#little dutton things | headcanon
onlydevilsleft · 2 years
Which Unpopular Archetype Are You?
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Kayce Dutton you’re The Loyal || it’s a good thing you’re so patient. you know what it’s like to feel the full weight of doubt bearing down in you. for years, it tried to squeeze the life from your lungs. but nothing’s going to make you bow. you kept the candle’s flame alive. you whispered the names at nightfall. the vigil still lives inside of you. one day, the waiting will have been worth it. all your love is going to come home to you. you’re more important than you know. you’re still the one true believer. / / personality: calm, level-headed, stubborn / / counterpart: the accomplice
tagged by: @xx--ofmanythoughts--xx​
tagging: @beckheiress​ / @forgedunderfire​ / @princessviseyna​ / @thatslayer​ / @xgoldxnhour​ / @blxsscd-x-fxrsakcn​ / and Y O U
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rae-and-mezo · 1 year
Tell me some more about Iris<3
I've fallen back into it and am currently reviving a couple of my ocs for Hl
Skskjsijduj GLADLY
her profile is still in the works but like eh
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First of all, I'm going to explain this sheet, what she and these characters have in common.
1. Evelyn Hugo!
Evelyn does not give a shit who's in her way. If she wants something, she will get it. That's all there is too it. Evelyn asks Monique something along the lines of "when are you going to learn to grab life by the balls and take what you want from it?" She also is very well aware she isn't a great person and lives up to it. Never once does she deny it, and prefers the spotlight to be on her. Iris is exactly this.
2. Annabeth Chase
All Annabeth has ever wanted was to be seen and loved. She wants the world to notice her. In the second series Annabeth talks about how she never will be more than the brains, and if that's what it takes to be loved, then that's okay. Iris feels this way too. She feels like she will never be more than the adrenaline junkie of their little group, and that's fine. Also, Iris could relate to Annabeth because like, what are healthy coping skills??
3. Rose Dawson
I know this is an odd choice. But here's the thing. Iris is literally based off of Rose. Even her appearance! Rose is a spitfire, a loaded pistol. Her rage especially is what makes me think of Iris. The way she punches the guy in the face when he won't listen to her, and when she blows the smoke in her mother's face when told not to smoke just screams Iris. And also, I can just picture the scene where she smokes the guys cigarette and finishes his beer. She's batshit crazy y'know? And fearless. Which are two things Sebastian will tell you about Iris lol.
4. Emily Prentiss
Emily is infamously unafraid to get what she wants. She's harsh, unapologetic, and impulsive. The woman lived an entire life undercover in Europe! I think Iris could be this person as well, given the circumstances. Like Emily, Iris does not have any problem taking down the bad guy to save who she wants. Also, Iris is not afraid to take the blame or jump in for someone in need. And they're both heavily Lana del Rey coded-
5. Beth Dutton
Crazy. Beth's role throughout the show is the crazy, brutal, harsh and nasty woman unafraid of anything. Knuckles are always black and blue, and her words hurt just as much as her punches do. Iris and Beth both are not afraid to say things so disgustingly horrible. They don't think about consequences. Their tempers fly off the handle. Iris's jealous streak is just as bad as Beth's as well.
6. Rowena
This one is harder to explain. Rowena is very...evil. she has redeeming qualities of course but her role in the show is to be irritatingly evil. She's also very powerful. Iris isn't evil per se but she's unapologetic in her flaws.
Born to Die- Paradise Edition, would be the soundtrack to her life if I'm being honest. Carmen is her theme song.
She's very elegant but her words are v i l e. Like she swears too much for someone modern, let alone a Victorian lady.
You will hardly catch her out of her high heels
Her patronus is a tiger
She loves the grotesque. Catch her trying to get a better view of a dead bird, admiring a painting of a dead man. She just thinks the horrifying has a certain beauty.
Straight A (E?) Student and the teachers just love her. However, most of the students don't. She's too bitchy lol.
Does not hold grudges oddly enough. Like she's willing to put aside the past for everyone but her family.
She's a halfblood, but she was adopted. So all her siblings are muggles.
She's a descendent of Gryffindor!
Despite her gift with dueling and transfiguration, she can't do shit outside of that. The only reason she is passing anything else is because Sebastian gives her his notes.
Sebastian is a little scared of her. She likes that.
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spices-and-cherries · 3 years
Physical Affection Headcanons (Part 2):
Yondu Udonta, Merle Dixon, Clyde Dutton
I already did this for Daniel Craig, so here’s the Michael Rooker edition! Like the last one, it is split between ‘public’ and ‘private’, but due to the nature of Love and Monsters, Clyde Dutton’s won’t be. I hope you all enjoy! 
I did not reference race, gender, sexuality, or physical appearance. If I missed something, please let me know so I can change it!
Warnings: brief mention of unwanted attention, sexual themes, alcohol
Physical Affection (DC):
Yondu Udonta:
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- Any PDA has to be strategic when he’s around his men because the last thing either one of you wants is anyone getting any ideas. Yondu also leans on the possessive side anyhow, so it works out. This comes through as an arm around the waist/hips and ass grabbing. 
- If he’s meeting up with a client, he typically won’t indicate that the two of you are together unless they’re giving you unwanted attention (or he’s feeling particularly possessive that day).
- Typically, there’s no kissing together while on the ship, but while the two of you are at a bar or a club? He likes to get a booth, hold you snug against his side with a beer in hand, and make-out. 
- While he can’t look soft in front of his men, he can with you. Poor thing is incredibly touch-starved and was initially trying to hide it, but then he discovered cuddles and he was screwed. He likes to be the big spoon, but he very much enjoys laying on top of you with his head on your chest. He finds your heart beat to be comforting (not that he’d tell you that). 
- Expect Yondu to play with your hands, fiddle with your hair, rub circles on your back... The list goes on, really. He also thinks it’s fun to tickle you, but if you don’t like it, he’ll reserve it only for when you’re being a pest. 
- There’s nothing better than you undressing him just because. The intimacy of the act overwhelmed him the first time you did it. He was tired and already half asleep, but then you just took care of him. He barely registered it at the time, but in the morning he had so many fuzzy feelings. 
Merle Dixon:
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- This man is shameless. Any embarrassment on your part only fuels him on - especially when it comes to ass-slapping. Ass-slapping is his specialty - no holds barred. It hurts and he knows it. Jerk. 
- He thinks hand holding is for wimps, but he might indulge once or twice... That being said, he does like to wrap an arm around your shoulders as you walk around.
- The two of you are usually pretty busy throughout the day with your tasks and chores, so you don’t see a lot of each other. When you get to see the other in passing, he’ll give you a pat on the shoulder to see if you’re doing okay. 
- Despite being a bit touch-starved, Merle needs to take things slow in the cuddling department. He’s still wrapping his head around the fact you want to sleep with him - like sleep sleep, not just sex. 
- He likes to watch you as you do your chores or get ready for the day, but he likes getting in your way even more (especially when you laugh at his antics). 
- Merle enjoys stretching out with a good book and will never complain if you settle down beside him and rest your head on his shoulder. It’s even better when you read out loud to him. 
Clyde Dutton:
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- Survival mode is on 24/7, so you can’t get too distracted. The second you get lost in the moment is the second things can go bad, so cuddling and hand-holding are kept to a minimum. 
- You also have a kid with you, making any intimate moments (of any sort) impossible. Neither of you mind, though. 
- When the three of you take the time to rest, you’ll rest your head on his shoulder or his hand will go on your knee. Sometimes he’ll press a kiss to your temple. 
- Clyde is an ‘act of service’ kind of guy. His instinct is to take care of you, so it’s like second-nature for him to give you his blanket or cook your food. You pay him back in kind by taking the first watch or laying out his socks. 
- You like to steal his hat from time to time and since Minnow thinks it’s funny, he makes a show of being super annoyed about it. 
- After a particularly harrowing experience, he’ll rest his forehead against yours. A group hug with Minnow will follow soon after. 
This was a little tricky, but I had so much fun writing this! In the next couple of days, I do have a little Merle oneshot planned for y’all, so look out for that! 
- Simpy
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disappearinginq · 3 years
Kacey and Jamie Dutton and also JJ and John B :))
ooo, playing dirty now, eh? My answer in four parts: Kayce Dutton from Yellowstone:
First impression "You're the pretty one - and wow - a lot of people just die around you"
Impression now "Ooo, look at you - the youngest AND the peacemaker and despite you being the one with the most issues, but holy MOTHER OF GOD, DOES TROUBLE FOLLOW YOU"
Favorite moment Hmm. Toss up. I love Kayce, so pretty much every scene with him is a favorite, but probably between him snickering under his breath when Jamie is being Jamie with the tribal police and Rainwater in season 1 and Jamie had to come and pick him up. I mostly like it because Kayce is a very solemn character until then, and while you get that he loves his family, he's not a generally happy person in life right now; and season 4 episode 2 when Kayce trails his father out to the hot springs and lectures him on "If you die on the way home, i am not burying you out here, I'm taking you to the family plot so I can sit on your grave and tell you I told you so".
Idea for a story This is going to count for Jamie too - a fic when they're both younger but post Evelyn's death and before Jamie leaves for college, they go out riding to get Kayce's mind off the funeral and the memory of his mom dying in his arms, except (because it's me) Jamie gets injured and Kayce has to deal with the trauma of having a loved one almost die in front of him again.
Unpopular opinion That he and Jamie are the only Dutton siblings who actually seem to like each other; and while Kayce is an awesome character and I love him, he does not think things through most of the time
Favorite relationship :-D Him and Jamie, and probably him and Tate. I would've liked to see him and Lee a bit more
Favorite headcanon That Kayce had to join the military to figure out that his childhood falls under "traumatic" and "emotionally and physically abusive" Jamie Dutton from Yellowstone:
First impression Wes Bentley! YAY! Followed shortly by "you're the smart one, and I will love you - it is decided"
Impression now I think finding out that he's adopted was the best thing that could've happened to Jamie - between deciding that it was part of the reason why John always treated him different, and knowing now that John was never going to let him run the ranch (even though he's the only one who seems to have a clue how it's run on all fronts, not just cows and horses), and I just want him to have a good life with his chosen family. I like that as the super smart one with the most "fancy" to him, he still likes being in the bunkhouse, he doesn't treat the "help" like anything other than equal people, he likes doing the day to day, and I think he would prefer running a ranch over being a lawyer. And to me, that's really cemented in there when he buys his own place and his bio dad tells him to get 4 wheelers instead of horses and Jamie looks a little crushed and is like "it's not ranching without horses".
Favorite moment Oooo, hmmm. Probably in the fourth episode of season 4 when Kayce comes to him for help tracking down the info for the guy who put the hit on the Duttons and Kayce tells him "I love you" and Jamie says it back, looking a little stunned that Kayce still feels like they're family. Runner ups: when he is introduced and tells the state to fuck off for trying to declare eminent domain against the Yellowstone, and that if they want to build, build up; and when he meets his kid.
Idea for a story Same as the one for Kayce; possibly one where I try and decide what John did to him to make him the only Dutton kid convinced John would kill him if he messed up.
Unpopular opinion If we're going to rank bad things that characters on the Yellowstone have committed, Jamie falls into the 'least bad' category. I mean, I think Kayce killed four people in the first two episodes. Beth (I love her, but she is a deeply flawed human wrecking ball who is a modern Antigone and as selfish as they come) ruins peoples' lives for funsies. Rip kills people and throws them off the side of cliffs. The entirety of the bunk house lynches people (more than once). Don't get me wrong - I am totally onboard for 99% of their actions. I just think it's kinda unfair to say Jamie is the worst for something he did when he was a kid, and for being the only one who feels guilty for the one person he killed. (wow. that's a lot of murder in a family).
Favorite relationship Him and Kayce. I love them. And I have a sneaky suspicion that I will love Jamie and his son, because Jamie looks so disbelievingly happy when the mom hands the baby to him.
Favorite headcanon Either John did something horrific, or Jamie witnessed something horrific that made Jamie think/understand that Jamie was expendable and that he is truly afraid for his life around John, because Jamie doesn't stand up to his dad at all and physically runs from him when John is angry. John B. from Outer Banks
First impression "You're a himbo"
Impression now "You're definitely a himbo. But goddamn, you're simultaneously the luckiest and unluckiest sonofabitch alive."
Favorite moment Any time where he succeeds wildly at not dying just through sheer squirrel-y-ness and dumb luck - like stealing the cruiser from Shoupe. Also possibly the scene in season 1 when he yeets himself on the bike over the chain and lands in the street.
Idea for a story Hmm. Possibly one where he finds out Big John is still alive and just flips shit over everything he has had to do in the last three months to stay alive without his dad.
Unpopular opinion John B can kinda be a shit friend when it comes to picking between the girl or his friends. (but hey - he comes through when it matters)
Favorite relationship Even though I just said he was a shit friend, my favorite relationship is between him and JJ. Because part of what I say probably makes him a shit friend is him just taking JJ for granted - like "Of course JJ is gonna manage to steal his dad's boat so I can flee to Mexico with my girlfriend" because he's known JJ for so long and knows him so well that it's a "Well, duh" moment for him. Because John B is the only one who seems to know JJ is actually stupid smart.
Favorite headcanon John B has decided, even if he does become rich, if his friends don't leave the Cut, neither does he. JJ Maybank from Outer Banks:
First impression "Why hello...."
Impression now The dumbest smart person ever to be written on TV. Yeah, he doesn't know the difference between French and Spanish, but that kid with all of 90 seconds of planning, comes up with a successful prison break for his bestie, and the only thing that really goes wrong is he breaks the wrong person out. With maybe a minute, he comes up with a plan for 5 teenagers to take over an entire tanker ship from adults with guns. And he SUCCEEDS. Except for Rafe, who is the only one to give the Scooby Gang the credit they deserve and gets super suspicious.
Favorite moment Do not ask me why, but it is still the first episode when he gets flipped off the front of the Pogue at high speed and when he bobs to the surface just goes "I think my heels touched my head" as he floats there, and I just...crack up every time I watch it. Second favorite: season 2 when they're in the shipping container and he tells Kie that the only lifer asperation he has is to be a surfer down in South America and live on the beach eating what he can catch. That boy sounds so...wisftul, like he knows it's a pipe dream, even though it's just to be poor somewhere else.
Idea for a story "How JJ First Meets the Pogues" - each time how JJ first meets all of the Pogues, because it's never said who gets them together, JJ or John B, and I like to be contradictory and say it was JJ who found them all.
Unpopular opinion Ummm....is there an unpopular opinion about JJ? I'm not a fan of the woobie-fied view of him in a lot of the fandom where he's just this passive character who needs someone to come and save him. No. JJ is a storm with skin.
Favorite relationship Him and John B - they're brothers without the DNA, and I love that they can get angry at one another and fight and still 100% still be besties.
Favorite headcanon The reason why he hates the cops and doesn't trust them is because CPS has been called on him many, many times, and every time, they return him to his dad where it's worse than before.
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onlydevilsleft · 2 years
Which Unpopular Archetype Are You?
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Cara Dutton you’re The Ghost ||  you left them behind, but a part of you comes back at night. you’re in their dreams and just outside their doorway. you’ll haunt them forever. the people you love. the people you hate. everyone who’s ever been afraid of you. they’ll remember your face, your hands, your eyes in the dark. you’re the reason they don’t sleep easy. there was no epilogue when you died, but the whole story is drenched with your requiem. you live on forever in their memories. you’ll always be missed, ghost. / personality: memorable, shy, spooky / / counterpart: the higher power
tagged by: @xx--ofmanythoughts--xx​
tagging: @beckheiress​ / @forgedunderfire​ / @princessviseyna​ / @thatslayer​ / @xgoldxnhour​ / @blxsscd-x-fxrsakcn​ / and Y O U
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onlydevilsleft · 2 years
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𝑰𝒕’𝒔 𝒃𝒆𝒆𝒏 𝒂 𝒍𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆 𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒆 𝑰’𝒗𝒆 𝒃𝒆𝒆𝒏 𝒂𝒇𝒓𝒂𝒊𝒅. 𝑭𝒆𝒂𝒓 𝒉𝒂𝒔 𝒂 𝒍𝒐𝒕 𝒕𝒐 𝒅𝒐 𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒉 𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒔. 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒚 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒊𝒕, 𝒊𝒔 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘𝒍𝒆𝒅𝒈𝒆. 𝑾𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒓𝒏 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒉𝒐𝒘 𝒂 𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒔𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒌𝒔, 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆𝒔 𝒅𝒆𝒄𝒊𝒔𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔...𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒈𝒐𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒘𝒂𝒚. - 𝐁𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐁𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐚𝐧
{ all credit to thevelvetspur on instagram }
Dutton women fear nothing because they are neither helpless nor familiar with the feeling of being helpless. They are raised with a white hot fire in their bellies and the freedom of a thousand wild horses coursing through their veins.
@onlydevilsleft | @forgedunderfire | @hcwthewestwaswcn
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onlydevilsleft · 2 years
do they dance?  what type of music gets them moving? ( for Jamie )
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If you can get him drunk, he'll dance and probably sing some really poor karaoke all night long. It's a shame he's so uptight most of the time, too straight-laced and proper, because he's a fun guy to be around when he's not taking himself and everyone else much too seriously.
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onlydevilsleft · 3 years
The way you write Kayce J, gives me life. He's such a bean, and he has my whole heart honestly. Please keep writing him like that, I have a urge to protect that long haired cowboy, he needs it. much love to you and Kayce J.
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{{ he's so grateful for that. and so am i, tbh. sometimes i wonder if i do him justice because the character as it is on the show is so vast and lovingly crafted. by luke, more than even taylor sheridan. i tweak things because i believe he deserves better than the monica we get from canon. but the rest i pretty much keep intact. as much of a warrior as he is, he's a lover. he needs to be needed and at all times, take care of those he loves, if he can. he's pure of heart and his soul leads. it probably gets him into the majority of the trouble he's ever been in but he does it with a clean conscience, the best of intent, and not everyone can say that. i really appreciate that you love my Kayce J. :3 }}
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onlydevilsleft · 3 years
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{{ you guys... i’m trying to do replies but all cara wants to do - she’s been a foul mood all evening since i got home - is go to bed with kayce. and by go to bed she means playing a very intense game of ‘air’ which entails sitting on his face until he needs, you guessed it, air. also very intense riding sessions. because he’s her favorite stallion. XD this is very distracting. XD }}
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onlydevilsleft · 3 years
{{ i’ve been playing my fair share of Hunt: Showdown at night fairly recently...and their brand of southern deep bayou music gets me in a western Dutton mood like no other... i keep hearing Rise Up Dead Man when Kayce goes to town on those fuckers in the first ep of season 4. here allow me to link you:: > Rise Up Dead Man - Port Sulphur Band < }}
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onlydevilsleft · 3 years
Out of your muses, who is the biggest baby when they are sick?
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Ryan. Hands down. This asshole right here is even worse than Jimmy crying about pain and chaffing after being horseback for days on weeks. He's a man baby on steroids when he's sick and he fixates on the people closest to him to make him feel better. He makes Colby's life a living Hell because he's the only one dumb enough or caring enough to bother taking care of another grown ass man who claims they're too sick to make themselves toast and soup and hot tea instead of coffee in the mornings. Where is his humidifier he asks pitifully from his bunk and then whines and whimpers softly until someone plugs it in and turns it on. And it's probably Colby. Jake once put his humidifier in the toilet with a note on it that read: next time you want your steamy hot air shit get up and take it. or get off the pot.
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onlydevilsleft · 3 years
{{ the moment when you’re thinking about the new thread you have with your partner and best Kayce rper on this hellsite @comefightme and how your bb is hurt and she’s now with him like...okay did her insurance turn over yet? is she now on Kayce’s insurance plan? are they USAA? :3 these are things i think about. XD }}
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onlydevilsleft · 3 years
Advent: Where is Caras favorite place on the Ranch?
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The Rock. Cara refers to it as the rock, anyway. It's where daddy buried mama's ring and where he said his heart really is. The river is the next best spot because that's where mama and Lee and all the other Duttons are buried and a serene calm spot to be. These are the two places Cara can talk to her passed family, commune with nature, and be with herself without fear or judgement or alienation or pretense. Free of all but being.
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onlydevilsleft · 3 years
Advent: What's a guilty pleasure of a muse of your choice that most people dont know about?
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Kade is actually a pretty good musician. His guitar work rivaled his ability to do drugs some days in the beginning and later on, when he was up for too many days and strung out, he could still string a mean tune together. If given the chance he probably could make something out of it but he's too lazy to make the contacts and put in the time. Likewise, he's too busy now being a branded member of the crew on the Yellowstone Dutton ranch to be doing any of that. It's a good thing he doesn't wanna leave anyway. He's still hoping he can win Cara back, even though that seems to be a train that left the station...
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onlydevilsleft · 3 years
Advent meme: what holidays do your muses celebrate and how?
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All the muses on this page celebrate all the holidays but at varying degrees. Cara is probably the only one who really celebrates any and all holidays to their fullest extents. Kayce will because the spirit is infectious and he's happy when his family is happy, steadily and gradually adding to things already done to heighten the experience; the happier and merrier his family and those he loves, the happier and merrier he gets as far as about the actual holiday, as well. Beth doesn't celebrate anything other than her own superiority. Jamie celebrates a little but he's pretty emotionally reserved about the whole thing. Lee used to be all about holidays, especially at Christmas, because the season of giving was his favorite; the big guy loved to put a smile on his loved ones faces, too. John will celebrate but only if someone else initiates. When Evelyn was alive all the holidays were a big deal, especially Christmas. When she died, John stopped acting like a father so much, which meant those niceties left along with mom. Now that the kids are grown its much the same unless the kids initiate it. Rip and the bunkhouse boys celebrate in their way. Kade and Holden never really had much to be thankful for or celebrate so until they came to the ranch and became family, they wouldn't actively celebrate them. Most decorations - any and all holidays - on the ranch are done by Cara. She's got mom's heart about the holidays and family; and that includes the bunkhouse boys and Rip and Lloyd. The insides and outsides of every house and barn are decorated. Everyone gets a treat by being on the ranch during the holidays because Evelyn's spirit is still alive and well in her youngest daughter..
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onlydevilsleft · 4 years
my mom and i reliving my favorite disney movies that were legit my childhood.
mom: you loved balto
me: omg i DID
mom: you know... kayce dutton is a lot like balto
me: ...
mom: he tries really hard and he always does what’s right and he’s just a real good pup
me: ... that’s actually... accurate as fuck.
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