#literally every song is a banger
darth-does-stuff · 11 months
man. the entirety of the summoning is a banger but when i tell you i literally had to pause the video and stare into the distance with my jaw hanging for a good few moments at ‘what’s in your pocket, stephanie? stephanie has got a gun’ etc. like holy SHIT. i think part of the reasoning it was so effective for me at least was because i kinda thought it was like. oh steph’s just gonna have to say ‘i give up pete’, she wouldn’t have to physically kill him haha, and then the lords in black mention the fucking GUN and i’m like wait FUCK. and even if you realized that steph would be the one to have to kill pete, you’d be like ‘oh. well she can’t really kill him that easily, so it’s not really feasible’ and then you remember she can end it with just one fucking shot to the head
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still-july · 6 months
ok but premier inn goes so hard tho?
(i mean all the songs on good kid 4 go hard but my point still stands)
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helv-ete · 10 months
I’m suffering from a severe case of cabaret brainrot rn but “money” is so netherlands coded
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budder-tigress · 1 year
I have a new favorite band
A random tag on a post i saw introduced me to the kings that are The Northern Boys
~here's some highlights~
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Spotify link:
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mysandwichranaway · 2 years
drawing comics at midnight and listening to eve, life is good sometimes
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flame-cat · 2 years
started listening to ghost and pals after you posted about them, quickly one of my favs 👍🏻
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purplesakuraa · 2 years
Pierce the Veil >>>>>>
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trash-gremlin · 9 months
VHS Christmas Carols Spoilers
a bunch of my favourite parts and reactions in the VHS Christmas Carols bc i think it needs more love (its incredible btw and definitely worth the money)
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i will never get over curts acting choices for this line, the little laugh before saying it and his FACE OH MY GOSH HIS ACTINGGGGGG
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maybe the real gift was the love we had for each other and the sacrifices we were willing to make to make the other one happy
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these three and their vogue-esque gay ass little song is the only thing that matters to me
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it took me forever to turn that into a gif so i hope you enjoy it as much as i do
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their reactions to the match girl showing up + brian mouthing "what the"
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again laurens reaction to the match girl
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ugh ATE
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smth i only noticed on like the third rewatch - you can see scrooge holding and inspecting the watch he bought off jim when he bumps into the match girl
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this is here bc they all look very good in that lighting especially lauren
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embarrassing to admit it took me until here to realise that the match girl died
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ajs little smile makes it feel like scrooge is taunting bob here and i love ittttt especially as hes calling him bobby
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the ghost of christmas past jumping rope + scrooge being confused and doing it too
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meredith lighting the ghost of christmas past's cigarette
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scrooge basically begs his younger self in this scene, i absolutely love ajs choices in this show as scrooge. also i am such a huge fan of this casting not only because they are both phenomenal actors that i will never shut up about but they genuinely look similar and it works very well in this context
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scrooge honey you cant fight the christmas electricity
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HUGE dad energy
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the top of his tiny tim shirt poking out + he looks really good here
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funny little thing i noticed - his shirt isnt buttoned, just folded over itself. in the actual show you can see him tuck it under his jacket those quick changes must be killing them
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the way he begs them and they dont even react.. paired with the music and this is horror movie level stuff
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he got his watch back :,)
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no im not crying, i have allergies... yea im allergic to being sad
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this show is incredible go rent it right now if you havnt seen it, go rent it again if you have, and sacrifice all of your money and worldly possessions to starkid thank you and goodnight
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pipperoo · 14 days
okay, i think beyond beyond beyond might actually save me
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dreamspring · 3 months
unleash the archers did something truly amazing with apex btw. idk if they can ever top that…
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It’s Not My Fault: Initial Thoughts
Hey gang! I may be running out of braincells rapidly due to Futa’s confusing videos and the fact that it’s 3:16 AM but I’m here to give some of my initial thoughts on Mu’s new song, “It’s Not My Fault” (INMF)!
This is gonna be flow of thoughts and some sections might not really connect, but here we go!
T/W: Bullying, mentions of suicide
Queen Bee is being portrayed literally in this MV.
This is obvious, but I do want to touch on the whole bee theming because I think there’s some important stuff.
There’s the obvious stuff with the antennae, buglike body and black and yellow colors. There’s even the jellies, which are probably royal jelly, as Saturn somehow predicted in her random joke post.
What interests me most is her transformation towards the end of the video. Through the entire beginning and middle, she’s a queen bee. However, by the end of the video, she emerges from a chrysalis with sprouted wings and flies off into the sky (2:20). I think that this is her personal transformation from where she is in this MV to how we see her in Milgram. 
Bees have a sting, and while becoming a butterfly meant she lost her status as queen, it gave her the power to fly away. It gave her the ability to be seen as beautiful, harmless. Some kinds of butterflies even migrate, which is exactly what I think Mu was doing here. 
I think that her flying off, away from the shattered hourglass and the carnage that happened, is her escaping to Milgram, a far off place somewhere in the sky or something. She’s the one who’s able to escape the hellish high school she helped create, and because of that, “everything is as [she] wish[es]”. Mu has said before that she likes it better here in Milgram. She’s gotten to start over. Her innocent verdict, to her, means that the slate was wiped clean, and she doesn’t have to answer for her past baggage. Thus, she’s found a new “friend” in Haruka, and she’s returned to her status as queen bee.
Mu and her victim went back and forth vying for power.
I’m not sure how many times it actually swung back and forth; it’s possible that it only actually switched once, and then Mu killed her. Still, we can be certain of this. 
In After Pain, Mu is seen in the hourglass in the bottom. This is where she suffers; things fall on her, and she’s seemingly drowning in the lime green fluid. To me, that means that the one who’s currently suffering, the current victim, is on the bottom. Conversely, the one in the top half of the hourglass is “on top;” they have social control and everything is going as they want it to be. Mu wanted us to believe that she was always on the bottom in After Pain, but in reality, she was once on top, and by the end, she’d gotten the upper hand again.
Mu insists in her audio drama (thanks to @/onigiriico for the fast translation!) that she never bullied the others and has a very negative reaction to the very idea of it. However, in INMF, we see her seemingly doing this exact thing when she pushes over a servant bee, who shatters on the ground (0:32). In Mu’s mind, this is as simple as giving her a little push, but the fact that she ends up completely shattered shows that this must have had a greater impact in the end than Mu is letting on.
My theory is that Mu’s bullying was purely social/verbal. I don’t think she physically attacked anyone; she outright says this in her audio drama, saying she never hit anyone or dumped water on them. Based on After Pain, I think it’s safe to say that some of those things must’ve happened to her at some point. Still, from the audio drama, I get the sense that Mu believes that bullying is only bullying if it becomes physical. I disagree, which is why I’d call Mu a bully, but she thinks so, which is why she still insists that she isn’t after all this time.
Anyways, I think that these two shots (which I believe are the same scene) are a good way to show the energy behind Mu being in power:
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If you dare to go against her, if you don’t devote to her, you know you will face negative consequences. Mu can make fun of anyone she wants, and if you don’t serve her properly, she’ll break you. If you dare to oppose her, you’ll face even worse consequences. But in Mu’s mind, that’s because the other person failed first. That person didn’t appreciate her enough, or they tried to attack her character. Based on the setting Mu created, any disobedience towards her could be considered them “starting it.”
Right after this second image, there’s what I believe is a major timeskip to when Mu stabs her victim. I believe that essentially the entirety of After Pain happens at that time jump (~1:45). Mu has ended up victorious, spilling the blood of her adversary. Instead of seeing everyone gossiping about her as she hyperventilates, in INMF, we see her eyes shift to that of her bee form (1:54). This is because, by eliminating her only threat, Mu has become queen once again. To her, this isn’t some tragedy; this is her taking revenge and restoring things to the way it “should be.” She then proceeds to do her butterfly transformation and fly off to Milgram.
After Pain and It’s Not My Fault parallel each other at the beginning and end.
This isn’t a claim so much as an observation, but I did want to touch on it. The scenes at the beginning are slightly different, one having Mu alone on a desk where the hourglass falls onto the floor (control of the hourglass is now out of her reach). In INMF, she flips the hourglass, presumably putting herself on top, and we see her begin her reign as queen bee.
The endings are extremely similar, showing the exact same classroom:
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The boards are the same and the flowers are the same. The existence of the flowers, to me, indicates that it must be after the death of the victim. So, why is she here in the end credits?
I think there are a few ways this could go. I know that some people thought that, due to the sock confusion in After Pain (see my mini theory if you don’t know what I’m talking about), the victim might have a twin who died in her place, leaving the intended victim alive to see what happened. I’m not sure I like this one, just because I feel like it’s a pretty unnecessary twist given that Mu isn’t even there to deal with the repercussions (unless, I guess, Mu purposefully killed the wrong twin to make the other suffer more. That would at least matter on a character level). Still, I think that the victim is there symbolically, “after death.” She isn’t there in real life, just in Mu’s thoughts, sort of like how Heather Chandler follows around Veronica Sawyer after she was an accomplice in her murder in Heathers.
As Mu sings about how everything is how she wants it, the hourglass is once again flipped. Based on my earlier theorizing, this should theoretically mean that Mu is going to be on the bottom again, returning to suffering. How would the victim accomplish that from beyond the grave?
Well, as I’ve said, I think that Mu has already flown off to Milgram at this point. As such, I think that there’s one way that the victim could still get her revenge: getting Mu a guilty verdict.
Though Mu seems fully convinced of her own innocence, she definitely seems to have anxiety over the idea of her verdict changing. She tries to really sell Es on the idea that it would be cruel to flip her to guilty now that she’s been voted innocent, and this flip of the hourglass reads almost like a prediction on Mu’s part. The hourglass is flipped back at the end of INMF, so at the beginning of her Trial 3 song, she will be suffering once more, at Kotoko’s hand or just as the hand of the thoughts of the voters. Some lyrics clearly show her trying to convince us of the same thing: “Hey what if / If I am a bad girl / Don’t hate me. Don’t even try to proof from ‘After Pain.’”
The direct inclusion of After Pain tells us, more than anything else, that she is directly addressing her verdict here. Mu believes she’s in the right, but she also believes that we may turn on her as well, whether it’s out of jealousy or whether she believes that maybe she is a bad person somewhere deep down. In either case, I think that, somewhere in Mu’s mind, she expects us to vote her guilty this trial. I’m not sure how I feel about that.
Haruka’s fate may rest in Mu’s verdict, and Mu is okay with that.
Mu very clearly states in her audio drama that, because Haruka is happy to make this threat and go through with it, she sees no problem with supporting him. After all, she’s his friend, and she should support his desires, right? ...Yikes.
Mu thinks of Haruka as her friend, and I do think she believes that. I just think that she’s the kind of person who believes that a relationship, friendship or otherwise, will never be equal in power or effort. She prefers to be in the position of greater power and lower effort. Because Haruka is used to and content with being in a position of lower power and higher effort, she simply sees him as a good candidate. I’m not sure how much she really, genuinely cares about him, considering she seems pretty neutral on the subject of his literal potential death, but maybe that’s unfair of me. If I think she’s trying to manipulate us/Es into giving her an innocent verdict, maybe she’s decided that playing it off like she’s okay with Haruka doing it will give her a better shot. I’d believe she’s afraid enough of a guilty verdict to do it.
I say this, but I did technically vote her innocent tonight. Mu is currently hard charging towards a guilty verdict, and I’d honestly be surprised if anyone manages to shift that tide. 
I’m not opposed to the guilty verdict. I think that it is probably our best chance of teaching Mu that there is nuance. She isn’t completely innocent because she got an innocent verdict; any innocent verdict, and especially hers which happened by the thinnest of margins, is not a full mark of approval. I think that, no matter what lingering anxiety she has, if we give her a second innocent verdict, she will be certain that she has, in fact, done nothing wrong. That makes me want to vote her guilty.
But, it just sort of feels... too obvious? Too easy? She expects it, we expected it going into the MV, I’m sure as hell that the Milgram devs expect it. She feels too easy to hate. Maybe that’s a weird thing to say when Yuno seemed to easy to love just a few MVs ago and I was hard on the innocent train, but I can’t really find any anger towards Mu, or much of any emotion at all. She showed her true colors, but they were obvious from the get-go. I was pretty sure she was a bully the whole time.
Plus, I obviously would like to avoid Haruka dying. I don’t think a Mu guilty necessarily guarantees it (hopefully him being restrained due to his guilty verdict would prevent him from killing himself), but it’s definitely a risk we’re taking if we vote her guilty. Then again, I don’t want to give into her demands; that’ll probably only make her more manipulative in the future.
I’m probably overthinking this, and at least for right now, I think that a guilty verdict is probably our best option. Still, for tonight at least, I voted counter-trend in case a new day’s worth of thoughts changes my mind or something. She has plenty of guilty votes; might as well try to make it not irreversible later if something comes up.
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vse-kar-vem · 8 months
i wish i had two brains so i could think about joker out AND study for history ugh this is horrible
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bittersweetstargazer · 2 months
white americans r so interesting bc they'll be like I'm not racist 😤😤😤 and then refuse to listen to a kpop song for reasons that basically boil down to it's not american so I don't like it
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kissofthemuses · 5 months
{ I'm late to it (bc work and shit) but god damn The Underworld Saga goes hard! }
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sleep-nurse · 6 months
honestly zer0h makes way too many bangers that i have an extremely hard time choosing my favourites (aside from red carnival which will forever be my number 1 fave)
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montydrawsstuff · 8 months
Katana singing @ espio with the annoying theatre kid passion and the skill of a pro bur like extremely annoyingly
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