#literally asking for the babygirlfication
icedcoffee-cream · 1 year
Me to Quaritch: Babygirl, baby.
Also me to him: Evil.
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mitzisarchive · 1 year
Marauders as mitski songs
Hi! another one? yeah, but this time we’re here with my love regulus because i kin him and, honestly, i always want to talk about him
i’m a little wary about this one
once again i must remind y’all that this is my own interpretation. especially since i kin this boy and that affects the way i think of him (am i projecting? probably) but at the same time i must say i don’t want to romantice the death eaters nor justify bigotry. i could make an entire post of my personal interpretation of regulus
not gonna lie, at first i thought about giving regulus “goodbye my danish sweetheart” with the focus being, of course, his and sirius’ relationship. and it may be because i’m an only child, but i don’t really like how sometimes we reduce regulus’ character to sirius’ little brother, because he can be such an interesting character
anyways, i finally chose for him everyone, from lauren hell, a song which mitski defined as minimalistic - she actually made it when she didn’t had any instruments around!
let’s go with regulus “everyone” black
(did i lose the chance to do regulus “everyone” black // sirius “nobody” black parallel? yes, i will never recover)
Everyone, all of them
Everyone said, "Don't go that way"
So, of course, to that I said
"I think I'll go that way"
the song begins with this rebellion, the protagonists is going against everything their surroundings are telling them. there’s a certain cockiness to this decision, “so, of course, to that I said” is telling us the protagonist usually does whatever they want.
this may no sound like regulus at first, i know, but it’s because there’s been this weird babygirlfication of reggie, and i think y’all are forgetting this boy wanted to join the death eaters. i’m not the one to take jk rowling seriously, but she had something to say about regulus. apparently, he "got in a little too deep... He was attracted to it, but the reality of what it meant was way too much to handle"
now, we can argue about what was regulus attracted to, but as a slytherin i will assume regulus was attracted to the power voldemort possessed. now, “the reality of what it meant was way too much to handle” could be the fact that voldemort was actively making horrocruxes, but i would find it weird that someone could excuse a literal genocide but draw the line at immortality, so the reality of what it meant is probably more about the killing part.
now, you may be thinking “why would he join the death eaters if he couldn’t stand some death?” well, growing up with that kind of family probably desensitized him to some extend. we can’t forget that this boy died at 18, he was barely a child when he joined the death eaters and he didn’t become active until 17.
regulus definitely wasn’t defying everyone when he joined the death eaters, but i like seeing it this way:
regulus was getting into so much danger by joining the dark lord, there would be probably people around him who were worried about him, he may have ignored them.
but there was one who tried harder than anyone. his brother. i will fight whoever i have to fight, but i won’t believe that sirius let his little brother alone for a second while he could still look out for him. i won’t believe he didn’t beg for reg to come with him, and i won’t believe that even when he was disowned he didn’t ask for reg to not join the death eaters.
and, definitely, i won’t believe that regulus didn’t care about sirius. everyone may had told regulus to join the death eaters, but the one regulus cared the most was telling him not to join them.
so, of course, he joined them.
And I left the door open to the dark
I said, "Come in, come in, whatever you are"
But it didn't want me yet
he joins at 16, quite a young age, yet nothing happens yet, he’s not old enough after all
maybe he hanged around the future death eaters gang, and maybe he cursed some muggleborns, but he wasn’t active, all that once had screamed danger looked now stupid, after all, what had changed?
he’s still far way from the reality of the situation, the dark didn’t want him yet
Then like a babe in a crib
After some big hand turns out the light
And I opened my arms wide to the dark
I said, "Take it all, whatever you want"
a babe in a crib is such a painful metaphor
baby’s are supposed to be comfortable in a crib, happy,safe
when regulus had grown comfortable in that situation, he faced the reality, the violence, the death
his first reaction was probably to keep his posture and try to follow the others “take it, whatever you want” after all, regulus was active for a year, yet when he disappeared he had made enough of a reputation himself that people believed he was killed by voldemort. this boy was probably a menace.
I didn't know that I was young
I didn't know what it would take
I didn't know what it would take
this is the most painful part for me
“i didn’t know i was young”
sometimes we like to think we’re so mature and so old only to find out years later we were only kids. i think of sixteen-year-old me and i can’t help but smile at the fact that i believed i was practically an adult, because i was a teenager and so young.
my memories are sweeter than regulus’, for sure, as he had joined a terrorist group, and he had probably sacrificed so much of his integrity in order to fit in.
the fact that “i didn’t know what it would take” repeats twice makes me think that’s the breaking point of the protagonist, and regulus breaking point was voldemort hurting kreacher. for me, regulus probably had suspect about the horrocrux for a while until that confirms it
in that moment he makes the decision to end it all, and to redeem in his own twisted way
“Sometimes I think I am free”
the desire to redeem himself, the hope there’s something else for him, that he can do something better with his life
“Until I find I'm back in line again”
life isn’t a fairytale, regulus’ redemption stays between him and kreacher and his hopes evaporates as he’s drowned by inferis. he’s back in line, as he will be forever remembered as regulus black, the death eater.
or, well, kreacher doesn’t die there, and he lives long enough to clean regulus’ name
‘Fight! Fight! Fight for my master, defender of house-elves! Fight the Dark Lord, in the name of brave Regulus! Fight!’
it’s interesting to say that before we’ve talked about the “After some big hand turns out the light” part, and it can be interpreted both as the reality of what joining the dark lord meant and being dragged by the inferis.
well HI AGAIN!!
i’ve been missing for a while, i know, but right now i’m about to face one of my country’s most difficult exams and i’m in the excellency program, so i have little to no time left
i love regulus so much and i need more morally grey regulus fics, drop some recs if you know any please
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jrueships · 2 years
https://www.instagram.com/p/Cdwl9L8pc1K/?hl=en the jaren/jordan storyline continues 😌
THANK YOU for letting me know about this HISTORIC basketball moment in media!!! all of Michael Jordan's dunks<<<<< Jordan being gay
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FOIRST of alll...... the PHOTO selections??? The watermark template? Is this from his own personal photographer who he asked to get camera ready WHENEVER jaren BREATHES next to poole? Or did poole simply search to the ends of the earth for their photos? Either way... gay. Insane. Phenomenal.
BUT YES the photo selection!!! Jordan really saw the pic of jaren looking 'the curviest' (twisting his body around to defend) and said 'yeah i want THAT as the cover photo!' THE BABYGIRLFICATION OF JAREN!!!!!!!!!! i for one LOVE to SEE IT!!
SECOND.... the JAREN comment HELLO ?? ROLLING EYES EMOJI ! CODED! it's CODED! it's coded not even for 'sass' or whatever! It's coded because of the BANTER the BICKER the CHEMISTRY!!!!!! also not to be h*rny on main buuut... the way this post+comment perfectly fits into my 'jordan tops Trip off then TOPS trip' post WOW. Lakers lose on a downward spiral and Ted's propaganda reigns supreme in the EXTREMISTS of WAYS‼️ love WINS! it WINS!!! Jordan posting all these pictures of him and trip and fucking him into the mattress.... jaren acting like it doesn't affect him....... gay people...
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i love their shoes wow best friends got STYLE! fashionable friends <333 ANYWAYS... yet another babygirl shot of jaren ! (Picture of him walking away normally) LISTENLISTEN... if you look at it Objecti(fyingly)vely.. it all makes SENSE no DOLLARS! you just gotta look at it bloodlusted..
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THIS ONE CUTE!!!!! BABIES!!!!! i never seen this pic before! He must've hunted hard and then picked it anyways despite the huge watermark because he loves the photo THAT much lol! The numbers!!!! The hand on hip! INCREDIBLE ..
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??????? This one is so goofy 😭 jordan probably thought himself a comedic genius real Saturday night live for this one. Jaren doin a lil Dancy dance whilst looking slightly disgruntled! Fascinating choice!
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This one looks like jaren is about to pounce on him like a panther from the jungle 😭 what is this ???? Their roleplay warriorcats at recess (lunch) lore..... the way i am always Right...
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At first this pic looks like a normal cool average everyday bball snapshot... BUT LOOK AT THE HANDS!!!!!! No way Jordan chose this innocently LMAO .. he thought he slick... little does he know us tumblrinas can See the irrationality because we are the most irrational of All .
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JAREN LOOKING SKRUNKLY!!!!! the rolled up shooting sleeve to become a lil wrist band 🥰 baby... babygirl... girlfriend
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BABY!!!! BABYGIRL!!! G I R L FRIEND!!!!!!!! the STANCES! jaren gay lil hip tilt! The babygirl knees!!!! Their EYECONTACT???? they are Literally in Love. More chemistry and romance captured HERE than on ANY actor actress pair in all of hollywood NARNIA! Jordans bandage wraps .. his sleeveless shirt/tank thingy???? They are singlehandedly creating their own Jordan famous boxer and jaren famous basketball player au lovestory. No one else is doing it like them ... <- says this about anyone gay and skrunkly
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