remember something, a headache stops her
she doesn’t remember the count whatsoever, though does know she was married to him for a long time, and the last thing she remembers is moving to vesuvia (which was years ago)
the apprentice informs her of their own memory loss, and that they had dealt with headaches themself before; they realize their shared loss of memories can’t be a coincidence
what nadia has learned so far: julian was seen escaping from count lucio’s room while it was on fire by multiple eyewitnesses; he later confessed to killing the count, only to escape from the dungeon the night before he was to be executed for the crime
nadia’s currently keeping her missing memories a secret; only portia---and now the apprentice---knows the truth
nadia and the apprentice learn from consul valerius, who was in the count’s wing on the night of lucio’s murder, that the courtiers (praetor vlastomil, pontifex vulgora, procurator volta, and quaestor valdemar) were there before him
he recounts that julian was inside the bedroom, and the courtiers were “shrieking things as they gathered around the door. at first [he] assumed they were after the doctor. some of the things they said... [he] remember[s] one. ‘he won’t get away with this.’ [he] assumed...”
the reason behind the courtiers’ presence in the wing is unknown, apart from valdemar’s as he was head physician; they were attempting to enter the count’s room when julian came outside, however the courtiers didn’t try to arrest him until valerius revealed himself
valerius confirms the count was one of the last victims of the red plague, however this was kept secret; the count invited experts to the palace as he wanted the cure for himself
if asked why he went to the count’s rooms, valerius becomes visibly uncomfortable and does not answer the question
portia informs the apprentice how some time after count lucio’s death, nadia “entered a deep sleep”; when portia began working at the palace, nadia had been asleep for almost a year
three months ago, nadia suddenly and inexplicably woke up, which coincides with her memory loss
as said earlier, if you find / know anything integral to the plot that’s not mentioned before, or if you believe i may have made a mistake somewhere, do contact me and let me know! :)
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