#literally the funniest thing ive seen all day
fagcrisis · 3 months
poppy war thoughts, aka this book was so bad it made me want to get a goodreads account just so i can shit on it in an official capacity
so what initially sold me on this book, is that despite my friend ellis absolutely hating rf kuang's babel, ive only ever seen raving reviews for it anywhere else, and a brief description of its magic system reminded me of gergő és az álomfogók. i love that mainstream fantasy is finally starting to rely on drawing from cultures other than the sort of western mainstream and i was actually super excited to get into it. well it sucked (this contains spoilers obviously)
its 11 am this is not gonna be very structured but let me start off by listing some things i did enjoy. first of all its low hanging fruit and im better than this so im only gonna shit on tpw for being so directly about the sino chinese war that the only actual interesting bits of exposition in the book was what was just a description of actual events a Little bit. listen lotr is about ww2. its fine its all fine. anyway, i had fun with the bits of worldbuilding that were yk, actually worldbuilding. the magic system was really interesting and just super not explored enough, the book handled drug addiction about as sensitively as the dare program, but nevertheless it was a cool concept. shamans who have to get high as hell do do anything and then putting those guys in a combat setting is crazy. really fun concept. speaking of shamans i loved jiang. his archetype is impossible to fuck up and he was loveable and fun till the very end. uhh what else. the fight descriptions were good its something kuangs is decent at, as someone whos watched just truly an inordinate amount of wuxia as a child i rly can appreciate a stupid convoluted fight scene. oh i found it hysterical that the west was just one country that was really fun.
rin is incredibly unlikeable i know its not the point of every book ok but tpw isnt good enough to have a protagonist who is just impossible to relate to this isnt 1984 okay this is contemporary ya. i GET that she sucks and thats the point but im supposed to emphatize with her and throughout the book she just seemed stupid and easy to manipulate and not very interesting. shes an incredibly shallow character which is i guess what happens when you base your ya teenage girl protagonist on CHAIRMAN OF THE COMMUNIST PARTY MAO ZEDONG. HELLO. anyway. all her personal relationships are very much carried by the strenght of the characters close to her, and because most characters in this book are not very interesting that makes for a shitty fucking protagonist.
most of the conflict in this book is extremely artificially generated until maybe the second half of part 3. everyone in rins life is unnessecarily mean to her because shes just so smart and good at things. the part where they accused her of cheating on the exams and she owned them like crazy came to define much of the book. some kind of mean cunt whose purpose in life is to cause misery is an asshole to rin bc shes so smart and strong and talented, and she owns them with a witty remark. she punches nezha on the first day of school for fucks sake.
speaking of the school, the majority of the book is spent at sinegard academy and it is an extremely predictable and dull affair. i long for the wizard of earthsea. kuang is not a very good writer on a technical level and everything that she tries to imply she ends up spelling out (usually by having a character say it out loud) only a couple pages later. you can get through 2/3rds of this book by just reading every other page and correctly guessing what has happened and what will happen. in possibly the funniest paragraph of part 2, rin thinks about how everybody thinks altan is the coolest guy and yet he has no friends and at this point shes been experiencing quite severe racism from all of her peers and then instead of leaving you to figure out the quite obvious conclusion kuang literally has her say "oh his skin is dark and mine is too. i wonder if he knows what racism is like" just, truly hysterical.
her feud with nezha is unbearable, i knew immediately that he would become a romantic interest because a ya protagonist cannot hate a boy for perfectly good reasons. it always has to be bc shes horny. anyways thankfully when she starts studying with jiang, jiang is there and the terrible dullness of it all is lifted somewhat
as i mentioned before, the actual historical elements in the book elevate it greatly and the third part is almost enjoyable in some sections. however, unfortunately, this is also the part of the book where rin and altans darkling situation begins. i have a sinking feeling altan may not have died, which sucks because i hated this bit. they have virtually no relationship to eachother except altan yelling at rin occasionally. now again there were bits and pieces of their relationship that i didnt quite hate, but honestly i still dont entirely buy the rin is a seerly thing emotionally because she is so detached from it. the revelation only seemed to shock her a little bit and then she was busy with being at war and her boss hating her, when she actually gains the power of the phoenix at the very end its her own hatred and egoism fueling her rather than any connection to her people. overall this again comes back to her being quite weak as a character, and the worldbuilding suffers as a result of that
in any case, ill mull over continuing the series. the ending was actually quite strong i love a genocide as a result of being a stupid fucking 19 year old (dont quote me on this please), so maybe the next one is better maybe ms kuang learned to write inbetween these 2.
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jamiesite777 · 1 year
ive talked about this literally all day but i dont care. i need people to know that nabla hops in order to get around and its the funniest thing ive seen this entire week
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riacte · 5 months
yo your spopera au has captivated my soul it's like 3 am and ive just spent all my time scrolling through ao3 fics and your blog..... cant BELIEVE how insane these block people make me oh my god. your discourse posts are the funniest things ive ever seen. anyway have a good day just thought i'd let you know how much i love this au even if i know very little about it <3
SPOPERA!!! :DDD 💙✨ Thank you so much for the ask and have a good day too :DD it still makes me sooooo happy that it's like a communal AU and we have space operators throwing different types of spaghetti to the wall <3
AND YEAHHHH thank you for liking the stupid discourse. I have too much fun with it, I love the chronically online side of worldbuilding. At this point, maybe I'll write more in-universe fanfic than the actual AU.
I know Spopera can be hard to get into bc there's a lot going on all at once (and it gets worse with spoilers lmao, there's a reason why we have like seven spopera channels and 35k messages) but it's so [EXPLODES LIKE A SUPERNOVA] it's about finding companions in the endless void and determination and living and carrying on and love and how nothing will ever be the same again and that's okay. And it's also about spacetwt discourse. Speaking of which, I made some more lol. Like literally 1am on Jan 1. Starting off the year with a blast.
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mydemonsdrivealimo · 5 months
whoever is currently trying to spread hate about me just know i am CACKLING. LITERALLY LAUGHING MY ASS OFF. TWIRLING MY HAIR AND KICKING MY FEET. this is the funniest thing ive seen all day and i mean it. i am literally just,, hanging out. shitposting about my blorbos. try to get me in trouble if you want, but the straws you are grasping at are falling apart in your hands and i am so here for it
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pilotheather · 14 days
the usernames are making my lose it first of all
what the fuck is happening please help me
so this could either be the most cringe one (by my measure) or the best one or completely mid. we'll have to see
althoguh one thing i will say its so fucking funny theres a single episode OF SOCIAL MEDIA in a tv show and the Sheep will be like ZOMGGG!! BLACK MIRRORRRRR. shut up
ruby sunday youre so cuteeeeeeeeeeee
2 long hours of data processing is so real - says the data engineer
hi theres bugs
well i could say this whole thing is heavy hadned but as a chronically online loser whose only form of interaction is through a screen and is incapable of existing in the real world im not allowed to say anything i think unfortunately. best leave the other chronically online assholes to say stuff like that
im sure rtd is being an absolute troll at this point directly pointing it out. come on bro.
oh my goshhh it's ricky september. naur way.
im only half convinced this is the doctor using a Schimmer <- said for no other reason except ive got the 10 saying Schimmerrrrr stuck in my head like an earworm
okay so its not...
why on earth is ricky september like the goat. whys that so funny. itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka dot bikini.
is it seriously alphabetical roder that's so funny
OK THATS SORRY THAT BIT IS LAME AS SHIT. LIKE THATS THE LAMEST ONE YOU COULD DO. ok i get it. ok fineee. i mean ok yeah duhhhh of course the beasts were intentional . even if it was jsut something similarly goofy, but at least tying it together- like the social media algorithm was axing them, or this was part of the whole discipline thing she kept mentioning gone wronglikebut i thought it was gonna be something else. the dots just found them annoyinggg COME ON BRO
there is no way these people are like 17-27 is that a hateful thing to say
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mahgck · 2 years
twitter scitties discourse is Literally the funniest thing ive seen all day
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musashi · 1 year
Here's a few questions! 1) What are some of your favorite memories around Ace Attorney? 2) What are some other topics you've thought about doing video essays on? 3) If you haven't already done this before, what Pokemon teams would you give Franziska and Maya?
thank you!
What are some of your favorite memories around Ace Attorney?
chief of them all is how i got into it, the "who is this mans" saga. here is the abridged version:
uquiz on my dash, "what white haired anime boy are you"
take it, because i love uquizzes
manfred von karma
post about it on tumblr
"who is this mans"
a bunch of scattered responses: thats the antagonist from the first ace attorney game
me: i know, but like, whats his deal, whats his personality, can someone tell me who this guy actually is beyond his role in the story
everyone: no. he doesn't matter. look up his daughter right now, you are kin with her.
literally, i got anywhere from 10-20 asks where people were PASSIONATELY assigning me franziska. ive never been furiously kin assigned before. people will say, like, hey wendy, this character seems like someone you'd be kin with. i felt like people were ANGRY that i didn't know i was franziska.
look her up
mean anime lady with a whip dot png
i am so sad about how i am perceived. delete all the asks. ignore this. go back to watching pokemon.
2 years pass
join zelda server
admin: uhhh if i played ace attorney. would anyone want to watch
me: the uquiz said i am manfred von karma
admin: WHAT
everyone else in the server: WHAT
some brave soul: wait, do you know about fr--
me: franziska yeah whatever im her and everyone wants me to know about i--
server, in harmonious gregorian unison: FRANZISKA! FRANZISKA! FRANZISKA!
me: fuck's sake
me: fuck off for real. sure i'll come watch
[does that]
[wakes up after blacking out and there's an 8 foot bullwhip in my house now]
fuck you
it is to this day the funniest fucking sequence of events that have ever brought me to a fandom. i was planning on just enjoying ace attorney casually i had NO idea how amazing it was.
some other faves... i got to voice manfred when we played goodbyes and i didn't know anything about him, my friends just forced me to and i 100% winged it and ended up having the TIME OF MY LIFE. the only thing i remember was being off my shits and at multiple points bellowing 'PISS YOUR PANTS BOY' at half the cast. every day i regret not recording it.
the way we started voicing characters was, initially rin was voicing all of them but when we got to samurai they were like 'im not going to even try with oldbag because i've never seen anyone be able to keep up with her dialogue except like one streamer' and i don't know how to leave challenges alone so i said 'ill do it' and then i DID but no one told me what her first name was so as soon as she took the stand i LOST IT just howling and almost flubbed my lines. then we all started claiming characters to voice and it turned into a whole thing.
the day we started JFA i was really nervous and i just wandered around my apartment alone talking at objects in the worst german accent imaginable. i was so nervous. i was so scared. and then the second court started i felt this incredible rush go through me like i was meant to do that voice forever. and all my friends were cheering. and it was paradise.
i went into 2-4 completely unspoiled and played the airport scene without having any idea what it entailed. i was in tears by the end of it and all my friends were like mu your voice acting <3 and i was sobbing on mute like NOT ACTING BABES <3 the next day i again wandered around my apartment feeling like my chest was full of glowing light.
oh can't forget about this
What are some other topics you've thought about doing video essays on?
rrrright now i really want to make one thats just a passionate defense of JFA and why i think it deserves way more credit than it's given.
i tend to overthink pokemon teams and stress myself out about them so i am politely skipping this last question fgfdhgf~
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lostlosersclub · 3 months
“20$ is good for me, ill do it”
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
can i just say im obsessed with ur brand of shinaya. genuinely horrible and pathetic guy who is so pathetically in love x girl who is deranged enough to love him back. ur harutaka is the gayest straight couple ever but ur shinaya is the most homophobic gay straight couple ive ever seen
THIS IS THE FUNNIEST ASK IVE EVER GOTTEN also thank god an ask in my kageblog i can talk yes yes yes yes YES YESSS dude i NEED to talk about my blorbos
Bro in all honesty i ship shinaya in a good day. or bad day. it depends on how u feel about it to say if its a good or bad day. my shinaya headcanon is they date on and off and whether they do end up together or not depends on how i am feeling that day 💗 shinaya is kind of an awful trope but out of nostalgia and love for the characters i still ship it. shintaro and ayano post str going through the messiest breakup ever that distances them (but still see each other bc they literally have all the same friends) but when they find they way to each other again as more mature people they end up together again OR stay close friends. i like both.
but in the brand of dating shinaya regardless whether they end up together or not, they care for each other nonetheless. and my favorite thing to have fun with is their messy fresh off the daze dating bc they spent NO time healing/talking/etc and its a nightmare to everyone. literally that couple fighting and everyone being like Ok were leaving now and them being like NO!!!! WE ARE NOT FIGHTING STAY THERE!!!!!! and shinaya is so good bc u can twist the trope of Asshole x Angel into Guy who has it coming x Weird girl. shintaro being the one to constantly reject ayano. ayano never stopping to think why she even likes him or insists on being with him, and when she does and She Leaves Him and that makes shintaro spiral into the role of Desperately Trying To Get Her Attention Back in a pathetic role swap. idk. god i fucking love/hate shinaya theyre so fun to play with. and since im a harutaka4life of course theyre along for this awful fucking ride they didnt want tickets for but they have to be constantly there for their friends😭 i also think takane would be like sort of intertwined in at least 1 of the many shinaya problems (and therefore also a harutaka relationship problem though probably the only one LOL) bc shintaro and takane are completely codependent Post str because i fucking say so and ayano in her lack of therapy and obsession with being shintaros girlfriend is jealous shintaro isnt vulnerable with her but he is with takane (with harutaka the problem is rather takane will drop EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING if shintaro needs anything, cancelling on haruka if necessary just to go find shintaros wallet or something and haruka is like Lol this is fine and normal *will explode at any moment*) man dont get me STARTED on the shintaro and takane Ene Aftermath Codependency (i say as i already started) ummm *chews the yuukei quartet like gum* theyre my dolls i play with and you can play too but you have to follow my rules otherwise ill ask my mom to ask ur mom to pick u up :/
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not-handsome-enough · 5 months
i just need you to know u are my favorite murderface enthusiast the way you draw him delights me to no end ur the bestest
also ur candy mountain video is one of the funniest things ive ever seen and ur brain was so huge for that :3c
🥺I’ve literally been re-reading this throughout my shift this is so sweet thank you!! You legit made my day. He was really hard to draw for a while so I’m glad he is loved
And YAAAA I was rewatching it and I was thinking they’re the perfect flavor of stupid and scary and I was gonna do the entire video I just don’t have time 😭😭 Nathan Skwisgaar and Pickles were all gonna be part of Candy mountain.
But this has been swimming in my head all day this was so sweet and I can’t say how much this made me feel happy and 🥺
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suolainensilakka · 7 months
favorite kingdom hearts characters. for science
WELL, gently taps the current pinned post of this blog, that one's a freebie ^__^
Anyway. BOY ranking them all is really hard bc so many characters in the series have permanently set up camp in my head by now and arent particularly inclined to leave any time soon, but if I had to list off just a couple examples that have caused me the most brain damage so far, itd be:
- Terra, hands down my number 1 most specialest guy in the whole world. Instantly became enamored with him from the moment I first set eyes on him and then proceeded to have all of my ribs carefully and meticulously pulled out of my chest one by one throughout the entirety of bbs and the entire rest of the series after that. Its so dire man I literally cannot look at any images of him now without physically having to hold myself back from making a long strangled whine Out Loud With My Mouth every time
- the entire Wayfinder Trio as a collective unit + Vanitas also tbh. Terra's obviously my Primary Favorite but the wayfinders as a whole also make my heart hurt so fucking bad man. My partner and I choose to interpret them all as siblings bc it leads to some exceptionally delicious and painful rs dynamics to explore imo and something abt it just makes The Miseries hit that much harder in ways that have literally had me writhing on the couch with a thousand yard stare rapidly cycling through the five stages of grief on loop. I'm also counting Vanitas as part of the unit bc he's just so closely tied to Ven in my brain that separating them (lol.) feels Wrong (lmao.), and. God. Vanitas might just be one of THE most tragic characters in literally any media I've experienced and I say this without a single hint of irony. The current total wordcount of the rps that I've written abt the wayfinders with my partner so far has probably shot past 50k by now. Why am I hurds
- Kairi. I was originally mostly ambivalent/neutrally intrigued abt her but kept getting increasingly more pissed abt her treatment and constant sidelining by the writing to the point where I got to kh3/mom and something in me snapped entirely, and from that moment onwards I decided to love her entirely out of spite. She instantly shot up to become one of my favorites after that and if I think abt her meta and story potential for longer than five minutes at a time I start frothing at the mouth
- Sora, naturally. I have so so so so many thoughts on this little darling boy that could easily double the wordcount of this ask just by themselves but the most important thing to mention here in lieu of that, for now, is that he's is the One (1) and ONLY child ive ever seen, whether real or fictional, that has made me experience emotions anywhere Close to resembling baby fever. I want to dribble him like a basketball but also gently pinch his cheek affectionately and also spoil him silly like a grandma seeing her beloved grandson again for the first time in months
- Xigbar. This fucko is the one I'm the most mad about ending up liking as much as I do, not because hes a bad character, absolutely far from it I fucking ADORE this terrible bodyhopping little cunt, but because it happened by complete accident after I realized he shares a lot of (surface) similarities with my favorite blorbo from another entirely unrelated franchise and I then got mad about realizing I have a very easily clockable Type (which I've affectionately dubbed the Guys That Suck category. I have more too obv but its the funniest one I have). He's also infuriatingly fun to write. Get me OUT of here
- Xemnas, Terranort and Ansem SoD. Everyone in the Nort Collective counts tbh but those three are the ones I lose sleep over the most, particularly the first two; Xemnas bc he makes me feel an unfathomably deep and haunting sense of grief (brought on by me finishing bbs and then realizing days later the exact way his creation connects to Terra's story and hearing the sound of fucking glass shattering at the back of my head instantly), and Terranort bc I'm fucking terrified of him and he also makes me want to eat gravel whenever I think abt him in context with him interacting with the rest of the wayfinders. He's also really fun to write and this fact Upsets Me. Ansem's listed bc you can never go wrong with the ol reliable mad scientist. The rest of the norts I would probably also be a lot more insane over once I actually get off my damn ass and start picking through the mobile games but that's an endeavor for Future Salty (i am very excited and terrified)
- the Lingering Will. I'm counting it as a separate entity from Terra and the rest of the Terra Collective on a technicality bc (LOUD TELEVISION STATIC AS I GESTURE FRANTICALLY AND FURIOUSLY @ THE JUMBLED BALL OF YARN LABELED "my thoughts on the physical and psychological effects of being a guy who got his soul and entire being shattered into like five million distinct pieces for over 10 Whole Entire Years" THAT I HAVE NOT EXPLAINED THE ENTIRETY OF TO A SINGLE OTHER SOUL ON EARTH) but. Eah. This fucking haunted hunk of metal has been eating holes through my brain tissue ever since I first saw the kh2 secret superboss and I'm distraught over it every single day of my life. This thing is like a weird bug to me. Do you understand. (tearign up) Do you get me. Do I have to pull out the Lingering Will/The Hollow Knight venn diagram
And as for the other fuckos haunting my cranium on the daily I can only mention a couple other honorary picks that honestly could also very well have made it to the main list if not for the fact that this post is already long enough as it is, and these following characters are therefore mostly delegated to Sleeper Agent Blorbos who I don't think about QUITE as often as the ones listed above but whenever I Do I get just as distraught and ailed over them. Anyway, shoutout to the entire Seasalt Trio, Demyx, Riku, Repliku, Naminé and Saïx and probably many others I'm forgetting rn bc it is currently 2 am and I'm running on approximately 5-6 hours of sleep and a prayer 👍 god bless and amen
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moonssugar · 1 year
10, 16, & 20 for the pride asks please! :)
20. Have your ocs helped you in self discovery? How?
lets start off with 20 because its defintely the funniest lmaoooo
my main character sam is transmasc (a trans boy) and my tertiary protag is a lesbian (aubry) and she discovers this as the story goes out and let me to tell you there is nothing more hilarious than 1. writing and thinking extensively about how your character is a lesbian and pouring so much into that while being in total denial about yourself and 2. discovering even more about your own inwards trans feelings by giving your transmasc oc 90% of your personality and also through metaphor and symbolism by making a lot of the story a trans analogy. but wait, the character i see the most of myself in, sam, is transmasc but aubry, the second character i see so much of myself in, is a lesbian so how can these seemingly contradictory things be true simultaneously you ask? well it turns out that im a transmasc lesbian. who couldve saw that coming, right? (me. i saw this coming). still the funniest fucking thing about me like "yeah go ahead and tell yourself a story and accidently awaken something in yourself, this will be so funny and cool" and honestly it is so cool! one of the most writing things ive ever done
10. Does your oc celebrate Pride? How?
yes they do! sam has been to a local pride parade/event at some point with his parents (who are bi4bi). he also has a trans flag hanging up in his room that dual functions as a symbol of pride and also a window curtain that turns his room pink and blue at certain times of the day (its intentional). chelsie celebrates pride as well, mostly through self expression like with her clothing and style but she loves pride events too and collecting little pride themed objects that end up in random places. i feel like chelsie's way of celebrating pride is chaotic and spontaneous which suits her. both of them have pride themed bracelets and backpack pins, you know the baby queer stuff i love (i still love the baby queer stuff idc) and sam has trans, bi and rainbow themed tie dye shirts he made and loves to wear. aubry has never seen any pride flag or been to an event and she didnt even know gay people existed as well people and not the boogyman or theoretical person she heard about in church until she realized she was gay and met other queer people (and she literally has two dads LOL). but once she does she cant get enough of rainbows and the lesbian flag which in the alternate universe world where shes from no one knows its meant to symbolize queerness. so she gets to walk around with flags and colors that no one recognizes except her and her family. its hilarious, its her own "no one knows im a lesbian" pin. they just think shes from a different country or something (where all the pretty girls are from). sam and chelsie gifted her a lesbian flag through their mail system once she returned home and she cherishes it. mostly, i'd say my characters celebrate pride through living, being who they want to be and uplifting each other amd they love their glitter, music, make up, tie dye shirts, flags and rainbows too
16. Did you ever change an oc's identity when they were already established? Why?
my character's queer identities have been pretty solid since inception and through their development, its one of the things that have changed the least about them. sam used to be some flavor of trans/nonbinary but there are other nonbinary characters in my story now and sam ids with transmasc the most instead of nonbinary. chelsie has always been transfem as far as i can remember although i mightve imagined her cis one single time and then said "nah im gonna trans your gender no way in hell youre cis" when i didnt feel connected to her characterization [transgenderfication beam]. and aubry has remained gay as hell even as she started off as a completely different person that split into two then i used one half of the personality, refurbished it by gave it some religious trauma, pining and autism to create modern aubry then used the other half for something else. everyone else's personalities have started at the surface level idea of who i think they are and deepened and complexified from there and thats even more intricate than i could describe in one sitting and not always specifically about their queer identity
oh i almost forgot! one character (benjamin, aubry's father) has a bi panic awakening after he went through life identifying as gay and instead of a guy being the source of the panic it was aubry's mother (valid, i'd panic if i saw her too). his character started off as gay but aubry didn't hatch from a magic egg or grow from a pumpkin in a patch or fall to earth like a shooting start (amos's many joke versions of the birds and bees, amos is married to benjamin and is her dad #2) so i needed an explanation for that. he also discovers he's polyamorous in the process so good for him! other characters have become noticeably less cis over time but were already kinda gender weird to begin with if i squinted hard enough. like are you really cis if im writing you? be fr
also, sam's parents in my mind
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hella1975 · 2 years
I'm writing this ask as I read the new update so here, we go.
Initial reaction to the first two paragraphs: Absolutely immaculate. Perfection. Incredible. All the praise. I read the first paragraph and immediately had to take a moment to fully process what it was I'm about to read because I forgot how YOU write. Like 'Oh yeah this is HELLA.' (I've probably read hundreds of books in my life and you're the best author I've ever read). It's like I've been fueling my hunger with the fanfiction equivalent of empty calories since your last update, and I feel like a starved child sitting down at a feast and immediately I had to take a moment to take it all in.
I'm where Bato is in the tent with the book and Hella, let me tell you. I've already been struggling with my sexuality recently and if this makes me even more confused, I swear I'm gonna-
"He could point to these sentences and say look, here, that's where I fit." - That's going to be the part I maim you over. I'm barely into this update and already you're doing this crap. Mind you I'm ace, so I decided I'm projecting onto Kanut.
"Maybe there are types of love you can't access." AAAHH. The way you talked about this is so perfect, I can't with you.
I love Sokka and Zuko and the way you write them. It's so incredible.
Bato you menace
It's good to know that Bato ships Tomnook.
I don't usually like Bato. Not in the show, not in the other fics, but I absolutely love him in taob.
Tomnook you menaces
"If a flower was enough to rob a man of his strength, then perhaps he wasn't so strong to begin with." Love that, 10/10, using that on my sexist relatives one day.
It was shortlived, nvm
"Needed to vent, you're a fantastic listener." Kanut you king
Hella that was absolutely beautiful. You deserve all the kudos all the fame jk rowlings career all of it. Sexuality is such a touchy subject and you handled it completely perfectly. I can't put into words how perfect that last scene was, I love that old healer.
You are genuinely the best writer I have ever seen and you are incredible at writing everything everyone else does a crap job at and I admire you so much and I aspire to write something this incredible.
I dont like commenting on ao3 so I just decided to leave this in your ask box thing :)
Also, this is the same anon who has a list of their favorite things about you (lists are kind of my thing) and I have something I would like to add onto the list. I'm just going to tag this onto this specific ask because why not. It's also completely unrelated to the rest of this ask.
That is the way you tag things. You're the funniest person I follow and you show that in the way you tag things on here. I think I mentioned you're general chaoticness before, but thats unrelated to how hilarious you are. I can't even put it into words, like why the things you say in tags always make me laugh but they do and yeah.
list anon im literally slow dancing with u we're two slow dancers last ones out im twirling u in my arms i cant do this rn. parts of this ask that knocked me out:
'I've probably read hundreds of books in my life and you're the best author I've ever read' YOU CANNOT JUST SAY THIS TO ME AND EXPECT ME TO BE NORMAL ABOUT IT
'I love Sokka and Zuko and the way you write them. It's so incredible' okay ive said briefly in the past that im SUPER anxious about every aspect of taob zukka like im hyperaware of it every scene i write of them just bc i feel people have waited so long for it that it's now my job to execute it Perfectly or people will be let down, so every time i get even the smallest compliment about taob zukka i get soooo giddy
'Sexuality is such a touchy subject and you handled it completely perfectly' i cannot stress enough how nervous i was for this chapter like i wanted to do it justice so fucking badly so this is just very <333 yeah
'You are genuinely the best writer I have ever seen and you are incredible at writing everything everyone else does a crap job at and I admire you so much and I aspire to write something this incredible' BARK BARK GROWL HISS BARK GRRRRRRRR
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wulfums · 1 year
i apologize in advance for the influx of asks you are about to receive, but i have thoughts, anyways you mentioned that clone elementary/middle exist in your au, do you have any facts about how the schools were run or how the clones/wesley were at those ages ?
NOOO DO NOT AP OLOGIZE it means so much youre invested in my silly ch au. the au means the world to me and is the only thing i think abt and ive been developing it for almost 3 years!!!
i personally think clone elementary and middle school were just. run the exact same. the same teachers, same building, everything. theres only one age group of clones so there really isnt like....more than one class. i think they just modify the signage and stuff but that's about it. otherwise its the Same.
i think in elementary school they played the worlds most insane pretend games. i also think that like, the main g2 clone group specifically (harriet, frida, confucius, topher, wesley. sometimes other clones joined.) had like a lot of really specific games, and also had the worlds funniest soap opera plotlines with their dolls. like setting up elaborate death scenes and funeralds when a barbie was killed off elaborate.
wesley absolutely had an issue with Biting at elementary school age (it stopped around 3rd grade) and liked to chew on things. or people.
in general in elementary i think they were all just friends and liked to play funny games. i think this was also the objectivly easiest age to deal w them all as well.
the g1 elementary was mostly the same, though at the time people were Sadly more strict w gender shit so like. boys couldnt join in on the barbie soap operas sadly.
i also think elementary school age was literally the only age that any of the clones thought scudworth was Cool and Fun. but they always liked mr b and wulfington and still do.
since all the clones were Technically born the same day, they celebrate their birthdays on their cloneparents birthday! i think the faculty at clone elementary tried to always make the bdays special for the clones. i also think this was sheepman's favorite age to deal w the clones bcuz it was just. objectively easier and also they were very cute
middle school in contrast was uh. the worst. its always the worst for every ever. everyone in middle school is mean as hell and arguments start and school starts getting harder. i think a lot of the clones started acting out more, both g1 and g2(thought w the g2 clones, cyberbullying is a huge issue). i think in general this time period was so hard for the clones bcuz its when they were pushed more into being like their cloneparents and most of them just...weren't.
this is also when specific clones started being shitheads more. aka topher discovered reddit around this time and everything went downhill from there for him(his own fault). and is when he made everyone start hating him bcuz he was just. so convinced he was smart as hell for these opinions he read on reddit.
i think specific bonds were solidified and like, enemy relationships as well. like, the main clone group (frida, confucius, harriet, wesley) became besties for Life at this time. but this is also around the time wesley became a menace emotionally- like to be fair she is autistic and didnt really Get what she was doing wasnt funny, and thankfully when she went Too far, Harriet would be like "Take a breath bestie, that's a bit too far." Harriet and Wesley specifically are besties! This is also around the time Wesley started getting crushes on literally all her friends. you know, middle school things
i think clone middle school was the worst time, ever, for the faculty. like...have you ever tried to control or discipline a middle schooler? it doesnt work. they crave chaos. i think another huge issue is that this was when the clones Discovered homophobia and transphobia from the internet + Learned Slurs(middle schoolers love those. sadly.) and this is like. the only time they've EVER seen wulfington super mad. he + mr b + scuds had to sit them down and be like "yeah so, we're not doing this. it shouldnt have been acceptable with the first set of clones, and it DEFINATLY isnt now. Fucking stop it." and they went out of their way to make any of the students discovering they are lgbt+ feel safe and welcome- and like. even if middle schoolers are hell to deal w, they still liked and respected mr b and wulfington and having them feel dissapointed in them sucked, + the bullying policy regarding bigotry was extremely strict. so i think most of the kids stopped that shit quick, thankfully, and shut each other down when they heard it. this is why topher has no friends you see.
please note that a lot of the middle school stuff is. directly based on how middle school was for me. so if i seem like im being mean....no i promise thats just how middle school is. everyone is scared + conmfused + everything is getting harder + theyre noticing media pressure.
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mcrcki · 2 years
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Was that [OZGE GUREL]? Oh no no, that was just [SOFIA], a [CANON CHARACTER] from [GONCHAROV (1973)]. They are [THIRTY] years old, use [SHE/HER], and [ARE] aware that they are not actually from Washington DC. Too bad they can’t stray from this city for long.
** i need to be utterly and completely serious for a second, while this is a real character i will be playing (not a joke), this movie is fake!! this movie is basically tumblr folklore and has sparked the conversation of what is ‘real media’ when there is an accepted storyline, lore, characters, quotes, a SOUNDTRACK, and ‘leaked scripts’, what does it matter that the actual movie isn’t tangible media. the fandom is. also considering it has almost more works on ao3 than avatar !!!! i will absolutely open that debate of what is a real media or not. BUT with that said, i will be tagging anything with sofia in it as ‘unreality’ just to help with anyone who this may bother, considering the source material (or lack there of.) but pls understand i am so deadass serious about how much i love sofia and goncharov (1973). **
how long has your character been here
about a week as of 11.24.22 !!
what is your character's job
unfortunately, once you become comfortable with a lifestyle, it does have a way of constantly dragging you back in. so, despite wanting to be out of it, sofia has found herself back inside the crime ring within the city. it’s different to the mafia scene in 70s italy, but she is finding her footing none the less.
where has your character been pulled from in their fandom
i’ll be pulling her from the end of the ‘movie’, when she is seen taking katya’s boat from the harbor, smuggling paolo out as they both escape naples and the chaos that she found herself wrapped up in. driving the boat into the night is how she found herself here, suddenly no longer in italy and finding herself here in modern day dc.
has any magic affected your character
nope!! she’s still herself, no memory alterations!!
and any other information you might find useful for us and the other members to know!!
okay so , like i said in the disclaimer , sofia is from a fake movie created by tumblr users and literally is the resurgence of the idea of passing on stories just from word of mouth and nothing more, how so many folklore stories were originally told. the fact that the tumblr user base has come together to create folklore and just like banded together to create this fandom out of literally nothing is the funniest thing ive ever seen and also genuinely so inspiring that there is so much freedom in this kind of fandom!!!! but !!! lemme explain a little about goncharov and sofia’s part in it. (in case you cannot tell i am hyperfixating and a special interest has been unlocked, i am unstoppable now. fueled by a fake mafia movie from the 70s)
how does one simply explain goncharov .. these links should help. here’s a power point , a couple posts for lore breakdown , and a google doc that explains scene breakdowns and characters
SO basically : the setting - alternate reality1970s naples italy, we are following a russian mafia crew who is attempting to create a footing in the italian mob scene. the soviet union had fallen in the 70s in the movie, so the main characters had left russia to escape the political unrest. but, we have our main players here - goncharov (robert de niro) , mario ambrosini (al pacino), andrey (he’s in love with goncharov), katya (goncharov’s wife, sofia’s soulmate), sofia (loml, mario’s implied sister, katya’s soulmate, queen, wants goncharov out of the picture), ice pick joe (henchman, best character in this movie). 
“overrun with homoeroticism”
i unfortunately do not know all the lore of goncharov, mario and andrey as well as i know katya and sofia and i should not be held accountable for that. i saw to women who deserved better and deserved to be in love and what else was i supposed to do?
sofia grew up in an orphanage, raised by nuns in russia. this is where she met katya originally. said orphanage burned down when they were teenagers, and sofia saved katya from the flames.
she had a difficult life after that, found her way to crime not long after escaping the fire, because it was easier to fall in with the mafia lifestyle than continue to live on the streets. 
she does have a prosthetic leg after an accident in her youth.
she’s good at what she does! but she doesn’t like doing it! she wants a different life! she wants to be more than just a pretty face with a gun!
smokes a lot. will light your cigarette for you, but for the price of one kiss unless you’re katya. and then, it’s whatever you want, whenever you want. 
sofia wants katya to leave the mafia world with her, she wants to give her the life she deserves outside of all of this. she knows she is loyal to her husband so she won’t, but man does she wish katya would choose her in the end. 
there’s an entire scene of them at a fruit stand where katya mistakes a pomegranate for an apple, and it sparks a conversation about the symbolism between apples and pomegranates and the biblical implications of the two fruits. sofia explains the whole ‘descent into the underworld’ and it fuels a lot of katya’s actions as she falls deeper into the mafia world. 
also !!!! sofia accidentally spills wine on katya’s white dress and she really looks at this woman and goes “you look better in red” , im in love. IT ALSO FORESHADOWS KATYA’S EVENTUAL DEATH WHERE HER DRESS TURNS RED WITH BLOOD. AND HER SHIFT FROM THE WIFE TO THE FEMME FATALE. JUST SO GOOD. the symbolism scorsese can create *chef’s kiss*
the other major scene sofia has is the boat scene, where katya gets shot and falls over the edge. it almost destroyed sofia thinking she lost her when she barely even had her yet. it’s a big reason for sofia wanting to get katya away from all of this, knowing that goncharov will only bring about her sun’s end. 
in the end , she just loves katya and wants the best for her, but she can never have her, and when she loses her, she’s lost her entire world. and so she tries to escape italy, before any ghosts can catch up with her. leaving in katya’s boat , she takes off into the night as end credits roll over her escape. which is where we find ourselves now. 
life in dc :
sofia has only just arrived but she is having a time and a half trying to adjust to being in america , let alone being in a completely new time. 
she is going to be doing what she can to blend in. 
she is nothing if not resourceful and adaptable. and while it won’t be easy, she does everything with confidence that it’s hard to tell otherwise. 
will be finding a footing in the crime scene here in the city, and unfortunately is very good at her job, despite not wanting to be in this life anymore. it’s what she knows, and it’ll be easier to be comfortable for now. 
gives the best advice, even if you don’t think it is at the time. 
big mysterious older sister vibes for those she allows close to her
is closed off, but willing to make exceptions if people try
has a way too nice penthouse for someone who refuses to explain where they get their money from
still mourning the loss of her sun.
connections :
crime associates
any criminal types wanna be friends? i promise she’s fun to hang out with!
i do like the idea that she just has a roommate despite not needing the money at all, and just sort of likes the company every now and again. she does get very lonely, so it’d be nice for her to have someone
employee (s)
she definitely hires people for p much everything from cleaning, to cooking, to bodyguards, etc. so, hmu
just let her be your vaguely bad influence bestie
rich girl club
this feels self explanatory but it sounds fun !!!! 
charity case
someone she tries to help, be it with a job (into the criminal world), with money, or even just connections !!!
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ssparksflyy · 5 months
Hi, I just saw that request are open so can you do a boyfriend headcanon with Jason Grace please?
ask and thou shall recieve ༉‧₊˚.
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jason grace dating hcs! ✮⋆˙ pairing : jason grace x gn!reader warning(s) : none ♡ an : tysm for ur request <3! hope u enjoy thisss! also why the heck did it take me 20 mins to make that little pic collab bcs nothing was matching so i js went 'screw it' anyway, enjoy!
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jason grace how i love you my sweet golden retriever boyfriend
im not even lying though
ive got a golden and she's very affectionate and he'd literally be the same
absolutely loves being around you 24/7, 365
ive seen some people say jason is like kinda tense, like he was raised to be a fighter, his guard is always up, and like he builds just a few walls to keep himself safe
but nahh best believe those walls are comin right down for you
he's only himself when he's with you !!
he literally feels so comfortable and trusts you with his life
definitely tells you EVERYTHING
not gonna lie i think jason is chismoso asf
( gossiper , nosy )
BUT LIKE secretively
like people think he doesnt care or isnt listening so they just gossip all care free when he's around cause they think he wont tell anybody
but in reality he's super invested
so like after a long day when your cuddled up in the zeus cabin he's not only telling you about his day but also updating you on the drama he's found out about
NOW I KNOW that may seem ooc, but im telling you, the walls are coming DOWN
jason literally adores it when you play with his hair
like it really just calms him down, especially after a rough day
bro just melts 🫠
i think jason is like in between with pda
yes of course he loves holding your hand and hugging you
but theres definitely a difference from when youre around people and when youre alone
dont know if that came out wrong
but he just feels more comfortable when its just you two
speaking of hand holding
he's literally a hand holding king
its literally just a habit at this point
i feel like he's a hands interlocked kinda guy
like hes just walks up to you, gives you a big ol smile ofc, and plop, slips his fingers in between yours. just like that. super casual about it.
he literally intentionally makes you bump glasses when youre kissing
dont know if that made sense i dont wear glasses
but he thinks its the funniest thing ever and laughs every time
lemme tell you somethin
literally even before you started dating
you haven't opened a single door while jason's around
even if youre like about to reach the door and he's a few feet away he'll literally sprint captain-america-on-your-left style to open the door for you
and then stands there looking stupid after you give him a kiss on his cheek
never fails to be left absolutely dumbfounded after you kiss him
which is probably why he isnt the biggest on pda
he knows he'll never be allowed to forget how stupid he looks
winkity wonkty
but actually he makes them so much fun
starts a pillow fight but loses
A SUCKER for karaoke
nah cause why do i think he'd be like "omg lets play spin the bottle" and youre just like "jason.. it's only me and you" and hes all like "your point??"
always ends his night with cuddles
youre literally his personal teddy bear sorry not sorry
not gonna lie i don't think jason's a jewelry fella
but get this
matching converse
they dont even have to be converse they can literally be any shoes
i just like converse
you guys got them custom made and everything ouuuu
even though he doesn't seem like he'd be too big on jewelry i feel like he has a silver necklace with your initials on it
i want to wear his initial on his chain round my neck not because he owns me but cause he really knows me
he's always wearing it, whether its like under his shirt (CLOSER TO HIS HEARTTTT) or over it and shining proudly
definitely has a playlist just titled '(name)' with a heart and its just a bunch of love songs that remind him of you ♡
he's literally so in love and makes sure you know that multiple times a day
where can i get me a jason grace :(
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