#little hope abraham alastor
splattercamp · 18 days
okay sounds tough!!
unfortunately eric king has ocpd, andrew/anthony/abraham has asd and dpdr, angela has ptsd, kate has gad, and charlie has npd.... sorry to break it to you... 😒
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sugarlemoncc · 4 months
the 1692 PURRtian
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Credit for idea: @kindheartedgummybears
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108garys · 2 months
Suddenly struck by the fact that there is no hypothetical Simon Bond version of Abraham because he doesn't age out of Will Poulter territory, no old Anthony version for Abraham Alastor whom canonically never sees thirty
Current mood: going through it
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kindheartedgummybears · 5 months
guess who got bored and decided to color-swatch most of the lh characters
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now obviously take all of this with a grain of salt since we all know color-picking from screenshots and models isn't the best way to get their skin tone due to color theory and color-picking being pixel but pixel but its the general kind of skin tone they have so <3
all images sourced from HariboStixx on DeviantArt.
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blubary · 11 months
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tinynightmarewoman · 7 months
Abraham: Hey man, IDK I don't want to like condemn a child but she kinda did like help condemn people and stuff and she did kind of stand there and watch as her sister died but like she's a kid and condemning a child to death kinda sucks dude. I mean she's under my care and she says she feels bad and stuff so maybe she's not that bad?
Joseph: NU UH
Abraham: You're right, fuck that kid
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delurkr · 10 months
Headcanon that the A-boy's are all Very Sleepy tm (I'm sure this has roots in that moment when Andrew thinks he wasn't falling asleep), and what it looks like is Andrew and Anthony being your typical bed huggers getting yelled at to get up for school etc while Abraham is out here journaling stuff like "SO lazy this morning. Stayed in bed until 4:15 instead of 3:45 😱" or however that translates in 1600s speak
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tatjana-fantasy · 1 year
Day 13: Puritan
I love Abraham. That's all <3
13 – Puritan (Abraham)
It was finally over.
Abraham breathed a huge sigh of relief and hugged Mary, glad that his double had helped him to make the right choice. “I’m sorry I ever doubted you,” he said softly. “If I had seen Carver’s true intentions earlier, your siblings might still be alive.” Them, and all the others that had died because Carver had forced Mary to blame them.
But Mary shook her head. “It was my fault,” she responded with a voice that shook from guilt. “I should have said something. I should have asked for help. But I was afraid nobody would believe me.”
And sadly, she was right in that regard. Abraham swallowed. “It is not your fault. It is ours for ever believing him. For ever believing in him.” They all had respected Carver so much that they probably would’ve set fire on Mary herself if he asked them to do it. That thought haunted Abraham almost as much as the bodies his lack of action left behind. Yes, Carver had manipulated him, had manipulated all of them, but that was no excuse. They should have seen him as the demon he truly was, they should have stopped him, they should have –
“Abraham?” Mary interrupted his thoughts. “What is going to happen to me now?”
“I’m going to take care of you,” he immediately said. “If you want me to.” He was just another puritan, someone of no importance, but if there was something he could do for Mary – anything –, he wouldn’t hesitate to make up for his mistakes.
Because, as today had proven, even a puritan could change a little girl's whole world.
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taylorshope · 1 year
I saw in like an old Little Hope Q+A that Will Poulter said that he's like more of a dog person than a cat person so. New headcanon just dropped 🥰
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‌Abraham Alastor x Tabitha Milton
1. I just think they'd be cute together
Alex Smith x Julia
1. I think they're so sweet and wholesome, and so funny and cute. Alex is an absolute sweetheart and Julia is crazy. I love them.
2. Just a cute established couple, Alex is a big sweetie and Julia is wild. It's just so sweet when Julia recovers the ring. ❤️ why would you ever break them up!
3. Alex proposed under the freaking water like FKJDFHGKDFVKJDHDJFV
Nick Kay x Rachel King
1. They mean so much to me. "Nick is hope!"
2. They're so sweet, Rachel helped Nick through a tough situation, he promised to always be there for her. The better man fr
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urtrickster · 11 months
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aoitakumi8148 · 1 year
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[Improving some of my gifs/gifsets these days] 𝟚 of 𝟛, 2023.
The time a placid lad's post-traumatic syndrome rubs off on you.
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sugarlemoncc · 5 months
THE LITTLE HOPE GANG AS AMOUG US CHARACTER!! (blame me and little bit of @kindheartedgummybears)
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108garys · 9 months
Little Hope 1692 puritan dialogue
Okay so I've been working on this for the past few days and it was just as painful as it looks, in an attempt to figure out the way the puritan's speak so I can actually write fic set in their era that would come off as authentic to the games depictions of not entirely accurate to life, I have transcribed all of their dialogue across the 15 1692 scenes and compiled them here. There are instances where scenes of parts of scenes are repeated to include variations and places that may not make sense as I wrote exclusively 1600s character's dialogue, I don't claim there are no typos or stray line of dialogue missed(I ignored Mary singing ring around the rosey as its a commonly known song for example), I found the whole process to be educational and painful I feel that it helped me get to my goal and hopefully I'll be able to write something in that era I feel confident in and I truely hope the rest of you can also benefit from my very autistic labour of love
(Edit: added a few missed lines)
Well that's enough of that, get to it 😁
Scene one Amy and Mary Mary: What is your name sir? Mary: Ann-drew. Mary: And your name lady? Mary: I am called Mary. Mary: I fashioned her with my own hand. Mary: She looks just like the one beside you! Mary: would you kindly come play with me? Mary: Come play… Mary: Come play with me. Amy: What witch's trickery is this now, Mary? Mary: I have done nothing. Amy: Hold your tongue! I see what you truly are, Mary. Amy: Reverend Carver's affection for you will be shaken loose when he learns of your infidelity with the Devil! Mary: Amy, come back here!
Scene two Amy(curious) Amy: Who are you? Amy: What is it you want from me? Amy: These are most troubling times. Amy: Stay away! Amy: Please Lord I beg you. Amy: Rid me of these apparitions. Amy: Fix your gaze elsewhere! You are no husband of mine.
Scene two Amy(aggressive) Amy: Who are you? Amy: What is it you want from me? Amy: Hell…? Amy: Strangers are not welcome in Little Hope. Amy: Stay away! Amy: Begone demon! Your spells will not work on me! Amy: Please Lord I beg you. Amy: Rid me of these apparitions. Amy: Fix your gaze elsewhere! You are no husband of mine.
Scene three Mary and Carver(intervene) Mary: Quiet now! I will not be caught! Mary: Get away or he will find me! Carver: Come on out, Mary. I know very well you are in there. Mary: Please no, let me go! Carver: I will release you once I am sure you will not speak of our secret. Carver: Your childish games tire me. Carver: You will respect me and say nothing. Mary: No. Carver: What spell have you cast? Carver: I am frozen to my marrow. Mary: I have done nothing. Amy is the caster of spells. Mary: She is the one in league with the devil. Mary: I saw her in the forest together with her familiars. I am innocent! Carver: I will have the truth one way or another. Carver: You come with me girl! Mary: Thank you kindly… Carver: Be silent child.
Scene three Mary and Carver(don't intervene) Mary: Quiet now! I will not be caught! Mary: Get away or he will find me! Carver: Come on out, Mary. I know very well you are in there. Mary: Please no, let me go! Carver: I will release you once I am sure you will not speak of our secret. Carver: Your childish games tire me. Carver: You will respect me and say nothing. Mary: Do not abandon me here, please. Carver: Who are you pleading with? Carver: evil clings to you. That is plain to see. Mary: You are mistaken, I am a child, the devil has no time for me. Mary: Amy is the one who he craves, I have seen it with my own eyes. Carver: I will have the truth one way or another. Carver: You come with me girl!
Scene four carver and the Lamberts(confront) Joseph: The back door is locked. What troubles you? Joseph: Tell me, what is happening? Amy soon they will come for me. Joseph: Calm yourself wife. Who is coming for you? Amy: They are taking about me. There are accusations. Joseph: Accusations of what sort? Amy: There is talk I am in league with the devil, that I am guilty of witchcraft. Joseph: There is no sense in that. Who would say such a thing? Amy: I, I cannot rightly say… Joseph: Stay where you are. Joseph: Hold your tongue. Joseph: You are privy to the rumors about my wife Amy? Carver: Open the door Joseph, this instance. Joseph: Enough of your foolishness, tell me precisely what you know. Joseph: Tell me about her. Joseph: Reverend Carver? The one now beating on our door? Amy: Mary… Joseph: Come now Mary! Mary? Amy: Mary saw me in the woods a day or so back. I was about my daily business, nothing more. Joseph: There is more to this. Amy: Mary does not like me chiding her, perhaps she has spoken out against me. Amy: She has a temper. Joseph: You suggest the rumours are Mary's doing? She is a troubled child for sure but this is beyond her. Carver: Joseph, this ends badly if you do not open up. Carver: You will be in contempt of our warrant. Amy: What plan do we have? Joseph: I will resolve this, my word on it. Amy: Do not admit them! Joseph: Reverend Carver, Marshal. Carver: I have here a legally written warrant for the arrest of Amy. Joseph: My wife has done nothing wrong… Carver: There is a witness to your wife speaking in tongues. Joseph: who accuses my wife? Carver: Mary. Joseph: The word of a child condemns my wife! Carver: You will deliver yourself into the Marshal's hands, for your own good. Joseph: Then I must accompany her, she will not leave my sight. Carver: Such actions will not aid your wife's cause. Trust in justice. Joseph: Do not fear. I will find a way to resolve this…
Scene four(do nothing) Joseph: You are privy to the rumors about my wife Amy? Carver: Open the door Joseph, this instance. Joseph: Enough of your foolishness, tell me precisely what you know. Joseph: Something ails you, what? Joseph: You seem changed, even your attire. Carver: Joseph, this ends badly if you do not open up. Carver: You will be in contempt of our warrant. Amy: What plan do we have? Joseph: I will resolve this, my word on it. Amy: Do not admit them! Joseph: Reverend Carver, Marshal. Carver: I have here a legally written warrant for the arrest of Amy. Joseph: My wife has done nothing wrong… Carver: There is a witness to your wife speaking in tongues. Joseph: who accuses my wife? Carver: Mary. Joseph: The word of a child condemns my wife! Carver: You will deliver yourself into the Marshal's hands, for your own good. Joseph: Then I must accompany her, she will not leave my sight. Carver: Such actions will not aid your wife's cause. Trust in justice. Joseph: Do not fear. I will find a way to resolve this…
Scene four carver and the Lamberts(leave) Joseph: The back door is locked. What troubles you? Joseph: Tell me, what is happening? Amy soon they will come for me. Joseph: Calm yourself wife. Who is coming for you? Amy: They are taking about me. There are accusations. Joseph: Accusations of what sort? Amy: There is talk I am in league with the devil, that I am guilty of witchcraft. Joseph: There is no sense in that. Who would say such a thing? Amy: I, I cannot rightly say… Joseph: Stay where you are. Joseph: Hold your tongue. Joseph: You are privy to the rumors about my wife Amy? Amy: Please sir, do not open that door. Joseph: Do not let them take me, I beg you husband. Carver: I am hear to arrest your wife, Joseph. Carver: I have the legal warrant here. Joseph: My wife has done nothing wrong… Carver: There is a witness to your wife speaking in tongues. Joseph: who accuses my wife? Carver: Mary. Joseph: The word of a child condemns my wife! Carver: You will deliver yourself into the Marshal's hands, for your own good. Joseph: Then I must accompany her, she will not leave my sight. Carver: Such actions will not aid your wife's cause. Trust in justice. Joseph: Do not fear. I will find a way to resolve this…
Scene five Amy(phone section, all versions mixed) Amy: As I walked, a man and a woman appeared at my front. Amy: I had not seen them approach. I reached out in fear. Amy: I did not know them. Their clothes and manner of speaking were not familiar to me. Amy: They spoke of things that I could not make sense of. Amy: I swear I do not know where he came from or what he wanted of me. Amy: I could not make sense of the things he spoke of, you must believe me I beg you! Amy: I stand falsely accused of crimes I know nothing of. Amy: You are not my husband! Amy: You have no authority over me! Amy: You are mistaken if you believe I am cowed by you!
Scene five (proper)Amy, Joseph, carver, Mary, wyman, David, Tabitha Carver: Come here girl. I would speak with you. Carver: You cannot talk of our secret. Carver: Eternal damnation awaits you if you do. Carver: We have an understanding do we not? Mary: No evil words shall leave my lips. Carver: Should you breathe a word, or the edge of a word, about… the other things… Carver: Then I will come to you in the black of some terrible night and bring a reckoning that will shudder you. Wyman: Come now Reverend let us begin, time has gone begging. Carver: Go be with your kin. Carver: I beseech this court and good Judge Wyman, do not be fooled by the protestations of the accused. Carver: The devil is the master of deceit, all his servants feign innocence. Carver: They can do little else. Amy: I solemnly swear before God, I am innocent of all accusations against me. Carver: Hush now, Amy.
Scene five(apprehensive) Amy: I mean no offense Reverend Carver…but I do not believe any of my neighbors, those who know me best, will speak out against me. Amy: They know who I am, that I side with the righteous. Carver: I will not be caught in the web of your deception. Carver: the devil hides himself where he is least expected. Joseph: My wife is no devil's plaything, Reverend! Joseph: I beg the court's forgiveness, but I stand by my statement. Joseph: My wife Amy is innocent. Carver: I respectfully ask this good court to pay no mind to the words of a man whose very home is foul with the stench of brimstone. Carver: I beg you good judge let us conclude our business here without further ado. Carver: Lest we afford the forces of darkness the opportunity to bend these proceedings to there will. Mary: No! David: Mary?! Tabitha: Mary, my sister what ails you? Carver: What have you done to this child? Mary: They are here among us! Carver: You have bound an innocent girl into a pact with the Devil himself. Carver: the poor creature seems possessed, no doubt your doing. Amy: Its not true Reverend, why have you taken against me so? Carver: We will see the truth of it! Carver: Amy, lay your hands on Mary, let us see what occurs. Carver: If I am correct your touch will release her from this affliction. Carver: It must be so if you are the one who bewitched her. Mary: They are here among us… They are here among us… Amy: No! Carver: What more proof is needed that the Devil walks among us in Little Hope! Carver: Take heed and pray, the Devil is here in this very room, protect yourselves, seek out the Lord…
Scene five(intense) Amy: I beg you not to abandon me. Wyman: By all that is holy, with whom are you conversing, woman? Wyman: Even though I have seen this with my own eyes, I scarcely believe it. Carver: Amy is lost to us. Carver: Even now she pleads for evil spirits to remain by her side. Amy: You must help me, I beg you… Carver: I would ask the court to hear direct testimony, a witness who saw with her own eyes the accused take part in some unspeakable satanic ritual, in the woods outside this very town. Joseph: Reverend Carver you mislead us all! Joseph: Forgive me good Judge but it is my wife who stands accused and I know her to be innocent. Carver: I would not be so quick as to cast stones at others, Joseph. Carver: Not when your own conduct does not bear scrutiny. Amy: Please hear me good Judge, all accusations against me are false, they are founded only in malice. Wyman: If there be darkness among us I will shine- Mary: No! David: Mary?! Tabitha: Mary, my sister what ails you? Carver: What have you done to this child? Mary: They are here among us! Carver: You have bound an innocent girl into a pact with the Devil himself. Carver: the poor creature seems possessed, no doubt your doing. Amy: Its not true Reverend, why have you taken against me so? Carver: We will see the truth of it! Carver: Amy, lay your hands on Mary, let us see what occurs. Carver: If I am correct your touch will release her from this affliction. Carver: It must be so if you are the one who bewitched her. Mary: They are here among us… They are here among us… Amy: No! Carver: What more proof is needed that the Devil walks among us in Little Hope! Carver: Take heed and pray, the Devil is here in this very room, protect yourselves, seek out the Lord…
Scene five(enraged) Mary: No! David: Mary?! Tabitha: Mary, my sister what ails you? Carver: What have you done to this child? Mary: They are here among us! Carver: You have bound an innocent girl into a pact with the Devil himself. Carver: the poor creature seems possessed, no doubt your doing. Amy: Its not true Reverend, why have you taken against me so? Carver: We will see the truth of it! Carver: Amy, lay your hands on Mary, let us see what occurs. Carver: If I am correct your touch will release her from this affliction. Carver: It must be so if you are the one who bewitched her. Joseph: Who speaks? David: Who is there? Tabitha: God preserve us. Amy: Please help me! I beg you! Carver: Your master cannot help you now, it is too late. Mary: They are here among us… They are here among us… Amy: No! Carver: What more proof is needed that the Devil walks among us in Little Hope! Carver: Take heed and pray, the Devil is here in this very room, protect yourselves, seek out the Lord…
Scene five( approach Joseph) Joseph: I beg the court's forgiveness, but I stand by my statement. Joseph: My wife Amy is innocent. Carver: I respectfully ask this good court to pay no mind to the words of a man whose very home is foul with the stench of brimstone. Wyman: I feel a chilll in my bones. What manner of evil is this? Carver: The beast has his malevolent gaze upon us, his servant is among us. Amy: The supposed evidence against me is little more than spiteful imaginings. Wyman: If there be darkness among us I will shine-
Scene six Amy, Carver and Joseph(confused) Carver: In this year of our Lord Sixteen Hundred and Ninety Two: We are here present to bear witness to a just execution. Joseph: No! Carver: Amy is declared guilty of consorting with the Devil… and is to be drowned as a witch and a Sorceress. Carver: Let us pray in silence for her soul. Amy: I have done no wrong… I am no witch… I do not deserve death! Amy: …I beg you! Amy: Your words have little meaning to me but I beg you, help me. Carver: The Devil is in the wind, seeking to help his own. Carver: He would release her from the chains! Carver: Isaac, let us conclude our business here swiftly. The will of the court must be imposed before its too late! Carver: The devil fortifies her. You must bind her tightly. Amy: You cannot do this! Carver: Isaac, fulfill the will of the court! Amy: I am innocent! Help me! Carver: Send this witch back into the lap of her master, lest he come for us all. Amy: Too late! Amy: Little Hope is already lost, shrouded in evil. Amy: But not as you claim, from witchcraft or outside demons, we are poisoned from within. Carver: You will not save yourself with riddles. Amy: There is no riddle. Amy: The devil takes many forms, you know that better than any. Amy: In Little Hope, he has his himself under a shroud of innocence. Amy: Taken the form of a child, my accuser! Amy: While Mary still draws breath, Little Hope remains beyond salvation. Amy: There lies your evil, Reverend! In your very midst. Carver: Isaac.
Scene six Amy, Carver and Joseph(confused) Carver: In this year of our Lord Sixteen Hundred and Ninety Two: We are here present to bear witness to a just execution. Joseph: No! Carver: Amy is declared guilty of consorting with the Devil… and is to be drowned as a witch and a Sorceress. Carver: Let us pray in silence for her soul. Amy: I have done no wrong… I am no witch… I do not deserve death! Amy: …I beg you! Amy: Please sir… Amy: You must help me… you must! Carver: The Devil is in the wind, seeking to help his own. Carver: He would release her from the chains! Carver: Isaac, let us conclude our business here swiftly. The will of the court must be imposed before its too late! Carver: The devil fortifies her. You must bind her tightly. Amy: You cannot do this! Carver: Isaac, fulfill the will of the court! Amy: I am innocent! Help me! Carver: Send this witch back into the lap of her master, lest he come for us all. Amy: Too late! Amy: Little Hope is already lost, shrouded in evil. Amy: But not as you claim, from witchcraft or outside demons, we are poisoned from within. Carver: You will not save yourself with riddles. Amy: There is no riddle. Amy: The devil takes many forms, you know that better than any. Amy: In Little Hope, he has his himself under a shroud of innocence. Amy: Taken the form of a child, my accuser! Amy: While Mary still draws breath, Little Hope remains beyond salvation. Amy: There lies your evil, Reverend! In your very midst. Carver: Isaac.
Scene seven Joesph, Mary, Tabitha(unsettled) Joseph: Shh Quiet, I beg you. Tabitha: Mary? MARY! MARY!!! Mary: I am over this way. Joseph: Mary, the fountain of all evil is here. Joseph: You speak to me of death? This day I have pulled my wife's body from a watery grave and buried her with in the ground with my own hands. Joseph: And all this because of her, Mary. Joseph: I have no answers for you. Perhaps I am already under a witches spell. Mary: There it lies! I have found it! Tabitha: How did you come by this? Mary: Fashioned with my own hand. Tabitha: I take it to protect you. Suspicion and betrayal walk side by side in Little Hope, no one is safe. Mary: Please Tabitha, let me keep it…
Scene seven Joesph, Mary, Tabitha(dubious) Joseph: Shh Quiet, I beg you. Tabitha: Mary? MARY! MARY!!! Mary: I am over this way. Joseph: Mary, the fountain of all evil is here. Joseph: My beloved Amy declared it so with her dying testimony. Joseph: If the evil here is to end, Mary must be stopped. Joseph: I have no answers for you. Perhaps I am already under a witches spell. Mary: There it lies! I have found it! Tabitha: How did you come by this? Mary: Fashioned with my own hand. Tabitha: I take it to protect you. Suspicion and betrayal walk side by side in Little Hope, no one is safe. Mary: Please Tabitha, let me keep it…
Scene eight Tabitha's arrest(confront Mary) Tabitha: You must help me, I beg you. Isaac: Only God can ease your plight now. Isaac: This court has heard from Joseph how Mary has in her possession a devil's plaything, a poppet. Isaac: It is clear to me that you, Tabitha are the one who gave the child this monstrosity. Isaac: You must come with me. Tabitha: Mary tell him about this poppet, how you made it with your own hands. Mary: You are mistaken dear sister, the doll has never been mine. Tabitha: Do you see now why I must have your help? Please. Isaac: The child is possessed! This is witchcraft! Mary: The poppet is not mine, I swear it. Isaac: Your master can help you no more. Isaac: Cast aside your false idols and pray to the one, almighty Lord for forgiveness. Isaac: You will pay dearly for bewitching an innocent child. Tabitha: I beg you Mary, speak the truth before it is too late! This cannot be undone! Isaac: Silence woman.
Scene eight Tabitha's arrest(grab doll) Tabitha: You must help me, I beg you. Isaac: Only God can ease your plight now. Isaac: This court has heard from Joseph how Mary has in her possession a devil's plaything, a poppet. Isaac: It is clear to me that you, Tabitha are the one who gave the child this monstrosity. Isaac: You must come with me. Tabitha: Mary tell him about this poppet, how you made it with your own hands. Mary: You are mistaken dear sister, the doll has never been mine. Tabitha: Do you see now why I must have your help? Please. Isaac: What trickery is this? Witchcraft! Isaac: Your master can help you no more. Isaac: Cast aside your false idols and pray to the one, almighty Lord for forgiveness. Isaac: You will pay dearly for bewitching an innocent child. Tabitha: I beg you Mary, speak the truth before it is too late! This cannot be undone! Isaac: Silence woman.
Scene nine Carver (disembodied voice in 2020) Carver: This woman must pay for all the wickedness she has brought among us. Carver: The innocent here are now corrupted and she is to blame.
Scene nine Tabitha, Mary, Carver(Tabitha's execution/burnt) Mary: This is not my doing. Tabitha: You must help me- I beg of you! Tabitha: Please help me before its too late! Carver: Hush now, woman. Carver: Only the almighty can forgive your sin. Carver: That is your only hope of salvation. Tabitha: Listen to me! Tabitha: I have committed no sin. Tabitha: The poppet I am condemned for is a child's plaything. Nothing more. I swear it! Carver: You will not sway me. Carver: The sickness you brought into our midst must be purged. To free all of us, and you, from evil. Carver: You must burn! Tabitha: I beg you! Stop! Do not do this! Tabitha: No a- please no! No stop! Carver: I pray, Lord, for you to take the soul of this our sister Tabitha… Who has been led astray by the Devil… And do with it as you will.
Scene nine Mary, carver, Tabitha(Tabitha's execution hanging) Mary: This is not my doing. Tabitha: You must help me- I beg of you! Tabitha: Please help me before its too late! Carver: Hush now, woman. Carver: Only the almighty can forgive your sin. Carver: That is your only hope of salvation. Tabitha: Listen to me! Tabitha: I have committed no sin. Tabitha: The poppet I am condemned for is a child's plaything. Nothing more. I swear it! Carver: I will not be deceived. Carver: I see the evil in you! Carver: My duty is to cleanse our two of your sickness. There is no other way. Carver: You must hang! Carver: I pray, Lord, for you to take the soul of this our sister Tabitha… Who has been led astray by the Devil… And do with it as you will.
Scene ten David, Mary, Carver (aggressive+ dubious) David: I never thought I would lay my eyes on you again… Tabitha… David: All I want, all I desire, is to protect Mary. David: These are difficult times, the town is set against us but I will not flinch from keeping her safe. David: I see your trickery. David: You would tempt me into betrayal in exchange for your hollow words. David: I will not abandon Mary. David: Mary! Thanks be to God! Carver: I heard talk David, but you are without company. Carver: Were you conversing with the same evil spirits who took hold of Amy and Tabitha? David: There are no spirits here. David: Can you not see these people standing alongside me? Tabitha among them. Carver: Except for Mary, we are alone, David. David: Tell me you see Tabitha here? How can you not? Mary: If Tabitha is by your side then it is her ghost. Mary: I am certain he was trying to ward off any evil spirits, not conjure them. Carver: Enough! Carver: Tabitha was justly executed as you well know. Carver: Perhaps guilt has clouded your senses. Carver: Tabitha is gone but the evil she brought remains! Carver: You will come to no harm from David, my word on that. David: I am no danger to Mary! Nothing in heaven or hell could tempt me to harm her.
Scene ten David, Mary, Carver (Curious+Intense) David: I never thought I would lay my eyes on you again… Tabitha… David: I ask myself the same question. David: Something is happening which has changed us all, even young Mary. David: Some days Mary seems the gentle kind hearted young girl I've always loved. David: Yet she's changed also, there is a malice in her so powerful I dare not name it. David: God forgive me but my heart wishes you here with me Tabitha, not Mary… Mary: Even from death she has hold of you. David: Mary… Mary: Her spirit has held you so tight you are still blinded by her. David: You twist the meaning of my words. David: Our sister lives, she is here next to me. David: I know you see her too. Mary: No devil abides here. Mary: David is stricken with grief. He is confused. David: I am not confused. I am speaking the truth! Carver: Judge Wyman will decide who speaks the truth here. Carver: You will come to no harm from David, my word on that. David: I am no danger to Mary! Nothing in heaven or hell could tempt me to harm her.
Scene eleven David, carver, Mary Carver: It pains me to say these words but your punishment today will protect us all… Carver: Keep our town safe. Mary: Can you spare him? I beg you. Carver: This is hard for you child but one day you will understand and you will thank me. David: Go from this place Mary, your pleas cannot reach him. My fate is not a memory you should carry. Mary: Who will be my keeper if you are gone? Carver: Judge Wyman has instructed Abraham, he will be your keeper. Carver: A decision not all are in agreement with. Carver: Every man will face his day of judgment. Carver: Yours is today. Carver: (shock) Carver: Look child, see who you would have me spare. Carver: See he is no longer of this Earth! Carver: Only the damned and the devil can resist in this way.
Scene twelve Abraham and Joseph Abraham: No, this cannot be. Abraham: my own eyes deceive me… Abraham: My apologies for the lateness of the hour, but I must speak with you. Joseph: What ails you my friend? Abraham: It is Mary, I am troubled by her, by the part she has played in these trials. Joseph: Those trials trouble us all. Abraham: There is more to this. Abraham: I saw her smile as her own sister was executed. She took pleasure from it. Joseph: Are you certain? Abraham: I am. Abraham: But now that she speaks of guilt and remorse, it is hard not to believe her. Joseph: Keep away from her Abraham, no good can come from being with that child. Abraham: Too late… With her brother and sister gone, Mary now lives under my roof. Joseph: Your charity places you in grave danger. Abraham: What do you advise? Joseph: Tell the court you suspect she toys with us all. Joseph: That you saw her delight in her own sister's death. I implore you. Abraham: I am torn. Mary seems full of remorse. Joseph: Keep your suspicions to yourself, and it is our community which will suffer. Joseph: None of us is safe from her wild imaginings. Abraham: Very well, if the court will listen, I will speak. Abraham: I am bewitched. Abraham: How else can your presence be explained? Abraham: She has conjured you to defend her, to press me into silence! Abraham: Only the devil could create a demon who so resembles me. Abraham: What do you want from me? Abraham: I was decided to speak to the court. Now I am not so sure… Abraham: The devil has sent you to tempt me. I must not succumb. Abraham: Little hope is no longer the town I knew. Abraham: Strange and disturbing events have become commonplace. Abraham: You -whatever you are- are but one of these. Abraham: Revealing the truth about Mary may save my friend, but it does not sit easy with me that in doing so I condemn a child. (blame carver) Abraham: Reverend Carver is a man guided by God, no one can doubt that. (say nothing) Abraham: the balance of my heart tells me it is right and just to reveal what I know about Mary. (blame Mary) Abraham: You are cursed, a sure sign of the devil!
Scene thirteen Abraham, wyman, carver Abraham: Now is my time to speak before the judge. Abraham: I am filled with dread. Abraham: I cannot know how my testimony will be received. Abraham: The devil has blinded so many to what is real and what is not. Carver: Nothing good will come of this! Carver: … His words will seek to twist the truth. Wyman: Allow me to judge what is true. Carver: Abraham and Joseph are allies in this deception. Carver: And lest we forget you condemned Joseph to death only yesterday. Carver: Or do you now question that decision? Wyman: I have heard nothing today to sway my conviction. Wyman: Joseph consorted with the same malicious force as his wife. Wyman: For this the court thanks Reverend Carver who faced the devil's wrath to present the evidence. Carver: Tis only my duty judge. Wyman: However this court is duty bound by law to seek out the truth. Wyman: We must therefore examine these claims made by Abraham against Mary. Carver: If I may speak briefly, Judge Wyman. Wyman: Time is short Reverend, be indeed brief. Carver: Mary has shown great fortitude to speak out against the evil here. Carver: Many would have lacked her courage. Carver: Yet her reward for exposing this brooding coven in our midst is to be besmirch. Wyman: Her courage is not in question, it is her intent we must be certain of. Carver: Her accuser is the very man entrusted to care for this innocent child! Carver: Plain to see he is not fit for such a task… Carver: And I would ask the court to have Mary placed elsewhere. Wyman: Who would you have be her new ward, Reverend? Carver: I am prepared to take responsibility for the child, if the court agrees. Wyman: First the court must hear what Abraham has to say. Wyman: No decision can be made on the child until then. Wyman: Abraham! Abraham: What am I to do? Abraham: Some would have me speak against Mary, but could a child truly be capable of such evil? Wyman: Tell the court what you have come here to say. Wyman: Speak up boy, out with it! Abraham: Mary has spoken of evil spirits, devilry and witchcraft. Abraham: Things many cannot believe could exist here in Little Hope. Wyman: I'm not here for history and hearsay, get to the point boy! Abraham: Mary is tormented. Abraham: The apparitions she has seen, they have plagued her, stolen her innocence. Abraham: Some have suggested she is in league with these creatures but no one can be certain… Abraham: Myself least of all. Abraham: Can any of us truly know a child's mind? Wyman: You claim I lack the ability to see the truth? Abraham: I beg forgiveness, I would never suggest such a thing. Wyman: My time is not for wasting, you and the priest have irked me enough for one day. Abraham: I have more to say… Wyman: I have already given you enough time. Wyman: Furthermore Mary is to be placed into the care of Reverend Carver. Now stand down.
Scene fourteen Joseph, carver and mary(confront) Carver: No one in Little Hope is safe while you still draw breath, Joseph. Carver: You must die today. Carver: Not even your wife Amy was spared your lust to serve Satan! Joseph: Damn me if you must. Joseph: You're not fit to speak ill of my late wife! Carver: There is still fight in you! Carver: I must drive the devil out for the safety of everyone here. Joseph: No one is safe! Carver: Joseph, do you renounce the devil and all his teachings? Joseph: I carry no sin… I'm no disciple… of the devil. Joseph: Our town is infected with madness, bought here by… Satan's servant… Mary! Mary: Get away! Carver: Look! Carver: See how this poor child is tormented! Carver: Joseph still clutches her with the devil's hand! Carver: More stones! Carver: The devil must be crushed from within him! Carver: Do not flinch! Carver: The fate of Little Hope rests in your hands.
Scene fourteen Joseph, carver and mary(help) Carver: No one in Little Hope is safe while you still draw breath, Joseph. Carver: You must die today. Carver: Not even your wife Amy was spared your lust to serve Satan! Joseph: Damn me if you must. Joseph: You're not fit to speak ill of my late wife! Carver: There is still fight in you! Carver: I must drive the devil out for the safety of everyone here. Joseph: No one is safe! Carver: Joseph, do you renounce the devil and all his teachings? Joseph: I carry no sin… I'm no disciple… of the devil. Joseph: Our town is infected with madness, bought here by… Satan's servant… Mary! Carver: Look! Carver: There can be no more doubting… this is witch craft! Carver: More stones! Carver: The devil must be crushed from within him! Carver: Do not flinch! Carver: The fate of Little Hope rests in your hands.
Scene fourteen Joseph, carver(do nothing) Carver: No one in Little Hope is safe while you still draw breath, Joseph. Carver: You must die today. Carver: Not even your wife Amy was spared your lust to serve Satan! Joseph: Damn me if you must. Joseph: You're not fit to speak ill of my late wife! Carver: There is still fight in you! Carver: I must drive the devil out for the safety of everyone here. Joseph: No one is safe! Carver: Joseph, do you renounce the devil and all his teachings? Joseph: I carry no sin… I'm no disciple… of the devil. Joseph: Our town is infected with madness, bought here by… Satan's servant… Mary! Joseph: Fool! Can you not see she'll take you all? One… by one… Carver: See how this poor child is tormented! Carver: Joseph still clutches her with the devil's hand! Carver: More stones! Carver: The devil must be crushed from within him! Carver: Do not flinch! Carver: The fate of Little Hope rests in your hands.
Scene fifteen Mary, Abraham, wyman, carver Mary: He knows I was about to confess all to the Judge. Mary: Will you protect me? You must… Carver: I assure all gathered here today that our town will be free of the Devil's grasp. Carver: Together by God's Grace Little Hope will prevail. My word on it! Wyman: This court is hastily convened but with good reason. Wyman: If we are to finally rid ourselves of the evil which has infested Little Hope, then we must act today. Wyman: I accuse you, Mary, of witchcraft! Wyman: What say you Reverend? Carver: The evidence, as discovered through my investigation, is beyond question. Carver: Mary uses her poppet as a familiar to summon and serve the Devil! Wyman: We have been deceived by a child, by her guise of innocence. Wyman: This poppet, was mistakenly used to denounce Tabitha. Wyman: But it has always belonged to Mary alone. Wyman: She allowed her own kin to be executed as she watched in silence. Mary: That is not so! Liar! Carver: Now this tainted creature of Satan has the marrow to accuse me Carver: - a man of God - of wrongdoing! Mary: It was never my intention to bring harm to this town, or it's people. Mary: Can you not help me? Carver: Now in her hour of greatest need, this child of the damned pleads once more for the Devil's help
Scene fifteen(blame carver) Abraham: Wait! Abraham: I beg the court's indulgence. Abraham: Please guide me at this time, I seek your council. Abraham: We have been swayed by malice. Abraham: The truth hidden from us, but not by Mary. Abraham: Reverend Carver is the one urging us to believe in the Devil. Carver: Be silent! Abraham: This is all his doing. Carver: Do not deceive us any longer! Carver: Your true purpose is plain to see! Carver: I will see this town purged of all evil! Abraham: What must I do to bring Little Hope back into the light? Abraham: I know what must be done here. Carver: Be still! What is the meaning of this outrage? Wyman: What I have just learned sickens me to my core. Wyman: There are serious questions which must be asked of you. Wyman: How can a 'man of God' conduct himself in such a way? Wyman: Mary, your suffering is at an end. Wyman: You are free to leave. Carver: Fools! Misled by a child! Carver: Do you not see what she is? Carver: The truth stares at you from the depths of hell yet you see nothing! Carver: The devil's daughter has deceived you all! Not me! Carver: I see her! I see her!! Carver: Satan's whore! You will pay heavily for your crimes. Carver: I was one of the first to fall under your spell. Carver: Now all of Little Hope is mesmerized by you. Mary: I have not the words. Without you I would be dead. Mary: You saved me, I shall remember you all my days.
Scene fifteen(blame the doll) Abraham: Wait! Abraham: I beg the court's indulgence. Abraham: Please guide me at this time, I seek your council. Abraham: There can be no doubt that Little Hope is afflicted. Abraham: That darkness has taken hold of our town. Carver: There is not a man, or woman, here today who does not already know the Devil is in our midst. Carver: The sole purpose of this court is to remove evil, not indulge it further. Carver: Our time is not for wasting. Abraham: How do I make my decision? Abraham: If I am wrong I condemn an innocent to die… Abraham: The poppet must be cast asunder. Abraham: It is the cause of Mary's affliction. It holds her in its thrall. Abraham: Destroy this poppet and the devil will depart Mary. Abraham: She will be restored, an innocent child. Wyman: Reverend, burn the poppet. Destroy it! Carver: We must not act in haste. Carver: The girl must face the full consequences of her deeds… Wyman: My authority is not for questioning. Do as I ask.
Scene fifteen(blame Mary) Abraham: Wait! Abraham: I beg the court's indulgence. Abraham: Please guide me at this time, I seek your council. Abraham: There can be no doubt that Little Hope is afflicted. Abraham: That darkness has taken hold of our town. Carver: There is not a man, or woman, here today who does not already know the Devil is in our midst. Carver: The sole purpose of this court is to remove evil, not indulge it further. Carver: Our time is not for wasting. Abraham: How do I make my decision? Abraham: If I am wrong I condemn an innocent to die… Mary: Traitor! Go and leave me be! Mary: Abraham ignore his words, he is no friend to us. Carver: She pleads with her evil spirits! Carver: What more evidence of guilt does the court require?! Wyman: The sentence I must pass is for the good of the town and all who live here. Wyman: There is no other way to rid us if the evil you have brought. Wyman: Mary you will be taken from this court and burned at the stake as a heretic and witch. Mary: This is how you care for me? Mary: You are no different to any of the others! Wyman: The sentence to be carried out immediately! Wyman: We cannot risk further attempts from the devil to rescue his disciple. Mary: No! Mary: This is all on your head! Carver: Eternal damnation awaits you 'Sister of Satan'. Carver: You will roast in the fires of Hell
@kassiekolchek22 @delurkr @tatjana-fantasy @blubary @tinynightmarewoman @wacem @ctrvpani @unhingedlesbear
(my brain is liquefied and I can't rightly judge who would want to be tagged into this lol)
I'm curious about anyone actually reading this start to finish tho 😅
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kindheartedgummybears · 11 months
shout out to the Puritans for being the prettiest incarnations of the LH crew fr fr
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@everglowingstars and I really like them :))
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fandomsideworks · 2 years
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