#little apple pie baby lamb
haznhell-aus · 4 months
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Introducing Deer Mama AU Charlie's design!
It's just not showing the shoes lol-
But this is what Charlie looks like in the Deer Mama AU, she's one of the only two design changes.
The second design change belongs to Vaggie, whom I will draw next when I can.
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l3viat8an · 1 day
Ik I just sent something in but I was reading some of your thirsts (per usual) and was wondering what do you think the brothers would call mc on the norm? Like pet names and stuff!! Personally here's my take:
Lucifer is definitely a traditional man, so names like Darling and Sweetheart would be used by him the most!
As whiney as Mammon is I believe he would use Baby, Babe and Doll Face for Mc
Now, as cringe Levi thinks pet names are, I believe he would use Love and Sweetie for his player 2! As well as the occasional Love Bug!
Satan being the bookworm that he is would use the most romantic nicknames like Darling, My love, and Angel!
Asmo!! He would use the cutest nicknames like Cutie, Beautiful and Sweetheart!
Beel would most likely use sweeter pet names such as, Sugar, Pumpkin, And My Love!
Belphie is super annoying with his nicknames, normally going over the top like Honey-Bunch or Sweetie pie, but when he's not feeling silly he'll use Baby, Sugar and Sweetheart!
This is so much longer then my usual ask SORRY POOKIE<3 (also hopefully my other ask sent this time >_<)
Omggg okay!!- I’ve gotta say that yours are spot on ‘n I agree!
Most of mine are the same but I’m the type of person that loves silly pet names too jsjsjsj
Lucifer usually sticks to darling ofc it’s simple and very sweet. Also; ‘little lamb / my lamb’, it’s so cute yk. and if Lucifer’s in a really playful mood he’ll call you ‘the apple of my eye.’
For Mammon ofc I gotta mentioned treasure. Because you are his treasure! Darlin’ which he always pronounces with an extra drawl. and ‘human / my human.’ yea it kinda started out as an insult- but now it’s probably his favorite pet name for you hkjkh
Levi has a hard time with pet names so usually he just sticks with lover, player two and ‘my Henry!’ But when he’s trying to be extra sweet or he’s just really happy he calls you angel! because in his eyes you really are an angel.
Satan uses ‘my love’ and darling the most- he also calls you ‘my sunshine.’ and I know it’s kinda overused but ‘Mi Vida’ (which means ‘my life’).
Asmo calls you every pet name he can think of the cuter the better! Sweetheart, sweetie, honey, sweet cheeks, hon, kitten, lovely, ‘my lover’- and so, soooo many more but I can’t list them all. If you can think of a cute pet name Asmo’s going to use it <3
Beel has so many food related pet names it’s just adorable!! Like; cupcake, sugar plum, pumpkin, sweet pea, buttercup, sugar- and that’s just the ones I can think of off the top of my head!- Beel has a million more lolol and ofc sweetheart.
Belphie like you said already is a bit…over the top with his pet names like honey-bunch and shmoopie. but when he’s not just teasing you he’ll use sweet pet names like; ‘my star’, starlight, sweetheart, love, lover and even darling occasionally. 
(‘n don’t be sorry I LOVE hearing about pet/nick names they’re always so cuteee!!!- ‘n I just saw your other ask 🤭 that’s gonna be fun~)
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breedtheseed · 2 months
Imagine a 160 year old(16 in demon years) Alice begging her dad to let her go to a party and stay the night with some friends
Lucifer: Apple pie I’m sorry but your still too young to be doing such adult activities
Alice: Dad, I’m not your little girl anymore! Look at me I’m 160 years old. 160!
Lucifer looks at his daughter and all he sees is his baby lamb looking back at him with her big innocent eyes and grumpy expression and hears her say in her kid voice
Alice: That’s practically an adult! But you still treat me like I’m some little kid!!!
🤣 awww 🥰 she’d be so cute wanting to go out into the world
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jargonbyjulia · 1 year
“It’s impossible!”
I’ve heard the saying, “Mums get no days off.” It’s true and it isn’t. I know a couple of mums that get plenty of days off, with health retreats throughout the year, child-free holidays, and so on. Sometimes days off seem IMPOSSIBLE. Even getting through some days seems impossible. I get a few hours to myself; I like to get my nails done, and tomorrow I have a first hair appointment in six months - shock horror!
I have a two and a five year old, and I work part time. On Thursdays I work at home, and I like to think of that as my day “off”. I work in peace, I play my own music, I answer only to the ding of Teams’ notifications, emails and my stomach rumbles. Today is Thursday, and I had my two year old home sick from daycare. It’s barely just winter, and we’ve been knocked out at least twice already. I did my best to keep her entertained while I caught up on the work I started Tuesday, where seven meetings had me pretty tied up. We were doing fine, and she was enjoying being home with me, watching Peppa Pig on repeat, and eating through the snack shelf of the pantry.
At 11:00am, my daughter’s school called asking if I could pick up my preppy as she had a headache, fever and sore tummy. So I alerted work, bundled up my toddler and ran to the rescue. She wasn’t well, at all. We made her warm and gave her medicine, and suddenly it was 11:30am, which means nap time for the little one. I quickly answered emails, started writing an article and reviewed some work. I made sure miss five was comfortable and then put miss two down for her nap. After that, I made a quick couple of sandwiches for us, and ate at my desk. While answering 785 questions, including “How do you spell chicken?” and “What is 78 plus 802?” (from my child, not a colleague), I worked through my list for the day, trying my hardest to focus on the tasks at hand. Suddenly it’s 1:45pm and my two year old is awake, and I break my focus. Now it’s time to prepare her food and get her playing happily with her sister. It’s much easier than I had thought, so I can get back to my work. By 3pm, she’s sitting on my lap tapping away at the keys on my computer, asking why I have a spare TV (my second computer monitor) and she just has a lousy plastic phone with dead batteries.
The dog is whining as he hasn’t had a walk all day. My husband left for work at 8:30am, and he won’t be back until we are asleep at 10pm. Miss five goes downhill as suddenly as Melbourne’s morning temperatures, and needs her fever brought down, so there’s no leaving the house. I’m starting to think getting through this day is impossible, but we push through with more snacks, YouTube kids and a cranked heater.
At 4:30pm I’m cooking lamb chops from Monday and drafting my weekly wrap-up for work.
My phone rings. My husband asks, “How was your day?” I sigh and say it was busy. I read some feedback about my work as the kids eat dinner in front of the fire I made by rubbing two sticks together because everyone is “SO COLD!” and I take a breath. Only a quick one though, as I need to run the bath for two girls who identify solely as mermaids and then hit send on one more message before the end of the working day. COB they call it; Close of Business. (Mums don’t really have a COB though, do they?!)
I haven’t had a shower all day, and it’s 6:20pm. My youngest just shut her head in the fridge trying to make imaginary apple pie for the dog, there’s a full basket of clean laundry waiting to be folded on the kitchen table and I think the wombok I was relying on to substitute as salad leaf for my dinner is growing babies. But gosh, somehow I feel accomplished. There’s ice cream on the couch slowly seeping into the earth under our home, the iPads are dead and I am tired, so tired. But I’ve nearly ticked everything off my work to-do list, and, apart from fridge-headgate, the girls are now content, warm, full, laughing, and nearly ready for bed.
Mums do get days off, but not me today. And that’s ok! We got through it. I’m forever grateful for an extremely supportive workplace who understand what people, and mums, go through on a daily basis. No one pressured me to hit unrealistic deadlines, and everyone understood what I was going through, or at least sympathised or empathised with me. And in the end, it just makes me want to work smarter, and harder. In all aspects of my life.
There will be a glass or four poured tonight, and I’d say they are well deserved. I’ve just realised baby mermaid is due for her antibiotics, so I’ll end with one of our favourite Peppa Pig quotes, “It’s impossible!”
But really Peppa, NOTHING is impossible.
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chirp-a-chirp · 2 years
MC: Let’s play a game! What are different pet names/descriptors for someone you love?
Diavolo: Light of my life!
Lucifer: Dearest; darling
Mammon: Treasured one! Precious!
MC: Aw, Mammon!
Mammon: Ya know, for a human…
Satan: Beloved; fated one
Beel: Honey; sweetheart; sweetie; sugar pie; apple of my eye…
Satan: OK Beel, you can stop now…
Beel: Buttercup; my little dumpling; honey bunch; lamb chop; muffin top; baby cakes…
MC: Aaaaand now Beel’s drooling. 🤤
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nanamimizz · 4 months
MOMFG PLEASE DO IT FOR BG3 TOO LAMB I AM SO UNBELIEVABLY INTERESTED!!!!!!! holds binoculars up to ur mind <3
astarion - alpha ; smells like bergamot and rosemary and brandy naturally but uses the perfume he makes to cover up the scent of decay around him. in life he was a stereotypical alpha dickhead and his behavior is a lot less typical alpha due to his spawn nature but it does rear it’s ugly head from time to time
gale - beta, i could see omega ; this is hard as it’s easy to imagine him as both beta and omega and he fits both quite well so ig it’s really up to you. smells like new books and berry pie being baked. when he’s jealous/angry the scent of cinnamon is added
halsin - alpha ; it’s hard not to imagine him as anything else due to the amount of presence he has / smells like wild mint, pine and herbs. maybe some petrichor too
jaehira - beta ; beta to her core, her husband khalid was also a beta too / smells lightly of medical plants (think the way tiger balm smells but not as strong) and if you stand close enough you can smell wildflowers
karlach - alpha ; again hard to imagine her as anything else but is a prime alpha and it shows. smells like firewood / apple chips being burnt and a bit like gas due to her engine
lae’zel - alpha but i can see beta and even omega ; smells like some sort of polish and musk, either has alpha or omega it is a pleasant and deeper scent. it’s easy to imagine lae’zel as both alpha and omega to me so it’s up to you
minsc - beta ; minsc just smells like a sweaty guy wearing deodorant he does not have a specific scent which is…odd…. / i like him being a beta its a funny contrast to his louder nature
minthara - alpha ; smells of lavender and a darker, sweet smell (its poison)/ this woman is a clear alpha it’s so obvious bro…..
shadowheart - omega ; smells of a heavy incense with sweet undertones (think like baby powder) and when she is free of shar begins to take on the scent of honey and citrus. when she remains with shar all that remains is the scent of incense
wyll - alpha ; fang pls don’t look……..alpha wyll is so real to me i want there to be conflict between his romantic ideals and what his body wants ANYWAYS….alpha wyll smells like all thing’s masculine sandalwood, amber, musk a little bit of vanilla….god….
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jungle-angel · 1 year
Spring/Cottagecore Prompts Part 2:
The spring fever is officially here guys, please, don’t hesitate to ask because I really wanna do some more writing. Taking requests for the usual, Top Gun Maverick, Outer Range, Bad Times At The El Royale, Salem’s Lot and Press Play. 
1. Berry picking
2. Getting the gardens prepped
3. Picking the flowers from the flower garden
4. Reading under their favorite tree
5. Here be wood nymphs
6. Watching the deer and critters roam through the yard
7. Flower crown
8. A shortcut to mushrooms
9. “I wanna see these sunflowers get as huge as the house!” 
10. Working the farmer’s market with their s.o
11. Baby animals
12. Colors of the Wind
13. Showing off your new spring dress at church
14. Easter morning
15. Making a flower wreath
16. Weaving wildflowers into the wicker of your baby’s sleeping basket
17. Apple blossoms
18. Finding a fairy ring near the pasture
19. The peach pie in the window
20. The cats using your yarn basket as a sleeping area
21. Their s.o working all day in the woodshed and coming back smelling like wood
22. Listening to the birds in the morning
23. Snuggling the little lamb, goat or piglet who was the runt of the litter
24. Making a homemade tea/brew for their s.o who’s in the throes of spring allergies
25. New buds on the trees
26. “This was my grandma’s tree, you know” 
27. The kids making fresh mud pies and using Momma’s good cookie trays
28. Picnic in the hills
29. Making a wish with the dandelions
30. Poppies blooming on Memorial Day
31. The cats rolling in the catnip growing in the garden
32. “Hey, that’s my herbcrafter’s book” 
33. Snuggling their s.o on a warm/hot night with the bedroom windows open
34. “Darlin, looks like we got a rabbit’s nest here” 
35. Making a homemade foot/body scrub for their s.o after they’ve come in from the fields
36. Harvesting honey from the beehives
37. Bumblebees
38. The kids making homemade robins’ nests to decorate the house
39. Homemade spiced peaches and or apples
40. Lantern walk in the woods 
41. Feeding the runt of the litter with the milk you’ve just gotten from the cows
42. “Guess we’ll need lighter blankets soon” 
43. Fishing in the river with the kids
44. Beyond the garden gate
45. “It’s like something straight out of Willow” 
46. Painted rocks for the garden
47. Fresh bread/lunch/baked goods
48. The St. Francis statue in the garden
49. Shucking the dinner corn on the porch while the kids are playing in the garden
50. The spring bouquet on the kitchen table
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definatelyanangel · 3 years
Michael Surprise Guest Interactions!
Favorite items
Michael loves all things sweet, the sweeter the better!
Paradise Blue! (It is one of the few alcoholic beverages he is willing to drink around other angels for completely normal reasons, I assure you.)
Med Kit! (he eats the syringes)
Wicked cupcakes!
Madame Screams Macarons!
Barbatos' Tea!
Princess' Poison Apple (it's Lucifer's favorite so Michael likes it too.)
RedxRed Apple Pie!
Barbatos' Signature Cake!
Unidentified Matter (Solomon made it and Michael put a ring on it so he feels obligated to like it)
Pocket tissue!
Surprise Guest Interactions!
Winning, regular:
"Well done! I'm sure Lucifer will be impressed."
Combo: swipe face, shake, swipe arm.
"Are you really surprised that I was able to defeat a few lowly demons who can't even show a mockery of a human face?"
Combo: tap face, tap chest, shake.
High five (Both hands)
"Oh, a high five, is it? Luke likes these."
Combo: high five, swipe chest, tap face
"For shame. But don't worry, like in all games you can simply try again." Combo: swipe arm, swipe face, swipe head.
"Hello, little lamb. Gone out to pasture?" Combo: swipe head, swipe chest, shake.
"I wonder what Arbor is up to. Sleeping, I hope. He's more pliant that way." (With a stupid little face.)
Combo: run in fear shake, swipe chest, shake.
Night time.
"Foolish little lamb, to be out so late at night in my presence."
Combo: tap face, tap chest, swipe arm.
General Lines!
🎵"I'd rot in hell with you... if you just asked me to. I love the shitty things we do together, live with me in this sin forever." 🎵
^ from this song
"You are my sunshine~ my only sunshine~ you make me haappyyyy~ when skies are gray~"
"Hello, little lamb. Seen a rather rowdy puppy today?" (In regards to Luke)
"Lucifer is no wolf, as I've been informed. In the words of my beloved strawberry, 'I actually like wolves'."
"Diavolo and Barbatos were so cute as babies. Almost made me wish I'd sired Satan or even Lucifer myself."
"I like to bug Raphael all hours of the day. Being a (redacted) in the Celestial Realm is frustrating, you know, so I relieve it however possible... :)"
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voguingtodanzig · 3 years
Again, some of this is personal and sentimental, linked to time and place and experience.
50 Cent, “Many Men (Wish Death)”
100 gecs, “800db cloud”
10,000 Maniacs, “Candy Everybody Wants”
Bryan Adams, “Everything I Do”
Herb Alpert & The Tijuana Brass, “Spanish Flea”
America, “Sister Golden Hair”
Julie Andrews, “My ​​Favorite Things”
Animal Collective, “Brother Sport”
Aphex Twin, “Tha”
Fiona Apple, “Extraordinary Machine”
Louis Armstrong, “What a Wonderful World”
Ash, “Shining Light”
Atlantic Starr, “Always”
Atlas Sound, “Washington School”
Autechre, “Vose In”
The B-52s, “Deadbeat Club”
Bananarama, “Cruel Summer”
The Beatles, “All My Loving”
Beck, “Girl”
Belle & Sebastian, “Seymour Stein”
Benoit & Sergio, “Boy Trouble”
Beyoncé, “Countdown”
Bikini Kill, “Alien She”
Bilal, “West Side Girl”
Bjork, “It’s Oh So Quiet”
Black Dice, “Pigs”
Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, “Stop”
The Black-Eyed Peas, “Imma Be”
Blast Off Country Style, “Cutie Pie”
Blondie, “Heart of Glass”
The Bloodhound Gang, “Your Only Friends Are Make-Believe”
The Box Tops, “The Letter”
Brainiac, “I Am A Cracked Machine”
Michelle Branch, “Everywhere”
Laura Branigan, “Gloria”
The Breeders, “Off You”
Danny Brown, “Gremlins”
James Brown, “Get Up I Feel Like Being a Sex Machine”
Jackson Browne, “Somebody’s Baby”
Vanessa Carlton, “A Thousand Miles”
Harry Chapin, “Cat’s in the Cradle”
Tracy Chapman, “Fast Car”
The Carpenters, “Yesterday Once More”
Julian Casablancas and the Voidz, “Human Sadness”
The Chemical Brothers, “Free Yourself”
Chixdiggit!, “My Restaurant”
Cibo Matto, “Sunday, Pt. 1”
Ciara feat. Missy Elliott, “One, Two Step”
Clipse, “Dirty Money”
Jim Croce, “Operator”
Crosby, Stills, and Nash, “You Don’t Have To Cry”
Christopher Cross, “Ride Like the Wind”
Cryptacize, “Mythomania”
Crystal Castles, “Air War”
Culture Club, “Karma Chameleon”
Terrence Trent D’Arby, “Sign Your Name”
Daft Punk, “Around the World”
Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Tich, “Hold Tight”
Dead Kennedys, “Kill the Poor”
DeBarge, “The Rhythm of the Night”
Deerhoof, “+81”
Deerhunter, “Octet”
Depeche Mode, “Personal Jesus”
Dial, “Helium”
The Diplomats, “Dipset Anthem”
DMX, “Stop Being Greedy”
The Doobie Brothers, “Black Water”
Dr. Dre feat. Snoop Dogg, “Nuthin’ But a G Thang”
The-Dream, “Love King”
Duran Duran, “Hungry Like The Wolf”
Bob Dylan, “Positively 4th Street”
The Eagles, “Lyin’ Eyes”
Eat Skull, “Cooking a Way to be Happy”
Elastica, “Connection”
The Everly Brothers, “All I Have to Do is Dream”
The Ben Folds Five, “The Battle of Who Could Care Less”
Eleanor Friedberger, “Stare at the Sun”
Eminem feat. Dido, “Stan”
Brian Eno, “Cindy Tells Me”
Eurythmics, “Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)”
Extreme, “More Than Words”
The Fall, “Glam-Racket”
Roberta Flack, “Killing Me Softly With His Song”
Flipper, “Ha Ha Ha”
Dan Fogelberg, “Longer”
The Free Design, “The Proper Ornaments”
Fur, “Devil to the Lamb”
Garbage, “Only Happy When It Rains”
Judy Garland, “Over the Rainbow”
Kevin Gates, “Paper Chasers”
Ghostface Killah, “Shakey Dog”
Freddie Gibbs, “20 Karat Jesus”
Godspeed You! Black Emperor, “The Dead Flag Blues”
Gorillaz feat. De La Soul, “Feel Good Inc.”
Go Sailor, “I’m Still Crying”
Granddaddy, “A.M. 180”
Colleen Green, “I Want to Grow Up”
Green Day, “Basket Case”
Grimes, “REALITi”
Gucci Mane, “Break Ya Self (Brrrussia version)”
Guided By Voices, “Teenage FBI”
Harvey Danger, “Flagpole Sitta”
Helium, “XXX”
Keri Hilson, “Pretty Girl Rock”
Hole, “Malibu”
The Hollies, “All I Need Is The Air That I Breathe”
Michael Jackson, “Rock With You”
Jay-Z, “Hard Knock Life”
Henry Jacobs, “Guitar Lesson”
Jawbreaker, “Fireman”
Jeremih, “Oui”
Jewel, “Standing Still”
Jimmy Eat World, “Sweetness”
Billy Joel, “Uptown Girl”
Scott Joplin, “The Entertainer”
Journey, “Don’t Stop Believin’”
Juelz Santana, “Mixin’ up the Medicine”
R. Kelly feat. T.I. & T-Pain, “I’m a Flirt (Remix)”
Kool and the Gang, “Celebration”
Lana Del Rey, “Off to the Races”
Lagwagon, “May 16”
The Libertines, “Horror Show”
Limp Bizkit, “Re-Arranged”
Lindstrom, “Where You Go I Go Too”
Lisa Lisa & Cult Jam, “Lost in Emotion”
Lit, “My Own Worst Enemy”
The Lonely Island feat. T-Pain, “I’m on a Boat”
Lotus Plaza, “What Grows?”
Lower Dens, “Candy”
Courtney Love, “I’ll Do Anything”
Love As Laughter, “Idol Worship”
M.I.A, “Bamboo Banga”
Madonna, “Hung Up”
Madlib, “Mystic Bounce”
Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks, “Ramp of Death”
The Mamas and the Papas, “California Dreamin’”
John Mayer, “New Light”
Meek Mill, “Dreams and Nightmares Intro”
Men at Work, “Safety Dance”
George Michael, “Faith”
The Modern Lovers, “I’m Straight”
Modest Mouse, “Heart Cooks Brain”
The Moldy Peaches, “Nothing Came Out”
Chris Montez, “The More I See You”
Alanis Morissette, “Head Over Feet”
Jason Mraz and Colbie Caillat, “Lucky”
MXPX, “Party, My House, Be There”
My Bloody Valentine, “You Never Should”
Nas, “The World Is Yours”
Johnny Nash, “I Can See Clearly Now”
Neu!, “Hallogallo”
New Order, “Subculture”
New Pornographers, “The Laws Have Changed”
Wayne Newton, “Danke Schoen”
Harry Nilsson, “Jump into the Fire”
Nine Inch Nails, “Wish”
Nirvana, “About a Girl”
The Notorious B.I.G., “Warning”
Maura O’Connell, “Summerfly”
The Orb, “Little Fluffy Clouds”
Panda Bear, “Mr Noah”
Pavement, “Harness Your Hopes (BBC Evening Session)”
Pete Rock & C.L. Smooth, “They Reminisce Over You (T.R.O.Y.)”
Liz Phair, “Shane”
Pinhead Gunpowder, “I Am An Elephant”
The Platters, “Only You (And You Alone)”
The Pointer Sisters, “Jump”
Michael Praetorius, “Es ist ein Ros entsprungen”
Elvis Presley, “A Little Less Conversation”
Primal Scream, “Keep Your Dreams”
The Prodigy, “Breathe”
Propaghandi, “Anti-Manifesto”
Brian Protheroe, “Pinball”
Psychic Graveyard, “No”
Public Enemy, “Fight The Power”
Aileen Quinn, “Tomorrow”
Radiohead, “A Wolf at the Door”
Gerry Rafferty, “Right Down the Line”
Bonnie Raitt, “Something to Talk About”
The Ramones, “Chain Saw”
Otis Redding, “(Sittin’ On) The Dock of the Bay”
Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross, “In Motion”
Lou Reed and Metallica, “Junior Dad”
Rihanna feat. Jay-Z, “Umbrella”
Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton, “Islands in the Stream”
The Rolling Stones, “Sympathy for the Devil”
Linda Ronstadt and James Ingram, “Somewhere Out There”
Rosemary Krust, “Private Amber”
Diana Ross, “Theme From Mahogany”
Roxy Music, “More Than This”
A Savage, “Eyeballs”
The Shangri-Las, “Leader of the Pack”
Shanice, “I Love Your Smile”
Ed Sheeran, “Thinking Out Loud”
Sightings, “Yellow”
The Silver Jews, “Blue Arrangements”
Alan Silvestri, “The Back to the Future theme”
Paul Simon, “Kodachrome”
Ashlee Simpson, “Pieces of Me”
Slade, “Cum On Feel the Noize”
The Smashing Pumpkins, “Here’s to the Atom Bomb (New Wave version)”
The Soft Pink Truth, “Do They Owe Us A Living?”
Sonic Youth, “Jams Run Free”
Jordan Sparks and Chris Brown, “No Air”
Spoon, “The Mystery Zone”
Starving Weirdos, “Land Lines”
Stereolab, “Plastic Mile”
The Strokes, “12:51”
Swell Maps, “Let’s Build A Car”
Taylor Swift, “Style”
Stylophonic, “R U Experienced”
Jazmine Sullivan, “Mascara”
Suicidal Tendencies, “Institutionalized”
Taco, “Puttin’ on the Ritz”
James Taylor, “You’ve Got a Friend”
Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, “Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy”
Throwing Muses, “Not Too Soon”
TLC, “Baby-Baby-Baby”
Tortoise, “Djed”
The Toys, “A Lover’s Concerto”
John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John, “Summer Nights”
A Tribe Called Quest, “Can I Kick It?”
UB40, “Red Red Wine”
Joe Walsh, “Life’s Been Good”
Scott Weiland, “Paralysis”
Steely Dan, “Do It Again”
Stiff Little Fingers, “Suspect Device”
Stylophonic, “RU Experienced?”
T.I., “What You Know”
Mary Timony, “Blood Tree”
that dog., “I’m Gonna See You”
The Tymes, “So Much In Love”
Ultimate Painting, “Out in the Cold”
The Unicorns, “Child Star”
The Velvet Underground, “The Gift”
Waka Flocka Flame, “Hard in da Paint”
Ween, “Even If You Don’t”
Weezer, “Endless Bummer”
Kanye West, “Devil in a New Dress (G.O.O.D. Fridays version)”
WHAM!, “Wake Me Up (Before You Go-Go)”
White Hassle, “Oh, What a Feeling”
Matthew Wilder, “Break My Stride”
Bill Withers, “Lean on Me”
Wolf Eyes, “Human Animal”
Stevie Wonder, “My Cherie Amour”
Wye Oak, “Siamese”
The Yeah Yeah Yeahs, “Maps”
Yo La Tengo, “My Heart’s Reflection”
Zaimph, “Removing Bits of History”
The Zombies, “Time of the Season”
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rpmemesbyarat · 3 years
RP meme from "The Company of Wolves" film
Any presents for me?
She's a pest!
Pest, pest!
You have to come out sometime - you can't sulk in there forever!
What makes you so different anyway!
It's not because I want you, either
Poor little lamb!
You don't know these things, you're only a child!
There, there, pet.
It's a long way through the wood, but safe by daylight. Safe if you keep to the path.
Once you stray from the path you're lost entirely!
Never stray from the path, never eat a windfall apple and never trust a man whose eyebrows meet!
A wolf may be more than he seems. He may come in many disguises.
The worst kind of wolves are hairy on the inside, and when they bite you, they drag you with them to Hell!
Don't they have girls where you come from?
Come out of the shadows. Let me see you, my love.
So you think I'm handsome?
The first thing I noticed about you - was the way your eyebrows meet.
I told you I heard a wolf last night!
Your children - but not my children! Whore! Adulteress!
You hoped I'd never come back!
I thought the wolves had taken you!
I'd never let a man strike me.
Oh, they're nice as pie until they've had their way with you. But once the bloom is gone, oh, the beast comes out.
When the real wolves mate, do the dogs beat the bitches
Of course you won`t stay a young girl much longer.
Caught you, you snotty-nosed ragamuffin!
Least said soonest mended.
Shall we play now?
Does he hurt you?
If there's a beast in men, it meets its match in women too.
I've brought you a little present.
They're the best of all roses, picked from the grave of a princess.
They say that priests' bastards often turn into wolves as they grow older!
Waste not, want not!
That's a horrid story! I didn't like it at all.
The Devil's one thing, but a priest making babies is another! I don't think our priest would have it in him.
You can't trust anyone, least of all a priest!
Well, what a silly game!
He only asked me to walk with him. What's wrong with that?
Don't stray from the path!
Why are you so crabby today?
I like you well enough.
Well why won't you kiss me?
You're afraid, aren't you?
That wasn't very good. Give me another!
Have to catch me first!
Wolf! Wolf!
Get your hands off him!
Don't you hit my boy!
I'll cool you off!
Where have you been? And in such a state!
This is all these beasts understand. Kill them before they kill you.
Clowns are what the village boys are!
When will Daddy have done with the killing?
A hard winter brings out the wolves.
We must hide in the trees!
Douse the lights! Into the trees! Quietly!
How can a wolf be worse than it already is?
Are you going to tell me a story?
No one would have suspected a thing.
A taste of what's to come!
So - I wasn't good enough for you. I was, once.
The wolves in the forest are more decent!
Where did you hear a story like that?
It's not a story, but God's honest truth!
But what pleasure could there be in that?
The pleasure would come from knowing the power that she had.
When I killed it it was a wolf, and it turned into a man.
Seeing is believing.
Get it out!
Whatever it is, now it's dead meat!
Maybe you shouldn't go.
Mind you don't stray - and take something to protect yourself with.
How about a knife?
You're not afraid of anything, are you?
You're a fearless child, I'll say that.
You won't be lucky twice.
Let me come with you - you'd be safe with me!
Go into the woods with you? After what happened last time?
Did I scare you? I am sorry.
At least you have your clothes on.
Lost your horse?
I know the very place up the way for a picnic!
Don't you know how strong that stuff is?
I don't believe it, even though I see it.
Aren't you afraid of the wolves?
Why should I be frightened of wolves?
You must know the worse wolves are hairy on the inside.
Old wives' tales! Peasant superstition!
Here - take my hat as a token of good will. Wear it, until we meet again.
Get you back to Hell from which you came!
What do you know about my kind?
Are you very much afraid?
It wouldn't do me much good to be afraid, would it?
What big eyes you have!
All the better to see you with.
They say seeing is believing, but I'd never swear to it.
You must be wet through. Why don't you take off your shawl?
Your kind can't stomach clothes either.
I love the company of wolves.
Poor creatures. It's freezing cold out there, no wonder they howl so.
You're a bold fearless girl, aren't you?
And now you must give me back my gun, my dear.
Are you our kind, or their kind?
My home is nowhere.
My, what big arms you have.
Will you be honorable and pay me, or not?
I never knew a wolf could cry.
You'll be all alone.
This is holy ground!
Can you speak?
Are you God's work, or the Devil's?
It will heal, in time.
No! Don't shoot!
As you're pretty, so be wise
Wolves may lurk in every guise
Sweetest tongue hides sharpest tooth.
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beautifulbows924 · 4 years
The Christmas Wish
Dean Winchester X Reader, Sam (Platonic)
A/N: I’ve really hopped back into my writing lately and I’m super excited. This is my first time writing for supernatural, so go easy on me. I’d love to do some requests- feel free to send me some, Happy holidays!
Word Count: 1500
Warnings: Fluff, Gore mention.
Summary: Christmas is near and feelings are being kept secret, will they find out how they really feel about each other or will they never get the chance?
“Are we really going to do this right now?”, Dean asked, exasperated with both you and his brother.
“Yes”, You responded, not missing a beat.
He rolled his eyes, but handed you an ornament anyway. You placed it on the tree with a smile. It was Christmas and you loved the holidays- plus you knew the boys hadn’t had a traditional holiday in years, if not more. So here: you, the Winchester’s, and Cas were putting ornaments and lights on the Christmas tree like the majorly dysfunctional family you were. However, as good as this was, this wasn’t all you wanted for Christmas. What you really wanted was for a certain Winchester to wake up and smell the roses (or in this case apple pie).
“Here you go”, You said after handing all of them cups of hot chocolate.
“And this is why you’re the best”, Sam said kissing your forehead and giving you a smile.
Unnoticed to you, Dean suddenly was wearing a frown on his face seeing the exchange between you and his brother. It made him seethe whenever he would see how well you went together, he wanted to be the one to kiss your forehead and make you smile.
Sam was the one that always noticed this and suddenly not being able to stand the obliviousness of both of you. He took you by the arm to the kitchen, mumbling an excuse about needing you to help him find something.
“Sam!”, You laughed finally managing to tug your arm from his grip, “What’s going on?”.
He sighed running a hand through his hair, “You have got to know that my brother likes you”.
“What?”, You asked, that couldn’t possibly be true.
“God, you’re both blind idiots sometimes. His eyes light up when you smile, and you blush when he touches you for a little too long. He’s the best and so are you- you both deserve to be happy for once”, He said smiling.
“So, what should I do? I can’t just tell him that I like him Sam”.
“Let me deal with that- I have a few ideas”.
“I don’t know if I should appreciate how much thought you’ve put into this, or be a little scared”, You said still nervous about any plan that would include Dean finding out about your feelings for him.
Sam placed a hand on your shoulder, “Look at me, I promise everything is going to be okay- just trust me on this one”.
You were still skeptical, but you nodded in agreement to his plan anyway.
Once returning to decorating, you couldn’t help but notice the lingering glances Dean was throwing your way. You actually thought Sam could be right, but you tried hard to not let yourself get your hopes up.
In bed, later that night, you couldn’t stop the slight smile that tugged at your lips or the flutter of butterflies in your stomach.
You were abruptly woken up by Dean shaking your arm roughly, looking at him you could see he had a guilty look on his face.
“You’re not going to like this”, He said, “-but we have a case”.
“Well duty calls and all that bullshit, right?”, You said throwing the covers off of you.
“Yeah, though I know we were all looking forward to the holidays this year, especially you sweetheart”.
Your heart swelled at the nickname, but you knew you had a job to be done, “So, what are we dealing with this time?”
“A Djinn by the looks of it”, Sam said walking in the room with one of many lore books.
“Great another wish bitch, just what we need”.
You remember the stories the boys have told you about Djinns, they’re quite dangerous. Being able to poison someone with just one touch.
“I’ll prepare the knives if you get the lamb’s blood”, You said to Sam who was already on his way out of the room.
“Sounds good”.
“We’ll leave at 11”, Dean said before leaving too.
Once they were gone your shoulders slouched, just one holiday? With the man you secretly loved and your two best friends. That’s all you wanted.  
You were canvasing the large warehouse, looking for points of entry until you found a large window on the first floor that was already broken.
“Boys”, You whisper yelled loud enough for them to hear, “I found our way in”.
They instantly came over to you readying themselves for the fight they were about to walk into. Just before you went through the window Dean grabbed your arm, turning you to face him, “Be careful, okay?”.
You nodded continuing your movement being as quiet as possible. There was a bunch of rows of shelves, you each split up into one. The only sound you could hear was that of your own breathing. When you finally made it to the end of your row you found people strung up and connected to blood bags, as pale as ghosts.
You pulled the needles from them, and worked on getting them loose. When you turned you saw a Djinn directly in front of you, it took the knife from your hands and flung it against the wall. You ran to try and get it, but it was immediately back on you again crushing you against a wall. You could hear Dean shout your name, before everything went black.
You woke up back at the hotel, Dean at your side.
“You’re okay- thank goodness”, He said squeezing your hand. You didn’t know why, but this didn’t feel right.
You ignored it.
“Did everyone get out okay?”, You asked concern evident in your voice.
“Yeah, a lot of them were banged up pretty bad, you included. You scared me”.
“Where’s Sam?”
“Just resting”, He said, placing a hand on your face. It looked like him and talked like him, but when you love someone you know and you knew this wasn’t Dean. Sitting up you tell him you have to go to the bathroom, but instead you make your way out of the hotel room and into baby, using the keys you stole from his pocket without him noticing- something you never would have been able to accomplish if this was real. You sighed; you were really enjoying the treatment he was giving you. If only it were real.
“Dammit, why’d she have to go and do that Sammy? She should have waited for us”, Dean said holding your body close to his.
“Cas!”, He yelled, causing the angel to appear, “Help her”.
Cas walked over placing his hand on your head, “I can’t, she has to make the choice herself”.
He looked at the angel, green eyes red rimmed with pain swirling in them.
“Please come back to me”, Dean repeated in your ear over and over.
Sam and Cas stood off to the side wishing for the best.
Pulling into the warehouse, you immediately jumped out, following your original path.
“You can’t just let yourself be happy, can you?”, Dean’s voice asked from behind you.
“Here, I love you, and I want to be with you. We can get married, have kids. Out there he doesn’t really care about you. Sam’s just trying to help to make you feel better, but here everything you want can be yours- I can be yours, isn’t that what you really want?”.
You walked up to him, kissing him on the lips like it could be your last chance.
“Maybe he doesn’t want me and never will, but I’d rather live what’s real out there, than a lie in here”, You said, taking your knife and stabbing yourself in the chest. You fell to the ground as you blacked out again.
Your eyelids fluttered open as you groaned weakly, Dean pulled you tighter to him, “I thought I lost you”, He said his voice cracking with relief.
“You can’t get rid of me that easily Winchester”, You said before coughing.
Back at the bunker Christmas was only a day away, with this hunt almost bleeding into the holiday, you felt lucky you were actually going to get to spend time with the boys- especially after everything that had happened.
Dean had barely left your side since. He seemed like he still felt responsible no matter what you told him.
You missed the Djinns dream world sometimes, but you knew you had made the right choice. Reality was always better even if you wished for more. Sam had yet to make good on his promise and you were slowly losing hope. You told yourself it was for the best.
You were walking to your room when you ran into Dean, “Ouch!”, You exclaimed.
“Sorry”, He said.
You turned to leave, but before you could- “Wait, look up”.
You looked up to see a Mistletoe strategically placed by whom you assumed was Sam.
“Oh, well we don’t have to. I’m sure you don’t want to so it’s fine- “, You were cut off by lips being pressed to yours. You instantly responded by wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him closer. When you had to break free for air, you smiled up at him slightly surprised.
“I’ve wanted to do that for a while, but this hunt made me realize something important. That we never know how long we’ve got and whatever time we’ve got left I want to spend it with you”.
You kissed him again letting his words sink in. You really were getting what you wanted for Christmas.
“Remind me to thank Sam later”, You said with a giggle.
Finally, your Christmas wish had come true. 
*Thanks for reading! Leave a Note or Reblog if you Enjoyed it* ~Rose❤️
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nocturnalsleeper · 4 years
500 Drawing Prompts
wizard's staff
family crest
mythical beast
spooky tree
tropical cocktail
medieval goblets
king's throne
witch's cauldron
tooth fairy
deep sea monster
magic carpet
coral reef
wine bottle
statue of liberty
Mayan ruins
bowl of soup
flower vase
full moon
bright sun
roller skates
rain boots
dining room
egg hatching
wrist watch
water bottle
bank robber
view out a window
spider web
star fish
flip flops
lawn chair
pots and pans
pie on a windowsill
house plant
barbed wire
hot sauce
hot dog
venus flytrap
stained glass
open book
favorite book character
pumpkin seed
pine cone
something sticky
island paradise
sand dune
my favorite outfit
fishing fly
black hole
scrambled eggs
leather boots
coffee cup
self portrait
snake charmer
sumo wrestler
crystal chandelier
eight ball
treasure chest
children's toy
something that sparkles
tribal pattern
suit of armor
pinball machine
erupting volcano
happy monster
futuristic car
three little pigs
magic amulet
fish bones
doll house
double sided axe
hot air balloon
polka dots
plate of cookies
snake scales
pair of socks
high dive
figure skater
Cinderella's glass slipper
hay bale
bumper cars
cover wagon
fighter jet
tree bark
art gallery
bow and arrow
pepperoni pizza
bushel of apples
talking object
chess pieces
computer keyboard
bow tie
Saturn's rings
swap creature
horse and carriage
banana peel
thunder storm
movie poster
video game controller
cinnamon sticks
alien plant life
first love
new baby
kids jumping
four wheeler
police car
someone who is full of joy
what's under your bed
wooden shield
jump rope
something big next to something small
soda can
teddy bear
fortune cookie
fruit basket
game of marbles
crumpled paper
alarm clock
salt and pepper shakers
jet pack
time machine
wood fencing
cave mouth
high heeled shoes
mad scientist
telephone booth
brier patch
something that comes in pairs
box of chocolates
brick wall
bonsai tree
a new typeface
candy canes
lawn mower
rain puddles
bowl of popcorn
ceiling fan
oil spill
invisible man
Abraham Lincoln
ice cream cone
corn on the cob
landing on the moon
rotary telephone
needle in a haystack
picnic basket
bottle of poison
genie in a bottle
wheel barrel
exploding dynamite
carousel horse
board game
a famous painting
stone walkway
maple leaf
record player
feather headdress
playing cards
windy day
sleeping bag
dancing skeleton
piggy bank
evil prince
beach ball
aircraft carrier
olympic swimmer
wedding dress
baseball glove
Lock Ness monster
gas mask
starry sky
dream house
circus clown
rocking chair
Big Ben
railroad car
Christmas sweater
Ferris wheel
sci-fi gun
medicine cabinet
birthday party
great wall of china
traffic sign
light bulb
moon colony
juice box
lake house
hard candy
football helmet
soccer game
missing teeth
birthday cake
golf ball
your least favorite food
pencil cup
half eaten apple
food with a face
tea party
bag of chips
watering can
palm tree
wind chimes
wine cork
last leaf on a tree
saber toothed tiger
grocery store
shooting star
a new invention
school of fish
bearded lady
secret garden
suspension bridge
viking artifact
Eiffel tower
a feast for a king
tree house
sea lion
Taj Mahal
your favorite animal in a tuxedo
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joanofarkansass · 4 years
GBBO: Japanese Week
I’m here with a slice of apple pie watching Japanese week!
Dog blood, hahaha
Ok, the chicken buns look really cute
The alternating colors of the lambs are adorable
Peter’s Adorable Little Vocabulary (PALV):1 (wee???)
Old Mark “with great skill”
The burger banter between Young Mark and Lottie is great!! Her expressions are to die for
Gherkin jokes are a very niche jokes perfect for GBBO
Hermine you deserve all the compliments and more
PALV: 2 (Slapdash! Ughhhhhh)
Who doesn’t want chips?
Yay, young Mark!
Old Mark your buns look gorgeous
You should have said it Lottie! I will jump at any chance to roast Paul
The finished ones looks beautiful
Laura big mood
Young Mark’s expression when folding in his meringue made me cackle. Sausage fingers!!
No, Peter!! But nice save. 
Nice flip Dave
Laura’s look of pure disappointment and disgust is hilarious
Everyone is freaking out what “crescent” means
PALV: 3 Game, Set, Matcha. And he plays badminton!
Yay, Young Mark
Nitpicky over Lottie’s coconut
When Peter’s cake was cut, my family audibly said “oooo”
Peter yay! ITS A MODEL
PALV: CHUFFED!! I’m feeling chuffed too, love
Lottie’s jumpsuit is cuuuuute
the simoltanous “thats a very odd thing to say” was v funny
Kim-joy from last season would have ROCKED at kawaii showstopper
The avacado cake looks so cute and the baby avacados??
I’m sorry Mark, but Old Mark’s dog looks like the devil
I love castella cakes!
A toadstool cake!! 
I love a nice warm bath, thank you Lottie
Shuttlecock!! I have so many jokes, none are appropriate for me to post on the internet
The ruined spiral was worth it, Dave. 
Yay, good job Laura!! Cameras GO AWAY YOU”RE BEING MEAN. No one likes to be filmed when they’re having a breakdown
All of the cakes look really good
Calling Lottie for Star baker
“This is charming, but it ain’t cute,” Very true Prue
Young Mark awwwwwww. I’m rooting fo ryou
It’s hard to say who will actually go home. I’m really hoping not Young Mark
Lottie for Star Baker!!! You deserve it hon
If it’s Mark I’ll scream. NOOOOOOO. Not Mark. UUUGH UNFAIR.
Overall, good episode though! Please leave your reactions down below
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eldritchsurveys · 4 years
1. Humpty Dumpty: Have you ever felt so broken that you didn’t feel like you could be put back together again? >> Absolutely. And oddly enough, I’m still here, and probably not quite as broken as I imagined myself to be. Brains aren’t nearly as good at predicting the future as they think they are.
2. Jack and Jill: Have you ever tumbled/rolled down a grassy hill? >> Yes. It’s great fun.
3. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star: Do you enjoy stargazing? Has anyone ever gotten a star named for you? >> It’s not something I really go out and do, but I do love me some stars. I’ve not had the star-naming happen, though.
4. Little Bo Peep: Have you ever thought you lost something that was actually right in front of you the whole time? >> Yeah, that tends to happen when I get used to putting something in a certain place and then I unthinkingly put it somewhere else one day and fuck myself up.
5. Itsy Bitsy Spider: What do you typically do on a rainy day? >> Nothing different, usually. If it rains in the morning it might change whether I go out for a walk or not, but otherwise my daily activities remain the same.
6. Baa Baa Black Sheep: Do you own any clothing made out of wool? >> I don’t think so.
7. Ring Around the Rosie: Did you know that this childhood song/nursery rhyme is actually about The Black Death? >> I’ve heard that.
8. Five Little Ducks: Have you ever gotten lost before? >> Yeah.
9. I’m a Little Teapot: What is your favorite flavor/type of tea to drink? >> I like herbal teas, particularly ginger and mint. I also like vanilla chai and the occasional fruit variety.
10. Hokey Pokey: How were you taught to understand the difference between your left and right sides? >> I don’t remember how I was taught this.
11. Old MacDonald Had a Farm: What is your favorite farm animal? >> Sheep and goats are adorable. But so are cows, especially those fluffy ones... Regardless of their cuteness, though, I couldn’t be around any farm animal for long because the smell would slowly kill me.
12. Make up your own lyric for “Down By The Bay”. >> Ha, I used to sing this song to myself repeatedly for like hours when I was a kid. I’d rather not make up my own lyric for it now, though.
13. Little Miss Muffet: Would you be terrified if a spider sat down beside you? >> Nah. I am also a spider. I like visiting with my kin.
14. Rockabye Baby: Do you feel that this is a more calming or terrifying lullaby for children? >> I just think it’s funny, because like... yeah. Why the fuck is the baby in the tree, lmao. Nursery rhymes are wild.
15. Hickory Dickory Dock: What are you usually doing when the clock strikes 1? >> AM or PM? If PM, I’m probably gaming or something. If AM, I’m asleep.
16. Pat-a-Cake: What’s your favorite thing to bake/baked good to eat? >> I don’t bake, and I have no idea what my favourite baked good would be... a good bread, I guess??
17. Why do we stomp our feet if we’re “Happy and We Know It”? Shouldn’t we be doing this when we’re angry instead? >> Eh, I guess you could do it for almost any emotion if you put your mind to it.
18. The Wheels on the Bus: Where’s the furthest you’ve ever gone on a bus before? >> From Colorado to NYC. On two different occasions. Definitely not an experience I’d ever care to repeat.
19. Row, Row, Row Your Boat: Do you enjoy boating? (ie: cruises, kayaking, canoeing, white water rafting, etc) >> I’ve never been boating. I’ve been on ferries? Oh, and once I went to a concert on a boat. That was fun.
20. 3 Blind Mice: Do you know someone who is blind? >> No.
21. 3 Little Kittens: Do you prefer gloves or mittens when getting dressed for chilly weather? >> Gloves, if I must.
22. Jack Be Nimble: Do you enjoy lighting scented candles? >> I mean, sometimes, I guess. I burn incense most often, though.
23. Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear: Have you ever made a teddy bear or any other sort of stuffed animal at Build-a-Bear? If not, do you still have a favorite teddy bear/stuffed animal from your childhood? >> Yeah! I have a dog named Reese from there, I love him. Sparrow has an owl, a Pikachu, and a Squirtle, hah.
24. 5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed: Have you ever cracked your head open before and needed stitches? >> Nope. I’ve definitely tried to crack my head open, lmao, but I wasn’t any good at it. (Thankfully.)
25. Hey Diddle Diddle: The cat plays a fiddle. What instrument would you like to play? >> Meh. I like singing.
26. Mary Had a Little Lamb: Have you ever brought a pet to school for show and tell before? >> No. I don’t think I’ve ever experienced show-and-tell, actually. I thought it was made up for like movies and shit, lol.
27. Once I Caught a Fish Alive: If you go fishing, do you release the fish afterwards, or do you take them home and cook them? >> I don’t go fishing, but if I did, it wouldn’t be just for the sake of it. I’d prefer to eat the fish afterward.
28. Little Jack Horner: What is your favorite flavor of pie? >> Hmm... sweet potato. Also, apple.
29. Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary: Do you have a garden? What do you plant in it? >> No, we just have a fuckload of potted plants because Sparrow likes them.
30. Miss Mary Mack: Do you wear clothing with a lot of buttons? >> No.
31. Old Mother Hubbard: What is your favorite food to keep in your cupboard? >> Er, I don’t know.
32. There Was an Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe: Do you have a lot of siblings growing up? Did you enjoy it? Why or why not? >> I was raised as an only child.
33. This Little Piggy: Do you like roast beef? >> No.
34. Rain, Rain Go Away: Have you ever played outside in the rain before? >> I mean, probably.
35. It’s Raining, It’s Pouring: Do you know someone who snores very loudly? >> Not anymore. My father was notorious for this.
36. Star Light, Star Bright: Do you ever wish on stars? Has one of your wishes actually come true before? >> No.
37. Here is the Beehive: Are you allergic to bees? Do you know anyone who is? Do you enjoy eating honey? >> I don’t know, I’ve never been stung by one. I don’t remember if I know anyone who is allergic. I love eating honey.
38. If All the Raindrops Were Lemon Drops and Gumdrops: What food would you want to rain down from the sky: >> I definitely would not want food to rain down from the sky, lmao.
39. Little Boy Blue: Have you ever slept anywhere other than a bed before? Where?                       >> Yeah. Tiled floors, subway cars, subway platforms, the sidewalk, couches, parks...
40. Do You Know the Muffin Man?: What is your favorite type of muffin to eat? >> I haven’t had a muffin in ages. I’m pretty sure I just don’t care for them.
41. Wee Willie Winkie: Have you ever sleepwalked before? >> No. Lmao, can you imagine being a sleepwalker while sleeping on the streets? That’d be fucked up...
42. B-I-N-G-O: If you had a dog, what would you name it? >> I don’t know, it would depend on the dog.
43. Oh Where, Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone?: Has your pet ever run away from home before? Did it get returned? >> That apparently happened when I was a preteen. We didn’t even have the dog for a full month before he somehow escaped.
44. How Much Is That Doggie in the Window?: What’s the most you would spend when adopting a dog? >> I don’t know, man. I’m not even sure what the going rates are.
45. This Old Man: Do you own any knick-knacks? >> I guess I have a few.
46. 1, 2, Buckle My Shoe: When did you learn to tie your own sneakers? >> I have no idea.
47. Are You Sleeping?: What time do you typically go to bed at night? >> Between 10p and 12a. [a-zebra-is-a-striped-horse]  
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supernatural-book · 5 years
Title: Philophobia
A/N: And finally I release the fic that’s been sitting in the back of my mind forever, but I never had time to work on. I hope that after all the time you’ve waited it’s good enough.I’m sooooo glad I could finally get this out.
Summary: After the reader saves Dean and accomplishes her first djinn kill, the drive home in a celebratory mood, pushing aside the fact that Dean almost died. But later on, the dream the djinn gave him is still haunting Dean, and each of them shares more than they would’ve normally wanted to. Word Count: 3,010
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He had never been good at feelings, and he knew it all too well. It was one of the many imperfections in his character. Whenever he sensed someone getting close to him- aside from Sam and eventually Cas- it was his natural instinct to push them away- no matter how churlish and tragic it was- before they got to close for their own good.
“In this lifestyle,” his father had told him “there’s no room for chick-flick moments.” he spat the words out like poison. And with those words, the old man had stunted his motherless son of ever having a true, caring anchor in his life. It would have been different. He had told himself night after night. If mom hadn’t died.
But then he met her. He couldn’t even begin to describe what she was like to him. A maternal figure, a sister, a hunting partner, and his best friend all rolled into one. One moment he would wake up to the aroma of apples, and she’d tell him with a flushed face that she had been baking a pie just for him, and the next she would be decapitating vampires by his side and laughing at his corny, less than appropriate jokes. Not really romantic, he knew. But still enough to make him feel something. Because even with his near tattered flannel shirt hanging loosely from her frame, splattered in blood and dusted with the dirt and grime that comes with this life, she was still more beautiful than he could ever begin to imagine. And as she dragged his drunk, sorry ass home from the bar, he felt his heart flutter in his chest, even with the alcohol in his system. She made him feel things he had never imagined he’d ever feel. And he knew it needed to stop before someone got hurt.
By this case, however, was already too late.
You both knew that you were biting off more than you could chew, working on this case, just the two of you. Sam had insisted on coming along, but you only scoffed, telling him he needed a break, and you were happy to get to see a new monster. Despite how long you’ve been working with them, you had never dealt with djinn before, though Sam and Dean had, and you were excited to get lessons from the elder Winchester brother. So you and Dean set out on your road trip, laughing and singing, trying to push back the fear of what could very possibly happen.
This morning, you had woken up before Dean, stolen one of his flannels, and knocked on the door to his motel room. He had opened the door, still groggy with sleep, and you handed him a cup of instant coffee you had made. He couldn’t stop the smile that lit up his face at your sweet gestures.
“I’d get you pie, too, but it’s not like this place has any.” You soon set off to the warehouse you suspected the djinn was hiding out, unaware of what was to come.
 Now, Dean sat, tied to an uncomfortable chair, hands tied behind his back as the djinn holding him captive walked slowly in circles around him. His nose was already dripping with a bit of blood due to the strike to his face that knocked him out for only long enough to give the djinn time to tie him down. Somewhere along the way, the two of you split up to try and find the monster, and he couldn’t help his mind wander to you, wondering if you were okay. Part of him was glad that he was the one here and you were most likely away from harm. But he also worried that, while tied up here, he couldn’t protect you from danger. God knows what he’d do if you got hurt on his watch. He flashed a smile at the female djinn, hiding his fear with charm. “So, what’s going on here? You gonna kill me or what?” The djinn only smirked, stopping her walk around him.
“Oh, deary, eventually. But first, let’s see what scares you the most.”
“Oh, so you’re one of those bastard offshoot versions of a djinn. You feed on fear, huh?” He forced out a laugh. “Go ahead. I’m not scared of you.” The djinn leaned down, a finger on Dean’s chin and eyes examining his face closely.
“Ha. It seems like your deepest desire and your worst nightmare are connected.” Dean was about to open his mouth with a snarky comment, but the djinn cut him off by slapping a piece of duct tape over his mouth. “You talk too much, ya know?” Dean grunted behind the tape. “Who’s this precious (Y/N) on your mind?” A malicious smile ripped across the djinn’s face as she saw the look of fear shatter his once confident face. Before he could cover up his worried face, the djinn’s poisonous touch washed over him, sending him into a dreamy state.
“Dean!” You laughed as he spun you around, pulled you into his body, and pressed your mouths together with a smile. You laughed against his lips. “I made pie.” You nodded towards the counter, presenting him a slice of the fresh apple pie- his favorite.
“Oh, baby. You’re the best.” The bunker was illuminated in a slightly gold light from an unseen source as Dean held your hips firmly against his own, backing you against the counter in the kitchen and diving into your lips again. “I love you.”
“Dean. Oh, Dee, baby. I love you too.” He smiled and dug into the pie, happily, watching your eyes light up, hoping for compliments.
“This is really freaking good.” You only smiled modestly, face flushed at his compliment.
“Thanks, I made it just for you.” His felt heart swell, more full than it had ever been before in his life. It felt as if he was about to burst. “Dean? What’s up?” He snapped back into focus, seeing your big, beautiful eyes watching him with worry.
“Nothing. Just… don’t ever leave me.” Dean smiled down at you, and you smiled back, relieved that nothing was wrong.
“I’d never think of it.” Before he could capture your lips in his own again, the scene twisted manically, and suddenly you were lying in the dark, a few feet in front of him, blood pooling around you as demons circled you, taking their turns torturing you. Their blades sliced at you delicate skin, leaving deep cuts that bled and bled without stopping, and they mocked Dean with their black eyes, grabbing you in ways only Dean should be able to. He tried to hurl himself at them, ready to fight but found himself unable to move. He was frozen- metaphorically and literally, and could only cry out for you.
“Dean… Help! Why can’t you help me?” The torture got even worse, your cries became raspier, louder, and more desperate as the wounds become more severe. Dean felt his throat close up, his eyes filling with the hot tears that he has held back for so long. Your arm bent back in an unnatural position, a sickening snap filling the dark room, shortly followed by cries of despair. Dean tried to call out, but his voice failed him once again. “It hurts! Why can’t you end it, Dean? Dean!”
“Dean?” Your voice was just under a whisper, as you looked around nervously.
You rounded the corner, gun gripped tight in your hand, ready for combat. You’d tried calling out for Dean, but he never responded, so there was only one explanation. He was captured. Wherever the djinn had taken him, you’d find him, you knew you would.
“Night, night, lover boy.” You snapped into attention, hearing a sickeningly sweet voice coming from a door ahead. That must be them. You crept forward, keeping as silent as possible and going over your plan in your head. If she was in here, you’d shoot at her to distract her from Dean, and then you’d get up close and stab her with the blood-dipped knife, killing her. You took one last breath and pushed open the door, taking aim at the woman- djinn- across the room, firing at her shoulder.
“Stay away from him!” She looked up, hardly phased by the bullet wound.
“Oh, you’re the little (Y/N) that Dean cares about so much, huh?” She circled you slowly, like a cat stalking its prey. Ignoring the glow in your heart at the thought that he cared about you, you lunged forward, taking the Djinn by surprise and grabbing her, lamb’s blood knife at her throat. “Oh, it doesn’t matter if you kill me now, I’ve already got him in a dream. And guess what. You’re the star.” You couldn’t stand listening to her any longer, plunging the knife into her throat and looking towards Dean.
“Dean.” He had a pained look on his face, suffering from whatever dream- or nightmare- the djinn had him trapped in. You rush to him, untying his wrists and shaking his shoulders, willing him to wake up from whatever fantasy world he was trapped in. “Dean, wake up!” You felt him trembling under your touch and continued to call out to him, unsure as to what to do. This was your first time dealing with anything djinn related. Dean had mentioned something about an antidote earlier, but he must’ve kept it on him. You dug through his pockets furiously, finally pulling out the one thing that could save him. You were quick to inject it to him, watching him intently for any signs of him waking up. His expression softened, and he stirred slightly, eyes fluttering open. “Dean…” You let out a breath of relief, dropping your head into his shoulder and wrapping your arms around him. He returned the hug slowly.
“(Y/N)...?” He sounded broken, scared, even. He took a moment to examine the room, a question in his eyes, before realizing what must have happened. He smiled at you, eyes red with tears. “Damn, you did good kiddo.” And just like that, his walls were back up, as if seconds ago he wasn’t near breaking down right in front of you. You wondered what could have been so bad that he was crying, but you didn’t want to pry, especially considering the circumstances.
“Damn it, Dean. You had me so fucking scared.”
“Well, it looks like you had it all under control on your own. I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling particularly homesick right now. Let’s get out of here.” You smiled, helping him up.
“Please. But maybe we could stop for food? I’m starving.”
“Oh.” He chuckled, as if everything was suddenly perfect, draping an arm over your shoulder softly. “You read my mind.”
The night dragged on slowly after that. You had gotten back to the Impala and cleaned each other up, not wanting to walk into a 24-hour diner covered in blood and dirt before you settled in the passenger seat and your trip back home began. The first part of the drive was quiet, a nice quiet. You slept through most of it, finding the sunset and early dusk calming. By the time you woke up, the stars were out, and Dean was listening to classic rock on a low volume. Finally feeling energized for the first time since the hunt, you sat up, cursing your fucked up sleeping schedule.
“Woah, look who’s up!” Dean laughed from his side.
“How long was I out?”
“Only two hours. But I think it’s time for food, don’t you? Gotta celebrate your first djinn kill.” He smiled over at you, and you felt a burst of happiness through your body that he was proud of you. You had come so far since you first started hunting with them. “There’s a diner up here, wanna check it out?”
“Yeah, let's do that.” Half an hour passed, and you were finally clearing out of the neon-lit 24-hour diner after devouring some of the most unhealthy food you’d probably ever eaten, laughing hysterically at Dean’s cheesy jokes and funny stories. Stories about pranks he had pulled on poor Sammy had you snorting your drink. “Yeah, times were simpler then…” His sentence trailed off, but you didn’t want it to dampen the mood and cheered him up quickly. With your stomachs full and a celebratory mood filling the night air, you left the diner with a burst of energy and drove for a few minutes, blasting classic rock the whole way.
Your eyes fixated on his face, studying the features of his jaw, the day-old stubble and the cuts from the most recent hunt. You wanted nothing more than to curl into him and cry, try to forget the feeling in your gut when you thought you may have lost him. You were both far too young to die. And as you looked over at the man beside you, belting along to the music blaring out of the stereo, you felt the same giddy excitement as you had the moment you sat across from him in a booth at the 60’s era diner, cheekily sipping from his milkshake. You knew this feeling, and you knew you had to do something. “Hey, Dean-o. Pull over here, please?” He looked around, trying to figure out why you’d want to pull over here of all places. It was practically the middle of nowhere, just plain open land, the moon casting a soft glow over everything. Beautiful.
“Pull over? I thought you would be in a rush to get home.” Even as he questioned you, he agreed, pulling to a stop at the grassy side of the road. You cast a glance towards him, searching for the right words.
“I… I just wanna look at the stars.” ...and tell you something… Pushing the thought aside, you justified your claim.  “It’s not often I get to stargaze, ya know?” Dean laughed, opening his door.
“Stars? Aww. You’re a nerd, (Y/N).” You smiled and exited the car, walking around to lean against the front of the hood with Dean. “Hey, come ‘er.” He helped you to sit on the hood, and you couldn’t help but laugh giddily. It was as if your teenage fantasies were coming true with the man of your dreams.
“We’re gonna sit up here? Really? I didn’t expect you to let me do that. This is your baby, after all.” He smiled, scooting himself back and leaning back against the windshield.
“Well, you get special privileges, alright?” You leaned back with him, your heart pounding in your chest. “So this is what you find fun, huh? Looking at the stars?” You looked up. It was a perfectly clear night, crisp with autumn breezes, and the stars glistened far above your figures. In your head, you imagined them cheering you on. Come on (Y/N)! If not now, when? You might never get the chance.
“Actually, Dean. The stars aren’t why I wanted you to pull over.” Deciding it would just be easier to keep talking, you continued quickly. “Tonight, I thought I lost you. And I realized that I don’t want to lose you.” You took a moment to compose yourself. “I… I love you, Dean.” You didn’t expect a reaction, let alone an answer, and you weren’t waiting for one. But, after a moment of letting it sink in, he shocked you by sitting up and turning to look you in the eyes with urgency, uttering one small word.
“(Y/N), please. I care about you so, so, so much. You couldn’t even imagine it. But, for your safety...”
“No, (Y/N), I care about you, I really, really do! Hell, I don’t think I ever cared about someone romantically as strongly as I do about you. But have you met me?” He laughed, such a bittersweet noise. “Do you even know what you’re getting yourself into? Have I ever had a good relationship? Do you know how long it takes me to open up to someone? Shit, (Y/N), I’m horrible. I’m scared of love, of all things.” He was breathing heavily by this point, obviously stressed out about just the thought of it. Not knowing what to do, you lay a hand on his knee in a consoling manner.
“Dean, I’m sorry. You don’t need to respond at all. I just needed to tell you. I wanted to tell you in case anything happens and you…” you couldn’t even bring yourself to finish your sentence.
“But I want to give you a response. You deserve one. I just need you to understand this. Do you know what happened in the dream the djinn had me in? We were together. God, it…” His voice cracked and the sound of it broke your heart. “It was great, (Y/N). We were so in love. But you got hurt. I let you get hurt. And there was nothing I could do to stop it.” He stopped his reflecting and looked back up at you, eyes filled with tears. All the emotional barriers were torn away, and you were seeing what he really felt. “So baby, I want to love you. But you need to help me break down the walls, okay?” You leaned into him, wrapping your arms around his broad shoulders and letting his face rest between your shoulder and neck. You could tell he needed this. After a moment, you pulled back, and he promptly pressed his lips against yours softly. It was a short, sweet kiss, unlike anything you expected from him. You couldn’t help but giggle a bit, and Dean’s face lit up.
“Dean, I promise. I’ll help you, alright?” He smiled through his tears. You’d never seen the eldest Winchester so vulnerable, and you felt special that he would trust you enough to let his walls down. “I’m yours, Dean Winchester. And you, and all of your mess of emotions and fears are mine.”
All: @theredheadedwinchester , @solis200213, @music-lockscreen , @bella-ca  
Dean: @samanthaharper2018
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jacobmybeloved · 5 years
OC Interview!
1. Choose an OC.
2. Answer them as that OC.
3. Tag 5 people to do the same!
i was tagged by @rush-me-thomas 
I’m gonna tag: @zacklover24​ @cameoninja​ @highwvymen​ @theeonlyroman​ @far-cry-all-the-time​ @farcrying5​ @fallout4-obsessions​ @superbcatstudents​ @newdawnfarcry​ @thatjessopgirl​ + anyone who would like to do
I choose my Farcry 5/New Dawn :
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(Pictures by @leavenopathuntaken and @mooreaux )
1. What is your name?
Mai Takoda Seed
2. Do you know why are you named that?
My mom did it as a nod to honor my dad, who she thought was dead at the time of my birth, and my Uncle Takoda.
3. Are you single or taken?
*Visibly uncomfortable with this question* Single. But-uh, interested.
4. Have any abilities or powers?
My psychotic Uncle fed me some kind of fucking drug infused apple and it gave me super strength and some other shit so I suppose so.
5. Stop being a Mary Sue.
...Excuse me?
6. What’s your eye color?
Right eye hazel, left eye blue.
7. How about your hair color?
Bright red like my papa’s
8. Have any family members?
My mom, Nayeli Lamb, and my father, Jacob Seed. My biological Uncles are gone. I had an adoptive aunt I guess too but she’s gone as well. Lots of self-proclaimed Uncles and Aunts. I also have a baby sibling on the way.
9. Oh? How about pets?
We had a dog named Boomer and a Cougar named Peaches when I was super young. They passed away though.
10. That’s cool, I guess. Now tell me something you don’t like?
*cracks knuckles* When people mess with my family.
11. Do you have any activities/hobbies that you like to do?
Yeah, it’s called hunting down Highwaymen and stealing their shit all over the country. 
12. Have you ever hurt anyone in any way before?
*twiddles fingers and looks down at the floor* More than once.
13. Ever… killed anyone before?
*stares at the camera like she’s in the Office*
14. What kind of animal are you?
My first name literally translates to coyote sooo...
15. Name your worst habits?
Some would argue I get angry too easily. I also tend to hit first and ask questions later.
16. Do you look up to anyone at all?
My parents, definitely. *A smile crosses her face* Also Thomas Rush. One of the greatest people I’ll ever meet. 
17. Are you gay, straight or bisexual?
Bisexual. Before Dove turned out to be a traitor, I figured I’d have a chance with her over Thomas but that went sideways really fast. Selene and I had a fling going once the Twins were dealt with but that didn’t last long either.
18. Do you go to school?
*dead pan stare*
19. Ever want to marry and have kids one day?
I don’t think that’s an option for me.
20. Do you have any fangirls/fanboys?
If I do they’re really good at hiding.
21. What are you most afraid of?
Not being able to protect the ones I love.
22. What do you usually wear?
Dad’s military jacket, grey t-shirt, black pants, combat boots.
23. What’s one food that tempts you?
Roger makes these like little pastries sometimes, I forgot what he calls them. But god, I just demolish them.
24. Am I annoying to you?
What the fuck kinda question-
25. Well, it’s still not over!
26. What class are you (low/middle/high)?
It’s the fucking Post-Collapse, I don’t think classes are relevant at this point. 
27. How many friends do you have?
Carmina and I used to be real close but my methods have gotten in the way of that. The only friend’s I have I guess would be Roger and Thom- never mind.
28. What are your thoughts on pie?
It’s pie.
29. Favorite drink?
I don’t drink.
30. What’s your favorite place?
I like to go up to where my Uncle Joseph’s retreat was and walk up to the very top. You can see the whole county from up there. It’s beautiful, but that place brings back bad memories so I only go a few times.
31. Are you interested in anyone?
Would it be surprising to say yes?
32. That was a stupid question…
33. Would you rather swim in a lake or the ocean?
Neither. I’m not letting a shark, crocodile or demon fish get anywhere near me.
34. What’s your type?
I don’t have one. If I had to say though, he’d be two inches shorter than me, black hair, blue eyes, and his name would be Thomas.
35. Any fetishes?
...What the fuck is a fetish?
36. Camping or outdoors?
Whichever. Are we done yet?
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