#little devil horns
mitamicah · 6 months
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I couldn't resist anymore :'D
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ruporas · 11 months
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hotter than hell
[ID: Digital art of Vash and Wolfwood from Trigun Maximum in their alternative universe form based off an angel Vash and Devil Wolfwood illustration Nightow did. The both of them are sitting side by side, exhausted from the heat, Vash has his arms crossed, leaned against his knees and his head against his arms, eyes closed as sweat drips from his face. His wings spreads over the both of them to shield them from the sun. Wolfwood is sitting with his right leg extended and his left leg with the knee slightly up. His eyes are also closed with a clear grimacing expression. He uses one of his small devil wings to fan Vash, the text effect reads “flap flap”. Being in the shadows, the palette is cool, blues and purples. A sliver of light shines on the parts not covered by wings in a bright orange/yellow. END ID]
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turboemmy · 6 months
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electric dreams 1984
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sy5starplaty · 9 months
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Ben Glenroy & his weakness
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argonapricot · 8 months
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Friday WIP! Been thinking a lot about Shin with different hairstyles...
I think it would be fun for bandit Shin to have a lil updo idk
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dovalore · 3 months
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redesigns of the leisure loaf and danger decor
and design notes under cut!
why the redesign? it's fun and uh... there was a monologue here, but basically i don't like the originals! let's keep it at that
i wanted them to be more fantastical, yes the point of a mimic is supposed to be unassuming objects that suddenly spring to life and attack, but you know me, i'm more of a little creature guy so i made them more like that. it's also the reason why i changed their legs to look more like they're ready to spring at a moment's notice
my inspiration came mostly from bulldogs and pugs, their short and squat stature makes them a perfect fit for being translated into ottoman mimics. the main appeal of these dogs are their faces being all grumpy looking are and it just works really well for something that will immediately turn around and snap at you if you dare to try and rest your feet on them
these ones still have fangs, they're just better hidden! i prioritised their expression being the focus of their design so i had to drop them in favour of that being more readable. the patterns on their blankies too
i did consider giving the decor (pink one) white/cream venom so it can look more like neapolitan ice cream, sort of what i think they might've been going for in the original, but... you know. anyway, i settled on something that suggests that it's poisonous, like how the loaf's venom is this bright green. being bitten by a mimic is already something you don't want happening to you, so poison on top of that would make it something you super don't want happening to you
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landlordevil · 3 months
Like the game doesn't offer ulder enough. and it's frustrating because some people are starting to see the layers behind wyll's discussion of his horns/why he would be seen as unsettling to the tieflings, but idk if people are also fully understanding not just the role devils play in the game but ulder's own experiences... he says he became a "plaything for devils" when in elturel. That's bad yeah? like I fully believe he loves wyll and I fully believe that part of his firm refusal to listen to wyll stems from not just the real fear of losing his son to powers beyond his control, but also from his recent trauma of being abused by devils and then seeing his own son bear these marks. It's still not fair to wyll. But I find that having a character who's a flawed parent, who tried and tries and still has shortcomings but admits to them, is incredibly interesting and worthwhile to engage with. But also larian seems so uninterested in actually exploring their relationship, as evidenced by how little we get between the two of them lol
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blatantlyhidden · 7 months
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he became the demoni
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kingdom-dance · 2 months
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✨Golden Child✨
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chameleocoonj · 2 years
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thegreatyin · 1 month
the secret to angels and demons is that when you get down to it you can actually treat both of them just like dragons, aka literally anything can be an angel or demon and rules don't exist. yeah there's an expected norm to follow and a ton of real-world inspirations to draw from if you need ideas but like. you really can just be so so so sillay with it
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kneedles · 11 months
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Feeling like a nightmare ❤️‍🔥
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panicsimss · 4 months
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simself update I guess
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hkpika07 · 1 year
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Now you’ve used up all your luck. Now it’s time to get what you deserve. I’m holding out for ḱ̸̟a̸̼̒r̷̫͗m̸̥̀a̸̓ͅ. I’m holding out to watch you burn.
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creeps-and-pasta · 1 year
Papercraft Laughing Jack ✨️
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this was fun but so annoying to glue together lol. very in character for LJ
reblogs are appreciated!
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