#little mix between us icons jade
aroseformyself · 1 year
hi dear~ so ya khow i just found you with pure luck and i fell in love if find some free time could you write yandere mafia tweels pleas / maby part two for rent with a little nsfw aaaaw both of them together! >///< i wish you a nice day or night .
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a/n: i actually didnt know whether or not if i should continue the rent writing, but you asked so…
Summary: getting thrown out of your apartment for late bills while in LA, possibly the best place people come to get laid, isn’t what you had in mind, but a freaky twist comes into play when your “friend” Jack Howl reveals that someone has been staring at you for weeks. (yandere)
⚠️warnings: yandere, threats, mentions of violence, jealousy, drug use, NSFW, noncon, no magic, modern au, blackmail, language, possible mix of tense
reader sex not specified.
when you wake, you are still on the bed you were when you got knocked out…
abruptly, your memories come flooding in and you recall getting kidnapped. by the twins slave or agent? you don’t know all you can think about is getting out of this place.
thinking about it has made you even more confused, where exactly are you?
you remember Floyd wishing you goodnight so you have to be somewhere Jade and Floyd maybe live? or a bunker type thing?
you hope not, that would make it harder to escape. you try to get up, but as soon as you do you are hit with nausea.
you wobble for a good minute, trying to blink away the feeling when the door bursts open. the sound making you jolt, but at least the nausea is gone.
you snap your head around to see Floyd standing there looking at you with an utterly pissed expression.
but in an instant, his face fills with joy like a puppy. you have no time to get out of his way before he tackles you into a hug, his sharp teeth dangerously close to you.
he grins wide, reminding you of the chesire cat, and spins around, “shrimpy! ive missed you so much!”
your senses heighten when you hear the nickname. he always called you that when you were together and, now that you think about it, its awkward how hes still using it.
you decide its not worth the argument, all you wanna do is get out of here, “Floyd,” you say, making sure to get his attention, “where is my phone? i have to go.”
Floyd sets you down and pretends to think, making the iconic pose. he looked to be eyeing the door which made you a little nervous, he runs a hand through his hair and sighs. “i don’t know, shrimpy, Jade said he took it somewhere.” he shrugged.
“while we wait what have ya been up to?” Floyd sat on the bed, watching you glare at him with a smile, “i heard from jade you work at a little cafe now? well not that it matters…” he muttered the last part under his breath.
“what was that last thing?” you ask, even though you knw fully well what he had stated.
“well since you live here now it doesnt matter, you boss knows you got no where to stay, so your job is toast, anyways.” Floyd said, shrugging his shoulders and looking away unbothered.
“i’m not living here Floyd!” you huff out angrily, “Jade better come back with my phone.” you utter, gritting your teeth.
“haha! shrimpy~ you don’t have another coice!” he said, laughing in between sentences, “you have no house, no job, no fam—”
“speaking of family, who is Jack Howl to you?” Floyf entire demeanor changed in an instant, he grabbed your shoulder and stood from the bed, towering over you.
“he kept calling you phone over and over.. i was starting to think i would have to deal with someone again, shrimpy~” you were terrified, the last time Floyd went to “deal” with someone who had hurt you in school, they were black and blue next time you saw them.
your eyes widened, “don’t hurt him, were just friends! and stop calling me that, we broke up!” you yell at him, trying to push him away.
Floyd’s grip on your shoulders tightened, his face turned sour, “oh? and if i killed grim, would you still think like that?” Floyd turned his head, a couple joints cracking.
you stop struggling, what is wrong with me?! i forgot about grim!
“good. shrim-py.” Floyd said, leaning in closer, but his movements stopped when you both heard a noise.
“my apologies for showing up late.” Jade entered the room shuting the door behind him and locking it with a key. “Floyd. if you scare them to much they might end up running again.”
you noted how he was carrying a plate with pancakes, eggs, and strawberries on it. and you couldn’t help but think, is that for me?
Jade ushered Floyd to let you go and told you to sit back on the bed. he forcefully semi pushed you onto the bed.
“eat up. we can’t have you dying of starvation, now can we?”
you feel numb. they were so nice, yet they kidnapped you. and now they are acting like your a couple..
well Jade did always seem interested in you. but Floyd always wanted to be alone with you.
you turn your head to the side, refusing the food placed infront of you. for all you know they could have poisoned it!
Jade took notice of this and decided it was best not to force you to eat, well at least thats what you thought.
“Y/n. i understand you do not trist us, but when was the last time you eated a proper meal?” you did not answer, Jade sighed and then got am idea, a horrible, terrible, awful idea.
Jade shot Floyd a glance Floyd shot Jade a glance.
Jade scooted you over and sat besdie you, Floyd sitting on the other side.
Jade took the fork and ate a piece of the pancakes, to which you would have backed up if mot for the headboard and Floyd. you aren’t dumb, you know what hes doing, you’ve read your fair share of wattpad.
Floyd locks his arms around you, grinning on your shoulder, “Looks like shrimpy knows whats up!”
you close your mouth tighty, but Jade still smashes his lips onto yours. when you dont open them, Floyd pinches you hard. making you let out a yelp, Jade takes the opportunity to push the pancake into you mouth, he quickly puts his hand over your face and closes your nose so you can’t breathe.
you eyes tear up, but you chew anyways. something weird happened to the pancakes because when you swallow, the pancake goes down slowly and it feels warm.
“How’d it taste, shrimpy? any poison?” you know Floyd is teasing you with the nickname.
“fine…” you mumble, taking the fork and pushing the twins away from you, you eat the pancakes and strawberries/eggs in a few minutes. ignoring the way Floyd faked falling onto the ground with a hurt cry.
you could only hope that Grim and Jack are okay.
you hear the subtle whsipers of Jade and Floyd behind you, and turn around, “what are you saying!”
“oh, nothing of your concern.” Jade assures you.
you turn back around, you need to think of a plan to get out of here but you come up emtpy. sure you could try to just run out and throw the plate and form at them, but they probably have gaurds, they’re rich! plus if they caught you then they’d just be pissed off. trying to escape at night would make sense but again the gaurds. this room has no windows and you don’t have any of you stuff so you’d have to jump even if it did. you don’t have your phone. you could try to pursuade them?
a headache kicked in out of nowhere and you suddnely found it hard to focus, “ughh..” you hold you head in your hands, your legs coming up and you find yourself sitting in fatal position.
“w-what the…” dizziness has kicked in, and your body started feelign warm, a little too warm.
you cma hear the twins laughing quietly, “so naive…” Jade starts, “you ate one bite and it was fine so whats the problem with taking multiple, huh?” he said, condescendingly.
tears clouded your vision it was to hot amd though you could barely think, you noticed how it was especially hot in your nether region.
“wha- what did—” a ringing sound buzze din your ears.
”oho! whaddya know! its Jackie! go on and answer it, Y/n!” Floyd announced, handing over your phone.
but i can barely say anything.. you think, your mind still hazy.
you clicked on the phone after missing a couple times, finally answering the call, “H-helloo?” you voiced as best you could, but your voice came out slurred. or as if you were drunk.
“Y/n?! are you okay? i called multiple times amd you didnt answer!”
“Ye-ahh~” you reply, but your response is cut short by Floyd’s hand going down your pants.
he strokes your bits, running his hand up and down and up and down.
you move your phone away form your mouth so you can tell him to knock it off, but it just comes out as little mewls.
Jade comes up behind you to and starts whispering sweet nothings in your ear while rubbing your back, as if wanting to put you to sleep.
“Y/n?” Jack calls form the other side, trying to figure out what is wrong with you, “are you good?”
“Yeah-..Yep! sorry for not—answering!” you speak quickly wanting the call the be over.
“alright, are you still coming over?”
Floyd starts circling your hole with one finger, dipping in the slender and cold finger, making you shiver, but it also feels oddly calming.
after a while of Floyd fingering you he added another finger making you bite your bottom lip. Floyd nips at your neck, biting down hard, “yes! er.. yes.”
“maybe hanging up on him would be a good idea, unless you want him to hear you screaming.” Jade nips at your ear.
Floyd pace quickly sped up, his fingers moving in and out at a rapid pace, “ngh!~” you came, and you feel oddly relaxed, you lean back on Jade, who rubs your thigh and kisses your shoulder, mumbling about how you did good.
“i ha-ve to go..” and with that you hung up on Jack. feeling awkward as ever since your oretty sure he heard you moan.
Floyd grins wide when he finds the sticky white liquid in your pants, “shrimpy!” he says cheekly, bringing his hand up to his mouth and licking your cum off his hand, “salty! wanna taste?” you weakly shake your head.
but Floyd doesn’t take no for an answer, Floyd leaned down towards your face, and Jade held you still so you couldnt move.
“Floyd!” Floyd pressed his lips angainst your rather harshly, biting your lip the same way and forcing you to taste your essence.
it does taste salty.
you begin to push on Floyds shoulders, it was getting a little hard to breathe, the tears you’d been holding back fell as Floyd didn’t let you go.
but eventually Jade flicked Floyd’s forehead, “Floyd, they were suffocating.”
Jade wipes your tears and turns you around, slowly undressing you before their very eyes. first your shirt, and taking off your clothes actually somewhat helped the burning heat in your lower stomach.
maybe its for the best, and if i wake up earlier than them maybe i can take the key and escape! you now had a plan formed in your head.
your clothes are off and Jade hurts! your being streched, and he’s not moving either he and Floyd are just talking like your aren’t even there.
you feel another orgasm coming your bits are sore, you’ve came a total of three times tonight, once on Floyd’s fingers and already once with Jade, and another is coming.
Jade rolls his hips ever so gently, watching as you hide your face in his neck and come, “aww! shrimpy’s still sensitive from coming, eh?” Floyd states, poking your back.
“i wonder what you’ll be like when you take both of us.” Floyd grins evilly as you jolt.
you didn’t know how long it went on. but Jade and Floyd had you fucked out by the end. you peacefully slept, curling up with one of the jackets around you, your not sure which.
you don’t know how long it’s been but you need to leave quick. you sit up after peeling yourselves form the twins grip, scooting off the bed and onto the floor, where their clothes sat, you checked Jade’s pockets for the key, silently celebrating once you found it.
you stood on wobbly legs, stumbling over to the door and feel a liquid running down your thighs, you hug them together. you couldn’t find your underwear but you did find your pants, and hoodie. you swiftly put them on and unlocked the door.
but as you reached for the doorknob someones hand already had found it.
“although you look cute all messy, i can’t stop myself from getting mad at you for leaving us like we were a one night stand, shrimpy.” Floyd said, his other hand hitting the door next to your head.
“Trust us when we tell you.” they said in sync, “you aren’t leaving again.”
holy shit that took me an hour to write 😪
i profusely apologize to jack again
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cinema-hallucinations · 5 months
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Prompt: Cosmic horror is overdone. Write a movie concept about cosmic humor.
Title: The Department of Dimensional Disasters
Tagline: What happens in Las Vages, stays… somewhere else entirely
Logline: Welcome to the DDD, the dysfunctional government agency tasked with cleaning up the hilarious messes caused by dimensional rifts. When a bureaucratic mix-up leads to a reality-bending zebra loose in Las Vegas, a mismatched team of agents must work together to capture the creature before all reality unravels... in a very silly way.
Agent Phil "Straight Arrow" Hammond: A humorless veteran agent by the book. He despises the nonsensical nature of his job and dreams of a normal life.
Agent Luna "Loops" Lopez: A quirky and optimistic rookie with a knack for improvisation and a love of puns. Her boundless enthusiasm clashes with Phil's seriousness.
The Interdimensional Bureaucrat (Voice only): A disembodied voice delivering nonsensical orders and unhelpful advice through a malfunctioning communicator.
Stripey: A sentient, reality-bending zebra from a dimension where zebras rule and laughter is the source of all power. He's mischievous but ultimately harmless.
The Department of Dimensional Disasters (DDD) is a chaotic government agency tasked with dealing with the fallout from dimensional rifts – portals between realities that spew out everything from sentient furniture to sentient clouds of existential angst.
Phil Hammond, a jaded veteran agent, dreams of a world without interdimensional paperwork and sentient sporks. He's paired with Luna Lopez, a wide-eyed rookie with an infectious enthusiasm for the absurd.
Their first mission: capture a rogue zebra who has ripped through a dimensional rift and landed smack dab in the middle of a Las Vegas casino. Little do they know, this is no ordinary zebra. Stripey, as they come to call him, is a sentient being from a dimension where zebras are the apex predators and laughter is the source of all power.
The mission quickly turns into a hilarious disaster. Stripey's reality-bending abilities create wacky situations – Elvis impersonators turn into actual Elvises, slot machines dispense existential advice, and the iconic Las Vegas sign keeps changing into nonsensical messages.
Meanwhile, the malfunctioning communicator issues increasingly unhelpful commands from the Interdimensional Bureaucrat, adding to the chaos.
Phil, despite himself, gets sucked into Luna's infectious enthusiasm. Together, they use their contrasting skills (Phil's experience and Luna's improvisational talent) to track down Stripey.
The climax involves a showdown on top of the Bellagio fountain, where Phil and Luna must use laughter (and a strategically placed banana peel) to subdue Stripey and send him back home (not before he makes the entire casino sing a giant, interdimensional polka song).
Finding humor in the face of the absurd.
The importance of teamwork and embracing different personalities.
The power of laughter (even when it makes no sense).
Slapstick comedy and visual gags arising from Stripey's reality-bending abilities.
The contrast between Phil's straight-laced personality and Luna's wacky enthusiasm.
The nonsensical nature of interdimensional bureaucracy.
Ending Scene:
In the final scene, Phil and Luna are back in the DDD office, swamped with paperwork documenting the "Las Vegas Zebra Incident." Despite the chaos, they share a laugh, acknowledging the absurdity of their job and the unexpected camaraderie they've found. As the malfunctioning communicator crackles back to life, a new, equally ridiculous mission is assigned: "Retrieve sentient disco ball from Renaissance Faire." Phil sighs, Luna grins, and they face the next interdimensional disaster with a sense of shared amusement.
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swiftsmix1 · 2 years
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New perrie edwards layout
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jadesmycure · 2 years
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Little Mix Layouts, like or credit jadesmycure if you save/use!
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jugheadsstuff · 3 years
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perrie edwards green layouts
ღ like or reblog if you saved
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rendezvousedits · 3 years
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jade thirlwall [holiday] icons
like/reblog if you save ♡
credits on twitter: @beyoncerunpop
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crississues · 3 years
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- little mix layouts (between us)
*:・゚✧*:・  like or reblog if you save  *:・゚✧*:・
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perrieskarma · 3 years
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we gon' sell them diamonds, spend out all that cash, 'cause if your man's a liar, throw him in the trash. dry out all them tears, we ain't ever looking back. pick up all his things and put 'em in the bag. i'ma throw him out with the trash 🗑
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bangtanmlx · 3 years
bangtan x little mix
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jadeticons · 3 years
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between us promote video.
like or credits to @povjade.
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lmixsempsd · 3 years
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like/reblog or © ♡
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stupidaz · 3 years
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between us headers
- like or reblog if u save
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j-jadestuff · 3 years
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• Jade Thirlwall Icons - Between Us perfomance
→ without psd
→ Rt And Fav if you save <3
Thanks for coming !!
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swiftsmix1 · 3 years
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Between us polaroids
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jadesmycure · 2 years
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Jade Thirlwall Icons, like or credit jadesmycure if you save/use!
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stuffslm · 3 years
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between us: jade
like or credit beyoncerunpop if you save!
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