#little green men puerto rico look
carefulfears · 1 year
Top 5 favourite outfits? (either Mulder or Scully, but I'm curious what your answers would be for both!)
okay i'm gonna do both for you <3 just like general looks, in no particular order
i'll do scully in another post i talk too much
1/ season one
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this one is in order. this one is on TOP. i see this man with some fluffy hair and a goofy tie and i instantly want to cry and restart the pilot. i want to give up my life to hunt aliens and have babies with him.
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i'm very serious about these patterned ties. they are so endearing to me and i love them.
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look at him
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picture this: your husband has just been killed under mysterious circumstances. your children are destroyed. your livelihood uncertain. this man is at the door, he has questions for you about psychokinesis.
/ lost in the woods
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yes sir they're here for their class field trip, what bus do they need to get on?
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any time these 2 get on a helicopter and fuck off to a situation that definitely requires more than two lame FBI agents, you know the looks are gonna slay.
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sometimes they even go shopping and show up in big coats and matching boots
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or a cute lil turtleneck!
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additionally: antarctica, recently shot in the head, with a 5'oclock shadow, a fluffy coat, and a dream
/ the leather jacket omen
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he abandons disciplinary meetings to look for an alien
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he ditches your calls outside porn theaters and calls your religion psycho
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he organizes heists of top-secret facilities and goes home to change first
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he drills holes in his head and gets arrested for double homicide
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what can't he do in this jacket! it's his little black dress. it's his old reliable. he's being psychoanalyzed by a ghost here.
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1 more
/ sweaters
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the sweaters...the sweaters. i love a man in a sweater. everyone who knows me can tell you that a man in a sweater is my weakness. this man will listen to your stories, look at you lovingly when you fall asleep during his existential crisis, tenderly cover you with a blanket.
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he's sooo boyfriend here oh my god
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this green one <3 his sea monster hunting fit
/ glasses
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baby baby baby
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his best accessory
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they even help steal evidence!
honorable mention: gray teeshirt
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the gray teeshirt collection has done so much for women
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including getting them to drive to area 51 on their day off
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i think we ALL want to hug him
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baby daddy
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unremarkablehouse · 7 months
PG |MSR URST| WC 1183| AO3
Tagging: @today-in-fic
Summary: Set during S2 Little Green Men, Scully takes Mulder to a motel in Miami to recuperate after they flee Puerto Rico. Once he’s recovered from the dehydration she has some questions regarding his mysterious lunch date.
The air conditioner buzzed in the dark hotel room, blocking out the Miami heat but blowing the blinds just enough to let slithers of light in. He should be sleeping, between the dehydration and the state he was in when Scully found him, a hospital stay with some fluids would have been the smarter choice. Then again, if Mulder had made smarter decisions he wouldn’t be lying in a budget motel with his favorite redhead using his chest as her own personal body pillow and taped evidence of UFOs.
“You’re not sleeping? Are you feeling nauseous again? Drink your fluids.”
Mumbled from his chest Scully blindly reached for his Gatorade concoction on the bedside table and pushed it on him. With a slight chuckle, Mulder obediently drank, he knew not to argue with a sleepy Dr Scully, especially seeing she had just saved his life and risked herself for no other reason than to help him.
“I’m okay Scully, the sunlight just woke me up I think. Go back to sleep.”
Putting the empty bottle on the bedside table, Mulder gently stroked Scully’s hair and let out a yawn. ‘Why did she come?’ His brain was now fixated on that question and he couldn’t stop churning it over in his mind. They were no longer Partners and he had not been a particularly good friend to her since The X Files was shut down.
“Mulder, what’s wrong? You’re tensing up, are you feeling nauseous?”
Sitting up to look at him, Scully inspected his pupils, gently running her hands through his hair more than was medically necessary.
“Why are you here Scully?”
Scully’s eyes crinkled in confusion and a frown formed on her lips.
“I was worried about you. I didn’t know what trouble you got yourself into- I just thought you might need me.”
Grabbing her hand with his Mulder slowly made eye contact with Scully, letting her see the vulnerability in his eyes without the usual mask of deflection he normally wore as a defense mechanism.
“It’s been a long time since I’ve had a friend like you- if ever. Scully, I’m sorry I’ve been an ass, I didn’t want to risk something happening to you. It was stupid, thank you for being here.”
Nestling back down on Mulder’s chest, Scully made herself comfortable as she replied.
“You’re welcome Mulder, but no more clandestine outings in D.C ok?”
“Your heart rate has slowed down and your breathing is a lot less labored now, I think the hydration solution is working.”
With a smile Mulder scoffed.
“No, I think it’s just having you here. For the first time in months I feel this overarching sense that things are going to be okay. Don’t take this the wrong way, but I also have this strange urge to protect you.”
With her eyes still closed, a feint smile was the only hint that gave her amusement away.
“That’s not surprising Mulder, studies have shown that our bodies are wired to respond to physical contact after a traumatic event, the autonomic nervous system floods the body with hormones to help deactivate the flight or fight reflexes. As for the impulse to protect me, I assume that’s just a latent Neanderthal complex.”
Mulder’s body vibrated with a chuckle, holding Scully closer to him as he replied.
“Keep talking like that Scully and I won’t be clubbing you and bringing you back to my cave.”
“Don’t worry Mulder, if someone breaks in here you can flail at them with your club while I grab my gun and shoot them.”
“My protector!”
A silence fell over the room and Mulder marveled at how much he missed this playful banter with Scully. Her sharp wit always kept him on his toes he mused, as he brushed an errant strain of hair off her face.
“Speaking of potential threats Mulder, you got a call from a woman while I was at your apartment. She seemed pretty mad; you stood her up for your lunch date?”
Scully was proud that her voice had managed to make her inquiry sound casual, but she was very interested in the details. Mulder tried to fein obliviousness for a moment but the moment he looked into Scully’s sharp eyes he knew she wasn’t buying it and crumbled.
“Oh, that was Becky from forensic accounting.”
This got Scully’s attention and she bolted upright.
“Wait, you asked Becky out?! You know she stole my lunch Mulder!”
Trying to hide his amusement at Scully’s reaction, Mulder held his hands up in defense.
“It was just yogurt-”
“It had my name on it and she ate it in front of me! What kind of person does that? Seriously, of all the people at the FBI, I can’t believe you asked her out.”
Scully punctuated her rant with a hard shove on Mulder’s shoulder, and moved away from him on the bed. With a glare she violently grabbed the pillow under his head and took it for herself as she turned her back to him. With a hard thud Mulder’s head hit the bed, and he couldn’t help but be amused by Scully’s reaction, he liked that this bothered her. Rolling over to invade Scully’s space, Mulder tried to gently touch Scully’s arm but she pulled away dramatically.
“It’s not like that Scully. I needed a cover for my trip, so I asked her to lunch to throw anyone off the trail because she's not discreet and would tell half the Hoover building we had plans.”
Mulder rolled back, lying flat on the bed and letting his words sink in.
“Wait, you asked her out to lunch knowing you were going to stand her up?”
“Well, you told me she stole your yogurt- ”
“Mulder! She sounded really pissed, what are you going to say when you see her?”
“I’ll say ‘sorry’, and if that doesn’t work maybe you can shoot her?”
With a chuckle Scully handed Mulder back the pillow and resumed her position of lying on his chest. It took only seconds for her to start feeling the sweet pull of sleep calling her.
“Hey Scully-“
Knowing he wouldn’t stop unless she acknowledged him Scully uttered a reply.
“I love you.”
“Thanks Mulder. Maybe, I’d love you more if you shut up so we could get some sleep.”
With a snort Mulder acknowledged her request but she could feel he wasn’t finished yet.
“Can you get me the 2inch player from Quantico Monday? I want you to be there when I play you back what I heard, it was crazy!”
“Yes Mulder, but don’t get your hopes up, there was a lot of electrical discharge in the room. We don’t know if the recording was ok or what we can even do with it.”
“I know, I just want you to hear it.”
“Mulder. Sleep.”
“Fine. At least I know not to eat your yogurt.”
“Don’t make me shoot you.”
And with that they both fell into a heavy sleep, their bodies strung out on adrenaline, needing to fuel up for whatever awaited them at home.
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jackiequick · 1 year
The day she got brought in | Agents Of SHIELD Fanfic
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Summary: What if the thing you were waiting for came at the the wrong time? Or in Amelia Parker’s case, when she was street racing in Puerto Rico to let off a little steam after being rejected by her schools.
Pairing: Amelia Parker & Grant Ward, Rick Banner x Luna Marsh
Characters mentioned: Phil Coulson, Bobbi Morse, Lance Hunter, Grant Ward, Melissa Wallace and etc.
It’s been months. But it felt like years for her. She has been told time and time again she wasn’t surely good enough to be apart of certain schools. Regretted time and time for the schools she applied to. Only two accepted her but she wasn’t too pleased.
She never wanted to go to college to be exact.
But she need a career. She wanted a future.
Something interesting.
So she applied for SHIELD Academy at a certainly young age. She knew that SHIELD existed ever since she just a little girl, especially after the accident that happened at Stark Expo.
She thought there was a huge possibility that she would get in. Her cousin, Peter Parker, parents were agents of shield themselves before they died. On top of that, her aunt Bobbi and uncle Hunter are agents as well!
So she studied, practiced her skills and tried to explain herself in every letter as a someone who deserved a chance. A chance to help SHIELD future agents and heroes. Since Amelia was good at boxing, had a huge hand when it came to sewing, believing she’s pretty okay with a computer and had communication skills. Also well as scouting places and some design.
However after every letter and application, she kept getting rejected.
Then she thought it about, why am I not surprised? My grades aren’t too good, my only concern is that I’m too emotional for the field and my records were bad.
She’s a street kid for gods sake! Her actions didn’t measure up, hanging out with a so called “wrong crowd” according to the police, stealing parts and racing borrowed cars while earning cash on the side. The girl sounded like a young criminal.
And honestly she didn’t care, she loved it. The music, the people, the rush you get from being behind the wheel, the talks and the community built around it. The type of people she met made her smile.
There wasn’t too many rules and no one questioned whether you were good enough. Because if you ask a racer, any real racer doesn’t matter if you win by a inch or a mile, winning is winning. It’s all about passion and love for the lifestyle.
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Currently she sat behind her wheel, sliding down towards the area where everyone was at. Her mind was running a mile a minute.
Puerto Rico baby! The smell of food from the streets, the music blasting from cars, people chatting with one another, laughing being shared. The men in and women were dresses in the best mood you ever seen.
People from every race and backgrounds crowded the area. It felt like heaven
Amelia parked her blue skyline in a perfect scene nearby a few shaded orange, deep green and hot rod red cars. She was dressed black short skirt, a deep gray top and a red flannel. Black sneaker. Her curls were loosely bouncing around as she walked over to a small group.
“Ahh! Look who showed up!” Yelled Nico giving her a hug.
“Girl we thought you weren’t gonna make it.” Shouted Kira chuckling.
“Be nice, be nice! She was just fashionably late to the party.” Added Jesse, joking around holding up his cash for tonight.
The group walked and talked, grabbing a bite to eat as they catches up with one another. Talking about their deals and how they were planning a small heist for extra gasoline to sell at Jesse’s shop. But first Amelia need to check out the competition and sneak into other locations to exchange a few items.
They were in a middle questioned when she asked.
Amelia rolled her eyes chuckling, “Your hilarious, all of you. Who’s the racing tonight?”
“Ok I’ll tell you!” Nico explained everyone who racing that night and even added, “You see the tall blonde over there with the pretty brunette around his arms? They’re racing the first round tonight.”
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It nighttime so she couldn’t see them too well. Still she tried to looked over across the crowd, to see blonde with dark eyes carrying a cheeky grin.
And his girlfriend was wearing a puffy jacket and shyly giggles to what he was talking about. She taught they must’ve been an adorable little couple, secretly ready to wipe the floor with them.
She didn’t think too much of it. However her friend, Kira, was more interested in how they raced.
But they didn’t have to wait for long, since the moment Kira said, “Ready, set, go!”
They were off. And they were fasted! Rushing around the stores, turning up the furious speed, passing through a crowd of cars, and sliding across small obstacles to get to the finish line.
Impressive. Very impressive. 
The brunette won first, and a few others coming in at a close second. She screamed and smiled shyly at winning as one of the other racer went to congratulate her. The rest of the crowd clapped and cheered.
But Amelia wasn’t paying too much attention as she clapped, checking her phone and the corners of the road behind them.
Hoping cops didn’t came. Watching their backs.
When it was her time to race in the second round, she jumped into her skyline and joked with the other racers.
Once again, Kira started yelling loudly “Go!”. Amelia made it and snappy.
Turning up the NOS when needed, taking a left turn to pass another car and even flipped off another race who tried to cut her off. Speeding off, switching on the radio, laughing and watching the other cars driven past her.
In the end, she didn’t win but she didn’t care. She had fun feeling the rush behind the wheel, being free in her seat and all her worries were thrown away focused on the road instead.
But she hopes were broken, as Jesse yelled out, “Cops are coming!”
Her eyes widen muttering, “Shit!”
Everyone jumped into their races, speeding off quicker than expected. Once she hoped she was out of clear an hour later, Amelia sneaked into an small old facility of full cars.
She held up her flashlight towards the back end of each vehicle.
Beautiful. Each one styled differently and wonderfully useful.
She looked around to find the place empty as she snapping pictures and started to pop off the hood of an car.
The girl was lucky to find a gorgeous cherry red convertible. Hell, she would kill to just have this for a drive to the beach.
Before she could get her hands on soft inventor and possibly get a better look at this reliable beauty…
..she heard it.
She turned off her phone as she started rushing to hide behind boxes and corners. But she was too late.
She woke up, in the hallway nearby the exist. Blinking she turned to face a young man, not even 20 yet with dark hair and brown eyes.
He wasn’t bad but stupid.
“Eugene. I meant nothing.” She told him, with a sigh.
He chuckled, “So why the hell are you here?”
“You were hoarding cars, jackass!”
“They’re mine, babygirl and I’mma use them.”
“Ha! You stole half of them and redesigned the older ones. Pumping up the gasoline and ordering NOS.”
“You need a 5-second car.”
“10 second car. And I was just looking over them, honest.”
Eugene scoff, “You’re not half bad, Ames. But you gotta know not to mess with me.”
“I’m not sure about that. Be lucky it wasn’t, Jesse or Nico. You had worse than us.” She added, knowing they would do something crazier than her.
“Don’t ever come around here again!”
“No promises!”
Eugene made a move to grab her but she elbowed him in the face. He spinner her around, pushing her against the wall but she kicked him where the sun don’t shine.
Amelia made a run for it, still ending up with a bruise or two. Pulling out her mini pistol, just in case. She wasn’t the greatest at theses things but still she tried her best.
She walked down the street, popping up her jacket and started up her engine driving off.
But when she thought her night couldn’t get any odder or worse. The polices she raced from earlier found her.
Amelia was thrown into a cell, hearing the police report about her as the cops walked away. She tried to defend her case but they only have half listened.
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They cleared her up for the self defense part but still pissed off about what she did.
It was no use per say.
Amelia’s face dropped. It wasn’t her first time running around from the cops and getting caught up in a mess and it sadly won’t be her last.
It was the trill of life. She sighed as tears came rolling in, mumbling how stupid she was. No career, no school, no actually friends and possibly no one to bail her out.
She was a good girl or at least that’s what she wants to believe.
She always did schoolwork but never past a lot of classes cause no one took the chance on her. Actually help her understand it! She treated her family with respect, earned money during races to help pay the bills, worked low jobs and such.
But never got a chance to prove herself, they always tell her that she need experience and or worse, no one believed she had the true patience to get a job done.
Everything felt like a balancing act for her. Keep her head up, even when she wants to keep it down.
Playing up the act of the cool, confident, somewhat edgy and sweet girl. The wannabe bad bitch who gossips, talks shit about others and let’s the rumors fly in.
But she ain’t really that. Yeah sure, she got a temper, gets stressed out easily sometimes and has a thick glare that meant she got shit she wants to get done, but still.
She doesn’t know want she wants. No one ever does.
“Miss Parker?” Said a male voice, light but thick.
She turned to face the man, standing up wiping her tears to get a better look. To her surprise it was too men.
One younger and somewhat fresher faced than the other. They were wearing all black, comb hair expect for the younger one who’s hair was a little messy, wearing sensitive shoes and shared a gentle expression.
“W-who are you?” She asked, softly with hitched voice.
“Agent Coulson from SHIELD.” Said the man, “You’re having one hell of a day, huh?”
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“Grant Ward.” Said the other one with a half smile, “You’re younger than expected.”
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She blinked with tears trying to figure it out how this happened and asked, “Wh-what? I—how?…oh god.”
“I know it’s tricky to explain. But we’re here to help.” Coulson said, seeing the poor look in her eyes.
“Really? No offense, but where were you months ago?! I sent letters, applications for programs, video of myself for a visual idea of who I am…”
“I’m sorry we didn’t come soon but you were rejected for some of our supervisors believing you were not trying enough.”
“Hell, I saw that videos and it was a little dry. Besides, you sounded like it wasn’t serious enough..” Ward added.
“Your hilarious, Ward.” Amelia replied with a half sarcastic tone, “Sorry I wasn’t what you expected. I’m sorry that I was not perfect enough for you guys. Especially you.”
“Yet, you lack self esteem, confidence and the strength that is needed determination for something.”
“Determination?! You rejected me! You don’t take a chance on anyone.”
“But I’m not wrong. Have you seen your records? Jail time, street races for money, and stealing from second hand stores. Do your parents know about this?”
“…i um…not exactly everything…”
“Exactly. If you had any bit of respect for yourself and self care, you would deal with what you have. Look where you are now. I just see a pathetic picture of a young woman.”
“Okay look, I screwed up big time! I don’t have any track record for something good or anything…but i know I can do the same thing as you! I’m sorry for what happened..”
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“Sorry?! You don’t know what you want or what exactly is your play here. ”
“Hey! I don’t—”
Coulson spoke up, “Enough! Ward, play nice, not everyone has their hands full time in the world as you. And Parker, I understand that you’re not sure where you stand. I apologize on SHIELD behavior, but I was given a chance to see your responses..”
“And? Coulson, you and Ward clearly just came to do what? Bail me out or something? I’m a idiot according to him and he’s right..” Amelia admitted, sadly.
“He’s wrong. You done some bad things because you don’t feel comfortable or worth other peoples time. Your smart, kind, seemed determined to race together even if you didn’t win—”
“You saw?!”
“I did. Or at least I scout here who used to work with me did. But Amelia you’re not an idiot, you just need someone who can give you a chance to try and do good. Because you are good.”
“Who told you that? I’m not smart enough to pass a few simple classes or good enough for you before. You guys didn’t give me a chance to prove that I’m good for something…”
“Because I wasn’t there before and I didn’t have agent Lance Hunter to tell me about you. Your not exactly school smart for certain things, but your street smart and clever with a lot of stuff. Your easygoing, sometimes honest and if I’m correct, you see a lot in someone.”
“I’m being honest when I say your not bad. Never were, just chose to go do something that others think is wrong. I’ll like a give you a chance to come study and work together with SHIELD. You may be nervous and not feel ready for it now, but I believe you might be.”
Amelia stay speechless hearing Agent Coulson’s words and the recommendations he heard from Hunter. She didn’t know that part. The only person other than her stepdad and mother to speak like that to her.
Even Ward had to admit to himself he read the whole letters and applications, finding it actually charming. He didn’t know what Coulson saw in her but he kinda like it.
The only thing she could do was nod rapidly because of how tired she was and unable to comprehend what happened. It’s late. It’s 1:40am.
And she was just offered to be apart of something she didn’t expect to get after wishing and imaging the role.
Ward went to front desk to bail her out with a smile. Once she was let out of her cell, she thanked Ward as he apologized for his comments earlier. He told her that he’s welcome to help her with any needs
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Then she turned to Coulson with tears in her eyes once again, thanking him. He smiled softly pulling her in a hug, knowing she needed it.
Phil held her in his arms, whispering kind words.
Honestly he felt bad, he didn’t catch onto her case earlier and made a decision to bend the SHIELD Academy rules.
He would need to speak with Fury and Hill but he knew there were plenty of people like her who needed a chance to be heard.
He remembered that Darcy Lewis had a daughter as well with a interesting case, he decided to possibly message Hill later about that. Plenty of cases of young folk who would be suitable for SHIELD or a Team in the future, but they need that push to do so.
Coulson smiled, walking out with Ward and Amelia in his thoughts. He wondered what if they were to recruit a set of young people one day, they definitely deserve a chance to be seen or heard.
Amelia snapped him out of his thought, “So um, when do we—I start my studies?”
Ward spoke up instead with a soft smile to her answers, “Soon. In about less than a month. You will have me and a few other people to help you along the way, Miss Parker.”
“You can all me Amelia.”
“Then you can me Grant.”
Both smile, exchanging phone numbers. Coulson told her a few more things before they brought her back to the hotel she was staying at.
Once Amelia said her final goodbye, she locked the door to her room behind her and let out a small sequel as she bit her bottom lip. To say when the realization finally hit her was an understatement. She felt scared, nervous and maybe a little excited.
She wondered what if no one likes me? What if it goes bad my first day? Oh my god what if i suck and they kick me out?!
She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Anxiety still in the front of her mind, but laying low.
Her mind was overwhelmed by the thoughts, as she picked up her phone to thank her uncle Hunter for the placement.
Little did she know the next few months will change her life forever.
Meeting one of her best friends Melissa Wallace, get to know a couple of crushes such as Nikolai Morozov and a few other friends. Even encourage Melissa to go on a date with a special girl. As well as a future lifetime of opportunity and memories to come.
Thank you for reading! What did you think about it?
Pls like, comment, reblog and share with friends
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @parisparker269 @msrochelleromanofffelton @gcthvile @meiramel @hanlueluver @rooster-84 @superspookyjanelle @mandylove1000 @triptuckers @blackheart-beauty @yetanotherwells @withakindheartx and etc
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astramachina · 4 months
because things are ramping up again on my side of things and i'm vibrating with excitement, i will say this: the first chapter of Define Home to Me (for now, depending on what my editor decides) begins with a six year-old Harrison "Hare" Betancourt getting traumatized by the first episode of the second season of The X-Files.
S02E01 "Little Green Men" - Though the X-Files has been shut down, a now reassigned Mulder investigates a tip from his mentor, leading him to a communications center in Puerto Rico, looking for evidence of a close encounter.
:) :)
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For the birthday celebration (HAPPY BIRTHDAY BTW!!!!): 🌲 + X-Men fandom, Indiana Jones fandom, and Star Wars fandom (male character preference) + I’m a 30 year old queer woman (she/they) who is Graysexual and Biromantic. I’m 5’1” with a peaches and cream complexion, dark green eyes (tho my right eye has a blue film over it due to blindness), long dark brown hair, and an almost hourglass figure. I’m a Hufflepuff! I’m compassionate, stubborn, get frustrated easily, silly, happy, cute, passionate, have OCD, Dyscalculia, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and I’m Autistic. I studied general studies in school (I switched majors a few times). I’m ethnically an Ashkenazi Jew and was raised both religiously Roman Catholic and Jewish. I am trying to be more religiously Jewish. I love animals a lot. I love reading (especially history, romance, myths/lore, anything about Judaism/being Jewish, and fiction), botany, space, cats, my faith, playing games, dancing, singing, traveling, and naps. When I get frustrated/upset or despondent, I tend to belittle myself and think that whatever is wrong is my fault even when it is not.
OMG my lovely I first ship you with Finn Dameron! 💫
He was blown away with how you looked but when he saw the blue film over your right eye despite what it was from it made your eyes look like the galaxy with a milky way
He didn't know a lot about religion but once he found out you were Jewish he researched learning everything about the culture from how it started to what people can and can't do due to the religion
He would find your body figure beautiful and absolutely always running his hands down your sides gently whenever he could always admiring you in whatever you were wearing even in the plainest clothes and pajamas
Every time you would get overstimulated or frustrated he would just wrap his arms around and hold you rubbing your arm or sides for as long as you need
He never fails to smile whenever you did the most simple thing to help others even when you didn't have to but still did
He always shows how much he cares for and loves you when you belittle yourself always interrupting before you can finish what you were saying and holding your shoulders giving you the most breathtaking kiss in your life making you fall in love again and again
It's number two I ship you with the man himself Indiana Jones! 🤍
He always does little dances to make you laugh in between the crazy adventures the two of you go on across the world for the next historical story
He can tell when you are getting frustrated or overwhelmed so no matter where the two of you are on your journey he will take you to a place he knows that will make you calm and happy whether it's a flower garden in the Netherlands,small rabbit farm in Scotland,or a local cafe in France
Anytime he hears you try to talk bad about yourself he either puts his hand on your mouth with a certain look on his face or kisses you telling you in between each kiss how much you mean to him
He has met quite a few different people of many races,religions,and sexualities and he had a few friends who were Jewish and would always try to follow the traditions and what not to do under the religion
Anytime you're overstimulated he always puts headphones with your favorite songs on a walkman for you to listen to until you feel calm
He can never not look at your body no matter what you're wearing and how many times he's seen your curves and every mark on your body
He always smiles when he looks in your eyes especially in the orange sunlight making it seem like your eyes were the clear ocean water in Puerto Rico with the white foam flowing on shore
And finally I ship you with Erik Lehnsherr! ♥️
He always takes you to the greenhouse or library whenever you're upset and needing to get away and a break from everyone else him with you
He always loves looking and seeing your figure and curves no matter if you're wearing a tank top and jeans,pajamas,or a nice dress he bought for you oogling over your body every single time
He does little random things to make you smile and laugh even in the dead quiet reading looking up to see erik wearing the most ridiculous hat in the whole school makes your day
He loves all of you but his secret favorite part of you was your eyes always reminding him of all the green plants and light blue of the sky peeking over them making them more beautiful
He is always ready with some type of soft items you can hold in your arms when you're overstimulated and tired to help you calm down and fall asleep
He immediately researches and writes a list of dos and not to dos after learning your Jewish even learning how to make your favorite meals from the culture bonding the two of you together even more
Every time you bash yourself he gently turns you to look at him slowly talking to you telling you how wonderful you are and how much he truly loves you always giving you a gentle kiss on the forehead
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norrisxfewtrell · 3 years
Buenas Noches | Lando Norris
Request: Lando imagine when the reader is a famous Latina singer and actress and Lando have a crush on the reader? The reader can be Puerto Rico 🇵🇷
Warnings: none, just a whole lot of shy Lando cuteness.
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You were a few songs into your set when you noticed a group of men who you easily recognized entering the VIP section; it was none other than Carlos Sainz, Charles Leclerc, George Russell, Alex Albon and Lando Norris. You were performing at the Mexico GP and you had always loved F1 so to say you were excited for this performance was an understatement. You were giving it your all, interacting a lot with the crowd and you also caught the blue-green-eyed boy who happened to be your favorite driver looking at you several times, exchanging flirty glances whenever you had to dance.
You quickly step into your dressing room backstage after your set, looking forward to getting to take off your tight outfit and your makeup; just as you were about to start removing everything there is a knock on your door "¿Si? (Yes?)" You call out "(Y/N), tienes visita. Esto te va a gustar. (Y/N, someone's here to see you. You're gonna like this.)" Your manager says as she comes in "Come in!" You call out and in comes the group of men you had spotted in the crowd, your breath hitching when your eyes meet the pair they had been staring at many times when you were on stage. "Hi! I thought I spotted you all in the crowd, did you like the show?" You ask smiling "¡Claro! Aunque... Algunos más que otros. (Of course! Some more than others, though...)" Carlos says knowing you were latina and that there was no need to speak to you in English, he elbows Lando a bit as he says the last part and he chuckles "What? What'd you just say?" Lando says nervously as his cheeks get red "Nothing! Just that you all enjoyed it." You quickly say trying to cover up the blush that had also made its way to your face "Yeah, Lando really enjoyed the show, huh mate?" George laughs along with Alex "Thanks boys." Lando says lowly although you could all hear him "No problem, mate." Alex cackles back "Este cabrón no se callaba con que te quiere invitar a salir. (He wouldn't shut up about how much he wants to ask you out.)" Carlos says causing you to blush again "Pues... No puedo decir que sí si no me invita ¿No? (Well... I can't say yes if he doesn't invite me, right?)" You say smirking at him as you step away from him to talk to the other boys for a bit, noticing as Carlos whispers something in Lando's ear, the brit's eyes almost popping out of their sockets.
The boys stay for a few hours, talking and laughing for the most of it; glances still being shared with Lando every so often, his gaze making you nervous whenever it was your turn to say something and specially if it was about something he had said "Well boys, I think we best be leaving, we still have a race tomorrow. (Y/N), it's been lovely to meet you." George says standing up and giving you a hug goodbye "Likewise! I'm glad you boys enjoyed the show." You hug him back and each of the guys as well until all of them had left the room except one; Lando.
"You really were amazing out there." He says looking down shyly "Thank you, I'm glad you thought that." You smile back as he finally looks up at you smiling as well "A-Are you going to the race tomorrow?" He asks "I am, I'll actually be in the McLaren garage, maybe sporting a number 4." You say hoping he'll get the hint; and he does "Oh really? Well I heard he wanted to impress you tomorrow." you blush in response and say "I hope he does." as you lean in and place a kiss on his cheek, one of his hands reaching up, lightly touching where your lips had been "W-Would you maybe want to have dinner with me tomorrow?" He asks shyly, you giggle and say you'd love to, his cheeks going red again as he smiles "Buenas noches (Good night), (Y/N). I'll see you tomorrow." He says as he steps out of your dressing room, internally thanking Carlos for teaching him what little Spanish he had "Buenas noches, Lando." You say as you close the door, resting your back against it and sighing out happily as you couldn't wait for the next day.
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enigmaticxbee · 2 years
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✖️✖️✖️ 2x01 Little Green Men
The one where... the X-Files are closed and Scully follows Mulder to an observatory in Puerto Rico.
Best: The reveal that Mulder is recording his observations on the body for Scully, that he wants to be investigating this with her so much that he’s talking to her through the recorder, that he’s trying to find real evidence to bring back to her. And at the end when he tells her he still has her, ugh...
Worst: Mulder’s bangs, not a good look.
✔️ Flashlights
✔️ Woods
❌ Slideshow
✔️ Autopsy
✔️ Evidence Disappears
✔️ Scully Misses It
✔️ Mulder Ditch
✔️ Sunflower Seeds
✔️ Voiceover: Mulder intro
✔️ Catch Phrase: Scully (TNO, TTIOT), Mulder (TTIOT, IWTB)
❌ Scully is a Medical Doctor
✔️ Mulder Scully is Spooky
❌ Scuuullllaaaaayy! Muullllderrrr!
❌ Fox/Dana
✔️ Inappropriate Touching (that I am here for)
✔️ Casual Scully
✔️ Casual Mulder
✔️ Trench Coats
✔️ Bad Tie Watch
✔️ Glasses Watch: Scully (Mulder’s in sunglasses)
✔️ Taking! It! Personally!: Mulder
50 States: DC x4 & Puerto Rico (17/50)
Investigate: Together & Apart
Solve Rate: 68%
❌ Bechdel Test: No conversation between two women
MSR: 🐝🐝🐝🐝
Goriness: 👽
Creepiness: 👽👽
Humor: 👽👽
Rewatch Thoughts:
I would actually rate this episode higher this rewatch, I really enjoyed it. The case/development of the mytharc is pretty minimal. This episode is really Mulder’s arc from depressed, with no X-Files, no Scully (in his mind) to having a revived sense of purpose, realizing that he can still move forward and that Scully will be at his side. I guess I can see why Mulder was pushing Scully away at first - in his mind she was assigned to the X-Files, it’s not her quest, what are they if they’re not partners, it’s too dangerous - so he pushes her away before she can leave him. Lotta emotional labor on Scully’s part at this point in their partnership.
Mid-Episode Thoughts:
Ah, a classic Mulder voiceover intro.
So many sunflower seeds on the floor. Gross, Mulder.
Mulder’s bangs of sadness (and later of sweatiness). The stubble on the other hand I can live with.
Scully’s hint of a smile at seeing him in the hallway. And then he just brushes past her...
Their clandestine meeting in the parking garage. She just wants to talk to him, to know that he’s all right. He’s pushing her away, saying it’s too dangerous, but really he’s depressed, isolating himself. He needs evidence - Scully taught him that. Her caress of his head before she walks away...
I read a line in a fic recently that made think that maybe Mulder doesn’t like his first name not because it’s weird (Mulder doesn’t really shy away from being weird) but because that’s what Samantha called him, that’s what he hears her screaming in his nightmares.
Mulder’s unbuttoned shirt.
So I guess Mulder does interact with real life women other than Scully?
Scully tries SPOOKY, SAMANTHA, and the winner: TRUSTNO1. The appearance of the fish tank! Giant trench coat sleeves come in handy when you need to hide evidence.
George Hale. Is Mulder deliberately leaving a trail for Scully to find? I don’t think he expects her to look for him... But he also isn’t surprised when she shows up.
Mulder’s cut off tshirt.
He’s recording his observations on the body for Scully! Love this reveal.
The red light is just like his nightmare of Samantha’s abduction, but I don’t really remember this element showing up again.
The touching. The sweaty touching. And intense staring. And heavy breathing.
He reaches his arm out to brace her in the truck as they escape, the way my mom always does when the car stops abruptly.
Skinner kicks CSM out of his office. But he also kinda enjoys sending Mulder back to his shitty assignment. Can you imagine having to be Mulder’s boss?
Mulder still has her! He’s letting himself believe that now. And his hair looks a little better. Coincidence?
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shayking · 3 years
Background Noise
Chapter 1: More
“Yeah, I just landed at the airport, are you here?” I looked around at the crowd for a green fatigue uniform with a familiar face but to my dismay, I didn’t find one.
“No, but I’m on my way now. Do you have any money for food?”
“Yeah, I’ll be fine.”
“Good, I’ll call you back in a bit. Go eat.”
“Wait, you’re hanging up? Why?
“I got to call my buddy and make sure he’s okay. He said he would be landing soon too.”
“Uh… okay.”
“‘Kay bye-bye.” Before I could even respond he hung up on me, ending the conversation with a tone. I groaned in annoyance as I stopped in my tracks and glared at my phone. I just wanted to talk, I just wanted attention, I was here for him after all, but I wasn’t going to admit that to him.
I stuffed my phone into my beach bag and made my way to the food court, where I was pestered and hit on by multiple men. I was on vacation visiting my boyfriend who was deployed to Puerto Rico for national guard duties. I would only be here for a little over a week catching the first plane Wednesday morning to return to Wilmington Delaware. So we had plans to make the most of my vacation. Together we chose to go to the beach and enjoy the entire first day off.
I was excited to show off my new bathing suit to him as soon as we got there. I’ve been deprived of some physical attention, so I was eager to pursue a bit of action today, so all of the extra unwanted attention was only annoying me.
Throughout the airport, I walked with my hands in front of me with my fingers intertwined. It was my way of politely saying I’m uninterested. It worked for a while as I ordered food and ate, but apparently, not everyone can take a hint.
You’d figure that at 2 a.m. people would be too tired to mess with you, but no. Here was Mr.Tall, Tan, and Handsome walking up beside me as I made my way to the escalator. I understood Spanish but to avoid any conversation I pretended I didn’t by delaying my reaction and attempting to shoot him a puzzled look.
Attempt being the operative word.
“Hola Mami.” I couldn’t help it, his deep voice commanded my attention immediately. My attention snapped to him. I tried to give immediate eye contact but he was slightly taller than I thought. He stood a full head and shoulders above me so my gaze met his loosened tie first then I dragged it up to meet his beautiful honey brown eyes.
I felt a strange sense of familiarity but I couldn’t quite place it, and I couldn’t focus long enough to care, I was melting in his constant gaze. I tore my attention from his gorgeous eyes up to his messy, wavy, wet hair. I had a deep urge to play with it, brush it back, put it up, run my hands through it, and somehow tame its disheveled appearance. Each breath wafted a light scent of alcohol, a scent I don’t particularly like, but prefer over cigarettes. I continued to scan over him. He was in a suit which made me curious about what he did for a living.
I guess I left him without a response for too long and he chose to try again, after clearing his throat.
“Hey, beautiful.” his voice once again took my breath away as I made the unconscious decision to answer this time.
“H-Hi.” I stuttered, clearing my throat and turning red. He just stared at me and tried to brush the hair out of his eyes. Annoyed, he sighed through his nose and gave up. He then stared at my wrist and seemed to get an idea as the escalator reached the first floor.
“I know you don’t know me but… can I ask a favor… please? I need help with this.” he pointed to his head and then the scrunchie on my wrist.
“I had gone to the bathroom to slick it back with water but it didn’t work for nearly as long as I needed it to.” he smiled shyly looking at the ground. His smile was infectious as I quickly answered.
“Sure.” I had to remind myself that it would be difficult without him taking a seat.
“Need me to kneel?” I couldn’t find a chair for him to sit on.
“Yes please.” Defeated, I went with my last resort which was to make him kneel but I didn’t want him to dirty his suit pants so I quickly folded my black cardigan and placed it on the ground in front of me. I also pointed at it to add emphasis on what I wanted him to do. I watched a crooked and sexy smirk stretch across his face broadcasting his deep dimples as he did so. Licking my lips as I chuckled to myself dismissing thought after thought.
When he finally chose to kneel he made a comment that took me a while to understand.
“Damn girl I don’t even know you that well.” I could hear the smile on his face as I shuffled behind him, his voice was mocking and smooth.
Then it hit me… He was joking about marriage and how I told him to kneel. I just about died when I came to this realization.
“...Wait a minute, no! I was just… I didn’t want… you to ruin your suit pants.” he leaned his back and head on me as he laughed, I could feel his laughter vibrate my rib cage. He then leaned forward and tilted his head back further to make eye contact with me.
“I know love… I was just kidding.” he chuckled a bit more. “You responded so late.”
He once again started to laugh and butterflies attacked my stomach. I continued to try to gather his hair when he spoke again, this time I leaned over his shoulder to make eye contact.
“Thank you. You’re too kind. You will make someone very happy one day, and if you ever choose to have one, I know the child will be beautiful too.”
“I hope so too.” I absent-mindedly responded, my smile was sweet and my look was far away. Refocusing on what I was doing I asked him how he wanted his hair.
“I just want as much of it out of my face and off of my ears as possible.”
“Okay, I’ll see what I can do.” I needed to pull his hair a bit to get at least the top half into the grey scrunchie but when I did he let out a sound.
“Mmn.” He had moaned a bit and he followed the moan with a low growl like he was annoyed with his reaction. I couldn’t help myself, I gripped his hair and pulled back a bit so he could look at me. I had a smug look on my face as I released him and resumed doing his hair. I pulled everything one last time to get as much as I could in the scrunchie. He let out another growl this time I leaned down to his ear.
“Easy there, tiger.” A cocky grin grew across my face as I watched him bite his lip. He grabbed my ankle as I stood up straight again, which made me jump.
“I beg your pardon, This tiger hasn’t eaten yet.”
The inappropriate mental scream for more attention from this man was unholy, But I tried my best to brush it off, Chuckling to myself as I did so.
“Oh yeah? What’s on the menu for tonight?” I asked sarcastically as I finished up his man bun.
My body shivered, I wanted to know what that meant… but somewhere in the back of my mind I already knew.
Walking around to the front of him I examined my work, his mid-length hair was half put up with barely any hair in his face and touching his ears. It wasn’t perfect but it was the best I could do with what I had. I took a half a step forward with the toe of my heels barely touching his knee. I leaned his head up a tiny bit by his chin and began stroking stray hairs back or behind his ears. I peeked down at him only to notice that he had his eyes closed and a small smirk on his face while my dress delicately swiped at his face. He once again took a hold of my ankle only this time I didn’t jump but it did send a weird wave through my body. The weird sensation made me pinch my legs together. I know he noticed this but he didn’t say anything.
“There!” I called, proud of how it came out. He just stared up at me for a moment sweetly smiling. When he finally chose to stand up he did so in a way that his face barely missed my boobs and his lips barely missed mine, he also dragged the hand that was holding my ankle, up my leg to my hips where he paused for a moment then pulled the strand that was holding my bikini bottom up untying the knot.
My brain begged for me to move away, create some distance, but the desire that his touch was feeding didn’t even flinch in fact, it made me step closer.
He dropped my dress and pulled me to him by my waist and once he did a mischievous smile spread across my face.
What Am I Doing!?!?!  
He licked his lips and bent down to be face level with me, then he slowly leaned in and growled in my ear.
“Hmm, Thank you.” He then pulled back enough to show me a perfect smile with sharp-looking canines. Of course, it was nothing supernatural but that didn’t stop me from wanting to be bitten. He was giving me all the green lights and I was hesitating.
Because I have a boyfriend.
I love the attention but I wasn’t allowed to have it. I took a few steps back with disappointment clear on both our faces as he allowed me to pull away.
“You’re welcome.” I nervously smoothed my dress and looked around for anyone else who could have seen what happened and found no one. I smiled to myself. I peeked up at him and noticed his loose tie again.
Don’t do it.
I narrowed my eyes at it.
Please don’t do it.
I reached my arms up to his shoulders, pushing my chest up against him so I could reach up higher. But He didn’t back away, he just leaned lower and closed his eyes.
Why? Don’t do this. You don’t know who he is.  
I giggled as I removed his tie and pulled it over my head.
“Why are you wearing your tie like that a sneaky woman might steal it from you.” he began to blush and it was adorable, his face dusted pink as he looked away.
“It’s not every day that a beautiful rabbit like you comes by to steal my tie.” I watched as he fought a pout. I was smiling to myself as I posed with the tie and wiggled with it on. I was about to take a seat at the bag return when he caught my wrist and pulled me to him. I shuffled a half of a step closer to him, my body pressed against his. I wasn't opposed to it, but I know it was wrong of me.
Why was it so hard to deny him? Why can’t I tell him to leave me alone like the rest? What’s different? What would Fernando think?
I looked up to meet his gaze and could see the hunger and the millions of questions he was holding back. He kept one hand in his pocket and the other on the small of my back gently keeping me close. I sighed the mixed feeling away.
“What’s your name?” It was a question but the pure desire in his voice made it sound more like a demand.
His tone of voice was awakening things in me that I’m not sure I should allow. I of course answered him.
“Luanne Dion Trainer.” I pushed away from him to keep what little self-control I had left, and he let me go reluctantly.
“Gray Thomson.” His name echoed in my head over and over. I don’t think I was going to forget it any time soon.
“Well, Luanne, do you know where I could find a cute, bratty rabbit?”
Right here! Right here! Me!
“No, sorry.”
“That’s a shame.” We maintained eye contact the entire time, well more like his eyes were holding me captive as a cocky grin grew on his face. This was the first moment where I realized he had a slight stubble. He put his hand on the right side of my neck, his thumb gently coming to rest on my pulse before he spoke.
“This might be rude of me to say but… calm down your heart is beating so fast… and I didn’t even do anything yet.” He bent down to me and peppered the left side of my neck and shoulders with increasingly passionate kisses, which earned a few loud moans. My hands came to grip his suit top, my body once again pressed against his. I couldn’t get myself to let go of him, the pleasure had me in a deep trance.
He stopped kissing me and stood straight up. I struggled to regain my composure and chose to rest my head on his chest until I was able to do so. I released his top and smoothed it down in the process when I successfully got a hold of myself.
I licked my lips and stepped away realizing that I was one well-placed kiss away from losing my mind and self-control. I watched as he stood where I left him completely lost in thought. I watched him retrieve his bag and point to another one on the belt.
“Is that one yours?” I shook my head at him as a woman hastily grabbed the bag he was pointing at and left. I looked at the far conveyor belt and noticed my bag was on it.
“It’s over there.” I took the chance to clear my head and calm down a bit, pausing after I retrieved my bag before coming back over.
Calm down. Just calm down.  
He was standing near the sliding doors so I figured he was about to leave. I felt a little sadness well up at the thought but then he turned back to me and joined me at the wall beside the sliding doors. His gaze swept the room and returned to me.
“Wow, it’s kind of empty huh? It feels kind of eerie… kind of lonely.”
That’s why you should keep me company.
I smiled shyly.
“Yeah… lonely.”
“Why are you so…”
Sexy? Mysterious? Hot?
“Distant? Do you have a boyfriend?”
Tell him the truth.
“At least you’re honest. Well, tell him that I found a rabbit and I’m going to have her, whether he hands her over, or I have to steal her from him.”
“What?” My attention snapped to his eyes to see if he was joking, but his gaze was unwavering. A part of me shriveled up at the thought of being stolen from Fernando.
There is no way he would let this Gray guy steal me right?
But at the same time as soon as he laid claim to me I could feel something clawing at me, like hunger. It’s been a while since Fernando desired me the way Gray was desiring me… but if life has taught me anything, it taught me that love, at first sight, is all but a myth. Gray wants something but what? Could his intentions be so shallow? Is he only interested in my appearance, my body?
Fernando Has been so busy lately… almost like he doesn’t have time for me but it would be unfair to judge his love off of that, he’s away from home so often with volunteering and the National guard.
I don’t know what to do… or what I want to happen.
“I want you. You’re mine now. You say you have a boyfriend? Well, guess what, I'm going to be your new boyfriend you’re welcome. Don’t worry, I’m not always an asshole.”
I wanted that… to be wanted, to get attention, I wanted to be desired not just kept around because I’m pretty, I wanted everything Gray was offering but not from him. I’m fine with being close to Gray as a friend… I mean aside from being handsy he seems like a pretty genuine guy, kind and sweet.
“Gray I-” My phone began to ring obnoxiously while the bright blue screen read Babe. I looked up at Gray who had a look of annoyance on his face before he looked away from me choosing to burn holes in the carpet for a second. I looked back at my phone to answer it but before I could, Gray cupped my face in his hands, pushed me up against the wall, and placed a kiss on my lips. Each second that passed the kiss got more angry and needy, he kissed me until my phone rang out. When it did he bit my lower lip earning a small moan from me.
“I want you to be mine… Please.”
No this is bad, this is wrong.
“No… I can’t.” I politely pushed Gray away from me. He cupped my cheek as my phone started ringing. My body stood frozen as my mind followed his hand as each finger left a wake of goosebumps. His hand trailed down my cheek to my throat where it remained as his thumb stroked my speeding pulse. He shone a mischievous grin.
“Answer the phone.” The order was growled into my ear successfully making me melt. I just nodded.
“Yeah, I'm outside. Come on.” I felt Gray tense and then relaxed when he heard Fernando’s voice. When I peeked at him I caught a glimpse of a toothy smile before he leaned in and whispered ‘good girl’ into my ear.
“Uh, okay I’m coming… I mean I’ll be out.”
“Oh! Hey, my buddy is gonna be riding with us so be nice heh heh.”
I looked at Gray who pulled away to look at me expectantly.
“O-Okay.” Gray smiled and stepped away while I hung up.
“Give me your phone. Please?” He took a while to put his number in but when he finally handed it back I had a new contact under the name:
Gray (Daddy)
Rolling my eyes I deleted what was in the parentheses and typed random guy.
“Don’t worry love, I'll take care of you.” After he said this his phone began to ring so I used this opportunity to leave the building. I looked down at myself one last time and noticed I still had his tie on so I quickly pulled it off, folded it neatly, and pushed it deep into my bag.
I hurried out when I finished and quickly shuffled to the car. Fernando got out of the car and opened the trunk. Quickly pulling out his phone and typing something before even bothering to help or greet me. When he finished he shoved his phone into his pocket and helped me shove my suitcase in the back and cupped my face, placing a rushed soft kiss on my lips.
“How was your trip baby?” he stared at me sweetly as he waited for my answer.
“It-” I was interrupted by a familiar deep voice.
Oh shit!
“It was great, thanks for asking…” Fernando awkwardly dropped all contact with me which confused me greatly. I turned to face the voice and saw exactly who I was hoping it wasn’t.
“This is one friendly ass reunion now, isn’t it? Do I get one of those?” Fernando moved to shake Gray’s hand but was ignored. Gray simply walked past him and stuffed his suitcase in the back of the car making Fernando clear his throat awkwardly.
What is he doing here? Does Fernando know him? If so, why is he acting so weird?
“Ludo this is Gray, Gray this is Ludo.” Gray charmingly smiled and stuck his hand out, which I left hanging for a few seconds. Which Fernando softly elbowed me for.
“Ludo, he doesn’t bite.”
“Don’t lie to her,” he turned his attention back to me, his hand still out. “Yes, I do.”
I reluctantly took his hand and he winked at me which made my face burn. Fernando didn’t see it because he turned to close the trunk.
What is he up to?
“Hey, Nando? She looks familiar.” My heart dropped to my stomach. Fernando slammed the trunk and turned to face him as he responded.
“Yeah, dude I sent you a picture. Remember?”
Wait so he already knew who I was?
“She’s not a redhead Fernando.” My eyebrows furrowed as I glanced at Fernando, he clearly wasn’t ready for that response and started panicking.
“No. No. No. The other picture.” Gray smiled cockily like he cornered Fernando, but I was still lost.
“Oh! So she’s the FRIEND you’ve told me so much about.”
FRIEND? What the fuck is going on here?
“No… I’m his girlfriend, you must have confused me with someone else.” Gray’s mischievous smile returned as he looked at me.
“Did you dye your hair before you came? What was wrong with red?” I narrowed my eyes. I felt like I was getting toyed with. I looked at Fernando, annoyance clear on my face as I stared at him expecting an answer but got none.
“Clearly everyone’s not on the same page. We can work on that later heh heh. In the meantime let’s get going, shall we?” he sounded nervous but I rolled my eyes and stormed into the front passenger seat of his beat-up dark green Toyota, slamming the door behind me. The pair stayed behind the car, and I watched through the rearview mirror. It looked like Fernando was angrily whispering at Gray and Gray just rolled his eyes, pulled out his phone, showed him the screen, and whispered back. Whatever he said shocked Fernando, then he returned his phone to his pocket and got in the passenger seat behind Fernando without so much as another word. Distracted, Fernando got into the car and started driving. I turned on the air conditioner and turned up the music.
“Hey, bro don't you normally wear a tie? What? Did you lose it?”
“Hm? Oh! No. someone stole it.”
“Heh heh heh was she pretty?”
“Sexy smile, body, and personality.” I looked out the window as my face burned in response.
I’m going to die.
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ucflibrary · 4 years
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Each December, the UCF Libraries’ Featured Bookshelf celebrates the favorite books of employees of the UCF Libraries. And you know a major thing about librarians and library staff? They love talking about their favorite books. The books listed below are some of the favorite books we read in 2020.
Click on the link below to see the full list, descriptions, and catalog links for our favorite 2020 titles. These 20 books plus favorites from previous years are also on display in the 4th floor Reading Room of the John C. Hitt Library.
And if you find someone has checked the one you’re interested in out before you had a chance, did you know you can place an interlibrary loan and have another copy sent here for you? Click here for instructions on placing an interlibrary loan.
 A Furious Sky: the five-hundred-year history of America's hurricanes by Eric Jay Dolin From the moment European colonists laid violent claim to this land, hurricanes have had a profound and visceral impact on American history-yet, no one has attempted to write the definitive account of America's entanglement with these meteorological behemoths. Eric Jay Dolin presents the five-hundred-year story of American hurricanes, from the nameless storms that threatened Columbus' New World voyages, to the devastation wrought by Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico and the escalation of hurricane season as a result of global warming. Populating his narrative with unlikely heroes such as Benito Vines, the nineteenth-century Jesuit priest whose revelatory methods for predicting hurricanes saved countless lives, and journalist Dan Rather, whose coverage of a 1961 hurricane would change broadcasting history, Dolin uncovers the often surprising ways we respond to natural crises. Suggested by Megan Haught, Student Learning & Engagement/Research & Information Services
 Children of the Land by Marcelo Hernandez Castillo With beauty, grace, and honesty, Castillo recounts his and his family’s encounters with a system that treats them as criminals for seeking safe, ordinary lives. He writes of the Sunday afternoon when he opened the door to an ICE officer who had one hand on his holster, of the hours he spent making a fake social security card so that he could work to support his family, of his father’s deportation and the decade that he spent waiting to return to his wife and children only to be denied reentry Suggested by Sara Duff, Acquisitions & Collections
 Dark Matter: a novel by Blake Crouch A mind-bending, relentlessly paced science-fiction thriller, in which an ordinary man is kidnapped, knocked unconscious--and awakens in a world inexplicably different from the reality he thought he knew. "Are you happy with your life?" Those are the last words Jason Dessen hears before the masked abductor knocks him unconscious. He awakens to find himself strapped to a gurney, surrounded by strangers in hazmat suits. Before him, a man Jason's never met smiles down at him and says, "Welcome back, my friend." In this world he's woken up to, Jason's life is not the one he knows. His wife is not his wife. His son was never born. And Jason is not an ordinary college physics professor but a celebrated genius who has achieved something remarkable. Something impossible. Suggested by Katy Miller, Student Learning & Engagement
 Do Nothing: how to break away from overworking, overdoing, and underliving by Celeste Headlee We work feverishly to make ourselves happy. So why are we so miserable? Despite our constant search for new ways to "hack" our bodies and minds for peak performance, human beings are working more instead of less, living harder not smarter, and becoming more lonely and anxious. This manifesto helps us break free of our unhealthy devotion to efficiency and shows us how to reclaim our time and humanity with a little more leisure Suggested by Katy Miller, Student Learning & Engagement
 Eleanor Roosevelt by Blanche Wiesen Cook A study of the complex and political figure of Eleanor Roosevelt begins with her harrowing childhood, describes the difficulties of her marriage, and explains how she persuaded Franklin to make the reforms that would make him famous. Suggested by Richard Harrison, Research & Information Services
 From Here to Eternity: traveling the world to find the good death by Caitlin Doughty Fascinated by our pervasive fear of dead bodies, mortician Caitlin Doughty set out to discover how other cultures care for the dead. In rural Indonesia, she watches a man clean and dress his grandfather's mummified body, which has resided in the family home for two years. In La Paz, she meets Bolivian natitas (cigarette-smoking, wish-granting human skulls), and in Tokyo she encounters the Japanese kotsuage ceremony, in which relatives use chopsticks to pluck their loved-ones' bones from cremation ashes. She introduces deathcare innovators researching body composting and green burial, and examines how varied traditions, from Mexico's Dias de los Muertos to Zoroastrian sky burial help us see our own death customs in a new light. She argues that our expensive, impersonal system fosters a corrosive fear of death that hinders our ability to cope and mourn. By comparing customs, she demonstrates that mourners everywhere respond best when they help care for the deceased and have space to participate in the process.  Suggested by Katy Miller, Student Learning & Engagement
 Indelicacy by Amina Cain A cleaning woman at a museum of art nurtures aspirations to do more than simply dust the paintings around her. She dreams of having the liberty to explore them in writing, and so must find a way to win herself the time and security to use her mind. She escapes her lot by marrying a rich man, but having gained a husband, a house, high society, and a maid, she finds that her new life of privilege is no less constrained. Not only has she taken up different forms of time-consuming labor - social and erotic - but she is now, however passively, forcing other women to clean up after her. Perhaps another and more drastic solution is necessary Suggested by Sara Duff, Acquisitions & Collections
 Interior Chinatown by Charles Yu Every day Willis Wu leaves his tiny room in a Chinatown SRO and enters the Golden Palace restaurant, where Black and White, a procedural cop show, is in perpetual production. He's a bit player here too, but he dreams of being Kung Fu Guy-- and he sees his life as a script. After stumbling into the spotlight, Willis finds himself launched into a wider world than he has ever known, discovering not only the secret history of Chinatown, but the buried legacy of his own family, and what that means for him in today's America. Suggested by Sara Duff, Acquisitions & Collections
 Outlander by Diana Gabaldon Scottish Highlands, 1945. Claire Randall, a former British combat nurse, is just back from the war and reunited with her husband on a second honeymoon when she walks through a standing stone in one of the ancient circles that dot the British Isles. Suddenly she is a Sassenach—an “outlander”—in a Scotland torn by war and raiding clans in the year of Our Lord . . . 1743. Claire is catapulted into the intrigues of a world that threatens her life, and may shatter her heart. Marooned amid danger, passion, and violence, Claire learns her only chance of safety lies in Jamie Fraser, a gallant young Scots warrior. What begins in compulsion becomes urgent need, and Claire finds herself torn between two very different men, in two irreconcilable lives. Suggested by Katie Kirwan, Acquisitions & Collections
 Paradise Lost: a life of F. Scott Fitzgerald by David S. Brown In this comprehensive biography, Brown reexamines Fitzgerald’s childhood, first loves, and difficult marriage to Zelda Sayre. He looks at Fitzgerald’s friendship with Hemingway, the golden years that culminated with Gatsby, and his increasing alcohol abuse and declining fortunes which coincided with Zelda’s institutionalization and the nation’s economic collapse. Suggested by Andrew Hackler, Circulation
 Recursion by Blake Crouch Reality is broken. At first, it looks like a disease. An epidemic that spreads through no known means, driving its victims mad with memories of a life they never lived. But the force that’s sweeping the world is no pathogen. It’s just the first shock wave, unleashed by a stunning discovery—and what’s in jeopardy is not our minds but the very fabric of time itself. Suggested by Mary Rubin, Special Collections & University Archives
 Solutions and Other Problems by Allie Brosh Brosh’s second book includes humorous stories from her childhood; the adventures of her very bad animals; merciless dissection of her own character flaws; incisive essays on grief, loneliness, and powerlessness; as well as reflections on the absurdity of modern life. Suggested by Sara Duff, Acquisitions & Collections
 Spillover: animal infections and the next human pandemic by David Quammen This work examines the emergence and causes of new diseases all over the world, describing a process called "spillover" where illness originates in wild animals before being passed to humans and discusses the potential for the next huge pandemic. The emergence of strange new diseases is a frightening problem that seems to be getting worse. In this age of speedy travel, it threatens a worldwide pandemic. We hear news reports of Ebola, SARS, AIDS, and something called Hendra killing horses and people in Australia; but those reports miss the big truth that such phenomena are part of a single pattern. The bugs that transmit these diseases share one thing: they originate in wild animals and pass to humans by a process called spillover. As globalization spreads and as we destroy the ancient ecosystems, penetrating ever deeper into the furthest reaches of the planet, we encounter strange and dangerous infections that originate in animals but can be transmitted to humans. The author tracks this subject around the world. He recounts adventures in the field, netting bats in China, trapping monkeys in Bangladesh, stalking gorillas in the Congo, with the world's leading disease scientists. He takes the reader along on this quest to learn how, where from, and why these diseases emerge, and he asks the terrifying question: What might the next big one be? Suggested by Megan Haught, Student Learning & Engagement/Research & Information Services
 Squeeze Me by Carl Hiaasen It's the height of the Palm Beach charity ball season: for every disease or cause, there's a reason for the local luminaries to eat (minimally), drink (maximally), and be seen. But when a prominent high-society dowager suddenly vanishes during a swank gala, and is later found dead in a concrete grave, panic and chaos erupt. Kiki Pew was notable not just for her wealth and her jewels--she was an ardent fan of the Winter White House resident just down the road, and a founding member of the POTUSSIES, a group of women dedicated to supporting their President. Never one to miss an opportunity to play to his base, the President immediately declares that Kiki was the victim of rampaging immigrant hordes. This, it turns out, is far from the truth. Suggested by Richard Harrison, Research & Information Services
 The Lady's Guide to Petticoats and Piracy by Mackenzi Lee A year after a whirlwind grand tour with her brother Monty, Felicity Montague has returned to England with two goals in mind: avoid the marriage proposal of a lovestruck suitor from Edinburgh and enroll in medical school. But the administrators see men as the sole guardians of science. When a doctor she idolizes marries a friend of hers in Germany, Felicity believes he could change her future. A mysterious young woman will pay Felicity's way, if Felicity will let her travel along-- as her maid. Soon they're on a perilous quest that leads them across the promenades of Zurich to secrets lurking beneath the Atlantic. Suggested by Megan Haught, Student Learning & Engagement/Research & Information Services
 The Power of Now: a guide to spiritual enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle Much more than simple principles and platitudes, this book takes readers on an inspiring spiritual journey to find their true and deepest self and reach the ultimate in personal growth and spirituality: the discovery of truth and light. In the first chapter, Tolle introduces readers to enlightenment and its natural enemy, the mind. He awakens readers to their role as a creator of pain and shows them how to have a pain-free identity by living fully in the present. The journey is thrilling, and along the way, the author shows how to connect to the indestructible essence of our Being. Suggested by Sandy Avila, Research & Information Services
 The Scarlet Sisters: sex, suffrage, and scandal in the gilded age by Myra MacPherson A fresh look at the life and times of Victoria Woodhull and Tennie Claflin, two sisters whose radical views on sex, love, politics, and business threatened the white male power structure of the nineteenth century and shocked the world. Here award-winning author Myra MacPherson deconstructs and lays bare the manners and mores of Victorian America, remarkably illuminating the struggle for equality that women are still fighting today. Suggested by Dawn Tripp, Research & Information Services
 The Shifting Realities of Philip K. Dick: selected literary and philosophical writings by Philip K. Dick Philip K. Dick has established himself as a major figure in American literature. The landscape of his imagination features a wealth of concepts and fictional worlds: Nazi-rule in a postwar nightmare; androids and the unification of man and machine; and an existence that no longer follows the logic of reality. This first-time collection assembles his nonfiction writings essays, journals, speeches, and interviews. In these writings he explores issues ranging from the merging of physics and metaphysics to the potential influences of "virtual" reality and its consequences to a plot-scenario for a potential episode of "Mission: Impossible," to the challenge that fundamental "human" values face in the age of technology and spiritual decline.". Suggested by Sandy Avila, Research & Information Services
 The Wild Heart of Florida: Florida writers on Florida's wildlands selected and edited by Jeff Ripple and Susan Cerulean Coming from a variety of backgrounds--fiction, journalism, poetry, and environmental writing--the writers turn their talent to one thing they have in common--a love for Florida’s natural beauty and a commitment to preserve it. Their essays--some old favorites, most appearing here for the first time--are both a celebration and a pointed reminder of what we stand to lose. Suggested by Rebecca Hawk, Circulation
 There Will Come a Darkness by Katy Rose Pool The Age of Darkness approaches. Who will stop it... or unleash it? For generations, the Seven Prophets guided humanity. Using their visions of the future, they ended wars and united nations-- until they disappeared a hundred years ago. All they left behind was one final prophecy, foretelling an Age of Darkness and the birth of a new Prophet who could be the world's salvation-- or the cause of its destruction. Will it be a prince exiled from his kingdom? A ruthless killer known as the Pale Hand? A once-faithful leader torn between his duty and his heart? A reckless gambler with the power to find anything or anyone? Or a dying girl on the verge of giving up? Suggested by Pam Jaggernauth, Curriculum Materials Center
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sad-sweet-cowboah · 4 years
Misty Forester
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Misty Selene Forester (Rodriguez)
April 10th, 1873 (Aries)
Age: 24 in RDO events, 25 in the main game, 33 in the epilogue
Birthplace: Manhattan, New York City, New York
Notable Characteristics:
Long brown hair
Bright green eyes
Plump red lips
Black, red, and white color scheme
Fashionable, will always make sure she looks good even if she’s wearing a potato sack
Sassy af
Vocally talented
Other Info:
Half Puerto Rican, 1/4 English and 1/4 French.
Bisexual, known to openly flirt with both men and women
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Persuasive speaker
Skilled actor
Duel wielding custom Mauser pistols
Lancaster Repeater
Carcano Rifle
Hunting Knife
Arella Forester (Mother)
Luis Rodriguez (Father, unknown whereabouts)
Marie Forester (twin sister, deceased)
Misty is the child of immigrant parents. Her mother, Arella, is from England and is the daughter of a successful French businessman and an English woman whose own family came from their own wealth. Arella was set to be married to a man who too came from a rich family. Arella was unhappy with this, stole some money from her parents and managed to escape to America for better opportunities. Despite her parents search, she managed to avoid them. She settled down in New York City. There she met Luis, a man who escaped his own home, once living in extreme poverty in Puerto Rico. They bonded and quickly formed a relationship, and Arella soon found herself pregnant.
Before Misty and Marie were born, Luis received word that his mother back in Puerto Rico had fallen ill. He didn’t want to leave his love and their soon to be children, but he had no choice. He managed to get back to PR and would often send letters. Arella kept him up to to date with everything, eagerly waiting his return. However after the twins were born, the letters stopped coming.
A couple of years passed and Arella gave up hope that Luis would return, wondering if he perished or just stopped caring. Either way, she had her daughters to take care of and did her best to raise them. The funds she once nicked from her parents’ fortune allowed her to provide her and her daughters a comfortable living situation.
All the money in the world however did not prevent Marie from getting sick. She became infected with Cholera at the age of five and despite the aggressive medical care, she ended up passing away.
Both Misty and Arella were heartbroken. They stayed in NYC for another six years, and decided to move south, relocating to another city known as Saint Denis. Arella, having grown up around French culture, felt right at home. Misty missed NYC, but soon fell in love with the grandeur of Saint Denis and often wandered around, marveling the well-dressed citizens and enjoying the entertainment. She soon realized she wanted to become a singer, seeking out a vocal trainer whom she learned from for a few years. She also hung around the theaters, speaking with performers and learning tips and techniques on not only singing, but acting as well.
Little did she know that it would come in handy one day. At the age of 16, her grandparents ended up in Saint Denis for a vacation when they ran into Arella by accident. The reunion was explosive, and a lot of shouts and curses were exchanged before everything calmed down. Misty did not know that her mother ran away years ago, and she never heard much about her grandparents except for that they lived in the UK. Despite the tension held, her grandparents absolutely loved her and wanted to keep in touch. Sometime after, she was kidnapped by a gang of outlaws. Somehow word had gotten out she was the granddaughter of a wealthy family, and their intention was to hold her for ransom.
She was with them for three weeks, having to endure their vulgarity. They gave her the bare minimum, feeding her bread rolls and making her sleep on the ground, knowing she would do no good if she got sick or injured. Despite how afraid she was, Misty managed to form a plan, carefully learning their mannerisms and how they interacted with others. She managed to escape without inflicting violence, using her charm and learned acting skills to weasel her way out. Unfortunately for her, she had no idea where she was.
No longer was she in the state of Lemoyne, instead finding out she was in a completely different state called West Elizabeth. With nothing but the clothes on her back and no money in her pockets, she had no idea how to get home, and she was certain those outlaws would catch up to her sooner or later. She managed to keep herself discreet for a couple of days, laying low and charming shopkeepers into giving her a couple of cans of food. All the while, she was desperately trying to find a ride back to Saint Denis that didn’t cost her money, or being subjected to disgusting favors from men twice her age.
One night she’d found shelter in a barn, sleeping peacefully when the sounds of voices aroused her. She realized immediately it was the gang of outlaws that kidnapped her in the first place, and she had no way to defend herself. Despite her trying to keep quiet, they eventually found her hiding spot. With no way out she was ready to accept her fate, until she heard gunshots and the heavy thudding of bodies. More gunfire sounded and she opened her eyes to see them facing outside the barn as a flurry of bullets both entered and exited the barn. She hid behind a crate, listening to the carnage until the gunfire stopped. Seeing the gang were all dead, she warily left her hiding spot and met the man who saved her, a fellow named Hosea Matthews. She recognized him immediately, having seen his wanted poster plastered all over Saint Denis for years. She thought he had the same intention of holding her ransom, but instead surprised her in saying he was here to help, after hearing talk about the rival gang searching for a young girl.
And so for the next few days, Hosea taught Misty how to defend herself. He gave her a revolver, teaching her how to shoot and basic tracking/hunting skills. He even offered to bring her back to his personal gang.
Main Game AU:
Misty considered Hosea’s offer. How she wanted to return home, but had a fear that upon returning, the same events would transpire and may end up with her, her mother, or others she cared about getting injured or killed in the crossfire. The last thing she wanted to do was bring home dangerous, greedy men, and decided to leave with Hosea.
Thus then started her journey as part of “Dutch’s Boys”, a scared young girl soon taught to be a useful gang member. Dutch and Hosea discovered her acting skills and put her to work for heists and robbery.
More to come soon...
RDO Events AU:
Upon declining Hosea’s offer, he gave her money to take a train back to Saint Denis and wished her luck, and let her know that he’d help her again if she ever needed it. She thanked him and got on the next train back home, glad to finally have a way back but she’ll never forget Hosea.
She returned to an emotional reunion, by not only her mother but her grandparents as well, who refused to return home until she was found. They immediately offered to take her and Arella back to England with them, where they guaranteed her safety. Arella declined for the both of them, while it was tempting, she did not want to subject Misty to the life that she hated.
Life returned back to normal for Misty, and putting the experience behind her, she tried pursuing a life in show business as she intended. Despite having a beautiful voice, she just couldn’t break past performing on the streets. She was constantly in other more successful performers’ shadows.
When she moved out on her own, she found it much harder to live on the meager money she was making. She then remembered her experience while being held hostage. The outlaws spoke about their tales and triumphs with stealing riches. She soon began to succumb to her curiosity, finding herself hanging out with the less desirable folk in Saint Denis.
She soon made herself a posse of her own called the Midnight Regulators, making their way across five states like a storm in robberies and ambushes. Misty often takes the role of damsel in distress to lure rich folk into trying to help her, and then robs them blind. She will also help those who are in greater need than her, sometimes becoming a “Robin Hood” and giving part of her loot to poor families.
Unfortunately, one of her gang members became too greedy and tried to overthrow her by attempting to kill her. The fight ended with Misty putting a bullet in their skull. The gang disbanded after that and she was alone, pulled to perform for funds.
Legally her name is Misty Rodriguez. However, her mother introduced them using her own maiden name for her daughters to avoid discrimination.
Misty is actually afraid of horses, except her own, after being kicked in the chest as a child. It took her a long time to get comfortable around them.
She secretly hopes to meet her father one day.
She is considered morally gray.
Despite how her life has changed, she still wants to be on stage one day.
She has a soft spot for children and while it doesn’t seem likely, she hopes to settle down and have her own family.
Cressida, an amber champagne Missouri Fox Trotter mare:
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Misty’s main mount and her absolute favorite horse. Both fast and resilient, Misty was drawn in by this mare’s prowess and beauty.
Cornelia, a marble sabino Criollo mare:
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Misty’s first horse. Cornelia can easily match Cressida in speed and stamina, but she’s very clumsy. Misty doesn’t ride her as often in fear of accidentally injuring her.
Orion, a sorrel overo Criollo stallion:
Misty came across this beautiful stallion tied up at a gang hideout, and took him once she’d done away with them.
Andromeda, a bay frame overo Criollo mare:
Misty’s newest horse. A prized mare she found at Braithwaite Manor when she snuck over to originally steal horses. She made out with the ones needed plus Andromeda for her own collection.
Blanche, a white Kladruber mare:
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Not the fastest mount, but gorgeous and sturdy. Blanche, meaning “white” in French, was given to Misty by a man in thanks for saving his daughter.
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unremarkablehouse · 2 years
Master Fic List
I mostly write fics for myself and about 3 other fic writers who I geek out over and then get ridiculously happy when they like or reblog my work. 
The Mulder Manual |Explicit | AO3|WC 9,998 | In an attempt to get Mulder to stop restraining himself in bed, Scully devises an experiment to bring out his inner Neanderthal.
Domestic Partners
Commingling |AO3 | WC 2,262 | Ch 1: A look into the way Mulder and Scully’s relationship became intertwined with mundane domesticity. Together at Last | AO3 | WC 2,075 | Ch 2: A look inside the workings of Mulder and Scully’s relationship once they become a romantic couple.
Pet Names | MSR | PG | WC 990 | AO3 | Ch 3: Mulder and Scully aren’t the only names these two dorks call each other.
From Here to Maternity | MSR | M | WC 2100 | AO3 | Ch 4: Pregnancy was an evolution in their Partnership and they both enjoyed each new facet as it emerged, creating different routines and rituals to deal with the major life changes.
Random Fics
Her Own Desk | A03| WC 846 | Musings on the real reasons Scully doesn't have a separate desk.   
Laundry | A03| WC 1342 | Set post revival this ficlet is domestic fluff (and fold, because laundry is involved), with a lot of smut.
Enduring Hero | AO3 | WC 2284 | Mulder and Scully practice their hand to hand combat and attract the unwanted attention of some fellow FBI agents.
Mulder’s Dumb Song| one shot of a silly song Mulder makes up
Dorks in Love (Series)
What Happens in Kroner | M15+ | WC 1682  |AO3 | Season 6 after Rain King . Mulder and Scully wake up together on their last day in Kroner and decide to test the boundaries of their relationship.
Ambiguous Dating Activity | MA | S6 | WC 3926 | A03:  Season 6, post Kroner, Mulder and Scully go to the movies but they’re dorks about the whole thing. This is some long form semi-fluff.
The Declaration | WC: 973 | MSR New Relationship Fluff | A03 | Despite their relationship being fairly new, Mulder blurts out three words to Scully.
X FILES Bingo Fics
Mulder and Scully vs the Bake Sale | A03 | WC 2212 | Mulder and Scully try their hand at baking brownies for the school bake sale.
Holiday Traditions | A03 | WC 761| Set season 7 post millennium, long weekend fluff and smut 
Film Appreciation Studies | A03 | WC 2525 | Mulder and Scully watch Cinemax after dark, UST does not turn into RST unfortunately
The Party | A03 | WC 6159 | Set in season 7. Scully and Mulder have broken up. Scully attends a party at the Lone Gunmen's only to find Mulder there on a date with a cute blonde. We get to see some possessive Mulder and Scully action with a side of RST.
Second Quarantine | A03 | WC 2531| Post Darkness Falls, Mulder and Scully start their three week quarantine.
Fireworks of the People | A03 | WC 2981 | Set during the season of secret sex, Mulder and Scully have their own picnic for the Fourth of July.
Respite | PG |MSR URST| WC 1183| AO3 | Set during S2 Little Green Men, Scully takes Mulder to a motel in Miami to recuperate after they flee Puerto Rico. Once he’s recovered from the dehydration she has some questions regarding his mysterious lunch date
Love and Lasagna | WC: 3038 | MSR| Domestic Fluff | A03 | Mulder decides to cook for Scully in an attempt to discuss their living arrangements and future plans. 👂 Listen on Audio Fanfic Podcast
Fic Exchanges
“If I were that stoned…”
Ch 1 | MSR | S1 | WC 2,424 | AO3 | based on the prompt “Following the end of the “Deep throat” episode, Scully finally answers Mulder’s question ‘If you were that stoned what?’
Ch 2 | pre-IWTB | MSR | WC 2,764 | AO3 | Set before the IWTB, Mulder and Scully have settled into their own domestic routine in their Unremarkable House. Deciding it’s time to spice things up, Mulder takes it upon himself to discover exactly what would happen ‘if they were that high.’ Smut ensues.
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coccsd · 4 years
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Watching the Mythology Episodes so you don’t have to.
Dumb Summary: Mulder’s on surveillance watch, Scully’s back teaching. Mulder is unhappy and suffering some serious Scully-withdrawals. He’s more paranoid then he’s ever been after Deep Throat’s back so takes a vacation to Puerto Rico, makes friends with a Latino man and communicate via drawing pictures (pretty smart thinking). Mulder’s not doing well without Scully (or the X-Files) and whilst they are officially separated, that doesn’t stop Scully from following him to Puerto Rico and saving him.
Themes: Mentions of Samantha’s abduction, XF shut down, surveillance, being followed, destroyed evidence.
Favourite Quote: That would be bad for the fish.
Roll Credits:  😃
State: Puerto Rico.
Main Minor Character of the Episode:  ❌
Special Prop of the Episode: Fish food.
Inappropriate Mulder Humour: Noho on the rojo.
Scully Favourite Sentence(s):  😞
Scully Suffer:  ❌
Mulder Drives:  😞
Scully Drives:  😞
Briefcase Appearance:  😞
Voiceovers:  😃
Glasses:  😃 (Scully)
Reports:  😞
Shoulder Pads:  😃
Trenchcoats:  😃
Scully Says OMG:  😞
Scully Autopsy:  😞
Scully Ditch:  ❌
Scully Pyjamas:  😞
Scully Wears A Skirt:  😞
Mulder Wears An Ugly Tie:  😃
Scully Smiles:  😃
Scully Misses It:  ❌
(Stupid) Tiny Gun Appears:  ❌
Mulder and Scully Almost Die:  😃
Mulder’s Hand on Scully’s back:  😞
Mulder and Scully Talk on the Phone:  😞
Scully Costume Change Counter: 4.
Mulder Costume Change Counter: 4.
As usual, my full analysis is under the cut.
Little Green Men isn’t your conventional mytharc episode. It’s similar to how Beyond the Sea isn’t the conventional MotW. In the same ways that that episode is Scully’s character episode, this episode is Mulder’s.
This is the first look we get into how Mulder deals with losing the X-Files (and losing Scully) and clearly, he doesn’t deal with it well at all. He’s unshaven, paranoid- “We must assume we’re being watched”, engages in relationships he has no intention of continuing- “Mulder…you hounded me to have lunch with you today and then you don’t show. You’re a pig.” He’s frustrated and distracted, stuck doing mindless surveillance work and feeling like he’s wasting time.
But what is probably the most interesting part of this episode is when Mulder gets to Arecibo. With Jorge dead, Mulder is truly on his own. Now, how Mulder managed without Scully is probably something we’re not meant to question but we see its effect here. Dehydrated, on his own in another country, scared and without Scully’s rational, in what I regard as quite a heart-breaking scene, he picks up a recorder- something we’ve only seen Scully use- and starts speaking into it like he’s talking to Scully. Mulder is aware that he needs her with him, that she is the one that pulls him off the edge and he’s without that.
He has perspective now, he knows the difference between walking along and standing on the edge and he’s trying not to fall off, he’s trying to gain the evidence before it disappears- “I will record my observations of the body in case at some future time, decomposition should obscure forensic evidence.” It’s nice to know that he does listen to Scully, that he needs her there to set him straight, to keep him on the path but allow him the opportunities to explore his theories.
 Stray Observations:
Placing the photo down is a little out of the blue considering we’ve never saw, or see, that happen again.
The people tailing Scully at the airport are shit af. On par with the people from EBE. Where are they hiring? I can’t decide if it’s a character choice or just bad acting.
I admire the effort gone to obscuring Gillian’s stomach through this whole episode.
First time I’ve noticed that when they’re being chased by the Blue Barets and Scully ducks beneath the dashboard, Mulder holds his hand out to her for some reason??
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IMDB Trivia for “Little Green Men”
- The only season premiere of The X-Files not to be written by creator Chris Carter. 
- In this episode Senator Richard Matheson is introduced, named after the great science fiction and horror writer of the same name. 
- Gillian Anderson had an advanced pregnancy in these episodes. Because of this all her shots from this episode to “One Breath” are done in a way that her belly is not shown. 
- Darren McGavin, star of Kolchak: The Night Stalker (1974), which was one of this show's biggest influences, was approached for the roles of Senator Matheson (Mulder's government contact in Little Green Men, Nisei, and S.R. 819) and William Mulder (Fox's dad), but he turned both roles down. Eventually, he was cast as Arthur Dales, a retired FBI Agent, for the episodes Travelers and Agua Mala. 
- The first episode to open with what would become one of the series' trademarks - a voiceover over the pre-credits teaser. 
- This episode features the first visualization of Samantha's abduction. It differs from the way that Mulder talks about it in the Pilot and Conduit but Chris Carter has said that this is down to Mulder's shaky remembrance of a hugely traumatic event. 
- If you look closely at the papers that both Mulder and Scully print out with the "contact" information on them, one column reads "10.13" over and over again. "10-13" is the name of Chris Carter's production company as well as his birthday (October 13, 1956). 
- Not surprisingly, Mulder's computer password is "trustno1". These were the last words that Deep Throat said before he died, and was indeed used in the titles of the season 1 finale, The Erlenmeyer Flask. "Trust No 1" would also be the title of an episode in Season 9. 
- On first viewing, the Fox executives hated this episode and wanted it completely redone. 
- Raymond J. Barry's character, Senator Matheson, would re-appear in the Season 3 episode Nisei and in Season 6 in S.R. 819. The character is named after the horror and Twilight Zone writer. 
- Originally the opening monologue was supposed to be read by Senator Matheson. 
- Chris Carter originally wanted Mulder to travel to Russia to trace the extra-terrestrial signals but these plans fell through. Puerto Rico became the location instead. 
- This is the first episode in which the agents carry Sig Sauer pistols, the standard issue weapon of the US Federal government. Mulder carry the full size Sig Sauer P226, and Scully carries the compact P228. 
- Second appearance of Skinner. The character had previously appeared in Tooms. 
- Mulder drives a tan 2nd gen Chevy K5 Blazer, which is also the same truck that he drove in Shapes. 
- Note how in the flashback to Samantha's abduction, the young Fox has brown eyes, while the adult one has grey-green ones. 
- On November 27, 1973, Mulder wanted to watch The Magician (1973) before his younger sister Samantha was abducted by aliens. The episode in question was The Magician: Lady in a Trap (1973). 
- The first episode to touch on Mulder's love of sunflower seeds. 
- The first time we actually see a real extra-terrestrial in the series (Chris Carter felt it was time to finally reveal one). 
- During filming, the Plaza of Nations doubled for the Miami Airport
- At the airport, Scully is pretending to read the fictional Miami Post Tribune but closer inspection reveals that she is actually reading the "Facts And Arguments" page from Canada's national paper, The Globe and Mail.
- The flight manifest that Scully is scanning in search for Mulder is a list of X-Files fans.
- According to producer J. P. Finn, it was a struggle for the show to make the Greater Vancouver area resemble the tropical island of Puerto Rico, and that "if you look closely you'll see pine trees in the back[ground]."
- Gillian Anderson revealed on Late Night with Conan O'Brien that when she and Duchovny were filming the final scene escaping the Blue Berets, the actors portraying the soldiers had to pretend to shoot their guns, and so they made their own sound effects, which caused the cast and crew to laugh "hysterically".
- The episode makes several mentions to the Voyager program and the Voyager Golden Record; for instance, while in Senator Matheson's office, Mulder and Matheson listen to Brandenburg Concerto No. 2 in F. First Movement. which is the first piece of music on the Voyager record.
IMDB Trivia Link Here
Other Pieces of Trivia: 
- Glen Morgan believed the "most important" aspect of this episode's conceptual development was that it was written as a way of focusing on David Duchovny's character of Mulder, since the actor had been impressed by the Scully-centred episode "Beyond the Sea" and wondered when an equivalent installment might be written for his own character. "Well, I liked him, he deserved it, and I thought that's what 'Little Green Men' was trying to be," Morgan related. (X-Files Confidential, p. 90) 
- This episode set a template for further communication between the two main characters. Chris Carter specified, "It established what was going to be the Scully–Mulder relationship for at least the first eight episodes." (X-Files Confidential, p. 90) 
- Near the start of this episode, Mulder listens to a conversation in which a stripper named Tuesday is mentioned. In Millennium's pilot episode, a stripper named Tuesday is seen dancing, and is later interviewed by Frank Black in regard to another dancer's murder. 
- The scene in which Samantha Mulder is abducted differs from Mulder's recollection of the incident from a 1989 hypnotic regression tape that Scully listens to in the Season 1 episode "Conduit" as well as Mulder's recollection in "Pilot". Mulder supposedly recalled being paralyzed in bed while his sister was abducted, but this episode shows them playing a board game called Stratego before the incident. This was due to Morgan and Wong writing this episode without having first seen "Conduit", written by Howard Gordon and Alex Gansa. However, according to Chris Carter, a possible explanation for this inconsistency may be due to the fact that Mulder's memories were derived from hypnotic regression and were therefore vague. (The Truth Is Out There: The Official Guide to The X-Files, p. 163) Commented Morgan, "Chris Carter made that up later. Once we realized it [the discrepancy], I ran into Howard's office and said, 'Why didn't you say anything?' And he said, 'Didn't you read my script?' It was pretty embarrassing." (Sci-Fi Universe #10, p. 35) Video footage of Mulder undergoing hypnosis is included in the Season 7 episode "Closure", in which his memory of Samantha's abduction matches the version of events seen here. 
- While Scully searches for Mulder, she reads an airline passenger manifest that contains the names of many early on-line X-Philes, including Cliff Chen and Pat Gonzalez, as well as The X-Files novel author Charles Grant. 
- This episode was used extensively in Jorge Ignacio Cortiñas' play Recent Alien Abductions, which premiered at the 41st Humana Festival at Actors Theatre of Louisville in 2017. In the play, a Puerto Rican man is convinced that the episode has been altered from when it was originally broadcast due to a vast government/ Hollywood/ alien conspiracy. 
- The Arecibo observatory is the same as used for the climatic scenes of the 1995 James Bond film Goldeneye.
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isnotys · 5 years
Cruel Summer  Pt1
Summary: After a stressful couple of months, the twins, Emma and you decide to take a well-deserved trip to a Caribbean island. However, it’s not all that peaceful because your more-than-obvious crush on Grayson is making you lose your marbles.
Warnings: none
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The twins, Emma and I were all meeting up at the terminal for our Caribbean summer trip. We were all going to Puerto Rico to spend a week away from all the LA stress. As I walked in, I saw Grayson’s tall figure standing above Emma and Ethan. His already tanned skin glowing as if he had descended from Olympus. As soon as he saw me he gave me his beautiful smile and wrapped me in a tight hug. We all hadn’t seen each other for a few days because of our crazy schedules and my book beingdue a couple of days prior. 
Those hazel-green eyes give me his undivided attention and I get this rush of feelings that make my cheeks red and makes me want to run away. I wish I’d know if he can tell that my heart is about to beat out of my chest and I don't even know what he’s saying anymore, I can't hear anything. 
“Are you ok?” Ethan asks grinning and Grayson stops talking, looking at me with caring eyes. His lips look irresistible and his eyes try to read my face as I just admire how his muscles look like they are about to pop out of his shirt.
“I’m good, just worried about the flight.” Which is true for the record, I’ve never even left the west coast before and Puerto Rico is kind of far. As I say this, I give them a convincing smile and go to finally say hi to Emma who has been editing a video this whole time. 
Grayson keeps asking me how everything has been going with the book and wants to know every detail of what I have been doing these last couple of days that we haven’t seen each other. The way his eyes crinkle when he smiles, and that dimple. His smile is his most beautiful feature. Yes, he’s built like Chris Hemsworth, but his sweet smile and childlike enthusiasm drive me crazy. This man is everything I have ever hoped for. My heart aches at the thought of ever losing him and the touch of his hand sends me into a frenzy. But we’re just friends, I am not supposed to feel this way, and I most certainly don't want to ruin what we have. 
He notices I’m staring at him in a weird trance, I guess he’s not that clueless. I’m sure he’s gonna say something about it, but then he puts his arm around me and asks while pointing at the window, “Pretty nice sunset, huh?”
I simile and nod, letting myself get closer to him and he tightens his grip around me. I don’t know what cologne he wears, but he just smells manly. Good enough to make just about anyone melt. 
The trip to get to the island goes by pretty fast because Grayson and I kept talking about the randomest things, with an occasional bickering with Ethan because of the differences in our opinions. Ethan and I are ridiculously similar and extremely stubborn. We get along great, but we do butt heads a lot. However,  Grayson leaves me quite impressed, he’s so much smarter than he lets people know and I like that side of him a lot. 
We get to the hotel almost an hour later after landing because traffic is crazy and Ethan suggests that we go to the beach right away. So we all get changed and go to the beach, the boys go surfing and Emma and I stay in the seating area on the sand. 
She looks at me weird and says, “you’ve been keeping your distance lately, why?”
“You know why Ems, I can't help how I feel and I have never been known to be one to be able to conceal my feelings very well,” I say not even daring to look at her. She can read me better than anyone, she knows things before they even hit my atmosphere. 
“Listen, I know you’ve gotten your heart broken by friendships in the past. However, we’re not like those people. We’re here for you, for reals and I’m so glad you did decide to come on this trip with us. I’m sure I’m not the only one who’s happy you actually showed up,” she says giving me her quirky signature smile and a wink. 
My face is burning and it’s definitely not from the sun. “I’m sure he’s just glad I’m here to bring the entertainment, I’m pretty funny you know. Plus, being the third wheel is no fun.”
She glares at me, in a judgmental way, but then laughs a little.
That unmistakable voice. The way he says my name makes me want to just die. In the best way possible of course. 
He gets closer to me and I see that his floppy hair is all wet and his clean-shaven face is all red from the sun. He’s soaked, but he’s smiling and jumping up and down.
“Look what I found, y/n! It’s a pearl! Here it is for you,” 
“Oh, why thank you, Peeta,” I say giggling like a schoolgirl, I’m so embarrassing.
He stares at me in confusion, tilting his head a little, I forget he doesn’t always get my references.
“I’m sorry, I forget you don’t like books. I like it, Grayson. Thank you!” My heart is about to fall out of my mouth and I am the color of the crabs that are sitting on the rocks. Fitting, to be honest, I am a cancer after all. 
“That was a movie,” Ethan says in his know-it-all voice, clearly done with all of this nonsense.
“There were three books and four movies, Ethan,” Emma corrects him while wiping the water from his face with a towel. 
Grayson shrugs, kisses my cheek and says, “You’re welcome. We should all get some dinner now, I’m starving.”
I just nod my burning face away and collect all of my stuff. 
At dinner, our saltwater soaked bodies are bathed by the summer island breeze. The sunset looks out of this world, the orange changes to purple, then pink. It’s the most beautiful sunset I have ever seen. It’s really nice here and I am trying to calm down and take it all in. But Grayson is the only one not wearing a shirt, keeping up with his d-bag rep. His muscles are already tan and his abs look so good you would think they’re fake. 
Out of nowhere, Grayson says, “Put on your bathing suit cover.”
I stare at him as if I don't even understand the language he is currently speaking.
“The guy behind me is looking at you in the grossest way possible and I don't want to cause a scene by punching him in the face,” he says clenching his jaw. He looks angry. 
I look over to the guy and he smiles at me, giving me a flirty wink. He does not look bad at all, he’s quite handsome actually. Grayson notices that I am staring at this guy for too long so he then puts his shirt on me and puts his arm around my shoulder.
His face is red with anger and I understand, he’s just being a protective friend, you never know what people’s intentions are. Especially when it comes to men. So I just sit there while Emma smiles quietly to herself and Ethan rolls his eyes so far back into his skull, they might get stuck that way. 
After dinner and taking a shower, we all gather in one room. We were supposed to go out and walk around to enjoy the nightlife, but, although we are all adults, we don’t really enjoy that kind of scene.
Quite frankly, my mind is still reeling from all that has happened since we got here. So after a little while of talking to everyone, I leave to go to my room and I fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.
When I wake up, I decide to just go walk the deserted beach by myself so I could clear my mind. It’s so early the sun it's coming out just now. As I watch the dark sky turn to a pink-orange, I can’t help but to feel blue. It’s crazy because here I am looking at the most beautiful sunrise, the kind that makes you question just about everything you have done up until this point of your life, and I should feel peaceful. Maybe that’s the problem. 
Whatever doesn’t kill me makes me want him more, and because of my tumultuous past experiences with love and friendships, there is nothing else for me to expect but getting hurt and watch all of my closest relationships go up in flames. 
My head is spinning and I am going down a spiral when I feel something touch my arm. I jump at the feeling of someone touching me and fall in the water. Just another prime example of how smooth I am. 
“Did I do something to make you feel uncomfortable?” Grayson asks helping me up and drying me with his towel. 
“No, you just scared me.”
“Yeah, that I know, but I meant before. You’ve seemed kind of off this entire trip.” He looks concerned and looks at me as if to say, you can trust me, it’ll be ok. “We are friends after all, you know? You can tell me anything,” he says in the most reassuring way possible. I want to drown in this vast ocean and never come up again. 
“Oh, no,” I try to act surprised, as if nothing could ever be wrong, I’m clearly not that good at it. “I’m fine,” that’s so not true, it’s laughable really.
He doesn’t seem to believe half of my bs, but something stops him from questioning any further. I just look at him and smile, that is the one genuine thing I do in his presence. Words fail me and I am too clumsy to ever be a proper human around him, but just looking at him, his eyes, his smile, his body, all of him, makes this sunrise look like Tana Mongeau leaving day three of Coachella.
He gives me a genuine smile back and says, “Let’s disappear for the day.”
“What? Why?”
“Let’s explore the island together. Plus, it's not like Ethan and Emma won’t enjoy being alone for a day.”
I don’t even know what to think of this, I am paralyzed there as he keeps staring at me, excitedly waiting for an answer.
“Ok, let’s go, now!” I say grabbing his hand.
To be continued…
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girlbabyvelez · 5 years
Hasta La Muerte // Chapter Six
Word Count: 2.2k
Warnings: Violence (not graphic tho), mention of drugs and guns, illegal stuff yk, 
A/N: I know Richard’s family isn’t terrible! They are great people who are very supportive of their children and love them! But for the purpose of this story, they aren’t. Just a reminder it is fiction!
Also thank you for being patient ❤ I’m going to be updating more just ahh you know? Any who I hope you enjoy this chapter!
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You plaster a smile onto your face as the bartender slides you the drinks, unaware of the men threatening you. You could still feel their grimy hands on you, slightly loosening their grip on you so they wouldn't raise red flags to the bartender. You took this chance to turn on your heels, finally facing the men that threatened and groped you. They looked down at you with dirty smirks on their faces, waiting to hear what you would say.
"Papasitos, let me tell you a little secret." You begin, flicking the hair from your face and setting the drink back down on the bar. They both still had their smirks, but this time they were intrigued by what you were about to tell them. In a swift movement, you grabbed the one that was closest to you and your knee found his groin, you could hear him stumble over his words because of the pain you caused. "Don't you dare ever fucking touch me again. And tell whoever sent you here to have the guts to say it to my face instead of sending his little minions." You whispered in his ears, pushing his body away from him and leaving the drinks behind as you went back with your friends.
"I need to talk to Richard. You and Liddya should go back to your place and wait there for Yashua. It's not safe here." You whisper to her. Tati was the only one of your friends that knew about your family business and that was only because she was family to you already. She nodded at your words as you quickly escaped the crowded club.
Half an hour later you found yourself storming down the hall and into Richard's office. As soon as you had pushed the doors open, Richard and Joel turned at you with their hands resting on their guns.
"Mana? What are you doing here? It's one in the morning." Richard questions, he knew by your outfit and the smell of alcohol that you had been enjoying a night out on the town. You didn't care about that though, you needed to know who was threatening you and why because they threatened the life of your family.
"Who the fuck is Paulo and Sergio?" You ask crossing your arms and looking expectantly at your brother.
"Why are you asking?"
"They told me to tell you that we're targets and should sleep with one eye open." You repeat to Richard. Joel took a step towards you as you finish your sentence, he knew what this meant for you, Richard, and the mob.
"They threatened you?" Joel asked.
"What the fuck?!" Richard explains, anger bursting out of him. They couldn't just threaten and green light his family and get away with it.
"Yes. I mean I can protect myself but I want to know who they are." You respond and turn back to Richard with demanding eyes. Richard let out a deep breath before his eyes met yours.
"No, you can't. If they threatened you, it was ordered by Santiago and he is out for our blood." Richard tells you as he runs a hand over his face. "There is a lot you missed when you left the mafia Y/N."
"What do you mean?" You ask this time you were confused because your brother usually ended up telling anything that could put you or his family in danger.
"Santiago controls the drug and gun flow from Colombia into Miami. But we control the drug, money, and guns flow from Mexico, Cuba, and Puerto Rico."
"So it's a war over control?" You ask and Richard nods. You shake your head knowing that Colombia had a lot of power as well, and now you were greenlit. "Okay well, obviously we need to do something for protection."
"I have an idea. But I don't know how much you'll like it," Joel begins. You turn your focus back to him and look at him expectantly.
"We'll need to push up the plans for you and Chris to get married. Chris can protect you, and you would help secure our process of switching and flipping money and drugs." Joel explains. You groan having forgotten everything with Chris. But there was nothing you could do now, it was out of your hands and you needed to do it for your safety and the business.
"Okay, so how will we do it?" Richard asks as all three of you sit down at his desk, ready to talk business.
"Well, we need their engagement to seem real. We need your coworkers and friends to witness it Y/N." Joel tells you and you nod your head.
You needed to make all of this seem as real as you possibly could, considering that this was all just a front for the illegal things you would be doing behind closed doors.
"Okay, so we'll have a party. My birthday is in 3 days, we can have it next weekend and Chris would surprise me with the proposal?" You suggest. This would be the perfect way to fool everyone that didn't know about the secret illegal things your family did.
"Okay, we need to start planning." Richard orders.
All of you sat gathered in Richard's living room. You sat between Richard and Chris, Tati sat on Yashua's lap, Erick and Joel stood alone while Zabdiel had an arm around his girlfriend's shoulder. Everyone that needed to be here to execute the plan you guys had come up with last night was here.
"So are you going to explain what's happening and why we're here at 5 in the morning?" Tati questioned as she looked around the room.
"Santiago threatened Y/N and me," Richard states, leaning forward and propping his elbows against his knees. You analyzed the reactions of the boys: Zabdiel furrowed his brows at the information because he knew what this meant for the mob, Erick crossed his arms, Yashua tightened his fists before you turned to Chris who just stared at you with concern in his eyes.
"What does this mean for the mob then?" Erick asks, he knew why Santiago threatened you but he was confused as to what the next step was.
"Well, our plans have moved up the timeline. Chris and I will be getting engaged next weekend at my birthday party." You begin to explain. "And we need you all to help, we're going to invite Paulo and Sergio so they can pass along the message to Santiago but we need to make this engagement as believable as possible."
"Which is why Mariana and Tati are here. You three need to plan this party and who to invite, as well as protecting each other. Santiago was bold to threaten Y/N in person and we know he's capable of hurting our loved ones." Richard orders. You shift your gaze from him to Tati who just nodded at him before your eyes found Zabdiel girlfriend who you assumed was Mariana. She softly smiled at you because she knew that this was a dangerous situation for all of you.
"Well as your event planner, I got this. We just need to meet up later tonight to figure out the details." Mariana tells both you and Tati.
"Mariana will help plan the party and the wedding since she is our event planner," Richard adds on. You nod at his words and smile at Mariana.
Once Richard and Joel were done explaining the role of everyone they all began to disperse, ready to go back to their homes to catch those extra hours of sleep. Neither you nor Joel and Richard had gotten the chance to sleep, how could you after that threat?
"Vamos, te llevaré a casa para que duermas." You hear Chris tell you, his hand found its way towards yours and he gently wrapped it around yours. You let out a sigh and nod your head, you knew this conversation needed to happen especially now that it's set in stone for you to be married. You stood up and allowed Chris to guide you back to his car, his hand only leaving yours to open the door for you.
"Can I take you back to my place?" Chris asks you as he turns on the engine and you nod at his question. You were scared to talk because when you got back to his place, you would need to look him in the eye as you lied to him. You could feel his warm hand envelops your again, giving it a gentle squeeze as he kept his eyes on the road.
The entire twenty-minute ride back to his place was only filled with the sound of Latin music playing on the radio. You had never been to his place before, it was always him going to yours so he placed a hand on the small of your back and guided you up the stone steps to the front door. Chris stepped in front of you to swiftly unlock the door and push it open. You quietly thanked him and let him close the door behind you.
"My room is down the hall and to the right. I'm just going to make us some tea first." Chris tells you waiting for you to say something before you both parted ways. You managed to find your way to his room, the bed was undone and you knew it was because he was asleep when Richard called him, and you spotted the framed pictures he had of his family sitting on the dresser. You looked at them for a minute noting the wide smile he had with his mom and grandma as well as pictures with his dad and younger siblings. You sighed and turned around, setting your stuff down on his bedside table and sitting on the edge of the bed.
Chris waited for the kettle to boil enough water for the both of you, his hands playing with the string as he allowed the tea to steep. His mind was everywhere from the fact that he had to propose in a week, he didn't even know what you meant last week, and now it was his job to protect you because you had been green-lit by Santiago. He sighed and grabbed the two hot mugs before slowly making his way back to his room.
He saw you sitting on the edge of his bed, your eyes were focused on your hands. He cleared his throat to let you know that he was there before handing you the hot cup of tea as he placed himself on the other side of the bed next to you. The windows were almost as big as the wall and you could see the light blue shade begin to peek up with the rising sun.
"We need to talk." You whisper and look over at Chris. His honey eyes we already on you and he nodded at your words.
"Let me get you some clothes first," He told you taking your mug and his and setting it down on the dresser, he quickly rummaged through a drawer before pulling out a comfortable black shirt and handing it to you.
"Can you help me unzip the dress?" You asked as you stood up, Chris nodded before he spun you around, his warm hand unzipping the dress and letting it fall to your feet. You pulled the shirt over yourself and let it fall around you before the both of you sat back on the bed, your left leg crossed on the bed so you could face Chris.
"So?" Chris awkwardly begins.
"I'm sorry for the past week. Look Chris if I'm being honest, I'm just scared." You tell him. You looked at him and lied through your teeth. "I'm scared to be a mom."
"Por qué?" He asks and wraps one warm hand around your smaller one. You took in a deep breath before deciding what you were going to say next.
"It's just something scary and my mother wasn't always the best to me. I'm just scared to be like that with our kids," You say. Partially lying but also telling the truth. Chris squeezed your hand and pulled you closer to him.
"I get it. But we'll all be here if we do have kids. And you'll be an amazing mother, I've seen the way you are with Aaliyah." Chris whispers. He removes his hand from yours and wraps his arms around yours, pulling you closer as the both of you fall back into the bed.
"I hope."
And soon Christopher fell asleep with his arms around you as you lay there looking at the ceiling. You felt the guilt engulf you, you were lying to him and you knew you were going to do anything to prevent having a kid as long as you could, you couldn't put them in danger or the life of being related to the mafia. You lost a majority of your family when you left the mob and you couldn't have a child if you knew they would suffer the same fate. You needed this marriage for the safety of you and your family, and you would do anything for them, including lying to your future husband.
Taglist:  @babecita-1 @yashuazbabygirl @getmealifepls @cyaneaa @codename-nyx @phanislife124 @cncoh-damn @mamacamacho @smoljoelito @itsmaytimetosaygoodbye @ladykxxx08 @la-undercover-latina @lostpil52 @undeadspazzattack @plentyoffandoms @bbyyelyah @babyyynatty @juneninetynine @disneydejesus @cnchoe-imagines @cncloca  @valeriiaaass @moonlitzabdiel @damnthoseyes  @disneydejesus @ourkarlanicoleuniverse @niallisworld @multi-fandomgoddess @california-creator @ ego-allie-bap 
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enigmaticxbee · 4 years
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✖️✖️✖️ 2x01 Little Green Men The one where... the X-Files are closed and Scully follows Mulder to an observatory in Puerto Rico. Best: The reveal that Mulder is recording his observations on the body for Scully, that he wants to be investigating this with her so much that he’s talking to her through the recorder, that he’s trying to find real evidence to bring back to her. And at the end when he tells her he still has her, ugh... Worst: Mulder’s bangs, not a good look. ✔️ Flashlights ✔️ Woods ❌ Slideshow ✔️ Autopsy ✔️ Evidence Disappears ✔️ Scully Misses It ✔️ Mulder Ditch ✔️ Sunflower Seeds ✔️ Voiceover: Mulder intro ✔️ Catch Phrase: Scully (TNO, TTIOT), Mulder (TTIOT, IWTB) ❌ Scully is a Medical Doctor ✔️ Mulder Scully is Spooky ❌ Scuuullllaaaaayy! Muullllderrrr! ❌ Fox/Dana ✔️ Inappropriate Touching (that I am here for) ✔️ Casual Scully ✔️ Casual Mulder ✔️ Trench Coats ✔️ Bad Tie Watch ✔️ Glasses Watch: Scully (Mulder’s in sunglasses) ✔️ Taking! It! Personally!: Mulder 50 States: DC x4 & Puerto Rico (17/50) Investigate: Together & Apart Solve Rate: 68% ❌ Bechdel Test: No conversation between two women MSR: 🐝🐝🐝🐝 Goriness: 👽 Creepiness: 👽👽 Humor: 👽👽 Rewatch Thoughts: I would actually rate this episode higher this rewatch, I really enjoyed it. The case/development of the mytharc is pretty minimal. This episode is really Mulder’s arc from depressed, with no X-Files, no Scully (in his mind) to having a revived sense of purpose, realizing that he can still move forward and that Scully will be at his side. I guess I can see why Mulder was pushing Scully away at first - in his mind she was assigned to the X-Files, it’s not her quest, what are they if they’re not partners, it’s too dangerous - so he pushes her away before she can leave him. Lotta emotional labor on Scully’s part at this point in their partnership.
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