galacticleague · 6 months
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when i tell you i SPRINTED to krita, kinda more of a painting test or exercise than anything else but. god im so fucking excited i just had to fuel my pure joy into something so i drew the announcement post🫡🫡🫡
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dragondawdles · 3 months
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beastieball gijinkas. I think theyr'e friends
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frudoo · 1 month
Having a shit day so everybody look at me and my husband and our baby girl
ily and your beautiful perfect amazing gorgeous scrumptious work @littlebit-of-art
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Also debating on whether or not I should do a face reveal for you beauties
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butchsophiewalten · 7 months
Was waiting until ep 4 to ask but for the character opinion bingo thingymajiggy could you do bon (the spirit/evil murder robot ) if you haven't already
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Oh my god, Bon. I love Bon so much. I'm so glad that I love Bon so much.
Bon, the animatronic rabbit, has over the course of the couple last years become one of my favorite characters. At this point, he's right up there with Jenny and Sophie. So when we first got that Findjackwalten "Bon" reveal, I was very... apprehensive? For me it was just really underwhelming. I honestly think my biggest complaint was just that, aesthetically, he was so much more boring than Bon, the animatronic rabbit. I love Bon. What I didn't love was this like, clip art character. He was just a guy? Like a human guy? He didn't even look fun. There was so little there to sell me on the idea of Bon as a character. It's funny, though, since I really think part of what frustrated me was that the part that made Bon an Evil Killer was divorced from him being a rabbit. Which is a really silly thing to say, but I just honestly hadn't expected there to be any 'form' of Bon that came aesthetically separate from the mystique of the rabbit animatronic. And I love rabbits, they're my favorite animals. (Well, hares are, really. But rabbits get to share the love.) So it was a very petty kind of upset.
But oh my god, seeing "Bon" in this episode has totally turned me around. Like wow, he is fun! He is aesthetically interesting! Which is why I've written that 'so relieved' point on top of the one that usually says 'wasted potential'. I'd had an idea in my mind of what "Bon" would be since we saw that "Bon" text on Findjackwalten in fucking January of 2022. That's a lot of time to stew in your thoughts. If "Bon" ended up being something I wasn't happy with, I was gonna be really disappointed. But I wasn't!
It's been really fun learning to attribute some of my favorite aspects of Bon, the killer animatronic, to "Bon", the white ghost, because they are effectively the same. I can't help but find him really cute, honestly? I love his girlish mannerisms. I love his penchant for.. Fashion? I say this remembering one of the old entries on the Martin's Secret Lair findjackwalten page. His love of music? Y'know, obviously he kills people and is evil and manipulative. But he does it cutely. Definitely the rabbit aspect is doing something to endear me.
Beyond that purely emotional endearment, I'm genuinely very interested in him as a character as well... It's a little hard to talk about, though, since my feelings are so new and so poorly thought-out, honestly. But something I've been thinking about for a while is his relationship with Rosemary... From how I see it, he seems to have a strange sort of infatuation with her. He calls her Rosie... he puts her in Sha... Less objectively, his little shrine to her in Souvenir seems very elaborate to me, at least relatively. And assuming the "Rose broken. Will fix you" dialogue is diegetic and we're meant to think that Bon spoke to Rose before killing her... Well, it's just very interesting to me that he seemed to try to explain to her what was going on. It's really fucked, honestly, and it's something I'd really like to know more about. His conversation with Susan in 4 makes me think his criteria for killing people has at least something to do with, like, whether or not he likes someone. Really really fucked and really, really interesting.
God there's really so much to say about Bon... But I'm nervous too, since I don't really know how well I can articulate what I feel. It feels a little like there's warring factions in me, between the Me that thinks the animatronic serial killer is so Silly Cutesy and Me that's really horrified by and invested in the Lore and Context behind everything that Bon, as a character and narrative force, is actually doing. Not that those feelings necessarily can't coexist. The way he talks to Susan is so unsettling to me... it's strangely tender, honestly. Like a genuine attempt for comfort, despite the context. I feel like I have a million little half-observations to make, but none of them amount to a full thought. Bon is really fucked! I'm so happy that I find him actually really cool and interesting! I want to take him clothes shopping and feed him Tchaikovsky records. Martin said he liked Classical music but I think that's. well not Wrong but inarticulate. I think he's a Romantic girl. He loves some Beethoven. Some Liszt. whjat am i even saying anymore
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happybunnykat · 3 months
OH MY GOD THE TARDIS DIDN'T LIKE JACK BECAUSE HE COULDN'T DIE what if it wasn't the TARDIS that didn't like him...
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Ok but what if reader tells HIM to put HIS back into it? What then?
(OP is referring to this post)
Toxic ex boyf Ghost and a reader who’s sick of him (but not his dick???) OHHH now we’re talking!
"You heard me, sweetheart? Better make it good fo' me, made me come all the way here." The words are punctuated by hard, deep thrusts, and the occasional twisting of his hands in your hair.
Oh he's so fucking hateful, you think. If he weren't making you feel so good, if you hadn't missed the bam bam bam of his cock inside you so much, you'd jab your elbow into his ribs.
"Make it worth my while, Simon," you gasp, and he freezes. "Put your back into it, will you?"
When he just refuses to move after a moment, you have to take matters into your hands (and hips) and fuck back into him and the sounds of your now-dripping pussy make it sound a whole new level of obscene.
His answering groan sounds like it tears out of him, growly and deep from within his chest. "Oh sweet girl. I'd never have left if I'd known you could fuck like this."
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hello i am sending you an ask instead of clogging your notes. can we talk about pinkshoe? i wanna talk about pinkshoe. nobody ever talks about it unless its to make the same tasteless sex joke but as its an aberration of red shoes i want to talk about its similarities and differences. both abnos center on the concept of Desire with red shoes releasing your inhibitions and not allowing anyone to stand in the way of them, but pinkshoe from what i can speculate on its behavior and the sinners its attached to seems to be more centered on the act of relinquishing control over yourself willingly vs red shoes directly controlling you through the shoes themselves. the ribbons come and bind you up and the abno offers to carry you wherever you desire to go, with the caveat of giving yourself up to it and being a puppet strung up by ribbons. its a more passive abnormality vs red shoes' more active role imo! it'll bring you to your desires without you putting in much effort, at the cost of you losing yourself in that desire and no longer having to act for yourself
YEAH EXACTLY!! its so interesting!! wherein Sanguine seems to satisfy itself simply from the host's own desires, pushing itself along on the tradeoff of becoming impossible to ignore, inseparable; Roseate is interesting in that it seems to push a Lot less focus on what the Host wants rather than the drive of the shoes itself. Sanguine enhances as Roseate overwrites. in a way.
but i especially wonder about the fact that Roseate spreads. (thinks also about sanguine's tie with blood and roseate being described as being plantlike..) is it spreading Itself via branching out that way, or is it simply something that it does to prolong its own individual vitality?
(and again, as i dont play the game i may be getting things Horribly wrong: referring to level 2 of clippity-cloppity; it seems its more willing to destroy that which it ensnares itself than to relinquish it to an outside party; re: sinclair trying to untangle hong lu and consequently getting him, presumably, killed quite hurtily. like hey. speak on that.)
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butchiful · 2 months
Fun(?) Fact about me is I havent ever gotten drunk except for one time at around 13-15 hears of age with beer. I dont really remember anything about it, not because I was really drunk (I wasnt) but because The disorder LOL
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neonkoii · 2 months
not fun but i made it out 🎉 wanted a milkshake but did not get one. sad! dont know what to eat but fuck it we ball !!!
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vanedolls · 6 months
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dockaspbrak · 11 months
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i miss my cat
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derpderpi · 1 year
From The Lostbelt preview
Little "Daybit"
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agerechococat · 3 months
i always wanna draw agere stuff but inever know what to draw.... and idkhwo to make it Agere ? like ill draw cuddles butidk ..itjust looks like theyre havin a normal time...
id draw like. pacis n stuff but i dont use those myself so it doesnt rlly feel Right 4 my experience.. idk
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risu5waffles · 8 months
Sombre and sTENtorious Came the Call
Welp, maybe our last go around for one of these, so let's do it right.
Cute enough early effort from brett169. It's got all those early LBP hallmarks, but you can see the creator is stretching to do something big wiv it. There are a lot of little secrets and scorebubble caches, and i do always love to see those. Unfortunately, it's ultimately broken in LBP3. i don't know quite what it is, but Collected Object enemies from LBP1 are never treated well in 3, and even before we get to the one blocking our path, we pass by enemies that look like they've shaken themselves apart before we got there. It's not even something wonky about being in a community level, like the creators have mucked wiv the objects or something; the Redcoat enemies in the PotC DLC get up to some really weird shenanigans. Come to think of it, if i'm remembering right there's a set of chattery teeth in the DC DLC that's bugged in a way that'll keep you from getting 100% prizes there.
This one was sure a little bit of a lot and no lie. Edgy little murder/mayhem platformer, but at least is its own thing, and not another Friday the 13th knockoff. i'd be lying if i said the level was all that good, but it has its moments. The paintball rain was a fun, old-school effect; and it was kind of... cute's not the word, but the way you can choose to put that guy out of his misery (and get a prize!) or torture him more was definitely something. The whole level is definitely something for sure.
Oh my gosh, this level. This level here? This was so freaking cool it's actually kind of silly. chronos had mentioned on stream that the rotating level thing was a bit of a trend in LBP1 for a hot minute, but i don't remember playing any that committed to the bit as hard as this one. You've got mazes. You've got traps. There are all sorts of mechanisms to help you navigate. There's that neat little contraption you ride, when you grab it, it puts out bumpers to stay in place so you can control when you fall? And all that's before you get to the surface of the planet, all the buildings up there, and you parkour(ish) to get up to the Moon, and ride a shooting star to the scoreboard? Like, what the actual fuck, tho'? How do you make something that goes this damn hard and is this damn cool?
We talked about this one a lot last time, and i don't know that i have more in the tank for it now, but i still think it's really good, even for its flaws.
We talked about this one a few weeks back, when we covered Librarian's Mansion 2, and it's still as charming as it was then. i really, really wish i'd had the chance to play through some of the levels introduced here, i imagine they were pretty fun. i got the chance to talk a bit wiv Goof-master, and they seem a pretty nice kid. Very excited to create. i hope whatever their future looks like, they don't lose that spark. To be honest, most everybody i've met through doing reviews has been pretty cool. i've been inordinately lucky in that.
This is just a little giveaway level i found, tho' i don't remember why i found it. i already had a mostly complete logic bit set. Ended up working out for the best, tho'; i didn't have the old Global lighting and water logic bits, because i never used them in a level, but damn if they don't look fine. It's one thing i always appreciated about LBP1 logic, since there was a stronger possibility the pieces would be visible in level, Mm went through the design effort to make sure they would look nice as objects, the logic pieces from LBP2 on are all very readable when you have them in a chip, and that is really important, but they almost always stand out like a sore thumb when you see them in a level.
It's cute and everything, and i bet it was fun wiv a friend; but if you lose your bike, you're just fucked, and that's no fun. Honestly tho', i'm way more interested in the creator. lust-for-1985? What does that mean? What does that even mean?!
i can't rag on this level too hard, and honestly it's a good example of why we shouldn't just go and tee off on someone 'cause we don't click wiv what they've made. POBFISH's bio tells us they've got MS, and (at time of writing) were having a time of it. Also, interesting and appreciated, they updated the bio wivout erasing the previous bits, so we see them start at 44yo, to 45, a jump to 50 and expecting 51. That kind of sits wiv you a bit. When did they write that. Did they make it to 51? Did they stop updating because they stopped playing because they were done wiv the game, or because they were done? The level is... i hope they had a good time making it and playing it wiv their friends. i didn't have a bad time wiv it; the fish-vehicle-thing was a hoot. But there really wasn't much in there besides that. Well, it's not in me to throw shade here.
The gameplay here isn't too much to write home about; i feel like it struggles to maintain momentum, and there are bits that just don't parse super well visually. But dang if i didn't love the environment. Excellent use of extra layers and depth of field in the cameras to give the feeling that it's really expansive. Lots of movement, and decorations. Very solid choices in materials. Just all around nice to spend time in, and that's worth admission alone.
i appreciate this one, but i just can't bring myself to like it. The pace is just all over the map, and the timing on the hazards feels just tight enough to rack up a lot of needless deaths. It's got a lot going on, and it feels like it stays pretty true its theme, but at the end of the day, it really wasn't much fun.
And that's that. Still thinking of how i want to handle the DLC review bits, but unless Sumo gets the servers back up, that'll be our last TENspot. i'll be honest wiv you, but it's melancholy as heck.
Thanks everyone for all the support for this Archive project. And just for everything up til now. You've made a major impact on my life, and i could never repay you for it. Keep yourselves safe, and remember that you're loved.
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whitefangz · 6 months
drives me a bit nuts when ppl clearly dont want to misgender you but are also kind of afraid of they/theming you gender neutrally so they just kinda stumble over every pronoun they can think of. this happens oddly often at my Fish Store Job
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ohbo-ohno · 11 months
Just gonna tell u that Jaws by sleep token reminded me of your ghoap 🥺
"Show me what wounds you've got show me love, Show me those pretty white jaws, Show me where the delicate stops"
is SO fucking ghoap, my god. tysm for sharing this
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